#just. Truly in awe. whaddahell
alluralater ยท 4 months
Allura help you can't just post these dorky lovey things how the fuck am I supposed to survive the yearning???? I'm stupid madly in love with my best friend she makes me feel so alive but we're both in a relationship.
We flirt and tease so much and the closer we get the more guilt stacks up but I just can't help myself she just makes me lose control..
Polyamory is on the table for me + my partner in a nebulous future but her gf is so insecure and jealous and feels incredibly threatened by me. And like the longer this goes on the harder it is for my friend to even try and start this conversation cause it would mean admitting what we've been doing behind her back.
I'm just,,,,,,, eating myself bouncing off the walls kicking my feet giggling disintegrating when she's on my mind and let me tell you that's very often. Whaddahell do I do :((((
you have gotten yourself into quite the situation. alright eye anon, let's do this.
if i were you, i would stop. not because it's wrong or whatever, just because i don't think you'll achieve anything that you want when you go about it like this. let's say things did work out. let's say that tomorrow she came to you and her girlfriend agreed to being poly with her, but she didn't tell her partner anything that had been going on between you. would it feel as good? maybe at first, sure. but the guilt truly would eat you alive because you'd find out you got exactly what you wanted and it did actually cost you something. having her girlfriend's trust means something. if you were to have it, you'd feel awful for having broken it prior to her even agreeing. as someone that has a track record for making partners jealous (i literally don't do anything, they just get insecure about me) i would recommend you talk about this with your best friend and figure out whether you need to stop. i assume you've talked to your partner already but it's hard to tell from the way you worded it. i'm gonna go with yes and just focus on the friend. it is not too late to stop. and listen listen look at me, if you love her, let her come to you in a way where she will have zero guilt about how things worked out. you don't want her to enter into any kind of relationship with you and feel like she had to deceive someone to do it. if you love her, take a small step back and do what is best for her and yourself. if you're both in monogamous relationships (no gray area), you do owe your partners honesty. feel free to drop more info for clarification!
not gonna lie, the feral part of me wants to tell you to go for it but i'm ovulating so we don't trust that part <3
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