#just much rinina dancing with asra prim and julian thoughts
creamecream · 2 years
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Rinina in a sudden winter-y dress idea!
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creamecream · 5 years
Arcana AUs
Names are based off of specific things, or are honestly just because I thought they sounded good.
-Dancer AU-
Former member of an dancing/entertainment troupe, Rinina is bought from their troupe by king Lucio to be a royal consort after he became smitten with them while they were preforming for the king and queen’s anniversary. Rinina rejects Lucio’s advances and instead falls for the court wizard, Asra. they currently spend their days hiding from Lucio, scared to death of what he’ll do to them once he gets bored of actually waiting for their consent.
Asra is currently brewing up a way to kill Lucio and secret Rinina away at the same time.
Alverio is the palace gardener, whom queen Nadia is lusting after, but who Nadia won’t let herself have because she is afraid of corrupting his innocent soul.
Pirouette was a medicinal healer who made the only thing that could cure queen Nadia’s headaches, up until when Valerius, a high ranking member of the royal court, became smitten with him when he went to retrieve the queen’s medicine, and had him kidnapped and shackled in his bedroom. Pirouette is now constantly locked in Valerius’ room, kept like a pet. his one saving grace is the times he manages to slip out into the gardens and spend time with Muriel.
Muriel is Asra’s herb supplier. and he wishes to whisk Pirouette away once Asra puts into action the murder of Lucio.
-Ships: Asra x Rinina. Primrose x Rinina. Muriel x Pirouette. Lycoris x Pirouette. forced Lucio x Rinina. forced Valerius x Pirouette.
-Infected Plague Doctor AU-
AKA: Bad End AU
Rinina, in an effort to cure the plague, makes several deals with different Arcana and loses their mind. the deals involve Rinina needing to remove all the current plague infection from Vesuvia, which means to them that they need to remove all infected body parts from all civilians. this includes Julian’s visibly infected eye, which they managed to remove before he escaped. they now keep the eye in a jar on their shelves and talk to it as if it were Julian himself.
Valdemar is Rinina’s partner, both in the medical field and romantically/sexually. Valdemar is extremely pleased and impressed with the amount of plague and arcana energy Rinina holds in their body, and is currently looking into a way to combine Rinina and their own, particularly hoping by forcing Rinina to bare their child.
Alverio, in order to keep his plague infection at bay, lures people and then steals their souls/arcane energy. the plant magician leaves a slew of empty bodies/husks in his wake who have flowers protruding from where he stole their energy from. Rinina extremely appreciates this as they clean up the bodies in the mornings and uses the husks as experimental cadavers.
Pirouette is kept ignorant and unaware of the horrors occurring around him. he is kept obsessively safe by Valerius, locked in his room and not allowed to leave. he is basically kept as a blissfully unaware pet.
Once Vesivua went to shambles, Daphne ran away with Asra. Daphne is currently working on a cure with Asra and Primrose, but she doesn’t dip into Rinina’s dreams as the other two do, instead opting to work quietly.
-Ships: Valdemar x Rinina. confused Alverio x Calypso. Valerius x Pirouette
-Modern AU-
Rinina works at a company owned by Lucio, and suffers constant sexual harassment from him. Rinina lives with Asra and Primrose, who have noticed Rinina’s mood dropping ever since they started working under Lucio, even though Rinina tells them nothing is wrong and they refuse to quit. Rinina works closely with Julian, and one time ends up breaking down to him and confessing all their concerns and worries, the two have been becoming noticeably closer ever since.
Alverio runs the flower shop down the street from Rinina’s work. the man has currently not noticed how his cousin’s boss’ wife and the local internet celebrity come nearly everyday to retrieve more flowers than they could possibly need.
Daphne works at a quiet bookstore and helps in Alverio’s flower shop whenever she has time. she is currently unaware of the small ginger haired girl who frequents the café across the street and seems to stare at her while she works.
Pirouette works for the same company as Rinina, but he is lower in position so he doesn’t have much interaction with Lucio. he does however spend a lot of time with Lucio’s personal assistant, Valerius, as well as his co-worker, Muriel, and he hasn’t seemed to be aware of how the two appear to be competing for his affections and attention.
-Ships: Julian x Rinina. unaware Alverio x Calypso x Nadia. forced Lucio x Rinina. unaware Valerius x Pirouette. unaware Muriel x Pirouette.
-Gladiator AU-
After rejecting Lucio’s advances, Rinina is placed in the arena to fight for their life, or until they agree to be with Lucio.
Asra and Rinina met after a match while Asra was tending to Muriel, and the two of them seem to be becoming closer.
-Ships: Asra x Rinina
-Merpprentice AU-
Rinina is a merperson who has fallen in love with a wizard, a human.
Asra frequently uses his magic to transform himself into a merperson to spend time in the sea with Rinina, but it takes a lot out of him, and Rinina is a deep water mer, so it takes a lot out of the both of them to try to spend time together.
-Ships: Asra x Rinina
-Phantom of The Opera AU-
Pirouette is Christine, hierophant!Valerius is Erik.
-Ships: Valerius x Pirouette. Lycoris x Pirouette. Muriel x Pirouette.
-Dragon Age AU-
What it says on the tin, an AU set in Dragon Age. Rinina features as a half elf rogue.
-Ships: Primrose x Rinina.
-Four Kingdom Heirs AU-
Alverio is the crown prince of a kingdom, his cousins are as well but he is the crown prince. thus he spends the most time dealing with others and he has a guard unit trailing him, particularly guard captain Evanna. Alverio has fallen in love with a queen from another kingdom, but Nadia is already married to Lucio.
Rinina is about to be married to Asra when traveler/ambassador Primrose arrives in their kingdom, and both Rinina and their betroth both instantly fall for Primrose, and both are currently trying to woo Primrose, but they seem to have forgotten to mention to Prim that they are open to polyamories relationships, as Primrose is scared they are breaking a marriage up if they take either of them up on their offers.
Princess Daphne has fallen for a lowly servant Portia, and is currently trying to make her way out of an arranged marriage and convince her mother that Portia is worthy of her hand instead.
Pirouette is forced to dress and use feminine pronouns by his parents, and in order to spite them he has begun an scandalous relationship with his teacher, Valerius. and as well he sneaks out frequently, donning the clothes he actually wants to wear and using the pronouns he actually prefers. passing himself off as a ordinary young thief and spending time with Muriel.
-Ships: Asra x Rinina x Primrose. Nadia x Alverio. Lucio x Nadia. Muriel x Pirouette. Valerius x Pirouette. Portia x Daphne.
-Monster AU-
Everyone is a cryptid creature!
-Ships: Unknown currently.
-Witch Hunt AU-
Magicians are witches. all the witches in Vesuvia belong to a coven.
Following Rinina’s rejection of his advances, and then finding them kissing Asra, Lucio starts lynching all the witches in Vesuvia, trying to force Rinina into obeying him by destroying the coven.
Before the lynches started, Rinina was trapped by Lucio and shoved into the dungeons, and they are constantly starved and beaten as Lucio tries to break their resolve.
Lucio once mentioned how much he loves Rinina’s hair whilst stroking it, so to spite him, they yanked a sharp object off of his outfit and cut their hair off to throw it in their face. they were beaten for it, but they don’t regret it.
Daphne ran from Vesuvia once Portia refused to leave with her when the lynches started. currently her whereabouts are unknown.
Portia refused to leave in order to watch over and take care of Nadia, but she has just recently discovered her own magic prowess, and is terrified of being discovered
Alverio has secreted himself away into the woods, hoping to build up an army of plants and animals in order to stage a coop on Vesuvia and safe his cousin. he only leaves the forest to continue his affair with Vesuvia’s countess.
Asra is planning to overthrow Lucio and kill him to save Rinina.
Pirouette is undercover as a medical tea producer, as he refused to leave Vesuvia once the lynches started, unable to remove himself from the suffering going on around him. Pirouette passes out his calming teas for free nearly everyday, trying to ease some of the worries of the Vesuvian people. Pirouette is committed to Muriel, and didn’t notice the hungry glances he started to get from a high ranking member of Lucio’s court. Valerius is threatening to out Pirouette as a witch if he doesn’t leave Muriel and come to his bed instead.
-Ships: Asra x Rinina. Julian x Callisto. forced Lucio x Rinina. forced Valerius x Pirouette. Muriel x Pirouette. Nadia x Alverio.
-Courtly Servant AU-
The apprentices are the assistances/apprentices of the couriers.
Rinina is Valdemar’s apprentice, and is nearly just as scared of them as in canon they don’t scream at the sight of them, but Valdemar takes a sick delight in frightening them and sneaks up on them and corners them frequently to terrify them.
Pirouette is Vulgora’s assistant, and is visibly frightened by them. Valerius is very intent on getting Pirouette transferred to him instead.
Daphne is Vlastomil’s assistant, being chosen by him because of her connection with the earth, which gives her an uncanny ability to find and extract worms from the earth. Daphne seems to take great delight in these worm related ventures.
-Ships: Valdemar x Callisto. unaware Valerius x Pirouette.
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