What gives you the right to judge me? What gives you the right to hurt me in any way shape or form? I'm not some stupid little girl who doesn't know right from wrong who'll let you say and do as you please. I am strong willed and I have nothing to lose anymore because you ruined it for me, because you ruined life for me. I no longer wish for dreams to come true. I only hope one day your daughter doesn't feel like this, feel like she no option left but to wish someone will see the truth and get her out of there before she decides to end it all. Like me.
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Consent is simple!
If you ask someone something and they say NO you DON'T ignore them and DO it anyway you LISTEN to them INSTEAD of HURTING them!!
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I can't do this anymore. I just want to sleep. I don't want to listen to the arguments. I'm done. Please, please don't wake me up. I don't want to wake up.
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Something doesn't feel right, I just can't put my finger on it. I need to sleep but I can't, don't want to. The nightmares, well the memories are more often than usual. I don't know what to do...
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Hopefully tomorrow will be less painful. Sick of feeling pain like this. The feeling of being scared incase it's worse than I thought, worse than I know it is. I just want to be okay. Truly. Honestly. Okay. Not just "fine"...
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Tired of being tired, sick of being sick, when will it end?
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Just feeling meh.
Would anyone notice if I was gone? even if it was only for a little while?
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I feel conflicted lately, do I forgive and let go or fight for something better. Even though it might not get any better? Even though you won't change your ways and still hard me. I don't wanna lose you but I can't let go of all your lies knowing what I know. You don't lie about children ever! I just want a bullshit free life and to be happy. FUCK! Why do I even care about someone like you?
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Sometimes we just fall...
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Don't know how to cope anymore. Why did things have to change?
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You too asshole.
You do the same thing. You know how I feel about you but you just keep coming back around like a tornado.
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Just hearing you voice fills me with so much joy and anxiety I wish you were in my arms always.
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Things seem to be going well at the moment not getting my hopes up something always destroys our happiness one way or another. While someone has bad news another has good just have to have faith that things will work out eventually even if it's not the way we expect
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What if everything we know, see and think is all really a hallucination.
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Some days I want to be around people family mostly other days I don’t want to get out of bed let alone speak to anyone I don’t know how to explain what’s going on in my head but I do know I need to tell someone anyone the thoughts that swirl around my head.
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Why I decided to start writing this.
I started writing this to help me put my thoughts down on paper (or screen technically) I guess I just need somewhere where I can rant and let everything out of my head instead of keeping it bottled up because really who has that ever helped no one not really anyway I guess what I'm trying to say is I really hope this helps in some way or anyway really. If anyone reads this thank you I think I don't really know anyway See ya later 👋
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