#just means im gonna rb it again when i wake up tomorrow
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justablah56 · 2 years ago
hi guys this is my way of announcing that my Taylor now has glasses , thanks
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thefloorisbalaclava · 4 years ago
its likely just the ppl i follow but i hadnt seen one thing but 'Its Not Yet Over' without searching for it before i saw the rbs on ur blog and by GOD am i CLINGING 2 IT !!!!!!!!! let me have my escapism! let me have my laughter! its cozy! its been a while! i hadnt realised how awful the wait was making me feel but omg the deep breaths i keep letting out bc HE IS FUCKING LEAVING!!! and seeing all those posts i just 'hang on wait im overreacting maybe this is still bad' but on second thought no lets not dampen this ! i wanted 2 make sure u knew i am grateful for ur reminders!! and that i agree!!!!!! and like also i dont have 2 avoid ppl for my desire 2 celebrate 2 be reasonable, its valid in itself! i saw one of those 'how dare u [..]' things i almost lost it irreparably. like maybe u havent lived in fear of the power that his every action holds but this is the exact comfort that ppl have been holding onto for literally FOUR(4) YEARS!!! so Yes i shall in fact be taking a LOT of solace and relief in this!!!! i cant stop going back 2 how im gonna feel waking up tomorrow . im still processing! im still tearful! i feel lighthearted in this saturday 7th november tonight! and i hope that u can also remain upbeat and chirpy despite ppl! thank u thank u for the Exactly What I Want 2 Hear (as always). we did it !!!!!! hes leaving oh god im gonna cry again. hes leaving!!!!!!!!
I've been crying on and off all day. Seeing those pictures of Pedro celebrating made me cry all over again lol. This ask made me cry again lol. We're allowed this one brief moment of happiness. We can BREATHE! I relished in the sounds of people cheering in the streets and my neighbors stomping and banging on pots! Those are the same sounds I heard when I was in college and Obama was elected! WE CAN CELEBRATE! That doesn't mean we care any less. And as a black woman I AM FUCKING TIRED. I DESERVE A BREAK.
I'm happy you were able to escape those shitty "its not over posts" on my blog. You won't find em here plus I've probably unfollowed or blocked anyone who was reblogging or posting them on my dash anyway lol. I've lost my patience. Black people have FOUGHT harder than most for this to happen and people wanna tell me I shouldn't be happy? They can fuck right off.
BE HAPPY!!! CELEBRATE!!! Pedro is lol!
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voidselfshipp · 4 years ago
Golden Leaves
Ok to rb
Choking mention(in self defense)
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--jer...jer wake up babe come on--hellboy says softly moving his girlfriend.
Jerico groans grabbing his hand--five more minutes...
He sits besides her leaving the breakfast besides him,red picks jerico up and presses her against his chest,kissing her neck.
--Fine fine fine! Ya me levanto! --(fine fine fine ill get up!) She said grabbing the cup of tea.
He chuckles kissing her cheek--they are going to send you to catch nuada the royal assness of the elf empire huh?
Jeri almost chokes on her drink--royal assness?
--Yeah hes an asshole--he said--but nothing my brave hot girlfriend cant take
She rolls her eyes and nuzzled his neck.
Oh how she wished shed could stay like this a bit longer.
She had to go eventually, its still dark outside,the stench of the sewers clung to her clothes --not even clorox Will take this horrid smell off of this...
Hearing faint talking and the noise of someone moving she hides, there he was Prince nuada training with his spear.
She gasps softly, he was quite handsome.
"Reds gonna kill me" she thinks as her eyes scan him, in case of any threats...of course...
However the elf seem to notice her somehow-- you can come out now..
He walks towards her looking behind the pipe she was hiding behind.
Nothing again?
--hey!,looking for me?!-- Jers clawy hands wrap around his neck--now heres whats going to happend asshole you come with me back to the B.P.R.D and nobody gets hurt
--Youre an excelent fighter-- he said dropping his weapon putting his hands up-- and very pretty
That did catch her off guard but she shakes her head--compliments wont save you Pal,think of something better
Nuada is about to say something when they hear people coming towards them.
--There they are! Catch them!
Jerico looks at the elf-- you know these guys?!
She lets him go and he picks up his weapon--they have been after me for months, id advice you to run--he grabbed her hand running with her--lets go!
They ran through the sewers to a final exit out of a manhole, quickly running through the busy streets as the sun appears on the Sky.
They seem to loose them as they take a breather on a alleyway.
--carefull!--nuada cages jerico hiding her behind his body, slightly hovering over her.
Their noses touch as their lips are ghosting over the others.
the hunters walk right past them.
He backs off and sheathes his spear-- lets call it a truce-- he looks away hiding the slight blush on his pale skin.
--Yeah...I think we should...--jer walks outside seeing the hotel around them-- the golden leaf hotel?
Nuada is behind her, his chest meeting her back.
--would be a good cover...
Jeri sighed--i know the owner of hotel chain, lets go
As they enter the reception a woman walks towards them
--sorry but we are all booked.
Jerico sighs showing the Mark on her clavicle, an a with horns-- scarlett red,a hellhound howls,but family remains the same...
The woman nodds--follow me..
As they walk nuada puts a hand on her shoulder--what does that mean?
She shakes her head--ill tell ya later...
Its the last room at the top floor,they enter and its huge.
She falls on the couch and the elf prince just stands there-- what are you doing?
--resting?, you should be securing the place!
--okay you royal assness-- she said sitting up-- I know this place is secure
He crossed his arms walking away towards one of the rooms , waving her off.
--Jamils gonna kill me
She grabbed the phone on the small table dialing her sisters number.
Nuada can help but listen to her conversation.
--hey Jamil, yeah its me, no no,im okay, just on the job you know,I met a very cute elf Prince-- nuada smiles looking away with his arms crossed--no no, I dont think hes into me anyway..., hey could you bring Us some food up here?, the one mom always made whenever we have family dinner,yeah that one!, hey and jamil...I miss you so much, yeah...I love you too sis, okay...ill see you later,bye
She hangs up, the elf stands there looking at her-- who were you talking to?
Jer stands up walking towards the bathroom-- my sister, shes owns this whole hotel, I asked her for some food, why?
--its just...that I have a sister too--he said--you said you miss her?
-- yeah I do,since I left home ive havent been able to see them, but anyway were you listening?!
He shrugged and Walked away.
Through gritted teeth she said--Asshole...
After informing the B.R.P.D she was alright she took a hot shower and Ate.
However she picked up a Plate Serving some food for the Prince who had locked himself in one of the rooms
She put the Plate and a drink at the entrance of his bedroom and knocked the door.
Nobody answered.
The elf sat there in silence--hey uh nuada? Heres your food--he doesnt answer-- look we are in truce and I shouldnt push it, but you have to eat, tomorrow we'll leave to the B.R.P.D or fight eachother whatever you want, ill sleep by the couch though if you need anything
He heard her walk away.
And after eating he sat there, trying to figure out these feelings in his chest.
Why did he save her?
Why did he tell her about his sister?
Why did he even cared for her.
Maybe because of the truce, yeah thats It, mutual help and all of that.
Or was it?
He sat there on the bed deep in thought for a good hour.
He let out a soft "oh" as he realized.
He had Fallen for her...and hard in less than a day.
He opened the door of his room and Walked towards the couch.
He chuckled picking her up--lets get you somewhere comfortable...shall we?--as he Walked back to his room he looked at her, so peacefully asleep--after all,the future elven queen should be spoiled
He thanked god she was still asleep because hed never say those things aloud.
He left her on the bed laying with his back against hers.
Nuada sighed with a smile-- good night,my queen
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