#just noticed this only has 64 notes so I’m reblogging again
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shutupanddance · 4 years ago
Master Post
If you’re looking for my Master List, check out this link:
Okay cool cats and kittens, I’m creating this master post to help you navigate my page and stay updated :) It will be pinned to my blog, and it will have my fandom list, my prompt list, my to-do list, any current events, and a few frequently asked questions. So, looking for information about requesting? Suggestions for requests? Or wondering what I’m currently working on? Don’t know if I’ve received your request? This is the place to look! Just keep on reading <3
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Current Events 
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Here are the fandoms I write for!!
+ Marvel (MCU)
+ DC (DCU)
+ Sherlock
+ Star Wars (trilogies, Clone Wars, Rebels, Mandalorian)
+ Star Trek (reboots, original series)*
+ Pacific Rim
+ Knives Out
+ Night at the Museum
+ LOTR / The Hobbit
+ Jurassic Park/World
+ The West Wing*
*fandoms that you will see the most of on my blog.
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Prompt List
(Does not include prompts from any current events) Here are some prompts that you can use for your request, or for your own writing! As a reminder, not all of these prompts are properly credited. Please let me know if you have the original creator’s @!
#1: “I’d agree with you, but then we’d both be wrong.”
#2: “Should I ask why you have a knife in your purse?”
”It’s a dagger, actually, and no you shouldn’t.”
#3: “Close your eyes and listen. And trust me.”
#4: Rosemary, broken glass, and an old gun.
#5: “Do you remember when I loved you?”
”Good, because I never did.”
#6: “He saw the notice in the paper.”
”Why would you let him see the paper?”
”What was I supposed to do, eat it?”
#7: “I didn’t catch your name!”
”I didn’t throw it.”
#8: “I’m not better than you, but at least I’m not you. And right now, that’s worth a whole lot.”
#9: Romantic dinner, but something is wrong.
#10: Forehead kisses during an apocalypse
#11: “This isn’t BBC Sherlock! You can’t just run around administering justice as you see fit!
#12: Trying to get a smoke detector to shut up
#13: Falling out of a closet during Hide N Seek
#14: Revealing a dark secret, but it turns out that they already know
#15: Once upon a midnight dreary
#16: The odds were never in our favor
#17: If I should die, think only this of me
#18: Attack hugs
#19: Afraid of ladybugs
#20: The dumb*ss God couldn’t stop
#21: “There’s a rumor going around that you’re the one to ask if someone needs to acquire rare and dangerous objects.”
”There’s a rumor going around that you’re an undercover cop.”
#22: A parking lot, a coroner, and snails
#23: “You’re the only person I know who calls me that.”
#24: This is not a drill.
#25: It’s the price we pay to feel
#26: A character is cleaning/sweeping the floor when someone walks by with dirty shoes (via @writingprompts365 )
#27: “I’m back from my mission!”
““You failed it.”
““How’d you know?”
They point at the TV.
#28: A character is pushed into some bushes/plants/flowers (via @writingprompts365 )
#29: A character picks up a very shiny rock (same @)
#30: A character combs another character’s hair (same)
#31: A character is forced to have a conversation with someone they don’t like (same)
#32: Laughing hysterically at their own joke
#33: Stuck under the same umbrella
#34: ““Well, this is a nice change of scenery!”
““It’s a jail cell.”
““I was being sarcastic.”
#35: ““Let me just be perfectly clear that this was not my fault.”
#36: ““Can I buy you coffee? For old times sake?”
#37: Fake dating
#38: Huddling for warmth
#39: Being high on painkillers and confessing undying love to everyone
#40: “That’s starting to get annoying.”
#41: “I fell asleep on the bus and woke up here.”
#42: “It’s freaking cold.”
#43: “You’re not exactly known for your great ideas.”
#44: ““Can you keep a secret?”
#45: Character A lives above character B, and always drives B insane with how much stomping they do. One day, A’s foot goes right through the floor, into B’s apartment.
#45: Character A and Character B, sworn enemies, are chosen to prepare the company Christmas Party.
#46: you’re a security guard at an art gallery and you held the door for me so I left you a note in the door where we met I hope you read it
#47: Person A and Person B both trying to break into the same place on the same night by accident, only to be chased by the police upon meeting and having to hide in a closet/cupboard/safe together until they leave.
#48: the first and the last word they said to each other
#49: your kid hates my kid
#50: ‘picking them up’ hugs
#51: an incredibly loud and painful high-five
#52: "Let me fix that for you."
#53: “Can’t we listen to something else? We’ve been listening to this CD for three hours now.”
“You know, I would but the CD slot is broken so it’s either this or talk to each other.”
“I wouldn’t mind talking.”
“[turns up the music louder]”
#54: "My kiss quota for the day hasn't been filled. I need a thousand more."
#55: Person A making fun of Person B's bed head
#56: Squeeze three times for “I love you”
#57: writing a love letter but keeping it to themselves
#58: Messing around in IKEA
#59: “Hey - what’re you hiding behind your back?”
#60: going to a bookshop and selecting books for each other
#61: smiling at each other from across the room
#62: arms wrapping around your waist from behind while you’re on a phone call
#63: “ rich coming from the guy who tried to kill me three days ago. “
#64: message in a bottle
#65: becoming the parents of the friend group as soon as they start dating
#66: “I love you.”
#67: “We...we did it. We did it! Oh my God, I could kiss you.”
“Well, don’t be shy.”
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My To-Do List
Here is everything that I’m currently working on! If you’ve sent a request in, and I see it, it should pop up here!
+ Sherlock / Reader (not requested) undetermined topic
+ Rusty Ryan / Reader (not requested) #4
+ Sam Seaborn / Reader (requested) slow dancing
*anything with an asterisks has already been started.
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Tag List
@girloncorneliastreet​ for The West Wing
@wolviesbabes​ for Gibbs / Reader
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Frequently Asked Questions
How do I submit a request? When you look at my blog, there is a link titled “Asks/Requests”. Click that, and submit something!
How specific does my request have to be? More detail is always better if you’re looking for something specific, but if you’re not picky, it’s no big deal! Even if you just say “could I have some more Spock content please?” I’ll answer it!
Do you write smut? Nope! Not for me.
Are your requests open? Not at the moment! They will be soon, though.
What do I do if your requests are closed? Send it later, when they’re open again!
Do you have a master list? I do! I also have a tag called #masterlist, which all of my work is under. You can access the master list itself by navigating to the page on my blog, or just clicking the link at the top of this post!
What’s your name? You can call me C :)
Why didn’t you reblog my post about social justice? In order to avoid burnout for myself and my followers, I am doing my best to keep this blog free of anything other than fan content. This does not mean that I disagree or agree with you, it just means that I’m not commenting. I do not need to participate in internet social justice activity when I am already an activist on other platforms, including real life.
What can I send asks or messages about? Anything!! Life updates, random questions, whatever! I love to hear from you <3
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That’s all, folks!
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celestial-ringleader · 3 years ago
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I posted 2,483 times in 2021
69 posts created (3%)
2414 posts reblogged (97%)
For every post I created, I reblogged 35.0 posts.
I added 357 tags in 2021
#remy lebeau - 74 posts
#pietro maximoff - 64 posts
#self reblog - 39 posts
#robin speaks - 35 posts
#gamquick - 34 posts
#gambit - 31 posts
#ref - 23 posts
#wanda maximoff - 21 posts
#quicksilver - 20 posts
#long post - 16 posts
Longest Tag: 139 characters
#tbh i even feel like kylo had promise to be a good character but that opportunity was just passed up in favor of whatever tlj and tros were
My Top Posts in 2021
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Hi yes my Hollow Knight obsession has returned ahahhaa
I got suuuper inspired by @dooblebugs mer au, especially their most recent drawing of the hollow knight so I just had to draw something for it (feat. my own gijinkas)! this nearly destroyed my computer twice so yeah
I just needed the disheveled wreck that is mer Hollow
141 notes • Posted 2021-05-10 23:25:42 GMT
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I’ve noticed a distinct lack of Remy pole-dancing so have this (I went a bit crazy with the tattoos and scars akjdbvkj)
also featuring smol gamquick
142 notes • Posted 2021-08-16 23:14:28 GMT
I’m not done ranting about ToM, I just finished reading the damn thing and holy shit I’m fuming.
1) It says Pietro is supposed to be there, but he’s not shown AT ALL in the entire issue, not even in background shots. There was one (1) panel I saw where he might be there, but that doesn’t change the fact that he’s listed as one of the main characters. Honestly what the fuck is marvel’s problem with Pietro at this point?? JP got more attention and even then he was only there for like a page or two and then promptly shoved into the background.
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“You sound just like my brother” FUCK OFF WITH THAT. ACTUALLY FUCK OFF WITH THAT WILLIAMS. There is countless evidence out there that Pietro loves and cares for his sister, he would never talk down to her like that. If you ignore the shit writing he’s been getting over the past few years, he’s not this controlling asshole who would tell his sister that she deserves to have people be afraid of her. Even as shit as HoM was, all he wanted was for her to be able to live her life and not be killed by their supposed friends.
3) Continuing off this picture, why in the actual fuck are Tommy and Billy treating Wanda this way? Williams either forgot about Children’s Crusade or just didn’t bother reading it in the first place bc she would’ve known that this is OOC for both of the Minimoffs. And what happened to Tommy in the last few issues of this damn event, first he was calling her “mommy” and now he’s like “this is why everyone’s afraid of you”??? What the fuck happened?? Was it the plant people???
4) The title of this comic even is Trial of Magneto, he featured heavily on covers leading up to and into this event. Why is he not the focal point anymore? Why did this become a comic dedicated to bashing Wanda for shit that happened in 2015 again? And why is there no fucking trial? We were promised magnet family shit and we got this instead, no one has truly confronted Erik, the Maximoffs barely got any good panels, and the one time we saw Pietro being spiteful was in the first issue and then he was written out of it. Also Lorna barely got any good moments either despite her taking up a lot of the first book. How do you fuck up a good angst opportunity this fucking bad, Leah Williams?
5) Wanda looks too much like her white-washed MCU counterpart here and I fucking hate it. And I blame w*ndav*sion for it entirely. Not only did we get her back with Vision for some reason, but now we’re left wondering wtf happened with her and Jericho. And now she looks like MCU Wanda and I hate it so much. Bring back her curly hair and dark skin for the love of god, she’s a Romani woman and always has been.
6) Also turning a Romani woman into a boogeyman scape goat. Great. My favorite. That’s totally not racist on top of the other ableist shit here, but whatever. (I’m being sarcastic)
To sum up my thoughts, this event started out interesting but it’s very clear no one in the writers room had any idea what to do with it and instead decided to bring back HoM drama and throw in some random kaiju into the mix and hope fans would eat it up. And no, no one’s happy about this shit. Also to anyone who’s saying that the two panels of Remy and Rogue were good enough to make up for the comic, actually get some standards please. That’s two panels surrounded by a mess, I’m not gonna thank Williams for scraps if it’s surrounded by bullshit.
This comic was a mess and I hope that when it ends it’s promptly forgotten. Also I hope Williams never touches any of the Magnet family again.
143 notes • Posted 2021-12-01 19:17:19 GMT
Everyone during Trial of Magneto: Fighting kaiju, doing some magic stuff, reacting to new resurrection protocols, accusing someone falsely of murder
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180 notes • Posted 2021-12-22 22:19:00 GMT
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Today was just a Pietro kind of day (and also a little bit of gamquick in there bc I have a Need)
198 notes • Posted 2021-05-31 19:38:12 GMT
Get your Tumblr 2021 Year in Review →
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cipherpolfiles · 8 years ago
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Incoming extra-long Follower Appreciation and reply post!
I may need to start doing these biweekly (in this case, every two weeks), truth to be told. The amount of attention this blog is getting is a lot more than I had anticipated.
First of all, I want to welcome all the new followers. I also want to thank the people who have been following this blog for quite a while, some of you have even been here from the very beginning, for all their support.
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I’m going to take this chance to inform you that this blog has just reached the 252 followers (it’s 255 right now, but I don’t have the time to screencap it all over again). Never, not even in my wildest dreams, had I imagined I’d reach so many; in fact, I was expecting to reach 50 at the very most. Sadly, right now I have no time to host another raffle/giveaway to celebrate the 200 follower milestone, but once things have calmed down a bit and I’ve been able to finish all the prizes from the previous one, I’ll do some other thing for you, guys, maybe during summer.
On another note, those 5 drafts you see there include some essays/analyses: an analysis about Tamago, which is actually one of the prizes for the 100 follower milestone giveaway and I have permission from the person who requested it to wait until the current arc is done, so the analysis can be wrapped up properly. On Charlotte Pudding, about how Pudding was evil and lying throughout the entire arc - I was working on this when Oda unveiled the truth about her, so after that I just lost my drive to keep writing it and it’s kind of just sitting there -; an unnamed one about the giants we’ve seen so far and their connection to Norse culture and other sources - on which I’ve been working for quite a while before the entire prince Loki of Elbaf reveal, mind you -; Creating Impel Down, an essay on the (possible) sources used to create the great underwater prison and its dwellers and Family & Loyalty. Edward ’Whitebeard’ Newgate Vs. Charlotte ‘Big Mom’ Linlin, a comparison between Whitebeard’s and Big Mom’s differing views and postures regarding the concept of family.
Anyway, back to the subject at hand. My eternal gratitude goes not only to my followers, but to everyone who has followed this blog or liked and/or reblogged any of its contents, your sweet comments and tags make all the effort well worth it! You’re all incredible, guys!
Now, let’s give an answer to all the tags and comments you’ve left on my posts during this last month, shall we?
Response to the people who left little tag comments on this post & this other one:
Please, read the screenshot below because I’m not going to discuss this subject again (I’ll answer all the tags/comments I’ve gotten for it so far, but I won’t answer any new ones nor I’m going to talk about this subject ever again). It’s what’s written at the bottom of the post in the first link and the second one leads to that “other post of mine” that’s mentioned below.
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I’m rather nonplused about the reception for this post, because people only seem to pay attention to those four dreadful words (Sanji has brown eyes) instead of the actual point of the post, which was the parallel/joke about Sanji being like Little Red Riding Hood. All that seemed to fly over nearly everyone’s heads despite it having two big images, a huge title and a sentence dedicated to it, plus a joking comment about just how gaudy the golden wristlets are.
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@huevodandy Preach! (this is technically from another post related to this one, but I want everyone to see this).
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@penumbrazxs​ That’s what we’ll all do, but you know, the manga purists are probably going to be bothering people over it, so better make it clear for everyone. We were talking about the manga cover on that post, so they’re brown. Manga = brown; anime = blue. Choose whatever you like most, people, just like with Law and Robin. I, myself, prefer them blue. Thanks for your input :)
@bee-kun I know, I know. I was surprised and confused as well.
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@writesailingdreams Truer words were never spoken. Skin and eye colour diversity is certainly a job Toei does better than Oda. Also, don’t worry about it; they were mostly people who meant well. The problem is that when you receive loads of the same thing one after the other, it gets annoying. I must confess I like blue-eyed Robin better; she seems, don’t know, more myterious, more... alluring somehow. Not that there’s anything wrong with brown eyes nor saying that they can’t look mysterious and/or alluring, because they can be as hypnotising/mesmerising as any other hue.
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@namibean Thanks for the reblog and your input. I must say I’d always pictured his eyes as blue, even before they started colouring them in the anime, so it was quite a shocker to see those brown eyes. Also, I laughed at the “cheese and rice” tag, I’d never heard that expression before. Thanks for teaching me something new, even if it wasn’t your intention :)
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@lucy-heartflawless Go check the coloured manga if you want; I left a link to the officially coloured manga at Kissmanga on the first post linked on the title of this particular section (if you’re interested but can’t find it, just drop me a line), but I must tell you that I already checked the Punk Hazard incident and Nami!Sanji’s (Sanji in Nami’s body) eyes are still brownish.
@imadeablogforchitchat, @mellorine91, @torosiken, @sanjilovesbest, @roomshxmbles, @niyaow, @katsunenpiece I seriously nearly cried when I saw you guys were some of the very few people who had reblogged this post but hadn’t focused your (non-generic) tags on the eye colour comment. Thank you. Also, yes, it’s Little Red Riding Hood in Wonderland with some touches of Cinderella and I believe there are high chances of the “Ugly Duckling” (also Sanji) becoming a swan (I’m having a really hard time fighting off my need to write down the so very terrible pun I have in mind concerning this “Ugly Duckling” thing and Sanji’s use of honorifics). Sanji is like the protagonist of every fairy tale ever written, to be honest.
@kurakurapika Yo no he dicho nada de que no me guste la capa. Simplemente me hace gracia que Sanji se ajuste a prácticamente todos los protagonistas de cuentos de hadas: La Cenicienta, Caperucita Roja y sospecho que, antes de que acabe la saga, también El Patito Feo. Lo de los ojos, lo he comprobado en el manga oficial a color como dice ahí arriba y son marrones.
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@nikotehfox I laughed at the nickname; I had come up with Little Red Riding Cook XD
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@dustail I was shocked as well, to say the least. How dare he take blue-eyed ginger dino-man away from us. Luckily, the regular manga is black and white and the anime has blue-eyed Drake, so we still get to see the Drakey we all love XD
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@sirenacalavera Bueno, para gustos están los colores :) Además, según mi incursión en el manga oficial a color, todos los Mugis tienen los ojos marrones (a excepción de Chopper, que no lo he mirado página a página por lo que no lo tengo claro y Brook, que ahora no tiene ojos y cuando los tenía los llevaba ocultos tras las gafas de sol a lo Lennon).
@theshittymarimo Yes, you’re right. I checked the official coloured manga and Sanji’s eyes are brown as well as the rest of the crew’s (exceptions being Chopper - I haven’t checked it page by page so not sure - and Brook - currently he has no eyes and before he always wore those shades of his -).
Response to the people who left little tag comments on this post:
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@venomkid-64 That’s got to be one of the best descriptions of Oda I have seen XD
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@iprincezzinuyoukai I concur, but who’s Anne? I don’t recall any characters with that name, except for what Ace’s name was going to be had he been a girl...
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@gg-xx, @welcome-to-sanjis-shitty-kitchen, @eve-mura, @nicefandom, @katsunenpiece​ I know, right? Big Mom wasn’t even pissed at her, but at her twin Lola. Not saying it would have been ok to beat Chiffon had she done anything to piss Mama off, but you get what I mean. That said, I still find Big Mom’s character fascinating even though I hate her.
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@writesailingdreams, @dixxymouri​ I’m curious about those mixed feelings on Capone.
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@yeahnahmate Yes, please. They both need a long therapeutic chat about all the crap they’ve been through because of their respective families.
Response to the people who left little tag comments on this post:
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@wordsdear I’m laughing way too hard at this. Something to do with a Drag Queen contest they celebrate during the carnival of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, here in Spain and how they are all presented with the ‘title’ Drag + Name (e.g. Drag Sethlas, the controversial winner of the contest this year).
@katuen, @nicefandom, @adelyslikeop, @katsunenpiece I’m glad to know you guys like the post, find it interesting, think they’re good points and/or that it helped you notice new details about the manga. Thanks for taking the time to leave little comments among the tags :)
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@jiofreed OMG, where do I even begin? I completely agree with you on the Sanji-Ichiji parallel; they seem to be similar yet opposites in many ways. Actually, I’m rather pissed at Sanji’s new backstory; I consider it mostly lazy writing what with the ‘magic‘ drug that only affects Sanji during a pregnancy of four and all. I don’t like the fact that he’s always been Saint Sanji and don’t get me wrong, because I absolutely LOVE Sanji, he’s easily one of the most humane characters in the entire series, that’s why I believe he deserved a less sci-fi, easy-way out bullshit backstory and a more realistic one, instead. The family dynamics and tension are great (not literally, but I hope you get what I mean), but the fact that Sanji is presented as white, pure, good whereas his brothers are completely black, immoral, evil just because of some nonsensical sci-fi crap explanation ruins it for me. I swear, if he pulls some “Sanji will awaken his genetically altered powers and the other three will suddenly be able to feel empathy and be good” crap, I’m going to murder someone. I would have rather had them all be different shades of grey; some leaning more towards a lighter shade and others towards a darker one. Either that or if he were still set on having ‘Saint Sanji’, Oda should have given Sora a separate pregnancy for him like he did with Reiju. Actually, Yonji seems to be the only one who is somewhat greyish to be honest. The way he acts when he’s with Ichiji and Niji is different from the way he acts when he’s with Reiju. Look who’s writing fanfiction now (I’ll probably lose a few followers because of it)  and I’m not even done but I’ll leave it here :)
@hanamatthiwone I completely agree with you; there’s something going on with the Vinsmokes. Something’s not adding up for the time being.
Response to the people who left little tag comments on this post:
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@upyan I never said anything about his design? In fact, criticism towards the character’s design is nowhere to be found within my post. That said, I LOVE his design.
@detectivebiggs98, @sanjilovesbest I love that corrupt Big Bird and the fact that the news are managed by birds too. This guy is like a reverse Lord Varys, only he uses his ‘little birds’ to spread info rather than to gather intel.
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@chaosconleche No, no. Please, don’t apologise. Even if I do remember they’re called News Coo (I just wanted to write avian workforce to be honest), maybe some people didn’t. So thank you very much for your input.
@wordsdear I want Morgans to be yellow too or maybe white, but Oda will probably colour it hot pink or something like that.
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@jorrmungandr My thoughts exactly when I read the chapter. Word by word.
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@hanamatthiwone Add corrupt in there somewhere and you probably have a very accurate description of Morgans.
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@meiye OMG, that tag. I nearly died of laughter. You just won the most amusing tag of the month.
@katuen, @moonwave55 It is incredible and fantastic. Birds everywhere, indeed.
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@trash-with-pride  I like their designs as well. Also, fair maiden... You mean the who’s actually a procuress and has possibly dozens, hundreds, if not thousands of sex-slaves? Fair maiden, indeed. Bet Caesar contacted her to spend all of Big Mom’s money on women and wine.
@keropatch He’s more than likely “a piece of shit” like you so eloquently pointed out.
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@fossilfinding, @eleventhhourranger Evil Big Bird for the win! I’m already loving this guy.
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@overlord-flinx First of all, I don’t think you can compare the human-reindeer doctor of a small pirate crew to a corrupt bird who is literally in charge of spreading the news to the entire freaking world or half the world, at the very least. They’re certainly not on the same league influence-wise. Secondly, please show me where it says that’s the reason the Long Ring Long Land animals are so long. As far as I remember, and correct me if I’m wrong, Tonjit explained it was because they had a lot of space to grow longer and taller, not because it was boring. Lastly, it is well known that octopuses or octopodes are often cannibals, so Hachi making and selling takoyaki is not weird at all.
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@luffy-of-spades Wish it were true, but somehow I seriously doubt it.
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@wordsdear With what purpose exactly? I mean, how would that benefit either of them?
@katsunenpiece Not sure which one is the point you’re talking about, but thank you anyways :) Also, I’ve noticed you’ve become quite a regular on my posts as of late, which is good; it tells me I’m doing something right, so thank you for that as well.
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@dyeblow “Ah, yeah. Well, whenever you notice something like that, a wizard did it.” - Xena (Lucy Lawless) The Simpsons. Seriously now, it was probably Daz.
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@lunerblade1996 That’s one so very expensive umbrella then, even for the likes of Sir Crocodile XD
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@hanamatthiwone Well, even in colorspreads/covers/etc. we don’t really get to see the male characters’ eye colour because basically, until we met the Supernovae in Sabaody Arc, Oda didn’t even give them irises, I think (I can’t remember whether Enel had irises drawn as well or not).
@wordsdear That’s because Brook himself would have made a skull joke about it. Yohohohoho!
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@sagelynaive My thoughts exactly, nearly word for word too.
@wordsdear Nah, Luffy doesn’t have the patience nor the acting skills necessary to pose as the priest/minister/officiant.
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@firstmateandcaptain I’m glad you like the idea and Luffy would probably hollow it from the inside... Let’s face it, he would eat the whole damn thing XD
@katsunenpiece & @useless-chan I’d love to see it happen, to be honest. It was the most absurd thing that popped up in my mind while I was reading the chapter. Now I need this to be canon XD Thanks for your respective inputs!
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@huevodandy But wouldn’t that defeat the whole purpose? I mean, Capone wants Luffy to create a distraction so no one pays attention to what he’s doing. If Luffy comes out from within Capone in front of everyone, that would drag Bege himself into the spotlight too.
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@choconanime That’s what I’d like to know.
@katsunenpiece I’m glad I’m not the only one who thinks this.
@niyaow I’m sorry to hear that blasted option caused you trouble. Tumblr should really get rid of it.
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@torosiken Indeed, but not only the royal family, the clone soldiers are just as bad.
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@fridoline I agree, it’s so very fitting for Niji.
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@strawhatfamily Well, they’re all a bunch of douches, but they still make interesting characters. I’m loving the Vinsmokes so far. I think they’re good people? No. They’re intriguing nonetheless.
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@phonenix Thanks, I’m glad you liked it!
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(Well, this is technically from my last Follower Appreciation post (February 28 - March 1), but since there’s a comment referencing this post I’m going to include it here)
@malfunctioningkitten Thanks a lot for the follow! I’m glad you like the blog.
Response to the people who left little tag comments on this post & this other one:
@detectivebiggs98, @niyaow, @katsunenpiece Turns out I was right about him being CC, after all. Also, thank you all for being regulars on my posts. It makes me happy to see I’m at least doing something right when people come back as often as you guys do.
@whatinthechickenballs It got even more interesting now, but yeah, I’m loving the whole Bege/Big Mom = Al Capone/Big Jim thing. Oda even included the poison bullets the real Capone had!
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@huevodandy Looks like CC’s Alola form is called Gastino XD
Response to the people who left little tag comments on this post:
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@bluegrasscountry Well... Someone should inform Trafalgar Law about the fact that he can’t be the crew’s captain and doctor at the same time, if that’s the case.
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@niyaow Thanks a bunch for the info!
@writesailingdreams I was confused about this as well.
Response to all those who went on a faving spree &/or reblogged something from the One Piece Icon Project:
@greenleavesgreentea, @livinforluffy Thanks for the rebbloging spree and I’m glad you liked my icons enough to reblog them.
@askcp9kaku Thanks a bunch for the faving bout. I’m always glad to see people like the things I do :)
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@askrosetto Thank you so much for the kind words and the faving spree. I really appreciate it and yes, it’s a conspiracy, I’m telling you. I didn’t even notice it looked like a chicken until I was getting the post ready to upload.
@askthelongnosedsniper Thanks for the reblog on the Usopp icon!
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@huevodandy You’re more than welcome, my friend. Now, should I create a Pekoms to go with it? *ponders*
Response to the people who left comments and/or faved this post:
I’m sorry I’m getting back to you guys with this so late OTL
@niyaow Thank you so much!
@jiofreed ¡Muchas gracias! Por cierto, si te sientes más cómoda, puedes hablarme en español, no me importa.
Big thanks to @nicefandom, @huevodandy, @andrewtheamericandude, @lovablestories (aka writesailingdreams), @mad-phlegmatic & @nerentina.
Aaaaaand I think I’m done. God, that was some monster post right there!
As usual, if I forgot anyone it’s more than likely because I didn’t receive a notification about it.
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