#just love the idea of big ol chompers
lankylunatic · 1 year
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Small doodle to do with something from an rp with a friend :3 I gave himb sharp teef becaues nobody can stop me doing so The extend outward when he opens his mouth wide enough, ie. a yawn :3c He just an eepy deepy plant boi
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dimneo1010 · 5 months
Hi I just wanna say I love your radiostatic art but esp the domestic au stuff and the hellborn ideas + designs. Sharkier! Vox hits different
Haha thank you! And if you mean Envy Sin!Vox then yeah he's a big ol chomper
I didn't want to give him a TV for a head as that wouldn't make any sense since he's older than human kind and any invention made by them. Sins later on took on some inspirations from humanity and their technology. As for the hellborn designs its the same thing, basically.
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spotsupstuff · 1 year
Hello! I was the anon that commented about your lovely Saint design (which by the by, I absolutely /adore/ the idea that their pelt is made of plants! I love critters who have moss blankets for fur)
I am not that great at asking questions yet, but I was mildly curious about how one of your iterators got big chomper teeth! (Apologies I forgot their name.. I am terrible at remembering names)
Did they choose to have big ole teeth? Is it a modified part of their iterator? (I.e giving themselves a mouth to just, /bite./)
If you do not wish to answer you do not have to!
heavens, yes- plant pelts are so cool. ha, me and friend have been singing it praises just yesterday! i could swear Saint's whole self is currently the thing i am the most proud of of coming up with
don't worry about the ask stuff! -shrug- it's just like real life, i suppose! and that'd be Biting Notos! calling it "Bite" is valid if it's easier to remember its name like that
the mouth was always there- its colony of Ancients held mouth and teeth in a high regard, so they chose to mold the puppet of their Iterator like that. it meant so much to them, that they sacrificed Notos' puppet's eyes for the sake of it. Lucerna Cimex's (its city) murals and art depicting Notos make it look like this though. much to Notos chagrin, it would very much Like to have the ability to see without the need of its overseers
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n doncha worry, i always enjoy answerin asks bout these lil shitlets!
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villains4hire · 1 year
My URL >//<
My Opinion on;
Character in general: I think there are no real criticisms I have. You do have the talent of making characters I question in how you do them to make me gradually warm up to them for the few I do have have criticisms over, or well, previously. Granted, I cannot remember these but I do remember at some point it was a thing, but we did not know each other as nearly as well as we do now. Overall I enjoy most of the characters we do and have. There are very few things I'd say no to in terms of character at this point and I'm fairly picky. It'd just be whether or not if it's in my interests. How they play them: You have a good grasp on writing whether or not if I agree or disagree that you can stand on your own. This in general is true depending where your energy is at any given time, moment and place where your interests take you. The Mun: Ah-haha, I think if I told you everything here that I do privately it'd be a bit too personal for you. I love you dearly, there are few people I'm like with that on a deeper level than what I usually can put forward.
Do I:
RP with them: I do! Annnnnd love it. Want to RP with them: We do suffer from a syndrome of having too many good ideas, then our energy being in different places at given times. The stars will align one day for us again to vibe every day writing wise, it happens sometimes. We have Rei and Ash going p well at least.
What is my;
Overall Opinion: -A big ol' CHOMPER for Ann!!!!- Me love and they're very talented. I want to say more but I will say way too much and I respect your personal biz!!! Buuuut all you need to know she's very smart, loving and sweet! A hard worker that pushes themselves way too much so it's why I bully u to take care of urself, yis.
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**Note: Mun’s answer are all to be completely honest. Don’t send url if you don’t want brutal honesty
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cognitosclowns · 3 years
Hi I’d like to order a bowl of Extra Spicy Fish Soup, please? With all the weird military/fish-mutant kinks you can think of, please, and hold the onions.
tw : guns!! and threats of violence??
Listen this man so clearly has a gun kink it's,, insane.
To be fair anyone that into violence is,, gonna be into guns. It's simply inevitable
He definitely has A Couple Scenarios he likes <3
Something about,, having you tied up to a chair with the Single Light Dangling above you? Gently peeling away the blindfold, and seeing your pupils contract?
AKA Roleplaying as Hostage and Interrogator <333
He Always Gets This Look About Him. Like he’s in his element. There’s smth in his eyes that Visibly lights up when you look up at him <333
You can never Quite be sure if his pistol has a bullet in the chamber - he always promises there isn’t, but that doesn’t really register when he lifts it up and presses it to the center of your brow <333
the room is painfully quiet, so the Click of him flicking back the hammer is loud enough to hurt your ears
His voice is shockingly quiet? Not soft by any means, but very very low. Everything sounds like a snarl <3
OH YOU KNOW THAT ACCENT IS PICKING UP <3 he doesn’t even mean to do it - when he gets worked up, his voice just,, Does That.
yknow what? Glenn Deserves Talons. Glenn Deserves To Have Sharp Claws To Trail Down Your Cheek, While He 'Threatens' Your Life <3 I Think He Deserves To Have Those, Dammit.
The 'torture' mostly consists of some <33 lovely touches while you writhe in your seat. Dragging a claw down your trousers to shred the seam? <333
ANOTHER SCENARIO HE LOVES IS <333 lazily holding his gun to your temple while you shine his shoes
THOSE,, BIG OL ARMY BOOTS. STOMPERS. Positively massive. Whichever shoe isn't being polished is on your shoulder, bent knee.
Just,, leaned back all casual in the chair, staring down as you while he enjoys some whiskey? <3
Seeing your,, Big Eyes glancing nervously up at him every once and a while? <333 OHOHO
After a while he might just,, Hoist you to sit on his thigh <3
'You're drippin' like a stuck pig, darlin' <3' LOTS OF <33 THAT SWEET SOUTHERN CHARM. HE'S GOT OODLES TO SPARE.
Listen he is Strong strong. Always has been, probably always will be smdnsd. He was helping on the family farm before he could remember - he's got strength to spare <3
Also Awooga Those Chompers Are Sharp <333 expect at least a few marks on your shoulders. He could probably fit your whole throat in his maw with room to spare <3 LOVE BITES ARE FANTASTIC MEMORIES, EVEN IF THEY NEED STITCHES AFTER-
do you ever write smth so viciously horny you are consumed with shame? MSNDMSD GOODNIGHT DETROIT
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andie-cake · 4 years
do you have any Soft ideas for slacky? (sorry you arent feeling great mate, sending love)
(ty Arran 💜💜)
Okay so Slacky is kind of like an empathy pet, in that he's VERY fine-tuned to Emma's emotional state by nature. If something's upsetting his mama, He'll Know. Usually it's Emma who summons HIM, but if she comes home in a bad mood, Slacky Will sense it and summon HIMSELF to provide comfort for her. He's like a big therapy dog, but with more leaf. Speaking of which...
If a child that Emma saves (or anyone, but it's usually children) is in a visible amount of distress, Slacky goes FULL emotional support plant boy. Lets the kid pet him and overall just acts like a big green St. Bernard. He even folds his big ol' chompers back into his mouth so he doesn't accidentally poke the kid with them or get any excess drool on them (he also does this when cuddling with Emma). Slacky may be wary around strangers, but he's very gentle with kids. If Paul and Emma had a child in this AU, Slacky would make DAMN sure of that kid's safety.
I've mentioned before that Slacky is super protective of Emma. I've ALSO mentioned that if Paul or Emma ever got hurt while on the job, Slacky would be put on guard duty for the injured half of the pair while the other took care of their opponent. Of course Slacky gets concerned if Paul is hurt, but if EMMA gets hurt? Poor boy gets SO distressed. He tries his best to provide comfort if she's still conscious, but if not? All he can do is give her little nudges while whimpering like a scared puppy. He Refuses to leave Emma's side when she's injured, which can be a problem if she needs to be hospitalized. Once she's all healed up, he Has To give her cuddles to make sure she's okay. Honestly, just as Slacky is Emma's Emotional Support Plant Child, Emma is just as much Slacky's Emotional Support Barista Mom.
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Let’s Talk About Pokemon - The Bug Type
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Oh boy, it is indeed TIME for the finale of all these type reviews. Covering my absolute favorite type of them all: Bug!
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I had always had a loving fascination with insects and arthropods since I was a young child. I'd not be shy to let them crawl on me so long as they weren't outright menacing like a particularly dangerous spider or some variety of ant with some mean chompers. I was THAT KID that caught caterpillars, fed them until they became butterflies, and then let them go. The kid that tried (and sadly failed) to keep an ant farm. I only kill bugs in my house that are being particularly invasive (and even then I always feel awful doing it); the rest I just escort outside. I don't care what any “whoa kill it with FIRE!!!!” kinda commenter says, spiders are pretty much welcome to stay in my room.
How sad is it that as I see it, one of the perks of having an outdoors day-job is I regularly get to make friends with insects?
Point is, bugs are good. They're good for the environment, and important to Pokemon's history itself. The man credited with creating Pokemon, Satoshi Tajiri, cited the major inspiration for Pokemon being his childhood memories of collecting bugs. OF COURSE bug would get its own dedicated element in this sort of RPG! As well as being one of the more populated types in the series.
It's just sad that it's not exactly THE most meta type out there. It's weak to a lot of types that are bad to be weak to like Fire, Rock, and Flying, but don't have much in the way of resistances or type advantages. The one real perk they have resistance-wise is blocking Fighting. They're at least good against some types that are handy to have a counter to. Either way, I pretty much CAN'T go a whole playthrough without picking up a bug buddy. It's impossible.
It also comes to light to me that, when you look over the whole roster of buggies like this, it turns out not one Bug is really designed to be “gross” or unappealing outright. I mean, I guess shed cicada skin can be uncomfortably crusty to the touch, but other than that, hmm. Nah, the closest we get is “arthropod menace” and that's about it. How do was have a COCKROACH Pokemon in the series at this point and the type is more or less squeaky clean as ever?! I guess I kinda do appreciate that Gamefreak rather legitimately celebrates insects as some really neat and fascinating creatures. Bugs aren't gross, they're cool! Bugs aren't nasty, they're neat! It's heartwarming to know a series as big as Pokemon sees insects and arthropods in more or less the same light as I do. Heck, I'm sure you could credit the series to warming up PLENTY of other people to be less squeamish toward bugs. Or at the very least think twice before they go squashing one that's minding its own business.
...That said, I wouldn't say no to them making more gross-looking bugs.
Top 10 Favorite Bug Types:
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HNNNGH. This is too difficult. I can't. I gotta highlight more.
The Other Top Favorites:
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There. My heart is a little more at peace now.
The Bottom 10 Least Favorite Bug Types:
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Okay Fine
The 10 Bug Types I Wish Were A Little Bit Better:
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Because the only Bugs in the whole type that just outright aren't my jam are Volbeat and Illumise, and that's it. The rest have just a little tidbit or two that I'd change or do a slight redesigning outright to get em to be up to par with other Bugs. Additional mention to Mega Heracross just because I'd almost rather Mega Heracross was its own, unique Pokemon instead of an alternate form of Heracross.
The Cutest:
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Gen 5 is so good with adorable Bugs oh my goodness.
The Coolest:
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The Prettiest:
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The Spookiest:
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...See what I mean? There is a CRIMINAL lack of spooky bugs in the Bug type!
Weirdest/Most Unique:
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Shuckle is still a mystery.
Most Inventive Use of the Type:
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How many times have I gushed about Shedinja's design throughout this whole review series? It's hard to make “the fact that it's a Bug” a real inventive thing by itself since it's a rather matter-of fact state of being for monsters like this. But these bunch in particular REALLY take advantage of their bughood and really show the designers at Gamefreak did their homework or just in general had some really neat ideas. Araquanid being a reverse of a real-life diving bell spider, a mosquito that sucks blood to increase its FLEXING capabilities, a cockroach that is a self-grooming neat freak just like real cockroaches are. Escavalier and Accelgor lumped together because of their specific interaction reflecting a real-life interaction between a beetle and its snail prey; albeit the ending is a little bit happier for this snail than in real life. Kricketune is a sadly unsung little stroke of minor genius in how a violin beetle gets to actually BE a violinist that plays its own violin body. Kricketune's just overshadowed by its own memey cry, sadly.
The Buggiest of them All:
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I'm always perfectly fine with stylized body types when it comes to bugs, but I can also take a moment to appreciate the Bug types that are convincingly insectoid. Plus y’know. It helps when the odd bug type has the correct number of legs.
NOTE: These Type Wishlists were written out before any news on new Pokemon from Sword and Shield. The Pokemon revealed over time will not affect these wishlists. Just to present them unaltered despite spoilers and in the interest of getting the wishlist out there, and to see which items on said wishlists get fulfilled by Sword and Shield!
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A Grasshopper/Cricket:
Despite their english names, Kricketot and Kricketune aren't actually crickets, but are actually moreso designed after beetles. So we've still yet to have any true orthoptera species of insect in Pokemon yet!! And that is a CRIME because Grasshoppers and Crickets are criminally underrated just because they're fairly common insects. God I could comprise of list of just some neat orthoptera I like. You could even kill two birds with one stone here by having an inter-species evolutionary line where a cricket evolves into a grasshopper!
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I'm still bummed Durant's evolutionary path is painfully underwhelming compared to actual ants. Where's like, the Queens?! And big-headed Majors?!? Either an expansion of Durant's current forms or a new set of Termite-mons would be really nice!
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A Fly:
How weird is it that we've still yet to get a common house fly?! We technically have Cutiefly, but I'd love to see a more traditional-looking house fly. Or any other number of fly species if you're feeling adventurous!
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A More Traditional Mosquito:
Buzzwole is absolute gold and I don't at all mind it, but I'm still feeling a bit of an itch (hah) for a more traditional looking mosquito. My first shot at making a mosquito monster in the form of my own Fakemon was incorporating the aquatic larval form as a scuba-diver that eventually evolves into a water-drinking and squirting big mosquito. MAINLY because I didn't think Gamefreak would ever even slightly elude to blood if they ever made a mosquitomon, yet here we are.
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A Wheel Bug/Assassin Bug in general:
I just point out Wheel Bugs because they're easily my favorite kind of assassin bug, distinguished by the big gear-shaped hump on their back. But I'd love any assassin bug, really. Just look at their goofy faces.
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A Giraffe Weevil:
I'm sure tons of people have seen pictures of this thing around the internet. And if you still haven't there it is. You will lay your eyes on this stupid thing and you will immediately understand why we needed a Giraffe Weevil Pokemon like, four generations ago.
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A Bombardier Beetle:
While it may not look like much of the surface, this beetle is packing a venomous spray that it ejects from its abdomen to ward off predators! We could always use more Bug/Fire types, so why not pick this thing up and a flame-spewing or actual-bomb-chucking beetle!
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A Dragonhead Caterpillar:
There is an irritating lack of insectoid dragons in the Pokedex that are actually classified as insects. You passed up DRAGONflies multiple times, guys! So fine, I guess I gotta pull out a more obscure wish; one of these bad boys! The Dragonhead Caterpillar is easily one of the sickest looking caterpillars out there, and totally befitting a Bug/Dragon type as is! The one sad thing about this is, like the antlions, it's another case where something's larval stage is a lot more neat looking than its adult form; for A Dragonhead Caterpillar would eventually become one of these:
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...Yeah, while the Plain Nawab is pretty, its significantly less impressive looking than its caterpillar form, huh? Still no reason you couldn't just elect to give us a draconian butterfly while you're also at it! I guess I wouldn't be TOO upset even if an official Pokemon version of this bug wound up with a more fun base stage than its final stage.
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Any Wooly Caterpillar:
I don't care which one you pick, a big ol fuzzy caterpillar is something CRIMINALLY missing from Pokemon at the moment!!
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A Devil's Flower Mantis:
Mantids are some of the micro-world's coolest monsters. It's a shame then that the three mantid monsters in Pokemon so far are 1. A lizard with some mantis parts on, 2. More of a lobster, and 3. Not actually a mantis. And that sadly the latter means orchid mantids are out. While I'd be overjoyed to see any new mantis Pokemon, I think a Devil's Flower Mantis would be my personal go-to for a new mantis. It's just so god dang WICKED looking!
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This Mind-Controlled Snail:
Because this thing has to be demonstrated in gif form to really portray the oddity of what's going on here. Although, the description is on the gross side, so here's a fair warning to skip past if you're squeamish.
This particular species of parasitic flatworm preys on snails. When they're eaten up by these unsuspecting mollusks, they'll soon find themselves getting their brain taken over by the pulsating worms that wriggle inside the snail's now-bloated eyestalks precisely to make the snail more enticing to birds to eat. Not only that, but the parasite also hijacks the snail's brain. Snails normally prefer damp and dark areas where they're relatively well-hidden away from any predators. These parasites force the snail into bright and wide-open areas like the tops of bushes specifically to make it as easy a meal as possible. They multiply in the bird's stomach before beginning the cycle anew when the bird, ahem, “drops” them off.
Obviously there's a lot of parallels to draw here from this and Parasect. But heck to it if I'd say no to a new, freaky mind-controlled hypno-snail. It'd be such a cool effect on an ingame model to see their eyes pulsating in color. You could even go ahead and make it a candidate for our first Bug/Psychic type!
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A Stick Bug:
It's not super pressing that one gets in. I just think stick bugs are neat.
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A Black Widow:
I know we got Ariados, but something feels missing from the spider roster in that we don't have a traditional creepy crawly-type spider. A Black Widow is about the most stereotypically creepy spider out there, but I'd love to see it for its potential either way.
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A Peacock Spider:
One more spider while we're on the subject of spiders. And offset a spooky spider with a cute one! There's all sorts of fun takes to have on a peacock spiders.
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A Pelican Spider:
No hold up. Wait a second. One more spider because I had literally discovered this thing as I was writing this very list. Look at this thing. Look at this spider. What the hell. What the actual hell. What is happening. What. I want one now.
APPARENTLY this Pelican Spider is a species of spider that specifically evolved to eat other spiders. Its weirdly long “neck” and extended mandibles are designed to keep its prey at a long length away from itself so they the spiders it catches can't retaliate with their own bites. That's so neat. I could see how you can intemperate that into a gameplay sense; make it specialize in biting moves and have an ability that makes all biting moves no longer make contact. Maybe that's not HUGE but.
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A Dobsonfly:
Again, no pressing reason I can think of other than dobsonfly are underrated, and getting a nice Pokemon to go with em would be cool.
Gah, there's probably a good billion or so I could continue to think up but I SUPPOSE it's gotta stop at some point.
“How on Earth did we wind up with some internet person talking about insects for about half an hour's worth of reading?”
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ANYWAY, that's the final of the type reviews. Sword and Shield are just two weeks away, believe it or not. It’ll be a while before I’m back into the funk of making reviews. As I’ve said before, I’d like to take a month or two to really absorb all the new Pokemon they have on offer. For a brief little preview-opinion, the new Pokemon are overall pretty dang good so far. There’s already a couple I’ll be excited to talk about, but if preview event-goers are to be believed, there's’ apparently a TON of new Pokemon to look forward to.
ANYWAY Future-talk:
I dunno if I’ll do something in the meantime review-wise. I would go back to look at the recently discovered Beta Pokemon from Red and Green and Gold and Silver, but I feel like I’ve not got a ton to add to that conversation in particular. (Literally the only hot take I can really come up with is the Baby Vulpix is kinda lame)
I MIGHT look into doing character design reviews for some non-Pokemon properties. I felt like it was eventually gonna happen at some point, I’m just not sure about it happening YET given SwSh are so close and once I’m ready for those reviews I’d have to put the non-Pokemon project on hold. Tell me what sorta series y’all would like to hear my thoughts on for character design. My personal biggest candidates are looking at the creatures from the Pikmin series, the various boss characters from all the various Mega Man games, and looking over the Champions from League of Legends, as well as reviewing the monster cards of Yu-Gi-Oh.
Mega Man would probably be the easiest. Robot Masters don’t exactly require deep analysis to critique their designs. (Though that wouldn’t stop me from getting rambly.) It wouldn’t be until the X, Zero, ZX, and Battle Network/Starforce series that the designs get crazy detailed.
YGO and Pikmin would be easy too, the only issue would be figuring out a format for what order to do them in.
League would easily be the hardest to do. Cause being the completionist that I am, I would want to cover EVERYTHING. Old versions of the characters, NEW versions, as well as every single skin. The problem is figuring out an order to put it all in. The easiest would just to do iit in alphabetical order and cover the skins of each champ as we come across them. But I’d ideally like to do everything in chronological order. Start with the first 40 champions and then pan out to cover each one in order of release, skins included. It’s just really difficult to find a consistent timeline on League content, especially for skins. I dunno. That’d be something I’d have to look into.
Either way, no matter what I end up going with, I’ll see you next time!
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thepianoteacher2001 · 8 years
tagged by fellow daveed diggs enthusiast @ass-tria
a - age: 14, soon to be 15 in a week   b - biggest fear: people  c - current time: 3:59 PM d - drink you last had: Coca Cola ;-) f - favorite song: I Can’t Decide by the Scissor Sisters  g - ghosts, are they real: THEY ARE FUKCIN REal BICH,, 
 i- in love with: that sassy son of a bitch named will graham,,
 j - jealous of: anyone who can get their fucking work done and not procrastinate,,, also people who can just start conversations and not get ridiculed for it.                                                                                                      k - killed someone: if its just humans, then no. but im pretty sure ive killed alot of ants by accident.
l - last time you cried: sometim e last week,, its all good kiDDOs 
m - middle name: Anne  n - number of siblings: 3  o - one wish: hannibal season 4 p - person you last called/texted:  my mom??? i think.  q - question(s) you’re always asked: “What did you say?” i space out too much r - reasons to smile: there are people who exist that actually put up with my bullshit. also im watching Mr. Robot finally and that show has me H O O K E D  s - song last sung: Dead Girl WAlking<,,, thatT SHIt IS mY J A M t - time you woke up: i have no idea u - underwear color: blue my dudes v - vacation destination: Japan or France maybe.  x - x-rays you’ve had: arm and the big ol chompers called teeth y - your favorite food: anything with white chocolate or sugar in it (an d yes i know its technically not chocolate.) z - zodiac sign: Aries 
uhhh idk who to tag since i rlly dont know anyone on this site so anyone can do this
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