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justanothersecretfangirl · 6 years ago
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A/N: This is set in an AU where you stop aging when you turn 18 until you meet your soulmate so you can live out your lives together, which I am sure you’ve heard of. It’s set sometime in the future, but the exact time doesn’t really matter. I know AG Artists is in NY, and I know there are a couple of other things that aren’t exactly 100% accurate, but it’s an AU. Hope you enjoy!
Pairing: Shawn Mendes x Reader
Warnings: it’s very fluffy? All the fluff
Word Count: 5103 😯 (holy cheese nips. what?)
Y/N was perfectly fine being alone. When all her friends were out dating and going to clubs, she was studying at the most prestigious university in London. They found their soulmates and most of them are in their 70s or 80s by now. You hadn’t consciously tried to avoid finding your soulmate, but it just hadn’t happened, and you honestly didn’t mind. There was so much pressure to find your perfect match and you would much rather stay in and watch movies and eat popcorn than go out on dates. Besides, it seemed that all the good guys were taken.
You were currently sat on the couch, watching your guilty pleasure, Entertainment Tonight. Another celebrity was in rehab. A senator woke up 20 years into being married and realized she hadn’t aged a day, while her husband looks 20 years older. Another snobby pop star said something stupid. The usual. Towards the end of the broadcast, the reporter was standing in front of Island Records in downtown Hollywood.
“And our last story of the night, folks. Andrew Gertler is looking for a Head of Marketing Operations at his company, AG Artists. AG Artists is, most notably, the team that manages International Pop Sensation Shawn Mendes. Their former Head of Marketing, Justin Sterling, was let go following allegations of sexual misconduct last week. Gertler has stated they are looking for something pretty specific, but if you are looking for a job, head over to their website for more information. Back to you in the studio.” The screen flashed back to the studio, but you were thinking about what I would take to move to Hollywood.
Your entire life was in London, and had been for almost 100 years, but there wasn’t much left for you here. Your friends all had their own lives, and, if you were being honest with yourself, you hadn’t had friends in a long time. You bought your flat a few years ago, and you were the Marketing Director of a company headquartered here in London. But you lost passion for it a long time ago. You sighed, but opened your laptop to look for apartments in LA. They were expensive, but not any more so than your current flat in downtown London. You flipped over to the AG Artists website, and navigated to the careers page. The first one listed was for the Head of Marketing Operations, so you clicked on it. Reading through, it seemed like a fairly typical Ops level job, and the pay was a little increase from what you were making now.
You filled out the application, and attached your resume. You looked down at the clock and realized it was about midnight, so you decided to turn in. You closed your laptop and walked it over to your charger. You decided to make a cup of herbal tea before bed, then brought it with you to bed. You snuggled into your bed, sipping your tea as you read a couple chapters of your book. You fell asleep with your book on your chest.
The next morning, your alarm woke you from your dreams. You stretched comically, before walking over to the bathroom in your room. You took a quick shower before quickly drying and curling your hair. It was Friday, and you were so very excited that it was. Your walk to the office was quick, but it was mid January, so it was cold. You were bundled up, but still walked pretty quick to get back to the warmth.
Your work day went fine, but you were surprised when you received an international call about the time you were getting ready to leave.
“Is this Y/N Y/L/N?” the pleasant sounding woman asked on the other side of the line.
“It is,” you responded kindly.
“My name is Elizabeth Sanders. I am Andrew Gertler’s personal assistant. We received your resumes last night and would like to set up a video interview with you.” You were surprised by the quick turnaround, but with the time difference, you realized they had probably received your application before they left the office yesterday.
“That would be great. I would love to talk to Mr. Gertler about the position.”
“Great!” she said, “What time would work best for you? I know you’re located in London, and that is 9 hours ahead of us.”
“Any time Monday works great for me.”
“How does 10 AM our time work for you?” You calculated it would be 8 PM your time.
“That works great. I look forward to speaking with him on Monday.”
“Thank you so much for your time! I will send you over an email with some information, and the link for the video conference.” You smiled to yourself.
“Thank you so much for your time.”
“You’re so welcome,” she said before saying goodbye and hanging up.
You finished gathering up your belongings and said goodbye to your coworkers. You made the short walk back to your flat. The warmth and cozy feeling of your apartment was a welcome feeling.
Your weekend went by smoothly. You went to the grocery store and ran a few other errands. Soon, it was Monday and you were jittery all day. You ended up leaving work early, unable to focus on anything for long enough to get much done. You walked home and, knowing you were video chatting with Andrew later, stayed in your work clothes. You did pull on a King’s College hoodie while you were making and eating dinner.
Too soon, the time came when you were to log into the video call. You were rushing to get your computer hooked up and loaded onto the video conference page. You plugged your earphones into your computer at 7:58, just as Andrew logged in. You smiled when his face came into focus.
“Hi Y/N!” You smiled at him.
“Hello Mr. Gertler,” you waved awkwardly, immediately kicking yourself.
“Please, call me Andrew. I am pretty casual, and I don’t want this to be awkward. I just want to get to know you better.” You smiled at him.
“That sounds great.”
“So, tell me about yourself.” You hated this question, but you had come up with an answer a long time ago.
“Well, I was born and raised right here in and around London. Hence the accent,” you smiled and Andrew chuckled. “I did both my secondary and postsecondary studies at King’s College here in London and I have since gone back and did a few certifications after my Masters degree in visual communication and digital marketing. I am currently the Artistic Director for a London based marketing company, and I have worked in a variety of industries, including medical and legal. While I have really enjoyed learning and growing here in London, I’d really love to dig into an industry that I haven’t worked in, and in a country I have only visited. I bring a lot of experience, and a unique perspective of the foreign markets that I believe will be an asset to your team.” You finished your monologue and noticed Andrew was nodding.
“I do see you have all the qualifications we are looking for. You certainly have the  most experience of any of our applicants. And, as you know, we need to fill this position very quickly. I have only one additional question. Where do you see yourself in 5 years?” You immediately knew he was asking indirectly about the fact that you had not found your soulmate.
“Well, Andrew, I am no psychic, so I don't know for sure. But I hope to be working at a job I enjoy and that pushes and challenges me. I am always searching for more and that usually means advancing myself in some way, whether it is in my job, or in my education.” Andrew was grinning at you.
“When can you be here?” You smiled at him and grinned.
It all happened so fast after that. It didn’t take much to find a replacement at work, and you were so happy with the choice to promote from within. The young girl who replaced you had worked very hard since she was hired and you were happy she was getting her chance.
The only thing that didn’t happen was an apartment, but your flat in London sold much, much quicker than you anticipated. So you packed up your entire life, reserved a storage unit in LA and hopped on a plane.
Part of the benefits you had discussed with Andrew was a stipend to help with your moving expenses and you figured it would cover a few weeks in a hotel while you tried to find an apartment or condo. You got settled into your suite in an LA hotel the night before you were to report to the office. Jet lag was still very much a problem and you were dreading getting up in the morning but forced yourself to sleep.
You were up and ready long before you needed to be, and you were increasingly grateful for the availability in the hotel just a block from the office. The weather in LA was so different from the weather in London, and you just put on a cardigan before your walk.
You walked into the lobby of the building and were greeted by the receptionist. You smiled at her, explaining who you were.
“Oh! We are all so excited for you to be here. Follow me and I’ll take you up to Andrew’s office!” the chatty woman said then scurried down the hallway behind her desk to the elevator. She pushed the up arrow.
“How are you liking LA?” she asked. You smiled at her.
“I am loving the weather. I left 1 degree weather in London to come here to 15 degree weather.” She looked at you like you had grown a second head. You realized it must have been the difference between Celcius and Farenheit. “Oh, that’s Celsius. I keep forgetting I’m in America.” You giggle and she laughs out loud.
“That makes more sense! The weather here must be much different than the weather there though. Do you have snow?”
“Not too much,” you said as the door opened and dinged. “Usually just have freezing rain.” The receptionist shuddered.
“That sounds cold.”
“It definitely is.”
“I love your accent,” she said with a smile.
“Thank you,” you replied. “I rarely remember I sound different, but I have gotten so many comments on it.” You laugh. “I guess that’s what happens when you’ve always lived around people who sound just like you.” The door slid open and you followed the receptionist out into a large room with a few tables. People were sitting at them, clicking away on keyboards or listening to their computers through large headphones. You followed the woman through the room to an office with glass walls. She knocked quietly on the open door and a man you recognized as Andrew looked up. He smiled at you and popped out of his seat.
“Y/N! We are so excited you’re here!” He walked over to you and shook your hand. “Thank you so much for bringing her up here, Savannah.” The receptionist, Savannah, smiled and walked out of the office.
“So, how was your trip out here?” Andrew asked, motioning you to the chair near his desk.
“It was pretty crazy, but I’m here and that’s what is important,” you said with a smile.
“That’s great to hear,” Andrew said as his phone dinged. He glanced down at his phone. “So, we’re going to jump right in today. We have a meeting this morning. But before, let me show you to your office and I’ll let you get settled.” He stood up and looked back down at his desk quickly. “Oh! I almost forgot.” He opened one of the drawers in his desk. He pulled out a box with an iPhone and a box with an macbook. “These are yours. We have already loaded most everything you’ll need on each. Your work email and calendar are both synced onto there, as well as all the phone numbers you’ll need. Work with Savannah to get you a case you’ll like for each.” He handed them to you as you followed him out of his office. You followed him a couple doors down and to another glass walled office. He opened the door for you and let you walk in before him. Along one wall was a long desk with 2 computers and drawers. The other wall had an L shaped desk with the workspace facing out towards the common area. You walked over and sat your computer and phone down on the desk.
“It’s beautiful,” you said, smiling to Andrew.
“Thank Elizabeth for that. She designed your office. We like white and clean lines here. As we had discussed on the phone, we are definitely a teamwork agency. We thought you might like to have a space where your team can work with you if you need to. They each have desks out there,” he said pointing out to the shared space, “but we thought it might nice to have a space you can work together as well.”
“That is brilliant!” you said, your British showing through. He chuckled.
“Okay, take some time to get set up. We have a meeting in 20 minutes in the main conference room.” He pointed out toward a conference room the size of half of the floor. You nodded to him.
“We are really glad you’re here, Y/N,” he said before turning and walking out.
You looked around your beautiful office before sitting down behind your desk. You thought about where you might put some of your decorations and things from home, but they were currently buried in a storage unit downtown. You chuckled to yourself before opening your phone and computer. You figured you’d need to at least know how to log in and open some sort of note taking app for your meeting. You were able to get them open and looked up just as a woman approached the door.
“Hi! I’m Elizabeth,” the woman said walking toward you, shaking your hand. You smiled at her.
“Y/N,’ you said, and she laughed.
“I could have guessed that much,” she said and you laughed. “I just came to make sure you had everything you needed before the meeting. Everyone is very excited to meet you and hear your thoughts.” You smiled at her, and looked around the office.
“I could use a water bottle? Is there a vending machine or something I can buy one from real quick?” She chuckled at you, but walked around your desk. Below the desk on the farthest side was a small refrigerator, which she opened and handed you a water bottle. You laughed as you took it from her, thanking her.
“If you need anything else, let me know. I go to Costco once a week and I can pick up anything you need.” You smiled at her, nodding. She smiled back. “It’s time to head in there. Ready?” You nodded to her, grabbing your water bottle and laptop, deciding to leave your new phone on the desk, as you hadn’t gotten it turned on yet. You followed her out of your office, which you noticed already had your name etched on the door, and across the room to the conference room. Andrew joined up with you as you approached the door. He opened the door for you, letting you and Elizabeth in the room before he walked in himself. You glanced around the table, not recognizing anyone, but that wasn’t surprising.
Andrew gestured you to the table, letting you know you can take a seat anywhere. You sat down on the side facing outside, the beautiful wall of windows showing the gorgeous LA skyline. You opened your laptop, opening Word and putting the date at the top of the page. After a few minutes, Andrew smiled and stood up. He approached a man who had just walked in, hugging him and patting him on the back. You could only see a head of curls behind Andrew’s head, but as he turned around to the room you immediately recognized him. Shawn Mendes was standing in front of you, a goofy grin on his face. He sauntered over to a seat opposite you and sat down, still chatting with Andrew.
Andrew sat back down in his chair.
“Let’s get started here,” he said. “First order of business. I want everyone to meet Y/N Y/L/N. She is our new Head of Marketing Operations. You all know we have been anxiously awaiting her jump across the pond and we are so excited she’s finally here.” Andrew smiled at you, and you were really trying to keep your attention on him and not on the curly headed superstar across the table from you. “Go ahead and introduce yourself, Y/N.”
“Oh, I, uh, I’m from London,” you said with a chuckle and everyone in the room laughed, “I have been in marketing for quite a while and I look forward to helping out and moving forward. I already know I have a lot to bring to the table and I hope to be able to learn from all of you and add my own insights,” you said with a smile, glancing around the room, finally making eye contact with smooth brown ones across the table from yours. A blush spread across his face and you looked away shyly, hoping one was not on your own.
“Lets go around and say our name and our job around here.” Andrew said, smiling. “I’ll start. I’m Andrew. I sorta run the place.” The room erupts with laughter. Everyone around the room introduced who they were and soon it was Shawn’s turn.
“I’m Shawn. I’m just a rando they let in from off the street.” The room erupted into laughter again. You realized Andrew wasn’t kidding when he said they were a casual office. Laughing and everyone seemed to be in tshirts and jeans. You immediately felt overdressed.
“Anyone have any questions for Y/N before we start?” Andrew looked around the room. Shawn cleared his throat across the table from you.
“How did you find an apartment?” he asked. “I looked for almost a year before I found anything.” The room laughed again, and you smiled at him.
“I, uh, I didn’t. I’m staying that the hotel around the corner until I can find something. I do think I saw Keira Knightley this morning though!” Everyone was laughing again and you smiled, glancing down at the screen in front of you.
“Okay, now let’s dive in,” Andrew said and started talking about Shawn’s new album. You learned it was about 75% recorded and that they had begun planning our marketing strategy. Justin had left a document that you stumbled upon on the laptop that Elizabeth must have made sure you had. You told yourself that you needed to thank her for that later. You opened it up and scanned through it. You made a few notes and then it was your turn to discuss.
“I think we need to change our approach entirely.” The room went quiet, everyone, including Shawn, looking at you with wide eyes. You chuckled. “Now I have your attention, eh?” There were a few chuckles around the room. “Okay, let’s look at the numbers. SM3 did good in most markets. We know the marketing strategy was successful. But we are also looking at a demographic of specifically girls who are reaching 18 and we all know what happens then. We need to market to a demographic of women who are looking for something in life and those who haven’t found it yet. Like me,” you finish with a quiet voice. Looking around you see a couple people nodding. It is Andrew that speaks up first.
“You know what, you’re right. Shawn is growing up and his music is growing up, so why shouldn’t our marketing strategy grow up?” The rest of the meeting went well, everyone leaving on board with your plan to mature the marketing.
“At the end of the day, they may look 18, but we don’t know how old they really are,” you had said and that seemed to strike a chord.
The next few days flew by with meetings and you were more busy than you had ever been. But you loved it. Shawn was in office almost every day, as they were really trying to nail down this plan. He spent quite a bit of time in your office, with your team working away at the table along the side wall.
As you were walking back to your office during your second week with AG Artists, a tall floppy haired boy ran up beside you. You glanced up at him with a smile.
“What can I do for you, Shawn?” you asked as you opened the door to your office. You went in and sat your laptop on your desk by your iPhone. You looked over at him, who had settled into the chair across the desk from you. You wanted to laugh at how comically large he seemed, but kept it in.
“It’s more like what I can do for you,” he said, his hands in front of him akin to the Godfather. You laughed this time.
“And what can you do for me, Mr. Mendes?” you asked, sitting down in your own chair.
“Well, I just so happen to have an extra room in my condo. And I simply cannot let a damsel in distress live in a hotel. It’s not feasible long term.” He looked at you sincerely, but you felt uneasy.
“Well, what is in it for you?” you asked, knowing there had to be a catch.
“I’ve been looking for a roommate. I am gone for long periods of time while I’m touring, and I would rather someone was coming and going than it to just sit there empty.” It did seem like a sound reason for needing a roommate.
“I would have to pay rent,” you said quietly, more to yourself than anything.
“You know it’s already paid for, Y/N…” he trailed off.
“So? I’d be living in your house. You get rent.”
“You can pay for the internet or something. Groceries.” You looked at him inquisitively. It was getting tiring living in a hotel, not having any of your things. Plus, it was expensive.
“Fine,” you said.
“Fine?” he responded. “Is that a yes?”
“I’m paying you something, Shawn. And I’ll be in charge of groceries.” Shawn jumped up and ran to give you a hug. You giggle but hugged the huge child back.
“I’ll send a car by tonight after work. We’ll go get your stuff and you can be sleeping in your own bed this evening.” You laugh at his enthusiasm, but that did sound really nice. You nodded to him and laughed when he waved and jogged out of the room, shouting behind him that he was late for a meeting with Andrew. You laughed as he tripped over nothing and almost fell on his face. You sat back down at your desk, shooting a text to Andrew asking if you could leave a bit early that afternoon. You had gotten much of your to do list done and wanted to pack up all your stuff at the hotel before Shawn helped you move into his house. He responded that that would be fine and to have fun moving that evening. Shawn must have already told him.
The next few days were a whirlwind of working and moving and you were finally moved into the condo Shawn owned in LA. He explained that once Andrew and AG Artists moved to Hollywood, he decided it would be a good idea to get a condo here. He still owned his condo in Toronto and made you promise you’d let him show you around Toronto sometime.
The domestic life was easy when Shawn was around. You’d gotten used to working around each other in the kitchen making dinner. You had your own spots on the couch and Shawn had finally figured out which tea you enjoyed in the morning and which was your night time tea. Neither of you mentioned the multiple times you had fallen asleep on the couch and woken up with your head on his lap or vice versa, and you tried to always have breakfast done for him before he left for recording, knowing the boy wouldn’t eat if you didn’t feed him.
A few months after you moved in, you were standing in the bathroom looking in the mirror. You had felt under the weather the past few days, so decided that the dark circles under your eyes and wrinkles in your forehead were from lack of sleep. You toyed with the idea of calling in sick that day, but you were getting closer to Shawn’s album being ready and it was important you nailed down a few things. You pulled on a sweatshirt that you realized was Shawn’s, but didn’t care. Your jeans were just loose enough to be super comfortable and your boots were lined with fur and were arguably the most comfortable thing you had ever put on your feet.
You walked downstairs to the kitchen to see a cup of tea on the counter. It was still steaming, so you knew Shawn was around somewhere. You sat down on the stool and took a sip of your tea, letting the warmth travel down your throat and warm you up from the inside out. You almost spit out your mouth full of tea when you heard a scream come from upstairs. You took off running up the stairs two at a time, pushing Shawn’s door open, looking around frantically. When you didn’t see anyone in the room, you ran into the bathroom, praying in the back of your mind that he was dressed, though it wouldn’t be the first time you had accidentally walked in on him.
He was standing in front of the mirror, fully dressed, to your intense relief, and his eyes were wide.
“I have a grey hair! A grey hair, Y/N!” He turned to you, his eyes wide, a single hair between his fingers. You stared at him dumbfounded. You slowly walked over to him, before punching him very hard in the upper arm. You yelped in pain, sure that had hurt you more than it hurt him. You cradled your hand.
“What was that for?” Shawn bellowed, rubbing his arm with his opposite hand.
“I thought someone was in our house, Shawn! You can’t just scream bloody freaking murder because you found a grey hair! That’s not cool!” you screamed back at him. He was still rubbing his arm, but his face softened.
“I’m sorry, Y/N/N,” he said, slowly approaching before wrapping you in a hug. You snuggled into his chest for a moment before crying. “Hey, Y/N/N,” Shawn said softly, “what’s the matter?”
“I am wrinkly!” you bellowed into his chest, and you could hear him stifle a laugh. You lightly smacked his chest before giggling yourself. “It’s so stupid, I know. But I’ve been 18 for so long, why am I wrinkly?” you said through dramatic sobs. Suddenly, a thought occurred to you. “Why am I aging?” you whispered. You tears stopped all at once. You looked up at Shawn with wide eyes. “Why am I aging?” you repeated. He slowly reached up to his head, then his eyes went as wide as yours. You jumped when he started laughing.
“We’re aging, Y/N,” he said through belly laughs. You stared at him, before it dawned on you. You were aging together. “We’re aging!” he yelled out, his voice echoing through the bathroom.
“We’re aging!” you scream out, laughs racking through your own body now. He wrapped you in an enthusiastic hug. After a few minutes, you both calmed down.
“We’re aging, Y/N,” Shawn whispered, his lips against your hair.
“We’re aging, Shawn,” you mumbled into his chest. You were quietly crying again, your tears making the front of his shirt wet. He pulled you away from him, looking into your eyes.
“I love you, Y/N. I have for a long time. I love you, and we are going to grow old together.” His voice was soft and sincere.
“I love you too, Shawn. I love you,” you said just as quietly. Shawn looked from your eyes to your lips, before slowly leaning forward, pressing his lips against your own softly. You pulled away, looking up at him.
“I love you,” he said softly, pulling you back into him, kissing your hair softly.
“I am going to be late to work,” you mumble into his chest.
“Marry me,” he says softly. You pull away from him and look at him.
“Are you sure?” you ask softly.
“Of course I’m sure, Y/N! If you weren’t my soulmate, I was going to ask anyways and we were going to reign supreme immortals forever!” You laughed through the tears that had started falling down your face.
“Yes, Shawn,” you said with a smile.
“Yes?” he questioned.
“Yes!” you repeated. “Yes, of course, Shawn. Yes a million times Shawn!” He laughed out loud, wrapped you in a hug and spun you around before setting you back down. You smiled at him before standing on your tiptoes to kiss him. He immediately melted into the kiss and wrapped his arms around your waist. You pulled away, a smile on your face.
“Lets go to work?” you asked.
“In my sweatshirt?” he questioned, a smirk on his face. You looked down at the hoodie. You looked back up at him and just nodded, a grin on your face. “Good,” he said. “Now everyone will know you’re mine.” You laugh.
“I’ve been yours for a long time, Shawn,” you said softly, pressing another soft kiss to his lips.
Forever tag list: @embracehappy @atlas-of-a-human-soul @t-i-n-y-d-i-n-o @super-fire-breathing-girl @yourvoiceislikearose
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esoltis280 · 6 years ago
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Another great print! It matches my shower curtain perfectly!! 😍😍
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lonelyreputation · 4 years ago
Do you have any good fluff recs? I’m in need of some Shawn fluff!!
Ah yes!! I’m more of an angst reader myself, BUT I do know some fluff!!
Literally all of @fallinallincurls & @5-seconds-of-mendes‘s master lists!!! You will never go wrong with them––They’re my go to when I need some fluff to balance out my angst slkdjslf
@wordsandshawn‘s masterlist is a TREASURE chest and you’ll def find some good fluff in there
I Can’t Help Falling In Love With You by @justanothershawngirl is a fic that I probably read twice every month bc it’s soooo fluffy sldjfslf
3 am Cuddles by @fallinfortom is pure 🥺🥺 You can’t get any better than sleepy Shawn 
You can also search #rec on my blog and you’ll find things that I’ve read!!! Those are ones off the top of my head!! Happy reading!! 🥰
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atlas-of-a-human-soul · 6 years ago
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Imagine being Shawn’s lucky charm
The week before a match Shawn is always nervous and on edge, spending more time in the gym with his coach than you in those last days. He’s completely immersed in only punching that bag, every second of every minute of every day. 
Until the day before his match.
That day, he’s only focused on you. He’s clingy and cuddly, wrapping his arms around you and pulling you in just to feel you close. 
That night, he’d fall asleep with his head on your chest as your fingers twirl every curl on his beautiful head and run your fingertips over his scalp until his soft snores fill the room. While he sleeps and gets the rest needed, you’re up and worried for tomorrow.
It’s not that you doubt his skill, because you don’t, it’s that you’re afraid of him getting hurt. Completely aware how contradictory that is, you still can’t make yourself give him up. He might be a fighter in the ring, but he sure is a lover out of it. 
Minutes before the match, you’re the one wrapping his knuckles per Shawn’s request. 
You take his hand in yours, slowly and carefully kissing each knuckle before wrapping them and giving them a little tap. Taking the other one, you do the same thing, kissing them both once more for good measure once they’re done. It’s your little routine, something you just always do and it comes easily, so naturally when Shawn’s involved. It always has.
“Why do you always ask me to do this for you? You’ve got a team for these things, handsome.” You’d say sweetly, dragging the palms of your hands over his thighs, up and down, to ease his nerves. 
“You don’t like it?” He raises an eyebrow, almost hurt with the question. But when you turn to him with a wide smile and a slight shake of your head, he relaxes.
“I’m not complaining Mendes, just wondering. You’ve been asking me to do it since our first date.” You remind him, cocking your head to the side.
Shaws purses his lips, looking away briefly in thought before training his eyes back on you again. He raises his right hand to your face and traces your jaw with his index finger.
“It’s because you’re my lucky charm. It’s my ritual. Plus, I want your face to be the last thing I see before I go out there and face him. I want your voice to be the last thing I hear before I am faced with a screaming crowd. I need to memorize is, even though I know each and every pore on it by now. I need it to help me win.” He says in the softest tone ever, melting your heart like ice cream on a hot Sunday afternoon. With the way he’s talking so lovingly and looking at you with admiration and care, you’d never guess he’s minutes away from fighting for a championship belt.
“Time to go, Mendes!” Andrew calls him and you crack a smile, quickly pecking his lips. However, Shawn had something else in mind. He pulls you in, pressing his lips against yours passionately, biting your bottom lip gingerly. Reveneous and gentle as he always is.
“You’ll be there, right?” He whispers against your lips and you brush your nose against his.
“I’m always in your corner.”
Part 2
Tags: @xalayx @accalialionheart @ourlittleshawnie @esoltis280 @fallinginlove-16 @justanothershawngirl
GIF credit: @fallininyou
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softboywriting · 6 years ago
Shout out to these amazing people:
Thank you so much for reblogging my recent blurb All I Want For Christmas!
@bellyacheshawn @aubreylovesthegames @causeshesinlovewithme @someoneunimportantxx @all-love-l @disneyprincemendes @cmaerson @lunashadow6955 @lovemesomeshawnyboy @im-that-kind-of-girl @xoxosforsh @ersoltys @eliisagil @lenartx @justanotherfangirl2015 @princessbitchysworld @hopelessshawn @giraffeofaperson @delicateshawn @issamessofkids @taylorcecilia @rose-nicole24 @shawn-youth @a-die-hard-fangirl @siya1singh234 @cintahoran @sweetheathens @lenartx (again) @whenyourereadyshawn @hufflepuffshawn @lostinyourstories @shawnsmercy @tatyanah16 @personalmuyverypersonal @skylar-mendes @outerspace1991 @shawn-honey @idkwhuiam @shameless-ho @cmaricarmen99 @lifeofthedarty @muffins-cookiesm @vdorka13 @mustget-out @gh0stmalone (yo im dying this url A+) @muffin-saucex @rockinmendes @marlenenewton14 @scandinavian-girl @casuallycoolcloud @igobyelle @justanothershawngirl @planstonightbaby @shawnsweetheart @stumbledinthedark @brittanyzelazno @thisisadreamright @imfreefallinall @maria-diver12
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embracehappy · 6 years ago
I was tagged by @unwrittendestiny and @mndes to post my lock screen, home screen, last song I listened to, and a recent selfie
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Selfie is literally me crying during intermission at Wicked... I tag: @justanothershawngirl @atlas-of-a-human-soul @fourtristattoos @someoneunimportantxx and literally anyone else who wants to
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i-see-you-mendes · 6 years ago
To the People Behind the Blogs Part II
As the first day of 2019 comes to a close, it seems absolutely insane to look back at what I’ve accomplished, what I’ve rid myself of, what I have moved forward from, and all I have helped to grow. At this point last year I had been using Tumblr for less than 2 months, and now I can say It’s been over a year and I completely forget my anniversary in the midst of trying to achieve my dreams and remembering to try again everyday to love myself. I don’t think any of you, all of you actually, will understand the hand you have played in my journey. I know that this is the internet, that there is a real life out there, (and I am so very blessed with mine) but sometimes {more often than you’d think} it is the smallest things that shape us 
@pinkanddepressed when I type an @ symbol your blog name pops up first. I think that’s pretty representative of real life. Of how you always, without fail, catch me right before I hit the ground hard. Of how you never let me forget that I am loved for no other reason besides the fact that I am this crazy mess of a person, and that if people are good enough, if they are right for you, they will see that. You still make me feel beautiful every single day. I can never tell you how unreasonably much I love you, and I will never be able to thank you the way I want, but look out- because one day our timing will be right, and from then who knows 
@captainharoldsstyles I do not like peas. They are on a list of very short foods I will not eat, and yet you are the other pea in my very small pod. You see my messy, my terrible awful messy, and my happy, my goofy silly, annoying side. You have been my rock more than you will ever know. I don’t think you understand the strength you lend to those around you, some days I wonder if you’ll ever know. I promise I will never stop reminding you of your strength, and your real-life beauty, and how I will be here if all else fails, I will be here. Thank you, for always loving me, and for staying
@brittanyzelazno to the person who understands me on another level, one that transcended likes and dislikes and wearing socks to bed, and straight to the core, I am so glad we found each other. I am so glad I have found a bit of magic that gets to exist for me even on the gloomiest of days. I love every single cat picture you send me, every book spine love letter, every picture perfect we’ll get there some day. I am eternally grateful for having someone who knows what the getting from here to there is like, and who still feels like hope. 2019 will be a new bloom for us, here’s hoping for a kitten.
@siennarossi my beautiful, beautiful Nics. The person who makes me want to reach out and pick up life and cradle it, and remind myself that I am not finished yet, that there is still softness left, that even the most wonderful people don’t even have it all figured out (there’s no fun in that anyway). The person who reminds me forgiveness is a powerful weapon, use it on yourself. That love may not be just around the corner, but maybe it’s around the corner and down the stairs, and out the door, and three blocks down and you just have to get to it. Who also reminds me that there is no shame in never making it around the corner on some days. Thank you for being a guiding light.
@shawnmend-yes a little ray of sunshine, I’m sorry that if on most occasions I keep you folded in my back pocket just for myself. I do not think you understand the extent to which my heart has grown accustom to yours. Pretty words don’t sum it up, this isn’t poetry this is me reminding you that i would swallow the oceans between us just to look at the way your fairy lights were reflecting perfectly on your wall and you just needed to show someone. I would swim for days to bake a tart, and take a walk with a very good boy, and plot my first real revenge plan on a brother who is too grumpy all the time. I cannot write you a story, or an epic, or a prose, ours is already writing itself and it is the most beautiful thing to stand back and watch 
@englishmuffins74 you make me so happy. You make me feel things that are sometimes hard to remember to feel on my own. You make me laugh. You make me feel like there is a little piece of home out there, thousands of miles away. You believe in me, and I think that is the most important gift you can ever give to someone. For that, and for everything you do for me every single day without even knowing I love you, and I thank you.  Kocham cię. 
@softboyshawn for quite literally being a safe haven for me. For letting me find in you, comfort and warmth, and a place where I am loved and accepted and never questioned. For letting me grow and alter and change in front of you, and for always pulling me back to my roots. For sharing your dreams, and listening to mine. For offering an escape from everything that hurts me and showing me instead everything that loves me, that cherishes me, that is rooting for me tucked away in some cozy cabin that’s not so far from reality after all. You are incredible thank you for allowing me to find shelter in you 
To @smallerinfinities, and @mendeshoney who always offer up some love. Who show me what it’s like to create something from your fingertips and heal, to mend people, to kindle hope in the form of words that reach you when nothing else can. Thank you incredibly much for supporting me, and for being people who I trust and value, and aspire to be, for letting me use your words to remind myself about love and life and all the wonderful mess that has to happen in between, Thank you for always making me feel like this girl has the power to write her own story- one with an ending she chose. I love you both.
To @justanothershawngirl, @someoneunimportantxx, @mendesftoakley, @sweetheathens and @theclairebitchproject for every time that I felt alone reminding me that I wasn’t. For being there, which sometimes is the hardest and yet the most important. For listening, and caring, and helping me smile and reminding me of the pure good that can come from within a human soul. You mean so much to me. 
I know there are about 6 more blogs I should mention by name, but for tonight you’ll have to excuse me because I have snot running down my face and my keyboard is drowning. I am crying, but I am happy. And I love you all, always. Now I'm going to bed
💕 💕 B 
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im-fairly-whitty · 6 years ago
You're probably tired of these but I am hecking curious! How does Putri (my real name) taste like? How about Penco (I am so sorry for asking twice ; w ;)? Thanks in advance!
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Putri: The texture of an overripe peach, but the flavor is actually really understated, almost non-existent peach flavor
Penco: Animal crackers and the taste of chewing on the end of a cheap bic ballpoint pen, the kind that has a clear end.
Elixa Neumann: Elixa is melting strawberry jello, specifically the texture of pouring out the nearly-liquid-nearly-solid food. Neumann is salted peanuts and the smell taste of a paper concessions tray like you’d find at a baseball stadium. 
Simon Rasmssen: Simon tastes like a leaf. Like, I don’t think it’s even spinach or any kind of leaf you’re supposed to eat, it’s just literally if you grabbed a leaf off a tree and stuck it on your tongue without chewing. Wisps of peppermint smell flavor in the background, but not from the leaf itself. Rasmussen tastes like a thick airy raspberry filling that’s slightly chilled, like you might find in a macaron, but also with some kind of green leafy taste in it. 
Hannah Madar: Saltine crackers and fresh lettuce for Hannah, Madar tastes like biting into a red apple with some kind of rich stew broth too.
Justanothershawngirl: That’s called chromesthesia, when music brings up colors and images in your mind’s eye, it seems really cool! I haven’t personally seen her blog before now, but after glancing at it I’ve now seen more Shawn Mendez fanfiction than I’ve ever imagined existed in my life. x) 
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pearsonstickseason · 7 years ago
Handwrittenmendess’ Writing Challenge
So, in honor of my one year anniversary on tumblr I’m gonna be doing a writing challenge! The rules are below if you want to participate!
Shawn Mendes
New Hope Club
Chris Evans (or Steve Rogers)
Sebastian Stan (or Bucky Barnes)
Tom Holland (or Peter Parker)
smut is allowed
fluff is allowed
angst is allowed
it can be up to two parts as long as you specify in a lil note at the top because I want to be able to read everything that is written and if you guys write to many parts it’ll be a lil hard
if you write more than one part please try to have the second part up by the deadline as well
please make sure your writing is a reasonable length
Up to 2 people can use a prompt, after two people have asked to use it, I would put a strikethrough on it
If a prompt has a strikethrough, don’t ask to use it because it has been taken
tag me in your writing and use the #handwrittenmendessoneyearWC
Deadline is July 31st
Send me an ask with the prompt you want and who you will be writing for!
1. “You want me to pretend to be in a relationship with you?” (1/2) @shawnmendesstorycollection w/Shawn Mendes
2. “I need you to pretend to be engaged to me.” (1/2) @rainbow-marvel w/tom holland
3. “I fell in love with you.” (0/2)
4. “Let’s get a dog/cat.” (0/2)
5. “I don’t want you around me right now.” (0/2)
6. “Why are you always horny? I have things I have to do too.” (1/2) @shawnsassymendes w/ shawn mendes
7. “I am not going to throw everything away for someone I’m not even sure loves me!” (0/2)
8. “Could you not stand so close to me?” (0/2)
9. “You don’t deserve this.” (1/2) @justanothershawngirl w/ shawn mendes
10. “But it’s storming.” (0/2)
11. “Please just go to bed.” (0/2)
12. “That doesn’t work on me.” (0/2)
13. “I’m not your babysitter, do it yourself.” (0/2)
14. “You are impossible to love.” (0/2)
15. “Dance with me?” (1/2) @everimaginethat w/blake richardson
16. “That’s the stupidest idea I have ever heard.” (0/2)
17. “Please put your penis away.” (0/2)
18. “I can’t believe I’m saying this but, you were right.” (1/2) @shawnsassymendes w/shawn mendes
19. “That’s a lie and you know it.” (1/2) @fawn-mendes w/shawn mendes
20. “I don’t want to live without you.” (0/2)
21. “Just for one night.” (0/2)
22. “I’m not in the mood for a fight.” (0/2)
23. “Sorry can’t fix this.” (0/2)
24. “You’re my best friend.” (0/2)
25. “Look what you’ve done.” (0/2)
26. “Are you gonna help me clean up?” (0/2)
27. “Are you still mad at me?” (0/2)
28. “Baby, I’m sorry.” (0/2)
29. “Not now. Not ever.” (0/2)
30. “Can I go with you?” (0/2)
31. “I’ve got you now.” (1/2) @sowhatshawn w/Shawn Mendes
32. “What happened to us.” (0/2)
33. “You have really soft skin.” (0/2)
34. “Sorry I got lost in your eyes.” (1/2) @shawnsassymendes w/ shawn mendes
35. “I’m tired of this.” (0/2)
36. “This is my future too!” (1/2) @everimaginethat w/sebastian stan
37. “I love you. I’m in love with you.” (0/2)
38. “I can’t be just friends.” (0/2)
39. “I’m all yours.” (0/2)
40. “I can’t let you go. Not again.” (0/2)
41. “I’m leaving.” (0/2)
42. “You know nothing about me. And care even less.” (0/2)
43. “That pain will never go away.” (0/2)
44. “What the hell was that!?” (0/2)
45. “What is your problem?” (0/2)
46. “Get away from me.” (0/2)
47. “Can you hold me?” (0/2)
48. “I’m tired of running.” (0/2)
49. “Uh, no. I don’t do that.” (0/2)
50. “Will you sing to me, baby? I love how your voice sounds.” (1/2) @shawnsassymendes w/shawn mendes
Have fun and you can message me if you have any questions!
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yourvoiceislikearose · 7 years ago
who are ur fave writers? and what do u recommend from them?
Hello nonnie! I’d love to help, but I’m not too sure what kind of fics you’re looking for. I don’t know if you’ve followed me long enough (or if you’re following at all) but I went from a strictly supernatural blog, to mutli-fandom. So there's Supernatural, Shawn mendes, Charlie puth, Dylan o’ brien, and even some Peter parker on here lol. (It’s usually Shawn or Dean though)
Nonetheless, I’ll try to list some of my faves under the cut, please just don’t be bothered if it’s not all Shawn, or Dean :)
So... for Supernatural my current obsessions are:
With Wolves by my dear friend Amber (@bamby0304) It’s an A/B/O series that takes place in a prison, it’s amazing so far, definitely worth the read! TRUST ME (be sure to check out Every Inch, it’s a beautiful Sam x reader!)
Flashes by @our-jensen-ackles-love, It’s a playboy!Jensen x reader, and it’s pretty freakin’ awesome! I actually need to catch up on a few chapters if I’m being honest *hides in a corner*
Under the moonlight by @waywardbaby, it’s a Dean x reader, one-shot. I loved it, the way she described the scenery and the reader and just everything *sigh* It’s fluffy, it’s smutty, it’s amazing.
Stories to awaken terror by @katymacsupernatural, I’ve been reading this series since she started it! It’s creepy, and action packed. I love it!
Which direction? by @wheresthekillswitch, it’s a smutty one-shot that I literally went on a fic hunt for because I wanted to read it again months after I first read it.
Finding home by @willowing-love, it is an ALL TIME favorite of mine, something I’ll never forget reading (despite that being around a year ago) It’s a castiel x reader, with one hell of a plot twist. I’m having trouble with my internet right now, and I cant get the link, but please just use the search bar on her page and these tags should take you to the fic: #finding home #team au cas #team cas
There are so many more fic’s I’d like to share for SPN but, I’ll leave it at that unless you come back for more ;)
For the sake of time, I’m just gonna be general here...
Other fandoms (shawn & charlie):
This title-less blurb  by @begginyouformendes is about the reader being adorably short, it’s a must read if you’re short and love Shawn!
Haunted by @justanothershawngirl, it’s seriously angsty and I cried. *still crying*
Pillow fight by @lostinshawnslight is literally the fluffiest thing, and its so fluffy, I cried. Don’t judge me okay? Just read it, you wont regret it :)
The roommates by @infiniteshawn, it’s and AMAZING series so far, we gots the fluff, we gots the smut, but we also gots the angst, I love it! (the link will take you to part 1, use her master-list for the rest)
Paying with love by @charliesclout, it’s a Charlie puth fanfic, and I absolutely adore it. It really deserves more recognition, its amazing.
Now, there are so many more fics, and authors I LOVE, but, this alone has taken almost an hour... so I’ll just stop here! Hope you enjoy em! If you want more just ask :)
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esoltis280 · 6 years ago
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Thanks @crabbyabby83 for tagging me in the stop l drop and selfie! This is from my vacation a few weeks ago. 😊
I’m tagging; @fallininyou @shawnitsmutual @mendes-musings @shavvnmendcs @justbeingoceana @justanothershawngirl and anyone who wants to do it!
(You totally don’t have to do it if you don’t want to)
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lonelyreputation · 5 years ago
do you know of any shawn wedding fics? reading what you wrote early really makes me want to read more stuff like that. thank you - xx
I HAVE BEEN SCOURING TUMBLR FOR WEDDING FICS!!! So if you have a wedding fic or know of a wedding fic…drop the receipts 👀 BUT there have been a few that I’ve read that kind of remind me of what I posted earlier!! 
Cherry Farm by @5-seconds-of-mendes made me CRY. It’s a cute fluffy piece about Shawn proposing to y/n and it’s just *chefs kiss*
I Can’t Help Falling In Love With You by @justanothershawngirl is something that I’ve read a million times over and not just bc I’ve wanted the same song to be my first dance song since I was like 7 but the detail that’s written is perfection and I felt as if I was literally there and it’s so cute and had me 🥺🥺🥺
Those are like the only two wedding fics that I’ve read! My “to read” list is quite large so if one comes up from that I will totally reblog and add it! But in the meantime!! Anyone!! Drop the receipts to the wedding fics!! 
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atlas-of-a-human-soul · 6 years ago
Young Wolf, pt. 10/The Finale
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Summary: An end to an unlikely love story.
Warnings: mentions of sex
Word count: ~ 1800
Young Wolf (Twilight AU) - Series Masterlist
Slowly opening her eyes, Y/N blinked a couple of times to adjust to the high definition sight she now possessed. The last thing she remembers is being the absolute badass she knew she could be, protecting her wolf and family from harm. She felt the blinding pain drain her of all her strength, the very strength she never knew she'd be running out ever again after transforming into one of the cold ones.
The blinding pain that took over her at that point was worse and incomparable to the pain she experienced in the days it took her to complete her transition. There was no doubt in her mind that would be her end and Shawn's plush, parted lips would be the last thing she'd see.
And she was fine with that.
She made her peace with the possibility and in a way, she let go. Despite all the fight in her, she let herself slip away.
„Hey there, gorgeous.“ A tiny gasp passes her lips as she refocuses her gaze to her left, seeing her wolf standing in the doorway with a rose as red as blood in his right hand. Her gaze lingers on his form as he moves closer with a soft look in his incredibly beautiful brown eyes.
She never knew brown would be her favorite color because she always associated brown with dirt and poop, but since she met Shawn the color had a different meaning.
Brown meant love. Brown meant safety. Brown meant warmth and understanding. Brown represented her dreams come true. Brown now stands for home.
Shawn sat beside her, dipping the mattress with his weight, coincidentally bringing her closer to him. He moved the rose from his right to his left hand, using the now free hand as a means of connection. His right palm found its rightful place on her left cheek, thumb grazing her pretty red lips Shawn desired to kiss. He took a moment to truly take her in, to feel the coldness of her skin against his and looked into her eyes.
The day he met Y/N, she bore eyes that had pools of blood instead of regular color which terrified and disgusted him at first. Soon after, he found himself to be hooked to the color, deciding it wasn't even close to blood, but the color of roses – the color of love.
He pressed the rose in her open palm, not breaking eye contact as he now saw those rose colored eyes have faded even more in comparison to the last time he was gifted a chance to look deeply into them.
„You had me worried. Carlisle said you overexerted yourself and you used you life force to draw energy. It was impressive, but please don’t ever do that again. Okay? My heart can’t take it.“ His gentle tone caresses her just as his hand does, their eyes unmoving and focused only on each other.
Shawn found the new color astonishing as well. An amber circled around her sunset orange eyes, noticing them dim with worry once he spoke of his pain and near loss of the love he never thought he would be granted.
„I couldn't let them harm you. Any of you.“ Y/N's lips trembled, remaining parted as if she had more to say but couldn't find the right words.
„I know.“ Shawn jumps in, reassuring her. He could feel her doubts, unable to identify what they might be. But he knew she needed him to be there and he wouldn't want to be anywhere else in the world.
„But I'm okay. They all are. And now, despite the fact that you're a vampire and I a werewolf and we're meant to be natural enemies, I love you. As long as I keep shifting every day, I won't age and I can spend forever with you.“ A hopeful smile lights up his face, but Y/N's falls. The crestfallen look on her face daunts him, yet he keeps his mouth shut and waits for her to speak first.
„And if...If I asked you to leave and never look back, would you?“ Her gaze fell to the rose in her hand, breaking eye contact for the first time since their conversation began. It stood witness to the agony she found herself trapped in as the suggestion she made in her head had been revealed to Shawn.
„Only if you rejected me...I'd do as you asked me to, but I hope to God you never do. The moment I felt your pain before your eyes closed has been the most terrifying moment in my life. I knew then that the pain I felt was only a glimmer of what I'd be forced to live with if I lost you.“ Shawn brought his left hand to her right cheek, entirely cupping her face and tilting it up slightly so he can look into the dancing flames her eyes have been taken over by.
„I, Shawn Peter Raul Mendes love you with every fiber of my being and I can't imagine my life without you.“ Shawn's heart's raw truth spoke to her on every level, dimension in this plane of existence, but it didn't lessen her fear.
„Shawn, I am a target. With or without Cullens, I will always be on their radar. We'll never stop looking over our shoulder and that danger...I don't ever want to be the cause for any harm they might impose on you. It's something I could never live with. If they killed you, I'd be dead too.“ Y/N's eyes filled with venomous tears she couldn't shed, her sobs being the only telltale of her pain.
„To kill us both, there would only have to be one bullet.“ Shawn tries to quote a book he once read in high school, realizing he only just started to understand the words written on those pages he thought were absolute rubbish. He figured people would move on and live after their loved one was gone, not knowing what fate had in store for him. And knowing all of that, he still wouldn't change a single thing for all of that brought him here, where he holds the most beautiful woman in the world in his hands and all he can think about is how grateful he is.
„Whatever happens, it's you and me against the world. Don't worry about what may or may not happen, just live in this moment with me.“ Shawn rests his forehead on hers, releasing a shaky breath on contact.
„I don't think I'll ever get used to this. Us. You.“ She paused between each word, giving them a slight emphasis and Shawn couldn't agree more. He'd never get used to the feeling of electricity that runs through his veins to his very heart and mind every time she looks at him. He'd never get used to the feeling of his heart growing two sizes too big for his chest whenever she laughs at something he said.
How could he? He's living a dream. Not too long ago she was nothing but a distant echo of his lonely heart, a lost wolf's wish he never expected to come true. She brought the colors back to life and in that way, she brought him back to life.
He wasn't a young wolf anymore. He had become a wolf in love.
„Uh!“ A disgusted noise startled Shawn into jumping, nearly bumping his head into Y/N's which wouldn't hurt her, but it would sure as hell hurt him.
„No PDA if the wolf stays!“ Rosalie demanded, getting an amused chuckle in return as Y/N shook her head lightly.
„When I stop hearing crazy vampire sex noises from your bedroom, I'll tone the PDA down.“ Y/N sassed back, quickly pulling Shawn into her and pressing her lips to his soft ones which forced Rosalie to leave. The sudden kiss earned her a low growl, making her laugh at her wolf.
„I love you so damn much, Y/N. Even when you're laughing at me, I love you.“ He whispers against her lips, giving into the intoxicating taste of her lips.
„Not as much as I love you.“ She pecked his lips again before standing up and pulling his whiny ass up.
„But I wanted to make out.“ Shawn complains, leaning in again, kissing her forehead. He remained standing close, his breath fanning her face as she bats her eyelashes at him.
„We have the rest of forever to do that. I want to meet your pack now.“ She states, standing on her tiptoes to peck his lips once more.
Shawn's eyes widen, anxiety creeping in.
„You, a vampire, want to meet a pack of wolves?“ He draws out the word slowly, shocked with her request.
„They are your family. If you, a werewolf, spent so much time here in a vampire coven, I can do the same for you. I want to know every part of you Shawn and being a wolf is a major part.“ She made perfect sense, softening his intial desire to say no.
„Okay.“ Shawn took her hand in his, intertwining their fingers slowly. He leaned in, connecting their lips once more for a tender kiss. Using all his willpower to move away, he broke the kiss and licked his lips, sighing heavily.
„Let's go, miss stubborn.“
And so, hand in hand, a wolf and a vampire walked out and into their future where the clear line between their species would soon blur and the rivalry that lasted since the dawn of time would subside, allowing love to mend fences and open hearts to unimaginable possibilities.
They would build a community, one with ever-growing numbers of supernatural creatures with incredible abilities until they grow powerful enough for everyone, even the Volturi who would kneel and give Voltera over only a century later.
That, however, is an entirely different story.
But of course, our love birds had no idea what their love would bring for the future. They were too lost in each other's embrace, walking into the forest as Shawn filled Y/N in on every pack member, his family and all she'd need to know in order for them to survive the constant jokes and possible insults they may receive when he brings a vampire across the creek and into their lands, effectively nullifying the treaty between the Quilletts and the Cullens.
Love...Love is the only thing stronger than fear, than hate.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Tags: @accalialionheart @ourlittleshawnie @esoltis280 @ashwarren32 @justanothershawngirl  @dragonqveendany  @harleyscheekheart  @mendes-vuitton  @ilovejackavery  @keithseabrook27 @hermit-with-friendz @iamburdened  @heyits-claire  @strangerliaa  
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starkindustryplant · 7 years ago
My queue right now is 99% @justanothershawngirl ‘s synesthesia art because it’s so pretty. Future me isn’t sorry that it will be all this account posts for like 2 days. It’s beautiful.
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justanothersecretfangirl · 6 years ago
To my beloved followers.
As I have thought about my blog and all that comes with it, I realized I was denying myself the simple joy of being completely myself. That being said, I changed my blog url (I used to be justanothershawngirl) and I will be posting about all the things I love (there will still be Shawn stuff, but also Doctor Who and Harry Potter, among other random stuff). I wanted to give you fair warning in case any of that doesn't appeal to you and you'd like to unfollow. No hard feelings at all 😊
I love you all and wish you all the best!
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embracehappy · 6 years ago
Tag Game
I was tagged by @atlas-of-a-human-soul - love you girly!! 
So, rules: We’re snooping on your playlist. Put your entire music library on shuffle and list the first 10 songs, then choose 10 people to tag.
1. Something’s Gotta Give | Camila Cabello
2. Where Were You In The Morning | Shawn Mendes
3. Hurt Somebody | Noah Kahan
4. King of the Clouds | Panic! At The Disco
5. Bad Blood | Taylor Swift
6. Happier | Ed Sheeran
7. Starlight | Taylor Swift
8. Sight Of You | Sigrid
9. Psycho | Post Malone
10. All We Know | Alessia Cara
(literally im not good at tagging people. im so sorry) so I tag: @justanothershawngirl @marlahey @swiftieftstyles @stockholmshawn @shawnsrep @imagine-that-100 @idontknowhowtowritesosorry @screamshawn @yukitheswiftie @scandinavian-girl
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