#just know that these techniques work regardless of gender
youremyheaven · 1 month
female (yin)-centric exercises and movement practices
i am personally all for the burgeoning popularity of somatics and i think the rise of pilates is wonderful.
for a long time, "exercise" meant hitting the gym and painfully enduring sessions that felt like physical torture. unless you're a high performance athlete, i dont really see the merit in resistance training tbh. obviously everybody has different tastes and preferences and some people probably find somatics and pilates too boring and slow and want something more high intensity which is 👍🏼
however, for many of us who struggle to keep up with these and repeatedly admonish ourselves for being "lazy" due to our inability to thrive or be consistent or enjoy these workouts, there are manyyyy other forms of practices that are wonderful and fun to do and are perhaps better suited for our bodies, temperaments, lifestyles etc
first of all, the concept of "exercise" has become synonymous with either losing weight or making gains. we are told that we have to "exercise" to stay fit. but exercise can mean manyyy different things, its not just cardio and weights. and this means a lot of people think if you're not trying to gain or lose anything, you dont "need" to "exercise".
but this is not true, i think "movement" is a better word and everybody regardless of their weight, age, gender or whatever else needs to move their bodies. we were not meant to just sit, stand and lay down, we need to move. not to serve some moral purpose of "fitness" (another flawed concept) but because its spiritually, physically and emotionally bad for us to not move. we feel more alive when we move. our culture has become so dopamine fried, sex addicted, toxic eating and drug abusing in large part because our lifestyles are so sedentary and we crave stimulation. we wouldnt depend on external substances to feel "alive" if we felt that aliveness within us every day.
you dont need to "exercise" but you def need to move!!! when we dont, we feel lethargic, stagnant, our joints (from years of inactivity) become more sensitive, our body hurts, our immunity suffers and aging can bring aches of all kinds but this does not have to be anybody's reality. we change this!!
you're not lazy for not exercising, if you liked how doing an activity made you feel, you would do it all the time. dont punish yourself!!!
i personally think strength training works for many people. this can mean, swimming, cycling, hiking, dancing, pilates, yoga, barre etc
now about somatic movement practices,
somatics is all about the mind-body connection and intentional movement. pilates (which was basically developed from yoga) and yoga are examples of somatic practice
but there are other methods as well:
Alexander method
Feldenkrais method
Laban movement analysis
Fascia training (myofascial release)
and somatic practices also include things like progressive muscle relaxation, emotional freedom technique, body scanning etc
i know it can all be a little overwhelming but tbh there is a lot of overlap between all of these practices so dont feel like you're missing out by not trying them all,, stick to what feels right for you and focus on that.
yin yoga and restorative yoga (very similar but also different) are also helpful
the reason i put "female centric" in the title is bc i feel like the world of diet and exercise is dominated by a masculine worldview of doing things the hard way/aggressive way and by acting with resistance/restraint instead of a more open/whole approach and valuing "slow" progress over quick and easy ones. the reason why ppl hit the gym make quick progress and then relapse is bc its genuinely difficult to put up with a gym routine for most people who aren't physically immune to pain. movement does not have to "hurt", be "draining" or a proof of your willpower as a human being. its fun, easy, natural, fulfilling and a part of life<333 you can proceed more slowly and make progress over time but tbh you'll be lost in the flow so you wont bother checking to see if you have and life is long so there's no rush!! what we gain slowly will last us forever!! bc we alter our body's alignment and our own relationship with it + our lifestyle/routine to truly embody it instead of a "crash and burn" style that leads to burnout.
remember, the river wears out the rocks not through force but simply by flowing<3
anybody can do these exercises btw, not just women lol
if you have doubts or questions, feel free to ask me <333
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brisquad-unit-4402 · 11 months
Hey! I love your headcannons and stuff for njsj! Idk if i will do this request thing right but can i add like some numbers for 1 headcannon/drabble?
If i can i would like 20+23 with maybe a 18+ 12 ;) for shu and alban, idk if you want to add anyone else but i love those 2 sm so anyone with them!
Also congrats on 100 followers!!! Here's to many more to come!! You definitely deserve it !
thank you for the encouragement, i’m flattered. and yes, i’m alright with adding prompts into one entry! i couldn’t tell if 12 ;) was implying you wanted form the mature list or not, so i just went with 12 from the basic list. if you meant that you wanted mature prompt 12 let me know! kind of my fault for making both lists have numbers instead of a better way to specify mature from basic. regardless i hope you enjoy
ah... i feel like i took too long of a break from writing after stars above your skin and now i'm out of it... maybe i'll take some of my own ideas in my notes and write them in 3rd pov instead of 2nd, because i feel like my 3rd pov is getting stunted... you get that feeling after not practicing a skill for a while, right? i need to get better! i always want to get better!!
tags: established relationship, gender-neutral reader, fluff, off-collab, cuddling, sleepy kisses
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
🎭 Alban Knox
20. secret relationship + 23. off-collab
The thief leans over your shoulder as you cut, and the knife drips. Residue sticks to your hands as you draw gashes along the flesh. The smell is pungent, and the chat frenzies at the revolving massacre even though you have yet to notice your witnesses. 
Alban crinkles his nose. “You seriously cut garlic like that?”
You pouted and continue to fumble over the clove of garlic. “You said you wanted to see me cut it!”
“Okay, but I didn’t expect it to be that bad.”
“It’s going to get minced anyways, I’m just, um, preparing it!”
“Mincing is preparing it. Gimme some of that.” You pause so Alban could pick out two pieces and hold them up to the handcam. One chunk was so big that the camera could pick up the details of the center of the clove where it had been cut, and the other was miniscule in comparison. “You see this, chat? Reader’s cutting it like it’s supposed to get diced, but it’s not even in cubes. Just weird shapes.”
“Don’t shame my garlic! They can be whatever they want to be.”
“They look like they want to die. Here, let me try.”
Alban takes the knife away and chops the remaining garlic. He’s no Michelin star chef, sure, but he’s much faster than you, and with much better technique. In just a few blinks, the clove is nothing more than tiny, evenly minced pieces. 
“You’re so cool, Alban.” Your eyes practically sparkled as you focused on his work. For a moment he’s glad there isn’t a good way for your models to track on stream, because with you distracted and the chat unaware, there’s no one to see him turn his head away bashfully at the sudden praise. 
You take the knife and get started on the next clove. You still have a couple more to go. Unsteady hands try to replicate Alban as much as you can. “Is it like this?”
“It’s more like…”
Alban grasps your hand, still over the knife, and guides you along with slow motions. The clove slices apart into coins, then the knife turns and cuts into strips. Afterwards, he places one of your hands along the blunt edge while the dominant remains in the handle, and chops through the pile of garlic until there’s nothing but small, even bits. 
He retracts one of his hands, but his grip is still firm on top of the handle, above yours. You realize that even though the chat is likely freaking out over the hand holding, his arm is still bent out as if it came from beside you, and not from where he stands flush against your body. 
Then he plants his free hand along the side of your hip, drawing you closer, and your face goes hot. Even if there’s no way the camera could pick it up, you can’t help but feel exposed. You lost count of how many live viewers you have, but you can only imagine thousands of people watching your every move, and how if that camera moves even an inch, you and your boyfriend would be in danger of getting caught. 
Alban perches his head on your shoulder, coy as ever. “How’s that?”
“It’s…” You smack your lips and say the first thing on your mind before anyone can get suspicious. “Garlic.”
“Evenly cut garlic that won’t have weird cooking times,” he boasts. “Do you remember how to do it?”
Though you do have to admit, smugness is a good look on Alban, especially when he can embrace you like this. 
“Nope,” you lie. “Show me again?”
.  . • ☆ . ° .• °:. *₊ ° . ☆
18. wearing their clothes + 12. kissing before leaving for the day
Alban takes his coat off and on so often that there’s no real need for a coat hanger, even when he’s not wearing it. He tends to leave it draped in whichever room he took it off, and leaves it there until he wants it next. 
This morning, it’s placed along the back of a chair in your room. It’s more of a nuisance moving it than leaving it where it is, so you continue about your morning routine as you get ready for the day ahead. You walk past it time and time again as you pace around and get yourself together.
You stare at yourself in the bathroom mirror. It’s an off-day, so you plan on getting some errands done before the afternoon rush. You’ve finished everything in your routine, but you look down at your outfit. Something feels… incomplete.
Your eyes slide over to the coat hanging off the chair.
On Alban, the coat covers almost his entire frame, and on you it’s no different. It works really well with your clothes, though, and you can understand why Alban wears it religiously. The fabric doesn’t impede your movement, but weighs down on your shoulders like a heavy blanket, and feels just as comfortable and soft as one. You bury your nose into the baggy hood. Smells ambery, just like him. 
You step out of your room, still buried in the hood of his coat, and prepare the last of your things before you leave the house. As you grab your keys, you see a figure enter the room, with a fluffy bedhead and oversized sleepwear.
Alban yawns like a housecat. One eye cracks open as he does, a chocolatey brown that droops a little with drowsiness. “Good morning, Reader.”
“Good morning, Alban.” You swipe your keys into one of the coat’s many pockets with one hand, and pat Alban’s head with the other. The sleeve slides down as you reach for his messy hair. “Sleep well?”
“Mhm, really well. I didn’t want to get up at all—” He stops himself. He blinks the sleep away, then focuses on your sleeve as it rolls back down your arm, one chocolate eye and one neon taking in your appearance. “Is that my…?”
“I hope you don’t mind.”
“Of course not, why would I?”
He makes grabby hands at you, and when you get close enough for him to touch, he fiddles with how the coat lays on your body, an affectionate look on his face. He finally decides on zipping it up most of the way and flips the hood over your head. It flops over your eyes. 
You reach up to readjust it, and when you regain your eyesight, you’re greeted by Alban rocking on his feet with a sweet smile. His voice is still sleepy and low, but excited. “Aww, Reader, you look so cute!”
“It’s so comfy.” You hug your sleeves and nestle into the coat, proving both your and Alban’s points. The hood flops over again, so you brush it up with one hand, resembling a cat pawing at its ear. Alban coos. “All set? I’m about to go do some errands.”
“Wait, before you go! Aren’t you forgetting something?”
He cocks his head, waiting for you to answer. Instead, you rest a hand on his shoulder and lean to meet your lips along his own. The taste is crisp and fresh, and even though you can tell he started his morning routine, Alban’s lips are slow, sleepy, and savory. 
When you part, Alban playfully bats at your hood and knocks it back over your eyes. He chuckles. “Be safe, okay? I’ll see you later today.” 
With a huff and clumsy hands, you push it back up while Alban’s sleepy smile turns into a smirk. In his hands is something you didn’t notice before: an old but cared-for leather wallet folded up in his grasp. Alban’s wallet.
“When did you get that?” You ask. You could’ve sworn he was empty-handed when he greeted you. Realization strikes you. You pat down the pockets on the bottom of the coat, where you last remember the wallet, and when those turn out empty, you search all the other small pockets along the coat. “Wait, don’t tell me.” 
“Did you think you could pull a fast one on me?” He teases. 
“No, I just—didn’t realize! Did you grab it while we were kissing? I didn’t even notice!” 
“Heh, you know me! I’m an elusive, badass phantom…” Alban trails off into a massive yawn. ”…Thief. I’m a phantom thief.”
“Sure are.” You ruffle his hair. “Cutest elusive badass out there. I’ll be back before you know it.”
“Come back faster. I’ll miss you.”
“Before you know it,” you repeat. “Besides, I’m wearing your coat. I’ve got a little bit of you with me today.”
He kisses you again, this time on your forehead where the hoodie rests. You can still sense the faded toothpaste smell. “Okay. Now get out, I need to make some coffee.”
“Screw you too.” You have a hand on the doorknob. “I’ll be home soon!”
.  . • ☆ . ° .• °:. *₊ ° . ☆
👟 Shu Yamino
20. secret relationship + 23. off-collab
“Okay, they should be able to hear you now.”
“Eyyyy, guys. How’s my volume?”
“Chat says you’re good, Shu. What about me?”
Shu’s streaming laptop is gingerly placed in the center of your impromptu studio. This off-collab was rather impulsive, and the only place in the vacation home with enough outlets for all the stream equipment was on the floor, so you dumped a bunch of blankets and pillows over the floor for both sound preservation and comfort.
At first the setup on the floor was scuffed. It took nearly an hour before stream to get things organized with PNGs instead of your models, and the first ten minutes were full of chat mentioning someone was too far away to hear. 
“Too quiet,” Shu says. “I think you need to get closer to the mic.”
You shuffle forward. “How about now?”
Still, the chat can’t quite understand you. Ready to readjust, you get to your feet but Shu tugs on your pant leg before you can fully rise. 
You cock your head, trying to figure out his game, but it falls into place when he lightly pats his leg. He’s sitting on a pillow with his legs folded underneath themselves, the picture of elegance without even trying. His sorcerous nature tends to make him graceful even when he’s casual, including the relaxed position during the stream. 
“I think I have an idea on how to fix it, Reader.” One pointed fingernail beckons you. “Come here.”
Curious, you scooch over inch-by-inch, closing the gap between you and Shu. That is, until Shu reaches out, scoops his hand by your shoulder, and brings you down in one fell swoop. Your body is placed along his lap, with your head resting along his thighs. 
Shu reaches for the mic across your head while you’re too caught off-guard to react, and fiddles with it while you watch his focused face and elongated muscle above you. The mic stand lowers. “Say something now, Reader?”
Does he seriously expect you to stream like this? You may be dating, but this has to be unprofessional on so many levels, especially since there’s no way chat could know your position with those PNGs on screen. Is the audio okay? What happens if you bump the mic or it picks up a weird sound that clues your audience into the secret streamer relationship scandal of the year?
The paranoia is getting to you, but you can’t deny it; Shu’s lap is really comfortable. His calves fold at just the right place so that it serves as an incline for your body. 
Shu's fingers rest on your hair, and it rustles as he begins to comb through. Your heart soars.
“What was that?” He says out loud in response to nothing. He’s obviously bluffing, but he looks so at peace with his hands in your hair and the stream online. This might be his perfect element. “Reader, can you repeat that again?”
“…Right.” Screw it. If Shu is this calm, then maybe there’s nothing to fear after all. You close your eyes as Shu strokes you, and you launch into your default greeting as your role in the company. 
When Shu smiles, you can hear how his voice lifts. “Chat says it’s all good. Welcome to the stream, everybody.” His nails travel to your jawline. One finger lightly scratches along while the others prop along your face, and the action is so tender it almost feels religious. Shu watches you exhale, appreciating the moment to relax even while the stream is running, and when he continues, only one person listening can recognize how his voice clouds into cotton candy. “I have Reader with me today.”
.  . • ☆ . ° .• °:. *₊ ° . ☆
18. wearing their clothes + 12. kissing before leaving for the day
Shu’s sleep schedule is, as you know, a mess, but last night was probably one of his… messier moments. He scheduled a late-night membership stream, and only hours before he went live, he made a members-only post for the waiting room. The thumbnail and title both had soju in it.
Long story short, the stream ended in the wee hours of the morning with the Yaminions happily fed and Shu satisfied, but barely able to keep his eyes open until he raided another stream. You were asleep for the majority of the stream but woke up just as his head hit the pillow, still in his daytime clothes and not a single step of his nightly routine done. You gently jostled Shu to get himself ready for bed, but the sun was rising in the sky by the time he fell asleep properly. 
The day doesn’t stop for anyone. A few hours later, you wake up well-rested and in time for your plans for the day. Shu is still sound asleep, however. He stole the covers and nestled up in the warmth while he was asleep, and you could barely see his face through untamed dark hair. Even in deep sleep and all covered up like this, he’s adorable. He doesn’t stir a bit even as you climb out of bed and get ready.
After brushing your teeth, you pass from the bathroom to the bedroom again and think on your outfit, before you see a plume of fur out of the corner of your eye.
The memories of last night—this morning?—Return as you examine the dresser, and the fur on top of it. It’s the loose black sleeves from Shu’s newer outfits, and on top of it is a large bat wing wrapped in a black-and-white fur pelt.
You take the sleeves and pelt in your hands, intending to put them away where they belong, but the fur is so inviting and cozy you don’t want to let go. You bury your face in it. It’s so fluffy! And it smells just like his everyday fragrance, subtly sweet while undeniably human. 
The sleeves are adjustable, and slide in place on your arms easily. You think to yourself. His accessories are pretty wild, but you could tone these down into something a lot more casual streetwear with your outfit today. Besides, it’s your day off and you’ll be meeting up with some friends to hang out. It wouldn’t be inappropriate.
Shu probably wouldn’t mind, either.
You slip the pelt over your shoulder and fasten the sleeves as you finish up your breakfast, just about ready to leave the house. The pelt is surprisingly light, and the bat wing conserves your heat without getting sweaty.
The last thing left to do is to grab your keys. You head over to the bedroom and find them on your nightstand. Shu is exactly where you left him, the hair in front of his face swishing along to his gentle breathing.
It parts out of his face as you reach out. Your hands stroke his hair as you examine his sleeping face. His lips are slightly open, and whenever he exhales, you can see a flash of teeth between his blanket nest. His banana rests between his ear and the pillow.
The closer you get to him, the more your smile grows. He’s… really adorable. Everything about him right now seems soft, almost cherubic. He looks like a stuffed animal. A plush cat! You have to fight the urge to squeeze him like one.
Instead, you brush some of his hair out of the way, and press a kiss to his temple.
Shu doesn’t move. He’s still as plush as ever. Even as the kiss ends, he’s so warm that you want to stay nearby. 
“Sleep well, sweetheart,” you whisper, close to his ear. “I’ll be back.”
A lock of pink hair curls under your fingers as you tuck it behind the ear. Shu’s eyes are closed, but you hear him drowsily grunt. Is he awake? “Mm-mm.”
You stifle a giggle. “You want me to stay?”
“But I have things to do.”
“I’ll stay a little longer if you wake up. Are you awake?”
Shu finally opens his mouth. “Noooo.”
“Then I’ll let you rest while I’m out.” You kiss him again. “Goodnight. Bye-bye, Shu.”
“Wait.” Shu blindly feels around with his free hand, and finds yours. He takes it, groggily but gently, guiding you closer to him even though his eyes are shut. The back of your palm goes velvet pink, and you hear a small chu as he parts. 
Then he tucks your hand in his grasp like a stuffed animal. You’re trapped. 
“Shu,” you whine. You try to wriggle out, careful not to disturb him. No avail, however. You’re stuck, and the sleeves drape along his body like even more blankets. “I have somewhere to be!”
He cuddles up to your forearm, and his head meets the fur of his pelt. “Soft.” He nuzzles closer, considering your shoulder as a suitable pillow, before fully resting his head on you.
You call his name again. It’s a really strange position for you, and besides, you have plans!
But then you look down. You don’t remember seeing that light smile on his face when you first kissed him goodbye. 
You can make five minutes for that smile. 
.  . • ☆ . ° .• °:. *₊ ° . ☆
✧. ┊ event post ✧. ┊ masterpost ✧. ┊ kofi
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shions-stuff · 16 days
Headcannons: Grimmjow
here are a few questions that I found on the Internet a long time ago. I can't sleep right now, so I'm writing this. enjoy, I guess
(neither the character nor the art belong to me. thanks to the author of the art for such a wonderful work)
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What does their bedroom look like?
Considering that he doesn't have his own corner, it's hard to judge. Despite the fact that he is called King Hueco Mundo, he does not have a permanent place of residence or he never stays there of his own free will. But if he had his own room, it would be as simple as possible. Everything you need, no small things and special decor
Favorite way to waste time and feelings associated with wasting time.
Categorically does not like to waste time. When he has nothing to do, he gets bored and usually does a lot of stupid things, which of course he never regrets later. He believes that everything he does cannot be regarded as a waste of time. You could say his motto is "Moving means living." His whole life is a movement.
Make-up and come to terms with it.
He doesn't care. He has these stripes under his eyes, but he will be very offended if you tell him that it is makeup. Don't get me wrong, he is very proud of His strength and himself, and the stripes under his eyes are part of that strength, part of himself, and he will be very unhappy with the devaluation of such things. As for the makeup of others, as I said, he doesn't care. He'll still want to kick your ass, no matter what's wrong with your face.
Neuroses? Does he admit it?
"What? Damn it, I don't understand what you're talking about." (the guy doesn't know what that means hahahaa) In any case, he will never admit that he has problems with anger and controlling his emotions. He will accuse everyone around him that they just annoy him. The problem is definitely with them! Grimmjow does not understand all this psychological nonsense, believes that such trivial things do not concern him and will never talk about it with anyone.
Sexual orientation? And, regardless of one's own orientation, thoughts about sexual orientation in general?
He has no sex drive. I'm sorry. The concept of love is alien to him and he does not know such feelings as lust, love passion. He always regards people as potential rivals, because he always likes to prove that he is the strongest. Regardless of gender, he'll want to kick your ass if you show any potential. And that's it. As for sexual orientation, he doesn't know anything about it either. For him, all these stupid formalities do not make sense, because he is a man who is used to taking what he wants and how he wants it. Therefore, he would most likely not understand these limits regarding sexual orientation.
Clothing preferences.
Grimm does not like tight clothes, which constrain his movements, preventing comfortable movement and performing techniques. He doesn't value clothes very much, because they are often destroyed during his transformation or a hard battle. He likes to have his arms completely bare, and is categorically against high-necked hoodies. He also often rolls up the sleeves on long sweatshirts. This way he feels a little more freedom. In terms of color, he likes light Tones. He likes the way blood looks on a white shirt.
Turn on/turn off.
As I said, he either doesn't feel like walking at all, or it's very blunted. There is nothing that turns him on sexually, he does not understand the concept of these things. As for the battles, you can go on indefinitely. The excitement in him lights up when he is challenged. He really likes to show off, so he gets excited without hesitation. But he is also able to quickly lose interest when his victim is very bad on the battlefield. He hates weaklings, but he likes it when they ask him for mercy.
How organized are they? How does this organization/disorganization manifest itself in their daily lives?
Surprisingly, Grimmjow is quite organized. Sometimes he makes lists, plans, mental notes about something. He likes order, likes when any task is backed up by a sequence of actions, but it is possible that he also likes to improvise if he sees fit. It helps him save face in front of anyone. He is capable of analysis and rational thinking, which helps him a lot in much more difficult Battles and in everyday communication. He's as good as the captain of his Fraction.
Reaction to a sudden intrapersonal disaster
After his defeat in the battle with Ichigo, his world was turned upside down. His thoughts were only occupied with how things went Wrong, how it could have been different if he had acted differently at some point. It was a kind of destruction of a part of his personality. the part that was successful and proud of him. It was a very serious change in his life, which also left its mark. Literally lol. He doesn't get depressed, no. Most likely, he will be angry at himself, at someone else. He will rethink, doubt his abilities for a minute, after which his wounded pride (or rather, what is left of it) will pull him back and drive these thoughts away.
What makes them feel guilty?
It would seem that almost nothing can make Grimmjow feel something like guilt. But he is not devoid of emotions, it is quite acceptable. He is an honest man and will most likely feel guilty if he treats someone dishonestly. The result of such an action will not bring him joy at all. But he is unlikely to do anything to fix it.he won't be consumed by these Thoughts for so long, but they will eat him up for a while, yes. He's too proud to admit His guilt or (oh my God!!) apologize. It's never going to happen, nope.
Can we say that they have a superiority complex? An inferiority complex? Not?
Not. He has neither. He has a fairly stable and adequate self-esteem. He values himself and his efforts and successes. He does not need to prove anything to anyone, more often than not he does things for his own entertainment than for some practical benefit or other meaning. He feels great in his own skin and doesn't hide it. He is who he is and always will be. Although sometimes he is prone to vanity. For example, he believes that he is a much more important and powerful member of Espada than everyone else.
Do they express their thoughts in words or deeds?
Deeds. He's not very good at words and he knows it. Words mean nothing to Grimmjoe, he demands action and does it himself Instead of speaking. He never liked the meetings that Aizen organized. He immediately understood what should be done when and how. And the rest of the formalities do not interest him. If you need anything from him, some kind of confirmation of his honesty or strength, wait for action. He won't talk about how great he is, wasting his time on useless chatter. He will make you see, feel and believe. Believe me, he can be convincing without words.
How do they express sympathy, affection?
If there are people to whom Grimmjow is not indifferent, then they immediately understand this. There is always a special attitude towards them. He will be rude, protective, loud, but it will never cross the boundaries. He gets angry when something doesn't work out for someone dear to him. Most likely, he will blame you for this, say what a weakling you are, "don't whine, rookie". But he worries deep down. If you occupy a place in his life, he will let you hang out with him. You can just relax together, wrestle, play games and the like. Grimmjow has a pretty funny sense of humor, so expect a lot of jokes and banter. He will be merciless!
Are they afraid of death?
Always was like " I'm already dead, aren't I?" He is not afraid of Death. He would have proudly welcomed it with open arms if he had lost in battle to a worthy opponent. It would be an honor for him to die as a warrior, because he has lived as a warrior for as long as he can remember.
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yanderes-galore · 1 year
Good morning/ afternoon/ night! (I'm not sure at which time you will receive this ask since my Internet isn't the best at the moment, sorry :,) )
If it isn't much of a bother, would you mind writing a small little thing with Yan!Kanaya and a Reader who likes to sew and make clothes for themselves? Maybe they end up taking each other's measurements and complimenting their bodies too. (Maybe it's because im insecure about my body, but GOD knows how I melt when anybody compliments my figure, especially my friends haha)
Sure! I'll see what I can do for this ^^ Idk what Quadrant you wanted so I did between either Matesprit or Pale. Did a concept as not specified!
Yandere! Kanaya Maryam ♍️ with Darling who makes clothes
Pairing: Matesprit ❤️/Pale♦️
Possible Trigger Warnings: Gender-Neutral Darling, Obsession, Kanaya doesn't specify if she has flushed or pale feelings, Manipulation, Flirting, Slight dubious touching, Dubious relationship, Stalking, Jealousy mention.
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This actually works out because Kanaya loves fashion!
Not many trolls like fashion like her and she likes to bond over it.
Regardless on if you're a troll, human, or some other alien entirely... Kanaya takes interest in the fact you also like to make clothes.
She most likely takes notice of it when she gets a close look of the clothes you have.
Those... those are sewn by hand!?
Kanaya wouldn't be too shy to ask you about it.
She's very interested in learning about your cultural differences in clothing and your techniques.
She most likely met you on the meteor with Rose and Dave.
You two take to each other pretty quickly due to your shared interests.
In this concept your shared interests would kickstart her obsession.
Kanaya feels attraction to you but it's up to you if it's flushed or pale.
Either way she enjoys your company deeply.
Your way of bonding happens to be through making clothing.
You have your own little area of the meteor where people can see you two diligently working away with fabric Kanaya managed to keep.
Yes, you two would take measurements of each other!
After all... you want the clothes to fit, no?
Kanaya would never admit it... but she blushes at the idea of measuring each other.
She promises to do it in private with you and that she'll be very gentle.
Another thing she's embarrassed to admit is using the opportunity to measure you as a way for physical affection.
If she feels Pale, she's more gentle while still curious.
If she feels Red, she's a bit more exploring in flirty way but backs away if you're uncomfortable.
Kanaya no doubt compliments you.
If you complimented her first, jade rushes to her face and she compliments back.
Kanaya really feels making outfits for each other is the best way to bond.
No one else has this connection like you two.
Kanaya is sure to take note of your likes, both from your mouth and... following you around the meteor.
She uses her research to make amazing outfits for you as a surprise.
She lives for the smile on your face when she makes something tailored to you.
Ohhh, when you make something for her?
She wears it like every day now.
Kanaya adores anything you make for her, just as she adores you.
While she is a calm yandere who cares deeply for her darling and friends, she gets a bit upset when you have a similar thing with others.
Of course... you have other interests which makes you hang out with other people... but she likes it when it's just her.
She isn't a yandere who kills just because someone has your attention, she does it when you're in danger.
So how Kanaya deals with jealousy is through clingy behavior and manipulation.
She sticks around you, stitches her sign into the clothes she makes for you, that kind of stuff.
It's a subtle message... but it shows who you are associated with.
Kanaya thinks the fact you share such an interest in fashion must mean you're meant for each other!
Surely you'll be her Matesprit/Moirail sometime in the future... she'll be sure it happens.
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kaigarax · 7 months
Take 452
Or This is How to Over Come
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Zeke Jaeger x Reader
Quote: "Fall in love by overcoming boundaries with another."
It is of the utmost importance, regardless of someone’s age, gender or race, to be excellent in at least one thing. One must not merely excel at this single task but be fundamentally better than anyone else within similar circumstances attempting to accomplish that very same task and in a location relative to yours.
Of course, this entire theory can be ultimately tossed out and entirely forsaken if one does not wish to become important (in any way whatsoever) and hopes to maintain an ordinary life. It should be noted that by choosing to ignore this most radical and sensible piece of advice you are outright denying oneself of all human pleasures that fall into either category of dreams or desires.
This piece is, of course, only one of seven different instructionals to help guide you into a world of excellence. One should hope to not just entertain themselves with these pieces of work but look to apply them into their everyday life. Once again, it should be noted that all pieces should be read and thought on for a maximum absorption of the materials.
Now, without further ado, this is how to over come.
Love, to Zeke Jaeger, has always felt like a foreign concept. Something that couldn’t be explained but simply understood by those it's shared between in that moment. And if love is something kept deep within the heart of those it is shared between then falling in love is the words whispered in the silence of night.
“Hands up,” you shouted, “get into your ready stances, everyone.”
Zeke was surprised at how quickly you had taken to training the Cadets. It seemed almost like second nature to you when you began. As if falling back into an old habit. You seemed to know everything, from which technique each Cadet would be best in to little quirks each one had while training.
It was good.
Most of the training, at least when they were cadets, had been taught by your father (the former Crystal Titan Shifter). It seemed more than fitting that you would be the one to take his place.
It also meant that Zeke wouldn’t have to train them himself. Not that he couldn’t, of course, but one less thing on his plate was one more minute of being relaxed.
You walk around the Cadets, correcting their forms every once and awhile before allowing them to begin again. The length of the fights, depending on the skill difference between the Cadets, range from just a moment to a good few minutes. The most interesting fight happens between a red haired girl and a blonde boy.
Your own gaze lingers on that specific fight longer than any of the others.
But not for long.
Your eyes never stay on a single thing for very long. At least not without you getting that dazed look. That strange expression that most children (though you’re eighteen) don’t get. It’s an expression that reminds Zeke of your father. As if you’re looking off into the distance. In another world that he can only seek to be a part of. Not that he wants to be in that weird dream world of yours but sometimes one can’t help but wonder.
Does that look have something to do with your family line? The way you were raised? Or perhaps Titan Shifting abilities? Zeke would bet on the latter of the three options.
“War Chief,” you smile when you spot him, though your eyes don’t meet with his own, “here to help the Cadets with training?”
Zeke shakes his head, “just here to… inspect the future prospects.”
“Oh? And has anyone caught your interest?” You ask, a sparkle in your eyes.
“Really,” you sigh, though you don’t seem all that dejected, “that’s a shame. I guess we can’t find a genius every generation.”
Zeke smirks, “perhaps it’s the fault of the teacher.”
If you’re insulted you don’t show it. Unphased. As if you were expecting an insult of the sort. But Zeke expects such a reaction from you. It’s rare that something phases you, though not for lack of trying on his part. You’re just that kinda person, he presumes.
Well, he can’t exactly claim that’s who you were but it certainly is who you are now. It’s a shame he didn’t know you very well before the initial transformation. Not that he would have cared to have known an eight year old. But it would have been interesting to have compared who you were then to who you are now.
“Gather up, Cadets.” You call.
The class scrambles to stand in an orderly formation.
You grin, “Our War Chief here has just agreed to help us with some training.”
“Really?” Asked the Cadets.
“Really?” Zeke asked.
“Of course~” You smile, “so you’ve all gotten the chance to fight someone around your size but on a real battlefield most of the people you face will be larger, faster and stronger than you.”
“Are we going to fight the War Chief?” Asked the red haired girl.
“No Emanon,” you laugh, “you’re all going to fight me. But first, I will be showing you how to take out a larger opponent. The War Chief is here to help me demonstrate.”
Zeke swallowed.
He isn’t usually one to play around with your shenanigans, Pieck does enough of that for all the Warriors, but the large doe-like eyes of the kids staring up at him seem to move his cold dead heart. Sure, he doesn't even like kids all that much but something about showing them how to fight lights a fire in his soul.
That or he’s too scared to actually move.
He’s seen what you can do with crystal outside of your titan he definitely doesn't want to be on the receiving end.
Zeke turns to you, trying his best to muster up whatever baseless confidence he’ll need, “and how do you plan to show that to the Cadets, (L/n)?”
“Don’t worry, War Chief,” you smile, your eyes meeting with his own, “I’ll surprise you.” You lower yourself to the ground and hold your arms in a fighting position of some sort.
Zeke isn’t familiar with this one. Being a Warrior, he obviously sparred with you before and seen you spar with others but this particular form surprises him. Puts him on guard so he isn’t charging in immediately.
“Why have I chosen this starting formation?” You ask.
“To make use of the ground?” Asks one Cadet.
Another shake raises their hand, “to better gauge your opponent?”
“Both wrong.” You exclaimed. Zeke takes this moment to make the first attack, aiming to grapple you to the ground. You seemed to have predicted that as you swiftly take a step to the side, use Zeke’s momentum to push him further aside. “Emanon!”
“Yes?” Chirps the red haired girl.
Zeke manages to keep himself from falling over into the dirt. You don’t seem very keen to give him a moment of rest as you’re immediately running towards him, closing the distance and aiming a kick towards his upper body.
He brings an arm up to protect his torso.
“Why do you think this is the best form we should take?” You ask, suddenly dropping lower and kicking Zeke’s legs rather than his upper torso.
“To make it harder for him to hit you?” Asks the blonde girl.
“Partial points.” You say, having forced Zeke to the ground, “Grice.”
“There’s less surface area.” The blonde boy from earlier answers, “because you’re smaller there’s less area for him to target, especially when you make yourself smaller.”
Dazed from trying to keep up with the conversation and from your constant barrage of attacks Zeke suddenly finds himself laying on the ground, you standing above him dusting the dirt off your pants.
You flashed Zeke a smirk, “good explanation, Grice.”
The blonde boy smiles brightly, “thank you Miss. (L/n).”
You hold out a hand for Zeke to take, an offer of peace and an attempt to help him up, but he declines. Not while a large majority of the Cadets are snickering about it. Damn him and his pride.
“Now, who wants to try first?” You ask.
Defeat becomes him, or at least that was what Commander Magath said when he entered the dining hall that evening. Zeke had mentally prepared for some ridicule (the entire Cadet class was there and they definitely couldn’t keep a secret if their life depended on it) but Commander Magath teasing him was a level of low even he hadn’t prepared for.
Commander Magath rarely ever told jokes and when he did it was even rarer for the mess hall to burst out into laughter along with him. Sure, it was common for Pieck or Porco to crack a joke or two at his expense. Even you joined in on the fun every once awhile. But everyone? It truly was an all time low.
And Zeke was in no mood to deal with such… nonsense.
So, he escaped to the only place he thought best.
The swings in the middle of nowhere.
Well, they weren’t exactly in the middle of nowhere but it was he and the other Cadets had called it when they were younger. A playground made in the middle of the training center for the Cadets. It was just an old wooden swing set surrounded by a small pile of sand but it had meant everything to the Cadets when they were young.
It’s long forgotten by now. Nothing but a memory. So Zeke finds himself surprised when he spots you swinging there alone seemingly lost in another memory.
You look pretty under the moonlight. Huh, he doesn't ever think he’s ever realised how pretty you were. He supposes it was never something that crossed his mind when he was young.
“Oh, Jaeger,” you don’t bother looking up at him, instead continuing to swing your feet back and forth, “what’re you doing here?”
Zeke takes the swing beside you, “needed somewhere to hide. It seems word of today’s training sessions has made its way through the barracks.”
You smile, “it could be worse.”
“How so?”
“You could’ve lost to Galliard.”
“Hah!” Zeke chuckles, “as if I’d ever lose to Galliard.”
“Oh, you definitely would lose.” You pause briefly, “no Titans abilities, of course.”
“What?” Zeke frowns. He hadn’t lost a hand to hand fight since he was a Cadet… until today.
“Galliards better at hand to hand combat than I am - and we all saw how easily I beat you today.”
“Last time Galliard and I spared I was the clear victor.”
“That was two years ago, Jaeger. Back when Galliard and I were still scrawny little teens. We’ve both grown since then. You don’t have the same advantages of being fully developed over us now.”
“Two years ago already…” Zeke trails off.
He can barely believe it’s been so long. It feels like just days ago he was just a Cadet getting chased around by the others for any bit of information they might be able to get to string themselves higher in the considerations of being a Warrior. He, of course, knew that you’d obviously get in. Nepotism was always a guaranteed way of making it in. Then Pieck and Annie, the smartest of the bunch. The Galliard brothers, both witty and strong hearted. The Hoover boy. The only one he hadn’t guessed making it was Braun, though his determination was something that did catch his attention.
“Hm?” Zeke perks his head up.
“You’re 23, right?” You asked.
At first Zeke thinks he should mock you. Tease you about forgetting his age but he thinks twice about that. Age is a difficult thing to talk about with women and sure you’re still young but he certainly doesn't want to get a lecture about something stupid like that. So, Zeke simply nods.
“23 years old, huh? Time really does fly by now doesn't it? My dad was 24 years old when he had me.” You smile teasingly, “are you planning on having kids any time soon?”
Zeke reels back, scrunching his nose in disgust, “oh God no.”
You laugh, “didn’t think so.”
“Children are loud, needy, and uncontrollable. Conniving schemers.”
“And you aren’t~”
“I was just teasing,” you begin swinging your feet back and forth, “though only because I’m envious.”
Why - Zeke doesn't ask, but you answer anyways.
“I’ll never reach the age of 23.” You say, your voice suddenly more present than Zeke can ever recall, “forced into this endless cycle of death and inheriting. Inheriting contracts, Titans and wills.”
“Everything you are, everything you would be and everything you will be is the cumulation of all the previous shifters before and will pass onto the one that inherits your Titan next.” You flush, “sorry if that doesn't make any sense. It’s always been a little hard for me to gather my thoughts together after so many years of being a Crystal Shifter.”
Zeke shrugs, “sounds kinda sad if you ask me.”
“Inherited wills or gathering thoughts?”
“Both, though mostly inherited wills.”
“How so?”
“Everything we are is simply who we were before us?”
“Not every shifter. Some with strong wills are able to hold onto themselves. Others-”
“Like you?”
“Yeah. Others, like me, tend to have our own feelings drowned out by the feelings of our predecessors.”
Zeke’s own swinging comes to a halt, “how come you’ve never told me this before?”
“Oh, I haven’t?”
You shrug, “guess you just never gave me the chance to open up.”
“Well,” Zeke begins, “I don’t think you’re like your father.”
“Really?” You smile, “thank you.”
Zeke shrugs, looking away, his face tinged red, “it’s whatever.”
Your swinging comes to a halt, “say, Zeke?”
“Have you ever been in love?”
“No.” He lied.
Love. Such a strange thing, especially now as Zeke Jaeger stares down at you. The girl he could never quite understand. Even now, he still isn’t sure exactly what you are. What he is certain of thought is you. How he feels about you beneath the stars in the middle of the night with bright and clear eyes. At least now, no matter how brief this moment was, she was here.
“Here.” You hold out a gold band.
“What’s this?”
“A bracelet I made. It reminded me of your eyes.”
“My eyes are blue.”
“I know.”
“Then why would you give this to me?”
“Because your eyes are like gold.”
Fall in love by overcoming boundaries with another.
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ragingstillness · 1 month
While I’m musing, I think everyone should be required to take a gap year between high school and college. For a whole bunch of purposes: to buy all the stuff you need for independent living, to do the research required to get used to your school including something like a sleepover where you could live in the dorms for like a day then a week then two weeks so you can anticipate some of the challenges you’ll face, but more importantly to take a class on basic life skills.
This class would be sort of like home ec but full of skills that modern people all need to have to be successful living independently, to be equal partners in relationships, etc, regardless of gender or upbringing.
Things like, how to do laundry: not just how to run a machine but the differences between lights and darks and delicates.
How to get stains out of clothing: all your common stains, blood, sweat, food, sauce, chocolate, coffee, spices, soda.
How to sew: fixing small rips, putting buttons on, hemming pants, adding elastic, taking clothing in, how to use a stitch ripper, the difference between fabric scissors and regular scissors, how to thread a needle, how to pin something.
How to cook: the difference between stick and non-stick pans, adjusting heat in an oven or on a stovetop, using a whisk, a spatula, measuring cups, knives, how to crack an egg, how to handle raw meat, how to clean fruits and vegetables, how to clean pots and pans, a few basic dishes that’ll allow you to survive.
How to clean a bathroom: proper chemicals, proper tools, proper safety precautions, proper technique.
How to have your own money: stocks, investing, taxes, insurance, avoiding scams, keeping a budget, balancing a checkbook.
How to find a trustworthy source: for internet browsing, for work research, for school research.
How to change a tire
How to replace a light socket
How to fix a sink
How to unclog a drain
How to build something small out of wood
How to use power tools
How to paint something that isn’t a picture
How to work machinery like lawnmowers, leaf blowers, string trimmers, and snowblowers
How to change a lightbulb
How to sort garbage and recycling
How to do basic first aid on yourself and others
How to treat burns
How to keep a calendar
How to use an iron
How to pack a suitcase
How to grocery shop efficiently
How to optimize a google search
I could make this list even longer but I’ll stop here. All of these are things I had to know in order to live in a college dorm properly and I’ll admit I did not enter college knowing all of them and I regretted not knowing.
If we give our kids who are on the cusp of being adults better life skills going into college, they are more likely to succeed later in life and also to transition more effectively. I know not knowing how to do something has always given me major anxiety and having to navigate a college transition with that was very difficult. I struggled. If I had something like this I would have struggled much less.
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batbeato · 3 months
I was also thinking alongside the lines of an Umineko AU, where magic is actually real. The era of sorcerers and witches and alchemy and beasts are still generally assigned to being myths. It's still in regards to everything Ushiromiya and Rokkenjima and Beatrice.
I was thinking that magic would still be prevalent in ways similar to the anime Iroduku: A World In Color, or maybe something like Encanto where it runs in family lines and individuals have gifts. Or maybe Kinzo did something, who knows.
But Witches and Sorcerers magic, alchemy, is something long-forgotten and even rumored to have not actually existed - not like they do in stories. Which would further obscure Beatrice's heart in the Meta from Battler - because magic does exist, even if there's no one left that knows if Beatrice's magic is the real deal and killed everyone-
(Speaking of which, I wonder where exactly Meta-Battler's memory cuts off? At the airplane, in the cousins' room in the guesthouse? We never see him question in the vn where they are, I don't think. Does he assume Beatrice just ripped him through space and time to torment him with her games? Not to mention we know Rosa appears and is getting forcefed her family at the end of one of the episodes? Where does she go, after? Where does everyone else go? Are they just lurking in corners, out of sight?)
At the same time though, so much of Umineko is trying to pierce through the veil of magic - not to tear out the guts of the story, but to see the heart hiding underneath. In utilizing literal magic in the plot, even if things like occult black magic and sorcerers and witches and demons are deemed myth or legend, if writing with canon-context, wouldn't it clog the narrative?
Also, it's a rule in mysteries, isn't it? To not actually use supernatural creatures/abilities - including magic? At least, not to hand wave how the crime occurred and pull a solution out of thin air. Though, in a world where traces of magic exist, regardless, Sayo probably wouldn't use it? She wants someone to stop her, Battler to solve the mystery. Her murders - though not anyone else's, arguably - following the rules of a who-dunnit, how-dunnit, why-dunnit mystery.
Rambling here, sorry.
Putting this on anon, because I'm slightly afraid of offending anyone.
Honestly I think it all would really depend on the specifics of the AU and how magic would interact with the existing story to enhance or change it. If it ended up not really changing much, that wouldn't be interesting, but maybe it could. For example, maybe different types of magic are gendered, so 'witches' are generally supposed to have 'feminine' magic (healing, connecting with nature, emotions) and witches that have 'masculine' magic (controlling the elements, summoning powerful demons, etc.) is considered to be heretical or evil. Maybe Rosa encouraged or tolerated Maria's interest in magic at first, but as the abuse continued and Maria grew to be interested in 'unsuitable' magic that intensified the abuse and lead to a cycle. Just an example I'm throwing out - I'm not the best with magic worldbuilding.
Magic being 'real' would probably impact a lot of the metaphors about magic as love, understanding, illusion, etc. though. You'd have to work with that a lot to try to figure out what to do to replace it with in such an AU. In Umineko proper, magic is sort of real but also sort of not, existing in a gray area where you can interpret it either way.
As for using magic in a mystery, Knox doesn't explicitly forbid it. The rules relating to the supernatural are "It is forbidden for supernatural agencies to be employed as a detective technique." and "It is forbidden for unknown drugs or hard to understand scientific devices to be used."
The first relates to the detective, so as long as Battler himself (or Erika) doesn't use magic to suddenly just know things, all is well. As for the second, it doesn't explicitly mention magic, but it mentions similar deus ex machinas. So long as the magic is explained, it should be able to be used as part of a mystery. Van Dine, however, does explicitly forbid supernatural methods of murder/crime. So take that as you will. (Van Dine's rules are very strict compared to Knox.)
It's really about, if you want to make an AU and you think you'll have fun with it, go ahead. I feel like people feel the need to put so much thought into AUs but people can just have AUs, whether they're really meaningful and significant or just fun, which is meaningful and significant in its own way. I have tons of AUs that are just... fun. And that's nice.
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washipink · 1 year
The Rain Review (Finale)
If you’ve been with my blog for the past week or so, You’ll know I’ve been reading a childhood favorite webcomic of mine, Rain by Jocelyn Samara. And you’d probably be wondering what happened to my review of the comic Year-by-Year. The answer? I went on a road trip for a few days and couldn’t help but read the whole rest of the comic. So today I’m here to talk about my overall thoughts.
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For the uninitiated, Rain is a slice-of-life webcomic that started in 2010. It’s about a transgender teenage girl of the same name navigating her senior year at a Catholic high school. There’s a LOT of romantic and gender-related drama. Friends are made and lost. You’ll laugh, you’ll cry, you’ll see yourself in the characters somewhere along the line.
My experience with Rain prior to this project only goes up to about 2014. I started reading it in middle school on Smackjeeves.com. Y’all remember Smackjeeves? I miss it every day. Apparently it redirects to a shitty webtoon clone now. IDK where I’m gonna find peoples’ sprite comics produced in 2013 now.
Anyway, I bring this up to say that I had stopped keeping up with Rain even though she was a major part of me accepting who I was. When I found out that her story had come to a close, I had a real need to find out how.
This time, there won’t be a plot summary because this comic ran for 11 years and it takes me long enough to do just 1. That and, if I may spoil my final opinion, I really want you to give it a read for yourself.
I want to get this one out of the way because it’s a very common critique that even I hold to some extent. The art in Rain is a clear indicator of the era its artist hails from. In 2010, anime and manga had just hit the American mainstream. Everyone was reading those “How to Draw Anime” books and took a lot of notes from them. To showcase, here’s a page from Chapter 1, the first color page in fact.
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This page is actually one of the busier pages in terms of art. Jocelyn doesn’t usually do background details much, if at all. Usually, backgrounds are depicted as solid colors that are associated with specific locations. Grey for the apartment, sky blue for outside, light green for school, etc. But the way Rain is drawn here bears a striking resemblance to the styles a LOT of people were using at the time.
While Jocelyn’s style stays rooted in, shall we say, American who got really into anime, her techniques evolve over time. Especially in terms of displaying what’s going on with limited background detail.
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As an example, I really enjoy this scene. Rain and Emily are, in universe, speaking over the phone right now. But neither of them are holding their phones to their ears. They’re looking at each other as if they’re in the same room. Jocelyn uses a gradient background to signify that the two of them are NOT in the same room, but as they get closer during their conversation, they get physically closer in the panel as well.
This page is taken from 2014, about 4 years into the comic’s run. You can see that Jocelyn’s brush choices have changed. Everything is far smoother than it was toward the start. While the overall style is as simplistic as year 1, her technique has changed a lot.
That comfort with her work only continues to grow. Below is a panel from a bonus page that released after the comic’s conclusion. The line work is the cleanest its ever been.
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Now this right here is the REAL meat of the comic. Regardless of any feelings I had on the art, the characters really endeared me. And this being a slice-of-life teen drama, they had plenty of time to learn, grow, and clash against one another.
The majority of the conflict in Rain comes from people being set in their ways. Rain’s whole gaggle of queer friends is hiding from the school’s principal, who refuses to acknowledge that maybe there’s nothing wrong with being a little gay. One of the most compelling ongoing threads in the comic centers around Rain’s brother and sister trying to understand and accept her. These personal stakes were a really enjoyable break from the kind of thing I usually read. In Rain, there is no world to be saved or villain to defeat, but there IS a prom to go to. Sometimes, that’s all you need to tell a good story.
The comic has this small-town vibe I care for a lot. Sometimes, a character will exit another’s life and you’ll never expect to see them again. Then they’ll end up dating Rain’s aunt or something. Word spreads fast in Centerville. People are gossipy. Sometimes, you tell someone something and it reaches ears you didn’t want to hear it. That gossip is what makes things so dangerous for Rain. If the wrong person finds her out, then EVERYONE finds her out. The same goes for all her friends.
There’s all kinds of flavor of queer in this comic in a way that mirrors real life friend groups. We have a tendency to find each other like that.
With all kinds of queers being hormonal teens, things get messy FAST. There’s a lot of things that happen in this comic that I feel like baby gays need to see. There’s a point where a gay boy and a trans girl start going out because... this just happens sometimes. Nobody is “the villain” in this scenario. They both just tried to explore themselves and found mixed results.
That’s one of the big themes of Rain. Self-exploration. Every chapter, we’re learning more about these characters as they learn more about themselves. Nobody stays in the same headspace for too long. They’re constantly evolving.
Rain is ABSOLUTELY worth the read. It’s actually a really easy read. I was able to finish it in about 2 weeks, so I’m sure it won’t take up too much of your time. But, it’s a really heartwarming story that I’m sure a lot of us can relate to. Thanks for going on this journey with me. And be safe, Rain Beaus.
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5town · 2 years
Can i get some 4town crushing on reader headcanons?
YES U CAN!! wondero28 u are my role model /hj
all hcs gender neutral unless otherwise specified in request btw :]
4*TOWN crushing on gender neutral reader headcanons below the cut!
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☆ always writing songs and putting in lyrics about you, you're like flowers to his bee, like the stars in his sky.
☆ always, ALWAYS makes sure to make time for you regardless of his busy schedule. he may have a meeting or two, and then daily dance practice, then voice conditioning, and so on and so forth, but your dear robaire is wrapped around your finger even if you don’t take advantage of it.
☆ doesn't realize he has a crush on you until he sees how he responds to you quickly over text, while he leaves management and sometimes even other band members on read or delivered
☆ surprises you with little gifts that he heard you talk about maybe once or something; if you catch onto him being romantic he'll say he "just saw it in passing and thought of you" or is "just regifting"
☆ emotionally pushes you away because he's scared he won't be able to give you the time he knows a relationship requires :(
☆ tries to not think of you too much because of that, but you really are never not on his mind ;)
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✦ jesse is normally a huge flirt; no one’s safe from getting flustered after getting stared at through his half-lidded, near lustful gaze 
✦ he’s artistic, right? he totally loves taking time to make anyone a certain piece of pottery or ceramic, but with you, you don’t even have to ask or pay.. you just get these little items at random. it could be a little pencil holder, or a simple paperweight that resembles your favorite animal or its pattern, or even a vase of your own to paint and glaze as you wish
✦ he’s one to get up close and personal when he likes you. be it a moment where you both are looking at something, or when you’re walking close together, or you’re trying to reach for something; he’s the kinda guy to take advantage of those little moments to get you thinking of him the way he thinks of you.
✦ he offers to teach you about anything and everything artsy; it’s his area of expertise! he loves to get you to learn new techniques from painting to using the pottery wheel to just simple sketching; if you want to learn it, he’s probably already got plans to teach you.
✦ he’s really strong. like i hc him to be pretty hunky. so like T, but  with a bit more maturity, he loves to take the time to ‘subtly’ impress you with his strength and build. he wastes no time in taking a moment to take off his shirt and show off what he hopes will impress you, or to pick up something you would certainly deem as heavy.
✦ he’s just one to show off what he knows he has. if there’s a moment that he can take to make you flustered with only a gaze or a little moment, he’ll take it. he actually lays off more on the verbal flirting when he truly likes you. that’s when he knows he’s in for it; when his flirting becomes silent and only lives in moments, in the air. 
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Aaron Z!
⍟ while he is really introverted, shy, and pretty touch-averse, he does open up to holding pinkies, then wrists, then probably hands when he is more open with each other about your feelings
⍟ he’s starting to open up around you; you learn more about him through little bits of info that he decides to give up; “yea i also broke a bone back in middle school” “my favorite color probably has to be magenta” “i like to cool off by working out or just choreographing our studio”
⍟ he isn’t the gift-giving type, but he’s one to write things down on notes, from little notes-to-self to little notes of encouragement for himself and friends; and you totally get some real unique ones!
⍟ z doesn’t let a lot of ppl call him just “z”, it’s really just the band, and he shuts down interviewers when they try that with him, he’s aaron z to them. his family calls him aaron and he prefers other personal friends call him that too, when t isn’t around. when you accidentally slip and call him z, you start to apologize but he just silently holds a hand up and mutters a little “it’s fine. go on?”
⍟ z doesn’t usually smile with his teeth but he doesn’t mind doing it when he knows you’re watching
⍟ overall, z is pretty introverted and you bring out the side of him that wants to open up more :]
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Aaron T!
✪ he’s always pretty extroverted, very opposite of Z, everyone gets a nice special treatment from T because he’s just that kind of guy! loves to make everyone laugh, but you especially
✪ he takes the time to research the things you talk about, maybe its in passing, maybe its an in-depth conversation but no matter what he wants to be prepared to talk to you about it
✪ like jesse from earlier, he loves to do anything and everything to impress his crush. he’ll pull out random backflips, show off his flexibility by dropping down into a split, or his favorite: doing parkour on random urban structures to get ahead of the rest of the group if they are rushing somewhere. while reckless, it is certainly a feat.
✪ he has this really goofy smile that very few have seen and he shows it to you nearly everyday. it really isn’t meant to be funny, but when the other members see him giving you this little grin with no teeth and no laughter, they know he’s down bad for you. it’s just the way he looks at people when they’ve truly entranced him.
✪ it’s a small thing, like the smile he gives you, but he starts taking more pictures with you. he’s a pictures kinda guy! but polaroids are all his thing; his room is full of them. he notices something is off about how he feels about you when he notices he’s put up almost as many pictures of you as he’s put up of the band, and he’s known you for much less time.
✪ he’s really into the small things. little moments alone with you, the pictures, subconsciously showing u his goofy smile, anything and everything he really does eat it up. he loves to see you laugh but he loves to see you smile even more!
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Tae Young!
⋆ hoh boy, he’s probably the most lovey-dovey one here and that is SAYING something. he’s the one that outwardly gives you gifts, the one that writes you little letters of affection, the one that loves to feel his own face warm up at the sight of you.
⋆ he’s completely enamored when he falls in love. like it’s so bad. he’s one to become very focused on you and knowing not only what you like or what makes you smile, but what you don’t like, so he never brings those things up.
⋆ he starts paying a lot more attention to how you are doing when he’s crushing on you. he’s a very conscious person, if that makes sense. he wants to be aware of everyone and how they feel, and more importantly, how he makes them feel. he becomes way more conscious of that with you.. you’ll constantly get the questions; “how are you?” “what do you want to do today?” “does that make you happy?” “what makes you happy?”
⋆ he starts talking about you a lot. he’s the kind of guy to be able to talk about anything a whole lot, and even more when he’s truly deeply interested in it; and he is truly, deeply interesting in you.
⋆ he wants to take care of you. he’s got that helping, caring streak in him. he starts offering to pay for meals or things you want. he doesn’t go out of his way to gift them to you unless it’s a surprise (expect a lot more surprises from him, too). it doesn’t end there; he makes you food, he sets up alarms to remind him to remind you to take meds if you take them or for general reminders you need throughout the day.
⋆ one very personal thing that makes him very different from the other boys in the crush aspect is that he lets no one, and he means no one, touch his doves without his permission. those little guys are his babies and he knows what he’s doing. he barely lets the band touch them, and just forget about even seeing them if he isn’t around. but you, you’re different. it may seem small and subconscious to him, but when he asks you to arrange a nest and place one in it, you realize there’s something quite different about how he feels about you.
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horned-icecream · 2 years
Sorry this rq is so specific lol but could I please request Vil with a transmasc autistic s/o with a film special interest (specifically horror but you can go general if u wanna)? Like with Vil's s/o getting super excited ab his acting career and the NRC film club!!! Tsym!!!
A/N: YES OF COURSE this actually works out very well because i'm those things + my special interest is also film and filmmaking!!!! but i'd say vil is the character i least know, so sorry if this is a tad bit ooc/inaccurate. but here we go:
vil schoenheit with a transmasc autistic s/o who has a special interest in film, specifically horror!
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although he seems like he doesn't care much, vil is ready to give a hell of a lecture to anyone who makes fun of the MC's autism. he's also open to listening to the MC infodump about their SpIns
upon telling him about their SpIn in films, vil is more than happy to talk to the MC about his acting career.
the MC also gets very excited about the film club, so they come along to it one afternoon. there, they fit right in and know quite a lot about films and filmmaking, so they even give tips about where to hold the camera, what angle etc. vil is actually quite amazed at the knowledge the MC holds about filming, and encourages them to pursue the filmmaking career
he takes the MC behind the scenes for some of the movies he's been shooting, there they see all of the backstage preparations and even all of the different props and makeup used.
it doesn't matter whether the MC has some sensory issues with applying makeup and certain costumes or wearing certain clothes like dresses- vil just wants the MC to be the best version of themselves the way they want to be, regardless of gender, makeup, clothes or accessories.
since horror films are the MC's SpIn, vil makes sure to shoot more horror-themed films in the film club and talk about more of the techniques used in horror films. bonus: ortho is also very helpful with the special effects for it.
if there is to be a costume worn for the film club, vil always checks in with the MC to see whether they're alright with it- the textures, type of costume, colours and fabrics etc. if not, he'll try his best to get ones that the MC is alright with, but if he can't the MC is happy to be the cameraman for that particular film instead.
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Character Info - Kamado Tanjiro (canon-divergent)
(NOTE: While default timeline will be approximately a year later after KnY's main story, this character will also be canon-divergent.)
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Age: 16 Birthdate: July 14 Weight: 134 lbs Height: 5’5" Gender: Male Species: Demon, formerly human
Canon details here.
Despite being turned into a demon, Tanjiro retained his kindhearted, human self albeit with the aid of the seal that bound his demonic alter ego. Generally, he'd show empathy to anyone, regardless of their past and species.
Skills and Abilities
As once a demon slayer, he uses breathing techniques while fighting using a sword. He can use Sun Breathing to its full potential, almost replicating the same movements that the first Sun Breather had.
He is also capable of manipulating crimson flames as his Blood Demon Art, often infusing it on his sword to enhance his offense and give burning effects on targets. He can also control the flames' effects to heal the wounds of others and remove poison from their body.
As a demon, he also has enhanced regeneration wherein losing a limb will grow him a new one in seconds. In addition, he is also capable of biokinesis which allows him to protrude bone-like tendrils and even shift into certain forms if desired.
While it hasn't been known by many, demons emerged more than a millennium ago and have been consuming humans since then. Thus, the demon slayer corps was established to plunge down their numbers. The battle between these two factions has been going on endlessly.
Anyway, that part is surely a long story to tell so let's just skip to their last war... or so they believed so.
Among the demon slayers who became part of the last war, the benevolent young man named Kamado Tanjiro was able to kill the ruler of all demons with the help of other slayers. With his life at risk, he almost died.
By the way, did you know that the demon king Muzan can turn humans into demons? Well...
Before the demon king died, he injected his blood into that young slayer. As a result, Tanjiro became the vessel of the fallen demon king's remains. Not only did it turn him into a demon. He was even declared as the new demon king. However, it was only for a short time when he was injected with a cure to revert him back to human.
But did it work? Well, sort of.
Due to the high amount of blood already injected into him, he is still a demon. Yet it may be some kind of miracle when he regained his human self instead. Even so, he struggled to fight back the demonic instinct trying to take over him.
Ever since, he had been taking heavy medications to at least sustain his human self as there hasn't been a cure yet to completely revert him back to human. As to how long before his demonic alter ego takes over? He had to prepare for it, if that time ever comes.
Additional Information
While cooked food would taste a little bitter to Tanjiro, his enhanced sense of smell somehow compensates for it.
He's able to hide most of the scar-marks that he had as a demon to look more human.
While he's also capable of using other forms, such as child and adult forms, he rarely does so as he sees it unnecessary.
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party-gilmore · 2 years
LITERALLY this ENTIRE bullshit "issue" of transphobia and gender gap and "oh but is it FAIR to the other PLAYERS if someone's body is just naturally more suited than everyone else they're competing against?" [stares sarcastically at Michael Phelps] in sports would be so easily solvable (you know, if people actually gave a damn and weren't just trying to use it as an excuse to discriminate).
Literally all they would have to do is scrap the gender separation and entirely and take a book out of combat sports page with Skill Level/Body Type Classes.
Group into leagues or classes based on physical ability to perform regardless of gender. Weight class, muscle mass groups, speed/dexterity class levels where you test into your league at the start of the season (against yourself/set benchmarks, not others, into a specific similar range of ability), whichever of those grouping criteria is most vital to the particular sport.
Like not only would it little itself to fairness, but it would ALSO provide for 1) closer and more interesting matches where skill and personal strategy are going to be VITAL,
2) more people who would normally n or be interested in a particular sport due to not having a certain body type that just can't match against the usual competitors [see: figure skating] having the ability to learn and compete, AND
3) more VARIATION and development of unique styles within each class, as each group learns what best work for their body type, the progression of previously stalled out techniques as each group learns how to address their particular needs and challenges
[see: FIGURE SKATING AGAIN! Everyone is so tied up trying to pull off moves built for slender tiny bodies just so they can get those higher scores ENOUGH QUADS!!! SOCIETY HAS SURPASSED THE NEEDS FOR QUADS!!! STOP FUCKING UP YOUR HIPS!!! when they COULD be developing new move sets that cater to more muscular, sturdy and stocky bodies that can do some really cool fucking shit in their own right that slender bodies can't! I can't believe I'm going to take about Blades Of Glory here, like that's an extreme fucking example, but it's the same concepts!!! Different body physics can allow for cool new techniques!!!]
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thecpdiary · 6 months
Make Mental Health Your Priority
Without good mental health there is no health. Mental health is a critical aspect of our overall well-being and should be our biggest priority. Cancer is generally down to emotions and mental health. MacMillan estimate there are 3 million people living with cancer in the UK with that figure rising to 3.5 million by 2025, 4 million by 2030, and 5.3 million by 2040. (Source: McMillanorg)
Mental Health Disorders
Mental health disorders greatly impact an individual's day-to-day functioning, relationships and overall quality of life. We're still living in a pandemic and if it teaches us one thing, it's that we should all be doing more to look after and deal with our mental health.
Mental Health needs a multifaceted approach
Addressing and dealing with mental health requires a multifaceted approach. It is crucial to recognise and acknowledge mental health, which should be addressed like we would address physical health. Just like any other illness, a mental health disorder can affect anyone, regardless of age, gender, or background. It is important to reduce the stigma surrounding mental health.
Deal with Your Mental Health
Once the presence of a mental health concern is recognised, seeking professional help is essential. Mental health professionals, such as psychiatrists, psychologists and therapists, play a vital role in diagnosis, treatment and being able to help the wider population get on top of mental health.
Self-care practices
Self-care practices help us to manage our mental health. These include regular exercise, engaging in hobbies, relaxation techniques (such as deep breathing or meditation), maintaining a healthy diet, getting enough sleep and building a supportive network of friends and family. Self-care practices differ for everyone, so it's important to explore what works best for you.
Mental Health: Creating awareness
Creating and cultivating an awareness on mental health is equally important. This is where mental health starts. By fostering a culture that promotes mental well-being, individuals are more likely to seek help and access the necessary support networks.
Mental health is an on-going journey
It is important to remember that mental health is an ongoing journey and progress can take time. It is important to start dealing with mental health. It requires continuous effort from each of us to learn, grow and adapt as we continue to navigate mental health.
If you or someone you know is struggling with mental health, it is important to get help, to reach out for support. Many helplines and resources are available, who are happy to offer assistance and guidance.
For more inspirational, lifestyle blogs, please check out my site https://www.thecpdiary.com
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ansunconsulting · 7 months
Ansun Internationals- Affordable SEO Company in USA for Your Online Presence
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fchsadfa · 7 months
Woke up this morning, checked my notes from brainstorming last night, and had no idea what kind of connections my brain was making. Like there's good ideas! But how does embroidered Braille and Morse Code connect with the Doomsday Clock, a music staff with the repeat notation, and cultural Christian notions of World Without End?
(Put the rest under a read more because it got quite long)
I'm probably going to have to drop the morse code and Braille, which is sad bc I was excited by that idea from the first day of the week (tho the teacher did say to toss whatever our first ideas were and to be open to new directions).
However I am panicking slightly because this project is due Friday and I only have concepts (that aren't even written in my sketchbook to show my work).
I was late to class this morning in part because I should have gotten out the door earlier, but also because there was an accident that closed the main road into town and I had to detour around the lake. And then that accident ended up knocking out the power and they kicked us out of the building at noon (can't have people there without running water, for sanitary reasons).
Anyways my current plan is to make a box/ fake book. One of my library books has info on traditional embroidered boxes! I plan to have the front cover say Once Upon a Time, as gilt and embellished as I can manage with embroidery and sequins etc. The back cover I have a design that combines the phrase "as it was in the beginning/ is now/ and ever shall be/ WORLD WITHOUT END AMEN" which was my favourite part of having to recite the rosary as a wee Catholic child (in part because it signaled the end of having to recite the rosary, but also it's just nice :) trad Catholics who do the whole O My Jesus/ Hail Holy Queen bit don't come at me) ANYWAYS that phrase made into the hands of the Doomsday Clock (which is at 90 seconds to midnight as of the start of 2023 (: this is fine.png).
The embroidery bit covers one portion of the techniques we need to incorporate. For a second technique, I'm thinking the lining fabric to be made with a repeat pattern/ making marks on fabric (one or both, other techniques of this week) using alphabets (Latin but also Greek, Cyrillic, Inuit, Arabic, Korean, etc etc).
I had a one on one chat with the teacher and she was pro me incorporating Braille and Morse. It was a conversation about how I don't want people to Know Things about me now, let alone in 50- 200 years. About codes and secret languages and ciphers, about how we can't really know the past (or ascribe modern language of gender and sexual orientation to the past where people had different understanding of those concepts). But also about how on one hand I can't know that humanity will be around in 50-200 years, and on the other hand there's a long tradition of Apocalyptic propheteering. People are forever proclaiming the End of Times and time is forever carrying on regardless. (There's actually a fairly funny local story about a man who was sure the second coming was nigh and said he would walk on water like Jesus to prove it. And then the day came, everyone gathered to witness (entertaining being thin on the ground in settler days), dude had a crisis of faith and strapped wooden planks to his feet to help him float, sank, and sulked under the pier until everyone stopped laughing and left).
So yeah. This is a very rough draft of my eventual Artist Statement for this piece. Something something Tower of Babel. Something something cultural norms (shaped by Christian narratives) of a beginning, middle, and End preventing us from appreciating the cyclical nature of time.
It's also funny to me (not funny haha, funny strange) that we've been told to consider storytelling when thinking about this week's project, and how for much of history those with the privilege to access paper and ink (and education) were creating the official stories (while textiles preserved the common heritage). And now it's almost reversed, where most people have access to language and words, but the basics of textile creation is now a privileged activity (I mean, leaving aside folk embroidery a lot of needlecraft WAS something only the wealthy elite could afford). Being a fibre artist is expensive, y'all. (And ugh I love art but having to write artists statements is a struggle. What do you mean I have to theorize about Meaning and put it in inaccessible Art Speak and know the code and network to become famous and make a living at this and be in exhibitions and galleries)
Anyways it's time to stop talking about it and start ripping apart my elementary school Bible to do some papier maché.
Maybe the embroidered music staff with repeat and Braille and Morse Code can be a ribbon. A ribbon that can wrap around the box/ hold it shut by wrapping around a button? A ribbon that lifts a secret compartment, because I love secrets? We shall see!
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mahamid110 · 8 months
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