#just true iykyk hours when you visdev anything
snackugaki · 1 year
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First links because we give sauce in this goddamn house:
and a bit of supplementary info here
The 'ippon-guma' (one line red shadow of kabuki makeup) was strong but calmer than thick crimson 'sujikuma' (striking style of red facial make-up), and they were both used for a hero who was young and filled with strong morals and used separately depending on the scene in one play. Umeomaru of "Sugawara Denju Tenarai Kagami" (Sugawara's secrets of calligraphy) and the main character of Shibaraku were both famous examples.
So. I'm running around on the internet; just researching, double checking, perusing things here and there for my tmnt iteration's visdev and world building that I do for enrichment/funsies like everyone does over a weekend.
And I just. I... マジで?! 冗談だろう??? Someone lemme peek at the preproduction visdev notes from the show, I couldn't find any regarding this. It's just. It's so. Fucking hell that's such a thoughtful piece of character design whathefuuuuuuck. I feel like whatever more in-depth information there is on ipponguma style make up is in Japanese and I know my ass doesn't read at a JLPT N5 level anymore. 誰か助けてもらえますか 🙇
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