#just want to give the little guys all the space
teaboot · 2 days
I've never had a cat before and I'm hoping to get one soon. Do you have any advice?
Treat a new cat as you would a new roommate. Give them space and time to settle, establish a pattern and a rhythm, and in time they may choose to become friends and spend time with you. Dont force a friendship.
Use simple words and repetition to establish communication. Words like breakfast, treat, snack, lunch, supper, dinner, food, and eat all basically mean, "I am feeding you; expect to be fed", but it's a lot for a little guy to remember. I just say "Dinner" when I mean "cat food is coming", and so my boy knows exactly what I mean when I say it. As a plus, using only one word for snack time means he has no idea what the other words mean, so I can talk about food in front of him without ruling him up.
Pay attention to body language. Cats all have different personalities, and you'll learn their likes, dislikes, and messages over time this way. Son boy here loves anything with plumbing but dislikes getting wet- his favourite blanket to chew and snuggle goes on his favourite chair, and he gives me a specific gesture when he wants me to kneel down so he can jump onto my shoulder.
Read into problematic behaviour. Cats pee in weird places when they're hurting, in distress, or have insufficient of unclean litter box space. Biting, attacking feet , and knocking things off tables often means they're understimulated and need you to play with them, or at least need some kind of enrichment or puzzle to tackle. Tail flicking can be frustration or irritation. Purring is usually good, but may also be self-soothing behaviour to alleviate pain, encourage healing, and relieve anxiety, like over-grooming.
Like children, "bad" behaviour isn't malicious- it usually means there's something you aren't seeing.
Learn how your cat expresses love. Loads of people think cats are uncaring, cruel, and indifferent, but the truth is, they're just not dogs. Spending time near you, showing an interest in tools you're using or projects you're working on, sitting the way you sit, laying on their back, rubbing on your legs, wiping their face on your shoes when you get home- these are signs that your cat is enamored with you. You're their family, they feel safe and protected around you, they're curious about things you enjoy and want everyone to know you're family.
Set reasonable expectations. Again, cats are not dogs.We bred dogs to desire our approval- cats walked into our lives themselves. They have no human-programmed need to fulfill a duty or perform a task to your standards.
Training cats to do tricks isn't as hard as people say, but the willingness or interest in doing the trick is more heavily reliant on personality and mood. Some cats will refuse all but the most basic requests- I'm lucky in that Ollie understands and is willing to do several, provided I don't abuse his trust and he's not crowded or overwhelmed or just bored of doing it over and over in a short period.
Ollie, for example, knows Up to stand on his back legs and hold my hand, Down to get to a surface I indicate, Out to emerge from a closed space, Come to find me where I am, Help? when I'm offering to let him use me as an elevator, Dinner when I understand he's hungry and am getting food, and when I put on his collar he knows to climb into his carrier 'cause we're going somewhere. And he'll do any of these about 90% of the time, either ignoring me or phoning it in when there's something interesting somewhere else, or if he's feeling anxious.
Lead by example. If you dread taking them to the vet, they'll see the anxiety in your body language and behaviour and likely learn to hate it, too. Again using my guy an example, I starred taking him on walks long before his first vet appointment, just to get used to his carrier and leash. Then his first checkup was relaxed and informal, with plenty of treats, and I let him explore the examination room with permission from the tech. Now he loves going, so I'm not stressed about taking him, so I don't stress him out in turn, and the vest doesn't have to deal with a stressed out cat slowing things down and fighting with them.
Make sure your sources are good ones, and also good ones for you. I will recommend Jackson Galaxy's YouTube channel for cat advice because a lot of what he does matches up with what I've learned and know to be true. I don't personally recommend Ceasar Milan because I personally find his methods distressing to recreate regardless of efficacy, so even if that advice was useful, *I'd* be miserable, and it'd just be trading one issue for another.
Have a person who can help. You never know when you might end up out of town overnight unexpectedly, or when your place may need serviced or fumigated, or if you may be called out of town. Before getting a cat, research reliable pet sitters, house sitters, pet daycares, whatever, just in case.
Consider pet insurance. No long spiel here, just think about it. Especially if you don't know your cats ancestry or potenyial health risks. An on top of that, fucking vaccinate them.
Dont let them free roam. At all.
I grew up on a farm with free-roaming barn cats. Do you know how many times child-me cried over having to bury them? Illness, disease, pregnancy, vehicles, other territorial cats, ticks, fleas, litter, poisoned prey, malicious humans, local wildlife, predatory birds, scrap metal, extreme heat, freezing temperatures, tainted water sources, poisonous or venomous critters, getting stuck in small or high places, tapeworms, loose nails, old equipment, falling branches...
I've seen some truly body-horror slasher-movie shit- just truly nauseating visual fuckery- and I'm telling you not to let your cat free-roam.
Leash training isn't hard. Supervised walks aren't hard. Even keeping your cat physically fit and entertained indoors isn't an impossible feat. Don't let your fucking cat fucking free-roam. Fuck
Also read up on foods and plants cats can't do, like every houseplant in existence is toxic it's insane
Anyhow yeah that's like. A couple things I guess
Here, have an Ollie Pic
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kyri45 · 2 days
✨ShadowPeach Bio Parents Bio AU Q&A! 28/09✨
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Welcome to the Q&A! A space where I can answer related or similar question about the Shadowpeach Bio Parents AU! If you submitted your ask anonimously, then you’ll have to check the whole post if it’s answered here, if it’s not, worry not! Your asks might have been used for a future comic or just in the queue~
Anonimo ha chiesto: I am going to ask you to make a difficult decision… freenoodles or Shadowpeach
(Freenoodles, in my opinion, is just barely better than shadowpeach. Just because of how gay they are in season five. I mean, look at them and tell me they aren’t married.)
Sooo I go with shadowpeach. Freenoodle is like my comfort shit. so many cute and funny shenanigans, for me they are just the married couple who would probably have the healtiest of the relationship. They have teh experience, they went already throught all the "obliviouss-ness" and the "what if they don't love me" yadda yadda.
But Shadowpeach. Ow man. I thought the ineffable housband ship was complex. but god. oh god. how wrong I was. like- these two went from friends, to brothers, to lovers, to enemies, to friends again and to be lover again. They fucked up so much nothing will ever be the same. But they still weak for each other. They are at each other throat and also they know the other in the most intimate way. they are immortal. One of them fucking killed the other. They thought the other left them and betrayed and went both drama to forget (one choose found family, the other murder but anyway-)
Anonimo ha chiesto: Does MK have a favorite between his bio parents
oUH NO POOR MONKEYS. He doesn't, but he has a favourite depending on the context. Like, for training he prefers Macaque because he explains a lot better than Wukong, but sparring with Wukong is much funnier, but he prefers Macaque scratches and grooming, but he loves Wukong squeezing hugs, etc...
Anonimo ha chiesto: You know, I just realized something. So you know how people in the fandom give Macaque lotus nicknames since his ears kind of resemble lotus flowers. Well since MK has both Wukong and Macaque's ears that kind of makes MK's ears resemble Peace Lilies (which is kind of ironic since MK is the Harbinger of Chaos)
Aww I guess they do look like them!
Anonimo ha chiesto: I may sound a little to mean but Mk din't suspect a thing aout macaques eye? he has multiple forms were his eye is a cross i mean, i would think smt happend to that eye but that just me uu I LOVE UR ART IT MAKES ME WANT TO KMS /POS
He surely suspected something happened to Mac eye but he didn't know how that happened.
@queen-of-purple-roses ha chiesto: I have a question and you don’t have to answer it if you don’t have too; since we’ve seen Macaque feel guilty with how he treated MK in the past, does Monkey King feel guilty about all the dangerous moments that MK was put in, since most if not all of the fighting ends up on MK’s plate and not Wukong’s.
Oh absolutely, the more time passes he feels more and more guilty.
@catbox730 ha chiesto: Can we get more MK and Red Son please
mayyyyyybe. If you guys behave
Anonimo ha chiesto: It would be funny seeing MK‘s dads going to a doctor with him for like getting his wisdom teeth removed or something xD
The parents being extremely worried that something will go wrong while MK is super chill. When the dentist comes out of the operating room they grab him and ask him if he survived while MK is just eating ice cream post-surgery.
Anonimo ha chiesto: Will MK ever fight against one of his parents in a serious battle ? Or be forced to fight one of them ?
mmm. Probably. Maybe in the future they have a discussion. Nothing maybe too serious. But not in the AU plans.
What is Wukongs and/or Macaques biggest nightmare(s) I imagine it would be something like seeing MK die or sacrificing himself again or something like that
I think Wukong is more terrified of being alone. So actually I think it would be worse for him that MK doesn't want to see him anymore.
Anonimo ha chiesto: so who is going to be MK‘s hero that he worships ? I don’t know if he still sees Monkey king in that way after finding out that he is basically his dad and hearing the past the fight with Macaque….
Maybe he wont have any hero. Maybe worshipping someone is not such a healthy thing to do. ( I'm not talking in a religious way of course, I meant worshipping a living normal person)
@emmais333 ha chiesto: Love your MK art. One question how many fights from Wukong and Mac does MK overhear on accident
He heard the first one (and the past one through the vision) then Wkong and Mac started to teleport far away enough so he wont be able to hear them discuss.
Anonimo ha chiesto: What if MK catches Mac and Wukong in the act, not visually, but audibly, like hearing it when going to flower feuit mountain, finding the monkeys in a pile, all traumatized. Or is it too soon? Do they get drunk enough to not care? Do they even drink?
in the....act? (sorry I don't understand stuff if it's not explicited said, like I can't understand double meanings if that was what you meant)
Anonimo ha chiesto: I LOVE YOUR STORY, REALLY!!!! I reread a lot. So lovely. And the Baby MK, I just want to hug so badly 🥺 ( I think Macaque become Protecting mode and he won't let me do it. ) You draw Baby MK so so so cute. My heart can't handle it.❤️ Maybe it's a terrifying idea but I would like know your thoughts. I think that Macaque sleeps very quietly, like a man in a coffin.  + Macaque fell into a very deep DEEP sleep. (maybe because he was tired from fighting demons to protect Baby MK or get injured or something?) = How do you think Sun Wokung will react?
o my god NO DON'T GIVE HIM AN HEARTH ATTACK (heloses one of their immortalities for having the most horrrendous of jumpscares)
@raspberrymixin ha chiesto: AHHH I LOVE YOU SHADOW PEACH BIO AU OMG ITS TO FREAKEN CUTEEEE AAHH I just melt into a puddle! Love you art and make sure to take breaks- anyway- I find it cute how redson interacts with MK I can just imagine him giving him stuff and little gifts and Mk just confused on why but takes it anyway because of friendship and maybe a sign he's trusting more- but MK is just oblivious to the courting- And maybe redson would ask Wukong, Macaque, Tang or pigsy to allow it maybe? And I also love the slow burn! It's just cute on how Macaque and Wukong make each other blush! Awww it's just to cute! I hope you're doing amazing and have a good night/day
Oh man MK would not be able to read a single clue and just think it's a symbol of friendship or wathever. O my god he really did take from his parents (all of them)
fayeangel25 ha chiesto: YOUUU UFUFFHH WHEN I GET YOUUUUU anyways, I wanna see wukong asking macaque about the story of him and mac ( after mamacaque storytelled his lil baby mk ) , cuz i wanna see more flustered macaque!!! Also, 👏 EATING 👏 THIS 👏 AU 👏 UP!!
Hehe he would be a little shy about it. But Macaque is a theater kid so for a bigger audience I guess he would do it.
Anonimo ha chiesto: I feel like I’m new here. What is Court napping?
Consensual Kidnapping with the intend of flirting with another demon.
Anonimo ha chiesto: How many people want to court MK now that he is a real stone monkey AND the son of Wukong and Macaque ?
mmm. Only people close to MK knows that he's the bio kid of shadowpeach. So for now only Red Son
Anonimo ha chiesto: I bet PIF would try to wait for MK to lose the good guy ‘phase’ since she went through that before lmao (forget being good, convert to villainy in the name of love)
Awwww she would!!! But MK is just too good hearted to hurt a fly. (yeah I know he technically has a kill count still-)
Anonimo ha chiesto: MK would obviously call Pigsy "Papa" so what would MK call Tang and Sandy?
I think he would actually call Pigsy "dad" since it's what he calls him that in the show. Maybe it's Tang that gets to be called Papa. I think Sandy is more like an uncle.
@mage-of-words ha chiesto: When will Wukong purpose to Macaque?
Anonimo ha chiesto: Omg I wonder if Macaque and Monkey King ever saw MK get really hurt during a battle with a new demon. RIP the Demon bc two feral Monkeys are after them now bc they hurt their kid.
Them to said demon: So you have choosen.... death.
Anonimo ha chiesto: Hear me out, Mac and Wukong in a get along shirt for a day (lost a bet to MK and he planned this too) LOVE YOUR ART TOO ITS SO SCRUMDIDDLYUMPTIOUCIOUS
this is an old ask, sorry for taking so long to answer. But I would say that at this point of the story Wukong would probably be at cloud 9 being squished to super soft macaque all day. Macaque would be like a kitten undecided on wheter he loves or hate the situation (doesn't really likes un-warned physical touch.
Anonimo ha chiesto: Hoi there, I found you again! (Following you on Insta as well because your art is awesome ^^)
Reading your LMK ShadowPeaches comics and they are fun. And now my brain can't help but make up scenarios, one like this one. Oh my, MK is a cute little baby! (^///^) Oh my, MK is a little baby!! ('O_O) Welp, Pigsy is going to kill someone unless Wukong gives baby MK into his arms to calm down and be busy being a dad than a raging Hulk. (:P) Also, I imagine MK accidentally shrinking himself, (Wukong decided to play hide and seek with it only to later on regret it). Wukong would freaking out about it, and Macaque then shook him violently while yelling into his face for losing MK. Then out of Nowhere, Nezha shows up at the door frame and be like 'Um, hey guys. Is this yours?' Points at his nose where tiny baby bean MK was, clinging onto Nezha's nose while giggling.
askjajvbks that's a lovely scene! Unfortunately Nehza can't know yet about MK, but maybe he will...
@lara-legomonkiekid 💜:Hey! I'm here to ask permission!Can I make an art Drawing of your Bio parents AU Meeting One of my AU's?Please?(Mostly Suposed to be Meeting One of my OC's!) (Love Your Art and Comics!!!!)(⁠◕⁠ᴗ⁠◕⁠✿⁠)(⁠◍⁠•⁠ᴗ⁠•⁠◍⁠)
Yeah sure! just be sure to tag me and link the masterpost of the AU
Anonimo ha chiesto: I find it funny how your shadowpeach bio au came from a joke and now.....wow Your art is amazing
My friend even tried to warn me. BUT I DIDN'T LISTEN
Anonimo ha chiesto: I need Freenoodles talking late at night about MK's new situation Will they be worried? Happy? I don't think Pigsy will take it very well that just when he and MK accepted each other as Father and Son, he is (partly) taken away by his biological dads.
Pigsy was mostly worried that Wukong or Macaque would hurt in any way MK. Both ahim and Tang after they saw how much the 2 care about MK calmed down, still they just hope they don't mess up things.
Anonimo ha chiesto: parenting it not just about having fun with your children, but also making sure there are boundaries even if the child isn’t happy about it. So, how would it go if Macaque and Wukong would try to ground MK 😂
MK is a little old for being grounded I think but if they were to do it maybe with something like no training for a week or smt. He's still an adult (i know we sometimes forget)
Anonimo ha chiesto: MK trying to prank his parents and wake them up with a loud instrument or sound. MK forgetting he has sensitive hearing 💀
reverso uno card
Anonimo ha chiesto: Would wukong or MK help macaque in his drawings if he asked 🙃 or if they tried to help him improve
Awww they would!!! Actually what if this creative side of him was something he kind of inherted from Wukong?
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sun-e-chips · 2 days
Do the boys fluster easy? Like if y/n ever grew a backbone and said literally anything-
Like the smallest thing or like, taped a flower to suns rays or moons headdress (does it have a specific name please tell me if it does) how would the boys react?
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I get a break because of the storm so I’m digging into my inbox! >:D
Great question! I would say yes to the boys flustering easy but they fluster differently if that makes sense.
Moon: Moon I would say flusters the easiest. Though he handles “flirts” from guests with ease, (giving a witty/charming one-liner to keep it professional and lighthearted) he knows it’s part of the job and nothing is serious, but if y/n did or said anything flirtatious to Moon he would freeze up XD
With guests this usually happens during luau’s between when he’s performing or working the bar. Moon realizes guests are just enjoying themselves and mean nothing inappropriate when they’re having fun with flirtatious banter, it’s part of his job to be engaging and pleasant so he doesn’t really mind. That’s why y/n showing any affectionate interest in him would come as such a shock, he never thought about someone being genuinely interested in him that way. Poor guy needs some time to adjust.
Sun: Now Sun is an oddball to me, I’m still trying to understand him and his emotions myself haha. Sun REALLY blurs the lines between platonic and romantic affection, he is in general a very loving guy. With guests personal space is a foreign concept to him, of course he is still very professional and can judge an appropriate situation/person, but he just has a talent for being able to connect with guests so their comfortable with his playful antics. With Y/N however his actions areeeeee a mixed bag I guess, (think of it like a magic fruit basket, Sun is giving you a variety of fruits in one package, if you choose to only take out oranges then it’s an orange basket, if you want to take out apples and oranges then it’s an apple and oranges basket, pick out whichever you like it’s all there but you don’t have to accept anything you don’t like, he’s letting you decide what you want your basket to be made up of) weird analogy I know but it’s what I thought of
Anywhoo for Sun to catch on that an act is flirtatious it has to be clear or at least catch him off guard! Little note here, Suns pupils disappear when he’s flustered from y/n. It’s a lil scary at first, in the illustrated instance this is the first time of this happening and it may be mistaken as Sun freezing but he was very much there and would have returned the gesture if not for the pool noodle -whack- lol
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orimuraa · 2 days
❦ I'm gonna cherish you - OT7
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(synopsis) ᥫ᭡. cuddles with enhypen ❦
ot7 idol!enhypen x fem!reader ᥫ᭡. fluff fluff fluff !!! ᥫ᭡. cuddles ᥫ᭡. kissing, petnames ᥫ᭡. wc 926
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𝑳𝒆𝒆 𝑯𝒆𝒆𝒔𝒆𝒖𝒏𝒈 - 이희승
it was a lazy morning with just you and your boyfriend, basking in the morning sunlight. you had both just woken up a little bit ago and were just enjoying each other's presence. heeseung's arm was wrapped around your waist, pulling you closer to him, and his other arm was gently playing with your hair. he was humming his group's latest comeback with his honey-like voice which comforted you very much. "my baby's so pretty, hm?" he whispered, planting a kiss on your jawline. "seungie's prettier" you giggle, already knowing where this is going to lead you. "no! baby's prettier!" he would shake his head, with his eyebrows scrunched together to make a point. "okay okay! you win!" you smile, slowly kissing his lips. you and him cherished these soft moments together so so much.
𝑷𝒂𝒓𝒌 𝑱𝒐𝒏𝒈𝒔𝒆𝒐𝒏𝒈 - 박종성
after a long day of dance practice, the only thing jay wants to do is hold you in his arms and just forget about all the problems in the world. you had been waiting for him at home, knowing that he would just want to wash up and then rest. so, you prepared his skincare routine for him so it would be super quick and easy and then he could spend more time with you in his arms. finally lying down, he gently pulled you closer to him, and you tucked your face in between his head and his shoulder, giving him access to play with your hair. "thank you doll. for just being with me after long days" he would say softly. looking up at him, you gave him a small kiss on the lips reassuring him that this was the least you could do for him. "all i want if for you to be happy jongie. i love you so much!" you smile, closing your eyes. "i love you too doll" and the two of you drift off in each other's arms.
𝑺𝒊𝒎 𝑱𝒂𝒆𝒚𝒖𝒏 - 심재윤
"ynnie!!! i'm homeee!" you hear your boyfriend announce. "jakey!!! i've prepared our movie and the blanket!" you and your boyfriend loved to watch movies and cuddle. it was just your guy's thing! after he washed up, he joined you on the couch, spreading the blanket over the two of you. "hi baby" he smiled, finally adjusting in his spot and looking at you. "hi jakey. it's nice to have you home" you smiled back, kissing his nose slightly. he slid his arm under you waist and pulled you closer to him. you rested your head on his chest, now being able to relax to the sound of his heartbeat. you slowly started to drift off, but before you did, you head jake whisper, "i love you."
𝑷𝒂𝒓𝒌 𝑺𝒖𝒏𝒈𝒉𝒐𝒐𝒏 - 박성훈
recently, sunghoon and his members just started their tour and sunghoon decided to bring you along. after concerts, sunghoon loved being able to come back to the hotel and just hold you in his arms. "you did so amazing today hoonie" you praised, snuggling closer to sunghoon. "thank you angel, it was alllll for you" he winked, pressing a kiss to your forehead. he provided a comforting warmth and you wished you two would never have to leave. his arms were wrapped around your frame, as the two of you soaked in each other's presence. he planted a few more kisses around your face before saying, "thank you for everything my angel. i love you so much" "i love you more hoonie"
𝑲𝒊𝒎 𝑺𝒖𝒏𝒐𝒐 - 김선우
sunoo loves being able to just sneak you into the hybe building and in between his schedule, cuddle you. for instance, he just finished vocal practice and went to go get you so the two of you could cuddle for 30 minutes before he had to go record some stuff. their practice room had a couch and that's the place the two of you went most. the other members weren't bothered by it and it was private enough to give you two the space you needed. his arms wrapped around your waist, hugging your back. sunoo absolutely loved taking short naps just like that with you in his arms. even though it was short, it was sunoo's and your's favorite part of the day.
𝒀𝒂𝒏𝒈 𝑱𝒖𝒏𝒈𝒘𝒐𝒏 - 양정원
being the leader of 6 other guys can be very tiring, so that's where you come in! your like jungwon's personal charger. he cuddles you when he needs to re-charge and you just get lots of cuddles! it's a win-win for the both of you. not to mention, jungwon get's to see his pretty girlfriend way more often now. he loves just holding you close to him whether it's sitting or lying down together. he lets you ramble on about random things, enjoying listening to your voice and what you've been up to lately. "thank you jagi, for being my personal charger" he smiles, kissing your cheek.
𝑵𝒊𝒔𝒉𝒊𝒎𝒖𝒓𝒂 𝑹𝒊𝒌𝒊 - 西村 力
our maknae here does not like to show his clingy side in front of other people, with the exception of you and maybe his members. so when you two cuddle, it's usually at the end of the day, in the privacy of one's room. his tall frame would cover yours, but in a comforting way. it was like he was shielding you from the world with his arms wrapped around your body, tracing little patterns with his finger on either your arm, leg, back, or stomach. he loved letting you know that he was there for you. "thank you princess" he would mumble in his low voice. "for what?" you asked, curiously looking at him. "for loving me like this" gosh, what was this boy doing to you?
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ownjcwk someone please give me this type of love 😭 this genuinely had me smiling and giggling like crazy when i was writing this. sorry it was so late! i had so much hw to do but i really wanted to write this prompt so yeah! likes, feedback, and re-blogs are so appreciated! <3
⚘. Perm taglist: @vmpivory, @yuvany
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f0point5 · 10 hours
Now im imagining Emilia gifting Max a cardbord cutout of himself as a gag gift.. I mean, he got a pillow of himself it's not that far fetched (god I'm so starved of them)
I wanted to write this ages ago and then I totally spaced on it but @nearlynadin brought back the cardboard cut out lore and I just had to!!
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(You) didn’t know it at (nineteen)
“And I was thinking-“
“I’m home,” Max’s voice calls from the hallway, bringing an instant smile to your face.
He’s only been gone for the day, back to the factory to root around that tractor looking for the pace of last year, but you’ve missed him.
You smile one last time at your day’s companion before you skip out to the hallway to meet Max.
He’s slipping off his rucksack by the door, sighing heavily. He shrugs off his jacket next, accompanied by another sigh as he starts toeing off his shoes.
“Hey, champ,” you grin, making your way over to him. Max rolls his eyes at you and you roll yours right back. He doesn’t like being reminded of his title much these days, but you feel like it’s your job to make sure he knows that he’ll always be champion to you.
“You’re back early,”
He shrugs, squeezing the back of your neck as you press a kiss to his lips.
“Is someone here?” He asks, looking past you towards the living room.
“I heard you talking,” Max counters, his eyes narrowing slightly. There’s an uncharacteristic amount of suspicion in his voice, and his gaze doesn’t hide the fact that he doesn’t believe you.
“Oh,” you smile, deciding it’s not wise to tease him today. “Well, I did a thing,”
Your sheepish smile softens Max instantly, his shoulders sagging in what seems like relief as he looks down at you.
“A thing?”
“I bought you something,” you clarify, taking him by the wrist and pulling him after you down the hallway.
“I thought we agreed no more cats,”
“It’s not a cat. Although it has been said that he has a very feline energy,” you tell him, flashing him a smirk over your shoulder.
“He?” Max almost looks nervous.
“Max,” you drawl, pulling him into the lounge and pointing him in the right direction. “Meet Verstappen 3.0,”
Max gives you a small frown for half a second before he clocks it. The almost-life-size cardboard cutout of him standing by his shelf of trophies. His 2017 self stares back at him with a goofy, trained smile, hands on his hips, a challenge in his eyes.
“What the fuck?“ Real Max says through a wheezing laugh, pointing at it helplessly. “Why?”
“Partly because I got wine drunk one night a couple of weeks ago while you were in MK,” you say with a shrug, “But mostly because of this,” you nod at him, your smile widening as you take in his.
He rarely smiles on factory days anymore. When you talk to him on race weekends, there’s an exhaustion in his voice that you are only starting to get used to. He’s happier at home, but the mere mention of F1 deflates him in a way that reminds you that it’s his job where once it only ever seemed like a passion.
“This what?”
“You,” you say, “smiling,”
This makes him blush. You’re not sure if it’s because of the way you’re looking at him, or because he’s a little embarrassed that you can see how much work has been weighing on him. Even in these bonus years, he still cares so much.
“Plus, I can never resist a sale,” you say, saving him from burning a hole in the floor staring so hard.
“Maybe I was on sale because I have no calves,” Max scoffs now, eyeing the cardboard print. He’s right, the website said life-size but it isn’t, it’s about 10cm short, which is neither here nor there, except all the height is lost in the calves. There’s only a few inches between his knees and his ankles. It makes the whole thing even funnier, as does the look of offence on Max’s face. “I look like I’m in the movie with the short guys and the one with the walking stick,”
“Gandalf has a staff,” you correct, looking over at the cutout. “But yeah, they did you dirty on the height,”
Max scoffs at the gross understatement. “You wouldn’t even go out with me if I was this tall,” he points out, wrinkling his nose as he looks at his younger self.
“True,” you concede, looking him up and down. “You’re kind of pushing it now,”
Max rolls his eyes. “Yes, I know the rule. Five foot ten or over,” he looks back at Baby Max and you wonder idly how the hell he even knows about the 5’10 rule, never mind remembers it. It was something you’d come with before you’d even stopped growing.
You turn to Real Max and slide your arms up around his neck as you step closer to him.
“If it makes you feel any better, you’re still kind of short for me,” you say, tilting your head to look up at him. “I broke all my rules for you,”
The words are whispered as you pull him closer, but right as you mean in Max balks.
“I can’t kiss you with that thing watching me,” Max groans, pulling away from you as he keeps one eye on…himself.
“Well, darn, I only got him because I figured you’d finally agree to a threesome if it was with yourself,” you say, winking at him. He squeezes your hip in response.
“Me at that age couldn’t handle you,” he says with a wry smile.
“Oh, you think you have me handled now?”
“Definitely not,” he huffs, letting go of you. He puts his hands on his hips, mirroring the cut-out’s pose, and you fight the urge to laugh at how little he’s changed. “So, where shall we put him?”
“I know the perfect place,”
You grab the cut-out and shuffle along the floor around the couch and over to his sim corner. You place Baby Max behind his set up, between his right side screen and the centre one, so that he’s peeping over the top of it and the unfortunate leg situation is hiding behind the tech.
Pleased with yourself, you turn to Real Max. “Where would a 19 year old Max Verstappen rather be than near a simulator?”
“I can tell you where 26 year old Max Verstappen would rather be,” Real Max says, his voice low, eyes looking strangely dark despite their clear blue colour.
“Do not scandalise Baby Max,” you say in mock indignation, reaching over to cover Baby Max’s ears.
Real Max scoffs. “You have no idea the things he used to think about back then,” he says pointedly as he rounds the couch and comes towards you.
“I’m sure you had a wild imagination,” you tease, “because you were definitely not getting any,”
“Hey,” Max chides, close enough to reach forward and pinch at your exposed thigh. “Don’t be mean,”
“Okay, okay,” you concede. “I know all your fantasies were about me anyway,”
“They were not,”
Max shrugs. “You were less possible than a world championship,”
“And yet, you won both. Baby Max would be proud,” you say, glancing over at the cut-out. It’s starting to creep you out now, how the expression never changes. You take Real Max’s hand and start to pull him out of the room. “Come on, let’s go do all the stuff 19 year old you would be jealous of,”
You hear a laugh behind you. “I won’t argue with that.”
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glorious-spoon · 2 days
Easy as That [9-1-1 | Buck & Eddie | 1/1]
in honor of 9-1-1 day, please enjoy this little episode tag for 7x04 that i recently found in my drafts. because i really wanted to see the conversation between buck and eddie after all that
850 words episode tag | apologies | friendship
The first words out of Buck's mouth when Eddie pulls the door open are, "I figured I owed you a proper apology."
"Yeah," Eddie agrees mildly. He's got a crutch tucked under his arm, which makes it difficult to maneuver the door, so he lets Buck deal with it even though he's got a pile of takeout bags in one hand. Apology takeout, no doubt. The bags are stamped with the logo from Anarkali's, and he can smell curry and ginger. As bribes go, he could have done worse. Eddie is weak for their chicken jalfrezi. "You kinda do."
"Not kinda. I was—I was so out of line, Eddie, I'm so sorry."
"Shit happens."
"What, as easy as that?"
Eddie snorts, heading back into the kitchen without bothering to look back and see if Buck is following him. He is, of course. He always is. They already talked on the phone last night, when Eddie was loopy on painkillers and feeling kinda bad about winding Buck up as much as he did. He's less stoned now, and his ankle fucking hurts, so it's a little sharper when he says, "I was always gonna forgive you. You want me to drag it out?"
"Well, when you put it like that, no. But still."
Eddie sighs. It's a character flaw, probably, that he can't resist Buck's face when he looks like this. "We'll get past it. Just like you and Chim did after he decked you that one time. Okay?"
Buck presses his lips together and nods. He sets the bags down on the table and says, "I don't have to stay. If you want some space."
"I don't want space. Maybe an explanation." He nods toward the kitchen drawers. "You can get the forks. I hope you brought enough for both of us, because I'm not sharing."
"Yeah. I—I figured if you didn't want me around, there'd be leftovers."
"I always want you around, you idiot."
"Even after I broke your ankle?"
"It's just a sprain."
"That feels sort of like missing the point, Eddie."
"Listen," Eddie says. He eases himself into a chair, propping the crutch against the table next to him. In the kitchen, Buck pauses with the silverware drawer half-open, takes a visible deep breath, and turns back toward him with a pair of forks clutched in his hand. "You acted like an idiot, and somebody got hurt. It happens. So now you're gonna bring me a fork, sit your ass down, and tell me what's going on with you. Okay?"
"Okay," Buck says, pushing the silverware drawer gently shut. He brings the forks back to the table, sets one in front of Eddie, and reaches into the bag to pull out the takeout containers. 
There's a few minutes of silence while they get everything dished out, and then Eddie takes a bite of his jalfrezi, takes a moment to savor it, then says, "Okay. Talk."
"I mean, I don't know what to say," Buck says evasively. Eddie gives him a look, and he sighs. "Okay, I—I was jealous. Of you, and—and Tommy."
"Tommy," Eddie repeats.
Buck nods, his gaze fixed on his takeout dish, which he's sort of poking at like he expects it to come to life. Eddie reaches across to steal a piece of coconut curry. Buck doesn't even try to knock his fork out of the way. It's kind of amazing how much he looks like a kicked puppy right now. "I—I guess, I thought, you know, I thought he was so cool, and you thought he was so cool, and all of a sudden you guys were hanging out all the time and you kept saying how well you two clicked…"
"I was messing with you. You get that, right?"
"I mean. Now, yeah. Then I just felt like…I don't know. I—I should have talked to you, instead of—but I didn't mean for it to go down like that. I swear."
Eddie nods, chewing the inside corner of his lip briefly. "It was still a dick move."
"Yeah," Buck says. "It was."
"Well, as long as you get that."
"I really do."
"And you and Tommy are cool, now? You kissed and made up?"
Surprisingly, Buck's face goes bright red. Eddie raises his eyebrows, and he says, "Y-yeah, we're—we talked, and—we're good, yeah." He opens his mouth, makes a little stuttering noise, then says, "We're, uh, we're actually hanging out this weekend."
"Without me?" Eddie deadpans, and Buck looks so stricken that he has to laugh. "Kidding, I'm kidding, come on. I'm glad. I knew you two would get along."
"Yeah," Buck says. He lets out a shaky little laugh, then nods a couple of times and says it again. "Yeah."
Eddie raises his eyebrows, but Buck's not looking at him. He's busy spearing a piece of curry, and this time when Eddie tries to steal a bite, Buck smacks at his fork until he retreats, a juvenile little ritual that probably shouldn't make Eddie feel so light. He knows he's not getting the full story of what's going on with Buck, but that's okay. They're okay. He'll find out the rest of it eventually.
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gemini-atz · 1 day
Seonghwa as your Boyfriend₊˚⊹♡
('Realistic Imagines' + Astrology Based)
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Background/Disclaimer: !!This is all my own interpretation based on my personal astrology knowledge and research. I consider myself an amateur!!
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✩Gemini Notes✩ IDK what happened but I ended up getting really into writing the NSFW part of this and it got long so I'm making a part 2 for it which I'll post tomorrow night! I'll create a link at the end of this post and in my Astrology Series Pinned post. If you'd like a tag please comment!
Dating Seonghwa is pretty much like being with your best friend. He's such a caretaker and protector in your life almost from the moment he enters it. You guys probably had a base of friendship for a bit before you started dating, and it would have probably (definitely) been you crushing on Seonghwa hard first before he even notices his own feelings for you.
Aquarius Venus and really anyone with their Venus in an Air sign tend to seek intellectual or stimulating connections with people before falling romantically. For Seonghwa his partner should be someone he also considers a close friend. He'd be like the guy you'd meet in your second year of college in class because you were put in a group for an assignment and of COURSE you two turned out to be the only two that even gave a shit and tried. Showing a sincere interest in his hobbies or likes would really endear him to you, and he would try to return the favor by getting into yours. For Seonghwa, a comfortable kind of friends to lovers thing is ideal. He loves spending quality time with you but his idea of quality time is very much giving parallel play, where you both do your own thing in the same room, maybe listening to a playlist you made together. With his three Aries placements, he has the potential to have a really explosive temper. It's a little diminished by his Moon in Cancer but he's probably the type of guy who holds in all his annoyances until he can just get them out at the end of the day either through his hobbies or physical activity. Basically, he likes to keep his mind focused and his hands busy. Air Venus signs can come off as aloof occasionally to other passionate signs who literally want to be with you all the time. He's the kind of boyfriend that will give you some space if you need it, because he'll need it too. You'll be soooo tempted to go an interrupt him when he's focused on his Legos because he's just so beautiful and cute when he's focusing but the thing he loves about you is how much understanding you always give him; its all you can do to just kiss his forehead and go to read a book while laying on the couch. Eventually he'd come over to you, bouncy and energized and flop onto the couch, wiggling up to rest his face into your chest and wrapping warm, solid arms around you. "Can I show you the set I just built?" He'd ask, and of course you say yes! His eyes get so sparkly while he shows it off to you, smiling so proudly at your reactions. If you're a person who loves being spontaneous or adventurous with your plans, having Seonghwa as your boyfriend means you two will genuinely have a lot of fun together. He's the boyfriend that wants genuinely does want to go to art museums and fashion archive exhibits with you, and you guys can chat excitably about your opinions of different works, be it games, anime, fashion or music. As a couple, you are always ready to try something new and probably always have weekend plans.
As a Cancer Moon Seonghwa might gravitate toward the caretaker role in your relationship and tends to anticipate your own needs before you do, just doing little actions to look after you, like preparing your coffee or tea in the morning while you rush around getting ready for work. He isn't super big on PDA, maybe holding hands in public is as much as he's comfortable with but once you're alone....he's your personal giant teddy bear. So many hugs, so many cuddle sessions where you both play on your Switches and pause occasionally to show each other something cool or cute in your game.
You'll end up thinking its funny that some people have the impression your boyfriend is quiet or shy; If he's not saying anything, he just might not be interested in the conversation. Once you get him talking about his interests he's a certified YAPPER. And, surprisingly one of the most stubborn people you have ever met. Like, good luck feeling like you can ever "win" an argument. With both a Sun and Mars in Aries, Seonghwa feels like he can give you energy just from being near him. Aries men tend to have a lot of physical stamina and can push themselves pretty far in that aspect.
Which brings me to my next point......
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I see Seonghwa as someone who eventually gets into orgasm denial on his partner because of just how long he can go for. That Aries stamina feels like he's the type who can cum and be ready to go again faster than you were expecting.
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k-nayee · 2 days
Ghost Town BNHA
wc: 2.8k a/n: Song Inspiration: Ghost Town by Benson Boone; recommend you listen while reading!!
Traveler M.List
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You fill me up 'til you're empty...
The late afternoon sun casted a warmth over school grounds as you chatted with  Uraraka and Midoriya.
It was nice as the three of you walked together; even the greenette, who usually had a hard time speaking to girls, laughed along with your teasing comments.
Bakugo stood a little ways off, watching. His crimson eyes were sharp with a certain tension in his expression that hadn’t been there earlier that day.
Normally he would’ve made some snide comment by now, especially seeing you standing so close to the timid boy.
But today, Bakugo wasn’t himself.
He approached you in deliberate strides, his jaw set. You noticed the way his hands were shoved deep into his pockets, almost as if he was holding himself back.
As he neared, you felt a flicker of something—nervousness? Excitement?—you couldn’t quite place it. Bakugo always had a way of stirring something inside you, no matter the circumstance.
“Oi,” he barked, voice unusually serious. “We need to talk.”
I took too much and you let me...
Conversation around you fizzled as Uraraka and Midoriya exchanged confused glances. You, too, blinked in surprise. Normally, Bakugo wasn’t this direct—not with you, anyway.
He was blunt, sure, but not like this. There was a hardness to his tone, an edge that made the hairs on the back of your neck stand up.
You smiled, trying to keep things light. “What’s up, Katsuki?”
He didn’t respond, his eyes flickering to the duo. You take the hint and turn to the pair, giving them a quick wave. “I’ll catch up with you guys later.”
As your friends walked away the air between you and Bakugo thickened. He turned abruptly, heading toward the school building without a word, leaving you no choice but to follow.
When you reached an empty classroom, you slip inside, Bakugo shutting the door behind with a soft click. The familiar scent of chalk and old textbooks filled the space, but it did nothing to ease the growing tension.
He didn’t say anything at first. Just stood there with his hands still in his pockets, gaze fixed on a spot on the floor. His usual gruffness was gone—replaced by something much colder, much more distant.
We’ve been down all these roads before...
You watched him, waiting, hoping that he would explain whatever was weighing him down.
“Katsuki?” you step closer, voice soft. You offer him a bright smile, the kind that usually softened his rough edges.
But today, it didn’t reach him. He barely looked at you.
A sinking feeling began to settle in your chest. “Is something wrong?”
The silence hung between you like a heavy curtain. You reached out, your fingers just grazing his sleev—
“I want to break up.”
And what we found don’t live there anymore...
You took a step back, feeling as if his words had physically struck you. Your heart pounded in your chest until it echoed in your ears, drowning out the silence that had fallen between you.
“…What?” The word barely escaped your lips, a fragile whisper as your mind struggled to comprehend what he’d just said.
It didn’t make sense. Nothing about this made sense.
Bakugo’s jaw clenched, and for a fleeting moment, his crimson eyes met yours. He stiffened at the sight of you—vulnerable, confused.
Your brows furrowed in pain, your lips pressed together in an attempt to hold back the hurt. Seeing you like this made something inside him twist sharply.
But just as quickly, he tore his gaze away, refusing to let you see the storm raging inside him. 
“This,” he said, gesturing between the two of you with a sharp wave of his hand, “only happened out of obligation.”
The word hit you harder than the breakup itself.
He continued, his tone bitter.  “You know how the old hag was. Always on my ass, hounding me to give you a chance.”
It's dark...
Your mind reeled. You met Bakugo in middle school and from that moment you’d been drawn to him.
He was rough and brash with a fire that burned everything he did, and that only made you more determined to get close to him.
Your crush had been obvious, but you never shied away from it. You pursued him with a confidence that even now looking back you admired.
And yes, Bakugo had been difficult—dishing out the usual sharp remarks, disrespect dripping from every word. But still, you never backed down.
You tolerated it—not out of weakness, but because you refused to be intimidated by him.
You met his fire with your own; challenging him and pushing back, not afraid to give him the same energy he threw at the world.
It's cold...
At first you were just an affectionate annoyance to him. Always hanging around, always inserting yourself into his space. But with time, you grew on him—though he’d never admit it.
You became a part of his life, slipping past the walls he put up around everyone. He never asked for it, but he came to expect your presence—to crave it in ways he didn’t understand.
And now, standing in this empty classroom you could barely recognize him.
For a moment your voice felt lost. The Bakugo in front of you—saying these words and shutting himself off—was a stranger.
Something inside you knew he was lying. He had to be.
“…You’re lying.” Your voice came out weak, trembling.
The silence that followed was suffocating. Your words hung in the air fragile, and you weren’t sure if you were trying to convince him or yourself.
But you knew Bakugo. He was a lot of things—angry, hotheaded, unpredictable—but he wasn’t a liar. Not to you.
If my hand is not the one you're meant to hold...
You searched his face for any hint of truth, any crack in his exterior. But his expression was hard, closed off in a way you hadn’t seen in so long.
“I’m not, and you know it!” His voice was sharp, louder than before with anger lacing every word.
His lips press into a thin line as his teeth into the flesh to keep the words trapped inside—the sorrys, the desperate apologies. Taking one last look at your face, he turns away with a scoff.
His chest tightened as he try to hold back the wave of guilt that threatened to swallow him whole.
But he couldn’t let it out. If he did, it’d be over. He wouldn’t be able to do this.
Wouldn’t be able to let you go.
"You are!" Your voice cut through the silence more sure this time. He could hear the determined steps you took toward him, the confidence in your voice making it even harder to breathe.
You were close now, close enough that he could feel your warmth even though he kept his back to you. He didn’t dare turn around.
"Tell me you don’t love me if you’re serious." You dared him, forcing him to confront the truth you already knew. "Because the Katsuki I know will tell me the truth, because he isn’t afraid of the consequences."
You know I'll stay don't you tempt me...
The words echoed in his mind, bouncing off the walls he had built around himself. And for a second, just a second, Bakugo faltered.
His resolve wavered at the sound of your belief in him—a belief he didn’t deserve, not after everything he was about to do.
Your confidence made his head spin, made the words in his throat turn to ash.
But no matter how much your voice reached out to him the doubt gnawed at him. The weight of every fear and insecurity clawing at the edges of his mind.
Do it, the voice whispered. You don’t deserve her. She deserves better, someone who can give her the kind of love you can’t.
The voice grew louder, drowning out everything else. They took root in his mind; poisoning every thought and emotion until all he could feel was the crushing weight of his own incompetence.
But all this weight is getting heavy...
"You want the truth?” Before he could stop himself the words ripped from his throat.
Turning around to face you with a vicious glare, his voice was laced with venom. “I can’t keep letting an extra like you drag me down!"
The second the words left his mouth the air between you seemed to freeze. Your footsteps, even the sound of your breathing—it all stopped.
The world felt like it had come to a standstill.
Bakugo's heart hammered in his chest as he forced himself to keep going. "You're not even in the hero course!"
Though meant to hurt and push you away, as soon as they left his mouth, he felt a sickening twist in his gut. Still he couldn’t stop. He had to finish this.
“Keep following me around like a pathetic dog. I will be Number One, and I refuse to have any baggage slowing me down!" His voice rose, louder and harsher than he meant.
Every syllable spoken was coated in venom, cutting deeper and deeper with each passing second. And then—silence.
Been holding up what wasn't meant to stand...
No words. No movement. Just...nothing.
Bakugo grit his teeth, jaw tight as he waited—waited for you to scream, to lash out, to fight back like you always did. But nothing came.
The silence stretched on, wrapping around him like chains, pulling him down deeper into the pit he had dug for himself.
Then, came the sound of your sniffles. Soft and faint, the sound of your heart breaking. For years, you always worried that you weren’t good enough for Bakugo.
You didn’t have the flashy, powerful quirk that the others did. Hell, you weren’t even in the hero course! You were just a simple General Studies student.
That insecurity had haunted you for as long as you could remember. It always lingered in the back of your mind, whispering doubts whenever you saw Bakugo training, pushing himself harder than anyone else.
And it had only gotten worse when you started dating him. You couldn’t help but wonder if people looked at you and thought, How could someone like her ever deserve him?
I turned this love into a wasteland...
But Bakugo had always been there to shut those thoughts down. Harshly. Brutally. He never let you get away with doubting yourself, always snapping at you for thinking so low of yourself.
His scolding had been tough, unrelenting, but it was his way of caring—his way of showing you that he believed in you, even when you didn’t believe in yourself.
And now...he was throwing all of that in your face.
His words cut deeper than you ever thought they could. He was attacking the very thing he had always defended you against.
The thing he had never let you believe about yourself. You weren’t in the hero course. You didn’t have a strong quirk. You weren’t like him.
Maybe you never would be.
The weight of his words pressed down on you, making your chest tight and throat constrict. You were so overwhelmed, so hurt, that you didn’t even notice one crucial thing.
He never said it.
Bakugo never said, “I don’t love you.”
But in your frantic state, your mind couldn’t latch onto that detail. Instead, it spiraled; twisting in on itself, unraveling every belief you’d ever held about his love for you.
Before I turn your heart into a ghost town...
Was everything he ever told you a lie? Was this how he truly felt all along?
'Was I just fooling myself this whole time?'
The thoughts came at you fast like a storm. Everything you thought was real—every tender moment, every quiet confession, every time Bakugo had pulled you close, even if he didn’t say the words outright—it all felt like it was shattering into pieces in front of you.
It was all too much. You couldn’t handle it. Couldn’t be here in this moment.
Not with him, not with those venomous words still hanging in the air between you.
Your vision blurred and you could feel your heart pounding wildly in your chest, threatening to tear you apart from the inside.
Panic set in. You couldn’t breathe, couldn’t think straight. Every part of you screamed to get out, to run, to escape.
'I can’t let him see me like this. I can’t...'
Before you knew it your hand was on the door, slamming it open with a force that rattled the frame.
Show me everything we built so I can tear it all down...
The sound echoed through the empty halls as you bolted, your sobs finally breaking free from your lips.
The world outside the classroom was a blur. Your tears streamed freely now, hot and stinging against your cheeks. You didn’t care who saw you.
You just needed to get away, to be anywhere but here. Suddenly, your shoulder slammed into something—someone—knocking you off balance.
You gasped, the impact jarring you out of your spiral for a split second.
Your eyes barely registered the green hair before you stammered out a tearful, jumbled, "S-sorry!" Your voice cracked by the sobs that you couldn’t control.
Down, down, down...
Izuku stumbled back wide-eyed in shock, his hand instinctively reaching out to steady you. But before he could ask what was wrong, you were already gone.
His fingers brushed the air where you had just been, mouth opened as if to call after you, but the words never came.
He watched helplessly as you disappeared down the hallway, your sobs echoing behind you like the remnants of a broken heart.
His hand hovered in the air for a moment longer, his brows furrowing in concern. “Wha...?”
His gaze flickered to where you had come from, the half-open door to the classroom still swinging slightly from your frantic exit.
What the hell just happened?
With a sinking feeling in his chest Izuku slowly approached the classroom door. Peering through the half-open door, he froze.
Tear it all down...
Inside the empty classroom stood Bakugo. The blonde had his back to the door as stared out the window.
Izuku had known Bakugo for a long time. He’d seen him angry, frustrated, ready to explode at a moment’s notice. But this...this was different.
This time he was silent. Completely and utterly still.
“Kacchan?” Izuku’s voice was hesitant, quiet, as if he were afraid to break the silence.
Not receiving an answer, the freckled greenette took a cautious step into the room, one foot out just in case he needed to make a quick escape. “Why was ____ crying? Is everything al—”
Izuku’s words died in his throat as his eyes widened in shock. His name. Bakugo never called him by his real name. Ever.
Not unless something was really, really wrong.
“Y-Yeah?” Izuku stammered. He took another step forward, but he froze again when Bakugo finally turned around.
Heart-broken, teary vermillion eyes are the first thing he sees.
His face was twisted, lips trembling as if he were desperately trying to hold everything in. The raw emotion on his face—the vulnerability—was something Izuku had never seen before.
It was like looking at a stranger.
“Kacchan...” Izuku’s voice was barely a whisper. For a long moment, the two boys just stood there staring at each other in silence.
Izuku was in disbelief at the sight of Bakugo. His childhood friend, his rival, the one person he had always thought was untouchable—completely crumbling before him.
But the more time passed, the more Bakugo’s carefully constructed façade began to shatter. And then, with a strangled yell Bakugo folded in on himself.
His body shook violently as he hunched forward, arms wrapping around his middle as if he could physically hold himself together.
But it was no use. The dam had broken.
Down, down, down...
Izuku’s heart lurched in his chest, legs moving before his brain could even process what was happening. He rushed forward, catching Bakugo just as the blonde collapsed from the weight of his own emotions.
“K-Kacchan—Bakugo!” Izuku’s voice was panicked, his arms holding the teen to steady him, though he barely knew what to do. “What’s going on? What happened?”
Bakugo wasn’t supposed to break like this. He wasn’t supposed to fall apart. He was strong. Stronger than anyone.
And yet, here he was: trembling violently, sobbing uncontrollably in Izuku’s arms.
“I… I had to…” Bakugo choked out between gasping, shuddering breaths. His voice was barely recognizable, thick with pain and regret.
His hands clutched desperately at Izuku’s arms, as if they were the only thing keeping him grounded. “I had to do it… I had to…”
Izuku tightened his grip, his mind racing as he tried to process what Bakugo was saying. “Had to? Had to do what?” he asked, his voice shaking as he looked down at Bakugo’s tear-streaked face, alarm written all over his features.
He’d never seen Bakugo like this—no one did.
Bakugo’s head fell forward, his messy blond hair shadowing his eyes as he gripped Izuku’s arms harder. “I had to let her go,” Bakugo rasped, his voice breaking as fresh tears spilled down his cheeks.
“...I had to.”
I'll tear it all down...
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Miller Bros Contracting & Car Wash
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a/n: this is entirely self-indulgent. there's a car wash near my house called Tommy's Express and it got me thinking about our Miller brothers running one before their contracting business really caught on. any historical inaccuracies are because i did not exist in the 1900s in any capacity. i also didn't have the brainpower to write this into a full-fledged fic. bon appetit.
so it’s around the mid-90s
when Joel and Tommy first started their contracting business, it was really slow drumming up enough work to pay the bills and they needed side work to bring in more income
baby Sarah suggested a car wash after “helping” Uncle Tommy wash the truck in the driveway
said car wash was no more than a little wooden stand at the end of the office’s parking lot with a hose, buckets, and rags and sponges
Tommy primarily did all the washing while Joel was in the office keeping an eye on the phone but he’d come out and pitch in on particularly quiet days (and when Sarah needed to burn off some energy)
Tommy is only ever clad in jean booty shorts and flip flops (no shirt because he’s a slut) and purposefully gets himself soaking wet and sudsy anytime a cute girl drives into the lot
(he has a special mixtape that he plays on such occasions and puts on a little extra show while washing, just squatting and flexing left and right. eventually Sarah learns all the words to both "Baby Got Back" and "Tootsee Roll" and Joel is pissed.)
(Tommy once caught Joel humming in the kitchen and never lets him forget it. “hey Joel, it’s your favorite song”)
you’re new to Austin
you and your old-ass 1982 Chrysler LeBaron convertible (to quote @maggiemayhemnj) that you got as a teen after earning your driver’s license – you got to pick the car, the only condition was that it had to be used
you roll in one day, long overdue for a wash
Tommy gets himself ready then does a double take after you park and he sees the car
he starts just circling it and inspecting practically every inch – “goddamn, how is this thing still runnin’?”
Joel watches Tommy fanboy over the car a bit from inside the office before poking his head out the door and calling to him to get to work
you play along with Tommy and his flirting – you can’t deny that he’s sexy – but you just can’t stop stealing glances at his older brother through the front window
and after you go inside to pay and Joel tells you to drive safe? you’re a goner
you become their first regular – because Tommy is just so thorough and even put air in your tires one time when they were low, no extra charge – definitely not because of his big brother pretending not to watch the two of you
“there’s my favorite hunk o’ junk!” – Tommy’s go-to greeting
one day you come by and it’s rattling like crazy
you go inside to pay afterwards, as usual, and Joel finally says more than just the polite sendoff – “uh, s’probably not my place to say but you should really get that noise checked out. sounds like it could give out at any second.”
“oh, you could hear that, huh?” “darlin’, you’d have to be deaf not to hear it. jus’ want you to be safe.”
as luck would have it, it craps out just a few days later
you dig out the Miller Bros Contracting & Car Wash business card – the only one you’ve ever kept because it has Joel’s number on it – and walk a couple blocks to the nearest payphone
Joel answers and you’re all anxious and apologetic that you didn’t know who else to call
he just says “i’m on m’way”
you have to resist the urge to curl up and hide when Joel parks his truck in the space next to you and grabs a toolbox out of the bed
you stand off to the side, watching respectfully as he fiddles around under the hood before determining it’s a battery issue
“thought i told you to get it looked at”
“i did but the guy said i need a whole new battery and i just don’t have that kind of money lying around right now”
“how much did he quote you on it?”
however much it was, it’s way too high and Joel knows it – greedy bastards taking advantage of single women who don’t know any better
“tell you what, lemme give you a jump jus’ to get ‘er going and i’ll fix it up for ya”
and he does not take no for an answer - "i ain't leavin' you to deal with any more sleazy mechanics"
you follow him back to his house where he tells you to go ahead and park in the driveway
he opens up the garage and starts grabbing tools when he stops and curses himself, turning to you and rubbing the back of his neck
“i, uh. i'm missing a pretty important part. you're more than welcome to wait here while i go run and get it, i won’t be long.”
you start to protest, he’s done so much for you already, you’re fine with just borrowing their phone book and calling a tow, but Joel is not having it
next thing you know, you’re sat on the living room floor with baby Sarah munching on a bowl of cereal and watching Wakko Warner sing about all 50 united states and their capitals
Tommy finally comes downstairs and sees the two of you hanging out and almost has a heart attack before turning on his Charm
you flirt with each other for a few minutes before he joins his older brother outside
“what’d’ya do to my favorite hunk o’ junk?”
“don’t even think about it”
“what? i didn’t say anything.”
“you were ‘bout to”
“if you’re gonna stand there and bother me, at least make yourself useful and hand me that thing”
eventually Joel finishes up and heads inside to see Sarah sprawled halfway across your lap on the floor
“uh…your, uh, you’re good to go. lemme just, uh, take her and i'll see you out.”
the sight of Joel carrying his baby girl up the stairs to her bed is enough spank bank material to last you for weeks
he comes back down and leads you back out to your car, passing Tommy on his way in and he gives you a cheeky wink
your driver’s door is already open with the keys in the ignition so all you have to do is get in and drive away
instead, you stall by trying to offer some money to cover the cost of the parts and Joel shuts you down immediately
“you’ve already given us enough of your money, s’the least i can do”
“well, sure, but i was paying for a service. that's not the same thing.”
“you know what, you actually did me a huge favor by keeping an eye on Sarah for me. so how ‘bout we call it even?”
and before you can even think, you step forward and kiss him
and Joel kisses back
you barely pull away and Joel grips your wrist
“what was that for?”
“…your tip?”
he just laughs and leans in, lips not quite touching again
“drive safe, darlin’”
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chemblrish · 2 days
The atomic radius, shielding, and the lanthanide contraction
As you hopefully already know, there are several trends of the elements' properties that you can squeeze out of the periodic table. The one I want to focus on in this post is the atomic radius.
The shorter and simpler explanation is as follows: if you move from the top to the bottom, the radius increases, which is simply the result of more electron shells (“layers”) being added to the atom. Moving left to right, the radius decreases and that is caused by the growing positive charge of the nucleus attracting the valence electrons more strongly like the swole doge and therefore shrinking the atom.
But chemistry is a science, and the sciences are beautifully complex, so let me tell you about this one intricacy affecting the radius. We’re going to need some knowledge of the electronic structure of an atom, but I'll try to fit all that you really need to know inside a single paragraph.
The compact version is this: inside the atom, there are little pockets of space where electrons can be, so to say. Those pockets are called orbitals and they have all sorts of funky shapes. The s orbitals, for example, are ball-shaped, while the p orbitals look roughly like balloons attached to the nucleus. (They're sometimes described as dumbbell-shaped. What sort of dumbbell looks like that. They're balloons.)
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Back to the radii! I'm going to use the second period as an example here, but there's nothing special about it. It just happens to be quite a simple case. Lithium and beryllium only have s orbitals, so that's not very interesting, but the rest of the period has both s and p orbitals.
As we move from lithium, across the whole period, and to fluorine (there's no need to engage the noble freaks), three important things happen: the radius decreases, each next element has one more proton in the nucleus than the previous one, and also each next element has one extra valence electron. Duh. The number of electrons "inside" doesn't change, it's only the outermost shell that gains electrons.
But remember, an electron is not a marble sitting in one point at all times. When it comes to electrons in atoms, it's better to imagine them as lil clouds of negative charge in the shape of their respective orbitals. As a result, the core electrons obscure the nucleus from the valence electrons. Not entirely! But the attractive force felt by the valence electrons isn't just equal to whatever Coulomb's law would give us - it's a bit smaller. This is called the shielding effect and the charge that valence electrons actually "feel" from the protons in the nucleus is called effective nuclear charge. The atomic radius is therefore a tad bigger than we could assume without acknowledging shielding (but the trend of a decreasing atomic radius across the periodic table still stands, of course).
So, what about the lanthanides, those poor, misunderstood outcasts thrown under the periodic table?
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God I love pubchem's periodic table it's so pretty!
There's no plot twist here, they don't break the trend. Cerium is the biggest one, lutetium the smallest. So what gives? See, lanthanides begin filling up their f orbitals, whose shapes are so absurd even I am afraid of them.
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Because they're so ridiculous, they are supremely bad at shielding the positive charge of the nucleus, which in turn makes the lanthanides significantly smaller than they would be if this effect didn't take place - so much so that we call this phenomenon the lanthanide contraction. Actually, the f orbitals suck at shielding so bad that the radii of the (d-block) metals of the sixth period are very similar to the radii of the elements in the period above them - even though they should be much larger!
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Really. Chemistry is like psychology for electrons. Everything that happens here is caused by these guys' weird behavior.
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bengiyo · 2 days
Happy of the End: A Dour Show That Pulled Its Punches at the End
I've been trying to sort how I feel about this show, and I don't think I like the extended epilogue. In so many ways, I kinda wish the show had ended at the train station goodbye.
Part of this is how the show crossed over into torture porn a lot. I don't think we gained much from the extended looks at the horrors Haoren survived, and I think it would have been better to not show us too much before revealing his scars to Chihiro. I also don't think the Haoren on Chihiro rape scene led to interesting emotional payoff for a show that wanted such a happy ending. I also wish we hadn't gone so far with the Maya stuff; I think the van threat was enough to prompt Haoren to murder Maya.
The fact that Chihiro is still hanging out with the guy who sold them out to Maya and relying on help from the former sugar daddy (that we know was a client of Maya's) just doesn't sit right with me either. I don't really feel like Chihiro is in a new space in his life, nor do I believe in his success if these are still his primary relationships.
Finally, I didn't like Haoren visually regressing by returning to his old look to go see Chihiro. It really undermined his choice to separate them for Chihiro's own good at the end. It felt like another separation that amounted to little, especially since the show had Maya eliminate himself.
I do tend to like these kinds of bleak stories from Japanese storytellers. I'm a fan of Eternal Yesterday, and I really love Drive My Car (2021), Under the Open Sky (2020), and Shoplifters (2018). I wish we'd ended at the separation by the train, and if we had to have a final scene after that we'd just gotten the very last shot where Haoren returns in his old clothes to the spot of their first and only picture as we got it.
Final Verdict: 7, Beware the Extreme Trigger Warnings. I liked some of the ideas about two traumatized people connecting with each other. However, much of the horrors of this story felt like too much for my tastes, and lacked real payoff for those extensive grotesqueries to feel relevant. I think everyone in the cast gives some really great performances in every scene (romantic, horrific, or otherwise), and it was genuinely a visually pleasing show despite all the grime and trash. It's a complicated piece for me, but not one to which I will return.
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caitchercatlady · 19 hours
He'll Have to Go Through Me
-Savanaclaw Version
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Leona Kingscholar
Though Leona doesn't often show it, he greatly cares for the people he tolerates. How do you think he still keeps his dorm in order? Ever since his overblot ordeal, Leona sees more potential in you, and it doesn't hurt to have you around. This type of attention from the Savanaclaw Housewarden does make the rest of the dorm jealous, which brings negative attention on yourself. As you are studying in the garden, you end up being ambushed by a few disgruntled Savanaclaw students, threatening you to prove yourself worthy of Leona's rare acknowledgements. Little do they know that they're useless yelling has woken up nearby Leona from his nap, and he's not happy about any of the situation at large.
"My dorm lackeys may have the brawns, but you truly lack the brains. You were so cowardly that instead of taking your anger out on me, you take it out on a freshman. Go ahead. I'm listening."
The cowards "eep" their way out of the garden as fast as their legs can take them. Leona walks up to you and pats you on the head, reassuringly. He reminds you that you have the power to give yourself permission to not deal with idiots, especially when they encroach on your personal space. If you ever need help on how to do that, Leona is there to give you the basics.
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Ruggie Bucchi
Like Ruggie is a tease, but he would never stand back and watch bullying happen, especially if it inolves money. He knows about the struggle at home, and those instincts spike at every reminder. Ruggie catches up with you on your way to the cafeteria. He wonders if you're gonna get the special today, but when you worriedly say no, he gets suspicious. You never miss out on the special sandwiches unless something is wrong. You mention that you owe someone money, and he suspects it's your Heartslabyul besties. You shiver at the thought. He stops you and demands to know who is exploiting you, and you ask how Ruggie knows that. Does Ruggie really need to tell you that?
Once learning of this tyrant, Ruggie storms into the cafeteria with a flame of vengeance burning in his belly. He taunts that he knows many a Housewarden who are looking to pay an underclassman to work for them. Considering how the guy's been threatening for lunch money, Ruggie assures him that if he works for either Leona, Azul, Kalim, or Vil, the bully could buy all the meals in the world, so he can skip one meal for one day until then. With that said, Ruggie made it safe for you to purchase your special.
"That'll teach 'em. Money is precious, Prefect. No one is entitled to yours...unless you have them to work for ya, of course. Anyway, if he bothers you again, call me, and I'll enact Plan B, no questions about it."
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Jack Howl
Jack, the more you interact with him, may seem like a guy who doesn't care about anyone except himself, but if you're ever in trouble, Jack is there to prove you wrong. It's also clear that due to your reputation as an academic brain for a layperson, you unintentionally gain some enemies. You do your best to ignore their taunting. One day though, your bullies refuse to back down despite your quiet neutrality. They corner you in the halls and demand you get on the ground and submit.
A growling rebuttal sends shivers down to every single delinquint's spine. The last person they expected to interrupt the scuffle was also the very last person they wanted to see (other than the Housewardens, especially Malleus). Justice is the will of the wolf, and if lowlifes are going to pick a fight with a layperson, how about they fight Jack instead, no magic being the only rule? Cowardly as they are, the bullies run off, out of sight. Jack pulls you in for a hug as you are shaken by the interaction that just took place.
"You don't have to deal with any of that. No friend of mine is going to deal with any of that. Ya understand me?"
Jack may not know it, but his comforting side is brushing your fear right out of your body. This warm feeling urges you to latch onto Jack like a cub to its mother. With each "thank you" that you let out, the more Jack's face blushes pink. He knows that no matter how much he tells you not to make such a big deal out of it, it'll fall on deaf ears, so he lets this slide.
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peachyfnaf · 3 days
I'm sorry but "MY BEAUTIFUL PRINCESS WITH A DISORDER<3" really made my day and I needed you to know
I can't believe Nexus is bullying peepaw war criminal.
Do you think Nexus is going to be stopped by big bro Sun or do you think the lil guy is going beyond the point of no return?
(Please talk about baby cringe Lord Nexus, I want to hear about your blorbo 🙏)
That's because Nexus IS my beautiful princess with a disorder, I'll have you know <3 they're diseased but it's okay I can give them their tetanus and flu shots and it'll all be better I GOT THIS
But. ahem, okay, blorbo yapping time. I'm not even gonna say "I'll try to keep this short" because I know it wont end up that way HAHAHAHAHA
"Do you think Nexus is going to be stopped by big bro Sun or do you think the lil guy is going beyond the point of no return?"
I... have absolutely no idea!!!1! (and also it took me an embarrassingly long amount of time to realize peepaw war criminal was Ruin KJDFHSDF)
The most frustrating thing about canon Nexus is how his morals, motivations, and goals seem to see-saw back and forth all the time. at first, he became how he is now due to Solar's death. he spiraled in his grief, identity-issues, and abandonment. but... now his motivation is to become an all powerful god??? while it's most likely that NSP is at play and affecting his thought process, it's... well, it's really hard to take him seriously as a villain because of it, lol. for an audience to enjoy, and even sympathize in some cases, with a villain, their goals and motivations have to be concrete. they have to be relatable, or at least understandable, but Nexus' whole thing is... not, Imho. and I know I'm not the only person who feels this way!!!
I see a lot of people calling Nexus "cringe", and the thing is, when it comes to canon Nexus, they're not really... wrong??? The worst thing Nexus has done so far is make Old Moon see his past victims, which is fucked up of him to do, but.. so far, that's kind of it??? other than that, his "villainy" consists of saying empty threats and cheesy evil one-liners. hell, he was supposed to kidnap Sun yesterday but instead spent the whole episode yapping and venting to him, chasing Sun around in the worlds darkest game of tag before getting some lead right in the face dkfjhsdfsd
Also, notice how he's only targeted Old Moon when it comes to actual physical violence? not Lunar, Earth, Solar, or Sun, but Old Moon? yeah, I did too. we already know that Nexus does everything because he's lashing out, but as of rn the only target he's gotten his hands on physically being O.M...? well. I think it says a lot. cause' yeah, he sure as shit scared the life out of the other Celestials, but he's never put his hands on them!! the only other one of them he harmed physically was Earth- and not only was he not aiming for her, she was just in the way- he felt immediate regret for his actions once in space, and has yet to even see Earth ever since that day.
So, I really have no idea if he's going to be "redeemed" or not. one second he's showing signs he might be, and the next he's falling further down the "pretty badly written villain" rabbit-hole. if he does get something akin to a redemption arc, he'll prolly mostly be accepted in the eyes of the viewers, considering a lot of peeps sympathize or at least understand where he's coming from, but I seriously doubt the other Celestials would take him back. the only one's who might see him as family/a close friend again are Sun and Solar, but even then, nothing would ever be the same.
I hope he gets redeemed, or at least freed from the hold Dark Sun has on him and he's able to live his own life, I really do. at his core, Nexus is a good person. a good person who was crushed under the weight of the shadow of the man he was born under. and we know this because he used to be New Moon. sweet, dorky New Moon.
New Moon, who made inventions like sentient knives and whoopee cushions. New Moon, who had matching My Little Pony stickers with his best friend. New Moon, who bought a whole ass island-luxury-house for Sun because he wanted to make him feel better and give him the proper space to heal. and New Moon- the poor freshly-baked A.I who gave his all to make sure he could do everything that Old Moon could, but it just wasn't enough. he tried and tried and tried, but it wasn't enough.
So yeah, idk if he's getting one in canon, but to me, he more than deserves a good ending, for the life he was given. let him be at peace.
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This is a long post but not a vent its the opposite of a vent ykwim like a long happy rant
I love you all so much.
Maybe I’m just all dramatic and emotional because I’m on my period, maybe because I’m writing this late at night and I’m gonna think it’s really cringe in the morning, but I love you guys so much. Tumblr has brought me so much joy. I’ve been here for maybe three or four months now? And I can’t really think of a time in my life where I was happier. 
I first made an account after scrolling aimlessly. I would go onto the tumblr website and it would let me search a bit until it was like “you need to make an account to keep going!!” And then I’d just close it and move on. But then one day I decided  hey what the heck just do it. So I made an account, and I didn’t really know what I was doing. I came up with this username because I liked conan gray, I gave myself  a daphne blake profile picture because she has red hair, and just kinda explored. 
I looked through tags of fandoms I love like the inheritance games and pjo and shatter me and even scythe (which was when i was then brought to the realization that the aoas fandom really is dead everywhere even here😔). But I just kinda explored.
Then I found all you guys, the cute aesthetic tumblrinas! And omg I thought everyone was so cool. Pretty much everyone I’m mutuals with now is someone who i found their blog and was like OMG I WANNA BE ONE OF THEM!! I loved the friendships and the connection and just seeing everyone interact made me so happy. I think one of the first people to follow me back was Belle and I remember I legit freaked out because omg!! Shes so cool!! 
Now that I’m telling the story it’s a little embarrassing, but it’s fine. I just know I was slowly growing my blog and meeting new people but I still didn’t feel like I had real friends, it hadn’t been that long. But I think it all kinda happened after I accidentally deleted my account, and I sent panic asks to everyone. And you guys were so nice and so sweet and for a lot of people it was some of the first interactions we had. 
I have the world’s worst memory, but it just kinda took off from there. 
And now I am friends with all you guys!! I’m so incredibly glad I decided to make this blog that day because omg. I’d seen people talk about online friends but I’d never had any. But now?? OMGG I UNDERSTAND!!! I finally have people who are just as obsessed with the books/tv/movies/music/everything that I am!! 
My friends IRL are nice, they’ve read the books I read, but I cant talk to them the way I do you guys, yknow? Tumblr is literally just such a safe space for me. I have a bad day, come online, and my mood is lifted. It makes me so happy and it also makes me feel so validated for whatever weird interests or feelings I have! I have a weird thought? Post it to tumblr! It’s just so amazing, how there’s people all over the world who care about me even a little, even just enough to like my shitposts. 
I’ve even infiltrated both the shatter me and tig roleplays, and I’ve really just done everything I could’ve hoped for when I joined tumblr. I used to be the one watching everyone interact, and now I am the one interacting! I don't think you guys understand how much you all mean to me. Especially as someone with bad social anxiety, who struggles with making friends irl. I also don’t believe in popularity in schools, thats stupid, but technically i’m not a “popular kid.” So I have friends, but not a billion. But here? Everyone is friends on tumblr!! It’s so amazing. I love you all so much. 
That’s long and honestly pretty sappy, also yall probably don't care about my whole tumblr history and how i got here (plus no one asked), but I felt like i wanted to share. There’s so much more I wanna say, but surprisingly enough as a writer, I’m not always the best at expressing my feelings over writing. My love language is physical touch, not words of affirmation. Which suckss cause i cant give you guys that. But this is as good as i can get. 
So thank you to everyone, my mutuals and followers and whatever. Thank you for being so loving. Thank you for being stupid with me. Thank you for listening to me rant about nonsense. Thank you for liking my posts. thank you for being here. Thank you for making me feel safe.
Cause every time I get a notification, I smile. It’s hard not to, when I know everyone is so amazing. I hope you think of me when you listen to heather, because I always think of you when i listen to online love. Anyway, I love you all. I hope we meet one day. Actually, scratch that. We will  meet one day. That is a threat :)
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starriislxt · 2 days
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⁀➷ rodrick heffley x fem!reader | duration: 539
description: when rodrick is too busy to help you, you decide to take things into your own hands.
content: sfw ノ fluff ノ pregnant!reader ノ written with black!reader in mind but can be read as what you imagine.
notes: ahhh, my second rodrick fic posted! i'm happy you guys liked the first one, there's more to come! i always had a crush on him and now i'm happy that i'm writing for him.
masterlist 𐙚 previous fic 𐙚 taglist
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“Roddy!” You shout but you know it’s no use when you know he has his headphones while playing his drums, you didn’t want to interrupt his flow so you decide to do this task yourself.
It was an easy task, not like you’re sick, you were only six months pregnant and didn’t need him to get one of your seasonings that was on the very top shelf, you never put it so high but the last time Rodrick helped you cook; he was the one to put away stuff which now you heavily regret.
“Hmph, that’s the last time I ask him to help me cook,” you mumble to yourself as you waddle over to one of the chairs by the dining table. “Okay (name), how do you want to do this?” You ponder to yourself as you come up with a strategy to bring the chair over to where you need it.
You push it over to the spot, making sure it’s in a perfect space where you can just get up and access the top shelf. You set down your knee first, counting to three before giving a big push to get yourself up on the chair. That alone made you tired; having to take a mini break before fully attempting to stand on the chair.
“Whoa whoa, what the hell are you doing?” Hearing his voice stops you right in your tracks; his headphones now sat around his neck. You must have been so focus on getting on the chair to even notice he had entered the kitchen.
“I’m trying to get a seasoning, I need it for the chicken but it's on the top shelf, I couldn’t reach it.”
“Why didn’t you come for me to help you?” Rodrick questions as he makes his way over to you, looking at you crazy, already helping you down. “Well I did try to yell for you but you were in your zone, I’m not going to interrupt you.” You explain, making eye contact with him.
“Princess, I don’t care whatever I’m doing, if you need help, come get me. I don’t want you or the precious little one getting hurt,” he voices, reaching up to grab it for you so effortlessly which pisses you off only a tiny bit that it was that easy for him.
“Alright baby, I’ll ask you next time.” You say, taking the seasoning from him and returning to your chicken while he comes up behind you, rubbing the swell of your stomach, laying soft kisses on your neck. “What you cooking?”
“White rice with some fried chicken and some broccoli,” you comment as he turns your head a bit so he can kiss your soft lips. “Now, stop distracting me, I have to finish cooking. I’m eating for two, remember.”
Rodrick lets out a chuckle before giving you another kiss, telling you he loves you before going back downstairs, leaving his headphones around his neck just in case you need him to do something. He couldn’t wait for the day that your little one would make his appearance, the first thing he was going to teach him is how to play the drums; he’s going to become a rockstar like his daddy.
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comments: @cherriespopsicle.
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end of video. — all rights reserved © starriislxt 2024. do not copy, repost, translate & recommend elsewhere.
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shojizbae · 2 days
Fame Monster
Tom Kaulitz x Reader
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Your career had really taken off since your first album, Blutsbande, was released. Your European tour took over your summer break. You had performed all over many places you begged your mom to travel to. Of course, as your 'manager,' she got to tag along with you. You got to meet so many fans and explore new corners of the world.
That's not to say you didn't feel a small dull, annoying void in your life.
You've thought about him every day since you met.
And in every way. When you meet couples and celebrities with their partners, seeing them in the crowds of your shows stung a lot. People can look deep into each other's eyes, especially when you sing your slow songs about love and desire. It was just in public, when your mother was meeting with your publicist, and you were alone on the tour bus, that you thought deeply about him.
About how he smelled and looked. Especially how he tasted. You regret every moment that you didn't kiss him. Since then, you distracted yourself by finding male fans who wanted to touch you. And there were many. You never went all the way with them. It didn't seem right. But every few weeks, you would find some cute Spaniard and give him a VIP pass to your dressing room. The most tabloids got from it was that you had blown a fan in Wales.
But now, you were home in Germany, tired and hungry. You were supposed to have a meeting with your publicist and the producers about beginning a new album and mapping the world tour for the first album. While they discussed some financial things that a star like you was too important to be bored with, you went looking for caffeine.
The break room is quite spacious and cozy. The walls are adorned with vibrant and expensive abstract art pieces, adding a touch of sophistication to the room. There are comfortable seating areas, and the room is well-lit, with natural light streaming through the windows. Overall, it's a welcoming space to take a break and relax.
Right as you enter, four rowdy boys come down a separate hallway. You sigh and open the stainless steel fridge.
"Ah shit, it's the pop princess!" Bill interrupts
"Deine Frau," Gustav snickers as he rattles Tom. Your eyes lock. It feels like everyone else in the world vanishes, and you're zoomed out, looking at the two of you on the planet, orbiting the sun.
"Hey, welcome back to reality, superstar." Tom smiles as if you two are best friends.
"Ja, it was super cool. Now I'm just super thirsty." One of his eyebrows shoots up as you open the fridge for a beverage. You grab the last bottle of Coke. You twist off the bottle cap and flick it to the trashcan again. The boys also find respective snacks and consume a couch. Discovering that there was no room left, you take the pocket of the sofa where Tom was sitting, resting your legs across his spread lap. You dig in with the arm of the sofa at your back. He regards you and then places one hand on your thigh.
They continue their conversation as if you belong in Tom's lap. Like you were just an accessory missing from his outfit. He traces circles over your thigh as they keep an idle conversation.
"Do you want some Cola?" You offer the bottle up to his lips.
"Ja," he takes a swig and hands it back to you. You smile at him and lick the rim of the bottle. The boys erupt at the pure eroticism of your acts. He takes the bottle from your hand and places it on the coffee table. He takes hoists you up so you're straddling him.
"I'm going to kiss you now," He grips me tightly, and I just smile as he takes the lead. Before you get too heated and dirty, Bill clears his throat.
"Um, maybe find like a janitor's closet if you're going to have sex."
Georg and Gustav snicker, but you return to your little pocket under Tom's arm.
"I heard you're willing to do much in front of crowds." Georg jokes
"Uh, stupid tabloids, I went down on four guys over a three-month tour, and suddenly I'm some promiscuous slut. Didn't someone say you had slept with 25 girls when you were 14?" you slap Tom's chest
"Stupid tabloids," He agrees. Just then, your mother comes dashing out of the meeting room, screaming your name and waving her hands.
"Honey! Oh Mein, Gott! Angel." She comes to a halt right in front of you. "Who are these boys? Never mind, it's not relevant. This is super important, but we'll talk about these boys later. Rammstein wants you to open for them!"
In that regard Netanyahu you launched at out Tom’s lap, to his dismay. All around your European tour when you were stuck in interviews asking you the same questions they always asked who inspired you. Took hotel and Rammstein were always the answer.
Well, now, you had gotten that close to making out with a member of Tokio Hotel, and NOW Rammstein wanted you to come to tour with them. You were jumping around, hugging your mom, and squealing something in Hebrew.
"Wait, when?" you separate and hold your mom by her triceps
"Their tour starts in two months, so you're doing some shows in New Zealand and Australia, and then you'll be back in rehearsals." She switches her tone from 'mom' to 'manager'. You sulk, knowing that it was back to a busy and stressful life. Especially now that it seemed there could be something with Tom.
Before the blue could consume you, shouts of excitement consume the area behind you.
"Woah, so cool!"
"you're opening for Rammstein!"
"You're traveling more!"
The boys have all jumped up, encircled you, and congratulated you with back pats. Tom slings an arm around your shoulders and looks down at you fondly.
"I guess we'll have to save that kiss for when you get back."
"No way." You extend to your tip toes and direct his jaw by his cheek. He kisses you a little chastely, knowing your mom is right there. And when you pull back, it's all over. From then on, you know that Tom Kaulitz is the only one you want to be around. The look in his chocolaty eyes and the slight smile is a tell-tale sign that it's over.
You're all he wants.
"We should go for a celebratory lunch!" Bill cheers
"Ja, I'm hungry."
"Your publicist still needs to work out some details of this little oral scandal. I hope you start associating with better people. But for now, take the card and bring me back a brisket sandwich." Your mom tosses a credit card at you with a stern mom look.
"Sweet! Danke mama!" You hop up and kiss her cheek. On your way out, you get your jacket and purse. The boys follow you out, although none of them bring jackets. Bill is already wearing one.
"And liebe,"
"Ja Mama?"
"Don't eat too much, you'll get fat.'
"Yes, mama."
When you leave the record label, the boys have already hailed a taxi. You climbed in, comfortably sandwiched between Georg and Gustav. You know to keep your face covered in public, so you slide on sunglasses and a hat. Paparazzi isn't as heinous in Germany as in the US, but fangirls are bound to find the famous Kaulitz twins. They take you to a nicer sit-down restaurant, and you order a round of sodas and some bread.
For 16-year-old boys, they make tolerable conversation. You catch up on what it's like to be a young celebrity. Although it is really refreshing to just make dick jokes and laugh loudly. When you order food, Gustav orders your mothers a sandwich for you to go, and you get a chicken salad with pita. The boys joke about being emasculated by a woman paying, but they all agree to take you to lunch again when you return from Australia.
You slip your jacket back on your shoulders, slide out of the booth, and the boys follow you. As you leave the restaurant, you are bombarded by a camera flash, and you feel a hand interlock with yours and let it lead you to another cab. Screams of your name and 'Look here.' You're ducked into a cab, which speeds back towards the record label.
Paparazzi follow the car until you get on the freeway. When the adrenaline wears off, you realize that you've been tugged into someone's warm lap. You can feel his steady breathing as his chest rises and falls, and the gentle exhales fan the back of your neck. Just by scanning the faces of the three other men in the car's back seat, you deduce that you're sitting on Tom's lap. Although you could have put that together based on his belt buckle.
"Tom, you've got to fix your pants. I'm sitting right on your belt buckle." you try to shift around so that it's not poking you in the ass
"That's not my belt buckle, Schatz." He snickers
"Oh really?" You twist around in the crowded cab and sling your arms on his neck. Your tiny black mini-skirt rides up your thighs, showing off your neon patterned underwear."
"Yeah," He groans into your ear. "And let me tell you something, we could go at it right now."
"Now, in front of your brother. Hey, driver, we are rerouting. Take me to the nearest apartment." Howls envelop the cab, and the five of you are spat out on a curbside near a hotel. You swipe your mom's credit card for the cab and then swipe it again for a room.
You can't keep your hands to yourself in the elevator, and when you get to the hotel, it's over. Tom drags you to a bedroom and locks the door behind the two of you.
Your publicist nearly faints when he sees the tabloids the following day.
"Young star seen with salacious band Tokio Hotel" and photos of you and the four eating lunch together.
"Rising Rock stars seen holding hands" and the pictures of you and Tom
"Could a relationship between these two rockstars be blossoming?"
Rockstars seen making out in cab
"Young rockstars seen going into a hotel. They're only 16!"
Photo evidence of the five of you walking in downtown Berlin covered these drama blogs. Your mother is fuming when you get home. You're walking on sunshine, though. Freshly deflowered and in love. The following two weeks are a roller coaster, and you spend most of it riding Tom. You've already racked up quite a reputation when you reach the islands.
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