#just walmart things
brainrotcharacters · 1 month
makes me giggle to think of X2 Logan meeting dp&w Logan when this is a thing
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#“don't tell me you fuckin liked it 🤨” “you have no idea 😃”#x2 logan is going to see that in the tva screens and go 🤨😳🏳️‍🌈⁉️#dp&w Logan going “you don't understand he's fucked up he's my favorite of these assholes”#and then turn around and yell at wade “FUCKTARD”#hear the distinct “oh he's adorable can't resist flirting with me across the room LOVE YOU TOO SHITFACE”#“KEEP AN EYE ON OUR DAUGHTER OR IT'S MY SWORDS IN YOUR DELICIOUS ABS IN THREE SECONDS”#x2 Logan going 🤨 at the daughter in question mary puppins#Logan being as hung up on Jean as he'd been might just Reconsider mr wade wilson#👀👀👀👀👀👀👀#pspsps Logan#one rainbow brigade bitch to another? i dont think jean can do that#she clawed u up that one time but see what walmart santa claus is doing here#he's riddling you with bullets ✅ fuckin emptying the cartridges on your scrumdiddlydumptruck ass#he's stabbing adamantium ADAMANTIUM swords in you up until the sword hilts ✅#Logan listen#jean needed to be with phoenix first before Doing All Those Things Which She Did With You#but Deadpool? Deadpool is in it for the shits and giggles#Look. I'm not a woman of science. But there seems to be Chemistry among us.#I'd hit the emergency meeting button but i don't fucking want to 😁#deadpool and wolverine#deadpool#wolverine#deadpool 3#deadpool 2024#logan howlett#wade wilson#poolverine#deadclaws#Deadpool and Wolverine Honda#Deadpool and Wolverine Honda Odyssey
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cool-abed-filmz · 1 day
went to disney, snagged photos with the gays, covered my face because i actually don’t like how i look in them ( i’m one of those autistics who can’t smile to save their life plus i was trying not to die of gay panic over logan and joy over wade)
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(rambles in the tags my bad)
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weaverofink · 1 month
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punk douxie redesign!!! i just think he should have had an undercut tbh
+ bonus doodle:
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i feel like they for sure wouldn't let him wear his whole punk getup at his cafe job so i put him in a uniform. for fun.
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doctorsiren · 4 months
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teru in my outfit for today
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pisshandkerchief · 1 month
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I've been working on combining the Gravity Falls art style with my own to improve my fan art. have a Dipper and Mabel!
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daily-table21 · 3 months
this post is for historical purposes only your regularly scheduled wttt content will be back tmrw
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Video: @ Ben Brainard just wants his gooey butter cake
Status: Public
Link: Helium Comedy Studios (@heliumcomedystudios) | TikTok
Date Posted: 10/11/2023
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walmart-the-official · 2 months
“But that was cheap and poorly done fan service!” Maybe it was. But I had fun and enjoyed myself. Die mad. Not everything has to be perfect to be enjoyable
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puppyeared · 3 months
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So called free thinkers when theres a mid-calf deep puddle in the parking lot
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jellypawss · 4 months
y’all doing month long early access are such scum like wtf
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8thsniper · 11 months
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big bird shirt is real now
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dittolicous · 3 months
i dont care where you live in the usa or w/e... if you dont vote for biden you are throwing away your vote and enabling trump. because *everyone* thinks their vote doesnt matter and piddles around because of that. hell, everyone thinks 'its only me, it wont make a difference' about THOUSANDS of things, like littering, picking seashells, taking stones from rivers, etc. and in all of those situations THEYRE FUCKING WRONG. if anything unites us, its our damn ability to think we alone are the outlier despite everything indicating otherwise.
and miss me with that 'biden is just as bad/is a murderer' shit. 1) cool, and how do you plan to change things in a mr. nazi-dictator trump world? how are you ACTIVELY making a difference? 2) CHANGE IS INCREMENTAL. the reason things suck so much is because the left keeps taking slow change as 'no change' and giving up before we can gain any momentum to make big change!
if you vote in hamas or w/e to protest... you might as well throw dirt at all those suffering innocent people. you arent saving palestine that way. that is not a helpful protest. you'll only enable trump to win by throwing away your vote. it is the one bit of actual power you have, so USE IT RIGHT! stop in-fighting for one moment! look at what is possible to achieve in reality! dreams arent fulfilled overnight!
when you feel like your vote doesnt matter, remember this - you have to try anyways
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krasytoonz · 1 year
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On the phone (with someone very Important to him)
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introspectivememories · 11 months
when we were young..... the most shuggy song ever
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adelinamoteru · 11 months
at some point some of yall will have to admit to yourselves that the jason todd you like and have built up in fanon is not the jason todd that he actually is
inconsistent canon writing included, I have no idea where these povs on him are coming from if ur not actually meaning to do a disservice to his character
#jason todd#red hood#dcu#dc#we already know a third of dc writers do NAWT like jason#I’m prepared to deal with that but even when hes written by them its like??#AT LEAST HES LIKE THAT BC THEY DONT LIKE HIM#but to say u like jason and include him in batfam and etc meanwhile the jason ur looking at couldnt even pass as a walmart version#hes not stupid hes not pit crazy hes not incompetent hes not only fucking angry all the time#actually u know what he is angry#but hes never let that affect his decisions to the extent that I see portrayed in fanon#I cannot dictate or police how people choose to create content for jason like thats smth they’re doing for free in their own free time#but its just so disappointing that I constantly see him getting watered down to the most consumer friendly version of himself#just so that he can fit into the world u want to create#he deserves better !! he deserves to be taken seriously as his OWN character and NOT just batman collateral#he deserves to exist on his own and be taken in as such#the things that happened to jason happened to jason happened to HIM#and the things jason did HE chose to do#to strip him of all of those characteristics so hes more palatable#or so he can have an easy transition into batfam#(which if anyone was to be honest with themselves would realize is not going to happen realistically in canon)#is boring and overdone and frankly should be easy to not do#its okay not to like jason as he is#but that IS who he is#and for goddamn good reasons#not me writing an essay in the tags
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29625 · 7 months
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I’m in the US! Which means Top Gun Maverick mug time!
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thelemonsnek · 1 year
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au where volo works at walmart :) initially conceptualized by @curiositykilledtheradiostar
[image id: a series of drawings depicting Volo from pokemon legends arceus as a walmart employee. In each drawing he wears his usual yellow and blue cap, now with the walmart spark on the front, a yellow tshirt, blue vest, and blue jeans. In the first drawing, he's bent forward slightly, an expression of extreme anger/frustration/murder on his face as he clutches his box cutter so hard it shakes. Next to it, text says: "team lead just asked him to run all of housewares + domestics alone". There is an asterisk next to "team lead" which at the bottom elaborates, "nice corporate name for boss". In the second and third drawings, it shows Volo overly happily waving to a customer, saying very cheerfully, "thank you for shopping at pokemart!" In the next drawing, his entire demeanor changes, his hand falling down and his face going completely flat. He looks very tired and annoyed with the customer. In the final drawing, he stands holding a box outstretched away from himself, visibly disgusted with it. The box is dripping some sort of awful green goo. He holds his other hand out in front of him, flicking off great globs of that awful green goo from his hand. His jeans are noticeably dirty, and text reads, "4th spill of the night". End id.]
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