#just mindless pointing of this walking pixel man and throthing over it
ok so i finally had to put down symphony of the night [battery v low] and so ill wright up my thoughts
i love it. [wow big news]
first: alucards fuking hair flip. i love it. it makes me grin evry time i see it so when im just walking im grinning like an idiot.
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look at it! dramatic ass. also the cape- its beautiful, my respect for this is threefold- one fabric is a pain in the ass to draw, two animation is hard, THREE pixel art requires alot of skill cause half the power is in suggestion and making the vewer fill in the blanks.
[the simple design where you can tell whats what, use of diff tones to show shadows, it has a logic[?] to it, you can tell where everything is and it all makes sense, even at the speed]
so yea that cape is amazing and im p sure the animators sold their sould to someone for that alone [im also p sure the whole of konami sold their souls for the game]
music- absolutely amazing. love it.
set designs- fuking glorious, i love the stairwells in the coliseum the most, the way they use pixels to imply/show roundness is *chefs kiss* but the rest of the coliseum is also lovely, the depth they get in some areas
also love the way the patterns are shown of in the stairwells [or i finally get the chance to admire them, 50/50]
but also the themes of each area are great- not so different you get too much whiplash, but the areas are clearly defined,
also it realy encourages you to explore every nook and cranny! its v intuitive [some places i was being dumb, u know the teleport room? i teleported a ton but dident realise and thought i needed higher mana and the ashey stuff was showing it failed. then i walked out and wondered how the f u teleported]
sotn is def at the top of my fav games now, fun to play/amazing music AND an artistic masterpiece, i know often older games are put down cause the "lower quality" but sotn shows just what you can do with it, it might just be cause im an artist but every part of the game has a beauty to it, just a much as the official art!
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