#just imagine it to be on the level of Roy and Ed banter but this time it's two adults who do childish stuff
decoloraa · 2 years
Nora, I've just found your blog and I'm loving it!!!
I'm a bit of a Royai crackhead but I love FMA universe in general, so considering East and North do joint training exercises, how do you think it'd go with your OCs in it?
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Thank you so much!!! Royai is top tier, i love them sm (Casther and Val actually have quite some similarities). Had a lot of fun doing this and originally I wanted to draw some interactions between Mustgang and my ocs. But I ended up fixating on Royai and Casther and Val. Oops.
Overall I think these joint exercises have a history of East and North competing for who has the better soldiers (which is exactly where the rivalry between Olivier and Roy comes from). So at the same time we have the Mustgang/east group that are just as much dumbasses as those at Briggs, so it would be a big mess.
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