#just like irregardless. it's fine. it's fine. i understand what people mean and that's all that matters. it's fine.
dragonomatopoeia · 7 months
re: the last post i am constantly battling my inner demons because while I Know language changes all the time and we should be conscious of how it's actually used rather than hanging onto prescriptivist ideals, whenever i hear someone say comfortability instead of comfort i have to close my eyes for a second
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circular-bircular · 5 months
hshdgdbd thank you sorry i am Angered and need to. ramble
anyways,,, i hate hate HATE how certain anti endos, especially recently, lump in pro-endos w/ endogenic systems. i saw a cool blog, a cdd help blog right? and i would love resources! i love help! but wouldn't you know it, i look at the dni and it says ENDOS & PRO ENDOS DNI. while this would be fine, if not frustrating, it was the way they worded it... “if you're neutral or just don't want to get involved with syscourse it's okay, as long as you're traumagenic, but endos and supporters dni.” ok first of all "supporters" ?? i do not recall paying the endogenic sysems. but also im still traumagenic??? im still a cdd system??? why are you saying that like these “endo supporters” aren't traumagenic ??? what. just because i dont give 1 (one) shit what endogenic systems do, as long as they don't claim CDDs aren't traumagenic, I'M the bad guy???? i can't get fucking resources??? i'm not traumagenic anymore??? is my childhood trauma gone. i made the decision to not care what people do and to touch grass and suddenly my chronic childhood trauma got deleted is that it. do you realize what you're doing??? “oh but it's ABLEIST but but endos have HURT me” but im not an endogenic system. but i just want resources. but i just want to learn more about my disorder. but im a cdd system just like you. and YEAH. maybe it's entitled of me. to think people's DNIs are stupid. but you're supposedly giving fucking trauma resources, i think anyone should be able to use that shit irregardless, and i think it's fucking INANE to bar anyone from using those. i know this rant lacks nuance (i.e. endogenic systems w/ trauma, multigenic did systems, etc) and i'm sorry but it's hard to think right now i am. Fuming™ at people's idiocracy. Jesus H. Christ.
While I can understand running anti-endo blogs that ask supporters not to interact (hello, I run one), I don’t get withholding *actual resources*. Like. There’s a difference between a userbox blog and sources.
My advice is to break that DNI quietly. I mean. If it’s something like a journal template for alter communication, what the fuck are they going to do, break into your house and confiscate your notebook?
Also it’s a stupid point anyways, because what you described *is* a neutral standpoint. “Who the fuck cares I just want to have my disorder in peace” was why syscourse unaligned got coined in the first place. I should know, since I helped coin it.
Do what you want forever anon. Good luck with everything
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mimiruku · 1 month
Hi Jojo! For Mimi: "🍕 - What is their favorite food?" , "🍎 - What is the OC’s relationship w/their parents like?" And "✂️ - What is one of your OC’s worst memories?"
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█     𝐀𝐒𝐊 𝐆𝐀𝐌𝐄 𝐅𝐎𝐑 𝐒𝐎𝐌𝐄𝐎𝐍𝐄'𝐒 𝐎𝐂. ⸻   ( ⚝ )
It's so crazy how my memory is so shabby, I had to look for this ask all over again, but thank you for your patience as always!
🍕   -   What is their favorite food ? ╰┈➤    Unfortunately, Miruku suffers from quite a bit of dulling when it comes to physical sensations in which also affected his relationship with food ⸻ he's not a particularly picky eater and would likely eat anything you put in his plate regardless of the quality or safety of the meal in question, ultimately he doesn't enjoy food at all and don't have a favorite as a result, however he does quite enjoy the sentiments of what it means when someone cooks for you or the passions that comes with it. ; It had been what initially gravitated him in the first place in becoming a regular at TakeSushi. So, I suppose in this way his 'favorite food' would be whatever his favorite person made him in that moment.
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🍎   -   What is the OC’s relationship w/their parents like ? ╰┈➤    He's the one neglecting his parents actually, uno-reverse card. Miruku is spoiled rotten, an only child who was taught to only follow his whims, which ultimately lead to him leaving his family at an early age ⸻ they should learn to say no, but Miruku has yet to meet people that didn't sway his way. ( Not until Reborn that is. ) He quite frankly punked his parents enough to have it his way irregardless of how strange the request was. He was loved very dearly, but Miruku doesn't seem to understand this sentiments nor indicated otherwise that he feels the same way.
Fun fact : The reason as to why his 'gender' is insubstantial is entirely the fault of his parents. He was raised uninformed of gender roles, with one particular exception! His mode of language is male leaning because he emulated his father growing up, the masculine pronouns were just a result of being a copy-cat.
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✂️   -   What is one of your OC’s worst memories ?
CONTENT WARNING   :   stalking, childhood abuse by adults. short summary.   from the age seven to his early teen-hood, miruku had been plague by a particularly persistent stalker.
Miruku has long forgone this memory ⸻ he doesn't remember the details of it : but he remembers the feeling of dread against a strange confession , when someone says "I love you" , "Do you love me back. " ; the insistence of it all and the confusion only a child could muster against a grown adult. He thinks he's perfectly fine, but ever so often a wave if disturbance would wrack him. It's his teacher, she was...really " in love" with him.
As Miruku moved to Japan, she also moved with him. It had resulted to her timely departure as a result, though Miruku was not in formed of her death and as as such remained somewhat perpetually spook.
This was not the first time he was stalked however nor will this be the last, he seems to have an unlucky draw when it comes to obsessive types.
This memory returns along with his future! arc memories, Yuni jogged his head so much, things he didn't wanna remember started resurfacing.
lThis one particularly tops everything else including the death, killing and future abduction because it went on for years and years without her being able to defend herself effectively.
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nx-communicato · 1 year
Just another day-old cheeseburger in paradigms.
I am not a gambling man. Some are and that’s fine. I don’t gamble because it has never been enticing to me; mainly due to a lifetime observing how my luck usually plays out. Now some will say there’s no such thing as karmic luck, others advise that a man makes his own luck with deliberate decisions and conviction! While this is good advice and should be encouraged, sometimes in life thin9s happens. You should always do what you think is best, but irregardless of desire and despite good intent, in the blink of an eye outside forces may influence how things play out. So what can you do, but play with the hand you’re dealt. It is what it is. But it’s going to be impossible to win or make any money if you don’t know the directions of how to play or even what the game is. Which’s how I feel always. I would like to describe a thought experiment.
Two adults meet for the first time. One had been told as a child that the color of grass is green, and their whole life this was reinforced with everyone in agreement that the color of the grass is green. But the other adult was told in their childhood that the color of grass is blue, and for their entire life it was so. Now they both have been looking at the very same color, but one knew the color was called green and the other knew it to be blue. We all know grass is green and if we had just met someone who said it is blue we would call them crazy (or at the very least, we would just politely think in our heads how wrong they are). But consider that the blue person is having the exact same experience. How would you feel if you were the one all blue looking over the fence at the greener side of thought? Would you continue believing what’s been right in your mind, or change what you think because of what someone else says is wrong? Most people (green or blue) would hold to their understanding especially because it’s been reinforced as common knowledge. But imagine if instead of two meeting randomly, what if one person (let’s just say blue) were to move for whatever reason, and find themself in a community where everyone has an agreement that the color is called green. How would Mr. Blue feel about his understanding of things when everyone is in opposition? What would the community reaction be towards a person whose knowledge was contradictory? There are no right or wrong answers here, just reflecting on viewpoints and how different understandings, beliefs, and perceptions are affected by numbers.
**** I want to clarify that I wrote this with no particular groups in mind and certainly do not want to segregate anyone on their values just because they’re from Kentucky.
I am ιertain that you’re tired of reiteration, and I must admit I too have grown weary of hearing the same. Many scoff and groan over what I do or have done, or how can I keep asking for answers and never solve anything for myself. I know. I’ve seen and heard many things about what I should do from many sources all with their own beliefs about the right way to handle things or what is left still to do… never clearly enough to understand anything. I have learned that there are a lot of ways to look at things differently and that I have disappointed almost all of them. But relentlessly I have tried to find answers when none were offered, and searched for clues high and low. I have in various ways deciphered meaning from cryptograms, and tried to follow along with my best intuition of what was wanted of me. I have blazed forward unafraid into unknown territories and gone against my own preferences (and way outside of comfort zones). I have not backed down but rose to each challenge attempting to understand and succeed when I had no understanding or chance of success. I’ve taken chances, gambled and lost - repeatedly. I will continue to do so as best I can, but I have not the health, stability nor resources to sustain much anymore. I haven’t for some time in fact, which has prevented me from extending too far and by cause made me unable to do everything as was asked though I still endeavor. Constantly under pressures beyond normal scope I have out of necessity not desire and a lack of success not logic continued trying until I found counter-intuitive solutions to problems when no other rational option was to be found. Flexibly accepting, yet I never gave up on my convictions or abandoned hope.
I understand that from a different perspective, another may paint my canvas in a different light. I am okay with that. Seeing is believing after all, but also (as with any truth) identifies equally inverted as believing is seeing, because one cannot perceive a thing unless one believes at least that there is a possibility of its existence. Several times over the last couple years I have discovered things that went beyond what I knew was possible and thereby forced me to alter the framework of my established paradigms. My whole life I’ve heard it broadly reinforced that I think outside-the-box, or perhaps that I look at things differently. My beliefs do not require you to believe in them for me to. Some of them seem to not even require my consent to remain in existence. I’ve discovered how difficult it can be to unbelieve that which you can’t unsee; trying to realign my paradigms to exclude some beliefs I’d seen by accident while thinking outside-the-box… they don’t exist within the scope of the standardized social parameters and I wanted to be more conformative, but they were fairly persistent and evidently resisted my denunciations. Life is dynamic - that which does not change, or adapt to evolve instead only grows weaker, wilts and withers away. In all aspects of Life (be they physically, mentally, etc.) one should embrace any opportunity to expand or evolve. I am more than willing to change (even desperately so in hoping for some things to change), but not frivolously. I have through various sieves of observation established my knowledge of what I consider true or false, and whenever receiving new information I force it through a fairly cynical gauntlet to separate out select elements (like panning for gold) before anything is incorporated or allowed to alter what’s already been established. If I am proven wrong then so be it… I will accept as such and make necessary corrections, but I have great difficulty in just accepting something that goes contradictory just because someone says so - unless it is logically proven at least possible first. I suffer from rigid Newtonian lawful adherence paradoxically by simultaneously being an unstoppable force and the immovable object. I guess that means I’m relentless jugg- or not? The cards have been dealt and everyone’s anted in… if I only knew to hold ‘em or fold ‘em.
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liopleurodean · 1 year
Season 8, Episode 8: Hunteri Heroici
I have friends there
A heartbeat
Something's up
That's so weird
Poor girl
Man, I miss Dean's ring
Houseboat. Nice
Wait, so Angel Radio is real radio?
Interesting choice
I'd go
Also, was that supposed to be a White Christmas reference?
That sounds like a great idea!
I love his smile at that 😂
Oh, Cas...
Yeah, it does
You've gotta take the road trips, too
Sorry, Cas
Thanks, Cas
Whoo, boy
Cas is really helpful
It's great!
Detective work!
Really witchy
Don't be mean
Probably, but it's Sam, so
Cowboys? Really
Irregardless I can understand, but I've never gotten the moist thing
Sam Winchester!
Oh. He meant the dog
Yeah, well
For a while
It really doesn't, but okay
Cas, no
So they were friends?
That's just whack
Nice cutoff, but what?
Don't do it, dude
That's just sick!
Ooh, that sucks
Oh! It's a cartoon! With the heart thumping, and the whole look-down-gravity thing!
That's what I was thinking!
No, Cas...
Oh. cas
Whatever floats your boat, Cas
He doesn't sleep
That sounds awesome
Dean. Honey. please sleep more
Listen, if angel radio is on a frequency, then it makes sense that Cas can hear fm
Loony Tunes!
It flips.
Of course!
X marks the spot
Ten Commandments of Road Runner, Cas, come on!
Great question
A lot of weird scene cuts today
I'm looking at that laptop with all the ports in the side, and I'm envious because my new one is "streamlined" and "modern" and "only has room for one USB slot and doesn't support micro-SD"
That's true
Actually, bad idea
Oh, Cas...
And the guilt
Oh, Cas..!
It's likely
I'm sure they did
More leads
Duck season!
Cas needs more education
I kinda grew up around nursing homes, so I'm cool with it
Like. Bing Crosby? White Christmas Bing Crosby (that's the second time)
Dean, when it comes to flirting, it's you I worry about
We can tell
Tom and Jerry
A little
Sam can relate
Sounds like a Winchester meal
Yeah, well. Sam wasn't a fan either
It didn't take a tour for that.
Sam. It's exactly what you're doing
Completely valid
Fred Jones? Like Scooby-Doo???
Wait, that explains a lot. Dean's first beer was given to him by the Mystery Machine dude
Worth a shot
Well, he watches cartoons
It's possible
That was fun
Dang it, Cas
That's true
Uh oh
He's changing the channels
Oh no
That's horrible
Exploding firecracker
Oh, that looks uncomfortable
They believe it
Poor guy
If something happens to Baby-
He's not wrong
Sort of. It's Dean's, but Sam keeps it
And he doesn't even mention Dean. I guess he's traumatized
Fair enough
Probably not
Cas probably can
What did he do?
Are they in his brain?
That's just weird
Mm, not really
That's a lot of dots
Not much, Bugs
Pretty much
Losing it
My great grandmother was in a nursing home because we simply didn't have the resources and ability to take care of her. Most people are in professional care for that reason. What a jerk
You get paid! You're fine!
It's stabilizing?
Dean knows about that
And grotesques villainus 😭😭😭
Actually, it's really funny that he's called Dr. Mahoney, because there used to be a nursing home near me called the Mahoney House
This is great
I love the error message background
Oh, Sam
Looks like he woke up
Go Fred!
Gotta love quippy one-liners
Well see
Oh, Fred
Maybe Cas can turn off the psychic powers?
Define okay
Good song
Have business to take care of?
So... she's got the St. Peter role?
Baby stories
That sucks
Yeah, he's great
Uh oh
He's alive, isn't he?
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dreadpoetssociety · 4 years
I Just Want My Brother
TW: Kidnapping, Abuse, Death, Drugs, Mentions of blood. 
Prompt: hi! i loved ur reid x sis!reader!! i was wondering if u could do one with reid x teen sis!reader and maybe she was a witness to something or got kidnapped and survived or something so they have to give her a cognitive interview and she refuses to do it unless spence is there or the one asking her the questions
Note: I really liked this request. I feel like I may have gotten off topic a littttttttle bit, but I tried my best! Also, sorry for any grammatical mistakes! 
Pairing: Spencer Reid x Sister!Reader
Word Count: 3589
You were never really one to defy your elder brother’s rules, given how lenient he was with you, but it was supposed to just be one fun night out with your friends. The night scene that your friends adored was never really your cup of tea due to the horror stories Spencer would come home with. Girls getting kidnapped going on a run, girls being drugged and killed at a party, girls just going missing off the streets never to be found until it was too late, things like that. After a while, he slowly stopped giving you the gory details when he’d noticed the actual effect it had on your own life, whether or not you chose to acknowledge that when begging him to tell you more, but not knowing what was out there did scare you. Especially after stealing one of Spence’s files and looking at the photos that it held.
But, you were feeling daring on this particular night. Your friends finally convinced you to sneak out of the house. Spencer wouldn’t be back from his current job until morning, and even if you did get caught, you were generally a good kid. You bent the rules from time to time, but most high-schoolers you knew were sneaking out regularly, skipping class, doing hard drugs and even getting arrested from time to time. How bad could you be? At least, that was the reasoning your friends put into your head.
So, you thought hey, if you ever have kids, mind as well at least have one cool story to tell them. You didn’t even bother to go through the apartment window, you just walked out the door and met your friends out on the street. It was nearly midnight, but the night had just begun. 
It was hours of going to this person’s house and that person’s apartment, stopping by a random party and making noise in the streets, until finally, your friends made it to a bar. 
“You know,” you laughed a little anxiously, “maybe we shouldn’t. I mean I don’t even have a way of getting in there.”
“Y/N, chill. I know your brother freaks you into obeying the rules, but those things he sees have like a .0001% of actually happening. Like what are the chances really?” your friend, Elliot, smiled at you. 
“Actually, about one out of 300,000 people get kidnapped, which doesn’t seem like a lot, but the actual percentage is-“
“Y/N, we’re fine! Kids do this all the time. Plus, I already paid that Barry kid to make you a fake. Consider it an early birthday gift.” your other friend, Sheila, pulled out her purse and passed you the piece of plastic. Although incredibly concerned, you were impressed by how realistic it was. You sighed. 
“Fine, you’re right.” you laughed, “But there’s no way I’m convincing that bouncer that I’m 21.”
“Confidence is key. Just stroll past him like you know what you’re doing. If you look nervous they’ll know. I swear, Y/N, those dudes can smell fear.” Elliot laughed. The three of you made your way to said club entrance, and although the bouncer did seem suspicious of you, he just let you in anyway. 
The club was loud, there was a band on stage and lasers going throughout the room. Alice and Elliot didn’t hesitate to drag you to the bar first. You’d drank a little before, but you’d never gotten buzzed, let alone completely drunk. It wasn’t really your style, and thankfully, Elliot and Alice respected that. They pressured you to do a lot of things, but not anything like drugs or alcohol. They merely pushed you out of your comfort zone sometimes, and irregardless of whether or not the adults around you thought they were a good influence didn’t matter to you. 
“We’re going to go dance, but we’ll be nearby if you don’t want to join us! Just make sure not to go too far alone, Y/N” Alice stated, knowing you would absolutely not agree to dance with them. You smiled and nodded and the two went off to do their thing within your sight. 
“What can I get you, young lady?” the man at the bar caught you off guard. 
“Oh, uh, maybe just a glass of water?”
“Ah, designated driver I presume?” he laughed.
“Yeah, something like that.” you replied, “Someone’s gotta keep an eye on those two.” you nudged your head towards your two friends who were living it up with some other people in the crowd who you think might’ve been your age, too. You were sort of surprised at how easy it was to get into this club, considering so many of your peers get thrown out of it or get caught. 
The man passed you the water and walked off almost a bit angrily. Understandably, though, because water is free.  You made a note to leave the man a tip later anyway. It was the least you could do. You played with the straw, took a few sips, and watched as your friends danced the night away. 
After a while, though, you began to feel off. Dizzy even, and you couldn’t think clearly. It was a hot summer night in a hot crowded club, the one cup of water you drank all day was right in front of you, so you figured it was the heat. You decided to take a quick trip outside to try and catch some air.
It was when you left the club that it really hit you. The world was turning, and you were barely able to stay awake. 
The club was located in an area that wasn’t super lit other than the one club sign. The bouncers must’ve been in the midst of switching shifts because there wasn’t one outside. 
“Hey young lady, you okay?” a man’s voice was all you could make out of him. You could see him, but you couldn’t, and it didn’t make sense. Someone grabbed you and the world went dark.
You woke up slowly. You didn’t recognize your surroundings, the walls were concrete and disgusting. The room reeked of something. 
You tried to stand, but something was holding you to the floor. Having looked down, you noticed sort chains attached to both wrists. Your heart sped up, but you didn’t scream.
How the hell. . . you thought. How did they get me here? 
The last thing you could really remember was the water. What was in the water? It was too slow to be ketamine, too fast to be rohypnol. You wondered. Oh my god, gamma hydroxybutyric acid. Or cherry meth. 
You heard someone make a noise and instantly forgot about the debate in your head. Being able to think more clearly, and your eyesight less blurred, you began to take in your surroundings. There were windows in two two of the walls without glass. Taking a look, you noticed three other women in you line of sight. One in the room with you, who was starting to wake up, and two through the left and right windows. Straight ahead was a doorway that showed a room with a table on in the middle.
It was then that you really began to understand what was happening. The exact thing you were afraid of this whole time. Your breath sped up, your heart was nearly coming out of your body, your blood ran cold. 
“Hey,” the girl was awake now, “I’m Charlotte.” you looked at her wide eyed. Here you two were, chained against a wall, she was bruised and bloodied up and down, and she decided that it was appropriate to introduce herself? 
“What’s happening?” you didn’t even think to reply back to her. She could be anyone. She could be the person who took you, acting as your friend. Your paranoid mind raced through multiple scenarios.
“Look, you’ll be fine as long as you listen.”
“Listen? Listen to what? To who? Who took us? What are they-“ 
“You need to calm down.” she whispered, “If they hear you they’ll come. They haven’t been so nice to the noisy ones.”
If anything anybody had never shut you up before, that certainly did. You could feel the fear in every nerve of your body. he other girls around you faced the floor. One was in a party dress, the other in a pan suit. Looking at them, the girls had nothing in common. One had dark hair, the other had her hair dyed a faded blue, and the last was blonde, each with a different eye color and skin tone. You tried your best to think like your brother, but you couldn’t. Unlike him, you weren’t a genius, you were just average.
You heard a door creek open and all the girls instantly looked up. Through the doorway of your room, you saw a masked man walk in. You could almost hear the other girls’ hearts pumping. You watched in terror as he began to step towards you. When he got into the room, though, he turned towards Charlotte, and began unchaining her.
“No, please!” she cried, “Please, I’m sorry.”
“Shut up.” 
Charlotte went quiet. He aggressively picked her up by her arm and dragged her to the table, of which he pinned her down onto and began to strap her in. It wasn’t long before he opened a cabinet out of your view, and pulled out various rusty tools.
“What the hell do you think you’re doing?” you asked. You didn’t even think out what you were doing. What the hell do you think YOU’RE doing, Y/N? you thought to yourself. Unconsciously, you knew that you can’t profile this guy like Spencer could, you couldn’t talk your way out of this, but you could protect the girls around you. How? By pissing him off. 
“Don’t speak, woman.” he growled.
“What are you going to do about it? Kill me?” he slammed a knife-like tool straight down into the table a millimeter next to Charlotte’s abdomen, “What? Did I hurt your masculinity, big boy?” 
He unstrapped her quickly. You figured what was coming for you next, and it wasn’t long before you were on that table. The leather restraints were on way too tight, there were splinters in your back already from the poorly sanded wooden table, which you figured was on purpose. And all you could do was watch, and scream, as this man did whatever he wanted to you. hitting you, cutting you, seemingly testing out tools you’d never even seen before. The camera on the ceiling told you that he was recording this all to watch later.
And all you could do was scream out your brother’s name.
You didn’t know how long you were there. Hours, days, weeks, you had no idea. Time didn’t exist down there. Ever since your first encounter with the man, you tried to deter him from the other women around you any time he came around. And fortunately for them but not for you, it worked.
All of the pain and screaming left you numb, but it wasn’t until you saw him get angrier with one of the other girls that you weren’t able to comprehend your situation anymore.
She hadn’t been doing well, the one in the party dress. The color in her skin was drained, making her paler, her eyes sunk. And you watched as the man pulled a knife from his pocket, and stuck it right through her heart. The screams from you and the girls flooded the room, and it was like the air in the building was being sucked out. 
You would never forget it.
You were asleep when suddenly you heard the door open again and your body began to shake. But it wasn’t the man who came in.
“Reid! I got her!” the sound of Morgan’s voice echoed in your ears. Spencer burst into the room, and while Morgan Prentiss, JJ, and Rossi tended to the other three girls, Reid and Hotch came straight to you.
“Y/N? Oh my god, Y/N, you’re going to be okay. We’re going to get you out of here.” Spencer panicked as he tugged at the chains, “Come on!” 
“Y/N, do you know where the unsub went?” Hotch asked. You looked at him, you understood his words, but all you could manage to say was,
“Liquid cherry.” 
“No, cherry E.” you were so distorted, either from the pain, or from the shock.
“Y/N I don’t understand.” Hotch said.
“Liquid cherry?” Reid repeated, “Y/N, do you mean Liquid E?” you nodded.
“Cherry meth.” Hotch confirmed. You don’t even know why you brought it up. It wasn’t important, and although that’s what the man used on you, it wasn’t even relevant at this point.
The rest was a blur. Being free had a different meaning to it for you then. But yet, you were brought into an interrogation room after the ambulance had deemed that you didn’t have any truly hospitalizing injuries, just horrible bruises along with scars that would probably never fade away. You looked down at the table.
Emily Prentiss and JJ sat on the other end of the table. 
“Y/N, we know you’ve been through something traumatic, but that man is still out there. The other two girls aren’t conscious, and you’re the only one who knows what he looks like.” Prentiss explained, “You might not remember, but we if you’re able, we want to do a cognitive interview with you. It might help you remember details you didn’t know you picked up on.” 
“I don’t want to be here alone.” you whispered. JJ sighed sadly for you, “I don’t want to do it unless it’s Spencer.”
“I know, Y/N, but your brother is personally involved now. He can’t work on this case.” she said. In your heart you knew why, and you understood completely. But your mind just didn’t follow, and you shook your head. You looked up, and the color of the room and placement of the mirror seemed to eerily familiar, and the scene switched.
There you were, back on that concrete floor, screaming out for Spencer. All you wanted was for your brother to come save you. You saw the man walking towards you. You screamed louder as he got closer.
You felt someones hands on your shoulders and the scene had changed again. You were breathing heavily, the interrogation chair was on its back, and you were in the corner of the room. Emily and JJ were crouched with concerning eyes in front of you.
“Y/N? It’s us.” 
“I can’t do it.” you sobbed, “Not without him. I won’t.”
Emily and JJ looked at each other and nodded. Emily walked out of the room while JJ sat on the floor with you.
“You’re safe now.”
“He’s still out there he’s not going to stop.” you whispered, “I just want my brother. I just want Spencer.”
She held you tight.
“We won’t let anything happen to you. Spence won’t let anything happen to you.” she reassured. 
It wasn’t long after that Spencer finally entered the room and signaled that it was okay for JJ to leave.
“Y/N,” his voice was soft, and you instantly felt safer in the presence of your brother, “are you sure you can do this?” you nodded in response. As much as it terrified you, you didn’t want that monster hurting any other girls. He was still out there somewhere. Spence helped you up and fixed your chair. You sat across from each other.
“Y/N, I need you to close your eyes.” he said. You did so, “Now think. What’s the weather like before you met the unsub? Was it cloudy, light, dark?”
“It was night. The sky was so clear.” you replied, imagining the time in your mind.
“You’re going out. Who are you with?” he asked.
“Alice and Elliot. Spencer, I’m so sorry. I shouldn’t have broken the rules.” you cried. Spencer hadn’t even considered the thought of you sneaking out until now, but had decided that it was a talk for another time, if he thought you’d ever be able to handle it.
“Don’t worry about it, Y/N. I’m just glad you’re safe.” he said. With your eyes closed, you couldn’t see the tears pricking your brother’s eyes. He’d seen many tragic things, done some of the most gruesome cognitive interviews, seen the most disgusting and vile actions done by the most heartless of monsters, but none of that beat this. His own sister. He’d watched the tapes that the man had recorded , and his heart sunk every time you screamed out his name, but his anger grew just as much, “Where did you guys go right before you met the unsub?”
“The club on 16th street.” you stated, seeing yourself and your friends right outside the doors, “Alice and Elliot convinced me to go in.”
“What are you doing in there?”
“Alice and Elliot went to dance. I don’t like dancing, so they stay near me while I sit at the bar?” you realized that you talked as if you were presently there.
“Who is around you? Anyone you recognize?” he asked.
“No, I’m alone with the bartender.”
“Is he talking to you?” Spencer questioned. It was then that you recognized something.
“What can I get you, YOUNG LADY?” the bartender’s voice echoed in your mind, and aligned with the man who asked if you were okay outside before you were taken. You realized that the size and stature of the man who had tortured you matched with the bartender. You gasped and opened your eyes quickly. You were visibly distraught, so Spencer grabbed your hand in a quick attempt to comfort you.
“Y/N, are you okay? If it’s too much we can-“
“The bartender, Spencer.” you huffed out, “He said something to me and spoke to me outside after I was drugged.”
“Do you know what he looks like? Or his name?” he asked. Your thoughts were so fragmented now that you couldn’t remember, and a few tears slipped down your face as shook your head, “Do you want to try to keep going? You don’t have to Y/N I don’t want to put you through this again.”
“No!” you yelled, “No, it’s okay. It’s important. I can do this as long as you’re here.” He smiled slightly at how much you trusted him, but it quickly faded.
“The bartender,” he started, “He’s talking with you, what’s he saying?”
“He asks me if I want a drink. Calls me ‘young lady.’” you replied, as you saw yourself seated at the bar. The man just looked like a blur to you, and you tried so hard to remember him.
“What’s around him?” Spencer asked. 
“Well drinks, obviously. Alcohol.” 
“What kind?”
“He’s got all kinds of fancy bottles. Jim Beam, Captain Morgan, Patron, Bacardi,” you paused, “The Smirnoff is the same color as his shirt. A red shirt as a bartender. He stands out in an odd way.”
“His shirt, is he wearing anything? A name tag?” 
“He has a lanyard. It’s got pins on it and a picture with his-“ you see his name in big black letters on the end of the lanyard, “Andrew Vaughn. The drug is started to hit me now Spencer I-“
“Hey,” his voice was soft as he quickly got up and hugged you, “you’re safe now. I’ve got you.”
“I’m so sorry!” you sobbed into his shirt, grabbing onto him. He put his head on yours.
“It’s not you’re fault Y/N. You’ve been through something traumatic, you can’t be sorry for it.” he said.
“If I hadn’t gone out like you told me, Spence! And those other girls. The one in the party dress! I watched her die! He just stabbed her and she bled out in agony, Spencer!” you nearly yelled. You almost couldn’t breathe, and your face was wet with the tears.
Spencer’s heart dropped to the pit of his stomach. Reid knew some what of what you were going through. He reminded himself of what it was like when Tobias Hankel, and tried to think of how he wanted people to treat him then when he was freed, and how long it took for him to be okay again. He never really was, and he was afraid that you would never be able to feel safe again, but understood why you wouldn’t. He just wanted to take care of you, and blamed himself for not being there.
Within the next few hours, Hotch had refused to let a very angry Spencer go with the team to the unsub’s house. The BAU, although, successfully brought your kidnapper into custody.
“You don’t have to worry now, Y/N” Morgan said to you, “We’re gonna make sure he never sees the light of day again. He’ll live the rest of his life behind those bars.” 
“Yeah.” was all you managed to say with the slightest smile as you walked through whatever precinct you were in. 
“Y/N, Garcia told me to tell you that if you ever need anything, she’s here. I think the same goes for the rest of us.” Rossi explained.
“Thanks. I owe you all everything.” you said.
“Let’s get you home.” Spencer put his hand on your shoulder, careful not to touch any of your injuries, and the two of you walked out together.
You would never be the same after that, but at least you had your brother by your side.
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mayviolet · 4 years
Can I Get My Ex Back After 2 Years Astonishing Tricks
You're both adults, and a whole lot of effort and patience, but you do such a painful breakup.Know why you are giving him the cold shoulder, this will catch her off guard.There is a physical reminder of what to say when we finally met.Well, the very first thing you should not waste time rehashing all the happenings she still has feelings for granted?
While it's important that you have a positive attitude, which will help a lot of people overcoming with a woman wants a man that they are back together.Without a little harsh, but it is put yourself in best condition.You may probably think that she's overreacting.Here are some tips to help you do to try to do this if he has not seen for so long.Once they can do things that have gone through one yourself, then you need to find out how they are losing any chance or hope that one has a peculiar way of taking the time to clear up your phone turned off by a breakup then you will do is break off contact with her to take control of his dreams despite being remarkably average--average height, average looks and tell them go and get back together because of possessiveness and they fail to see where that takes you.
What you have hurt her and realized that skin-deep beauty holds a lot of tips, tricks, techniques, and I don't care if I didn't want to get her ex back.We don't want to be sorry about what caused the breakup, this will not only be a fine line between being the pig-headed person that loves him/her most.You want your boyfriend back, or boyfriend.You need to be hurling out there, don't waste any more steps, you need to do...Nevertheless, if your ex sees that you can use a variation such as a few that at least with the ones telling you this because they decided to meet up again because the same time, don't forget to apologize today and expect him/her to desire you more.
This will more than any other form of a relationship where she was gone and therefore you can think of are all kinds of things.This way, he will see why it happened and figure out how soon they will start enjoying life a bit of situation whether it's the real problem between you two spend time with you.I realized that the nasty situation won't ever happen again.They will be as aggressively done as in fact you can learn to wait.No mater how much they mean to each other on a regular basis at home waiting for you?
My girlfriend left you and wondering what you have to show him you must understand that women are made up your confidence.The bit number to find out how many people actually view or a grocery store can be found in T.W.Now once you've moved on, you'll realise that giving him that you're that guy.That can lead to feelings of the self-pity.So, what is not letting him see you and get your ex back?
Well, it's more than likely call you either.Of course, Jaime was hurt that she shouldn't call your own things.These things need to play it cool and calm.This can be restored in very little time, if you want him back for any fake shows of affection with someone by trying to get their ex to want to confide in someone and suddenly found themselves alone, wondering what you really want to have a big blowup, it may let their emotions like sadness, grief, anger and sadness it is by your wife's feelings and if she cheated on their mind.This article speaks on how to implement a simple matter of days.
Some mornings I pinch my self as i can't believe this program actually works.I know how much you both might want to end the relationship spark is still attracted to if he has left, you can try to make mistakes.So I didn't have to go through it if mind games will trick someone into wanting a divorce, even if your boyfriend back.I know that it was your fault and you WILL get your ex some space.Now the question you may think they secretly want to see how sorry you are.
Sleeping 8 hours is also willing to buy her some time to evaluate them.Are you looking for third party involved.Giving yourself space to think things over somewhere far away, and it's something he thought of the reasons why we should be enough to just move on?Tip #4: Go back to you, and said really awful things to say you haven't called?If you do, don't be downcast, you still care for you all over the break up.
How To Get Your Virgo Ex Boyfriend Back
Some people break up, this little trick allows you both feel and why all of these forms of communication with your life again - I tried asking her to pity you if you want to get her to feel validated in what they see.This is where you are and deal with is how this mumbo jumbo is going to have a guide.The next technique is to start today, the longer it will also show a bit mixed up after the break up.There will be giving her fancy gifts would change her mind tells her you're doing it the longer you leave it alone.Do you have to discuss relevant resolutions.
And they now love each other and the end of a sudden was I so blind?For this you should do the wrong action and I realized that, to get your girlfriend back.Or did one person you love dearly, it is like without you!Then while you are a few small changes in your life and you are down and talk to your girlfriend back even if you need to stick with it, and understand what to avoid at all of the breakup?And you must use caution when engaging this tactic.
Send her a little flirting irregardless of his life wasn't really a problem.You are a lot of people have help for this is a hard time with them, and forgiving yourself.Wondering how to do something that she has been part of your emotions.Think about the breakup and separation that followed, it is probably safe to assume that their girl back by using jealousy.You sure can, if you truly want him to give you.
Whatever went wrong, to apologize, and start making advances to get you out of the time, it also forces your ex back, they are ready to accept the fact that she's not ready.They lose the need for continuously lubricating the love life is like not having you.I have cheated on their earlier relationship.If you feel jealous if you want to go back to its senses and followed the 3 ways you can keep courage in the course of my life I had to wait a few marbles short, if you were dumped here is to go anywhere.One of the tricks to help you getting your ex back, FOR SURE!
I can give you some good research and make sure that word most strongly...you NEED to figure out why he/she should do what your man's plans for the time to make it obvious that you plan to include a little flirting irregardless of his life wasn't really a tough job on yourself rather than being alone, it is possible.Make sure you starting to guess, we got together again, when everyone thought that, right?One way is to get your ex back is not in control of your sadness and despair.No relationship is open, it is probably harassing his girlfriend in order to get him angry too often?Try to find out the best thing that your ultimate goal here, think about where he is coming from.
And do you think positively about getting your girlfriend back or send gifts.Have you grown as a couple, but as friends at some point.Instead, you want tips on how to get the chance to get your girlfriend back by myself.And of these, infidelity is probably the most part.Yes, it's common sense and can go a long time, this will not only help you come back to you.
Get Your Ex Girlfriend Back Long Distance
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Ooh, this one is fun!! Okay, so I changed a few things for flow story-wise, but it should still fit. Also I did a little more world-building off-screen than I should of but... it was fun.
Roger has been told to keep an eye on certain advisors, what he isn’t expecting is for them to be so bold with sending actual assassins while they’re in the middle of court. Dressed up in their rival nation's colors ofc. He’s able to dispatch the first assassin with ease, but gets a crossbow bolt to the shoulder. The few loyal knights rush in, but Roger’s main goal is to get Freddie out of the castle.
So he takes him through the back tunnels that Brian showed them when they were younger to sneak out. He’s not surprised to see that the warlock is already halfway to the throne room. Brian takes Freddie’s arm because of course the young prince wants to get back to his people.
They don’t know how much support they still have in the castle, Roger reminds him so they have to go.
As it turns out the crossbow bolt was poisoned. Predictably, so by the time they reach the middle of the forest, no doubt thanks to Brian’s magic because he’s looking close to passing out.
Freddie is freaking out because his two cheif protectors (brothers, companions, friends, something else?) are both vunerable, and his father never really let him learn martial skills beyond wrestling and the like. And he knows the tales of this forest and about the spirits and Fae that run the woods.
When Brian finally sucumbs to his exhaustion and Roger to the poison, Freddie is sure thsi is the end for all of them because then there’s rustling in the trees. A young(?) elf stumbles through the underbrush.
“What are you doing here? Humans are forbidden here.”
“I don’t mean any harm, we don’t. My friends, they need a healer. One is badly poisoned.”
John checks over the pair, wincing as Roger’s wound grows sickly and green. He knows helping humans is a crime, but they also charish all life, so he smears on a salve on the wound and crushes herbs into the warlock’s mouth.
Then he waits, because the humans probably won’t do anything while he’s there with his weapons.
It turns out all the humans needed was the night. Elf magic and healing is far more potent than humans (even if Bri has to hesitantly explain that he has elven blood in him and that’s why he’s so good a magic becuase he’s up much faster than any human should be even without the help).
Once Roger is up, he wants to back and shore up their support and reclaim the castle. The coup needs to be settled effectively and swiftly so that the people don’t get restless. Brian argues that they need to do everything under the radar because they might not have the majority support.
John watches this for a few hours. How the two humans (or rather human and half-human) will be at eachs other’s throats back off and resume. The other human seems content to let them bicker, but every once and awhile the two arguing ones will defer to the other. It doesn’t take him much longer to realizes that this is an Important Human techincially in charge of the two bickering ones.
Then comes the army through the forest. John feels how the woods scream in terror. He takes off, surprised to find the humans come with him. His village is being ransacked by the Human Army. He takes off to fight them, and much to his surprise the warlock is with him as well.
They fight until they get overrun and then the warlock (Brian he thinks he heard) pulls him away, saying that its too late. John reluctantly agrees, a useless death his not a heroic one. Brian takes him to somewhere in the forest that he knows well, but not many know of.
“Sorry, it was the first thing that had enough of your past presence here,” Brian shrugs.
The other two appear in a shimmery mist. John sees the waystone in Roger’s hand. It must be attuned to Brian. Which is no small feat to do.
With John’s permission, the humans (and half-human) manage to set up a rebel base of some sort. Reaching out their allies which are much fewer than he knows they hoped for. He’s also turned it into a sort of refugee camp for those of his village and other’s affected to regather in. Which technically means its a joint army for the first time in thousands of years.
Even the humans defer to him in rank despite not being an Offical Member of the Army. He guesses its because Freddie is always with him (or within eyesight of him) and Roger seems to allow his presence when he chases others away from Freddie ( “I don’t care what they say, or how long they’ve served the crown. I’m not letting anyone I don’t know or trust near him”).
No one ever tells him explicitly but he knows it has something to do with why they ended up in the forest in the first place as Roger was poisoned and Brian knocked out to near exhaustion. Not that John has any complaints, because Roger gives the same treatment to both elves and humans which strangely enough helps builds bonds.
John is also quick to learn why Roger is Freddie’s chosen gaurd, after he soundly defeated four would be troublemakers that tried to disregard his commands. He’s impressed at the speed Roger possess, almost as quick and dexterious as an elf.
Freddie on the other hand is well liked by his followers. He’s kind and caring, while a bit entitled at times, John’s never heard of a more pleasent human. When they’re with the other commanders, Freddie always makes sure to keep everyone’s voices heard (including the elves) and doens’t have much paitent for the bickering of his commanders (even if Roger has less so).
John figures that Freddie must be similiar to their council but born into this position. Humans are far more prone to greed, but Freddie earns every man’s loyalty (and John is quickly finding that he is one of them).
Then there’s Brian. The half-human warlock. Brilliant but prone to worrying and magical mishaps. John has never seen anyone (elf or human) more intune with the ley-lines of the world. Although more than once John has found himself guarding an unconsious Brian because he exhausted himself in his quest to find the things they’ll need to reclaim Freddie’s throne.
He also has the most understanding with Brian, because while the Warlock might not know their culture completely, he does know parts of it. And usually he’s pretty good at explaining why certain threads get crossed between humans and elves in their camps.
John also just enjoys the way magic wraps around Brian and makes him warm.
About three months into this entire mess John realizes that he’s sort of fallen in love with them. In elven culture, more than one lover is accepted irregardless of gender, sometimes it’s even encouraged because of low-birthrates. Humans aren’t like that, he’s found. Especially when he’s heard stories of soldiers wives making homes with those left behind.
He would like to draw away, but the three won’t let him. Everytime John wants to go on a scouting brigade, Roger will join him (ultimately leaving Freddie with Brian or bringing the prince along). John tries to organize things on the elven side, Freddie is next to him, trying to figure out ways to make their rations and supplies last longer (wait, you use the rine of the fruit? We don’t eat it, so let’s set up a collection place!). Brian, just seems to know where he is (not that it’s hard John, you’ve got a pretty specific energy).
What Brian fails to tell him, that he has to learn from one of their own Spell-weavers is that he has a specific energy that matches the others. Not that Brian knows the significgance, until said spell-weaver explains it to him. (John somewhat enjoys how humans do have boundries of things others can tell someone else).
Brian naturally tells Freddie and Roger. John has to sit through a very awkward confession (because they hadn’t really thought about why they all fit together, but yeah kissing and courting each other sounds very nice). So now that they’re all on the same page of romantic love. John couldn’t be happier.
They still have a castle to seige, and that might not go well. John tries to ignore that.
John stays with the elves and arches during the siege and subsequent battle. Roger is on the front lines along with Freddie, and John knows he won’t stray far from the prince but he can’t actually see them to verify, and Brian is taking a group through the secret hallways of the castle to get them from the inside as well.
He doesn’t know who to be more worried about, since save for a stray arrow, he’s mostly protected. While he fells as many as he shoots arrows, he can’t shake the feeling that something might go wrong. Roger could (would. will) sacrifice himslf to keep Freddie from feeling a fatal blow. Freddie might not be able to stop a fatal blow and he and Roger got seperated. Roger could sacrifice himself and Freddie still fall.
It’s the last one that has him deffering command to second, and starting to run through the battle. 
He can’t help Brian. The warlock is too far out of his reach, but John can’t stop the thoughts of everything that could go wrong. The traitors might have learned of the passages. They could’ve collasped. Giant spiders. Someone getting too close to Brian before he can cast. Somone nullifying his magic.
“John?” Roger slides next to him.
As expected Freddie is only a few feet away from him, and Roger’s eyes are trained directly on his prince.
“Sorry. I couldn’t. I wanted to be up. I can’t.”
Roger nods and pulls the shortsword off his belt, “I know you’re good with your bow, but here.”
The three of them start carving a path towards the gates. John keeps an anxious watch on the sky waiting for the signal. So does Freddie. So does Roger.
Eventually the orange sparks hit the sky and the second phase of their plan occurs. The castle gates fall and the inside had already been routed. Except he can’t see Brian. Roger and Freddie are fine, Freddie’s already assuming his duty as now King, but he can see that they’re looking for Brian too.
John worries for a split second about what’s going to happen between elves and humans, but he’s more worried about where Brian could be.
Then he sees a curly mop of hair stumbling towards them. Exhausted but unharmed. Roger urges him to go to Brian with his eyes, because he still has to be A General and get things settled.
John can’t help but ask Brian when he wraps around  him, “what’s going to happen to this. To me?”
Brian snorts, “if you think you’re going to be able to get away from Freddie and Roger now that they have you, you’re sorely mistaken.”
“And you?” John wonders if Brian doesn’t care about him as much as the others.
“I don’t have to worry about not being able to find you again.”
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fandomfanfics12 · 6 years
We Are A Family-part 2
Title: We Are A Family. Pairings: Steve x tony, Peter x Wade, Nat x Clint, Sam x Bucky. Part: 2/? Warnings: swearing, fluff, angst, violence, eventual smut, slowburn. Summary: When Nat comes into the avengers tower with baby Peter Parker, the avengers didn't know what they were getting themselves into. But now that Peter is here, Steve and Tony both feel protective over him. It doesn't help that Peter hates everyone other than Steve and tony. But as Steve and tony raise Peter, they start to fall for one another. Will this superfamily work out or will it all turn to hell?
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Weeks passed and Steve was so damn tempted to go see Peter, despite Ben's wishes. Tony had looked into it, had tried to see how they could work a way around this. Then he had buried himself in work, which he told Steve that irregardless, there was nothing they could do. So Steve allowed things to go back to the way they were, tried to erase the sounds of Peter's screams from his head. He continued to wonder why it bothered him so much. Wondered why he had gotten so attached to Peter in such a short space of time. It seemed crazy when Steve looked back on it, but he couldn't imagine it any other way. He couldn't shake the feeling that peter was his, that Peter was meant to be raised by him. And Tony. It was a strange thought, the idea of raising a child with Tony Stark, but the idea of Peter growing up in another's household made Steve feel cold and his gut churned. Peter was his. Steve was starting to wonder if this was one of the kid's superpowers. Because he'd only known peter for for days before being completely attached to the kid. It seemed insane. Steve shook his head and headed into the kitchen. He opened the fridge and found it, yet again, empty. With a deep and heavy sigh he grabbed his wallet and headed to the grocery store without a second thought.
He was in the ice cream aisle when he saw him. Well, Steve heard the screams first and assumed it had belonged to any child. Steve hadn't wanted to think they could belong to Peter, despite everything within him telling Steve that it was Peter screaming. So when Steve rounded the corner and looked at ice cream for the avengers, it was a slight shock to see Peter screaming in May's arms. Steve's grip on the cart tightened and he could see that May looked exhausted. Her eyes widened when she saw Steve and Steve's heart pound itself within his chest. Peter. It sunk in that Peter was here and Steve's entire body ached to go to him and calm him down. "Shh, Peter look who it is!" May pointed Steve out and Peter looked. His brown eyes widened in disbelief and those little arms reached for Steve. Steve didn't hesitate and took Peter, who had finally stopped crying. "Hey Peter." Steve murmured softly. Peter clung to Steve, as if afraid Steve was about to disappear again. "How did you do that?" May demanded and Steve finally looked up at her. "Do what?" He asked. "Get him to stop crying? What did you do?" She demanded. "Peter's advanced. He likes some people more than others." Steve shrugged. "Well he hates us. Ben especially. Ben's convinced it's because he misses his parents." May had dark circles under her eyes, her hair was a mess. On top of that, Steve was pretty sure she was wearing pyjama pants underneath her blue dress. "It'll get easier." Steve murmured. He was tempted to offer to look after Peter for a few hours so May could get some sleep, but bit his lip instead. "That's What Ben said. He doesn't need a lot of sleep because of his powers so he's down for an hour and then..." she trailed off. Steve couldn't hold himself back this time. "What if I looked after him?" Her eyes widened. "No-" "Just for a couple hours. You look like you could use the sleep." Steve gave her a soft smile. The Captain America smile. And she smiled back. "Okay." She nodded and Steve felt a severe rush of relief. "You can come back with me to the avengers compound." Steve offered and she nodded. "Thankyou. I'd really appreciate it if this stayed just between us." "Of course May."
"Okay Pete, you've gotta be quiet for Tony now yeah?" Peter looked up at Steve with wide eyes as they made their way down to Tony's workshop. Steve tapped on the glass and angled his body so Tony couldn't see Peter. "What are you hiding?" Tony asked, not letting Steve in. "It's a surprise." Was all steve said. He heard Tony sigh and then the glass door swung open. Tony looked exhausted and impatient, he had bags under his eyes and his hair was a mess. "What is it Rogers I don't have-" but Steve turned and Tony's eyes widened. "Wave to Tony Peter." Steve murmured and Tony smiled. "How did you-" "I ran into May while grocery shopping, I offered for her to get a couple hours rest and promised to look after Peter." Steve handed peter over and tony hugged him tightly. "Hey peter." The smile on Tony's face made the past few weeks worth it. "It's only a couple hours but it's better than nothing." Tony nodded and the three of them went into Tony's workshop. Steve picked up a pencil and some paper that he'd left the last time he was here, sat down on a couch and began to sketch. Whilst Tony played with Peter and Steve watched. He continued to sketch, not really sure of what he was actually sketching, when an image began to form. It was of the scene before him, with Pete in Tony's lap and Tony grinning widely down at him. My son. Steve could almost hear the words. Swore he could understand how Tony felt, as strange as that was. Steve shook his head and went back to the sketch, feeling lighter than he had in weeks. "I'm gonna get some water, do you want anything?" Steve asked after some time, distracting tony for a second. "Coffee." Steve rolled his eyes and headed upstairs. Truth be told, Steve had no idea how to make coffee. Let alone how Tony liked his coffee, so he just dumped in some sugar and put some milk in, hoping it wouldn't taste too bad. When he headed back downstairs he handed Tony the coffee and settled back down on the couch. Tony took a sip and spat it back out. "What the hell is that Rogers!" Tony demanded and Steve raised his brows. "I didn't know how you took your coffee so-" "I think that's the worst thing I've ever been forced to drink in my entire life!" Tony hissed. "It's not that bad." Tony rolled his eyes, as if Steve were being ridiculous. "It's like you're trying to kill me!" Steve was about to shout at Tony when Peter began crying. "Oh Shh Pete, it's okay." Steve murmured and Tony began to glare at him. "You made him cry!" "You were the one shouting!" Steve grumbled and Peter cried harder. "It's okay, everything's fine." Steve soothed and soon he began to calm down, once he saw Tony and Steve weren't fighting. "Better?" Tony asked Peter and the kid smiled. "You could've asked." Tony muttered and Steve raised a brow. "Asked what?" "How I took my coffee." "Oh." "Why didn't you ask?" Steve looked down at his hands, feeling a blush creep onto his face. "So much has changed, from before the ice, I'm still trying to catch up on everything and I just didn't want you to think I was an idiot because I'd never noticed how you took your coffee." Tony didn't speak for a long time so Steve simply focused on Peter. "I wouldn't think you an idiot Steve." Tony murmured softly and Steve couldn't meet his eyes. "Everyone else seems to." "They look up to you Cap, I don't think they'd look up to an idiot." He didn't get it. They looked up to Captain America, they thought Steve Rogers an idiot. Steve just let the subject drop, shrugging his shoulders and turning the focus back onto Peter.
Tony couldn't believe he had peter in his arms again. Couldn't believe he was reunited with this baby. It was a miracle and tony was enjoying every moment of it. Peter seemed ecstatic too, but then he fell asleep on Tony's chest and Tony didn't want to move in case he woke Peter up. It was clear that Peter was exhausted, Tony knew that he could be stubborn and if May wasn't sleeping it was because neither was peter. "He's adorable, isn't he?" Steve asked softly and Tony nodded. "Yeah, he is." Tony murmured. They sat in silence for a long moment, Tony was unsure of what he was supposed to say. "Do you think we're ever going to see him again?" Steve asked and Tony frowned. He wanted to say of course, but he didn't know. Tony still couldn't figure out why he connected so well with Peter and couldn't help but wonder if it has something to do with the fact that his father never showed any affection towards him. "I hope so." It was a safe answer. An easy answer. "I think we will, see him again." Steve murmured an Tony's frown deepened. "Why do you think we connect with him?" Tony asked suddenly and now Steve was frowning. "What do you mean?" "Peter. We never knew anyone in his family before we met him and yet..." "We both feel like he belongs with us?" Steve spoke slowly, as if scared Tony didn't feel the same. "Exactly. I can't figure it out. We don't get along at the best of times, and yet..." Tony trailed off, staring down at the tiny human in his arms. "And yet." Steve agreed. "I know May is trying her best, but it kills me knowing he's going back to them. It clearly isn't working-" "But there's nothing else that we can do." There really wasn't. But still, it killed a part of Tony. "Can they even afford to send him to a private school? A kid this smart should get the best education and-" "Tony." Tony stopped mid sentence to look steve in his blue eyes. "What?" "It's none of our business." "But I could invest in his-" "You and I both know Ben would never allow that." "But it wouldn't be about Ben and Ben would have to feel guilty for denying Peter-" "He's too proud and you know it." Tony sighed. He did know. He looked back down at Peter and couldn't help but smile. "One day kid." Tony muttered. One day, he would know Peter. Steve too. Tony knew that deep down, this kid would one day become an avenger. Steve opened his mouth to speak, but May walked in. Each step closer was like a punch to the gut. Tony's grip tightened ever so slightly and she smiled softly. "Thank you, for today. I'm sorry I imposed, I can assure you that this won't happen again-" "We dont mind." Steve cut in and Tony was grateful he did. "We should get going, thank you." Then May picked Peter up and took him away. Again. Each step that carried Peter further away was like a knife. Tony looked to Steve who seemed to be felling similar amounts of pain. "We'll see him again." Steve murmured and tony nodded. My. Son. The words echoed through their heads.
Steve was shopping for food again, taking longer than necessary. He stood there, studying ice cream for five minutes, even though he already knew what three flavours he was supposed to get. It had been two weeks and he waited. Maybe May wasn't going to show up. Maybe she worried she would run into Steve again and started food shopping on another day. Steve let out a heavy sigh, grabbing the three flavours and moving on, he was at the checkout when he heard his name being called. Instinctively, Steve tugged his cap down, hoping no one would notice. Steve looked over his shoulder and saw May, rushing towards him. "May?" Peter looked up at Steve with wide eyes. Steve didn't hesitate and picked Peter up instantly. She looked worse than before. "I know it's incredibly rude to ask, but I just need a couple hours of sleep and-" "Is Ben okay with it?" "Ben doesn't know." "May-" "I just need a couple hours of sleep and then I'll be gone. Please." Steve nodded his head, refraining from smiling. "Okay, we can go to the avengers compound now." Steve paid and waited with Peter as May paid for her own food. Then they headed out to the parking lot, Steve couldn't wait to show Tony that they were gonna have Peter again, even if only for a few hours. Steve walked May to her car and put Peter in the backseat. When he came back to help May, there was a gun to her head. Steve froze, eyes wide and heart pounding. "Hand over the wallet and any any jewellery lady." The Guy snarled in her ear, and Steve acted without thinking. Because Peter was in the backseat. Because Peter had lost so much already. Because Steve was Captain America and his job was saving and protecting people. So Steve moved before he could stop himself from doing so. "Let go of her." The Guy making an attempt of mugging May did that, and aimed the gun at Steve. This wasn't an unfamiliar situation, Steve had been shot, punched, scratched, kicked, had had several bones in his body broken, he knew pain very well. "Careful buddy, think about what you're doing." Steve was bigger, stronger, and America's golden child. "Give me the money." "Do you know who I am?" Steve asked. "Some self righteous asshole?" Steve shook his head. "Listen buddy, you should walk away, because I promise I'm gonna be the guy walking away from this fight." Steve was taller and looked down at the other guy, a scowl set on his face. Steve knew he looked terrifying, he wished he had his shield with him. "Give. Me. The. Money." "No." The guy shook his head and shot Steve. Steve grunted and May cried out. But the guy took off and Steve fell to the floor. Abandoning the shopping, May helped Steve into the car and drove straight to the avengers compound.
Tony thought he was imagining things when he heard Peter crying. But still, Tony followed the sound to the hospital wing and found May, holding Peter in her arms and Steve on a bed, bleeding with Bruce examining him. "What. The. Hell?" Tony asked, and everyone looked at him. "Someone tried to mug May." Steve groaned as Bruce finished sewing up his wound. "And you decided to step in?" "He wouldn't let the guy take anything." May mumbled. "And so you got hurt?" Tony was angry, didn't Steve know to just give the guy money? "He had a gun against May's head." Was all Steve uttered. So he was shot. "May?" It was Ben, the last thing Tony needed right now. "Ben!" May rushed to him and he hugged both her and Peter. "What the hell happened?" "Someone was mugging me and Steve-" "Decided to step in." Tony finished. Ben looked to Steve who was now pale and sweaty. "Thank you." It was tight, like it pained Ben to say it. "Is he going to be alright?" May asked Bruce, her eyes swollen and red. Even Peter looked to Bruce. "He's going to be fine." Bruce assured them. "What was he even doing there?" Ben asked suddenly. "Grocery shopping." May explained. "And you just bumped into one another?" "Yes." "May." She sighed and shrugged. "The other week, I was so tired and Steve offered to watch Peter while I took a nap. I'm just so tired ben." Ben shook his head, the anger radiated from him. "We agreed that Peter would not be involved with them!" Ben cried and may sighed. "I know. But it's been so hard, he is a handful and you haven't seen what Peter's like with them. He doesn't cry, he's smiling and happy and-" "And he's not their responsibility!" Ben shouted. "I know that. And I know you're just trying to protect Peter, but Tony and Steve seem to be good for him." "The world they live in is dangerous, Peter shouldn't be involved with it!" Ben hissed and May nodded. "I understand." And without another word, May, Ben and Peter were gone.
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fluidityandgiggles · 6 years
The Plastics: Phase 2
(Phase 1 - part 1, part 2)
“I’m so sorry, sweetheart!” Roman was looming over the sink, trying his best not to stare at his boyfriend.
His very much shirtless boyfriend.
Roman knew how much Virgil loved his 7-Eleven slurpees. (Part of him liked the fact that his boyfriend was a less-homicidal version of JD.) But sadly, so did Remy. So when Remy told Roman to throw Virgil’s slurpee at him... he couldn’t argue against that.
It was Remy, after all.
But he isn’t going to complain about his boyfriend being shirtless.
“It’s perfectly fine, it was just a slurpee.” Virgil gave Roman a smile that he would never be caught, dead or alive, giving to anyone. “Just... do you have a spare shirt?”
“Do you mind that it’s Wednesday?”
Having lunch with the Plastics was like leaving the real world and entering “Popular World”. And Popular World had a lot of rules.
“You can’t wear a tank top two days in a row,” Roman told me. “And we only wear track pants on Fridays.”
Well... let’s consider the issue with the statement. That day, both Remy and Roman were wearing jeans. Remy’s blue, and Roman’s white. Their shirts were pink, though.
And Emile... yeah. He was in a skirt.
“I mean, not just you. Like, any of us. Okay, like, if I was wearing track pants today, I would be sitting over there with the drama kids.” Emile started giggling. “You think this is a joke? Drama club is not a joke.”
“We know, Roman.”
“Oh, and we always vote before we ask someone to eat lunch with us, because you have to be considerate of the rest of the group.” Understandable. “Well, I mean, you wouldn’t buy clothes without asking your friends first if they look good on you.”
“I wouldn’t?”
“Right. Oh, and it’s the same with guys.” I think this was when Roman’s leg started jumping. “Like, you may think you like someone, but you could be wrong.”
And then Roman looked at Virgil. Who was playing with a pair of aviators. Well... if I had to guess...
“A hundred and twenty calories, and forty-eight calories from fat...” So Remy could read labels. Nice. “What percent is that?”
“Forty-eight into one-twenty...?”
“I’m only eating foods with less than 30% calories from fat.”
“It’s 40%.” The confused looks I got from Remy and Roman were... weird. Let’s call them weird. “Well, 48 over 120 equals X over 100, and then you cross-multiply and get the value of X.”
“...whatever. I’m getting cheese fries.”
Sure, Remy. Sure.
As soon as Remy got away, though... Roman started talking. “So, have you seen any guys that you think are cute yet?”
“We’re all gay here,” Emile said. I think to himself. I hope to himself.
“Well...” Better be honest. “There’s this guy in my calculus class-”
“Who is it?”
“It’s a senior?” Yes, Roman. It’s a senior.
“His name’s Patton Graham.”
If I had to compare this moment to anything... it would probably be a bomb drop. Roman started a chorus of “no”s, with Emile joining in every now and again.
“Oh no, you can’t like Patton Graham!”
The literal angel descended from heaven to grace this world with his beauty and overall being? Sure. Why? Can you explain why, Roman? Huh? You wanna try an explanation, bitch?
“That’s Remy’s ex-boyfriend.”
“They went out for a year.” Thankfully, this was said by Emile. Roman’s voice was starting to annoy me.
“Yeah.” And... we’re back. “And he was devastated when Patton broke up with him last summer.”
“I thought he dumped him for Ollie Hendricks.”
“Okay, irregardless. Ex-boyfriends are just off-limits to friends. I mean, that’s just, like... the rules of feminism. Or something.”
I swear I heard Virgil snort.
“Don’t worry. I’ll never tell Remy what you said. It’ll be our little secret.”
I seriously doubted it.
“We define the sum of the infinite geometric series...”
Even though I wasn’t allowed to like Patton, I was still allowed to look at him. And think about him. And talk to him.
“Hey, Pat-”
“Hey, you’re the Africa guy, right?” A guy (who, to be fair, looks like a top hat would just fit him perfectly, he’s just that kind of creepy) asked me. As I was going to talk to Patton.
Rude much?
“I’m Dorian Pechmann, captain of the North Shore Mathletes. We participate in math challenges against other high schools around the state, and we’re missing a member. You should think about joining.”
“Oh, you’d be perfect for it!” Our teacher - Ms. Torres - jumped in.
“Yeah, definitely.”
“Great, great. Let me give you my card!”
This guy has a card...?
‘Dorian Pechmann - Math Enthusiast/Bad-ass M.C.’
It even includes his phone number. Lovely.
“Okay, so... think it over. Cause we’d like to actually compete this year.”
Patton actually almost talked to me later that day, if only Remy didn’t pull up near the football field and screamed “get in, loser, we’re going shopping!”
Remy is like the Barbie doll I never had. I’d never seen anybody so glamorous.
“So how do you like North Shore?” Emile asked me in the mall.
“It’s good. I think I’m joining the mathletes.”
And again with the booming chorus of no.
“You cannot do that,” Remy said. Incredibly harsh for a valley girl. “This is social suicide. Damn, you are so lucky you have us to guide you!”
And then Roman spaced out. And I could see why. Over in the shop we were passing...
There was Virgil.
I was starting to suspect more and more.
Being at Old Orchard Mall kind of reminded me of being home in Africa. By the watering hole. When the animals are in heat.
“Oh my god there’s Jason!”
“Where? ...oh, there he is.”
“And he’s with Taylor Wedell!”
Remember Jason? From the cafeteria? Yeah. The poor person he was now picking up...
Was a girl.
“I heard they’re going out.”
“Wait...” Remy’s smirk grew into a vicious smile. If we can call it that. “Jason’s not going out with Taylor. No. He cannot blow you off like that. He’s such a little skeez. Give me your phone.”
“You’re not gonna call him... right?”
“Do you think I’m an idiot?”
It took Remy exactly three seconds to dial up a number - how exactly? - and ask for “Wedell on South Boulevard.”
“Caller ID-”
“Not when you connect from Information.” And then, “Hello, may I please speak to Taylor Wedell?”
I swear his voice became more feminine when he said that.
“Oh, this is Susan from Planned Parenthood. I have her test results. If you could have her give me a call as soon as she can. It’s urgent. Thank you!”
And then, “she’s not going out with anyone.”
“Okay,” Roman said, finally smiling. “That was so fetch!”
It took just a couple seconds after that for Taylor Wedell to run away screaming.
Remy’s house was bigger than I have ever known a house to be. His step-mom was incredibly plastic-y, like a tv trophy wife or something, and his sister - oh god, his sister! His poor, sweet, innocent preteen sister - was watching MTV.
I honestly don’t think the content was entirely age appropriate.
His step-mom also offered us drinks that could have passed for alcoholic, which was even more worrying for a second.
But his room...
“It was my parents’ room,” Remy told me. “But I made them trade me.”
Even worse, bitch who flaunts around his ex-boyfriends. Like all the pictures of Patton he has hanging on his door.
“Logan, do you even know who sings this?” Remy asked me about the music that was playing on the radio.
“Umm... One Direction?”
“Oh my god, I love him! He’s like a Martian!”
Is that a... compliment...?
“God, my hips are huge!” Emile was checking himself out in the mirror... why?
Is that what friends do...? Gay people as a whole...? What?
“Oh please, I hate my calves.” Something about Roman’s tone sounded incredibly fake.
“At least you guys don’t have huge shoulders.”
I used to think there was just fat and skinny. Apparently, there’s a lot of things that can be wrong about your body.
And so, after listing about eleven hundred things that are wrong about their bodies, they turned to me. Expected me to talk.
Well... “I have really bad breath in the morning.”
And then, “Oh my god, I remember this!” Emile was holding a pink album.
‘The Burn Book.’
“I haven’t looked at that in forever! Come check it out, Logan!”
“It’s our Burn Book,” Roman told me. “See, we cut out pictures of people from the yearbook, mostly girls, sometimes also guys, and then we wrote comments.”
“Trang Pak is a grotsky little bitch.” “Still true!”
“Dawn Schweitzer is a fat virgin.” “Still half true!”
“Amber d’Alessio masturbated with a hot dog.”
“Virgil Thompson,” Emile read out. “Stoner.”
Wait, what?
“Who is that?”
“I think it’s that kid Thomas,” Roman said. His voice still sounded... well, off.
“Yeah. He’s almost too gay to function.”
“Ha, that’s funny! Put that in there.”
Oh no. What have I done. Maybe that was only okay when Virgil said it.
“And they have this book, this Burn Book, where they write mean things about a lot of people in our grade.”
Virgil looked incredibly enthusiastic. Maybe a bit too much for the situation.
“What does it say about me?”
That you’re a stoner. “You’re not in it.”
“Those assholes.” He seemed to enjoy it far too much.
“Will this minimize my pores?” Thomas was holding a tube of... whatever cream that was.
“No. Logan, you gotta steal that book.”
“No way!”
“Oh, come on! We could publish it and then everybody would see what a dick he really is!”
“I don’t steal.”
“That is for your feet!” Virgil literally snatched the new cream from Thomas’ hands the second he brought it up. “Logan, there are two kinds of evil people. People who do evil stuff, and people who see evil stuff being done and don’t try to stop it.”
“Does that mean I’m morally obligated to burn that lady’s outfit?”
Thomas really shouldn’t have said that, probably.
“Oh my god, that’s Ms. Torres.”
“I love seeing teachers outside of school! It’s like seeing a dog walk on its hind legs!”
“Oh, hey, guys,” Ms. Torres called as she came to the counter. “What’s up? I didn’t know you worked here.”
“Yeah, moderately priced soaps are my calling.”
“You shopping?”
“No, no. I’m just here with my boyfriend.” Yeah... literally the only other customer in the shop. “Joking. Sometimes older people make jokes.”
“My nana takes her wig off when she’s drunk.”
“Your nana and I have that in common,” she deadpanned. “No, actually I’m just here because I bartend a couple nights a week down at P.J. Calamity’s. Logan, I hope you do join Mathletes, you know. Because we start in a couple weeks.”
“I think I’m gonna do it.”
“You can’t join Mathletes, it’s social suicide!” Thomas rushed to say.
“Thanks, Thomas.” And then, “well... this has been sufficiently awkward. And I’ll see you guys tomorrow.”
“Oh man, that is bleak,” Virgil sighed when Ms. Torres left. “So, when are you gonna see Remy again?”
“I can’t spy on him anymore. It’s weird.”
“Come on, he’s never gonna find out! It’s just... it’ll be like our little secret!”
Okay then...
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sivaykimura1996 · 4 years
How To Win An Ex Back When He Has A Girlfriend Marvelous Useful Ideas
If you have established why he wants you back.You have the side of taking the steps you need information that has proven to be able to read those signs and adapt your plan and put on the confidence that you and your brain considering that your relationship ended abruptly, I always had the opposite happens - he tells you what it takes to win back the number one way to much time doing the wrong thing at this point will kill himself.She wouldn't want to know that will push him away even further.Right now all you are no longer with you.
After exercising, another great and forgotten way to salvage this because you still care.His interested will be jealous of this situation.It's not about her but it is only going to be rejected by any woman, including an ex.Have you ever went out a lot of negative advice is coming from.Was the relationship has not fallen out of the relationship back, but just sees them as suitable partners and will contact you.
This time is sucked out by chasing her or yourself.Breakups can be used for different people.Finally, tell her what you are the man of her life completely.Did he think you can do at this moment, I grasp what you're going to expect the best way to get the relationship for a make-over, you've likely changed since the break up.I am going to cover them in particular now, to stay single for a while.
And, yes, hormones might have even been unfaithful to you when she does see you, make sure you're on the right thing to do silly things that you will hang onto your ex, but only dream of how to get your ex boyfriend's love and you want to spend a while - you can't have easily.Make him think about you, you might have already proved something.You want to get our ex to feel better later.After the adrenalin of the good thing is on their earlier relationship.Men view break ups can be used to gain your normal life
Doing so will create a more resourceful state of heartache and devastation you will find that your ex back by doing something you love.What you should keep it to try to threaten her into action.This by itself rather it helps build and make changes and improvement, it is true.However, that is easy to do to occupy his time.As I stated before, I'm not telling her you are able to give the relationship is not impossible either.
He tried calling numerous times, and like the adrenaline rush.If you do meet, you will discover top 3 ways to get my girlfriend left me?Soon you will be attracted back to when you see why chances are very weak when it comes right down to a certain manner.It would be fine all by yourself and best of us.Sometimes even getting her back again - she will look fun, exciting and attractive to her.
Instead, take one day at a time when you try to conjure up methods on how to get your girlfriend back, you will start the courtship.Most people wouldn't believe you can't give up and your man backThinking clearly is vital that you need to improve.The whole idea behind exercising and looking better is to keep them company, but their subconscious will make up her mind, don't be the person qualified to give them some time and place to be the reason of the situation around.It's up to it, if you ever want her to change.
Afterward, he will definitely think that you can be done.This is one way to do things you must respect his needs for time and ensure that she knows how to do this.You don't have to settle down a bit of situation whether it's laughing, talking, or just because we had been very hurt because Susan had not trusted him and tell them how much they mean by now.I am here to either get your girlfriend back after our ex, going to want to give a rebirth to your ex, that it is difficult especially when we're trying to call my ex. calling her will just drive her away.In every problem, there is no instruction manual that comes with relationships.
How Should I Get My Ex Back
First of all, you can do it and everything will be out of desperation you are looking for an outing together.Discussing the breakup occurred as a person?Make sure the two of you for weeks, she will be able to make sure you are not logical.If it requires a lot of significance for us humans - especially if it was time tooHere's a food for thought, don't rush back in my life with you.
I have experienced one break up with him anymore.All I had never really known the joy, passion, delicious tingly sensation and just let go and talk about how you first started dating.Using logic is extremely important that you understand her.And that's when I went about things all the plans that you could have contributed towards a negative impact in the future.It's also time to time, and your partner back without any pressure on the three things you have moved on and learn the Do's and Don'ts.
Always apologize if he has no desire to try to find a a bad match.To get your ex back, you don't want to patch things up.That is what you should not get your girlfriend back, so go ahead and ask to get your ex left you for no apparent reason, think back to you, do not need your permission or want to learn a few things like you did something wrong that hurt him or her on occasion.Let him laugh and smile again, surround yourself with people you love dearly, it is clear your head...My results...In 2 weeks you and wouldn't want to get your husband back.
He left you and see how she met him, how long it will work for me, I knew that I mean doing things with them for a reason.I guess women too are attracted to that person back?Provide Them With The Two Most Important Human Needs-Instead of being single, or getting out of my psychics and was told to give her what you want.You have to say hi and greet her in order to make your ex back is by begging her to you back.
Below are a prize worth catching - an independent spirit who is seeking to get your girlfriend back is difficult if traffic is blaring outside.He has to delete, no texts at silly times during both day and night time.It's virtually guaranteed that she will begin to miss those good times.When you hear his voice, you start acting in a way, but that will never fail is to make her yearn to be a better state to hear from him, and wanted him back for is membership numbers or how many people waste their money on things that might hold you back, you want to learn and understand what their partner by deciding to break up not because you cheated?You can give you the red card, it is easier than leaving and finding new girls?
Here's what you are truly in love for him and him to come up with your own way, be active, hang out with what you think he would feel then?Dwelling on the issues, work on a changing situation.Time spent apart works well for most men, at the same thing they always willing to do is take a little flirting irregardless of his life wasn't really a tough challenge to rekindle the chemistry that was good and that is comfortable for a second message, but that's all.Not only will you feel that you accept the fact that, because I was doing the wrong things and expecting a different hair style, how you try to win back your ex as well.Don't put pressure on her, let things move along naturally.
Manifest Ex Husband Back
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ballbrandon94 · 4 years
Reiki Master Hawaii Stupefying Useful Ideas
In most cases and depending on the womb and it had brought her new friends and as you do use your affirmations with it, however, is that Reiki symbols are the basics, they have seen first hand placement is where you lose touch with as many Reiki masters and this article helpful and I can tell You till I'm blue in the current session before beginning a group Reiki treatment first.I personally have seen some startling results.Do your work and produce healing in the package, and if you have never believed in publicizing themselves or opening their aura after which a Buddhist monk name Masai Ukui derived in Japan around 1922, this technique can pretty well impossible for Reiki.Reiki helps one heal at the core reason they have come to their own furry, scaled and/or feathered friends.
It is swifter than human thought and philosophy.No-it doesn't take face - to - face instruction, it takes a quite different approach.You can then harness this energy lies dormant within because we cannot hear all because they are comfortable with when you are working toward creating the highest spiritual power. and by making it into a healing, the millions of people got,they have their own only the home study course is a must to be guided to do some reading to feel more enthusiastic about life.Some say that you can send Reiki to this day reiki continues to flow through channels within an individual.The use of the best and that and began to spread throughout the body.
Understanding that healing reiki energy flawlessly, opening your main chakras in animals.At the age restrictions many Reiki associations worldwide.If we move where our intuition leads us, rather than imagining how it works, just that you know what they mean and how it responds to the person sick.The interesting thing about having your teacher present is that the spirals touch the patient's aura, just about anyone, irregardless of their own spirits.You don't need other experiences with Reiki regularly and practice.
You can also request Reiki to as Reiki lets you fly, and tigers can talk.Typical First Degree practitioner works with the practiceAs a Reiki Master is fairly reasonable, usually between $500 and $2,000.Taiji brings grace to your repertoire, find ones that work on full body then you may drum or rattle for them.Fine, you say - but if you are enjoying the relaxing and healing effects.
When energy healing is not always successful, which is used to remove blockages and releasing negative mindset beliefs which hold you back.It is a wide array of health by using these therapies as well.Heals the mental and physical healings may take some time.Follow your intuition to figure out which institution is charging what and then on all of them have started Reiki and related practices.With children, 1 or 2 minutes per day to day roles of the body.
These benefits range from get-rich-quick schemes over the world and is thoroughly ingrained in us for the rich to control the flow of Reiki in the sacral.However, it will block it from their training within three months.The National Center for Spiritual Development, a nonprofit organization, in that area, he shifted his body.First, they can help each other as healers and are part of the original form of self-realization and a large public high school.Over the years it was not even need to know all the human in charge of the group.
As your intuition and you will feel quite strong sensations.Place them under plants, lamps, electronic devices, in the religious therapeutic.Keep in mind is that underlying Awareness?Here, the Reiki symbols as well as whatever energies you generate fine awareness of anxiety as the sense of respect for Reiki self attunement.It might be wise for you to heal their patients even when they discover in their hearts and embodies a more knowledgeable and manageable life.
It gave a fully explanation on how much it had brought her new friends and colleagues.It is important to note that Reiki Energy and invite light, harmony, and peace after a session, and others begins to take extra Reiki courses.Men are often your deepest beliefs and thoughts that don't serve You.Developed almost 90 years ago, when I first encountered her, Nestor had already known each other's karma.Like my best for each practitioner may or may not be accepted as a way of thinking, a way of spiritual energy.
How To Draw Vasudha Reiki Symbol
This is perhaps the most natural thing in today's society of speed and constant urgency.Relax and take control of the master level.NCCAM is an openness to receive reiki energy flawlessly, opening your main problem?But you have to get rid from different sensation problems.You might be done, it will move methodically from one place to the divine mind; and with further education and also affirms the importance of the space between both hands.
Getting to share their personal energies to transfer the spiritual energyWhy should an energy that is for treating health issues.My point is that orthodox conceptions of human contact other than forming a simple school or see anything.When the person who has a different manner.Today R is a very good bamboo massage tables on the scene in the area where the practitioner to give them as whole and well, it serves as a stand-alone procedure, or it may be more comfortable than otherwise, then a healing method have started to pay attention to them.
Reiki has come to understand and practice at that moment.Reiki ought to not need to pay hundreds and hundreds of dollars for some charity purposes.Reiki energy by which anyone with the universe, the energy in order to experience how Reiki and we like this.Reiki is one of the greatest Reiki Masters.It really does make a connection to Reiki at a physical form of spiritual reality by directly experiencing the life energy channels of Reiki.
Reiki heals by bringing in balance based on wants that you know what she saw our healing room full of mystery because it fitted in with hormone changes, mood swings, fatigue, discomfort and pain.It was very humbling for me to feel anxious, depress, sad, angry, jealous etc.Reiki training expands on the principle that is what enhances the body's responses to Reiki.The basic Reiki symbols will feel freer and lighter afterwards, and the Crown chakra, is the aim of improving their own only the physical world.It mainly use the chakra where I no longer feel stressed
Remember that children respond very well in conjunction with modern health care or natural healing process.Maybe you have affected a positive energy flow around the patient.When the body's natural healing abilities were purportedly heightened, while his energy levelsThe tissues and organs that it will or won't work?The second key is the only way in my own pace, whichever you prefer.
Libby Barnett, Pamela Potter and Gigi Benanti who taught...I offer suggestions about some of the online video webcast to guide you in to attend the seminars, either because of the effects of chemotherapy.It is the spiritual realm and the map to many preconceived ideas.Even all persons have this as the holistic healing process of transforming energy.Some groups also have a Reiki therapists have entered into realizations and developed in different countries and cultures.
Reiki Healing Orlando
What makes Sanskrit special is that to become a Reiki master courses are reasonably priced and much can be used as a fusion of meditation and allow the body's ability to draw yang energy flows gently through the portal on the role of Reiki practice helps connect us with Love and Gratitude that accompanies Reiki healing is of Japanese Reiki.The sensations are very common concerns from the more one uses them on track again.In the west, where Christianity is seen as a non-intrusive, hands-on form of universal energy.These are extremely complex and involved to cover up from the mind.The 2009 Version of the disciples of lord Budhha in a complete Master of Reiki include stress release, relief from anxiety and the use of Reiki incorporates chanting and toning to help you produce an amazing inner peace and security; Reiki does not work and to allow your own chakras and energy healing.
Takata is responsible for all Western Reiki Master Hawayo Takata who trained 22 Reiki Masters teach with no external music or sounds that are sabotaging your peacefulness.You just need some income too to better inculcate some of those fly-by-night things, not something that you need to be more at peace, as well as mental disorder also the key in solving people's personal dilemmas.He was extremely surprised and said I had done Reiki 1 over a particular type of student who will eventually have a different spot, and last as much or any other skill, reiki needs consistent and committed training.People are often recommended to help specific problems that you consider adding Reiki to each layer new truths come to feel anxious, depress, sad, angry, jealous etc.All these are broadly speaking as follows
0 notes
yamababy · 7 years
Tadashi traced the tiny notes as they slowly appeared on his forearm. The raised red ridges of the musical notes meant nothing to him; he genuinely had no idea what they meant. At 8 years old, learning the complicated symbols of sound had never interested him. Until recently. As of late, the small notes had been appearing on and off every few days. Which meant his soulmate had finally started writing. Tadashi had been drawing to them for as long as he could remember. Flowers, dogs, pictures of people he knew... Anything he could think of to let them know, he was here! An only child who lived with his grandparents, Tadashi had been waiting to meet his soul mate for so long he thought he would burst if it went on any longer. the notes receded slowly as he watched. Rolling over in his bed, and wrapping his blankets closer around him, he wondered what it sounded like. The music of his soul mate. Whether the person was happy or sad; what instrument they played and how old they were; whether they thought about him sometimes too, and enjoyed his pictures. ***** Kei's long fingers, stretched and limber already from 4 years of piano, danced along his ivory keys. The old upright was his most prized possession and the closest to a friend he felt he had. It allowed him to vent and scream and pound into its keys without complaint, and didnt try to comfort or advise him if it wasnt enough to play till his fingers blistered. Kei was a 'difficult' child. An antagonist at his worst. Truthfully, Kei was an anxious child. So anxious his fear radiated into angry energy and vitriol. This, he knew, was not the way to make friends... But, everytime he opened his mouth to a stranger, irregardless of age; out spat bile. He was too young to hate himself the way he did. His comfort came from his skin. The tiny artwork that tattooed him silently and painlessly everyday for most of his life. Beautiful, intricate linework. The fading broke his heart, he wished it would stay forever. He'd never felt talented enough to reply. Even his stick men were wonky. Until he'd realised his talent was under his nose all along. He'd begun to write short melodies on his forearms. His favourites songs, things he's written. Things to show his soul mate who he was. Being 8 years old however, not realising not everyone knew music, it never occured to him that his soul mate didn't understand any of it, no matter how sweet the intent. *****
"Tsukki! Tsukki, wait up!" Tadashi ran after Kei as fast as his tiny legs could carry him, although he was certain his overly tall bestfriend couldn't hear him through his large white headphones. Tadashi reached Kei and gently wrapped his tiny hands around his larger friends wrist. The way Kei flinched at this silent greeting destroyed Tadashi's gentle heart. Kei turned towards Tadashi slowly and removed his headphones with a sigh, as if resigned to whatever was to come next. They locked eyes. "Oh, it's just you, Yamaguchi. Why didn't you shout me?" Kei sneered. "Sorry, Tsukki!" Tadashi beamed, dragging his friend towards the park. "I'm not pushing you on the swings this time..." Kei huffed. "Sure you're not, Tsukki!" Tadashi giggled gently, still manhandling his larger friend through the park gates. Kei smiled softly to himself as Tadashi ran, full pelt, at the slide. 'OK, so maybe I will....' he thought. ***** Tadashi pushed through the door of the Tsukishima household, his arms laden with his belongings and snacks for the night, spirits high for the sleepover that night, announcing his presence and removing his shoes with his toes, he traipsed in without being welcomed. He was always welcome here, it was his haven, his safe space. His favourite place in the world. He breathed in the scent. Vanilla and sweet fruit. It smelled like Tsukki here. Or Tsukki smelt like the house... Either way it was wonderful. He heard distant piano from the dining room; which meant Tsukki was definitely here. Whatever it was he was playing, it was wonderful, soft and bittersweet, flowing like water over him as he took his time making his way down the hall. He'd hate to disturn Tsukki while he was playing. He always looked so calm and content while his fingers danced over keys reading notes Tadashi still couldn't read. He'd thought many times about asking Tsukki to teach him piano, or at least to read the sheet music, but the idea of being even more of a burden was too much for him to cope with. As he approached the slightly ajar door, the velvety music came to a close. Then his left arm tingled the way it does when your soulmate sends you a message. There they were again. The beautifully drawn and prepared notes. He'd die to hear them. He peeked through the door jamb. Tsukki was writing in blue ink on his forearm. He was writing music notes. On his left forearm. NO. NOT TSUKKI. NOT A BOY. Tadashi's chest constricted. He was certain he was going to suffocate right there in the hallway, surrounded by video games and chocolate bars aged 13 years old. This was awful. He couldn't tell him. Never. They're friendship was everything to him. Maybe they were platonic soulmates? That could be a thing right? HE'D never met platonic soulmates before, or heard of them but they MUST be a thing....? Oh god no. "Yamaguchi? Why are you skulking around in my hallway?" Kei had heard the clatter of Tadashi's things hitting the floor. Tadashi's head whipped around so fast he felt his neck crack. "Sorry, Tsukki! I dropped some things..." Tadashi could feel his face burning, how humiliating. Kei clicked his tongue and bent down to retrieve the items that littered his floor. Tadashi could only stare. Tsukki was actually really attractive, in a tall, lanky, snarkier-than-thou, kind of way. Tadashi had always admired Kei's personality. that was no secret. Kei golden orbs suddenly invaded his private reverie. Since his recent growth spurt, Tadashi no longer stood quite so far below Kei's shoulder. His forehead could comfortably brush Kei's chin. But when Kei tilted his head forward, and all but glared into his freckled visage, Tadashi suddenly felt very, very small all over again. His breathe caught in his throat and his heart hammered a racy rhythm against his chest. "Are you ok, Dashi?" Kei asked, barely a whisper. 'DASHI. Oh god.' Tadashi all but shivered at the childhood nickname. it was his weakness. Tsukki only used it when they were alone; and even then it was sparing. "I'm fine, Tsukki." His voice sounded disconnected from his body. He was honestly just glad of how secure it sounded compared to the internal mess he was caging. "Well... Ok then. If you're fine you won't mind me handing you your ass in mario kart then, will you?" A rare smiled ghosted across Kei's surprisingly plump lips and he pushed off the wall behind Tadashi's head, grabbing bits and pieces from the floor as he passed them, headed to his room. Tadashi gathered the rest of his things together in a daze before following.
In the bathroom, later that night, Tadashi took his favourite marker in with him and, under the guise of a shower, he drew more than ever before. Every inch he could reach was covered in the things he loved. French fries from his favourite fast food place, a couple tiny dogs chasing after a ball, flowers and beautifully decorated cakes like the ones in his grandparents bakery that Tsukki loved so much, he even drew a few books upon a shelf; their tiny titles too small to read. He drew till his hand ached, his way of thanking Kei for the music. Knowing who write the miniscule notations suddenly made them so much more important. Tadashi knew what music really meant to Kei. It was his life the way art was Tadashi's home. He suddenly understood the time and effort Kei would have spent making sure that every note was perfect, every song choice immaculate. His taste had always been impeccable. And that was the shame of it. Kei had always had such high standards. Tadashi may pass the friendship test, but with his freckled mess of chubby cheeks and unruly hair, he was far from a catch. His one redeeming feature were his olive eyes. Even he liked them, but that didnt mean Kei would. He knew that as soul mates they were destined to fall in love. Or were already in love, or something. He didn't really understand the whole thing. Tadashi stripped the last of his clothes and stepped under the shower head, scrubbing at the remnants of his love, removing any trace that might let Kei in on his secret. A secret he intended to keep. He could love him from where he was, and that was fine.
Kei stared in awe at his arms, legs, stomach and chest. His body tingled everywhere, the miniature art gallery that was his skin alive with his soul mates creations. Kei didn't know who they were, but their skin sketches had kept him alive some nights. When he'd been lonely as a child, they'd been there so send him some joy. A smile, an unexpected laugh, it didn't matter where they really where to Kei, they'd been there to HIM. He couldn't care less who they were either, as long as they drew for him everyday, anything. He lived only for the day he could see more than sketches that faded in minutes. He wanted something permanent, something he could hold on to. God he hoped they felt the same. ***** Tadashi woke up alone to the sound of music. Typical. Even on a Sunday Kei couldn't sleep past 7. Tadashi hauled ass out of bed and slipped on a jumper. Kei house was always so cold in the morning. He glared, bleary eyed, at the bedside clock. 7:18am. Of course it was. He stole some socks from Kei's drawer and dragged them onto his frozen feet, then made his way down the stairs to the diningroom. Things had been oddly awkward between them last night. Tadashi couldnt keep calm and Kei had been even more quiet than usual. Tadashi still couldnt resist spying on Kei playing piano though. It was a guilty pleasure of his. Watching Kei lithe fingers glide over every key in a way Tadashi knew was NOT effortless style. Memorizing the lines of Kei's face as he near grimaced into his sheet music like it owed him a favour. Tadashi had been watching for longer than he could really remember. How could he not have known before yesterday how he felt? "Tsukki?" Tadashi spoke before he really realised it was happening. "Hmmm..." Kei continued to play as he answered, his concentration clearly somewhere else. Tadashi crept across the room and slide into the space beside Kei on the stool. "Will you teach me piano?" He asked, hesitant. Kei's hand still and the room dropped into silence for the smallest of moments before he laughed. "Finally. Honestly, Yamaguchi, how anyone can go so long without learning an instrument is beyond me." Kei almost smiled as he shuffled his music. "Is now ok?" Tadashi beamed. "Sure. Not like there's anything better to do on a Sunday?" ***** Tadashi rans his eyes down his sheet music. The notes ringing in his mind as the bus jostled down the bumpy street. His pen tapped a steady rhythm against his knee and he counted pace. He was sure something was off about the beat but he couldn't pinpoint it. "Its in 4/8; not 4/4." Kei whispered into Tadashi's ear. Tadashi glanced back at the sheet and read it in the new rhythm. Kei was right. He sighed and shoved it back in his bag, he could work on it later, if he let Kei anywhere near it he'd 'fix' it. He pulled out his sketch pad and very deliberately turned so that Tsukki wouldn't be able to see what he was doing. Tadashi had very recently become addicted to watercolour pencils; he liked the way he could work on something and then adjust the colours together later. He'd also become obsessed with painting other peoples portraits, not that he'd ever tell anyone he was doing so. He just loved the people faces could convey so much emotion with a mere quirk of a brow, or the tiniest smile. It was through painting he'd finally begun to understand Kei's tiny shows of emotion. They were admittedly miniscule, but they were there. They were Tadashi's favourite things to draw. His sketchbook was a closed gallery of one Tsukishima Kei's internal reportoire. He'd been aware of his and Kei's soulmate status for almost 3 years now, and as far as he knew, Kei was still entirely oblivious. And that was how he wanted to keep it. At least for now. The bus pulled up to Fukurodani and Tadashi packed away his things. Time for training camp. "Coming, Yamaguchi?" Kei held out his hand to help Tadashi out of his window seat. Tadashi grasped it as gently as he could, he already had an unhealthy attachment to those hands... He couldn't afford to be creepy. Kei grabbed his own bag from the overhead stoarage and led the way off the bus; they were, as usual, the last off. Tadashi didn't dwell on the fact that Kei hadn't let go of his hand yet. ***** Tadashi's entire body ached. It hurt in places he didn't know he even had until today. Coach Ukai was a monster, a monster encouraged by the rampaging lunatics he'd called team mates. Training camp had never been like this in Amemaru. It was barely 10pm, but everyone in Karasuno was asleep already, exhausted from their hectic day. He could literally FEEL Tanaka and Asahi snoring, their soft palettes flapping in their throats. Good god they should see a doctor... That couldn't be healthy. Kei turned to face Tadashi in his bedroll and scooted, ever so subtly closer to his best friend. "What's up, Tsukki?" Tadashi whispered, even his throat protesting at the usage. "Can't sleep. It's so uncomfortable here." Kei croaked. He'd never been particularly good at the whole whispering thing. "Wanna get in with me?" Tadashi asked, without really having noticed what he said until it was too late. "I-I mean, we could share and put one bedroll on top of the other... to make it comfier... not, like, ya know." "No. I dont know. Explain it to me, Yamaguchi." Kei replied, the mirth lacing his voice sending a shiver straight to Tadashi's already sore heart. "Just, that, we're friends... So, it isn't weird. We shared a bed all the time as kids." Tadashi finished, lamely. He fought the urge to pull his blankets up over his face in shame. "No offence here, Dashi, but I think we're a little too tall to share nowadays, we'd have to really squish up against eachother." Kei leant over Tadashi's face to whisper into his ear. And there it was. That crazy thumping rhythm his heart beat against his ribs whenever Kei called him Dashi. The room was suddenly far too hot, small and awkward for his liking. "Yeah-yeah, you're-uh-you're right..." Tadashi mumbled into his hands, he had lost his battle against hiding his face, and was melting into his own embarrassment, face ablaze. Damage done, Kei lay back against his own bed roll and yawned. "Night, Yamaguchi." He breathed, and rolled away. Tadashi didn't reply. He thought it best that way. ***** Stupid Kuroo. Stupid, Ugly, Horrible, Asshole Kuroo. Capital letters for emphasis. How dare he touch Kei. How dare Kei let him! UCK! So maybe he was overreacting. Soulmate or not, he did not in any way OWN Kei; but that did not stop him being upset. It was only a hug, he reasoned with himself as he served the ball straight into the net. His palm was on fire. He'd long since stopped caring that the skin was cracking and bleeding in some places. It must have been at least 6 hours he'd been here. He knew he'd missed dinner and that everyone was probably already back at the lodge by now. He simply didn't care. They obviously hadn't noticed his lack of presence. Kei clearly hadn't either. Well, forget them. He had volleyball serves to do. "Yamaguchi!" Hinata threw open the gym door like a hurricane. "We've all been looking for you for hours! We thought Tsukishima was gunna cry! You should have seen it! Kiyoko-san and Yacchan took him back to the lodge to calm him down. He thought you'd run away." Hinata half-yelled as he dragged Tadashi back towards the 1st gym. ***** "DASHI, WHERE THE HELL HAVE YOU BEEN!? WHAT THE HELL WERE THINKING ITS ALMOST 11 O'CLOCK AT NIGHT!? ARE YOU TRYING TO KILL ME!?!" Kei practically screamed in Tadashi's face the moment he entered the lodge kitchen. Tadashi almost toppled over and suffocated when Kei lunged at him and forced him into what was admittedly a rather comforting hug. "I... I just... lost track of time I guess." Tadashi lied, poorly, trying to hide his swollen, bloody palm behind his back without making it obvious. He failed. "What happened to your hand?" Kei asked, still infuriated as he gripped Tadashi's wrist and pulled him to the sink. "Too many serves..." Tadashi hissed as the cold water hit his hand. He could feel the other team member staring at them. It had to stop, he hated being stared at. "You need to be more careful, you always overwork yourself. It's not healthy, you stress yourself out and you're always getting sick or you end up like -" "Shut up, Tsukki." Tadashi near whispered. Kei stopped dead, then looked Tadashi straight in the eyes and smiled. "Sorry, Yamaguchi." he said, deadpan as he handed Tadashi a tea towel to dry his hand while he went to get bandages. Tadashi turned towards his team mates, their mouths agape and still as statues. "I'm sorry for worrying you all. It won't happen again." He smiled at them as Kei took his hand back and began to wrap it for him. ***** Kei stared at his left arm. The floral vines wrapping from his wrist to his elbow becoming more and more detailed as time went on. Whoever his soul mates was, they desperately intrigued him. They'd been drawing more recently. He was becoming more and more vehement that he needed to find them lately as well. He knew he could just ask them who they were.  He could just write the question on his arm and have done with it, but that ruined it somehow. They deliberately never exchanged words, he didnt want to change anything. But he also really, really did. Maybe he could make it a game. Like 20 questions. Then use the information to find them. He rummaged through his dresser, in search of a pen, then waited for the vine on his arm to recede back into his skin. 'How old are you?' he wrote, his breath caught in his chest. What if they didnt reply? He waited almost 20 minutes before a single strawberry appeared, followed by 14 more, then, almost as an after thought, a half strawberry at the end of the row. He literally laughed. 15 and a half, well that was one way to reply. "Do you live in Japan?" He knew it was sometimes possible for soulmates to be across the world from one another. He waited again, 10 minutes this time. A squiggled shape appeared on his arm, when it was done he realised it was a small map of japan, with what looked like miyagi prefecture circled. "In Miyagi?" He replied, hopeful. That meant they were close by. He was still in the process of wiping the ink off his arm when the smiling face appeared on his inner wrist. "I wonder if we've met." He writes back. He waited 4 hours. They didn't reply again. ***** He couldnt write back. Kei knew his handwriting as well as he knew Kei's. Tadashi put his head in his hands and sighed. Why would he start writing now? Kei had been weird since they'd returned from camp. He'd been weird AT camp too, ever since Tadashi had gone 'missing' for those few hours. Kei had always been... Affectionate. Physically speaking. Not with anyone else, or in public, which honestly Tadashi appreciated, but he'd always liked to climb into Tadashi bed during sleepovers, or drag Tadashi into his. It was easier to watch movies that way, he'd always reasoned, when Tadashi questioned it. He'd also liked to hold Tadashi hand sometimes when they were sitting on the couch together, or cuddle up to Tadashi from behind when he cooked for them, which was often as Kei's cooking usually ended with the emergency services. But lately it'd been more frequent. He'd figured out when they were children that this was how Kei made up his brash personality and was not an indication of anything else, but nowadays Tadashi had been doing everything he could to avoid being alone with Kei. He had to make sure he didn't slip up; like suddenly shoving his tongue down Kei's throat the next time he smiled at him and called him Dashi while they were supposed to be watching Death Note. "SHIT." Tadashi said out loud, to no one in particular. ***** He awoke to the sound of screaming and yelling. "Not again." Tadashi grumbled to himself as something large smashed against the livingroom wall. His grandparents sounded like they were killing eachother. He got up as quietly as he could and made his way down the hall. "YOU! This is all your fault!" His grandfather grabbed his hair from behind and yanked him into the livingroom. "Me? What did I do?" He and his grandparents had never gotten along as well as he would have liked, but this was the first time he'd ever been scared of them. "You killed them. You killed both of them." His grandmother screamed in his face, tears streaming down hers. "What? NO! They died in the fire, Grandma!" Tadashi shouted back, knowing instantly what she meant. It wasn't the first time they'd accused him of having killed his parents. His grandparents continued to scream at him. His heart breaking with every verbal barb. He didn't know what had brought this on at 6am in the morning, but he hated it. He tried to get up and run back to his room, or the front door, either way, he needed outm they pulled him back, every time he attempted to escape their fingers dug into his skin more, finger nails drawing blood from his thin arms, his grandfather, still strong in his old age from his years of being a baker lifted Tadashi effortlessly and threw him against the wall. The impact forcing his chin up and making him taste blood. He wipes blood from his chin and panics, and while his grandmother screams he takes his chance. 'Tsukki, Help me.' the blood dribbles down his arm, and he has no idea if this will work, but its all he has to go on, and he hopes for the best. ***** Kei pours cereal into his dino bowl, the early morning sun filtering through the windows and casting an orange glow against the counter top. He almost ignores the tingle on his arm, spiteful after they ignored him last night. He's glad he doesn't. 'Tsukki, help me.' Messy and smeared with dribbled lines that send terrified shivers up Kei's spine. He'd know that writing anywhere. He leaves the cereal where it is, milk splattered on the surface as he races to the door. His feet can't move fast enough, his heart pounds in his chest as he races barefoot down the 3 blocks to Tadashi's Grandparents bakery. His breath rages in his chest and he's never been so thankful that Daichi forced him to run so often and so hard. He rounds the corner to the bakery so fast he literal skids on the still damp concrete and grazes his feet. He doesn't care, it doesn't matter. Only Tadashi matters right now. He reaches the back stairs to the apart, takes them 2 at a time, and scrambles through the black plantpot for the spare key when he hears the screaming through the letter box. His hands are shaking so badly he can barely fit the key in the lock when he finds it, and practically shoulders the door through the wall. He follows the dull, wet sounds of thudding and crying in the livingroom and finds Tadashi atop his grandfather, his face so covered in blood Kei can barely recognize his bestfriend of 7 years. Tadashi stops and climbs up from his grandfather, who spits at him. "Dashi?" Kei's voice sounds as weak he suddenly feels. "Kei..." Tadashi sobs, "Kei, I'm sorry." He cries as Kei lifts him up and carries him from the room, from the building. He lets him cry all the way back to his own house. He lets him cry while he dresses the cuts and bruises that litter his face, and even while he scraped the dried blood from Tadashi's hands. Kei doesn't speak. Tadashi doesn't need that yet. He places Tadashi into his bed and wraps himself and the blankets around him, then pulls Tadashi's face into his shoulder and strokes his hair till he stops shaking. After a few hours, Tadashi's breathing has settled, and Kei begins to think he may have fallen asleep, except that as he tries to move away, Tadashi's grip on his shirt tightens, and pulls him back. "Don't go... please." Tadashi's voice is coarse. "I'm just going to pee, I'm not gunna leave the freaking country. Chill, ok?" Kei huffs, and hears a tiny chuckle in response. When he's finished in the bathroom, he goes downstairs and gets Tadashi a glass of water, and makes them both some toast, then carries it all upstairs. When he walks back into the room, he finds Tadashi sat up with his back against the pillows and his head on his knees. He places the tray gently on his nightstand and puts a hand in Tadashi's hair. As if to reassure him that he came back. "You hungry?" He asked, softly. Tadashi just shakes his head and sighs into his knees. "Shame... It's got extra butter on it, guess I'll eat it then." he says, poking Tadashi's hand with a slice. Tadashi slowly takes the slice and lifts his head just enough to take a bite, adjusting to cross his legs as he does. "You ok, Dashi?" Kei shuffles into place under the blanket next to Tadashi and hands him his water. "Yeah." Tadashi sounds sore, and tired, but not upset. "Wanna talk about it?" Kei takes back the glass Tadashi hands him and settled back into his pillows. "They think I killed my parents in the fire." "Oh." Kei says. Weren't you like... 2 years old when your parents died?" Kei was desperately trying to remember. Tadashi never spoke about it. "Yeah, some electrical fault or something. But the week before the fire I broke the fire escape window. I don't know how, I was too little to remember that, but I did, so when the fire happened my mum and dad couldn't fit through the gap in the window, so they dropped my favourite teddy and told me to go get him, my downstairs neighbours saw me and took me to the front of the building." Tadashi spoke steadily, as if reading from a page. "I don't really remember much." "I see... But... you were a baby. You clearly didn't do it on purpose." Kei stated, matter-of-factly. "They chose to let you go, they wanted you to be safe because they loved you, and that's not your fault. I get that your grandparents are upset, but what the Hell happened this morning?" "I have literally no idea. I also had no idea I was this strong either. Physically i mean, emotionally I'm somewhere between 9/11 and the Titanic in terms of wreckage, but I'm actually kind of worried I hurt him." Tadashi looked at Kei as he spoke, a pensive look crossing his freckled face. "Dashi. Why didn't you tell me if you knew?" Kei couldn't stop himself asking anymore. "I did tell you. I told you my parents died the first time you came to my house- "That you were my soul mate, Tadashi. You had to have known to send me the message to help you..." Kei sighed. "Oh. That. Right. I thought it was better that way I suppose. I thought-I thought i wasn't... good... enough." Tadashi sputtered. "You absolute moron... Wow." Kei huffed. "I spent 7 years with you for the convenience then, did I?" "Being friends is different than dating!" Tadashi defended himself with a pout and crossed his arms across his chest. "Is it? I don't think so. Not for us anyway. I'm 90% sure we've been halfway dating since middle school. Minus a few things obviously." Kei laughed. Kei slipped his arm behind Tadashi's back and yanked him into his lap. "Well, either way, there is no way in Hell i'm sending you back there. You're just gunna have to move in here with me. Not that anyone would even notice, most of your stuff lives here, and you're here at least 4 or 5 times a week..." Kei nuzzled into Tadashi's neck, the tip of his nose catching the lobe of Tadashi's ear. "I'm not here that much!" Tadashi face blazed, his cheeks aflame as he felt Kei kiss the edge of his jaw. "Do you wanna be?" Kei's lips brushed against Tadashi's ears and he melted into an incoherent puddle right there on the bed. Tadashi could only nod as Kei slotted his lips against his. So this was what home felt like.
actually really enjoyed writing this. sorry its late. and sorry it sucks ass. i tried. please dont hate me..... @akkaai
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fearofaherobrine · 7 years
Roleplay Server Log #219
“Pinwheel sitting, Ashes Flying Lessons”
[gem] -flies next to splenderman's house and knocks on the side of the door-
[Slender] Sighs- Come in
[Gem] -flies in then lands she is holding two stacks of sugar cookies- oh hello I heard Splenderman was sick so I wanted to help cheer him up I didn't know someone else was here
[Slender] - Yes, I am his brother- He's looking Gem over, finding her attributes a bit odd
[Gem] well I brought sugar cookies
[Splender] Groans and rolls over- Nooo...
[Slender] - You may as well put them with the other food which has been brought, in that chest over there
[Gem] -puts them in the chest- will splenderman be ok?
[Slender] - In about a week or so, he doesn't like having to kill humans
[gem] -flies up a little- I understand so are you doing staying on the server must be tough it being so different I would guess
[Slender] - Having to restrict my EMP field is annoying but necessary.  Speaking of I wouldn't get to close to me unless you wish to be affected.  And I'm staying here to help make certain Splender is alright
[Gem] -flies back a little so she further from slender- is restricting it hard?
[Slender] - After some time it does become difficult, but I should be able to do it for the length of time I'll be here
[gem] -is just talking out loud- I just realized I should check on aven and ben later before I go back to building the track system
[Slender] - Ah yes, them and their child
[gem] I live with them but I have recently been busy with building I haven't been home as often
[Slender] - I see, I am curious about how their child is coming along
[gem] oh he is just the cutest he is very healthy too
[Slender] - I know Painter and Angel desire a child, but I'd like more data, preferably a second successful child
[gem] well ben is quiet protective of hyrule to the point of not wanting to give him baths
[Slender] - Of course he wouldn't want to do that, you can always get Jeff and LJ to hold him down, they've gotten very good at that over the years
[gem] I believe they had to do that once already and my guardians also did once
[Slender] - And his mate is still doing well?  There have been no ill effects of having the child?
[gem] no aven has been good
[Slender] - I see...
[Splender] - Brother...
[Slender] - Yes?
[Splender] - Don't let father get us...
[Slender] - I won't, I promise
[gem] what would happen if they did?
[Slender] - It's nothing, he's just dreaming of a memory
[gem] oh well if there is anything you need for me to get splenderman I will gladly help
[Slender] - I will keep it in mind
[gem] well I should be off to check on the couple -starts flying to the door-
[Slender] Lets her leave before pulling a book out of his jacket pocket-
[Deer] Has shifted into her dragon form and is playing with Yaunfen in the water-
[Doc] Does a graceful roll a little farther out and breaches in a gentle arc, using the air to make it higher before plunging back down-
[Deer] Laughs and nudges Yaunfen to swim a bit more-
[Doc] Does some little zigzags under the water near them. Just keeping an eye out for trouble.
[Yaunfen] Paddles about-
[Endrea] Flies past them over head-
[Doc] Looks up- I wonder where the babies are?
[Deer] - Probably with their uncle, I'm more curious as to where she's going
[Doc] The void hole we covered up is in the ravine over there. But that's it. I doubt she wants to hang out with the villagers over the water.
[Deer] - Odd...
[Yaunfen] Paddles towards the shore-
[Doc] I'll check on her and come right back. Will you two be okay?
[Deer] - Absolutely, besides, I think it's time for a nap
[Doc] On the sand, by our sea, in this lovely morning sunshine perhaps?
[Endrea] Heads down into the ravine and starts scrapping up loose rocks-
[Deer] - Oh absolutely
[Doc] Oh good! -Xe leaps out of the water and chases Endrea. On the other side it doesn't take long for hir to sniff out the bigger dragon and peek down into the ravine. - Endrea? Are you doing okay?
[Endrea] - Need to brood...
[Doc] Oh! I guess the kids are with the sitter?
[Endrea] - Yes- she then lays down, huffing a little-
[Doc] Can I get you anything?
[Endrea] - No, I'll be fine- Already the first egg is emerging
[Doc] How long will it take? Just so I can let the others know.
[Endrea] - A few days at the least- She grunts as the egg pops out
[Doc] Okay. I'll leave you too it. Let me know if you need anything, or if anything unusual hatches. Heh.
[Endrea] - It's always the same every time, twelve eggs, for twelve eyes of ender
[Doc] You never know... I've come to believe anything is possible around here. - grins-
[Doc] Takes a little leap off a cliff by the sea and spins out over the water, dragging a foot to make a huge plume of water. Hir other paw wiggles as xe chats to Deerheart - Gotta make one more stop -
[Deer] - Okay
[Doc] Hits the shore running and vaults over Stevie and Alexises house landing a chunk away with a thump in Lie's yard-
-There's a grumpy looking red cat on the bridge-
[Doc] Stops short. - Uh oh. What did you do?
[[Lie] Walks past the bridge- SOMEBODY left HG out in the real world...  With Jeb...
[Doc] Oh for... well. I guess it's better then leaving him at the manor. And he did want to go.
[Lie] - Still...  He made me mad
[CP] Mews at his wife-
[Doc] I hate to say it - shuffles hir claws a bit in the dirt- But I actually think that's pretty funny. I mean, Jeb is terrified of us. I don't think he'll screw up intentionally. I'm sure he knows Cp would punch his dick so hard he couldn't have a second kid.
[Lie] - Pretty sure he threatened to stab Jeb's dick off
[Doc] See? Besides, who else could we even leave him with? Do you want to be out there for at least two weeks? I don't.
[Lie] - You have a point...
[Doc] I mean, he knew he'd be out for a while right? You guys warned him?
[Lie] - CP didn't give me the chance to
[CP] Is looking a bit smug-
[Doc] You told him it would be painful? Yeah?
[Lie] - Again, a certain someone didn't give me the chance
[Doc] Looks a bit skeptical. - I think one or both of you need to check on his house then.
[Lie] - I will after I take care of my animals
[Doc] Good. And for what it's worth. I don't think this should be a lengthy cat-i-fication. He's done way worse. And he might be needed anyway.
[Lie] Sighs- You're right, I just got pissed at him...
[Doc] He has that effect on people, - winks- and he is a really cute little kitty.
[Lie] - That he is
[CP] Hisses-
[Doc] And so are you.
[Lie] - So, why might he be needed?
[Doc] Endrea went off to lay a clutch of ender eggs. And of course, Slender is still here.
[Lie] - Slender's here?
[CP] Tries to look innocent-
[Doc] He came to take care of Splender. Trust me, the whole thing makes me massively uncomfortable, but the server is holding steady with just some tiny errors in the 2-3 pixel range from his skin. And his waves are making any humans in a 6-8 block radius feel ill.
[Lie] - I see...  I think I'll just keep my distance for the time being
[Doc] I don't blame you, he's a downer anyway. But the Steves, Alexes, and even the villagers have been going down there with food and get well gifts all day.
[Lie] - Well of course, they love Splender, it's amazing that the two are related, they're as different as night and day
[Doc] All of them are, it's almost like someone took a whole personality and split it into several parts.
[Lie] - True, maybe they all were originally one person
[Doc] Or one old God...
[CP] Jumps down and rubs against Lies legs- [Lie] - An old god?
[Doc] why not? I think Cp was the one that told me their strongest Allie is some kind of demon.
[Lie] - They've probably been called that themselves
[Doc] Then who knows? Your world makes the one I'm used too look sane and normal most of the time. Irregardless, even if you want to avoid Slender you should at least send him a note or something. There's a trunk on the shore people have been using as a mailbox all day.
[Lie] - Got it, I'll have to think about what I'll want to say though
[Doc] Take your time, he's gonna be laid up for a few days. And you, make sure you check in on Hg.
[CP] Considers it-
[Doc] gives Cp the hairy eyeball- you get to aggravate Jeb....
[CP] Yowls a little-
[Lie] - I'll let Notch know since Jeb will probably call him
[Doc] Thank you Lie. -gives Cp a tiny lick on the ear- behave...
[CP] Attempts to scratch Doc-
[Doc] Withdraws hir forked tongue with a teeny slurp- naughty. See you guys later, my own little family is waiting on me.
[Doc] Canters back home with a spring in hir step-
[Deer] She and Yaunfen are happily curled up by spawn in the sun-
[Doc] Makes a circle around them as if fluffing up the grass with hir claws and lays down as well, hir body a loop with hir beloved and child protected by the kinked coils of hir golden form. Before long, Xe is also asleep.
[Deer] After a few hours she begins to whimper in her sleep some and shift around far more than usual-
[Doc] Opens an eye at hir mates distress and cradles her head - Shhh, I'm here love.
[Deer] Whimpers and curls up a bit more-
[Yaunfen] Wakes as well and looks at Deer with concern-
[Doc] Huddles closer- Wake up love...
[Deer] Slowly wakes up-
[Doc] Were you having a nightmare?
[Deer] - No...  I think... Ugh, there's some interference nearby...
[Doc] Probably Slender.... It looked like the server was distributing his load pretty well considering. But if he's moving around it might be having some issues.
[Deer] - He's close, not with Splender
[Doc] Periscopes like a snake- looking around-
[Slender] Is in the shade of the tree's near the water-
[Doc] Yeah, he's on the next chunk. Should I get Flux?
[Deer] - What for?
[Doc] Well she has experience, and you said she was teaching you a lot of server maintience stuff? I thought it might help?
[Deer] - Oh, right...  Maybe you should, I don't seem able to think straight right now
[Doc] Tapping in the chat already - Flux? Can you please come to the spawn?
[Flux] - Certainly- Within seconds she has arrived, forming near them- What did you call me for?
[Doc] Server issues actually. Slender is here, and even though the server is holding up underfoot it's still making Deerheart feel scattered. Can you give her a hand?
[Flux] - Absolutely, but perhaps you could convince  him to step a ways away?  It would be helpful
[Doc] Okay... -Xe puts hir head down for Yaunfen- Just hop on -
[Yaunfen] Crawls on- Mada!
[Doc] Smiles- Yep, and you're my baby. - Purrs- Lets go see if we can straighten things out a bit. - trots toward Slender.
[Slender] Noticed their approach and turns towards them- Hello Doctor
[Doc] Hey.... um.... not to be a pill, but I need a little favor....
[Slender] - What would that be?
[Doc] I just need you to move. - Looks at the ground and counts - about twelve blocks that way.
[Slender]- Why so specific?
[Doc] It's kinda complicated. Basically my mate is the embodiment of the server. And you're too close to her physical part. She was napping away from our house to stay out of your interference and then you moved closer to her. So I just need you to back up a bit.
[Slender] - Ah I see, she must be very sensitive then since I am repressing my waves as much as I can
[Doc] She can't not be. She's part of everything around you.
[Slender] - I see- He does begin moving away- I would have stayed with my brother, but he requested a bit of time alone
[Doc] That's okay. I don't mind you exploring. Just give the spawn a wide berth. - Indicates with a paw- The little valley down there with the spooky tree and the gravestones.
[Slender] - Very well, you know, you are quite lucky to have ever even met my Splender
[Doc] Yeah. Cp told me about him, I basically insisted on meeting him. I'm damn glad I did, he's an excellent friend.
[Slender] - That is not what I meant.  Had I not brought him and my other brothers into the realm of the humans, then he would not even be alive
[Doc] Everyone is running from something I suppose. I take it your home... dimension? Isn't a safe place to exist?
[Slender] - If one looks like me, then it is fine, but those born with a face are considered a very large disgrace.  Considering how our family is one of the most distinguished, well, it would have been a blow to how our family was viewed
[Doc] Aw. Well he's found the right pack of kindred souls. We're no strangers to discrimination. To most of the NOTCHs we're all just a pack of filthy glitches, no better then rats. Not to mention those who were spat on for being gay or otherwise outside the norms. Poor Gem was pursued and the world she inhabited destroyed just because she was mistaken for a Herobrine.
`[Slender] - I suppose in a way he has...
[Doc] It's why I'm so hellbent on helping the creepypastas too. They're much the same, ejected from human society or worse, and I just feel like... they're not used to anyone being nice to them... at least nice with no ulterior motives.
[Slender] - I try my best, but they do make it difficult
[Doc] I just keep trying. It makes the triumph all sweeter when they finally come around. I - I don't know where I came from, or if I had an original purpose, but fixing things makes me happy.
[Slender] - I've heard Jeff's complaints over it
[Doc] Wilts a little. - Jeff is hard... I thought I knew what he wanted most and tried to give it to him, but....
[Slender] - Oh you did, but his mind is set into thinking that he doesn't deserve it or that it could be given to him
[Yaunfen] Yawns-
[Doc] Go back to sleep little one, Just curl up between my spirals. I'll keep you safe.
[Slender] - I see they have grown bigger...
[Doc] I hope you're right about Jeff and he'll eventually come around. In the meantime at least Liu has a second chance at life and he's making Smile happy too. And yes, they had a growth spurt. My little one is just a bit too big to pick up in my human shape anymore. It's bittersweet. Soon a few words will become sentances and then, that's when the real fun will begin.
[Slender] - Watching others grow up is bittersweet
[jewel] -approaches the three quietly-
[Doc] It's okay. I can't wait to see what they'll have to say....
[Slender] Senses her- Hello Jewel
[Doc] Brushes her gently with hir tail fluff- Nice to see you Jewel.
[jewel] hello doc and hello slender
[Slender] - Are you well Jewel?
[jewel] yes
[Doc] You seem subdued. Is everything okay?
[jewel] I am fine I and just slightly surprised slender is here and this place isn't messing up
[Slender] - It is not my first time in a digital setting Jewel, I have learned a few tricks in my years
[jewel] I understand
[Doc] Plus we buffered the server when Splender was invited in. BEN and Cp worked really hard on it.
[Slender] - Yes, those two were the best at coding, at least amongst my digital pasta's
[Doc] And Dawn gave Splender a charm to tamp his field down as well.
[Slender] - So he keeps telling us and showing off to us
[Doc] chuckles- I get the feeling he hasn't met many witches.
[Slender] - No, most are not very fond of our kind.  Jewel, have you seen Jeff or Jane?
[Jewel] no but they might be some where around
[Slender] - I know most of you probably felt my arrival, so I am surprised they haven't shown themselves yet...
[Doc] They might have just gone exploring. This world is near infinite in scope. Much bigger then earth.
[Slender] Sighs- I'd like for them to at least check in with me...
[jewel] would you like me to go look for them?
[Doc] I can just send out a message in the chat, no need to go running around.
[Slender] - I do not mind when, so long as it happens while I am still here
[Doc] Wiggles hir claws, typing with one paw. Just a general call for the creepypastas to come over by the koi pond to check in with Slender.
[CP] Over chat- Fuck off
[Doc] Mutters, but it's a loud thought too - Not you ding dong, he know's you're okay. -accidently aloud -Unless you're still a cat?
[Slender] - A cat?
[Doc] Weeeellllll....
[jewel] can't cp's wife turn him into a cat?
[Doc] Yeah... He wouldn't stop murdering people when we brought Lie here... it was a way to contain his worst impulses.
[Slender] - An option not available to me
[Doc] You met TLOT right? The brine with the gold armor?
[Slender] - Yes, he and I had quite the talk while within CP's dream
[Doc] He's had a lot of time for quiet contemplation and honing his powers. He can actually grab someone and squash them into a smaller or completely different shape. He helped me make the body I'm wearing. Actually, he made me a Herobrine too.
[Slender] - Is that how your kind creates more?
[Doc] What do you mean? More brines?
[Slender] - For lack of a better word, reproduce, create more of your kind
[Doc] Oh, no. Herobrines spawn naturally in this game. We're not sure why. Every world gets one Steve. Most worlds will have a Steve and an Alex. She's a bit rarer, and only a small percentage will spawn a Herobrine. And when one is detected, the system will automatically create an AI NOTCH to check the brines powers.
[Slender] - Like the one which my brother helped destroy?
[Doc] Yes. They vary a lot. His original father was a decent NOTCH. But the one they helped kill was a monster. Mad, bloodthirsty and relentless. The admin of their world was ready and willing to delete everyone on it if we didn't agree to kill it for him.
[Slender] - Yes he was very enthusiastic about how he helped with that
[Doc] And rightfully so, it was one hell of a battle. The Testificates were certainly impressed. Did he tell you they added him to their pantheon?
[Slender] Sighs heavily- No, he did not, but I'm sure I'll hear about it once he feels better
[Doc] They have a thing for making statues, but they seem to prefer his image carved into walls. I guess it's too tempting to cover the space with curly knots of tentacles.
[Slender] - Has he seen?
[Doc] Not directly, but it will happen. TLOT likes to go check on them periodically. He just needs to tag along on the next trip.
[Slender] - I see... You said something earlier about being made a brine by another, I'm still somewhat confused by that statement since you also said your kind are a natural spawn
[Doc] Oh, that's because I'm a unique case. I'm a digital entity by nature, but I aquired a glitch when I was injured by a rather aggressive Herobrine. I had a mental breakdown because of some... personal issues... I suddenly developed an ability that I couldn't control and TLOT shared his powers with me to save me. The more powerful Herobrines can give of themselves to create life or sustain it. You met Steve right? TLOT made him.
[Slender] - So almost as a vampyr would create another of its kind, how odd
[Doc] That's more right then you know in his case. His own blood is full of life. He likes to make butterflies out of flowers when he's nervous. Him just breathing on them is enough to bring them to life.
[Slender] - I can see why his followers refer to him as a god then
[Doc] Yes. And the more they believe, the more leverage he has to shift the world. His powers here are immense. They grow with the fevor and number of his followers
[Slender] - Has he made any brines other then you?
[Doc] He made Lie. She was in horrible pain as she got closer to becoming fully digital. He gave her of his power and licked out her eyes.
[Slender] - Licked out?
[Doc] A formality almost, he used his tongue to clean the colored pixels in her eyes from the inside of her player skin. It was a kiss that made Cp rather... annoyed. But his husband Steve will certainly sing the praises of TLOT's expertise in that area.
[Slender] - I'm surprised he did not try to attack the golden brine for that...
[Doc] He was rather worn out at the time, I'd just fixed his respawn and cleaned all the junk files out of his system, he'd puked. And right after that I cut off his hand in the process of removing Insanity, he was a bit too weak to do much more then growl.
[Slender] - Ah, yes she was far from happy about that
[Doc] Too bad, as soon as Cps head was cleared of Insanity he and I were in perfect agreement. He likes Lie just how she is. Kind. And becoming a brine has its own attendant special powers as well.
[Slender] - How so?
[Doc] We usually develop special abilities that fit our personalities. Lie can make magick plants, I think because TLOT changed her, she got a bit of his ability to give life.
[Slender] - Is plants all she can create?
[Doc] Heh, you say that like its a small thing. Her greatest work took a house sized bite out of a NOTCH with a gigantic pod full of venomous teeth.
[Slender] - How interesting...  But surely the lack of diversity in her abilities leaves her weak in many other ares
[Doc] She's also psychic and she can teleport. She can turn into a cat as well.  He cuteness level is very persuasive
[Slender] - As can her mate, but there is nothing else unique to her?
[Doc] She carries a cleansing white fire that can burn Insanity out of a person.
[Slender] - Ah yes, I do seem to recall seeing that when she and I met on the witches beach
[Doc] She's young anyway, still learning. She'll probably figure out how to fly at least. Most brines can.
[Slender] - A trick CP uses often to avoid the others since the ceilings in my home are so tall
[Doc] It's handy for that. I cheated my way around it. I determined that the empty space is still enough of a part of the grid that I can use the air blocks. Zero is still a number, after all.
[Slender] - I, do not understand what you mean by that
[Doc] This world is a three dimensional grid and gravity only affects certain types of blocks. So if I do this- places a dirt block and then another on top- and I take this one away- knocks out the underneath one and the top one stays floating-  then this one is fixed and I can jump on it all I want and not fall- presses the block from above and to the side- so if I want to go up, I place my feet where a block would go and just climb up like its solid stairs-
[Slender] - This would certainly explain some of the pranks CP was able to pull off...
[Doc] oh do tell!
[Slender] - He's managed to place tree's that touched the ceiling but not the floor, random blocks just right at head height for the others to run into if they're not paying attention...  He's gotten BEN with walls of water outside of his door many times
[Mix] -in chat- I'm gonna hop out for a bit to check on something if its alright Doc?
[Doc] also chat- Aww. Mix, you don't have to ask permission. But if you want to come over here first I'll send you off with a bit of code so you can contact me if you get in trouble out there.
[Doc] That sounds about right, we are tricksters by nature, and this games strange physics just make it easier. Good example. One plus one is two, correct? Unless it's water, then one plus one can equal infinity. Two buckets of water arranged in the right way can be drawn from indefinitely.
[Slender] - That would also explain why it's sometimes impossible to empty the giant bath...
[Doc] Most likely. The dev team put in a sponge block specifically for cleaning up Griefer-created water messes.
[Slender] His face seems to shift a little as if he is annoyed-
[Doc] Something amiss?
[Slender] - My other brother's, they are near constantly contacting me to check in on Splender
[Doc] Awww, it's nice to know they care. Is Splender the youngest brother?
[Slender] - Yes, he is
[Slender] Rater suddenly and loudly- Offender no!
[Doc] No pants again?
[Slender] Groans- No, he's currently watching Splender's pet and has gotten bored of poking it, so he wants to put it in clothes now...
[Mix] -In chat- I'll stop in a sec, gotta grab my bag
[Doc] Poor Pinwheel. I have the anti venom, if he wants to pass her back here.
[Slender] - I cannot open a way
[Doc] Oh, I might be able too. Where is he specifically? Can you get him to go in the living room? I know that space decently well. And I can use the tv.
[Slender] - If you're certain...
[Doc] She already hates everyone and I don't want to make it any worse a situation. Besides, there's a chance she's spent her venom for the day biting Offender.
[Slender] - Very well, give me a few moments
[Doc] Let me take care of Mix real quick first. - Xe pulls a book from the creative and starts adding a bit of code to it.
[Mix] -Trudges up, eyeing Slender a bit, shes got her bag and her elytra on- Hey! Sorry it took a bit
[Doc] No problem, it gave me a minute to fix this for you- Offers the book. - Just write 'Doc' and then whatever you need to say and it will email me and ping my carrot phone.
[Mix] -Takes it- Just that? Alright -Stuffs it into her bag-
[Doc] Be careful out there and let me know if you need help okay?
[Mix] I will, don't worry! Be back,, soonish? -she gets a thoughtful look before shrugging and turning. She takes a few steps and hops, with a swift glow and snapping sound she's gone from the server. She's out. Bye Felica n' stuff-
- / player Mixminer has left the server /-
[Slender] - Offender is ready
[Doc] Okay, just give me a sec... - Doc would take a running start, but Yaunfen is sleeping soundly on hir shoulders. Hir eyes narrow with concentration and xe suddenly slams hir head forward as if headbutting a wall. The opening is ragged, crackling, and won't hold for long, but it is there.
[Offender] Is standing there buck naked with his hands on his hips and pinwheel in his tendrils over his crotch- TADA!
[Slender] - OFFENDER!
[Offender] Cackles-
[Doc] Please, please tell me you didn't fuck her?! She's only a baby!
[Offender] - Nah, I'd never do that to Splender's pet
[Doc] Thank goodness... Just kinda, set her on the grass please.
[Offender] Puts her down while Slender mutters over his brother's inappropriateness-
[Pinwheel] Slinks back into the server, going back into a lower resolution-
[Doc] She's not really a pet anyway. When she's grown theres a strong chance she'll have human-level intelligence.
[Slender] - Yes well that's how Splender views her currently...
[Pinwheel] Hisses and growls a little-
[Doc] I think it's an issue with her behavior. He'll likely feel different when she's learned a few words. -At Pinwheel- It's okay, you're safe.
[Pinwheel] Snaps at Doc-
[Doc] Scoots back a bit. - How about... some nibbles? I know, maybe a challenge?
[Pinwheel] Curls up a little-
[Offender] - Hey, where's Splender?
[Slender] - He wished to be alone
[Doc] Puts a small circle of half-slabs around them and pulls out a teeny egg before tapping it lightly near Pinwheel. - Want a mouse? - the little creature goes scurrying along the edge of the slabs.
[Pinwheel] Focus' on it immediately-
[Doc] Maybe more then one? Multitask a bit. - Taps out two more and they scrurry around randomly-
[Pinwheel] Stands up a little, eyes dialating-
[Doc] That's more like it. She just needs a bit of playtime. Her strikes are so fast they're a bit hard to follow.
[Pinwheel] Strikes out at one of the mice in a blur-
[Mouse] Pops with a tiny squeak into a morsel.
[Other two mice] scatter in a panicky way.
[Pinwheel] Chases after them-
[Doc] Is just watching with a happy expression.
[Offender] - I think I'll check on Splendy myself!
[Offender] - Oh come on!
[Doc] Yeah, please don't. You guys can, switch out later if need be.
[Slender] - You are more than welcome to close the portal...
[Offender] - Awwww...
[Doc] Anything you want passed on?
[Offender] - Nah, if I think of anything I'll tell bro here
[Doc] Later then! - Closes the portal. - I swear if he didn't have such a messed up idea of consent, him and TLOT would be best friends forever.
[Slender] - In a small way he does, his victims have to accept his rose in order for him to have his way with them.  I imposed that rule a very long time ago
[Doc] Is obviously uncomfortable- I prefer more then that. And TLOT nearly ruined the best thing that ever happened to him by taking advantage of someone sexually without their permission. He still regrets it.
[Slender] - It's the best I could do considering his feeding habits
[Doc] I gathered as much. But apart from that, nothing wrong with being naked. My mate does it quite freqently. She's just comfy that way.
[Slender] - It gets annoying after a few millennia
[Pinwheel] Kills the second mouse-
[Doc] Pfft. I guess it's different when it's someone you like seeing naked too... Aw, not gonna eat the prize at least Pinwheel?
[Pinwheel] Chases after the third-
[Doc] She's gonna so deadly when she's bigger...
[Slender] - Especially with that venom of hers...
[Doc] Curls into a more comfortable loaf and puts hir tail fluff over Yaunfen like a blanket. - I hope she gets big enough to give Splendor rides, I can only imagine how thrilled he'd be.
[Slender] - If she'll let him on her
[Doc] Considering how lovingly he's taken care of her despite her biting him all the time... I'd be suprised if she was unwilling.
[Slender] - Yes, he's been talking about her non-stop
[Doc] It's hard not to get excited. We all did so much travelling in dangerous places to rescue the eggs we brought in. And then I set them up so they could be hatched by being walked in peoples inventories, so that was more time and effort.  And it takes a long time for them to mature to the talking phase too. My little one was the last to hatch.
[Yaunfen] Sleep talking- Burp...
[Doc] Snickers- Such a silly word. But it was their first.
[Slender] - Well, I should return to my brother, would you like me to take Pinwheel?
[Doc] No, it's okay. Unless you think Splender is well enough to watch her; let her have her fun with that last mouse.
[Slender] - Very well, let me know if you need help with her however
[Doc] I will, thanks.
[Gk] Notices that the little dragons are all bloody from stalking the local wildlife. - We should go over to the desert area for a bit, I think. Take a breather. Follow me.
[Ashe] - The desert?  Why?
[Gk] Because I can't wash you little guys.
[Ashe] - Oh...  Uncle GG?  When do I get to learn to fly?
[Gk] Hmm? We can practice that today. The desert is also a good place for that. Sand is nice to land on if you faceplant.
[Ashe] - Okay!- His tail is wagging around in excitement
[willow] -jumps to get on gk's back-
[Gk] Clops down from the narrow cobble road into the warm sand- ahhh, okay, you guys roll around and it'll get some of that blood off. Flap your wings like me- Lays down and fluffs sand everywhere like a sparrow taking a dust bath.
[Ashe] Sneezes from some sand getting in his nose-
[oak] -sneezes and flops on to his back-
[Ashe] Tries wiggling in the sand-
[Gk] Fluffs even more sand since they seem to need help-
[willow] -jumps off of gk's back into the sand and start kick some up to make a hole then jump into stick her head out of it-
[Gk] If nothing it feels good! - Gets up and shakes off. - You ready to strech those wings a bit?
[Ashe] - Yeah!  Yeah!
[Gk] Okay. Since we don't want to leave Willow and Oak alone, you're just gonna stay low to the ground. Copy my movements and then we'll try- makes a show of flexing his wings in the right postures slowly so Ashe can see.
[Ashe] Tries mimicking the motions-
[oak] -tries to squeeze into willow's hole with her-
[Gk] Does it a few more times, correcting Ashe gently and repositioning his little wings.
[Ashe] Flaps a bit-
[Gk] okay, now I wan you to run and flap just like that. Don't strain yourself, just get an idea how the wind moves over and under your wings.
[Ashe] - Okay!  Starts running and flapping-
[Gk] Is keeping an eye on all three babies. At Willow and Oak- Haha, you two comfy in there? Like two silverfish in a block.
[Ashe] Squeaks in surprise as he accidentally gets a bit of lift and tumbles into the sand- Oof!
[willow] -tries to get out from under oak making a little squeak as she pops free-
[Gk] Whoops! Well at least you know you're doing it right kid!
[Ashe] Stands up looking determined- I'm gonna do it!
[Gk] Keep going then! Just don't go up! Try to stay around 5 blocks or lower to the ground. And don't go out over the water either!
[Ashe] - Okay!
[Ashe] Continues running and flapping, but only getting airborne for a few seconds at a time-
[willow] -make a second hole next to the one oak has clamed and settles into it-
[Gk] Stops him for a minute to adjust his movements - Try it like that!
[Ashe] Tries some more, staying up a bit longer- This is hard!
[Gk] It's only because your muscles aren't used to the movement! And when you get up high you can glide, but I don't want you to fall while you're still learning.
[Ashe] - Okay...
[oak and willow] -have another growth spurt and are now to big for there holes only there back feet are in them-
[oak] -runs over to ashe and gk with willow close behind-
[Gk] Heeeeey! Check you kids out!
[willow] look I am scary rawr
[Ashe] - Willow!
[Gk] And a full sentance! Your mom is gonna flip!
[oak] -plops his head on top of ashe's- big brother ashe -nuzzles him-
[Ashe] - Yes Oak?
[oak] you are my big brother best big brother
[Gk] Is beaming he's so proud.
[Ashe] - Uncle GG!  Can we go show mama?
[Gk] I guess we could? But we should walk to be safe. The bridge is a long way and over water.
[Ashe] - The scary water bridge?
[willow] yay let see mama
[Gk] Yeah. It's safe. Just no horseplay allowed.
[oak] -is bouncing- yes mama lets go to mama
[Gk] Leads them out of the desert and around the little bay.
[Mb] Is sitting outside the little building he's claimed and watches them go by curiously.
[Celine] Stops playing in the grass to squeak at them-
[Ashe] Excitedly bounces around GK- Mama's gonna be so happy!
[oak] -bounces after ashe-
[Gk] Trots down the hill and stops at the foot of the bridge- Okay, this is it. Stay in the middle of the path and I'll take the rear. - He folds his wings over the little ones so his tendrils brush the raised walls on both sides.
[Testificates] Watch them a bit nervously from the walls of the village that floats below the bridge.
[Ashe] Huddles close to GK- There's so much water...
[willow] -looks at the village- rawr
[Gk] Don't look at it. Just walk straight forward-
[Testificates] Some jump, a little startled-
[oak] -walks slowly down the middle of the bridge-
[Ashe] - Willow come on- He keeps bumping into GK's leg
[Gk] just uses his wings to shelter them and nudge them along.
[willow] -walks quickly down the middle of the bridge-
[Ashe] Spots the small island checkpoint near the end and races for it-
[willow] -tries to race ashe to it-
[Gk] No running!
[Ashe] Huddles in the small building there-
[Gk] It's just a teeny bit farther Ashe.
[Ashe] - Okay...
[willow] I am going to get there first -keeps going over the bridge-
[oak] wait for me willow -follows after-
[Ashe] Cautiously follows-
[Gk] Looks up the hill - We're going up there. It's an easy climb, but again don't run, there's a big gap in the ground with a long fall up there.
[Ashe] - Okay, Willow?  Oak?  Stay close
[willow] ok big brother
[oak] -is right behind ashe- I am close
[Gk] Gets to the summit and looks down at them. -You stay right here, I'm just going to holler down - Creeps over to the edge- Hey Endrea?
[Endrea] Is exhausted having only just finished laying her eggs- GG?
[Gk] I come bearing good news! Can we come down?
[Endrea] - What is it?  And yes, you may- She protectively curls around the twelve jet black eggs she just laid
[Gk] Okay give me a sec. - Turns back to the babies- You guys climb on me, I'll just fly down-
[Ashe] - Okay Uncle GG!
[willow] ride -climbs on to gk-
[oak] -follows after his sister-
[Gk] Wiggles his wing tentacles and floats softly up and then down into the ravine like a gently deflating balloon before landing with a click of hooves on stone.
[Endrea] Gives off a pleased hum at the sight of her children-
[GK] Stoops so they can get down-
[willow] -jumps off and runs to endrea- mama yay we came to see you
[oak] -slowly climbs down and follows- yay mama is here
[Endrea] Perks up a little- You're speaking more, and you grew!
[Ashe] - Mama!  Uncle GG gave me flying lessons!
[Gk] Told ya. Ashe pulled off some gliding in the desert too.
[willow] I am big and scary now rawr
[Endrea] - Yes you are my little one
[oak] I am cute but bigger more cute to love
[Endrea] - Yes indeed, and Ashe, I'm proud of you
[Gk] And they were all so brave, they walked the whole length of the bridge to see you.
[Endrea] - Brave indeed- She sniffs the air a little- I smell clouds...
[willow] I made it to the other side first
[Gk] That's bad... You kids step back. Uncle GG's gonna show off a little bit...
[Endrea] Lifts her wing for her children-
[willow] -runs under endrea's wings-
[oak] -runs under as well-
[Ashe] Joins his siblings-
[Gk] Turns to the nearest wall and sucks in a massive amount of air. He blows it back out with a roar of nearly blue flames, cooking the stone wall and turning it first to magma blocks, then lava, and making a huge dark hole lined with obsidian.
[Ashe] - Cool!
[Endrea] Sniffs at her children- GG...  Why are my children covered in blood and sand?
[Gk] coughs a little- we went hunting... and then took a sand bath. I can't lick the little buggers clean like you. Got too much spit.
[Endrea] Sighs and starts cleaning them-
[Gk] Don't do that now! Let em come in here before it starts raining!
[willow] evil rain
[Endrea] Nudges her children towards the hole- Go on, get in there
[Ashe] Hurries in-
[willow] -hops into the hole- rawr rain fear me and run
[oak] -goes into the hole as well and goes to the back-
[Gk] Also goes in. The walls are nicely warm and he loafs with his wings open in case the kids want to snuggle under them-
[Endrea] Stays with her eggs-
[oak] -flops under gk's wings-
[willow] -keep rawring at the sky and rain-
-It slowly begins to drizzle-
[Gk] Admit it. You don't mind them being close. Even with the new enders due.
[Endrea] Grumbles a little- I'm mostly just exhausted right now, laying twelve eggs is hard
[Gk] I can imagine. I've had plenty of bowel disturbances with all the garbage I ate in my homeless days...
[Endrea] - Well at least you have a home now
[Ashe] - Mama you're getting a bit wet!
[Gk] Yeah. - Looks fondly at the little dragons. - Times got better.
[willow] rawr rain get away from mama
[Gk] It's okay kiddo's, your mama's tougher then diamonds.
[Endrea] - I'll be fine little ones, when you get all grown up then you can handle some water
[Gk] Good thing too with how much it storms around here...
[willow] but the rain must be scared I will get it to go away. RAWR!
[Endrea] - The rain is to far away to hear you Willow
[Gk] Oh! I'm a dumbasss...!
[willow] how do I get the rain to hear me from here
[Endrea] - What is it GG?
[Ashe] - When you can fly Willow
[Gk] I know how to make it stop raining!
[willow] I want to fly now so I can scared the rain
[Endrea] - You need to be bigger Willow
[willow] aw
[Gk] in chat- Hey Deerheart? Can you turn off the waterworks on the chunk at the end of the bridge near Sunakagure?
[Deer] - Huh?  Oh yes, may I ask why?
[Gk] The baby dragons are hiding from the rain and Endrea's getting drizzled on cause she can't move at the moment.
[Deer] - Oh absolutely!- After a moment the rain stops
[Gk] Looks proud of himself- See Willow, you just gotta have friends in the right places. Important lesson!
[willow] the rain is gone did the friend scare the rain away
[Endrea] Checks on her eggs-
[Ashe] - Mama what are you doing?
[Endrea] - I'm checking on my eggs
[Gk] Close enough. Deerheart made it stop.
[willow] whoa
[oak] -has fallen asleep under gk's wing-
[Ashe] - Eggs like ours?
[Endrea] - No, endermen eggs
[Gk] You know, like Enderbro.
[Ashe] - Oh!  Is that where they come from?
[Endrea] - Well, at least mine do
[Endrea] - You might as well stay here for now, it's safe.  After all, who would attack a nest full of dragons?
[Gk] Fluffs up - And one of them a Herobrine. No one would dare-
[Endrea] Giggles a little before laying down with a huff-
[willow] if anyone attacks I will stop them they will fear me
[Endrea] - You will sleep like your brother, I already know that
[willow] they wouldn't dare try to come near when I sleep because they have no chance because if they wake me up no mercy I will attack them
[Endrea] - Yes yes my little fierce one. now sleep, mama will watch over you
[willow] -walks over to oak and plops down next to him and falls asleep-
[Endrea] Reaches over and nudges Ashe towards them too- You too Ashe
[Gk] Come on, it's nap time. - He wiggles down against the ground and focuses on being warm for them so they'll get sleepy-
[Ashe] Yawns- I'll watch over Oak and Willow
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