#just making this post to remind myself to put together a nice flashy invite post
storm-called · 9 months
I'm going to put together an official post sometime today or tomorrow, but the Commander Coffee Hour event will be next Saturday at 7pm EST on NA servers at the Crow's Nest in Lion's Arch
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Once Bitten, Twice Stupid prt 17 - prt1
Keeping up with the tradition, they all wound up back at Lance’s house. Keith and Pidge were bonding with Blue, his cat a ho when it came to pats... on her terms of course. Keith seemed mystified over what to do when a cat sat in your lap. Blue was a traitor, bunting up into Keith’s chin because she was a traitorous whore with no taste. In the kitchen with Hunk, Lance nursed a mug of warm wine mixed with blood, as Hunk baked. He couldn’t stop himself. He needed to unwind and Lance was happy to provide his kitchen for that
“Did you really break your phone, man?”
Lance looked over the rim of his mug
“Yep. Dropped it on my bedroom floor. It shattered on the spot”
“You said we’d talk... I’m feeling kind of left out man”
“I didn’t mean to make you feel left out”
“Ever since Keith came along, you’ve been acting weird. I know sometimes Pidge can be full on, but I thought we were tight”
“We are tight”
“Then what haven’t you been telling me? I’ve told you things I wouldn’t think of telling Pidge”
Lance felt as if Keith had gotten his wish and staked him through the heart
“It’s not like that...”
“Then what is it like?”
The vampire didn’t have a whole lot of options. He could confess he was a vampire and give Hunk a heart attack. He could keep lying, which was clearly hurting Hunk. He could claim Keith was threatening him, but then Pidge and Hunk would want to take things into their own hands... Fuck... He didn’t want to hurt Hunk. Lying really did hurt. His friends were so special to him that he hated having to distance himself... semi lies were as bad as the real thing
“Okay... okay... the truth is I’m not really over being sick. I’m still feeling sick most of the time and I’m not used to having company all the time. I didn’t want to tell you because you worry about me so damn much. I’ll recover, good as new, but I’m supposed to have spent this last week resting up as much as possible. I can’t help myself, I love hanging out with you and Pidge, so when you invite me I can’t say no. I pushed myself a little too hard to fast, but I promise I’m working on getting better”
Hunk’s eyes immediately welled with tears
“Why didn’t you tell me?”
“Because all I need is to catch on some sleep. You and Pidge are my best friends. I want to make as many memories with you as I can. I also had a call that wasn’t great, so that’s been on my mind too”
“A call?”
“A work call. The woman was strung out of her mind, I had to call in a welfare check on her. It’s been exhausting, but nothing a few good nights sleep won’t cure”
“Man... I wish you’d told me. We could have gone back home...”
“It’s okay”
“It’s not okay. If you’re sick, you need to be resting. I’ll tell Pidge while you get ready for bed”
“Dude, I’m okay”
“Please, stop being stubborn! Pidge and I both know you’ve never been really well. You’re always so pale. But you never tell us anything. We’re your friends, we want you to rely on us”
He’d been told that by Hunk before, playing it off as a low immune had bought him about a years worth of silence on the matter
“I do. I love you guys like family. That’s why... that’s why it’s so hard. We’ll watch what Pidge filmed, then head to bed”
“Absolutely not. I’ll have dad come pick us up. Keith can crash at mine for the night”
“You don’t need to do that”
“I don’t need to, but I want to. Let me help”
Passing Keith off was a terrible idea. Keith didn’t mix well with others. If he snapped anything was likely to come out... but what Lance wouldn’t give for a night without having to worry about waking Keith
“His brother Shiro should be swinging around tomorrow to pick him up. It’ll be fine, it’s only one more night. Plus, if we don’t watch the film now we won’t be able to watch it all together as a group”
Sure, most of Keith’s face was hidden behind the mask but Lance could tell all his expressions from the way his muscles moved. His brain told him that at any rate. His imagination must have been filling in the blanks automatically based on what he knew of Keith’s personality
“You need rest”
“I’ll be resting on my chair. Nothing strenuous happening, other than being in trouble with Pidge for talking. We’ll watch the video, pick out what to keep and what to edit, then I’ll go straight up to bed”
Hunk sighed, picking up the closest tea towel off the kitchen bench as he did
“You better. I’ll still have dad pick us up. And you need to answer your phone”
“I only have my work phone and the home phone”
“Exactly. Two other ways of calling”
“I can’t promise I’ll hear them, but if I see you’ve called, I’ll call back. Deal?”
Holding his hand out, Hunk took it, his handshake firm
“Deal. Don’t go around worrying me like that, man. I’m still recovering from tonight. Did you see that grey stuff?”
“It was the light off the camera. From having the viewfinder open and in night mode. That’s my bet. That combined with dust. Anyway, anything haunting that place would have made themselves scarce thanks to Pidge. I wouldn’t want to be a ghost and on the wrong side of her”
“I thought she was literally going to blow steam from her ears. She was so cranky”
“Especially when Keith tripped. I thought she was going to go turn him into a ghost on the spot”
Lance snorted as he smiled. Keith would be the dopiest ghost. He’d probably actually turn into one, but go around thinking he was human
“So did I. Our little gremlin is viscous. How long do the cookies need?”
“10 minutes. Go on ahead, I’ll be in soon”
“Alright, buddy. Don’t forget to use the dishwasher instead of doing the dishes by hand. Tonight was hard on you too. You deserve to kick back and relax”
“Yep, will do”
Pidge had Lance’s laptop on her lap when Lance headed into the living room
“Pidge! You’re not supposed to be on there!”
Pidge jumped at being sprung in the act
“I was ordering you a new phone. What kind of idiot doesn’t use a lifeproof case?”
“Me when they’re not very lifeproof. You know there’s sensitive files on there”
“Relax. All I did was open the browser. I don’t want to know about your cases”
“That’s beside the point. How you feel if you were one of them. And, it’s not like I can’t buy a new phone from the post office”
“You can, but I’m picking out a good one”
“Nope. No. I just need a cheap one where I can message you guys, take photos of Blue, and watch cat videos”
“Pffft. No. Trust me, you need to embrace the future, no more living in the past. Now, what colour do you want?”
“I don’t care about colour”
“You’re hopeless! Here’s one for $1500”
“Absolutely no way. I can’t justify spending that much on a phone. No. I’m fine with a $120 cheapie”
“You’re not fine and those things are an insult to technology. Help me out Keith”
Keith’s expression said he was in for trouble. Keith would do anything to mess with his life further, including taking revenge by making Lance pay out an unreasonable amount of money. Give it enough time and everything flashy would become standard for much cheaper
“I don’t know if he’s allowed something, or if he’d just wind up breaking it”
“Damn! Nice one. Okay, I’m ordering your phone now...”
“... and it’s done. You can thank me later with a shitload of photos of Blue. She’s such a diva. You should make her her own socials”
Lance didn’t love socials. He didn’t love the fakeness. He wished people could see and love the things in them that they might hate because society had made them feel like shit. He only had socials because of Pidge and his Mami. Most of what he posted was of Blue and her perfect little toe beans... with the occasional, less than lady like, tongue blep as she glared at him. He wasn’t putting pressure on Blue to be perfect for an audience
“Yep. A new case is coming too. This one should be Lance proof. Do we need to think about putting child safety devices in place?”
“I don’t know, Pidgeon. Do I need to think about digging a shallow grave when I see the price?”
“Maybe... is it for me, or for you?”
“I don’t know yet”
“Then I don’t know either. Hurry up and sit down already, you can have your precious laptop back. I don’t see why you need the desktop set up and a laptop. Both are practically antiques”
“You did both builds last year”
Pidge moaned
“Exactly, antiques. A painful reminder of my youth”
“Keith, do me a favour and punch Pidge in the arm for me. She’s being an idiot”
Keith ignored him, scratching the base of Blue’s back where it met her tail, Blue purring. Everybody in the room sucked. If it worked and did what it was meant to, Lance was fine with it not being the latest and greatest
“Ha! He knows better than to hit me”
“Yeah, because he’s as scared of you as the rest of us”
Pitch ditched a cushion in his direction, that missed him completely
Keith simply snorted at the both of them, Blue was taking up too much of the hunter’s attention. Still, he was going to be the bigger man, no wet food for Blue until she came back and loved him again.
The next week of Lance’s life passed slowly. Very fucking slowly in parts. His thirst wasn’t getting better, Keith wanted to fight every day, he didn’t have the energy to keep up with his work, feeling like he was letting all his clients down. Something in his gut was trying to tell him something, and Lance wasn’t sure what it was. He hadn’t heard from Shiro. Keith’s answer to that problem was that Shiro would come back when it was safe. But “safe for who?” was a totally different question. Lance had found that gradually he was getting used to Keith’s presence. He didn’t like it. He didn’t like this kind of uneasy peace. Keith grudgingly ate Lance’s cooking. The idiot had burned toast... in the toaster. It didn’t take a degree to be able to put two pieces in and pull down the lever, but somehow he’d done it. He’d set off the fire alarms, waking Lance, who immediately went into panic mode. Smacking his arm on the wall, he’d burst the blood blister building beneath his skin, smearing blood on the wall, as he swore. Rushing into the kitchen, the toaster was on fire, Lance ripping the cord out the all and dumping the lot in the sink.
Swapping the washing from the machine to the dryer, Lance closed his eyes and counted to 10 before opening them again. He could hear Keith shuffling around in the kitchen. He could hear his phone vibrating on the bench. The way his coffee machine slowly came to life told him he had all of 5 minutes before Keith would be all up in his face demanding that they fight. He could be in the middle of vacuuming and Keith would still pop up and demand to fight. He seemed to be working out a style for himself and organising his thoughts as he did. He still hadn’t decided on Keith, but he had to give him some credit. He kept trying and he kept getting back up... He was still to get an actual blow in that Lance hadn’t allowed. Maybe he was sick from Keith continually beating him up? And maybe he was kind of enjoying things more than he let himself believe. Or maybe his defences were lower than normal thanks to still being sick.
“Lance! Message!”
So Keith was his answering service now? Where was that in the terms and agreements of having his house hijacked?
“I know! I heard! Some dick didn’t bring all his washing out!”
“That’d be you!”
Like fuck it was. His lapses didn’t count when it was his house and he was going through stuff. Watching Keith try to wash and live in two sets of clothes was painful, so now he had three sets, plus underwear and socks of his own. He had a whole damn drawer in the spare bedroom, the Hunter basically moved in
“Fuck off!”
So much for his calming breath.
Heading into the kitchen, Keith had coffee made for the both of them. Yeah, Lance would have preferred tea but Keith seemed adamant on conquering the coffee machine
“Who was the call from?”
“I don’t know, I didn’t check it”
Lance raised an eyebrow
“I thought that was your thing, snooping on people’s calls?”
“Very funny old man. You look worse than you did yesterday”
“Isn’t that good for you?”
“No. I can’t learn anything if you’re half dead”
“If only I’d known that all along. I would have been off the hook long ago”
“Ha ha fucking ha”
“Shut up drink and your coffee”
Snatching his phone up, Lance’s chest went tight, his stomach dropped and his knees nearly went with it
“What’s wrong?”
Opening the message recorded, Lance held it to his ear as his hands shook
“Hi, Lance, it’s Sally here. Your grandmother’s taken a bit of a fall. She was awake when we found her, but we’ve transferred her to Platt General hospital. I’m sorry to drop this on you. If you want to give them a call, they might have more information for you...”
Lance’s phone slipped from his hand, Keith catching it before he could break another one
“I’ve got to go”
“What’s wrong?”
“Nothing. It doesn’t concern you... fuck...”
He was getting teary. His Mami wasn’t as strong as she’d once been
Brushing Keith off, Lance started scrambling to get ready, his head already dreaming up worst case scenarios. Had his Mami fallen or had it been something more? Had something happened? Was she not telling him something?
Racing out the front door, he made straight for his car. The key didn’t seem to want to go into the ignition, Lance screaming at it in frustration
“Move over, I’ll drive”
Lance nearly told Keith to fuck himself. He didn’t know why he’d followed him out. Sliding across the bench seat, Keith climbed into the drivers seat
“What’s happened?”
“It’s... I need to get to Platt general”
“You’ll have to give me directions. What’s going on? Who’s in hospital?”
“My Mami...”
Whatever smart reply Keith had for that died on the man’s tongue. Giving a nod, Keith got the key into the ignition, the old bronco starting with a rumble.
The drive to Platt was horrible. It passed in a blur as Lance prayed to whoever was out there that it wouldn’t be something major. Barking directions at Keith, Keith copped all his bad mood and worry, the hunter barely parked before Lance was rushing to get out the car. He hadn’t even bothered to clip in his damn seatbelt for the drive
“Lance, take a breath”
“Fuck you”
“Your teeth are fucking showing”
Oh... he was making a vampire face... fuck... he felt like he was about to throw up across his feet. He needed to see his Mami, and Keith’s presence was the only thing keeping him from completely losing himself. The hunter deserved a break
“Do you know what ward she’s on?”
“No. They didn’t say...”
“Okay, we’ll find out together”
Lance should have known Keith knew all about his family. Keeping his hand on Lance’s good arm, to keep him from running off, Keith talked to the woman at the front information desk, finding his Mami’s room with more patience than Lance had. He’d been here before with his Mami, so he should have remembered the way up to the floor, Keith nearly getting them lost because Lance couldn’t stop the flood of tears rolling down his face over the fact his Mami wasn’t dead. Finding the right ward, the nurse at the desk looked up at them like she was perplexed by their presence, telling them that only family was allowed to see his Mami. With choked words Lance explained that he was her grandson and emergency contact, which was apparently Luis on the hospital side of things. It wasn’t supposed to be him. Lance lived the closest, and he was the one who always made time for his Mami. When the woman looked to Keith, Lance explained that he was Mami’s other grandson, Keith not at all comfortable with the sudden promotion to family. Signing in, the nurse led them to his Mami’s room. She’d fractured her hip in the fall, and done a bang up job on her face, Lance nearly face planting as his emotions grew further out of control.
Propped up on pillows, Lance let out a fresh sob at his Mami’s face. Keith telling the nurse he’d call if they needed anything. His Mami looked so frail, far too frail, her complexion washed out, but when she saw him, she was raising her arms towards him
“Oh, Mijo...”
Walking over to his Mami, Lance wrapped his arms around her the best he could
“I’m okay. It’s just the silly head of mine. I got a little muffled”
“I was so scared”
“I know, you’ve always had a sweet heart. But you know it takes more than a fall to stop me”
Lance snorted a laugh, well aware he was snotting on his Mami’s shoulder
“I was still scared. Sally called to let me know”
“She’s got a big mouth, that one. They say I’m off to surgery soon, time for the good drugs”
His mother chuckled, her strength wasn’t what it was, so Lance reluctantly drew out of her embrace to sit beside her
“Now, enough of that face. It’s a fractured hip, I’ve still got plenty of life in this old bird”
“You’re not old”
“Says you”
“Touché... fuck... I felt like...”
He felt as scared as when his Papi passed
“You didn’t lose me just yet. My face is sorer than the leg. I’m a tough old duck”
“That doesn’t make me feel better”
“That’s because you worry too much. Now, who is your handsome friend here?”
Right. Fuck... He didn’t know if his teeth were still showing... but this was his Mami and he’d never been that great at keeping secrets from her
“This is Keith... he knows...”
“Nice to meet you “Keith He Knows”... I’m hoping you did the driving and not Lance”
“Uh, yes, Ma’am”
His Mami laughed, her slight wince in the corner of her eyes didn’t go unnoticed by Lance. She had to be in a lot of pain, despite what she was saying and how she was acting
“Gracious. Where did he find you. Miriam is fine, dear. Now, I know my son is a worrywart, so could be a dear and find him a cup of tea for his nerves?”
“I think I can...”
“Thank you. It’s nice to see Lance is making friends. He’s so insistent that he’s fine alone. I hope you’re a good friend to him”
Keith took the the opening to flee, Lance didn’t blame him. They weren’t friends... he didn’t know what they were
“Mijo, I’m okay. Where did you meet Keith “who knows”?”
“Does it matter?”
“It does when my baby boy is making friends... or is there something you’re not telling you Mami”
Lance groaned
“You sound like Pidge”
“Ah, she’s a smart girl. Sooo... you and Keith?”
“Aren’t like that... He’s a human for one thing”
“And a single drop of my blood could change all that, plus, I’m pretty sure he actually hates me”
“Ooooh, my little Mijo is growing up!”
His Mami must have been high
“Mami, he’s a hunter”
“I can see how that could make things difficult... Is he here to kill you?”
How could his Mami sound so blasé about his death?
“He wanted to. But things happened. Now he’s annoying houseguest”
“I hope you’ve been treating him right”
“Good chinaware and fresh sheets...”
Lance groaned
“Mami, it’s not like that. How can you be so calm?”
“Because I can tell he’s not going to kill you”
“Just call it a Mami feeling”
“I think Mami’s feeling high”
“A bit. A bit annoyed this happened before bingo. That Andy Jefferies always wins the good stuff. His walker might have to go for a walk”
“I’m just saying... oh, never mind. Luis should be here soon”
Fucking Luis...
“Don’t make a face like that, Mijo. He is your brother”
“I know and someone changed me from their emergency contact here”
“Well Luis and Lisa are thinking of making the move here...”
“I’m already here”
“I know you are, dear. But you can’t chase after your Mami forever”
“I’m pretty sure I can. I mean, vampire and that”
Lance injected scoff into his tone. He didn’t want to seem as jealous as he was. He’d always thought he’d had a special bond with his Mami, and the rest of his family all had families of their own... except for Rachel. She’d had a troubled life, thanks to him
“You know what I mean”
“I do, but you don’t get to think that you’re rid of me anytime soon”
“I wouldn’t dream of such freedom”
His Mami was viscous
“Now, give me hug. This old body doesn’t always like cooperating”
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helloalycia · 5 years
cheater [two] | kara danvers
summary: just when you thought you were getting over your ex, she manages to find a way to weasel her way back in and make you doubt what you thought you had
warning/s: none.
author's note: I'll be posting part 3 tomorrow (the final part) so stay tuned! I've also got a lena imagine coming up the day after! Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays, everyone! :) 
part one | part three | masterlist | wattpad
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Kara was becoming a frequent presence more and more in life as time went on. She was always there for me to count on, even when I didn't know I needed it, and I was extremely grateful. I wasn't even sure why she ever took a liking towards me, but I was lucky she did.
She'd come over to mine every other evening and invited me over to hers as well, and I welcomed the distraction whilst in the healing process of Anna and I's breakup.
I'd see the she-devil around work as little as I could manage, along with her new girlfriend – because of course they were dating now – but I tried not to let it affect me. Every time I found myself self-deprecating, I tried to remember it wasn't my fault. She was just a shitty person.
Eventually I stopped getting pitiful looks off people around the office. It wasn't helping with my self-esteem. Kara was a big help with that though, managing to glare people into looking the other way. It was funny after a while, how she stuck up for me like nobody had before.
I wanted to thank her somehow, for being there for me, but I wasn't sure what to do or how to even go about it. I wanted it to be meaningful, but I was never good at saying things outright. Maybe I could write it, I was always better with written words...
"...could do with a bagel right about now," Kara said, practically salivating at the thought.
I laughed, raising an eyebrow. "We literally just ate lunch. You're always hungry."
"Girl's gotta eat," she said simply, patting her stomach.
I rolled my eyes playfully, looking back to my computer for a moment. I was browsing Amazon for a new bookshelf and I asked Kara over to my desk for her opinion.
"This one," I said, turning my monitor around so she could see. "It doesn't look too hard to put together and it would fit well next to my TV, right?"
She leaned down to get a better look, nodding her head. "Yeah, that could work. Are you good at putting things together?"
I almost snorted. "No way."
"I can help if you want," she said with a laugh. "I'm pretty good at DIY if I do say so myself."
"Cheers." I smiled with amusement, watching how her eyes lit up at my dismay. Worth it.
My smile faded when I heard the irritating voice of Katy. I saw she was in our department, talking to one of the other reporters. Her whole being infuriated me and I could never control my annoyance when I saw her. She glanced at me, smirking, before continuing her chat with whoever.
"I can mix her coffee with laxatives if it makes you feel better," Kara spoke, gaining my attention. It took me a moment to realise what she said, and when I looked at her, I saw the seriousness in her eyes.
I cracked a smile, shaking my head. "You can't do that."
She mirrored my smile, shrugging. "Well, I could, but I shouldn't."
"There should be hearing aids invented that simply tune out her voice," I said, rolling my eyes a little. "She really bugs me."
"Yeah, it sucks, but at least it's a very rare occurrence that she's here," Kara said, trying to find the bright side of things.
"I guess, but– woah!"
I widened my eyes when I saw Kara suddenly reach in front of my face, catching a pencil sharpener in her hand. She looked down to me with concern and also surprise, before looking up to see where it came from.
"Oh my god, Y/N, that was totally my bad," Katy apologised, approaching my desk.
I stared up at her, surprised at the hint of mischief in her expression.
"That was supposed to go to Jack," she continued, pointing to the desk behind me. "I've got terrible aim."
Something told me only half of that was true.
"You should be more careful next time," Kara said, dropping the sharpener into Katy's hand. She was definitely not impressed as she added, "That could have hurt someone."
"Sorry," Katy repeated, flashing us an 'apologetic' smile before leaving to give Jack the sharpener.
I breathed out with relief, only just realising how close of a call that was. I looked to Kara appreciatively.
"Nice reflexes."
"Yeah," she said, half heartedly, still watching Katy with narrowed eyes, before looking to me. "You okay?"
"Thanks to you," I pointed out. "You really are my own personal hero."
Kara smiled, rolling her eyes as if to distract from the pink spreading across her cheeks. "Whatever."
I scrunched my nose, smiling at how cute she looked, before looking back to my computer. "I guess I'm buying a bookshelf. And you're gonna help me, right?"
Some more time passed before I realised how I wanted to thank Kara. It wasn't a big deal, nothing flashy or exciting. In fact, it wasn't the best thing ever, but it was all I could think of that didn't seem silly or fake.
I wrote her a letter. It thanked her for being there for me throughout everything, and how her being there brought us closer together as friends which I was grateful for. It said how I was lucky to have her in my life and so was anybody else who had her, too. She was gracious and kind one of those rare, beautiful souls that I couldn't let go by unnoticed without at least thanking properly.
I knew she didn't like big gifts and lavish presents, so I didn't bother. It wouldn't have felt right anyway – I wanted something more personal. So, I had the note ready to give with some flowers and a little Supergirl keyring that was soon to be explained.
I heard her knock on my door after work and that's when I readied the gifts on the kitchen counter.
"Hey," I greeted the blonde when opening the door.
She looked up and smiled brightly when she saw me. "Hey, I found those Jaffa Cakes you said you missed from home on the way here and thought I'd buy them for the movie." She held a packet of Jaffa Cakes in the air excitedly. "What d'you think?"
I stepped to the side to let her in, accepting the Jaffa Cakes, and grinned widely, unable to contain my appreciation.
"Kara, these aren't just something you 'find' on the way here," I told her, looking up to see her staring at me with anticipation. "You would have had to go to some sort of special store or something. Somewhere that specialises in British sweets and stuff."
Kara waved her hand dismissively. "It wasn't that hard."
I raised an eyebrow knowingly.
She suppressed a smile. "Okay, it was a little hard."
I laughed and moved forward, surprising her with a big hug. She chuckled, returning the embrace.
"If I knew Jaffa Cakes would make you this happy, I would've brought you a lot more," she joked as I pulled away.
"I've got something for you," I said, meeting her eyes with excitement.
"Not Jaffa Cakes I hope, otherwise this is embarrassing."
"I'm kidding, go on," she said, laughing contagiously. "What have you got, Y/N?"
I put the Jaffa Cakes on the kitchen counter before grabbing the three items I wanted to give her.
"Well, that's a lot," Kara joked again, but I saw the appreciation glimmer in her eyes.
"Come sit down," I said, leading her to the couch. She followed and joined me as I sat down, facing her. "This is a thank you gift. It's kind of dumb, a little embarrassing, but I want to give it to you."
Kara had a smile permanently stuck on her face as she watched me. It made me feel a little nervous under her gaze, but I kept going.
"So, I wrote you a letter because I'm really bad at saying things," I explained, holding out the envelope. "English. Saying– speaking English. God, why am I so nervous?"
She laughed and accepted the envelope.
"But yeah, that's everything. So, you can read that first," I finished, nodding.
I watched hesitantly, as she pulled the note from the envelope and opened it up. Her eyebrows scrunched together with concentration as she read, and I knew I'd written a lot but it didn't make me any less patient to see what she'd say afterwards.
After what felt like forever, she looked up with an expression I couldn't read.
"I made it weird, didn't I?" I said, chewing on my lower lip.
Kara pressed her lips together and shook her head. "Y/N... I... you have a wonderful way with words."
I breathed out with relief.
"Thank you for saying those things," she said, resting a hand on mine, sending shivers up my arm. "It was sweet. And you're welcome."
I smiled softly. "I'm glad you like it." I held out the flowers adding, "These are for you. Just a little something extra."
Kara chuckled, accepting the flowers. "They're beautiful."
"And finally, there's this," I said, holding out the little blue box. "It's kinda stupid, but yeah."
She accepted the box, too, opening it up to reveal a Supergirl keychain.
"So, Supergirl is National City's hero, right? Well, I thought it would be funny because you're, well, you're mine. I mean, you helped me through my shitty breakup, and even before then, you've always been a big help with work. I just thought it could be a little reminder that I'm grateful for all the good you do. Like Supergirl, y'know?"
Kara lifted the keychain from the box and laughed, nodding her head. "This is amazing, Y/N. I love it."
"You do?"
"Yes," she said, lowering the keychain and meeting my eyes with her excited blue ones.
"Good. I... good."
She grinned, leaning forward to give me a quick hug. I smiled to myself, glad she liked it. My hammering heartbeat relaxed when we pulled away.
"Now to find a place to put it," she said, making me chuckle. "Wait a minute..." She reached into her coat pocket and pulled out her keys, attaching the keychain onto them, joining a fluffy cat and some other keys. "There. Perfect."
I watched as the barista put whipped cream on my hot chocolate and sprinkled chocolate powder on top, making me excited. It was a chillier day in National City today, so I was picking up a drink on my break at Noonan's when I felt a familiar presence beside me.
"Y/N, hey."
I glanced over my shoulder and swallowed hard when I saw Anna, smiling awkwardly at me.
"Here you go," the barista grabbed my attention, placing my drink in front of me. "Enjoy!"
"Cheers," I said, grabbing my cup, before turning around to see Anna still, watching me. "Er, hey."
"I see you're also on your break," she noted, nodding to the drink in my hand. "Tea?"
I shook my head, still wrapping my head around the fact that we were speaking. I'd been successfully avoiding her for a few months now, and eventually I got over her and what she did to me. I didn't understand why she was attempting to talk to me now though – surely she had gotten the hint?
"Hot chocolate," I corrected her, pursing my lips, unsure whether to leave.
Anna accepted her drink from the barista before glancing at me. "It's been a while since we've spoken. I've been meaning to have a chat with you. I know you didn't want to speak to me, but I thought that it's been a while since then, so maybe you're up for it now?"
I raised my eyebrows. "I don't really know what there is to say, Anna."
"Please," she added, her voice suggesting a hint of desperation. "I won't be long."
I felt the heat from my hot chocolate in my hand remind me that I was going to head back to CatCo, but Anna seemed like she had something important to say. And I felt like I was emotionally mature enough to finally hear her out, or at least be civil with her, for the sake of our work relationship.
"Yeah, sure, okay," I agreed reluctantly, before leading her to a table by the window.
We sat opposite each other, clutching our takeaway cups nervously, unable to meet each other's eyes. Until finally, she spoke.
"You seem well," she said softly, and I could feel her gaze on me, "since, y'know..."
"Since I broke up with you after you cheated on me," I reminded her, meeting her eyes.
She licked her lips, nodding. "Right."
"What was it exactly you wanted to talk to me about, Anna?"
"I broke up with Katy," she said abruptly.
"It wasn't exactly a relationship destined to work out considering the circumstances in which it formed, was it?"
She gave me a knowing look. "Y/N."
I shook my head. "What do you want me to say, Anna? How would you like me to react?"
She was staring into my eyes as if expecting me to know what she was thinking, but I didn't. Not anymore.
"I honestly couldn't care less if you broke up with her," I said, truthfully. "It doesn't affect me. Quite frankly, nothing you do affects me. I've moved on."
"I shouldn't have cheated on you."
I breathed out slowly, trying to contain any oncoming anger I was feeling. "I don't care anymore."
"It's nice that Kara is helping you through," she added, a hint of jealousy in her voice, making me roll my eyes.
"Sure is."
"Are you guys a thing or something?"
I stared at her dumbfounded. "You're kidding, right?"
"No," she said, shaking her head. She was deadly serious.
I chuckled with distaste. "You think I owe you an answer? After everything you did to me?"
"So you are together," she said, a little disappointedly.
I clenched my jaw. "No, Anna, we're not. We're just friends if you must know. Not that it's any of your business."
She nodded, glancing down at her coffee cup with a hint of a smile. I resisted the urge to roll my eyes once again.
"Did you wanna talk to me just to remind me of all the shit you put me through?"
"No, no... that's not it," she said, meeting my eyes again. "I broke up with Katy."
I sighed. "You said."
"I broke up with her because I'm still in love with you."
I raised my eyebrows with surprise. Definitely wasn't expecting that.
"You don't seem mad about that," she pointed out hopefully.
"I don't seem happy either," I bursted her bubble, zoning back into reality. "This ought to be good."
"I'm serious, Y/N," she began, what I think was, sincerely. "I'm in love with you still."
I stared at her, so fed up of feeling everything because of her. I didn't even know how to react – I knew I didn't love her, I stopped a long time ago. But I was so exhausted with dealing with what she put me through that my brain didn't know what to do as she was speaking.
"You remember the part where you cheated on me, right?" I asked, quirking a brow.
"You're not taking this seriously," she decided.
"You bet your arse I'm not taking this seriously," I agreed, narrowing my eyes. "You broke my heart, Anna. You went off and slept with another woman whilst we were together – you cheated. You made me feel like shit."
"I know that," she said regretfully. "I know. I was horrible! I didn't appreciate what I had, okay? You were always so nice and loving. You cared about me so much and it became suffocating, infuriating! I hated it, that we were so..."
"Perfect?" I filled in for her, feeling a lump forming in my throat.
"Exactly," she said, her eyes softening as they met mine. "You loved me too much and I hated it then, but I miss it now. I miss us. I'm here to ask you for another chance."
I pursed my lips, wondering how on earth she thought she could have me back after everything she'd done. And now knowing why she'd cheated in the first place, something I thought I never needed to know... I didn't want to admit it, but it fucking hurt.
"You just told me that my love, the way I treat the people I care about, is suffocating," I said, swallowing hard. "Why the hell would I want to be in a relationship with you? Aside from the fucking obvious?"
I pushed my stool out and stood up, grabbing my bag and hot chocolate.
"Y/N, no, wait–!"
"You know, I don't remember you being this much of an arsehole when we were together," I said, staring at her one last time before storming past her and out of Noonan's.
As I headed back to CatCo, I tried to understand what the hell just happened. I was over Anna – I'd worked so hard to get over her, and with Kara's help, I had. I was convinced that I didn't need to know why she cheated, I mean, why does anyone cheat? I didn't think there'd be a reason. But now, knowing that there was a reason, and it was because of me apparently, it hurt. That same pain I felt those few months ago after finding out she was cheating, returned, even if it was for a split second.
Was I really too much when with those I cared about? Did I care too much? Was I too kind? Too loving? I didn't think that was possible, but now... I shouldn't have believed anything Anna said, yet it was lingering in the back of my head and I couldn't get rid of it.
When I reached my desk, I sat down and tried to get on with some work, but my head was still elsewhere, processing what Anna had told me. She still loved me, okay, that didn't bother me as much. I didn't love her at all, not anymore, not after how she treated me. She cheated on me because I was too much for her, too 'perfect'... that one was still a horrible thought embedded in my mind now. I had ironically pushed her away because I cared too much about keeping her close.
I'd barely gotten any work done when I saw a message pop up on my computer screen. It was from Kara, who was probably sat at her desk on the other side of the room.
KARA: Hey, we still on for takeaway and a movie tonight at mine? I'll let you pick the food.. :D
I was about to respond with a 'yes', but then I thought about what Anna said. I hated that she was making me second guess my friendship with Kara, but if what she said was true, then the last thing I wanted to do was push Kara away because I was too clingy.
ME: I think I'm gonna be staying late tonight to finish some work off. Maybe next time?
Yeah, that would work. I just needed to hold off for a bit. Kara and I had been hanging out quite a bit lately, and after giving her that keyring we– god, that keyring! That was so stupid! That was clingy, for sure. If I kept this up, caring for her too much, she might end up like Anna – feeling suffocated and trapped. I needed to slow it down. Give Kara some space to have a life, too. She'd been there for me so much that I barely let her do her own thing. It surely must have been annoying for her. The last thing I wanted was her hanging out with me because of some obligation she felt she had.
KARA: oh, okay, that's fine! anything I can help with? I don't mind staying back with you
ME: I should be okay, thanks anyway
I saw she wrote something else, but I decided to leave it at that and get on with my work. I still felt my heart hurting a little, and I wasn't sure if it was because of what Anna said or because of my newfound fear of losing Kara at my own hand.
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