#just watching him like wow what a loser *snap*
clown-eating-pig · 4 months
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Jonathan Sims
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redflagshipwriter · 1 month
Mamabat Chapter 11: the trap snaps shut
Five vans peeled into view, rocketing around the curved road fast enough that they visibly tilted through the turn. They all bristled with weaponry.
Cass felt her lips press into a faint line. She glanced at Dannybaby: scared. I knew it. Here they are.
They didn’t have to talk about it. The three adults stepped out and put their backs to ring Danny, facing outwards to the threat.
“Shoot the racks,” she commanded. The mounted weapons. She didn’t like that. She pulled out a batarang herself and squinted to find her aim. The construction? Sloppy. Exposed wires. Weakness.
A gun cocked. “Aye aye, captain.” Jason hefted a gun in each hand and started shooting as the vans screeched to a stop in a circle around them. Bang! Sparks flew where he hit. Cass and Dickiebird did the same with quieter precision, slicing wires and leaving projectiles sticking into the metal monstrosities. Electricity sparked. Just in time: machines whined as they were powered on. One gave out with a huge bang!  The van attached to it jolted as the machine punched a huge dent into the roof. White smoke floated away, clouding the nighttime scene with a chemical stink.
“Whoa,” Danny breathed.
She felt a twinge of satisfaction.
Jason hit the last set-up with a bang! Bang! Then his foot scuffed across the pavement to knock against Danny’s. Check, you’re here, you’re safe, you’re little.
“They’ll come out!” Danny warned.
He was right. Doors clicked unlocked all around them and men in white suits piled out, futuristic looking guns aimed at the little group. 
She felt a twinge of disbelief. “Can’t shoot,” Cass said. No way. So dumb. They were in a circle. Friendly fire, new concept to losers??
They shot. She hit the ground in a roll and trusted that everyone else would. They did. She turned her head to see that one agent was down from friendly fire. There was no blood as he was lifted off his feet and blasted backwards against the van he came out of.
“Ghost scum!” howled one of the suits.
“We knew it!” 
The victory in their voices set her blood boiling. Cass launched herself to the closest opponent and took him down with a nasty hit. She whirled on the next one, two mean hits. Go, go, clear the area! She heard feet scuffling and weapons whining as they fired, fired, fired on the boys.
She took number 4 down as the smoke was starting to clear. She heard a pained oof from the center, where Jason and Dickiebird were blocking Danny.
“Jason!” Danny said. He sounded very young. “Oh, shit.” Cass cast a frantic glance over at his posture and sucked in a breath even as she bulleted towards the next opponent. Determined. I have to do this. Here we go! 
No, no!
Jason was down. Dickiebird was darting between Jason and the man actively firing. Danny was pale. He opened his mouth. He put his palms out. He flashbanged. 
She blinked away stars and slammed a man’s head into a van before he could aim at her. Slam, slam, drop. She stole another glance. Danny was- Danny had white hair now and he was flashing green light at their enemies. Hm. She couldn’t afford to watch. Cass bared her teeth, angry. 
Air sizzled: GIW firing wildly. Guns fired: Jason was still conscious. Danny yelped: what? 
Cass didn’t dare look more. She moved faster than Batman could ever, brutally taking down these criminals with disdainful ease. They had nothing but numbers and lasers. 
Green shot past her vision. She traced it back: Danny! Her eyes went wide. Wow. He had some kind of organic blast, like Starfire. Very useful! 
 It wasn’t enough. Danny screamed. She heard him hit the ground. Sizzling.
She howled, wordless with fury. She tackled the next agent and cracked his head against the pavement. Only two more. She flung a batarang down the barrel aimed at her and then yanked the weapon away to brutally jab the air out of the agent’s diaphragm. Cass tossed it at him as he fell. Solid thunk. It hit his head.
The last man tried to say something, white teeth flashing in the gloom. Her ears were closed to it. The only language she spoke right now was violence. She used it to get him down and wrench him into zip ties. She could hear Dickiebird talking his soothing sounds at Danny baby. Cass wanted to go there. Cass wanted to soothe him. She wanted to see his hurts. 
But she had to secure the area. She rushed around to the groaning and crying men she had put down. She immobilized them. The foolish ones tried to get up as she approached. The smart one (and there was only one) held his hands out, eyes wide in the night. He talked at her. Beseeching, reasoning, she just doesn’t understand. You’re like me. Not like them.
Cass snarled. She understood just fine. She pressed his face into the ground harshly, fingers digging into his jaw. “Shut up,” she gritted out. She left him with effort, ignoring the mean impulse to smack him. 
All the boys were on the ground. There was no blood. Eyes open. Not dead.
Something in her gun unclenched.
Dickiebird looked up at her from where he was supporting Jason, sitting halfway with a grimace as he holstered his guns. Hands shaking. “He’ll be fine!” Danny pressed his body against Jason like he was trying to absorb his body heat. His hair was black again and his eyes looked tired. “He, uh, it’s shock,” Dannybaby babbled. She knelt to rub at his back, silently encouraging the explanation. “They basically zapped his ecto, stopped circulation. It should start up again in a few minutes and he’ll feel fine.”
“Get off,” Jason grunted. He shoved at Dickiebird. Weak. “I feel fine.”
“I feel drained,” he admitted. “But fine. Just weak. I can stand.” He struggled to stand, biting his lip. He swayed only slightly. “Man,” he cursed under his breath. Jason cast an unhappy look at the 14 agents groaning on the ground, on their bellies like the worms they were with hands ziptied at their backs. “Not my best showing.”
“Next time, you could dodge,” Dickiebird suggested lightly. 
“You’re lucky it got him and not you,” Danny snapped. “Didn’t you see that guy go flying?”
Tense. Dickiebird paused. Smile. Soothe. “I’m only teasing,” he said. “It’s fine, Danny.”
“None of this is fine!” Cass swiveled her head to make sweltering eye contact with the scumbag who was cutting in. He was bold, for someone with his cheek digging into the rocks and cement. “By the authority of the US Government, you are required to submit these ecto-entities for testing and capture into our custody. Release us, or face dire consequences!”
Cass looked at him. She felt hate. Disdain. You’re nothing, you’re a worm to me. 
“They’re telling the truth,” Danny whispered. “It’s, uh, it’s legal.” He looked haunted. He rubbed at his chest: some memory of sharp pain.
Dickiebird snorted and slung an arm over Danny’s narrow shoulders. “Maybe by US laws, but Oa has jurisdiction that supersedes. This was a clear case of assault.” He gave an unpleasant smile. Big brother. Big angry. Guard dog at the door. “I’ll make a call.” 
The next minutes felt very long. Cass pressed Danny’s face into her shoulder so that he didn’t have to make eye contact with the fallen agents. She stroked his hair with her free hand, boiling inside with fury. 
Dickiebird called. A Green Lantern answered: coming.
They waited. Jason said he felt better. His body said: mostly better. But strange. They ignored the threats and complaints from the GIW men on the ground.
Hal Jordan came, with one more Green Lantern that Cass didn’t know. He gathered up prisoners in a green veil. He talked with Dickiebird. He nodded, and left.
“I wanna go home,” Danny said quietly. “But I think that we need to get Jason to my doctor. He’s really not right. It’s… It might be time sensitive.”
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latenightdaydreams · 4 months
Tutor (fem)
Loser!König x Bully!Reader
Part 2 Part 3
Master List
>cw: fem/afab, bully, oral, p in v, virginity loss
2.3k word count
König is a loser. He’s a 23-year-old virgin college student who is too scared to talk to women. He would much rather stay home and build Gundam’s, play video games, or work on his schoolwork. In public, he is quiet and timid. He tries to blend in to not be seen. Being a whole 6 '10, he can’t. As a child, he was constantly bullied for his size and being chubby. As an adult, he still gets picked on for being tall and awkward.
You are a part of the problem. A short, curvy, big-breasted bitch; the apple of his eye. König sits in the back of class and watches your hips sway as you walk to your seat. The way your breasts bounce like hentai boobies. His cock grows hard as you bend over, making your cleavage more visible to him. Just as he got lost in a trance, you snap him out of it.
“What are you looking at? Freak!”
Your hands on your hips, a disgusted look on your face. König’s face turns red as he realizes that you’ve caught him in the act. You flip him off and turn to sit. He reaches down to adjust his boner, taking a deep breath and letting out a small sigh.
After class, as everyone stands to pack their bags, he stays seated, looking at his cell phone. He has your Instagram profile opened on his phone, gazing at a bikini picture you posted this summer. You look absolutely perfect in your tiny pink bikini. He has become so lost in your photos; he didn’t realize you were walking past him to leave.
“What the fuck?” A loud laugh breaks out.
König looks up to see that you caught him looking at your profile. He turns off the screen of his phone and clears his throat. Inside his chest, his heart pounds so hard it feels like it’s going to explode from embracement.
“Sorry.” His voice is meek as he avoids eye contact with you.
“Fucking loser.” You scoff while walking away.
This was going to be a long year.
Three months into the school year, you haven’t turned in one assignment yet and have failed the few tests you’ve had. The dean sent you a message telling you that if you don’t raise your grades, you would be at risk of being put on academic probation. You needed a tutor, and fast.
König sits in his dorm room at his desk, working on building Lego set #21348, when he hears a knock at his door. He looks over his shoulder at his door, trying to decide if he wants to deal with people. After a few seconds, he stands to answer the door.
Once he opens the door, his eyes grow wide seeing you standing there. “Oh, h-hey y/n.”
“Hey König.” You smile up at him and push him aside, walking into his room. His room is simple and neat. Robot figures anywhere he can place them and a Lego set on his desk. You walk over and look at the set, König walking up behind you.
“So, what is this? Star Wars?”
König tilts his head confused about how wrong you are. Do you even know what Star Wars is? “Uh, no. Star Wars is a space themed futuristic story…” He could see the lack of interest on your face. “So, why are you here?”
“Geez, you’re a bigger fucking nerd than I thought you were.” You say pushing over a mini figure he has posed on the desk. His mouth hangs open, stopping himself from asking you to not do that. He watches as you turn and take a seat on his desk chair.
You look up at König as he towers over you. “You’re smart, right?”
“I guess.” König rubs the back of his neck feeling bashful.
“Well, I’m failing math, and I need a tutor. The issue is… well, I can’t afford one. So I was wondering if you could tutor me.”
This isn’t what he was expecting, well more of not what he hoped for. “I don’t have time to tutor. Sorry.”
Your smile drops and you stand up. “Too busy? You’re always in here building stupid fucking Legos or robot’s models.”
“Technically Gundam’s are mechs, not robots like a transformer.”
“Wow. Okay.” You sound annoyed and uninterested. “So, are you going to help me or not?”
“I already said I can’t.” His voice gets even more timid.
You’re not use to people saying no to you, especially not pathetic men who worship the ground you walk on. In fact, you hate being told no. How fucking dare he.
“So, you can sit and fucking gawk at me, stalk my social media accounts, but you can’t help me for a few fucking hours?” You push his muscular chest.
He stumbles backwards, actually intimidated by you. Speechless, he doesn’t know what to say. His eyes drop to your breasts as you keep walking to him. Not one thought in his mind other than how hot you look at this exact moment.
“I- I uh, I.”
“What? You forgot how to talk?” You push him once more and he falls back on to his bed. As soon as he does, your eyes drift down to the tent growing in his pants and you laugh. König’s eyes go wide as your hand reaches out, grasping his boner through his sweats; his face burning hot. He looks up at you in a daze.
“Oh, wow. Loser actually has a fat cock.” Your other hand grabs his jaw and forces him to look into your eyes. You lean in and lick from his lips to his nose before moving back and letting go of him.
König’s heart is fluttering in his chest, this feels like a dream. His eyes watch like a hungry dog as you pull your tight fitted shirt, unhooking your bra and tossing it aside. Your hands unbutton your jeans and expose a thin thong that barely covers your fat pussy lips.
“Why are you still dressed?” Your voice shocks him out of his daze.
Quickly, he pulls his shirt off. A ripped muscular body is not what you expected him to have under his baggy clothing. He drops his sweat pants along with his boxers allowing his cock to spring free. König, now nude, stands in front of you frozen. His gaze lingering on your pussy. You’re the first woman he’s seen naked in person.
“Do you have condoms?”
He looks at his bedside table, even though he is well aware he has none. “Um, no. I don’t.”
“I knew you were probably a virgin.” He blushes and looks down when you say this. You walk closer to him. “Are you?”
“Ja, I am.”
“No fucking wonder. Lay down.” You demand in a strict tone.
König jumps like a drill sergeant to yell at him. He quickly gets on his bed and looks at you. His cock twitching with excitement. You climb onto the bed with him, straddling his massive body. His hands instinctively rest on your thighs as you lean in and kiss his lips.
“How about I teach you—” You kiss him in between talking. “How to fuck—” His fingers squeeze your thighs. “And you tutor me?”
Without thinking, König nods his head enthusiastically.
“Good. We will start with math.” You giggle, reaching your hand behind his head to pull the pillows away from behind him.
König looks confused by your comment. Math? Then his eyes go wide as you straddle his face. Your twat lingers above him. He gazes up as if you’ve just shown him God. If he could take your scent and make air fresheners, he would. His cock is upright, erect, waiting to taste you.
“Stick your tongue out, big boy.” You lean forward and place your hands on his chest. One hand reaches forward and jerks his cock.
König sticks his tongue out eagerly, watching your body as you lower yourself onto his face. Your pussy rests on his mouth and nose, hips rocking back and forth on his tongue. His eyes flutter closed as he tastes pussy for the first time. How could he have lived this long without tasting this sweet nectar?
His fingers dig into your thighs as he pulls you down closer to his face. His tongue rapidly laps at your cunt, slurping and drinking your wetness. You moan, eyes closing as you continue to grind; he’s surprisingly skilled.
“You want me to suck your cock?”
“Ja, bitte.” He groans, his sound muffled from you sitting on his face.
Leaning forward, you pull his foreskin down and wrap your lips around the tip of his cock. He lets out a moan, his toes curling. Your hands move in motion with your head as you bob your head up and down on his cock. König moans into your sopping wet cunt. He’s in heaven.
König’s hips thrust forward to match your rhythm. One of his hands moves from your thigh up your body to squeeze your breast before roaming back down. When you pull your mouth away from his cock, he thrust forward even more, craving your friction. You lift yourself up off of him, his hands hold on to your thighs tighter as if trying to keep you on him. Reluctantly, he lets you go; swiping his tongue between your folds once more as you stand.
You move your body to the side of him. He watches you as he licks his lips, trying to savor the taste of you. The heat of your pussy radiates over your cock.
“You’re buying me a Plan B right after this.”
“I will.” His eyes are glued to yours.
Slowly you rock your hips over his cock before grasping it at the base. You look into his eyes as you lower yourself on him.
König’s mouth drops open and he lets out a loud groan. His eyes glued to your tight cunt stretching around his cock. He grabs at the blanket underneath him, squeezing it to the point his knuckles are turning white. He can’t last long in your pussy.
“Mein Gott, you- your pussy—” He can’t form a coherent sentence.
His hands reach out for your breasts as you bounce on him. You have the most incredible pair of tits he has ever seen. He’s always known you were hot, but seeing you like this, not even Aphrodite couldn't compare.
You slap away his hand and lean forward. “Grab my ass and fuck me.”
König nods, having seen this in porn before, he knows what to do. He thinks. His large hands grasp your fat ass and squeeze his fingers into the supple flesh; bending his legs at the knee, he begins to thrust up into you.
As he tries his hardest to not cum, his thrust is slow. He looks at the ceiling as his mind is running 110mph. You grab his jaw again, forcing him to look at you.
“Fuck me. Harder.” You demand of him.
“I don’t…want to hurt you.” He struggles to speak, looking up at you through half-lidded eyes.
“If you don’t fuck me hard, we are done here.”
König would not let his crush on the last two semesters just walk away, especially not since he got you to this part. Guys like him don’t get women like you. He grabs you and rolls you over on to the bed, slamming you down a little harder than he meant to. The look on your face tells him you didn’t mind one bit.
He grabs your hips and pulls you to him, slipping his cock back inside of your tight little cunny. You moan out as your hands grab his arms. König doesn’t hold back as he restricts your movements underneath him using his massive size. He pulls his hips back far before slamming down into you. His enormous cock being rammed deep inside of you, deeper than you can take.
“Oh, fuck! Like that you fucking freak!” You moan out.
König lets out a small growl as he ravishes your body, ruining your cunt for any other man. His mouth clashes into yours, desperate for your kiss. A trail of his hot wet kisses leaving from your mouth down to your breasts. He bites the skin around your areola, marking you as his for your stupid fuck buddy to see.
You push him back. “Rub my clit.” You reach for his hand and guide it so he knows where to touch. “Do small circles.”
He nods and begins to rub slowly at first until you yell at him to go faster. König lets out a surprised moan as he feels you tightening around him. Is this what a female orgasm is? Fuck yes! His hips faster, his rhythm slightly off as he tries to also focus on your clit.
“Don’t stop.” König watches in amazement as you arch your back and tremble. Your pussy becomes so wet it's splashing as he rubs it. He feels on top of the world.
Instantly, a loud pitched moan leaves his throat. A stupid smile crosses his face as he eyes go slightly crossed. He cums deep inside of your pussy. As his body naturally falls forward you push him off to the side.
König lays on his back, on cloud nine. His pale eyes study your face and your body as you lay beside him.
“So,” your breathing is still heavy, “I’ll come by tomorrow and we can start working on my tutoring.”
He nods, willing to give you anything you ask for at this point. Mentally, he is not over the fact he just ate and fucked y/n, you, your pussy.
You stand from the bed and begin to get dressed. Your cunt hurts, König fucks like a mating bull. He’s a good fuck though, there is not denying that.
“Oh, and if you tell anyone, you’re dead.”
“I understand.” König watches you as you get dressed with hearts in his eyes. “What are we?”
You stop and look at him for a moment before letting out a small laugh and shaking your head.
Part 2 Part 3
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Jealousy, Jealousy... | Part 1
A/N: don't even have a summary for this. oc is in love with gyu and gyu is in love with another girl but both are virgin losers and gyu is a horndog who would let oc do what she wants to him just as long as he gets to cum.
Not proofread.
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"Can I touch your cock?"
"What?" He chokes on his drink, some of it even coming out of his nose, and you pull a disgusted face. Really? Is this the guy you like? You need higher standards. 
Still, you like him, drink squirting and all. You shrug, looking down at your own drink and fiddling with it nervously. "Just wanna know what a cock feels like. It’s no big deal." You bluff, hiding behind your inexperience that he knows about all too well.
Beomgyu is quiet for a while, and you start manifesting for the couch you’re sitting on to devour you whole. But finally he speaks up.
"Okay.” He says, and your head snaps up to look at him in disbelief. “If I can touch your pussy too."
You sneer at him as if you hadn’t literally asked him the same thing. "What? No. Pervert!"
"But you just--"
"Forget it." Truth is you were self-conscious about what he’d think if he saw your body. You didn't look like those onlyfans girls you’ve caught him watching many times. What if he finds your pussy weird-looking? God, you would never live that down. 
"No, wait, okay, okay." He quickly backtracks, dropping his demand. His eagerness would be laughable if you weren’t just as eager yourself. “You can touch me.” 
“Woah, what are you doing?” You cover your eyes with your hands when you see him pull down on his pants. 
“Taking my cock out? You know, so you can touch me?” 
“Not so fast, idiot. Let’s take it slow.” 
He gives you a dumb look. “Slow how? Like kissing?” 
Your cheeks flush at the thought, having imagined exactly that too many times, just Beomgyu pulling you into a heated kiss and maybe confessing his undying love for you, and how he’s only been acting so clueless and stupid to hide his true feelings for you…
No, you definitely should not be kissing. 
“Forget it. Pull down your pants.” You tell him and he happily obliges, his cock springing out of his pants and smacking against his hoodie, leaving a tiny wet stain on it. 
“Well, don’t just stare at it.” He whines when you take too long to make a move, grabbing your hand and moving it to wrap around his cock, moaning out at his own movements. 
“Wow, it’s so soft.” You marvel as he moves your hand up and down his shaft, his skin gliding smoothly under your palm. 
"Mmm hmmm." He hums and you look up to see him staring straight at you. 
"Stop staring at me, you freak." You blush, feeling scrutinized. This was already so nerve-racking for you, you didn’t need him watching you like that. 
“Come on, jerk me off properly. I’m doing all the work here.” He whines, pressing down on your hand to make you grab him tighter. 
You roll your eyes. He’s such a brat. “Fine.” You smack his hand off and hold him firmly in your grip, trying to imitate the movements of your favorite internet dom and how she gets her sub to go crazy for her. And Beomgyu would be such a cute sub, and he’d make such pretty noises that you definitely didn’t spend your nights fantasizing about with your hand down your pants. 
But he’s exceeding even your filthiest fantasies with the moans he’s letting out. He’s so loud and whiny, it’s going straight to your pussy and drenching your underwear.  
In an effort to still come out the one in control, you tease him. “How are you so hard already?”
But it’s not effective on Beomgyu. Not when he never had any sense of shame to begin with. “Of course, I’m hard. You’re jerking me off. I’ve been dreaming about this since I was thirteen.” 
“You have?” Your pace falters. Is this it? Is this how he confesses to you? Sure, it’s not the most romantic setting but you’ll take it. 
“Of course. You know I’ve been trying to get any kind of action for years. Thank you so much. You’re the best.” He babbles, throwing his head back and thrusting up in your hand. You’re glad he did that so he wouldn’t see the absolutely heartbroken look on your face. You’re so stupid. He just wanted someone to touch his crusty dick. 
Okay, that’s a lie. He actually has a really pretty dick which is so unfair. You wish it was veiny and gross and standing weird. Maybe then you would’ve gotten over your apparently hopeless crush on him. 
"Fuck, you’re really touching my cock." He whimpers, staring at the way his cock is thrusting into your hand, too lost in the pleasure of it to notice your sour mood. “It feels so good.”
“I know. I can see the way you’ve gone all brain-dead just from a few strokes. I don’t even have to do much when you’re practically humping my hand. Are you that desperate?” You talk down to him, needing to release your bitterness somehow, but it only spurs Beomgyu on further. 
He nods, jaw hanging open and a little drool dribbling out of the corner of his mouth as he stares at you, heavy-lidded. “God, you’re so dirty and mean. I didn’t even know I’m into that.” He groans. 
No, what he’s into is cute, feminine girls dressed in skimpy little sundresses whimpering and crying as they get railed by big cocks. It’s why you’ve tried dressing all girly before he pointed out the change in your style and made fun of you for it. You know he didn’t mean it maliciously. It’s just what best friends do, make fun of each other over the stupidest things. But it sure guaranteed you’d never dress like that again. 
"Can I cum?" 
"Oh, you’re asking permission?" You laugh, happy to at least be having an effect on the man you're in love with, even if it’s just because he’s a desperate perv. "Guess whenever I need to put you in line I should just put my hand down your pants."
"Yes, please." 
You giggle. Well if you can’t have him, at least you’ll have this. 
“You can cum, gyu.” 
“Oh, thank you. Thank you!” He moans, and you point his cock towards his hoodie so he’d cum all over it. Just a little petty revenge on him. Not that he even cares, if the dopey smile on his face is any indication. 
“Thank you.” 
“You’ve said that already, idiot.” You wipe your hand on his hoodie, soiling it further. 
“I mean it.”He sits up from his slumped position and grabs your hand as you pull it away. “Let me make it up to you. Let me eat you out.” 
You frown at him and yank your hand away. “You just wanna know what pussy tastes like.” 
“So? It’s a win-win.” He scrambles to the ground and slots himself between your legs, resting his head on your thighs and peering up at you cutely. “Please.” 
You feel one of his thumb swipe under the leg of your shorts and you kick him away. “No!”
But he grabs your leg and whines. “Why?”
“I’m saving it for someone I love.” You admit shyly and he has the audacity to retort, “You know I love you.” 
“I know.” You sigh, “But not that way… right?” 
“Right.” He admits, finally letting you go and you just want to crawl into yourself and cease to exist. It all hurts too bad. You don’t know why you’re doing this to yourself when he clearly will never feel the same way about you. You really should forget all about this. It’s a mistake. A moment of weakness. That’s all it is.
But you can’t hold on to your convictions when he’s drooling over her like that. 
“Seriously, Beomgyu, we’re in the middle of studying.” 
He snaps his open mouth shut. “What? I’m not doing anything.” He says defensively and you roll your eyes, reaching up to swipe the drool off the corner of his lips. 
“You’re staring at her as if you wanna take her right here inside the library.” You retort, hiding the pain from your voice well.
“So what if I do? She’s so sexy. I could just rip that tight, pink dress off her body. It’s barely even covering it. I can practically see her–oh!” His horny tirade cuts off into a gasp as you grab him through his pants. 
“What are you doing?” He looks at you, panicked, but his hips still buck up into your hand. He’s such a horndog. 
“Keeping you from jumping her in the middle of a public place.” You sneer, though in reality you just can’t bear him talking about her any longer. 
“What about you jerking me off in the middle of a public place?” He counters back and you flush at being called out, moving to pull your hand away but he stops you, his large hand encompassing yours and pressing it against his bulge just like he did that first time. 
“Did I mention that I’m totally fine with that?” He asks and you let out a sigh of relief. You can’t handle being rejected by him now. This is the only thing you have going for you–that you’re the only girl getting him off. If he doesn’t want it anymore then you’ve got nothing. 
Luckily though, getting his dick touched is still very effective at getting him to stop obsessing over her and just focus on you. 
“Go faster.” He prompts, but you don’t give him what he wants that easily. You gotta make him work for it so you don’t feel like you’re that easy. 
“I will if you can answer this question.” You point to the next question in the quiz you were solving and he groans. “Who cares? Just need you.” He whines, knowing how weak you are for his puppy dog eyes, but unbeknownst to him, you’re too wounded by his flagrant drooling over another woman for this to work now. 
“I care. So either you be good and answer or you don’t get to cum today.” 
“You’re so cruel.” He whines, but casts his eyes to the paper, making an effort to figure out the answer, his brows furrowing and his lips pulling in a pout as his pretty brain works overtime to answer the question you wanted. 
God, he’s so pretty. And you’re so screwed. 
“Look, baby, look what I got!” Beomgyu yells, shoving a piece of paper into your face enthusiastically. The writing is swimming in front of your eyes and you’re finding it so hard to focus when he is calling you that–baby–something he’d gotten into the habit of saying since you began messing with him. 
Luckily, he’s kind enough to tell you what you’re looking at. “I got an A! I never thought I’d get an A in my life, and it’s all thanks to you!” He squeals, gathering you into his arms and smothering you with a passionate kiss that you’re too weak to resist, getting lost in his soft lips. His soft, sweet lips that you’ve been dreaming about for years–his pouty, full lips that you’ve had to hold yourself back from kissing every time he’d pout–his perfect lips that you promised yourself you’d never kiss because you knew it would be game over for you. 
Dam it, Beomgyu!
You shove him away. “I said no kissing!” You bark and he cowers like a scolded dog. “But I did so well. Thought I deserved a reward, and you’re just so kissable.” He tries to get another kiss but you’re prepared for him now. 
“Don’t say things like that.” You hiss way too sharply and he winces. “Why not?”
“I don’t like it.” You tell him and he frowns. “You’re not my boyfriend.”
He scoffs. “I know that.” 
“We’re just fuck buddies.” 
“Not even that.” 
“What is that supposed to mean?”
“It means that you don’t even let me fuck you. How can we be fuck buddies if you’re freaking out over me just kissing you? You’re treating me like a glorified dildo. Why can’t I touch you too?” 
You can’t answer that truthfully or you’ll ruin everything, so you deflect. “If you don’t like it then we can stop. I don’t need this. I can easily find another guy to play with. One who wouldn’t whine about getting free handjobs.” 
He gives you a betrayed look, but quickly collects himself. “Fine. You do that. I don’t care.” 
“Fine!” He huffs, storming off and leaving his graded paper behind. You grab it, your chest filling with a sense of pride you can’t keep at bay. You did this. You helped him get an A. And he was so happy about it too. He was so happy he kissed you. It was everything you wanted, which is exactly why you had to stop it. 
Yes, it hurts now, but it would’ve hurt a million times more if you let yourself get carried away with it. It’s better to stop it now before it’s too late for you. 
A/N: whoever has ideas for future scenes let me know, preferably non-smut scenes because at this point the story is entirely smut lmao
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holylulusworld · 4 months
Gun for hire (3)
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Summary: You’re his next target. Nothing else. Right?
Pairing: Lloyd Hansen x fem!Reader
Warnings: hiring a killer, Lloyd being Lloyd, sunshine reader,
Gun for hire (2)
Gun for hire masterlist
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You look out of the window, watching the city you know so well fade in the background. Lloyd guides the car out of town, and you fear, you missed your chance to run.
“Where are you taking me? Will you let me disappear somewhere out in the woods?”
He snorts. “Sunshine, if I wanted you dead, you’d lie six feet under in your garden, next to the loser your fine boyfriend sent to kill you.”
“Ex-boyfriend,” you pout. “After all he’s done, he’s my ex-boyfriend. Tommie is responsible for the poor man’s death. And now, you are going to kill me too.”
“Yeah, because you’re my assignment, not that douche’s, nor your boyfriend’s,” Lloyd slams his hands onto the steering wheel, almost losing control over the car as he looked at you for a split-second.
“So…you keep me around because you want to kill me?” You press on. It’s your life, and you want to know for how much longer you will breathe. “Why? This doesn’t make sense.”
“Rule number one, never question me, or my decisions,” Lloyd dips his head to glare at you. “Got it, sunshine?”
“Fine,” you wrinkle your nose and kick the headboard.
“No pouting or damaging my car,” he slaps his hand onto your thigh, squeezing hard. A warning to not mess with him. “You should be thankful I didn’t bury you next to that bastard.”
“What will you do now? Will you kill Tommie for not paying you?” You just can’t stop your mouth from running. You’re in a car with a man who makes money by killing people and you try to fall into an easy conversation with him. 
“If you don’t stop talking, I’ll kill you first,” he grins like the devil while glancing at you. “Aw, you lost your pretty smile, sunshine. I wonder why…”
Before you can stop yourself, you stick your tongue out. “You’re not nice.”
“I never said that I’m a nice guy, sweet cheeks,” Lloyd snaps at you. “Only because you love to hug people all the time, wear dresses looking like a three-year-old chose them and braid flowers in your hair doesn’t mean the rest of the world must be sugar-sweet too.”
“I-“ you purse your lips and inhale sharply. “You’re making it hard to like you, Lloyd. Why do you always make fun of other people? I’m nice because it is nice to be nice.”
“Christ, I got my middle school teacher in my car trying to teach me how to smile and be nice to girls,” he curls his upper lip, making his mustache look ever more ridiculous. “It’s nice to be nice.” He mimics your voice.
“You’re not nice.”
“You are annoying.”
“I hate your mustache, it looks awful. If not, you’d be an attractive man,” you snap at Lloyd, hating yourself for being mean. You cross your arms over your chest and look out of the window.
Lloyd presses his lips into a thin line. He huffs and tries to not let your words get to him. Lloyd wishes he could run his fingers over his mustache, but he must focus on driving the car to not end up dead.
He takes his time, recalling your words in his mind. Lloyd smirks and dips his head to glance at you. “So, you think I’m attractive?” 
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Lloyd guides the car toward a secluded path. You press your nose against the window to get a better look at the house coming into sight.
No. This is not a house. You are living in a house. This is a mansion, surrounded by a huge fence. He slows the car down and presses a button on his phone to open the automatic driveway gate.
“Wow! Are you an Earl or something?” You gape when the house gets in sight. “I’ve never seen this kind of house outside of a magazine.”
“It’s a house,” he grunts. “You’re not here for sightseeing and to get comfortable. As soon as I talk to your ex-boyfriend, I’ll decide on…” He shrugs. “You know what happens then…”
You look away and press your lips into a thin line. If he wants to act like a meanie, you’ll not talk to him. The bullies in school gave up too when you ignored them.
All they wanted was attention, just like the man next to you.
“I said no pouting in my car,” he flashes you a smirk. Lloyd is more than happy that he was able to ruin your mood. “We are almost there, sunshine.”
He drives through the gate, a smug grin on his face while you angrily pursed your lips. That man made you angry, and you hate being angry. 
“You know, with that pout, you look kinda cute when mad,” he laughs when you make a face. “Ah, I will extinguish that sunshine in your eyes. I’ll be all too happy to make you even madder.”
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Lloyd looks at the monitors while barking orders at the team he sent to get your ex-boyfriend. “Do we have sightings of the target yet?” 
“Target sighted,” one of his men answers. “He’s waiting at the agreed meeting point. What are our orders?”
“Get him. I want him alive,” Lloyd orders his men around. “That piece of shit believed he can fuck with Lloyd Hansen. He will get what he deserves. Let’s play a game.”
He leans back in his chair, crossing one leg over the other. His eyes glued to the monitors he smiles to himself. “Who gets me this man first will get a raise and one week off.”
His men storm toward your ex-boyfriend, barking orders at him. Tommie wets himself and falls to his knees. He knew it was a mistake to hire Lloyd Hansen, but he desperately wanted to give his new girlfriend all she ever dreamed of.
“Perfect ending,” Lloyd smirks in your direction when his men handcuff your ex-boyfriend. “What do you say, sunshine? Do we want to celebrate the successful hunt?”
You still refuse to talk to him. His comments and behavior made you mad, and you are angry at yourself for letting Lloyd Hansen get to you.
“Aw, come on. Give me a little smile,” he dips his head to look at you. “If you play your cards right, I let you watch me rough him up.”
You curl your lip. This man is the worst, and you can’t find it in you to be nice to him. Not after he shot someone in your kitchen and kidnapped you.
“No,” you huff and look away. “I don’t want to watch you hurt someone. I had to watch you kill that man in my kitchen. That’s enough violence for one day.”
Lloyd gets up from his chair to stalk toward you. He cups your face and smirks. 
“Sunshine, there is never enough violence when it comes to a piece of shit like your boyfriend…”
Part 4
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fuckitupfelix · 20 days
it’d be so super cool if u did a scenario of like .. tsukishima finding out his bf is a NERD. like nerd as in chronic gravity falls watcher and other medias like anime or smth, doesn’t need to be specifically gravity falls and then he like teases him for it knowing DAMN WELL he’s secretly the same way
anon, this is so silly omg i had sm fun writing this lol :) also ttrying out a new writing format so lmk if it's ass </3 i hope you like it !!!!!
2 gay nerds ^_^
tsukishima x male reader
word count: 0.4k
tsukishima and his boyfriend are both losers (affectionate).
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when tsukishima had knocked on the door of your home, he'd originally wanted to return a workbook he'd borrowed for class. your mom was home and let him in, saying that you were in your room.
"(name)?" he knocked on the door, book in hand. what he wasn't expecting was to see you curled up on your bed, hunched over your laptop in darkness. he flicks the light on and your head snaps up, barely registering that your boyfriend was there.
"oh! kei! hey!" you grin, sliding your headphones off and sitting up properly. tsukishima cringes at the sound of your back cracking as you stretch. "what're you here for? did mom let you in?"
"yeah, she did. i was going to return the workbook i borrowed. what the hell were you doing? you looked possessed staring at your laptop like that," he snorts, setting the book on your desk. he walks over to check whatever show or video you were watching, but you quickly shut the laptop closed. however, he caught a glimpse of the video title.
"it's nothing! just watching a random show. nothing crazy," you chuckle.
"was that. . . a gravity falls theory video. . ?" you freeze at your boyfriend's words, hands flying up defensively. "i-i can explain!!"
"wow, i didn't know you were a nerd like that, (name)," tsukishima says, tilting his head almost innocently.
as you try to formulate the words to defend what little pride you have left, the gears turning in your head, you realize something.
"how'd you know it was about gravity falls? scratch that, how'd you know about gravity falls at all?!" you point a finger at him. "tsukishima kei, you're as big of a nerd as i am!!"
he grimaces at that. "shut up, (name)," he scoffs. ". . .i got into it a little as a kid." at his rather forced admittance, a grin grows on your face. this was perfect!
"wanna watch the rest of the video with me?" you ask. tsukishima scoffs again, but shrugs his jacket off and tosses it to the corner of your bed, sliding up next to you. once you've wrapped the blanket snugly around the two of you, he speaks up.
"you're such a loser."
"that makes two of us, then."
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AAAAGGHHHHHHHJGJJJ i love gay people i wish they were real </3
divider by @/plutism !!
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rainydayathogwarts · 5 months
Ron weasley - Opposite teams
Summary: You play a match against your boyfriend, who's a very sore loser. wc: 2k
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Seeing him on the pitch shouldn't have had such an effect on you, especially considering you were playing for the opposite team. The gear looked good on him, and confidence was beaming off his skin, but you were one of the best chasers at Hogwarts, priding yourself on how rarely you missed a shot. "Pull yourself together Y/N!" Flint yelled at your frozen form, still in shock of what had happened. It was all because Ron had flashed you that stupidly gorgeous smile when you were about to score that you hesitated - hesitated enough for him to read your body language and predict your next move, easily catching the quaffle when you threw it. Even your boyfriend had been surprised, well aware of how good you played from years of watching you on the field.
"Wow! It seems as though L/N is too charmed by her boyfriend to get a good shot, this is a new one folks!" Begins Lee, rousing up those in the bleachers. "And it looks like Slytherin Captain Flint is calling for a time out! Good choice I'd say!" It was already embarrassing enough that the entire school knew the time out was being called because you were too hot and bothered by your boyfriend, but your face flushed a dark red the second the Slytherin team turned to look at you in disappointment. "I'm sorry! I'm sorry! I don't know what got into me, he's just so- I can't be the primary shooter I'm sorry!" The entire team looked back at you as you rambled and you felt your face get impossibly warmer realising you were gushing about your boyfriend to six teenage boys. "I'm sorry." You muttered.
"Y/N's right," Starts Flint again, "She shouldn't be the primary shooter for this game..." His voice trails off and your gaze drifting to where to Gryffindor team stands. You can see them laughing for a moment, and Harry pats Ron on the back - the reason you missed literally couldn't have been more obvious and they were having a field day about it. "Got it Y/N?" Your head snaps back to Flint, looking at you with raised eyebrows. Your face goes blank, your mouth opening as though to say 'what' but nothing comes out. "You'll switch places with Nott as secondary." Malfoy says quietly to you, and you perk up "Yes, got it!" Flint doesn't look convinced, but calls time out to be over anyway, and everyone gets back on their brooms.
"Stay focused or I'll knock your boyfriend off his broom!" The remark is clearly aimed at you, but is loud enough for both teams to hear and you glance at Ron, whose face has blanched at the comment. You turn away from him, trying not to smile, and the whistle blows. Nott scores time after time after time, and you can see your boyfriend's confidence decreasing while his anger increases. Nott passes you, high-fiving you on the way back to his post. "Good strategy change by the Slytherin team, it seems that they're back - OHH AND MALFOY CATCHES THE SNITCH, GAME OVER EVERYONE!" You're relieved to be off your broom when the game end and you sigh deeply, rolling your head in a circle to try and stretch a kink in your neck out.
You finally join your team, earning pats on the back by them, and teasing comments "Well he's not gonna be happy about that one." and "Good luck getting laid tonight." The comments follow you all the way back to your dorm since Pansy walks with you back to the common room. "I don't even know how that happened though! You never miss! Like you can't be so attracted to someone that, well that happens. He's going to be in such a prissy mood, good luck with that."
The party in the common room is in full blow when you finish showering and getting dressed. You're clad in a tight black mini-skirt with a red crop top, something your boyfriend will hopefully appreciate. "I see what you're doing." You're interrupted by Draco, who eyes your outfit once before handing you a drink. "I think you underestimate just how capable I am of getting my boyfriend in bed, Malfoy." He grins, shaking his head "Well if you have the effect on him that he had on you, I doubt it'll take much." You scoff in amusement, the jokes will never end. "Hey if Marcus asks where I am, don't tell him I'm sleeping with the enemy." But Flint is already beside you, muttering "Cheers" under his breath, so you scurry away quietly, starting your trek to the Gryffindor common room.
The Gryffindors' party is completely different. The music in the background is quiet, and the Gryffindor Quidditch team sits together, each player with a drink in hand while they talk. Others seem to be having more fun than them. When Ron spots you walking towards him, he rolls his eyes, clearly upset. His teammates, on the other hand, greet you kindly, some even joking about the slight incident on the field. You stand in front of Ron, putting a knee on the couch between his legs to support yourself when you put your hands on his shoulder, leaning into his body.
Despite Ron's free hand coming to the back of your thigh, he still mutters "I'm not in the mood." though he leans into your touch when one of your hands comes up to play with his hair. You tilt your head down so your lips barely graze his ear "You're so hot when you're angry." Ron stiffens, looking up at you, but your head is already dipping lower so you can press kisses on his neck. He shivers at the cool touch of your slightly wet hair on his collarbone, and his eyes flutter close for a moment. When he opens them back up, Harry is grinning at him and wiggling his eyebrows. Someone wolf whistles, but he doesn't know if it's directed to you. He feels your teeth graze the spot you've been sucking on right below his eye and he sighs, trying to disguise his pleasure as annoyance, pushing your hip away from him.
Yes, he wants you, but he has to at least pretend that he doesn't for a while longer because he's still angry, and wants you to feel as though you need to try a little to win him over. You've played his game before, and you know what follows. When Ron nudges at your hips one more time, you separate from him, tilting his chin up so he can look at you. He's putty in your hands, but you like to give him the illusion of being in control, so when you kiss him, it's a soft, almost desperate kiss. "Ronnie," you plead "Please." And that soft whisper is enough to make him begin to stand up. You back away, pushing your bottom lip forward and making doe eyes at your boyfriend to stop yourself from grinning in accomplishment.
His shoulder brushes past you and he begins walking up to his dorm, but when you catch up with him, snaking your hand in his, he only holds your hand tighter, so you know you've won. Ron's door slams shut behind you, and immediately, hands are on you, pushing you against the door and groping your ass while he kisses you aggressively. The kiss is filled with angry passion, and Ron's tongue is fighting against yours for dominance. Both your arms are thrown over Ron's shoulder in an attempt to pull him impossibly closer to you so your tits are pushed up into his chest. The hands on your ass move to your front, sliding up your crop top and cupping your tits, while Ron pulls away from the kiss to attack your neck.
Moans are immediately escaping your mouth in soft breaths, your back arching into Ron's hands, pulling and massaging at your breasts, teasing your nipples. His teeth bite at your neck, and one leg comes to shove itself right between your thighs and you jerk up, an electric shock being sent right through you. At your loud gasp, Ron looks down to where his leg connected with your cunt, and his hand immediately pushes your skirt up to find that you're not wearing panties. "What a little slut. No underwear under a mini-skirt? You're practically begging." He grunts, and you whine, grinding your pussy against his thigh. "Just for you, Ronnie."
The comment seems to make him happy, at least happier than he was before since he starts working on taking your top off. "Get this skirt off now." He mutters, his attention back on your tits the second they're exposed. Your bra drops to the floor at the same time your skirt does. Ron pulls away from where he was leaving hickeys on your tits, and takes a moment to oggle at your naked body. You falter under his stare, a hand coming up to grab the material of his t-shirt. "Ron?" At the sound of his name, he looks back up, taking an impossible step closer to you and pressing his lips to yours in a slow kiss. "You're so fucking amazing." He mutters between kisses, all of his previous anger seemingly gone "Don't deserve this. Don't deserve you." Before you can react to his words, his hands are wrapping around your waist and carrying you to his bed, where he immediately shuts the curtains of his four-poster.
He wastes no time pressing his clothed cock against your naked, which has you moaning his name, bucking your hips up for more friction. "Take it off, take it off." You beg. He complies, chuckling at the sight of your hips bucking up, but takes his time stroking his cock once it's finally freed. His demeanour completely flips the second he pushes into you; his hips snapping at a faster pace than you can keep track of, his hands grabbing both your legs to pull over his shoulders. The angle is perfect and with the way his cock is hitting the right spot with every stroke, you're sure you won't last ten minutes.
You're tightly gripping the bed sheets and you're almost positive that your eyes are going to get stuck at the back of your head because of how hard they're rolling back. "Mmph, bloody hell you feel so nice." The compliment only spurred the pleasure inside you and you moaned louder, bucking your hips up for something more - anything more. Ron's hand comes down to your clit in a harsh slap, and quickly starts putting pressure on it, watching as you squirmed underneath him at the extra friction. His pace sped up and your legs started to shake on his shoulders, a sign that you were clearly close. Ron's hand begins rubbing quick circles on your clit and hips start erratically jerking into you as he releases his load into you, triggering your very own orgasm.
Ron rides out both your orgasms, stilling his movements when you put a hand on his chest. He pants, his chest heaving with every breath he takes as he takes your legs off his shoulders. "Christ, that was too much exercise for one day." He mutters, looking down at you when you open your arms wide for him. He falls into your awaiting arms and mumbles "Can't sleep. Need to clean you up." You moan, shaking your head at him. "Just five minutes."
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dilvuc · 5 months
Hi I'm Liam and I came up with a cute idea that I hope you can write
Jamil and Reader (Male) make a bet with each other and the loser has to do what the winner says. When Jamil loses the bet reader decides that he gets to do Jamils hair and he has to wear the style for the entire school day. Jamil aspects that it's gonna end up really bad but reader actually does a really good job and Jamil starts asking reader to do his hair ever once in a while
That's my idea. If you don't wanna write it you don't have to but I hope you do. Anyways make sure to take care of yourself and get plenty of sleep.
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A cute picture I found on pinterist of Jamil 🙂
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𝖌𝖊𝖓𝖗𝖊: fluff
𝖌𝖊𝖓𝖉𝖊𝖗: male
𝖙𝖎𝖙𝖑𝖊: bet
𝖕𝖆𝖗𝖎𝖓𝖌: jamil x m!reader
𝖜𝖆𝖗𝖓𝖎𝖓𝖌: none
𝖘𝖚𝖒𝖒𝖆𝖗𝖞: jamil lost a bet to you and now had to listen to what you say. however, your order isn't that bad.
“Look like I lost the bet. Ok, what do you have for me?” jamil asked you, awaiting your order. you thought to yourself then snap your finger, “Let me do your hair.”
“Eh? My hair? Why?” the tan skinned male asked while stroking his hair. you nodded, “I couldn't resist trying to do your pretty hair.”
“...! M…my hair isn't that pretty…” jamil blushed.
“Plus, you'll be keeping your hair in the way I put it for the whole day.” thanks for ruining the mood for jamil, you. the tan skinned male unbraided his hair and untied his hair, letting it fall back, “Ok…Do your worst.”
“What do you mean by that??” you sweatdropped. you remember watching rapunzel back in your world. so, you know exactly what hairstyle you'll give him. you reach for jamil's lock, realizing how soft it is. “Soft…”
“H-hey, don't be a creep…” jamil shivered.
“I wasn't!” you huffed before getting to work. it didn't take long for you to finish his hair. you were hoping that he would like it. since you knew that he would look pretty in it. “Done~”
“If you screwed up my hair, I'm gonna make you eat more spice until you're unable to handle it.” jamil threatened you. you deadpanned, “Is that a threat…?”
the tan skinned male grabbed the mirror from you to check his hair. and…it was all that bad. why does it make him feel…?
“Beautiful…” you grinned, catching jamil off guard. he turned to you in question. you chuckled, “I wouldn't want to screw up your hair. I just wanted to do your hair because I have been desperate to do it. Do you like it?”
“...I…it's not half bad…” jamil blushed. “But…do I look beautiful with my hair like this?”
“Silly question. You still look beautiful in whatever hairstyle you have.” you winked.
“...! Heh. Your charm never ends…” the tan skinned male smiled timidly, looking away. you snickered, “Now, you can walk around with your hair like that for today.”
jamil shyly asked, “C…can you do my hair every once in a while?”
“Sure~” you nodded.
“Whoa! Jamil! Your hair looks pretty!” kalim beamed as he gently grabbed jamil's braid. “We should add some accessories in them!”
“Good idea~ Some beautiful flowers and gold.” you smile at kalim’s idea. jamil sweatdropped, “Eh? W-wait!”
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“Wow…I must admit. Your hair looks…gorgeous.” vil complimented the tan skinned male's hair. “Look at the accessories. Who did your hair?”
“[Y]...” jamil blushed, gently stroking his hair, “I lost a bet, so he suggested that he can do my hair.”
vil blinked owlishly, “Oh? Maybe I should ask him to do mine. Not bad for a potato.”
╰┈➤ author note: please note that this is a slow update. i will still accept your request, but it will take a while since i'll be working on my books on wattpad. if you wish to read those books, here's my wattpad account.
twst masterlist
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blasphemecel · 6 months
Michael Kaiser, Shidou Ryuusei — Red
PAIRING: Michael Kaiser/Reader, Shidou Ryuusei/Reader WORD COUNT: 1.5k TYPE: Humor, Bad Flirting, Petty argument WARNING(S): tw Kaiser, tw Shidou
Kaiser is maybe pissed off or developing chronic depression (or uncovering a long going, underlying mental health issue).
Well, not to be overdramatic, but his life has fucking sucked ever since he came to this wretched place they call ‘Blue Lock’!
More like stupid shit lock, but he wouldn’t be caught dead saying something this immature out loud. Yoichi scored one more goal than he did — an entire goal, one of it, in surplus that is — and made a fool of him. Now Kaiser is spiraling and wanting to prove himself like a loser, when he’s the one who’s supposed to make others feel this way.
What is happening right now, in front of his very eyes, is egregious torture. Cinnamon to sauté the pear of anguish in.
He went looking for you in an only slightly creepy stalkerish way, which he already wasn’t happy about, since he had to walk around this soulless building and see too much of it at once. And when he finally finds you in one of the few communal spaces (gross, by the way), what are you doing? Betraying him by talking to Sae’s pink pervert and laughing. Your audacity to have fun while Kaiser is suffering is insolent. Ness should give you a yellow card for that.
Even if it’s below him, Kaiser can prove himself, though, both on the field and when it comes to strange rivalries with questionable undertones. He is better and more deserving of all attention, including yours, and he’s going to show you. He’s going to show you so hard, you’ll regret your ignorance so much that you’ll drop out of here and go back to school or whatever the fuck.
With this objective in mind, he reminds himself to act natural and walks up to you. In fact, Kaiser is confident no one has acted this natural before.
“Hi,” he says in an unnecessarily firm tone, with the most forced smile of all time. Maybe he should’ve come up with something before interrupting your conversation, now that he thinks about it.
Your heads snap in his direction at the same time with a weird synchrony. “Hi,” Shidou mocks, imitating Kaiser’s expression, going as far as to suck in his lips to make it seem more exaggerated and stupid.
Somehow, this situation strikes you as awkward, so you settle for staring at him expectantly. He probably had a reason to approach you, right?
“How… are you… doing?” Kaiser asks, ignoring the bug in favor of swinging an arm around your shoulder and leaning in way too close to your face. This is mostly an action meant to distract you from how strange he is acting. The only language he is proficient in is shit talking, so now he finds himself at a loss for words.
Shidou, however, is adept at smelling weakness. Without thinking twice about it — pathologically impulsive — he pushes Kaiser off of you, and his grin grows menacing. Now he’s the one draping himself over you, and he looks at Kaiser, who seems a bit caught off guard all things considered.
“We,” Shidou points a finger at himself and then at you, maybe attempting to insinuate something, “were doing great! And then the double-rat-tailed wonder came in.”
The who?!
Kaiser maintains a cheerful facade. “I don’t know if you’re aware because you seem quite stupid, but the point of a nickname is to be short. At least my hairstyle obeys gravity.”
“Wow, hear that? No way you like ‘em uptight and snobby like this guy, babe.”
“Really? Because I would’ve thought the vulgar type who treats the plays leading up to scoring a point like edging doesn’t suit you at all. Right, darling?”
Babe? Darling? May God touch these people’s wretched souls.
“Aww, you remember that? You watched me? Good times. I’m getting so popular.” Shidou lets go of you, much to your surprise. Then he stretches like a cat and yawns, overdoing it just to illustrate his boredom with Kaiser’s presence. “Anyway, forget about gravity. Pink is much better than blue-”
“No, it isn’t,” Kaiser argues childishly, crossing his arms.
“-We all know it! And what do you have in your hair? Blue. And what do I have? Pink.”
“This is stupid. They’re just colors.”
“Someone’s mad he doesn’t have pink instead of blue.”
“What? You’re so dumb. You know it’s not natural, right? I made the choice to dye it blue. If I wanted pink, I would’ve-”
“‘You’re so dumb. You know it’s not natural, right?’” Shidou repeats in a snotty tone, then throws you a meaningful glance and snorts, waiting for you to join in on the bullying. Apparently mimicking Kaiser is something he’ll add to his list of things he considers funny from now on.
You wonder if either of them have noticed you’re yet to speak at all.
“Well, what about you?” On cue, Kaiser addresses you. Are you seeing things, or is his eye twitching? “You understand opinions about colors aren’t objective, don’t you?”
Shidou perks up. “What do you prefer? Pink or blue? You love pink, right?”
“No, I bet you’re just… obsessed with blue. I bet it’s all you can think about, along with football, of course.”
“But isn’t pink so much more energetic and wild and cool and lovable?” Shidou flutters his lashes and strikes a pose as if he’s trying to act coy but in a manner so overt, it becomes clear he’s not really trying to sell his performance.
Are they even talking about colors anymore?
You shrug, deciding to treat the situation like a game. “I haven’t decided yet. Convince me which one I should pick. Get me on board.”
“I have a car,” Kaiser blurts out. Is this the only positive quality he thinks he has when it comes to his personal life? You don’t know if you find it funny or sad.
“So what?” Shidou asks, unimpressed on your behalf. “I’ve always wanted to hijack a car.” Then he wraps his fingers around one of your shoulders, overcome with excitement all of a sudden. “Let’s go on a date when this is all over and hijack a car! We could hijack his car.”
“See, he’s psychotic.” There is an arrogant smile on Kaiser’s face again.
“You’re also kind of crazy,” you say.
“There are no positives to being with him if you think about it rationally,” continues Kaiser, like he didn’t hear you calling his sanity into question. “Even if you wanted to be a deranged criminal, he’d just get you caught. Me, personally, I could plan it all out with you.”
Scratch that, he’s an overly willing lunatic who’s shielding his emotional dysregulation by talking about logic. Like that’s ever worked for anyone.
“So what if I’m impulsive? There are positives to being with me, duh!”
“I doubt it.” Kaiser’s skepticism is palpable.
Shidou’s gaze returns to you, so he can look at you straight on while delivering his next line. “Well, I’d give you a really enthusiastic massage.” Oh, this is the route he’s taking. Ok. “Jitter up your neurons like you do mine.”
“Do you even know what a neuron is?”
“Even a foot massage?” you ask, amused.
“Sure, I can do a foot massage.” Shidou remains carefree at the suggestion.
“Do you know foot reflexology?”
“No, that’s so boring.” You frown, just for the sake of seeing his reaction more than anything. Shidou tries to amend the situation, “I can learn?!”
“You can’t let him massage you anywhere,” argues Kaiser, and he seems quite offended by the notion. “He’ll probably do it wrong and fuck you up because he’s a brute. You’re gonna get injured.”
“Well, can the blue rose princess do any better?”
“Stop calling me convoluted nicknames. And maybe not, but I could hire a massage therapist with a five star rating or something. How’s that sound?”
“You’re such a robot! You’d rather be with a brute than with a robot at the end of the day, right, babe? Team pink wins all day.”
“How am I a robot?”
Gleefully, Shidou expands on his point with his grin turning even more devious, “It’s not about giving a good massage! It’s all an excuse to be all over someone. And by the way, you don’t seem cuddly at all. I wouldn’t touch you with a ten foot pole.” His definition of ‘cuddly’ is probably questionable considering it includes Sae, but still.
“What! Yes, I am! Don’t talk about touching me, you moronic deviant!” Kaiser then deflates and seems a bit unsure despite the earlier conviction and aggression in his outburst. “I mean, if you think it’s an attractive quality, that is. But if you find it degrading, then I’m not huggable at all.”
Wow, they’re both suckers. You wonder how far you’ll be able to push it in the future?
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mykoreanlove · 5 months
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“Hyunjin, please. I beg you. I need you!“, you whined dramatically.
The object of your desire was standing in front of you, painting peacefully in his well lit atelier.
„Y/N, I told you already I’m not the right one for you.“
He muttered his rejection so easily, the words were rolling of his tongue without a single care. Watching him paint was one of your favourite pastimes: the concentrated look in his eyes paired with his vulnerable aura made him so attractive, so brilliantly talented. This is why you got down on your knees and begged for your life - if your exhibition had to be a success you couldn’t do it without him.
„Hwang Hyunjin, Artist of artists, please. Please, please, please.“, you begged shamelessly.
Finally, Hyunjin averted his gaze from the canvas on to you.
„Begging on your knees. Really, y/n?“
„You leave me no chance. What else am I supposed to do?“, you snapped.
He let out a deep sigh and mustered you intensely.
„Listen, your exhibition is all about love. Crazy, stupid, romantic, can’t live without you kind of love. I can’t draw that. That’s just not who I am.“, he explained flatly.
„You are the most romantic person I know, Hyunjin. You breathe love. How can you not be the right fit for me?“
He shrugged his shoulders. „I may be breathing love but love is suffocating me.“
„Aren’t you dating anyone?“
„Haven’t been for a very long time.“
„Why not?“
„Because love is not for me. I’ve seen this over and over again.“, he replied drily.
Confusion settled on your face - someone as attractive, as charming and as talented as Hyunjin was bad at love?
„Oh, I get it. You’re fucking with me, right?“, you snorted out laughing. „Good one but now is not the time for jokes, Hwang. Paint me a fucking masterpiece, please!“
Now he was the one looking at you puzzled.
„I wasn’t joking. Love is not for me, y/n.“, he said sternly.
„How can that be? You are drop dead gorgeous - how could someone possibly dump you?“, you asked in confusion.
„I’m sorry but I can’t date you anymore.“
„It’s just.. you’re just too pretty for me.“
„I, what?“
„I’m sorry but I can’t live like that. I’m constantly anxious because I’m afraid some girl will steal you from me. Next to you I look like a sack of potatoes and I just feel so bad. I don’t.. I don’t want to feel like that. Sorry, Hyunjin.“
„Shit, did that really happen? I had no idea people like you had it rough, as well.“, you blurted out.
„What? You think life gives you a free pass because of some pretty features?“
„I mean it normally does.“, you mumbled under your breath.
Hyunjin rolled his eyes at you, annoyed by the false perception of others which he was used to.
„Okay, but surely not all girls were like that? What about your charisma? You’re so charming, girls love that!“
„This doesn’t work, Hyunjin.“
„Why not?“
„You treat me too well. What’s up with the date nights and flowers? You always listen and remember the smallest things about me. You encourage me and stand by my side and that’s not normal.
„You don’t consider that normal?“
„No! All my friends hate me because I’m living this fairytale romance and I can’t risk losing them because you’re not a dickhead like all the others.“
„Okay, now you’re just making shit up.“, you gazed astonished.
„Do I y/n? Do I?“
„Hold up - you’re telling me you got dumped multiple times because you were too handsome and too nice? Where do you even find those girls?“
Hyunjin shrugged his shoulders, he had often asked himself the same thing.
„Wow okay. I had no idea you were such a loser in the love department…“, you muttered under your breath.
Hyunjin grabbed the brush and continued painting.
„Hey wait, what about your talent? Are you telling me ladies don’t want that?“, you jumped excitedly.
„There was only one.“, he said sternly.
„One? Like the one? Like your first love or something?“
He nodded.
„So that’s it! Paint about your first love, then!“
Hyunjin stopped painting for a minute as he recalled his first love, the one he lost his innocence to.
You noticed the change in his demeanour, further pushing him to spill the tea.
„What was she like?“
He took another deep breath before he recalled those times.
„She was a visionary. Brilliant, smart, sexy. Someone who knew what she wanted. She saw the world as her canvas and herself as the brush, painting the wildest masterpieces with her whole being.“
„She sounds lovely.“, you replied.
„Yeah..“, the sadness in his voice was heavy.
„Until she wasn’t.“
„What does that mean?“
„She was in a rut when her and I got together. Not only stuck in her life but also her art. Although, those things might have merged into one. So, when she met me she kind of used me to fuel herself. To regain that spark for life, so to say. And when she had it back, she no longer needed me.“
„That sounds tough. Sorry, Hyunjin.“, you answered truthfully.
„It was tough. I had to keep seeing her every day at school.“
„Couldn’t you have switched classes?“
Hyunjin grabbed the brush again and continued painting, his gaze was set on the canvas.
„What good does switching do if she was the ambassador of art?“
Goosebumps formed on your skin as you realised what he was implying.
„Hyunjin… the one you are talking about… was that your art teacher?“
He halted for a second, not averting his gaze though.
„Oh Hyun, I am so sorry.“, you said with teary eyes. Hyunjin found himself in your strong embrace, as you slung your arms around his waist.
„You were a minor, a child…“, you cried out loud.
A sly grin formed on his lips. He was touched by your concern - concern from others was something he hadn’t felt for a very long time.
„Y/N, I didn’t tell you all of this so you would feel sorry for me. I simply wanted you to understand why I’m not the right fit for your exhibition.“
„I’m sorry I ignored you, Hyunjin. Sorry.“, you cried into his back.
Inspired by your tears he suddenly had a different idea in mind.
„But what if…“, he turned around and faced you again. „What if I give it a different spin?“
„Different spin?“, you asked as you wiped away your tears.
„What if instead of painting a love that’s common and known I’ll paint a love that’s pure even though it’s shamed?“, he proposed excitedly.
„I have no idea what you’re talking about, Hyun…“
A soft chuckle escaped his lips.
„What if the purest and strongest love one can have is with oneself? Because ever since I swore off love I lived like that. I love me. Can’t that count as well?“
Being his friend was one of the greatest joys of your life because he always managed to evolve your way of thinking, of seeing things differently.
„I didn’t even think about that…“, you admitted ashamed.
„So? Is that a yes?“
You nodded your head cheerily.
„Yes. I‘d love to incorporate your spin. I’d be honored to, Hwang.“
A sad smile formed on his lips as he proceeded painting. Even if this kind of love wasn’t the one that was written in the books, it was the one kind of love that always kept him warm even in the coldest of nights.
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merakiui · 1 year
Hear me out Mera.... STEP BRO IDIA!!!!
He is so nasty and grimy! Ew! He finally gets to fulfil his nasty hentai fantasies with a cute lil sis who will call him "onii-chan". He desperately tries to convince himself that this isn't disgusting because you two aren't related, but he dresses you up with so many disgusting outfits, your parents just assume that it's "cute sibling bonding" because they're 'normies'.
He forces you to call him onii-chan and disgusting weeby things. He makes you watch hentai with him while he plays with you. He puts his 'imouto' on weird sex machines he makes as a tribute to his favourite hentais.
Nasty nasty! If you try talk to Ortho about it, Idia programmed Ortho to malfunction and turn off when you interact with him, so help is not an option.
OMG OMG YES…… slimy, nasty, disgusting step-brother Idia!!!! You’re the only girl he’s ever talked to, aside from his own mother, so naturally when you’re right at his fingertips, so accessible and always just down the hall, it’s hard to not see opportunity at its every angle. You’re the first real, 3D girl he’s ever had these thoughts about, which is strange for him because he’s always been so against 3D. But you’re cute and sweet and you don’t judge him as fiercely as he thinks others might if he steps outside of his room… It doesn’t matter if the two of you are the same age; he’ll still want to be called nii-chan because it sounds so cute coming from your lips, and he giggles and grins each time you shakily say it.
You’re dressed in all sorts of things. Idia says it’s cosplay, but can this really count if most of the outfits feel more like skimpy lingerie? You’re dressed like a maid, a succubus, a hucow, a schoolgirl, a catgirl, and so on. Idia takes too many pictures of you, and you feel incredibly awkward each time (especially when he boldly insists on snapping panty shots because of course he’s also made sure you’re wearing panties that fit his tastes).
I think the first time Idia sees your pussy his brain does,,,, a mental reset and trips over itself because wow this is what 3D pussy is like??????? :0 he’s such a loser… he’s gone as far as fingering you, mirroring the movements in a hentai he’ll put on for you to watch while he’s spreading you open, but he’s never actually fucked you before. He lets machines do the work instead, and they fuck you for hours while Idia grinds dungeons with Muscle Red, his headphones tuning out your gasps and desperate pleas for him to turn it off (or turn up the intensity depending on how mind broken you are). It gets incredibly lonely on the Island of Woe, so you keep Idia plenty company in…unorthodox ways. He tries all sorts of sex toys and machines on you; you’re like his little lab rat.
Maybe he even considers whoring you out to Azul while he’s at NRC (because he also convinced Crowley to let him bring you <3) so he can get footage of real-life tentacle hentai. >:) if Azul’s not up to it, the twins will indulge Idia and his monsterfucking fantasies, but they can’t (and won’t) promise you won’t be knocked up by the end of it. And maybe STYX Idia makes you get fucked by simulations of the Overblots or he lets you get fucked by some Phantoms and and and OOOOOO orz
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sopfiista · 3 months
Academic Rivals (Pt. 2)
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SUMMARY: Geto realizes he messed up- and wants to apologize so bad. So he takes you to an empty classroom and shows you how bad he really feels.
WARNING: Smut, PIV, dirty talk, pet names (baby. slut, whore)
NOTES: This is really short, but a part 2 of academic rivals because I wanted more >:)
It’s been over a week and Geto hasn’t changed whatsoever. He’s still his same cocky self, his scores still perfect, happily holding them up for you to see. Of course, you played along for the first three classes- but after that you wondered if he just saw you as some hookup.
Everytime he tried talking to you, all you could remember is that fucked out face, the feeling of his long hair between your fingers, and that sultry tone he gave you throughout the entire time.
But he seemed fine.
Other than that, everything else was pretty normal. You and Kei, which you called Yakazaki now, were getting really cute and you couldn’t deny it- he was pretty cute. He’s pretty shy, but all over he’s very sweet and has become a bit.. Flirty with you.
“I got a 90 this time,” he said, smiling at you, “your tutoring really helped- thank you.”
You cheered. “That’s so good!” A sense of pride and excitement raced in your heart as you looked at his pretty face and smiled- completely missing the dirty look that Geto gives the two of you, the familiar pang of jealousy in his heart.
How can you move on like nothing happened? He wondered to himself, his hand gripping on his pen as he tried to focus on his notes. He did all of that to fix everything that happened, and you’re back to how you were before, ignoring him and talking to that fucking loser.
Class finished and the two of you left class, chatting about something random. You watched him smile and laugh, your heart fluttering momentarily.
“Hey, I have a question for you,” Kei suddenly said, turning to fully face you.
You furrowed your eyebrows. “What’s wrong?” You couldn’t help but feel nervous- what happened? Did you mess up with him?
“You didn’t do anything,” he said, shaking his head, “I just want to ask.. Do you like me..?”
You froze. How did he know? Did he not like you back? Why was he asking this question?!
“W-well, uhm..” you swallow nervously. Fuck it- you only live once. “I do, yeah..”
Kei stood there, stunned. “Oh wow..” he muttered, ears going pink, “well, I like you back..”
Your jaw went slack, and before you could speak, his warm, soft lips captured yours in a soft, tender kiss. You instantly melted, kissing him back almost nervously.
Geto had seen it all. He stood at the end of the short hallway, eyes wide, heart broken, and pure rage and jealousy as he watched. Yakazaki ran off somewhere, leaving you awe-struck and pink in the cheeks. Something that he should be doing- not some kid you met three months ago.
What the fuck was wrong with you?! He just fucked you a few weeks ago- now you were going around and kissing some boy?! WHAT THE FUCK?!
You looked over at him, seeing him silently fume only a few strides away from you. You froze, eyes going wide.
“Geto..?” You muttered, covering your mouth.
“What the fuck is wrong with you?!” He asked, storming up to you and grabbing your arm, yanking you into an empty hallway. “You’re a fucking slut- y’know that? You go around and fuck whoever you want to- I shoulda never took you up to my room. What is wrong with you?!”
“What are you going on about!” You snapped, “you didn’t even bat an eye at me- you treated me like a fling, Geto!”
He scoffed.
“I didn’t think you cared-”
“Well I did! You acted like you moved on- so I did the same!” You said, your eyes going glossy, “It meant so much when you did that- fuck! For the first few days, I thought you actually wanted to be my boyfriend!”
Geto fell silent. Had you really thought that..? Now he felt bad.
“Baby..” he muttered, cupping your cheek in his hand, wiping the tear rolling down your cheek, “I didn’t know you thought that way..”
“Well I did!” You snapped bitterly, your voice wobbly, “Fuck you- I look like a crybaby now!”
He hummed, pulling you close and kissing you- making sure to wipe off the filth that that other kid put on your lips. You instantly kissed back, missing the perfect fit your lips had on eachother.
He pulled back, humming at your lidded expression. “Baby, let me make it up to you? Let me apologize-”
Geto huffed, pressing your front onto the whiteboard, rutting into you with that scarily fast pace, making your mind go numb.
“Baby- I’m so sorry,” he panted, his fingers rubbing small circles on your clit, his breath fanning on the back of your shoulder, “I’m so sorry baby.. Didn’t know you thought of me that way..”
You could barely register his apologies anymore, the only thing you can think of being how good he feels, shoving his dick into your cunt repeatedly, making your back arch against him more, ripping another moan out of your kissed out lips.
“Sugu..” you muttered out, weakly pressing your hand onto his stomach, trying to stop him. You could feel his sinister smile from behind you.
“Jus’ cum one more baby, then I’ll let you go, m’kay? I wanna show you how bad I really feel..” He huffed, somehow picking up the pace just a little bit more.
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abbysbraids · 6 months
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Head over heels part 2
Note: this isn’t my best writing but I have to the people what they want , should I add smut in the next part ???
Days after meeting the girls of your dreams you couldn’t stop thinking about her , you needed to see her again your , how could you fall for her not even knowing her name , how could you find her ?
Deciding to take action you get up from bed to find her maybe she’s close to you ? Picking the clothes off the floor and put on some and heading out the door , heading to the coffee shop until you notice her siting in the cafe, can’t help but admire her she’s the most gorgeous woman you’ve seen , she saw you admiring her , a small smerk appear slowly getting up to approach you “ hi pretty girl “ shes so much hotter than you remember looking at her muscles you just want to bite them “ hi remember me “ feeling a boost of confidence “ of course I do how could forget a girl like you “ you feel yourself blushing hard putting your hand in you face in embarrassment “ don’t hide from me sweetheart it’s cute when you get embarrassed “
feeing your shyness take over you
“ what’s you name or should I just call you princess “
“ it’s y/n how about you “ you say
“Abby “ saying it with a sultry voice feeling your knew almost buckle
“ can I have your number “ holy shit did she just ask for you number you could faint “ yeah sure here “
Picking up a random paper and writing your number and handing it to her , watching as her big hands grab the paper it looks small in her hands , she chuckled noticing you stare at her hand “ something on your mind there princess” you snap out of it immediately “ no sorry I just can’t help it , your so fucking hot “ her checks get red laughing in a nerdy cute laugh “thanks y/n I appreciate it “ you smile hard your already in head over heels for her “ how about a library date tomorrow 7 you free? “ hearing her exited squeal makes your heart happy “ I would love too” she smiled showing a bit of her teeth “ how about we get some ice cream “ she says in a confidence voice “ let’s go abby “
you just walk and talk about your life , you found out her dad died at the age 17 she meant the world to him “ shit I’m so sorry Abby you shouldn’t have to go through that “
“ thank you , you know he would have loved you , you kinda reminded me of him “ you stop walking to hug her , leaning her chin on your shoulders kissing her cheek “ he would be so proud of you “ you can see a tear form in her eyes , wiping it always “ he told me that a lot , made sure I never forgot it I’m such a loser for crying I’m sorry “
Inviting her into your embrace not wanting to let her go “ it’s okay silly I love that about you , your so open about your feelings, how about we go to my place I’ll make you some tea and we can chat how does that sound abs”
she chuckled lightly “ amazing let’s go where your place “ waking for a short time you made it your place its a nice apartment , talking your keys out to open your door , guiding Abby to head inside, she looks around eye wide “ it’s so beautiful wow “
“ thanks i decarcerated it myself , sit down I’m gonna grab some snacks “
Hanging her jacket on you front door , you end up falling asleep on the couch she gets a blanket and cover you up wondering how lucky she is to have Meet you .
Pink+white-Frank ocean
In the morning- rocco
A big brown dog named bagel-Nep
Moon song -pheobe bridegers
Bags -clairo
( you) on my arms - leith Ross
Kingston-Faye Webster
Beautiful stranger- laufey
20191009 I like her - mac demarco
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ornii · 1 year
My Better Bitter Half, Part 9
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Part 9: Pilgrimage
“Let's assess, shall we? Bag over my head for optimal disorientation, wrists tied tight enough to cut off circulation, and no idea if I'm going to live or die. It's definitely my kind of party.”
(Y/n) and Wednesday, twins were bagged and dragged into a dark decrepit hole unbeknownst of their location.
“Who dares breach our inner sanctum?” A haunting voice comes out, their masks were suddenly taken off as they look around, and realize they’re still in the library.
“You can take the mask off, Bianca.” Wednesday says.
“And just like that, my hopes were dashed against the rocks of bitter disappointment. My foe was no psychotic killer. More like a bunch of high school clowns.” Wednesday thinks as they remove their masks
“Wait, I preferred you with it on.” Wednesday said.
“How did you get down here?” One asks
“Rowan” (Y/n) chimes in. “She tracked the watermark to the Poe statue. Then I solved the riddle.”
“Wait, there's a riddle?” One asks, “I thought we just snapped twice.”
“Wow, absolute Einstein here” (y/n) says with his burning sarcasm.
“The Nightshades are an elite social club.
Emphasis on elite.” Bianca said.
“We have roof parties, campouts, the occasional midnight skinny-dip. And Yoko's an amateur mixologist. She makes a killer virgin mojito. It can get pretty wild.” One girl adds in.
“Wow. Do you guys even have a bedtime?” Wednesday said with her cold sarcasm
“Last I heard, the Nightshades had been disbanded.” (Y/n) said.
“Yeah, the group kind of lost its charter 30 years ago after some normie kid died.” Xavier says
“But we have a lot of wealthy alumni, so Weems looks the other way as long as nobody makes any waves.”
“Someone like Rowan?” Wednesday adds in.
“We booted that loser last semester. Question is, what are we gonna do with them? Only members are allowed in this library.” Bianca says, and Xavier comes up with an idea.
“I say we invite them to pledge. They’re Addams, both legacy.” He explains.
“After the crap they pulled in the Poe Cup, there's no way in hell.”
“Are you mad we beat you at your own game? Let me save you the trouble glow fish.” He stands up and reveals his undone bindings.
“I'm not interested in joining, and I’m sure my sister isn’t.”
“You're seriously turning us down?” One says.
“Yes Because your little social club is so inviting.” He walks to the door, but is stopped by Kent, the mermaid and the twin of Divina.
“If you think the little burns you had at the Cup were bad, I’ll fillet you alive, get out of my way.” (Y/n) says with such unnerving calmness, Kent awkwardly side stepped and (Y/n) turned to Wednesday.
“When you’re done toying with them, let me know.” He heads up the flight of stairs to leave his more than capable sister there.
Minutes later he’s awaiting at the gate of the school, and his sister arrives.
“Good, you’re done playing with them, we can figure out our next move.” (Y/n) says.
“It seems the Nightshades were a dead end. They’re not capable of murdering Rowan, they’re barely capable of kidnapping two people.”
“Well your Standards are unnaturally high.” He says and nudges his sister, she stares at him and he walks back to his dorm, Wednesday watches her leave.
“There were so many threads to my investigation, I could weave a burial shroud. I still have no idea how Rowan mysteriously rose from the dead. Or why that monster is prowling the woods. But right now, nothing intrigues me more than this book. If I'm going to be responsible for Nevermore's demise, the question is, why am I sharing this apocalypse with a pilgrim?”
The next morning, The Students Are forced to stand at the Quad as Weems gives them the rundown for their Jobs.
“All students will report for their volunteer jobs at 10:00 a.m. sharp, followed by a community lunch at 1:00. As you know, this year Outreach Day culminates in a very special event, the dedication of a new memorial statue in the town square, which will also include performances by Nevermore students. As representatives of our school, I trust you will all put your best face forward.” She says, and hands out slips of paper for the Postions they’ll play. The Addams twins and Enid get theirs.
“Yes! I got Pilgrim World!” Enid says and (Y/n) checks it.
“Me too.” He ways, “I have natural people skills and a love of performing, so it's kind of the obvi choice.” Enid says, and grabs (Y/n)‘s arm.
“We can wear matching clothes!” Enid says smiling, which quickly changes the sullen demeanor of (Y/n). Who smiles.
“ I suppose I don’t hate that…” he says softly, and Enid turns to Wednesday.
“What'd you get?”
“Uriah's Heap, whatever that is.” She said, the students convey to Jericho to assist at Pilgrim world
“Ew. It's this weird, creepy antique store.” Enid says. “You'll love it though. I'm crossing my claws Ajax and I will be outreaching together.” Enid says, which (Y/n)‘s smile quickly Fades.
“Fantastic.” He walks off, and Weems has reached the front and begins.
“Welcome, welcome, Nevermore Academy.
Now, on behalf of the entire Jericho community, we are so, so pleased to have you all here today. Your generosity and hard work are truly... outreachous! Okay, everyone. We'll see you back here at one o'clock for lunch. Enjoy!” Weems says, (Y/n) adjusts his tie, ready to Woo Enid and make her forget about Ajax, as Enid prepares, Wednesday approaches her.
“Enid. Switch volunteer assignments.”
“What? No. Uriah's Heap is definitely not my bag.”
“It's an emergency. I need to check out Pilgrim World.”
“But Wednesday, this is not a fair trade. Why would I agree to spend the entire day at some dumpy emporium of crapola?”
“Because Ajax is volunteering there. Thing sneaked a peek at his assignment. But if you're not interested...” Wednesday begins to retract, but Enid grabs it.
“No! Oh my God, thank you. You're the best!” Enid skips away, (Y/n) stands with the ground, he turns left as he senses the approach of a woman, he turns with a smile to face enid but he unfortunately sees Wednesday.
“Wednesday? Where’s enid? You didn’t hurt you did you?”
“No, she swapped assignments with me.”
“Uh, why?” He asks, “She hates all things creepy.”
“Ajax is working at the Heap. That convinced her.” Wednesday says, (Y/n) was at a loss for words, the anger and disappointment was at a maximum as he lost his chance to possibly sweep Enid off her feet.
“I would have preferred Enid.” He says.
“I still cannot comprehend what you see in Her.”
“You don’t understand the Human emotional spectrum? I’m so shocked.” He says with sarcasm. “I’d like to spend time with women who aren’t related to me, unless you just don’t want Enid to snatch me away from you~”
“You are absurdly full of yourself, She’s After Ajax, do yourself a favor and accept cold reality. Wednesday says, He opens his mouth to say something less than appealing to his sister, but Eugene intervenes.
“Hey, Wednesday, want to grab a Hummers group photo?” He says, standing in the frame and the twins turn to face him, now both of them with the same stone face.
“Guess not.” Eugene says sheepishly as he walks away, suddenly, a woman approached, dressed as a Pilgrim.
“Good morrow, my young Nevermore kin. I am Mistress Arlene. A real OC. Original colonist. Now prithee, put your cell phones on vibrate and make haste, for you are about to travel back in time to the year of our Lord 1625, to Jericho's first pilgrim settlement. Yonder. Behold, the meeting house. Inside is a collection of artifacts related to Jericho's most beloved and pious founder, Joseph Crackstone. And beyond is our privy, America's first gender-neutral restroom.” She says, “Does anyone have a question about the bathrooms?” (Y/n) begins to raise his hand but Wednesday puts it back down.
“I haveth a query.” Wednesday said.
“Pray, be quick, child.”
“In the meeting house, which of Joseph Crackstone's artifacts are on display?”
“It is truly a treasure trove, including original farm tools, tableware, even the Crackstone family chamber pot.”
“Sounds fascinating. My Brother and I volunteer to work in there.”
“Pray, no. That exhibit is being renovated.
Today, thou will all be working at the beating heart of Pilgrim World. Ye olde fudgery!” She says, and shows the children a Fugde production shop
"Ye Olde Fudgery?" (Y/n) says, raising an eyebrow.
“More like ye olde diabetes in a box.” His sister retorts.
“Volunteers, prick up thine ears. Fudge is the lifeblood of our humble community. And samples equal sales, so grab a uniform and a box and make our forefathers proud.” She says. And adults hand out pieces of the uniforms.
“Are these for muzzling tourists?” Wednesday says.
“No, perhaps we can use them for muzzling troublesome siblings.” (Y/n) thinks.
The twins unfortunately put on a perfect facade of creepy pilgrims as (Y/n) stands there with a plate of Fudge, and Wednesday next to him.
“Enjoy your "authentic" pilgrim fudge made with cacao beans procured by the oppressed indigenous people of the Amazon. All proceeds go to uphold this pathetic whitewashing of American history.” She says in fluent German.
(In French) “Also, fudge wasn't invented for another 258 years. But please, continue to fuel this soulless corporation with your money so your children can still call Native Americans “Indians” (Y/n) says in perfect French.
“Any takers?” They say in Union, which creeps out the tourists and they leave. He calmly tosses the plate over his shoulder.
“This is getting ridiculous.” He says, Wednesday looks around and eyes the door she wishes to enter and walks off, (Y/n) follows, eventually the duo reach the door and Wednesday, using her oddly knowledgeable skill of breaking and entering unlocks the door and heads inside, he follows closely and the duo see the house, it was obviously turned into a museum, displaying multiple items
“My grandmother once told me secrets are like zombies... they never truly die. I'm not sure what secret Crackstone is hiding, but I have a strange feeling the answers to my future lie in the past. The Old Meeting House, 1625.”
“(Y/n), this is the girl from my vision. She's even holding the same book. That black one she had outside Crackstone's crypt.” Wednesday says, and (Y/n) turns to see a book on display.
“Codex Umbrarum. Book of Shadows." He opens it, and sees it all Empty. “Great. It's a fake.” He checks the back of it as his sister peers over his shoulder.
“I don't know who Etsy is, but I doubt she was an outcast settler.”
“No, she wasn’t.” He says, their investigation was suddenly sidelined as Arlene sees them.
“Just what the fudge are you two doing in here?” She says,
“Mistress Arlene.“ (y.n) said, “I proclaimed the meeting house is under repair.” She says “I know thoust heard me.”
“We don’t have firm for this. What happened to the original?” (Y/n) says, and Arlene frowns
“A child unknowing to respect thine elders, The original was stolen last month during the two o'clock witch trial.”
“It was probably the only authentic thing you have in here, yet you still charge $29.95 a ticket?” Wednesday says.
“Hold thy tongue. I'm reassigning you both.
To fudge-churning duty.”
“The original meeting house, the one in that painting, where is it?”
“How the hell should I know?
I only moved here from Scottsdale in April.” She says dropping the attitude.
“Fantastic, we’ll have to find it ourselves, I’ll ask around.” (Y/n) says.
“Ask who? No one living knows—“
“Exactly, no one living. Now If you’ll excuse me sister.” He says to Arlene, she frowns and walks off.
Back at Nevermore, (Y/n) sits cross legged in an Ally, with Wednesday watching guard, she turns to face him.
“Have you found the information yet?” She asks, his head suddenly jerks back and then forth and he opens his eyes, Gasping for air.
“I, think I do…” he says, and walks off into the forest, almost zombie like, they reach a burned down building, they search but, find nothing.
“Can you touch a leaf or something and get a vision?” (Y/n) asks.
“No, I can't just touch something. My visions seem to happen spontaneously.”
“Mother could help you learn some of the power”
“I would rather dye my hair pink than ask mother for advice.”
“Why am I not surprised, Maybe You’re Just afraid to see a vision.” He says sarcastically.
“Oh, you want me to prove it to you?” She says and grabs random items
“No. Nothing. Ah, I bet this will give us some real insight.” She says holding a Taco Bell bag..
“My visions are about as predictable as shark attacks.” Wednesday touched the gate and immediately stiffens up and convulses. (Y/n) rushes to her side and grabs her.
“Wednesday? Wednesday?!” He yells, she seems to be lost in a vision, and (Y/n) takes her away.
Minutes pass inside his room, he had a circle drawn around Wednesday, using his otherworldly skills to try and assist his sister, but her body suddenly awakens and she sits up.
“(Y/n), I saw her! The girl from my visions.
Her name is Goody Addams, and I believe she's our ancestor from 400 years ago.”
“Okay, but what does that have to do with Crackstone?
“I saw Joseph Crackstone in front of me as clearly as I'm seeing you now. He gathered all the outcasts in the meeting house and burned them alive.”
“I see, I see.. so that’s why they’re connected, Joseph killed Goody. Then Crackstone has to do with what’s going on… well, we have to think about this later, we have the concert to perform at? I assume Weems told you.
“Unfortunately so.���
“I thought nothing scared me, but that was before I stared into the eyes of Joseph Crackstone. I don't believe in heaven or hell. But I do believe in revenge. I usually serve it warm with a side of pain, but I've never faced an adversary cast in bronze.”
The Addams Twins are with other students in Jericho, preparing for the Band, but (Y/n)’s guitar skills were unmatched. But his sisters cello ability was unmatched. Weems approaches the podium.
“Thank you. It is my honor to celebrate our town's history and Jericho's noble forefather, Joseph Crackstone. Now, he believed that with a happy heart and an open ear, there was nothing our town couldn't achieve. So together as one, our community and our friends at Nevermore Academy, we've built a monument to celebrate his memory. Now, may the spirit of Joseph Crackstone be memorialized for eternity.” She says as they reveal the Statue of Crackstone, which begins to flow water.
The band begins playing of "Don't Stop" by Fleetwood Mac and the crowd cheers, but (Y/n) was still miffed by his loss of possibly wooing Enid.
The crowd cheers, but their cheers quickly turn to horror as an explosion bellows from the statue, it seems someone swapped the water with gasoline, and all it took was a single match. Screams, terror, fear rang though the center, but what truly took the eye of most was the hellish screeches of an electric guitar, and a cello, as the twins play a harrowing version of Vivaldi's "Winter" as the guitars strings bellow though the area, the cellos haunting dreary tone perfectly compliments the guitar, but Weems wasn’t enjoying it.
“That was a disaster. The mayor is furious!
I've lost count of the angry phone calls, emails, and people in the town, alumni and parents. They want answers and so do I.” Weems says with such vitriolic rage at the twins sitting at the office.
“I would lead the inquisition, but I left my thumbscrews and rack at home.” Wednesday said.
“Miss Addams... you're already on thin ice.
Wafer-thin ice.”
“I swear Principal, our hands are clean.”
“What happened to you Mister Addams? You weren’t like this until your sister darkens our dorms.” She says, which changes his mood, maybe he was going back to his old ways. Weems turns to Wednesday.
“I may not have hard evidence, but I see you.
You're a trouble magnet.”
“If trouble means standing up to lies, decades of discrimination, centuries of treating outcasts like second-class citizens or worse...”
“What are you talking about?”
“Jericho.” (Y/n) cuts Weems off
“Why does this town even have an Outreach Day? Don't you know its real history with outcasts? The actual story of Joseph Crackstone and his hatred for Us?”
“I do…To an extent.” Weems says.
“Then why be complicit in its cover up? Those who forget history are doomed to repeat it.” Wednesday chimes in.
“That's where you and I differ. Where you see doom, I see opportunity. Maybe this is a chance to rewrite the wrongs, to start a new chapter in the normie-outcast relations.”
“Nothing has changed since Crackstone. They still hate us. Only now they sugarcoat it with platitudes and smiles. If you're unwilling to fight for truth...”
“You don't think I want the truth? Of course I do. But the world isn't always black and white.
There are shades of gray.”
“Maybe for you. But it's either they write our story or we do, history isn’t written by those who are right, it’s by those who survive.” He says, weems Just sighs.
“You two are exhausting.”
“We know.”
“Goodnight, Minster and Miss Addams. But know, I don’t tire easily.” She says with the last foreboding warning, the twins leave the office and head back to their dorm. A but silent between each other, Wednesday was typing upon her typewriter, and Enid shows off a few outfits.
“Too much?”
“I feel like you just napalmed me, Enid.” Wednesday says.
“So glad I have my date with Ajax tonight.
Get my mind off that trainwreck of an afternoon. I literally think I have PTSD. I didn't even get to do my dance routine.” Enid says.
“What a tragedy— wait Date?” Wednesday asks.
“What kind of twisted psycho would want to sabotage such a life-affirming event?” Enid says, Wednesday ponders for a moment, and looks a bit saddened. He brother truly does care for her.
“…You're going to be late.”
“Wish me luck.” Enid says with a giggle and leaves. Meanwhile (Y/n) stands at the window, staring out into the moon, sighing solemnly as his eyes reflect the full moon.
“I don't believe in mandatory volunteer work, sugar-coated history, or happy endings, but most of all... I don't believe in coincidences. To paraphrase Agatha Christie, one coincidence is just a coincidence, two are a clue...and three are proof. Rowan's drawing of me and Crackstone happens sometime in the future. Goody Addams' warnings about Crackstone were in the past. And the monster is here in the present. Three coincidences that I know are connected. That monster could be anyone. The sheriff thinks they only exist behind the walls of this school. The truth is, there are monsters everywhere. And sometimes the monsters we least suspect are the most dangerous. They don't need teeth and claws to terrify. They hide in the shadows until no one is looking. And then they strike. But I'm looking now. And I won't stop until I find the truth.
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seecarrun · 8 months
Fic authors self rec! When you get this, reply with your favorite five fics that you've written, then pass on to at least five other writers. Let’s spread the self-love!
Aww this is so fun! Let’s see here… we’ll do just my It/reddie fics for this one, but if anyone wants a pokemon list, let me know!
1. Pants on Fire - The ‘Richie ends up in a Liar Liar situation’ fic. This one is still my favorite. So much fun to write!
"My name is Richard Tozier," he said to his reflection. Easy. So far, so good. "I was born on March seventh, nineteen seventy-six." Also good. Nice. Okay, now for the kicker... "I am six foot fff–" He blinked. The words stuck awkwardly in his throat. "I am six foot ffff–!" He stared into his eyes through the mirror as he watched them fill with dread.
"I am six foot ffff–ucking two!" he cried. In his reflection, his eyes widened comically. Oh, this was bad. Something was wrong, something was so, so wrong.
2. Turning and Returning - Richie and Eddie get paired with each other during a middle school dancing PE unit. :’)
Ben had gotten the idea in his head that the ballroom dances are like, the most romantic or whatever; so hopefully if Richie has to watch someone fucking waltzing elegantly around with Eddie all week, it'll—
"Kaspbrak, Tozier. You two."
Richie blinks, snapping out of his head. "Huh? Us two what?" he asks.
Coach Black looks up from his clipboard, unimpressed, and uses his pen to point between Richie and Eddie. "You two are partners," he clarifies casually, like he isn't completely upending Richie's entire fucking life. Fuck.
3. Cooking Up Trouble - Richie gives Eddie cooking lessons to help him survive after his divorce. This one has pretty artwork, too!
Richie, for whatever reason, was more than willing to drop everything and fly out to New York that very weekend, despite Eddie's insistence that it really, really wasn't necessary.
"It's just a cooking lesson, Rich," he urged, exasperated yet fond. "Easily completed over the phone."
"Not the way I do it, Eds," Richie said with a grin and a wink over FaceTime. "The Richie Tozier culinary experience is hands-on only, baby."
4. A Gentle Nudge - Bev and Eddie bonding!
His eyes were still big, even bigger than usual, and the leg she wasn't touching bounced nervously. "I'm not in love with you," he repeated, finally looking over at Bev. "I've never been in love with you."
"Wow, kick a girl while she's down," she quipped.
Eddie rolled his eyes and snorted. "Oh, shut up," he snapped. "Focus, Bev. I'm having a revelation, here."
5. Hung Up on You - Short and sweet. Middle age idiots acting like middle schoolers.
A few of the Losers make delighted and wistful noises at the idea, to Eddie's continued mortification, and before he knows it, his phone is being thrust into his hands, and six pairs of eyes are staring him down.
He blinks up at them stupidly. "He's—He's at a party!" he cries. "He's not even gonna answer!"
"He will if it's you." Mike grins. Eddie hates that he knows he's right.
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holylulusworld · 2 months
The big hammer (1)
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Summary: Thor takes you in.
Pairing: Lumberjack!Thor Odinson x fem!Reader
Warnings: awful brother, angst, mentions of/implied physical abuse
This story is part of my Lumberjack Tales masterlist
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Thor crossed his arms over his wide chest. The red-white checkered flannel he wore strained against his thick, muscular arms. He shook his head no.
His friend grunted. “You owe me. I took care of your drunk sister more than once. Y/N won’t disturb you. She needs a place to crash. Your cabin is huge.”
“I owe you shit,” Thor ran his big hand down his face. He had a lot on his plate, especially with fall being so cold. “I have work to do and don’t need distraction.”
“You don’t have work to do,” your brother snapped at his friend. “You cut wood all the time for fun. Your cabin in the woods is rather a castle, and you could simply buy your firewood.”
“I like working with my hands,” Thor said and turned his hands to look at his palms. “A man must feel the wood he wants to use to bring warmth into his home. He wants to cut it, and not let another man do it for him.”
“It’s one weekend, Thor. Do this for me, and I won’t tell anyone you let a poor girl sleep outside in the cold.”
“You have no shame,” Thor said. He huffed and shook his head. “Why would you bring your sister here? I live in the middle of nowhere and don’t think your little sister wants to spend time at my place. I don’t want her to spend time at my place either.”
“Do it for me, bro. I need to get her off my back for the weekend. I met this hot piece of ass, and can’t have my sister around,” he pleaded and begged. “I didn’t get laid for two months. My balls are blue, Thor. Blue!”
“I’m not responsible for your sex life!” Thor raised his voice. “I chose to live out here to have my quiet. I don’t need your annoying sister to get on my nerves. She always clung to me when we were younger. I don’t think she changed much.”
“No, no,” your brother tried to talk Thor into taking you in. “She won’t bug you. I swear. Her ex has beaten the sassiness out of her. He was a loser but did one thing right.”
“What?” Thor said. He furrowed his brows, believing he misheard. “What did you say?”
“Oh. Yeah. Her ex beat the shit out of her and she came to me, asking me to take her in for a few weeks,” your brother huffed. “I let her sleep in my living room for a week. I got enough, alright. I need some time without her.”
Thor squares his jaw. He’d love to beat the shit out of your brother, but you stepped inside the room, sheepishly glancing at Thor. It wasn’t your idea to come here and beg Thor to take you in.
The blonde’s stormy blue eyes meet yours for a brief moment. He cleared his throat and nodded in your direction. “Y/N,” he hastily said. “I will prepare the guestroom for you. Let me get your luggage.”
Thor brushed past your brother, bumping his shoulder into your brother’s. Your brother winced at the impact, but he couldn’t hide the grin on his lips.
You silently followed Thor, your brother’s childhood friend. The last thing you wanted was to be a burden to a man you haven’t seen for years. You came to seek shelter in your brother’s house, not Thor’s home.
“Thor,” you said his name, your voice barely above a whisper. “You don’t have to do this. I can just look for a motel nearby and go from there.”
“I won’t let you sleep at the rat-infested hole they call a motel in this town,” Thor gruffly replied. He never was a man of many words, not even when he was a kid. “You are here, and I got a guestroom.”
“I’m sorry—” you bit the inside of your cheek because you were about to repeat the pattern all over again. You were saying sorry for something you didn’t do. It’s your brother’s fault you ended up in Thor’s house. “He shouldn’t have asked you to take me in.”
“He lacks any sense of responsibility or tact,” Thor shrugged as he looked at your suitcases and bags on the ground. He dipped his head to watch your brother put your luggage on the ground. “Wow, he didn’t even wait for my answer, huh.”
“I told him to bring me to a motel,” you tried to hide your embarrassment when Thor glanced at the two boxes in the trunk of your brother’s car. “He said it’s only for the weekend. I guess I overstayed my welcome already.”
“You’re his sister,” Thor grabbed the two boxes first. “He should be there for you after—” He swallowed what he wanted to say and walked back inside his home, your two boxes in his arms.
“Wait, you don’t have to…” You sighed and grabbed one of your suitcases to follow Thor inside his home. “I will look for a place to stay first thing today.”
“Well…I see you’re already getting along,” your brother said, and off he went, not looking back. Before Thor or you could say something he drove away, without saying goodbye.
You watched him speed off, an ache in your heart. How could your brother be so insensitive and careless about you? All your life you did all you could to help him whenever he needed you. And this one time you asked him for help, he let you down.
Thor placed his hand on your shoulder and said, “You should go inside. It’s getting colder. I’ve got this.”
He didn’t say a word when you wiped tears off your cheeks. “Thank you. I know this is not how you imagined your weekend would go.”
“I got siblings too,” he grabbed the rest of your luggage. “My younger brother is an annoying bitch, and we don’t want to talk about my sister. They love to cause chaos.” He laughed when you looked at him in disbelief. They always seemed to get along well. “One of the reasons I moved out here.”
You tried to take one of the suitcases out of his hands and murmured, “It’s a nice place.” Thor refused to let you carry your luggage. He’s a grump, and sometimes a little loud, but his mother raised him better. “You must be very happy out here. Fresh air and all.”
“Fresh air. Right,” he threw you a look over his shoulder. “Lots of firewood to cut, too.” He grinned. “I’m living the dream.”
“At least you’ve got dreams left,” you said, sounding a little too sad. “Even if it’s only a dream about cutting wood.”
“You think I’m a lumberjack, huh?” He chuckled while walking inside the cabin. “I like to cut wood, but I’m not a professional.”
You grinned. His flannel and the thick beard framing his face told you a different story. Thor with his thick body and muscles threatening to burst his shirt open was the epitome of a lumberjack.
“Why don’t you sit on the couch, and I prepare the guestroom,” he offered, already walking toward the staircase leading to the guestroom and his bedroom. “If you’re hungry, there are leftovers in the fridge. Help yourself with a drink. I got beer, coke, or water.”
“I’m good, thank you,” you stammered, not wanting to be an even bigger burden than you already were.
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Thor carried all of your things upstairs and prepared the guestroom for you. Even though he didn’t want to let you stay at his home at first, Thor tried anything to make you feel welcome. He couldn’t believe your brother treated you the way he did after everything you had to endure.
“You need to eat something,” he said and placed a plate filled with pasta in front of you. “The guestroom is prepared. You can use the bathroom first, it’s right next to your room.”
“Thor, you don’t have to be so nice,” you nervously looked around his living room. You rubbed your arm. Thor watched you hiss. You forgot about your injured arm for a moment. “I know my brother forced you to take me in for the weekend.”
“I took you in because it was the right thing to do,” he stated. “My siblings get on my nerves all the time, but I would never abandon them for a quick…” Thor shook his head, not wanting to tell you why. “Come on, eat. I can’t have one of my guests starve.”
You watched Thor for a moment, wondering if your brother told him what happened with your ex…
Part 2
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