#just wanted to draw a drunk faye honestly
hearties-circus · 5 months
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Poisoned Secrets
Chapter one: Invitation
Pairings: Steve x OFM, Bucky x OFC
Summary: When Tony throws a lavish dinner party, everyone involved has their life changed forever. 
Warnings: Non-con elements in this chapter. 
A/N: Much inspired by my lovely friend @salimahbicharara-comun I too wanted to make my own Victorian AU. So thanks for the inspiration. And of course, thanks to the wonderful @sammi-faye for being my wonderful Beta Reader on this. Her ideas and time are indispensable to me. 
Tagging: None
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The road leading to the Rogers Plantation was much too rough for a proper motor car. So Tony Stark took his carriage. Down the pitted lane they bumped, the wheel fitting perfectly into the rough grooves of the lane. Mud splashed the sides of his vehicle, but he didn’t mind, he would have Francis wash it all off later.
The lane is covered with shade, making it a sight cooler than the rest of the plantation. The damnably hot day was scented with the magnolia’s that surrounded the road, each tree dripping moss on the ground. The pink flowers carpeted the ground so completely even the carriage wheels couldn’t drive them off in their flurry. 
Tony was paying his monthly visit to the Rogers Household. Eleven fifteen, a most respectable time to pay a visit. Known for being the least respectable man in town, behind Joseph Rogers, Tony was trying his best these days to rectify his image. If only so his darling Venus would see him as something more than a mere nuisance. As it turned out, he didn’t know what the hell she thought of him, and that scared him to his rotted core. 
Everything at the Rogers Plantation works like a well oiled clock. His carriage stops at the foot of the stairs, and he hops out. The doorman, who seems to have been looking out for him, as he well should be, opens the door to allow Tony in. Sarah Rogers, Matriarch, glides down the steps to greet him. “Mr. Stark!” She says, putting on a smile that doesn’t reach her eyes. 
“Mrs. Rogers.” He replies, handing her a bouquet of flowers. Neither of them comment on the crushed nature of the flowers. He looks around anxiously. “Venus is finishing up the morning chores.” She tells him, throwing decorum to the wind. She knew why he was here, there was no sense in beating ‘round the bush. “She’ll be along momentarily. Why don’t we sit on the veranda, it’s a most beautiful day.”
It was the last thing Tony wanted. It was stiflingly hot outside. If the mosquitoes didn’t get to him, then the heat would. “Of course,” He says, offering his arm. At least there would be lemonade.
They step out on to the veranda, overlooking the most intricately planned out garden in the entire city. Tony appreciated the beauty, but was immediately struck by the intense heat. Immediately starting to sweat, just as he feared, they sat at a small table, and was served by a servant he could never remember the name of. 
“Venus will be down shortly,” Sara says, “I’m sure.” Tony nods impatiently. Shortly isn’t soon enough. She should’ve met him at the door so he could skip all this pleasantry.
There was decorum he had to keep in front of Sara Rogers that he didn’t need to in front of his daughter. With Venus, he could talk to her about anything, in any way. He liked that about her. They were frank with each other, and they were comfortable with that. He stifles a sigh and gets on with the matter.
“There’s another reason I’ve come.” He informs her. “Oh?” She takes a delicate sip of lemonade, sounding as disinterested as possible. Sara was the only woman in the city that didn’t treat him like a god among mortals. Apparently she had no interest in his roguish good looks, and he was thankful for it. He considered her one of his closest friends, which was saying something, considering he had no real friends. 
“I’ve recently been to Egypt.”
“I’ve heard, how was your visit?”
“Enlightening.” He answers her honestly. “I did a bit of archeology myself, and I’ve uncovered some beautiful artefacts.”
“No doubt, your family is known to plunder final resting places.” Tony lets the comment slide. “I’m showing it off tomorrow night. Including the mummy. I’m inviting your family.” He takes the gilded card from his chest pocket, thanking whatever god was listening that it wasn’t damp with hsi sweat. “Think it over.”
“Am I to assume Venus is invited as well?” The comment is stinging. Decorum dictates that she would stay at home and look after the house, but Venus was different. “Yes,” Tony said. “I’m going to surprise her with her own invitation.”
“I’ll provide her with the proper dress.”
“Don’t,” He says a little too quickly. “I will. I already have her dress picked out. I’ll send it tomorrow, along with a carriage for her.” Sara laughs. “You never dote on her, what’s the occasion.” Tony squirms in his chair. “My reasons are my own.” 
“Of course.” Sara was going to say something else, but they were interrupted by none other than Venus. She looks harried, as though she rushed through her chores to meet them. Tony stands quickly, nearly upending the small tablet. Sara, in turn, rises more gently, like the matron she is. “I’ll leave you two alone.” She says, floating across the veranda and through the doorway. Venus curtsies, as is custom for a servant. Tony huffs, irritated with it all, “Shall we go somewhere cooler?”
“As you wish.” Venus turns and leads him inside the house. The invitation he has in his pocket, written especially for her, had never felt so heavy. 
Venus knew he was there long before he heard the click of the lock sliding into place. She ignores him, smoothing the bed spread into place and tucking underneath the mattress. Hopefully this time the ignore tactic will work. She knows by the touch of his hand it doesn’t. Gulping, she pushes it off, a silent plea for him to leave her alone.
“Father’s out,” He says, “Mother’s downstairs with Stark. They’re talking about something, I don’t know, we have a few minutes to ourselves.”
“I should go serve Mr. Stark.” She whispers, trying to slip past him. She doesn’t get very far. He grabs her hand and pulls her to him. “Ramonda is serving him,” He whispers before diving in to kiss her. It’s awful.
Her blood runs cold, stopping dead in it’s tracks. Her stomach turns flips as she finds herself kissing him back. She’s played this part all too well for far too long. Hopefully today will be the day Tony will take her away. Lord knows she asked enough, prayed enough, to be delivered from the clutches of one Steven Grant Rogers. 
He pulls back and presses his forehead against hers. “Your kisses always leave me weak.” He whispers, smiling. “Isn’t that strange?”
“Not so strange,” She tells him, “Yours has my stomach in knots.” He chuckles and draws her ever closer, into a tight hug. “One day,” He says, in between kisses on her shoulders, “One day, I will marry you.”
“And we’ll have children of our own. They’ll be beautifully colored, like you.” Her cheeks burn. Colored like her. That was the great divide between them. Venus wasn’t just any serving girl, she was a colored serving girl, and she would never be allowed to marry Steven Rogers if his father had any say on the matter. And he did, a lot of say. 
Venus was happy to agree with the old drunk on that matter. Being married to him sounded like the worst of nightmares to her.
She hurriedly pushes him away when she feels his tug of her apron. He outright laughs at her. “Prudent as always. You’re right, there isn’t enough time.” She feels him push his growing hardness into her belly. Swallowing thickly, she prays to anyone that will hear her, let her get away from this man, and quickly. 
Her hopes are dashed against the rocks as he pushes her to the bed. “Lay back,” He whispers, “Allow me to pleasure you.” She does as instructed, opening her legs up to him. Despite herself, she feels wetness between her legs, a growing anticipation of what to come. She’d much rather him like this. Disappearing underneath her skirts to pleasure her. 
She can see him and he won’t talk while he’s busy. Most of all, this way, she could play pretend.
It wasn’t Steve’s rough hands that traveled up her thigh and part her lips. It was Bucky’s. It was Bucky’s tongue that licked a long stripe up her cunt, then attached itself to her clit. Bucky that sucked her until her toes curled. It was him, always him. 
As usual, Steve takes her from her fantasies by using too much teeth. She hisses in pain and back away. Even after all this time, he’s still as clumsy as a virgin. She may be partly to blame, she never told him he was bad at this. Steve pulls her closer, thinking she’s feeling too much pleasure. She thinks harder about Bucky. About his warm, plump lips, his long brown hair, his piercing blue eyes. It does the trick. They’re both back on the right track.
It all ends quickly, thank God, with a whimper and a small, jittery shaking of the legs. Before Steve can say anything, she straightens herself up. “Venus,” Steve says, brows knitting together. “Wait,” He calls after her as she rushes from the room. She does not wait. She runs away. 
How can he be so stupid? How can he not see how plainly uncomfortable he makes her? It’s his station, she thinks. He’s had everything given to him on a silver platter, he isn’t used to not getting what he wants. Well, he won’t have her. She was determined to break things off soon. She would have to, for the sake of her sanity. She couldn’t spend the rest of her life playing nice to the master of the house, she’d much rather lose her station. He made her suffer enough.
She pushed all that out of her mind. She had another face to put on for Tony Stark. Perhaps this time, he’d finally take her away. She could only hope.
Bucky watches Steve come out of the room after Venus, wiping at his face, checking to see if he’s gotten away with it again. Bucky was always amused at how careful Steve tried to be. But the man was a bull walking in a China Shop, nothing about his affair was careful. Nor was it a secret. Everyone in the house knew. Everyone hoped that it was a passing fancy, and that once Steve found the right girl he would forget all about Venus. Bucky was the only one that knew Steve was determined to marry her.
It wasn’t just the late night one sided talks the two had. It was the way she drew you in. Her dark brown eyes were round, innocent to the world’s horrors. They promised safety and comfort. Her hair was as soft as it looked, her lips were heaven…Bucky leans back against the wall, eyes closed, trying to get a hold of himself. He failed miserably at the task. All he could think about was Venus.
He liked her hands the most. They were rough from years of work, yet nowhere near as rough as the hands of a soldier. They added texture to her skin. He loved to feel her run the pads of her fingers down his back, even now, the ghost of feeling sends a shiver down his spine. At this, he wakes himself from his daydream. He tells himself its no good pining after her, she’s taken. But what can a man do when faced with such beauty? 
He finally pushes himself off the wall and heads toward the study. He needed solitude. The study was the one place Steve had yet to seek him out. So far it had been his haven away from everyone. Everyone except- “Maria.” He says, not at all surprised to see her there, smiling at him mischievously. “Bucky,” She greets. “Running away from your problems again?” He refuses to answer her, choosing instead, to pluck a book off the wall. 
“You do know that you aren’t going to get anywhere if you don’t tell dearest Steven about your feelings, don’t you?”
“Thank you Maria, that will be all.” She snickers and runs from the room, knowing when she’s not wanted. 
Bucky sits heavily in a chair, cracking open the books. It’s not that he hadn’t tried to tell Steve about his own feelings for Venus, it’s just...he’s always been interrupted before he could get to the point. Even so, Maria was right, he needed to talk to Steve about it. It really was unacceptable to continue going on this way, pining after a woman he knew loved him as dearly as he did her. It would break Steve’s heart, but Bucky was sure he’d forgive him in the end. Besides, wasn’t Venus worth it? Beautiful, ethereal Venus? The one that comforted him in the middle of the night when the nightmares were too much? The one that always brightened his day? The one that made him smile and laugh? Venus, the only one that seemed to matter to him anymore. 
Yes, it was decided. Bucky couldn’t live without her. He needed her, wanted her, had to have her. It would be easy, simple, all he had to do was tell Steve of his feelings, and Steve would back down. He nodded to himself, it was a solid plan. He would tell Steve tonight...he hoped. 
Tony stood at the fireplace, not daring to look Venus in the eye. Venus herself sat on the couch, stiff and unmoving. It was always like this, always awkward. Tony dreamed of the day his own flesh and blood wouldn’t hate him. “You know this is hard for me,” He says, turning to her finally. “Keeping you here, seeing you a mere servant.” Venus simply looks at the Persian carpet beneath her feet. This had been a repeated conversation, he already knew her answers. 
She wanted this all to change. She wanted her father to finally claim her, so she could get a proper education, and be a proper lady. Maybe then she’d find it within herself to reject Steve Rogers. Until then, she was at his mercy. 
“You’re a Stark, you should have been brought up like one.”
“There really is no use looking back on all that now, is there?” She snaps, irritated with him already. She had somewhat of an affection for her father but more often than not, he irritated her. With is passionate rants about who she should be rather than who she was. Her station in life was his fault. If he had managed to keep it in his pants when he was a young man, rather than taking her mother to bed, she wouldn’t even exist, which was a far sight better than the situation she was in now. He is well aware of this fact. 
Tony stops his rant in his tracks. “Look,” he says, straightening himself out. “I’m having a dinner party tomorrow. To show off my new collection from Egypt.” He slips the invitation from his chest pocket and hands it over to her. “You’re invited.” He interrupts her before he can speak, “I’ve already talked to Sara, she amiable to the idea. I’ll have provisions sent over for you tomorrow, along with your very own carriage. You’ll eat next to me” He looks at her, really looks at her and the beauty she’s become, “It will be as though we were a family.” 
As though we were a family, she chews the words over in her mind. They could be a family now if he didn’t listen to that damned Obidiah Stane. The man wasn’t good for her father, never had been, but it seemed she was the only one that could see that. It didn’t matter, as long as that little bastard was alive, she and Tony would never be anything close to a family. 
“Will you come?” he asks, as though she has a real choice in the matter. “I promise to be on my best behavior.” She says, giving him a rare smile. The tension melts from his shoulders. “I look forward to you being there.” He finally sits next to her, grabbing her shoulders in his hands. “There’s so much I want to share with you. So much you should know.” The statement seemed ominous to her. It helped her realize that he was planning on something. 
It was then her real smile came out. He was planning on something disastrous, and she would be there to see it in all his glory. She takes his hands from her shoulders and holds them. “I can’t wait until tomorrow.” 
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fcyebessin · 6 years
i’m late to the party as usual and honestly i think it’s very sexy n mysterious of me to be like that. hullo i’m olive and i was in this rp Forever Ago so everything comes full circle y’know? anyways intro’s under the cut, give it a like if u wanna plot and continue to hear my bad jokes
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Faye Bessin! 18 year old Studio Art obsessed girl at Redwood
A little southern thing from New Orleans, Louisiana
Aquarius af
Her dad was a old fashioned oil tycoon who married a debutante, and the Bessins were the star of the souther socialite scene
Faye was their star child. a shining example of what they wanted from a daughter. Pretty, popular, a talented athlete, and clever. She was a great sister to her twin as well, Hayley, who she acted as a sort of mentor towards.
She was always the more popular one, while Hayley was a bit of an outcast. They were still the closest of friends, but the difference between them was stark when it came to the way their parents treated the two
Especially in high school, Faye started to drift away from the rest of her family and her upbringing. She started to resent how stifling her life was in Louisiana, and started rebelling with drinking, drugs, and partying hard.
She started getting deep into her artistic talent at this time too. Wearing darker clothes, looking less prim and polished in general
One night, while drunk at a party, she called her sister to pick her up. Her sister was hit by another drunk kid trying to leave the party, and died instantly
This is when her entire family shut her out and started ignoring her completely. She’s probably said ten words to her parents all year and never goes home anymore
She ran off last summer took a flight to Paris, where she met an older guy and fell in love. Turns out, he was in a rock band. She spent the next year bouncing around from band to band Penny Lane style, getting her heart broken by a different guy every time.
She finally ended up strung out, in a hospital in Romania, calling her parents and begging them to let her come home. Not wanting her around, their solution was to send her back to Redwood
And now she’s here!
She’s surprisingly an intellectual! She reads a lot and it a slut for poetry
She’s such a stereotypical art ho. She’s goofy and free-spirited, and her entire room at the sorority house is covered in pencil drawings and illustrations
Dresses like Lindsey Lohan did in 2005
Easily manipulated! Will have sex with just about anyone if they’re nice to her. Is quickly developing a sex addiction and like... will go buck wildt if you even touch her knee
Kind of a bean! Major goofball who likes to party hard with the best of them
some WANTED PLOTS for her are: cousins, family friends, bad influences, an unrequited crush (unrequited on faye or on the other person) hook ups, an on and off again relationship, book club buddies, a hateship, and a best friend
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fanesavin · 7 years
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Been forever since I’ve put up a starter call. Most of my threads are getting to the point of winding down or most of them are quite old so I’d like to get a few new ones going. University is coming soon for me (YIKES) and I’ll be moving in on the 17th or 18th of September depending but until then I’m still on summer holiday and basically here or lurking almost 24/7. At the moment I have threads ongoing with Cassie, Dani, Rein, Ruby, Faye so I’m keeping those ‘til we wind them down but I’m going to leave this open for however many people fancy dragging Fane off on an adventure. I’m happy to do threads with old acquaintances or new muses to see how they get along (or don’t). If you want a thread like this and I’ll hop on into your inbox to harass you.
Just a note that I personally prefer to plot things out roughly before we start a thread to get an idea of where it’ll head etc etc but as we go along I’m always happy to bounce ideas back and forth. Below I’ve drafted a quick summary of Fane and locations you’re probably going to find him but honestly I’m pretty much down for anything so feel free to toss crazy plots at me.
General Background can be found here.
In depth background is here.
Guidelines are here.
So, where can you find him?
The Museum - Fane works Monday-Friday 9 through 5 at the Museum in the Crowne though considering it is his own business he’s self-employed and hours can occasionally change with limited notice.
Bean Me Up - Fane takes lunch here every day of the week and also takes breaks throughout the day thus can be often found either hanging around either the café or the Crowne or visiting various shops there.
Pubs, bars and tír na nóg - in the evenings though less so for clubbing and more for social events such as geek and gamer night or Trivia (he mostly spectates rather than participates in this). Fane also occasionally participates in open mic nights but it’s highly dependent on his mood. He’s also helping Nuadia figure out alcoholic concoctions to get Vampires drunk because he’s generous with himself like that.
The Old Growth Forest / Beaches - Fane likes hiking and walking with his five dogs (YES FIVE). The Forest and various beaches prove some of his popular places to go walking but also provides plenty of places to explore too.
The Newes - Linked to the above mention of enjoying the outdoors Fane also enjoys camping and can often be found going to the Newes for a little time sometimes even taking some fishing equipment.
Elemanzer - Fane loves forests and heights so it’s no real surprise he sometimes comes here considering the multitude of platforms and bridges. He often brings a sketchbook and sits for a few hours to draw here where he won’t often be disturbed.
Jamara - he lives there so it’s no surprise he’s cruising around there.
His Estate - which is open to the public and the gardens are free for everyone to enjoy, there are also stables here where he can sometimes be found hanging around.
SBSU - sometimes Fane drops by here to visit Faye and check that she’s doing alright and sometimes he’s invited to lecture on the odd topic but mostly it’s a leisurely visit if you see him here.
Various historical or supernatural sites around or outside of town - they’re always prone to cropping up around a town like Soapberry, whenever news reaches him of something odd of weirdly supernatural with the potential for ancient roots and documentation Fane always leaps at the chance to explore.
Some plots we could explore:
Pubs and general friendly competition (darts/pool/snooker etc etc)
One plot to set up for a future development that I’ve sat on for ages but not actually done anything with so far: The Judas Chalice has been stolen from the Museum (GASP) and been replaced with a fake. Realising this Fane needs to try and figure out who took it and why as well as trying to figure out how to catch the thief should they come back for anything more.
Camping/fishing shenanigans in the forest
Historical supernatural sites around Soapberry where things will probably (definitely) go awry and things will probably get weird and wacky.
Anything else you can think of to be honest.
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asthecrushgoes · 5 years
Longer Than I Thought - part 6
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Who: Calum x Female OC
Inspiration: the song Longer Than I Thought ft. Joe Jonas by Loote.
Series Content: Swearing, drinking, mostly angst with some fluff, mentions of sex but not smut
Word Count (this part): 2,007
A/N: Who’s ready to see what Faye says?! This is the last part, so I hope you enjoyed this series! Let me know what you think and if you liked the ending! 🍻
Chapter 1 - Chapter 2 - Chapter 3 - Chapter 4 - Chapter 5 - Chapter 6
Can I see you? 
Faye was sure she just heard that in her head. She had been waiting months for Calum to say that to her. She carried her phone everywhere she went, compulsively checking it, just to make sure she didn’t miss a phone call. But it never came.
Until now. 
“Why?” she finally said. She wanted to hang up and immediately run to him, but the rational part of her brain took over. She needed to know why, just hours after running into his friends at the bar, Calum was calling her.
“Oh, um,” Calum stammered. Clearly he wasn’t prepared for this question. He let out a deep breath, then continued, “I really need to see you. I want to talk to you. About us. About everything. Just coffee maybe? But I understand if you can’t. Or don’t want to see me. I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have called…”
Calum was rambling. He wanted to say the right thing. Wanted Faye to see that he didn’t expect anything from her. That he just wanted to have a conversation. A conversation they should have had months ago. But he felt like he was just messing this all up.
“Okay,” Faye said after a moment. 
“Okay?” Calum questioned. He needed to hear it again. Needed to make sure this was real and she actually agreed to meet up with him.
“Okay,” Faye repeated. “But just coffee.”
Two hours later, they were sitting at a tiny circle table in the corner of a small cafe they used to go to. It was about halfway between their two apartments and served as the perfect meeting spot. 
Faye had tried to hide her weary and exhausted look under makeup, but Calum could still see some lingering redness and puffiness around her eyes. She had leggings and an old hoodie on that Calum knew she didn’t like. She kept pulling at the neckline that was a little too tight and and fidgeting in the fabric that wasn’t as cozy as the sweatshirts she used to wear of Calum’s. He wished more than anything she was wearing one of those. 
“I haven’t been here in a while,” Calum said, unsure where to even begin this conversation. He held a cappuccino in his hands and looked over at Faye, who kept taking sips of her iced mocha latte. 
“Me neither. I never knew if you’d be here or not,” she admitted. Her jaw was rigid and Calum could tell she was angry.
Of course she was. She had every right to be. Calum didn’t know what he expected. Surely, Faye wasn’t going to just jump into his arms and take him back on the spot. He knew the only way to get there was to be honest. Vulnerable. Tell her everything and hope she feels the same.
“I should have called,” he said finally. He met her gaze, trying to read her reaction, but she stayed stone-faced. “I shouldn’t have let you walk out,” he added, “I should have gone after you. I--”
“It wouldn’t have mattered,” Faye cut him off, a pang of guilt hitting her chest as Calum’s face fell. He bit on his lip, trying to compose his thoughts as Faye continued, “A grand romantic gesture wouldn’t have saved us. We were too far gone.”
“Baaaaabe,” Calum’s voice sounded through the door. Faye had a blanket wrapped around her shoulders, a groggy look on her face as she padded across the apartment. He knocked again before Faye made it and she tore open the door.
“Shhhh,” she hissed, ushering her clearly drunk boyfriend inside. “Do you have any idea what fucking time it is?”
“Umm, well the bar just kicked us out, so like 2:00?” Calum slurred. If Faye wasn’t so furious, she would have been impressed by his deductive reasoning skills in that moment.
“Exactly. On a Wednesday…”
“Thursday,” Calum interjected with a goofy grin on his face that instantly disappeared with the glare Faye shot him.
“This particularly important Thursday,” she continued, “Because you know I have that big presentation at work in the morning.”
“I’m sorry, babe. I’m really, really sorry,” Calum said, stumbling forward and wrapping his arms around her. “I just really wanted to see you. You’re so beautiful and perfect. You’re all I could think about tonight.”
“Calum,” Faye said, pulling out of his embrace. “You smell like cigarettes and whiskey. You show up at my doorstep in the middle of the night when you know I need to get a good night’s sleep. And you expect me to just be okay with this? I get that you’re trying to get your band to be successful and you take gigs at weird times which don’t match up with my 40-hour regular scheduled job, but you need to respect my life. I can’t live on your schedule. It doesn’t work and it hasn’t worked for months.”
“What do you mean?” Calum asked, sitting on the arm of the couch and looking up at her.
“I mean that you do this all the time and you seem incapable of compromise. Remember when you couldn’t come to my work Christmas party because you had a last minute booking even though I told everyone you’d be there and they were excited to meet you? Or when you got too drunk at Luke’s to meet my friends from college who were only in town for one night? But, when I couldn’t go to Ash’s birthday party because of that horrible migraine you were pissed and didn’t even bother texting me to let me know you got back to your apartment safely?”
“I’m sorry,” was all Calum could think to say at the moment.
“It’s not fair to me, Cal. Now, I’m going to bed. You can stay here, but you have to sleep on the couch. Don’t puke on anything.” And with that, Faye disappeared into her bedroom, slamming the door on the way. 
The next morning, Calum woke to the sound of a hairdryer and he knew Faye was awake. The memories of the previous night flooded back when he realized he was sleeping on her couch. “Fuck,” he breathed as he gingerly lifted himself from the cushions. 
Calum made his way to the bathroom, coming up behind Faye. He snaked his arms around her waist. 
“I’m so sorry, babe,” he said, his voice raspy from sleep. He leaned to press a kiss to her cheek, but she pulled away and spun to look at him.
“Sorry for…” she began, her voice laced with bitterness. “...showing up here drunk off your ass in the middle of the night? For thinking that saying I love you or you’re beautiful is enough to make up for waking me up to answer the door hours before the biggest work presentation of my career? For constantly putting your needs before mine?”
“For everything,” Calum said. His eyes met hers desperate for forgiveness. “I love you. I know that it’s not an excuse, but I mean it. Faye, babe, I love you so much. Just let me--”
“Calum,” Faye cut him off. “I mean it. We’ve had this same fight too many times. I can’t do this anymore…”
“What are you saying?” Calum asked, panicked. 
Faye pinched at the bridge of her nose, trying to keep her composure. “I’m saying I’m done, Calum, I can’t carry our whole relationship anymore. You need to focus on your work and I need to focus on mine.”
Faye slipped out of the bathroom, grabbing her bag and phone off the hall table.
“Wait,” Calum said, hurrying towards her. Faye hesitated with her hand on the doorknob and turned slightly to face him. “Please don’t go. Don’t do this,” Calum pleaded, “Give me another change, please, babe.” 
“Calum, I’ve given you too many chances--”
“We can make this work,” he assured her, “I can change...”
“Yeah?” Faye said, unconvinced, “Call me when that happens.”
And with that, she turned and walked out the door, leaving Calum in the middle of her apartment, just as brokenhearted in that moment as she was.
“I should have called,” Calum repeated, the sounds of the bustling cafe bringing Faye back into the present. “I was so hurt and angry, I forced myself not to. I didn’t realize you were just as hurt and angry.”
“Sometimes, no matter how much you love someone, it’s best to end things. Two people, even with the best intentions and the biggest hearts, sometimes just don’t work out,” Faye said, her body language changing from anger to defeat.
“You think that’s us?” Calum asked quietly. 
He took a risk and reached over the few inches of the small table to be able take her hand in his and felt his heart skip a beat when she didn’t pull away. Honestly, it felt like their first date when he was so nervous, he spent half their walk back from the restaurant debating whether or not to hold her hand. And when she finally did it, his heart soared and he was filled with the purest joy he’d ever known. Faye had a way of making him feel like he was back to 16 and discovering what love felt like for the first time.
“I…” Faye began, “I don’t know.” Her eyes dropped to where their hands met on the table and Calum was now absentmindedly drawing small circles over her skin. “I miss you,” she whispered, still not meeting Calum’s gaze.
“I miss you,” Calum returned. He squeezed her hand gently, prompting Faye to look at him. “So fucking much.”
With the limited space they had in this corner of the cafe, their faces were only about a foot apart. Calum met her eyes, forcing himself to not brush a stray piece of hair back behind her ear. 
He held his breath as he asked, “Who’s the guy you were with?”
“Yesterday,” Calum explained, “I was on the same train. I saw you with someone, then Ash said...he said you were at the bar…”
Boyfriend. It’s her boyfriend, Calum prepared, it’s been six months. I missed my chance.
“Oh, Julian?” Faye replied, “He’s an old friend from high school.”
Calum’s face lit up at her words. His eyes snapped back to hers and clarified, “Friend?”
Faye nodded, her gaze never leaving Calum’s. She ran her tongue over her lips so quickly she probably didn’t even realize she did it. But Calum did. He leaned forward slightly, his eyes drifting from Faye’s golden ones to her lips and back again. 
Faye did the same, and closed the distance between them. The kiss was cautious and short, but they each would say that nothing in the past six months had felt as amazing.
When they broke apart, Calum said, “Can I take you out?” It was bold, he knew, but he needed to ask. Needed to know for sure where they stood. “Just one date,” he added before Faye could say anything. “Just dinner.”
“Cal…” Faye said, using the nickname that he missed hearing on her lips. 
“I just--” Calum interjected, terrified at the thought of having to survive this again if she rejected him right now. “Faye, I love you. I can’t stop loving you and I don’t want to have to keep trying. If there’s any possibility you still feel something for me or could feel something for me, I want to show you you can trust me.”
Faye hesitated for a moment. She studied Calum’s face, trying to decipher all the emotions etched into his features. 
“One date,” she agreed and Calum smiled wider than he had in months, his eyes crinkling at the corners. He did it. He got a second chance.
“But Calum,” Faye said, her face serious. She straightened her shoulders and raised her eyebrows at him as she warned, “Don’t let me fall for you again, if you’re not going to be there.”
Calum brought his hand to Faye’s cheek, his thumb caressing just under her eye. 
“I won’t lose you twice.”
Chapter 1 - Chapter 2 - Chapter 3 - Chapter 4 - Chapter 5 - Chapter 6
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rabiddog008 · 7 years
Long post imminent, apologies. I’ve been tagged by @vulcanupthatbitch
1.drink: Tea, white and half.
2. phone call: My school. For goofing stuff up.
3. text message: Mum
4. song you listened to: Treaty, Yothu Yindi
5. time you cried: Honestly can’t remember.
6. dated someone twice: No.
7. kissed someone and regretted it: Yeah nearly all of them lol
9. lost someone special: Yes
10. been depressed: Yes
11. gotten drunk and thrown up: No, don’t drink, never been drunk/
12.  3 favorite colors: Purple, burgundy, orange
15. made new friends: Yes
16. fallen out of love: In a way, with old “friends”
17. laughed until you cried: Yeah
18. found out someone was talking about you: No
19. met someone who changed you: Yes
20. found out who your friends are: I believe so, yeah
21. kissed someone on your Facebook list: No actually. Damn long distance relationships.
22. how many of your Facebook friends do you know in real life: About 50%, the rest I used to know.
23. do you have any pets: Black and white cat Charlie, grey tabby Ellie, greyhound Landy.
24. do you want to change your name: Surname perhaps
25. what did you do for your last birthday: Moped around home. Watched Broadchurch, nothing much else.
26. what time did you wake up: Too late, 10:30
27. what were you doing at midnight last night: Drawing, watching Broken on BBC
28. name something you can’t wait for: Actually having the motivation to finish my school word. Recording my radio series next Saturday.
29. when was the last time you saw your mom: 20 minutes ago.
31. what are you listening to right now: Nothing atm.
32. have you ever talked to a person named tom: Oh yeah, him, years ago, thankfully.
33. something that is getting on your nerves: Anxiety, dickheadish behaviour worldwide.
34. most visited website: Facebook, Tumblr, YouTube, DeviantArt
35. hair colour: "Ash blonde” I think is the technical term.
36. long or short hair: Shortish.
37. do you have a crush on someone: Only my Faye-vourite actresses/actors.
38. what do you like about yourself: I’m tall. Also I guess I’m not a complete fool.
39. piercings: None.
40. blood type: Something O I think.
41. nickname: Don’t know actually? I think @stynche​ used to have some.
42. relationship status: In a relationship
43. zodiac: taurus
44. pronouns: ...Ehh
45. favourite tv show: I dunno, Good Game is dead, Fargo series 3 is kind of weird...maybe series 8 of Doctor Who.
46. tattoos: None. I’m too changeable.
47. right or left handed: right
48. surgery: Nothing 
49. piercing: None.
50. sport: Nothing.
51. vacation: Don’t like vacations. Maybe Wales?
52. pair of trainers: You mean shoes? Something in my wardrobe I think.
53. eating: Just finished off my cheese Twisties.
54. drinking: Need more tea.
55. i’m about to: Get dressed, draw something.
56. waiting for: Godot. Also this gosh darned radio play.
57. want: more cheese Twisties.
58. get married: Hope so.
59. career: Writing/creating. 
60. hugs or kisses: Hugs
61. lips or eyes: Both
62. shorter or taller: Both
63. older or younger: Prefer older, I’m 23 so not too much younger.
64. nice arms or nice stomach: Both
65. hook up or relationship: Relationship
66. troublemaker or hesitant: Hesitant, I guess
67. kissed a stranger: No.
68. drank hard liquor: No.
69. lost glasses/contact lenses: Sunnies, I have.
70. turned someone down: Kind of
71. sex on the first date: No.
72. broken someone’s heart: No idea.
73. had your heart broken: Yes.
74. been arrested: No
75. cried when someone died: yes
76. fallen for a friend: yes
77. yourself: Yes
78. miracles: Dunno
79. love at first sight: Kind of.
80. santa claus: ...wait, whut?
81. kiss on the first date: Depends.
82. angels: Who knows, I don’t
83. current best friend’s name: @theother_worldlyninja
84. eye colour: Greyish blue I think.
85. favorite movie: Too many movies, can’t decide.
Thank you for the tag, while I’d like to leave this open to anyone else, I’d like to specifically tag @stardust-pond @thereigninglorelai @theother-worldlyninja and @soulfirephotos
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