#just to be clear. I am not angry. mostly just surprised that cn let that happen & a lil mad that it took me so long to find out lol
myimaginationplain · 1 year
me finally looking into the plot of Fusionfall for the first time in my life & finding out that one of the plot points is Ace (who's absolutely a grown man by this point if he was debatably a teenager in the show) coercing an amnesiac Buttercup (a teenager) into being his girlfriend & joining his band
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xiaomoxu · 3 years
Lucien - Leisure Light Date
A date from CN server which hasn’t been released on EN server yet.
It turned out I have some time for translating this date before I have a date with some works later~ please enjoy a sweet moment on their leisure time ^^
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Translations under the cuts~
In the middle of the autumn, the sun willingly spilled into the living room, and the fragrance of sweet-scented osmanthus was lingering on the tip of my nose. I took a deep breath and opened the long-awaited book.
MC: Where did I read it last time..."The psychological effects that should be avoided in business management" seems to be here.
Before I read a few lines, the news of the company group suddenly jumped out, I was a little confused and opened it.
Kiki: Guys! I found the most unbeatable challenge on the entire network!
Kiki: It's the actor who worked with us last time! We sincerely invite everyone to try it!
Kiki said and sent a link to the video, with the title saying "no temptation challenge, 100% failure."
MC: 100% failure is too exaggerated...
I was about to open it when Lucien sat beside me at some point and put two glasses of juice with lemon slices on the coffee table.
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Lucien: Looking at what?
MC: Kiki posted a video just now, it's very popular recently, called "no temptation challenge."
I put the phone between us and Lucien glanced at the screen, showing a thoughtful expression.
Lucien: Several young interns in the Institute also watch this type of video recently.
MC: Hahaha I didn't expect this craze has spread to the group of scientific researchers.
Thinking that the interns in the institute are all boys, I blinked, took Lucien's arm, and looked at him meaningfully.
MC: Did Professor Lucien also watch it? Don’t you wanna share it with me?
Lucien was amused by my look, his eyes curled up, and there was a hint of cunning in his eyes.
Lucien: Would you be angry if I said I had seen it?
MC: Not to that extent, it's just a little bit concerned.
Lucien: Really? Then why your mouth is pouting.
MC: It isn't.
Hearing this, I pursed my mouth deliberately, but saw the smile on Lucien's face wider.
Lucien: Your "a little bit of concerned" makes me very happy.
Lucien: But what I just said is just a hypothesis. The actual situation is...I haven't seen it.
MC: I guess so, after all, a busy person like Professor Lucien would not kill time in this way like me.
Lucien: Oh? It seems that MC have seen it a lot?
Lucien: I am a little curious, from the perspective of a big producer, what would it look like.
MC: In fact, I watched it mostly when I was looking for inspiration for new programs with my colleagues, and now I don’t see much impression.
Now that I think about it, I have never faced this "no temptation challenge" with the mentality of an audience.
Seeing the lemon stuck in the mouth of the juice glass, an idea came to my mind.
MC: Since we have never played, how about playing together once?
Lucien: With you, of course.
Lucien: However, I didn't know much about the specific rules.
Lucien: Is it literally? As long as there is no temptation in the moment of the challenge, it is considered successful?
MC: That's right.
MC: As for the punishment if we failed, let use these two lemons.
Lucien: So how can we judge whether a person is being tempted?
MC: Mostly in this situation, people's temptation will show on their faces.
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As soon as the voice fell, I found Lucien's gaze was looking at me, as if he was thinking about some episodes of the past.
It was confirmed that something was normal, and his eyes were stained with a smile.
Lucien: Well, this statement can indeed be proved by you.
My cheeks were a little hot unconsciously, and as expected, before this person, my mind had never been able to hide.
MC: Suddenly I feel that this challenge is too easy for you. After all, Professor Lucien is very good at hiding his mind...
Lucien reached out and squeezed my palm.
Lucien: Isn't the "no temptation challenge" that is the easiest way for me to fail, right in front of my eyes?
Looking at Lucien's serious face, I blinked.
MC: Really, let me demonstrate the reaction of Professor Lucien's heart this time!
Lucien: This classmate seems very certain that I will fail, have you forgotten...You need to work hard for your challenge first?
MC: Humph, my challenge is just watching the video. I must be expressionless all the time.
Lucien: Then I will study by the side, your excellent demonstration.
MC: I must take the lead~
I responded to his ridicule with a smile, moved closer to him, picked up the phone and clicked on the link.
Unlike ordinary challenge materials, many roles that the actor has played are edited in this video.
There are gentle scholars in white shirts, chic and dusty knights, mysterious and mad assassins, cute and considerate neighbor....
There are many types, and it seems that no matter what the audience’s aesthetic orientation is, they can always find something that suits their minds in this video.
Although I knew the technique very well, my mood was gradually aroused by the slow jazz music and the right lens flare.
The finale was a cold-faced agent wearing a dark trench coat and holding a black technological cane.
Seeing the back of the character walking calmly in the smoke of gunpowder and hunting wind, another person suddenly appeared in my mind.
Dangerous, mysterious, and people want to follow and approach.
He must be very suitable for this appearance...
Thinking of this, I couldn't help but look up at Lucien, but I was falling into his gaze.
I was reflected in his eyes, and the corners of his mouth were curled up unconsciously because of my own cranky thoughts.
MC: You, don't look at me first!
I rubbed my face eagerly, trying to drive away the clearer image in my mind.
Under the slowly stirring music, the video has been replayed a second time, and my sight was blocked by a glass of juice.
Lucien: It turns out that our well-informed big producers will also be defeated by this challenge.
I was speechless for a while, and turned my face up to Lucien, blinking and pursing my cheeks to quibble.
MC: This challenge video is really cunning, the character is different from the real person, and there is a lot of room for people to associate...
Lucien's gaze fell on me faintly, which made me unconsciously think of the other side of him again.
With a guilty conscience, I averted my eyes and squeezed the lemon slice in front of me.
MC: Well, I am willing to accept punishment!
The sour lemon scent exploded in my mouth. I frowned and covered my mouth, curling up my toes.
MC: It's... sour!
Lucien looked at my sour expression so that I couldn't speak clearly, and smiled for a while before putting the glass in my hand.
Lucien: Drink slowly, don't choke.
The taste of orange and mango dilutes the sourness. I put down the bottomed glass and took a long breath.
MC: I shouldn't be curious about Kiki's stuff...
Lucien: But a certain classmate was very happy just now, and she didn't blinked her eyes.
Lucien: Speaking of which, since it is the actor you have worked with, then I am very curious.....
Lucien: At the scene, are you taking that seriously too?
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The implications of this question are self-evident.
I held Lucien's arm and leaned in front of him, looking into his eyes
MC: At the scene, I have to coordinate the shooting and control the progress. How can I look at someone so seriously?
MC: For Professor Lucien who is a program consultant, isn't it very clear?
MC: In fact, when I was watching the video, I smiled because I thought of you.
I talked more softly as I speak, while watching his expression.
Lucien: Well, I guessed it, because at the end of the broadcast, you looked up at me.
Guessed it? Thinking of Lucien's words and deeds just now, I blinked in a daze.
MC: That… but you still....
The person before me seemed to finally couldn't help but smile, and the corners of his lips pulled out a beautiful arc.
Lucien: I am just like you, only "a little bit concerned".
Lucien: Of course, I also want to see how you concerned about me.
Lucien's coquettish tone inadvertently made me want to coax him again.
MC: I always concerned about you.
With that said, I looked at him pretentiously.
MC: Hmm...I found that our Professor Lucien still looks the best, without any make up and filters!
Seeing my eyes brightly pleased, Lucien raised his index finger and tapped my forehead with his knuckles, looking helpless.
Lucien: Judging from the range of people you have contact with, such an evaluation seems too exaggerated.
MC: This is the truth.
Lucien: You....
MC: After all, "the beauty is in the eyes of the lover".
Lucien: For this point, I can feel the same.
He spoke bluntly and sincerely, as if he didn't feel embarrassing what he said at all.
I looked away unnaturally, trying to hide my blushing cheeks, and inadvertently saw the book on the table that I was holding upside down.
MC: Puff—it’s also a coincidence that I just read the phrase "beautiful in the eyes of a lover" in a book.
Lucien moved his gaze to the book in my hand and raised his eyebrows.
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Lucien: "Business Management and Psychology"? This is mentioned in this book, which is a bit surprising.
Seeing that he was interested, I simply picked up the book and shared it with Lucien.
MC: Well, when I read about the "halo effect", a short example in the book mentioned "beauty in the eyes of a lover".
MC: In fact, people are not only easy to perceive the heart from the outside, but also generalize from the inner character traits to the appearance evaluation.
MC: Therefore, what we often say "beauty in the eyes of lovers" is also a manifestation of the halo effect.
Lucien: Using this example to explain the "halo effect" is indeed small and easy to understand.
Lucien: However, it is placed in the whole module of "The psychological effects that should be avoided in business management", which seems to be too rational.
MC: I don't know if I, with the blessing of "halo effect", can I let Professor Lucien challenge and fail?
Lucien smiled and picked up the glass and took a sip of juice.
Lucien: Do MC want to see how I eat lemons?
I looked at the piece of lemon on the mouth of his glass that had lost some moisture, and shook my head.
MC: No need, this slice of lemon is a bit dry.
MC: How about changing the penalty for failure to... before the end of the fall, how about taking time to accompany me on an autumn outing in the suburbs?
Lucien: Well, we really haven't been to the suburbs for a long time.
I turned around and hugged him with joy.
Lucien encircled me and stroked my hair which hanging behind my shoulders with his warm palms.
MC: What to do, this failure punishment is very tempting to me.
Lucien gave a low laugh, pressed against my chest and shook lightly.
Lucien: It's not difficult to make my heart beat faster. Perhaps, this challenger and referee can work hard.
MC: Hm...
The steady and powerful heartbeat hit my auricle, and I suddenly had an inspiration.
By the way.. Accelerated heartbeat is also a way of judging your heartbeat, right?
I lifted my head from his arms and blinked.
MC: I have a way to record the moments of Professor Lucien's heartbeat!
I took off the smart watch in my hand and pulled Lucien's hand.
The internal test of the watch strap also carried the body temperature, and it was tied to his well-defined wrist.
Lucien squinted his eyes, his lips lifted up with a helpless smile.
Lucien: I remember you said that you bought it to supervise your health management. Unexpectedly, entertainment functions could also be developed.
MC: Make the best use of it!
I entered the data on the app and nodded with satisfaction.
MC: I set up a function that sounds when the heart rate is exceeded.
MC: Now even if Professor Lucien controls his expression well, his heartbeat will be exposed.
Lucien: Miss referee is so strict, it seems I have to be careful.
MC: Of course, I have to be strict with a smart person like Professor Lucien. It’s not that easy to make your heart beat.
Lucien: Yes?
Lucien: But you obviously can do it all the time.
Lucien spoke naturally and even took a leisurely sip of juice.
His unsuspecting state seems to be suitable for "raid".
I moved inwardly, pretending to lean towards him inadvertently, and slowly stretched out my hand to touch the corner of his lips.
MC: There seems to be some juice here.
Lucien smiled and cooperated with me and lowered his head, letting my thumb slowly rub his clean lips.
Lucien: It seems to be stained a lot.
The warm breath brushed my fingertips, making a sultry itchy.
My heart was beating like a drum, and I raised my head and moved closer--
Suddenly the cell phone ringing abruptly, breaking the atmosphere at this moment.
I hurried not to show a hot face, grabbed the phone and handed it to him
MC: You, you answer the phone first!
Lucien chuckled and touched my hair naturally after answering the phone.
Lucien: Lectures... My schedule may affect other people's work arrangements, so I need to checked it again.
I turned my head and looked at Lucien's profile quietly. He responded to the phone as usual, with no trace of heartbeat.
Probably my eyes were too straightforward. When the phone was turned off, he looked at me, pursed his lips and raised his eyebrows.
Lucien: Isn't the juice cleaned yet?
I straightened the hair around my cheeks, trying to hide my red cheeks.
MC: No, I want to tell you... the challenge is success.
Seeing that he didn't say anything, I hurriedly changed the subject and asked him about the lecture.
MC: Is the time for new lecture invitations out of schedule?
Lucien: Well, the time of the lecture has collided with the shooting schedule of next weekend. I am about to ask for your suggestions.
I reviewed the shooting arrangements in my mind and got an idea.
MC: How about postponing that part of your shooting until next weekend? So you can go to the lecture!
Lucien: That...Thank you for the "black box operation" of the big producer. Please say my apologies to our colleagues in the program team.
MC: Okay, don't worry about this.
We tacitly stopped the topic of work and continued to enjoy the long time of the holiday.
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Lucien leaned back on the sofa in a relaxed manner, the light golden spot flickering under his eyes, and he closed his eyes.
MC: You got up a bit early to make a breakfast, are you sleepy?
Lucien smiled and held my hand, and hooked his fingers like a baby.
Lucien: Maybe because it’s autumn, can you take a nap with me here?
I nodded lightly and leaned against his shoulder.
I don't know how long it took, but in a trance, I heard the rustle of leaves blowing in the wind.
I opened my eyes, and the shadow of the tree on the floor danced slightly, and there was nothing beside me, with only a blanket still covering my body.
The breeze blew the white gauze curtains, and there was still the breath of laziness after a nap in the air.
I stretched my waist and heard a small noise from the study, so I got up and walked towards it.
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The door of the study was closed. When I opened the door, Lucien was sitting at the table, shrugging his shoulders and listening his mobile phone casually.
His hair is a little messy, and his legs are covered with a blanket. It looks like he just woke up.
But his eyes were serious about looking at the shorthand notebook in his hand, and he had clearly entered the working state.
The cap of the pen was bit between his teeth, and the rustle of writing sounded intermittently, making the room more quiet.
He recorded something enthusiastically, occasionally answering the person on the other end of the receiver briefly.
Lucien: Mm-hm.
Maybe a new proposition is brewing at the tip of his pen, maybe he is calculating one of the thousands of possibilities.
The bright sunshine poured in through the floor-to-ceiling windows and enveloped him in warmth.
Lucien looked up and saw me, took the pen cap in his mouth and the phone on his shoulder, and gently covered the microphone with his wrist.
Lucien: It will be over soon.
I walked over lightly, and got into his arms in his somewhat surprised eyes.
The surprise in his eyes was replaced by a gradually widening smile, and he held a shorthand notebook around me.
I rested on Lucien's shoulders, his collarbone was exposed and he looked extremely white in the sun.
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As if bewitched by some sort, I lowered my head and dropped a kiss on the delicate skin.
Suddenly, the smart watch beeps twice.
My cheeks warmed a little, and I wanted to get up helplessly, but the shackles on my waist didn't mean to loosen the slightest.
The person on the other end of the phone finished the report and was saying goodbye to Lucien.
Lucien: Let's do this first, thanks for your hard work.
Lucien hung up the phone, put the shorthand notebook full of calculations aside, and took off his watch by the way.
MC: Am I interrupting your work?
I looked up and saw a warm light and a particularly soft smile in his eyes.
Lucien: I think strictly speaking, work interrupts us.
I glanced at many places on the shorthand notebook with question marks and blinked at him.
MC: There are many remaining issues, no need to deal with it?
Lucien: It doesn't matter, it's too late to wait until the working day. Now I have more important things to deal with.
MC: Is there anything more important than research?
Lucien: Of course there is.
Lucien: I just thought that usually challenge games should have rewards as opposed to punishments, right?
MC: Um... we did not discuss the rewards
Lucien: But when you hugged me just now, I thought of what kind of reward I wanted.
The pupils of Lucien's eyes glowed brightly when he looked at me, and soft ripples fainted under his eyes.
Lucien: Next weekend, I don’t want to miss the time I spent with you like today.
Lucien: So... can I be greedy and let you accompany me on business trips?
Lucien: As compensation, maybe we can realize your autumn outing plan together in a farther place.
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itsagrimm · 3 years
Imperial!Tech 3
Summary: Tech's chip activated instead of Crosshairs so Tech is now an imperial commander tasked to serve the Empire at any cost. But is he willing to do so? And are you, dear Y/N as member of the experimental Elite Squad, willing to follow any order your commander Tech gives?
CN: self-harm, talk of death murder and war crimes, stalker behaviour, soldier life in a fascist state, power imbalance, overreaching behaviour, structural violence, sexually predatory behaviour and the likes, sensual overload, insomnia, references of drug abuse, depression and mental health issues, trauma
Imperial!tech X they*them Y/N reader, afab
Thanks a lot to @eyecandyeoz for your insight, feedback and thoughts. Check out their lovely blog!
I am sorry it took me so long. next part will be faster. I already started writing it.
And feel free to criticise especially concerning my use of CN and if the reader perspective is inclusive for you.
2800 words
Part 1 Part 2 Part 4
Tech collapsed into the chair as soon as Y/N had left the room. He was tired, so tired. He leaned back and put on his glasses. Him taking off his visual aids around Y/N was a degree of trust Tech rarely allowed. He was nearly blind without his glasses and the Kaminoans had considered terminating him for that. Tech was sure Y/N did not even know how much he had surrendered himself to Y/N and their touch. Their oh so soft touch. The memory of it was still fresh on his skin. It raced through is mind which for once was craving to match his body with the need to slow down and take a rest.
But it didn’t.
Y/N was pleasant to be around. Their touch was careful and considered. Only his brothers used to treat him like his. – His brothers, the former clone force 99, had left him behind after they refused to comply with order 66. Due to their divergence the inhibitor chip had not worked while he, Tech, had tried to kill the Jedi. – He had tried to kill a child. – The effect of the inhibitor chip was decreasing. His wound received on Bracca had an 84,743 % chance of damaging the inhibitor chip. But he should investigate further and get the chip out to stop any possible interference with his superior thought process. - Y/N was not aware of the inhibitor chips. He felt the need to tell them. Why? – The Havoc Marauder had not been mentioned on the imperial comm chatter for a while. – Echo was likely to take care of the ship now. – He should get some sustenance. He felt hunger. – Y/N – The Empire expected a degree of loyalty, uniformity, and compliance he was unsure he could deliver for long considering his diverging mind. – what would Hunter do? – the kaminoan proverb “yn’ja tha vaí m°O” was untranslatable into Basic but could be understood in Sit Bisti as “it needs tö be döne för the betterment öf äll”- The Empire was unlikely to grant him the freedom to find his brothers or in fact any freedom. – The canteen might serve Tiingilar tonight – He was a child slave destined to die in approximately 34,6 standard yearly rotations from old age if not sooner. – maybe the canteen will serve uj’alayi too. – Does Y/N speak Mando’an? He should enquire. – Of course, there will be no uj’alayi today. The Kaminoans did not allow sweet foods. – Y/N – How did the atmospheric controls work that ensured breathable air even for the highest floors of coruscanti buildings? - He knew why his brothers left him behind, but why did it feel so painful. – The empire was likely to kill him if he out served his usefulness for them. - He had tried to kill a child. He had killed several children on Onderon. How could he live with that? How could-
Tech forced his thoughts to stop by digging his fingers into his bloody scar.
The sharp pain felt soothing.
“Let’s consider making a list of the most pressing tasks for now.”
He starred at the ceiling.
“The Empire. It is the closest threat to my demise, but it can be my salvation if I am useful. Am I willing and capable to do that?”
His head started spinning again just at the thought of killing another child for the Empire. And yet serving the Empire gave him purpose he wasn’t sure he could muster on his own.
“Where are my brothers? How are they? How do I feel about them?”
Another unpleasant wave of thoughts and feelings washed over Tech before he continued.
“What is with the inhibitor chip inside my head?”
He nodded to himself. That was a rational and containable problem with fixed variables and clear answers. He felt comfortable with that question, pushing aside all the things he might have done due to being under the chips influence.
Only one question was left now.
“Why do I enjoy Y/N presence?”
Ryloth had a warm and dusty climate during daytime. Y/N felt sweat dripping under the dark armour. The elite squad, including a new ES-03, was ordered to stand close by to Admiral Rampart, the highest imperial officer on Ryloth. And so, they had spent the last rotations following the Admiral around, doing tedious security work and presenting themselves like the Admirals favourite guard dogs to a public very much disliking their military presence. For once, even commander Tech looked annoyed about their not spec-ops appropriate services.
Today they were on the outlook. The Admiral wanted them scanning a large crowd for troublemakers and resistance fighters during a public announcement. Y/N couldn’t blame them. The Twi’lek of Ryloth had spent years fighting for their independence and spilled an ocean of blood on the dusty planet’s surface only to face an Empire now. Half a life ago Y/N would have hated themselves for being a soldier in service of a suppressing ruler. But now it was paid work.
“ES-01?”, Commander Tech brought Y/N back from their thoughts
“I am in position before the crowd.”
“Yes sir, I am on the building as you ordered.”
“Any nonimperial transmissions are being blocked now.”
“The war hawk is ready for take-off in case we need it.”
“Good. Do you register any noteworthy activity?
Y/N gazed through the crowd. They were mostly Twi’lek, waiting to hear from their leaders. All of them were in civilian clothing, none came with visible weapons.
“I can’t spot anything, sir.”
Tech said nothing. But Y/N could hear him type something.
“Analysing previous rebel fighter behaviour and strategies in similar situations they are likely to appear at these coordinates within the crowd today. I am sending you a list for you to especially pay attention to, ONCE.”, he finally said using the moniker the elite squad had given Y/N.
“Yes sir.”
Y/N looked at their holopad and started checking the coordinates commander Tech had calculated. At entry four they spotted their targets.
“Commander. I have a visual about 40 meters from my position, 10 o’clock. There are two fighters. Twi’lek. One female and one male passing. Shade of blue and orange.”
A moment everyone was silent.
“Confirmed.”, ES-02 stated.
Another moment passed.
“Observe them for now. Stay alert.”, Tech ordered before ending the transmission.
High above the Twi’lek senator started to talk. Y/N could not remember his name and paid little attention to his words. Unlike the Twi’lek.
“They are not happy.”, ES-02 stated flatly.
“Yeah thanks, I would not have noticed without you.”
“Always a pleasure to help out, ONCE.”
ES-02 was right. The crowd was angry. The imperial presence, the empty words of some disaffected politician, the fresh memories of the clone war. It was no surprise that the Twi’lek called out for their resistance leaders to speak.
“We want Syndulla! We want Syndulla!”, the crowd chanted.
A different voice from above started speaking. The crowd calmed down, not entirely happy but at least not a raging mob.
“At least we will not have to gun them down, now.”, ES-02 mumbled with a bitter voice.
“Would you really do that, two?”
“You know what they say, good soldiers follow orders, ONCE. And I intend to be one. Especially when I’m getting paid for it.”
Rampart was an asshole. He was a smug little administrator, willing to lie, back-stab and sacrifice whatever needed to achieve his goals. Rampart was the perfect general to handle a loaded situation like the one on Ryloth. And he was no fool.
Y/N hat noticed that he had kept both commander Tech and Howzer, the commanding clone trooper in charge of the regular clone troopers on Ryloth, close. A strategic move. Spec-ops commandos like the elite squad and regular commandos were in constant competition and mistrust to each other. Should one commander not deliver or even consider treason the other would interfere. And Rampart would always end up on the winning side of their clone infighting.
Y/N could here their arguing inside the office.
Commander Tech had ordered for Y/N to wait outside the office for new orders.
More arguing from the office was audible until finally Ramparts voice cut their bickering short.
The door opened and Howzer left. His expression was that of a practised reserved solider hiding his worries.
The door opened again, and commander Tech stepped outside of Ramparts office.
He looked tense.
Instead of a greeting or an order he just started walking. They followed him.
“Clone force 99 is here. But we are kept on a short leash. As always.”, Tech stated, “It is implausible to not use the best tools possible when confronted with a problem. Howzers troopers will not be able to beat them if necessary. Just like they won’t be able or unwilling to beat the Twi’lek should the need arise.”
Since Kamino the commander had started to share more of his thoughts with Y/N. All they had left to do was to listen and ask the right questions.
“Sir, you think Howzer will commit subordination?”
“There is a possibility of him and his men disagreeing with the new imperial leadership and it’s methods. Howzers unit has fought alongside the Twi’leks the past years. Bounds forged in the trenches can be stronger than loyalty to an administrator from Coruscant. But I require further data to assess the likelihood of treason.”
“What about clone force 99?”
“Their abilities and erratic strategies will be a challenge should we … no, should I have to face them.”
“So, we did not get the order to hunt them down?”
“No. Not yet.”
“And yet you already imply them as of importance.”
“It would be a grave strategic mistake to dismiss their presence.”
“So, what is the elite squad going to do about them? What are your orders, sir?”
Tech paused and adjusted his glasses.
“We are going to do nothing.”
“Don’t.” There was a warning in his voice. A signal to Y/N not to cross a line, invisible yet perceptible. He was after all a commander and Y/N just a soldier.
“I am sorry. I overstepped. You are in charge.”
He turned, stepped away and looked at Y/N. His eyes scrutinized them like a scientist inspecting a rare specimen of remarkable value.
They shivered.
His gaze was intriguing. It was painful to feel on display like that. And yet it was nearly intimate to be studied by Tech. Unsure if he would finally hit Y/N for their countless discretions or if he just contemplated their objections.
Finally, Tech nodded appeased and continued his walking without any further talk.
“What do you want us to do now, sir?”
Tech stopped.
“What do I want you to do now?”, Tech repeated as if the question had a different meaning to him than it had to Y/N.
He took out his holopad only to put it away again. He cleared his throat.
“I need you to stay alert. The situation is complicated. For now, get some sleep. The chances are below 4,65 % that there will be a significant development within the next two hours. After that I except the elite squad to be combat ready.”
“Yes sir.”
The Refresher room was empty. Most clones avoided the elite squad, and all the other members of their unit were taking a nap before the night shift which left Y/N to have the large washroom for themselves.
They signed.
Taking a shower and having some alone time to think and feel before finally taking a rest was what they needed.
Y/N started to strip out of the armour.
First, they took of the helmet, then the vambraces and shin guards before getting the shoulder pieces and lifting the heavy breast armour off before finally getting out of the abdomen armour. The black katarn fell to the floor, making loud echoing noises.
Y/N didn’t care. No one was to correct them on their improper handling of equipment here.
And as much as the armour was a useful necessity, it was a heavy burden in more than one way.
Their blacks followed and soon Y/N was standing under the refresher, naked and alone.
The water was hot and painful.
It was a welcome distraction to all the feelings of … well what exactly?
Y/N felt tears running down their face.
No, no, no. It’s just the refresher.
An uptight sob escaped Y/Ns throat. It was all so different from what they imagined. They had entered imperial service for the payment during a desperate time. And ended up witnessing murder after murder, committing murder.
Today they could have become accomplices to killing a crowd of innocent Twi’leks. And Y/N knew that they would have complied with the order to open fire on the civilians if given. How could they not? Surrounded by troopers like them, ordered around by heartless and calculating commanders.
Would Tech give a killing order like this?
Was he that heartless?
He had done so before.
He had killed so many times before their eyes and yet a piece of Y/N refused to see him as a murderer. In fact, they felt shameful about feeling and thinking about Tech – about their commanding officer – at all.
Y/N stopped fighting the tears and cried out loud.
Nobody would know about this.
Nobody would know about their doubt and vulnerability.
As always sleep had been an unwilling friend to visit Tech. With a sigh he gave up and got up from the cot. As always, his mind was racing. He had tried the breathing techniques Crosshair taught him after a particular long stretch of insomnia, but it didn’t work.
And Tech wasn’t in the mood to experiment with the vast collection of sedatives to force his body to sleep right before possibly facing his brothers and definitely meeting admiral Rampart soon.
Work it was then.
His holopad listed only unchallenging administrative tasks.
The new Shuttle was in top shape.
His weapons were cleaned.
Tech had nothing to keep is overthinking brain in check.
Kriff, his life really was miserable. A never-ending effort to bringing his spiralling mind some peace.
A notification came in.
What a blessing.
Tech looked at the holopad again. It was just a reminder to check on his subordinates, to listen in on their private talks and vital signs.
The order from Imperial Command was an uncomfortable task but it was the best he had to do right now. And listing in on some snoring was better than listening to the elite squads talk like last time. At least it felt less overreaching.
He started with ES-04 and workout down from there. Four was in deep slumber, nothing of interest to note. ES-03 was still new and his sleep was restless, a few murmurs about his home planet and family escaped his lips. ES-02 was dreaming. His heartrate was accelerated. Tech turned his observation of, not interested in the rutting sounds of ES-02.
ES-01 was left. ONCE. Y/N. The thought of peeping into their private life was not only uncomfortable, but it also felt violent to strip Y/N of their peace and privacy.
And yet, Y/N was the only one Tech WANTED to know more about. He felt his desire to learn more about Y/N like a physical need, an addicting obsession Tech knew he needed to be careful with not to indulge.
Was their slumber peaceful and sweet?
Did they have dreams about home?
Or did they fight their nightmares in sleep just like they did awake?
He swallowed.
He was just following an order.
He will do nothing more.
He was just a good soldier.
Y/N wasn’t asleep. Their bucket was off and there were no vital signs coming of them. But the acoustic signal was working.
Y/N was somewhere with a lot of echoes and running water.
Tech felt himself blushing and getting hot.
They were in the shower.
It felt so right to listen in on Y/N. Tech felt bad about it.
The thought of water running down their bare and naked body made Techs mind slow like nothing ever before. The pleasure of a calm mind made him groan.
He hesitated. This was not okay. He shouldn’t listen. He shouldn’t imagine a subordinate like that. He hated that he had to. He hated that the Empire gave him order to do so. But more than that he hated himself for following that order so willingly.
He reached for the off button on his holopad.
A sob.
Was that Y/N? Were they crying?
Tech’s mind went from zero into overdrive. He needed to know who or whatever made you feel like crying. He would find out. And he would remove whatever it was from your life.
Part 4
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