#just kinda low muse and waiting for rp responses from people
"Odd question, but do you only eat people? Or do you eat non-human foods too?"
"Food is food, regardless of whether or not it's alive. Sure, I find swallowing people whole to be hot as hell and quite satisfying, but nothing really beats stuffing your face with actual food."
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princess-julianna · 7 years
Flashback RP
Keith would just shrug and jokingly be like “yeah she beats me up all the time too...but really, what happened to ya?” "She really beat me. She tried to /kill/ me, I think." *raises eyebrows* “we’re talkin’ ‘bout the girl that puts bugs outside because she don’t have the heart ta squish ‘em.” "She does that- yeah. Her. My height, blonde. Yeah. Jay and I were out in the yard and she came tearing at me." “...I still ain’t sure we’re talkin’ bout the same Peach here. I left a damn lobster on her bed once and she was in tears fer /hours/.....what were ya doin’ that made ‘er so mad?” He thought hard for a moment before throwing his hands up. “Ya got me beat, man. Yer gonna hafta call in a Peach expert fer that one.” "Where's one of those." “Well if El ain’t hear ya’ll fightin’ he’s prolly not around. Ya can try tha shop, or ask yer girl ta call her sister.” He offered with a shrug. Bigby wiped some of the trailing blood off of his face, swaying his feet a bit in thought. "He have a phone I can contact him?" “Hell, use mine. You tell ‘im somethin’ happened with ‘is Peach an’ he’ll fly over here in a hot minute,” he mused, pulling out his phone and handing it to the shorter man as he plopped down next to him. "Thanks." The wolf quickly tapped out a message to Ellis To: El From: Keith Hey, this is Bigby, mind telling my why your girlfriend would attack me? "And sent." Jayne sat Jules down gently on her bed. "You okay?" Keith sat back, folding his hands behind his head and looking up at the sky. “And now we wait.” Julie didn’t respond, hugging herself and staring into space. To: My Buddy From: Ellis What do ya mean? What were you doin? "Do you know what just happened?" Keith took the phone back this time, composing his own message. To: El Yer wife is on a killin spree apparently and Jay stopped her “...H-He was gonna hurt you, I couldn’t let him.” She finally looked at the redhead. “It was him again.” To: My Buddy Wait, hold on. You mean /my/ Peach was on a killing spree. Jayne's hard eyes softened as she gently put her hands on the blonde's shoulders. "Oh, Peach..." she looked down a moment. "It wasn't him, it wasn't. Out in the yard just now, that was Bigby." To: El That’s what *I* said. I told him bout the lobster story and everything and he still says she was the one comin after him. I’m thinkin you wanna be a part of this Julie flinched slightly, recoiling. “No, I /saw/ him. He came after you just like he did last time, and last time I couldn’t do anything,” she spoke quickly, shaking her head. “It was /him/.” To: My Buddy Are you okay with me leavin the shop? I can be back there. Jay pulled back, opting to crouch in front of her. "No, honey. That monster is gone. Who you saw was Bigs, he's kinda like me. He wasn't gonna hurt me, though I appreciate knowing you'll have my back." “You ain’t dead yet, are ya?” Keith asked nonchalantly, glancing at the man beside him. To: El I don’t think he’s dead yet, but yeah. Don’t want ya to be disappointed when ya get here She looked away again, running a rough, shaky hand through her hair. “He’s g-gone,” she reaffirmed to herself, leaning forward to hold her head in her hands. “And I hurt Bigby.” "Hmm?" Caramel eyes wondered lazily over to the redhead. "Don't think I've bled out yet." He mumbled, losing him in thought. To: My Buddy Disappointed? What about? I'll leave Dave in charge. Jay relaxed a bit in front of her. "Don't worry, he'll be okay, he's a Fable. I'll take care of him soon enough. But I wanna make sure /you're/ okay." Keith nodded with a small hum of acknowledgement. To El: Well I told ya that she’s been killin people but she only tried to kill one guy and he ain’t really dead...Nevermind, it don’t matter. That’s fine “Go help him.” Julie looked at the redhead again, nodding anxiously. “G-Go, I hurt him. He needs help,” she murmured, eyes ready to spill over with tears. To: My Buddy I'll be there in bout ten minutes "He's okay, he's not the one on the verge of tears." She sighed "I should have warned you, but it slipped my mind..." “Can you stay alive fer bout ten minutes?” Keith inquired in a casual tone. “I mean, if yer gonna die he might be expectin’ it, but you should hang on ta tell ‘im about what happened.” She wiped her eyes with the inside of her wrist. “I don’t think it would have prepared me,” she murmured, sniffling lightly. “It’s not /your/ fault,” she added, leaning forward and looking down with a shaky sigh of her own. Bigby sent Keith a deadpan expression, leaning against the bed wall with a grunt toward his ribs. "It'd be a damn shame." "Maybe not, but I should have told you my boyfriend was a big brown wolf." She murmured. Keith glanced the smaller man over. “You alright?” He asked more seriously this time. “She really did a number on you...” He mumbled, rubbing the back of his neck. “Maybe we oughta git you some ice or somethin’?” He offered. “He needs your help. You need to go help him.” She responded, avoiding the redhead’s statement. “Tell him-“ she paused, thinking. “-t-tell him-“ she stopped again, biting her lip and holding her head again as tears leaked from her eyes. “I don’t know what to tell him,” she cried quietly hugging her knees to her chest. "Hunky dory." He huffed, pulling out his Huff&Puffs, stamping the carton on the heel of his palm and grasping the one that popped out between his teeth. He struggled for a moment to grab his lighter, and took in a deep breath. "I've had worse." He mumbled "at least she didn't use silver." "You could just tell him the truth, he's actually pretty understanding." She offered. "How else do you think he could handle me?" She tried to lighten the mood. Keith smirked lightly at his response. “Aw, hell....don’ tell me yer a stick up prick like Nick who don’t deal in nothin’ but gold,” he mused jokingly. “So I guess that’s a real thing, huh? Think it’s the same fer Jay too, if she were ta git hit with one?” He asked curiously. “Now?” She questioned. “I can’t, Jay...” she murmured, wiping her eyes again. “He probably thinks I’m nuts and he’s probably pissed off...” She paused, glancing to the window. “I was so excited that you found someone who you really connect with, and I really wanted him to feel welcomed here...so much for that.” "Not unless she's infected with lycanthropy as well." He responded, blowing a cloud. Of smoke the other way. "Sounds like Ellis is here." He murmured. "Not now, but at another time." She waved off her concerns "he's perpetually like that, it's just his face." A soft smile came to her face. "If a fight scares him off, then I don't think he deserves the title 'The Big Bad Wolf'." "Not unless she's infected with lycanthropy as well." He responded, blowing a cloud. Of smoke the other way. "Sounds like Ellis is here." He murmured. "Not now, but at another time." She waved off her concerns "he's perpetually like that, it's just his face." A soft smile came to her face. "If a fight scares him off, then I don't think he deserves the title 'The Big Bad Wolf'." “Nah, see, I used ta think she was inta girls too, on accounta tha fact that she used to talk about bangin’ Jules all the time-“ He paused at Bigby’s statement, looking up. “Huh?” She listened, smiling lightly at the redhead’s responses with a nod and relaxing slightly. “I just...I need a couple of minutes,” she murmured, taking a deep breath. "What-no, that's not what that means." He sighed, shaking his head. "I can head his truck." He stated plainly. Jayne stood up. "I'm gonna check on him. If yer okay." Keith let out a low whistle. “Man, it must be cool ta have goodass hearing like that,” he mused, looking up with a wave as his buddy’s truck approached. Julie nodded, taking another breath. “Just, let him know...” she trailed off, looking up at the redhead with pleading eyes. "If I weren't smoking I could probably tell you everything in it as well." He smirked lightly, snubbing out the cigarette on Jay's tailgate as Ellis pulled up. "I will, hun." Jayne kissed her forehead before going to get the medical kit. “Hey, so, what do dragons smell like? Like, without all the garage grease or farm stank an’ shit?” He teased somewhat loudly, shooting a sly grin towards his best friend. The blonde smiled again, watching the redhead. After a moment she laid on her side, staring into space again. Bigby tilted his head back, sniffing the air as Ellis got out of the truck. "Mildly of sulfur, something sweet, probably the soap of his wife's he used,-" he paused "pine, and clean cotton are pretty present, but campfire too." He added in thought. "Ya can tell I used her soap this morning?" Jayne peeked in on her one last time. "Chin up, hun." She murmured, heading outside to Bigby. Keith laughed, lightly smacking Bigby’s arm (forgetting about his condition). “Maaaaan, he /nailed/ you brother!” He looked over as Jay came outside. “Hey Sis, ya gotta come listen ta yer boyfriend describe El,” he chuckled out. Julie hummed in response with a small smile, curling up and taking a breath before zoning out again. The smaller male hissed, yanking back as a dangerous amber flashed in his eyes. "Hey, bro, you gotta stop hittin' my boyfriend right now." She huffed, moving the taller's legs. "Hey, Ellis." She murmured. "You oughtta go talk to Jules, she's pretty shook up." Ellis nodded, waving as he headed to the house. Jayne set up the kit, rustling through it. "C'mere Bigs." She murmured, encouraging him to scoot to the end of the tailgate again. “Whoops...” Keith smiled sheepishly, moving out of the way. “He gonna live, Doc?” He mused, crossing his arms. “....Y’all still never told me what ya did ta make Peach so upset.” The blonde flinched slightly when she heard the new noise out of the silence, sitting up with a start and staring towards the door. She gripped the comforter, knitting her eyebrows slightly as faint silhouettes of markings began to appear on her skin. Jayne elected to ignore Keith for the moment. "She didn't mean to hurt you." She murmured, working the buttons of his shirt. Bigby cocked a brow at her, slowly pulling off his tie. "What does that mean." He inquired gently. "It means it was an accident." She stated "it ain't really my place ta tell the whole story." She spoke, pushing his shirt off and setting to work with the bottle of alcohol. She finally answered Keith. "Bigby's a big brown wolf." She explained. Ellis looked around. "Peach?" He called out gently, heading towards their room. Keith watched her, listening to her explanation to Bigby. He smacked himself lightly in realization after a moment. “Oh, shit...I guess that /does/ explain a lot,” he murmured in a surprisingly serious tone. She relaxed somewhat at his voice, but still let out a shaky half-sob as she laid back down. “Muffins...” she mumbled, knowing he’d hear her anyway. Keith watched her, listening to her explanation to Bigby. He smacked himself lightly in realization after a moment. “Oh, shit...I guess that /does/ explain a lot,” he murmured in a surprisingly serious tone. She relaxed somewhat at his voice, but still let out a shaky half-sob as she laid back down. “Muffins...” she mumbled, knowing he’d hear her anyway. “...On the flip side, y’all could best friends as long as ya don’t turn into a big brown wolf in front o’ her again,” he offered with a chipper smile. “Maaaan, those’re gonna be some good ones.” He leaned forward, looking over Bigby’s wounds. She curled up tighter and covered her face with her arms, biting her lip to stop herself from crying. “Is Bigby okay? Is Jayne with him?” She asked avoidingly. The smaller looked over at Keith again a 'really?' Look on his face. "It's not like I couldn't handle it, but it shocked the shit outta me." He admitted, tensing as his girlfriend applied some butterfly stitches to the cut across his cheek. "I /don't hate/ her. If she has a reason, she does, I guess..." he looked down. "Quit yer movin'." Jay scolded. "Fine, sorry." He returned to his previous position "I just hate to scare her." "He's alright, he's a bit scraped up, but he'll be right as rain in no time." He replied softly "yeah, Miss Jay is helpin' out." Ellis smoothed a gentle hand across her back. “Well, yeah...like I said, Peach ain’t exactly the heavyweight champ...” He rubbed the back of his neck. “Only thing I ever think she gets upset about is when someone messes with one o’ us.” He glanced to Jay, unsure if he should say more. She flinched slightly when he touched her, but settled again right after. “I hurt him, El....I hurt him because I didn’t want him to hurt /her/...” She sniffled a little, wiping her eyes. "I don't want her to think I'm some monster. .." he mumbled, shifting for Jay to dress his other wounds. Jayne locked eyes with Keith for a moment. "It's alright, Peach." The dragon murmured softly "he's okay, and so is she..." “It ain’t /you/ though, man...I think she thought-“ He paused, bracing himself just in case. “-you were someone else,” he finally spoke. “She ain’t one ta judge. It was prolly just a panic.” “I couldn’t stop myself,” she murmured through tears. “He turns into a big brown wolf...just like-“ She stopped, sitting up so she could properly wipe her face. “I wanted to kill him. I was /going to/ kill him,” she cried, holding her head. The auburn haired man sighed. "That's better than it being /me./" he mused. Jayne finished placing the last bit of gauze, and grabbed a wet wipe to clean off the blood from his face. "Jules is tha most accepting of all of us, honestly." She offered "She just didn't know." "But you didn't. Yer both okay, you can explain it whenever you're ready." He said softly "but he'll want to know that it wasn't /him/." “Yeah, I’m sure she loves ya!” Keith added. “...Jus’ maybe don’t turn into a giant wolf ‘round her fer a lil’ while,” he added with a sheepish laugh. The blonde sighed, pushing her hair back and taking a deep, shaky breath. “Lord knows how I’m going to do that,” she mumbled. “How do you apologize to someone for /intentionally/ trying to kill them?...I really wanted him to feel welcomed here....” Bigby's eyes slid over to Keith, frowning. "It's not like it was planned." He grumbled. "I bet has been, I mean, Hell, even Nick seems ta git along with him. If you told him /why/, I'm more than confident he'll understand." Ellis gently rubbed her back "do you want me to tell 'im?" “Then what happened? Were y’all /actually/ fightin’?” The tall redhead cocked a brow. “Because that’s /definitely/ gonna make Jules hop in and defend one o’ her girls.” “I do but I don’t...” She covered her face, leaning against her husband. “/I/ need to explain it...I need to talk to him alone. I just don’t know how.” "Nah... I mean, I jumped on him, it threw us in the yard though." Jayne murmured, packing up since she was satisfied with her work. "We /were/ transformed, though." Bigby offered. "Do-do ya want me to send him in here?" Ellis asked softly. "I can if ya want, but don't rush yerself." “Well then that’s just it then, she saw ya’ll havin’ yer lil scuffle, an’ probably panicked since it looked like when ya’ll were attacked by that other dude, right?” He asked obliviously, proud of himself for figuring out his logic. “...If he’s up to it.” The blonde finally looked up at Ellis. “If he doesn’t want to talk to me...I understand,” she murmured sadly. The smaller man glanced at him in confusion as he tugged his shirt back on, setting to work on the buttons. "Wait, you guys were attacked by someone like me?" Ellis kissed her forehead "I'll go git 'im, remember I'm here if ya need anything, hun." He murmured gently “Not /me/...Jus’ tha girls, an’ El, an’....Peach.” He shrank slightly, now realizing how much he’d babbled. “Yeah, it jus’...I heard it wasn’t a fun day,” he spoke in an uncharacteristically serious tone, rubbing the back of his neck and shooting Jay an awkward side glance. “I know...I love you,” she responded, standing. She placed her hands on his shoulders, gently resting her forehead against his and closing her eyes. After a few long moments she pulled away, heading towards the kitchen and trying to start up the coffee maker with still shaky hands. Jayne placed his tie back around his neck and fixed his collar, gently resting her hands against his neck. "It was a hard night for everyone involved." She sighed. Bigby tilted his head slightly as he looked up at her. "You'll need ta ask her for specifics." "I love ya too." Ellis leaned into her as well, cherishing the moment. He followed after her, softly steadying her hands before heading out to the yard Keith glanced between the two unsurely, looking over when he noticed Ellis and standing up. “Everythin’ okay, brother?” She smiled softly, watching him out the door before returning to her task. She put a kettle of water on, reaching into the cabinet for two mugs. She set one mug at one end of the table, staring at it in thought as her fingers curled around the remaining one in her hands. Jayne and Bigby both directed their attention to Ellis upon Keith's announcement. "Yeah, um, she was wonderin' if you'd be willin' ta talk to her, Bigs." He replied, rubbing the back of his neck. The auburn haired male briefly looked up at Jay before nodding. "Yeah... yeah, I'll talk to her." Jay gave a slight nod in approval, moving so he could get down. Keith walked over to Ellis, crossing his arms and watching Bigby. “Well that’s a start I guess...right?” The blonde finally moved to make herself a cup of tea, setting it at the opposite end of the table to steep. She grabbed the ready pot of coffee, walking over to carefully pour it in the other mug she’d pulled out for Bigby. Bigby carefully hopped out of the El Camino. "Where's she at?" He inquired to the taller. "She's in the kitchen, waitin' fer ya." He nodded his thanks and continued to the farmhouse. “...If ya need backup ya know where to find us!” Keith called after him, trying to lighten the mood a little. Julie set the coffee pot down, moving over to sit at her end of the table. She held onto her teacup, staring down at it in anxious thought as she tried to mentally prepare on how to explain herself. He gave a small wave in acknowledgement before he got to the door. "Jules?" He called softly through the screen "is it alright if I come in?" Julie looked up, blinking for a moment. “Y-Yeah, yes. Please....” She called in response, thinking about getting up to greet him but deciding to stay where she was so as to not give any indications of being a threat. "How're ya doing?" He asked somewhat awkwardly after he let himself in. Bigby hazard a glance in her direction with a small smile, not wanting to frighten her. “Better than you, I’m sure,” she murmured guiltily, looking him over before meeting his eyes again. “You don’t have to sit if you don’t want to, but I poured you some coffee...if you want,” she added, sitting up a little straighter. "I'm alright, still kicking." He offered. "Uh, thanks." He nodded, pulling out the chair and grasping the mug, the hot ceramic a welcome feeling She watched him, trying to offer a small smile. “...Jay told me you weren’t always like this,” she began somewhat apprehensively. “I wasn’t either.” He took a sip of his coffee, his lighter suddenly feeling very heavy in his pocket he opted to leave it. "You mean human?" He looked up from his mug "no, I wasn't." “Well, I mean just different from how you used to be....I /was/ human.” She paused, looking at her mug in thought. “...Did they tell you anything?....About me?” She inquired, looking back up at him. "Not much, I know there was apparently an... /incident/, involving a brown wolf?" He relaxed lightly in his chair, dark eyes focused on her. "That and that you set bugs free." He added a bit lightheartedly. A smile finally came to the blonde’s face. “Yeah, that’s who I am normally....I want you to know that,” she responded, the last statement in a more serious tone. “I’m no killer. Even when I help the girls I just don’t have it in me. But what happened outside just now...” She looked up at him with guilty eyes. “I want you to know that it wasn’t because of you....I’m so sorry,” her voice cracked lightly as she spoke. He quickly averted his gaze, unsure how to properly handle other's emotions. "I'm still here, aren't I?" He inquired. "It's alright..." he offered lamely. "I didn't mean to scare you." “At this point I think I’m more scared of /me/...” Her grip on her mug tightened as she stared down at her tea. “If Jay hadn’t jumped back in...I don’t know what I would have done to you...” She wiped teary eyes on her sleeve. “I just panicked. I thought you were going to hurt her like last time.” He stared at her for a moment. "If-if you don't mind me asking, what /did/ happen?" He asked gently. She pushed her hair back, sitting back in her chair and taking a breath. “There was this demon they had been hunting in the area before all this...before Ellis was a dragon, before I had magic...” She stared at the table as she spoke. “He went after them, at first as a big brown wolf...and then he just kept changing. Ellis grabbed his shotgun, and I came out to help too. Obviously I was just useless and got in the way...But because the girls were so dead set on protecting me, this guy decided to /target/ me...” Bigby's eyes widened for a flicker of a second, realization hitting him. "And when you saw me..." he trailed off, understanding why she had had such a violent reaction. "I didn't know." “You shouldn’t have /needed/ to know...It wasn’t your fault. I just had this panic that he was back, and I knew what he was capable of...” She trailed off, wiping her eyes again. “I was stuck in this frenzy where I knew that I couldn’t afford to stand by and be useless again...I couldn’t let him kill again.” The wolf's face softened. "You were only protecting your family..." he looked down. "I know exactly what you mean." He added. "In another time you wouldn't have really been off base to attack me." He avoided looking at her at this. She frowned, looking up at him again. “But this is /now/. I shouldn’t have just /assumed/...It was like my mind snapped and went blank of everything except for that day, and the only thing I could think about was killing you before you killed another person...” She held her head, sniffling a little. “I didn’t even know who you /really/ were, and I was ready to just do it, no hesitation...I’ve never /ever/ felt like that before...It was terrifying.” He frowned, wanting to comfort her but unsure on how to. Bigby offered his hand over the table, not moving too fast, and letting it sit there if she wished to grasp it. "You're not like that from what I've learned. You had a PTSD break it sounds like, and that's not your fault." She looked up when he moved, glancing to his hand before her eyes came to his again. She smiled softly, leaning over to place her hand in his. “Do you think you could give me another chance?” "If you could give me one." He returned gently. "I'll try not to... transform, if I can unnecessarily around you for a while." He added, giving a small squeeze to her hand. “Of course, that’s the least I can do....” She smiles lightly, shaking her head. “Well, now I know...As long as you give me like...a warning, or something. I should be fine,” she assured him, standing up. “...Thank you. So much. I’m glad you don’t hate me.” Bigby followed her lead. "I'll keep that in mind." He chuckled "of all people, what am I to judge you on one action." He replied, a seriousness in his tone. "I don't hate you." He looked over at her "you're a fuck lot stronger than you look though." She laughed a little at that. “I like to think so....I’m glad someone else does. I feel like I’m the meek one of the group.” She walked around to his side. “Everyone is allowed to make mistakes I guess....Do you, uh-...Do you do hugs, or...?” She smiled sheepishly. A playful glint hit his eye. "I'm sure I could make an exception." He offered albeit a bit awkwardly. "I'm glad you wanted to talk." The blonde smiled, carefully wrapping her arms around him, mindful of his injuries. “...I didn’t do /too/ bad to you...did I?” She asked quietly, her frown returning as she looked over the bandages Jay had placed on him. "Don't worry about it, I heal quickly." He offered her a small smile "Perks of being a Fable I guess. give me a day or two, I'll be fine." He scratched his stubble out of habit "just as long as you don't use silver." He semi joked. “I’ll definitely try to avoid that then.” She glanced to the window, sighing. “I really don’t want to make a big scene...Not any bigger than I already have, anyway,” she mumbled, picking up her tea and moving to lean against the counter. “You can go back out if you want...Or you guys can all come in now. I’m done,” she murmured guiltily, sipping her drink and looking down. Bigby decided to pick up his mug, and stand with her. "No sense in wasting a good cup of coffee." He replied, taking a drink. "Everything's alright." “I don’t know if it’s /actually/ any good...I’m not a coffee person. It’s whatever Ellis drinks in the morning.” She smiled sheepishly with a shrug, happy that he decided to stay. She sighed, taking a sip of her tea. “I’m glad /you’re/ alright...I don’t know about everything else.” He chuckled "he's got a good choice." Brown eyes slid over to the blonde beside him. "I'm okay, no worse than what I'd receive from the job in Fabletown." He waved off. “You’re not the only one I’ve done this to.” She shrank a little. “It kind of sucks when your powers are so affected by emotion.” Bigby let out a bark of laughter. "You should see me when other Fables-or Jay for that matter- push my buttons." He grinned "it's all amber eyes, sharp teeth, claws and it looks like I haven't shaved in weeks. Emotion triggered powers, I get." She was quiet for a few moments. “I got frustrated by the way my best friend dealt with her enemies and tried to overthrow her by killing her and both of her sisters,” she stated, staring straight ahead. “That’s how I repaid them for /literally/ bringing me back from the dead.” He watched her for a few moments before looking back into his mug. "I was the runt, so full of spite that when my father, and brothers left and my mother died I vowed to kill something bigger each day." He looked back at her "I /ate/ people." She stared at the floor, listening. After a moment she scooched closer to him, looping her arm under his and taking a sip of her tea wordlessly. He turned his gaze to the floor as well, continuing to drink his coffee, not disturbing the oddly comfortable silence that had settled. “....I think-“ She finally started after a few moments, trying to compose her words. “-that all of this sort of /comes/ with these lifestyles. Like, there’s suddenly this ultimatum of good versus bad, but sometimes it’s hard to tell which is which...and sometimes that decision is made /for/ you...” She murmured, thinking again. “...Ellis has issues with snapping too.” She looked up at him. He considered staying silent for a moment. "I'm not so sure it's 'snapping' more than letting temper and instinct get away..." he mumbled. "I've been trying, /really/ trying these last centuries to atone for what I've done." “I’d say it’s working...How else could I have attacked you so brutally and come away with hardly a scratch?” She looked up at him. “I was about to kill you.” "I couldn't kill you." He replied. "I know who you are, and you gave an indication to being ruthless. There was no explanation, and if I killed you?" He shook his head “And don’t you think the old Bigby might have saved his own butt first and asked questions later?” She looked up at him, a small smile visible in her eyes. He looked back to her and shrugged 'fair enough' written on his features. "You're not wrong, I suppose. " She laughed a little, nodding. “I have to be honest...I really didn’t know what to expect when Jayne first introduced you to us. I don’t know if you’ve realized but she’s a little, uh...unpredictable.” She took another sip of her tea. “But I think you two might ground each other a little.” Bigby snorted into his mug. "That's putting it mildly." He interjected, looking at her as she continued. "I'm not so predictable myself." He crossed one leg "I wasn't sure if you guys were going to be... aware? Of magic, or a bunch of Mundies. If we're being honest." “Luckily for you, you kind of came around at a good time. You missed what was probably the /biggest/ shitshow we’ve gone through....But Ellis and I are getting used to being like this. Well, despite a few hiccups, I guess,” she murmured sheepishly. “Nick isn’t a hundred percent on board with it, but he tolerates it.” "Ellis seems to be as natural as if he were born with it. If I couldn't smell it, I'd think him a Fable." He took another sip of his coffee. "No? He isn't magical from what I can tell. You /voluntarily/ keep a mundy around?" Julie smiled, shaking her head. “I think Ellis actually likes it, being so strong and stuff...He was kind of a protector as it was. This just makes it easier for him.” She laughed sheepishly, tucking her hair behind her ear. “It’s not like we could just kick Nick out. If that were the case he and Trinny couldn’t be together....And despite how much of an ass he can be, he’s a part of this family too.” Bigby nodded, listening to her speak. "He takes the roll seriously, at least." His eyes flicked to her "he doesn't seem so bad, Nick I mean." “Yeah, Nick’s okay...I just wish he’d freaking propose already, like god /damnit/,” she huffed, gulping the rest of her tea and setting her mug in the sink. “At this rate Trinny’s probably going to have to do it for it to actually happen. Me and Ellis are gonna have like thirty kids and they’re still going to be /dating/.” She crossed her arms in a joking pout. He chuckled, thumbing his empty mug for a moment before turning to rinse it. "You guys sure do have a nice tight knit family..." he thought for a moment "I almost feel as if I'm intruding on it." He frowned. The blonde’s bright mood suddenly fell, a frown coming to her face. “....If this is because I attacked you-...” She stopped, looking at him seriously now. "No-no! Not at all." He paused, thinking on how to phrase his words. "It's almost like a pack. You all have your positions and places... I just don't quote have mine-yet." His nose crinkled at his own ramblings. "You've all been more accepting than i ever could have imagined." She smiled softly. “I’d say you found them, it’s just a matter of letting yourself in at this point...I’d be honored to have a brother like you.” His eyes locked on her as she spoke, his gaze softening. The auburn haired male shuffled silently, averting his eyes, at a loss of what to say. He opened his mouth for a moment before closing it again. "It'd be an honor to have a sister like you." He murmured almost inaudibly. She played with her fingers anxiously after a moment when he didn’t respond, looking away. Her eyes came back up to him when he finally spoke, a large smile coming to her face as she pulling him into another hug. “You’re stuck now.” Bigs stiffened for a moment, letting a puff of air out of his nose before slowly returning the hug. "Yeah?" He asked softly “I have to ask the boss if we can keep you though,” she mumbled, not letting him go. “BAE!!” She yelled towards the door. "Of course." He sighed, his arms falling to his sides. Jay popped up, turning to the farmhouse before booking it out of the bed of her car. "What!? What's wrong?" “Nothing is wrong, I have a question and I need you to come here!!” She called in response, still clinging to Bigby. “Sorry, just a sec,” she murmured to him in a jokingly formal manner. She skid to a stop in front of the door and pulled it open, immediately stopping to look at the two, her brow quarked. Bigby huffed and threw up his hands. The blonde rested her cheek on Bigby’s shoulder to look at Jay, reaching up behind him to pat his head. “Can we keep him?” She stuck her lip out in a pleading manner, shooting the redhead her best puppy dog eyes. The redhead bit down on her tongue trying not to laugh at the look on both of their faces. "I dunno, a dog is hard work, are you gonna take care of him?" She teased, grin growing at the light glow touching her boyfriend's eyes. “I mean, I take care of /you/...AND Ellis. Don’t you think that’s more than prepared me for this?” She teased, laughing a little herself. Jayne growled lightly at the comment, and Bigby's snicker. "Fine, you gotta clean up after him though The blonde abruptly released him. “Nu-uh. You can have him,” she joked, shooting him a smile. “I just think he’s a keeper.” The flush that ran across her cheeks could challenge the red of her hair. Bigby glanced at Jules before sending Jay a sheepish smile. "Guess you're stuck with me." Julie’s hand flew to cover her mouth. “Did you just-?” She bounced giddily in her spot, glancing to Bigby briefly before walking over to Jayne and placing her hands on the taller woman’s cheeks. “I don’t think I’ve ever seen you blush in my /life/,” she whispered quietly. "Shut up!" The taller barked in embarrassment. Bigby cocked a brow, crossing his arms. "Oh, her face flushes a gorgeous shade." He prodded earning a hard glare from the redhead Julie giggled excitedly, squeezing the redhead in a tight hug. “I’m so happy,” she murmured, nuzzling against her. Jayne whined, finally giving in and hugging her back as she glared at her boyfriend while he pulled out a cigarette. She nuzzled close to the blonde. "I am too." “I’m so glad, Bae...you deserve it,” she murmured. She cleared her throat after a moment, coughing lightly and glancing behind herself at Bigby when she realized it was because he was smoking. “I, uh-..I’ll go outside,” she murmured with a sheepish smile to the redhead, hurrying towards the door. "Sorry, sorry, I'll go outside, that was a dick thing to do, I should have asked." Bigby shook his head, gently passing the blonde, holding his breath as to not let out any more smoke. “No, no! You don’t have to, I could just-“ She stuttered out, sighing and turning to Jayne with an apologetic smile. “I’m sorry...” Keith slid off of the hood of Jayne’s car when he noticed Bigby coming out. “What’s all the commotion ‘bout?” He called. "Don't be, he might be a chain smoker, but he tries to be consoderate. It just slips his mind sometimes." She waved off her concern. "What commotion?" Bigby inquired with a shrug. "I forgot about the whole smoke thing She smiled again, warmly this time. “He’s really a nice guy,” she murmured, moving to sit back down at the table. “What do you think?” Keith leaned against the passenger door. “Jay shot to the house so damn quick, I thought maybe y’all was fightin’ again or somethin’.” The tall redhead shrugged. The redhead took on almost a Divi-like posture. "I think so too." She murmured, biting back a smile "I do really like him" "Oh, that." He shook his head "Julianna was just being goofy." He smiled Julie giggled lightly, leaning on the table with a bright smile. “So then, in terms of important stuff for /you/-“ She started, shifting in her seat a little and thinking on how to phrase it. “How /is/ he?” She raised her eyebrows, holding one of her cheeks with a half-embarrassed smile. Keith rolled his eyes. “El, yer wife is a permanent emotional rollercoaster,” he teased. “So everythin’ is good right?” He shot a glance toward the house before looking back at Bigby. “No hard feelings or nothin’?” A cheeky smile crossed Jayne's features. "He can be a real /animal/." She joked "it's weird, I used to the usual one-night, hard an' fast ya know?" She squirmed a bit in slight embarrassment "but he does this-this /thing/. I'm not sure what exactly, but he draws it out." Ellis threw his hands up in surrender. "She is perfect. Okay, she might have crazy emotions, but I love her." "Yeah, everything is okay." Bigby responded, flicking ash from his cigarette. Julie laughed a little at her first comment. She knitted her eyebrows together, trying to understand what the redhead was trying to explain. She sat up suddenly after a few moments. “Jay, this is going to sound super cheesy...and I don’t exactly have a lot of experience to tell you much else...but I think what you’re trying to get at is ‘love’.” “One-woman soap opera, I swear,” Keith muttered, shaking his head. “Well I’m glad ya’ll are- what was it? ‘Hunky dory’?” He snickered playfully. “Yer weird as hell man...I like you.” He gave Bigby a playful slap on the back, forgetting his injuries for the umpteenth time. The redhead froze, a deep flush working it's way up her chest and neck. "A-are ya sure?" She inquired so quietly you almost couldn't hear it. She looked down at her hands, suddenly very interested in the dry bit by her pinky nail "Might be, but she's my favorite soap opera." Ellis declared proudly. Bigby let out a growl in response to the slap. "Would you cut that shit out for today, Keith? I'm kinda sore." Julie smiled kindly. “Come here, Jay. I’m sorry,” she murmured, patting the chair next to hers. “I didn’t mean to make you uncomfortable...I just figured that’s what you’d be more eager to talk about since that’s all you /ever/ really bring up about /my/ relationship.” Keith flinched and jumped away slightly at the growl, scooting over to stand next to Ellis with a sheepish smile. “I guess that’s why yer such a suck up then, huh El? ‘Cause ya know /that’s/ what’s gonna happen to ya if ya piss Peach off?” He gestured to Bigby. "Oh.. it's not that." She mumbled, moving to take the offered seat. "It's just. /love/?" She mulled over the word. "It's just weird, ya know? Me an' love in the same sentence." She shook her head "sex, that's something entirely else, I can cat about it all ya like." The hard glare the dragon set on Keith could freeze blood. "Don't even joke like that." He rumbled out "she ain't like that normally." Julie laughed at her last comment. “That’s what I mean...I figured that’s what you’d /want/ to talk about.” She cleared her throat, thinking a second, more seriously. “It’s not something you really need to /worry/ about. It’s feels good, right? That’s all that matters.” Keith flinched away from Ellis this time, taking a couple steps backwards with his hands up defensively. “I was jus’ teasin’, man! Promise.” "I s'pose yer right." She smiled. "/buuuuut/ if ya wanna talk sex. Oooh man." A wolfish grin spread her lips. Bigby rolled his eyes, snubbing out his cigarette. "It's a little sensitive to poke at today." The blonde rolled her eyes, shaking her head with a laugh. “Go for it...It’s the least I can do,” she mused, sitting back to lean on the table and resting her cheek in her hand. Keith rubbed the back of his neck, awkwardly. “Jus’ tryin’ ta lighten the mood a lil,” he mumbled, looking to the farm house. “She still upset, or...?” "Okay, so, it's fantastic." She chuckled "don't let his height fool ya." She winked. The redhead shifted to face Jules, more comfortable with the topic. Her face softened in thought for a moment. "While we're on the same page sometimes, hard an' fast-good lord' she huffed a grin "but like I said, he takes it slow too-never knew I'd like that." She mused. "No, we're /hunky dory/." He chuckled, pulling himself into the bed of Jay's car again. Ellis hopped onto the side of the car. "So y'all're smoothed over now?" He smiled when the smaller nodded. “Oh, Lord,” she muttered when the redhead started, holding her head in her hand but listening with a light blush across her face. She glanced up at her last statement. “It’s definitely different than what /you’re/ used to I’m sure...but sometimes honestly slow and gentle is a better stress relief than trying to rush through it,” she commented, still half covering her face. “That’s good...I’d hate ta see Jay tryin’ ta choose between ya’ll,” he mused. “She ain’t much of a compromiser.” Jayne contemplated what the blonde had said. "You're not wrong. It's kind of a peaceful feeling afterwards." She mused "oh!" She snapped to attention "cuddles! Cuddles after are the best kind." She said matter-of-factly. There was a moment of tense silence. "I don't think I'd want her ta have ta choose." Ellis voiced. "I mean, she ain't tha type to actually bring someone home-here. Ya know?" Bigby chewed on the thought for a moment, unsure on what to do with that, sure he had an idea about her past... /endeavors/, but was he the first really brought home? “Oh good lord, /yes/ they are,” the blonde replied enthusiastically this time. “It’s just sleepy, and gentle, and ugh,” she trailed off smiling contentedly in thought. “It’s the worst when he has to leave or something after though, because then you miss that.” “Yeah but none o’ them people were really anythin’ more than a lay,” Keith pointed out. “Ya see, Jay’s a little, uh-“ He thought a moment. “-physically /demanding/,” he finally laughed out. “She must really like ya to have actually brought ya here and interduced ya.” Jayne nodded in agreement. "It sucks how often that happens when I go to visit him in New York." She growled lightly "everyone is so demanding of him there, the amount of times they've come bangin' on tha door. They're stealin' cuddles." She pouted. The smaller male rubbed the back of his neck. "I've heard that, when she was driving here she mentioned it." He shrugged. "I don't really blame her though, ya know?" “Next time bring me with you...I’ll show you /my/ side of New York and provide cuddles on command,” she mused. “But now you understand why get so tiffed when I go so long without it,” she mumbled, leaning on the table with her own huff. Keith shrugged. “I mean, I can’t really talk...I used ta be kind of a man ho m’self,” he chuckled out sheepishly. “It took a while to set me right.” Jayne laughed lightly. "Ya know what, I will, it'll piss Snow off all the more." She grinned. "Stuck up bitch." She mumbled. "Tha minute Ya saw Miss Divi it was the end." Ellis snickered. "Divinity? That's one of her sisters, right?" Bigby questioned up to him. “I’ll pretend to be Bigby’s other girlfriend too if you want.../really/ piss her off.” She giggled. “....Thank you, by the way,” she spoke quieter this time, looking up at the taller woman seriously. “Now listen here, Mr. ‘love-at-first-sight’. You ain’t about ta tease me ‘bout fallin’ fer a /literal/ angel when you’s tha one that got all googly-eyed over a chick ya met at a farmer’s market /one time/,” he scolded Ellis playfully. “The /best/ sister, in my humble opinion...You meet a girl like her, and damn near everythin’ just changes...” He leaned against Jay’s car, staring off dreamily.
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fyrapartnersearch · 4 years
What you prefer to be called
Your age
Preferred genres
Preferred pairings
Plots, ideas, characters
Hey everyone!
I'm Ren, I'm 20 (he/they, transmasc enby) and I'm looking for one or two long term rp partners. My time zone is PST, but I keep somewhat irregular hours.
I'm most comfortable writing on Discord, but I'm willing to negotiate other platforms like Google Docs or email. I WILL NOT write in Tumblr DMs, the lack of UI and tiny entry box drives me up a wall. I write anywhere from 2 medium-sized paragraphs to 5+, but wait time will increase with the length of the reply. 
My reply speed is extremely slow (one day to several weeks). Likewise, I prefer partners who take their time to reply. I'm not a very 'high maintenance' rp partner that you need to talk to on the daily to show 'interest'. I burn out quickly when people do that anyway. That being said, I won't chase you down for replies either. If someone ghosts me, well, so be it. It sucks, but I won't take it personally. I'm not responsible for figuring out what radio silence is supposed to mean. 
I exclusively write male characters, all of whom land somewhere on the masc-identifying area of the gender spectrum. I write ships based almost entirely on chemistry. Your character's gender doesn't matter to me, although I'd love to write with more trans/nb/genderqueer muses, because they're kinda hard to come by sometimes, but don't feel constrained by that preference.
I'm open to any range of relationships, from familial to platonic to romantic. I won't write rivals to friends/lovers or pre-established relationships of any sort unless we know each other well. 
I prefer to write as OCs over canons, and I won't write as a canon against your OC. You're free to write whoever you want, but OCs are preferred. I don't double up, but I can write 1-2 NPCs. 
My favorite genre is fantasy (ranging from LOTR-style high fantasy to urban low fantasy), which includes things like supernatural creatures, magic, wizards/witches, fairy tales, magic powers, etc. I'm also open to other genres like buddy cop comedy. I really enjoy action-filled and humorous plots! Romance is optional, I'm not overly attached to romantic side plots. Smut is... Meh? It'll never be the focus of any rp I do. My kryptonite is 'someone supernatural doing something very ordinary' like an angel and a demon having a picnic together or a wizard struggling to send a letter at the post office.
I got really into Genshin Impact recently (I got like Adv lvl 25 in like........ 4 days) and I'd love to write some OCs in that verse. I don't write as any canons! You're free to write whoever you want, but I prefer to write against OCs. 
I'm also really interested in an original low fantasy verse with a detective mystery twist (the detective characters may or may not be supernatural creatures themselves). 
I also came up with a neat Frozen-themed AU for one of my main muses! He's essentially playing the role of Elsa if Disney wasn't afraid of LGBT+ themes. 
One more plot is something Among Us-related, with OCs of course! I can write crewmate or impostor, but minicrewmates will probably feature heavily in either case... They're so adorable, I can't live without them. I tend to write OCs who would pick blue or black, if that matters to you. 
Finally, Harry Potter, PJO, ATLA, Steven Universe, TF2, etc are all fandoms I know pretty well, but again, I won't write as canons for those (with the exception of Snape, but he's not everyone's thing). If you're unsure, just ask! 
Please get in touch through my Tumblr, @staboteur, and I'll send you my Discord (it's the Tumblr blog for my main muse, but I have a couple more muses who don't have a blog if he's not your cup of tea, and character design is my passion so I can probably whip something up if I have to). 
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