nerdious-anonymous · 7 years
Just a vent real quick. Not angry just disappointed.
When it’s your birthday and you spend the day at the office alone, to come home to an empty house, to find your husband out with his friend claiming he was trying to surprise you with a friend cooking dinner, when all you ask him is to get you Taco Bell, precedes to complain that it took 20 minutes, comes home eats dinner and then goes to sleep... for those of you who actually know me on this blog, lets not talk about this, it isn’t even worth it.
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Rant about where I live
Welcome to America where you can save 20+ people from a school shooting but need to set up a GoFundMe to help with hospital bills because it's easier to get a gun then proper health insurance. But hey we're the greatest country ever right? 👏 wake 👏 the 👏fuck 👏 up 👏 people 👏 the government is corrupted and that asshole is only looking out for himself and his money! His friends and family aren't the ones dying, ours are! Even if it was his family he probably wouldn't care anyways, he's got no value for life except when it comes to the dollar sign$$$$$
I fucking hate it here, our government is so God damn selfish they have been cutting Healthcare, food stamps, loan forgiveness, all programs that help the people just so they can pocket the money. They want to keep us dying because they can make money off treatments instead of cures. They want to make a decent education impossible to get because they can make money off of war. They don't want to spend the money to fund science programs, when they can get "religious donations" they can write off on their taxes. But that one's tricky because you can only be Christian cause that's the only one that matters right?
AND DONT EVEN GET ME STARTED ON HIM "ALLEGED" SEXUAL ASSAULT you think if you had 13+ DIFFERENT woman telling the SAME GOD DAMN STORY THAT PEOPLE WOULD SAY "oh shit he is a rapist"?????? Like i.... Don't... HOW???????
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I don't know
I don’t know
That’s how I feel half the time.
The other half…
I’m pretty sure I don’t know how to feel.
And If do feel something it’s either
I know I have a lot to offer
I know I am lucky to be where I am today
I know that with all I have I should be HAPPY
but I’m not
There are moments
Fleeting blessed moments,
Where everything is okay
Where I can understand how the world works
And how I fit into it
Where I know my place and I can look past the next 24 hours
Where I am excited for the future
Where I am hopeful to find love
And to find someone who loves me for me
Where I can make a difference
Where I matter
But they are only moments
The moments that have the ability to carry me through the darkness
But what will happen if the darkness stays?
Will I forget?
Will I be forgotten?
Will it matter?
I don’t know.
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b-originaldesigns · 8 years
Tumblr media
"It's not abandonment when you ask for it" I was told #neveraskedforit #justneededtovent #justneededtime #nevergonnahappenagain #nevergonnaheal #lifetimewounds #putupwalls #hidefromtheworld #invisible #anxiety #depression #abandonment #abandonment_issues #trustissues #britterbits
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exzistence · 7 years
So I’m catching up on Star Vs
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simplyyy-nikki · 7 years
Some people are missing the point of the problem, it’s not just one single factor we need to change, it’s several. We can’t all pin it down on only gun control or only mental health. To see actual change, the country needs change in all those factors that are leading up to the problem. We need better control and safety of guns, we need better resources for people with mental health issues, we need to teach children to treat other people with respect and decency so they can grow up to be decent humans. I see so many people lacking empathy and respect for others it’s ridiculous because their attitudes teach their children it’s okay to grow up with that mentality. We need to be able to feel safe at school or at work again and not worry that one day we won’t come back home. Raise our voices, take action and be at least heard and not just ignored. It’s not just one factor it’s many that we need to work together to see real change. #JustneededToVent #BeTheChange #TakeAction
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cx182 · 8 years
I'm posting this here because it's a safe zone from my exes
That moment when your ex and your other ex are now together and visiting you and you're acting like your new true self and it appeals to both but you're just trying to hold your shit together to be beyond all of it....
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eleanorestel · 8 years
People are Horrible
Just found out my whole Squadron has been talking major shit about me behind my back.... SMH No need to be salty just because I have a Col. On my side.
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turtles-island · 8 years
I just want my head to stop hurting and to mean a smile this week. 
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gothshine · 8 years
Oh my god just shut the fuck up! I don't fucking care. You are driving me crazy. I don't need your incessant commentary on every fucking thing. Can't you tell by my expression I just want to shove my fist in your mouth to stop the babbling? Stop talking to me!!! Arghhhh
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solidfanfic-blog · 9 years
Lesson learned
Sometimes people show their true colors and though it may hurt its probably what you need. Reality is a motherfucker and when it hits you it hits hard. And for people like me, who just love to be in love and experience shit it hurts and puts all their eggs in one basket that realization really hurts. It sucks that your true colors were shown today but it is what it is. Watch me fall back and bounce back better than ever. Learning to love myself is better than losing myself in loving you.
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poorechand1217 · 9 years
I don't see a reason why in celebrating my birthday this year if you're not even going to be here.
It's my 22nd, getting pretty old...I wouldn't wanna celebrate it anyway😅
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mindd-mischieff · 9 years
I was homeschooled for almost two years and I had no people around usually ever.. I recently decided to go back to public school and I lost a lot of my social skills so I'm having quite a hard time as it is, I had to present a project in Spanish today so I had an anxiety attack while I was presenting and had to leave the room. it was so embarrassing and nobody understood why they just laughed because of how nervous I was and it really sucked. It really reallyyyyy sucked.
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xaileennn · 9 years
Friday, June 12, 2015, 1:18 AM
I’m gonna miss him so much. Its been so long that I’ve felt such a strong connection to anyone that I forgot how to be alone. And in the short time that we had together I can still honestly say that I was in love. But not matter how much you care about someone, sometimes it’s just not meant to be. When people mess up its okay to let it go, but when they keep messing up it’s time to let them go. I knew from the very beginning this was a mistake, but I ignored the signs. He was the snake who got ran over and I was the old lady who nursed him back to health. I’ve always known, but I was too stubborn to listen. He made me happy. He made me feel alive. But in the end, he bit me and now I’m the one who’s dying. Its hard to resist a bad boy with a good heart. I don't want to let him go, but I can't keep making exceptions. But just because this didn't last doesn't mean it wasn't worth it. This pain will be useful one day.
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