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juudaimes-true-form · 2 years ago
Squawk! Tsuna Likes Crackers!
Fandom: Katekyo Hitman Reborn Ship: None Tags: Crack, AU, Dribble
“Isn’t he such a good boy,” Nana said lovingly unaware of the trouble she’d made, “He’s always so obedient! Tsuna is just the greatest, isn’t he?”
Reborn numbly nodded along. A cup of cooling expresso sat between his legs. The cup was almost as large as he was. Tsuna cocked his head, shyly waiting for Reborn to reinforce Nana’s praise of him. 
“...Yes, he’s the greatest…,” Reborn hesitatingly said.Tsuna seemed receptive to the praise, puffing himself up a little. Reborn chose to ignore this, “I was hired to be his tutor…?”
Nana sighed as if she carried a heavy weight. Pausing before she spoke and leaning close in to avoid Tsuna’s hearing, “...Tsuna’s grades haven’t been very good. I’m afraid that he’ll flunk out. He’s already far behind his other classmates.” 
She beamed, letting Reborn make the rest of the connections, “And you want me to turn him,” Reborn gestured, “into a leader.” 
“Exactly! Your flier came in and I thought, ‘that’s exactly what my Tsu-kun needs!’” Nana clapped her hands, “Please get to know him, I’ll get some snacks for the both of you~” Cheerful as always, she left Reborn and her baby to their own devices.
Reborn, sadly, was not cheerful or naive. Rather, he was something he hadn’t been in a long time: flustered. By all accounts, his mission had been a perfect success. He’d found Tsunayoshi, gathered his grades, even managed to enter his home without raising questions from his mother as a live-in tutor. 
But none of it mattered now. Tsunayoshi, the next boss of Vongola, stood across from him. A miniature curved Reborn staring back at him in Tsuna’s beady eyes. Tsuna cocked his head again, “...Leader!” 
“Ciaossu,” Reborn murmured, “What the hell am I supposed to do?” He glanced again at Tsuna. Under any normal circumstance, he would be considered rather beautiful. With his beautiful gray and white plumage and a beak free of scratches, Reborn could tell that he was well taken care of and, obviously, well loved. 
“Ciaos-su!” Tsuna parroted, “Ciaos-su! Ciaos-su!” Reborn hid his grimace behind a sip of his drink. What had been the point of all of this in the end? When he got back to the Ninth, Reborn would remember to stop by the CEDEF office first. Why in the world had Iemitsu neglected to mention that his precious Tsuna-fishy was a parrot. 
Nana placed down a platter full of fruits and crackers giving the world’s greatest hitman a graciously wide smile. 
“Cracker!” Tsuna squawked, “Cracker!” And Nana lovingly obliged, feeding her baby boy his favorite brand of crackers. It made Reborn’s head hurt. So, he excused himself, promising to get back to Nana about his offer. 
He tipped his hat, face impassive as ever. The CEDEF Head better be prepared for a long, long vacation. 
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juudaimes-true-form · 2 years ago
Eggo o/ Just a diary entry for my character on the mobile game Postknight 2 developed by Kurechii! I honestly love it and I couldn't stop myself from giving my character a backstory (because of course I would~). Like I said earlier, it's in a diary entry from that I hope to turn into a series to track my babe's development through the course of the game!
Location: Caldemount Week 11
I’m trying to be more consistent with my entries. I want to keep a diary of all my experiences, to remember how I felt during this time. After the Pompon affair with the cultists, I moved on to Caldemount –home of the nobles. My home. It was strange being back as a visitor instead of living here. There was a sense of danger being around Caldemount, the worry that I’d meet someone I recognized and they’d look down on me. 
Since I’ve run away, my parents have withheld any funding. It’s not too bad and I get by on my own money fine enough but it is clearly not anything compared to before. I have 2 pairs of clothes, a shirt and pants and a similar shirt and skirt. That’s it. They aren’t even fancy. Just some plain Postknights clothes I bought when I was a trainee in Maille. I haven’t bought any new clothes since. 
That’d make it sound like I’ve been saving money, huh. Nope! I could be. Most innkeepers offer me a reduced price for a room and I’m not really buying too much food besides for my pets (I don’t think I’ve talked about my cutie pippops! They’re adorable <3). So what am I spending money on? A r m o u r 
I have a problem that became increasingly clear after I found myself stalking outside Merchant Carle’s shop in Pompon to get my hands on a Volcan shield to complete my Volcan set. I even dared step foot in the cave (which I hate) just to see if I could find some legendary armor. For the record, I did not. I did, however, end up buying Ruxus rations for no real reason. Since I couldn’t find armour, I comforted myself by buying random things! That’s not good. I’ve never had to really manage money before but even I could tell that impulse shopping is not good. 
At least my lust for armour drives me to make more money by deliveries and patrols. Just… I think I can manage it for now. Once I start obsessing over upgrading and collecting  armour that’s when I’ll really be a tight bind. I hadn’t noticed before, but those are expensive. Definitely not something I can do regularly on a Postknight salary. 
Aside from making me realize my armor-collection obsession, Caldemount was a rather nice place! The lower classes weren’t as distant as I’d grown up thinking of them. Silas, the town’s alchemist, was a flirt who seemed to never run out of sweet words to say (don’t take them to heart, though, the man’s passionately married with a kid he adores!). Dahlia, Rosavern’s new innkeeper, is a bold lady who is amazing to be around. 
Seeing the Rosavern brought some nostalgia. Vaguely, I remembered the Old Man Rosavern, Dahlia’s father, and wondered when he’d passed the Rosavern along. I never paid much attention to small things like this before. I thought as long as I had access to Rose Wine Steak, it didn’t really matter who was manning the inns. But speaking to Dahlia, it must have meant alot to her when she’d been entrusted with her father’s pride and joy. I wish I’d known the Rosaverns sooner, maybe I could have celebrated with them. If I’d cared more, cared to know more, maybe we could have been friends. 
And know her patrons! Especially Xander~ I’ve only met him twice, both unintentionally. He’d left his experimental kit at the Rosavern where he was staying while gathering some materials for the scholar he was apprenticed under. Dahlia asked me to return it to him before he was too far out to turn back. 
He was cute. Blue and pink hair. In uniform. Forgetful but so perceptive. I wanted to know him better instantly. But he didn’t seem to feel the same. I got a name, of course, Xander, but all he wanted was his kit. Our interaction was brief and ended with a thanks –not even a posting address or anything. I’d honestly thought I’d blown it completely! I like to think I can be sauve when I need it but, Eolin’s bells, I’d completely failed when I needed it the most. 
While all this was going on, I had a letter to deliver to the Princess. An official request for aid from Caldemount to Pompon. I would have delivered it earlier had Osric agreed to take it. That’s right, I spoke with the Royal Guardmaster Osric. He’s a bit rough around the edges towards us Postknights, but I can understand that much. As guardmaster the safety and protection of the Royal family and Caldemount rests squarely on his shoulders. An organization as large and independent as the Postknights who deliver items to anyone regardless of affiliation or cause is a day plain danger. 
I’ve met him once before this but I can’t remember why…. Either way, I’ve looked up the strict and strong Osric for a long time. To think I’d actually talk to him in my life and as a Postknight no less was a wild dream for me. And, true to his personality and reputation, he didn’t let me hand off the letter to him but rather go through proper procedure. What a thorough man!  
I had to wait about 5 days for my audience with the princess (which is lucky! I’ve heard it can take weeks…) I suppose being a Postknight and knowing the Royal Advisor has its perks~ Everything was sent to go right. Just needed to hand off a letter. Guardmaster Osric was present, of course!, and there were a couple of other people. Including a Postknight looking a little sour. 
Just when I was about to hand over the knightmail, that Postknight rushed to stuff a knightmail into her hand which opened to reveal a bomb inside that went off almost immediately. Osric leaped into action (like the knight he is~) and the Princess fled. Nobody was hurt, thankfully, but now the Postknights had a real problem of our own. The terrorist was clearly in Postknight gear using knightmail which is exclusive to the Postknights. Evidence, as it is, could not be more damning in pointing out Postknights as clearly the culprit –a dangerous organization. 
How are we supposed to clear our name when everything is pointing at us? I can’t even begin to imagine what my family would say! Just imagine it: I, second son of a knight family, was caught up in treason shortly after parting ways with my family. It sounds like I was planning it. It sounds like my family was aware. Whoever this terrorist is… I’ll make him regret making such a bold move. I’ve got a name to clear. 
Vengefully Signed,  Gionachi V. 
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juudaimes-true-form · 2 years ago
I Need Some Practice....
Finals have been kicking my butt and keeping me tired. I really wanna write without thinking up something from the base up, you know?
Luckily, a break is coming up soon and I want to write to my heart's content. All of this to say: I'm accepting writing requests! One shots only!
How to Request
Fandom! I'll write for: Katekyo Hitman Reborn (of course <3), Twisted Wonderland, and Most Otome Villainess stories
2. Characters. Once you figured out what fandom you want, name the characters. You can name 3 total and it can be a crossover.
3. Describe relation. Platonic, Romantic, etc.
4. A Prompt! A line a character says, where they are, etc.
And That's That!
I'll be accepting prompts till I have a decent amount to work on! I hope you like what I come up with and I look forward to your prompts~
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juudaimes-true-form · 2 years ago
Target Zero: There’s Nothing Fun About Disharmony
Title: I Want To Fight Too! Author: Juudy Next Chapter: Target One: Dreams Can Be Deadly Summary: Kyoko wants to fight too but she knows that they won't let her. That won't stop her, though. If they won't help her then she'll just help herself.
“What is that, Onii-san?!” Kyoko shrieked. The cage in front of her was nothing like a sumo match. He said that he was going to a sumo competition. Onii-san had promised her that he’d stop fighting, the only exception being as a sport. Her brother only gave her a wide smile and loudly proclaimed, “It’s EXTREME sumo.” 
It was a lie, of course. Kyoko knew that, but she nodded and told her brother good luck with his match, planning on making good luck charms for ‘the whole set of monkeys’. Hana’s words, not hers. Besides, her Onii-san would tell her when he was ready. If he was doing anything really, really dangerous then he knew that she would be by his side. If he didn’t tell her of his sumo match then it was nothing to worry about. It was not important. 
Her brother was so energetic and strong. It looked so, so wrong to see him lying down like this on a hospital bed. He hadn’t noticed her, he was asleep. But he laid so still, Kyoko expected to find cold, stiff skin under her hand when she touched him. Yet, his body was warm as ever. 
It was wrong. 
Her brother was not supposed to sit still. Even in his sleep, he had always moved. Always moving, sometimes acting out entire dreams and -to Kyoko’s amazement- doing full exercise routines with his eyes closed and no recollection of it later. But you wouldn’t guess that now. Not from the way he lay. His face looked peaceful, and, that’s what broke Kyoko. Big honey-brown eyes watered, her bottom lip trembled. What was her brother doing, to make him such a big target? What was he doing? Why wouldn’t he tell her? He would tell her soon, though. Kyoko forced her tears back, Ryohei would tell her soon. Maybe he hadn’t known how dangerous it was before. Now that he knows, he will tell her. Kyoko was convinced of it. 
She came back later, after it was publicly known that Ryohei was in the hospital. She feigned shock at her brother in a full body cast, though it wasn’t entirely an act. Seeing her brother so hurt as to be in the hospital, it still shocked her to a degree. Her brother had smiled at her as she came in. 
“Onii-san, what happened?” She asked in a tone that promised a light scolding depending on the answer. Her brother would tell her now, he would give her the correct answer. 
“I slipped down an EXTREME set of stairs!” 
Kyoko was too shocked to scold him properly. She had been silent for a second too long. Putting on the face her mother would give her when she would catch Kyoko sneaking sweets, she gave her best impression of her mother, “Ara, you’re so clumsy sometimes. Be careful around stairs in the future.” She didn’t miss Tsuna’s dumbfounded face. He must think that she bought it. Sometimes Tsuna was such a monkey. With that she gave one last scold to Ryohei and left the room. Almost immediately, her mind was racing and not with the truth. 
Her brother had lied again. What was he thinking? Was he thinking? Why was he fighting? Was he looking for trouble? No, he wouldn’t. Right? He promised. He always made good on his promises. It must’ve been an attack. And yet, Kyoko’s heart whispered a small no. Kyoko ignored this doubt. She had infinite trust in her brother. Infinite trust. 
Hana gave her a concerned look. Kyoko was mildly surprised that Hana was here. But Hana was visibly disturbed by that fact. They had always been able to tell when the other was near. Hana stayed silent, maybe it was the way Kyoko’s honey-brown eyes were darker today or how her lip just barely trembled while she smiled. But Kyoko hardly noted this, instead, she was confused by the sour taste that was left in her mouth, quite literally, whenever she thought of her brother’s most recent lie. It made her anxious. 
Tsuna is kind. Kyoko has known this for the longest time and Haru had just learned this. How did Haru miss that anyhow? Haru talked alot and Kyoko found herself liking it. Haru didn’t expect her to keep polite conversation. Haru didn’t drool or stumble over their words or put on a facade of manliness whenever Kyoko talked to her. Haru was okay with Kyoko simply tuning her out. They were both in their own minds after all. Just expressed in different ways. Kyoko dived back into her thoughts before her tangent. 
Tsuna is also resilient. How else would he have endured years of bullying? Hana thinks that, if raised in the proper environment, Tsuna might not have become a monkey. Tsuna is friends with her Onii-san, he even calls him Onii-san! He will tell her the truth, he knows how it feels not to be told things. It used to be a game in the higher echelons of the school hierarchy to purposely withhold party invitations from Tsuna and invite the rest of the school. That way when Tsuna came to school, he could not relate to anyone elses weekends and it hindered his ability to make friends. It was a smart plan, Kyoko had made it herself after all. Though it had flaws that she had not thought of before putting it in practice. It was meant to ostracize Tsuna’s main bullies but it’s original purpose had long been twisted.
Finally, she found the fluffy human known as Tsuna. A blinding -but not too blinding, that would be suspicious, smile found its place on her face. “Tsuna!” He turned to her, surprised. She was on the rooftop with Haru. It was obvious that Tsuna didn’t want Haru there. Kyoko bowed, in her hand being the good luck charm for Tsuna. 
“What’s this for?” 
“Your sumo matches, they’re good luck charms.” Kyoko held her breath, this was the test. He would tell her the truth. He didn’t like lying, right?
“Ha, oh those. Thank you.” Kyoko couldn’t help the small sting of betrayal. Tsuna had lied to her! He was just like her brother. Tsuna had failed the test. Time for his ‘reward’. The minute Tsuna took the charm, Kyoko stood up straight and gave him a care-free, regular smile. She didn’t leave, instead she let Haru speak. 
“Hahi, I hope it brings you much luck Kyoko worked hard to make everyone one.” Kyoko inwardly smirked, she was aware of Tsuna’s crush on her. Now she was anyway. Hana had told her. She left, catching a glimpse of Tsuna’s disappointment at not being the only one to receive a charm. It filled her with a rotten delight. 
Kyoko sat on her bed. Hana stood above her, scissors in hand. Kyoko hadn’t spoken a word and neither had Hana. Hana dutifully cut the hair, right at the base of the head. Just the way Kyoko liked it. 
“What’s wrong?” Hana asked, the worry clearly present, “You’ve been like this since giving the charm to the fluffy monkey.” 
“You think he’s fluffy?” 
“That was not my question.”
“Do you think my brother would lie to me?” 
Hana’s movements paused, “He is a monkey. Yes.” We all lie.
“But to me. Would he lie to me?” 
“He has.” 
“About something important, Hana.” 
“You know the monkey.” Kyoko read between the words.
“Hey! Leave my sister alone!” A little, 6 year old white haired boy shouted. He drew the attention of two big boys. 
“And if we don’t?” 
“Then I’ll beat you up!” Of course, he couldn’t but Kyoko got away from the big boys and that was enough for her Onii-san.
“He thinks he’s protecting me.” Kyoko didn’t ask, she knew it. This was why he wasn’t telling her. He didn’t want to see her in the hospital, lying still and silent like he was. Her Onii-san was trying to protect her. Kami, Ryohei was something! He was too sweet to Kyoko. He was always trying to protect her. Kyoko sighed. If he is protecting her, then how could she fault him or Tsuna for lying. She would hold on longer. She would stand by them, even if it was from the sidelines. 
Chrome was sick, very sick. She was barely hanging on to life as it was. Kyoko stood at the door frame, her jaw set in a hard line. Her eyes a dark-brown that they hadn’t been for a long time. She made her way across the room in five long strides. Chrome was so pale, her stomach was much more caved in than Kyoko remembered. 
“Kuromu, what happened?” She muttered, “They are letting you know what’s happening. If someone who knows is beaten this badly. . .” She trailed off, refusing to finish the sentence -at least out loud. Should she say it aloud then she would need to face it and accept it. But she wouldn’t be harmed. Tsuna-san was going to make everything right again. He said so. Kyoko gave one last look to Chrome and left. Kyoko just had to believe a little bit longer and she would be back home. Her father would be happy to see her and her classmates would welcome her back with open arms. Hana would be mad, though. She ignored the gnawing feeling that settled deep in her gut. 
Haru and Kyoko chop vegetables for tonight's dinner and Kyoko couldn’t help but let her mind wander, after all, the recipe was a simple one that she could’ve done in her sleep if she wanted to. Haru, in Kyoko’s mind, was so lucky. She didn’t want to know that the boys were up to. Haru didn’t mind that both Lambo and I-pin had a better chance of survival and had more grasp on what was happening compared to herself and Haru. Lambo and I-pin were only grade-schoolers and yet they carried more weapons than the normal person. In fact, I-pin’s gyoza buns shouldn’t have been allowed to cross the border! Kyoko only has faint memories of what had happened that day. Her mind told her that it was nothing but a dream and yet, her core said otherwise. Before, she would have waved it off but with everything that was happening? How could she trust her mind? 
“Kyoko! Kyoko!” 
Haru frowned, “Hahi, are you okay? You weren’t responding. We’re done.”
“Oh!” Kyoko gave her a small smile, “Sorry, my mind slipped away from me. Why don’t we get Lambo and I-pin? I’m sure they’ll want to help us set the table.” 
“Hai, I’ll get Lambo!” 
It didn’t take long to find I-pin. She was still in the coloring room, cleaning up the mess that Lambo and her had made. Kyoko gave her a bright smile, “I-pin, come. Do you want to help set the table?” Putting away the last of the mess, I-pin gave a nod and came to Kyoko’s side. 
“I-pin, why,” Kyoko hesitated, “why do you follow the red baby?” 
“Master is not a baby! Master saved me! I-pin love master!” Kyoko didn’t follow-up on her question. She went into thought, concerned with I-pin’s response. Why would a six year old have a master? Was the ‘Master’ like Reborn and Collenello? An insanely short adult -sorry an Arcobaleno? What even was that? She’d heard the term being used to refer to Reborn but what the hell was an Acrobaleno anyway? There were too many questions and not one of these. . .these monkeys would give her an answer. Kyoko growled a little. 
“I-pin you can place the plates,” Haru’s voice felt hoarse, not enough to raise questions or teasing from the children but enough that Kyoko, who knew her voice, could tell. Kyoko swallowed down her anger, couldn’t the boys see how their plans were affecting Haru? Unlike Kyoko, Haru loved her parents and now her parents have ‘left the country’. Really? How was she supposed to trust that they hadn’t left to become stars? There was only so much one could do against evil, ambiguous, genius overlords. How could Haru be sure her parents were safe? She felt anger bubble under her skin. Her hands itched to destroy something, her face twisted into a scowl. She pushed her anger away, she would persevere and get back home. 
She didn’t notice the dull throb deep in her soul. 
Kyoko let herself be escorted to another room. She tried to distract herself with entertaining the little kids but she couldn’t help but listen in to the conversation. When she was let back into the room, she knew that she would have one week back in the present. Heh. Imagine being back in the present. She hoped Hana would forgive her disappearance. Hana must’ve been worried sick wondering what happened to her. Was she really that desperate to be back to her Hana? Future Hana was great too but she was so different. That’s how it is when you don’t mature with the people around you, you feel weird, out of place and different --and not in the best way. She glanced at the door, subconsciously, “That’s what’s happening, isn’t it? Ryohei and I aren’t on the same page. We’re growing in two different ways.” 
“Eh?” Haru asked, concern weaved in her usually sparkling brown eyes. Kyoko put on her best smile and waved the question away, “It was nothing.” Haru looked at her for a second longer before nodding. 
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juudaimes-true-form · 2 years ago
Uni's Smile
Inspired by [this] post
Yuni bent her head, a bright smile stretching across her face. For a minute, Luche stood in her place, for a second Aria smiled too. They’d been like this a time long ago. 
She’d given him that same smile, hiding the heavy weight it carried. They’d all flashed that warming smile, assuring him that they were okay, that they fully submitted to their fate. Each time, the chains of duty that wound round and round his heart got tighter. 
Those smiles full of youth and life, he’d paid in bondage. Robbed them, even, of their carefreeness, perfected them into the world’s greatest possession. And once he’d had them caged and ready for sacrifice, he’d stolen their lives. 
Still, those smiles -even in their last hours- didn’t fade. They grew brighter, comforting this old heart, reminding him that they’d known this would happen and leaving behind another to rob, another to kill, another to smile. 
Like dew in the morning, he’d watched as they’d come and go. Rising back into the heavens where only true angels could live. 
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juudaimes-true-form · 3 years ago
Marry Me
Fandom: Katekyo Hitman Reborn! Ship: Kusakabe x Hibari (kindaish) Tags: qpr/queer platonic relationship, kusakabe, hibari kyoya, marriage proposal Update Schedule: New Chapter Every Tuesday (after this one lol) Summary: Kusakabe and Hibari have been together for years, it's only fair to make it official.
“Marry me.” 
Those were the first words out of the ex-prefect of Namimori’s Middle School’s mouth.  
Kusakabe handed him the next stack of papers, “You’re asking again, Hibari?” 
He didn’t need to loot yo see the glare being directed at him. Inwardly, Kusakabe chuckled. There were some things that never changed. 
“Yes, you’re loyal,” Hibari replied, scanning over a document, “It would be stupid to let you go.” 
Had it been from anyone else, Kusakabe might’ve thought he was being confessed to. But Hibari was only stating the facts. It’d been a long 10 years together. They’d went from middle school delinquent managers to the leaders of an independent branch of a shady family. 
“Wouldn’t you like to marry for love instead? I am simply a subordinate, after all,” Kusakabe said, glancing at Hibari to see his reaction. 
There wasn’t much to see. Besides a small snort that crunched his nose in a cute way, Hibari had no other reactions. 
“Just because you’re not my boyfriend doesn’t mean you don’t love me.” 
“Then do you love me?” 
This elicited a laugh from Hibari and said with a smile on his face, “Why else would I’ve kept you around?” 
A matching grin spread on Kusakabe’s face, “If you do fall in romantic love, what’ll happen to me?” 
Hibari stopped, thinking about it. It was obvious the thought never occurred to him. He put his pen down as he spoke, vaguely reminding Kusakabe of Hibari’s highschool days. 
“I barely believe that I’ll ever love or trust anyone else to the extent that I’d marry them. But if it does happen, I’ll give you a nice alimony.” 
Kusakabe laughed and stocked his papers, placing them in a manila folder, “Ask me again tomorrow and with a ring.” 
Hibari sat forward, suddenly grave, “Be certain that you want to marry me. I know I am a difficult man.” 
“And, I’ve been with you for 10+ years. I’m certain –I want to marry you.”
A nod came from Hibari as he leans back, turning attention back to the papers before him. “Tomorrow at lunch, I will ask you again,” he glanced up, a sight that would cause any heart to flutter, continuing, “and this time with a ring.”  
Kusakabe opened another manilla folder, pen in hand and a smile on his face, “I look forward to it.”
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juudaimes-true-form · 3 years ago
Made a little one-shot that I might extend later
Hope ya’ll enjoy :D
Inspired by ‘Why’d you only call me when you’re high?’ By Artic Monkeys
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