#justice for sad samuel
BABYGIRLS, BITCHBOYS, AND BOYCOTTERS OF THE BINARY, HELLO MAGGOTS OF MINE. Can you tell it is past 5 am and I just took my sleep meds? We all know how well that goes for my post-making prowess *stares at my good omens part 1 update on Neil's blog*.
BUT that is a regret for post-sleep me to have. When the sun rises I'll go to bed, it's a fucked up sleep schedule but hey the sun and I can't be up at the same time we'd all combust from the hotness. Oh I'm going to regret this so much. But I feel like it's only in this state that I can do justice to that goddamn livestream.
Soooooo without further ado, or should I say much ado about nothing (see I can reference Shakespeare):
The stream starts, and we are witness to David Tennant being pointy and chaotic, Michael Sheen being adorable and enraged, and Simon looking close to tears at all times, which is a fucking mood.
I am witness to a disturbing degree of thirst every time Michael turns to the side. Michael in profile, they all swoon. I am concerned.
I'm reminiscing about my lockdown memories. David looking confused in a hoodie is very fucking relatable. Once, I started sobbing because my wardrobe looked like a wardrobe. It was a time for us all.
However, everyone else is busy yelling about different showings of Hamlet, Richard the Something Number, etc etc. No one is paying attention to me and my poor poor memories.
Now, I read original Shakespeare when I was like 13, .I like him. But I do not have this level of expertise. FRIENDS, ROMANS, COUNTRYMEN, LEND ME YOUR EARS, I beg.
No one pays attention. I am sad.
I go off to sulk.
By which I mean I actually pay attention to the show. So maggots reading this and wanting an actual summary, this is the only time you're going to get it, because it was when I was watching.
Basically, Simon (I'm gonna refer to their characters as them but for the record it's scripted, I'm being so considerate to the people who're here for an actual summary) digs himself into a hole, Michael does not like him and makes that very known, David offers to get Simon out of the hole and in the process digs both of them into an even deeper hole, and Samuel L Jackson (is that his name) and Michael become unlikely allies to get revenge on David.
Rather than an apology dance, though, David has to stand in a corner. Meanwhile, Georgia and Anna are the only ones actually functioning at their lives, Michael gets blackmailed into servitude by his neighbour, and Simon holds back tears. Judi Dench is involved (that's her name right).
Now as you can see, I am paying full attention to the show until this point. At this fucking point though, I make the poor choice of opening the stream chat.
@thescholarlystrumpet's profile picture is a certain angel. Focused on... the lower half.
Everyone in the chat is talking about Aziraphale's thighs.
This derails. Everyone is now talking about Aziraphale's dick.
Strumpet insists vehemently that the thighs are the focus.
Everyone says the thighs are only there for framing purposes.
You know me, maggots. I'm drawn to chaos, shark to blood. So I end my sulk at not being the centre of attention, and delightedly hop into the chat.
Someone (@vitrilol it was you, I believe? until confirmation, I'll refer to them as Ari) says they wish someone liked their thighs.
So naturally I say I like your thighs.
Oh, swoon, the flirting, you maggots would be scandalised. I'm quite the charmer. It is delectable. We take it to the bedroom. The bedroom is the stream chat. There are gasps.
Another maggot says that this is simply mine and Ari's room, and they're just in it. So then I tell them, why simply stand and watch? They should join in.
They say they have mixed experience with threesomes. I ask who said we're capping it at three?
They are far more comfortable with the idea of an orgy. An orgy has now been initiated. Some people express concern. Others are entirely on board.
Some say they are afraid they're too old for the said orgy, they're old enough to be my aunt. I say nonsense, you wanna orgy, you orgy.
Ari takes this opportunity to wonder if I'm old enough to be their aunt. They then hasten to assure me that they like MILFs.
I find this hysterical, because I am a nineteen year old guy whom people have said gives off tiktok fuckboy energy in real life. I make that fact known. I'm glad that being a man and being 19 does not exclude me from being a MILF, however.
At this point, Ari points out that at least people find me attractive, even if it's a tiktok fuckboy way. I am unsure that being attractive is worth giving off tiktok fuckboy energy. (Thank god, this is not my only vibe. I also have unkept stinky teenage boy, witch and Jane Austen debutante princess, but weird).
Someone else says that hey, I'm closer in age to their son than them. I am about to ask whether their son is eligible and how many pounds he has a year, when they add that the son is 12. I tell them I am glad I did not ask those things. They agree.
The show is still going on. Someone is gasping on Georgia's phone, and I assume it is labour (I learned my lesson about assuming orgasms after the good omens pilot). I am correct. A maggot says that labour and orgasms do not sound the same.
I'm a clueless aspec boy. I don't know about labour or orgasms.
There is some debate then about whether screaming in pain is a difference or a possible common ground for those two things.
The orgy is expanding. Strumpet has to step in to say that while thirsting about the actors is entirely fine, please everyone refrain from sexting in the stream chat.
I feel like I should state here for the record that no one was sexting.
Well. Okay. That's a dubious stretch of the truth, but I love dubiously stretching the truth.
David abuses chairs and beds and his limbs with his posture. I relate.
The neighbour nearly dies, then does not.
The internet gives up on the stream. This is fair. Poor internet.
But while the video is lagging, someone mentions that one of their favourite fanfic authors passed away.
Comfort is offered, as is my brand of aggressively gentle love. Basically DON'T FUCKING APOLOGISE, sweetheart, your grief is valid. Strumpet says how in case she should disappear she's given a friend the authority to post her WIPs as a precautionary measure. And now people are crying.
I ask Strumpet to pause the stream. We all get really fucking emotional about the beauty of writing, of art enduring past the lives of the artists, and whether the author knew how much they were loved. This is getting really sad, but in a beautiful way.
We go back to the stream. Who knows what happens? Not me.
But what matters to me isn't what's on the stream, it's what's in the chats. The people I get to talk to. The hope that I can, at the very least, ensure that they are never, ever unheard. That they get the love they deserve.
I'm too sleepy to reread that. Meds have kicked in. Eyes shut time. If I fucked up somewhere in the post do forgive me maggots of mine, it's past 6 am which means the sun has risen and I need to go the fuck to sleep till noon is over at least.
I love you. Love love love. Send me anything you want anytime. My ask box is open. Go wild. You will not be fucking unheard. Yeah? Good. I love you, again, for good measure.
@howmanyholesinswisscheese ya proud of me, dad?
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therealesino · 10 months
This might be kinda random but I was wondering, what would all the Royaul characters be as tarot cards? What's their uprights and reverses? This question has been on my mind for quite a while since the latest update hahah
I really like this question, so I took some time to really think about it, and I think this is how I would see them.
Cross - wheel of fortune. Both reverse and upright. Wheel of fortune is luck, opportunity, change, destine, winning. It can also mean karma, and honestly, Cross is the personification of karma. (just ask Samuel and Carol uwu) Honestly, on that note, ask the harem too. They did nothing to deserve what happened to them, and they got to see justice served. UwU
Reversed, this is bad luck, disappointment, misfortune, mishap, unforeseen setback. We see this in the guard, and how he interacts with his father honestly. And we will be seeing this more as the story progresses.
Killer - 10 of swords (I'm sorry baby D:) Upright this means ruin, failure, bitterness, collapse, exhaustion, dead end, victimization, betrayal. All things that would describe royaul Killer. Killer has been betrayed, brutalized, and broken in ways we haven't fully seen yet. He's changed, and he's hurting.
Reversed, this is survival, improvement, healing, lessons learned, despair, relapse. So, not without hope, but Killer has been changed by his experience, and he will struggle with healing.
Nightmare - 5 of cups. The 5 of cups means loss, grief, disappointment, sadness, mourning, discontent, feeling let down. These are all things that would describe royaul Nightmare, especially after his father's betrayal and his mother's death.
But revered the 5 of cups means acceptance, moving on, finding peace, contentment, seeing positives. Which is how he differs from Killer. Killer struggles so much to move on, to let go, where as Nightmare is ready to shed who he was and be something new. Something better with Cross and the others. He's changed yes, but he's not going to let it stop him.
Dust - the star. The star represents hope, inspiration, positivity, faith, renewal, healing, rejuvenation. Which I think we see a lot in the collar and the wall. Dust was breaking down, falling apart at the seams, until Cross came along and pulled him back together. But he had to believe in Cross, and have a little faith, that everything was going to be okay.
The star reversed is hopelessness, despair, negativity, lack of faith, despondent all things we saw from Dust when he was in the parlor. He was giving up, on the verge of falling down, and giving into madness. His mind in tatters that it left him spiraling down.
Horror - four of wands. This card represents community, home, celebrations, reunions, parties, gatherings, stability, belonging. And let's be honest, without Horror, the others would have fallen apart in the parlor. He's the one who held them together, and kept them sane. We'll get to see Horror shine soon enough, and remind everyone why he was seen as a pillar of strength before the fall.
Reversed, it means lack of support, instability, feeling unwelcome, transience, lack of roots, home conflict. And well, we all know what happened when Tempo tried to separate the harem.
Epic - Justice. Epic is justice through and through. It represents justice, karma, consequence, accountability, law, truth, honesty, integrity, cause and effect. Much like Cross, Epic is karma and justice, and honesty. But unlike Cross, it comes at a much steeper price, and he does not always win. In fact, if you ask Epic, he losses a lot uwu
Reverse, justice is injustice, retribution, dishonesty, corruption, unfairness, avoiding accountability. Now I wouldn't say Epic is corrupt, far from it. But his life has been nothing but unfairness, and as a spy he is rife with dishonesty and retribution.
The avoiding accountability, well that will come later in his personal life UwU
Not me forgetting Dream.
Dream - Death. The death card represents transformation, endings, change, transition, letting go, release. Which is not where Dream is at the moment.
He's stuck on the reverse of death, which is fear of change, repeating negative patterns, resisting change, stagnancy, decay.
Dream was so, so traumatized by what happened to him, so changed, so broken, that he's stuck for the first part of the story. He resists everything good that is being given to him and doesn't trust a single thing, leaving him falling apart on the way side.
Eventually, and after some stuff, he will transform into a being of change, and release. He will let go of some of his hurt, once he accepts that things are different, and honestly, thats okay.
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Justice Alito’s arrogance threatens the Court
May 30, 2024
In an act oozing with contempt for the American people and reckless disregard for the Supreme Court, Justice Alito refused to recuse himself from cases involving Trump's election interference and unlawful retention of national defense documents. Alito sent two letters to members of Congress asserting that “no reasonable person” would conclude that Alito is required to recuse himself. See Letter from Samuel Alito to Senators Dick Durbin and Sheldon Whitehouse.
In his letter to Durbin and Whitehouse, Alito advances factual defenses that were shown to be false or misleading before Alito sent the letter to the Senators. As noted in articles in the NYTimes and Newsweek, Alito’s claim that the Stop the Steal flag was flown in retaliation after a dispute with a neighbor is false. Alito flew the Stop the Steal flag one month prior to the neighborhood dispute. See NYTimes, The Alitos, the Neighborhood Clash and the Upside-Down Flag (accessible to all) and Newsweek, Samuel Alito's Flag Claims Challenged.
Alito also seeks to avoid the controversy by claiming that
His wife is a co-owner of their Virginia home and owner of their beach house, so she “has the right to use the property as she sees fit.”
His “wife is a private citizen, and she possesses the same First Amendment, rights as every other American. She makes her own decisions, and I have always respected her right to do so.”
He “had no involvement in the decision to fly” the Appeal to Heaven flag.
He did not know that the Appeal to Heaven flag supported the “Stop the Steal” message.
His “wife likes flags,” while Alito “does not.”
It is a sad day when a Supreme Court justice lies to US Senators and the American people over a matter of national urgency. But even if we credit Alito’s falsehoods, the question of his recusal is not a close one.
Let’s make this easy. Suppose Alito’s wife flew a Swastika flag over their joint residence for three days. Alito then claims that he asked his wife to remove the flag but she refused. He also claims he did not understand the antisemitic meaning of the Nazi flag. He is then asked to recuse himself from a case before the Court that seeks to prohibit antisemitic speech. Alito could not credibly claim (as he does here) that “no reasonable person” would believe he is required to recuse himself.
The relevant canon of ethics provides:
A Justice should disqualify himself or herself in a proceeding in which the Justice's impartiality might reasonably be questioned, that is, where an unbiased and reasonable person who is aware of all relevant circumstances would doubt that the Justice could fairly discharge his or her duties.” Canon 3(B)(1)-(2), Code of Conduct for Justices of the Supreme Court.
Tens of millions of Americans reasonably doubt that Alito can fairly discharge his duties. Alito is gaslighting the American people—a technique he learned from Trump. Having been caught in his lie he is doubling down on the lie—while pretending to be aggrieved that Americans doubt his veracity.
This debacle is a stain on the Court and an indictment of Justice Robert’s leadership. His silence is an insult to the American people. He is the Chief Justice of the United States—not merely of the Supreme Court. He holds an office created by and mentioned in the Constitution. He has failed miserably in discharging his duties to oversee the courts of the United States.
What can we do? As always, we can gain control of Congress and the Presidency in order to expand the Court and impose an enforceable code of ethics on the Court.
But is there anything else? Representative Jamie Raskin penned an op-ed in the New York Times arguing that the other justices on the Court can force Alito to recuse himself. See Jamie Raskin: How to Force Justices Alito and Thomas to Recuse Themselves in the Jan. 6 Cases. (Accessible to all.)
Rep. Raskin writes that the DOJ “can petition the other seven justices to require Justices Alito and Thomas to recuse themselves not as a matter of grace but as a matter of law.”
Raskin continues:
The constitutional and statutory standards apply to Supreme Court justices. The Constitution, and the federal laws under it, is the “supreme law of the land,” and the recusal statute explicitly treats Supreme Court justices like other judges. This recusal statute, if triggered, is not a friendly suggestion. It is Congress’s command, binding on the justices, just as the due process clause is. The Supreme Court cannot disregard this law just because it directly affects one or two of its justices. When the arguments are properly before the court, Chief Justice John Roberts and Associate Justices Amy Coney Barrett, Neil Gorsuch, Ketanji Brown Jackson, Elena Kagan, Brett Kavanaugh and Sonia Sotomayor will have both a constitutional obligation and a statutory obligation to enforce recusal standards.
Of course, Jamie Raskin’s approach calls for the cooperation of Roberts, Kavanaugh, and Barrett, as well as Sotomayor, Kagan, and Jackson. Will that happen? Doubtful, but public pressure may bring about that result.
At a meeting with the newsletter's Founding Members on Wednesday, a reader who is a member of the Supreme Court Bar said that he had just sent a letter to Chief Justice Roberts tendering his resignation. The reader no longer practices before the Supreme Court, so resigning will not interfere with his livelihood.
There are tens of thousands of lawyers in a similar position—they were admitted to the Supreme Court as a ceremonial matter or in connection with briefing on which they appeared. If tens of thousands of lawyers sent similar letters of resignation to Justice Roberts—and published those letters in local newspapers and major media outlets—it would increase pressure on Roberts and focus public attention on the ethics scandal on the Supreme Court.
Sounds like something a lawyer’s group defending American democracy should take on as a project! See also, Slate, (3/13/2020), Judge James Dannenberg writes John Roberts a letter resigning from the Supreme Court Bar.
Sadly, it will likely get worse before it gets better. It will get better, but not before tens of millions of Americans believe they should take to streets in protest. The Supreme Court is systematically stripping Americans of civil liberties and constitutional rights for the first time in the history of our nation. That is worth peaceful protests to protect our rights.
It will take time, but the American people will awaken. Justice Alito is pouring accelerant on the conflagration engulfing the Court. It will take more outrageous decisions and arrogant behavior by Alito, Thomas, and Roberts, but the time will come. Until then, each of us must elevate the crisis on the Supreme Court as an issue that deserves our undivided attention in 2024.
[Robert B. Hubbell Newsletter]
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savage-rhi · 1 month
Chapter 8: The Fight
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Summary: Sawyer Kiddo has walked a razor's edge as a hacktivist for several years, driven by the loss of her family in the Raccoon City incident. Haunted by past choices and fueled with desire for vigilante justice, Sawyer's work takes an unexpected turn when she ventures to Spain and crosses paths with Luis Serra—a man with blood on his hands long thought to be dead. Together they unravel a web of corruption and face an impending bioterror threat, fighting not only monsters but also the darker elements of their humanity. As they delve deeper into each other's pasts and the conspiracy at large, Sawyer begins to sense something unsettling about Luis—something that might be even more dangerous than their mutual enemies.
Read on AO3 Here
"You outdid yourself this time, Kiddo." 
The fluorescent lights above Sawyer buzzed with a frequency that felt like it was drilling into her skull, a relentless itch she couldn't scratch. Samuel's voice cut through the noise, but it couldn't pry her eyes away from the deep scratches etched into the wooden table before her—marks she had made but couldn't recall procuring. 
Samuel's brows knitted together. "Do you remember anything?"
The interview room was a lifeless box, cold and sterile, like a coffin: the dull gray and beige walls encircled her. Only the observation window offered a glimpse into the real world, a world that felt so far away, almost unreachable. Inside, Sawyer felt trapped--suspended between reality and oblivion. Her head pounded, and she could feel the alcohol coursing through her veins like venom, poisoning her thoughts.
"Why are you here?" Sawyer's voice was a mere whisper, weighed down by defeat. She lifted her head and met Samuel's gaze. "We barely know each other."
"True," Samuel nodded, offering a small, solemn smile. "But I think you could use a friend, and it just so happens I'm available."
Sawyer winced as a sharp pain shot through her head, reminding her of her current state. She looked down and realized she was handcuffed to the chair, the metal biting into her right wrist. She sighed through her nose, her breath shaky, and met Samuel's eyes again. "So, you know what happened...what I did?"
"The whole thing," Samuel said, his tone tinged with sadness. He leaned closer, his eyes searching hers, taking in the broken pieces. "I've come to take you home."
Sawyer's brow furrowed in confusion.  "What do you mean?" 
"Exactly what I said." 
"TerraSave isn't going to bail me out. Redfield told me as much from what I can remember. I ruined their image." A bitter laugh escaped her, harsh and hollow. "You might as well kiss their assess goodbye too if the Eagle Scouts catch you in here with me."
Samuel chuckled softly, a smile tugging at his lips despite the gravity of the situation. He knew he shouldn't be teasing her--not in this state--but he couldn't help himself.
"I posted your bail an hour ago," Samuel explained gently. "I also happen to have friends in the FBI who owe me favors. After they process some documents, you're free to go." 
Sawyer shook her head, the fog growing in her brain. Whether it was the alcohol or sheer bewilderment, she couldn't grasp what Samuel was trying to tell her. "I'm not following."
"It may become clear once we get you out of this place."
Sawyer squeezed her eyes shut, a low growl escaping her lips as her body trembled. Nausea pooled in the pit of her stomach, churning like snakes in a pit. "Please don't tell me you did this," she forced out, her voice cracking.
"Would you rather be in jail?" Samuel huffed.
"No, but…" Sawyer hesitated, her free hand—unshackled—tangling in her hair as she tried to find steady ground. "I know you and the survivors were saving for that damn memorial site."
Samuel softened and chuckled faintly. "You can relax. Not a penny of that went to your poor choices."
The silence that followed lingered, giving Sawyer a moment to catch up and let her frustration ebb into something more painful.
As Samuel watched her, thoughts of his own misery clawed at him, memories of when he was just like her—drunk and drowning in the grief of all he had lost. His eyes stung with tears that he tried to blink away, and he hastily wiped at his face. The ache in his chest was all too familiar.
"Our new bosses…they crowd-funded on your behalf," Samuel cleared his throat, his voice thick. "Once you sobered up, you should thank them."
"By new bosses, you mean—"
"Maestro and Foreman, the leaders—they approved of you."
Sawyer's retort died in her throat, her mouth half-open as her words turned to dust. She blinked, surprise spreading across her dazed features as tiny goosebumps prickled her arms.
"VITA…" she whispered. "It's…it's real?"
"I haven't been entirely truthful with you, Kiddo," Samuel admitted, his voice dropping to a near whisper as if worried the cops on the other side would hear them. "VITA wasn't just an idea I was ranting about after our meetings. We've been in full operation right under TerraSave's nose. Hunting bio-organic weapons dealers, using their tactics against them… and getting true justice. I didn't tell you because I needed to be sure—"
Sawyer's voice wavered as she interrupted. "Sure of what?"
"To make sure that even when you hit rock bottom, you had it in you to stop yourself, to hold on to restraint."
Samuel stood slowly and walked up to Sawyer, lowering himself to her level—his knees on the floor like a man preparing for prayer. He reached out, his fingers brushing against hers, cold and shuddering. He gave her hand a gentle squeeze, trying to offer some warmth. Sawyer's eyes fluttered, her body shivering as the alcohol surged through her, threatening to drag her down once more.
"I know you're drunk, but hold onto my voice," Samuel's words were controlled, like a lifebuoy thrown to someone drowning. His gaze was unwavering, like an anchor in the storm. "You've made mistakes, Kiddo, but your heart was always in the right place. You'll get better, and one day, you'll be the one locking up those Umbrella bastards in the cell meant for you tonight."
Sawyer couldn't feel the warmth of her tears as they streamed down her face, her consciousness slipping like sand through her fingers. She clung to Samuel's words, to the light he was in the middle of her darkness, terrified that she would disappear beneath the waves.
"I can't give you back your family or your cousin," Samuel continued, his voice softer now, like a hand resting on her shoulder. "No one can. But if you let me, I'll be your mentor and friend. And friends trust each other, right? I promise you, we'll get justice—our way. Just like we bitched every Saturday over coffee. So, what do you say? Are you in this with me?"
Sawyer's eyes flew open, head submerged in the bathroom sink. She screamed into the water, muffling her cries until her lungs demanded air. Pulling herself up, Sawyer gasped and coughed, her hands shaking as she swept wet strands of hair from her face. 
It had been hours since she and Luis made it to Toledo, but the flow of time was solemn as past years pressed down on her. 
As the memory of Samuel faded, leaving a cold emptiness in its wake, Sawyer bit the inside of her lip, forcing herself to meet her reflection. Her face was a canvas of bruises and cuts, and she wished she'd dared to tell Samuel how much he meant to her. He had been more than just a mentor; he was a friend long before VITA pulled her into its web. So many things were left unsaid between them, and so many conversations were lost forever.
Just like Carmen…
Her fists clenched against the bathroom counter as she stared at the filthy water swirling in the sink, stained with grime and blood. She needed a shower, but the thought felt almost sacrilegious. She remembered a priest from her childhood Sunday school, speaking of sins that couldn't be washed away—only through penance and action could one be absolved. The irony wasn't lost on her, and she let out a bitter laugh. Even though Sawyer walked away from those teachings, the sermons were etched into her mind, burns that would never heal.
She couldn't stop thinking about what she did— and didn't —deserve.
Sawyer touched the cut on her forehead, tracing the five stitches that held her together. Despite everything, Luis had done a remarkable job, his hands stable and precise. It hit her then how long it had been since they talked—since he had dragged her out of Soldado's hell house. When they reached the hotel, Sawyer locked herself in the bathroom, trying to scrub away the horror, but the events clung to her like a second skin.
She finally gave up the fight and snatched a black washcloth off a peg, turning it into a makeshift compress. The cool water ran over her fingers as Sawyer drained the sink, ran the cloth through the faucet, and then pressed the damp material to the back of her neck, trying to will away the grief that clung to her chest. There was no time to mourn Samuel, no space to let the cracks in her resolve show.
She could fall apart when— if —she made it back to the States.
In the next room, Two Legs sat on the edge of the bed, his fingers gingerly probing the bruises spreading like dark ink across his ribs. Every touch sent a fresh wave of pain through him, the adrenaline from the struggle with the Tusk finally wearing off. He hadn't felt it then, but now every muscle in his body screamed in protest, his nerves on fire--his host's body overexerted. Even the simple act of taking off his jacket felt like a monumental task. Two Legs lost track of how long he had spent trying to peel it off before finally succeeding. 
When he finally assessed the damage, Two Legs knew he needed to get out of his shirt to let his sores breathe. His hands shook as he reached for the hem, slowly rolling it up over his battered torso. Each movement was hell, as an ache forced whimpers from his lips. He almost smiled through the misery, nearly free of the fabric prison, until the bathroom door swung open. The sound made him flinch, and his shirt fell from his grasp.
"The bathroom's yours, " Sawyer murmured, walking past him to her bed, pulling a suitcase from underneath the mattress without glancing at him.
Two Legs sighed, a chuckle escaping despite himself. "You had me worried! I thought you died in there, slipping on a soap bar like one of those Looney Tunes."
Her glare is icy… Two Legs noted as she stared at him. He swallowed hard, his ill-timed joke hanging awkwardly in the air. Before he could stammer out an apology, something caught his attention. He frowned, studying her more closely. 
"What? " She asked, not bothering to look up.
"Nothing, just… " He hesitated, trying to disguise the fact that he was smelling the air— smelling her . "You didn't bathe?"
Sawyer shook her head. 
"How come? "  
"I'll worry about it later. " She went back to rummaging through the suitcase, oblivious to the alarm that crossed Two Legs' face when he spotted the handguns, ammunition, papers, and the laptop nestled among the clothes.
"So, " he said, trying to keep his tone light, "If I book another room, I won't find a complimentary gun under my bed, right?"
Two Legs chuckled, rubbing the back of his neck. His eyes scanned the room, wondering what additional dangers were hidden from him in plain sight. 
"You'd be right, " Sawyer replied, forcing herself to focus on loading one of the pistols rather than the small, involuntary smile his remark had almost drawn out of her. "VITA pays certain hotel establishments nationwide to let members use rooms as safe houses."
" So, we shouldn't expect a bad guy to break through the door and come at us, right? " Two Legs asked, a hint of worry in his voice.
"Pretty much, " Sawyer said, though the confidence in her voice felt like a lie. "There's always a risk someone could track us down, but everything's done under the table—can't be traced easily. Why do you ask? "
" I'm just curious, is all. " Two Legs shrugged, observing her further. Despite the animation in Sawyer's movements, the weight of what they'd just been through was scratched into every tense muscle and every blink of her eyes as she loaded another gun. The thought of her being all right worried the plaga in a way that surprised him, and for a moment, he hesitated.
"Are you going to be okay? " he asked, his voice softer—the sincerity catching her off guard.
Sawyer paused, the question hanging in the air between them. She met his gaze for a moment longer than intended before nodding. "I'll be fine. You should clean up in case my two colleagues come knocking."
Two Legs nodded, lingering for a second longer as if considering her words. When the plaga finally walked past her, a small part of him was relieved at the thought of a hot shower. As Two Legs stepped into the bathroom, he imagined how good the warm water would feel against his host's flesh and how it would be a welcome distraction from the sudden unease in his chest. A contented sigh escaped him as he peeled off his clothes, tossing them carelessly outside the bathroom door before shutting it behind him.
"I'll try not to take up all the warm water, just in case you want to go after me! "  
Sawyer managed a small smile at the sudden pep in his voice, but the second he was out of sight, the mask she'd worn so well began to crack. She couldn't fathom how Luis seemed so unaffected and could act as if nothing had happened—like he hadn't been kidnapped or faced monsters together. It was as if the horrors they'd survived had barely left a mark on him.
"Don't worry about it. Take your time, " Sawyer called back, her voice steadier than she felt. Her focus began to slip.
"Can I use the conditioner? "
" Yes. "
" Would it be alright if I shaved a little bit? "
" Yes… "
" Are you going to eat the complimentary chocolates in here, or can I have them? My blood sugar is low! "
Sawyer groaned. "Luis, just take your damn shower! It's all free! "
" Okay, okay, okay!"
She heard him mutter in Spanish—no doubt a few curses aimed at her. Usually, she might have laughed, but now, she couldn't muster the energy. Instead, she turned back to loading the guns, clinging to the mechanical repetition like a rope, something to keep her mind from spiraling. But the second Sawyer heard the shower turn on, the dam she'd held back began crumbling. 
Her fingers trembled, and the gun slipped from her grasp, the bullets clattering on the floor. Everything came crashing down, stifling her resolve.
Sawyer broke. 
She pressed her hands to her face and cried—cried like she hadn't allowed herself to before, her sobs raw and jagged. The sound of her desperation scared her, and she tried to stifle it and keep quiet so Luis wouldn't hear. But the more she tried, the more it hurt until she could barely breathe. 
Kari and Mobley are probably dead...
Sawyer knew it, even as she told Luis they might show up tonight, clinging to a shred of hope that maybe— just maybe , someone she knew had survived. Samuel was dead, Soldado was gone—no justice, no closure. It was all pointless. This assignment, her fight, everything felt like a cruel joke--a waste of resources and lives. And yet, despite that, Sawyer knew she'd do it all over again. She'd throw herself into the fire until there was nothing left. She was addicted to this work as if it was the only thing tethering her to the world. 
The sound of Luis humming in the shower cut through Sawyer's coil of despair. Reality snapped back into focus, the fear of being discovered pulling her from the edge of her thoughts. Sniffling, she wiped at her eyes and nose, forcing herself to find a distraction, anything to stop the grief from consuming her. That's when she noticed Luis's leather jacket draped over the foot of one of the spare beds.
Sawyer rubbed the corners of her eyes with her right thumb as she got up and ventured over. Her hands carefully picked up the jacket. Her thumbs rubbed small circles into the worn leather, taking a strange comfort in the familiar texture. The brown color reminded Sawyer of the coat her mom used to wear in the fall. A bittersweet warmth tugged at her chest as her fingers traced the floral patterns decorating the upper half, something her mom would have adored. She made a note to ask Luis what kind of flowers they were.
Flipping the jacket over, her eyes landed on a middle stitch toward the upper back. The stitches were taut and showed signs of age. Her fingers traced the small brown bumps; her mind raced to imagine what could have caused such a precise, deep cut. 
Had Luis been hurt…?
The thought of him on the receiving end of whatever did this made Sawyer's heart clench, but maybe she was overthinking it. For all she knew, the jacket could've been cut by something less sinister. She let out a sigh, rolling her eyes at her macabre imagination.
As she continued to inspect the jacket, Sawyer's frown deepened. Blood, grime, and scratches marred large sections of the leather. Her gaze traveled to the bathroom door, where Luis was still showering. She didn't know what favor Luis would ask in return for helping her escape Soldado's hideout, but cleaning his jacket felt like a small, fitting way to repay him for stitching her head back together. Sitting down, she placed the coat on her lap, combed her pocket for an alcohol wipe, tore the package open, and began to scrub away the blood. 
The task was mind-numbing, but that was precisely what she needed. Each swipe of the cloth was a small step away from the edge, a way to ground herself in the present. Her tears slowly dried as Sawyer focused on the rhythm of her work, her mind drifting to how Luis might react to seeing his jacket cared for.
Sawyer's heart leaped into her throat. She glanced around the room, her breath catching, until her eyes landed on something shiny near her feet. A lighter—golden but weathered with age. Curiosity piqued, she searched an inner pocket of the jacket and found a few cigarettes, bent and misshapen, hidden away like dirty secrets.
I didn't peg him as a smoker…
Sawyer shrugged, pushing the thought aside. She had no room to judge his habit. She'd only quit herself after Samuel's relentless nagging.
She set the jacket aside. Bending down, Sawyer picked up the lighter, absently rolling it between her fingers. When her thumb grazed over an unfamiliar indentation, her eyes widened. 
Oh shit…! 
Her heart skipped, wondering if the lighter was damaged during the fall—or worse—in the struggle with Samuel. With cautious hands, Sawyer carefully brought it closer, flipping it over in her palm. 
The sight of the Umbrella Corp logo made her blood turn to ice.
Time seemed to crawl as Sawyer stared, blinking as if it would change what she saw. Her pulse pounded in her ears when she noticed faint inscriptions near the bottom left. She grabbed the alcohol wipe she'd used on the jacket and gently cleared away the grime.
As the names became legible, Sawyer whispered them under her breath, each word laying down her soul. When she reached the third row, an unspeakable dread squeezed the air from her lungs.
“Jean-Jaques Clouret…”
Soldado's real name.
Her fingers shook as her eyes drifted to the top inscription—the word burning into her mind like a brand.
"U.E. Lab 6. Dream Team."
Slowly, Sawyer lifted her gaze toward the bathroom door, a deep and terrible rage building up inside as she squeezed the lighter until her nerves went numb. 
Almost an hour later, Two Legs emerged from the bathroom, dressed in a black t-shirt and grey sweatpants. He sighed happily, running a towel through his damp hair, making a note he needed to get it cut soon given how long it had become.
" Sorry that took so long! Had a lot of nasty stuff to scrub off. " Two Legs chuckled, oblivious. "I hope you don't mind I snagged these clothes from under the cabinet. You might want to think twice before showering after me. I'm not sure the hot water's gonna last you long enough—"
Two Legs yelped as something hard slammed into his chest, the towel slipping from his grip. His eyes darted down to the floor, where Luis's lighter lay at his feet.
"What the—? "
"I don't know why Soldado kidnapped me, huh? " Sawyer's voice was a low, dangerous growl. She stormed toward him, gun drawn, her aim unwavering.
Two Legs's eyes widened in panic as he stumbled back. "Whoa, whoa, wait a second—! "
" You worked with him, you son of a bitch!"
Two Legs released a pained grunt as his back slammed against the wall, the impact jarring him to his core. Sawyer's left arm shot up, pinning him in place, her elbow digging into his throat while her right hand pressed the cold barrel of a gun against the side of his head. His chest heaved as his eyes locked onto hers—wild, blazing with fury that bordered on madness.
"Kiddo, you're—hurting me! " he gasped, his voice breaking under the pressure.
"Do I look like I give a shit? " Sawyer's voice was hurt, every word laced with betrayal. "I found your lighter! Umbrella Europe 6 Dream Team, right? You lied to me—pretended to be some nobody off the street! Is your last name even Navarro, or is it Serra? What the fuck was this to you, a game?!"
"You were going through my jacket?" Two Legs was caught off guard, but before he could piece his confusion together, Sawyer's arm crushed harder under his throat, cutting off his breath.
"And through your damn pants while I was at it! " Sawyer's shout echoed in the narrow space, her rage boiling over. "I found Soldado's notes—the ones you stole! You said you knew Samuel was infected because of them, but I combed through it. There wasn't a goddamn thing! How did you know, Luis? How did you know Sam was infected?!"
The walls seemed to close in on Two Legs as his back pressed fully against the cold surface, blocking his secondary source of breathing through Luis's spinal wound. The plaga strained, struggling against the rising swell of his host's panic.
"Wait—wait—please, I can't breathe—! "
"I don't care! " Sawyer's grip tightened, her outrage refusing to give him any quarter.
"Alright— " Two Legs gasped, desperation clawing at his voice. "I haven't been…entirely truthful with you, but—I can explain! Just give me a chance! "
" How do I know you won't turn this around and harm me? " Sawyer snarled.
"Well obviously, I'm a little tied up—at the moment. " Two Legs forced out a weak laugh, but the effort cost him. Sawyer's arm pressed harder before loosening just enough for him to catch a breath. "Mierda! " (1)
" Do you seriously think this is funny? " Sawyer's voice cracked with disbelief, her eyes searching his for any hint of earnestness.
"No—no— " Two Legs shook his head frantically. "Humor is—a bad coping mechanism of mine—I know, but hear me out! Look—if I were going to hurt you—I would've done so already. I meant what I said—back in the cells—we can help each other!"
The click of the gun's safety release froze him in place. Two Legs breaths came in shallow, uneven gasps—his pulse throbbing behind his ears. 
"Give me one good reason why I shouldn't blow your brains out, " Sawyer sneered, her voice shaking.
Because I could kill you right now... Two Legs thought, the words clawing at his throat, but he didn't dare let them out. He knew that despite Sawyer's strength, she wouldn't stand a chance against the ferocity of his true form if he put the facade of Luis down. His hunger for her—to finally put his prey to rest—grew with every passing second. Instinct urged him to act, take what he desired, and satisfy the gnawing ache that his species thrived upon. But something held him back—something more powerful than his primal urges. 
As he stared into the fire in her eyes, the same fire Two Legs had seen in those who had tried to kill him before, he felt an exotic flutter in his chest. It wasn't just fear or hunger—it was something more serious, something that made him hesitate, even as his body screamed for escape. The sensation was strange, almost… thrilling .
"You won't get any answers if I'm dead. Put down the gun at the very least, " Two Legs pleaded, his voice quaking vulnerably. "You can keep me pinned for insurance, but…please, just put it down. "
His eyes bore into hers, desperate and genuine, as he swallowed hard, trying to control his breaths. "C'mon…you don't want to do this. Not after everything that's happened today."
Sawyer's grip on the gun tightened, the plight of his words conflicting with the wrath roiling inside her. The room fell into a tense silence broken only by her and Luis's labored breaths, mingling in the thin space between them. The closeness— the unwanted intimacy —made her skin crawl, and she grimaced with disgust before finally nodding, her movements slow and deliberate as she lowered the weapon, her eyes never leaving his.
Backing away slightly, Sawyer eased the pressure her left arm exerted on his neck. She gave him a sharp shove when he gasped for breath and coughed.
"Start talking. Now. "
" Alright, alright, " Two Legs nodded quickly, cursing silently at his host—Luis—for their mess. He felt the strain of Luis's memories, the dangerous knowledge that threatened to spill from his lips. Two Legs didn't want to keep Sawyer waiting, not with the gun so close, but he had to tread carefully. As much as he appreciated her in some weird way, the plaga couldn't afford to reveal his secret nor the ones Luis had buried deep.
"My full name is Luis Serra Navarro, " he began, his voice composed but his heart racing. "I was…a researcher for Umbrella. I specialized in generic drugs and the study of parasites—the Plaga. Jean-Jacques was one of my peers. "  
Two Legs hesitated, seeing the anger and sadness flash in Sawyer's eyes. The sight of it tugged at him, a pang of guilt he hadn't expected.
I disappointed her…
The thought hit him like a punch to the gut, and Two Legs struggled to hide his confusion. She must have seen the way he faltered because her expression hardened. Pressing on, he continued.
"I left Umbrella years ago. I haven't been in contact with anyone from Team 6 since, " Two Legs insisted, shaking his head as if trying to convince himself as much as her. "I had no idea Soldado was Jean-Jacques until I found his body. I swear to you, I have no clue why he had me kidnapped. I thought I left on good terms. And knowing Jean…I never thought he'd get mixed up with the black market. It's been…eating at me. "
" And Samuel? " Sawyer's voice was barely a murmur, but it sliced through him.
"That's how you knew, right? You knew what those bugs could do. "  
Two Legs flinched, the anger he'd been holding back threatening to break free at her tone. He forced himself to nod, trying to release the tension coiling in his muscles. Then he saw the doubt creeping into her eyes and couldn't let it grow. Shaking his head, Two Legs interrupted her thoughts.
"There was nothing we could have done, " Two Legs said softly, his voice carrying a rare tenderness. "Even if we had time, extracting the plaga at that stage would've only killed Sam faster. "
" How can you be so sure?"
Because my "cousin " threatened to rip me apart… Two Legs thought bitterly, biting his lip to keep the dark humor from spilling. The last thing she needed was a joke, especially at the expense of her dead friend. He knew it would push her over the edge.
"I've studied the Plaga for years, Kiddo, " Two Legs sighed. "I know the symptoms too well. But this…Type E, the one Jean was working on, is new to me—more dangerous and unpredictable. "
Sawyer shuddered, the horror of his words sinking in. "Did you have anything to do with Raccoon City?"
Two Legs blinked in surprise when she abruptly changed the subject. "Pardon? "
" Raccoon City, " Sawyer repeated, her eyes flaring. "Did you or did you not have anything to do with the outbreak? "  
Luis hadn't directly interfered, but Two Legs knew from "the other place " that it didn't change the fact he still had blood on his hands—too much to explain away. The plaga could see the resentment building in Sawyer's eyes. It was better to bestow a beautiful lie than a painful truth, especially with her gun still pointed at him.
"No, " Two Legs said, shaking his head. "No, I had no part in it."
He could hardly believe it when Sawyer's arm slowly retreated, the cold barrel of the gun pulling away from him.
Two Legs heart palpitated as he watched her lower her gaze, walked over to the bed and sat down on the mattress, the gun slipping from her hand to rest at her side. Sawyer's fingers tangled in her hair as she exhaled a deep breath, as though she'd been holding it in for far too long. Two Legs couldn't read her expression now, but the mention of Raccoon City had struck a nerve. He didn't like this, the unknowns of the situation. 
"What was that favor you wanted? " Sawyer interrupted, her voice sounding distant.
"The favor? " he echoed, confused.
"Look, " Sawyer pinched the bridge of her nose, her voice buried with exhaustion. "I'm going back to the States tomorrow. I want nothing to do with you, but I don't like having IOUs."
Her words struck like a blow, fracturing him.
"Nothing to do with me? After everything we've been through? "
" You worked for Umbrella, " Sawyer spat, finally forcing herself to meet his eyes. "I sure as hell don't trust anyone associated with that company. Not to mention you played with bio-organic weapons—the plaga or whatever the hell they're called. So, what did you hope to gain from partnering up? What could I offer someone like you? The sooner we figure that out, the sooner we can part ways."
" Someone like me , " Two Legs repeated, the words dripping with the contempt he heard in her voice. It shouldn't have made him mad, but something instinctive inside him bristled, as if her words had clipped him. "You don't know my story. How can you pass judgment so easily? "
" Because I know how you people work. "  
" You people? " Two Legs ' voice rose, and he gestured sharply at her. "Well, what about you, huh? "
Sawyer's eyes narrowed. "What do you mean, what about me? "
" Just seconds ago, you were ready to put a bullet in my head! Now you're acting like some righteous saint, casting me as this evil creep when you don't know what I went through. "
" You said enough! " Sawyer shot back, her voice shaking with anger. "Umbrella ruined my life, and you worked for them. That's enough for me! "
" You can't pin that on me! " Two Legs defended, his voice tight with frustration. "Yes, I worked for some shitty people, but you're not going to use me as a scapegoat for your poor choices! "
" Excuse me?! " Sawyer shot up from the bed as Two Legs instinctively stepped back. " My poor choices ?! "
" Yes, your poor choices— malas decisiones ! " Two Legs spat, his anger bubbling over. "This…hacktivist crusade you're on, putting yourself at risk, getting your friends killed—I'd call those poor choices! I didn't make you sign up for that! You did that on your own! " (2)
" You son of a— "
" Before you finish that, let me finish! " Two Legs interrupted, his voice lowering. "I had nothing to lose leaving you behind, but I didn't. When you pulled that gun on me, I should've fought back, but I didn't."
"What's your damn point, Luis?! " Sawyer shouted, her voice breaking.
"The point is, I don't appreciate being dehumanized! " Two Legs ' voice cracked. "Not after everything I've done to keep you safe, not after risking my neck for a stranger!"
"It's like you said, you didn't have to do that! Maybe it was a poor choice on your end!"
Two Legs laughed, a bitter grin twisting his lips. If he wasn't so angry, he might've found Sawyer's retort amusing, even clever. But his emotions were chaotic, swirling between outrage and powerlessness. The animosity in the room was stifling. He bit back his words, clenching his jaw as he marched to the bed, yanking Luis's jacket and shoving his feet into his shoes.
Sawyer sighed, her voice barely concealing her frustration. "What are you doing? "
" Me estas agotando, " Two Legs muttered through clenched teeth, zipping up his jacket with sharp, jerky movements. "I need some air, and it sounds like you need space. " (3)
"We're not finished! " Sawyer's voice cracked with urgency. "It's dangerous out there. People could be looking for you!"
Two Legs froze at the door, his hand grasping the knob. A bitter chuckle escaped him as he turned to face her. "Wow, you suddenly care about me? Are you one of those bullies who are mean to their crush as a sign of affection? You should work on that, senorita." (4)
" Don't flatter yourself," Sawyer snapped.
" In that case, " His grin was more of a scowl as he opened the door, stepping out into the hall with a half-hearted wave. "Adiós, cariño!" (5)
Two Legs barely had time to close the door before something heavy slammed against it with a loud thud. The plaga winced, knowing whatever it was had been aimed at his face. He hesitated momentarily, his hand hovering over the doorknob as the urge to go back and finish the fight gnawed at him. But then Two Legs shook his head, dismissing the thought with a growl under his breath.
"Joder eso! " Two Legs muttered out loud as he determinedly strode, trying to put enough distance between himself and the hotel room. (6)
1. Mierda = Shit 2. Malas decisiones = Poor choices 3. Me estas agotando = You're exhausting me 4. Seniorita = Miss 5. Adiós, cariño = Bye darling 6. Joder eso = Fuck this
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A Prayer for Help
Of David.
1 Lord, battle with those who battle with me. Fight against those who fight against me. 2 Pick up the shield and armor. Rise up and help me. 3 Lift up your spears, both large and small, against those who chase me. Tell me, “I will save you.”
4 Make those who want to kill me be ashamed and disgraced. Make those who plan to harm me turn back and run away. 5 Make them like chaff blown by the wind. Let the angel of the Lord chase them away. 6 Let their road be dark and slippery as the angel of the Lord chases them. 7 For no reason they spread out their net to trap me. For no reason they dug a pit for me. 8 So let ruin strike them suddenly. Let them be caught in their own nets. Let them fall into the pit and die. 9 Then I will rejoice in the Lord. I will be happy when he saves me. 10 Even my bones will say, “Lord, who is like you? You save the weak from the strong. You save the weak and poor from robbers.”
11 Men without mercy stand up to testify. They ask me things I do not know. 12 They repay me with evil for the good I have done. They make me very sad. 13 Yet when they were sick, I put on rough cloth to show my sadness. I showed my sorrow by going without food. But my prayers were not answered. 14 I acted as if they were my friends or brothers. I bowed in sadness as if I were crying for my mother. 15 But when I was in trouble, they gathered and laughed. They gathered to attack before I knew it. They insulted me without stopping. 16 They made fun of me and were cruel to me. They ground their teeth at me in anger.
17 Lord, how long will you watch this happen? Save my life from their attacks. Save me from these people who are like lions. 18 I will praise you in the great meeting. I will praise you among crowds of people. 19 Do not let my enemies laugh at me. They hate me for no reason. Do not let them make fun of me. They have no reason to hate me. 20 Their words are not friendly. They think up lies about peace-loving people. 21 They speak against me. They say, “Aha! We saw what you did!”
22 Lord, you have been watching. Do not keep quiet. Lord, do not leave me alone. 23 Wake up! Come and defend me! My God and Lord, fight for me! 24 Lord my God, defend me with your justice. Don’t let them laugh at me. 25 Don’t let them think, “Aha! We got what we wanted!” Don’t let them say, “We destroyed him.” 26 Let them be ashamed and embarrassed. They were happy when I hurt. Cover them with shame and disgrace. They thought they were better than I was. 27 May my friends sing and shout for joy. May they always say, “Praise the greatness of the Lord. He loves to see his servants do well.” 28 I will tell of your goodness. I will praise you every day. — Psalm 35 | International Children’s Bible (ICB) The Holy Bible, International Children’s Bible® Copyright© 1986, 1988, 1999, 2015 by Thomas Nelson. Cross References: Genesis 30:6; Exodus 3:7; Exodus 15:11; Exodus 23:1; 1 Samuel 24:15; Job 16:10; Job 21:18; Job 30:25; Psalm 3:8; Psalm 7:6; Psalm 9:5; Psalm 13:1; Psalm 22:13; Psalm 22:22; Psalm 38:12; Psalm 44:26; Psalm 55:21; Psalm 56:1; psalm 71:8; Psalm 73:18; Psalm 109:29; Psalm 147:11; Matthew 8:12; Matthew 10:13; Luke 1:47; John 10:32; John 15:25; 1 Thessalonians 5:3
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thealmightyemprex · 2 years
Top 10 Ron Perlman roles
Want to showcase one of my favorite voice actors/character actors ,Ron Perlman .Now Perlman has a career over 40 years long and he is highly prolific,so I havent seen every piece of media with him in it so these are just my personal faves
10.Killer Croc from The Batman (2005-2008 )
Still my favorite version of Killer Croc .Love the accent
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9.Father Duffy from I Sell the Dead (2009)
I will not say a word about this film,if you can find it ,watch it ,its a hidden gem
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8.Pap Finn from the Adventures of Huck Finn (1993)
Small but important role as Huck's abusive alcoholic monster of a father ,and Perlman makes him FEEL like a monster
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7.Podesta from Guillermo Del Toros Pinocchio (2022)
Perlmans cold and authoritative voice perfectly fit this abusive fascist take on the Coachman
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6.Justice from Afro Samurai (2007)
Because who better to play the nemesis of a Samuel L Jackson Samurai then a scary cowboy swordsman played by a creepy Ron Perlman . Some of his best voice work
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5.Clayface from Batman the Animated Series (1992-1998)
Perlman nails both the horror and tragedy of this actor turned monster
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4. Angel de la Guardia from Cronos (1993)
The first teaming of Perlman and Guilermo Del Toro ,as the thuggish nephew of an evil old rich guy .Perlman is just a lot of fun here
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3.Xibalba from Book of Life (2014)
One of my favorite dieties in film ,and a role that surprised me when I learned it was Perlman
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2.Slade from Teen Titans(2003-2006)
CReepiest role he has every playedat least to me .Both manipulative and enigmatic.
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1.Hellboy from the Hellboy series (2004 -2008)
Possibly Perlmans definitive role as this blue collar monster fighting demon with a heart of gold .Yes I am sad we most likely wont get part 3
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If you have a favorite Perlman role feel free to share
@ariel-seagull-wings @metropolitan-mutant-of-ark @amalthea9 @angelixgutz @princesssarisa @the-blue-fairie @themousefromfantasyland @filmcityworld1
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tomorrowusa · 1 year
Around the country, there has been a backlash to the movement for liberty and equality for gender and sexual minorities. New forms of inclusion have been met with reactionary exclusion. This is heartbreaking. Sadly, it is also familiar. When the civil rights and women’s rights movements sought equality in public life, some public establishments refused. Some even claimed, based on sincere religious beliefs, constitutional rights to discriminate. The brave Justices who once sat on this Court decisively rejected those claims.
Now the Court faces a similar test. A business open to the public seeks to deny gay and lesbian customers the full and equal enjoyment of its services based on the owner’s religious belief that same-sex marriages are “false.” The business argues, and a majority of the Court agrees, that because the business offers services that are customized and expressive, the Free Speech Clause of the First Amendment shields the business from a generally applicable law that prohibits discrimination in the sale of publicly available goods and services. That is wrong. Profoundly wrong. As I will explain, the law in question targets conduct, not speech, for regulation, and the act of discrimination has never constituted protected expression under the First Amendment. Our Constitution contains no right to refuse service to a disfavored group. I dissent.
– Justice Sonia Sotomayor in her dissent to the decision by the Republican majority on the US Supreme Court in the 303 CREATIVE LLC et al. v. ELENIS et al. case which allows certain businesses to discriminate against the LGBTQ+ community. Via the Supreme Court of the United States.
Sotomayor dissents after SCOTUS underlines protections for LGBTQ+ people: 'a sad day in American constitutional law'
Elections have consequences. Voting for idiotic third parties which have ZERO chance of electing a president gave us George W. Bush (who appointed John Roberts and Samuel Alito) and Donald Trump (who appointed Neil Gorsuch, Brett Kavanaugh, and Amy Coney Barrett). Republicans have Ralph Nader and Jill Stein to thank for the 21st century legal lurch to the far right in the US.
Whatever you think of Al Gore or Hillary Clinton, the worst judge either of them would have appointed would have been exponentially better than the best judge appointed by Bush or Trump.
You are not a true progressive if your actions (or inactions) help to elect rightwing presidents who then appoint rightwing SCOTUS justices who sit on the court for life.
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mycological-mariner · 10 months
Pawpaw and ginkgo!
Pawpaw — how do you name your characters?
I tend to do this last. Usually it’s design -> story -> name. When I DO, it’s usually by going through old records and looking up families in certain regions, religious and cultural meanings, common vs uncommon and how that works for the character and then hodgepodging it all together. However, sometimes, as with Icarus in a more ridiculous fantasy setting, it was supposed to be Ichorous Smokes but the little red autocorrect line frustrated me and so this spelling stuck. Sometimes I see a funky name on a headstone and go “Hey, that sounds like a neat name for a character”
Ginkgo — what part of your story is the oldest, has stuck around from that original idea?
Oh BOY. A while ago over lockdown I wrote a novel (the last third had its files corrupted and it’s half-lost) about my Original Original OC. He has all the elements a lot of my characters do now. His name was Colm Tredwen, a navy lieutenant from a small Cornish mining town, who was involved in a mutiny and became a smuggler. His little brother is hunting him down while he’s basically on a suicide mission (receive a fair trial for the crimes he did commit, where he knows he’ll be executed but so long as it’s fair this time, he doesn’t care). I need to stress I came up with Tredwen when I was 11 years old and really wanted to be a sea captain, so there’s quite a bit of Silliness Taken Seriously. But the things that carried over to my new book are: Angry Bastard Wanting Justice and Going on a Big Adventure in Order To Achieve It, With The End Goal Being Death, Meeting a Sad Guy and a Delightful Young Person Along the Way And Lying About Their Intentions. Also Trans. At least for Icarus. Although there’s a lot of Tredwen’s story apparent in Fred’s character, even if he’s much more like the kidnapped surgeon character (also named Samuel!).
Although the idea for Icarus I’ve had for a while as well, about 7-8 years. Instead of a fantasy world it was supposed to be taking place in Chicago (I liked the way the city looked lol) and focused on a trans man made to undergo conversion therapy. But I decided to make it fantasy and change the tone which was far darker and had a very unsatisfactory ending
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snicketsquadron · 1 year
Witness to Departures
Jacques believed one should bring three gifts to a baby’s first birthday celebration: something practical (an unseemly amount of diapers), a favorite childhood book for the baby (Pippi Longstocking) and something for the parents to remind them of their own existence as adults and sentient beings in the post-baby haze (Samuel Beckett’s Molloy).
When he arrived, Beatrice was seated in the back yard, infant son on her lap, surrounded by a gaggle of cooing friends. Little two year old Violet toddled around, gently shepherded by the watchful eyes of her mother and the guests. She seemed to be fascinated by the screws holding the lawn furniture together, poking at them with pudgy toddler fingers.
Bertrand met Jacques at the back porch with a handshake, clap on the back and a smile. 
“Good to see you” Jacques began. 
“You, too. I take it you’re here representing the Snicket delegation? I bet Beatrice it would only be you.” 
“I’m sure my siblings would be here if they could. Kit’s preoccupied in Tunis and...well, no one knows about Lemony.”
Bertrand let out a little sigh. Both men leaned on the porch railing, standing side by side, looking at the guests rather than each other. “I know your siblings, Jacques. You don’t have to lie on their behalf. Even if they were both in the city, Lemony couldn’t stand to see Beatrice, and Kit’s indignant that we’re leaving VFD. ...We do think he’s alive” Bertrand added a little more gently. “We almost named Violet ‘Lemony’. But once Klaus was born there were enough rumors...we don’t know for sure. If I knew anything for sure I would have told you already. But we believe he’s alive, for what it’s worth.”
“Hope is worth a great deal. And Lemony still thinks the world of you. He can be happy for you both and sad for himself at the same time. The same goes for Kit’s anger. That’s the troublesome part- it’s because they love you both that they feel hurt.”
“But not you? You’re not here to try to talk us back into the fold?”
“You know I take the ‘voluntary’ part of VFD very seriously, Bert. I’ll miss your work, and your presence. But I’m grateful that you two left, because it means you had a choice. Many of our enemies don’t.”
“But?” Bertrand prompted, a wry tone sneaking into the word. 
“But it doesn’t have to be either-or. You know you could do both. Plenty of volunteers have taken parental leave until their children are old enough. The Quagmires had triplets last year- they’re not going deep-sea diving anytime soon but they can still coordinate correspondence. My parents-”
And you Snickets are so well-adjusted Betrand thinks. But what he says aloud is “You mean ‘until their children are recruited’. You’re telling me we can do both as if that’s some novel idea instead of the status quo that’s been expected of volunteers for decades. As if we didn’t try.” Violet had probably overheard some VFD coded phrases in her scant two years, though Bertrand hoped she would forget them as she grew older. “And if it was just me and Bea, we’d still be in the mountains. The entire point is the children. The neophyte system was falling apart when we were in it, Jacques, and it’s only gotten worse. And even if it was in perfect working order...it feels like fattening a cow for the slaughterhouse. I’m not raising my children just for them to be snatched away as soon as they can walk and talk.” 
“Shouldn’t that be up to them?”
“Jacques!” the anger in Bert’s tone was more than a hint.
“I mean it. Like I said, I take the voluntary aspect very seriously, and that goes both ways. If you get to choose to leave, they get to choose to join. The neophyte fostering system is a mess, and you know I never liked the tattoos. I’ll respect your wishes. I can promise I won’t be standing out of your windows making wolf noises. But I know you and B, and I’ve seen your library. Any children raised in this household are going to be well-read, clever, and kind. They will be a force for justice and nobility in the world, even if they never learn a single code.”
“Being well-read and noble isn’t the same as being a member of VFD.”
“We’ll have to disagree on that. It’s the only part that matters. The rest is affectation.”
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ao3feed-supercorp · 2 years
One - Shots (Varios)
by RomiEmison2914
Este libro lo había subido en Wattpad pero me lo elimino, así que despues de pensarlo mucho, decidi comenzar a subirlo en esta plataforma, espero no haya algun problema con ninguno de mis OS.
Words: 34623, Chapters: 2/?, Language: Español
Fandoms: Pretty Little Liars Series - Sara Shepard, The Perfectionists (TV 2019), Cobra Kai (TV), Rebelde (Mexico TV 2004), Fifth Harmony (Band), Victorious (TV), Glee, Demi Lovato (Musician), Selena Gomez (Musician), Elite (TV), Soy Luna (TV), Supergirl (TV 2015), Once Upon a Time (TV), Wednesday (TV 2022)
Rating: Explicit
Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Major Character Death, Rape/Non-Con, Underage
Categories: F/F, F/M, Gen
Characters: Alison DiLaurentis, Emily Fields, Mona Vanderwaal, Taylor Irene Hotchkiss, Camila Cabello, Lauren Jauregui, Tori Vega, Jade West, Rachel Berry, Quinn Fabray, Selena Gomez, Demi Lovato, Spencer Hastings, Aria Montgomery, Samuel García Domínguez, Carla Rosón Caleruega, Ámbar Smith, Luna Valente, Kara Danvers, Lena Luthor, Evil Queen | Regina Mills, Emma Swan, Samantha LaRusso, Tory Nichols, Wednesday Addams, Enid Sinclair, Roberta Pardo Rey, Mía Colucci
Relationships: Dulce María/Anahí Puente, Roberta Pardo/Mia Colucci, Alison DiLaurentis/Emily Fields, Shay Mitchell/Sasha Pieterse, Mona Vanderwaal/Taylor Hotchkiss, Janel Parrish/Hayley Erin, Camila Cabello/Lauren Jauregui, Tori Vega/Jade West, Elizabeth Gillies/Victoria Justice, Rachel Berry/Quinn Fabray, Dianna Agron/Lea Michele, Selena Gomez/Demi Lovato, Spencer Hastings/Aria Montgomery, Lucy Hale/Troian Bellisario, Samuel García Domínguez/Carla Rosón Caleruega, Itzan Escamilla/Ester Expositó, Ámbar Smith/Luna Valente, Karol Sevilla/Valentina Zenere, Kara Danvers/Lena Luthor, Melissa Benoist/Katie McGrath, Regina Mills/Emma Swan, Jennifer Morrison/Lana Parrilla, Samantha LaRusso/Tory Nichols, Peyton List/Mary Mouser
Additional Tags: Crossovers & Fandom Fusions, Alternate Universe, Character Death, Canon Universe, Teen Romance, Drama & Romance, Angst with a Happy Ending, Sad Ending, Sex
from AO3 works tagged 'Kara Danvers/Lena Luthor' https://ift.tt/ymzCu7i via IFTTT https://ift.tt/ymzCu7i
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ao3feed-samtory · 2 years
One - Shots (Varios)
read on AO3 here
by RomiEmison2914
Este libro lo había subido en Wattpad pero me lo elimino, así que despues de pensarlo mucho, decidi comenzar a subirlo en esta plataforma, espero no haya algun problema con ninguno de mis OS.
Words: 34623, Chapters: 2/?, Language: Español
Fandoms: Pretty Little Liars Series - Sara Shepard, The Perfectionists (TV 2019), Cobra Kai (TV), Rebelde (Mexico TV 2004), Fifth Harmony (Band), Victorious (TV), Glee, Demi Lovato (Musician), Selena Gomez (Musician), Elite (TV), Soy Luna (TV), Supergirl (TV 2015), Once Upon a Time (TV), Wednesday (TV 2022)
Rating: Explicit
Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Major Character Death, Rape/Non-Con, Underage
Categories: F/F, F/M, Gen
Characters: Alison DiLaurentis, Emily Fields, Mona Vanderwaal, Taylor Irene Hotchkiss, Camila Cabello, Lauren Jauregui, Tori Vega, Jade West, Rachel Berry, Quinn Fabray, Selena Gomez, Demi Lovato, Spencer Hastings, Aria Montgomery, Samuel García Domínguez, Carla Rosón Caleruega, Ámbar Smith, Luna Valente, Kara Danvers, Lena Luthor, Evil Queen | Regina Mills, Emma Swan, Samantha LaRusso, Tory Nichols, Wednesday Addams, Enid Sinclair, Roberta Pardo Rey, Mía Colucci
Relationships: Dulce María/Anahí Puente, Roberta Pardo/Mia Colucci, Alison DiLaurentis/Emily Fields, Shay Mitchell/Sasha Pieterse, Mona Vanderwaal/Taylor Hotchkiss, Janel Parrish/Hayley Erin, Camila Cabello/Lauren Jauregui, Tori Vega/Jade West, Elizabeth Gillies/Victoria Justice, Rachel Berry/Quinn Fabray, Dianna Agron/Lea Michele, Selena Gomez/Demi Lovato, Spencer Hastings/Aria Montgomery, Lucy Hale/Troian Bellisario, Samuel García Domínguez/Carla Rosón Caleruega, Itzan Escamilla/Ester Expositó, Ámbar Smith/Luna Valente, Karol Sevilla/Valentina Zenere, Kara Danvers/Lena Luthor, Melissa Benoist/Katie McGrath, Regina Mills/Emma Swan, Jennifer Morrison/Lana Parrilla, Samantha LaRusso/Tory Nichols, Peyton List/Mary Mouser
Additional Tags: Crossovers & Fandom Fusions, Alternate Universe, Character Death, Canon Universe, Teen Romance, Drama & Romance, Angst with a Happy Ending, Sad Ending, Sex
read on AO3 here
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mistninja · 2 years
Discworld for the ask game!
• Favorite male character
Samuel Vimes <3 he just wants to retire but he keeps getting promoted i love him so much
Close second is Death himself :)
• Favorite female character
Polly from Monstruous Regiment
• Least favorite character
I dont think i have any actually
• Favorite ship
Vimes x Lady Sybil, old people in love are everything to me
• Favorite friendship
Death and Miss Flitworth in Reaper Man
• Favorite quote
"Theres no justice, just us" "humans need fantasy to be humans, to be the place where the raising ape meets the falling angel" "lord, what can the harvest hope for if not for the care of the reaper man" and of course "scientists have calculated that the chance of something so patently absurd actually existing are millions to one, but magicians have calculated that million to one chances crop up nine times out of ten"
• Worst character death (if any)
None of the deaths in discworld can be that sad when Death is there to crack up a little joke :)
• This made me so happy you have no idea Moment
Lots of moments but the ending of Reaper Man made me very happy, when Death reunited the souls of his friend and her lost love it was so sweet
• Saddest moment
Cant think of one
• Favorite location
Ankh-morpork, the dirtiest, oldest, biggest, and most alive city in the disc
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jelliebeanbitch · 2 years
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I posted 18,446 times in 2022
That's 7,863 more posts than 2021!
96 posts created (1%)
18,350 posts reblogged (99%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 8,293 of my posts in 2022
#art - 1,390 posts
#cats - 685 posts
#tiktok - 517 posts
#wholesome - 386 posts
#mental health - 240 posts
#ofmd - 197 posts
#love - 158 posts
#platonic love - 141 posts
#words - 113 posts
#cottagecore - 95 posts
Longest Tag: 137 characters
#it’s so much better to say ‘i’m feeling annoyed at noise right now’ than ‘can you shut the fuck up oh my god you’re so loud all the time’
My Top Posts in 2022:
early 2000s pop-punk songs b like “my girlfriend is so hot. she puts up with my terrible jokes and drunk driving. god i suck so bad and my penis is so small. i can’t believe my hot real girlfriend likes me”
95 notes - Posted September 6, 2022
girl i am texting you with intentions
351 notes - Posted April 7, 2022
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my friend is funny, everyone clap and cheer for him
797 notes - Posted September 23, 2022
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808 notes - Posted October 28, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
hey just so everyone knows, It Was A Draft
the supreme court decision to overturn Roe v. Wade is not official yet. someone leaked a draft of the opinion that the members of the court have been circulating and revising (the draft was created by justice samuel alito).
which is insane by the way. it’s the first time that a draft of a supreme court decision has ever been leaked in the entire history of this country.
it makes perfect sense to feel grief or panic or dread or sadness or anger or whatever you’re feeling right now. this is fucking terrible and scary. just for the sake of avoiding misinformation, i wanted to clarify this because i think a lot of the headlines have been misleading, and the info gets even more misconstrued when it’s rephrased on social media and stuff
46,315 notes - Posted May 2, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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samaraark · 2 days
Dating Delilah Part 2 Final
Following my recent Bible study titled Dating Delilah, a series preached by my pastor, I want to highlight a few more key points from Samson's story. In Judges 16:28, we see Samson making his final, heartfelt plea to God: “Then Samson called to the Lord, saying, ‘O Lord God, please remember me and please strengthen me just this once, O God, that I may be avenged on the Philistines for my two eyes.’” It’s really moving to think about this—Samson had only made two big prayers in his life. The first was for water after a tough battle (Judges 15:18), and the second was this desperate request for strength. Even though Samson had a divine calling and had seen God answer his prayers before, he chose to ask for strength to get revenge instead of seeking wisdom or self-control.
Samson’s story is incredibly sad. Despite knowing from birth that he had a special purpose, he made a series of poor choices. He got drunk, had relationships with prostitutes, and was ultimately betrayed by Delilah. Her name means "temptation," and she played a big role in his downfall by leading him astray. Samson’s eyes, which had once been a source of his troubles, symbolized his ruin. He saw a Philistine woman in Timna, married her despite his parents' objections, and she and her family were later killed by the Philistines. He then fell for Delilah, a prostitute he met in Gaza, which added to his disgrace. His eyes were gouged out, and he was imprisoned and forced to grind grain.
Samson led Israel for 20 years, but his life serves as a cautionary tale. It’s a powerful reminder of the importance of seeking God’s guidance and resisting temptation and pride. Even though Samson is listed in Hebrews 11:32-34 as someone of faith—“And what more shall I say? For time would fail me to tell of Gideon, Barak, Samson, Jephthah, of David and Samuel and the prophets, who through faith conquered kingdoms, enforced justice, obtained promises, stopped the mouths of lions, quenched the power of fire, escaped the edge of the sword, were made strong out of weakness, became mighty in war, put foreign armies to flight”—his story is still a tough one to swallow. The Bible offers many examples of faithful living, such as Joseph's integrity, David's repentance, and Daniel's steadfastness. Samson’s life, on the other hand, is unfortunately an example of what not to do.
Proverbs 16:18 sums it up perfectly: “Pride goes before destruction, and a haughty spirit before a fall.” Samson’s story teaches us about the need to stay humble and seek God’s help, making it an important lesson for all of us. Samara S.C
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Job: How Can I Argue with God?
1 Then Job answered:
2 “Truly, I know it is so,    but how can a man be righteous with God? 3 If one would dispute with Him,    he cannot answer Him once in a thousand times. 4 He is wise in heart and mighty in strength.    Who has hardened himself against Him and prospered? 5 He who removes mountains, and they know not,    who overturns them in His anger. 6 He who shakes the earth out of its place,    and its pillars tremble. 7 He who commands the sun, and it does not rise;    he seals off the stars. 8 He who alone spreads out the heavens,    and treads on the waves of the sea. 9 He who makes the Bear, Orion, and Pleiades,    and the constellations of the south. 10 He who does great things, beyond discovery,    yes, and wonders beyond number. 11 Yes, He would cross before me, and I would not see Him;    He would pass on by, but I would not perceive Him. 12 Yes, He takes away; who can hinder Him?    Who will say to Him, ‘What are You doing?’ 13 God will not withdraw His anger.    The proud helpers bow down beneath Him.
14 “How, then, can I myself answer Him,    and choose my words to reason with Him? 15 Even if I were righteous I could not answer;    I would plead to my Judge for favor. 16 If I called, and He answered me,    I would not believe that He had listened to my voice. 17 For He crushes me with a storm    and multiplies my wounds without cause. 18 He will not allow me to get my breath,    but fills me with bitterness. 19 If it is a matter of strength, indeed, He is strong;    and if of justice, who will set me a time to plead? 20 Though I were righteous, my own mouth would condemn me;    though I were perfect, it would prove me perverse.
21 “Though I were perfect,    I would not know myself;    I would despise my life. 22 It is all one thing; therefore I said,    ‘He destroys both the perfect and the wicked.’ 23 If the whip kills suddenly,    He will laugh at the trial of the innocent. 24 The earth is given into the hand of the wicked.    He covers the faces of its judges.    If it is not He, then who is it?
25 “Now my days are swifter than a runner;    they flee away; they see no good. 26 They pass by like reed skiffs,    like an eagle rushing upon its prey. 27 If I say, ‘I will forget my complaint;    I will leave off my sad face and brighten up,’ 28 I am afraid of all my sorrows;    I know that You will not hold me innocent. 29 If I am guilty,    why then do I labor in vain? 30 If I wash myself with snow water    and cleanse my hands with soap, 31 yet You will plunge me into the pit,    and my own clothes will abhor me.
32 “For He is not a man as I am, that I should answer Him,    and we should come together in judgment. 33 Nor is there a mediator between us,    who may lay his hand upon us both. 34 Let Him take His rod away from me,    and let not dread of Him terrify me. 35 Then I would speak and not fear Him,    but it is not so with me. — Job 9 | Modern English Version (MEV) The Holy Bible, Modern English Version. Copyright © 2014 by Military Bible Association. Published and distributed by Charisma House. Cross References: Genesis 1:1; Genesis 17:17; Deuteronomy 28:49; 1 Samuel 2:25; 2 Chronicles 13:12; 2 Chronicles 30:6; Ezra 9:15; Job 1:1; Job 3:25; Job 5:9; Job 7:11; Job 7:19; Job 8:5; Job 8:22; Job 10:1,2 and 3; Job 12:6; Job 13:22; Job 15:6; Job 16:12; Job 23:8; Job 26:6; Job 26:12; Job 37:9; Job 37:19; Psalm 37:33; Psalm 39:10; Psalm 75:3; Isaiah 13:10; Jeremiah 2:22; Nahum 3:6; Romans 9:19-20
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ao3feed-brucewayne · 25 days
Grim Peaks
by Cel715 The World was in an odd state. At least that’s what it seemed like to Damian. Everyone was happy and crime rate had dropped globally. The Justice League were happy with all that they did and could you really blame them? The Justice League and the newly formed Teen Titans were celebrating the great news. Damian, however, didn’t feel anything. Just a cold and empty feeling in his soul. The last few years had been rough for Damian. Sometimes he wondered how much longer he could keep going. Words: 810, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English Fandoms: Batman (Comics), Batman - All Media Types, DCU (Comics) Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Categories: F/M, Gen, F/F Characters: Damian Wayne, Maya Ducard, Flatline (DCU), Jonathan Samuel Kent, Elizabeth "Lizzie" Prince, Mara al Ghul, Bruce Wayne, Jason Todd, Dick Grayson, Tim Drake, Cassandra Cain, Duke Thomas, Stephanie Brown, Clark Kent, Diana (Wonder Woman), Justice League (DCU), Rose Wilson Relationships: Flatline/Damian Wayne, Jonathan Samuel Kent & Damian Wayne, Maya Ducard & Damian Wayne, Elizabeth "Lizzie" Prince & Jonathan Samuel Kent & Damian Wayne, Mara al Ghul & Damian Wayne, Selina Kyle/Bruce Wayne, Barbara Gordon/Dick Grayson, Jason Todd/Rose Wilson, Stephanie Brown/Tim Drake, Bruce Wayne & Damian Wayne, Pamela Isley/Harleen Quinzel Additional Tags: Angst, Sad Damian Wayne, Damian Wayne-centric, Damian Wayne Needs a Hug, Jonathan Samuel Kent & Damian Wayne are Best Friends, Neglected Damian Wayne, Lizzie & Jon & Damian are siblings via https://ift.tt/KZeqMJG
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