#just petty dumb teen remy for everyone :D
diablcblanc · 3 years
           My thoughts on Gambit && non-comic book appearance.
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The 1990s X - Men (Cartoon.)
The 1990′s comic while depicting a more cliche version of Remy, it’s the most accurate in terms of his motives && ambitions. I say it’s a more cliche Gambit, because it follows an earlier portrayal of Remy that used to be in my opinion you guessed it, a bit of a cliche. This was before Remy was given character growth, he was made to be the lovable rogue, charming, smoking, motorbike ridding ‘bad boy’ with a heart of gold. He was also originally created to be the heartbreaker that falls in love && that’s the Remy we get here.
It’s classic 90s Gambit through && through, and in my opinion on it's cliches aside, it’s the closest && by far best portrayal we’ve gotta outside of the comics. This is because as I’ve said earlier, his characteristics are in place, his motives are very in line with comic Gambit && that’s probably because he’s in no way an au version of the character.
Remy is a flirt, Remy is a xmen that's not always trusted, Remy is trying to do good. He forms a big brother type relationship with the teenager Jubilee [ Very on brand. ] && spends his time as a snarky side character that flirts with Rogue.
X - Men Evolution (Cartoon.)
Look I love Evolution, it was my childhood, && while they provide an interesting version of Gambit. In my eyes, it's probably the worst. Look I love the character designs for most of the characters. [ not Remy he has the worst facial hair / hair cut ever. ugh. ] But that aside, his morals && motives don’t add up with the Remy I know && love.
Here he is seen to work for Magento, [  ???? Yeah I know. ] something that will always be laughable in canon. Gambit we assume sells out his services for money && while it’s not totally out of the realm of possibilities to have him do so. It feels like in order for Remy to sell his skils no questions asked, means you’d have to first strip away all the hardships, all the development, all the small life experiences that make Remy LeBeau, Remy.  [ Also if Remy just wanted money...Idk it would be easier to just steal himself some gems. ]
It is however impossible that Remy would ever willingly attack children/teenagers for money. In Canon Remy has always put the safety of children first, he has a weakness when he sees a kid in trouble, && having him there as one of the bad guys fighting the teenage x-men, feels all kinds of wrong.  Also, Remy would not work well with others, he’s the type of character that walks on the line between right && wrong, && to have him as one of the bad guys (even if he’s redeemed later.) it feels wrong. I also feel kinda iffy about the implied future Rogue && Gambit relationship. Especially since Remy is shown to be at least in his 20s? &&  an adult, && Rogue is still very much a high school student…so….hard pass on that.
Wolverine and the X - men. (Cartoon.)
Wolverine && the Xmen was enjoyable, I was okay with his character design, he looked like Gambit, he sounded like Gambit…&& he even acted like Gambit.(somewhat.)…but…again for Remy to put so many people in danger for money, it feels very weak to me. This can only be explained as a young Gambit, Gambit before he lost control of his powers, an AU Gambit that never had to lose everything && was never banished.  But this would make him what 17 ? && that is not the Remy we get in this cartoon. This is the only way because as dumb as Remy is, he’s not that irresponsible. Usually when Gambit does something fucked up, (that he later regrets) it’s in the name of survival, or in order to save his loved ones.
If Remy needed the money he can easily get it through easier means, getting involved with an anti-mutant senator screams a bad ides, && Remy is not dum. (only when it comes to loved ones.)
Wolverine Origins. (Live-action film.)
I hate this film. I hate everything about it, from Gambit’s dumb character design to the way he talks. Why does Gambit have a dumb hat you ask me??? Who the hell knows, because I sure don’t. Why would Gambit owe anyone money? IDK, to give him a ‘cool’ line to say to wolverine? This movie was possibly the worst X-man film ever made, && you can’t change my mind. None of it makes sense, && Gambit doesn’t feel like Gambit. && it’s only made worse with the knowledge that one of Game of Thrones writers wrote this movie. (I hate them && I hate that they wrote the only movie with my boy in it.)
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