iron-niffler · 4 years
I was reading some interviews about Endgame just bc and
In Infinity War, Doctor Strange (Benedict Cumberbatch) says there’s only one way to beat Thanos and Endgame reveals that way meant Tony’s death. Did you ever consider letting him live and having Captain America/Steve Rogers wield the gauntlet and die instead?
Markus: We considered ways to let Tony live and whether there was a story there. But (dying) was the last thing he needed to do to become a fully-realized hero. There was never a better story than that. As for Captain America, he was willing to kill himself twice in his first movie. So it didn’t seem like a particularly interesting thing to have him do.
I'm sorry WHAT did you say Markus?!?!
"dying was the last thing he needed to do to become a fully-realized hero"
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So apparently
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Tony Stark
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has never been willing
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to die to save people or even been established as a full hero
or at least he hasn't been willing enough to appease the screenwriters
who knew? certainly not anyone who watched the movies. why don't you two scriptwriters watch the entire MCU (including the movie that you wrote) then get back to me on this :)
Logically I understand why the writers wanted to kill him off (doesn't mean i like it) but they shouldn't erase all the things that he's done over the past 15 years (10 or so years actively superheroing) to try and play his death as the act that established him as a hero. he's been working to protect people at any cost for a decade now this isn't the first time he's done something that includes risking his life for others. His death may be his most heroic act but it was by no means his first.
Yes his death helped to show the end of an era, but do you know what could have shown the start of a new era? Tony deciding to hang up the armor for good now that the threat that had haunted him for years has been vanquished and helping out on the sidelines, never really appearing on screen or anything but definitely there as a support link offering advice and counsels to the new generation of heroes, even if they only show it through text messages or name drops.
Maybe they mean "fully realized" as having reached the height of his heroics (which doesn't really make sense but hey), but "fully realized" normally is used to describe something "complete or total" so apparently Tony wasn't a complete hero until he freaking died even though he demonstrated the willingness to die for others multiple times across the MCU, or this was just badly phrased. Tony is an imperfect person who he pushes past his flaws and tries to make up for his mistakes that's part of his character's appeal. He's not a hero because he's perfect, he's a hero because he's an imperfect human being who recognizes his flaws and pushes past them in order to grow as a person and help others.
Apparently Tony wasn't a "complete" hero so I guess that's why they saw it fit to give him an incomplete happy ending; five years of domestic living overshadowed by heavy losses before he finally got his whole family back together and then had to sacrifice himself to save everyone.
Also for some reason the Steve portion of the response just makes me angrier. Or rather they really went "no we can't kill Steve! he was ready to die TWICE in his first movie! People are probably bored of him sacrificing himself!" and then turn around and kill one of the characters who has been struggling for over a decade and is just trying his best who has nearly died like every other movie he's in in an effort to protect people. (Also I'm pretty sure Tony was willing to die multiple times in Iron Man or at least accepting of his potential fate such as refusing to make weapons for terrorists even under torture and presumably the threat of death, making his primary focus to get Stane away from civilians, even if it meant completely depleting his power supply which is keeping him alive running the numbers and accepting the risk of death due to either falling from an extremely high altitude or a painful death from the shrapnel and finally telling Pepper to hit the button to blow the reactor while he's still on the roof.)
"There never was a better story than that": sure maybe this was the best story in a "make you cry sad and emotional way" but there are SO MANY other avenues and messages that you could send by letting him live. Show the message of being able to work through and overcome trauma and personal issues and live a happy life. Give us the escapist reality most members of the fandom crave; seeing you fave struggle for years than be able to overcome the issues and be happy acting as a beacon of hope for the fans who relate to them. Give Tony the happy ending that he and the audience that stuck by his side for any amount of time be it several months or that grew up with Tony deserved. Just let him be happy please. He's gone through so much, just let him rest (and not in a way that includes him dying)
*I'm sure there's a different way to interpret this but that's how I'm reading it as so if you disagree please don't come yell at me*
also at one point in time they considered letting tony live
(sorry this just annoyed me and I had to vent so tumblr rant 😅)
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