#just let the mtf go to her appointment in peace susan
harukirai · 1 year
Seriously idk why some people can't phathom the fact that trans women(MtF) will need to see an obgyn sometimes.
Or that some people are intersex? Like legally im FtM but biologically i was diagnosed afters years of development issues as intersex(xy chromosomes, and misuse of estrogen in development caused me so many problems, it literally wrecked my body to the point all my internal organs was stuck together and none of my reproductive systems were viable because it was too infected and too far gone)
Ohh and have i mentioned that because the obgyn didn't do her research and just prescribed me with astrogen at 16(cause i wasnt developing at all)
It kickstarted endometriosis (nerve endometriosis at that) and for almost two years now im dealing with paralyzed lower body, and still they have the nerve to tell me that i should've accepted myself and i shouldn't have ' mutelated my body'
As if they know shit about trans pple and the experience, or anything more than their basic biology that even that like my highschool taught more.
At this point ive been to so many doctors, been hospitalized for months on end and still pple who know shit about gynocology have the nerve to tell me i need a mental health specialist, as if I wasn't getting any already.
So yeah ive been with an mtf friend to her first gynocology appointment cause she was terrified.
Its not all about the womb, somtimes they need to check the vaginal canal(even if its not 'real one' )or anything related to the urethra, cause in here usually urologists is for pple who have a penis only.
Seriously done with stupid pple who never met a trans person in their life, and never been out of their own fucking bubble.
I know this post is all over the place and not related to my usual shitposting but seriously needed to take this off my chest cause im fucking done i hate pple so much why can't you just stfu, why do you care if the person before you in line to the obgyn is cis or not, she has an appointment cause she needs it karen, not to steal from 'innocent biological women'
Edit: this happened 3 years ago when my friend needed an obgyn for the first time and an old lady who heard us talking, mainly me calming her cause she was nervouse, and the old lady picked on her being trans and just started a scene but in the end she was escorted out by security so my friend ended up with no harm beside a minor trauma.
but ive seen a reel on instagram that reminded me of that, and ive commented on the clear fact that trans women do need obgyn sometimes and the comments were just, fucking disgusting, seriously hate pple sometimes and idk im not even american but most of the comments reeked of 'florida' or 'ron DeSantis supporters'
Like i know some of yall are precious and dont get it the wrong way, but sometimes i just hate America. Your education system failed allot of you.
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