#just realized many of those things can apply to jonerys and amylaurie
rottentiger-art · 2 years
I see you out here posting Sparrabeth content 👀 what do you think about the comparisons of L to Jack and Misa to Elizabeth?
No but, I saw you liking them and was about to dm you to see if you wanted to talk about this lol
Where to start? There's so much to say. When comparing them I realize, hell maybe I do gave a type!
The obvious first, they're both ships with wasted potential. They also give me the vibes of het ship for queer people (the counterpairs being het ships for straight people) if that make sense.
Physically, they're very pretty much the same, taller dark-haired man, shorter blonde woman + they both have a big age gap, one significantly bigger than the other (lawmane 7 years and sparrabeth 22 years if I remember correctly).
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When speaking to each other, they almost always seem to be so unnecessarily close, specially Jack and L, that have no problem getting into Lizzy and Misa's face and invade their personal space.
Both L and Jack are seen by other characters as eccentric and weird and their sometimes cold and questionable actions provokes either admiration or contempt, while Misa and Elizabeth are judged first by their beauty and most characters seem to think of them as innocent naive girls, not aware of their dark side. L and Jack seem to be the ones that really see through them and can see the darkness behind those beautiful eyes. I really don't think Light and Will (their canon love interests) truly knew them, Light just knew enough to manipulate her and not let her become a threat, and Will for example always seemed surprised by Elizabeth's actions.
What the four of them have in common is that they're willing to do morally questionable stuff to get what they want/need.
Sparrabeth have an insane amount of sexual tension, eyefucking all around, Lawmane tho it's more subtle, as it's been pointed out (shout out to @gigantomachy1916 analysis of L, Misa and Sex in Death Note) L has only had shown sexual interest in Misa, in some scenes were faked, but others is undeniable.
Their dynamics are pretty alike as well, but their fanon dynamic are near identical. In fact, being the obsessive weirdo I am, having reading the majority of the fics on each ship's AO3 tag, I took notice of every similarity. Funny how two ships of completely different fandoms with completely different plots have so much in common.
They're both given the same tropes in most fics: Enemies to Lovers (for Lawmane it may go Enemies to Friends to Lovers, for Sparrabeth Friends to Enemies to Lovers), Unrequited Love, Infidelity/Cheating, First Time/Loss of Virginity, Not Your Damsel In Distress, Birds of a Feather, Deflecting for Love or Dating Catwoman (depends on the fic, Jack is not really the villian on most fics,but the world around Elizabeth sees it this way), I'm sure there's more that I'm forgetting, but you get my point.
Another thing both fandoms have in common as seen through fic as well as posts, is that we both believe Misa and Elizabeth deserved better, and these ships allows us to give them that, it's also very clear we care more about giving our girls what they deserve rather than the romanticism (tho of course, that is a big part of it too). I've not seen a Sparrabeth fic where Elizabeth is treated as just a housewife-child bearer (like canon) or a Lawmane fic where Misa becomes L's unwanted useless sidekick (basically replacing Light's role in her life), most fics take the time to explore why these girls are so great and likeable, why they should have been allowed more power and autonomy, why they had the potential to be more. I mean, Misa not only had the eyes of a Shinigami, she also had a Shinigami completely devoted to her, yet they decided to make her a sillu girl too in love with a guy to take advantage of it (I think Misa is smarter than she lets on) and Elizabeth was made Pirate King, you mean to tell me she's gonna drop that title to live the life she never wanted? And for a man she's only going to see once every 10 years? And they wonder why we run for these ships instead.
I'm making a post about how I think Sparrabeth's relationship would have gone and how I don't believe they'd be a conventional couple, but that doesn't mean they'd be unhappy, quite the contrary, same thing could be said about Lawmane.
And this one only aplies to me, but they're also the kind of ships where I can't ship the canon pair but I ship the male character with their love rival lol a.k.a Lawlight and Wil x Jack (do they have a ship name??)
+Bonus comparisons:
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"I'm totally kidding,,, unless?"
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Sure it's really normal to talk this close to someone you don't want to kiss
Sorry if I rambled a lot lol TL;DR, Lawmane and Sparrabeth are more similiar than one could think, should have been endgame and deserve more recognition than they get
I would like to know what you think too!
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