#just that their partner had the instinctual logical response of ‘your goal of seeing daina in july didnt work. now it’s august goal’
ginalinettiofficial · 2 years
oh something funny happened
i facetimed a friend of mine today who i’ve been meaning to hit up cuz i’ve not had a lot of energy for socializing but am trying real hard rn to do it
and at one point they were like “my partner is gonna be so excited you called me” and i was like oh yeah??? and they were like “yeah, they were the one at the beginning of july that was like ‘okay babe. this month, make it a goal to see daina’ cause they know i’m trying to socialize more. and all july they were like yes this is your month!!! you’re gonna see daina!!! and then ofc that didn’t work out -” because we actually HAD made plans in july, and then i got covid so we had to cancel, “and they were like ‘okay babe it’s okay, so make it a goal for august’ and i had to stop them and be like, babe, no, we missed our chance. the window has closed. it will open up again later.”
and idk i’m still dying laughing because they know me SO well. we spent a month making plans and then those plans had to get cancelled and their partner was like “cool so make plans THIS month” and they were like “absolutely not, daina will need at least 2-3 months to recharge after that attempt, be patient the time will come” and it’s just so TRUE and made me feel so seen and loved and also made me laugh a LOT
because they were right, it’s now october and i finally just today, after a solid couple months of thinking to myself “dang i gotta get back to wren”, woke up like “YES TODAY I HAVE THE ENERGY I WILL CALL WREN TODAY” and the fact that throughout those two months i kept thinking “god i’m the worst, i’m such a shitty friend, we had plans MONTHS ago and i still haven’t hit them up, they’re gonna hate me” when that entire time they were just like “all is well, daina needs her time to circle back, i love her and will talk to her next time she’s able, which, knowing her, will be some time in the next season” is just. SO lovely and validating and wonderful. and also fucking hilarious
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