#just tryyy to tell me otherwise
imgoom · 1 year
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bisexualraplines · 7 years
AHH I’LL TRYYY. I’M IN A HORRIBLE ‘WHAT AM I DOING WITH THESE CONCEPTS AND WHAT AM I GOING TO HAVE TO START WITH FIRST’ STATE. (a state I’m usually always in) but this idea has been in my mind for ages and the fact that I’m ACTING UPON IT is already an accomplishment in itself. art is…… ridiculously hard and I’m a perfectionist so don’t take those designs to heart cause I’m sure they’ll change drastically along the way because I can never be satisfied with anything ever………… I just decided to sketch things before I lose motivation
GENERAL THOUGHTS AT THE MOMENT: I’m torn between two (main) plots and I have ZERO KNOWLEDGE of sequential art things but I figure this will be a VERY LONG PROCESS and that will come WAY LATER into this anyways. I don’t have to worry about any of that for now, thankfully. right now, I’m trying to figure out key character descriptions and kinda plot-ish things and locations AND IT’S HARD. I’m a really indecisive person so having to be set on something will be DIFFICULT. I’m also really shrug emoji about a time period. I think early 2000s (so ugly…) would be the most fun to do visually, or late 90s. especially since I think that goes well w the tone and what I imagine this band would sound and look like. eventually I wanna develop that more but like?? where do I even start. I have no idea where I’m going with any of this besides being happy(??) that I’m actually going forward with a thing and also feeling motivated enough to act on it (by some miracle)
as for future things I wanna incorporate diverse characters cause that is VERY important to me so I really want to work on that next. I’m glad I have friends that are invested enough to help me out with Important Characteristics because otherwise I’d be so lost. so thank god for that, THAT’S IT I THINK. 
*** AN EDIT: I forgot to mention I’m going down the blac* sails route aka there will be all of [[[[[two]]]]] explicitly het characters and scenarios here cause otherwise I won’t stand for anything else 
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heyguysitseve · 7 years
hug, rose, sweet
Hug - How comfortable are you with physical contact?
Depends on who it’s with, what the meaning behind it is, and my relationship to them. Generally I’m pretty ok though. Sometimes it’s just weird if it feels like someone’s flirting with me and I know they shouldn’t be or I don’t want them to. It’s always hard to tell on my end so that’s when it gets muddy on how comfortable I am.Otherwise, for good friends or romantic partners, I’m all for it.
Rose - Are you romantic?
I tryyy to be…. although I like it more when my partners are romantic to ME, cause I’m not as good at it. But when I do have a really good idea about how to express my love, you bet your ass I’m goin all the way: cheesy ass chick flick rom com style.
Sweet - Do you like candy and chocolate?
Probably too much. Mostly for chocolate. I have such a sweet tooth and it’s terrible.
Thanks for the ask! 💞
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