#just thoughts ivee been having dont mind me..
moodr1ng · 2 years
im sorry but no amount of "bikers use it differently!" or "its pagan/celtic/whatever" is fixing it.. if i see a metalhead or goth or punk or skin etc outside and they are wearing an iron cross i am going off the base assumption theyre likely a fascist and its their job to disprove it if i come to have to speak to them. it should not be this acceptable in alt subcultures to wear iron crosses and for brands to prominently feature iron crosses all over their apparel and for gentile white people in those scenes to give every excuse under the sun as to why its totally cool bc THEYRE not using it in a nazi way. these people KNOW these subcultures are filled with fascists always trying to slip their way into the scene. places that share stuff about goth music or punk or whatnot have to keep lists of white supremacist bands to avoid. in no other genres do i need to spend 15 minutes googling a bands politics before i can listen to them bc theres always a relevant chance they could be literal nazis. and everyone wants to talk about "fascists arent welcome in our scene, we have to boot out the fascists" but then its ok to wear symbols that makes you look identical to them, that makes you seem unsafe and untrustworthy, to constantly promote brands which heavily feature iron crosses because they KNOW that their customer base of punks and metalheads and whatnot contains many nazis and theyre willing to cater to those so long as it makes money. every lil leftie white goth talks about "dollskill is so problematic dont buy from them or killstar, if you like demonias just get new rocks instead" but you just browse the new rock boots website for a sec and there are huge iron crosses on so many of these and theyre not called celtic or viking or templar or anything else, theyre called "iron crosses", in the product name. thats not innocent thats a brand literally openly selling to nazis, like it is so obvious, the scenes they cater to have a HUGE and lasting fascism problem and they are being very obvious about it. and yet its just.. never ever brought up. like no shit we dont feel safe in your totally super leftist antifa scene lol. so many ways to whitesplain how actshually umm the iron cross was a prussian army decoration before the nazis used it so its fine!! like you give a SHIT about prussian army medals in the 1800s!! we know why it came to be used now, to be used in the subcultures its used in, and even if you in good faith want to wear some similar older cross bc of some celtic shit or whatever then good lord use a different design. were not lacking in crosses.
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birdofprey1234 · 4 years
imagine,,,Google's island on ACNH
GODDDDD UURR GONNA MAKE ME SO FUCKIN EMOTIONAL ivee been thinking ssoooo mucb lately about egos playingg acnh
I had such a fucking SOFTENING thought the other day bc i was trying to think of who googles favourite villager would be and so i looked up a full list and was like eh i dont think hed rlly like any of em, would probably find the robot oness kinda cool but maybe a bit patronizing, But then I saw TEDDY, the bog bear w angry lil eyebrows
And I just imagined like. Google is playing acnh because his assigned human or w/e makes him and hes fucking bored out of his mind cause he jsut doesnt care and doesnt wanna be there, just begrudgingly. And then he and them go to someone elses island and he meets teddy and teddy gives him some vaguely funny line and hes like "...How do I get this villager onto my game" and they're like "uhhh well they have to exit out of this persons town first and then you have to invite them i think?" Or smth idk how it works
And then he becomes fucking DEDICATED to getting teddy on his island, and maybe at this point actually becomes invested in the game. He cant/doesnt appreciate it for the cuteness or wholesomness, but more because it gives him so many small Tasks that give him something to do and he feels a weird sense of autonomy with it because its his islamd and he can do what he wants and so he spends countless days at a specific time just getting on and makingit very Precise and interesting to look at and catching fish for like 6 hours straight and not getting tired or bored bc he....doesnt, and just like. Enjoying the Process of the Tasks. Hed probably have very precise lines of trees of all kinds and then specific places for every building and then pitfall seeds fucking everywhere so he can watch people fall in and suffer fjdkgkrkf
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