#just. aaahhghghghgh..........i have Fears
soutsuji · 4 months
I do also often worry that I'M vastly mischaracterizing Tsujimura and that I'm just dead wrong about everything about her and she's absolutely nothing like what I think she is. Because I mean...I do tend to completely disregard all the times she's been turned into a blushy, quirky, tsundere-type mess in canon because I feel like the reason that happens to her SO OFTEN is because Asagiri has a habit of like...not taking his female characters seriously? And this is ESPECIALLY noticeable in the Gaiden manga where Tsujimura is pretty much always put in Situations. But like, does me focusing more on the glimpses of anger and revenge (and the exhaustion she should definitely have considering where this woman works) we see from her mostly in the novel mean I'm also misunderstanding/rewriting her whole character? By disregarding the bits where it seems to me that she's turned into a sort of narrative joke, am I also erasing core facets of her character? Have I just created a whole new character in her place? Have I strayed too far from the source material?
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