#just like i can imagine the real world right now theres a buisy street in another country full of food vendors and traffic noise
Happy Tuesday Ask-A-Thon from the @ask-a-thon team! Sorry for the delay in sending out questions while we adjust to the recent moderation changes.
If you could spend a day with one of your OCs, who would it be and why? What would you do?
Happy Tuesday (on a Wednesday x'D)!!
I think Bridgette - and by association Cascade. They fill this roll of connecting tissue for the Many and Varied worlds within Reality in my fiction. No matter what I write, it's all connected - even when "other worlds" are involved because all of Reality exists within the framework of the Black Goddess and the Starburst God.
But that's just explanation to say, it'd be nice to chill and watch time go by in Near-Infinite Worlds from on high - a "heaven" of void and starlight where nothing hurts. Just calm company in the cool of that place outside of Reality that still Exists; though she couldn't help point out the things I need to work on, the ways I'm living that are hurting me, and encourage me to try something else. Cascade would pretend he's not listening, focusing on the music erupting from his mind, either replaying the songs of mortality or composing that beautiful melodic cacophony he's so known for.
Of course neither figure - mercurial in nature - would sit still for long. Though both human in their own ways, they'd get bored or they'd hear something troubling from one of the barely numerable worlds and they'd go down among the mortals, or they'd bring a troubled mortal up there; or - in some occasions - Cascade would pluck his favorite star from the sky below, place them in the gods' realm and discuss the situation, and then that star would fall into whatever world needed a hand of god with agency and choice of their own.
It would be business as usual, I couldn't stay there forever - as much as the Gods cannot - but it would be relaxing for a while, cool and comfortable, and we'd discuss shoes and ships and ceiling wax, and their goals for their future that I'd then pen, lounging within the blessed potential of complete emptiness, to the sound of raucous music and the wishes of near-infinite worlds.
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