#just in time for me to hyperfixate even harder ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
radetzkymarch · 29 days
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So i guess Space Pirate Captain Harlock (1978) is getting a Blu-ray release next month?!
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tacozrg00d · 1 year
¯\_(ツ)_/¯ have this- it’s cringey but I love it
“Everyone, when they are young, knows what their personal legend is.” One summer while reading ‘The Alchemist’, I began to think about the words of Santiago’s driving forces every time I made a decision on my educational and career path. I would put more thought into things that I wanted when younger and wasn’t dissuaded easily. I realized that I didn’t have a plan in place other than ‘go to college and be smart’ and knew that that wasn’t going to get me anywhere if I didn’t know why I wanted to go to college in the first place.
“But, as time passes, a mysterious force begins to convince them that it will be impossible for them to realize their Personal Legend.” When I was still in Elementary, I wanted to be a teacher as I was always eager to learn new information to teach my siblings and I loved being able to help others understand whatever material we were learning. Like the old king says, I slowly got discouraged in teaching being the path for me. Teachers and friends at that time would tell me of bad pay, difficult students and lengthy education necessary for the job.
“In the long run, what people think about shepherds and bakers becomes more important for them than their own personal legends.” I started looking around for careers that interested me and kept all the characteristics of a desirable job. Family recommended going into the medical field, teachers recommended colleges, and friends distracted me from needing to make a choice so early on. I tried to exploit any passion I had and would hyperfix on various subjects, balancing the pros and cons until I wasn’t even looking for a career that made me happy, just one where I can help others and make a lot of money.
“And you're at the point where you’re about to give it all up” I lost interest in learning the subjects being taught at school and became more invested in getting ahead, looking for jobs and online courses to get me where I wanted, trying to find shortcuts in assignments and ways to get money. My grades slipped because I wasn’t prioritizing them anymore, making things harder to get the hang of when I started paying attention again. I was ready to throw away the opportunity I found myself in for a career that would hold no appeal to me and would undeniably end in failure.
In "The Alchemist” Santiago meets many people that point him in directions towards his “Personal Legend”, but through it all, every choice is Santiago’s. No one forces him to do anything, he sees a way to get to where he wants and he takes it. This passion project made me realize that I need to be putting in a lot more effort if I want to achieve everything I want.
I volunteered at a kitchen and during the experience I got to see how I would function on my own in a busy environment. While the shift was problem free and there was no real struggle, I was still able to see how underprepared I was for a real job.
The project along with The Alchemist has allowed me to realize what I want and has steered me into the path that I have chosen. I hope that, in reading this, I was able to prove my understanding of things below surface level and show that I’m able to realize my own faults while not letting them drag me down, instead lifting me to a higher level of self understanding.
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scoundrels-in-love · 1 year
This might be cheating, but:
Your honest opinion about the most fic-prolific pairing in your current hyperfixation
Hi, thank you for asking!
So, I'm going to be honest, I thought this question about pairing I've written about the most in Trigun/Tristamp (Mashwood) and my sibling thought you meant the pairing with most fics in the fandom overall (Vashwood).
So, I'm giving you both answers, I guess. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
First of all, the name. Not the worst or the best named ship I've sailed (Captain Swan vs Jisbon, fight), but it does amuse me. Let's mash that wood, people.
I have to admit that I've not read TriMax/watched 98 anime, but I have my opinions from what I know, so there's that.
And one of them is that I think that no matter how you look at them, romantic or platonic in one or multiple angles, there is something really special about their bonds. Something where I have a hard time isolating just one specific pairing out because they're always in such a flow of impacting each other constantly. (At least until narrative takes away Wolfwood and even that brands and breaks and reforges the remaining two and their (future) relationship.)
One of the things that really gets me is how I think that any one of them think the other two are better suited together. Vash looks at Meryl and Wolfwood and sees two ultimately humans who have all this fire, who challenge him and do not bend, who butt heads with each other, but often because they're so similar and because they want what's best (for each other, for Vash), who learn from each other and lean on each other in quiet ways. Of course they fit together, they're the two who can have a family in ways he thinks he can never give them.
Meryl looks at Vash and Wolfwood and sees two deeply traumatized people who can understand each other the way she never can. She will never know the blood and the pain like they do, being broken over and over again, and raising up to stride toward their goals. She can never guard their backs in gunfire like they can trust each other in this. Of course they fit together, forged in similar awful fires and yet holding so much love in their hearts beneath their armor that only they know how to take off of each other.
Wolfwood looks at Vash and Meryl and sees two stubborn people who are so good it hurts to look at them at times. Something he profoundly believes he is not. Two people who care about noble things, two people who somehow manage to change and bend the world around them into something more akin to their vision. Of course they fit together, two idealists not long for this world.
And yet, the thing is, all of them fit together perfectly. There is the exact space for all of them, the shape isn't complete without what they individually bring. In fact, the chances it even comes to exist is because they're all there. Yes, it can be reformed if one isn't there anymore or has never been met, but it will always have a crook in one of the lines that misses the third.
Vashwood As I said in previous part, I have harder time isolating individual pairings. When I try to write it, the third almost always sneaks in and when I am reading fic, I keep looking for mentions of the missing one as well. Even when I know that Wolfwood is most likely dead by that point in narrative, I want him to be acknowledged as having existed and impacted their lives. Nonetheless, I do enjoy the Vash and Wolfwood dynamics, they are so damn important to each other in narrative and in the human way of caring, loving. There is no story of Vash without Wolfwood and the other way around. The tragedy of loving and losing Wolfwood changes Vash, makes him face some bitter and painful truths about his life and what he has to do. They get each other like no one else, in the silliness reclaimed from the horrors and in the pain of the horrors as well. They deserve to be happy and together so much. And in the same way, the story has doomed them from the start. So, off to AU world we go. Because I'll give them happy times even if I have to do it my damn self.
Send me a ship for brutally honest opinion?<3
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