#just more ramblings of a crazed basement dweller
sizzlinbaconpeach · 7 months
Did you see that? 😩
The link is to a Twitter post that states:
"Chris cried when Piers died. He didn't when Jill had seemingly fallen to her death. That should tell you something."
Please do not take this as an attack on any particular ship. I'm not here to start any wars. I'm merely sharing my thoughts and feelings on the ship that I do enjoy, and trying to politely discuss that and share it with others (and answer this message). I please ask that we have no heated messages in the comments or disrespectful reblogging - please only share positivity or your own thoughts and opinions in a non-hostile manner. That way this can stay peaceful, thank you ^_^
While you could certainly argue, that at face value, Chris might have shown more emotion during Piers' sacrifice than Jill's - those two events happen under different circumstances and at different paces. Jill's sacrifice is sudden and unexpected - Chris is going to be shocked more than anything at first. Piers and Chris actually have some back and forth discussion and/or struggle before Piers finally makes the choice.
Chris was desperate to try and save Piers - this young protege who was to take his place in the BSAA - the only remaining soldier in his initial squad. I think they both knew, deep down, that Piers had a slim chance of survival. But Chris was going to fight for that chance. He does his best to keep encouraging Piers, because he doesn't want another casualty on his watch. So, of course Chris is going to have a lot of emotion surrounding Piers' sacrifice. It's another victim that he can't save. The whole time they are racing to escape, Chris seems to be trying to convince himself, more than anyone, that both of them can make it out alive. Chris was supposed to train all those men and watch them grow and fight bio-terrorism, alongside and in his place. But instead, Chris watches them all die. He carries a heavy guilt with him, as he was the captain that failed them. This tragedy is already weighing heavily on Chris through the whole game. And Piers was a young man, in the prime of his life. Struck down by the horrors of bio-terrorism - the very thing Chris has been so vehemently fighting. Chris' head was probably spinning as it kept telling him something he didn't want to face, thrumming in his ear, 'it's too late. You failed again', as he helped a struggling Piers continue forward. The shove into the pod was the final confirmation. 'They're all dead'. So yeah, I could see why he'd get pretty teary eyed. Chris abandons his retirement plans and eats a steak in honor. IMO, Chris reacts like someone who grieves for a comrade. A horribly unfortunate and bitter moment, but lest it be in vain.
Before her sacrifice, Chris and Jill seemed like an unstoppable duo. They faced many challenges, but were ultimately the victors in their battles. They survived the mansion, they gathered info on Umbrella, founded the BSAA, protected the Mediterranean, and even destroyed Umbrella together. They were partners through it all.
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So tracking down Spencer to his European mansion was supposed to be the same, right? They were going to bring him down and get information on Wesker, too! Right? It was just the next step to rid the world of bio-terrorism. Right? ...right? But then, unexpectedly, they found Wesker standing over Spencer's corpse in the library. And he moved lightning fast, too. Soon, Chris was dangling in the air as the red eyes locked on to him just like the iron grip around his collar. This was it. Chris was staring his death in the face. But that cry of desperation from the familiar voice on the other side of the room saved him. He turned to the smashed window to reach out for his falling partner, but her form disappeared into the abyss below. The only thing that he could do was bellow her name in anguish. His partner! His bestest friend in the whole-wide world! JiiiilllLLLL!
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He didn't take any new partners after her fall and threw himself into work (part of me thinks he was doing that in honor of Jill and to numb the pain of her missing - you can't grieve if you're focusing on other things. Jill even mentions in an email to Barry that she didn't get a funeral - now who would have been responsible for that, I wonder? Maybe the man who refused to believe she was dead? ...Maybe).
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Also, this silly precious himbo thought Wesker was dead but never gave up hope that Jill was alive. He kept his ears and eyes peeled for her for almost 3 years! Curiously, he requested an assignment with BSAA Africa, but he wouldn't elaborate on the reasons why. We come to find out in RE5, it was to follow a lead about Jill.
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Throughout RE5, Chris is focused on finding Jill. He demands answers from a dying Irving. He demands to know of Jill's whereabouts multiple times from Excella. She even mocks him for it. 'Jill, Jill, Jill. You sound like a broken record. Just as single-minded as he [Wesker] said.' And when Jill is finally revealed to him, she is his main focus. He didn't want to leave her side when he was finally reunited with her, despite Wesker's imminent plans of total cataclysm. His priority was Jill. It wasn't until she urged him on that he, very reluctantly, left her side. And this is Chris Redfield! The man who doesn't let anything distract him from the mission - anything but Jill - that is. :P IMO, Chris reacts like someone who is missing a piece of himself, desperately searching for that missing part to feel whole again.
So the immediate reaction is different because both sacrifices were different.
Chris knew there was a chance of Piers' death the moment he was infected. Combined with the other trauma in RE6, it was no wonder that Chris was torn up over the death of this young man (practically a kid!) with so much potential.
With Jill, her 'death' catches him completely off-guard. He starts questioning if he can even fight bio-terrorism anymore at the start of RE5. He can't believe she is dead. He can't move on from her, and her loss is eating him up inside. The word partner is enough to trigger pain. It's only when he saves Jill and destroys Wesker that his resolve returns.
Both Jill and Piers sacrifice themselves, but both have different instigators, time-frames, circumstances, and ultimately, Chris reactions.
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