#jusy dance headcanon
rachmob · 7 months
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People from Eternyx can change their pupils to other colors :D (Normally, a color that contrast with the other one)
Also, not to mention if the triangle earring has something to do with the travalers
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witchofcustom · 9 months
Yandere!Machias Regnitz Headcanons
Heyyyy it's been quite a while since I've posted anything. I don't really have any particular reason besides the fact that I've been rather busy as of late.
I realize this is probably not what my current followers want from me, but it's time I go back to my roots and write yandere stuff.
I may or may not be willing to take requests for Kiseki x Reader stuff, since I'm currently hyperfixated on the series and there is a SEVERE lack of any sort of x reader fanfiction or headcanons.
If you enjoy my work please consider buying me a Ko-Fi.
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CW: Yandere, incel behavior, panty theft, degradation, non-con, forced marriage
A/N: (Y/N) is a member of Class VII and from a noble family, also these are less headcanons and more a story written in the form of headcanons because prose are my weakness.
-Machias can’t help but feel enraged! He’s been falling behind in his classes and struggling to focus on his studies. He’s never felt this way before. All he can think about is you. 
-He has to pull himself together! After all, he can’t lose to Emma and Jusis just because of some noble girl he shares a class with.
-This only makes him feel more angry. He can’t get you off of his mind no matter how hard he tries. 
-He wants to put a stop to this, so on one of Thors’ free days when Rean brings you along with him to explore the old schoolhouse, Machias stays behind, saying that he simply isn’t feeling the best. He won’t deny that there’s a part of him that feels quite mad at Rean for being with you, but he can put that aside for now.
-Making sure that nobody is in the Class VII dorm, Machias enters your room. “Stupid (Y/N).” he thought to himself. Nobles like you have no idea what kind of danger is out there. 
-He is quickly drawn to a pair of panties you left on the ground. Muttering to himself about how naive you are, he picks the panties up, a tent growing in his pants. He takes the panties back to his room. 
-Machias then begins to pleasure himself using your panties, enjoying the softness against his length. He can feel where you’ve mastrubated before while wearing them. He dirty talks to himself while doing so. “You’re such a dirty whore. It’s like you’re asking for this.” 
-He very quickly reaches climax. It’s a bit embarrassing, but he couldn’t help himself. Machias can only imagine just how good it’ll feel once he is finally able to fuck you. 
-He keeps your panties for himself, using them almost every night to jerk off. 
-Eventually Machias will confess his feelings to you. If you accept, great! He might be a bit clingy and occasionally make comments about your body, but otherwise he’s just a bit shy. 
-If you reject then…
-Machias won’t take no for an answer. He’ll threaten you to start sucking him off, putting his shotgun to your head. As you obey, he begins to feel overwhelming amounts of pleasure. He never knew just how good having this sort of power over someone could feel. Could this be how nobles feel?
-The mere thought of such a thing makes Machias push you down onto the bed, rip your panties off, and start thrusting in your tight little pussy. This is where noble girls like you belong, taking the cock of a commoner like him, the type of person who does all the work, while you just sit around all day. 
-As he cums inside of you, Machias continues to say degrading things to you. However, he assures you that this will not be the last time he does so. 
“So, do you promise to be my girlfriend?”
-You nod, too afraid of what he might do to you. 
-While you and Machias try to keep it a secret, on the final night of the school festival, he asks to dance with you. You are forced to accept. After the dance finishes, he asks you to marry him. Of course, you are forced to accept as well. 
-News soon spreads around Thors of your engagement. Your classmates are especially aware of this. Millium and Fie tease you while Alisa and Elliot congratulate you. Even Jusis is happy for Machias, thinking that he’s finally gotten over his hatred of nobles. The entire time, you’re forced to act as if you are happy. 
-Of course there will likely be some backlash from the nobles, including your own family, but Machias will do all he can to make sure that they are silent, using his father’s position to his advantage. 
-Once the two of you graduate and begin to live on your own, Machias will demand that you are a stay at home housewife. He wants nothing more than to be able to come home from a stressful day of work to be able to eat your cooking and stuff his cock in your pussy. Of course he wants you to one day have his child, but he’s not in any particular rush. 
-While not the worst yandere, as he still does genuinely love you, Machias can be rather rough. It’s best to behave and not piss him off. S just be a good little wife for him and things will be alright. <3
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the-gayest-sky-kid · 8 months
The Guy Yusuke P5 for the ask game!
First Impression: the autism on this guy is actually insane i love him. hes so pretty
Impression Now: oh okay he makes me sick. and ill. hes so funny too anf and ghh and i would do anything for him please let me pay for.his groceries.
Favorite Moment: HIS AWAKENING IS SONFUCKING SICK ITS SO EVERYTHING BEST ONE EVER FHANK YOU YUSUKE YOU CHSNGED THE WORLD...... his blooming villain choreography also in fhe dancing game..... ghhhhhhhh.... or jusy dancing game yusuke in general
Idea For A Story: we make sure yusuke lives a healthy life
Unpopular Opinion: i honestly dont know? i havent found much disagreeable about him 😭
Favorite Relationship: yusuke pt group friendship in general!!!!!!! weirdo friends!!!!!!!!
Favorite Headcanon: ace and autism swag....
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jimalim · 4 years
Based off @idontlikedots wonderful Christmas holiday headcanons post! I hope you don't mind I had a little fun expanding! Note: I wrote this/and posting this from my phone cause it's Christmas morning and I'm too tired to get out my laptop. Enjoy!
It was their first holiday off the island, well technically second. Though they were so engrossed in bureaucracy and legal shit they hadn't even noticed the season passed. This year, they all agreed to get together to celebrate.
It was a rather easy task considering the large number of girls. Most had paired off since leaving the island in various forms of living arrangements. Shelby and Toni the obvious couple got a place together after Shelby was legally emancipated from her bigoted parents. Nora and Rachel found a nice studio apartment, that although they aren't really on speaking terms, their parents help pay for. A kind of way to apologize to their daughters for their mistakes. It doesn't really move the needle, but Rachel gladly accepts the money as a form of reparation. Fatin followed through on her plan to sell what remained of her father's fancy watches and got a place in California, the one they were currently gathered in today. She asked Dot to move in with her partially because of their conversation on the island, though mostly because Fatin couldn't be alone following all they went through. Leah was the only one of the group of either who decided to finish school and pursue higher education at a college nearby Fatin and Dot's place. Though she lives on campus, she's almost always at the girls condo. Martha chose to stay with her family, really needing the connection after being gone for so long. She rediscovered her love for dancing and has been teaching at the rec three days a week.
None of the girls were super religious, even Shelby's faith has been a work in progress. Trying to find the balance that best works for her is an ongoing affair. But the holiday was still something they enjoyed celebrating. The time spent together and the gifts exchanged. It was all about their new found family, and the love they had for each other.
Martha and Shelby spend most of the day in the kitchen cooking and baking. The two excitedly shared recipes they'd found online back and forth the past month planning the menu for today. Toni spends most of her time in the kitchen as well, though refusing to do any work, just wanting to spend time with her two favorite people in the world. It's funny how much she loves how well they get along, when she thinks back to how much she hated it those first few weeks on the island. When the cookies finish cooling Martha pushes, "make yourself useful, your girlfriend will appreciate it." Shelby throws her a wink so Toni obliges.
Leah spent weeks decorating the place in between classes and in the evenings much to Faitn and Dot's chagrin. Her obsessive behavior, though being channeled into something good for a change, could still be annoying as hell. Especially when the girls jusy wanted to relax for the night. Leah would force them to help her hang all kinds of lights and garland and art. There was always a point where they'd just go to bed, leaving Leah to her own devices. They even made her a spare key so she could work while they were out, in hopes they wouldn't have to help. A decision they are still unsure if they should regret.
When the twins arrive, Rachel is quick to gather everyone up so she can hand out the gift she'd brought for the girls. "We're doing gifts after dinner!" Shelby objected at first, all it took was for Toni to whisper something in her ear for her to visibly perk up and agree.
Matching holiday sweatshirts! A tradition she explained thay Nora and her were forced to take part in growing up, as twins. "As silly as it is, I look back at all those photos and it reminds me how close and important our sibling relationship is," Rachel go's on as she pulls Nora into a side hug, "and you're all my family, my sisters, I want to share that with you." There's not a dry eye in the place. Fatin immediately jumps up to run off to fix her makeup, though not before hugging Rachel and Nora tightly.
Hugs all around as everyone is finally gathered! Dot breaks out her homemade mulled wine, which is so fucking good the girls rave! The music is turned up, Oh Holy Night leading off the playlist, Dot raises a glass in a silent toast. "He'd be really proud, you know." She hears Fatin whisper next to her, her glass also raised. They clink their glasses and drink together whole the other girls spread across the open concept space excitedly chat and catch up.
When the food is finished and the tables all set, the girls eagerly fill their plates. Shelby says a quick prayer to herself, though not of the other girls eat till she does out of respect. Even Toni holds her hand as she does for support. She's insanely proud of how much Shelby has grown and admires the way she devotes herself to the greater good, even if she's still working on what it all means to her.
They put on their sweaters after dinner and take several silly and nice group pictures. An affair that takes ages with how many of them there are to satisfy. Throughout the whole day Toni had been surprising Shelby with mistletoe kiss attacks, which the girl always enjoyed. "You know you don't need that to kiss your girlfiend." Fatin deadpans.
"True. But I do for this!" Toni laughs as she holds the plant above her and Fatins head and places a kiss in her cheek. Fatin rools her eyes, "oh no, no." And pulls Toni in and kisses her properly, showing her how it's done. All the girls laugh merciliessly at Toni's shocked demeanor. She all but runs into Shelby's arms who was laughing along with them. She kisses Toni and reassures her it's all good, fully understanding the whole things a joke.
Fatin, now graced with the mistletoe decides to have some fun. She stalks around the girl's tauntingly like she's playing duck duck goose. She settles on Leah and to her surprise the girl is almost eager in her kiss. Really playing it up for the crowd, earning several "ow owws!"  Amongst the giggles. She may have had too much of Dot's wine already.
Fatin's next mark is Nora. A short but sweet kiss. When Fatin turns her attention to Rachel, she objects "I'm not kissing you after you just kissed my sister. Too close man." This makes the rest of the girls, Nora included loose it! Martha calls an end to the silly game by announcing she has a boyfriend. News that makes all the girls squeal in excitement, a reveal that not even Toni was privileged too. They immediately all start asking questions and cooing over how sweet he sounded.
Fatin notices Dot leave the room, walking down the hall. She follows her without the girls even looking up. Dot, sitting on her bed looks a little flustered. Fatin sits next to her, "hey, what's going on?"
Dot is embarrassed by how upset she is over something so silly, and doesn't want to explain it. She tried to shrug it off, but Fatin places a hand on her knee and it makes her weak. She caves, "you didn't kiss me, I don't know, seeing you kiss everyone else, I guess I just felt left out" It's a quiet admission. So much that if they weren't sitting as close as they were, Fatin might have missed it.
They've gotten so close since living together, Fatin doesn't need to ask her to clarify anything. She knows why it's really upsetting her. So she suck it up and admits something of her own, "Dottie," the use of the nickname is reserved for serious moments, and Dot is aware of this fact so she immediately has her attention, eyes focused on her roomamte as she continues, "I didn't kiss you because I actually WANT to kiss you. I didn't want it to be some joke. I want it to be special."
Dot visibly blushes at this and Fatin gently strokes her thumb across her cheek. "I'd like to take you out, on a proper date. Do it the old fashion way." She nods in agreement to the proposition, and Fatin kisses her cheek before standing up, hand extended to help Dot off the bed.
After opening gifts, the girls all cuddle around the TV watching Christmas movies, drinking spiked cocoa and eating cookies. Leah falls asleep halfway through the second movie. The girls put a Santa hat on her head and draw a beard on her face. They take a couple photos and giggle, before returning their attention to the movie marathon.
Rachel gently cleans the marker off Leah's face (which is much easier because she convinced them to use a dry erase marker instead of a sharpie like Toni wanted) and covers her up with a blanket.
Shelby gathers everyone's empty mugs during the transition to the 4th movie and takes them to the kitchen. Toni follows shortly behind to have a moment of alone time with her girlfriend. "Hey." She whispers in Shelby's ear as she hugs her from behind. "You were amazing today. Thank you for the food, and the gifts."
Shelby hums as she turns in Toni's arms so she can see her girlfriends face. "Well I do have one more small gift for you at home, so you'll just have to wait."
Toni pulls her in for a kiss and holds her close. "I love you." It's the first time she's said it. Though they've been together for a long while. They both were really trepidstious with how to pace things. Their life in the island was a totally different set of circumstances. They both needed to really learn who they were off the island after all that trauma before dicing head first into their relationship. Shelby going through a long and rough emancipation battle, while Toni waited to age out of the foster care system. They had many demons to face, ones they had to face alone.
They took things very very slow in the beginning. Only ramping things up once paperwork was finalized and they were legally set to move away and start an new life together. They were still cautious, taking each day one at a time. But the feelings Toni have been cultivating, have been there from the beginning.
Shelby grins wide, not even self conscious about her teeth not being in at this time of night. Her smile as bright and beautiful as with them on, hell even more so. "I love you too." They kiss again, full of passion and trust. Toni pulls apart to suggest they "get out of here" as much as Shelby wants to oblige, she reminds Toni that all the girls agreed to a sleepover. "Come on, it's not like it's the first time we've left them hanging." Toni poles reminded of the time on the island they were tasked to find food, finding the lychee tree, and then having their own feast, so to say, before sharing.
Shelby giggles at the memory, "meet me in Dot's room in 5." Before walking back into the living room, noting Rachel had fallen asleep her head atop Leah's. Martha too was out, Nora next to her looking like she could go next.
When it's just Dot and Fatin awake and watching the movies, Dot questions "so I'm just supposed to be cool with them having sex in my room?" All too aware the couple disappeared.
"Shh, you can stay in mine tonight. I could use some extra warmth." Fatin winks before cuddling up closer into Dot's side and wrapping an arm around her waist.
Merry Christmas to all and to all a good night!
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1tsnoya · 4 years
heyya bubby it's me again!! i love how u wrote my last request thank uuu :DDD may i please request sum hcs of noya, suga, daichi, tsukki and asahi having an s/o who enjoys drinking but kinda have a low alcohol tolerance hehehe and how they take care of s/o after she gets drunk or is hungover,, thank uuu
a/n: HI BUBBY ILY <3<3<3
+ this is a long one so i added a mark!
✧・゚taking care of their drunk s/o ✧・゚ headcanons
warning: alcohol (they’re all aged up!)
pairings: noya x reader, suga x reader, daichi x reader, tsukishima x reader, asahi x reader
✧・゚: *✧・゚:* *:・゚✧*:・゚✧・゚: *✧・゚:* :・゚✧*:・゚✧・゚: *✧・゚:*
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→ probably has a low tolerance too LOL
→ cmon this boy is like 112 pounds
→ you two usually come up with a plan before drinking
→ like who is gonna get absolutely shitfaced and who is gonna be the babysitter
→ you always agreed to be babysitter so you never rlly drank that much around noya
→ you just played it off like you werent too big of a drinker
→ eventually he noticed and was like “you’re LYING! you like drinking DON’T U??”
→ and the next party you guys go to, he tells you “just pls enjoy yourself, i’m good trust me”
→ noya didnt know what he was in for...u were L I V I N G
→ dancing on tables n shit
→ he obvi joined in on that dancing cause u looked hot as hell
→ but then he realized how drunk u really were and told u like “lets get you home cause u will regret this in the morning”
→ held your hand the entire walk to the car bc u were ✨tumbling✨
→ very playful with you when you’re tipsy
→ also very protective of you. makes sure that NO ONE fucks with you
→ when you get home he makes sure to make life a lot easier for your drunk ass PFFTFP
→ he’ll get you your pajamas and cuddle you til you fall asleep
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→ i get the vibe that suga loves drinking! 
→ he is super cautious when he drinks with you around
→ you two are def the type to just drink at home together
→ *that’s how he found out that your tolerance was low
→ big wine drinkers
→ like he’ll bring a bottle of wine home and you guys will down the entire thing while watching a movie
→ and then you make fun of the movie
→ any and every thing will make you two laugh
→ suga always keeps an eye on you when you’re drinking
→ and he’s always by your side
→ like he knows your limit and usually keeps note of how many drinks you’ve had throughout the night
→ makes sure you have food and water in ur system too
→ oh and when you two get drunk together at home, a FEAST is made
→ most of the time it’s not even that good cause you guys are shitfaced but you still enjoy it
→ baby is on TOP of it if you have a hangover you already know it-
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→ not that big on drinking
→ but when he does drink...
→ wooowww chile anyway so
→ side note: he’s is a PRO at beer pong
→ anywho
→ since he doesn’t drink that much, he usually babysits you
→ call him dad(dy) or whateva🙈
→ like suga, he’ll keep an eye on your intake and usually knows when you get tipsy
→ *if ur at a party - he’ll just keep an eye on you from a distance
→ he kind of already had a feeling that you were a light weight
→ so when you start getting a little too drunk, he’ll step in and tug at your arm
→ daichi: “babe..hun..it’s time to go”
→ y/n: “psshhpft- the paaarty’s jusy sstarting daaaad”
→ daichi: >:| “okay but there’s a party home remember?”
→ he has to baby you LMFAO
→ he has to buckle you up in the car and make sure you’re drinking water
→ and when you fall asleep 👉🏼👈🏼 he carries you inside
→ helps you change into your jammies, if you’re wearing makeup, he’ll help you take it off, etc.
→ then he tucks you into bed and gives you a lil kithy
→ daichi: “you’re gonna hate yourself in the morning :)”
→ meanwhile you’re knocked out
→ but whatever he said was true, you were FEELING IT when you woke up
→ dw though, he helps you out with your hangover<3
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→ he had to find out the hard way about your low tolerance
→ he loves you and all but he does not wanna deal with ur shit when ur drunk-
→ still does anyway
→ like he’ll watch you from afar while he’s drinking from a red solo cup😭
→ he probably handles hit alcohol SUPER well
→ so when he sees you, dancing around and a little too happy, he knows it’s time to bounce
→ tsuki: “(y/n)”
→ y/n: “TSUKI!”
→ tsuki: “ready to go?”
→ cue the pouting
→ as much as he doesn’t want to, he has to baby you and dumb everything down HSHSH
→ he is a huge tease when you’re tipsy though. like he enjoys messing with you
→ don’t worry doe... he still takes care of you and shit
→ he’s also very protective of you
→ like.. very
→ if anyone looks at you weirdly or whatever, all he has to do it look at them and they’ll get the hint
→ y/n: “baaabbyyy”
→ tsuki: “mhm?”
→ y/n: “why are we leeaving”
→ tsuki: “cause you’re tired remember?”
→ y/n: “oh.. oh yeah!”
→ and in his head, he’s just “oh ok... i guess that worked”
→ once you get home, he’ll help you change and just put you to bed
→ like i said earlier, he’s not good with tolerating drunk ppl LMAO
→ he just let’s you rest so he doesn’t get annoyed with you and make you upset
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→ like he’s babysitting you but at the same time you’re babysitting him
→ people think he’s super intimidating at the party but he’s just 👉🏼👈🏼anxious👉🏼👈🏼
→ y/n: “babbey, come onn!”
→ asahi: •—• “o-okay-”
→ he follows you around like a lost puppy-
→ even though you’re obviously out of it
→ tbh he lets you decide when you wanna go home. unless you just pass out, it’s your choice
→ if he thinks that you’re too drunk (like i’m talking SUUUPER drunk) he’ll just say “um. come on..let’s go home pls🥺”
→ cause let’s be real here. he does not wanna argue with you when are wasted
→ back to this anxious thing
→ he’ll hold your hand the entire walk from the car to your house
→ and if you’re just not cooperating, he’ll throw you over his shoulder HA
→ helps you out until you get to your room
→ and then he gets you something to eat
→ if you wanted fast food on the drive back, he probs stopped to get it😭
→ sigh he’s just.. a nervous mom with a toddler
→ after you eat, he’ll get you your stuff to change and help you get comfy
→ once you knock out, he knocks out with you
→ lowkey over it when you wake up but still treats you like a baby HSJSH
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crystals-angel-blog · 8 years
🌼 Would my muse prefer a big wedding or a small wedding? ( all muses~)
sex+romance headcanons!
Send me a symbol. Please note that some answers may be NSFW.
🌼 Would my muse prefer a big wedding or a small wedding?
Fawniss answered first.“Oh, I would love to have a big wedding. Nothing too out there but… I do like the idea of a big church just for us to get bonded in and a dance party afterward where everyone can share the love and dance together. Perhaps having someone sing or have a band, I do like a bit more acoustic music… Did I say that correctly?”
Chaj followed.“I have never been much for weddings. If my partner wants one, I will not object but I am satisfied with jusy going to city hall and getting it officiated there.”
Alice chimed in next.“I want something in between there. I guess getting married in like a fancy place would be fun with crazy dresses and people being all happy and jealous of you but I don’t need an afterparty. People just talk there. I wanna drink and have a wedding night and then go on honeymoon for like three months.”
Chott was silent before answering the question.“I’ve always imagined my wedding with kaja to be a bit small. I dunno, I guess I haven’t really thought about it. Haha, I guess it’s mostly small because I’m not good at planning everything out.”
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rachmob · 10 months
Headcanon time bb (use translator because I don't have enough energy to think in english)
Quería hacer un minicomic de esto pero ha un no encontré el tiempo para hacerlo, así que simplemente lo dire acá (tiene que ver con Jack y Night Swam):
Al no encontrar respuesta hacerca de quien diablos es el padre de Jack Rose y como no me agrada la idea de que se fue a comprar leche o que la maldita-digo su madre lo alejo de Jack a propósito pensé en algo más divertido y triste -v-
Sabemos que Night Swam era una aspirante a bailarina que no consiguió sus sueños y se volvió obsesionada con la perfección. También que parece tener cierta relación con Cygnus y Boss Witch( esta última al ser la que le dio sus garras, lo cual es canónico que yo recuerde). Pues mi mente ideó la idea de que Cygnus al ser un ingeniero dentro de Eternyx y Boss Witch ser una de las personas más poderosas con el Dark Flow, hizo Night Swam fuera a pedirles ayuda para buscar una manera de borrar sus imperfecciones. La magia de Boos Witch parece seguir el típico "una cosa a cambio de otra" y tal vez el precio era demasiado alto para Night Swam así que busco una forma de estabilizarlo con ciencia por parte de Cygnus.
Night Swam consiguió separar sus imperfecciones de ella, el problema fue que esas "imperfecciones" era lo único malo que ella veía en ell misma, además de que también creo un niño sin querer 😀 (así es,Jack).
Así que Jack es todo aquello que Night Swam siempre pensó que eran imperfecciones de ella, solo que al no ser un monstruo total ,y sentirse terriblemente superior, ahora que era "perfecta" pensó que entonces ella era la única capaz de arreglar a todos, incluyendo a Jack.
Es por esto y más headcanons dentro de mi cabeza que llege a la conclusión de que para derrotar a Night Swam de manera definitiva Jack se tiene que morir -w-
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