#just not into using law and sheer power to aggress vulnerable people. Also chie? SELF DEFENSE TEACHER FOR SUREEE
kasugayama · 4 months
i dont normally entirely erase canon (although I definitely do on occasion), but Makoto Nijima would never become a cop. they were just completely wrong about this. The phantom thieves fucking hate cops they have every canonical reason to despise the police force, it's honestly completely stupid to just make one of the character a cop in the end after playing......the entire game. This is regardless of how i feel about cops
same for Chie Satonaka, considering the police were consistently lousy and only wanted to speed up and close the case regardless of actual justice served. I can kinda see her like a bit optimistic or "im different!" about it, thinking it might empower her therefore joining the police academy, but tbh she'd drop it after really seeing what police officers are like and how they treat her as a woman
I barely get the "They want to be good cops!!" thing. No♡ They would be disgusted and for good reason and not want to touch cops with a 10 foot pole.
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