#just think thatd be wild for everyone involved
curiouslavellan · 1 year
I also cannot decide if Phaeron and Alistair get along, on the one hand Phaeron is generally an asshole and I'm interested in what low approval looks like, but on the other hand, Alistair and his bro the maleficar is really funny
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okay i know touhou 19 hype has died down a bit as of now but i wanna make some predictions so here are my wild and probably wrong guesses as to whats gonna happen
first is the one thats the biggest wild guess but would probably be cool:
-the games main theme is going to be about the capitalist dream. the game refers a lot to the idea of land, and the beasts overtaking land. this seems to be a driving character motivation, too. for example, seiran wants to take land to create a paradise and marisa wants to capitalize on the opportunity when all the land being taken from everyone who owned it.
also, this is a bit far fetched but i think in specific, the theme "the world is made in a cute way" and the theme being about reimu ties into this idea. its about an optimistic, naive interpretation of the capitalist dream. maybe the end of reimus scenario has her come to terms with her naivety and the lies presented to her by those ideals.
okay predictions
yuuma is 100% going to return. shes probably gonna be the final boss too
keiki is coming back too cuz i think thatd be kinda cool
if not, then mayumi. i feel like either of them would be added just cuz of their relavancy to the beast situation
okay and now for the REAL 100% PREDICTIONS
flandre is returning because the game is called Juuouen and that kinda sounds like un owen right
(more seriously if yuuma returns, flandre might be involved in some capacity. i feel like ZUN has been warming up to her anyways)
and lastly YOUR FAVORITE CHARACTER is coming back TRUST ME
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adios-gatos · 4 years
I hope I'm not too late for the ask meme, could I ask n° 1 for the boys? Any combo you feel like! - Piraticusdorm
of course you arent dw!!
BELLUS: - first of all hes already v into the piraticus dorm’s uniform for the shirts mostly and is usually into pretty people so the moment he sees conrad and his flashy fashion hes 👀. though conrad doesnt seem like the kind of person bellus would actually get a crush on?? its likely because hes an authority figure dnksa - not having a crush wouldnt stop him from hitting on conrad occasionally, mostly because bellus enjoys flustering people who seem composed. he does Not understand that being a mermaid in of itself can make others uncomfortable even if theyre in the same dorm - does want to braid some of the water flowers in the lake the boys claimed into conrads hair. if conrad declines he might try to sneak them in as a little game
MERI: - for reasons he wouldnt admit too, somehow meris jealous that conrad has kenns respect?? hes a lil jealous of anyone kenn respects but hes the most jealous over conrad - because of that hes huffy towards conrad and gives him the silent treatment. which doesnt really work on someone who doesnt know you but maybe its a blessing if anything and no one should explain that to meri - meri has made Many plans for pranks against conrad but conrad seems like a v observant guy?? so that and caspian and kenn being there to stop meri makes the situation lowkey feel like a wilde coyote and roadrunner one tbh
CASPIAN: - so like. he and the others had to get over their opinions about pirates pre-nrc quickly when they were put into the piraticus dorm and hes done p well with that. but he still cant stop feeling wary when he sees conrads eye patch and hat he wears in the dorm(?). but kenn likes him and the feeling isnt as bad whenever conrad is in more casual clothing so caspian just tolerates it - even with that, he enjoys the times conrad plays the piano and sings with everyone
KENN: - he has a lot of respect for conrad for being able to manage the dorm and as a result everyone within in. despite that he lowkey avoids talking to him when he can since after moving to nrc hes become Aware of the opinions people have about mermaids mostly because now he cant ignore them. so kenns likely aware of the fact conrad is uncomfortable around mermaids and tries to restrain the others enough where conrad doesnt have to get involved - probably overthinks if his magic specifically makes conrad uncomfortable since his is straight up siren magic. he learned that it isnt acceptable to just use his magic whenever he feels like during first year but since theyre both third years, when kenn remembers how he was when he was still adjusting hes just ‘god conrad saw that.’ hes found hours later by caspian with his head in his hands still embarrassed  - vibes a lot with the keeping your word but using any loopholes possible method conrad also uses. may or may not try to subtly point out loopholes to him if he somehow looks over one
BELLUS: - likes trying to pick out the bells in tinks voice whenever hes singing and enjoys even more watching tink dance. bellus is most interested in whenever tink flies while dancing but the thought of doing the same makes him a lil skittish. flying seems fun but he isnt fond of the thought of what happens if you fall. you cant fall when youre in water!! - with the fact hes a hopeless romantic, the moment he hears about tinks secret admirer hes !!! and also trying to find out who it is. though if/when he does, he wont tell tink who it is because that Ruins the Suspense!! The Mystery!! that doesnt keep bellus from using knowing that secret to tease tink though so f
MERI: - even if meri isnt the nicest of the gang, he does like tinks pranks and will try to get tink involved in his. especially the ones that involve octavinelle - may Try to not provoke tink besides playful teasing because of the fact he sees tink as a potential prank buddy. he also understands neverland faeries more than mainlanders and non mermaid folk in general so hes more willing to rein himself in if it means tink will join his games - they both have some similar qualities like being quick to act out & fight and having fun at the expense of others. theyd either get along well or butt heads. maybe a bit of both! if they do play pranks together itd be harder for meri to get genuinely mad at tink when they clash. though he might end up treating it like a game and make tink more upset when they do smh
CASPIAN: - thinks its amusing to watch tinks pranks but he wont outwardly show more than maybe a smile at his antics - since he likes people watching and sometimes drawing said people, caspian probably has some drawing of tink in his journal mostly focused on his face. he just remembers all the other neverland faeries hes seen from the lagoons whenever he sees tink and with that, the rest of neverland. so drawing tink reminds a bit of home - even with that association caspian still doesnt talk to tink often like how he does with most other people
KENN: - lowkey associates tink with caspian since they both have the right hand man role going on - also sees tinks pranks as entertaining, its just whenever meri is there too he becomes more wary about the situation - he does want to respect tink since hes a vice dorm leader, its just whenever he sees him around the dorm he cant help but just be internally “whos this lost sassy child..........” the 9 inch height difference they have doesnt help tink out there
BELLUS: - for some reason krok Does seem like someone bellus would have a crush on?? itd be a one sided one and off type of crush more than anything but its still there in the background - dnvs i could see bellus unintentionally scaring off krok more than anything with his flirting when its taken into account the reputation neverland mermaids made for themselves. hes out there trying to braid kroks hair and playfully splash him and convince him to sunbathe with the others because theres snacks and kroks just “oh god this guys gonna try to drown me” - so maybe he does also splash people he doesnt like but its about the Context yknow? - a lil confused when he hears that krok cant sing Or play instruments and offers to teach him. which mostly involves getting caspian to teach him because bellus is only a good teacher when the topics about stars. but he Will be willing to sit through the lessons with him
MERI: - hes a lil intimidated by the fact kroks a crocodile even if krok doesnt get into fights in the first place especially unprovoked. though considering meri tends to provoke Everyone, he might have a good reason to be wary - also isnt fond of kroks ability to eat others magic since he relies on his so much. and with the fun combination of meris temper, his unintentional magic usage when hes upset, the fact the piratcus dorms are on the ocean, and that being on a ship doesnt make a boiling ocean any more comfortable, kroks likely had to eat meris magic before. hes still upset about it - even though their height difference is only 4 inches, meri sometimes squats when they do talk out of spite - despite all of that, he does appreciate that kroks an honest person because lying about emotions is such a hassle. though he also thinks that krok not hiding things too takes the fun out of things
CASPIAN: - tbh he cant comprehend the concept of someone not being good at both playing instruments and singing, mostly because hes used to being around music focused magic back home. like?? are you saying you cant even play a shell horn?? what the fuck???? he assumes krok is just fucking with them even if krok tries to prove he isnt - if krok does accept bellus’s offer to learn how to play, caspian is a pretty patient person so hopefully thatd make krok more comfortable? outside of that, caspian does enjoy playing and talking with the fish and birds around the campus so that could be something they could talk about- - caspian does lie a lot though especially to people he isnt close to so that might bring up some issues between them vdsv
KENN: - “caspian theres a weird fucking cat outside” - kenn when he first sees krok sunbathing - he understands wanting time to relax but he doesnt get sleeping all the time. hes used to everyone always wanting to splash and play back home and only stop to brush their hair and sunbathe so someone willingly choosing to just snooze whenever he can?? why’d you do that........ - even if he doesnt understand it he’ll still try to not wake up krok if hes sleeping outside again. sometimes bellus and meri get past him but he does what he can to keep them from bothering him like he does with most - hes v interested in kroks magic tbh since it seems v useful to have on hand. hes also a lil curious about what his own magic tastes like
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1 whats your middle name: Jasmin
2 how old are you?: 21
3 whens your birthday?: 27th March 1996
4 zodiac sign?: Aries (act more like a pisces tho)
5 favourite colour?: atm violet is my fave
6 whats your lucky number?: 7 !!
7 do you have any pets?: i have a cat and a dog
8 where are you from?: where the wild things are
9 how tall are you?: smol
10 what shoe size are you?: 7/8 depending on the kind of shoe
11 how many pairs of shoes do you own?: 5 ??
12 what was your last dream about: lmao that deserves its own special post.
13 what talents do you have?: errrr, im a good shot with a bow.
14 are you psychic in any way?: in some ways, i think i just have a really good intution.
15 favourite song?: thats impossible!!!
16 favourite movie?: Pans Labyrinth, short term 12, Nick & Norahs infinite playlist.
17 who would your ideal partner be?: someone who i never tire of, who can handle comfortable silences and knows how i like my tea. Idk.
18 do you want children?: uhhhhh idk id prolly adopt.
19 do you want a church wedding?: if the person i were to marry wished to have one i dont see why not.
20 are you religious?: i believe in past lives? I believe in the universe and i think its alive, i think it watches us. I dont really believe in things that come out of a book or something written by old men a million years ago. But i believe theres something more out there.
21 have you ever been to a hospital?: many many times i have.
22 have you ever been in trouble with the law?: once when i was 9 i prank called a place twice and they had caller ID and they got the police involved… my mum was fuming.
23 have you ever met any celebrities?: i met the twins from teen wolf and they were adorable :*
24 baths or showers?: showers fuck me uuup
25 what colour socks are you wearing?: none
26 have you ever been famous: lol no
27 would you like to be a celebrity: no thanks im so fine being normal.
28 what type of music do you like?: uhhhh i think im alternative indie trash but like also everything that bops is my shit???
29 have you ever been skinny dipping?: lol lets not go there
30 how many pillows do you sleep with?: 3
31 what position do you usually sleep in?: on my side … hugging the 3rd pillow.
32 how big is ur house?: not very, its one story and houses 3 ppl ^-^
33 what do you typically have for breakfast?: toast and a cup of tea.
34 have you ever fired a gun?: yea i have. Not a fan of guns tho
35 have you ever tried archery: yup, and that i am a fan of!!!
36 favourite clean word?: soap
37 favourite swear word?: cunt. Lol.
38 whats the longest youve ever gone without sleep?: probably like 2 days.
39 do you have any scars: yeah i have a few.
40 have you ever had a secret admirer?: not that im aware of.. but isnt that the point?
41 are you a good liar?: kinda but also i hate lying to people so i tend to not do it often.
42 are you a good judge of character?: i sure hope so.
43 can you do any accents other than ur own?: not very good but usually i just pretend to be scotish
44 do you have a strong accent?: i have no idea
45 whats your favourite accent?: Irish probably
46 whats your personality type: im type 5 if that makes sense to yall
47 whats your most expensive piece of clothing?: probably the fucking togs i bought last weekend 😂😂
48 can you curl your tongue?: i can maybe thats my one talent..
49 innie or an outie?: lol innie
50 lefty or righty?: im right handed :P
51 are you scared of spiders?: only if they jump on my face, otherwise no not at all
52 favourite food?: pastaaaaaa
53 favourite foreign food?: sushiiiiii or italian food is the shit
54 are you a clean or messy person?: im relatively tidy but cluttered.
55 most used phrase?: fuck if i know i never shut up 😂
56 most used word?: “weow” “mleh” “fuck” those 3 sometimes together or separately
57 how does it take to get ready?: an hour. Usually
58 do u have much of an ego?: idk how to answer this one
59 do you suck or bite lollipops?: yes.
60 do you talk to yourself?: yeah but only cause she never shuts up lol
61 do you sing to yourself?: it stops her from talking so yeh
62 are you a good singer?: no im terrible
63 biggest fear?: shutting everyone out and then ending up completely by myself, being replaced. Idk.. im afraid of getting older and watching my grandparents get greyer and forgetful. Clowns. Caring more about things or people than they probably do about me. Cliche shit like that.
64 are you a gossip?: no but i listen to it 😎👀☕
65 best dramatic movie youve seen?: kill bill 1 and 2
66 long or short hair?: on me i like having it short c:
67 can you name 50 states in america?: lol no
68 favourite subject: art / history
69 extrovert or introvert?: introvert 😩👌
70 ever been scuba diving?: nope thatd be fun tho
71 what makes you nervous?: ppl im not close with asking personal questions, ppl getting in my comfort zone, being late for something, family gatherings, people pointing out my nervous ticks like fidgeting..
72 are you scared of the dark?: kinda :/
73 do you correct ppl when they make mistakes?: sometimes but not if it makes me or them look like a dick.. i would only do it if it helped them.
74 are you ticklish?: no
75 have you ever started a rumour?: maybe in like primary school..
76 have you ever been in a position of authority?: yes im an older sibling so ofc
77 ever drank underage?: yes, thanks dad 👌
78 ever done drugs?: … yes.. thanks aunty 👌 i swear my familys semi normal
79 who was ur first real crush?: prolly my first best friend..
80 any piercings?: nope.
81 can you roll your R’s ?: not very good but yes i can
82 how fast can you type?: very very lelel
83 how fast can you run?: depends on whats chasing me.
84 your hair colour?: reddish brown atm
85 your eye colour?: hazel ^-^
86 any allergies?: none that im aware of!!!
87 do you keep a journal?: i do, i mostly doodle tho
88 what do your parents do?: my mum works as a gardener atm, my dad fixes pipes lol.
89 do you like your age?: yeah sure 21 is fine ^-^
90 what makes you angry?: people who try to take advantage of others just bc theyre family. 🙄🙄
91 do you like your name?: i do actually!
92 have you already thought of baby names?: yes kinda sort of only one so far i like the name Hazel its cute
93 boy or girl for a child: tbh i would want a daughter but a son is just as fine
94 strengths?: im optimistic i think, sometimes im funny, i can see thru ppls bullshit. There. So strength!
95 what are your weakeness?: im also the complete opposite of all my strengths listed above. Its too easy for me to get upset with myself, im very dramatic and sometimes its exhausting lol.
96 how did you get ur name?: my … parents??
97 were your ancestors royalty: i have no idea, i know most of my irish ancestors were coal miners and catholic so.. prolly not
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isaacathom · 6 years
i had a weird dream that both of my parents were monsters
i believe my mother was a demon, and my father was a sort of law enforcement angel. neither knew the others identity, as they had disguised themselves as human andhad fallen in love. both fully believed the other was human.
this changed when my mother gave me a necklace for my birthday. in real life, that necklace is something my sister bought from scotland that has ogham on it, something about holly trees. but in the dream, it was a sign of my mothers demonic heritage, and she likely gifted it to me due to her needing to do something, and wanting me to have something to remember her by.
and thats fine. but my dad saw the necklace. and as a demon hunter angel, he recognized it instantly, and asked if he could have a look at it. ‘to find its history’, he said. and i said sure, because im the sort of kid who would love to know the history behind family heirlooms. so i gave him the necklace to look over,and i went off to school for the day.
while i was out, a demon appeared nearby, a creature with a texture like potato skin and a shape similar to a hexagon? or a d20, that might describe it better. a big potato beast with the facets of a d20. who then split in half to explore. my mother saw this, and promptly left the house and shed her human form. she was sort of vampiric looking, with large horns and glowing eyes.
my father didnt see her leave, but noticed she was gone, and he then went into his secret study behind the bookcase, which could be opened by manipulating the fantasy books he had on his top shelf. he then left by a secret entrance.
at this point i arrive home, having been held up due to heavy books and bus times. im walking part of the way home, coming down the bike track next to the dog park, which was wear the potato demon was. but i see no sign of any of them. what i do see is the backyard of the house directly on the corner of where the bike path diverts into a small sandy path that connects back to the streets. its a wide backyard, lush and green, and a brand new pale grey stone sort of courtyard has been built. two people stand there, a parent and a child, and as i walk past they turn to look at me. being awkward, i just avert gaze and keep walking.
in their renovations, theyve extended their backyard to the left, meaning the sandy path is only big enough for one person, if even that. but since im small, i get through without much issue, and head on home (which is far closer to the bike path in the dream)
i find noone home, but i do find the necklace i gave my father on the top shelf of his bookcase. when i grab it, i accidentally trigger the mechanism, with two ‘layers’ of books falling forward and then pushing back in, and the bookcase swings open to reveal my fathers secret study.
the dream seemed to end there, but i imagine once inside i found a bunch of stuff about demons, and perhaps sign of a scuffle (between my father and potato demon, perhaps?) and so i would assume my parents had been kidnapped by demons. especially as their cars were in the driveway/garage. so then, yknow, go hunt for my parents.
there was a very weird tangent about my mum wanting to fuck the potato demon?? who i believe was called Kayli. that or my mum was kayli. there was some fucking weird shit going on there. it was possible a trick or trap? because Kayli had split in half, and my mum ended up getting deeply distracted by one half. which might mean the other half had time to go and attack my dad? who even knows. i dont. it was weird.
but yea! my parents were starcrossed lovers but they didnt even know it and wont find out until probably one of them dies at the end, or my dad goes to capture/kill my mother and suddenly goes ‘oH FUCK’. possibly both, if it was kill, and he didnt realise until too late. because, and heres the thing, both were in disguise. their demon/angel forms do have similarities, but if you werent looking for it, you wouldnt see it. my dad has no reason to look for my mothers face in a demon, and she no reason to look for his face in an angel. meanwhile i, who have probably been on some deep journey involving the bike path slipstream between dimensions and the wooded paths ‘out back’, ive learnt a lot about both. for instance, ive probably found out that my mum is a demon, just because i have her necklace and have been attacked/treated nicely by demons because of it. they look at it and go ‘oh, [mums name in the dreams] kid! how is she doing?’ ‘w-what?’ ‘? thats her necklace, isnt it? and you look ust like her, except more human. hows she been doing? havent seen her in decades!’ ‘??????????????????????????’
so i dramatically bust in to find my parents locked in mortal fucking combat and i go ‘Mom????!’ and shes like ‘wHAT’ and dads like ‘WHAT’ and its very confusing and conflicting for everyone involved.
alternatively, if my father has the necklace, then my mother recognizes it (no shit, its hers) and demands to know why he has her necklace. which is instantly confusing because, well, he got this from his child??? who got it from their mother??? so who the - oh fuck me. thatd be just sort of how it goes.
though surely if my dad is a demon hunter and recognized that the necklace was demonic, he’d be looking out for her in demons? unless he thinks that she’s maybe been possessed or something, hence going on a big ol battle fight trying to find his Definitely-Human Wife, who he would believe was captured and replaced by a demon. coincide it with external drama (and the fact my mum had been planning to leave for a little while, thus changing her attitude) and he’d think the necklace was some sort of signal for demons to come kick our ass. which, well, it SORT of was, considering like a day after i get it, Kayli the Potato Fucker appears to kick our asses.
idk. its all dramatic and shit. and naturally im half demon half angel and look like a human kid. which is good fun. depending on showdown circumstances i probably haveto fight off both of them at once. maybe its like, as i travel through the ~spirit realms~ i shed my human form a little bit as well which means i ALSO look different. got like, angel wings and devil horns. shits whack. and because they arent expecting me to be there, they dont recognize me either. dad would think im a devil pretending to be an angel to fucking trick him, and mum would think im an angel pretending to be a devil to fucking trick her. suddenly im fighting my parents. who, idk. whether i recognize them depends on adrendaline and whether I have the necklace. assume i do. then it would be fun if i didnt, and i fought them both for a bit, and when i get my ass beat my mum swoops in for the kill and then goes ‘wHERE THE FUCK DID YOU GET THAT’ and grabs the necklace and then, yknow, ~revelations~. because id say i got it from my mum, and she’d be confused, and then my dad would recognize it as the one he took from me and HED be confused. the entire final showdown part after the necklace comes into play is just OOF, my guy.
admittedly at that point im probably aware that both my parents are non-human. my mum is the obvious one, since i have her demon necklace, but i probably find out my dads an angel because he’s been rampaging through the spirit realms after getting briefly captured by Kayli. depending on how that layed it, its possible id actually seen him before and possibly even freed him FROM the half of Kayli Potato that caught him. and he probably played dumb, pretending he didnt know me (for my safety, naturally) and just told me to go home. spirit realm is no place for a human. probably says something that makes it way too obvious he know where i live. maybe he mentioned the bike path slipstream? which, assuming there are multiple ‘slip streams’ like it, implies he knows exactly which one i used to get in and that i live close to it. hence, oops thats my dad, yknow. and plus he’s going on a rampage after that, and if i meet any friendly demons or angels, they likely mention it. an angel would actually be really good for that, and fighting an angel before i fight my dad makes sense as a build up thing. maybe in the middle of a friendly conversation they suddenly spot my demon necklace and go ‘oh no. ohhhhno. where did you get that.’ ‘from my mum?’ ‘your mOTHER?’ ‘yea?’ ‘..... give it to me’ ‘no? its mine?’ ‘i dont think you understand whats at stake her. your mortal soul is in peril’ ‘what the fuck are you talking about’ and then, yknow, some grown ass angel asshole starts trying to beat up a kid for a demon necklace and WHOOPS thats my demonic heritage exposed because oops i just blasted an angel in the facewith demon magic before fucking bolting. and i dont know what i look like, so i cant see the horns, though i likely suddenly become aware of them when i try and find somewhere to sleep and fail to. or when i get out of the spirit realm to sleep and look in a mirror and fuckin shit myself.
the revelations of my parents heritage are a bit awkward because once i know one, the other one gets REAL weird, as a thing to reveal. revealing my dads heritage incidentally is probably the easiest one to do, since angels are probably friendlier to humans. probably. and when i freed my dad, i didnt know about his heritage, and so didnt recognize him (its a place-faces thing). but then, yknow, talk to another angel who tells me to go home because ‘his good buddy is going wild and its not a good time to be here. its never a good time to be here, but especially not now, kid’ ‘why is he going crazy?’ ‘something about his wife? i havent seen him in two decades but i think he married some human woman who has gone missing.’ ‘huh.’
UHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH anyway that was the dream i had?????? oops
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