#just wanna make thinga better
desinovak · 2 years
Still not over
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lookingfordaisies · 2 months
Was crying so much it made me nauseous, the people that I want to see and be close with don't even wanna see me (my gf specifically) and it feels like I'm begging for attention begging to meet up and then this??
I sh because everything right now is just too much and that didn’t make me feel better as I'd hoped. Then I stopped crying because honestly that's not going to solve anything. What would solve thinga would be me being unalive, and merely crying isn't gonna get me there now, is it?
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pielplastica · 1 year
I haven't changed at all, I haven't grown at all. I still make the same mistakes that I did back then. Why can't I be stronger?
I can't keep up with work and with my studies. I didn't went to school for a week and a half straight and yesterday I spoke with my teachers and they all told me that it was ok and that I could come back. My boss said that it's ok if I can't go one day. I feel like I don't deserve all their support. I still feel guilty of so many thinga that I haven't healed yet.
I'm so afraid of losing her. She supports me so much and I haven't felt like this for someone in a long, long time and now I don't want her to think that I'm dragging her down or that I can't keep up with her.
I'm lost, I'm hurt, I'm regretful.
I studied so hard for my entrance test and now I can't get out of bed just to go to class. I found a decent job with a fully sopportive boss and I feel like I don't deserve all of this.
Already made an appointment for this monday for a therapy session and all of my money went to it but I know that it's for the better. But for now, all I wanna do is cry my eyes out.
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5 for the song ask 👁
Oh nice! I'll choose the character since you didn't exactly specify hehe I hope you like it!
Prompt from: Give me a character and a Disney song
Kiss the Girl (Yoosung x Fem!MC)
Saeyoung sighed as he laid his head on his hand. His twin brother who was sitting beside him didn't pay any attention and kept his focus on the snacks in front of him. It helped if he focused on only one thing, he still wasn't used to being around a lot of people, specially the type of loud, fancy and extravagant guests that always ended up invited to the RFA party for some reason or another. Saeran didn't exactly want to spend the evening with his brother, god knows he's had too much of that crazy idiot at home, but one of the guests thay you had invited (a self proclaimed vampire hunter that Jumin had recommended) would not stop pestering him with annoying questions, such as "can you actually wall outside on the sun for a bit" or "would you mind taking a bite of this garlic bread, I'm sure you can have some!" Then the breaking point was when the man suddenly said, "let me check your teeth for a bit" and suddenly grabbed his face. That's when Saeran gently pushed the man aside and went to sit next to his brother.
Saeyoung, having noticed that his twin hadn't even so much as cast a glance towards him sighed once again. And then again, this time louder. He opened his mouth to sigh again when Saeran abruptly turned towards him and glared.
"What!? Why in the world won't you let me eat in peace huh?"
Saeyoung sighed again. "I just can't handle it brother. How can a person love another with every fiber of his being, but not have the amount of guts to go and talk to them...?"
"....Are you talking about yourself? Because if you are then I say that they don't deserve the amount of torture you're-"
"Saeran! Oh my darling little brother, no it's not me! Look across the room, towards that little blond boy, shifting nervously and looking at the ground, and then, for a split second, looking at her."
Saeran sighed and did as his brother said, and then he grunted. "You mean Yoosung's obvious crush on MC? It's a surprise she hasn't figured it out yet. Also never call me that again or I promise I'll throw the whole bowl of punch in your face."
"Gah! But you are my darling bro- alright fine fine, SAERAN DON'T GET UP TO GRAB THE PUNCH I'M SORRY!! Anyway the thing is, I'm pretty sure the reason they haven't asked each other out yet is because they're pretty shy. They need some sort of, uh, push you know?"
Saeran glared suspiciously at his brother. "Please don't tell me that you're going to try and get them together-."
"I'm going to get them together! And you are going to help me!"
"Excuse me what-"
"Who are we trying to get together?" Someone asked from behind the twins and they both turned around in surprise. Zen was looking at them with his eyebrows raised and his arms crossed, looking like a mother about to scold her children. Of course, Zen only seemed to be ready to scold Saeyoung, since Saeran wasn't really doing anything.
Saeyoung quickly jumped up from his seat and smiled. "ZEN!! Oh this is perfect!!!! We are going to get Yoosung and MC together!"
Zen looked at Saeran, and he shrugged. Them he looked back at Saeyoung.
"Sev- Saeyoung, listen. These sort of thinga take time alright? Yoosung and MC will get together when they're both ready."
"But they ARE ready, now all they need is just a lil' push! It's all in the name of LOVE!"
Saeran cringed and quickly turned around to keep eating his food. That was certainly more interesting than hearing Saeyoung talk such nonsense.
"Well....hmm...I guess helping them a bit wouldn't hurt." Zen said, a thoughtful look on his face.
"Yes! We need to help those two love birds finally confess to each other! Do you have any ideas Zen? Saeran?"
"Don't get me mixed up in this." The younger twin groaned and kept poking at his food.
Then, Zen snapped his fingers and smiled. "I know! A love song."
"A LOVE SONG!!" Saeyoung repeated excitedly.
"Yes, yes, a romantic song. Recently on this show I've been casted on includes this one couple that like each other but don't have the courage to confess, so their friends set them up to dance together to this very romantic song, and in the end the couple figure out their feelings and confess to each other. We can do that!"
Saeyoung smiled. "Great idea!"
"Alright, then I'll go and talk to the band, be right back!"
Zen quickly walked towards the band that was hired by Jumin to play at the party, and Saeyoung squealed as he shook his brother's shoulder.
"Saeran this is great! We can both help Yoosung finally confess to MC!"
Saeran pushed his brother's hand off and sighed. "And what makes you think I'll help you huh?"
"Well, Yoosung is your friend isn't he? And aren't you annoyed of seeing those two kiddos acting as if they're walking on eggshells when they're with each other, it has to be bothering you."
"...it is but I'm still not going to help you and Zen with your crazy scheme, I bet it's not even going to work."
Saeyoung groaned. "Saeeeeraaaaan please!! Look, I'll buy you some ice cream when were done alright?"
"You can't bribe me with food." He scoffed, trying to sound offended, when obviously he seemed to be thinking about it.
"And I'll get you out of the party earlier. We manage to get Yoosung and MC to at least kiss, and afterwards we leave, get ice cream and then head straight home!"
Saeran stayed quiet for a few minutes before sighing and getting out of the chair, shoving his hands in his pockets. "Fine. Let's get those two dumbasses to kiss."
Saeyoung let out a woop, and soon Zen made his way towards the twins with a big smile on his face. "Alright, we've got the band ready, and I offered myself to sing. Does Yoosung know what we're doing?" He asked.
Saeyoung quickly ran up towards Yoosung, whispered something that made the boy blush, and then shoved him towards you, then he winked and walked over to Zen.
"Now he knows! We're all ready chief."
Zen nodded and made a gesture at the band, and then he opened his mouth to sing,
"Zen!!!" Saeyoung quickly grabbed the microphone from a very offended Zen, and then cleared his throat.
"What!? It's a classic, besides I'm the singer here you aren't-"
"SHHH!!" Saeyoung said, and then he walked over to the band and whispered something to them.
Saeyoung said, "Watch and learn, I've been preparing for this all my life." Then he pointed at the bongo guy.
He smiled.
"Strings. Winds. Words." Each time more and more instruments began to play, and Saeyoung made his way to where Yoosung was awkwarly standing beside you.
"There you see her
Sitting there across the way"
Yoosung looked at his friend with a confused expression.
"She don't got a lot to say
But there's something about her..."
"And you don't know why
But you're dying to try
You wanna kiss the girl." He wriggled his eyebrows and Yoosung let out a little yelp.
"Yoosung?" You asked as you walked towards him. Yoosung blushed and pointed behind him. "S-sorry MC, it's just Saeyoung being...well, Saeyoung."
"Uhm, Yoosung there's no one behind you."
You smiled at him, still confused. "Why don't I go and get you some punch? I'll be back in a few."
Yoosung watched you walk over to the table, and then he let out another scream once he felt someone whisper in his ear.
"Yes, you want her
Look at her, you know you do
Possible she wants you too
There is one way to ask her
It don't take a word
Not a single word
Go on and kiss the girl"
"Saeyoung I don't know what you're doing but stop, I can't just go up and kiss her."
Saeyoung rolled his eyes, whispering chicken before going to a very uncomfortable Zen and Saeran, holding the microphone towards tnem.
"Saeyoung I don't-"
My oh my
Look like the boy too shy
Ain't gonna kiss the girl"
Yoosung blushed. "W-well I am! Maybe I just, I, I don't know!"
Ain't that sad?
Ain't it a shame?
Too bad, he gonna miss the girl!!"
Yoosung felt himself become even redder, from anger or from embarrassment he didn't really know. That's when you suddenly grabbed his arm and smiled.
"Here's some punch...oh Yoosung are you feeling alright? Why don't we go and get some fresh air outside?" You asked, and Yoosung tried his best to smile.
"Y-yes...that's, yeah that's great let's go."
You grabbed Yoosung's hand and led him around the beautiful garden. He gasped as he noticed the lights, the flowers, and the pond that had a bridge to walk across it.
"MC, this...this place is beautiful. You did a great job"
You smiled. "Thank you."
Then, Yoosung gave you a sheepish smile.
"N-not as beautiful as you though." He, of course regretted the words as soon as they came out of his mouth, but you giggled and told him thanks.
"Why don't we go over the bridge? We can't really see the stars from here since the trees are blocking them, but I'm sure we'll get a better view from there."
As you led the way, Yoosung almost screamed when he noticed a familiar red head pop out from the bushes.
"Now's your moment
Floating in a blue lagoon."
"Saeyoung LeAv- ZEN?!"
"Boy, you better do it soon
No time will be better
She don't say a word
And she won't say a word
Until you kiss the girl" Zen said, and Yoosung groaned as he glared at the two men.
"Guys I...fine. I'll... I'll kiss her...."
Yoosung slowly walked towards you, and the two do you looked up at the sky. You sighed happily, leaning against Yoosung, and he blushed. Then, he heard from behind.
Don't be scared
You got the mood prepared
Go on and kiss the girl"
Yoosung slowly turned around to glare at his friends who were giving him a thumbs up.
Don't stop now
Don't try to hide it how
You want to kiss the girl."
He gasped as he saw Zen and Saeran (who was holding some maracas and looked as if he was about to use them to kill someone) appeared on the bush behind them too!
And then, to make matter worse, suddenly Jumin appeared beside them with a neutral expression on his face and holding Elizabeth in his arms, trying to sing along!
Float along
And listen to the song
The song says kiss the girl!"
You suddenly jumped and looked at Yoosung. "Hey did you hear something just now?" You asked him, but before you could turn around he cupped your face and made you look at him.
"U-uhm no! Nothing just uh, mosquitoes uhm, don't pay any attention to that!"
"Oh but if there's mosquitoes then shouldn't we go back inside? I don't want you to get bitten-"
"NO!" He grabbed your arm and pulled (a bit too hard) making you bump into his chest. You both blushed and Yoosung tried his best to keep his breathing steady.
The music play
Do what the music say
You got to kiss the girl..."
Slowly, Yoosung leaned towards you, his face getting redder and redder.
"You've got to kiss the girl!!" Saeyoung let out some excited squeals as both you and Yoosung slowly got closer and closer.
"Oh, don't you wanna kiss the girl..."
"I want to go back to eat, why's it taking so long, besides I think we shouldn't be spying on a private moment like-."
"Oh shush Saeran! Look they're about to do it!!! Yes Yoosung my boy!!!!"
You placed your hands on Yoosung's shoulder while he cupped your neck and tangled his fingers in your hair.
"MC...." He whispered.
"You've gotta kiss the girl..."
The two of you closed you eyes, now your lips about to touch.
"Go on and kiss the girl"
Yoosung blushed and pressed his lips against yours, only to feel-
A cold splash of water hit his back and he let out a help.
"Wake up idiot. It's 10am already." Saeran glared at Yoosung, who was looking confusedly around the room.
"I-uhm, MC? Wha- no we....I was about to...why am I?"
"Oh you don't remember?" Saeran smirked mischievously at Yoosung, who shook his head.
"Oh this is gonna be fun. Yesterday you were wasted, so wasted that you suddenly got the guts to kiss the MC, mostly thanks to my idiot brother and his stupid song."
"That part happened?"
"I wish it didn't. Anyway, before you were able to go all smoochy smooch with MC-"
"So I DID kiss her! I remember that at least!And then I fainted? But at least I got a kiss! WHEEOP!!!"
Saeran scoffed. "No. You leaned on the old bridge and fell. You were so shocked and embarrassed that you fainted while in the water, so Zen had to jump in and give you CP-"
And so the birds that were casually chilling in Saeyoung's rooftop got the scare of their life as a demonic screech was heard from the house.
Yoosung ended up needing about 5 years of therapy, but thankfully, as time passed, he gathered the guts to finally kiss you (and to not faint afterwards.) Then the two of you started dating, and you sometimes loved to tease him by making him remember that night. You would laugh as Yoosung would stutter and turn red, and then to apologize you'd give him a kiss~
The end!
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the-writing-blog69 · 5 years
Recycled, an au for Uglydolls
Chapter two
When they all woke up the next morning, they gathered their things and left the pipe they were sleeping in, to explore the systems and pipes, all while avoiding danger. Left to blindly wander and hope that one day, thinga would get better, but each further day away from that, they lost a little bit of hope. Like they did everyday...
At least, that's what would've happened, if it wasn't for the fact that they were suddenly pushed down the pipe by an oncoming wave of dolls. Luckybat woke up first from the sudden contact of the other dolls. He opened his eyes to see two blank ones staring right back at him. As expected, he screamed in horror, causing everyone else to either wake from the sudden scream of horror, or also be shooked awake by being pushed down the pipe by the oncoming assault of blank, humanoid, dolls. Soon, they were all screaming from being slid down the pipe, though for two entirely different reason. Moxy yelled out in glee, finding the situation to be fun, along with Icebat who was pretending to ice-skate down the pipe, doing complicated twirls and jumps over and around the dolls. Tray's three brains were processing the sudden movement, but then laughed at the sight of Icebat having fun in the odd circumstances they were in. She attempted to copy her, only for herself to trip and fall down, laughing still. Wedgehead was spinning upon her flat head, the world upside down and wrong side up for her. Uglydog jumped into Moxy's lap, staring straight ahead of himself, wondering where they were going.
"I'm freaking out!" Wage suddenly called out, Babo was still somehow asleep through all of this.
"Everyone! Take deep breaths! Don't panic!" Luckybat didn't take into consideration that the only dolls that were panicking were him and wage. Everyone else was chill, or were having fun for the first time in their lives. Then the top half of the pipe was gone as they slid down onto separating slides. At this point, Babo had stirred from his sleep. He sat up, and stirred at his friends, all on separate slides. Not really knowing what was happening, nor why they were on slides, he shrugged, and went with the flow. The end of the slides were in sight, and everyone had fallen off into a huge pile of packing peanuts that softened their fall. Icebat did one more twirling jump off of the slide, and glided down onto the pile. "Okay, now let go..." Luckybat said to wage, only for her to spit out a packing peanut directly into his face.
"Where are we?" Wedgehead bought up the question, climbing out of the pile, her feet pressing against the cool, clean, metal floors. "I don't think we're in the piping systems anymore." She fiddled with her hands nervously.
"I don't know, but I wanna do that again!" Moxy stepped out of the pile with a bounce, putting her hands in the air for added emphasis. "That was so much fun!"
"Speak for yourself." Wage grumbled. "I'm not sure about you, but I don't like being shoved out of my sleep by some random doll I've never met before, and onto a slide to who knows where!" She crossed her arms. Something was caught in her line of sight, making her squint to get a better look from where she was standing. Wage gazed at what seemed to be... Other dolls? They looked so normal. They were humaniod dolls in the distance with hair and a lot more clothes than them. She hummed in her thought process, trying to churn something of sense of the place they were in. Then her face lit up, as it dawned on her mind that they were finally somewhere "Safe..."
"What was that, Wage?" Babo asked, walking up to her. He too caught sight of something, but it wasn't the dolls, there was a gateway made of marble with the words "Institute of Perfection" engraved on it. "Guys...? What does perfection mean?"
"I dunno. Let's go say hi! Maybe they know what's going on here!" Tray nodded in agreement at what Moxy had said, walking forward and waving at the other dolls, only for screams to erupt at the sight of their group. Tray shrugged.
"Maybe it's a normal greeting here." Tray looked at a female doll, who was trying to inch away from them, attempting to go unnoticed. Tray screamed at the pretty doll, causing her to faint. "Heh... Weird." Tray furrowed her brows as her three brains thought of why she fainted. "Maybe she's shy." Meanwhile, a good distance away from them, a doll with pink hair was staring at herself in the mirror, then she caught sight of the ugly dolls. It was hard to miss them, they were like a dull, dirty rainbow when they were standing together.
"Ew, what are those!?" Kitty asked, closing her mirror, and staring at them.
"Are... Those supposed to be some sorta dolls?" A purple haired doll with braids wraping her head asked. Her name was Lydia.
"Why are they so dirty? I think some of them are missing pieces." Said a blue haired doll with bangs. Her name was Tuesday.
"Oh, come on guys! I don't think they look all that bad." Said a boy doll with long green hair that went down just below his shoulders, and a subtle country accent. He was wearing a dark green vest, a light green bow tie, and even darker green pants than his vest. His undershirt was white, and his sleeves were completely rolled down. He was also wearing a medical eyepatch with a 'X' marked on it over his right eye. His name was Ox.
"Well, I think they look disgusting. And Lou is going to think that too." Kitty glared at Ox.
"Well, we shouldn't be assuming what Lou would be thinking, Kitty." Ox glared right back.
"Yeah, I don't think they look all that bad, either!" Said a girl doll with warm colored hair in a large bun. Mandy then received glares and odd looks from the other three girl dolls. Tuesday then noticed the Uglydolls were walking up to them.
"Hello! Um, do you know where we are? My name's Moxy, by the way" Moxy asked, extending a hand for a handshake. Kitty shoved Ox forward, wanting to avoid touching Moxy's dirty hands. Ox took her hand into his, and shook it.
"My, what a beautiful name for a beautiful gal! My name's Ox!" He complimented Moxy, only for Kitty to fake-gag and roll her eyes. "And you're in The Institute of Perfection! This is where all the dolls come to train for the big world!... Except for me for some reason..." Moxy's eyes lit up at the mention of the "Big World" and her brain lit up with excitement and joy.
"The big world's real!?!" She bounced on her heels in unbridled excitement.
"You bet it is! I hope I get to go this time..." Ox rubbed his arm, looking down at the ground. "Hey, do you need a place to stay?" He asked, resuming his joyful self.
"Uh... Sure!" Moxy was then pulled aside by Wage.
"I don't know about this, Moxy." Wage crossed her arms and whispered. "I don't think these dolls are all that friendly."
"C'mon Wage! We're finally safe! And the big world exists and we might be able to go! Aren't you happy? Come on, let's just trust this guy... I feel oddly connected to him..." Moxy fiddled with her hands, the moment she saw him, she felt like they had something in common.
"...okay..." Wage finally agreed after some thought. "But if anything happens, I'm blaming you." She straighted back up, and looked at Ox. "Alright, we do need a place to stay."
"Great! Now if you'll follow me..." Ox walked away from his group, the group of Uglydolls following him.
"Should we tell Lou...?" Tuesday asked.
"No... Let's let Lou find out by himself. Then they'll be in some serious trouble." Kitty grinned wickedly.
Oh this will be a fun ride...
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akawestruck · 5 years
Positivity game! When you get this you have to answer with 5 things you like about yourself, publicly. Then send this ask to 10 of your favourite followers if y'all wanna!
Did tumblr eat the 'you like about yourself' bit?? 5 things: my dog, a banana, the color red, a jeep, and an antelope :P
Edit: it totally did! This joke is just for me, then ;)
5 things I like about myself:
I cannot not think about things. I have never encountered a process I could not think of at least 3 (usually many more) ways to optimize. (This does have downsides, obviously...)
I have great hair: thick, luscious, red, and short. I will never dye my hair because as much as I like how dyed hair looks, I like my hair better. Also, it stays this nice with a bare minimum of care so A+, genetics.
Once I love somebody, I love them permanently. Current them? Love 'em. Grumpy tired them? Adorable. Angsty high school them I never met? Yep, love that version too. Old person them? I look forward to our meeting. Haven't seen each other in years? I would literally drop everything if they needed me.
I am interested in everything - it's a Thing with me. As long as my brain has something to munch on, I can dive into any topic (I've gotten better over the years at limiting it to a few hours of binging on new thinga). I'm pretty good at listening to people about their Special Interest because of this.
I am good with animals. Specifically mammals. I grew up with cats and a dog, and researched about their body language, instincts, etc. I am the favourite guest of all of my friends' dogs, and can usually interpret the signals of strangers' animals enough to make friends (or at least make peace with the grumpier ones).
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janiedean · 6 years
Hiii ;) I just wanted to know What are your predictions for Jaime x Brienne in season 8??? Any Jaime comes North headcannons u wanna share?
... I thought I had replied to this yesterday SORRY okay let’s see if I can fish the reply back
WELL I like to think that 
at least I want a reunion hug first thinga lot of awkwardness with jaime being like ‘omg I actually could make a move on her jdsgjsdjgksd’ vs brienne like ‘OMG HE ACTUALLY DEFECTED DSLKGJKSDLKJGLJKL WHAT DO I DO
they’re not awkward if they’re practicing swordfighting tho ;) ;)
bronn tyrion and pod 100% enjoy being on the same side again and staring at jaime in disappointment
if they don’t fight together at some point I’ll be VERY disappointed but I’m 99% sure it has to be a thing
brienne totally champions his cause to jon/dany/whoever needs to be convinced
if I don’t get at least two full minutes of sex scene when it happens I’m gonna personally fly myself to d&d’s houses to protest with picket signs
if he doesn’t show up with his s3 look and tell brienne ‘oh hey look at that nOW WE’RE BACK AT THAT POINT ;) ;)’ they’ll waste a chance
tbh I kinda hope that before they inevitably fess up they spend some time being friends you know? like no expectations just hanging/talking/killing zombies together and stuff because they need it and they wouldn’t jump each other first thing anyway
aaaaalso I’m not trusting d&d to actually do most of this I mean this is the logical stuff I would go for if I was writing the show but I about have my doubts since S5 ended up being the fusion of two fanfic ideas I had planned to do but never published (or better, I put one up for grabs on the asoiafkinkmeme back in the day and the other I started but never finished for lack of time) and I have a distinct feeling my planning made more sense than theirs for either so like idk I have hOPES ;)
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