#just have to become a(fictional) olympic level athlete for that to happen
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Interrupting my crying fit to reblog a few posts on tumblr before the existential dread takes over again
#need a proper cry and a good cup of tea but ive barricaded myself in my room bc my mums a bitch#and the crying just isnt happening im like a fucking burrette that isnt working#few drops amd then it just peters out and then starts up again just as im reading a really funny post#its fine#god i want to burn a cigarette to the filter while thinking about my dead mother while someone bursts in and offers me a uni seat#the fucking dream#just have to become a(fictional) olympic level athlete for that to happen#its fine its whatever#ill figure out a way to fix this
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An interesting sports/politics observation:
I’ve been following the dumpster fire at USAG for quite some time now and became deeply interested in following the sport of gymnastics in more than a 4 year fan way around the time that the Larry Nassar scandal broke.
The post mortem on the US women’s gymnastics team results in Tokyo was honestly starting around Olympic trials in June. The US women have never traveled much internationally for decades so they compete less than other international gymnasts. The argument has been that the travel takes away from valuable training time. What was little became none because of COVID and the bankruptcy filing of USAG to deal with the lawsuits arising from the abuse scandal.
It was known that the US women were also being domestically over scored by judges at home. Domestic overscoring is not unique to the US but most countries that have it also complete internationally so their athletes have a real sense of how international judges will evaluate their routines. There have been alarm bells for at least three years that the US women were not going to get credit for elements and face deductions in international competition that they weren’t facing at home. Just this year one of them was literally used in a pictorial example of a international judging document for something that should be deducted--the fact that current athletes are used this way is a whole other horrible kettle of fish. I should add that the discovery that routines that were being scored highly in the US would fail at the olympics isn’t even new. Famously the reigning world champion missed out on the all around final at the 2012 games because she wasn’t given credit for connections and series that were overlooked at home.
Now the job of bringing domestic meet scoring into line is on the national team staff and the job of advising and strategizing is that of the “High Performance Director” for the women’s program. This is the job that was held (under the title National Team Coordinator) by Martha Karolyi with an iron fist before 2016. She was replaced (after fits and starts) by a man named Tom Forrester. Forrester’s defining qualities for the job have been that he is nice. Literally the bar was that low. He has demonstrated a rather alarming lack of knowledge about what international judges deduct for (after Junior World Championships he expressed surprise that they deducted for dance elements--something that happened again in Tokyo to US gymnasts), did not understand the Olympic selection criteria for individuals, and appeared to have a very very faulty understanding of the rights of athletes with an ongoing abuse complaint (more on that later).
He was relatively removed from the culture of high level elite coaching for the last few decades and the athletes considered him nice. The last time he had been deeply involved in senior US gymnastics politics was the mid 1990s when several of his gymnasts were passed over for the 1996 Olympic Team because injured athletes were petitioned on to the team over those that competed at trials. Mind you this was a time when the Olympic team had 7 members and the people petitioned on were the 1992 Olympic Silver Medalist Shannon Miller and 1995 National Champion Dominique Moceanu. It would have been literally insane not to have them on the Olympic team. But it has become apparent that Tom Forrester felt a great injustice was done to his athletes and the the worst part of US gymnastics team management was that Martha Karolyi picked favorites.
This year he denied the petition of a former world champion to Olympic trials (she likely wouldn’t have made the team but her exclusion is... questionable) and after the fact justified it by saying she had failed to meet a criteria for the petition that he never told her existed. At trials the team was chosen (by a committee that he had essentially full control over) took the top all around finishers in order of how they did at trials (as he would have liked them to have done in 1996). This was in willful defiance that the format of the olympics now demands not all arounders but strategic use of team building for the best score possible. The US did not bring the highest potential scoring team to the olympics because of one man’s wounded pride from 25 years ago.
And before you might be tempted to tell yourself he did this because he wanted to support the athletes let me tell you about the fact that he allowed a coach that was under investigation for abuse to come to a camp where one of the athletes that had filed the complaint against her was also in attendance. His wife, who has a history of unhinged social media rants, claimed he didn’t have the authority to send home an athletes chosen coach. In reality Louie Hernandez had the legal right not to have to be there with her. That coach would later be banned for longer than anyone else has ever been banned in USAG history.
So in June anyone following the details of this knew that Tom’s strategy was entirely “we have Simone and so we will win.” Because that kind of pressure and stress couldn’t possibly have any terrible consequences on an athlete. Spoiler: It did.
People within the sport were warning about this before Simone Biles lost herself in the air during that vault in Tokyo. The fact that we were all lucky not to watch one of the greatest athletes of a generation break her neck can not be overstated. It was so scary that one of the most famously bitter angry and terrible human beings of Gymnastics that has been saying awful things about Biles for years kept telling Russian media that she made the right decision to pull out. That was pigs flying territory.
Forrester left the athletes to face the press alone after the final.
So with that backdrop I want to give this observation: Dominque Moceanu, an olympic gold medalist who has an abuse story so horrific with villains so cartonishly evil that if it was written as fiction the author would be told it was over the top, wrote a book about the culture of abuse in in the sport and USAG in 2008. She was called insane, living on another planet, and apparently sent hundreds of emails by those within the sport that she was ungrateful for what her abusers had done for her (emails that she has apparently kept and I’m telling you I’d love to read more then the few I’ve seen). Moceanu was a figure out of greek legend, Cassandra doomed to tell the truth and be called mad (and attention seeking). In light of the fall of the Karolyis and the Nassar scandal Moceanu has become a more respected figure as someone that has been speaking out about abuse for a long time. She has also been someone that other victims went to over the decades to talk to before they could come forward. A weight that no one should have to bear.
I had been joking that the only way people would start to trust USAG was honestly trying to reform was if they put someone like Moceanu in charge (Aly Raisman’s name is floated but even she points out that she’s not qualified). Moceanu is. But the old guard of the sport have spent two decades telling people that Moceanu is crazy. I didn’t think she’d take the job and I didn’t think USAG would ever hire her.
But here is the interesting thing .... her social media presence radically changed character in the last three months. Starting around the time of US Nationals and continuing though trials and the olympics between posts supporting team USA athletes and raising a voice to support Simone Biles and the need for a cultural change in the sport were digs at Tom Forrester and about the need for transparency in that job.
And this: “Would someone be kind enough to notify me if the U.S. women’s high performance coordinator position opens up? Asking for a friend.” (x) At the same time (literally the same day as one of those tweets) she launched a youtube channel that is essentially a political fluff piece about her as a change agent in gymnastics coaching.
She’s auditioning for that job.
There are a bunch of other interesting elements of her online behavior and some other telling notes about things she’s said ... but it’s interesting to notice something like that unfold.
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Fate and Phantasms #33: Hans Christian Andersen
Welcome back to Fate and Phantasms, where today we are making Budget Waver, a.k.a. the Author of Legend, Hans Christian Andersen! Hans is a College of Creation Bard from Unearthed Arcana, specializing in reshaping the world however he sees fit and having some extra goodies in his inspiration. As always, there’s a spreadsheet for the build here and a level-by-level breakdown below the cut!
Race and Background
Hans is a human if you want to be totally accurate (or a simic hybrid if you want to be fancy), but because of his stature, we're making him a Lightfoot Halfling. This gives Hans +2 Dexterity and +1 Charisma; Lucky, which lets you reroll nat ones; Brave, giving him advantage on saves against being frightened; Halfling Nimbleness, letting him move through the spaces of larger creatures; and Naturally Stealthy, letting him hide behind medium or larger creatures. Hans would probably argue against his luck, but he’s definitely unflappable in the face of danger.
There’s no better background for Hans than Guild Artisan, which gives Hans proficiency in Insight and Persuasion as well as constant deadlines. Sorry buddy, you don’t get a break even in the Forgotten Realms.
Put your highest score into Charisma; Hans isn’t easy to get along with, but he can verbally eviscerate a man within five minutes of meeting him. Next is Intelligence; Hans is a bookworm, and one of the few servants who visibly updates himself to the modern era. Third is Wisdom; his greatest strength is reading people faster than they can read his books. After that is Dexterity, followed by Constitution and Strength. Hans isn’t athletic at the best of times, and he’s in the body of a child, so he’s not going to win any Olympic sports any time soon.
Class Levels
1. As stated, you are a bard, giving you proficiency in three skills of your choice, here Intimidation, Arcana, and Performance. You are living proof as to why intimidation is a charisma skill, and the latter two will help with your writing. You also have proficiency in Dexterity and Charisma saving throws.
As a first level bard, you gain Spellcasting using charisma as your spell ability, and Bardic Inspiration, d6s you can hand out to other party members to help them on any d20 roll they might make. These are regained after long rests.
At first level, bards gain two cantrips and four first level spells. Grab Vicious Mockery (duh), Message, Bane to give enemies more dramatically appropriate aiming skills, Cure Wounds because you’re a support caster, Illusory Script to ward of plagiarizers, and Dissonant Whispers as another aspect of your general attitude.
2. At second level, you become a Jack of All Trades, adding half your proficiency bonus to non-proficient skill checks. You also learn a Song (story) of Rest, letting you perform during short rests to add a d6 to any healing your party is already doing.
For your spell this level, grab Heroism and start making your party members true protagonists.
3. Third level bards graduate from their college, and yours is the College of Creation. Creation bards learn to make Motes (pages) of Potential, and all bards gain expertise in two skills. Now, whenever you give inspiration to other party members, an intangible page will follow them around until the inspiration is spent. When the inspiration is used, the page can also be used to add an extra effect, depending on what the inspiration is used for. If it is added to an attack roll, the page explodes, forcing all other creatures within 5′ to make a constitution save or take the roll in thunder damage. If it is added to a save, the page becomes a small piece of armor, granting the user the roll plus your charisma modifier in temporary HP. If it is added to an ability check, they can roll the inspiration die again, and use either roll.
For this round of expertise, we’re focusing on your wit, doubling your proficiency bonus with Insight and Intimidation.
For this level’s spell, grab the ever-useful Enhance Ability for more hero enhancing.
You also can make a Performance of Creation as an action. You can create a nonmagical item within 10 feet of you, as long as that item is worth less than 20 times your level in GP, and is medium or smaller. It lasts a number of hours equal to your proficiency bonus. You can do this once per long rest, or by spending a second level slot or higher. At sixth level you can make Large items, and at 14th level you can make Huge ones.
4. For your first ASI, improve your Charisma for better spells, more inspiration, and more destructive insults. You also learn Mending, to prevent any torn pages, and Skywrite, because that’s another writing-based spell.
5. At fifth level, your Inspiration increases to d8s, and you become a Font of Inspiration, regaining used dice on short rests. For your spell this level, grab Major Image; bringing fictional characters to life is more Shakespeare’s thing, but there aren’t that many third level spells that fit Hans.
6. At sixth level, you become so good at insulting people it acts as a Countercharm, giving them advantage against being charmed if you spend an action doing so. As a creation bard, you can also put on an Animating Performance, turning one large or smaller object into a Dancing Item, whose stat block can be found on the spreadsheet. This object has the same initiative as you, and goes immediately after you in turn order. It can move and react on its own, but it needs you to use a bonus action to command it if your want it to do anything other than dodge. If you’re incapacitated, the item can take actions of its own accord. You can also give someone inspiration using the same bonus action you use to command it. The object remains animate for one hour, or until reduced to zero HP. You can use this ability once per long rest, or more often by burning a third level spell slot. Only one object can be animated this way at a time.
For your spell, grab Sending to help you connect with your critics, as it lets you communicate with creatures who have intelligence scores less than three.
7. Seventh level bards gain fourth level spells, and yours is Greater Invisibility, granting invisibility to a creature that doesn’t depend on them not attacking. You could also just target their clothes, if you’re feeling a bit empirical.
8. Use your next ASI to maximize your Charisma, and learn Freedom of Movement for dramatic escapes.
9. At ninth level, your Song of Rest joins your inspiration as a d8, and you inch closer to your Noble Phantasm when you learn Mass Cure Wounds.
10. Now your Inspiration becomes d10s, you gain another round of Expertise, and your normal spell learning is interrupted by Magical Secrets, two spells from any class. Use this round of expertise to improve your writing with Arcana and Performance. You learn the Light cantrip, as well as Conjure Animals and Enlarge/Reduce. The former will allow you to summon dogs like in The Tinderbox, and the latter will let you play a convincing Thumbelina.
11. There aren’t that many sixth level spells we want, so lets head back and pick up one we missed before. Polymorph is a classic faerie tale spell, and it just wouldn’t be right if we didn’t have it. Princesses into frogs, mermaids into humans, you name it, this spell can do it.
12. Now that charisma is maxed out, use this next ASI to pick up the Observant feat. This adds one to your wisdom, read lips, and gain a +5 bonus to your passive perception and investigation checks.
13. Your Song of Rest once again catches up to your inspiration, becoming a d10 as well. At this level, you gain another classic faerie tale spell, Resurrection. Although not dying may be more Disney’s take than Hans’...
14. At 14th level, all bards get another set of Magical Secrets, and creation bards reach their Creative Crescendo. When you make a Performance of Creation, you can make multiple items, up to your charisma modifier. Only one item can be larger than Small at a time. You’re also no longer limited in value.
For your magical secrets this level, grab Circle of Power to give everyone around you plot armor and Magic Missile for those ever-present caster balls.
15. Your Inspiration increases one last time, becoming d12s. You also gain an eighth level spell, Power Word Stun. Finally, your insults are so devastating they can cause status effects.
16. Use this ASI to increase your Wisdom to better read those you meet. There’s not much else happening at this level, sorry.
17. Your Song of Rest reaches its final stage and becomes a d12 as well. You also learn your ninth level spell, True Polymorph. You can turn a creature into another creature, an object into a creature, or even a creature into an object. If you keep your concentration for a full hour, this effect lasts until it is dispelled. Why not turn a princess into a frog?
18. With your last round of Magical Secrets, pick up Wind Walk and Animal Shapes. The former will allow you and your friends to reenact the ending of The Little Mermaid, while the latter allows you and up to 120 others (though they really have to pack in) become any number of classic faerie tale creatures, effectively giving them all a druid’s beastform for the duration.
19. Use your last ASI for just a bit more Wisdom.
20. For your capstone level, you gain Superior Inspiration. This gives you one more inspiration die if you start initiative without any.
Pros: You have a variety of ways to support your party, from healing, to empowering their abilities to even turning them into situationally appropriate creatures. Being able to literally pull whatever you need to out of thin air also gives you a lot of utility, and having one of the few summon abilities that doesn’t require concentration gives you versatility on the battlefield as well.
Cons: Speaking of concentration, a lot of your spells require it! You’ll have to be careful picking your targets to maximize your effectiveness. Also, your spells can be used on yourself, but more often than not you’ll want to empower and rely on others to do the heavy lifting for you. So play it smart and make sure there’s a Mash around to take the hits for you.
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Crunchless Core
New Post has been published on https://autotraffixpro.app/allenmendezsr/crunchless-core/
Crunchless Core

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By simply reading this all the way to the end you will discover:
A superior yet little-known method of decreasing the number of reps while DOUBLING your results in half the time
Exactly how you can work every muscle DEEP into your core for a perfectly balanced stomach using this one strange but effective technique
A powerful, proven technique that “RESETS” your core, dramatically reduces your chances of injury and brings unlimited power to your body
The one ‘tried and true’ technique that MOST people think is the best way to get rock solid abs…but you’ll discover why you must AVOID IT at all costs! (Note: this is a mistake even PROS make)
Why complicated and boring diets are NOT the best way to a flat, washboard stomach (and what you need to focus on instead to guarantee success)
I’ll reveal the truth about sit-ups and crunches from real experts so grab a pen and pad to take notes now.
The real problem when developing a six-pack is there’s so much misinformation out there.
A seemingly endless supply of options, methods, and ideas on how best to achieve perfectly chiseled abs.
Well, here’s the good news.
Today, all your confusion will vanish.
I’m about to reveal an approach that’s unique, surprisingly simple, and works for anyone at any age and any stage of their journey to rock-hard abs.
Keep in mind I would normally charge for this information, as it will help you achieve your goal of developing a six-pack faster and with greater ease.
Before we go any further, however, I feel it’s only fair to level with you:
There’s a rather embarrassing story I need to share before we dive into this new workout method for your abs today.
You’ll understand why this almost got edited from this letter in a few minutes, so brace yourself and keep reading.
You’ll see why my embarrassing little episode is so important to YOUR WORKOUT success in just a few minutes… deal?

Hi, I’m Brian Klepacki
Inside this eye-opening special report is the SECRET KEY to helping you get a flat, defined belly–and why complicated and boring diets are NOT the best way to a flat, washboard stomach (and what you need to focus on instead to guarantee success).
Today, I’m a Certified Strength Coach and owner of a Strength and Conditioning business in Florida.
I have a Masters in Exercise Science with a Concentration of Strength and Conditioning. Certified in Functional Movement and I’m a Certified Strength & Conditioning Specialist.
I know how important it is to sift through fact and fiction to uncover the truth about human performance.
You know, a lot of folks think my biggest breakthroughs come about because of the athletes I’ve trained.
They say, “sure, you can get great results when you’re training Olympic medalists, Pan Am games medalists, pro basketball players, baseball stars…
“… and stars of football, hockey, collegiate lacrosse, soccer and swimming” and so you’d expect these guys to get great results.
Yet the truth will surprise you!
My biggest success – the success I’m most proud of – was from a normal guy I coached, named Mac.
I remember when I first met Mac back in July 2012.
I recall it was a hot summer and it was all you could do to wear shorts and a T-shirt to keep cool. It was HOT!
I was just finishing up training one of my athlete clients in my studio gym and in walks this older guy in running shorts.
He was slim and he was clearly athletic… but right away I could tell he had a problem with his knee as he was nursing a limp.
It looked bad and alarm bells started ringing in my head about whether he was already past the point of no return.
Now Mac, it turns out, was a runner. He was 50 and held a desk job which had him sitting for most of his day.
But despite his activity every day he was in pain.
He was trying to live with chronic back and knee pain.
Now, the story you’re about to hear is pretty bad in places. But this was the experience that led Mac from being in pain all the time to a state of being pain free and stronger and fitter than ever.
And I think you want that, too.
You see when I sat Mac down to talk with him, he was almost in tears. Earlier that day, he’d see his physician who gave him a shocking diagnosis.
He had a herniated disc which was causing him pain.
He had tried to craft a six-pack and build much-needed core strength. Sensible, right?
But the more effort he put in, the more crunches he did… the worse the results were.
So he spent MORE time doing crunches and MORE reps. And still it didn’t show.
All the while, his back pain worsened. Then his knee started aching. And that ache turned into a chronic pain.
Until, finally, he couldn’t even work out anymore.
When he heard from his doctor his spine was damaged it was a wake-up call.
This is how the doctor explained it. Imagine your spinal discs – the discs which sit on top of each other to form your spine – were jelly doughnuts.
These discs are made up of two parts, the nucleus pulposus – or the jelly center – and the outer, protective layer, the annulus fibrosis. Both parts help the disc move.
Now, because Mac was doing so many crunches, it was putting direct pressure on the discs at the point of his back where the crunches flex the spine.
Through wear and tear, it had caused the outer layer of the doughnut to wear away and the jelly – or nucleus pulposa – was being pushed through. You could see the jelly trying to make an escape.
And that’s painful.
It took this shocking “wake-up call” to push Mac to seek help. Now – having heard of the success I had with the athletes I coach – he was at my door.
Just think about that for a moment.
His goal of trying to get rock solid abs to build a strong core left him unable to workout.
He told me it felt like the ground fell from under him.
It already ate away at him every time he looked in the mirror and saw how little his effort was paying off.
Then when the pain became too much… well, he felt he was being kicked when he was down.
“What more could I do?” he asked me, almost in tears.
It was at that instant when Mac came to see me and told me his story, that I drew a line in the sand. I decided to help Mac change his life.
Now, here’s the embarrassing part. Until then, I’d only helped pro athletes and coached elites. My approach to training wasn’t available to the normal folks who really needed my help.
Never again would I allow guys like Mac to suffer unnecessarily, through no fault of their own.
I promised myself I’d bring together all my expertise and experience over my years as a strength and conditioning coach to help ordinary girls and guys escape the tyranny of dangerous training advice.
On that day, I made a promise to create a program designed for people like Mac and yourself to help you build the strong, athletic body and the iron core you want without sacrificing your health and wellbeing.
And thanks to that turning point, I uncovered THE blueprint for perfect abs. And it’s one that works for just about anyone – Pro athlete or amateur
Today, I’m going to share it with you, and save you the endless hassle and years of effort it took me to hone this blueprint… so keep reading.
Keep in mind that, even though I’m a Certified Strength and Conditioning Specialist working with pro-athletes from multiple disciplines, it’s my experience working with and helping folks like you get incredible results faster than you can imagine that really matters.
I just happened to figure out a really simple, step-by-step formula designed for the average person to see massive results when it comes to developing their abs in just 60 days.
This is a system that allows real people to:
Breathe better, stand taller and enjoy better health and more vitality, every waking hour.
Finally develop a stable, strong, armor-plated core to protect your posture and give you explosive power.
Finally, sculpt chiseled beach body abs built properly from inside out that turn heads wherever you go
This is the system I’ve used to give everyone from pro athletes to everyday athletes the strong core they deserve.
So know for a fact that, by using this formula, you’ll be receiving the exact same value as my top elite clients – who I charge $1,000 a day – at a fraction of the cost.
I’ll share all the specifics with you in just a moment, but first…
I feel compelled to be honest with you, and let you know about the real and serious problem you face right now.
This is the foe – “hidden in plain sight” – behind why you’re not getting the results you’ve always wanted.
And this is why a weak core, no definition and a serious threat of debilitating pain is not your fault. Although, after you read this, you know it now becomes your responsibility to take action.
The sad fact is that for years you’ve been misled by “experts” giving outdated advice on how to build your six-pack.
Many of their lies are THE REASON you’ve been let down in the past.
You may have heard, or perhaps even believed at one point, that doing crunches is the ONLY way to get the abs you want.
I can’t believe some coaches or online writers are STILL advocating crunches!
Please, if you have ever believed this, stop right now! I’ll explain why in just a moment…
Just know this: countless other smart guys and girls have fallen – and are still falling – victim to the HUGE “crunches” myth, yet you need to lay it aside right now.
If you don’t, you’ll cause serious – possibly irreversible – damage to your spine.
You’ll end up with chronic pain in your back, neck and knees.
And, you may even end up losing muscle, losing fitness and gaining weight as your body fights against poor posture and being out of alignment.
Listen: this isn’t what I want for you. And I know it’s not what you want for yourself.
The struggle you’ve been experiencing is directly due to this, which is why it’s not your fault.
However, it’s now your responsibility, wouldn’t you agree?
Please don’t blame yourself.
Blame the personal trainers and coaches still pushing outdated training techniques… DECADES after top strength coaches abandoned crunches.
The “crunch” has been an exercise staple since the 1940s. The exercise recommended by late night TV commercials, magazines and wannabe fitness gurus at the gym.
But REAL fitness experts threw crunches as a serious exercise into the trash can YEARS ago, knowing the dangers and how ineffective they are.
Not that it’s stopped all the misinformation spread by sports writers, churning out the same old advice from outdated sources.
And now anyone with a six-pack and Youtube account can claim to be an “expert” and hand out inaccurate, potentially damaging advice.
It’s enough to confuse the smartest person alive… and it confused ME for years. Until I learned the truth from trained professionals.
But place a lot of the blame with sleazy “quick fix” online programs who rely on making bold, baseless claims.
Let me reveal to you the truth about crunches from real experts.
Stuart McGill, professor of spine biomechanics at the University of Waterloo in Canada has conducted dozens of studies replicating the movement of the spine when doing crunches.
After replicating the flexing of the human spine, he examined the discs and found they had been squeezed to the point where they bulged.
This is the reason crunches press on back nerves causing back pain, and can even cause a herniated disc.
(Remember our jelly doughnut…)
The fact of the matter is you should NEVER do crunches or sit-ups. And here’s why:
1) Crunches causes lower back stress.
A 1995 study found sit-ups placed over 3,000N of force on the lower spine, which could cause herniated discs. Imagine willingly applying that force on any other part of your body through exercise? You wouldn’t.
If you fall for the crunch myth, you will end up in pain, either in your back, neck or elsewhere.
2) Your spine has a shelf life. Crunches age your spine.
You only have so many flexions in your spine before it starts to deteriorate. You can’t repair it. You can’t change it. That’s how it is. The more you flex your spine, the more you age your spine.
That’s fact. So why would you actively try to flex your spine at its most vulnerable point causing it to age faster and further?
3) Crunches don’t aid good posture; they reinforce bad posture.
Think about it: what is a crunch?
You’re just replicating the bent over movement you make when you’re sat at a desk or slumped in a seat.
4) Because you’re doing crunches, you’re not PROPERLY working your core.
You’re becoming weaker, less powerful, and more susceptible to problems.
You see, crunches aren’t functional. They don’t replicate ANY natural movement our bodies were designed for. Our bodies thrive on exercises in alignment with their function.
Crunching isn’t a natural movement. It actively opposes the purpose of the spine and works against it. We are meant to be upright and be able to bend, twist, reach and extend.
5) And here’s the worst part… crunches DON’T work.
Yes, you feel the burn. But it’s a fake burn – it feels good, but does it actually deliver results? No.
Crunches miss your core muscles. The narrow range of exercise does nothing to strengthen your deep abdominal muscles, your transversus abdominis, or your obliques. Crunches ONLY work your rectus abdominis close to your skin.
So the abs you DO end up with tell a lie. They don’t represent strength. They don’t represent inner power. Your core is no stronger for these “cosmetic” abs. In fact, they put your midsection out of balance and increase the risk of injury.
What if I told you that creating these “superficial” abs actually takes more, time more energy and wastes MUCH more effort? It’s many times EASIER to build chiseled abs the right way.
Now you’re aware of the myths and lies. You can see how they’ve crippled your ability to gain the six-pack you’ve wanted for years.
It’s time to dig in and rise above the lies using these three tips I have for you today.
Without these tips, your road to a perfect, powerful six-pack will be a rocky one. Yet using these simple strategies, you’ll reach your goal of chiseled abs in no time.
And by far the most IMPORTANT tip is showing you how to “reset” your core so you can build your new washboard abs on strong foundations.
I’ll go into the specifics of my “reset” tip in just a second, so by all means, keep reading.
The first thing I have to WARN you is to avoid isolation exercises.
I used to believe isolation exercises were actually essential when it came to your core! Now I know better, and so do you…
Here’s what will happen if you carry on using isolation exercises as part of your core workout:
Your body is designed to work as a unit. Individual muscles aren’t meant to be worked in isolation. When you work one area without working surrounding muscles, it causes an imbalance. Strong muscles in one area can overpower weak muscles, offering a false sense of security and risking serious injury.
Here’s the secret: only by fully engaging your core in every plane can you fire up all the muscles in the midsection, front, side, and rear to bring balance to your body. When you do this, you’ll properly work the deep muscles of the core.
So here’s what you do instead: powerful functional exercises that work your core across three planes of motion. Your core needs to be worked in 3D.
By just doing functional rather than isolation movements as part of your workout you’ll see more impressive gains in far, far less time.
Just picture it:
People will look at you in amazement when you develop rock-hard, chiseled abs without doing a single crunch or wasting hours eeking out marginal gains. With functional movements as part of a complete workout program, everything works in harmony to burn fat, increase energy and build muscle through the core.
That’s not all: you’ll also shave hours and days off the amount of time you need to train your core.
The benefits of this simple tip continue to surprise me, and it continues to astound all the athletes I’ve taught it to
Well, listen to this one.
Would it surprise you to discover you can actually enjoy the foods you REALLY want to eat when building chiseled abs?
Most people believe you have to haul yourself through the process of complicated and boring diets, but I would rather see you eat foods you enjoy and STICK to a long-term program.
Enjoying your abs diet starts here: simply forget about calorie restriction – this only results in weight loss, NOT fat loss, which is where you want to put your focus.
You also need to train your body to use fat as an energy source and taking steps to improve your gut health will flip the switch on improving your rate of fat loss.
Just picture it:
People will be STUNNED when they see you efficiently sculpting a set of abs your buddies will be jealous of when they’re still dieting and missing out!
Enjoying the journey is the key to staying on the path, and this simple nutrition strategy will get you there fast!
And, it’s about to get even better, because now I’ll be sharing my most VITAL tip when it comes to killer abs.
The other tips I just gave you were great, but without applying THIS tip to the rest? Forget about succeeding in your goals.
This simple tip is the center of the Perfect Abs Equation: hitting the “reset” button on your core strength.
It’s the tactic behind ALL success in developing a rock-solid six-pack because it allows you to build your core on solid foundations, working every muscle effectively for a balanced midsection that properly supports your body.
This is my patented Two Phase Principle, used successfully by virtually every six-pack celebrity or athlete, even if they don’t know it!
Here’s what you do: you break down your eight week plan into two distinct phases of training, each designed for a specific purpose.
This is the bedrock foundation of my entire strategy. It’s one that will give you a lifetime of power and strength in your core that makes sculpting chiseled abs easier than you could ever imagine.
Just imagine what your life will feel like when you MASTER this Two Phase process!
You’ll forever leave behind the frustrations you’ve no-doubt experienced when it comes to working your abs. All those frustrations end TODAY.
And this is happening in your life simply because you NOW know this formula.
It’s the little-known success strategy enjoyed by the elite… and now it’s your turn!
Okay, that was a TON of valuable information. You may be feeling a bit unsure of where and how to get started and that’s fine.
All this means is that you have two simple choices to make, right now:
Choice 1: You can take all the tips and info I just gave you and try to put the puzzle pieces together on your own, without help.
You never know! You may eventually put the pieces of the puzzle together on your own, but it will take a lot longer and there’s no guarantee you’ll make it.
Or, there’s the smarter choice. The one savvy men and women take to speed up their progress towards owning a washboard stomach.
This is the quickest, fastest, and smartest way possible to stunning abs without doing a single, dangerous crunch.
Look… there’s no reason to try this on your own – I’ve already done all the work for you, right?
There’s no need to scratch your head in frustration, guessing your way to “halfway there”, because I’ve already created the ideal system for you.
It’s a system I’ve perfected and tested for years on countless thousands of men and women like you.
Here’s what the vast majority decide to do – it’s called:
The safest, most effective way to sculpt chiseled abs and develop an iron core in just 60 days without screwing up your spine.
My results-focused, step-by-step program guarantees you finally get the abs you want…even if:
You have limited time in your day to focus on building rock solid abs… in fact, by doing this functional program you’ll get a complete workout.
You don’t know the first thing about core exercises and they’ve never been part of your workout. I explain every single exercise in detail with follow-along videos designed to guarantee you hit perfect form right away.
You think you’re light years away from getting abs. Look… every journey starts with a single step. This program breaks down the journey into simple, digestible chunks. Start now and within 60 days you’ll see bigger, more impressive results than you can imagine.
You’re already injured. The truth is most people come to me already suffering from back pain, neck pain or some other problem caused by poor posture or their body being out of alignment. Through my program, you’ll feel strength – real strength – in your core to balance and properly align your body.
Or even if you think you’ve tried EVERYTHING!
To save your time, and mine, let me be upfront and tell you what Crunchless Core is NOT, before I tell you what it IS.
Crunchless Core is NOT a “quick-fix” abs program promising quick results with no effort down.
Crunchless Core is NOT a “crunches-replacement” or a hastily thrown together collection of plank alternatives you can find online that simply DON’T work. It is a complete workout system that trains your abs in 3D for the best results.
Don’t you think you’ve been fed enough myths about crunches? Isn’t it enough? Isn’t it time to start using what’s PROVEN to work?
Crunchless Core is the direct result of over 15 years of studying and working with athletes one-on-one to discover what works.
I uncovered the hidden patterns and unique (sometimes ‘odd’) tactics they use to stay strong, powerful and injury-free in the world of competitive sport.
And now, from this point forward, you’ll have the tools to do just the same.
The strategies of the truly successful can NOW be duplicated easily by you, giving you:
A strong, powerful core that protects you from bad posture and keeps you upright, strong and filled with energy and vitality
The freedom to work out in LESS time with LESS effort so you can achieve even BIGGER gains.
And all of this, while you quickly achieve a rock-solid washboard stomach with abs that pop, faster than ever before possible!
Before we go one step further, I need to be 100% honest with you.
I hope you’re not one of “those” types looking for the next “7 Minute Instant Abs” quick-fix that promises the earth but just leaves your wallet leaner.
You get it: more garbage that doesn’t work, never has worked, and never WILL work for you.
Then do us both a favor and just forget all about Crunchless Core, because it’s not going to give you ‘impossible’ results just SOLID results…
Crunchless Core isn’t pie-in-the-sky fantasy land nonsense.
It’s the REAL deal.
And it’s only for folks like you who are serious about building an iron core and enjoying eye-popping abs.
There are no push button answers to succeeding in sculpting abs you can be proud of. Nothing in this life is easy, and you know that, but THIS is as easy as it gets…
So, if you’re like most folks watching this presentation, and you’re 100% ready for REAL to succeed, here’s what you’re going to receive.
If you really want to:
Sculpt a ripped, chiseled core with an impressive six-pack and abs that pop right out
Build a bulletproof midsection to protect and support your whole body and guarantee good posture so you can breathe, move and workout better
Enjoy explosive power and optimal performance right through your core without risking serious injury or weakness
Then Crunchless Core isn’t just “a” solution for you… it’s the ONLY solution for you.
What Others Are Saying About Crunchless Core
Having a Strong Core is a Requirement for Long-Term Health of the Skeletal and Muscular System
“Brian’s method of core training is unique and unlike anything I’ve seen in my career as an orthopedic surgeon. His training style, combined with his knowledge of functional movement would benefit athletes, workout enthusiasts, and weekend warriors in every gym, clinic, and training center.
I find Brian’s core workouts beneficial and appropriate for a broad range of patients and athletes. In fact, I would probably perform fewer surgeries if people followed his core strengthening approach.”
Athletic Trainer Approved
“I have worked as an Athletic Trainer for nearly 20 years, and when it comes to the core, people still today only think of crunching till they have a “6-pack.” The thought that one can focus on one area and “spot reduce” only increases the very dysfunctional thought.
To truly have a great core that protects not only the athlete, but also all of us, a comprehensive, “full circle” approach to its strength and flexibility is needed.
The program that Brian has implemented addresses the entire scope of the core, its function for optimal strength, and perhaps the most crucial…the durability of the spine to avoid injury.
Let’s face it, lying down and doing the standard crunch only increases unwanted pressure into the cervical spine and at the end of the day offers next to no core strength benefits.
Brian’s program addresses the abdominal flexors, extensors, rotators and stabilizers. It also strengthens the hips that supports the core with large muscles and allows it to move in full ranges of motion without pain and potential injury.
By performing the types of dynamic stabilization…planking for example…Brian is able to provide a comprehensive core strengthening program that will not only give a person the durability and desired function they are after, but also be the actual way to bring about that “6-pack” we all like to show off!
I have been blessed to work with athletes of all kinds over the years, from Randy “Macho Man” Savage to pitcher Frank Viola and many other professional and collegiate athletes.
But no matter what age, level or ability, none of them could perform without a strong and flexible core as the foundation. If you want to enjoy your highest level of fitness…and do it pain free…get off the crunching floor and experience success through Brian’s program!”
Over 40? No Problem!
“As a male over 40, I’ve probably tried just about every exercise regime imaginable, so I’m constantly looking for different things to keep my body guessing and my workouts fresh.
When I saw that Critical Bench was launching Crunchless Core, I knew I had to try it. From day one I knew this 8 week program was legitimate from the intensity level it puts you at. Keeping up with the program is easy and works with any schedule. If you truly want results, I highly recommend Crunchless Core!”
Don’t Isolate the Abs – Integrate Them Into Movement
“Current research has shown the downside of performing endless crunches and sit-ups for abdominal development. Coach Brian has done a good job creating a program that will work the abdominals in a more comprehensive manner, using exercises that integrate the abs into movement.”
To Look Athletic You Have to Be Athletic
“I have people all the time ask me, “How do I get abs like you, how do I get shredded?” Well, I finally have an easy way to answer their question; With this program!
Crunchless Core addresses all the issues with getting fit. It lays out your programming and gives detailed explanations of every aspect. This is the way I personally recommend you train.
Laying on the floor doing countless crunches is a thing of the past. If you want to look athletic, then you have to be athletic! Crunchless Core will lead you down the path to 6-pack gold!”
Sculpted Abs Without Neck or Back Pain
“I spend hours at the gym every week trying to improve my body and much of that time is dedicated to sculpting my abs. Like most people, I do many of the same exercises over and over again with good results but I must say I was super impressed with the variety of movements found in Crunchless Core…many I’ve never done before.
They were very challenging and I could feel the muscles working every where in my body and not just my abs. I also noticed zero neck or back pain after working out hard.
The movements are all carefully designed to fully engage the core and strengthen the entire body without having to do boring crunches and sit ups like you find in most other workout programs. Two thumbs up for me!”
Tightens Up the Entire Body
“I’m 50 years old and the CA2.0 program is awesome! My results came from following the program closely along with the consistent diet.
In just under 60 days I was able to noticeably tighten up my entire body and get the 6-pack abs I always wanted. I am very happy and will definitely recommend this program to other people!”
Have a look at what’s included in Crunchless Core, all designed to get you on the path to perfect abs within just 60 days:
On page four, you’ll discover the secret behind my “Two-Phase” Total Body Program.
You’ll completely transform your core from the inside-out in just 60 days with the Two Phase Total Body Program. The program includes over eight total body workouts containing over 70 functional exercises… and NOT A CRUNCH IN SIGHT!
We’re talking the highest quality content you can imagine as I walk you through the easy-to-follow instructional videos designed to show you PERFECT form.
You’ve no-doubt noticed that Crunchless Core is, without question, the safest, most efficient program giving you a stronger, more powerful core.
Which naturally opens up the possibility for you to see a rapid transformation within just eight weeks.
And it goes without saying that this program makes your life MUCH easier.
Here’s what I mean:
Each four-week phase is designed to train your core as a unit – rather than isolating the outer muscles. This way, you’ll burn more calories, add stability through your midsection and look beach-ready by the time the end of the program rolls around… all while spending LESS time and LESS effort training.
Which is amazing, considering some of the outdated advice on crunches included spending hours doing hundreds and even thousands of crunches to get the best results.
Now, you may be thinking, “I bet any blueprint that can give me all of that would cost a small fortune”.
And, in all honesty, It really should.
After all, Crunchless Core has already helped hundreds of athletes, professional sports people and guys and girls, like you and me, achieve rock-solid abs faster and easier than ever without pain.
I’ll get to the price in just a few moments.
First, I want to share a few unique benefits this one-of-a-kind system will deliver to you.
I won’t go into too much detail here, but these are absolutely some of my favorite training strategies…
How about the “bizarre” exercise you can do that instantly relieves the pressure on your spine – nice!
Or how to do LESS reps and get TWICE the results in HALF the time!
Our normal off-the-shelf retail price for Crunchless Core without any additional bonuses, is $97.
Listen: You’re not just getting Crunchless Core when you order today. I have something really special for you.
BONUS 1: Crunchless Core LITE – Home Edition

You’ve shown me how much you desire bulletproof abs. So now I’m tossing in – for a limited time only – one of my best programs as a free fast-action bonus so you can get there even quicker.
The premium gift you’ll receive today is Crunchless Core LITE – Home Edition ($50 Value).
I’m sure you realize when it comes to changing how your body looks and feels, there is one “secret” weapon that will get you to your goals faster than ever. It’s being consistent.
You don’t need a single piece of equipment to complete any of the workouts – they can be done in your garage, office or a hotel room. Every workout can be completed in less than 30 minutes so you can squeeze a complete core routine into even the busiest schedule.
Inside our Crunchless Core LITE bonus program, you’ll discover 16 super-fast core workouts to guarantee you stay on track with your core-building process whenever, wherever.
The program is split into four areas of focus, with four workouts in each section designed to work towards your goals: Power, Strength, Stability and Combination
It’s normally valued at $50 if you bought this separately… but it’s yours FREE today when you take action.
BONUS 2: Exercise Exchange Manual ($25 Value)
I have one more special BONUS for you and it’s called the Crunchless Core Exercise Exchange Manual.
If there are any exercises in the program you can’t perform due to an injury or if the exercise feels too difficult you can refer to this handy Bonus.
It will give you alternative exercises you can swap out for ones you don’t want to do or don’t have the equipment to do.
Don’t worry about any exercises you’re not comfortable with. You can easily exchange or swap it out for one of the regressions from this booklet.
This bonus is valued at $25 but included free with your order today.
Now you can see why Crunchless Core is valued at $97.
Your premium bonuses ALONE are worth $75, which would bring your investment today for Crunchless Core to $172.
However, I have a good reason that I’ll share with you shortly for making you a far better deal. Keep reading and I’ll share why I’m slashing the price for a limited time.
Sure, you could just walk away, chance it, and keep going down the road you’re on now.
And end up spending 10, 20, even 100 times more than the investment you’ll make today on Crunchless Core from a personal trainer. (Or even the cost of physical therapy!)
Then there’s all the time you’ll waste plugging away at squeezing out those hard-to-sculpt abs by still doing what all the freebie programs tell you to do. (Hint: there’s a reason they’re FREE).
And let’s not even TALK about all the time you’ll miss having the chance to show off your beautifully sculpted six-pack at home, at the gym or on the beach.
Neither of us see that as your future, right?
Listen: I’m ready to make this a no-brainer decision for you today.
I feel you deserve to know why I’m offering you such a massive discount today.
Let me share my vision with you: it’s a CAUSE I’m inviting you to join today, along with the thousands of others who are ready too.
I want to help ordinary guys and girls break free from the dangerous and damaging advice that lazy, old-school trainers and coaches use to hold us back.
I want you to have access to the same “insider” knowledge that elite coaches and trainers have known for years… but have kept tight-lipped about for fear of losing their “edge”.
I want to create a level playing field so no-one suffers from the long-lasting effects crunches cause to your posture and spinal health.
I simply cannot let “price” get in the way of you achieving YOUR goals, as well as helping me make a positive impact.
Only on this page, your total investment in Crunchless Core will NOT be $172 today.
Not even close.
Cut that price in half… and you’re STILL not close!
As ridiculous as it sounds, you won’t even pay $49 today!
Today only, and only from this letter, your total investment in Crunchless Core, including the PREMIUM Accelerated Fat Loss Program bonus valued at $50, is ONLY:
Lock in your super-discounted price, which is extremely limited, by clicking on the yellow BUY NOW order button below.
I want you to try Crunchless Core
ON ME for a full 60 days.
If you do not sculpt yourself a chiseled, rock-hard six pack in that time…
If you’re not COMPLETELY DELIGHTED by the program…
Even if you don’t like the clothes I wear in the follow-along video… or my accent… or enthusiasm… no worries! I’ll give back your ENTIRE investment.
No questions asked and no hassles. I’ll refund every penny, because I’m committed to producing results for you, no matter what.
Plus, as part of my Double Guarantee, if you use the program and think I’ve wasted your time or haven’t delivered on my promise, we’ll pay for your next program by allowing you to pick one of our other products.
Click on the yellow button below to secure your discounted price before someone else claims it.
Just have a look at what these clients did following my Two Phase Formula…
Maximum Results – Not a Quick Fix
“I can confidently say that Coach Brian invested some serious time and effort to ensure you learn the proper technique and skills in the Crunchless Core program. His knowledge extends beyond helping you to achieve your personal best but extends to work out plans, diet and lifestyle change guidance.
I promise you will not find just some random workout routines but some amazing exercises and challenges from beginning to end. This workout is about maximum results and not just a quick fix. I am sending a BIG thank you to Coach Brian for sharing his knowledge and passion for fitness with me.”
Stay Injury Free & Train Your Core Without a Single Sit-Up
“I am 54 years old and I have had some injuries the past couple of years and I shared my concerns with Brian Klepacki about trying to stay injury free. He made a plan Crunchless Core to focus on stability and balance as well as strengthening my core using total body movements without ever doing a single sit up.
His knowledge has opened my eyes to a whole new level of training. I will continue to work with Brian to be in the best shape possible.”
Works Even If You’ve Tried Everything Else!
“I have been actively training in one way or another for 15 years. Being mother of 3 with limited time, I have trained with personal trainers, been a runner, a Crossfitter, done Orange Theory, Zumba, Boot Camp, tried training on my own and many other classes in between but most programs have fallen short.
When I started training with Brian I had overuse injuries in both knees from an intense ‘Boot Camp’ that I was attending. In the short time that I have been with Brian, he has not only corrected my knee pain, but he has taught me so much about functional training, my form and corrected things I thought I was doing right for years. I have always had weak abs/core, so Brian has me doing really unique core exercises from Crunchless Core that not only improved my strength, but enhanced my overall functionality as well.
Brian’s functional training model used in Crunchless Core has improved my physical performance and fitness level all around!”
Triathlete Feels Great & Setting Personal Records
“Being a triathlete and former yoga and kickboxing instructor, I’ve had my fare share of training programs as well as injuries. I’ve had multiple knee surgeries so running was always painful and slow to say the least.
Lastly, I work unpredictable long hours in a fast paced, high stress job and I sit ALL day. I started seeing Brian Klepacki after I finished my first half Ironman because I needed help. I couldn’t seem to make time for actual training leading up to my next event, but he had a solution…functional strength training like you’ll find in Crunchless Core
We worked specific muscle groups for biking, running, and swimming, which included a tremendous amount of core and stability training, never once doing ‘traditional’ stomach exercises. The end result was a faster swim without much time in the water, a stronger bike, a much less painful run and I feel great!”
Get Out of the Desk Position!
“If the desk position is hard on your lower back and could cause long term aches and pains, then why would you lay on the ground and repeatably crank your spine over and over into the desk position?”
Yet, just by taking action today, the complete Crunchless Core system, with all the bonuses, PLUS the Super Bonus is yours for only $17.
Now, remember, you’re not just getting an incredible discount today.
You’ll be joining all those guys and girls who have chosen to make a better path for themselves and commit to not working harder but SMARTER to get the results they deserve.
Plus, you’ll join the ever-growing Crunchless Core satisfied customer community.
Click on the BUY NOW button right now and lock in your discounted price today.
Within a few minutes, you’ll have everything at your fingertips: the entire Crunchless Core System, inside the secure members area.
Remember: this includes, today only, your premium bonuses, Crunchless Core LITE – Home Edition and the Exercise Exchange, worth $75!
So your order will be smooth and easy today, I want to show you EXACTLY what to expect after you click the order button below:
First, you’ll be taken to our 100% secure checkout page, which looks like this:
After you order, you’ll be shown ways to customize your order, and even have the opportunity to pick up some valuable “quick-start” bonus materials…
Finally, you’ll arrive at our secure member’s area.
It really is that simple to get started RIGHT NOW.
Remember: you’ve been struggling with chiseling out your powerful six-pack abs for way too long.
Unless you take action today, you run a grave risk of causing serious – possibly irreversible – damage to your spine and pain in your back and neck.
By failing to build your core properly you’re leaving your body out of alignment and unbalanced.
And, worst of all, your midsection simply won’t EVER have that chiseled, Herculean six-pack that comes from training the whole core from inside out.
YET: All of this can be avoided, beginning today, simply by applying the step-by-step program I’ve developed for you in Crunchless Core.
See, I have this vision for you.

Today, you finally have THE answer to your frustrating abs problem at long last – and…
You’re brimming with excitement.
You’re bursting with confidence.
Turning heads as you walk into the room.
You are experiencing the body and health you deserve – at long last!
Yes, it’s true. Your lack of progress and obstacles placed before you – up until today – have been no fault of your own.
It’s true that you’ve been lied to in the past about quick-fix solutions.
And trainers and coaches have perpetuated the “Crunches Myth” to serve their own interests for far too long.
Especially with the ‘MORE CRUNCHES IS BETTER” idea so many of us have tried (including me).
And who can forget all those false promises other coaching “experts” made to you that never stood up to the light of day?
Yet, today is your day to CLAIM your power and take responsibility.
You do it by taking action… doing what you know you MUST DO to see REAL results with a program that WORKS!
Here’s the GOOD NEWS. Unlike all those ridiculous abs workout gimmicks, this one is GUARANTEED to work for you:
I’m asking you right now to just try Crunchless Core for 60 full days, on me… either you are thrilled with your new set of bulletproof six-pack abs, or you pay NOTHING.
Plus, I never leave you hanging – either me or my Support Team will get back to you quickly with any questions you have, so you’ll always feel taken care of.
Immediately after you buy today, you need to do this: wait for the “Welcome” email to arrive in your inbox with your log-in details and log into the members area.
Then head over to the Crunchless Core Workbook and read through the introduction and program breakdown to understand how the Two Phase program is structured. That way you can dive in ASAP and get started seeing results.
Diving into the workbook will guarantee you get your program started in the right way to give your 60 day journey to perfect abs a running start.
Listen, don’t put this off a second longer… let me tell you WHY:
First, keep in mind I’ve discounted Crunchless Core by over $100, completely risk-free to you with its guarantee.
Just know this. I will eventually have to increase the price closer to the retail value, as I’m giving you a massive discount.
So you must act now before I have to do that… it may be today, tomorrow, or in a few weeks…
And, you also don’t want to miss out on my one-time-only bonus offer for Crunchless Core LITE – Home Edition and the Exercise Exchange, reserved ONLY for first-come action-takers.
Those who act today will lock in their discount and these free gifts.
Others won’t be so fortunate.
And, let’s remember: unless you take action now, today, you may NEVER take action.
You may do what so many others do and put it off… you know, for “a few more days?”… which turns into months… even years?
So, now we both know what you REALLY want and need.
And, let’s just face facts, and do the only SMART thing left for you to do.
Get my one-time, limited discount while it’s still available to you, before someone else takes your spot.
And get on the fast track to perfect abs using the smartest, safest, most proven system for developing a rock-solid six-pack on the planet.
CLICK the BUY NOW button below right now, and let’s get you started today.
Move Well. Look Well. Live Well,
Brian Klepacki, MS, CSCS, FMS, CISSN Fat Loss & Core Training Advisor – CriticalBench.com
FAQS ABOUT Crunchless Core
Q: How is this different from other programs?
A: What makes this program unique is that it’s a complete workout. Many other programs focus on simply finding alternatives to crunches – like planks and other movements. And that’s all they do. They don’t offer a complete workout system that actually builds from the core with functional movements which don’t cause wear and tear to your joints.
Q: Why can’t I just find all this online and do it myself?
A: You could try looking for some of this information online or try searching through thousands of articles and studies on core strength and conditioning. Even then you’d still have to go to college and pick up a degree on exercise in order to have access to many of the academic studies and research I used when developing the program.
Ultimately, you won’t be able to replicate this program. What I have developed is based on 15 years helping top class athletes and professional sports people and all my experience and expertise has been poured into this targeted, proven program that I know gets results every time.
You really won’t find another program like it.
Q: How long does the program take?
A: The complete program takes 60 days. This is the optimal amount of time it will take to make significant changes in your core strength and stability so you can develop rock-hard, chiseled abs that turn heads every time.
The program is split into Two Phases of four weeks each. The first phase deals with building up your core stability and strength. The second phase builds on the first and is where you make the gains which help you towards the six-pack you’ve always wanted.
You can, of course, carry on the program as long as you wish.
Q: How does your guarantee work?
A: It’s really simple. If for ANY reason within 60 days of the program you don’t like anything about it, you can simply contact our customer support team and request a full refund, no questions asked. We’re so confident you’ll love the program, we want this to be a no-brainer for you so we’ve removed ALL the risk.
And when we say you can refund for ANY reason, we mean it. In fact, you can try the whole 60 day program and see for yourself the incredible gains you’ll make in such a short time.
You really can prove it works without any risk at all.
Q: Who is this program suitable for?
A: This program has been designed for men and women of any age and at any stage of fitness. Whether you’ve never before done a single crunch or if you’re an experienced athlete, you will benefit from building a strong, bulletproof core using the Crunchless Core principles.
Every single one of the functional exercises is described in detail and the follow-along video shows you exactly how to complete each exercise with perfect form so you maximize your effort into gaining results. I have done all the hard work of breaking it all down in its simplest parts so you don’t have to worry about a thing. It really couldn’t be simpler to follow.
Q: What happens if I’m already injured? Will this work for me?
A: Of course! I’ve worked with numerous athletes to support them and help them back to good health and so I’ve designed the program to help you, too.
The first phase of the program is specifically designed to “reset” and build your core strength. In the process, you will develop better posture, more power and greater stability in your midsection to support the bigger exercises in the second half of the program.
By focusing on working all the deep core muscles rather than just the superficial surface muscles, you’ll bring balance to your body and remove many of the underlying causes behind your injury.
Q: How complicated are the exercises? Do I need any gym equipment?
A: The exercises have been chosen based on their functionality. While I’ve made every effort to keep the program as simple and straightforward as possible, there will inevitably be some exercises which are a little harder than others to perform BUT for good reason. These work your core more effectively and more efficiently by working through all three planes – remember your core is 3D. No matter what the exercise, you’re completely covered by the program. I outlined in detail every single exercise and walk you through each one in the video to ensure you nail perfect form.
You will require either a home gym or a gym in order to complete both phases. That’s simply because there are big movements involved and you need the range of weights a gym gives you.
Q: What if this doesn’t work for me?
A: Crunchless Core really will work for you, I’m sure of it.
Our most successful students of the program followed it through all 60 days and were able to develop beautiful, chiseled abs while remaining injury free.
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Why crunches don’t work – Ben Greenfield, Huffington Post (May 2012)
Why crunches won’t give you your flat abs, and will hurt your body – Lisa Elaine, Well & Good (May 2012)
Neck safety while doing crunches – Jonathan Thompson, Livestrong (Nov 2015)
Back pain while doing crunches – Elle Di Jensen, Livestrong (June 2015)
Sports hernia 101, Jim Brown, EXOS (May 2009)
Top 10 gym exercises done incorrectly – NHS (October 2015)
The surprising downsides of sit-ups – Claudia Hammond, BBC, (April 2016)
Ab exercises that can cause injury – Amy Robers, Men’s Fitness
Dangerous workouts – avoid these five exercises at all costs to prevent injury – Justin Caba,Medical Daily (Sep 2014)
Is your ab workout hurting your back? Gretchen Reynolds, NY Times (June 2009)
The health hazards of sitting – Bonnie Berkowitz and Patterson Clark, Washington Post (Jan 2014)
Abdominal fat and what to do about it – Harvard Medical School (Sept 2005)
10 exercise myths that won’t go away – Madison Park, CNN (June 2011)
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Seanan McGuire Talks Alchemy and The Writing Process
Seanan McGuire's Middlegame follows alchemically-influenced twins created to fulfill a dark destiny.
Alchemy and family swirl together in the cerebral new novel from prolific Seanan McGuire, whose wide-ranging novels have received acclaim across the worlds of science fiction and fantasy. Middlegame is a study of Rodger and Dodger, alchemically-influenced twins created to fulfill a dark destiny.
At New York Comic Con this year, we sat down with Seanan McGuire at the Tor booth to talk about the process of writing the novel and why she thinks it’s her best work yet.
Middlegame is available now from Tor.com.
Den of Geek: What was the inspiration for the main characters, Rodger and Dodger?
Seanan McGuire: I’d figured if I could pull it off —because it was not an easy book to put together; it is possibly the most complicated thing I’ve ever written— I would wind up having a lot of very serious review outlets talk about it, and I wanted to make them say, “In this book, Rodger and Dodger do something, and yes, that’s actually their names.” And I got my wish!
It is inspired by a piece of Pythagorean philosophy called the Doctrine of Ethos, which holds that, between them, language and mathematics make up the entire universe. So I wanted to explore that. I liked the idea of embodying cosmic forces. I think everyone human does a little bit, because it makes them more relatable. So Rodger and Dodger are the embodied human equivalents of, respectively, language and mathematics. This book follows them trying not to become the incarnate doctrine, but that’s the only way they’re going to survive.
What about the inspiration for James Reed, a charismatic Frankenstein’s monster of a villain?
James Reed is inspired, if he is inspired by anyone specific, by P.T. Barnum. He’s set up to be the ultimate American showman. His whole job is to sell you shadows. But he’s not a nice person, he’s not a good guy. And he’s built to do exactly what he’s doing right now.
What was the genesis for the book’s look at alchemy? Is alchemy interchangeable with magic?
It’s magic in that the things alchemy can do in this world are literally impossible under any scientific framework. I’m using alchemy mostly to refer to what you might call sympathetic magic. If you take a piece of something and can make it alive, you can make the whole thing alive. If you take a piece of something and make it to be something other than what it is, you can convince the whole thing to go along. So there’s a lot with sympathy, and that’s why the protagonists have rhyming names, so they would be connected even at a distance.
“The Impossible City” specifically is more a concept than a place, but has a certain element of place to it, in the sense of characters trying to journey somewhere. How do you create that tone?
The Impossible City actually comes from a series of books by A. Deborah Baker called the Up-and-Under. The first of which was Over the Woodward Wall. Those are not real books—yet—but they are books within a book, so there are excerpts from Over the Woodward Wall throughout Middlegame. And any time that the tone was slipping I just think about how you talk about Oz, or how you talk about Narnia or that sort of thing when you grew up with it.
The hardest thing was synthesizing a feeling of these people really grew up with this book that didn’t exist until I wrote it ten minutes ago. We are going to be publishing those through Tor.com: the first is Over the Woodward Wall. The idea is there are four of those in total, one for each element, to correspond with the alchemical map that you find in Middlegame.
Your writing is so tight at the sentence level. What kind of edits do you do to get there?
I finish a book and I send it to what we call the Machete Squad, which is my team of in-house editors, many of whom have been with me since I was writing Buffy the Vampire Slayer fanfiction on LiveJournal. They go through and they pick at anything they don’t like, they pick at plot points, at pacing, at sentence. And then I go back and re-type the entire book with their notes in mind. And then it goes out to my editor to be professionally edited.
The downside of this is that every time you re-type a book, you open the door to re-introducing typos. And there are people who will yell at you very, very much if there is one typo in a book they paid for. I wrote that sentence 19 times! It’s a miracle the whole book is not a typo!
I learned how to write on a typewriter, not a computer. Most of my early work was done on typewriter. And the only way to iterate drafts was to re-type it.

Does process differ between projects? Does it matter?
Do what works for you. Process does matter; you need a process. What it is is up to no one but you. But if you can’t sit down, write once upon a time, and go through however many hundred thousand words to get to happily ever after, you’re never going to get anywhere. Finishing is just about the only thing that matters. I know people who write one draft and they’re done. And I know people who do 80 drafts. They’re is no specific benchmark you have to hit. There is no perfect process means your work will be good every time. There is no right way.
I stopped giving my word count several years ago, because I am a very fast writer. I made the choice not to have children, so I can spend my days just writing; there are no kids demanding my time. I have been lucky enough that I am able to be a full time writer. So from a literary standpoint I am the equivalent of an Olympic athlete. I’ve been training all day every day. And I would say my word count is x, and people would say “I’m a failure! I’m never going to be a writer!” That’s not true. If you write a hundred clean words a day, you will have a book at the end of the year. So don’t compare yourself or your process to anyone else or anyone else’s process.
Overall what was your process for Middlegame? Certain words per day? Outline?
My outlines are generally very vague. It’s like planning a trip to Disneyland. If you and I were going to Disneyland together, I will tell you we have to go to the Haunted Mansion. And you might say “that’s cool, but if I don’t get to ride Space Mountain I’m going to have a tantrum.” And we’ll set the day around the idea that we’re going to the Haunted Mansion, and we’re going to Space Mountain, and we’re going to stop for lunch somewhere in the middle of the day. What’s between those two parts of the park? We can make that our middle point. We still have like six hours in the park that are going to be determined by where we are, what we feel like doing, and what’s going on. So for me, if you put down the pins, you nail down the big things that have to happen, and everything in the middle you just fill in as you want to go.
Anything else you want people to know about Middlegame?
I really love Middlegame. I know the concept can turn some people off because it’s so weird. So they say they can’t even figure out what this book is about. But if you’re interested in my work at all, please give Middlegame a shot. A lot of folks agree that it’s the best thing I’ve ever done. I think it’s the best thing I’ve ever done. I’m not just saying that because it’s new, because it’s not my newest book any more. My most recent is actually the Rosemary and Rue tenth anniversary edition that just came out from Daw Books. I’m saying that because I really love this book, and it took me ten years to get good enough to write it.
Read and download the Den of Geek NYCC 2019 Special Edition Magazine right here!

Megan Crouse
Oct 10, 2019
Tor Books
NYCC 2019
from Books https://ift.tt/323mfdn
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Yuri on Ice interview translation - Febri 2017/03 (p29-33)
Finally the interview from Febri is finished! I like Kubo’s interviews but I swear I don’t want to see any more for some time... This one is also mentioning a lot of stuff that I haven’t read in other interviews so far. It’s a bit long but definitely worth reading!
Translation is under the cut. I might fix the format a little later on to make it visually better, now I have to leave to go to Wonder Festival... (who needs sleep?). If you have any questions about the interview feel free to message me.
***If you wish to share this translation please do it by reblogging or posting a link to it***
***Re-translating into other languages is ok but please mention that this post is the source***
Staff interview Original plan / manga storyboard / character plan Mitsurou Kubo Mangaka Mitsurou Kubo is the one who, together with director Sayo Yamamoto, created the basis of the series. It was the first time that she worked on a story about sports and that she was involved with the production of an anime. We have asked her her feelings about this series.
—We know that this project started when you were invited by director (Sayo) Yamamoto. Yes. Originally I only watched figure skating on TV whenever I felt like it, but when I talked about that on the radio director Yamamoto listened to it and contacted me to ask me “would you be willing to create an anime about figure skating with me?”.
—That was the first time you met director Yamamoto, and you didn’t know each other before then, is that correct? Yes. However, and this is something that I was told later on, previously (Yasuyuki) Okamura-chan, when he was drinking with some members of the staff of the anime “Space Dandy” (broadcasted in 2014), messaged me on LINE to tell me that among them there was a person that was my fan. At a later time I found out that this person was director Yamamoto. I was surprised because I never even thought I had fans in the anime industry, and I would have never expected that one day we would end up working together like this.
—That is indeed a curious coincidence. When did you first become interested in figure skating? I used to watch it on TV every once in a while since when I was a kid. But I didn’t really know the rules and the athletes, my impressions were really just like “this skater is so cool!” or “this performance is so moving!”. I enjoyed reading what one of my friends who loves figure skating wrote online. The reason I was talking about figure skating on the radio and on TV is that it was during the Sochi Olympics, and I was saying things like “Mao-chan (Asada) is so tough” or “what (Tatsuki) Machida-kun said impressed me”, in other words the typical level of a person who watches it on TV. I only started to look up the rules and technical elements when I began working on “Yuri on Ice”.
—Basically, you were not just interested in male figure skating, but in figure skating as a sport in general. Yes. If Mao-chan was skating on TV I would watch her, and if (Yuzuru) Hanyuu-san was performing I would cheer on him. It’s a sport where Japanese athletes are doing great in international tournaments as well, so I really felt like cheering on them regardless of the gender.
—What do you find fascinating about figure skating? Of course I also find it amazing that they’re challenging the limits of the human body, but what most attracted me is that, while being a sport, they dance to the music. On the ice you are also required to be a performer that expresses something. Bound by surprisingly strict rules, you compete to get the best score. I think that the unchanging charm of figure skating lies in how athletes are able to always surprise and give new emotions to the ones who watch them, no matter whether they’re people who don’t have much knowledge about the sport or people who always support it.
—When director Yamamoto talked to you about “Yuri on Ice” did you decide to accept right away? Ever since the first time I met director Yamamoto I felt that it would be fun working with her, and that impression hasn’t changed. However, my knowledge of the sport was really basic, and since it’s a major sport with so many fans, at the beginning I wasn’t confident that I would be able to create something convincing that anyone would appreciate. I still decided to accept nevertheless mostly thanks to director Yamamoto’s enthusiasm. She knows so much about figure skating and loves it so much more than me, that I felt that with her I was willing to and would be able to create something. I too wanted to be influenced by her.
—This is the first time that you write a serious story about sports, is it right? Until then, even though I was interested in drawing manga about sports, I couldn’t find the courage to try. First of all you need technical knowledge of the sport, and most importantly I had no experience in playing anything myself. Of course there are mangaka who draw manga about baseball even though they have never played baseball, but I’m too scared and would never be able to do it. However, one time when I consulted George Morikawa, author of “Hajime no Ippo”, about this, he told me “I’ve never been a champion, but I’m drawing a manga about a champion”. He made me remember that indeed, writing about someone that you would never be able to become is one of the basics of fiction, and the real thrill of manga is that it allows you to do something like that. I did have this strong feeling that I wanted to show people how interesting figure skating is, and since there are so many fascinating athletes even in real life I thought that if I was going to create something I would have liked to come up with anime characters that would also feel fascinating. I came to the conclusion that “I would never be able to do that alone, but maybe together with director Yamamoto it will be possible to work it out”. Therefore I accepted her offer.
—Would you have avoided this theme if it were a manga serialization that you had to draw alone? No matter how much I love figure skating, I don’t think I would have done it alone. There’s an implicit rule in manga serializations, if they are popular they will go on forever, if they’re not popular they will be cut short, so I definitely wouldn’t be able to do it. You have to develop the story so that it’s always interesting while you have no idea whenever it will end, and at the same time you have to finish it neatly right away if they tell you to end it. It’s quite a feat if you think about it (LOL). Of course there are many mangaka that can do it just fine, so if you tell me “that’s because you’re not good enough” I won’t deny it (LOL).
—This time the story wasn’t made into a manga but into a 12 episodes long anime. Did it feel different? It almost never happened to me to create a story whose length was already decided from the start, so it felt new. Also, if you are doing a manga serialization you can still adjust the course of the story based on the response from the readers or reflect other people’s opinions in it even after you have started it, but in this case when episode 1 aired my job was basically over already, so I couldn’t receive any feedback from the audience while I was creating the story and I felt a kind of pressure I had never experienced before. However, the method of deciding the ending first and then directing the story so that it would get more and more exciting until the final climax is something that I think was worth trying at least once as a mangaka, so I enjoyed that aspect.
—How did you create the plot and the characters, which are the core of the story? The foundation of the plot is something that director Yamamoto already had in her mind when I first met her. The basic concept of a Japanese athlete as the protagonist, a foreign top skater that becomes his coach and the two participating in the Grand Prix Final hasn’t changed from the start. From that concept we decided the events and matches to show in every episode, and the conclusion where Yuuri ultimately cannot get the gold medal. These are all things that were fixed at an early stage. Regarding the detailed course of events in every episode, it wasn’t always the same. Sometimes we would discuss it together, and sometimes one of us would come up with a draft proposal and we would adjust it. There are editors who have a talent for creating stories, and it felt to me like I was working with that kind of person. Anyway, the scenario, including all the dialogues, was created by me and director Yamamoto.
—Didn’t you feel anxious that it was only the two of you creating the story? We dissipated any concerns by assuring each other that it was interesting (LOL). Also, when I think that something is interesting, usually I’m right. I don’t mean to say that I have a special talent, on the contrary it’s because I’m an ordinary person with ordinary sensibility that many people sympathize with me. I know this from experience, therefore I wasn’t really worried.
—I heard that your storyboard for all 12 episodes was about 900 pages long. Yes, it was more or less that. It took me a little more than a year, so considering the working pace I think I was actually pretty slow.
—Is there something you had a hard time with when you created the storyboard? In every episode, especially in the early part, I had trouble fitting the characters into the story. I drew about 10 pages but it felt really incoherent, so I had to draw it again from the start. That happened over and over. The story was already decided, therefore I couldn’t change it a lot. I mostly changed the situation or dialogues, and tried again until it felt right.
—It felt innovative that the story becomes completely focused on the tournaments as it progresses, and at the same time it was also very fascinating. Director Yamamoto really wanted to show until the Grand Prix Final, so the structure of the episodes naturally became like that. Also, I didn’t want to portray the other athletes like side characters that are obviously going to lose, therefore I tried to create a story where all characters would get their highlights. On top of that, the director was towing the series with overwhelming power, surprising everyone by saying things like “all songs must be newly-written” and “let’s use an orchestra to create the music”. Looking at her I thought I had to do my best too and so I tenaciously strived to incorporate all elements into my storyboard without making compromises.
—How did it feel to see your storyboard become an anime and not a manga? It’s not like I don’t think I’m one of the creators, but it felt more like I was simply “one member of the anime staff”, so in a way I was more worried that my storyboard would get in their way. I put my heart and soul into that storyboard, but I didn’t necessarily want them to do everything exactly like it, I was happier knowing that it could become a nice base on which to build the anime. It’s also the first time that I had someone else work on my drawings, but actually my drawing style has lots of lines, so it’s not really suitable for an anime. The most important thing was that the viewers would think the anime pictures were the best, so I was focused on watching the new fascinating style used in the anime and didn’t really care whether my art style would be maintained or not. Starting from the chief animation director (Tadashi) Hiramatsu-san, I completely trust the anime staff, so I told them to change anything they needed to make the art easier to animate. As a result, in some cases the characters’ expressions changed from the storyboard, and in other cases they were just the same translated into animation, but as a whole the pictures were improved compared to the storyboard and I’m really satisfied with the result.
—You also went location hunting to write the storyboard, right? Yes. We went to China, Russia and Barcelona in Spain to watch actual figure skating tournaments.
—Did physically going to arenas and getting a deeper knowledge of figure skating influence the storyboard? We couldn’t directly speak to the athletes in tournaments, therefore to recreate their feelings and thoughts in fiction we had to put together the pieces from the outside. We were planning to create a story centered around the bond of an athlete and their coach, in other words Yuuri and Victor, but before going location hunting we didn’t really have a clear image of that in our minds. If you put too much focus on expressing the bond people will say “it’s just a fantasy created by the mind of a woman, isn’t it?”. In fact, when I wrote “Moteki”, there were people saying “this manga doesn’t understand a man’s heart at all”, and at the same time I also received many comments like “how is it possible that a female writer understands the feelings of a virgin guy?”, but in the end there are no limitations as to how a person can interpret a work, therefore the only correct thing a creator can do is release their work into the world with a strong resolve. Either way, I thought that if I didn’t draw “Yuri on Ice” with very strong feelings I would lose my way, but I had a hard time deciding what would be the core of these strong feelings.
—I see. At that time, a certain athlete said “I can skate for love”. In their case, “love” was probably referring to their lover, and they meant to say that even if they are apart they can do their best thinking about that person and this also helps them achieve good results, but when we heard this director Yamamoto and I felt shocked like we had been struck by lightning. We realized that indeed, in real figure skating many athletes express an overwhelming love and sensuality on the ice. I myself had never drawn a story about someone doing their best for love in such a straightforward way, but I thought that if I had to try my hand at it this series was the perfect chance. It’s a theme that can be dealt with in the sport of figure skating, and also it’s pretty classic to connect sport and love in fiction. Yuuri Katsuki doesn’t skate for his own love, but to prove all kinds of love, including Victor, and when as a result his strong desire for a gold medal was added to it, I had the feeling that this series had finally found its powerful core. I believed that any kind of love representation, if crafted with the utmost care, would feel interesting to the viewers. What was important to me and director Yamamoto was not “who to deliver this work to”, but to create a solid work that would “be able to reach as far as possible”, and one of the elements that contributed to make it strong was the representation of the bond called “love”.
—That is also something that is reflected in the characters’ personalities and dialogues. I wanted to depict the athletes’ nature, their passion and dedication, with care. That’s why I decided to use lots of strong dialogues that are like a punch in the face, and surprise the viewers with their facial expressions and the situations. I did my best to pour my personal style into these parts, while of course being careful not to spoil the main story line.
—At the same time, the skating scenes are really realistic and contain almost no fictional elements. I left the skating scenes to the animators who are in charge of them, trusting that they would be able to make them convincing. I was really pleased to see the final result, because they were able to create amazing scenes with the characteristic taste of an anime, so even if the story is fiction they took a very serious approach to it.
—I see. Who was the hardest character to write? I had a hard time drawing the relationship between Yuuri and Yurio. Especially Yurio, I think he’s easy to grasp as a character and I was sure he would become popular, but for the same reason it was difficult to make him unpredictable. I wanted to depict him and Yuuri as rivals, however figure skating is mostly a battle against yourself, a sport where you fight to pursue your personal best, and after their direct confrontation in episode 3 they also become physically separated, so I was careful about the balance when making them think of each other.
—Yuuri and Yurio had a kind of relationship that made it difficult to tell exactly whether they were getting along or not. We had already decided from the start that Yurio would hinder Yuuri’s victory in the Grand Prix Final, therefore I had to think about how to develop their relationship in a convincing way, so that the viewers would also feel a catharsis in that moment. When portraying rivals it’s important not to fall into stereotypes, that’s why I created the stir over Victor, Otabek and Yurio becoming friends in episode 10, and so on. It was for the purpose of reinforcing the fated connection between Yuuri and Yurio, and to consequently cause the viewers to want to cheer on Yuuri in the Grand Prix Final. However, at the same time the bond between Yuuri and Victor became deeper and deeper, and as I couldn’t really find enough place to put the spotlight on the rivarly with Yurio eventually Yurio stopped moving inside my storyboard, to my surprise. In that sense, I had to struggle to depict Yuuri and Yurio’s relationship until the end.
—Still, Yurio’s lines were all powerful, and I think he really stood out as a character. How did you create those memorable lines such as “I’ll make you into a borscht in Moscow” and “there are no gold medals for pigs!!”? Just naturally (LOL). Sometimes lines are born because the story requires them, and some other times a line a character would totally say eventually connects to the story, so it doesn’t really feel like I came up with all the lines myself. Ideally I was aiming to create lines that people will want to say right away the day after the episode is broadcasted, that they will want to say out loud. It’s not just about Yurio of course, but since voice actors were going to read the lines out loud it was a good occasion to throw in lots of strong dialogues (LOL).
—The bond between Yuuri and Victor became more and more extreme by the end of the series. Yuuri is just calling it “love” because of what he wants to express, without being afraid of the values arbitrarily decided by others, but I decided to go ahead and use any kind of representation if it was required by the story, without reserve. I believed that the buildup of such a relationship would lead to a special ending, I actually hadn’t envisioned their relationship from the start. In the end the bond between them became extremely deep, and I myself was surprised.
—The scene of the rings in episode 10 was the most outstanding example, it was quite shocking. Considering what you just said, was that also the course of events? It wasn’t the course of events, it was necessary! At least, when I was writing the storyboard that’s what I thought, and I wrote it seriously. I had really been wanting to draw the scene of Yuuri and Victor’s reunion at Fukuoka airport, and at that time neither me nor director Yamamoto actually had in mind to drop any bombshells in episode 10 or 11. However, episode 10 was the last “break” before the Grand Prix Final, and as we were thinking about what to put in it to make it an absolutely enjoyable episode, we also wondered whether it was possible to further deepen their bond too. Since we had already done hugs and scenes like in dramatic TV serials* we thought we couldn’t go it any farther, but then I suddently thought that they might want an item for support when facing the Grand Prix Final. When I tried browsing the websites of ring brands I found out that engagement rings aren’t necessarily something for people who get married, but that they can be given as presents to soulmates too. And I thought, “this is it!”. Besides, looking through the material we gathered during location hunting in Barcelona I found pictures of a church with a choir, so I was like “this is the place!”. [*translator’s note: In Japanese she says “scenes like in a getsuku drama”. “Getsuku” (月9) are serial TV dramas broadcasted on Fuji TV on Monday at 9 pm, hence “getsuku” which means “Monday 9”. Especially until a few years ago they used to be very popular, you might have heard the titles of some of the most known ones like “HERO” and “Long Vacation”, both starring Takuya Kimura. They mostly center around or include love stories, but not necessarily, and they tend to have lots of dramatic twists, so sometimes people will refer to dramatic or tense scenes in other works as “getsuku” because they remind of the typical developments of these dramas. In YOI I would say she is referring to either the scene in the parking in ep.7 or the one at Fukuoka airport in ep.9.]
—It’s like everything connected naturally, as if it was meant to happen. It was a period where I was at my wits’ end, but I drew this part all in one go. It was before the anime started, so I didn’t know what kind of response the anime would get and how this would be interpreted. Even if someone said “this makes no sense!” I wouldn’t have cared (LOL).
—As a result, the viewers were ecstatic. If it were a manga I think that scene would have actually looked much lighter and less important, but I was positively impressed to see how much impact it could have when in an anime.
—Still, the response from the public got more and more terrific with each episode. What surprised me the most after the end of the series is that my father was actually watching it. He has never read any of my manga except for the 4-koma ones, yet he was watching “Yuri on Ice”. He said “at the beginning I felt a little sick*, but I watched it until the end. Will you make a sequel?” (LOL). I was moved thinking that my father, a 70 years old Kyushu man, managed to overcome nausea and was able to enjoy the anime. Anyway, this series received response from such a wide range of people, something that could not possibly happen in my life as a mangaka. I feel a lot of fervor coming from both the positive and the negative opinions. [*translator’s note: It’s a bit vague, but based on how it’s worded I think they are referring to motion sickness probably caused by the skating scenes.]
—When did you start realizing that you were receiving a huge response? I’d say from around episode 5, when the real tournaments started. I was a bit tense because in manga it happens often that people will say the everyday life parts are more interesting than the competition scenes, but I was very happy to see that in fact we were getting more response after the tournament started. Also, after episode 7 I realized it so clearly that I even began to think “this is reaching too many people”. On Twitter I saw lots of comments like “I cried so much I feel sick” and I thought “people’s autonomic nerves are going crazy” (LOL).
—Now that the series is over and you are probably less burdened by work, how do you feel looking back on “Yuri on Ice”? More than the sense of fulfillment for being able to express what I wanted to draw, I feel so undescribably happy that I could help director Yamamoto build the world she wanted to create. I was contacted about this series right after I finished my serialization of “Again!!”, and it was a time when I was thinking about what kind of manga to draw next and my mind was completely blank. Like Victor in episode 1, I couldn’t feel any motivation to start my next work and I wasn’t able to come up with any idea. Just at that time I met director Yamamoto and I was able to deal with things I had been avoiding, like the theme of “doing something for love” and “a series about a sport I had no experience in”, and I was able to reach a level that I could never have reached alone. However, due to my nature, I absolutely don’t think that “now that I gained this experience, I will use it as a weapon to draw lots of interesting manga!” (LOL). I can see myself worrying about lots of things again the next time I sit at a desk, but still, I believe that I earned something thanks to this series. I feel that even if you leave your area of expertise, if you have the sensitivity to find something interesting and enough luck, you can create something that other people will sympathize with, and I also think that getting away from my usual work of manga serializations helped me notice many new things.
—So, did it help you gain more confidence? It’s not that simple (LOL). If you become too sensible you will lose your ego as a mangaka and the works you create might actually become boring. Sometimes I think that to write manga you need to become like a rabid dog. There are surely many things I earned working in the production of an anime, but whether I can put them to good use in my manga is another story, and at this moment I still can’t tell.
—I see. Lastly, many people are hoping for a sequel to “Yuri on Ice”. Could you tell us your current plans and whether you have a desire to continue? Even between me and director Yamamoto, we still haven’t discussed about it concretely. Besides, we cannot create an anime alone, and we do not know whether the important anime staff will have their schedules free. But we cannot move forward until we create something that will allow us to say “we have come up with this sequel, please follow us”, therefore, as one of the main creators, the first thing I want to do is conceive an interesting sequel. Actually, I’ll be going on a trip abroad with director Yamamoto soon. It has nothing to do with location hunting for a sequel, but like when we first discussed about “Yuri on Ice”, I hope that we can start to gather the external pieces while talking about figure skating every day. I think that the characters are out there somewhere, waiting for a chance to move again, and we are going on a trip to look for them. I hope we can find them.
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Edthnic Minorities within Media
As a half English, half Thai person it is not often that I see a representation of myself on the big movie screen and nor do I expect to see a mixed actress of my ethnicity to represent me - no, that would be too pedantic. But to see someone that is not Caucasian playing the lead roll would be inspiring.
Media has always projected an exaggerated version of reality and never to truly exist to imitate or represent reality. It is not just ethnic minorities that are being effected by the media’s portrayals – but genders, sexes, sexualities, body types, etc too. TV and Films are predominantly fiction. When looking at films based on History, it is obvious that the film does not represent everything that happened in reality in the span of a couple of hours. And though advertised a ‘reality’ sometimes documentaries or reality TV shows are either fictional or has fictional elements. And so sometimes we must sit back and take what is given with a pinch of salt. Acting is acting and is in a world of fiction. Nevertheless, sometimes when an individual from the majority plays a minority character, it involves some degree of cultural appropriation.
When addressing the history of ‘racebending’, it refers to the ongoing Hollywood practice where a director, producer, publisher, studios etc… would changes the race or ethnicity of a character. This act was historically used to discriminate against people of colour. Back then, practicing blackface and yellowface would be used as a way for Hollywood restrict opportunities to actors of colour. And so, the communities of minorities were then helpless and could not control how they would be represented in media and thus led to onscreen stereotype.
In this modern-day society, we have yet to escape the prejudice of type-casting, which is still practiced but in a more subtle manner. The motive of Hollywood however has gradually shifted from the history of oppression and discrimination and more towards the idea of profit and money making with the mentality of ‘If it ain't broke, don't fix it.’
Fig 1. A screenshot from the film ‘The Good Earth’ of Luise Rainer as ‘O-Lan’ and Paul Muni as ‘Wang’
This is not a new topic. In fact, it has been circling around many times throughout the centuries. Dating back to 1937 with ‘The Good Earth’ where Caucasian actors would have pounds of make-up and prosthetics on to play a Chinese family.
Nevertheless, as time passed, the growth of the minority’s population and communities grew excessively large that there are areas like ‘China Town’ popping up all over the western world and there are now more active people of colour acting than there were ever before... Yet after 75 years you would think that mainstream media has barely changed a bit, what with the needless yellowfacing character in the 2012 movie, ‘Cloud Atlas’ with Jim Sturgess in prosthetics instead of casting an East Asian male for the role.
Fig 2. A screenshot from the 2012 film ‘Cloud Atlas’
On the right side, we have the modern-day struggle of lack of representation, however on the left side we also have backlash when Caucasian characters get a racebending transformation. The act of racebending a character for the better happens very rarely, but when it does it is often misunderstood as ‘political correctness’. And even though these actions are merely attempts to level the imbalance in media, if the portrayals are not executed well then it can worsen an already bad situation by creating more stereotypes. Whereas a successful attempt can make a world of difference.
The Data
(The data’s will mainly be sourced from the USA (as this is where the main source of influential media derives from) and the UK (as this is where I am situated).
Fig 3. Ethnic groups, England and Wales, 2011
Fig 4. 2010 U.S Census, 2010
As shown by the charts on Fig 3 and 4, it is clear that Caucasians are the dominant ethnic group in the UK and the USA.
Fig 5. University of Southern California studies of 700 top-grossing films from 2007 to 2014, excluding 2011
Fig 5 shows the percent of characters by race/ethnicity in top-grossing films between 2007-2014. Funnily enough, the chart reflects the data of Fig 3 and 4 in light of the real-world percentages. And so, in truth the feelings of minorities being underrepresented is not just a whim, but a fact. So now the question is, if the real-world percentage and the media industry percentage correlates to one another, then why is there an issue if the media is reflecting what the real-world truly is…?
Well this circulates back to the practice of stereotyping, and though sometimes it can be highly entertaining, it can also come across as an insensitive mockery of a culture.
“It’s kind of like a catch 22, in order to get into the industry and working you kind of have to just do those role just to get some kind of credit.” - Ally Maki (Actress)
Like all profession, actors and actresses of colour or not will have to start from the bottom. However, to even stick your foot into the door of entertainment means to become dancing monkey of sort and allowing to be scripted to as a stereotype, which can be demeaning on the person and the people they are representing.
Fig 6. My Ethnic Minorities within Media public survey (Feel free to participate in my survey - Click Here)
Through my own online survey, I gathered the public’s opinion on ‘Ethnic Minorities within Media’. I asked questions like ‘whether they think there is an issue in media’, ‘the difference between then and now’, ‘how it affected them’, their views of it all as a consumer’ and so on. The survey was accessed worldwide and had 80 responses from people of all ages and backgrounds.
Unsurprisingly my online survey also reflects the real-world percentages. However, the responses had high results of concern and acknowledgement on the subject matter as well has some interesting reasoning of why the topic is not concerning.
52 out of 80 agreed that there is an issue with ethnic minorities within media. 20 out of 80 somewhat feel there is an issue with ethnic minorities within media. 8 out of 80 disagree that there is an issue with ethnic minorities within media.
Having asked those taking the survey to elaborate on their chosen answers, people of all ethnicity shared one key point in their response, which addressed the idea of ‘representation’ and how there is a lack of it and they also picked up on the negative theme of stereotyping.
Interestingly, some felt that since the percentage of media and real-world ethnic popular are the same, that there is not an issue with ethnic minorities within media and said;
“In the end, it's all about individuality if you want to prove yourself to the society. Being a minority simply means you don't get a head start in life.”
“Hard workers will get to where they want to.”
Note: These two comments were made by Southeast Asians.
In a sense, it is all a matter of opinions and perspective when you are look at it as an outsider. Anna Akana – an Asian American filmmaker, producer, actress and comedian, spoke out about her experience in almost landing a lead role in mid-2016. However, she was later disappointingly offered to be re-casted as a supporting role due to the uncontrollable colour of her skin. Which was confusing since she had been working hard since the beginning and overall hustling her way through the entertainment industry. But without a doubt there is no denying the underlining history of oppression and discrimination that is still it existing today.
The Importance of representation
What is representation? It is the description or portrayal of someone or something in a particular way. And why is it that representation is so important? Well… it is important to be represented because without representation there would be missing and untold stories. And without a depiction of oneself, people will feel unheard, unseen, ignored, and ultimately oppressed. In a growing world as diverse and complex as ours, the last thing we want is do is revert back into the dark days and lose a large portion of peoples sense of self. The impact of representation begins at a very young age where our sense of identity is only just forming - and not having that visual connection can make one feel like an outsider and effects can ripple out through the rest of our lives. Being represented illustrates the possibility of achieving anything, whether it be growing up believing that you can be an entertainer or an Olympic athlete. Seeing people a-like, accomplishing their dreams, breaking barriers, and destroying stereotypes shows us our own potential. Reminding us that we are not alone in our experiences.
Casting established Caucasian actors as characters of colour will definitely bring in profit to the producing company however, it will have a huge and harmful impact on the underrepresented communities of colour and the battle for recognition. On the other hand, casting Caucasian characters with actors of colour will have little impact on Caucasian children and consumers as they have plenty of already existing representation of themselves to relate to.
In recent years, shows like Asian American family sitcom ‘Fresh Off The Boat’ and ’Dr. Ken’ came to exist and were airing at the same time in 2015. And ‘Blackish’ which came a year before and portrays the daily life of a black family. These TV shows has a highly positive factor and that is showcasing a perspective of daily life - one from a more diverse outlook. These shows are not your usual standard middle class pale families we are used to seeing, they are their own and were not just hired to hit diversity quotas. These rare portrayals of people of colour challenging historical stereotypes is truly empowering and will boost the esteem of self-identity. These shows matter. These shows should be the norm.
Fig 7. D.Va and Voice actress Charlet Chung Overwatch
In addition, we have media such as video games and comic novels where the companies rely on the continuous support from the fans. These companies cater to the audience’s more than the film industry as the fan base loyalty is needed for them to continue on making money. A small but gratifying example would be the choices of voice actors for Blizzards 2016 video game ‘Overwatch’ - a competitive first person shooter game that is based on a futuristic version of our world. The playable characters are from all over the world, with all kinds of ethnicity and sexuality. And although they are animated and appear to represented all sorts of cultures, Blizzard went beyond that and hired voice actors according to the ethnic background of the video game characters. Another fantastic fan driven company is Marvel. Who has within the past couple of years been racebending their original characters to be more inclusive in the comic book world, this is a liberating action as now child of ethnic minorities can feel inclusive and relate to the hero.
Who’s to blame?
It is very easy to point fingers at Hollywood and blame them for the lack of representation of the minority community of all genre. But then again, Hollywood alone is not the problem. It is us, the consumers as well who are unconsciously funding them by purchasing tickets for the show. In some ways, Hollywood does a good job at recreating some very real and aspects of history. Nevertheless, the racialisation is ever so complicated and while it is fiction it is so very real.
Changing the system
Ultimately, we as consumers of the media, must stand up against the prejudice representation of the minorities on the big and small screen by boycotting outlets that demeans the minorities or watch the film at a later date as the opening weekend is Hollywood’s means of income. And on the contrary, support the medias that are heading into the right direction, such as Disney’s 2015 ‘Star Wars: The Force Awakens’. Disney ignored the opposing criticism on casting a black actor, John Boyega, as a Stormtrooper and yet the film went on to become biggest domestic blockbuster release of all time. Supporting programs and films like these will certainly guide content creators to seeing that decision like casting a minority is acceptable and will perhaps continue casting more non-Caucasians in the future films. It is definitely a slow progress but it is unquestionably changing and making a difference.
Youtuber, Philp Wang of Wong Fu Productions makes some valid arguments in his video ‘Don't just TALK about Whitewashing’. He also talks about how Hollywood is not going to change quickly enough for whitewashing to go away. And so, the answer to this is for us (the minorities) to step up and create our own contents.
“Be the change that you want to see in the world” - Gandhi
Sources: Ghost in the Shell announcement [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6]
#Ethnicity#Minorities#Report#Essay#Conversation#Media#Hollywood#Racebending#Identity#Overwatch#Marvel#Cloud Atlas#Fresh Off The Boat#Dr. Ken#Blaskish#The Good Earth#Repersentation#Anna Akana#Wong Fu#Philp Wang
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Crunchless Core
New Post has been published on https://autotraffixpro.app/allenmendezsr/crunchless-core/
Crunchless Core
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By simply reading this all the way to the end you will discover:
A superior yet little-known method of decreasing the number of reps while DOUBLING your results in half the time
Exactly how you can work every muscle DEEP into your core for a perfectly balanced stomach using this one strange but effective technique
A powerful, proven technique that “RESETS” your core, dramatically reduces your chances of injury and brings unlimited power to your body
The one ‘tried and true’ technique that MOST people think is the best way to get rock solid abs…but you’ll discover why you must AVOID IT at all costs! (Note: this is a mistake even PROS make)
Why complicated and boring diets are NOT the best way to a flat, washboard stomach (and what you need to focus on instead to guarantee success)
I’ll reveal the truth about sit-ups and crunches from real experts so grab a pen and pad to take notes now.
The real problem when developing a six-pack is there’s so much misinformation out there.
A seemingly endless supply of options, methods, and ideas on how best to achieve perfectly chiseled abs.
Well, here’s the good news.
Today, all your confusion will vanish.
I’m about to reveal an approach that’s unique, surprisingly simple, and works for anyone at any age and any stage of their journey to rock-hard abs.
Keep in mind I would normally charge for this information, as it will help you achieve your goal of developing a six-pack faster and with greater ease.
Before we go any further, however, I feel it’s only fair to level with you:
There’s a rather embarrassing story I need to share before we dive into this new workout method for your abs today.
You’ll understand why this almost got edited from this letter in a few minutes, so brace yourself and keep reading.
You’ll see why my embarrassing little episode is so important to YOUR WORKOUT success in just a few minutes… deal?

Hi, I’m Brian Klepacki
Inside this eye-opening special report is the SECRET KEY to helping you get a flat, defined belly–and why complicated and boring diets are NOT the best way to a flat, washboard stomach (and what you need to focus on instead to guarantee success).
Today, I’m a Certified Strength Coach and owner of a Strength and Conditioning business in Florida.
I have a Masters in Exercise Science with a Concentration of Strength and Conditioning. Certified in Functional Movement and I’m a Certified Strength & Conditioning Specialist.
I know how important it is to sift through fact and fiction to uncover the truth about human performance.
You know, a lot of folks think my biggest breakthroughs come about because of the athletes I’ve trained.
They say, “sure, you can get great results when you’re training Olympic medalists, Pan Am games medalists, pro basketball players, baseball stars…
“… and stars of football, hockey, collegiate lacrosse, soccer and swimming” and so you’d expect these guys to get great results.
Yet the truth will surprise you!
My biggest success – the success I’m most proud of – was from a normal guy I coached, named Mac.
I remember when I first met Mac back in July 2012.
I recall it was a hot summer and it was all you could do to wear shorts and a T-shirt to keep cool. It was HOT!
I was just finishing up training one of my athlete clients in my studio gym and in walks this older guy in running shorts.
He was slim and he was clearly athletic… but right away I could tell he had a problem with his knee as he was nursing a limp.
It looked bad and alarm bells started ringing in my head about whether he was already past the point of no return.
Now Mac, it turns out, was a runner. He was 50 and held a desk job which had him sitting for most of his day.
But despite his activity every day he was in pain.
He was trying to live with chronic back and knee pain.
Now, the story you’re about to hear is pretty bad in places. But this was the experience that led Mac from being in pain all the time to a state of being pain free and stronger and fitter than ever.
And I think you want that, too.
You see when I sat Mac down to talk with him, he was almost in tears. Earlier that day, he’d see his physician who gave him a shocking diagnosis.
He had a herniated disc which was causing him pain.
He had tried to craft a six-pack and build much-needed core strength. Sensible, right?
But the more effort he put in, the more crunches he did… the worse the results were.
So he spent MORE time doing crunches and MORE reps. And still it didn’t show.
All the while, his back pain worsened. Then his knee started aching. And that ache turned into a chronic pain.
Until, finally, he couldn’t even work out anymore.
When he heard from his doctor his spine was damaged it was a wake-up call.
This is how the doctor explained it. Imagine your spinal discs – the discs which sit on top of each other to form your spine – were jelly doughnuts.
These discs are made up of two parts, the nucleus pulposus – or the jelly center – and the outer, protective layer, the annulus fibrosis. Both parts help the disc move.
Now, because Mac was doing so many crunches, it was putting direct pressure on the discs at the point of his back where the crunches flex the spine.
Through wear and tear, it had caused the outer layer of the doughnut to wear away and the jelly – or nucleus pulposa – was being pushed through. You could see the jelly trying to make an escape.
And that’s painful.
It took this shocking “wake-up call” to push Mac to seek help. Now – having heard of the success I had with the athletes I coach – he was at my door.
Just think about that for a moment.
His goal of trying to get rock solid abs to build a strong core left him unable to workout.
He told me it felt like the ground fell from under him.
It already ate away at him every time he looked in the mirror and saw how little his effort was paying off.
Then when the pain became too much… well, he felt he was being kicked when he was down.
“What more could I do?” he asked me, almost in tears.
It was at that instant when Mac came to see me and told me his story, that I drew a line in the sand. I decided to help Mac change his life.
Now, here’s the embarrassing part. Until then, I’d only helped pro athletes and coached elites. My approach to training wasn’t available to the normal folks who really needed my help.
Never again would I allow guys like Mac to suffer unnecessarily, through no fault of their own.
I promised myself I’d bring together all my expertise and experience over my years as a strength and conditioning coach to help ordinary girls and guys escape the tyranny of dangerous training advice.
On that day, I made a promise to create a program designed for people like Mac and yourself to help you build the strong, athletic body and the iron core you want without sacrificing your health and wellbeing.
And thanks to that turning point, I uncovered THE blueprint for perfect abs. And it’s one that works for just about anyone – Pro athlete or amateur
Today, I’m going to share it with you, and save you the endless hassle and years of effort it took me to hone this blueprint… so keep reading.
Keep in mind that, even though I’m a Certified Strength and Conditioning Specialist working with pro-athletes from multiple disciplines, it’s my experience working with and helping folks like you get incredible results faster than you can imagine that really matters.
I just happened to figure out a really simple, step-by-step formula designed for the average person to see massive results when it comes to developing their abs in just 60 days.
This is a system that allows real people to:
Breathe better, stand taller and enjoy better health and more vitality, every waking hour.
Finally develop a stable, strong, armor-plated core to protect your posture and give you explosive power.
Finally, sculpt chiseled beach body abs built properly from inside out that turn heads wherever you go
This is the system I’ve used to give everyone from pro athletes to everyday athletes the strong core they deserve.
So know for a fact that, by using this formula, you’ll be receiving the exact same value as my top elite clients – who I charge $1,000 a day – at a fraction of the cost.
I’ll share all the specifics with you in just a moment, but first…
I feel compelled to be honest with you, and let you know about the real and serious problem you face right now.
This is the foe – “hidden in plain sight” – behind why you’re not getting the results you’ve always wanted.
And this is why a weak core, no definition and a serious threat of debilitating pain is not your fault. Although, after you read this, you know it now becomes your responsibility to take action.
The sad fact is that for years you’ve been misled by “experts” giving outdated advice on how to build your six-pack.
Many of their lies are THE REASON you’ve been let down in the past.
You may have heard, or perhaps even believed at one point, that doing crunches is the ONLY way to get the abs you want.
I can’t believe some coaches or online writers are STILL advocating crunches!
Please, if you have ever believed this, stop right now! I’ll explain why in just a moment…
Just know this: countless other smart guys and girls have fallen – and are still falling – victim to the HUGE “crunches” myth, yet you need to lay it aside right now.
If you don’t, you’ll cause serious – possibly irreversible – damage to your spine.
You’ll end up with chronic pain in your back, neck and knees.
And, you may even end up losing muscle, losing fitness and gaining weight as your body fights against poor posture and being out of alignment.
Listen: this isn’t what I want for you. And I know it’s not what you want for yourself.
The struggle you’ve been experiencing is directly due to this, which is why it’s not your fault.
However, it’s now your responsibility, wouldn’t you agree?
Please don’t blame yourself.
Blame the personal trainers and coaches still pushing outdated training techniques… DECADES after top strength coaches abandoned crunches.
The “crunch” has been an exercise staple since the 1940s. The exercise recommended by late night TV commercials, magazines and wannabe fitness gurus at the gym.
But REAL fitness experts threw crunches as a serious exercise into the trash can YEARS ago, knowing the dangers and how ineffective they are.
Not that it’s stopped all the misinformation spread by sports writers, churning out the same old advice from outdated sources.
And now anyone with a six-pack and Youtube account can claim to be an “expert” and hand out inaccurate, potentially damaging advice.
It’s enough to confuse the smartest person alive… and it confused ME for years. Until I learned the truth from trained professionals.
But place a lot of the blame with sleazy “quick fix” online programs who rely on making bold, baseless claims.
Let me reveal to you the truth about crunches from real experts.
Stuart McGill, professor of spine biomechanics at the University of Waterloo in Canada has conducted dozens of studies replicating the movement of the spine when doing crunches.
After replicating the flexing of the human spine, he examined the discs and found they had been squeezed to the point where they bulged.
This is the reason crunches press on back nerves causing back pain, and can even cause a herniated disc.
(Remember our jelly doughnut…)
The fact of the matter is you should NEVER do crunches or sit-ups. And here’s why:
1) Crunches causes lower back stress.
A 1995 study found sit-ups placed over 3,000N of force on the lower spine, which could cause herniated discs. Imagine willingly applying that force on any other part of your body through exercise? You wouldn’t.
If you fall for the crunch myth, you will end up in pain, either in your back, neck or elsewhere.
2) Your spine has a shelf life. Crunches age your spine.
You only have so many flexions in your spine before it starts to deteriorate. You can’t repair it. You can’t change it. That’s how it is. The more you flex your spine, the more you age your spine.
That’s fact. So why would you actively try to flex your spine at its most vulnerable point causing it to age faster and further?
3) Crunches don’t aid good posture; they reinforce bad posture.
Think about it: what is a crunch?
You’re just replicating the bent over movement you make when you’re sat at a desk or slumped in a seat.
4) Because you’re doing crunches, you’re not PROPERLY working your core.
You’re becoming weaker, less powerful, and more susceptible to problems.
You see, crunches aren’t functional. They don’t replicate ANY natural movement our bodies were designed for. Our bodies thrive on exercises in alignment with their function.
Crunching isn’t a natural movement. It actively opposes the purpose of the spine and works against it. We are meant to be upright and be able to bend, twist, reach and extend.
5) And here’s the worst part… crunches DON’T work.
Yes, you feel the burn. But it’s a fake burn – it feels good, but does it actually deliver results? No.
Crunches miss your core muscles. The narrow range of exercise does nothing to strengthen your deep abdominal muscles, your transversus abdominis, or your obliques. Crunches ONLY work your rectus abdominis close to your skin.
So the abs you DO end up with tell a lie. They don’t represent strength. They don’t represent inner power. Your core is no stronger for these “cosmetic” abs. In fact, they put your midsection out of balance and increase the risk of injury.
What if I told you that creating these “superficial” abs actually takes more, time more energy and wastes MUCH more effort? It’s many times EASIER to build chiseled abs the right way.
Now you’re aware of the myths and lies. You can see how they’ve crippled your ability to gain the six-pack you’ve wanted for years.
It’s time to dig in and rise above the lies using these three tips I have for you today.
Without these tips, your road to a perfect, powerful six-pack will be a rocky one. Yet using these simple strategies, you’ll reach your goal of chiseled abs in no time.
And by far the most IMPORTANT tip is showing you how to “reset” your core so you can build your new washboard abs on strong foundations.
I’ll go into the specifics of my “reset” tip in just a second, so by all means, keep reading.
The first thing I have to WARN you is to avoid isolation exercises.
I used to believe isolation exercises were actually essential when it came to your core! Now I know better, and so do you…
Here’s what will happen if you carry on using isolation exercises as part of your core workout:
Your body is designed to work as a unit. Individual muscles aren’t meant to be worked in isolation. When you work one area without working surrounding muscles, it causes an imbalance. Strong muscles in one area can overpower weak muscles, offering a false sense of security and risking serious injury.
Here’s the secret: only by fully engaging your core in every plane can you fire up all the muscles in the midsection, front, side, and rear to bring balance to your body. When you do this, you’ll properly work the deep muscles of the core.
So here’s what you do instead: powerful functional exercises that work your core across three planes of motion. Your core needs to be worked in 3D.
By just doing functional rather than isolation movements as part of your workout you’ll see more impressive gains in far, far less time.
Just picture it:
People will look at you in amazement when you develop rock-hard, chiseled abs without doing a single crunch or wasting hours eeking out marginal gains. With functional movements as part of a complete workout program, everything works in harmony to burn fat, increase energy and build muscle through the core.
That’s not all: you’ll also shave hours and days off the amount of time you need to train your core.
The benefits of this simple tip continue to surprise me, and it continues to astound all the athletes I’ve taught it to
Well, listen to this one.
Would it surprise you to discover you can actually enjoy the foods you REALLY want to eat when building chiseled abs?
Most people believe you have to haul yourself through the process of complicated and boring diets, but I would rather see you eat foods you enjoy and STICK to a long-term program.
Enjoying your abs diet starts here: simply forget about calorie restriction – this only results in weight loss, NOT fat loss, which is where you want to put your focus.
You also need to train your body to use fat as an energy source and taking steps to improve your gut health will flip the switch on improving your rate of fat loss.
Just picture it:
People will be STUNNED when they see you efficiently sculpting a set of abs your buddies will be jealous of when they’re still dieting and missing out!
Enjoying the journey is the key to staying on the path, and this simple nutrition strategy will get you there fast!
And, it’s about to get even better, because now I’ll be sharing my most VITAL tip when it comes to killer abs.
The other tips I just gave you were great, but without applying THIS tip to the rest? Forget about succeeding in your goals.
This simple tip is the center of the Perfect Abs Equation: hitting the “reset” button on your core strength.
It’s the tactic behind ALL success in developing a rock-solid six-pack because it allows you to build your core on solid foundations, working every muscle effectively for a balanced midsection that properly supports your body.
This is my patented Two Phase Principle, used successfully by virtually every six-pack celebrity or athlete, even if they don’t know it!
Here’s what you do: you break down your eight week plan into two distinct phases of training, each designed for a specific purpose.
This is the bedrock foundation of my entire strategy. It’s one that will give you a lifetime of power and strength in your core that makes sculpting chiseled abs easier than you could ever imagine.
Just imagine what your life will feel like when you MASTER this Two Phase process!
You’ll forever leave behind the frustrations you’ve no-doubt experienced when it comes to working your abs. All those frustrations end TODAY.
And this is happening in your life simply because you NOW know this formula.
It’s the little-known success strategy enjoyed by the elite… and now it’s your turn!
Okay, that was a TON of valuable information. You may be feeling a bit unsure of where and how to get started and that’s fine.
All this means is that you have two simple choices to make, right now:
Choice 1: You can take all the tips and info I just gave you and try to put the puzzle pieces together on your own, without help.
You never know! You may eventually put the pieces of the puzzle together on your own, but it will take a lot longer and there’s no guarantee you’ll make it.
Or, there’s the smarter choice. The one savvy men and women take to speed up their progress towards owning a washboard stomach.
This is the quickest, fastest, and smartest way possible to stunning abs without doing a single, dangerous crunch.
Look… there’s no reason to try this on your own – I’ve already done all the work for you, right?
There’s no need to scratch your head in frustration, guessing your way to “halfway there”, because I’ve already created the ideal system for you.
It’s a system I’ve perfected and tested for years on countless thousands of men and women like you.
Here’s what the vast majority decide to do – it’s called:
The safest, most effective way to sculpt chiseled abs and develop an iron core in just 60 days without screwing up your spine.
My results-focused, step-by-step program guarantees you finally get the abs you want…even if:
You have limited time in your day to focus on building rock solid abs… in fact, by doing this functional program you’ll get a complete workout.
You don’t know the first thing about core exercises and they’ve never been part of your workout. I explain every single exercise in detail with follow-along videos designed to guarantee you hit perfect form right away.
You think you’re light years away from getting abs. Look… every journey starts with a single step. This program breaks down the journey into simple, digestible chunks. Start now and within 60 days you’ll see bigger, more impressive results than you can imagine.
You’re already injured. The truth is most people come to me already suffering from back pain, neck pain or some other problem caused by poor posture or their body being out of alignment. Through my program, you’ll feel strength – real strength – in your core to balance and properly align your body.
Or even if you think you’ve tried EVERYTHING!
To save your time, and mine, let me be upfront and tell you what Crunchless Core is NOT, before I tell you what it IS.
Crunchless Core is NOT a “quick-fix” abs program promising quick results with no effort down.
Crunchless Core is NOT a “crunches-replacement” or a hastily thrown together collection of plank alternatives you can find online that simply DON’T work. It is a complete workout system that trains your abs in 3D for the best results.
Don’t you think you’ve been fed enough myths about crunches? Isn’t it enough? Isn’t it time to start using what’s PROVEN to work?
Crunchless Core is the direct result of over 15 years of studying and working with athletes one-on-one to discover what works.
I uncovered the hidden patterns and unique (sometimes ‘odd’) tactics they use to stay strong, powerful and injury-free in the world of competitive sport.
And now, from this point forward, you’ll have the tools to do just the same.
The strategies of the truly successful can NOW be duplicated easily by you, giving you:
A strong, powerful core that protects you from bad posture and keeps you upright, strong and filled with energy and vitality
The freedom to work out in LESS time with LESS effort so you can achieve even BIGGER gains.
And all of this, while you quickly achieve a rock-solid washboard stomach with abs that pop, faster than ever before possible!
Before we go one step further, I need to be 100% honest with you.
I hope you’re not one of “those” types looking for the next “7 Minute Instant Abs” quick-fix that promises the earth but just leaves your wallet leaner.
You get it: more garbage that doesn’t work, never has worked, and never WILL work for you.
Then do us both a favor and just forget all about Crunchless Core, because it’s not going to give you ‘impossible’ results just SOLID results…
Crunchless Core isn’t pie-in-the-sky fantasy land nonsense.
It’s the REAL deal.
And it’s only for folks like you who are serious about building an iron core and enjoying eye-popping abs.
There are no push button answers to succeeding in sculpting abs you can be proud of. Nothing in this life is easy, and you know that, but THIS is as easy as it gets…
So, if you’re like most folks watching this presentation, and you’re 100% ready for REAL to succeed, here’s what you’re going to receive.
If you really want to:
Sculpt a ripped, chiseled core with an impressive six-pack and abs that pop right out
Build a bulletproof midsection to protect and support your whole body and guarantee good posture so you can breathe, move and workout better
Enjoy explosive power and optimal performance right through your core without risking serious injury or weakness
Then Crunchless Core isn’t just “a” solution for you… it’s the ONLY solution for you.
What Others Are Saying About Crunchless Core
Having a Strong Core is a Requirement for Long-Term Health of the Skeletal and Muscular System
“Brian’s method of core training is unique and unlike anything I’ve seen in my career as an orthopedic surgeon. His training style, combined with his knowledge of functional movement would benefit athletes, workout enthusiasts, and weekend warriors in every gym, clinic, and training center.
I find Brian’s core workouts beneficial and appropriate for a broad range of patients and athletes. In fact, I would probably perform fewer surgeries if people followed his core strengthening approach.”
Athletic Trainer Approved
“I have worked as an Athletic Trainer for nearly 20 years, and when it comes to the core, people still today only think of crunching till they have a “6-pack.” The thought that one can focus on one area and “spot reduce” only increases the very dysfunctional thought.
To truly have a great core that protects not only the athlete, but also all of us, a comprehensive, “full circle” approach to its strength and flexibility is needed.
The program that Brian has implemented addresses the entire scope of the core, its function for optimal strength, and perhaps the most crucial…the durability of the spine to avoid injury.
Let’s face it, lying down and doing the standard crunch only increases unwanted pressure into the cervical spine and at the end of the day offers next to no core strength benefits.
Brian’s program addresses the abdominal flexors, extensors, rotators and stabilizers. It also strengthens the hips that supports the core with large muscles and allows it to move in full ranges of motion without pain and potential injury.
By performing the types of dynamic stabilization…planking for example…Brian is able to provide a comprehensive core strengthening program that will not only give a person the durability and desired function they are after, but also be the actual way to bring about that “6-pack” we all like to show off!
I have been blessed to work with athletes of all kinds over the years, from Randy “Macho Man” Savage to pitcher Frank Viola and many other professional and collegiate athletes.
But no matter what age, level or ability, none of them could perform without a strong and flexible core as the foundation. If you want to enjoy your highest level of fitness…and do it pain free…get off the crunching floor and experience success through Brian’s program!”
Over 40? No Problem!
“As a male over 40, I’ve probably tried just about every exercise regime imaginable, so I’m constantly looking for different things to keep my body guessing and my workouts fresh.
When I saw that Critical Bench was launching Crunchless Core, I knew I had to try it. From day one I knew this 8 week program was legitimate from the intensity level it puts you at. Keeping up with the program is easy and works with any schedule. If you truly want results, I highly recommend Crunchless Core!”
Don’t Isolate the Abs – Integrate Them Into Movement
“Current research has shown the downside of performing endless crunches and sit-ups for abdominal development. Coach Brian has done a good job creating a program that will work the abdominals in a more comprehensive manner, using exercises that integrate the abs into movement.”
To Look Athletic You Have to Be Athletic
“I have people all the time ask me, “How do I get abs like you, how do I get shredded?” Well, I finally have an easy way to answer their question; With this program!
Crunchless Core addresses all the issues with getting fit. It lays out your programming and gives detailed explanations of every aspect. This is the way I personally recommend you train.
Laying on the floor doing countless crunches is a thing of the past. If you want to look athletic, then you have to be athletic! Crunchless Core will lead you down the path to 6-pack gold!”
Sculpted Abs Without Neck or Back Pain
“I spend hours at the gym every week trying to improve my body and much of that time is dedicated to sculpting my abs. Like most people, I do many of the same exercises over and over again with good results but I must say I was super impressed with the variety of movements found in Crunchless Core…many I’ve never done before.
They were very challenging and I could feel the muscles working every where in my body and not just my abs. I also noticed zero neck or back pain after working out hard.
The movements are all carefully designed to fully engage the core and strengthen the entire body without having to do boring crunches and sit ups like you find in most other workout programs. Two thumbs up for me!”
Tightens Up the Entire Body
“I’m 50 years old and the CA2.0 program is awesome! My results came from following the program closely along with the consistent diet.
In just under 60 days I was able to noticeably tighten up my entire body and get the 6-pack abs I always wanted. I am very happy and will definitely recommend this program to other people!”
Have a look at what’s included in Crunchless Core, all designed to get you on the path to perfect abs within just 60 days:
On page four, you’ll discover the secret behind my “Two-Phase” Total Body Program.
You’ll completely transform your core from the inside-out in just 60 days with the Two Phase Total Body Program. The program includes over eight total body workouts containing over 70 functional exercises… and NOT A CRUNCH IN SIGHT!
We’re talking the highest quality content you can imagine as I walk you through the easy-to-follow instructional videos designed to show you PERFECT form.
You’ve no-doubt noticed that Crunchless Core is, without question, the safest, most efficient program giving you a stronger, more powerful core.
Which naturally opens up the possibility for you to see a rapid transformation within just eight weeks.
And it goes without saying that this program makes your life MUCH easier.
Here’s what I mean:
Each four-week phase is designed to train your core as a unit – rather than isolating the outer muscles. This way, you’ll burn more calories, add stability through your midsection and look beach-ready by the time the end of the program rolls around… all while spending LESS time and LESS effort training.
Which is amazing, considering some of the outdated advice on crunches included spending hours doing hundreds and even thousands of crunches to get the best results.
Now, you may be thinking, “I bet any blueprint that can give me all of that would cost a small fortune”.
And, in all honesty, It really should.
After all, Crunchless Core has already helped hundreds of athletes, professional sports people and guys and girls, like you and me, achieve rock-solid abs faster and easier than ever without pain.
I’ll get to the price in just a few moments.
First, I want to share a few unique benefits this one-of-a-kind system will deliver to you.
I won’t go into too much detail here, but these are absolutely some of my favorite training strategies…
How about the “bizarre” exercise you can do that instantly relieves the pressure on your spine – nice!
Or how to do LESS reps and get TWICE the results in HALF the time!
Our normal off-the-shelf retail price for Crunchless Core without any additional bonuses, is $97.
Listen: You’re not just getting Crunchless Core when you order today. I have something really special for you.
BONUS 1: Crunchless Core LITE – Home Edition

You’ve shown me how much you desire bulletproof abs. So now I’m tossing in – for a limited time only – one of my best programs as a free fast-action bonus so you can get there even quicker.
The premium gift you’ll receive today is Crunchless Core LITE – Home Edition ($50 Value).
I’m sure you realize when it comes to changing how your body looks and feels, there is one “secret” weapon that will get you to your goals faster than ever. It’s being consistent.
You don’t need a single piece of equipment to complete any of the workouts – they can be done in your garage, office or a hotel room. Every workout can be completed in less than 30 minutes so you can squeeze a complete core routine into even the busiest schedule.
Inside our Crunchless Core LITE bonus program, you’ll discover 16 super-fast core workouts to guarantee you stay on track with your core-building process whenever, wherever.
The program is split into four areas of focus, with four workouts in each section designed to work towards your goals: Power, Strength, Stability and Combination
It’s normally valued at $50 if you bought this separately… but it’s yours FREE today when you take action.
BONUS 2: Exercise Exchange Manual ($25 Value)
I have one more special BONUS for you and it’s called the Crunchless Core Exercise Exchange Manual.
If there are any exercises in the program you can’t perform due to an injury or if the exercise feels too difficult you can refer to this handy Bonus.
It will give you alternative exercises you can swap out for ones you don’t want to do or don’t have the equipment to do.
Don’t worry about any exercises you’re not comfortable with. You can easily exchange or swap it out for one of the regressions from this booklet.
This bonus is valued at $25 but included free with your order today.
Now you can see why Crunchless Core is valued at $97.
Your premium bonuses ALONE are worth $75, which would bring your investment today for Crunchless Core to $172.
However, I have a good reason that I’ll share with you shortly for making you a far better deal. Keep reading and I’ll share why I’m slashing the price for a limited time.
Sure, you could just walk away, chance it, and keep going down the road you’re on now.
And end up spending 10, 20, even 100 times more than the investment you’ll make today on Crunchless Core from a personal trainer. (Or even the cost of physical therapy!)
Then there’s all the time you’ll waste plugging away at squeezing out those hard-to-sculpt abs by still doing what all the freebie programs tell you to do. (Hint: there’s a reason they’re FREE).
And let’s not even TALK about all the time you’ll miss having the chance to show off your beautifully sculpted six-pack at home, at the gym or on the beach.
Neither of us see that as your future, right?
Listen: I’m ready to make this a no-brainer decision for you today.
I feel you deserve to know why I’m offering you such a massive discount today.
Let me share my vision with you: it’s a CAUSE I’m inviting you to join today, along with the thousands of others who are ready too.
I want to help ordinary guys and girls break free from the dangerous and damaging advice that lazy, old-school trainers and coaches use to hold us back.
I want you to have access to the same “insider” knowledge that elite coaches and trainers have known for years… but have kept tight-lipped about for fear of losing their “edge”.
I want to create a level playing field so no-one suffers from the long-lasting effects crunches cause to your posture and spinal health.
I simply cannot let “price” get in the way of you achieving YOUR goals, as well as helping me make a positive impact.
Only on this page, your total investment in Crunchless Core will NOT be $172 today.
Not even close.
Cut that price in half… and you’re STILL not close!
As ridiculous as it sounds, you won’t even pay $49 today!
Today only, and only from this letter, your total investment in Crunchless Core, including the PREMIUM Accelerated Fat Loss Program bonus valued at $50, is ONLY:
Lock in your super-discounted price, which is extremely limited, by clicking on the yellow BUY NOW order button below.
I want you to try Crunchless Core
ON ME for a full 60 days.
If you do not sculpt yourself a chiseled, rock-hard six pack in that time…
If you’re not COMPLETELY DELIGHTED by the program…
Even if you don’t like the clothes I wear in the follow-along video… or my accent… or enthusiasm… no worries! I’ll give back your ENTIRE investment.
No questions asked and no hassles. I’ll refund every penny, because I’m committed to producing results for you, no matter what.
Plus, as part of my Double Guarantee, if you use the program and think I’ve wasted your time or haven’t delivered on my promise, we’ll pay for your next program by allowing you to pick one of our other products.
Click on the yellow button below to secure your discounted price before someone else claims it.
Just have a look at what these clients did following my Two Phase Formula…
Maximum Results – Not a Quick Fix
“I can confidently say that Coach Brian invested some serious time and effort to ensure you learn the proper technique and skills in the Crunchless Core program. His knowledge extends beyond helping you to achieve your personal best but extends to work out plans, diet and lifestyle change guidance.
I promise you will not find just some random workout routines but some amazing exercises and challenges from beginning to end. This workout is about maximum results and not just a quick fix. I am sending a BIG thank you to Coach Brian for sharing his knowledge and passion for fitness with me.”
Stay Injury Free & Train Your Core Without a Single Sit-Up
“I am 54 years old and I have had some injuries the past couple of years and I shared my concerns with Brian Klepacki about trying to stay injury free. He made a plan Crunchless Core to focus on stability and balance as well as strengthening my core using total body movements without ever doing a single sit up.
His knowledge has opened my eyes to a whole new level of training. I will continue to work with Brian to be in the best shape possible.”
Works Even If You’ve Tried Everything Else!
“I have been actively training in one way or another for 15 years. Being mother of 3 with limited time, I have trained with personal trainers, been a runner, a Crossfitter, done Orange Theory, Zumba, Boot Camp, tried training on my own and many other classes in between but most programs have fallen short.
When I started training with Brian I had overuse injuries in both knees from an intense ‘Boot Camp’ that I was attending. In the short time that I have been with Brian, he has not only corrected my knee pain, but he has taught me so much about functional training, my form and corrected things I thought I was doing right for years. I have always had weak abs/core, so Brian has me doing really unique core exercises from Crunchless Core that not only improved my strength, but enhanced my overall functionality as well.
Brian’s functional training model used in Crunchless Core has improved my physical performance and fitness level all around!”
Triathlete Feels Great & Setting Personal Records
“Being a triathlete and former yoga and kickboxing instructor, I’ve had my fare share of training programs as well as injuries. I’ve had multiple knee surgeries so running was always painful and slow to say the least.
Lastly, I work unpredictable long hours in a fast paced, high stress job and I sit ALL day. I started seeing Brian Klepacki after I finished my first half Ironman because I needed help. I couldn’t seem to make time for actual training leading up to my next event, but he had a solution…functional strength training like you’ll find in Crunchless Core
We worked specific muscle groups for biking, running, and swimming, which included a tremendous amount of core and stability training, never once doing ‘traditional’ stomach exercises. The end result was a faster swim without much time in the water, a stronger bike, a much less painful run and I feel great!”
Get Out of the Desk Position!
“If the desk position is hard on your lower back and could cause long term aches and pains, then why would you lay on the ground and repeatably crank your spine over and over into the desk position?”
Yet, just by taking action today, the complete Crunchless Core system, with all the bonuses, PLUS the Super Bonus is yours for only $17.
Now, remember, you’re not just getting an incredible discount today.
You’ll be joining all those guys and girls who have chosen to make a better path for themselves and commit to not working harder but SMARTER to get the results they deserve.
Plus, you’ll join the ever-growing Crunchless Core satisfied customer community.
Click on the BUY NOW button right now and lock in your discounted price today.
Within a few minutes, you’ll have everything at your fingertips: the entire Crunchless Core System, inside the secure members area.
Remember: this includes, today only, your premium bonuses, Crunchless Core LITE – Home Edition and the Exercise Exchange, worth $75!
So your order will be smooth and easy today, I want to show you EXACTLY what to expect after you click the order button below:
First, you’ll be taken to our 100% secure checkout page, which looks like this:
After you order, you’ll be shown ways to customize your order, and even have the opportunity to pick up some valuable “quick-start” bonus materials…
Finally, you’ll arrive at our secure member’s area.
It really is that simple to get started RIGHT NOW.
Remember: you’ve been struggling with chiseling out your powerful six-pack abs for way too long.
Unless you take action today, you run a grave risk of causing serious – possibly irreversible – damage to your spine and pain in your back and neck.
By failing to build your core properly you’re leaving your body out of alignment and unbalanced.
And, worst of all, your midsection simply won’t EVER have that chiseled, Herculean six-pack that comes from training the whole core from inside out.
YET: All of this can be avoided, beginning today, simply by applying the step-by-step program I’ve developed for you in Crunchless Core.
See, I have this vision for you.

Today, you finally have THE answer to your frustrating abs problem at long last – and…
You’re brimming with excitement.
You’re bursting with confidence.
Turning heads as you walk into the room.
You are experiencing the body and health you deserve – at long last!
Yes, it’s true. Your lack of progress and obstacles placed before you – up until today – have been no fault of your own.
It’s true that you’ve been lied to in the past about quick-fix solutions.
And trainers and coaches have perpetuated the “Crunches Myth” to serve their own interests for far too long.
Especially with the ‘MORE CRUNCHES IS BETTER” idea so many of us have tried (including me).
And who can forget all those false promises other coaching “experts” made to you that never stood up to the light of day?
Yet, today is your day to CLAIM your power and take responsibility.
You do it by taking action… doing what you know you MUST DO to see REAL results with a program that WORKS!
Here’s the GOOD NEWS. Unlike all those ridiculous abs workout gimmicks, this one is GUARANTEED to work for you:
I’m asking you right now to just try Crunchless Core for 60 full days, on me… either you are thrilled with your new set of bulletproof six-pack abs, or you pay NOTHING.
Plus, I never leave you hanging – either me or my Support Team will get back to you quickly with any questions you have, so you’ll always feel taken care of.
Immediately after you buy today, you need to do this: wait for the “Welcome” email to arrive in your inbox with your log-in details and log into the members area.
Then head over to the Crunchless Core Workbook and read through the introduction and program breakdown to understand how the Two Phase program is structured. That way you can dive in ASAP and get started seeing results.
Diving into the workbook will guarantee you get your program started in the right way to give your 60 day journey to perfect abs a running start.
Listen, don’t put this off a second longer… let me tell you WHY:
First, keep in mind I’ve discounted Crunchless Core by over $100, completely risk-free to you with its guarantee.
Just know this. I will eventually have to increase the price closer to the retail value, as I’m giving you a massive discount.
So you must act now before I have to do that… it may be today, tomorrow, or in a few weeks…
And, you also don’t want to miss out on my one-time-only bonus offer for Crunchless Core LITE – Home Edition and the Exercise Exchange, reserved ONLY for first-come action-takers.
Those who act today will lock in their discount and these free gifts.
Others won’t be so fortunate.
And, let’s remember: unless you take action now, today, you may NEVER take action.
You may do what so many others do and put it off… you know, for “a few more days?”… which turns into months… even years?
So, now we both know what you REALLY want and need.
And, let’s just face facts, and do the only SMART thing left for you to do.
Get my one-time, limited discount while it’s still available to you, before someone else takes your spot.
And get on the fast track to perfect abs using the smartest, safest, most proven system for developing a rock-solid six-pack on the planet.
CLICK the BUY NOW button below right now, and let’s get you started today.
Move Well. Look Well. Live Well,
Brian Klepacki, MS, CSCS, FMS, CISSN Fat Loss & Core Training Advisor – CriticalBench.com
FAQS ABOUT Crunchless Core
Q: How is this different from other programs?
A: What makes this program unique is that it’s a complete workout. Many other programs focus on simply finding alternatives to crunches – like planks and other movements. And that’s all they do. They don’t offer a complete workout system that actually builds from the core with functional movements which don’t cause wear and tear to your joints.
Q: Why can’t I just find all this online and do it myself?
A: You could try looking for some of this information online or try searching through thousands of articles and studies on core strength and conditioning. Even then you’d still have to go to college and pick up a degree on exercise in order to have access to many of the academic studies and research I used when developing the program.
Ultimately, you won’t be able to replicate this program. What I have developed is based on 15 years helping top class athletes and professional sports people and all my experience and expertise has been poured into this targeted, proven program that I know gets results every time.
You really won’t find another program like it.
Q: How long does the program take?
A: The complete program takes 60 days. This is the optimal amount of time it will take to make significant changes in your core strength and stability so you can develop rock-hard, chiseled abs that turn heads every time.
The program is split into Two Phases of four weeks each. The first phase deals with building up your core stability and strength. The second phase builds on the first and is where you make the gains which help you towards the six-pack you’ve always wanted.
You can, of course, carry on the program as long as you wish.
Q: How does your guarantee work?
A: It’s really simple. If for ANY reason within 60 days of the program you don’t like anything about it, you can simply contact our customer support team and request a full refund, no questions asked. We’re so confident you’ll love the program, we want this to be a no-brainer for you so we’ve removed ALL the risk.
And when we say you can refund for ANY reason, we mean it. In fact, you can try the whole 60 day program and see for yourself the incredible gains you’ll make in such a short time.
You really can prove it works without any risk at all.
Q: Who is this program suitable for?
A: This program has been designed for men and women of any age and at any stage of fitness. Whether you’ve never before done a single crunch or if you’re an experienced athlete, you will benefit from building a strong, bulletproof core using the Crunchless Core principles.
Every single one of the functional exercises is described in detail and the follow-along video shows you exactly how to complete each exercise with perfect form so you maximize your effort into gaining results. I have done all the hard work of breaking it all down in its simplest parts so you don’t have to worry about a thing. It really couldn’t be simpler to follow.
Q: What happens if I’m already injured? Will this work for me?
A: Of course! I’ve worked with numerous athletes to support them and help them back to good health and so I’ve designed the program to help you, too.
The first phase of the program is specifically designed to “reset” and build your core strength. In the process, you will develop better posture, more power and greater stability in your midsection to support the bigger exercises in the second half of the program.
By focusing on working all the deep core muscles rather than just the superficial surface muscles, you’ll bring balance to your body and remove many of the underlying causes behind your injury.
Q: How complicated are the exercises? Do I need any gym equipment?
A: The exercises have been chosen based on their functionality. While I’ve made every effort to keep the program as simple and straightforward as possible, there will inevitably be some exercises which are a little harder than others to perform BUT for good reason. These work your core more effectively and more efficiently by working through all three planes – remember your core is 3D. No matter what the exercise, you’re completely covered by the program. I outlined in detail every single exercise and walk you through each one in the video to ensure you nail perfect form.
You will require either a home gym or a gym in order to complete both phases. That’s simply because there are big movements involved and you need the range of weights a gym gives you.
Q: What if this doesn’t work for me?
A: Crunchless Core really will work for you, I’m sure of it.
Our most successful students of the program followed it through all 60 days and were able to develop beautiful, chiseled abs while remaining injury free.
If, in the highly unlikely event, the program doesn’t work for you, don’t worry. We’ll refund you all your money – if you’re still within the 60 days refund period – no questions asked. Plus we’ll even pay for another one of our proven programs so you can work on another aspect of your strength or conditioning. There really is no risk to you at all.
Stop doing sit-ups: why crunches don’t work – Kate Daily, Newsweek (March 2009)
Are situps and crunches bad for the spine? – Christy Callahan, Livestrong (Aug 2013)
Why crunches don’t work – Ben Greenfield, Huffington Post (May 2012)
Why crunches won’t give you your flat abs, and will hurt your body – Lisa Elaine, Well & Good (May 2012)
Neck safety while doing crunches – Jonathan Thompson, Livestrong (Nov 2015)
Back pain while doing crunches – Elle Di Jensen, Livestrong (June 2015)
Sports hernia 101, Jim Brown, EXOS (May 2009)
Top 10 gym exercises done incorrectly – NHS (October 2015)
The surprising downsides of sit-ups – Claudia Hammond, BBC, (April 2016)
Ab exercises that can cause injury – Amy Robers, Men’s Fitness
Dangerous workouts – avoid these five exercises at all costs to prevent injury – Justin Caba,Medical Daily (Sep 2014)
Is your ab workout hurting your back? Gretchen Reynolds, NY Times (June 2009)
The health hazards of sitting – Bonnie Berkowitz and Patterson Clark, Washington Post (Jan 2014)
Abdominal fat and what to do about it – Harvard Medical School (Sept 2005)
10 exercise myths that won’t go away – Madison Park, CNN (June 2011)
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Crunchless Core
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By simply reading this all the way to the end you will discover:
A superior yet little-known method of decreasing the number of reps while DOUBLING your results in half the time
Exactly how you can work every muscle DEEP into your core for a perfectly balanced stomach using this one strange but effective technique
A powerful, proven technique that “RESETS” your core, dramatically reduces your chances of injury and brings unlimited power to your body
The one ‘tried and true’ technique that MOST people think is the best way to get rock solid abs…but you’ll discover why you must AVOID IT at all costs! (Note: this is a mistake even PROS make)
Why complicated and boring diets are NOT the best way to a flat, washboard stomach (and what you need to focus on instead to guarantee success)
I’ll reveal the truth about sit-ups and crunches from real experts so grab a pen and pad to take notes now.
The real problem when developing a six-pack is there’s so much misinformation out there.
A seemingly endless supply of options, methods, and ideas on how best to achieve perfectly chiseled abs.
Well, here’s the good news.
Today, all your confusion will vanish.
I’m about to reveal an approach that’s unique, surprisingly simple, and works for anyone at any age and any stage of their journey to rock-hard abs.
Keep in mind I would normally charge for this information, as it will help you achieve your goal of developing a six-pack faster and with greater ease.
Before we go any further, however, I feel it’s only fair to level with you:
There’s a rather embarrassing story I need to share before we dive into this new workout method for your abs today.
You’ll understand why this almost got edited from this letter in a few minutes, so brace yourself and keep reading.
You’ll see why my embarrassing little episode is so important to YOUR WORKOUT success in just a few minutes… deal?

Hi, I’m Brian Klepacki
Inside this eye-opening special report is the SECRET KEY to helping you get a flat, defined belly–and why complicated and boring diets are NOT the best way to a flat, washboard stomach (and what you need to focus on instead to guarantee success).
Today, I’m a Certified Strength Coach and owner of a Strength and Conditioning business in Florida.
I have a Masters in Exercise Science with a Concentration of Strength and Conditioning. Certified in Functional Movement and I’m a Certified Strength & Conditioning Specialist.
I know how important it is to sift through fact and fiction to uncover the truth about human performance.
You know, a lot of folks think my biggest breakthroughs come about because of the athletes I’ve trained.
They say, “sure, you can get great results when you’re training Olympic medalists, Pan Am games medalists, pro basketball players, baseball stars…
“… and stars of football, hockey, collegiate lacrosse, soccer and swimming” and so you’d expect these guys to get great results.
Yet the truth will surprise you!
My biggest success – the success I’m most proud of – was from a normal guy I coached, named Mac.
I remember when I first met Mac back in July 2012.
I recall it was a hot summer and it was all you could do to wear shorts and a T-shirt to keep cool. It was HOT!
I was just finishing up training one of my athlete clients in my studio gym and in walks this older guy in running shorts.
He was slim and he was clearly athletic… but right away I could tell he had a problem with his knee as he was nursing a limp.
It looked bad and alarm bells started ringing in my head about whether he was already past the point of no return.
Now Mac, it turns out, was a runner. He was 50 and held a desk job which had him sitting for most of his day.
But despite his activity every day he was in pain.
He was trying to live with chronic back and knee pain.
Now, the story you’re about to hear is pretty bad in places. But this was the experience that led Mac from being in pain all the time to a state of being pain free and stronger and fitter than ever.
And I think you want that, too.
You see when I sat Mac down to talk with him, he was almost in tears. Earlier that day, he’d see his physician who gave him a shocking diagnosis.
He had a herniated disc which was causing him pain.
He had tried to craft a six-pack and build much-needed core strength. Sensible, right?
But the more effort he put in, the more crunches he did… the worse the results were.
So he spent MORE time doing crunches and MORE reps. And still it didn’t show.
All the while, his back pain worsened. Then his knee started aching. And that ache turned into a chronic pain.
Until, finally, he couldn’t even work out anymore.
When he heard from his doctor his spine was damaged it was a wake-up call.
This is how the doctor explained it. Imagine your spinal discs – the discs which sit on top of each other to form your spine – were jelly doughnuts.
These discs are made up of two parts, the nucleus pulposus – or the jelly center – and the outer, protective layer, the annulus fibrosis. Both parts help the disc move.
Now, because Mac was doing so many crunches, it was putting direct pressure on the discs at the point of his back where the crunches flex the spine.
Through wear and tear, it had caused the outer layer of the doughnut to wear away and the jelly – or nucleus pulposa – was being pushed through. You could see the jelly trying to make an escape.
And that’s painful.
It took this shocking “wake-up call” to push Mac to seek help. Now – having heard of the success I had with the athletes I coach – he was at my door.
Just think about that for a moment.
His goal of trying to get rock solid abs to build a strong core left him unable to workout.
He told me it felt like the ground fell from under him.
It already ate away at him every time he looked in the mirror and saw how little his effort was paying off.
Then when the pain became too much… well, he felt he was being kicked when he was down.
“What more could I do?” he asked me, almost in tears.
It was at that instant when Mac came to see me and told me his story, that I drew a line in the sand. I decided to help Mac change his life.
Now, here’s the embarrassing part. Until then, I’d only helped pro athletes and coached elites. My approach to training wasn’t available to the normal folks who really needed my help.
Never again would I allow guys like Mac to suffer unnecessarily, through no fault of their own.
I promised myself I’d bring together all my expertise and experience over my years as a strength and conditioning coach to help ordinary girls and guys escape the tyranny of dangerous training advice.
On that day, I made a promise to create a program designed for people like Mac and yourself to help you build the strong, athletic body and the iron core you want without sacrificing your health and wellbeing.
And thanks to that turning point, I uncovered THE blueprint for perfect abs. And it’s one that works for just about anyone – Pro athlete or amateur
Today, I’m going to share it with you, and save you the endless hassle and years of effort it took me to hone this blueprint… so keep reading.
Keep in mind that, even though I’m a Certified Strength and Conditioning Specialist working with pro-athletes from multiple disciplines, it’s my experience working with and helping folks like you get incredible results faster than you can imagine that really matters.
I just happened to figure out a really simple, step-by-step formula designed for the average person to see massive results when it comes to developing their abs in just 60 days.
This is a system that allows real people to:
Breathe better, stand taller and enjoy better health and more vitality, every waking hour.
Finally develop a stable, strong, armor-plated core to protect your posture and give you explosive power.
Finally, sculpt chiseled beach body abs built properly from inside out that turn heads wherever you go
This is the system I’ve used to give everyone from pro athletes to everyday athletes the strong core they deserve.
So know for a fact that, by using this formula, you’ll be receiving the exact same value as my top elite clients – who I charge $1,000 a day – at a fraction of the cost.
I’ll share all the specifics with you in just a moment, but first…
I feel compelled to be honest with you, and let you know about the real and serious problem you face right now.
This is the foe – “hidden in plain sight” – behind why you’re not getting the results you’ve always wanted.
And this is why a weak core, no definition and a serious threat of debilitating pain is not your fault. Although, after you read this, you know it now becomes your responsibility to take action.
The sad fact is that for years you’ve been misled by “experts” giving outdated advice on how to build your six-pack.
Many of their lies are THE REASON you’ve been let down in the past.
You may have heard, or perhaps even believed at one point, that doing crunches is the ONLY way to get the abs you want.
I can’t believe some coaches or online writers are STILL advocating crunches!
Please, if you have ever believed this, stop right now! I’ll explain why in just a moment…
Just know this: countless other smart guys and girls have fallen – and are still falling – victim to the HUGE “crunches” myth, yet you need to lay it aside right now.
If you don’t, you’ll cause serious – possibly irreversible – damage to your spine.
You’ll end up with chronic pain in your back, neck and knees.
And, you may even end up losing muscle, losing fitness and gaining weight as your body fights against poor posture and being out of alignment.
Listen: this isn’t what I want for you. And I know it’s not what you want for yourself.
The struggle you’ve been experiencing is directly due to this, which is why it’s not your fault.
However, it’s now your responsibility, wouldn’t you agree?
Please don’t blame yourself.
Blame the personal trainers and coaches still pushing outdated training techniques… DECADES after top strength coaches abandoned crunches.
The “crunch” has been an exercise staple since the 1940s. The exercise recommended by late night TV commercials, magazines and wannabe fitness gurus at the gym.
But REAL fitness experts threw crunches as a serious exercise into the trash can YEARS ago, knowing the dangers and how ineffective they are.
Not that it’s stopped all the misinformation spread by sports writers, churning out the same old advice from outdated sources.
And now anyone with a six-pack and Youtube account can claim to be an “expert” and hand out inaccurate, potentially damaging advice.
It’s enough to confuse the smartest person alive… and it confused ME for years. Until I learned the truth from trained professionals.
But place a lot of the blame with sleazy “quick fix” online programs who rely on making bold, baseless claims.
Let me reveal to you the truth about crunches from real experts.
Stuart McGill, professor of spine biomechanics at the University of Waterloo in Canada has conducted dozens of studies replicating the movement of the spine when doing crunches.
After replicating the flexing of the human spine, he examined the discs and found they had been squeezed to the point where they bulged.
This is the reason crunches press on back nerves causing back pain, and can even cause a herniated disc.
(Remember our jelly doughnut…)
The fact of the matter is you should NEVER do crunches or sit-ups. And here’s why:
1) Crunches causes lower back stress.
A 1995 study found sit-ups placed over 3,000N of force on the lower spine, which could cause herniated discs. Imagine willingly applying that force on any other part of your body through exercise? You wouldn’t.
If you fall for the crunch myth, you will end up in pain, either in your back, neck or elsewhere.
2) Your spine has a shelf life. Crunches age your spine.
You only have so many flexions in your spine before it starts to deteriorate. You can’t repair it. You can’t change it. That’s how it is. The more you flex your spine, the more you age your spine.
That’s fact. So why would you actively try to flex your spine at its most vulnerable point causing it to age faster and further?
3) Crunches don’t aid good posture; they reinforce bad posture.
Think about it: what is a crunch?
You’re just replicating the bent over movement you make when you’re sat at a desk or slumped in a seat.
4) Because you’re doing crunches, you’re not PROPERLY working your core.
You’re becoming weaker, less powerful, and more susceptible to problems.
You see, crunches aren’t functional. They don’t replicate ANY natural movement our bodies were designed for. Our bodies thrive on exercises in alignment with their function.
Crunching isn’t a natural movement. It actively opposes the purpose of the spine and works against it. We are meant to be upright and be able to bend, twist, reach and extend.
5) And here’s the worst part… crunches DON’T work.
Yes, you feel the burn. But it’s a fake burn – it feels good, but does it actually deliver results? No.
Crunches miss your core muscles. The narrow range of exercise does nothing to strengthen your deep abdominal muscles, your transversus abdominis, or your obliques. Crunches ONLY work your rectus abdominis close to your skin.
So the abs you DO end up with tell a lie. They don’t represent strength. They don’t represent inner power. Your core is no stronger for these “cosmetic” abs. In fact, they put your midsection out of balance and increase the risk of injury.
What if I told you that creating these “superficial” abs actually takes more, time more energy and wastes MUCH more effort? It’s many times EASIER to build chiseled abs the right way.
Now you’re aware of the myths and lies. You can see how they’ve crippled your ability to gain the six-pack you’ve wanted for years.
It’s time to dig in and rise above the lies using these three tips I have for you today.
Without these tips, your road to a perfect, powerful six-pack will be a rocky one. Yet using these simple strategies, you’ll reach your goal of chiseled abs in no time.
And by far the most IMPORTANT tip is showing you how to “reset” your core so you can build your new washboard abs on strong foundations.
I’ll go into the specifics of my “reset” tip in just a second, so by all means, keep reading.
The first thing I have to WARN you is to avoid isolation exercises.
I used to believe isolation exercises were actually essential when it came to your core! Now I know better, and so do you…
Here’s what will happen if you carry on using isolation exercises as part of your core workout:
Your body is designed to work as a unit. Individual muscles aren’t meant to be worked in isolation. When you work one area without working surrounding muscles, it causes an imbalance. Strong muscles in one area can overpower weak muscles, offering a false sense of security and risking serious injury.
Here’s the secret: only by fully engaging your core in every plane can you fire up all the muscles in the midsection, front, side, and rear to bring balance to your body. When you do this, you’ll properly work the deep muscles of the core.
So here’s what you do instead: powerful functional exercises that work your core across three planes of motion. Your core needs to be worked in 3D.
By just doing functional rather than isolation movements as part of your workout you’ll see more impressive gains in far, far less time.
Just picture it:
People will look at you in amazement when you develop rock-hard, chiseled abs without doing a single crunch or wasting hours eeking out marginal gains. With functional movements as part of a complete workout program, everything works in harmony to burn fat, increase energy and build muscle through the core.
That’s not all: you’ll also shave hours and days off the amount of time you need to train your core.
The benefits of this simple tip continue to surprise me, and it continues to astound all the athletes I’ve taught it to
Well, listen to this one.
Would it surprise you to discover you can actually enjoy the foods you REALLY want to eat when building chiseled abs?
Most people believe you have to haul yourself through the process of complicated and boring diets, but I would rather see you eat foods you enjoy and STICK to a long-term program.
Enjoying your abs diet starts here: simply forget about calorie restriction – this only results in weight loss, NOT fat loss, which is where you want to put your focus.
You also need to train your body to use fat as an energy source and taking steps to improve your gut health will flip the switch on improving your rate of fat loss.
Just picture it:
People will be STUNNED when they see you efficiently sculpting a set of abs your buddies will be jealous of when they’re still dieting and missing out!
Enjoying the journey is the key to staying on the path, and this simple nutrition strategy will get you there fast!
And, it’s about to get even better, because now I’ll be sharing my most VITAL tip when it comes to killer abs.
The other tips I just gave you were great, but without applying THIS tip to the rest? Forget about succeeding in your goals.
This simple tip is the center of the Perfect Abs Equation: hitting the “reset” button on your core strength.
It’s the tactic behind ALL success in developing a rock-solid six-pack because it allows you to build your core on solid foundations, working every muscle effectively for a balanced midsection that properly supports your body.
This is my patented Two Phase Principle, used successfully by virtually every six-pack celebrity or athlete, even if they don’t know it!
Here’s what you do: you break down your eight week plan into two distinct phases of training, each designed for a specific purpose.
This is the bedrock foundation of my entire strategy. It’s one that will give you a lifetime of power and strength in your core that makes sculpting chiseled abs easier than you could ever imagine.
Just imagine what your life will feel like when you MASTER this Two Phase process!
You’ll forever leave behind the frustrations you’ve no-doubt experienced when it comes to working your abs. All those frustrations end TODAY.
And this is happening in your life simply because you NOW know this formula.
It’s the little-known success strategy enjoyed by the elite… and now it’s your turn!
Okay, that was a TON of valuable information. You may be feeling a bit unsure of where and how to get started and that’s fine.
All this means is that you have two simple choices to make, right now:
Choice 1: You can take all the tips and info I just gave you and try to put the puzzle pieces together on your own, without help.
You never know! You may eventually put the pieces of the puzzle together on your own, but it will take a lot longer and there’s no guarantee you’ll make it.
Or, there’s the smarter choice. The one savvy men and women take to speed up their progress towards owning a washboard stomach.
This is the quickest, fastest, and smartest way possible to stunning abs without doing a single, dangerous crunch.
Look… there’s no reason to try this on your own – I’ve already done all the work for you, right?
There’s no need to scratch your head in frustration, guessing your way to “halfway there”, because I’ve already created the ideal system for you.
It’s a system I’ve perfected and tested for years on countless thousands of men and women like you.
Here’s what the vast majority decide to do – it’s called:
The safest, most effective way to sculpt chiseled abs and develop an iron core in just 60 days without screwing up your spine.
My results-focused, step-by-step program guarantees you finally get the abs you want…even if:
You have limited time in your day to focus on building rock solid abs… in fact, by doing this functional program you’ll get a complete workout.
You don’t know the first thing about core exercises and they’ve never been part of your workout. I explain every single exercise in detail with follow-along videos designed to guarantee you hit perfect form right away.
You think you’re light years away from getting abs. Look… every journey starts with a single step. This program breaks down the journey into simple, digestible chunks. Start now and within 60 days you’ll see bigger, more impressive results than you can imagine.
You’re already injured. The truth is most people come to me already suffering from back pain, neck pain or some other problem caused by poor posture or their body being out of alignment. Through my program, you’ll feel strength – real strength – in your core to balance and properly align your body.
Or even if you think you’ve tried EVERYTHING!
To save your time, and mine, let me be upfront and tell you what Crunchless Core is NOT, before I tell you what it IS.
Crunchless Core is NOT a “quick-fix” abs program promising quick results with no effort down.
Crunchless Core is NOT a “crunches-replacement” or a hastily thrown together collection of plank alternatives you can find online that simply DON’T work. It is a complete workout system that trains your abs in 3D for the best results.
Don’t you think you’ve been fed enough myths about crunches? Isn’t it enough? Isn’t it time to start using what’s PROVEN to work?
Crunchless Core is the direct result of over 15 years of studying and working with athletes one-on-one to discover what works.
I uncovered the hidden patterns and unique (sometimes ‘odd’) tactics they use to stay strong, powerful and injury-free in the world of competitive sport.
And now, from this point forward, you’ll have the tools to do just the same.
The strategies of the truly successful can NOW be duplicated easily by you, giving you:
A strong, powerful core that protects you from bad posture and keeps you upright, strong and filled with energy and vitality
The freedom to work out in LESS time with LESS effort so you can achieve even BIGGER gains.
And all of this, while you quickly achieve a rock-solid washboard stomach with abs that pop, faster than ever before possible!
Before we go one step further, I need to be 100% honest with you.
I hope you’re not one of “those” types looking for the next “7 Minute Instant Abs” quick-fix that promises the earth but just leaves your wallet leaner.
You get it: more garbage that doesn’t work, never has worked, and never WILL work for you.
Then do us both a favor and just forget all about Crunchless Core, because it’s not going to give you ‘impossible’ results just SOLID results…
Crunchless Core isn’t pie-in-the-sky fantasy land nonsense.
It’s the REAL deal.
And it’s only for folks like you who are serious about building an iron core and enjoying eye-popping abs.
There are no push button answers to succeeding in sculpting abs you can be proud of. Nothing in this life is easy, and you know that, but THIS is as easy as it gets…
So, if you’re like most folks watching this presentation, and you’re 100% ready for REAL to succeed, here’s what you’re going to receive.
If you really want to:
Sculpt a ripped, chiseled core with an impressive six-pack and abs that pop right out
Build a bulletproof midsection to protect and support your whole body and guarantee good posture so you can breathe, move and workout better
Enjoy explosive power and optimal performance right through your core without risking serious injury or weakness
Then Crunchless Core isn’t just “a” solution for you… it’s the ONLY solution for you.
What Others Are Saying About Crunchless Core
Having a Strong Core is a Requirement for Long-Term Health of the Skeletal and Muscular System
“Brian’s method of core training is unique and unlike anything I’ve seen in my career as an orthopedic surgeon. His training style, combined with his knowledge of functional movement would benefit athletes, workout enthusiasts, and weekend warriors in every gym, clinic, and training center.
I find Brian’s core workouts beneficial and appropriate for a broad range of patients and athletes. In fact, I would probably perform fewer surgeries if people followed his core strengthening approach.”
Athletic Trainer Approved
“I have worked as an Athletic Trainer for nearly 20 years, and when it comes to the core, people still today only think of crunching till they have a “6-pack.” The thought that one can focus on one area and “spot reduce” only increases the very dysfunctional thought.
To truly have a great core that protects not only the athlete, but also all of us, a comprehensive, “full circle” approach to its strength and flexibility is needed.
The program that Brian has implemented addresses the entire scope of the core, its function for optimal strength, and perhaps the most crucial…the durability of the spine to avoid injury.
Let’s face it, lying down and doing the standard crunch only increases unwanted pressure into the cervical spine and at the end of the day offers next to no core strength benefits.
Brian’s program addresses the abdominal flexors, extensors, rotators and stabilizers. It also strengthens the hips that supports the core with large muscles and allows it to move in full ranges of motion without pain and potential injury.
By performing the types of dynamic stabilization…planking for example…Brian is able to provide a comprehensive core strengthening program that will not only give a person the durability and desired function they are after, but also be the actual way to bring about that “6-pack” we all like to show off!
I have been blessed to work with athletes of all kinds over the years, from Randy “Macho Man” Savage to pitcher Frank Viola and many other professional and collegiate athletes.
But no matter what age, level or ability, none of them could perform without a strong and flexible core as the foundation. If you want to enjoy your highest level of fitness…and do it pain free…get off the crunching floor and experience success through Brian’s program!”
Over 40? No Problem!
“As a male over 40, I’ve probably tried just about every exercise regime imaginable, so I’m constantly looking for different things to keep my body guessing and my workouts fresh.
When I saw that Critical Bench was launching Crunchless Core, I knew I had to try it. From day one I knew this 8 week program was legitimate from the intensity level it puts you at. Keeping up with the program is easy and works with any schedule. If you truly want results, I highly recommend Crunchless Core!”
Don’t Isolate the Abs – Integrate Them Into Movement
“Current research has shown the downside of performing endless crunches and sit-ups for abdominal development. Coach Brian has done a good job creating a program that will work the abdominals in a more comprehensive manner, using exercises that integrate the abs into movement.”
To Look Athletic You Have to Be Athletic
“I have people all the time ask me, “How do I get abs like you, how do I get shredded?” Well, I finally have an easy way to answer their question; With this program!
Crunchless Core addresses all the issues with getting fit. It lays out your programming and gives detailed explanations of every aspect. This is the way I personally recommend you train.
Laying on the floor doing countless crunches is a thing of the past. If you want to look athletic, then you have to be athletic! Crunchless Core will lead you down the path to 6-pack gold!”
Sculpted Abs Without Neck or Back Pain
“I spend hours at the gym every week trying to improve my body and much of that time is dedicated to sculpting my abs. Like most people, I do many of the same exercises over and over again with good results but I must say I was super impressed with the variety of movements found in Crunchless Core…many I’ve never done before.
They were very challenging and I could feel the muscles working every where in my body and not just my abs. I also noticed zero neck or back pain after working out hard.
The movements are all carefully designed to fully engage the core and strengthen the entire body without having to do boring crunches and sit ups like you find in most other workout programs. Two thumbs up for me!”
Tightens Up the Entire Body
“I’m 50 years old and the CA2.0 program is awesome! My results came from following the program closely along with the consistent diet.
In just under 60 days I was able to noticeably tighten up my entire body and get the 6-pack abs I always wanted. I am very happy and will definitely recommend this program to other people!”
Have a look at what’s included in Crunchless Core, all designed to get you on the path to perfect abs within just 60 days:
On page four, you’ll discover the secret behind my “Two-Phase” Total Body Program.
You’ll completely transform your core from the inside-out in just 60 days with the Two Phase Total Body Program. The program includes over eight total body workouts containing over 70 functional exercises… and NOT A CRUNCH IN SIGHT!
We’re talking the highest quality content you can imagine as I walk you through the easy-to-follow instructional videos designed to show you PERFECT form.
You’ve no-doubt noticed that Crunchless Core is, without question, the safest, most efficient program giving you a stronger, more powerful core.
Which naturally opens up the possibility for you to see a rapid transformation within just eight weeks.
And it goes without saying that this program makes your life MUCH easier.
Here’s what I mean:
Each four-week phase is designed to train your core as a unit – rather than isolating the outer muscles. This way, you’ll burn more calories, add stability through your midsection and look beach-ready by the time the end of the program rolls around… all while spending LESS time and LESS effort training.
Which is amazing, considering some of the outdated advice on crunches included spending hours doing hundreds and even thousands of crunches to get the best results.
Now, you may be thinking, “I bet any blueprint that can give me all of that would cost a small fortune”.
And, in all honesty, It really should.
After all, Crunchless Core has already helped hundreds of athletes, professional sports people and guys and girls, like you and me, achieve rock-solid abs faster and easier than ever without pain.
I’ll get to the price in just a few moments.
First, I want to share a few unique benefits this one-of-a-kind system will deliver to you.
I won’t go into too much detail here, but these are absolutely some of my favorite training strategies…
How about the “bizarre” exercise you can do that instantly relieves the pressure on your spine – nice!
Or how to do LESS reps and get TWICE the results in HALF the time!
Our normal off-the-shelf retail price for Crunchless Core without any additional bonuses, is $97.
Listen: You’re not just getting Crunchless Core when you order today. I have something really special for you.
BONUS 1: Crunchless Core LITE – Home Edition

You’ve shown me how much you desire bulletproof abs. So now I’m tossing in – for a limited time only – one of my best programs as a free fast-action bonus so you can get there even quicker.
The premium gift you’ll receive today is Crunchless Core LITE – Home Edition ($50 Value).
I’m sure you realize when it comes to changing how your body looks and feels, there is one “secret” weapon that will get you to your goals faster than ever. It’s being consistent.
You don’t need a single piece of equipment to complete any of the workouts – they can be done in your garage, office or a hotel room. Every workout can be completed in less than 30 minutes so you can squeeze a complete core routine into even the busiest schedule.
Inside our Crunchless Core LITE bonus program, you’ll discover 16 super-fast core workouts to guarantee you stay on track with your core-building process whenever, wherever.
The program is split into four areas of focus, with four workouts in each section designed to work towards your goals: Power, Strength, Stability and Combination
It’s normally valued at $50 if you bought this separately… but it’s yours FREE today when you take action.
BONUS 2: Exercise Exchange Manual ($25 Value)
I have one more special BONUS for you and it’s called the Crunchless Core Exercise Exchange Manual.
If there are any exercises in the program you can’t perform due to an injury or if the exercise feels too difficult you can refer to this handy Bonus.
It will give you alternative exercises you can swap out for ones you don’t want to do or don’t have the equipment to do.
Don’t worry about any exercises you’re not comfortable with. You can easily exchange or swap it out for one of the regressions from this booklet.
This bonus is valued at $25 but included free with your order today.
Now you can see why Crunchless Core is valued at $97.
Your premium bonuses ALONE are worth $75, which would bring your investment today for Crunchless Core to $172.
However, I have a good reason that I’ll share with you shortly for making you a far better deal. Keep reading and I’ll share why I’m slashing the price for a limited time.
Sure, you could just walk away, chance it, and keep going down the road you’re on now.
And end up spending 10, 20, even 100 times more than the investment you’ll make today on Crunchless Core from a personal trainer. (Or even the cost of physical therapy!)
Then there’s all the time you’ll waste plugging away at squeezing out those hard-to-sculpt abs by still doing what all the freebie programs tell you to do. (Hint: there’s a reason they’re FREE).
And let’s not even TALK about all the time you’ll miss having the chance to show off your beautifully sculpted six-pack at home, at the gym or on the beach.
Neither of us see that as your future, right?
Listen: I’m ready to make this a no-brainer decision for you today.
I feel you deserve to know why I’m offering you such a massive discount today.
Let me share my vision with you: it’s a CAUSE I’m inviting you to join today, along with the thousands of others who are ready too.
I want to help ordinary guys and girls break free from the dangerous and damaging advice that lazy, old-school trainers and coaches use to hold us back.
I want you to have access to the same “insider” knowledge that elite coaches and trainers have known for years… but have kept tight-lipped about for fear of losing their “edge”.
I want to create a level playing field so no-one suffers from the long-lasting effects crunches cause to your posture and spinal health.
I simply cannot let “price” get in the way of you achieving YOUR goals, as well as helping me make a positive impact.
Only on this page, your total investment in Crunchless Core will NOT be $172 today.
Not even close.
Cut that price in half… and you’re STILL not close!
As ridiculous as it sounds, you won’t even pay $49 today!
Today only, and only from this letter, your total investment in Crunchless Core, including the PREMIUM Accelerated Fat Loss Program bonus valued at $50, is ONLY:
Lock in your super-discounted price, which is extremely limited, by clicking on the yellow BUY NOW order button below.
I want you to try Crunchless Core
ON ME for a full 60 days.
If you do not sculpt yourself a chiseled, rock-hard six pack in that time…
If you’re not COMPLETELY DELIGHTED by the program…
Even if you don’t like the clothes I wear in the follow-along video… or my accent… or enthusiasm… no worries! I’ll give back your ENTIRE investment.
No questions asked and no hassles. I’ll refund every penny, because I’m committed to producing results for you, no matter what.
Plus, as part of my Double Guarantee, if you use the program and think I’ve wasted your time or haven’t delivered on my promise, we’ll pay for your next program by allowing you to pick one of our other products.
Click on the yellow button below to secure your discounted price before someone else claims it.
Just have a look at what these clients did following my Two Phase Formula…
Maximum Results – Not a Quick Fix
“I can confidently say that Coach Brian invested some serious time and effort to ensure you learn the proper technique and skills in the Crunchless Core program. His knowledge extends beyond helping you to achieve your personal best but extends to work out plans, diet and lifestyle change guidance.
I promise you will not find just some random workout routines but some amazing exercises and challenges from beginning to end. This workout is about maximum results and not just a quick fix. I am sending a BIG thank you to Coach Brian for sharing his knowledge and passion for fitness with me.”
Stay Injury Free & Train Your Core Without a Single Sit-Up
“I am 54 years old and I have had some injuries the past couple of years and I shared my concerns with Brian Klepacki about trying to stay injury free. He made a plan Crunchless Core to focus on stability and balance as well as strengthening my core using total body movements without ever doing a single sit up.
His knowledge has opened my eyes to a whole new level of training. I will continue to work with Brian to be in the best shape possible.”
Works Even If You’ve Tried Everything Else!
“I have been actively training in one way or another for 15 years. Being mother of 3 with limited time, I have trained with personal trainers, been a runner, a Crossfitter, done Orange Theory, Zumba, Boot Camp, tried training on my own and many other classes in between but most programs have fallen short.
When I started training with Brian I had overuse injuries in both knees from an intense ‘Boot Camp’ that I was attending. In the short time that I have been with Brian, he has not only corrected my knee pain, but he has taught me so much about functional training, my form and corrected things I thought I was doing right for years. I have always had weak abs/core, so Brian has me doing really unique core exercises from Crunchless Core that not only improved my strength, but enhanced my overall functionality as well.
Brian’s functional training model used in Crunchless Core has improved my physical performance and fitness level all around!”
Triathlete Feels Great & Setting Personal Records
“Being a triathlete and former yoga and kickboxing instructor, I’ve had my fare share of training programs as well as injuries. I’ve had multiple knee surgeries so running was always painful and slow to say the least.
Lastly, I work unpredictable long hours in a fast paced, high stress job and I sit ALL day. I started seeing Brian Klepacki after I finished my first half Ironman because I needed help. I couldn’t seem to make time for actual training leading up to my next event, but he had a solution…functional strength training like you’ll find in Crunchless Core
We worked specific muscle groups for biking, running, and swimming, which included a tremendous amount of core and stability training, never once doing ‘traditional’ stomach exercises. The end result was a faster swim without much time in the water, a stronger bike, a much less painful run and I feel great!”
Get Out of the Desk Position!
“If the desk position is hard on your lower back and could cause long term aches and pains, then why would you lay on the ground and repeatably crank your spine over and over into the desk position?”
Yet, just by taking action today, the complete Crunchless Core system, with all the bonuses, PLUS the Super Bonus is yours for only $17.
Now, remember, you’re not just getting an incredible discount today.
You’ll be joining all those guys and girls who have chosen to make a better path for themselves and commit to not working harder but SMARTER to get the results they deserve.
Plus, you’ll join the ever-growing Crunchless Core satisfied customer community.
Click on the BUY NOW button right now and lock in your discounted price today.
Within a few minutes, you’ll have everything at your fingertips: the entire Crunchless Core System, inside the secure members area.
Remember: this includes, today only, your premium bonuses, Crunchless Core LITE – Home Edition and the Exercise Exchange, worth $75!
So your order will be smooth and easy today, I want to show you EXACTLY what to expect after you click the order button below:
First, you’ll be taken to our 100% secure checkout page, which looks like this:
After you order, you’ll be shown ways to customize your order, and even have the opportunity to pick up some valuable “quick-start” bonus materials…
Finally, you’ll arrive at our secure member’s area.
It really is that simple to get started RIGHT NOW.
Remember: you’ve been struggling with chiseling out your powerful six-pack abs for way too long.
Unless you take action today, you run a grave risk of causing serious – possibly irreversible – damage to your spine and pain in your back and neck.
By failing to build your core properly you’re leaving your body out of alignment and unbalanced.
And, worst of all, your midsection simply won’t EVER have that chiseled, Herculean six-pack that comes from training the whole core from inside out.
YET: All of this can be avoided, beginning today, simply by applying the step-by-step program I’ve developed for you in Crunchless Core.
See, I have this vision for you.

Today, you finally have THE answer to your frustrating abs problem at long last – and…
You’re brimming with excitement.
You’re bursting with confidence.
Turning heads as you walk into the room.
You are experiencing the body and health you deserve – at long last!
Yes, it’s true. Your lack of progress and obstacles placed before you – up until today – have been no fault of your own.
It’s true that you’ve been lied to in the past about quick-fix solutions.
And trainers and coaches have perpetuated the “Crunches Myth” to serve their own interests for far too long.
Especially with the ‘MORE CRUNCHES IS BETTER” idea so many of us have tried (including me).
And who can forget all those false promises other coaching “experts” made to you that never stood up to the light of day?
Yet, today is your day to CLAIM your power and take responsibility.
You do it by taking action… doing what you know you MUST DO to see REAL results with a program that WORKS!
Here’s the GOOD NEWS. Unlike all those ridiculous abs workout gimmicks, this one is GUARANTEED to work for you:
I’m asking you right now to just try Crunchless Core for 60 full days, on me… either you are thrilled with your new set of bulletproof six-pack abs, or you pay NOTHING.
Plus, I never leave you hanging – either me or my Support Team will get back to you quickly with any questions you have, so you’ll always feel taken care of.
Immediately after you buy today, you need to do this: wait for the “Welcome” email to arrive in your inbox with your log-in details and log into the members area.
Then head over to the Crunchless Core Workbook and read through the introduction and program breakdown to understand how the Two Phase program is structured. That way you can dive in ASAP and get started seeing results.
Diving into the workbook will guarantee you get your program started in the right way to give your 60 day journey to perfect abs a running start.
Listen, don’t put this off a second longer… let me tell you WHY:
First, keep in mind I’ve discounted Crunchless Core by over $100, completely risk-free to you with its guarantee.
Just know this. I will eventually have to increase the price closer to the retail value, as I’m giving you a massive discount.
So you must act now before I have to do that… it may be today, tomorrow, or in a few weeks…
And, you also don’t want to miss out on my one-time-only bonus offer for Crunchless Core LITE – Home Edition and the Exercise Exchange, reserved ONLY for first-come action-takers.
Those who act today will lock in their discount and these free gifts.
Others won’t be so fortunate.
And, let’s remember: unless you take action now, today, you may NEVER take action.
You may do what so many others do and put it off… you know, for “a few more days?”… which turns into months… even years?
So, now we both know what you REALLY want and need.
And, let’s just face facts, and do the only SMART thing left for you to do.
Get my one-time, limited discount while it’s still available to you, before someone else takes your spot.
And get on the fast track to perfect abs using the smartest, safest, most proven system for developing a rock-solid six-pack on the planet.
CLICK the BUY NOW button below right now, and let’s get you started today.
Move Well. Look Well. Live Well,
Brian Klepacki, MS, CSCS, FMS, CISSN Fat Loss & Core Training Advisor – CriticalBench.com
FAQS ABOUT Crunchless Core
Q: How is this different from other programs?
A: What makes this program unique is that it’s a complete workout. Many other programs focus on simply finding alternatives to crunches – like planks and other movements. And that’s all they do. They don’t offer a complete workout system that actually builds from the core with functional movements which don’t cause wear and tear to your joints.
Q: Why can’t I just find all this online and do it myself?
A: You could try looking for some of this information online or try searching through thousands of articles and studies on core strength and conditioning. Even then you’d still have to go to college and pick up a degree on exercise in order to have access to many of the academic studies and research I used when developing the program.
Ultimately, you won’t be able to replicate this program. What I have developed is based on 15 years helping top class athletes and professional sports people and all my experience and expertise has been poured into this targeted, proven program that I know gets results every time.
You really won’t find another program like it.
Q: How long does the program take?
A: The complete program takes 60 days. This is the optimal amount of time it will take to make significant changes in your core strength and stability so you can develop rock-hard, chiseled abs that turn heads every time.
The program is split into Two Phases of four weeks each. The first phase deals with building up your core stability and strength. The second phase builds on the first and is where you make the gains which help you towards the six-pack you’ve always wanted.
You can, of course, carry on the program as long as you wish.
Q: How does your guarantee work?
A: It’s really simple. If for ANY reason within 60 days of the program you don’t like anything about it, you can simply contact our customer support team and request a full refund, no questions asked. We’re so confident you’ll love the program, we want this to be a no-brainer for you so we’ve removed ALL the risk.
And when we say you can refund for ANY reason, we mean it. In fact, you can try the whole 60 day program and see for yourself the incredible gains you’ll make in such a short time.
You really can prove it works without any risk at all.
Q: Who is this program suitable for?
A: This program has been designed for men and women of any age and at any stage of fitness. Whether you’ve never before done a single crunch or if you’re an experienced athlete, you will benefit from building a strong, bulletproof core using the Crunchless Core principles.
Every single one of the functional exercises is described in detail and the follow-along video shows you exactly how to complete each exercise with perfect form so you maximize your effort into gaining results. I have done all the hard work of breaking it all down in its simplest parts so you don’t have to worry about a thing. It really couldn’t be simpler to follow.
Q: What happens if I’m already injured? Will this work for me?
A: Of course! I’ve worked with numerous athletes to support them and help them back to good health and so I’ve designed the program to help you, too.
The first phase of the program is specifically designed to “reset” and build your core strength. In the process, you will develop better posture, more power and greater stability in your midsection to support the bigger exercises in the second half of the program.
By focusing on working all the deep core muscles rather than just the superficial surface muscles, you’ll bring balance to your body and remove many of the underlying causes behind your injury.
Q: How complicated are the exercises? Do I need any gym equipment?
A: The exercises have been chosen based on their functionality. While I’ve made every effort to keep the program as simple and straightforward as possible, there will inevitably be some exercises which are a little harder than others to perform BUT for good reason. These work your core more effectively and more efficiently by working through all three planes – remember your core is 3D. No matter what the exercise, you’re completely covered by the program. I outlined in detail every single exercise and walk you through each one in the video to ensure you nail perfect form.
You will require either a home gym or a gym in order to complete both phases. That’s simply because there are big movements involved and you need the range of weights a gym gives you.
Q: What if this doesn’t work for me?
A: Crunchless Core really will work for you, I’m sure of it.
Our most successful students of the program followed it through all 60 days and were able to develop beautiful, chiseled abs while remaining injury free.
If, in the highly unlikely event, the program doesn’t work for you, don’t worry. We’ll refund you all your money – if you’re still within the 60 days refund period – no questions asked. Plus we’ll even pay for another one of our proven programs so you can work on another aspect of your strength or conditioning. There really is no risk to you at all.
Stop doing sit-ups: why crunches don’t work – Kate Daily, Newsweek (March 2009)
Are situps and crunches bad for the spine? – Christy Callahan, Livestrong (Aug 2013)
Why crunches don’t work – Ben Greenfield, Huffington Post (May 2012)
Why crunches won’t give you your flat abs, and will hurt your body – Lisa Elaine, Well & Good (May 2012)
Neck safety while doing crunches – Jonathan Thompson, Livestrong (Nov 2015)
Back pain while doing crunches – Elle Di Jensen, Livestrong (June 2015)
Sports hernia 101, Jim Brown, EXOS (May 2009)
Top 10 gym exercises done incorrectly – NHS (October 2015)
The surprising downsides of sit-ups – Claudia Hammond, BBC, (April 2016)
Ab exercises that can cause injury – Amy Robers, Men’s Fitness
Dangerous workouts – avoid these five exercises at all costs to prevent injury – Justin Caba,Medical Daily (Sep 2014)
Is your ab workout hurting your back? Gretchen Reynolds, NY Times (June 2009)
The health hazards of sitting – Bonnie Berkowitz and Patterson Clark, Washington Post (Jan 2014)
Abdominal fat and what to do about it – Harvard Medical School (Sept 2005)
10 exercise myths that won’t go away – Madison Park, CNN (June 2011)
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By simply reading this all the way to the end you will discover:
A superior yet little-known method of decreasing the number of reps while DOUBLING your results in half the time
Exactly how you can work every muscle DEEP into your core for a perfectly balanced stomach using this one strange but effective technique
A powerful, proven technique that “RESETS” your core, dramatically reduces your chances of injury and brings unlimited power to your body
The one ‘tried and true’ technique that MOST people think is the best way to get rock solid abs…but you’ll discover why you must AVOID IT at all costs! (Note: this is a mistake even PROS make)
Why complicated and boring diets are NOT the best way to a flat, washboard stomach (and what you need to focus on instead to guarantee success)
I’ll reveal the truth about sit-ups and crunches from real experts so grab a pen and pad to take notes now.
The real problem when developing a six-pack is there’s so much misinformation out there.
A seemingly endless supply of options, methods, and ideas on how best to achieve perfectly chiseled abs.
Well, here’s the good news.
Today, all your confusion will vanish.
I’m about to reveal an approach that’s unique, surprisingly simple, and works for anyone at any age and any stage of their journey to rock-hard abs.
Keep in mind I would normally charge for this information, as it will help you achieve your goal of developing a six-pack faster and with greater ease.
Before we go any further, however, I feel it’s only fair to level with you:
There’s a rather embarrassing story I need to share before we dive into this new workout method for your abs today.
You’ll understand why this almost got edited from this letter in a few minutes, so brace yourself and keep reading.
You’ll see why my embarrassing little episode is so important to YOUR WORKOUT success in just a few minutes… deal?

Hi, I’m Brian Klepacki
Inside this eye-opening special report is the SECRET KEY to helping you get a flat, defined belly–and why complicated and boring diets are NOT the best way to a flat, washboard stomach (and what you need to focus on instead to guarantee success).
Today, I’m a Certified Strength Coach and owner of a Strength and Conditioning business in Florida.
I have a Masters in Exercise Science with a Concentration of Strength and Conditioning. Certified in Functional Movement and I’m a Certified Strength & Conditioning Specialist.
I know how important it is to sift through fact and fiction to uncover the truth about human performance.
You know, a lot of folks think my biggest breakthroughs come about because of the athletes I’ve trained.
They say, “sure, you can get great results when you’re training Olympic medalists, Pan Am games medalists, pro basketball players, baseball stars…
“… and stars of football, hockey, collegiate lacrosse, soccer and swimming” and so you’d expect these guys to get great results.
Yet the truth will surprise you!
My biggest success – the success I’m most proud of – was from a normal guy I coached, named Mac.
I remember when I first met Mac back in July 2012.
I recall it was a hot summer and it was all you could do to wear shorts and a T-shirt to keep cool. It was HOT!
I was just finishing up training one of my athlete clients in my studio gym and in walks this older guy in running shorts.
He was slim and he was clearly athletic… but right away I could tell he had a problem with his knee as he was nursing a limp.
It looked bad and alarm bells started ringing in my head about whether he was already past the point of no return.
Now Mac, it turns out, was a runner. He was 50 and held a desk job which had him sitting for most of his day.
But despite his activity every day he was in pain.
He was trying to live with chronic back and knee pain.
Now, the story you’re about to hear is pretty bad in places. But this was the experience that led Mac from being in pain all the time to a state of being pain free and stronger and fitter than ever.
And I think you want that, too.
You see when I sat Mac down to talk with him, he was almost in tears. Earlier that day, he’d see his physician who gave him a shocking diagnosis.
He had a herniated disc which was causing him pain.
He had tried to craft a six-pack and build much-needed core strength. Sensible, right?
But the more effort he put in, the more crunches he did… the worse the results were.
So he spent MORE time doing crunches and MORE reps. And still it didn’t show.
All the while, his back pain worsened. Then his knee started aching. And that ache turned into a chronic pain.
Until, finally, he couldn’t even work out anymore.
When he heard from his doctor his spine was damaged it was a wake-up call.
This is how the doctor explained it. Imagine your spinal discs – the discs which sit on top of each other to form your spine – were jelly doughnuts.
These discs are made up of two parts, the nucleus pulposus – or the jelly center – and the outer, protective layer, the annulus fibrosis. Both parts help the disc move.
Now, because Mac was doing so many crunches, it was putting direct pressure on the discs at the point of his back where the crunches flex the spine.
Through wear and tear, it had caused the outer layer of the doughnut to wear away and the jelly – or nucleus pulposa – was being pushed through. You could see the jelly trying to make an escape.
And that’s painful.
It took this shocking “wake-up call” to push Mac to seek help. Now – having heard of the success I had with the athletes I coach – he was at my door.
Just think about that for a moment.
His goal of trying to get rock solid abs to build a strong core left him unable to workout.
He told me it felt like the ground fell from under him.
It already ate away at him every time he looked in the mirror and saw how little his effort was paying off.
Then when the pain became too much… well, he felt he was being kicked when he was down.
“What more could I do?” he asked me, almost in tears.
It was at that instant when Mac came to see me and told me his story, that I drew a line in the sand. I decided to help Mac change his life.
Now, here’s the embarrassing part. Until then, I’d only helped pro athletes and coached elites. My approach to training wasn’t available to the normal folks who really needed my help.
Never again would I allow guys like Mac to suffer unnecessarily, through no fault of their own.
I promised myself I’d bring together all my expertise and experience over my years as a strength and conditioning coach to help ordinary girls and guys escape the tyranny of dangerous training advice.
On that day, I made a promise to create a program designed for people like Mac and yourself to help you build the strong, athletic body and the iron core you want without sacrificing your health and wellbeing.
And thanks to that turning point, I uncovered THE blueprint for perfect abs. And it’s one that works for just about anyone – Pro athlete or amateur
Today, I’m going to share it with you, and save you the endless hassle and years of effort it took me to hone this blueprint… so keep reading.
Keep in mind that, even though I’m a Certified Strength and Conditioning Specialist working with pro-athletes from multiple disciplines, it’s my experience working with and helping folks like you get incredible results faster than you can imagine that really matters.
I just happened to figure out a really simple, step-by-step formula designed for the average person to see massive results when it comes to developing their abs in just 60 days.
This is a system that allows real people to:
Breathe better, stand taller and enjoy better health and more vitality, every waking hour.
Finally develop a stable, strong, armor-plated core to protect your posture and give you explosive power.
Finally, sculpt chiseled beach body abs built properly from inside out that turn heads wherever you go
This is the system I’ve used to give everyone from pro athletes to everyday athletes the strong core they deserve.
So know for a fact that, by using this formula, you’ll be receiving the exact same value as my top elite clients – who I charge $1,000 a day – at a fraction of the cost.
I’ll share all the specifics with you in just a moment, but first…
I feel compelled to be honest with you, and let you know about the real and serious problem you face right now.
This is the foe – “hidden in plain sight” – behind why you’re not getting the results you’ve always wanted.
And this is why a weak core, no definition and a serious threat of debilitating pain is not your fault. Although, after you read this, you know it now becomes your responsibility to take action.
The sad fact is that for years you’ve been misled by “experts” giving outdated advice on how to build your six-pack.
Many of their lies are THE REASON you’ve been let down in the past.
You may have heard, or perhaps even believed at one point, that doing crunches is the ONLY way to get the abs you want.
I can’t believe some coaches or online writers are STILL advocating crunches!
Please, if you have ever believed this, stop right now! I’ll explain why in just a moment…
Just know this: countless other smart guys and girls have fallen – and are still falling – victim to the HUGE “crunches” myth, yet you need to lay it aside right now.
If you don’t, you’ll cause serious – possibly irreversible – damage to your spine.
You’ll end up with chronic pain in your back, neck and knees.
And, you may even end up losing muscle, losing fitness and gaining weight as your body fights against poor posture and being out of alignment.
Listen: this isn’t what I want for you. And I know it’s not what you want for yourself.
The struggle you’ve been experiencing is directly due to this, which is why it’s not your fault.
However, it’s now your responsibility, wouldn’t you agree?
Please don’t blame yourself.
Blame the personal trainers and coaches still pushing outdated training techniques… DECADES after top strength coaches abandoned crunches.
The “crunch” has been an exercise staple since the 1940s. The exercise recommended by late night TV commercials, magazines and wannabe fitness gurus at the gym.
But REAL fitness experts threw crunches as a serious exercise into the trash can YEARS ago, knowing the dangers and how ineffective they are.
Not that it’s stopped all the misinformation spread by sports writers, churning out the same old advice from outdated sources.
And now anyone with a six-pack and Youtube account can claim to be an “expert” and hand out inaccurate, potentially damaging advice.
It’s enough to confuse the smartest person alive… and it confused ME for years. Until I learned the truth from trained professionals.
But place a lot of the blame with sleazy “quick fix” online programs who rely on making bold, baseless claims.
Let me reveal to you the truth about crunches from real experts.
Stuart McGill, professor of spine biomechanics at the University of Waterloo in Canada has conducted dozens of studies replicating the movement of the spine when doing crunches.
After replicating the flexing of the human spine, he examined the discs and found they had been squeezed to the point where they bulged.
This is the reason crunches press on back nerves causing back pain, and can even cause a herniated disc.
(Remember our jelly doughnut…)
The fact of the matter is you should NEVER do crunches or sit-ups. And here’s why:
1) Crunches causes lower back stress.
A 1995 study found sit-ups placed over 3,000N of force on the lower spine, which could cause herniated discs. Imagine willingly applying that force on any other part of your body through exercise? You wouldn’t.
If you fall for the crunch myth, you will end up in pain, either in your back, neck or elsewhere.
2) Your spine has a shelf life. Crunches age your spine.
You only have so many flexions in your spine before it starts to deteriorate. You can’t repair it. You can’t change it. That’s how it is. The more you flex your spine, the more you age your spine.
That’s fact. So why would you actively try to flex your spine at its most vulnerable point causing it to age faster and further?
3) Crunches don’t aid good posture; they reinforce bad posture.
Think about it: what is a crunch?
You’re just replicating the bent over movement you make when you’re sat at a desk or slumped in a seat.
4) Because you’re doing crunches, you’re not PROPERLY working your core.
You’re becoming weaker, less powerful, and more susceptible to problems.
You see, crunches aren’t functional. They don’t replicate ANY natural movement our bodies were designed for. Our bodies thrive on exercises in alignment with their function.
Crunching isn’t a natural movement. It actively opposes the purpose of the spine and works against it. We are meant to be upright and be able to bend, twist, reach and extend.
5) And here’s the worst part… crunches DON’T work.
Yes, you feel the burn. But it’s a fake burn – it feels good, but does it actually deliver results? No.
Crunches miss your core muscles. The narrow range of exercise does nothing to strengthen your deep abdominal muscles, your transversus abdominis, or your obliques. Crunches ONLY work your rectus abdominis close to your skin.
So the abs you DO end up with tell a lie. They don’t represent strength. They don’t represent inner power. Your core is no stronger for these “cosmetic” abs. In fact, they put your midsection out of balance and increase the risk of injury.
What if I told you that creating these “superficial” abs actually takes more, time more energy and wastes MUCH more effort? It’s many times EASIER to build chiseled abs the right way.
Now you’re aware of the myths and lies. You can see how they’ve crippled your ability to gain the six-pack you’ve wanted for years.
It’s time to dig in and rise above the lies using these three tips I have for you today.
Without these tips, your road to a perfect, powerful six-pack will be a rocky one. Yet using these simple strategies, you’ll reach your goal of chiseled abs in no time.
And by far the most IMPORTANT tip is showing you how to “reset” your core so you can build your new washboard abs on strong foundations.
I’ll go into the specifics of my “reset” tip in just a second, so by all means, keep reading.
The first thing I have to WARN you is to avoid isolation exercises.
I used to believe isolation exercises were actually essential when it came to your core! Now I know better, and so do you…
Here’s what will happen if you carry on using isolation exercises as part of your core workout:
Your body is designed to work as a unit. Individual muscles aren’t meant to be worked in isolation. When you work one area without working surrounding muscles, it causes an imbalance. Strong muscles in one area can overpower weak muscles, offering a false sense of security and risking serious injury.
Here’s the secret: only by fully engaging your core in every plane can you fire up all the muscles in the midsection, front, side, and rear to bring balance to your body. When you do this, you’ll properly work the deep muscles of the core.
So here’s what you do instead: powerful functional exercises that work your core across three planes of motion. Your core needs to be worked in 3D.
By just doing functional rather than isolation movements as part of your workout you’ll see more impressive gains in far, far less time.
Just picture it:
People will look at you in amazement when you develop rock-hard, chiseled abs without doing a single crunch or wasting hours eeking out marginal gains. With functional movements as part of a complete workout program, everything works in harmony to burn fat, increase energy and build muscle through the core.
That’s not all: you’ll also shave hours and days off the amount of time you need to train your core.
The benefits of this simple tip continue to surprise me, and it continues to astound all the athletes I’ve taught it to
Well, listen to this one.
Would it surprise you to discover you can actually enjoy the foods you REALLY want to eat when building chiseled abs?
Most people believe you have to haul yourself through the process of complicated and boring diets, but I would rather see you eat foods you enjoy and STICK to a long-term program.
Enjoying your abs diet starts here: simply forget about calorie restriction – this only results in weight loss, NOT fat loss, which is where you want to put your focus.
You also need to train your body to use fat as an energy source and taking steps to improve your gut health will flip the switch on improving your rate of fat loss.
Just picture it:
People will be STUNNED when they see you efficiently sculpting a set of abs your buddies will be jealous of when they’re still dieting and missing out!
Enjoying the journey is the key to staying on the path, and this simple nutrition strategy will get you there fast!
And, it’s about to get even better, because now I’ll be sharing my most VITAL tip when it comes to killer abs.
The other tips I just gave you were great, but without applying THIS tip to the rest? Forget about succeeding in your goals.
This simple tip is the center of the Perfect Abs Equation: hitting the “reset” button on your core strength.
It’s the tactic behind ALL success in developing a rock-solid six-pack because it allows you to build your core on solid foundations, working every muscle effectively for a balanced midsection that properly supports your body.
This is my patented Two Phase Principle, used successfully by virtually every six-pack celebrity or athlete, even if they don’t know it!
Here’s what you do: you break down your eight week plan into two distinct phases of training, each designed for a specific purpose.
This is the bedrock foundation of my entire strategy. It’s one that will give you a lifetime of power and strength in your core that makes sculpting chiseled abs easier than you could ever imagine.
Just imagine what your life will feel like when you MASTER this Two Phase process!
You’ll forever leave behind the frustrations you’ve no-doubt experienced when it comes to working your abs. All those frustrations end TODAY.
And this is happening in your life simply because you NOW know this formula.
It’s the little-known success strategy enjoyed by the elite… and now it’s your turn!
Okay, that was a TON of valuable information. You may be feeling a bit unsure of where and how to get started and that’s fine.
All this means is that you have two simple choices to make, right now:
Choice 1: You can take all the tips and info I just gave you and try to put the puzzle pieces together on your own, without help.
You never know! You may eventually put the pieces of the puzzle together on your own, but it will take a lot longer and there’s no guarantee you’ll make it.
Or, there’s the smarter choice. The one savvy men and women take to speed up their progress towards owning a washboard stomach.
This is the quickest, fastest, and smartest way possible to stunning abs without doing a single, dangerous crunch.
Look… there’s no reason to try this on your own – I’ve already done all the work for you, right?
There’s no need to scratch your head in frustration, guessing your way to “halfway there”, because I’ve already created the ideal system for you.
It’s a system I’ve perfected and tested for years on countless thousands of men and women like you.
Here’s what the vast majority decide to do – it’s called:
The safest, most effective way to sculpt chiseled abs and develop an iron core in just 60 days without screwing up your spine.
My results-focused, step-by-step program guarantees you finally get the abs you want…even if:
You have limited time in your day to focus on building rock solid abs… in fact, by doing this functional program you’ll get a complete workout.
You don’t know the first thing about core exercises and they’ve never been part of your workout. I explain every single exercise in detail with follow-along videos designed to guarantee you hit perfect form right away.
You think you’re light years away from getting abs. Look… every journey starts with a single step. This program breaks down the journey into simple, digestible chunks. Start now and within 60 days you’ll see bigger, more impressive results than you can imagine.
You’re already injured. The truth is most people come to me already suffering from back pain, neck pain or some other problem caused by poor posture or their body being out of alignment. Through my program, you’ll feel strength – real strength – in your core to balance and properly align your body.
Or even if you think you’ve tried EVERYTHING!
To save your time, and mine, let me be upfront and tell you what Crunchless Core is NOT, before I tell you what it IS.
Crunchless Core is NOT a “quick-fix” abs program promising quick results with no effort down.
Crunchless Core is NOT a “crunches-replacement” or a hastily thrown together collection of plank alternatives you can find online that simply DON’T work. It is a complete workout system that trains your abs in 3D for the best results.
Don’t you think you’ve been fed enough myths about crunches? Isn’t it enough? Isn’t it time to start using what’s PROVEN to work?
Crunchless Core is the direct result of over 15 years of studying and working with athletes one-on-one to discover what works.
I uncovered the hidden patterns and unique (sometimes ‘odd’) tactics they use to stay strong, powerful and injury-free in the world of competitive sport.
And now, from this point forward, you’ll have the tools to do just the same.
The strategies of the truly successful can NOW be duplicated easily by you, giving you:
A strong, powerful core that protects you from bad posture and keeps you upright, strong and filled with energy and vitality
The freedom to work out in LESS time with LESS effort so you can achieve even BIGGER gains.
And all of this, while you quickly achieve a rock-solid washboard stomach with abs that pop, faster than ever before possible!
Before we go one step further, I need to be 100% honest with you.
I hope you’re not one of “those” types looking for the next “7 Minute Instant Abs” quick-fix that promises the earth but just leaves your wallet leaner.
You get it: more garbage that doesn’t work, never has worked, and never WILL work for you.
Then do us both a favor and just forget all about Crunchless Core, because it’s not going to give you ‘impossible’ results just SOLID results…
Crunchless Core isn’t pie-in-the-sky fantasy land nonsense.
It’s the REAL deal.
And it’s only for folks like you who are serious about building an iron core and enjoying eye-popping abs.
There are no push button answers to succeeding in sculpting abs you can be proud of. Nothing in this life is easy, and you know that, but THIS is as easy as it gets…
So, if you’re like most folks watching this presentation, and you’re 100% ready for REAL to succeed, here’s what you’re going to receive.
If you really want to:
Sculpt a ripped, chiseled core with an impressive six-pack and abs that pop right out
Build a bulletproof midsection to protect and support your whole body and guarantee good posture so you can breathe, move and workout better
Enjoy explosive power and optimal performance right through your core without risking serious injury or weakness
Then Crunchless Core isn’t just “a” solution for you… it’s the ONLY solution for you.
What Others Are Saying About Crunchless Core
Having a Strong Core is a Requirement for Long-Term Health of the Skeletal and Muscular System
“Brian’s method of core training is unique and unlike anything I’ve seen in my career as an orthopedic surgeon. His training style, combined with his knowledge of functional movement would benefit athletes, workout enthusiasts, and weekend warriors in every gym, clinic, and training center.
I find Brian’s core workouts beneficial and appropriate for a broad range of patients and athletes. In fact, I would probably perform fewer surgeries if people followed his core strengthening approach.”
Athletic Trainer Approved
“I have worked as an Athletic Trainer for nearly 20 years, and when it comes to the core, people still today only think of crunching till they have a “6-pack.” The thought that one can focus on one area and “spot reduce” only increases the very dysfunctional thought.
To truly have a great core that protects not only the athlete, but also all of us, a comprehensive, “full circle” approach to its strength and flexibility is needed.
The program that Brian has implemented addresses the entire scope of the core, its function for optimal strength, and perhaps the most crucial…the durability of the spine to avoid injury.
Let’s face it, lying down and doing the standard crunch only increases unwanted pressure into the cervical spine and at the end of the day offers next to no core strength benefits.
Brian’s program addresses the abdominal flexors, extensors, rotators and stabilizers. It also strengthens the hips that supports the core with large muscles and allows it to move in full ranges of motion without pain and potential injury.
By performing the types of dynamic stabilization…planking for example…Brian is able to provide a comprehensive core strengthening program that will not only give a person the durability and desired function they are after, but also be the actual way to bring about that “6-pack” we all like to show off!
I have been blessed to work with athletes of all kinds over the years, from Randy “Macho Man” Savage to pitcher Frank Viola and many other professional and collegiate athletes.
But no matter what age, level or ability, none of them could perform without a strong and flexible core as the foundation. If you want to enjoy your highest level of fitness…and do it pain free…get off the crunching floor and experience success through Brian’s program!”
Over 40? No Problem!
“As a male over 40, I’ve probably tried just about every exercise regime imaginable, so I’m constantly looking for different things to keep my body guessing and my workouts fresh.
When I saw that Critical Bench was launching Crunchless Core, I knew I had to try it. From day one I knew this 8 week program was legitimate from the intensity level it puts you at. Keeping up with the program is easy and works with any schedule. If you truly want results, I highly recommend Crunchless Core!”
Don’t Isolate the Abs – Integrate Them Into Movement
“Current research has shown the downside of performing endless crunches and sit-ups for abdominal development. Coach Brian has done a good job creating a program that will work the abdominals in a more comprehensive manner, using exercises that integrate the abs into movement.”
To Look Athletic You Have to Be Athletic
“I have people all the time ask me, “How do I get abs like you, how do I get shredded?” Well, I finally have an easy way to answer their question; With this program!
Crunchless Core addresses all the issues with getting fit. It lays out your programming and gives detailed explanations of every aspect. This is the way I personally recommend you train.
Laying on the floor doing countless crunches is a thing of the past. If you want to look athletic, then you have to be athletic! Crunchless Core will lead you down the path to 6-pack gold!”
Sculpted Abs Without Neck or Back Pain
“I spend hours at the gym every week trying to improve my body and much of that time is dedicated to sculpting my abs. Like most people, I do many of the same exercises over and over again with good results but I must say I was super impressed with the variety of movements found in Crunchless Core…many I’ve never done before.
They were very challenging and I could feel the muscles working every where in my body and not just my abs. I also noticed zero neck or back pain after working out hard.
The movements are all carefully designed to fully engage the core and strengthen the entire body without having to do boring crunches and sit ups like you find in most other workout programs. Two thumbs up for me!”
Tightens Up the Entire Body
“I’m 50 years old and the CA2.0 program is awesome! My results came from following the program closely along with the consistent diet.
In just under 60 days I was able to noticeably tighten up my entire body and get the 6-pack abs I always wanted. I am very happy and will definitely recommend this program to other people!”
Have a look at what’s included in Crunchless Core, all designed to get you on the path to perfect abs within just 60 days:
On page four, you’ll discover the secret behind my “Two-Phase” Total Body Program.
You’ll completely transform your core from the inside-out in just 60 days with the Two Phase Total Body Program. The program includes over eight total body workouts containing over 70 functional exercises… and NOT A CRUNCH IN SIGHT!
We’re talking the highest quality content you can imagine as I walk you through the easy-to-follow instructional videos designed to show you PERFECT form.
You’ve no-doubt noticed that Crunchless Core is, without question, the safest, most efficient program giving you a stronger, more powerful core.
Which naturally opens up the possibility for you to see a rapid transformation within just eight weeks.
And it goes without saying that this program makes your life MUCH easier.
Here’s what I mean:
Each four-week phase is designed to train your core as a unit – rather than isolating the outer muscles. This way, you’ll burn more calories, add stability through your midsection and look beach-ready by the time the end of the program rolls around… all while spending LESS time and LESS effort training.
Which is amazing, considering some of the outdated advice on crunches included spending hours doing hundreds and even thousands of crunches to get the best results.
Now, you may be thinking, “I bet any blueprint that can give me all of that would cost a small fortune”.
And, in all honesty, It really should.
After all, Crunchless Core has already helped hundreds of athletes, professional sports people and guys and girls, like you and me, achieve rock-solid abs faster and easier than ever without pain.
I’ll get to the price in just a few moments.
First, I want to share a few unique benefits this one-of-a-kind system will deliver to you.
I won’t go into too much detail here, but these are absolutely some of my favorite training strategies…
How about the “bizarre” exercise you can do that instantly relieves the pressure on your spine – nice!
Or how to do LESS reps and get TWICE the results in HALF the time!
Our normal off-the-shelf retail price for Crunchless Core without any additional bonuses, is $97.
Listen: You’re not just getting Crunchless Core when you order today. I have something really special for you.
BONUS 1: Crunchless Core LITE – Home Edition

You’ve shown me how much you desire bulletproof abs. So now I’m tossing in – for a limited time only – one of my best programs as a free fast-action bonus so you can get there even quicker.
The premium gift you’ll receive today is Crunchless Core LITE – Home Edition ($50 Value).
I’m sure you realize when it comes to changing how your body looks and feels, there is one “secret” weapon that will get you to your goals faster than ever. It’s being consistent.
You don’t need a single piece of equipment to complete any of the workouts – they can be done in your garage, office or a hotel room. Every workout can be completed in less than 30 minutes so you can squeeze a complete core routine into even the busiest schedule.
Inside our Crunchless Core LITE bonus program, you’ll discover 16 super-fast core workouts to guarantee you stay on track with your core-building process whenever, wherever.
The program is split into four areas of focus, with four workouts in each section designed to work towards your goals: Power, Strength, Stability and Combination
It’s normally valued at $50 if you bought this separately… but it’s yours FREE today when you take action.
BONUS 2: Exercise Exchange Manual ($25 Value)
I have one more special BONUS for you and it’s called the Crunchless Core Exercise Exchange Manual.
If there are any exercises in the program you can’t perform due to an injury or if the exercise feels too difficult you can refer to this handy Bonus.
It will give you alternative exercises you can swap out for ones you don’t want to do or don’t have the equipment to do.
Don’t worry about any exercises you’re not comfortable with. You can easily exchange or swap it out for one of the regressions from this booklet.
This bonus is valued at $25 but included free with your order today.
Now you can see why Crunchless Core is valued at $97.
Your premium bonuses ALONE are worth $75, which would bring your investment today for Crunchless Core to $172.
However, I have a good reason that I’ll share with you shortly for making you a far better deal. Keep reading and I’ll share why I’m slashing the price for a limited time.
Sure, you could just walk away, chance it, and keep going down the road you’re on now.
And end up spending 10, 20, even 100 times more than the investment you’ll make today on Crunchless Core from a personal trainer. (Or even the cost of physical therapy!)
Then there’s all the time you’ll waste plugging away at squeezing out those hard-to-sculpt abs by still doing what all the freebie programs tell you to do. (Hint: there’s a reason they’re FREE).
And let’s not even TALK about all the time you’ll miss having the chance to show off your beautifully sculpted six-pack at home, at the gym or on the beach.
Neither of us see that as your future, right?
Listen: I’m ready to make this a no-brainer decision for you today.
I feel you deserve to know why I’m offering you such a massive discount today.
Let me share my vision with you: it’s a CAUSE I’m inviting you to join today, along with the thousands of others who are ready too.
I want to help ordinary guys and girls break free from the dangerous and damaging advice that lazy, old-school trainers and coaches use to hold us back.
I want you to have access to the same “insider” knowledge that elite coaches and trainers have known for years… but have kept tight-lipped about for fear of losing their “edge”.
I want to create a level playing field so no-one suffers from the long-lasting effects crunches cause to your posture and spinal health.
I simply cannot let “price” get in the way of you achieving YOUR goals, as well as helping me make a positive impact.
Only on this page, your total investment in Crunchless Core will NOT be $172 today.
Not even close.
Cut that price in half… and you’re STILL not close!
As ridiculous as it sounds, you won’t even pay $49 today!
Today only, and only from this letter, your total investment in Crunchless Core, including the PREMIUM Accelerated Fat Loss Program bonus valued at $50, is ONLY:
Lock in your super-discounted price, which is extremely limited, by clicking on the yellow BUY NOW order button below.
I want you to try Crunchless Core
ON ME for a full 60 days.
If you do not sculpt yourself a chiseled, rock-hard six pack in that time…
If you’re not COMPLETELY DELIGHTED by the program…
Even if you don’t like the clothes I wear in the follow-along video… or my accent… or enthusiasm… no worries! I’ll give back your ENTIRE investment.
No questions asked and no hassles. I’ll refund every penny, because I’m committed to producing results for you, no matter what.
Plus, as part of my Double Guarantee, if you use the program and think I’ve wasted your time or haven’t delivered on my promise, we’ll pay for your next program by allowing you to pick one of our other products.
Click on the yellow button below to secure your discounted price before someone else claims it.
Just have a look at what these clients did following my Two Phase Formula…
Maximum Results – Not a Quick Fix
“I can confidently say that Coach Brian invested some serious time and effort to ensure you learn the proper technique and skills in the Crunchless Core program. His knowledge extends beyond helping you to achieve your personal best but extends to work out plans, diet and lifestyle change guidance.
I promise you will not find just some random workout routines but some amazing exercises and challenges from beginning to end. This workout is about maximum results and not just a quick fix. I am sending a BIG thank you to Coach Brian for sharing his knowledge and passion for fitness with me.”
Stay Injury Free & Train Your Core Without a Single Sit-Up
“I am 54 years old and I have had some injuries the past couple of years and I shared my concerns with Brian Klepacki about trying to stay injury free. He made a plan Crunchless Core to focus on stability and balance as well as strengthening my core using total body movements without ever doing a single sit up.
His knowledge has opened my eyes to a whole new level of training. I will continue to work with Brian to be in the best shape possible.”
Works Even If You’ve Tried Everything Else!
“I have been actively training in one way or another for 15 years. Being mother of 3 with limited time, I have trained with personal trainers, been a runner, a Crossfitter, done Orange Theory, Zumba, Boot Camp, tried training on my own and many other classes in between but most programs have fallen short.
When I started training with Brian I had overuse injuries in both knees from an intense ‘Boot Camp’ that I was attending. In the short time that I have been with Brian, he has not only corrected my knee pain, but he has taught me so much about functional training, my form and corrected things I thought I was doing right for years. I have always had weak abs/core, so Brian has me doing really unique core exercises from Crunchless Core that not only improved my strength, but enhanced my overall functionality as well.
Brian’s functional training model used in Crunchless Core has improved my physical performance and fitness level all around!”
Triathlete Feels Great & Setting Personal Records
“Being a triathlete and former yoga and kickboxing instructor, I’ve had my fare share of training programs as well as injuries. I’ve had multiple knee surgeries so running was always painful and slow to say the least.
Lastly, I work unpredictable long hours in a fast paced, high stress job and I sit ALL day. I started seeing Brian Klepacki after I finished my first half Ironman because I needed help. I couldn’t seem to make time for actual training leading up to my next event, but he had a solution…functional strength training like you’ll find in Crunchless Core
We worked specific muscle groups for biking, running, and swimming, which included a tremendous amount of core and stability training, never once doing ‘traditional’ stomach exercises. The end result was a faster swim without much time in the water, a stronger bike, a much less painful run and I feel great!”
Get Out of the Desk Position!
“If the desk position is hard on your lower back and could cause long term aches and pains, then why would you lay on the ground and repeatably crank your spine over and over into the desk position?”
Yet, just by taking action today, the complete Crunchless Core system, with all the bonuses, PLUS the Super Bonus is yours for only $17.
Now, remember, you’re not just getting an incredible discount today.
You’ll be joining all those guys and girls who have chosen to make a better path for themselves and commit to not working harder but SMARTER to get the results they deserve.
Plus, you’ll join the ever-growing Crunchless Core satisfied customer community.
Click on the BUY NOW button right now and lock in your discounted price today.
Within a few minutes, you’ll have everything at your fingertips: the entire Crunchless Core System, inside the secure members area.
Remember: this includes, today only, your premium bonuses, Crunchless Core LITE – Home Edition and the Exercise Exchange, worth $75!
So your order will be smooth and easy today, I want to show you EXACTLY what to expect after you click the order button below:
First, you’ll be taken to our 100% secure checkout page, which looks like this:
After you order, you’ll be shown ways to customize your order, and even have the opportunity to pick up some valuable “quick-start” bonus materials…
Finally, you’ll arrive at our secure member’s area.
It really is that simple to get started RIGHT NOW.
Remember: you’ve been struggling with chiseling out your powerful six-pack abs for way too long.
Unless you take action today, you run a grave risk of causing serious �� possibly irreversible – damage to your spine and pain in your back and neck.
By failing to build your core properly you’re leaving your body out of alignment and unbalanced.
And, worst of all, your midsection simply won’t EVER have that chiseled, Herculean six-pack that comes from training the whole core from inside out.
YET: All of this can be avoided, beginning today, simply by applying the step-by-step program I’ve developed for you in Crunchless Core.
See, I have this vision for you.

Today, you finally have THE answer to your frustrating abs problem at long last – and…
You’re brimming with excitement.
You’re bursting with confidence.
Turning heads as you walk into the room.
You are experiencing the body and health you deserve – at long last!
Yes, it’s true. Your lack of progress and obstacles placed before you – up until today – have been no fault of your own.
It’s true that you’ve been lied to in the past about quick-fix solutions.
And trainers and coaches have perpetuated the “Crunches Myth” to serve their own interests for far too long.
Especially with the ‘MORE CRUNCHES IS BETTER” idea so many of us have tried (including me).
And who can forget all those false promises other coaching “experts” made to you that never stood up to the light of day?
Yet, today is your day to CLAIM your power and take responsibility.
You do it by taking action… doing what you know you MUST DO to see REAL results with a program that WORKS!
Here’s the GOOD NEWS. Unlike all those ridiculous abs workout gimmicks, this one is GUARANTEED to work for you:
I’m asking you right now to just try Crunchless Core for 60 full days, on me… either you are thrilled with your new set of bulletproof six-pack abs, or you pay NOTHING.
Plus, I never leave you hanging – either me or my Support Team will get back to you quickly with any questions you have, so you’ll always feel taken care of.
Immediately after you buy today, you need to do this: wait for the “Welcome” email to arrive in your inbox with your log-in details and log into the members area.
Then head over to the Crunchless Core Workbook and read through the introduction and program breakdown to understand how the Two Phase program is structured. That way you can dive in ASAP and get started seeing results.
Diving into the workbook will guarantee you get your program started in the right way to give your 60 day journey to perfect abs a running start.
Listen, don’t put this off a second longer… let me tell you WHY:
First, keep in mind I’ve discounted Crunchless Core by over $100, completely risk-free to you with its guarantee.
Just know this. I will eventually have to increase the price closer to the retail value, as I’m giving you a massive discount.
So you must act now before I have to do that… it may be today, tomorrow, or in a few weeks…
And, you also don’t want to miss out on my one-time-only bonus offer for Crunchless Core LITE – Home Edition and the Exercise Exchange, reserved ONLY for first-come action-takers.
Those who act today will lock in their discount and these free gifts.
Others won’t be so fortunate.
And, let’s remember: unless you take action now, today, you may NEVER take action.
You may do what so many others do and put it off… you know, for “a few more days?”… which turns into months… even years?
So, now we both know what you REALLY want and need.
And, let’s just face facts, and do the only SMART thing left for you to do.
Get my one-time, limited discount while it’s still available to you, before someone else takes your spot.
And get on the fast track to perfect abs using the smartest, safest, most proven system for developing a rock-solid six-pack on the planet.
CLICK the BUY NOW button below right now, and let’s get you started today.
Move Well. Look Well. Live Well,
Brian Klepacki, MS, CSCS, FMS, CISSN Fat Loss & Core Training Advisor – CriticalBench.com
FAQS ABOUT Crunchless Core
Q: How is this different from other programs?
A: What makes this program unique is that it’s a complete workout. Many other programs focus on simply finding alternatives to crunches – like planks and other movements. And that’s all they do. They don’t offer a complete workout system that actually builds from the core with functional movements which don’t cause wear and tear to your joints.
Q: Why can’t I just find all this online and do it myself?
A: You could try looking for some of this information online or try searching through thousands of articles and studies on core strength and conditioning. Even then you’d still have to go to college and pick up a degree on exercise in order to have access to many of the academic studies and research I used when developing the program.
Ultimately, you won’t be able to replicate this program. What I have developed is based on 15 years helping top class athletes and professional sports people and all my experience and expertise has been poured into this targeted, proven program that I know gets results every time.
You really won’t find another program like it.
Q: How long does the program take?
A: The complete program takes 60 days. This is the optimal amount of time it will take to make significant changes in your core strength and stability so you can develop rock-hard, chiseled abs that turn heads every time.
The program is split into Two Phases of four weeks each. The first phase deals with building up your core stability and strength. The second phase builds on the first and is where you make the gains which help you towards the six-pack you’ve always wanted.
You can, of course, carry on the program as long as you wish.
Q: How does your guarantee work?
A: It’s really simple. If for ANY reason within 60 days of the program you don’t like anything about it, you can simply contact our customer support team and request a full refund, no questions asked. We’re so confident you’ll love the program, we want this to be a no-brainer for you so we’ve removed ALL the risk.
And when we say you can refund for ANY reason, we mean it. In fact, you can try the whole 60 day program and see for yourself the incredible gains you’ll make in such a short time.
You really can prove it works without any risk at all.
Q: Who is this program suitable for?
A: This program has been designed for men and women of any age and at any stage of fitness. Whether you’ve never before done a single crunch or if you’re an experienced athlete, you will benefit from building a strong, bulletproof core using the Crunchless Core principles.
Every single one of the functional exercises is described in detail and the follow-along video shows you exactly how to complete each exercise with perfect form so you maximize your effort into gaining results. I have done all the hard work of breaking it all down in its simplest parts so you don’t have to worry about a thing. It really couldn’t be simpler to follow.
Q: What happens if I’m already injured? Will this work for me?
A: Of course! I’ve worked with numerous athletes to support them and help them back to good health and so I’ve designed the program to help you, too.
The first phase of the program is specifically designed to “reset” and build your core strength. In the process, you will develop better posture, more power and greater stability in your midsection to support the bigger exercises in the second half of the program.
By focusing on working all the deep core muscles rather than just the superficial surface muscles, you’ll bring balance to your body and remove many of the underlying causes behind your injury.
Q: How complicated are the exercises? Do I need any gym equipment?
A: The exercises have been chosen based on their functionality. While I’ve made every effort to keep the program as simple and straightforward as possible, there will inevitably be some exercises which are a little harder than others to perform BUT for good reason. These work your core more effectively and more efficiently by working through all three planes – remember your core is 3D. No matter what the exercise, you’re completely covered by the program. I outlined in detail every single exercise and walk you through each one in the video to ensure you nail perfect form.
You will require either a home gym or a gym in order to complete both phases. That’s simply because there are big movements involved and you need the range of weights a gym gives you.
Q: What if this doesn’t work for me?
A: Crunchless Core really will work for you, I’m sure of it.
Our most successful students of the program followed it through all 60 days and were able to develop beautiful, chiseled abs while remaining injury free.
If, in the highly unlikely event, the program doesn’t work for you, don’t worry. We’ll refund you all your money – if you’re still within the 60 days refund period – no questions asked. Plus we’ll even pay for another one of our proven programs so you can work on another aspect of your strength or conditioning. There really is no risk to you at all.
Stop doing sit-ups: why crunches don’t work – Kate Daily, Newsweek (March 2009)
Are situps and crunches bad for the spine? – Christy Callahan, Livestrong (Aug 2013)
Why crunches don’t work – Ben Greenfield, Huffington Post (May 2012)
Why crunches won’t give you your flat abs, and will hurt your body – Lisa Elaine, Well & Good (May 2012)
Neck safety while doing crunches – Jonathan Thompson, Livestrong (Nov 2015)
Back pain while doing crunches – Elle Di Jensen, Livestrong (June 2015)
Sports hernia 101, Jim Brown, EXOS (May 2009)
Top 10 gym exercises done incorrectly – NHS (October 2015)
The surprising downsides of sit-ups – Claudia Hammond, BBC, (April 2016)
Ab exercises that can cause injury – Amy Robers, Men’s Fitness
Dangerous workouts – avoid these five exercises at all costs to prevent injury – Justin Caba,Medical Daily (Sep 2014)
Is your ab workout hurting your back? Gretchen Reynolds, NY Times (June 2009)
The health hazards of sitting – Bonnie Berkowitz and Patterson Clark, Washington Post (Jan 2014)
Abdominal fat and what to do about it – Harvard Medical School (Sept 2005)
10 exercise myths that won’t go away – Madison Park, CNN (June 2011)
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Crunchless Core
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By simply reading this all the way to the end you will discover:
A superior yet little-known method of decreasing the number of reps while DOUBLING your results in half the time
Exactly how you can work every muscle DEEP into your core for a perfectly balanced stomach using this one strange but effective technique
A powerful, proven technique that “RESETS” your core, dramatically reduces your chances of injury and brings unlimited power to your body
The one ‘tried and true’ technique that MOST people think is the best way to get rock solid abs…but you’ll discover why you must AVOID IT at all costs! (Note: this is a mistake even PROS make)
Why complicated and boring diets are NOT the best way to a flat, washboard stomach (and what you need to focus on instead to guarantee success)
I’ll reveal the truth about sit-ups and crunches from real experts so grab a pen and pad to take notes now.
The real problem when developing a six-pack is there’s so much misinformation out there.
A seemingly endless supply of options, methods, and ideas on how best to achieve perfectly chiseled abs.
Well, here’s the good news.
Today, all your confusion will vanish.
I’m about to reveal an approach that’s unique, surprisingly simple, and works for anyone at any age and any stage of their journey to rock-hard abs.
Keep in mind I would normally charge for this information, as it will help you achieve your goal of developing a six-pack faster and with greater ease.
Before we go any further, however, I feel it’s only fair to level with you:
There’s a rather embarrassing story I need to share before we dive into this new workout method for your abs today.
You’ll understand why this almost got edited from this letter in a few minutes, so brace yourself and keep reading.
You’ll see why my embarrassing little episode is so important to YOUR WORKOUT success in just a few minutes… deal?

Hi, I’m Brian Klepacki
Inside this eye-opening special report is the SECRET KEY to helping you get a flat, defined belly–and why complicated and boring diets are NOT the best way to a flat, washboard stomach (and what you need to focus on instead to guarantee success).
Today, I’m a Certified Strength Coach and owner of a Strength and Conditioning business in Florida.
I have a Masters in Exercise Science with a Concentration of Strength and Conditioning. Certified in Functional Movement and I’m a Certified Strength & Conditioning Specialist.
I know how important it is to sift through fact and fiction to uncover the truth about human performance.
You know, a lot of folks think my biggest breakthroughs come about because of the athletes I’ve trained.
They say, “sure, you can get great results when you’re training Olympic medalists, Pan Am games medalists, pro basketball players, baseball stars…
“… and stars of football, hockey, collegiate lacrosse, soccer and swimming” and so you’d expect these guys to get great results.
Yet the truth will surprise you!
My biggest success – the success I’m most proud of – was from a normal guy I coached, named Mac.
I remember when I first met Mac back in July 2012.
I recall it was a hot summer and it was all you could do to wear shorts and a T-shirt to keep cool. It was HOT!
I was just finishing up training one of my athlete clients in my studio gym and in walks this older guy in running shorts.
He was slim and he was clearly athletic… but right away I could tell he had a problem with his knee as he was nursing a limp.
It looked bad and alarm bells started ringing in my head about whether he was already past the point of no return.
Now Mac, it turns out, was a runner. He was 50 and held a desk job which had him sitting for most of his day.
But despite his activity every day he was in pain.
He was trying to live with chronic back and knee pain.
Now, the story you’re about to hear is pretty bad in places. But this was the experience that led Mac from being in pain all the time to a state of being pain free and stronger and fitter than ever.
And I think you want that, too.
You see when I sat Mac down to talk with him, he was almost in tears. Earlier that day, he’d see his physician who gave him a shocking diagnosis.
He had a herniated disc which was causing him pain.
He had tried to craft a six-pack and build much-needed core strength. Sensible, right?
But the more effort he put in, the more crunches he did… the worse the results were.
So he spent MORE time doing crunches and MORE reps. And still it didn’t show.
All the while, his back pain worsened. Then his knee started aching. And that ache turned into a chronic pain.
Until, finally, he couldn’t even work out anymore.
When he heard from his doctor his spine was damaged it was a wake-up call.
This is how the doctor explained it. Imagine your spinal discs – the discs which sit on top of each other to form your spine – were jelly doughnuts.
These discs are made up of two parts, the nucleus pulposus – or the jelly center – and the outer, protective layer, the annulus fibrosis. Both parts help the disc move.
Now, because Mac was doing so many crunches, it was putting direct pressure on the discs at the point of his back where the crunches flex the spine.
Through wear and tear, it had caused the outer layer of the doughnut to wear away and the jelly – or nucleus pulposa – was being pushed through. You could see the jelly trying to make an escape.
And that’s painful.
It took this shocking “wake-up call” to push Mac to seek help. Now – having heard of the success I had with the athletes I coach – he was at my door.
Just think about that for a moment.
His goal of trying to get rock solid abs to build a strong core left him unable to workout.
He told me it felt like the ground fell from under him.
It already ate away at him every time he looked in the mirror and saw how little his effort was paying off.
Then when the pain became too much… well, he felt he was being kicked when he was down.
“What more could I do?” he asked me, almost in tears.
It was at that instant when Mac came to see me and told me his story, that I drew a line in the sand. I decided to help Mac change his life.
Now, here’s the embarrassing part. Until then, I’d only helped pro athletes and coached elites. My approach to training wasn’t available to the normal folks who really needed my help.
Never again would I allow guys like Mac to suffer unnecessarily, through no fault of their own.
I promised myself I’d bring together all my expertise and experience over my years as a strength and conditioning coach to help ordinary girls and guys escape the tyranny of dangerous training advice.
On that day, I made a promise to create a program designed for people like Mac and yourself to help you build the strong, athletic body and the iron core you want without sacrificing your health and wellbeing.
And thanks to that turning point, I uncovered THE blueprint for perfect abs. And it’s one that works for just about anyone – Pro athlete or amateur
Today, I’m going to share it with you, and save you the endless hassle and years of effort it took me to hone this blueprint… so keep reading.
Keep in mind that, even though I’m a Certified Strength and Conditioning Specialist working with pro-athletes from multiple disciplines, it’s my experience working with and helping folks like you get incredible results faster than you can imagine that really matters.
I just happened to figure out a really simple, step-by-step formula designed for the average person to see massive results when it comes to developing their abs in just 60 days.
This is a system that allows real people to:
Breathe better, stand taller and enjoy better health and more vitality, every waking hour.
Finally develop a stable, strong, armor-plated core to protect your posture and give you explosive power.
Finally, sculpt chiseled beach body abs built properly from inside out that turn heads wherever you go
This is the system I’ve used to give everyone from pro athletes to everyday athletes the strong core they deserve.
So know for a fact that, by using this formula, you’ll be receiving the exact same value as my top elite clients – who I charge $1,000 a day – at a fraction of the cost.
I’ll share all the specifics with you in just a moment, but first…
I feel compelled to be honest with you, and let you know about the real and serious problem you face right now.
This is the foe – “hidden in plain sight” – behind why you’re not getting the results you’ve always wanted.
And this is why a weak core, no definition and a serious threat of debilitating pain is not your fault. Although, after you read this, you know it now becomes your responsibility to take action.
The sad fact is that for years you’ve been misled by “experts” giving outdated advice on how to build your six-pack.
Many of their lies are THE REASON you’ve been let down in the past.
You may have heard, or perhaps even believed at one point, that doing crunches is the ONLY way to get the abs you want.
I can’t believe some coaches or online writers are STILL advocating crunches!
Please, if you have ever believed this, stop right now! I’ll explain why in just a moment…
Just know this: countless other smart guys and girls have fallen – and are still falling – victim to the HUGE “crunches” myth, yet you need to lay it aside right now.
If you don’t, you’ll cause serious – possibly irreversible – damage to your spine.
You’ll end up with chronic pain in your back, neck and knees.
And, you may even end up losing muscle, losing fitness and gaining weight as your body fights against poor posture and being out of alignment.
Listen: this isn’t what I want for you. And I know it’s not what you want for yourself.
The struggle you’ve been experiencing is directly due to this, which is why it’s not your fault.
However, it’s now your responsibility, wouldn’t you agree?
Please don’t blame yourself.
Blame the personal trainers and coaches still pushing outdated training techniques… DECADES after top strength coaches abandoned crunches.
The “crunch” has been an exercise staple since the 1940s. The exercise recommended by late night TV commercials, magazines and wannabe fitness gurus at the gym.
But REAL fitness experts threw crunches as a serious exercise into the trash can YEARS ago, knowing the dangers and how ineffective they are.
Not that it’s stopped all the misinformation spread by sports writers, churning out the same old advice from outdated sources.
And now anyone with a six-pack and Youtube account can claim to be an “expert” and hand out inaccurate, potentially damaging advice.
It’s enough to confuse the smartest person alive… and it confused ME for years. Until I learned the truth from trained professionals.
But place a lot of the blame with sleazy “quick fix” online programs who rely on making bold, baseless claims.
Let me reveal to you the truth about crunches from real experts.
Stuart McGill, professor of spine biomechanics at the University of Waterloo in Canada has conducted dozens of studies replicating the movement of the spine when doing crunches.
After replicating the flexing of the human spine, he examined the discs and found they had been squeezed to the point where they bulged.
This is the reason crunches press on back nerves causing back pain, and can even cause a herniated disc.
(Remember our jelly doughnut…)
The fact of the matter is you should NEVER do crunches or sit-ups. And here’s why:
1) Crunches causes lower back stress.
A 1995 study found sit-ups placed over 3,000N of force on the lower spine, which could cause herniated discs. Imagine willingly applying that force on any other part of your body through exercise? You wouldn’t.
If you fall for the crunch myth, you will end up in pain, either in your back, neck or elsewhere.
2) Your spine has a shelf life. Crunches age your spine.
You only have so many flexions in your spine before it starts to deteriorate. You can’t repair it. You can’t change it. That’s how it is. The more you flex your spine, the more you age your spine.
That’s fact. So why would you actively try to flex your spine at its most vulnerable point causing it to age faster and further?
3) Crunches don’t aid good posture; they reinforce bad posture.
Think about it: what is a crunch?
You’re just replicating the bent over movement you make when you’re sat at a desk or slumped in a seat.
4) Because you’re doing crunches, you’re not PROPERLY working your core.
You’re becoming weaker, less powerful, and more susceptible to problems.
You see, crunches aren’t functional. They don’t replicate ANY natural movement our bodies were designed for. Our bodies thrive on exercises in alignment with their function.
Crunching isn’t a natural movement. It actively opposes the purpose of the spine and works against it. We are meant to be upright and be able to bend, twist, reach and extend.
5) And here’s the worst part… crunches DON’T work.
Yes, you feel the burn. But it’s a fake burn – it feels good, but does it actually deliver results? No.
Crunches miss your core muscles. The narrow range of exercise does nothing to strengthen your deep abdominal muscles, your transversus abdominis, or your obliques. Crunches ONLY work your rectus abdominis close to your skin.
So the abs you DO end up with tell a lie. They don’t represent strength. They don’t represent inner power. Your core is no stronger for these “cosmetic” abs. In fact, they put your midsection out of balance and increase the risk of injury.
What if I told you that creating these “superficial” abs actually takes more, time more energy and wastes MUCH more effort? It’s many times EASIER to build chiseled abs the right way.
Now you’re aware of the myths and lies. You can see how they’ve crippled your ability to gain the six-pack you’ve wanted for years.
It’s time to dig in and rise above the lies using these three tips I have for you today.
Without these tips, your road to a perfect, powerful six-pack will be a rocky one. Yet using these simple strategies, you’ll reach your goal of chiseled abs in no time.
And by far the most IMPORTANT tip is showing you how to “reset” your core so you can build your new washboard abs on strong foundations.
I’ll go into the specifics of my “reset” tip in just a second, so by all means, keep reading.
The first thing I have to WARN you is to avoid isolation exercises.
I used to believe isolation exercises were actually essential when it came to your core! Now I know better, and so do you…
Here’s what will happen if you carry on using isolation exercises as part of your core workout:
Your body is designed to work as a unit. Individual muscles aren’t meant to be worked in isolation. When you work one area without working surrounding muscles, it causes an imbalance. Strong muscles in one area can overpower weak muscles, offering a false sense of security and risking serious injury.
Here’s the secret: only by fully engaging your core in every plane can you fire up all the muscles in the midsection, front, side, and rear to bring balance to your body. When you do this, you’ll properly work the deep muscles of the core.
So here’s what you do instead: powerful functional exercises that work your core across three planes of motion. Your core needs to be worked in 3D.
By just doing functional rather than isolation movements as part of your workout you’ll see more impressive gains in far, far less time.
Just picture it:
People will look at you in amazement when you develop rock-hard, chiseled abs without doing a single crunch or wasting hours eeking out marginal gains. With functional movements as part of a complete workout program, everything works in harmony to burn fat, increase energy and build muscle through the core.
That’s not all: you’ll also shave hours and days off the amount of time you need to train your core.
The benefits of this simple tip continue to surprise me, and it continues to astound all the athletes I’ve taught it to
Well, listen to this one.
Would it surprise you to discover you can actually enjoy the foods you REALLY want to eat when building chiseled abs?
Most people believe you have to haul yourself through the process of complicated and boring diets, but I would rather see you eat foods you enjoy and STICK to a long-term program.
Enjoying your abs diet starts here: simply forget about calorie restriction – this only results in weight loss, NOT fat loss, which is where you want to put your focus.
You also need to train your body to use fat as an energy source and taking steps to improve your gut health will flip the switch on improving your rate of fat loss.
Just picture it:
People will be STUNNED when they see you efficiently sculpting a set of abs your buddies will be jealous of when they’re still dieting and missing out!
Enjoying the journey is the key to staying on the path, and this simple nutrition strategy will get you there fast!
And, it’s about to get even better, because now I’ll be sharing my most VITAL tip when it comes to killer abs.
The other tips I just gave you were great, but without applying THIS tip to the rest? Forget about succeeding in your goals.
This simple tip is the center of the Perfect Abs Equation: hitting the “reset” button on your core strength.
It’s the tactic behind ALL success in developing a rock-solid six-pack because it allows you to build your core on solid foundations, working every muscle effectively for a balanced midsection that properly supports your body.
This is my patented Two Phase Principle, used successfully by virtually every six-pack celebrity or athlete, even if they don’t know it!
Here’s what you do: you break down your eight week plan into two distinct phases of training, each designed for a specific purpose.
This is the bedrock foundation of my entire strategy. It’s one that will give you a lifetime of power and strength in your core that makes sculpting chiseled abs easier than you could ever imagine.
Just imagine what your life will feel like when you MASTER this Two Phase process!
You’ll forever leave behind the frustrations you’ve no-doubt experienced when it comes to working your abs. All those frustrations end TODAY.
And this is happening in your life simply because you NOW know this formula.
It’s the little-known success strategy enjoyed by the elite… and now it’s your turn!
Okay, that was a TON of valuable information. You may be feeling a bit unsure of where and how to get started and that’s fine.
All this means is that you have two simple choices to make, right now:
Choice 1: You can take all the tips and info I just gave you and try to put the puzzle pieces together on your own, without help.
You never know! You may eventually put the pieces of the puzzle together on your own, but it will take a lot longer and there’s no guarantee you’ll make it.
Or, there’s the smarter choice. The one savvy men and women take to speed up their progress towards owning a washboard stomach.
This is the quickest, fastest, and smartest way possible to stunning abs without doing a single, dangerous crunch.
Look… there’s no reason to try this on your own – I’ve already done all the work for you, right?
There’s no need to scratch your head in frustration, guessing your way to “halfway there”, because I’ve already created the ideal system for you.
It’s a system I’ve perfected and tested for years on countless thousands of men and women like you.
Here’s what the vast majority decide to do – it’s called:
The safest, most effective way to sculpt chiseled abs and develop an iron core in just 60 days without screwing up your spine.
My results-focused, step-by-step program guarantees you finally get the abs you want…even if:
You have limited time in your day to focus on building rock solid abs… in fact, by doing this functional program you’ll get a complete workout.
You don’t know the first thing about core exercises and they’ve never been part of your workout. I explain every single exercise in detail with follow-along videos designed to guarantee you hit perfect form right away.
You think you’re light years away from getting abs. Look… every journey starts with a single step. This program breaks down the journey into simple, digestible chunks. Start now and within 60 days you’ll see bigger, more impressive results than you can imagine.
You’re already injured. The truth is most people come to me already suffering from back pain, neck pain or some other problem caused by poor posture or their body being out of alignment. Through my program, you’ll feel strength – real strength – in your core to balance and properly align your body.
Or even if you think you’ve tried EVERYTHING!
To save your time, and mine, let me be upfront and tell you what Crunchless Core is NOT, before I tell you what it IS.
Crunchless Core is NOT a “quick-fix” abs program promising quick results with no effort down.
Crunchless Core is NOT a “crunches-replacement” or a hastily thrown together collection of plank alternatives you can find online that simply DON’T work. It is a complete workout system that trains your abs in 3D for the best results.
Don’t you think you’ve been fed enough myths about crunches? Isn’t it enough? Isn’t it time to start using what’s PROVEN to work?
Crunchless Core is the direct result of over 15 years of studying and working with athletes one-on-one to discover what works.
I uncovered the hidden patterns and unique (sometimes ‘odd’) tactics they use to stay strong, powerful and injury-free in the world of competitive sport.
And now, from this point forward, you’ll have the tools to do just the same.
The strategies of the truly successful can NOW be duplicated easily by you, giving you:
A strong, powerful core that protects you from bad posture and keeps you upright, strong and filled with energy and vitality
The freedom to work out in LESS time with LESS effort so you can achieve even BIGGER gains.
And all of this, while you quickly achieve a rock-solid washboard stomach with abs that pop, faster than ever before possible!
Before we go one step further, I need to be 100% honest with you.
I hope you’re not one of “those” types looking for the next “7 Minute Instant Abs” quick-fix that promises the earth but just leaves your wallet leaner.
You get it: more garbage that doesn’t work, never has worked, and never WILL work for you.
Then do us both a favor and just forget all about Crunchless Core, because it’s not going to give you ‘impossible’ results just SOLID results…
Crunchless Core isn’t pie-in-the-sky fantasy land nonsense.
It’s the REAL deal.
And it’s only for folks like you who are serious about building an iron core and enjoying eye-popping abs.
There are no push button answers to succeeding in sculpting abs you can be proud of. Nothing in this life is easy, and you know that, but THIS is as easy as it gets…
So, if you’re like most folks watching this presentation, and you’re 100% ready for REAL to succeed, here’s what you’re going to receive.
If you really want to:
Sculpt a ripped, chiseled core with an impressive six-pack and abs that pop right out
Build a bulletproof midsection to protect and support your whole body and guarantee good posture so you can breathe, move and workout better
Enjoy explosive power and optimal performance right through your core without risking serious injury or weakness
Then Crunchless Core isn’t just “a” solution for you… it’s the ONLY solution for you.
What Others Are Saying About Crunchless Core
Having a Strong Core is a Requirement for Long-Term Health of the Skeletal and Muscular System
“Brian’s method of core training is unique and unlike anything I’ve seen in my career as an orthopedic surgeon. His training style, combined with his knowledge of functional movement would benefit athletes, workout enthusiasts, and weekend warriors in every gym, clinic, and training center.
I find Brian’s core workouts beneficial and appropriate for a broad range of patients and athletes. In fact, I would probably perform fewer surgeries if people followed his core strengthening approach.”
Athletic Trainer Approved
“I have worked as an Athletic Trainer for nearly 20 years, and when it comes to the core, people still today only think of crunching till they have a “6-pack.” The thought that one can focus on one area and “spot reduce” only increases the very dysfunctional thought.
To truly have a great core that protects not only the athlete, but also all of us, a comprehensive, “full circle” approach to its strength and flexibility is needed.
The program that Brian has implemented addresses the entire scope of the core, its function for optimal strength, and perhaps the most crucial…the durability of the spine to avoid injury.
Let’s face it, lying down and doing the standard crunch only increases unwanted pressure into the cervical spine and at the end of the day offers next to no core strength benefits.
Brian’s program addresses the abdominal flexors, extensors, rotators and stabilizers. It also strengthens the hips that supports the core with large muscles and allows it to move in full ranges of motion without pain and potential injury.
By performing the types of dynamic stabilization…planking for example…Brian is able to provide a comprehensive core strengthening program that will not only give a person the durability and desired function they are after, but also be the actual way to bring about that “6-pack” we all like to show off!
I have been blessed to work with athletes of all kinds over the years, from Randy “Macho Man” Savage to pitcher Frank Viola and many other professional and collegiate athletes.
But no matter what age, level or ability, none of them could perform without a strong and flexible core as the foundation. If you want to enjoy your highest level of fitness…and do it pain free…get off the crunching floor and experience success through Brian’s program!”
Over 40? No Problem!
“As a male over 40, I’ve probably tried just about every exercise regime imaginable, so I’m constantly looking for different things to keep my body guessing and my workouts fresh.
When I saw that Critical Bench was launching Crunchless Core, I knew I had to try it. From day one I knew this 8 week program was legitimate from the intensity level it puts you at. Keeping up with the program is easy and works with any schedule. If you truly want results, I highly recommend Crunchless Core!”
Don’t Isolate the Abs – Integrate Them Into Movement
“Current research has shown the downside of performing endless crunches and sit-ups for abdominal development. Coach Brian has done a good job creating a program that will work the abdominals in a more comprehensive manner, using exercises that integrate the abs into movement.”
To Look Athletic You Have to Be Athletic
“I have people all the time ask me, “How do I get abs like you, how do I get shredded?” Well, I finally have an easy way to answer their question; With this program!
Crunchless Core addresses all the issues with getting fit. It lays out your programming and gives detailed explanations of every aspect. This is the way I personally recommend you train.
Laying on the floor doing countless crunches is a thing of the past. If you want to look athletic, then you have to be athletic! Crunchless Core will lead you down the path to 6-pack gold!”
Sculpted Abs Without Neck or Back Pain
“I spend hours at the gym every week trying to improve my body and much of that time is dedicated to sculpting my abs. Like most people, I do many of the same exercises over and over again with good results but I must say I was super impressed with the variety of movements found in Crunchless Core…many I’ve never done before.
They were very challenging and I could feel the muscles working every where in my body and not just my abs. I also noticed zero neck or back pain after working out hard.
The movements are all carefully designed to fully engage the core and strengthen the entire body without having to do boring crunches and sit ups like you find in most other workout programs. Two thumbs up for me!”
Tightens Up the Entire Body
“I’m 50 years old and the CA2.0 program is awesome! My results came from following the program closely along with the consistent diet.
In just under 60 days I was able to noticeably tighten up my entire body and get the 6-pack abs I always wanted. I am very happy and will definitely recommend this program to other people!”
Have a look at what’s included in Crunchless Core, all designed to get you on the path to perfect abs within just 60 days:
On page four, you’ll discover the secret behind my “Two-Phase” Total Body Program.
You’ll completely transform your core from the inside-out in just 60 days with the Two Phase Total Body Program. The program includes over eight total body workouts containing over 70 functional exercises… and NOT A CRUNCH IN SIGHT!
We’re talking the highest quality content you can imagine as I walk you through the easy-to-follow instructional videos designed to show you PERFECT form.
You’ve no-doubt noticed that Crunchless Core is, without question, the safest, most efficient program giving you a stronger, more powerful core.
Which naturally opens up the possibility for you to see a rapid transformation within just eight weeks.
And it goes without saying that this program makes your life MUCH easier.
Here’s what I mean:
Each four-week phase is designed to train your core as a unit – rather than isolating the outer muscles. This way, you’ll burn more calories, add stability through your midsection and look beach-ready by the time the end of the program rolls around… all while spending LESS time and LESS effort training.
Which is amazing, considering some of the outdated advice on crunches included spending hours doing hundreds and even thousands of crunches to get the best results.
Now, you may be thinking, “I bet any blueprint that can give me all of that would cost a small fortune”.
And, in all honesty, It really should.
After all, Crunchless Core has already helped hundreds of athletes, professional sports people and guys and girls, like you and me, achieve rock-solid abs faster and easier than ever without pain.
I’ll get to the price in just a few moments.
First, I want to share a few unique benefits this one-of-a-kind system will deliver to you.
I won’t go into too much detail here, but these are absolutely some of my favorite training strategies…
How about the “bizarre” exercise you can do that instantly relieves the pressure on your spine – nice!
Or how to do LESS reps and get TWICE the results in HALF the time!
Our normal off-the-shelf retail price for Crunchless Core without any additional bonuses, is $97.
Listen: You’re not just getting Crunchless Core when you order today. I have something really special for you.
BONUS 1: Crunchless Core LITE – Home Edition

You’ve shown me how much you desire bulletproof abs. So now I’m tossing in – for a limited time only – one of my best programs as a free fast-action bonus so you can get there even quicker.
The premium gift you’ll receive today is Crunchless Core LITE – Home Edition ($50 Value).
I’m sure you realize when it comes to changing how your body looks and feels, there is one “secret” weapon that will get you to your goals faster than ever. It’s being consistent.
You don’t need a single piece of equipment to complete any of the workouts – they can be done in your garage, office or a hotel room. Every workout can be completed in less than 30 minutes so you can squeeze a complete core routine into even the busiest schedule.
Inside our Crunchless Core LITE bonus program, you’ll discover 16 super-fast core workouts to guarantee you stay on track with your core-building process whenever, wherever.
The program is split into four areas of focus, with four workouts in each section designed to work towards your goals: Power, Strength, Stability and Combination
It’s normally valued at $50 if you bought this separately… but it’s yours FREE today when you take action.
BONUS 2: Exercise Exchange Manual ($25 Value)
I have one more special BONUS for you and it’s called the Crunchless Core Exercise Exchange Manual.
If there are any exercises in the program you can’t perform due to an injury or if the exercise feels too difficult you can refer to this handy Bonus.
It will give you alternative exercises you can swap out for ones you don’t want to do or don’t have the equipment to do.
Don’t worry about any exercises you’re not comfortable with. You can easily exchange or swap it out for one of the regressions from this booklet.
This bonus is valued at $25 but included free with your order today.
Now you can see why Crunchless Core is valued at $97.
Your premium bonuses ALONE are worth $75, which would bring your investment today for Crunchless Core to $172.
However, I have a good reason that I’ll share with you shortly for making you a far better deal. Keep reading and I’ll share why I’m slashing the price for a limited time.
Sure, you could just walk away, chance it, and keep going down the road you’re on now.
And end up spending 10, 20, even 100 times more than the investment you’ll make today on Crunchless Core from a personal trainer. (Or even the cost of physical therapy!)
Then there’s all the time you’ll waste plugging away at squeezing out those hard-to-sculpt abs by still doing what all the freebie programs tell you to do. (Hint: there’s a reason they’re FREE).
And let’s not even TALK about all the time you’ll miss having the chance to show off your beautifully sculpted six-pack at home, at the gym or on the beach.
Neither of us see that as your future, right?
Listen: I’m ready to make this a no-brainer decision for you today.
I feel you deserve to know why I’m offering you such a massive discount today.
Let me share my vision with you: it’s a CAUSE I’m inviting you to join today, along with the thousands of others who are ready too.
I want to help ordinary guys and girls break free from the dangerous and damaging advice that lazy, old-school trainers and coaches use to hold us back.
I want you to have access to the same “insider” knowledge that elite coaches and trainers have known for years… but have kept tight-lipped about for fear of losing their “edge”.
I want to create a level playing field so no-one suffers from the long-lasting effects crunches cause to your posture and spinal health.
I simply cannot let “price” get in the way of you achieving YOUR goals, as well as helping me make a positive impact.
Only on this page, your total investment in Crunchless Core will NOT be $172 today.
Not even close.
Cut that price in half… and you’re STILL not close!
As ridiculous as it sounds, you won’t even pay $49 today!
Today only, and only from this letter, your total investment in Crunchless Core, including the PREMIUM Accelerated Fat Loss Program bonus valued at $50, is ONLY:
Lock in your super-discounted price, which is extremely limited, by clicking on the yellow BUY NOW order button below.
I want you to try Crunchless Core
ON ME for a full 60 days.
If you do not sculpt yourself a chiseled, rock-hard six pack in that time…
If you’re not COMPLETELY DELIGHTED by the program…
Even if you don’t like the clothes I wear in the follow-along video… or my accent… or enthusiasm… no worries! I’ll give back your ENTIRE investment.
No questions asked and no hassles. I’ll refund every penny, because I’m committed to producing results for you, no matter what.
Plus, as part of my Double Guarantee, if you use the program and think I’ve wasted your time or haven’t delivered on my promise, we’ll pay for your next program by allowing you to pick one of our other products.
Click on the yellow button below to secure your discounted price before someone else claims it.
Just have a look at what these clients did following my Two Phase Formula…
Maximum Results – Not a Quick Fix
“I can confidently say that Coach Brian invested some serious time and effort to ensure you learn the proper technique and skills in the Crunchless Core program. His knowledge extends beyond helping you to achieve your personal best but extends to work out plans, diet and lifestyle change guidance.
I promise you will not find just some random workout routines but some amazing exercises and challenges from beginning to end. This workout is about maximum results and not just a quick fix. I am sending a BIG thank you to Coach Brian for sharing his knowledge and passion for fitness with me.”
Stay Injury Free & Train Your Core Without a Single Sit-Up
“I am 54 years old and I have had some injuries the past couple of years and I shared my concerns with Brian Klepacki about trying to stay injury free. He made a plan Crunchless Core to focus on stability and balance as well as strengthening my core using total body movements without ever doing a single sit up.
His knowledge has opened my eyes to a whole new level of training. I will continue to work with Brian to be in the best shape possible.”
Works Even If You’ve Tried Everything Else!
“I have been actively training in one way or another for 15 years. Being mother of 3 with limited time, I have trained with personal trainers, been a runner, a Crossfitter, done Orange Theory, Zumba, Boot Camp, tried training on my own and many other classes in between but most programs have fallen short.
When I started training with Brian I had overuse injuries in both knees from an intense ‘Boot Camp’ that I was attending. In the short time that I have been with Brian, he has not only corrected my knee pain, but he has taught me so much about functional training, my form and corrected things I thought I was doing right for years. I have always had weak abs/core, so Brian has me doing really unique core exercises from Crunchless Core that not only improved my strength, but enhanced my overall functionality as well.
Brian’s functional training model used in Crunchless Core has improved my physical performance and fitness level all around!”
Triathlete Feels Great & Setting Personal Records
“Being a triathlete and former yoga and kickboxing instructor, I’ve had my fare share of training programs as well as injuries. I’ve had multiple knee surgeries so running was always painful and slow to say the least.
Lastly, I work unpredictable long hours in a fast paced, high stress job and I sit ALL day. I started seeing Brian Klepacki after I finished my first half Ironman because I needed help. I couldn’t seem to make time for actual training leading up to my next event, but he had a solution…functional strength training like you’ll find in Crunchless Core
We worked specific muscle groups for biking, running, and swimming, which included a tremendous amount of core and stability training, never once doing ‘traditional’ stomach exercises. The end result was a faster swim without much time in the water, a stronger bike, a much less painful run and I feel great!”
Get Out of the Desk Position!
“If the desk position is hard on your lower back and could cause long term aches and pains, then why would you lay on the ground and repeatably crank your spine over and over into the desk position?”
Yet, just by taking action today, the complete Crunchless Core system, with all the bonuses, PLUS the Super Bonus is yours for only $17.
Now, remember, you’re not just getting an incredible discount today.
You’ll be joining all those guys and girls who have chosen to make a better path for themselves and commit to not working harder but SMARTER to get the results they deserve.
Plus, you’ll join the ever-growing Crunchless Core satisfied customer community.
Click on the BUY NOW button right now and lock in your discounted price today.
Within a few minutes, you’ll have everything at your fingertips: the entire Crunchless Core System, inside the secure members area.
Remember: this includes, today only, your premium bonuses, Crunchless Core LITE – Home Edition and the Exercise Exchange, worth $75!
So your order will be smooth and easy today, I want to show you EXACTLY what to expect after you click the order button below:
First, you’ll be taken to our 100% secure checkout page, which looks like this:
After you order, you’ll be shown ways to customize your order, and even have the opportunity to pick up some valuable “quick-start” bonus materials…
Finally, you’ll arrive at our secure member’s area.
It really is that simple to get started RIGHT NOW.
Remember: you’ve been struggling with chiseling out your powerful six-pack abs for way too long.
Unless you take action today, you run a grave risk of causing serious – possibly irreversible – damage to your spine and pain in your back and neck.
By failing to build your core properly you’re leaving your body out of alignment and unbalanced.
And, worst of all, your midsection simply won’t EVER have that chiseled, Herculean six-pack that comes from training the whole core from inside out.
YET: All of this can be avoided, beginning today, simply by applying the step-by-step program I’ve developed for you in Crunchless Core.
See, I have this vision for you.

Today, you finally have THE answer to your frustrating abs problem at long last – and…
You’re brimming with excitement.
You’re bursting with confidence.
Turning heads as you walk into the room.
You are experiencing the body and health you deserve – at long last!
Yes, it’s true. Your lack of progress and obstacles placed before you – up until today – have been no fault of your own.
It’s true that you’ve been lied to in the past about quick-fix solutions.
And trainers and coaches have perpetuated the “Crunches Myth” to serve their own interests for far too long.
Especially with the ‘MORE CRUNCHES IS BETTER” idea so many of us have tried (including me).
And who can forget all those false promises other coaching “experts” made to you that never stood up to the light of day?
Yet, today is your day to CLAIM your power and take responsibility.
You do it by taking action… doing what you know you MUST DO to see REAL results with a program that WORKS!
Here’s the GOOD NEWS. Unlike all those ridiculous abs workout gimmicks, this one is GUARANTEED to work for you:
I’m asking you right now to just try Crunchless Core for 60 full days, on me… either you are thrilled with your new set of bulletproof six-pack abs, or you pay NOTHING.
Plus, I never leave you hanging – either me or my Support Team will get back to you quickly with any questions you have, so you’ll always feel taken care of.
Immediately after you buy today, you need to do this: wait for the “Welcome” email to arrive in your inbox with your log-in details and log into the members area.
Then head over to the Crunchless Core Workbook and read through the introduction and program breakdown to understand how the Two Phase program is structured. That way you can dive in ASAP and get started seeing results.
Diving into the workbook will guarantee you get your program started in the right way to give your 60 day journey to perfect abs a running start.
Listen, don’t put this off a second longer… let me tell you WHY:
First, keep in mind I’ve discounted Crunchless Core by over $100, completely risk-free to you with its guarantee.
Just know this. I will eventually have to increase the price closer to the retail value, as I’m giving you a massive discount.
So you must act now before I have to do that… it may be today, tomorrow, or in a few weeks…
And, you also don’t want to miss out on my one-time-only bonus offer for Crunchless Core LITE – Home Edition and the Exercise Exchange, reserved ONLY for first-come action-takers.
Those who act today will lock in their discount and these free gifts.
Others won’t be so fortunate.
And, let’s remember: unless you take action now, today, you may NEVER take action.
You may do what so many others do and put it off… you know, for “a few more days?”… which turns into months… even years?
So, now we both know what you REALLY want and need.
And, let’s just face facts, and do the only SMART thing left for you to do.
Get my one-time, limited discount while it’s still available to you, before someone else takes your spot.
And get on the fast track to perfect abs using the smartest, safest, most proven system for developing a rock-solid six-pack on the planet.
CLICK the BUY NOW button below right now, and let’s get you started today.
Move Well. Look Well. Live Well,
Brian Klepacki, MS, CSCS, FMS, CISSN Fat Loss & Core Training Advisor – CriticalBench.com
FAQS ABOUT Crunchless Core
Q: How is this different from other programs?
A: What makes this program unique is that it’s a complete workout. Many other programs focus on simply finding alternatives to crunches – like planks and other movements. And that’s all they do. They don’t offer a complete workout system that actually builds from the core with functional movements which don’t cause wear and tear to your joints.
Q: Why can’t I just find all this online and do it myself?
A: You could try looking for some of this information online or try searching through thousands of articles and studies on core strength and conditioning. Even then you’d still have to go to college and pick up a degree on exercise in order to have access to many of the academic studies and research I used when developing the program.
Ultimately, you won’t be able to replicate this program. What I have developed is based on 15 years helping top class athletes and professional sports people and all my experience and expertise has been poured into this targeted, proven program that I know gets results every time.
You really won’t find another program like it.
Q: How long does the program take?
A: The complete program takes 60 days. This is the optimal amount of time it will take to make significant changes in your core strength and stability so you can develop rock-hard, chiseled abs that turn heads every time.
The program is split into Two Phases of four weeks each. The first phase deals with building up your core stability and strength. The second phase builds on the first and is where you make the gains which help you towards the six-pack you’ve always wanted.
You can, of course, carry on the program as long as you wish.
Q: How does your guarantee work?
A: It’s really simple. If for ANY reason within 60 days of the program you don’t like anything about it, you can simply contact our customer support team and request a full refund, no questions asked. We’re so confident you’ll love the program, we want this to be a no-brainer for you so we’ve removed ALL the risk.
And when we say you can refund for ANY reason, we mean it. In fact, you can try the whole 60 day program and see for yourself the incredible gains you’ll make in such a short time.
You really can prove it works without any risk at all.
Q: Who is this program suitable for?
A: This program has been designed for men and women of any age and at any stage of fitness. Whether you’ve never before done a single crunch or if you’re an experienced athlete, you will benefit from building a strong, bulletproof core using the Crunchless Core principles.
Every single one of the functional exercises is described in detail and the follow-along video shows you exactly how to complete each exercise with perfect form so you maximize your effort into gaining results. I have done all the hard work of breaking it all down in its simplest parts so you don’t have to worry about a thing. It really couldn’t be simpler to follow.
Q: What happens if I’m already injured? Will this work for me?
A: Of course! I’ve worked with numerous athletes to support them and help them back to good health and so I’ve designed the program to help you, too.
The first phase of the program is specifically designed to “reset” and build your core strength. In the process, you will develop better posture, more power and greater stability in your midsection to support the bigger exercises in the second half of the program.
By focusing on working all the deep core muscles rather than just the superficial surface muscles, you’ll bring balance to your body and remove many of the underlying causes behind your injury.
Q: How complicated are the exercises? Do I need any gym equipment?
A: The exercises have been chosen based on their functionality. While I’ve made every effort to keep the program as simple and straightforward as possible, there will inevitably be some exercises which are a little harder than others to perform BUT for good reason. These work your core more effectively and more efficiently by working through all three planes – remember your core is 3D. No matter what the exercise, you’re completely covered by the program. I outlined in detail every single exercise and walk you through each one in the video to ensure you nail perfect form.
You will require either a home gym or a gym in order to complete both phases. That’s simply because there are big movements involved and you need the range of weights a gym gives you.
Q: What if this doesn’t work for me?
A: Crunchless Core really will work for you, I’m sure of it.
Our most successful students of the program followed it through all 60 days and were able to develop beautiful, chiseled abs while remaining injury free.
If, in the highly unlikely event, the program doesn’t work for you, don’t worry. We’ll refund you all your money – if you’re still within the 60 days refund period – no questions asked. Plus we’ll even pay for another one of our proven programs so you can work on another aspect of your strength or conditioning. There really is no risk to you at all.
Stop doing sit-ups: why crunches don’t work – Kate Daily, Newsweek (March 2009)
Are situps and crunches bad for the spine? – Christy Callahan, Livestrong (Aug 2013)
Why crunches don’t work – Ben Greenfield, Huffington Post (May 2012)
Why crunches won’t give you your flat abs, and will hurt your body – Lisa Elaine, Well & Good (May 2012)
Neck safety while doing crunches – Jonathan Thompson, Livestrong (Nov 2015)
Back pain while doing crunches – Elle Di Jensen, Livestrong (June 2015)
Sports hernia 101, Jim Brown, EXOS (May 2009)
Top 10 gym exercises done incorrectly – NHS (October 2015)
The surprising downsides of sit-ups – Claudia Hammond, BBC, (April 2016)
Ab exercises that can cause injury – Amy Robers, Men’s Fitness
Dangerous workouts – avoid these five exercises at all costs to prevent injury – Justin Caba,Medical Daily (Sep 2014)
Is your ab workout hurting your back? Gretchen Reynolds, NY Times (June 2009)
The health hazards of sitting – Bonnie Berkowitz and Patterson Clark, Washington Post (Jan 2014)
Abdominal fat and what to do about it – Harvard Medical School (Sept 2005)
10 exercise myths that won’t go away – Madison Park, CNN (June 2011)
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Crunchless Core
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By simply reading this all the way to the end you will discover:
A superior yet little-known method of decreasing the number of reps while DOUBLING your results in half the time
Exactly how you can work every muscle DEEP into your core for a perfectly balanced stomach using this one strange but effective technique
A powerful, proven technique that “RESETS” your core, dramatically reduces your chances of injury and brings unlimited power to your body
The one ‘tried and true’ technique that MOST people think is the best way to get rock solid abs…but you’ll discover why you must AVOID IT at all costs! (Note: this is a mistake even PROS make)
Why complicated and boring diets are NOT the best way to a flat, washboard stomach (and what you need to focus on instead to guarantee success)
I’ll reveal the truth about sit-ups and crunches from real experts so grab a pen and pad to take notes now.
The real problem when developing a six-pack is there’s so much misinformation out there.
A seemingly endless supply of options, methods, and ideas on how best to achieve perfectly chiseled abs.
Well, here’s the good news.
Today, all your confusion will vanish.
I’m about to reveal an approach that’s unique, surprisingly simple, and works for anyone at any age and any stage of their journey to rock-hard abs.
Keep in mind I would normally charge for this information, as it will help you achieve your goal of developing a six-pack faster and with greater ease.
Before we go any further, however, I feel it’s only fair to level with you:
There’s a rather embarrassing story I need to share before we dive into this new workout method for your abs today.
You’ll understand why this almost got edited from this letter in a few minutes, so brace yourself and keep reading.
You’ll see why my embarrassing little episode is so important to YOUR WORKOUT success in just a few minutes… deal?
Hi, I’m Brian Klepacki
Inside this eye-opening special report is the SECRET KEY to helping you get a flat, defined belly–and why complicated and boring diets are NOT the best way to a flat, washboard stomach (and what you need to focus on instead to guarantee success).
Today, I’m a Certified Strength Coach and owner of a Strength and Conditioning business in Florida.
I have a Masters in Exercise Science with a Concentration of Strength and Conditioning. Certified in Functional Movement and I’m a Certified Strength & Conditioning Specialist.
I know how important it is to sift through fact and fiction to uncover the truth about human performance.
You know, a lot of folks think my biggest breakthroughs come about because of the athletes I’ve trained.
They say, “sure, you can get great results when you’re training Olympic medalists, Pan Am games medalists, pro basketball players, baseball stars…
“… and stars of football, hockey, collegiate lacrosse, soccer and swimming” and so you’d expect these guys to get great results.
Yet the truth will surprise you!
My biggest success – the success I’m most proud of – was from a normal guy I coached, named Mac.
I remember when I first met Mac back in July 2012.
I recall it was a hot summer and it was all you could do to wear shorts and a T-shirt to keep cool. It was HOT!
I was just finishing up training one of my athlete clients in my studio gym and in walks this older guy in running shorts.
He was slim and he was clearly athletic… but right away I could tell he had a problem with his knee as he was nursing a limp.
It looked bad and alarm bells started ringing in my head about whether he was already past the point of no return.
Now Mac, it turns out, was a runner. He was 50 and held a desk job which had him sitting for most of his day.
But despite his activity every day he was in pain.
He was trying to live with chronic back and knee pain.
Now, the story you’re about to hear is pretty bad in places. But this was the experience that led Mac from being in pain all the time to a state of being pain free and stronger and fitter than ever.
And I think you want that, too.
You see when I sat Mac down to talk with him, he was almost in tears. Earlier that day, he’d see his physician who gave him a shocking diagnosis.
He had a herniated disc which was causing him pain.
He had tried to craft a six-pack and build much-needed core strength. Sensible, right?
But the more effort he put in, the more crunches he did… the worse the results were.
So he spent MORE time doing crunches and MORE reps. And still it didn’t show.
All the while, his back pain worsened. Then his knee started aching. And that ache turned into a chronic pain.
Until, finally, he couldn’t even work out anymore.
When he heard from his doctor his spine was damaged it was a wake-up call.
This is how the doctor explained it. Imagine your spinal discs – the discs which sit on top of each other to form your spine – were jelly doughnuts.
These discs are made up of two parts, the nucleus pulposus – or the jelly center – and the outer, protective layer, the annulus fibrosis. Both parts help the disc move.
Now, because Mac was doing so many crunches, it was putting direct pressure on the discs at the point of his back where the crunches flex the spine.
Through wear and tear, it had caused the outer layer of the doughnut to wear away and the jelly – or nucleus pulposa – was being pushed through. You could see the jelly trying to make an escape.
And that’s painful.
It took this shocking “wake-up call” to push Mac to seek help. Now – having heard of the success I had with the athletes I coach – he was at my door.
Just think about that for a moment.
His goal of trying to get rock solid abs to build a strong core left him unable to workout.
He told me it felt like the ground fell from under him.
It already ate away at him every time he looked in the mirror and saw how little his effort was paying off.
Then when the pain became too much… well, he felt he was being kicked when he was down.
“What more could I do?” he asked me, almost in tears.
It was at that instant when Mac came to see me and told me his story, that I drew a line in the sand. I decided to help Mac change his life.
Now, here’s the embarrassing part. Until then, I’d only helped pro athletes and coached elites. My approach to training wasn’t available to the normal folks who really needed my help.
Never again would I allow guys like Mac to suffer unnecessarily, through no fault of their own.
I promised myself I’d bring together all my expertise and experience over my years as a strength and conditioning coach to help ordinary girls and guys escape the tyranny of dangerous training advice.
On that day, I made a promise to create a program designed for people like Mac and yourself to help you build the strong, athletic body and the iron core you want without sacrificing your health and wellbeing.
And thanks to that turning point, I uncovered THE blueprint for perfect abs. And it’s one that works for just about anyone – Pro athlete or amateur
Today, I’m going to share it with you, and save you the endless hassle and years of effort it took me to hone this blueprint… so keep reading.
Keep in mind that, even though I’m a Certified Strength and Conditioning Specialist working with pro-athletes from multiple disciplines, it’s my experience working with and helping folks like you get incredible results faster than you can imagine that really matters.
I just happened to figure out a really simple, step-by-step formula designed for the average person to see massive results when it comes to developing their abs in just 60 days.
This is a system that allows real people to:
Breathe better, stand taller and enjoy better health and more vitality, every waking hour.
Finally develop a stable, strong, armor-plated core to protect your posture and give you explosive power.
Finally, sculpt chiseled beach body abs built properly from inside out that turn heads wherever you go
This is the system I’ve used to give everyone from pro athletes to everyday athletes the strong core they deserve.
So know for a fact that, by using this formula, you’ll be receiving the exact same value as my top elite clients – who I charge $1,000 a day – at a fraction of the cost.
I’ll share all the specifics with you in just a moment, but first…
I feel compelled to be honest with you, and let you know about the real and serious problem you face right now.
This is the foe – “hidden in plain sight” – behind why you’re not getting the results you’ve always wanted.
And this is why a weak core, no definition and a serious threat of debilitating pain is not your fault. Although, after you read this, you know it now becomes your responsibility to take action.
The sad fact is that for years you’ve been misled by “experts” giving outdated advice on how to build your six-pack.
Many of their lies are THE REASON you’ve been let down in the past.
You may have heard, or perhaps even believed at one point, that doing crunches is the ONLY way to get the abs you want.
I can’t believe some coaches or online writers are STILL advocating crunches!
Please, if you have ever believed this, stop right now! I’ll explain why in just a moment…
Just know this: countless other smart guys and girls have fallen – and are still falling – victim to the HUGE “crunches” myth, yet you need to lay it aside right now.
If you don’t, you’ll cause serious – possibly irreversible – damage to your spine.
You’ll end up with chronic pain in your back, neck and knees.
And, you may even end up losing muscle, losing fitness and gaining weight as your body fights against poor posture and being out of alignment.
Listen: this isn’t what I want for you. And I know it’s not what you want for yourself.
The struggle you’ve been experiencing is directly due to this, which is why it’s not your fault.
However, it’s now your responsibility, wouldn’t you agree?
Please don’t blame yourself.
Blame the personal trainers and coaches still pushing outdated training techniques… DECADES after top strength coaches abandoned crunches.
The “crunch” has been an exercise staple since the 1940s. The exercise recommended by late night TV commercials, magazines and wannabe fitness gurus at the gym.
But REAL fitness experts threw crunches as a serious exercise into the trash can YEARS ago, knowing the dangers and how ineffective they are.
Not that it’s stopped all the misinformation spread by sports writers, churning out the same old advice from outdated sources.
And now anyone with a six-pack and Youtube account can claim to be an “expert” and hand out inaccurate, potentially damaging advice.
It’s enough to confuse the smartest person alive… and it confused ME for years. Until I learned the truth from trained professionals.
But place a lot of the blame with sleazy “quick fix” online programs who rely on making bold, baseless claims.
Let me reveal to you the truth about crunches from real experts.
Stuart McGill, professor of spine biomechanics at the University of Waterloo in Canada has conducted dozens of studies replicating the movement of the spine when doing crunches.
After replicating the flexing of the human spine, he examined the discs and found they had been squeezed to the point where they bulged.
This is the reason crunches press on back nerves causing back pain, and can even cause a herniated disc.
(Remember our jelly doughnut…)
The fact of the matter is you should NEVER do crunches or sit-ups. And here’s why:
1) Crunches causes lower back stress.
A 1995 study found sit-ups placed over 3,000N of force on the lower spine, which could cause herniated discs. Imagine willingly applying that force on any other part of your body through exercise? You wouldn’t.
If you fall for the crunch myth, you will end up in pain, either in your back, neck or elsewhere.
2) Your spine has a shelf life. Crunches age your spine.
You only have so many flexions in your spine before it starts to deteriorate. You can’t repair it. You can’t change it. That’s how it is. The more you flex your spine, the more you age your spine.
That’s fact. So why would you actively try to flex your spine at its most vulnerable point causing it to age faster and further?
3) Crunches don’t aid good posture; they reinforce bad posture.
Think about it: what is a crunch?
You’re just replicating the bent over movement you make when you’re sat at a desk or slumped in a seat.
4) Because you’re doing crunches, you’re not PROPERLY working your core.
You’re becoming weaker, less powerful, and more susceptible to problems.
You see, crunches aren’t functional. They don’t replicate ANY natural movement our bodies were designed for. Our bodies thrive on exercises in alignment with their function.
Crunching isn’t a natural movement. It actively opposes the purpose of the spine and works against it. We are meant to be upright and be able to bend, twist, reach and extend.
5) And here’s the worst part… crunches DON’T work.
Yes, you feel the burn. But it’s a fake burn – it feels good, but does it actually deliver results? No.
Crunches miss your core muscles. The narrow range of exercise does nothing to strengthen your deep abdominal muscles, your transversus abdominis, or your obliques. Crunches ONLY work your rectus abdominis close to your skin.
So the abs you DO end up with tell a lie. They don’t represent strength. They don’t represent inner power. Your core is no stronger for these “cosmetic” abs. In fact, they put your midsection out of balance and increase the risk of injury.
What if I told you that creating these “superficial” abs actually takes more, time more energy and wastes MUCH more effort? It’s many times EASIER to build chiseled abs the right way.
Now you’re aware of the myths and lies. You can see how they’ve crippled your ability to gain the six-pack you’ve wanted for years.
It’s time to dig in and rise above the lies using these three tips I have for you today.
Without these tips, your road to a perfect, powerful six-pack will be a rocky one. Yet using these simple strategies, you’ll reach your goal of chiseled abs in no time.
And by far the most IMPORTANT tip is showing you how to “reset” your core so you can build your new washboard abs on strong foundations.
I’ll go into the specifics of my “reset” tip in just a second, so by all means, keep reading.
The first thing I have to WARN you is to avoid isolation exercises.
I used to believe isolation exercises were actually essential when it came to your core! Now I know better, and so do you…
Here’s what will happen if you carry on using isolation exercises as part of your core workout:
Your body is designed to work as a unit. Individual muscles aren’t meant to be worked in isolation. When you work one area without working surrounding muscles, it causes an imbalance. Strong muscles in one area can overpower weak muscles, offering a false sense of security and risking serious injury.
Here’s the secret: only by fully engaging your core in every plane can you fire up all the muscles in the midsection, front, side, and rear to bring balance to your body. When you do this, you’ll properly work the deep muscles of the core.
So here’s what you do instead: powerful functional exercises that work your core across three planes of motion. Your core needs to be worked in 3D.
By just doing functional rather than isolation movements as part of your workout you’ll see more impressive gains in far, far less time.
Just picture it:
People will look at you in amazement when you develop rock-hard, chiseled abs without doing a single crunch or wasting hours eeking out marginal gains. With functional movements as part of a complete workout program, everything works in harmony to burn fat, increase energy and build muscle through the core.
That’s not all: you’ll also shave hours and days off the amount of time you need to train your core.
The benefits of this simple tip continue to surprise me, and it continues to astound all the athletes I’ve taught it to
Well, listen to this one.
Would it surprise you to discover you can actually enjoy the foods you REALLY want to eat when building chiseled abs?
Most people believe you have to haul yourself through the process of complicated and boring diets, but I would rather see you eat foods you enjoy and STICK to a long-term program.
Enjoying your abs diet starts here: simply forget about calorie restriction – this only results in weight loss, NOT fat loss, which is where you want to put your focus.
You also need to train your body to use fat as an energy source and taking steps to improve your gut health will flip the switch on improving your rate of fat loss.
Just picture it:
People will be STUNNED when they see you efficiently sculpting a set of abs your buddies will be jealous of when they’re still dieting and missing out!
Enjoying the journey is the key to staying on the path, and this simple nutrition strategy will get you there fast!
And, it’s about to get even better, because now I’ll be sharing my most VITAL tip when it comes to killer abs.
The other tips I just gave you were great, but without applying THIS tip to the rest? Forget about succeeding in your goals.
This simple tip is the center of the Perfect Abs Equation: hitting the “reset” button on your core strength.
It’s the tactic behind ALL success in developing a rock-solid six-pack because it allows you to build your core on solid foundations, working every muscle effectively for a balanced midsection that properly supports your body.
This is my patented Two Phase Principle, used successfully by virtually every six-pack celebrity or athlete, even if they don’t know it!
Here’s what you do: you break down your eight week plan into two distinct phases of training, each designed for a specific purpose.
This is the bedrock foundation of my entire strategy. It’s one that will give you a lifetime of power and strength in your core that makes sculpting chiseled abs easier than you could ever imagine.
Just imagine what your life will feel like when you MASTER this Two Phase process!
You’ll forever leave behind the frustrations you’ve no-doubt experienced when it comes to working your abs. All those frustrations end TODAY.
And this is happening in your life simply because you NOW know this formula.
It’s the little-known success strategy enjoyed by the elite… and now it’s your turn!
Okay, that was a TON of valuable information. You may be feeling a bit unsure of where and how to get started and that’s fine.
All this means is that you have two simple choices to make, right now:
Choice 1: You can take all the tips and info I just gave you and try to put the puzzle pieces together on your own, without help.
You never know! You may eventually put the pieces of the puzzle together on your own, but it will take a lot longer and there’s no guarantee you’ll make it.
Or, there’s the smarter choice. The one savvy men and women take to speed up their progress towards owning a washboard stomach.
This is the quickest, fastest, and smartest way possible to stunning abs without doing a single, dangerous crunch.
Look… there’s no reason to try this on your own – I’ve already done all the work for you, right?
There’s no need to scratch your head in frustration, guessing your way to “halfway there”, because I’ve already created the ideal system for you.
It’s a system I’ve perfected and tested for years on countless thousands of men and women like you.
Here’s what the vast majority decide to do – it’s called:
The safest, most effective way to sculpt chiseled abs and develop an iron core in just 60 days without screwing up your spine.
My results-focused, step-by-step program guarantees you finally get the abs you want…even if:
You have limited time in your day to focus on building rock solid abs… in fact, by doing this functional program you’ll get a complete workout.
You don’t know the first thing about core exercises and they’ve never been part of your workout. I explain every single exercise in detail with follow-along videos designed to guarantee you hit perfect form right away.
You think you’re light years away from getting abs. Look… every journey starts with a single step. This program breaks down the journey into simple, digestible chunks. Start now and within 60 days you’ll see bigger, more impressive results than you can imagine.
You’re already injured. The truth is most people come to me already suffering from back pain, neck pain or some other problem caused by poor posture or their body being out of alignment. Through my program, you’ll feel strength – real strength – in your core to balance and properly align your body.
Or even if you think you’ve tried EVERYTHING!
To save your time, and mine, let me be upfront and tell you what Crunchless Core is NOT, before I tell you what it IS.
Crunchless Core is NOT a “quick-fix” abs program promising quick results with no effort down.
Crunchless Core is NOT a “crunches-replacement” or a hastily thrown together collection of plank alternatives you can find online that simply DON’T work. It is a complete workout system that trains your abs in 3D for the best results.
Don’t you think you’ve been fed enough myths about crunches? Isn’t it enough? Isn’t it time to start using what’s PROVEN to work?
Crunchless Core is the direct result of over 15 years of studying and working with athletes one-on-one to discover what works.
I uncovered the hidden patterns and unique (sometimes ‘odd’) tactics they use to stay strong, powerful and injury-free in the world of competitive sport.
And now, from this point forward, you’ll have the tools to do just the same.
The strategies of the truly successful can NOW be duplicated easily by you, giving you:
A strong, powerful core that protects you from bad posture and keeps you upright, strong and filled with energy and vitality
The freedom to work out in LESS time with LESS effort so you can achieve even BIGGER gains.
And all of this, while you quickly achieve a rock-solid washboard stomach with abs that pop, faster than ever before possible!
Before we go one step further, I need to be 100% honest with you.
I hope you’re not one of “those” types looking for the next “7 Minute Instant Abs” quick-fix that promises the earth but just leaves your wallet leaner.
You get it: more garbage that doesn’t work, never has worked, and never WILL work for you.
Then do us both a favor and just forget all about Crunchless Core, because it’s not going to give you ‘impossible’ results just SOLID results…
Crunchless Core isn’t pie-in-the-sky fantasy land nonsense.
It’s the REAL deal.
And it’s only for folks like you who are serious about building an iron core and enjoying eye-popping abs.
There are no push button answers to succeeding in sculpting abs you can be proud of. Nothing in this life is easy, and you know that, but THIS is as easy as it gets…
So, if you’re like most folks watching this presentation, and you’re 100% ready for REAL to succeed, here’s what you’re going to receive.
If you really want to:
Sculpt a ripped, chiseled core with an impressive six-pack and abs that pop right out
Build a bulletproof midsection to protect and support your whole body and guarantee good posture so you can breathe, move and workout better
Enjoy explosive power and optimal performance right through your core without risking serious injury or weakness
Then Crunchless Core isn’t just “a” solution for you… it’s the ONLY solution for you.
What Others Are Saying About Crunchless Core
Having a Strong Core is a Requirement for Long-Term Health of the Skeletal and Muscular System
“Brian’s method of core training is unique and unlike anything I’ve seen in my career as an orthopedic surgeon. His training style, combined with his knowledge of functional movement would benefit athletes, workout enthusiasts, and weekend warriors in every gym, clinic, and training center.
I find Brian’s core workouts beneficial and appropriate for a broad range of patients and athletes. In fact, I would probably perform fewer surgeries if people followed his core strengthening approach.”
Athletic Trainer Approved
“I have worked as an Athletic Trainer for nearly 20 years, and when it comes to the core, people still today only think of crunching till they have a “6-pack.” The thought that one can focus on one area and “spot reduce” only increases the very dysfunctional thought.
To truly have a great core that protects not only the athlete, but also all of us, a comprehensive, “full circle” approach to its strength and flexibility is needed.
The program that Brian has implemented addresses the entire scope of the core, its function for optimal strength, and perhaps the most crucial…the durability of the spine to avoid injury.
Let’s face it, lying down and doing the standard crunch only increases unwanted pressure into the cervical spine and at the end of the day offers next to no core strength benefits.
Brian’s program addresses the abdominal flexors, extensors, rotators and stabilizers. It also strengthens the hips that supports the core with large muscles and allows it to move in full ranges of motion without pain and potential injury.
By performing the types of dynamic stabilization…planking for example…Brian is able to provide a comprehensive core strengthening program that will not only give a person the durability and desired function they are after, but also be the actual way to bring about that “6-pack” we all like to show off!
I have been blessed to work with athletes of all kinds over the years, from Randy “Macho Man” Savage to pitcher Frank Viola and many other professional and collegiate athletes.
But no matter what age, level or ability, none of them could perform without a strong and flexible core as the foundation. If you want to enjoy your highest level of fitness…and do it pain free…get off the crunching floor and experience success through Brian’s program!”
Over 40? No Problem!
“As a male over 40, I’ve probably tried just about every exercise regime imaginable, so I’m constantly looking for different things to keep my body guessing and my workouts fresh.
When I saw that Critical Bench was launching Crunchless Core, I knew I had to try it. From day one I knew this 8 week program was legitimate from the intensity level it puts you at. Keeping up with the program is easy and works with any schedule. If you truly want results, I highly recommend Crunchless Core!”
Don’t Isolate the Abs – Integrate Them Into Movement
“Current research has shown the downside of performing endless crunches and sit-ups for abdominal development. Coach Brian has done a good job creating a program that will work the abdominals in a more comprehensive manner, using exercises that integrate the abs into movement.”
To Look Athletic You Have to Be Athletic
“I have people all the time ask me, “How do I get abs like you, how do I get shredded?” Well, I finally have an easy way to answer their question; With this program!
Crunchless Core addresses all the issues with getting fit. It lays out your programming and gives detailed explanations of every aspect. This is the way I personally recommend you train.
Laying on the floor doing countless crunches is a thing of the past. If you want to look athletic, then you have to be athletic! Crunchless Core will lead you down the path to 6-pack gold!”
Sculpted Abs Without Neck or Back Pain
“I spend hours at the gym every week trying to improve my body and much of that time is dedicated to sculpting my abs. Like most people, I do many of the same exercises over and over again with good results but I must say I was super impressed with the variety of movements found in Crunchless Core…many I’ve never done before.
They were very challenging and I could feel the muscles working every where in my body and not just my abs. I also noticed zero neck or back pain after working out hard.
The movements are all carefully designed to fully engage the core and strengthen the entire body without having to do boring crunches and sit ups like you find in most other workout programs. Two thumbs up for me!”
Tightens Up the Entire Body
“I’m 50 years old and the CA2.0 program is awesome! My results came from following the program closely along with the consistent diet.
In just under 60 days I was able to noticeably tighten up my entire body and get the 6-pack abs I always wanted. I am very happy and will definitely recommend this program to other people!”
Have a look at what’s included in Crunchless Core, all designed to get you on the path to perfect abs within just 60 days:
On page four, you’ll discover the secret behind my “Two-Phase” Total Body Program.
You’ll completely transform your core from the inside-out in just 60 days with the Two Phase Total Body Program. The program includes over eight total body workouts containing over 70 functional exercises… and NOT A CRUNCH IN SIGHT!
We’re talking the highest quality content you can imagine as I walk you through the easy-to-follow instructional videos designed to show you PERFECT form.
You’ve no-doubt noticed that Crunchless Core is, without question, the safest, most efficient program giving you a stronger, more powerful core.
Which naturally opens up the possibility for you to see a rapid transformation within just eight weeks.
And it goes without saying that this program makes your life MUCH easier.
Here’s what I mean:
Each four-week phase is designed to train your core as a unit – rather than isolating the outer muscles. This way, you’ll burn more calories, add stability through your midsection and look beach-ready by the time the end of the program rolls around… all while spending LESS time and LESS effort training.
Which is amazing, considering some of the outdated advice on crunches included spending hours doing hundreds and even thousands of crunches to get the best results.
Now, you may be thinking, “I bet any blueprint that can give me all of that would cost a small fortune”.
And, in all honesty, It really should.
After all, Crunchless Core has already helped hundreds of athletes, professional sports people and guys and girls, like you and me, achieve rock-solid abs faster and easier than ever without pain.
I’ll get to the price in just a few moments.
First, I want to share a few unique benefits this one-of-a-kind system will deliver to you.
I won’t go into too much detail here, but these are absolutely some of my favorite training strategies…
How about the “bizarre” exercise you can do that instantly relieves the pressure on your spine – nice!
Or how to do LESS reps and get TWICE the results in HALF the time!
Our normal off-the-shelf retail price for Crunchless Core without any additional bonuses, is $97.
Listen: You’re not just getting Crunchless Core when you order today. I have something really special for you.
BONUS 1: Crunchless Core LITE – Home Edition
You’ve shown me how much you desire bulletproof abs. So now I’m tossing in – for a limited time only – one of my best programs as a free fast-action bonus so you can get there even quicker.
The premium gift you’ll receive today is Crunchless Core LITE – Home Edition ($50 Value).
I’m sure you realize when it comes to changing how your body looks and feels, there is one “secret” weapon that will get you to your goals faster than ever. It’s being consistent.
You don’t need a single piece of equipment to complete any of the workouts – they can be done in your garage, office or a hotel room. Every workout can be completed in less than 30 minutes so you can squeeze a complete core routine into even the busiest schedule.
Inside our Crunchless Core LITE bonus program, you’ll discover 16 super-fast core workouts to guarantee you stay on track with your core-building process whenever, wherever.
The program is split into four areas of focus, with four workouts in each section designed to work towards your goals: Power, Strength, Stability and Combination
It’s normally valued at $50 if you bought this separately… but it’s yours FREE today when you take action.
BONUS 2: Exercise Exchange Manual ($25 Value)
I have one more special BONUS for you and it’s called the Crunchless Core Exercise Exchange Manual.
If there are any exercises in the program you can’t perform due to an injury or if the exercise feels too difficult you can refer to this handy Bonus.
It will give you alternative exercises you can swap out for ones you don’t want to do or don’t have the equipment to do.
Don’t worry about any exercises you’re not comfortable with. You can easily exchange or swap it out for one of the regressions from this booklet.
This bonus is valued at $25 but included free with your order today.
Now you can see why Crunchless Core is valued at $97.
Your premium bonuses ALONE are worth $75, which would bring your investment today for Crunchless Core to $172.
However, I have a good reason that I’ll share with you shortly for making you a far better deal. Keep reading and I’ll share why I’m slashing the price for a limited time.
Sure, you could just walk away, chance it, and keep going down the road you’re on now.
And end up spending 10, 20, even 100 times more than the investment you’ll make today on Crunchless Core from a personal trainer. (Or even the cost of physical therapy!)
Then there’s all the time you’ll waste plugging away at squeezing out those hard-to-sculpt abs by still doing what all the freebie programs tell you to do. (Hint: there’s a reason they’re FREE).
And let’s not even TALK about all the time you’ll miss having the chance to show off your beautifully sculpted six-pack at home, at the gym or on the beach.
Neither of us see that as your future, right?
Listen: I’m ready to make this a no-brainer decision for you today.
I feel you deserve to know why I’m offering you such a massive discount today.
Let me share my vision with you: it’s a CAUSE I’m inviting you to join today, along with the thousands of others who are ready too.
I want to help ordinary guys and girls break free from the dangerous and damaging advice that lazy, old-school trainers and coaches use to hold us back.
I want you to have access to the same “insider” knowledge that elite coaches and trainers have known for years… but have kept tight-lipped about for fear of losing their “edge”.
I want to create a level playing field so no-one suffers from the long-lasting effects crunches cause to your posture and spinal health.
I simply cannot let “price” get in the way of you achieving YOUR goals, as well as helping me make a positive impact.
Only on this page, your total investment in Crunchless Core will NOT be $172 today.
Not even close.
Cut that price in half… and you’re STILL not close!
As ridiculous as it sounds, you won’t even pay $49 today!
Today only, and only from this letter, your total investment in Crunchless Core, including the PREMIUM Accelerated Fat Loss Program bonus valued at $50, is ONLY:
Lock in your super-discounted price, which is extremely limited, by clicking on the yellow BUY NOW order button below.
I want you to try Crunchless Core
ON ME for a full 60 days.
If you do not sculpt yourself a chiseled, rock-hard six pack in that time…
If you’re not COMPLETELY DELIGHTED by the program…
Even if you don’t like the clothes I wear in the follow-along video… or my accent… or enthusiasm… no worries! I’ll give back your ENTIRE investment.
No questions asked and no hassles. I’ll refund every penny, because I’m committed to producing results for you, no matter what.
Plus, as part of my Double Guarantee, if you use the program and think I’ve wasted your time or haven’t delivered on my promise, we’ll pay for your next program by allowing you to pick one of our other products.
Click on the yellow button below to secure your discounted price before someone else claims it.
Just have a look at what these clients did following my Two Phase Formula…
Maximum Results – Not a Quick Fix
“I can confidently say that Coach Brian invested some serious time and effort to ensure you learn the proper technique and skills in the Crunchless Core program. His knowledge extends beyond helping you to achieve your personal best but extends to work out plans, diet and lifestyle change guidance.
I promise you will not find just some random workout routines but some amazing exercises and challenges from beginning to end. This workout is about maximum results and not just a quick fix. I am sending a BIG thank you to Coach Brian for sharing his knowledge and passion for fitness with me.”
Stay Injury Free & Train Your Core Without a Single Sit-Up
“I am 54 years old and I have had some injuries the past couple of years and I shared my concerns with Brian Klepacki about trying to stay injury free. He made a plan Crunchless Core to focus on stability and balance as well as strengthening my core using total body movements without ever doing a single sit up.
His knowledge has opened my eyes to a whole new level of training. I will continue to work with Brian to be in the best shape possible.”
Works Even If You’ve Tried Everything Else!
“I have been actively training in one way or another for 15 years. Being mother of 3 with limited time, I have trained with personal trainers, been a runner, a Crossfitter, done Orange Theory, Zumba, Boot Camp, tried training on my own and many other classes in between but most programs have fallen short.
When I started training with Brian I had overuse injuries in both knees from an intense ‘Boot Camp’ that I was attending. In the short time that I have been with Brian, he has not only corrected my knee pain, but he has taught me so much about functional training, my form and corrected things I thought I was doing right for years. I have always had weak abs/core, so Brian has me doing really unique core exercises from Crunchless Core that not only improved my strength, but enhanced my overall functionality as well.
Brian’s functional training model used in Crunchless Core has improved my physical performance and fitness level all around!”
Triathlete Feels Great & Setting Personal Records
“Being a triathlete and former yoga and kickboxing instructor, I’ve had my fare share of training programs as well as injuries. I’ve had multiple knee surgeries so running was always painful and slow to say the least.
Lastly, I work unpredictable long hours in a fast paced, high stress job and I sit ALL day. I started seeing Brian Klepacki after I finished my first half Ironman because I needed help. I couldn’t seem to make time for actual training leading up to my next event, but he had a solution…functional strength training like you’ll find in Crunchless Core
We worked specific muscle groups for biking, running, and swimming, which included a tremendous amount of core and stability training, never once doing ‘traditional’ stomach exercises. The end result was a faster swim without much time in the water, a stronger bike, a much less painful run and I feel great!”
Get Out of the Desk Position!
“If the desk position is hard on your lower back and could cause long term aches and pains, then why would you lay on the ground and repeatably crank your spine over and over into the desk position?”
Yet, just by taking action today, the complete Crunchless Core system, with all the bonuses, PLUS the Super Bonus is yours for only $17.
Now, remember, you’re not just getting an incredible discount today.
You’ll be joining all those guys and girls who have chosen to make a better path for themselves and commit to not working harder but SMARTER to get the results they deserve.
Plus, you’ll join the ever-growing Crunchless Core satisfied customer community.
Click on the BUY NOW button right now and lock in your discounted price today.
Within a few minutes, you’ll have everything at your fingertips: the entire Crunchless Core System, inside the secure members area.
Remember: this includes, today only, your premium bonuses, Crunchless Core LITE – Home Edition and the Exercise Exchange, worth $75!
So your order will be smooth and easy today, I want to show you EXACTLY what to expect after you click the order button below:
First, you’ll be taken to our 100% secure checkout page, which looks like this:
After you order, you’ll be shown ways to customize your order, and even have the opportunity to pick up some valuable “quick-start” bonus materials…
Finally, you’ll arrive at our secure member’s area.
It really is that simple to get started RIGHT NOW.
Remember: you’ve been struggling with chiseling out your powerful six-pack abs for way too long.
Unless you take action today, you run a grave risk of causing serious – possibly irreversible – damage to your spine and pain in your back and neck.
By failing to build your core properly you’re leaving your body out of alignment and unbalanced.
And, worst of all, your midsection simply won’t EVER have that chiseled, Herculean six-pack that comes from training the whole core from inside out.
YET: All of this can be avoided, beginning today, simply by applying the step-by-step program I’ve developed for you in Crunchless Core.
See, I have this vision for you.
Today, you finally have THE answer to your frustrating abs problem at long last – and…
You’re brimming with excitement.
You’re bursting with confidence.
Turning heads as you walk into the room.
You are experiencing the body and health you deserve – at long last!
Yes, it’s true. Your lack of progress and obstacles placed before you – up until today – have been no fault of your own.
It’s true that you’ve been lied to in the past about quick-fix solutions.
And trainers and coaches have perpetuated the “Crunches Myth” to serve their own interests for far too long.
Especially with the ‘MORE CRUNCHES IS BETTER” idea so many of us have tried (including me).
And who can forget all those false promises other coaching “experts” made to you that never stood up to the light of day?
Yet, today is your day to CLAIM your power and take responsibility.
You do it by taking action… doing what you know you MUST DO to see REAL results with a program that WORKS!
Here’s the GOOD NEWS. Unlike all those ridiculous abs workout gimmicks, this one is GUARANTEED to work for you:
I’m asking you right now to just try Crunchless Core for 60 full days, on me… either you are thrilled with your new set of bulletproof six-pack abs, or you pay NOTHING.
Plus, I never leave you hanging – either me or my Support Team will get back to you quickly with any questions you have, so you’ll always feel taken care of.
Immediately after you buy today, you need to do this: wait for the “Welcome” email to arrive in your inbox with your log-in details and log into the members area.
Then head over to the Crunchless Core Workbook and read through the introduction and program breakdown to understand how the Two Phase program is structured. That way you can dive in ASAP and get started seeing results.
Diving into the workbook will guarantee you get your program started in the right way to give your 60 day journey to perfect abs a running start.
Listen, don’t put this off a second longer… let me tell you WHY:
First, keep in mind I’ve discounted Crunchless Core by over $100, completely risk-free to you with its guarantee.
Just know this. I will eventually have to increase the price closer to the retail value, as I’m giving you a massive discount.
So you must act now before I have to do that… it may be today, tomorrow, or in a few weeks…
And, you also don’t want to miss out on my one-time-only bonus offer for Crunchless Core LITE – Home Edition and the Exercise Exchange, reserved ONLY for first-come action-takers.
Those who act today will lock in their discount and these free gifts.
Others won’t be so fortunate.
And, let’s remember: unless you take action now, today, you may NEVER take action.
You may do what so many others do and put it off… you know, for “a few more days?”… which turns into months… even years?
So, now we both know what you REALLY want and need.
And, let’s just face facts, and do the only SMART thing left for you to do.
Get my one-time, limited discount while it’s still available to you, before someone else takes your spot.
And get on the fast track to perfect abs using the smartest, safest, most proven system for developing a rock-solid six-pack on the planet.
CLICK the BUY NOW button below right now, and let’s get you started today.
Move Well. Look Well. Live Well,
Brian Klepacki, MS, CSCS, FMS, CISSN Fat Loss & Core Training Advisor – CriticalBench.com
FAQS ABOUT Crunchless Core
Q: How is this different from other programs?
A: What makes this program unique is that it’s a complete workout. Many other programs focus on simply finding alternatives to crunches – like planks and other movements. And that’s all they do. They don’t offer a complete workout system that actually builds from the core with functional movements which don’t cause wear and tear to your joints.
Q: Why can’t I just find all this online and do it myself?
A: You could try looking for some of this information online or try searching through thousands of articles and studies on core strength and conditioning. Even then you’d still have to go to college and pick up a degree on exercise in order to have access to many of the academic studies and research I used when developing the program.
Ultimately, you won’t be able to replicate this program. What I have developed is based on 15 years helping top class athletes and professional sports people and all my experience and expertise has been poured into this targeted, proven program that I know gets results every time.
You really won’t find another program like it.
Q: How long does the program take?
A: The complete program takes 60 days. This is the optimal amount of time it will take to make significant changes in your core strength and stability so you can develop rock-hard, chiseled abs that turn heads every time.
The program is split into Two Phases of four weeks each. The first phase deals with building up your core stability and strength. The second phase builds on the first and is where you make the gains which help you towards the six-pack you’ve always wanted.
You can, of course, carry on the program as long as you wish.
Q: How does your guarantee work?
A: It’s really simple. If for ANY reason within 60 days of the program you don’t like anything about it, you can simply contact our customer support team and request a full refund, no questions asked. We’re so confident you’ll love the program, we want this to be a no-brainer for you so we’ve removed ALL the risk.
And when we say you can refund for ANY reason, we mean it. In fact, you can try the whole 60 day program and see for yourself the incredible gains you’ll make in such a short time.
You really can prove it works without any risk at all.
Q: Who is this program suitable for?
A: This program has been designed for men and women of any age and at any stage of fitness. Whether you’ve never before done a single crunch or if you’re an experienced athlete, you will benefit from building a strong, bulletproof core using the Crunchless Core principles.
Every single one of the functional exercises is described in detail and the follow-along video shows you exactly how to complete each exercise with perfect form so you maximize your effort into gaining results. I have done all the hard work of breaking it all down in its simplest parts so you don’t have to worry about a thing. It really couldn’t be simpler to follow.
Q: What happens if I’m already injured? Will this work for me?
A: Of course! I’ve worked with numerous athletes to support them and help them back to good health and so I’ve designed the program to help you, too.
The first phase of the program is specifically designed to “reset” and build your core strength. In the process, you will develop better posture, more power and greater stability in your midsection to support the bigger exercises in the second half of the program.
By focusing on working all the deep core muscles rather than just the superficial surface muscles, you’ll bring balance to your body and remove many of the underlying causes behind your injury.
Q: How complicated are the exercises? Do I need any gym equipment?
A: The exercises have been chosen based on their functionality. While I’ve made every effort to keep the program as simple and straightforward as possible, there will inevitably be some exercises which are a little harder than others to perform BUT for good reason. These work your core more effectively and more efficiently by working through all three planes – remember your core is 3D. No matter what the exercise, you’re completely covered by the program. I outlined in detail every single exercise and walk you through each one in the video to ensure you nail perfect form.
You will require either a home gym or a gym in order to complete both phases. That’s simply because there are big movements involved and you need the range of weights a gym gives you.
Q: What if this doesn’t work for me?
A: Crunchless Core really will work for you, I’m sure of it.
Our most successful students of the program followed it through all 60 days and were able to develop beautiful, chiseled abs while remaining injury free.
If, in the highly unlikely event, the program doesn’t work for you, don’t worry. We’ll refund you all your money – if you’re still within the 60 days refund period – no questions asked. Plus we’ll even pay for another one of our proven programs so you can work on another aspect of your strength or conditioning. There really is no risk to you at all.
Stop doing sit-ups: why crunches don’t work – Kate Daily, Newsweek (March 2009)
Are situps and crunches bad for the spine? – Christy Callahan, Livestrong (Aug 2013)
Why crunches don’t work – Ben Greenfield, Huffington Post (May 2012)
Why crunches won’t give you your flat abs, and will hurt your body – Lisa Elaine, Well & Good (May 2012)
Neck safety while doing crunches – Jonathan Thompson, Livestrong (Nov 2015)
Back pain while doing crunches – Elle Di Jensen, Livestrong (June 2015)
Sports hernia 101, Jim Brown, EXOS (May 2009)
Top 10 gym exercises done incorrectly – NHS (October 2015)
The surprising downsides of sit-ups – Claudia Hammond, BBC, (April 2016)
Ab exercises that can cause injury – Amy Robers, Men’s Fitness
Dangerous workouts – avoid these five exercises at all costs to prevent injury – Justin Caba,Medical Daily (Sep 2014)
Is your ab workout hurting your back? Gretchen Reynolds, NY Times (June 2009)
The health hazards of sitting – Bonnie Berkowitz and Patterson Clark, Washington Post (Jan 2014)
Abdominal fat and what to do about it – Harvard Medical School (Sept 2005)
10 exercise myths that won’t go away – Madison Park, CNN (June 2011)
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By simply reading this all the way to the end you will discover:
A superior yet little-known method of decreasing the number of reps while DOUBLING your results in half the time
Exactly how you can work every muscle DEEP into your core for a perfectly balanced stomach using this one strange but effective technique
A powerful, proven technique that “RESETS” your core, dramatically reduces your chances of injury and brings unlimited power to your body
The one ‘tried and true’ technique that MOST people think is the best way to get rock solid abs…but you’ll discover why you must AVOID IT at all costs! (Note: this is a mistake even PROS make)
Why complicated and boring diets are NOT the best way to a flat, washboard stomach (and what you need to focus on instead to guarantee success)
I’ll reveal the truth about sit-ups and crunches from real experts so grab a pen and pad to take notes now.
The real problem when developing a six-pack is there’s so much misinformation out there.
A seemingly endless supply of options, methods, and ideas on how best to achieve perfectly chiseled abs.
Well, here’s the good news.
Today, all your confusion will vanish.
I’m about to reveal an approach that’s unique, surprisingly simple, and works for anyone at any age and any stage of their journey to rock-hard abs.
Keep in mind I would normally charge for this information, as it will help you achieve your goal of developing a six-pack faster and with greater ease.
Before we go any further, however, I feel it’s only fair to level with you:
There’s a rather embarrassing story I need to share before we dive into this new workout method for your abs today.
You’ll understand why this almost got edited from this letter in a few minutes, so brace yourself and keep reading.
You’ll see why my embarrassing little episode is so important to YOUR WORKOUT success in just a few minutes… deal?
Hi, I’m Brian Klepacki
Inside this eye-opening special report is the SECRET KEY to helping you get a flat, defined belly–and why complicated and boring diets are NOT the best way to a flat, washboard stomach (and what you need to focus on instead to guarantee success).
Today, I’m a Certified Strength Coach and owner of a Strength and Conditioning business in Florida.
I have a Masters in Exercise Science with a Concentration of Strength and Conditioning. Certified in Functional Movement and I’m a Certified Strength & Conditioning Specialist.
I know how important it is to sift through fact and fiction to uncover the truth about human performance.
You know, a lot of folks think my biggest breakthroughs come about because of the athletes I’ve trained.
They say, “sure, you can get great results when you’re training Olympic medalists, Pan Am games medalists, pro basketball players, baseball stars…
“… and stars of football, hockey, collegiate lacrosse, soccer and swimming” and so you’d expect these guys to get great results.
Yet the truth will surprise you!
My biggest success – the success I’m most proud of – was from a normal guy I coached, named Mac.
I remember when I first met Mac back in July 2012.
I recall it was a hot summer and it was all you could do to wear shorts and a T-shirt to keep cool. It was HOT!
I was just finishing up training one of my athlete clients in my studio gym and in walks this older guy in running shorts.
He was slim and he was clearly athletic… but right away I could tell he had a problem with his knee as he was nursing a limp.
It looked bad and alarm bells started ringing in my head about whether he was already past the point of no return.
Now Mac, it turns out, was a runner. He was 50 and held a desk job which had him sitting for most of his day.
But despite his activity every day he was in pain.
He was trying to live with chronic back and knee pain.
Now, the story you’re about to hear is pretty bad in places. But this was the experience that led Mac from being in pain all the time to a state of being pain free and stronger and fitter than ever.
And I think you want that, too.
You see when I sat Mac down to talk with him, he was almost in tears. Earlier that day, he’d see his physician who gave him a shocking diagnosis.
He had a herniated disc which was causing him pain.
He had tried to craft a six-pack and build much-needed core strength. Sensible, right?
But the more effort he put in, the more crunches he did… the worse the results were.
So he spent MORE time doing crunches and MORE reps. And still it didn’t show.
All the while, his back pain worsened. Then his knee started aching. And that ache turned into a chronic pain.
Until, finally, he couldn’t even work out anymore.
When he heard from his doctor his spine was damaged it was a wake-up call.
This is how the doctor explained it. Imagine your spinal discs – the discs which sit on top of each other to form your spine – were jelly doughnuts.
These discs are made up of two parts, the nucleus pulposus – or the jelly center – and the outer, protective layer, the annulus fibrosis. Both parts help the disc move.
Now, because Mac was doing so many crunches, it was putting direct pressure on the discs at the point of his back where the crunches flex the spine.
Through wear and tear, it had caused the outer layer of the doughnut to wear away and the jelly – or nucleus pulposa – was being pushed through. You could see the jelly trying to make an escape.
And that’s painful.
It took this shocking “wake-up call” to push Mac to seek help. Now – having heard of the success I had with the athletes I coach – he was at my door.
Just think about that for a moment.
His goal of trying to get rock solid abs to build a strong core left him unable to workout.
He told me it felt like the ground fell from under him.
It already ate away at him every time he looked in the mirror and saw how little his effort was paying off.
Then when the pain became too much… well, he felt he was being kicked when he was down.
“What more could I do?” he asked me, almost in tears.
It was at that instant when Mac came to see me and told me his story, that I drew a line in the sand. I decided to help Mac change his life.
Now, here’s the embarrassing part. Until then, I’d only helped pro athletes and coached elites. My approach to training wasn’t available to the normal folks who really needed my help.
Never again would I allow guys like Mac to suffer unnecessarily, through no fault of their own.
I promised myself I’d bring together all my expertise and experience over my years as a strength and conditioning coach to help ordinary girls and guys escape the tyranny of dangerous training advice.
On that day, I made a promise to create a program designed for people like Mac and yourself to help you build the strong, athletic body and the iron core you want without sacrificing your health and wellbeing.
And thanks to that turning point, I uncovered THE blueprint for perfect abs. And it’s one that works for just about anyone – Pro athlete or amateur
Today, I’m going to share it with you, and save you the endless hassle and years of effort it took me to hone this blueprint… so keep reading.
Keep in mind that, even though I’m a Certified Strength and Conditioning Specialist working with pro-athletes from multiple disciplines, it’s my experience working with and helping folks like you get incredible results faster than you can imagine that really matters.
I just happened to figure out a really simple, step-by-step formula designed for the average person to see massive results when it comes to developing their abs in just 60 days.
This is a system that allows real people to:
Breathe better, stand taller and enjoy better health and more vitality, every waking hour.
Finally develop a stable, strong, armor-plated core to protect your posture and give you explosive power.
Finally, sculpt chiseled beach body abs built properly from inside out that turn heads wherever you go
This is the system I’ve used to give everyone from pro athletes to everyday athletes the strong core they deserve.
So know for a fact that, by using this formula, you’ll be receiving the exact same value as my top elite clients – who I charge $1,000 a day – at a fraction of the cost.
I’ll share all the specifics with you in just a moment, but first…
I feel compelled to be honest with you, and let you know about the real and serious problem you face right now.
This is the foe – “hidden in plain sight” – behind why you’re not getting the results you’ve always wanted.
And this is why a weak core, no definition and a serious threat of debilitating pain is not your fault. Although, after you read this, you know it now becomes your responsibility to take action.
The sad fact is that for years you’ve been misled by “experts” giving outdated advice on how to build your six-pack.
Many of their lies are THE REASON you’ve been let down in the past.
You may have heard, or perhaps even believed at one point, that doing crunches is the ONLY way to get the abs you want.
I can’t believe some coaches or online writers are STILL advocating crunches!
Please, if you have ever believed this, stop right now! I’ll explain why in just a moment…
Just know this: countless other smart guys and girls have fallen – and are still falling – victim to the HUGE “crunches” myth, yet you need to lay it aside right now.
If you don’t, you’ll cause serious – possibly irreversible – damage to your spine.
You’ll end up with chronic pain in your back, neck and knees.
And, you may even end up losing muscle, losing fitness and gaining weight as your body fights against poor posture and being out of alignment.
Listen: this isn’t what I want for you. And I know it’s not what you want for yourself.
The struggle you’ve been experiencing is directly due to this, which is why it’s not your fault.
However, it’s now your responsibility, wouldn’t you agree?
Please don’t blame yourself.
Blame the personal trainers and coaches still pushing outdated training techniques… DECADES after top strength coaches abandoned crunches.
The “crunch” has been an exercise staple since the 1940s. The exercise recommended by late night TV commercials, magazines and wannabe fitness gurus at the gym.
But REAL fitness experts threw crunches as a serious exercise into the trash can YEARS ago, knowing the dangers and how ineffective they are.
Not that it’s stopped all the misinformation spread by sports writers, churning out the same old advice from outdated sources.
And now anyone with a six-pack and Youtube account can claim to be an “expert” and hand out inaccurate, potentially damaging advice.
It’s enough to confuse the smartest person alive… and it confused ME for years. Until I learned the truth from trained professionals.
But place a lot of the blame with sleazy “quick fix” online programs who rely on making bold, baseless claims.
Let me reveal to you the truth about crunches from real experts.
Stuart McGill, professor of spine biomechanics at the University of Waterloo in Canada has conducted dozens of studies replicating the movement of the spine when doing crunches.
After replicating the flexing of the human spine, he examined the discs and found they had been squeezed to the point where they bulged.
This is the reason crunches press on back nerves causing back pain, and can even cause a herniated disc.
(Remember our jelly doughnut…)
The fact of the matter is you should NEVER do crunches or sit-ups. And here’s why:
1) Crunches causes lower back stress.
A 1995 study found sit-ups placed over 3,000N of force on the lower spine, which could cause herniated discs. Imagine willingly applying that force on any other part of your body through exercise? You wouldn’t.
If you fall for the crunch myth, you will end up in pain, either in your back, neck or elsewhere.
2) Your spine has a shelf life. Crunches age your spine.
You only have so many flexions in your spine before it starts to deteriorate. You can’t repair it. You can’t change it. That’s how it is. The more you flex your spine, the more you age your spine.
That’s fact. So why would you actively try to flex your spine at its most vulnerable point causing it to age faster and further?
3) Crunches don’t aid good posture; they reinforce bad posture.
Think about it: what is a crunch?
You’re just replicating the bent over movement you make when you’re sat at a desk or slumped in a seat.
4) Because you’re doing crunches, you’re not PROPERLY working your core.
You’re becoming weaker, less powerful, and more susceptible to problems.
You see, crunches aren’t functional. They don’t replicate ANY natural movement our bodies were designed for. Our bodies thrive on exercises in alignment with their function.
Crunching isn’t a natural movement. It actively opposes the purpose of the spine and works against it. We are meant to be upright and be able to bend, twist, reach and extend.
5) And here’s the worst part… crunches DON’T work.
Yes, you feel the burn. But it’s a fake burn – it feels good, but does it actually deliver results? No.
Crunches miss your core muscles. The narrow range of exercise does nothing to strengthen your deep abdominal muscles, your transversus abdominis, or your obliques. Crunches ONLY work your rectus abdominis close to your skin.
So the abs you DO end up with tell a lie. They don’t represent strength. They don’t represent inner power. Your core is no stronger for these “cosmetic” abs. In fact, they put your midsection out of balance and increase the risk of injury.
What if I told you that creating these “superficial” abs actually takes more, time more energy and wastes MUCH more effort? It’s many times EASIER to build chiseled abs the right way.
Now you’re aware of the myths and lies. You can see how they’ve crippled your ability to gain the six-pack you’ve wanted for years.
It’s time to dig in and rise above the lies using these three tips I have for you today.
Without these tips, your road to a perfect, powerful six-pack will be a rocky one. Yet using these simple strategies, you’ll reach your goal of chiseled abs in no time.
And by far the most IMPORTANT tip is showing you how to “reset” your core so you can build your new washboard abs on strong foundations.
I’ll go into the specifics of my “reset” tip in just a second, so by all means, keep reading.
The first thing I have to WARN you is to avoid isolation exercises.
I used to believe isolation exercises were actually essential when it came to your core! Now I know better, and so do you…
Here’s what will happen if you carry on using isolation exercises as part of your core workout:
Your body is designed to work as a unit. Individual muscles aren’t meant to be worked in isolation. When you work one area without working surrounding muscles, it causes an imbalance. Strong muscles in one area can overpower weak muscles, offering a false sense of security and risking serious injury.
Here’s the secret: only by fully engaging your core in every plane can you fire up all the muscles in the midsection, front, side, and rear to bring balance to your body. When you do this, you’ll properly work the deep muscles of the core.
So here’s what you do instead: powerful functional exercises that work your core across three planes of motion. Your core needs to be worked in 3D.
By just doing functional rather than isolation movements as part of your workout you’ll see more impressive gains in far, far less time.
Just picture it:
People will look at you in amazement when you develop rock-hard, chiseled abs without doing a single crunch or wasting hours eeking out marginal gains. With functional movements as part of a complete workout program, everything works in harmony to burn fat, increase energy and build muscle through the core.
That’s not all: you’ll also shave hours and days off the amount of time you need to train your core.
The benefits of this simple tip continue to surprise me, and it continues to astound all the athletes I’ve taught it to
Well, listen to this one.
Would it surprise you to discover you can actually enjoy the foods you REALLY want to eat when building chiseled abs?
Most people believe you have to haul yourself through the process of complicated and boring diets, but I would rather see you eat foods you enjoy and STICK to a long-term program.
Enjoying your abs diet starts here: simply forget about calorie restriction – this only results in weight loss, NOT fat loss, which is where you want to put your focus.
You also need to train your body to use fat as an energy source and taking steps to improve your gut health will flip the switch on improving your rate of fat loss.
Just picture it:
People will be STUNNED when they see you efficiently sculpting a set of abs your buddies will be jealous of when they’re still dieting and missing out!
Enjoying the journey is the key to staying on the path, and this simple nutrition strategy will get you there fast!
And, it’s about to get even better, because now I’ll be sharing my most VITAL tip when it comes to killer abs.
The other tips I just gave you were great, but without applying THIS tip to the rest? Forget about succeeding in your goals.
This simple tip is the center of the Perfect Abs Equation: hitting the “reset” button on your core strength.
It’s the tactic behind ALL success in developing a rock-solid six-pack because it allows you to build your core on solid foundations, working every muscle effectively for a balanced midsection that properly supports your body.
This is my patented Two Phase Principle, used successfully by virtually every six-pack celebrity or athlete, even if they don’t know it!
Here’s what you do: you break down your eight week plan into two distinct phases of training, each designed for a specific purpose.
This is the bedrock foundation of my entire strategy. It’s one that will give you a lifetime of power and strength in your core that makes sculpting chiseled abs easier than you could ever imagine.
Just imagine what your life will feel like when you MASTER this Two Phase process!
You’ll forever leave behind the frustrations you’ve no-doubt experienced when it comes to working your abs. All those frustrations end TODAY.
And this is happening in your life simply because you NOW know this formula.
It’s the little-known success strategy enjoyed by the elite… and now it’s your turn!
Okay, that was a TON of valuable information. You may be feeling a bit unsure of where and how to get started and that’s fine.
All this means is that you have two simple choices to make, right now:
Choice 1: You can take all the tips and info I just gave you and try to put the puzzle pieces together on your own, without help.
You never know! You may eventually put the pieces of the puzzle together on your own, but it will take a lot longer and there’s no guarantee you’ll make it.
Or, there’s the smarter choice. The one savvy men and women take to speed up their progress towards owning a washboard stomach.
This is the quickest, fastest, and smartest way possible to stunning abs without doing a single, dangerous crunch.
Look… there’s no reason to try this on your own – I’ve already done all the work for you, right?
There’s no need to scratch your head in frustration, guessing your way to “halfway there”, because I’ve already created the ideal system for you.
It’s a system I’ve perfected and tested for years on countless thousands of men and women like you.
Here’s what the vast majority decide to do – it’s called:
The safest, most effective way to sculpt chiseled abs and develop an iron core in just 60 days without screwing up your spine.
My results-focused, step-by-step program guarantees you finally get the abs you want…even if:
You have limited time in your day to focus on building rock solid abs… in fact, by doing this functional program you’ll get a complete workout.
You don’t know the first thing about core exercises and they’ve never been part of your workout. I explain every single exercise in detail with follow-along videos designed to guarantee you hit perfect form right away.
You think you’re light years away from getting abs. Look… every journey starts with a single step. This program breaks down the journey into simple, digestible chunks. Start now and within 60 days you’ll see bigger, more impressive results than you can imagine.
You’re already injured. The truth is most people come to me already suffering from back pain, neck pain or some other problem caused by poor posture or their body being out of alignment. Through my program, you’ll feel strength – real strength – in your core to balance and properly align your body.
Or even if you think you’ve tried EVERYTHING!
To save your time, and mine, let me be upfront and tell you what Crunchless Core is NOT, before I tell you what it IS.
Crunchless Core is NOT a “quick-fix” abs program promising quick results with no effort down.
Crunchless Core is NOT a “crunches-replacement” or a hastily thrown together collection of plank alternatives you can find online that simply DON’T work. It is a complete workout system that trains your abs in 3D for the best results.
Don’t you think you’ve been fed enough myths about crunches? Isn’t it enough? Isn’t it time to start using what’s PROVEN to work?
Crunchless Core is the direct result of over 15 years of studying and working with athletes one-on-one to discover what works.
I uncovered the hidden patterns and unique (sometimes ‘odd’) tactics they use to stay strong, powerful and injury-free in the world of competitive sport.
And now, from this point forward, you’ll have the tools to do just the same.
The strategies of the truly successful can NOW be duplicated easily by you, giving you:
A strong, powerful core that protects you from bad posture and keeps you upright, strong and filled with energy and vitality
The freedom to work out in LESS time with LESS effort so you can achieve even BIGGER gains.
And all of this, while you quickly achieve a rock-solid washboard stomach with abs that pop, faster than ever before possible!
Before we go one step further, I need to be 100% honest with you.
I hope you’re not one of “those” types looking for the next “7 Minute Instant Abs” quick-fix that promises the earth but just leaves your wallet leaner.
You get it: more garbage that doesn’t work, never has worked, and never WILL work for you.
Then do us both a favor and just forget all about Crunchless Core, because it’s not going to give you ‘impossible’ results just SOLID results…
Crunchless Core isn’t pie-in-the-sky fantasy land nonsense.
It’s the REAL deal.
And it’s only for folks like you who are serious about building an iron core and enjoying eye-popping abs.
There are no push button answers to succeeding in sculpting abs you can be proud of. Nothing in this life is easy, and you know that, but THIS is as easy as it gets…
So, if you’re like most folks watching this presentation, and you’re 100% ready for REAL to succeed, here’s what you’re going to receive.
If you really want to:
Sculpt a ripped, chiseled core with an impressive six-pack and abs that pop right out
Build a bulletproof midsection to protect and support your whole body and guarantee good posture so you can breathe, move and workout better
Enjoy explosive power and optimal performance right through your core without risking serious injury or weakness
Then Crunchless Core isn’t just “a” solution for you… it’s the ONLY solution for you.
What Others Are Saying About Crunchless Core
Having a Strong Core is a Requirement for Long-Term Health of the Skeletal and Muscular System
“Brian’s method of core training is unique and unlike anything I’ve seen in my career as an orthopedic surgeon. His training style, combined with his knowledge of functional movement would benefit athletes, workout enthusiasts, and weekend warriors in every gym, clinic, and training center.
I find Brian’s core workouts beneficial and appropriate for a broad range of patients and athletes. In fact, I would probably perform fewer surgeries if people followed his core strengthening approach.”
Athletic Trainer Approved
“I have worked as an Athletic Trainer for nearly 20 years, and when it comes to the core, people still today only think of crunching till they have a “6-pack.” The thought that one can focus on one area and “spot reduce” only increases the very dysfunctional thought.
To truly have a great core that protects not only the athlete, but also all of us, a comprehensive, “full circle” approach to its strength and flexibility is needed.
The program that Brian has implemented addresses the entire scope of the core, its function for optimal strength, and perhaps the most crucial…the durability of the spine to avoid injury.
Let’s face it, lying down and doing the standard crunch only increases unwanted pressure into the cervical spine and at the end of the day offers next to no core strength benefits.
Brian’s program addresses the abdominal flexors, extensors, rotators and stabilizers. It also strengthens the hips that supports the core with large muscles and allows it to move in full ranges of motion without pain and potential injury.
By performing the types of dynamic stabilization…planking for example…Brian is able to provide a comprehensive core strengthening program that will not only give a person the durability and desired function they are after, but also be the actual way to bring about that “6-pack” we all like to show off!
I have been blessed to work with athletes of all kinds over the years, from Randy “Macho Man” Savage to pitcher Frank Viola and many other professional and collegiate athletes.
But no matter what age, level or ability, none of them could perform without a strong and flexible core as the foundation. If you want to enjoy your highest level of fitness…and do it pain free…get off the crunching floor and experience success through Brian’s program!”
Over 40? No Problem!
“As a male over 40, I’ve probably tried just about every exercise regime imaginable, so I’m constantly looking for different things to keep my body guessing and my workouts fresh.
When I saw that Critical Bench was launching Crunchless Core, I knew I had to try it. From day one I knew this 8 week program was legitimate from the intensity level it puts you at. Keeping up with the program is easy and works with any schedule. If you truly want results, I highly recommend Crunchless Core!”
Don’t Isolate the Abs – Integrate Them Into Movement
“Current research has shown the downside of performing endless crunches and sit-ups for abdominal development. Coach Brian has done a good job creating a program that will work the abdominals in a more comprehensive manner, using exercises that integrate the abs into movement.”
To Look Athletic You Have to Be Athletic
“I have people all the time ask me, “How do I get abs like you, how do I get shredded?” Well, I finally have an easy way to answer their question; With this program!
Crunchless Core addresses all the issues with getting fit. It lays out your programming and gives detailed explanations of every aspect. This is the way I personally recommend you train.
Laying on the floor doing countless crunches is a thing of the past. If you want to look athletic, then you have to be athletic! Crunchless Core will lead you down the path to 6-pack gold!”
Sculpted Abs Without Neck or Back Pain
“I spend hours at the gym every week trying to improve my body and much of that time is dedicated to sculpting my abs. Like most people, I do many of the same exercises over and over again with good results but I must say I was super impressed with the variety of movements found in Crunchless Core…many I’ve never done before.
They were very challenging and I could feel the muscles working every where in my body and not just my abs. I also noticed zero neck or back pain after working out hard.
The movements are all carefully designed to fully engage the core and strengthen the entire body without having to do boring crunches and sit ups like you find in most other workout programs. Two thumbs up for me!”
Tightens Up the Entire Body
“I’m 50 years old and the CA2.0 program is awesome! My results came from following the program closely along with the consistent diet.
In just under 60 days I was able to noticeably tighten up my entire body and get the 6-pack abs I always wanted. I am very happy and will definitely recommend this program to other people!”
Have a look at what’s included in Crunchless Core, all designed to get you on the path to perfect abs within just 60 days:
On page four, you’ll discover the secret behind my “Two-Phase” Total Body Program.
You’ll completely transform your core from the inside-out in just 60 days with the Two Phase Total Body Program. The program includes over eight total body workouts containing over 70 functional exercises… and NOT A CRUNCH IN SIGHT!
We’re talking the highest quality content you can imagine as I walk you through the easy-to-follow instructional videos designed to show you PERFECT form.
You’ve no-doubt noticed that Crunchless Core is, without question, the safest, most efficient program giving you a stronger, more powerful core.
Which naturally opens up the possibility for you to see a rapid transformation within just eight weeks.
And it goes without saying that this program makes your life MUCH easier.
Here’s what I mean:
Each four-week phase is designed to train your core as a unit – rather than isolating the outer muscles. This way, you’ll burn more calories, add stability through your midsection and look beach-ready by the time the end of the program rolls around… all while spending LESS time and LESS effort training.
Which is amazing, considering some of the outdated advice on crunches included spending hours doing hundreds and even thousands of crunches to get the best results.
Now, you may be thinking, “I bet any blueprint that can give me all of that would cost a small fortune”.
And, in all honesty, It really should.
After all, Crunchless Core has already helped hundreds of athletes, professional sports people and guys and girls, like you and me, achieve rock-solid abs faster and easier than ever without pain.
I’ll get to the price in just a few moments.
First, I want to share a few unique benefits this one-of-a-kind system will deliver to you.
I won’t go into too much detail here, but these are absolutely some of my favorite training strategies…
How about the “bizarre” exercise you can do that instantly relieves the pressure on your spine – nice!
Or how to do LESS reps and get TWICE the results in HALF the time!
Our normal off-the-shelf retail price for Crunchless Core without any additional bonuses, is $97.
Listen: You’re not just getting Crunchless Core when you order today. I have something really special for you.
BONUS 1: Crunchless Core LITE – Home Edition
You’ve shown me how much you desire bulletproof abs. So now I’m tossing in – for a limited time only – one of my best programs as a free fast-action bonus so you can get there even quicker.
The premium gift you’ll receive today is Crunchless Core LITE – Home Edition ($50 Value).
I’m sure you realize when it comes to changing how your body looks and feels, there is one “secret” weapon that will get you to your goals faster than ever. It’s being consistent.
You don’t need a single piece of equipment to complete any of the workouts – they can be done in your garage, office or a hotel room. Every workout can be completed in less than 30 minutes so you can squeeze a complete core routine into even the busiest schedule.
Inside our Crunchless Core LITE bonus program, you’ll discover 16 super-fast core workouts to guarantee you stay on track with your core-building process whenever, wherever.
The program is split into four areas of focus, with four workouts in each section designed to work towards your goals: Power, Strength, Stability and Combination
It’s normally valued at $50 if you bought this separately… but it’s yours FREE today when you take action.
BONUS 2: Exercise Exchange Manual ($25 Value)
I have one more special BONUS for you and it’s called the Crunchless Core Exercise Exchange Manual.
If there are any exercises in the program you can’t perform due to an injury or if the exercise feels too difficult you can refer to this handy Bonus.
It will give you alternative exercises you can swap out for ones you don’t want to do or don’t have the equipment to do.
Don’t worry about any exercises you’re not comfortable with. You can easily exchange or swap it out for one of the regressions from this booklet.
This bonus is valued at $25 but included free with your order today.
Now you can see why Crunchless Core is valued at $97.
Your premium bonuses ALONE are worth $75, which would bring your investment today for Crunchless Core to $172.
However, I have a good reason that I’ll share with you shortly for making you a far better deal. Keep reading and I’ll share why I’m slashing the price for a limited time.
Sure, you could just walk away, chance it, and keep going down the road you’re on now.
And end up spending 10, 20, even 100 times more than the investment you’ll make today on Crunchless Core from a personal trainer. (Or even the cost of physical therapy!)
Then there’s all the time you’ll waste plugging away at squeezing out those hard-to-sculpt abs by still doing what all the freebie programs tell you to do. (Hint: there’s a reason they’re FREE).
And let’s not even TALK about all the time you’ll miss having the chance to show off your beautifully sculpted six-pack at home, at the gym or on the beach.
Neither of us see that as your future, right?
Listen: I’m ready to make this a no-brainer decision for you today.
I feel you deserve to know why I’m offering you such a massive discount today.
Let me share my vision with you: it’s a CAUSE I’m inviting you to join today, along with the thousands of others who are ready too.
I want to help ordinary guys and girls break free from the dangerous and damaging advice that lazy, old-school trainers and coaches use to hold us back.
I want you to have access to the same “insider” knowledge that elite coaches and trainers have known for years… but have kept tight-lipped about for fear of losing their “edge”.
I want to create a level playing field so no-one suffers from the long-lasting effects crunches cause to your posture and spinal health.
I simply cannot let “price” get in the way of you achieving YOUR goals, as well as helping me make a positive impact.
Only on this page, your total investment in Crunchless Core will NOT be $172 today.
Not even close.
Cut that price in half… and you’re STILL not close!
As ridiculous as it sounds, you won’t even pay $49 today!
Today only, and only from this letter, your total investment in Crunchless Core, including the PREMIUM Accelerated Fat Loss Program bonus valued at $50, is ONLY:
Lock in your super-discounted price, which is extremely limited, by clicking on the yellow BUY NOW order button below.
I want you to try Crunchless Core
ON ME for a full 60 days.
If you do not sculpt yourself a chiseled, rock-hard six pack in that time…
If you’re not COMPLETELY DELIGHTED by the program…
Even if you don’t like the clothes I wear in the follow-along video… or my accent… or enthusiasm… no worries! I’ll give back your ENTIRE investment.
No questions asked and no hassles. I’ll refund every penny, because I’m committed to producing results for you, no matter what.
Plus, as part of my Double Guarantee, if you use the program and think I’ve wasted your time or haven’t delivered on my promise, we’ll pay for your next program by allowing you to pick one of our other products.
Click on the yellow button below to secure your discounted price before someone else claims it.
Just have a look at what these clients did following my Two Phase Formula…
Maximum Results – Not a Quick Fix
“I can confidently say that Coach Brian invested some serious time and effort to ensure you learn the proper technique and skills in the Crunchless Core program. His knowledge extends beyond helping you to achieve your personal best but extends to work out plans, diet and lifestyle change guidance.
I promise you will not find just some random workout routines but some amazing exercises and challenges from beginning to end. This workout is about maximum results and not just a quick fix. I am sending a BIG thank you to Coach Brian for sharing his knowledge and passion for fitness with me.”
Stay Injury Free & Train Your Core Without a Single Sit-Up
“I am 54 years old and I have had some injuries the past couple of years and I shared my concerns with Brian Klepacki about trying to stay injury free. He made a plan Crunchless Core to focus on stability and balance as well as strengthening my core using total body movements without ever doing a single sit up.
His knowledge has opened my eyes to a whole new level of training. I will continue to work with Brian to be in the best shape possible.”
Works Even If You’ve Tried Everything Else!
“I have been actively training in one way or another for 15 years. Being mother of 3 with limited time, I have trained with personal trainers, been a runner, a Crossfitter, done Orange Theory, Zumba, Boot Camp, tried training on my own and many other classes in between but most programs have fallen short.
When I started training with Brian I had overuse injuries in both knees from an intense ‘Boot Camp’ that I was attending. In the short time that I have been with Brian, he has not only corrected my knee pain, but he has taught me so much about functional training, my form and corrected things I thought I was doing right for years. I have always had weak abs/core, so Brian has me doing really unique core exercises from Crunchless Core that not only improved my strength, but enhanced my overall functionality as well.
Brian’s functional training model used in Crunchless Core has improved my physical performance and fitness level all around!”
Triathlete Feels Great & Setting Personal Records
“Being a triathlete and former yoga and kickboxing instructor, I’ve had my fare share of training programs as well as injuries. I’ve had multiple knee surgeries so running was always painful and slow to say the least.
Lastly, I work unpredictable long hours in a fast paced, high stress job and I sit ALL day. I started seeing Brian Klepacki after I finished my first half Ironman because I needed help. I couldn’t seem to make time for actual training leading up to my next event, but he had a solution…functional strength training like you’ll find in Crunchless Core
We worked specific muscle groups for biking, running, and swimming, which included a tremendous amount of core and stability training, never once doing ‘traditional’ stomach exercises. The end result was a faster swim without much time in the water, a stronger bike, a much less painful run and I feel great!”
Get Out of the Desk Position!
“If the desk position is hard on your lower back and could cause long term aches and pains, then why would you lay on the ground and repeatably crank your spine over and over into the desk position?”
Yet, just by taking action today, the complete Crunchless Core system, with all the bonuses, PLUS the Super Bonus is yours for only $17.
Now, remember, you’re not just getting an incredible discount today.
You’ll be joining all those guys and girls who have chosen to make a better path for themselves and commit to not working harder but SMARTER to get the results they deserve.
Plus, you’ll join the ever-growing Crunchless Core satisfied customer community.
Click on the BUY NOW button right now and lock in your discounted price today.
Within a few minutes, you’ll have everything at your fingertips: the entire Crunchless Core System, inside the secure members area.
Remember: this includes, today only, your premium bonuses, Crunchless Core LITE – Home Edition and the Exercise Exchange, worth $75!
So your order will be smooth and easy today, I want to show you EXACTLY what to expect after you click the order button below:
First, you’ll be taken to our 100% secure checkout page, which looks like this:
After you order, you’ll be shown ways to customize your order, and even have the opportunity to pick up some valuable “quick-start” bonus materials…
Finally, you’ll arrive at our secure member’s area.
It really is that simple to get started RIGHT NOW.
Remember: you’ve been struggling with chiseling out your powerful six-pack abs for way too long.
Unless you take action today, you run a grave risk of causing serious – possibly irreversible – damage to your spine and pain in your back and neck.
By failing to build your core properly you’re leaving your body out of alignment and unbalanced.
And, worst of all, your midsection simply won’t EVER have that chiseled, Herculean six-pack that comes from training the whole core from inside out.
YET: All of this can be avoided, beginning today, simply by applying the step-by-step program I’ve developed for you in Crunchless Core.
See, I have this vision for you.
Today, you finally have THE answer to your frustrating abs problem at long last – and…
You’re brimming with excitement.
You’re bursting with confidence.
Turning heads as you walk into the room.
You are experiencing the body and health you deserve – at long last!
Yes, it’s true. Your lack of progress and obstacles placed before you – up until today – have been no fault of your own.
It’s true that you’ve been lied to in the past about quick-fix solutions.
And trainers and coaches have perpetuated the “Crunches Myth” to serve their own interests for far too long.
Especially with the ‘MORE CRUNCHES IS BETTER” idea so many of us have tried (including me).
And who can forget all those false promises other coaching “experts” made to you that never stood up to the light of day?
Yet, today is your day to CLAIM your power and take responsibility.
You do it by taking action… doing what you know you MUST DO to see REAL results with a program that WORKS!
Here’s the GOOD NEWS. Unlike all those ridiculous abs workout gimmicks, this one is GUARANTEED to work for you:
I’m asking you right now to just try Crunchless Core for 60 full days, on me… either you are thrilled with your new set of bulletproof six-pack abs, or you pay NOTHING.
Plus, I never leave you hanging – either me or my Support Team will get back to you quickly with any questions you have, so you’ll always feel taken care of.
Immediately after you buy today, you need to do this: wait for the “Welcome” email to arrive in your inbox with your log-in details and log into the members area.
Then head over to the Crunchless Core Workbook and read through the introduction and program breakdown to understand how the Two Phase program is structured. That way you can dive in ASAP and get started seeing results.
Diving into the workbook will guarantee you get your program started in the right way to give your 60 day journey to perfect abs a running start.
Listen, don’t put this off a second longer… let me tell you WHY:
First, keep in mind I’ve discounted Crunchless Core by over $100, completely risk-free to you with its guarantee.
Just know this. I will eventually have to increase the price closer to the retail value, as I’m giving you a massive discount.
So you must act now before I have to do that… it may be today, tomorrow, or in a few weeks…
And, you also don’t want to miss out on my one-time-only bonus offer for Crunchless Core LITE – Home Edition and the Exercise Exchange, reserved ONLY for first-come action-takers.
Those who act today will lock in their discount and these free gifts.
Others won’t be so fortunate.
And, let’s remember: unless you take action now, today, you may NEVER take action.
You may do what so many others do and put it off… you know, for “a few more days?”… which turns into months… even years?
So, now we both know what you REALLY want and need.
And, let’s just face facts, and do the only SMART thing left for you to do.
Get my one-time, limited discount while it’s still available to you, before someone else takes your spot.
And get on the fast track to perfect abs using the smartest, safest, most proven system for developing a rock-solid six-pack on the planet.
CLICK the BUY NOW button below right now, and let’s get you started today.
Move Well. Look Well. Live Well,
Brian Klepacki, MS, CSCS, FMS, CISSN Fat Loss & Core Training Advisor – CriticalBench.com
FAQS ABOUT Crunchless Core
Q: How is this different from other programs?
A: What makes this program unique is that it’s a complete workout. Many other programs focus on simply finding alternatives to crunches – like planks and other movements. And that’s all they do. They don’t offer a complete workout system that actually builds from the core with functional movements which don’t cause wear and tear to your joints.
Q: Why can’t I just find all this online and do it myself?
A: You could try looking for some of this information online or try searching through thousands of articles and studies on core strength and conditioning. Even then you’d still have to go to college and pick up a degree on exercise in order to have access to many of the academic studies and research I used when developing the program.
Ultimately, you won’t be able to replicate this program. What I have developed is based on 15 years helping top class athletes and professional sports people and all my experience and expertise has been poured into this targeted, proven program that I know gets results every time.
You really won’t find another program like it.
Q: How long does the program take?
A: The complete program takes 60 days. This is the optimal amount of time it will take to make significant changes in your core strength and stability so you can develop rock-hard, chiseled abs that turn heads every time.
The program is split into Two Phases of four weeks each. The first phase deals with building up your core stability and strength. The second phase builds on the first and is where you make the gains which help you towards the six-pack you’ve always wanted.
You can, of course, carry on the program as long as you wish.
Q: How does your guarantee work?
A: It’s really simple. If for ANY reason within 60 days of the program you don’t like anything about it, you can simply contact our customer support team and request a full refund, no questions asked. We’re so confident you’ll love the program, we want this to be a no-brainer for you so we’ve removed ALL the risk.
And when we say you can refund for ANY reason, we mean it. In fact, you can try the whole 60 day program and see for yourself the incredible gains you’ll make in such a short time.
You really can prove it works without any risk at all.
Q: Who is this program suitable for?
A: This program has been designed for men and women of any age and at any stage of fitness. Whether you’ve never before done a single crunch or if you’re an experienced athlete, you will benefit from building a strong, bulletproof core using the Crunchless Core principles.
Every single one of the functional exercises is described in detail and the follow-along video shows you exactly how to complete each exercise with perfect form so you maximize your effort into gaining results. I have done all the hard work of breaking it all down in its simplest parts so you don’t have to worry about a thing. It really couldn’t be simpler to follow.
Q: What happens if I’m already injured? Will this work for me?
A: Of course! I’ve worked with numerous athletes to support them and help them back to good health and so I’ve designed the program to help you, too.
The first phase of the program is specifically designed to “reset” and build your core strength. In the process, you will develop better posture, more power and greater stability in your midsection to support the bigger exercises in the second half of the program.
By focusing on working all the deep core muscles rather than just the superficial surface muscles, you’ll bring balance to your body and remove many of the underlying causes behind your injury.
Q: How complicated are the exercises? Do I need any gym equipment?
A: The exercises have been chosen based on their functionality. While I’ve made every effort to keep the program as simple and straightforward as possible, there will inevitably be some exercises which are a little harder than others to perform BUT for good reason. These work your core more effectively and more efficiently by working through all three planes – remember your core is 3D. No matter what the exercise, you’re completely covered by the program. I outlined in detail every single exercise and walk you through each one in the video to ensure you nail perfect form.
You will require either a home gym or a gym in order to complete both phases. That’s simply because there are big movements involved and you need the range of weights a gym gives you.
Q: What if this doesn’t work for me?
A: Crunchless Core really will work for you, I’m sure of it.
Our most successful students of the program followed it through all 60 days and were able to develop beautiful, chiseled abs while remaining injury free.
If, in the highly unlikely event, the program doesn’t work for you, don’t worry. We’ll refund you all your money – if you’re still within the 60 days refund period – no questions asked. Plus we’ll even pay for another one of our proven programs so you can work on another aspect of your strength or conditioning. There really is no risk to you at all.
Stop doing sit-ups: why crunches don’t work – Kate Daily, Newsweek (March 2009)
Are situps and crunches bad for the spine? – Christy Callahan, Livestrong (Aug 2013)
Why crunches don’t work – Ben Greenfield, Huffington Post (May 2012)
Why crunches won’t give you your flat abs, and will hurt your body – Lisa Elaine, Well & Good (May 2012)
Neck safety while doing crunches – Jonathan Thompson, Livestrong (Nov 2015)
Back pain while doing crunches – Elle Di Jensen, Livestrong (June 2015)
Sports hernia 101, Jim Brown, EXOS (May 2009)
Top 10 gym exercises done incorrectly – NHS (October 2015)
The surprising downsides of sit-ups – Claudia Hammond, BBC, (April 2016)
Ab exercises that can cause injury – Amy Robers, Men’s Fitness
Dangerous workouts – avoid these five exercises at all costs to prevent injury – Justin Caba,Medical Daily (Sep 2014)
Is your ab workout hurting your back? Gretchen Reynolds, NY Times (June 2009)
The health hazards of sitting – Bonnie Berkowitz and Patterson Clark, Washington Post (Jan 2014)
Abdominal fat and what to do about it – Harvard Medical School (Sept 2005)
10 exercise myths that won’t go away – Madison Park, CNN (June 2011)
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By simply reading this all the way to the end you will discover:
A superior yet little-known method of decreasing the number of reps while DOUBLING your results in half the time
Exactly how you can work every muscle DEEP into your core for a perfectly balanced stomach using this one strange but effective technique
A powerful, proven technique that “RESETS” your core, dramatically reduces your chances of injury and brings unlimited power to your body
The one ‘tried and true’ technique that MOST people think is the best way to get rock solid abs…but you’ll discover why you must AVOID IT at all costs! (Note: this is a mistake even PROS make)
Why complicated and boring diets are NOT the best way to a flat, washboard stomach (and what you need to focus on instead to guarantee success)
I’ll reveal the truth about sit-ups and crunches from real experts so grab a pen and pad to take notes now.
The real problem when developing a six-pack is there’s so much misinformation out there.
A seemingly endless supply of options, methods, and ideas on how best to achieve perfectly chiseled abs.
Well, here’s the good news.
Today, all your confusion will vanish.
I’m about to reveal an approach that’s unique, surprisingly simple, and works for anyone at any age and any stage of their journey to rock-hard abs.
Keep in mind I would normally charge for this information, as it will help you achieve your goal of developing a six-pack faster and with greater ease.
Before we go any further, however, I feel it’s only fair to level with you:
There’s a rather embarrassing story I need to share before we dive into this new workout method for your abs today.
You’ll understand why this almost got edited from this letter in a few minutes, so brace yourself and keep reading.
You’ll see why my embarrassing little episode is so important to YOUR WORKOUT success in just a few minutes… deal?
Hi, I’m Brian Klepacki
Inside this eye-opening special report is the SECRET KEY to helping you get a flat, defined belly–and why complicated and boring diets are NOT the best way to a flat, washboard stomach (and what you need to focus on instead to guarantee success).
Today, I’m a Certified Strength Coach and owner of a Strength and Conditioning business in Florida.
I have a Masters in Exercise Science with a Concentration of Strength and Conditioning. Certified in Functional Movement and I’m a Certified Strength & Conditioning Specialist.
I know how important it is to sift through fact and fiction to uncover the truth about human performance.
You know, a lot of folks think my biggest breakthroughs come about because of the athletes I’ve trained.
They say, “sure, you can get great results when you’re training Olympic medalists, Pan Am games medalists, pro basketball players, baseball stars…
“… and stars of football, hockey, collegiate lacrosse, soccer and swimming” and so you’d expect these guys to get great results.
Yet the truth will surprise you!
My biggest success – the success I’m most proud of – was from a normal guy I coached, named Mac.
I remember when I first met Mac back in July 2012.
I recall it was a hot summer and it was all you could do to wear shorts and a T-shirt to keep cool. It was HOT!
I was just finishing up training one of my athlete clients in my studio gym and in walks this older guy in running shorts.
He was slim and he was clearly athletic… but right away I could tell he had a problem with his knee as he was nursing a limp.
It looked bad and alarm bells started ringing in my head about whether he was already past the point of no return.
Now Mac, it turns out, was a runner. He was 50 and held a desk job which had him sitting for most of his day.
But despite his activity every day he was in pain.
He was trying to live with chronic back and knee pain.
Now, the story you’re about to hear is pretty bad in places. But this was the experience that led Mac from being in pain all the time to a state of being pain free and stronger and fitter than ever.
And I think you want that, too.
You see when I sat Mac down to talk with him, he was almost in tears. Earlier that day, he’d see his physician who gave him a shocking diagnosis.
He had a herniated disc which was causing him pain.
He had tried to craft a six-pack and build much-needed core strength. Sensible, right?
But the more effort he put in, the more crunches he did… the worse the results were.
So he spent MORE time doing crunches and MORE reps. And still it didn’t show.
All the while, his back pain worsened. Then his knee started aching. And that ache turned into a chronic pain.
Until, finally, he couldn’t even work out anymore.
When he heard from his doctor his spine was damaged it was a wake-up call.
This is how the doctor explained it. Imagine your spinal discs – the discs which sit on top of each other to form your spine – were jelly doughnuts.
These discs are made up of two parts, the nucleus pulposus – or the jelly center – and the outer, protective layer, the annulus fibrosis. Both parts help the disc move.
Now, because Mac was doing so many crunches, it was putting direct pressure on the discs at the point of his back where the crunches flex the spine.
Through wear and tear, it had caused the outer layer of the doughnut to wear away and the jelly – or nucleus pulposa – was being pushed through. You could see the jelly trying to make an escape.
And that’s painful.
It took this shocking “wake-up call” to push Mac to seek help. Now – having heard of the success I had with the athletes I coach – he was at my door.
Just think about that for a moment.
His goal of trying to get rock solid abs to build a strong core left him unable to workout.
He told me it felt like the ground fell from under him.
It already ate away at him every time he looked in the mirror and saw how little his effort was paying off.
Then when the pain became too much… well, he felt he was being kicked when he was down.
“What more could I do?” he asked me, almost in tears.
It was at that instant when Mac came to see me and told me his story, that I drew a line in the sand. I decided to help Mac change his life.
Now, here’s the embarrassing part. Until then, I’d only helped pro athletes and coached elites. My approach to training wasn’t available to the normal folks who really needed my help.
Never again would I allow guys like Mac to suffer unnecessarily, through no fault of their own.
I promised myself I’d bring together all my expertise and experience over my years as a strength and conditioning coach to help ordinary girls and guys escape the tyranny of dangerous training advice.
On that day, I made a promise to create a program designed for people like Mac and yourself to help you build the strong, athletic body and the iron core you want without sacrificing your health and wellbeing.
And thanks to that turning point, I uncovered THE blueprint for perfect abs. And it’s one that works for just about anyone – Pro athlete or amateur
Today, I’m going to share it with you, and save you the endless hassle and years of effort it took me to hone this blueprint… so keep reading.
Keep in mind that, even though I’m a Certified Strength and Conditioning Specialist working with pro-athletes from multiple disciplines, it’s my experience working with and helping folks like you get incredible results faster than you can imagine that really matters.
I just happened to figure out a really simple, step-by-step formula designed for the average person to see massive results when it comes to developing their abs in just 60 days.
This is a system that allows real people to:
Breathe better, stand taller and enjoy better health and more vitality, every waking hour.
Finally develop a stable, strong, armor-plated core to protect your posture and give you explosive power.
Finally, sculpt chiseled beach body abs built properly from inside out that turn heads wherever you go
This is the system I’ve used to give everyone from pro athletes to everyday athletes the strong core they deserve.
So know for a fact that, by using this formula, you’ll be receiving the exact same value as my top elite clients – who I charge $1,000 a day – at a fraction of the cost.
I’ll share all the specifics with you in just a moment, but first…
I feel compelled to be honest with you, and let you know about the real and serious problem you face right now.
This is the foe – “hidden in plain sight” – behind why you’re not getting the results you’ve always wanted.
And this is why a weak core, no definition and a serious threat of debilitating pain is not your fault. Although, after you read this, you know it now becomes your responsibility to take action.
The sad fact is that for years you’ve been misled by “experts” giving outdated advice on how to build your six-pack.
Many of their lies are THE REASON you’ve been let down in the past.
You may have heard, or perhaps even believed at one point, that doing crunches is the ONLY way to get the abs you want.
I can’t believe some coaches or online writers are STILL advocating crunches!
Please, if you have ever believed this, stop right now! I’ll explain why in just a moment…
Just know this: countless other smart guys and girls have fallen – and are still falling – victim to the HUGE “crunches” myth, yet you need to lay it aside right now.
If you don’t, you’ll cause serious – possibly irreversible – damage to your spine.
You’ll end up with chronic pain in your back, neck and knees.
And, you may even end up losing muscle, losing fitness and gaining weight as your body fights against poor posture and being out of alignment.
Listen: this isn’t what I want for you. And I know it’s not what you want for yourself.
The struggle you’ve been experiencing is directly due to this, which is why it’s not your fault.
However, it’s now your responsibility, wouldn’t you agree?
Please don’t blame yourself.
Blame the personal trainers and coaches still pushing outdated training techniques… DECADES after top strength coaches abandoned crunches.
The “crunch” has been an exercise staple since the 1940s. The exercise recommended by late night TV commercials, magazines and wannabe fitness gurus at the gym.
But REAL fitness experts threw crunches as a serious exercise into the trash can YEARS ago, knowing the dangers and how ineffective they are.
Not that it’s stopped all the misinformation spread by sports writers, churning out the same old advice from outdated sources.
And now anyone with a six-pack and Youtube account can claim to be an “expert” and hand out inaccurate, potentially damaging advice.
It’s enough to confuse the smartest person alive… and it confused ME for years. Until I learned the truth from trained professionals.
But place a lot of the blame with sleazy “quick fix” online programs who rely on making bold, baseless claims.
Let me reveal to you the truth about crunches from real experts.
Stuart McGill, professor of spine biomechanics at the University of Waterloo in Canada has conducted dozens of studies replicating the movement of the spine when doing crunches.
After replicating the flexing of the human spine, he examined the discs and found they had been squeezed to the point where they bulged.
This is the reason crunches press on back nerves causing back pain, and can even cause a herniated disc.
(Remember our jelly doughnut…)
The fact of the matter is you should NEVER do crunches or sit-ups. And here’s why:
1) Crunches causes lower back stress.
A 1995 study found sit-ups placed over 3,000N of force on the lower spine, which could cause herniated discs. Imagine willingly applying that force on any other part of your body through exercise? You wouldn’t.
If you fall for the crunch myth, you will end up in pain, either in your back, neck or elsewhere.
2) Your spine has a shelf life. Crunches age your spine.
You only have so many flexions in your spine before it starts to deteriorate. You can’t repair it. You can’t change it. That’s how it is. The more you flex your spine, the more you age your spine.
That’s fact. So why would you actively try to flex your spine at its most vulnerable point causing it to age faster and further?
3) Crunches don’t aid good posture; they reinforce bad posture.
Think about it: what is a crunch?
You’re just replicating the bent over movement you make when you’re sat at a desk or slumped in a seat.
4) Because you’re doing crunches, you’re not PROPERLY working your core.
You’re becoming weaker, less powerful, and more susceptible to problems.
You see, crunches aren’t functional. They don’t replicate ANY natural movement our bodies were designed for. Our bodies thrive on exercises in alignment with their function.
Crunching isn’t a natural movement. It actively opposes the purpose of the spine and works against it. We are meant to be upright and be able to bend, twist, reach and extend.
5) And here’s the worst part… crunches DON’T work.
Yes, you feel the burn. But it’s a fake burn – it feels good, but does it actually deliver results? No.
Crunches miss your core muscles. The narrow range of exercise does nothing to strengthen your deep abdominal muscles, your transversus abdominis, or your obliques. Crunches ONLY work your rectus abdominis close to your skin.
So the abs you DO end up with tell a lie. They don’t represent strength. They don’t represent inner power. Your core is no stronger for these “cosmetic” abs. In fact, they put your midsection out of balance and increase the risk of injury.
What if I told you that creating these “superficial” abs actually takes more, time more energy and wastes MUCH more effort? It’s many times EASIER to build chiseled abs the right way.
Now you’re aware of the myths and lies. You can see how they’ve crippled your ability to gain the six-pack you’ve wanted for years.
It’s time to dig in and rise above the lies using these three tips I have for you today.
Without these tips, your road to a perfect, powerful six-pack will be a rocky one. Yet using these simple strategies, you’ll reach your goal of chiseled abs in no time.
And by far the most IMPORTANT tip is showing you how to “reset” your core so you can build your new washboard abs on strong foundations.
I’ll go into the specifics of my “reset” tip in just a second, so by all means, keep reading.
The first thing I have to WARN you is to avoid isolation exercises.
I used to believe isolation exercises were actually essential when it came to your core! Now I know better, and so do you…
Here’s what will happen if you carry on using isolation exercises as part of your core workout:
Your body is designed to work as a unit. Individual muscles aren’t meant to be worked in isolation. When you work one area without working surrounding muscles, it causes an imbalance. Strong muscles in one area can overpower weak muscles, offering a false sense of security and risking serious injury.
Here’s the secret: only by fully engaging your core in every plane can you fire up all the muscles in the midsection, front, side, and rear to bring balance to your body. When you do this, you’ll properly work the deep muscles of the core.
So here’s what you do instead: powerful functional exercises that work your core across three planes of motion. Your core needs to be worked in 3D.
By just doing functional rather than isolation movements as part of your workout you’ll see more impressive gains in far, far less time.
Just picture it:
People will look at you in amazement when you develop rock-hard, chiseled abs without doing a single crunch or wasting hours eeking out marginal gains. With functional movements as part of a complete workout program, everything works in harmony to burn fat, increase energy and build muscle through the core.
That’s not all: you’ll also shave hours and days off the amount of time you need to train your core.
The benefits of this simple tip continue to surprise me, and it continues to astound all the athletes I’ve taught it to
Well, listen to this one.
Would it surprise you to discover you can actually enjoy the foods you REALLY want to eat when building chiseled abs?
Most people believe you have to haul yourself through the process of complicated and boring diets, but I would rather see you eat foods you enjoy and STICK to a long-term program.
Enjoying your abs diet starts here: simply forget about calorie restriction – this only results in weight loss, NOT fat loss, which is where you want to put your focus.
You also need to train your body to use fat as an energy source and taking steps to improve your gut health will flip the switch on improving your rate of fat loss.
Just picture it:
People will be STUNNED when they see you efficiently sculpting a set of abs your buddies will be jealous of when they’re still dieting and missing out!
Enjoying the journey is the key to staying on the path, and this simple nutrition strategy will get you there fast!
And, it’s about to get even better, because now I’ll be sharing my most VITAL tip when it comes to killer abs.
The other tips I just gave you were great, but without applying THIS tip to the rest? Forget about succeeding in your goals.
This simple tip is the center of the Perfect Abs Equation: hitting the “reset” button on your core strength.
It’s the tactic behind ALL success in developing a rock-solid six-pack because it allows you to build your core on solid foundations, working every muscle effectively for a balanced midsection that properly supports your body.
This is my patented Two Phase Principle, used successfully by virtually every six-pack celebrity or athlete, even if they don’t know it!
Here’s what you do: you break down your eight week plan into two distinct phases of training, each designed for a specific purpose.
This is the bedrock foundation of my entire strategy. It’s one that will give you a lifetime of power and strength in your core that makes sculpting chiseled abs easier than you could ever imagine.
Just imagine what your life will feel like when you MASTER this Two Phase process!
You’ll forever leave behind the frustrations you’ve no-doubt experienced when it comes to working your abs. All those frustrations end TODAY.
And this is happening in your life simply because you NOW know this formula.
It’s the little-known success strategy enjoyed by the elite… and now it’s your turn!
Okay, that was a TON of valuable information. You may be feeling a bit unsure of where and how to get started and that’s fine.
All this means is that you have two simple choices to make, right now:
Choice 1: You can take all the tips and info I just gave you and try to put the puzzle pieces together on your own, without help.
You never know! You may eventually put the pieces of the puzzle together on your own, but it will take a lot longer and there’s no guarantee you’ll make it.
Or, there’s the smarter choice. The one savvy men and women take to speed up their progress towards owning a washboard stomach.
This is the quickest, fastest, and smartest way possible to stunning abs without doing a single, dangerous crunch.
Look… there’s no reason to try this on your own – I’ve already done all the work for you, right?
There’s no need to scratch your head in frustration, guessing your way to “halfway there”, because I’ve already created the ideal system for you.
It’s a system I’ve perfected and tested for years on countless thousands of men and women like you.
Here’s what the vast majority decide to do – it’s called:
The safest, most effective way to sculpt chiseled abs and develop an iron core in just 60 days without screwing up your spine.
My results-focused, step-by-step program guarantees you finally get the abs you want…even if:
You have limited time in your day to focus on building rock solid abs… in fact, by doing this functional program you’ll get a complete workout.
You don’t know the first thing about core exercises and they’ve never been part of your workout. I explain every single exercise in detail with follow-along videos designed to guarantee you hit perfect form right away.
You think you’re light years away from getting abs. Look… every journey starts with a single step. This program breaks down the journey into simple, digestible chunks. Start now and within 60 days you’ll see bigger, more impressive results than you can imagine.
You’re already injured. The truth is most people come to me already suffering from back pain, neck pain or some other problem caused by poor posture or their body being out of alignment. Through my program, you’ll feel strength – real strength – in your core to balance and properly align your body.
Or even if you think you’ve tried EVERYTHING!
To save your time, and mine, let me be upfront and tell you what Crunchless Core is NOT, before I tell you what it IS.
Crunchless Core is NOT a “quick-fix” abs program promising quick results with no effort down.
Crunchless Core is NOT a “crunches-replacement” or a hastily thrown together collection of plank alternatives you can find online that simply DON’T work. It is a complete workout system that trains your abs in 3D for the best results.
Don’t you think you’ve been fed enough myths about crunches? Isn’t it enough? Isn’t it time to start using what’s PROVEN to work?
Crunchless Core is the direct result of over 15 years of studying and working with athletes one-on-one to discover what works.
I uncovered the hidden patterns and unique (sometimes ‘odd’) tactics they use to stay strong, powerful and injury-free in the world of competitive sport.
And now, from this point forward, you’ll have the tools to do just the same.
The strategies of the truly successful can NOW be duplicated easily by you, giving you:
A strong, powerful core that protects you from bad posture and keeps you upright, strong and filled with energy and vitality
The freedom to work out in LESS time with LESS effort so you can achieve even BIGGER gains.
And all of this, while you quickly achieve a rock-solid washboard stomach with abs that pop, faster than ever before possible!
Before we go one step further, I need to be 100% honest with you.
I hope you’re not one of “those” types looking for the next “7 Minute Instant Abs” quick-fix that promises the earth but just leaves your wallet leaner.
You get it: more garbage that doesn’t work, never has worked, and never WILL work for you.
Then do us both a favor and just forget all about Crunchless Core, because it’s not going to give you ‘impossible’ results just SOLID results…
Crunchless Core isn’t pie-in-the-sky fantasy land nonsense.
It’s the REAL deal.
And it’s only for folks like you who are serious about building an iron core and enjoying eye-popping abs.
There are no push button answers to succeeding in sculpting abs you can be proud of. Nothing in this life is easy, and you know that, but THIS is as easy as it gets…
So, if you’re like most folks watching this presentation, and you’re 100% ready for REAL to succeed, here’s what you’re going to receive.
If you really want to:
Sculpt a ripped, chiseled core with an impressive six-pack and abs that pop right out
Build a bulletproof midsection to protect and support your whole body and guarantee good posture so you can breathe, move and workout better
Enjoy explosive power and optimal performance right through your core without risking serious injury or weakness
Then Crunchless Core isn’t just “a” solution for you… it’s the ONLY solution for you.
What Others Are Saying About Crunchless Core
Having a Strong Core is a Requirement for Long-Term Health of the Skeletal and Muscular System
“Brian’s method of core training is unique and unlike anything I’ve seen in my career as an orthopedic surgeon. His training style, combined with his knowledge of functional movement would benefit athletes, workout enthusiasts, and weekend warriors in every gym, clinic, and training center.
I find Brian’s core workouts beneficial and appropriate for a broad range of patients and athletes. In fact, I would probably perform fewer surgeries if people followed his core strengthening approach.”
Athletic Trainer Approved
“I have worked as an Athletic Trainer for nearly 20 years, and when it comes to the core, people still today only think of crunching till they have a “6-pack.” The thought that one can focus on one area and “spot reduce” only increases the very dysfunctional thought.
To truly have a great core that protects not only the athlete, but also all of us, a comprehensive, “full circle” approach to its strength and flexibility is needed.
The program that Brian has implemented addresses the entire scope of the core, its function for optimal strength, and perhaps the most crucial…the durability of the spine to avoid injury.
Let’s face it, lying down and doing the standard crunch only increases unwanted pressure into the cervical spine and at the end of the day offers next to no core strength benefits.
Brian’s program addresses the abdominal flexors, extensors, rotators and stabilizers. It also strengthens the hips that supports the core with large muscles and allows it to move in full ranges of motion without pain and potential injury.
By performing the types of dynamic stabilization…planking for example…Brian is able to provide a comprehensive core strengthening program that will not only give a person the durability and desired function they are after, but also be the actual way to bring about that “6-pack” we all like to show off!
I have been blessed to work with athletes of all kinds over the years, from Randy “Macho Man” Savage to pitcher Frank Viola and many other professional and collegiate athletes.
But no matter what age, level or ability, none of them could perform without a strong and flexible core as the foundation. If you want to enjoy your highest level of fitness…and do it pain free…get off the crunching floor and experience success through Brian’s program!”
Over 40? No Problem!
“As a male over 40, I’ve probably tried just about every exercise regime imaginable, so I’m constantly looking for different things to keep my body guessing and my workouts fresh.
When I saw that Critical Bench was launching Crunchless Core, I knew I had to try it. From day one I knew this 8 week program was legitimate from the intensity level it puts you at. Keeping up with the program is easy and works with any schedule. If you truly want results, I highly recommend Crunchless Core!”
Don’t Isolate the Abs – Integrate Them Into Movement
“Current research has shown the downside of performing endless crunches and sit-ups for abdominal development. Coach Brian has done a good job creating a program that will work the abdominals in a more comprehensive manner, using exercises that integrate the abs into movement.”
To Look Athletic You Have to Be Athletic
“I have people all the time ask me, “How do I get abs like you, how do I get shredded?” Well, I finally have an easy way to answer their question; With this program!
Crunchless Core addresses all the issues with getting fit. It lays out your programming and gives detailed explanations of every aspect. This is the way I personally recommend you train.
Laying on the floor doing countless crunches is a thing of the past. If you want to look athletic, then you have to be athletic! Crunchless Core will lead you down the path to 6-pack gold!”
Sculpted Abs Without Neck or Back Pain
“I spend hours at the gym every week trying to improve my body and much of that time is dedicated to sculpting my abs. Like most people, I do many of the same exercises over and over again with good results but I must say I was super impressed with the variety of movements found in Crunchless Core…many I’ve never done before.
They were very challenging and I could feel the muscles working every where in my body and not just my abs. I also noticed zero neck or back pain after working out hard.
The movements are all carefully designed to fully engage the core and strengthen the entire body without having to do boring crunches and sit ups like you find in most other workout programs. Two thumbs up for me!”
Tightens Up the Entire Body
“I’m 50 years old and the CA2.0 program is awesome! My results came from following the program closely along with the consistent diet.
In just under 60 days I was able to noticeably tighten up my entire body and get the 6-pack abs I always wanted. I am very happy and will definitely recommend this program to other people!”
Have a look at what’s included in Crunchless Core, all designed to get you on the path to perfect abs within just 60 days:
On page four, you’ll discover the secret behind my “Two-Phase” Total Body Program.
You’ll completely transform your core from the inside-out in just 60 days with the Two Phase Total Body Program. The program includes over eight total body workouts containing over 70 functional exercises… and NOT A CRUNCH IN SIGHT!
We’re talking the highest quality content you can imagine as I walk you through the easy-to-follow instructional videos designed to show you PERFECT form.
You’ve no-doubt noticed that Crunchless Core is, without question, the safest, most efficient program giving you a stronger, more powerful core.
Which naturally opens up the possibility for you to see a rapid transformation within just eight weeks.
And it goes without saying that this program makes your life MUCH easier.
Here’s what I mean:
Each four-week phase is designed to train your core as a unit – rather than isolating the outer muscles. This way, you’ll burn more calories, add stability through your midsection and look beach-ready by the time the end of the program rolls around… all while spending LESS time and LESS effort training.
Which is amazing, considering some of the outdated advice on crunches included spending hours doing hundreds and even thousands of crunches to get the best results.
Now, you may be thinking, “I bet any blueprint that can give me all of that would cost a small fortune”.
And, in all honesty, It really should.
After all, Crunchless Core has already helped hundreds of athletes, professional sports people and guys and girls, like you and me, achieve rock-solid abs faster and easier than ever without pain.
I’ll get to the price in just a few moments.
First, I want to share a few unique benefits this one-of-a-kind system will deliver to you.
I won’t go into too much detail here, but these are absolutely some of my favorite training strategies…
How about the “bizarre” exercise you can do that instantly relieves the pressure on your spine – nice!
Or how to do LESS reps and get TWICE the results in HALF the time!
Our normal off-the-shelf retail price for Crunchless Core without any additional bonuses, is $97.
Listen: You’re not just getting Crunchless Core when you order today. I have something really special for you.
BONUS 1: Crunchless Core LITE – Home Edition
You’ve shown me how much you desire bulletproof abs. So now I’m tossing in – for a limited time only – one of my best programs as a free fast-action bonus so you can get there even quicker.
The premium gift you’ll receive today is Crunchless Core LITE – Home Edition ($50 Value).
I’m sure you realize when it comes to changing how your body looks and feels, there is one “secret” weapon that will get you to your goals faster than ever. It’s being consistent.
You don’t need a single piece of equipment to complete any of the workouts – they can be done in your garage, office or a hotel room. Every workout can be completed in less than 30 minutes so you can squeeze a complete core routine into even the busiest schedule.
Inside our Crunchless Core LITE bonus program, you’ll discover 16 super-fast core workouts to guarantee you stay on track with your core-building process whenever, wherever.
The program is split into four areas of focus, with four workouts in each section designed to work towards your goals: Power, Strength, Stability and Combination
It’s normally valued at $50 if you bought this separately… but it’s yours FREE today when you take action.
BONUS 2: Exercise Exchange Manual ($25 Value)
I have one more special BONUS for you and it’s called the Crunchless Core Exercise Exchange Manual.
If there are any exercises in the program you can’t perform due to an injury or if the exercise feels too difficult you can refer to this handy Bonus.
It will give you alternative exercises you can swap out for ones you don’t want to do or don’t have the equipment to do.
Don’t worry about any exercises you’re not comfortable with. You can easily exchange or swap it out for one of the regressions from this booklet.
This bonus is valued at $25 but included free with your order today.
Now you can see why Crunchless Core is valued at $97.
Your premium bonuses ALONE are worth $75, which would bring your investment today for Crunchless Core to $172.
However, I have a good reason that I’ll share with you shortly for making you a far better deal. Keep reading and I’ll share why I’m slashing the price for a limited time.
Sure, you could just walk away, chance it, and keep going down the road you’re on now.
And end up spending 10, 20, even 100 times more than the investment you’ll make today on Crunchless Core from a personal trainer. (Or even the cost of physical therapy!)
Then there’s all the time you’ll waste plugging away at squeezing out those hard-to-sculpt abs by still doing what all the freebie programs tell you to do. (Hint: there’s a reason they’re FREE).
And let’s not even TALK about all the time you’ll miss having the chance to show off your beautifully sculpted six-pack at home, at the gym or on the beach.
Neither of us see that as your future, right?
Listen: I’m ready to make this a no-brainer decision for you today.
I feel you deserve to know why I’m offering you such a massive discount today.
Let me share my vision with you: it’s a CAUSE I’m inviting you to join today, along with the thousands of others who are ready too.
I want to help ordinary guys and girls break free from the dangerous and damaging advice that lazy, old-school trainers and coaches use to hold us back.
I want you to have access to the same “insider” knowledge that elite coaches and trainers have known for years… but have kept tight-lipped about for fear of losing their “edge”.
I want to create a level playing field so no-one suffers from the long-lasting effects crunches cause to your posture and spinal health.
I simply cannot let “price” get in the way of you achieving YOUR goals, as well as helping me make a positive impact.
Only on this page, your total investment in Crunchless Core will NOT be $172 today.
Not even close.
Cut that price in half… and you’re STILL not close!
As ridiculous as it sounds, you won’t even pay $49 today!
Today only, and only from this letter, your total investment in Crunchless Core, including the PREMIUM Accelerated Fat Loss Program bonus valued at $50, is ONLY:
Lock in your super-discounted price, which is extremely limited, by clicking on the yellow BUY NOW order button below.
I want you to try Crunchless Core
ON ME for a full 60 days.
If you do not sculpt yourself a chiseled, rock-hard six pack in that time…
If you’re not COMPLETELY DELIGHTED by the program…
Even if you don’t like the clothes I wear in the follow-along video… or my accent… or enthusiasm… no worries! I’ll give back your ENTIRE investment.
No questions asked and no hassles. I’ll refund every penny, because I’m committed to producing results for you, no matter what.
Plus, as part of my Double Guarantee, if you use the program and think I’ve wasted your time or haven’t delivered on my promise, we’ll pay for your next program by allowing you to pick one of our other products.
Click on the yellow button below to secure your discounted price before someone else claims it.
Just have a look at what these clients did following my Two Phase Formula…
Maximum Results – Not a Quick Fix
“I can confidently say that Coach Brian invested some serious time and effort to ensure you learn the proper technique and skills in the Crunchless Core program. His knowledge extends beyond helping you to achieve your personal best but extends to work out plans, diet and lifestyle change guidance.
I promise you will not find just some random workout routines but some amazing exercises and challenges from beginning to end. This workout is about maximum results and not just a quick fix. I am sending a BIG thank you to Coach Brian for sharing his knowledge and passion for fitness with me.”
Stay Injury Free & Train Your Core Without a Single Sit-Up
“I am 54 years old and I have had some injuries the past couple of years and I shared my concerns with Brian Klepacki about trying to stay injury free. He made a plan Crunchless Core to focus on stability and balance as well as strengthening my core using total body movements without ever doing a single sit up.
His knowledge has opened my eyes to a whole new level of training. I will continue to work with Brian to be in the best shape possible.”
Works Even If You’ve Tried Everything Else!
“I have been actively training in one way or another for 15 years. Being mother of 3 with limited time, I have trained with personal trainers, been a runner, a Crossfitter, done Orange Theory, Zumba, Boot Camp, tried training on my own and many other classes in between but most programs have fallen short.
When I started training with Brian I had overuse injuries in both knees from an intense ‘Boot Camp’ that I was attending. In the short time that I have been with Brian, he has not only corrected my knee pain, but he has taught me so much about functional training, my form and corrected things I thought I was doing right for years. I have always had weak abs/core, so Brian has me doing really unique core exercises from Crunchless Core that not only improved my strength, but enhanced my overall functionality as well.
Brian’s functional training model used in Crunchless Core has improved my physical performance and fitness level all around!”
Triathlete Feels Great & Setting Personal Records
“Being a triathlete and former yoga and kickboxing instructor, I’ve had my fare share of training programs as well as injuries. I’ve had multiple knee surgeries so running was always painful and slow to say the least.
Lastly, I work unpredictable long hours in a fast paced, high stress job and I sit ALL day. I started seeing Brian Klepacki after I finished my first half Ironman because I needed help. I couldn’t seem to make time for actual training leading up to my next event, but he had a solution…functional strength training like you’ll find in Crunchless Core
We worked specific muscle groups for biking, running, and swimming, which included a tremendous amount of core and stability training, never once doing ‘traditional’ stomach exercises. The end result was a faster swim without much time in the water, a stronger bike, a much less painful run and I feel great!”
Get Out of the Desk Position!
“If the desk position is hard on your lower back and could cause long term aches and pains, then why would you lay on the ground and repeatably crank your spine over and over into the desk position?”
Yet, just by taking action today, the complete Crunchless Core system, with all the bonuses, PLUS the Super Bonus is yours for only $17.
Now, remember, you’re not just getting an incredible discount today.
You’ll be joining all those guys and girls who have chosen to make a better path for themselves and commit to not working harder but SMARTER to get the results they deserve.
Plus, you’ll join the ever-growing Crunchless Core satisfied customer community.
Click on the BUY NOW button right now and lock in your discounted price today.
Within a few minutes, you’ll have everything at your fingertips: the entire Crunchless Core System, inside the secure members area.
Remember: this includes, today only, your premium bonuses, Crunchless Core LITE – Home Edition and the Exercise Exchange, worth $75!
So your order will be smooth and easy today, I want to show you EXACTLY what to expect after you click the order button below:
First, you’ll be taken to our 100% secure checkout page, which looks like this:
After you order, you’ll be shown ways to customize your order, and even have the opportunity to pick up some valuable “quick-start” bonus materials…
Finally, you’ll arrive at our secure member’s area.
It really is that simple to get started RIGHT NOW.
Remember: you’ve been struggling with chiseling out your powerful six-pack abs for way too long.
Unless you take action today, you run a grave risk of causing serious – possibly irreversible – damage to your spine and pain in your back and neck.
By failing to build your core properly you’re leaving your body out of alignment and unbalanced.
And, worst of all, your midsection simply won’t EVER have that chiseled, Herculean six-pack that comes from training the whole core from inside out.
YET: All of this can be avoided, beginning today, simply by applying the step-by-step program I’ve developed for you in Crunchless Core.
See, I have this vision for you.
Today, you finally have THE answer to your frustrating abs problem at long last – and…
You’re brimming with excitement.
You’re bursting with confidence.
Turning heads as you walk into the room.
You are experiencing the body and health you deserve – at long last!
Yes, it’s true. Your lack of progress and obstacles placed before you – up until today – have been no fault of your own.
It’s true that you’ve been lied to in the past about quick-fix solutions.
And trainers and coaches have perpetuated the “Crunches Myth” to serve their own interests for far too long.
Especially with the ‘MORE CRUNCHES IS BETTER” idea so many of us have tried (including me).
And who can forget all those false promises other coaching “experts” made to you that never stood up to the light of day?
Yet, today is your day to CLAIM your power and take responsibility.
You do it by taking action… doing what you know you MUST DO to see REAL results with a program that WORKS!
Here’s the GOOD NEWS. Unlike all those ridiculous abs workout gimmicks, this one is GUARANTEED to work for you:
I’m asking you right now to just try Crunchless Core for 60 full days, on me… either you are thrilled with your new set of bulletproof six-pack abs, or you pay NOTHING.
Plus, I never leave you hanging – either me or my Support Team will get back to you quickly with any questions you have, so you’ll always feel taken care of.
Immediately after you buy today, you need to do this: wait for the “Welcome” email to arrive in your inbox with your log-in details and log into the members area.
Then head over to the Crunchless Core Workbook and read through the introduction and program breakdown to understand how the Two Phase program is structured. That way you can dive in ASAP and get started seeing results.
Diving into the workbook will guarantee you get your program started in the right way to give your 60 day journey to perfect abs a running start.
Listen, don’t put this off a second longer… let me tell you WHY:
First, keep in mind I’ve discounted Crunchless Core by over $100, completely risk-free to you with its guarantee.
Just know this. I will eventually have to increase the price closer to the retail value, as I’m giving you a massive discount.
So you must act now before I have to do that… it may be today, tomorrow, or in a few weeks…
And, you also don’t want to miss out on my one-time-only bonus offer for Crunchless Core LITE – Home Edition and the Exercise Exchange, reserved ONLY for first-come action-takers.
Those who act today will lock in their discount and these free gifts.
Others won’t be so fortunate.
And, let’s remember: unless you take action now, today, you may NEVER take action.
You may do what so many others do and put it off… you know, for “a few more days?”… which turns into months… even years?
So, now we both know what you REALLY want and need.
And, let’s just face facts, and do the only SMART thing left for you to do.
Get my one-time, limited discount while it’s still available to you, before someone else takes your spot.
And get on the fast track to perfect abs using the smartest, safest, most proven system for developing a rock-solid six-pack on the planet.
CLICK the BUY NOW button below right now, and let’s get you started today.
Move Well. Look Well. Live Well,
Brian Klepacki, MS, CSCS, FMS, CISSN Fat Loss & Core Training Advisor – CriticalBench.com
FAQS ABOUT Crunchless Core
Q: How is this different from other programs?
A: What makes this program unique is that it’s a complete workout. Many other programs focus on simply finding alternatives to crunches – like planks and other movements. And that’s all they do. They don’t offer a complete workout system that actually builds from the core with functional movements which don’t cause wear and tear to your joints.
Q: Why can’t I just find all this online and do it myself?
A: You could try looking for some of this information online or try searching through thousands of articles and studies on core strength and conditioning. Even then you’d still have to go to college and pick up a degree on exercise in order to have access to many of the academic studies and research I used when developing the program.
Ultimately, you won’t be able to replicate this program. What I have developed is based on 15 years helping top class athletes and professional sports people and all my experience and expertise has been poured into this targeted, proven program that I know gets results every time.
You really won’t find another program like it.
Q: How long does the program take?
A: The complete program takes 60 days. This is the optimal amount of time it will take to make significant changes in your core strength and stability so you can develop rock-hard, chiseled abs that turn heads every time.
The program is split into Two Phases of four weeks each. The first phase deals with building up your core stability and strength. The second phase builds on the first and is where you make the gains which help you towards the six-pack you’ve always wanted.
You can, of course, carry on the program as long as you wish.
Q: How does your guarantee work?
A: It’s really simple. If for ANY reason within 60 days of the program you don’t like anything about it, you can simply contact our customer support team and request a full refund, no questions asked. We’re so confident you’ll love the program, we want this to be a no-brainer for you so we’ve removed ALL the risk.
And when we say you can refund for ANY reason, we mean it. In fact, you can try the whole 60 day program and see for yourself the incredible gains you’ll make in such a short time.
You really can prove it works without any risk at all.
Q: Who is this program suitable for?
A: This program has been designed for men and women of any age and at any stage of fitness. Whether you’ve never before done a single crunch or if you’re an experienced athlete, you will benefit from building a strong, bulletproof core using the Crunchless Core principles.
Every single one of the functional exercises is described in detail and the follow-along video shows you exactly how to complete each exercise with perfect form so you maximize your effort into gaining results. I have done all the hard work of breaking it all down in its simplest parts so you don’t have to worry about a thing. It really couldn’t be simpler to follow.
Q: What happens if I’m already injured? Will this work for me?
A: Of course! I’ve worked with numerous athletes to support them and help them back to good health and so I’ve designed the program to help you, too.
The first phase of the program is specifically designed to “reset” and build your core strength. In the process, you will develop better posture, more power and greater stability in your midsection to support the bigger exercises in the second half of the program.
By focusing on working all the deep core muscles rather than just the superficial surface muscles, you’ll bring balance to your body and remove many of the underlying causes behind your injury.
Q: How complicated are the exercises? Do I need any gym equipment?
A: The exercises have been chosen based on their functionality. While I’ve made every effort to keep the program as simple and straightforward as possible, there will inevitably be some exercises which are a little harder than others to perform BUT for good reason. These work your core more effectively and more efficiently by working through all three planes – remember your core is 3D. No matter what the exercise, you’re completely covered by the program. I outlined in detail every single exercise and walk you through each one in the video to ensure you nail perfect form.
You will require either a home gym or a gym in order to complete both phases. That’s simply because there are big movements involved and you need the range of weights a gym gives you.
Q: What if this doesn’t work for me?
A: Crunchless Core really will work for you, I’m sure of it.
Our most successful students of the program followed it through all 60 days and were able to develop beautiful, chiseled abs while remaining injury free.
If, in the highly unlikely event, the program doesn’t work for you, don’t worry. We’ll refund you all your money – if you’re still within the 60 days refund period – no questions asked. Plus we’ll even pay for another one of our proven programs so you can work on another aspect of your strength or conditioning. There really is no risk to you at all.
Stop doing sit-ups: why crunches don’t work – Kate Daily, Newsweek (March 2009)
Are situps and crunches bad for the spine? – Christy Callahan, Livestrong (Aug 2013)
Why crunches don’t work – Ben Greenfield, Huffington Post (May 2012)
Why crunches won’t give you your flat abs, and will hurt your body – Lisa Elaine, Well & Good (May 2012)
Neck safety while doing crunches – Jonathan Thompson, Livestrong (Nov 2015)
Back pain while doing crunches – Elle Di Jensen, Livestrong (June 2015)
Sports hernia 101, Jim Brown, EXOS (May 2009)
Top 10 gym exercises done incorrectly – NHS (October 2015)
The surprising downsides of sit-ups – Claudia Hammond, BBC, (April 2016)
Ab exercises that can cause injury – Amy Robers, Men’s Fitness
Dangerous workouts – avoid these five exercises at all costs to prevent injury – Justin Caba,Medical Daily (Sep 2014)
Is your ab workout hurting your back? Gretchen Reynolds, NY Times (June 2009)
The health hazards of sitting – Bonnie Berkowitz and Patterson Clark, Washington Post (Jan 2014)
Abdominal fat and what to do about it – Harvard Medical School (Sept 2005)
10 exercise myths that won’t go away – Madison Park, CNN (June 2011)
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By simply reading this all the way to the end you will discover:
A superior yet little-known method of decreasing the number of reps while DOUBLING your results in half the time
Exactly how you can work every muscle DEEP into your core for a perfectly balanced stomach using this one strange but effective technique
A powerful, proven technique that “RESETS” your core, dramatically reduces your chances of injury and brings unlimited power to your body
The one ‘tried and true’ technique that MOST people think is the best way to get rock solid abs…but you’ll discover why you must AVOID IT at all costs! (Note: this is a mistake even PROS make)
Why complicated and boring diets are NOT the best way to a flat, washboard stomach (and what you need to focus on instead to guarantee success)
I’ll reveal the truth about sit-ups and crunches from real experts so grab a pen and pad to take notes now.
The real problem when developing a six-pack is there’s so much misinformation out there.
A seemingly endless supply of options, methods, and ideas on how best to achieve perfectly chiseled abs.
Well, here’s the good news.
Today, all your confusion will vanish.
I’m about to reveal an approach that’s unique, surprisingly simple, and works for anyone at any age and any stage of their journey to rock-hard abs.
Keep in mind I would normally charge for this information, as it will help you achieve your goal of developing a six-pack faster and with greater ease.
Before we go any further, however, I feel it’s only fair to level with you:
There’s a rather embarrassing story I need to share before we dive into this new workout method for your abs today.
You’ll understand why this almost got edited from this letter in a few minutes, so brace yourself and keep reading.
You’ll see why my embarrassing little episode is so important to YOUR WORKOUT success in just a few minutes… deal?

Hi, I’m Brian Klepacki
Inside this eye-opening special report is the SECRET KEY to helping you get a flat, defined belly–and why complicated and boring diets are NOT the best way to a flat, washboard stomach (and what you need to focus on instead to guarantee success).
Today, I’m a Certified Strength Coach and owner of a Strength and Conditioning business in Florida.
I have a Masters in Exercise Science with a Concentration of Strength and Conditioning. Certified in Functional Movement and I’m a Certified Strength & Conditioning Specialist.
I know how important it is to sift through fact and fiction to uncover the truth about human performance.
You know, a lot of folks think my biggest breakthroughs come about because of the athletes I’ve trained.
They say, “sure, you can get great results when you’re training Olympic medalists, Pan Am games medalists, pro basketball players, baseball stars…
“… and stars of football, hockey, collegiate lacrosse, soccer and swimming” and so you’d expect these guys to get great results.
Yet the truth will surprise you!
My biggest success – the success I’m most proud of – was from a normal guy I coached, named Mac.
I remember when I first met Mac back in July 2012.
I recall it was a hot summer and it was all you could do to wear shorts and a T-shirt to keep cool. It was HOT!
I was just finishing up training one of my athlete clients in my studio gym and in walks this older guy in running shorts.
He was slim and he was clearly athletic… but right away I could tell he had a problem with his knee as he was nursing a limp.
It looked bad and alarm bells started ringing in my head about whether he was already past the point of no return.
Now Mac, it turns out, was a runner. He was 50 and held a desk job which had him sitting for most of his day.
But despite his activity every day he was in pain.
He was trying to live with chronic back and knee pain.
Now, the story you’re about to hear is pretty bad in places. But this was the experience that led Mac from being in pain all the time to a state of being pain free and stronger and fitter than ever.
And I think you want that, too.
You see when I sat Mac down to talk with him, he was almost in tears. Earlier that day, he’d see his physician who gave him a shocking diagnosis.
He had a herniated disc which was causing him pain.
He had tried to craft a six-pack and build much-needed core strength. Sensible, right?
But the more effort he put in, the more crunches he did… the worse the results were.
So he spent MORE time doing crunches and MORE reps. And still it didn’t show.
All the while, his back pain worsened. Then his knee started aching. And that ache turned into a chronic pain.
Until, finally, he couldn’t even work out anymore.
When he heard from his doctor his spine was damaged it was a wake-up call.
This is how the doctor explained it. Imagine your spinal discs – the discs which sit on top of each other to form your spine – were jelly doughnuts.
These discs are made up of two parts, the nucleus pulposus – or the jelly center – and the outer, protective layer, the annulus fibrosis. Both parts help the disc move.
Now, because Mac was doing so many crunches, it was putting direct pressure on the discs at the point of his back where the crunches flex the spine.
Through wear and tear, it had caused the outer layer of the doughnut to wear away and the jelly – or nucleus pulposa – was being pushed through. You could see the jelly trying to make an escape.
And that’s painful.
It took this shocking “wake-up call” to push Mac to seek help. Now – having heard of the success I had with the athletes I coach – he was at my door.
Just think about that for a moment.
His goal of trying to get rock solid abs to build a strong core left him unable to workout.
He told me it felt like the ground fell from under him.
It already ate away at him every time he looked in the mirror and saw how little his effort was paying off.
Then when the pain became too much… well, he felt he was being kicked when he was down.
“What more could I do?” he asked me, almost in tears.
It was at that instant when Mac came to see me and told me his story, that I drew a line in the sand. I decided to help Mac change his life.
Now, here’s the embarrassing part. Until then, I’d only helped pro athletes and coached elites. My approach to training wasn’t available to the normal folks who really needed my help.
Never again would I allow guys like Mac to suffer unnecessarily, through no fault of their own.
I promised myself I’d bring together all my expertise and experience over my years as a strength and conditioning coach to help ordinary girls and guys escape the tyranny of dangerous training advice.
On that day, I made a promise to create a program designed for people like Mac and yourself to help you build the strong, athletic body and the iron core you want without sacrificing your health and wellbeing.
And thanks to that turning point, I uncovered THE blueprint for perfect abs. And it’s one that works for just about anyone – Pro athlete or amateur
Today, I’m going to share it with you, and save you the endless hassle and years of effort it took me to hone this blueprint… so keep reading.
Keep in mind that, even though I’m a Certified Strength and Conditioning Specialist working with pro-athletes from multiple disciplines, it’s my experience working with and helping folks like you get incredible results faster than you can imagine that really matters.
I just happened to figure out a really simple, step-by-step formula designed for the average person to see massive results when it comes to developing their abs in just 60 days.
This is a system that allows real people to:
Breathe better, stand taller and enjoy better health and more vitality, every waking hour.
Finally develop a stable, strong, armor-plated core to protect your posture and give you explosive power.
Finally, sculpt chiseled beach body abs built properly from inside out that turn heads wherever you go
This is the system I’ve used to give everyone from pro athletes to everyday athletes the strong core they deserve.
So know for a fact that, by using this formula, you’ll be receiving the exact same value as my top elite clients – who I charge $1,000 a day – at a fraction of the cost.
I’ll share all the specifics with you in just a moment, but first…
I feel compelled to be honest with you, and let you know about the real and serious problem you face right now.
This is the foe – “hidden in plain sight” – behind why you’re not getting the results you’ve always wanted.
And this is why a weak core, no definition and a serious threat of debilitating pain is not your fault. Although, after you read this, you know it now becomes your responsibility to take action.
The sad fact is that for years you’ve been misled by “experts” giving outdated advice on how to build your six-pack.
Many of their lies are THE REASON you’ve been let down in the past.
You may have heard, or perhaps even believed at one point, that doing crunches is the ONLY way to get the abs you want.
I can’t believe some coaches or online writers are STILL advocating crunches!
Please, if you have ever believed this, stop right now! I’ll explain why in just a moment…
Just know this: countless other smart guys and girls have fallen – and are still falling – victim to the HUGE “crunches” myth, yet you need to lay it aside right now.
If you don’t, you’ll cause serious – possibly irreversible – damage to your spine.
You’ll end up with chronic pain in your back, neck and knees.
And, you may even end up losing muscle, losing fitness and gaining weight as your body fights against poor posture and being out of alignment.
Listen: this isn’t what I want for you. And I know it’s not what you want for yourself.
The struggle you’ve been experiencing is directly due to this, which is why it’s not your fault.
However, it’s now your responsibility, wouldn’t you agree?
Please don’t blame yourself.
Blame the personal trainers and coaches still pushing outdated training techniques… DECADES after top strength coaches abandoned crunches.
The “crunch” has been an exercise staple since the 1940s. The exercise recommended by late night TV commercials, magazines and wannabe fitness gurus at the gym.
But REAL fitness experts threw crunches as a serious exercise into the trash can YEARS ago, knowing the dangers and how ineffective they are.
Not that it’s stopped all the misinformation spread by sports writers, churning out the same old advice from outdated sources.
And now anyone with a six-pack and Youtube account can claim to be an “expert” and hand out inaccurate, potentially damaging advice.
It’s enough to confuse the smartest person alive… and it confused ME for years. Until I learned the truth from trained professionals.
But place a lot of the blame with sleazy “quick fix” online programs who rely on making bold, baseless claims.
Let me reveal to you the truth about crunches from real experts.
Stuart McGill, professor of spine biomechanics at the University of Waterloo in Canada has conducted dozens of studies replicating the movement of the spine when doing crunches.
After replicating the flexing of the human spine, he examined the discs and found they had been squeezed to the point where they bulged.
This is the reason crunches press on back nerves causing back pain, and can even cause a herniated disc.
(Remember our jelly doughnut…)
The fact of the matter is you should NEVER do crunches or sit-ups. And here’s why:
1) Crunches causes lower back stress.
A 1995 study found sit-ups placed over 3,000N of force on the lower spine, which could cause herniated discs. Imagine willingly applying that force on any other part of your body through exercise? You wouldn’t.
If you fall for the crunch myth, you will end up in pain, either in your back, neck or elsewhere.
2) Your spine has a shelf life. Crunches age your spine.
You only have so many flexions in your spine before it starts to deteriorate. You can’t repair it. You can’t change it. That’s how it is. The more you flex your spine, the more you age your spine.
That’s fact. So why would you actively try to flex your spine at its most vulnerable point causing it to age faster and further?
3) Crunches don’t aid good posture; they reinforce bad posture.
Think about it: what is a crunch?
You’re just replicating the bent over movement you make when you’re sat at a desk or slumped in a seat.
4) Because you’re doing crunches, you’re not PROPERLY working your core.
You’re becoming weaker, less powerful, and more susceptible to problems.
You see, crunches aren’t functional. They don’t replicate ANY natural movement our bodies were designed for. Our bodies thrive on exercises in alignment with their function.
Crunching isn’t a natural movement. It actively opposes the purpose of the spine and works against it. We are meant to be upright and be able to bend, twist, reach and extend.
5) And here’s the worst part… crunches DON’T work.
Yes, you feel the burn. But it’s a fake burn – it feels good, but does it actually deliver results? No.
Crunches miss your core muscles. The narrow range of exercise does nothing to strengthen your deep abdominal muscles, your transversus abdominis, or your obliques. Crunches ONLY work your rectus abdominis close to your skin.
So the abs you DO end up with tell a lie. They don’t represent strength. They don’t represent inner power. Your core is no stronger for these “cosmetic” abs. In fact, they put your midsection out of balance and increase the risk of injury.
What if I told you that creating these “superficial” abs actually takes more, time more energy and wastes MUCH more effort? It’s many times EASIER to build chiseled abs the right way.
Now you’re aware of the myths and lies. You can see how they’ve crippled your ability to gain the six-pack you’ve wanted for years.
It’s time to dig in and rise above the lies using these three tips I have for you today.
Without these tips, your road to a perfect, powerful six-pack will be a rocky one. Yet using these simple strategies, you’ll reach your goal of chiseled abs in no time.
And by far the most IMPORTANT tip is showing you how to “reset” your core so you can build your new washboard abs on strong foundations.
I’ll go into the specifics of my “reset” tip in just a second, so by all means, keep reading.
The first thing I have to WARN you is to avoid isolation exercises.
I used to believe isolation exercises were actually essential when it came to your core! Now I know better, and so do you…
Here’s what will happen if you carry on using isolation exercises as part of your core workout:
Your body is designed to work as a unit. Individual muscles aren’t meant to be worked in isolation. When you work one area without working surrounding muscles, it causes an imbalance. Strong muscles in one area can overpower weak muscles, offering a false sense of security and risking serious injury.
Here’s the secret: only by fully engaging your core in every plane can you fire up all the muscles in the midsection, front, side, and rear to bring balance to your body. When you do this, you’ll properly work the deep muscles of the core.
So here’s what you do instead: powerful functional exercises that work your core across three planes of motion. Your core needs to be worked in 3D.
By just doing functional rather than isolation movements as part of your workout you’ll see more impressive gains in far, far less time.
Just picture it:
People will look at you in amazement when you develop rock-hard, chiseled abs without doing a single crunch or wasting hours eeking out marginal gains. With functional movements as part of a complete workout program, everything works in harmony to burn fat, increase energy and build muscle through the core.
That’s not all: you’ll also shave hours and days off the amount of time you need to train your core.
The benefits of this simple tip continue to surprise me, and it continues to astound all the athletes I’ve taught it to
Well, listen to this one.
Would it surprise you to discover you can actually enjoy the foods you REALLY want to eat when building chiseled abs?
Most people believe you have to haul yourself through the process of complicated and boring diets, but I would rather see you eat foods you enjoy and STICK to a long-term program.
Enjoying your abs diet starts here: simply forget about calorie restriction – this only results in weight loss, NOT fat loss, which is where you want to put your focus.
You also need to train your body to use fat as an energy source and taking steps to improve your gut health will flip the switch on improving your rate of fat loss.
Just picture it:
People will be STUNNED when they see you efficiently sculpting a set of abs your buddies will be jealous of when they’re still dieting and missing out!
Enjoying the journey is the key to staying on the path, and this simple nutrition strategy will get you there fast!
And, it’s about to get even better, because now I’ll be sharing my most VITAL tip when it comes to killer abs.
The other tips I just gave you were great, but without applying THIS tip to the rest? Forget about succeeding in your goals.
This simple tip is the center of the Perfect Abs Equation: hitting the “reset” button on your core strength.
It’s the tactic behind ALL success in developing a rock-solid six-pack because it allows you to build your core on solid foundations, working every muscle effectively for a balanced midsection that properly supports your body.
This is my patented Two Phase Principle, used successfully by virtually every six-pack celebrity or athlete, even if they don’t know it!
Here’s what you do: you break down your eight week plan into two distinct phases of training, each designed for a specific purpose.
This is the bedrock foundation of my entire strategy. It’s one that will give you a lifetime of power and strength in your core that makes sculpting chiseled abs easier than you could ever imagine.
Just imagine what your life will feel like when you MASTER this Two Phase process!
You’ll forever leave behind the frustrations you’ve no-doubt experienced when it comes to working your abs. All those frustrations end TODAY.
And this is happening in your life simply because you NOW know this formula.
It’s the little-known success strategy enjoyed by the elite… and now it’s your turn!
Okay, that was a TON of valuable information. You may be feeling a bit unsure of where and how to get started and that’s fine.
All this means is that you have two simple choices to make, right now:
Choice 1: You can take all the tips and info I just gave you and try to put the puzzle pieces together on your own, without help.
You never know! You may eventually put the pieces of the puzzle together on your own, but it will take a lot longer and there’s no guarantee you’ll make it.
Or, there’s the smarter choice. The one savvy men and women take to speed up their progress towards owning a washboard stomach.
This is the quickest, fastest, and smartest way possible to stunning abs without doing a single, dangerous crunch.
Look… there’s no reason to try this on your own – I’ve already done all the work for you, right?
There’s no need to scratch your head in frustration, guessing your way to “halfway there”, because I’ve already created the ideal system for you.
It’s a system I’ve perfected and tested for years on countless thousands of men and women like you.
Here’s what the vast majority decide to do – it’s called:
The safest, most effective way to sculpt chiseled abs and develop an iron core in just 60 days without screwing up your spine.
My results-focused, step-by-step program guarantees you finally get the abs you want…even if:
You have limited time in your day to focus on building rock solid abs… in fact, by doing this functional program you’ll get a complete workout.
You don’t know the first thing about core exercises and they’ve never been part of your workout. I explain every single exercise in detail with follow-along videos designed to guarantee you hit perfect form right away.
You think you’re light years away from getting abs. Look… every journey starts with a single step. This program breaks down the journey into simple, digestible chunks. Start now and within 60 days you’ll see bigger, more impressive results than you can imagine.
You’re already injured. The truth is most people come to me already suffering from back pain, neck pain or some other problem caused by poor posture or their body being out of alignment. Through my program, you’ll feel strength – real strength – in your core to balance and properly align your body.
Or even if you think you’ve tried EVERYTHING!
To save your time, and mine, let me be upfront and tell you what Crunchless Core is NOT, before I tell you what it IS.
Crunchless Core is NOT a “quick-fix” abs program promising quick results with no effort down.
Crunchless Core is NOT a “crunches-replacement” or a hastily thrown together collection of plank alternatives you can find online that simply DON’T work. It is a complete workout system that trains your abs in 3D for the best results.
Don’t you think you’ve been fed enough myths about crunches? Isn’t it enough? Isn’t it time to start using what’s PROVEN to work?
Crunchless Core is the direct result of over 15 years of studying and working with athletes one-on-one to discover what works.
I uncovered the hidden patterns and unique (sometimes ‘odd’) tactics they use to stay strong, powerful and injury-free in the world of competitive sport.
And now, from this point forward, you’ll have the tools to do just the same.
The strategies of the truly successful can NOW be duplicated easily by you, giving you:
A strong, powerful core that protects you from bad posture and keeps you upright, strong and filled with energy and vitality
The freedom to work out in LESS time with LESS effort so you can achieve even BIGGER gains.
And all of this, while you quickly achieve a rock-solid washboard stomach with abs that pop, faster than ever before possible!
Before we go one step further, I need to be 100% honest with you.
I hope you’re not one of “those” types looking for the next “7 Minute Instant Abs” quick-fix that promises the earth but just leaves your wallet leaner.
You get it: more garbage that doesn’t work, never has worked, and never WILL work for you.
Then do us both a favor and just forget all about Crunchless Core, because it’s not going to give you ‘impossible’ results just SOLID results…
Crunchless Core isn’t pie-in-the-sky fantasy land nonsense.
It’s the REAL deal.
And it’s only for folks like you who are serious about building an iron core and enjoying eye-popping abs.
There are no push button answers to succeeding in sculpting abs you can be proud of. Nothing in this life is easy, and you know that, but THIS is as easy as it gets…
So, if you’re like most folks watching this presentation, and you’re 100% ready for REAL to succeed, here’s what you’re going to receive.
If you really want to:
Sculpt a ripped, chiseled core with an impressive six-pack and abs that pop right out
Build a bulletproof midsection to protect and support your whole body and guarantee good posture so you can breathe, move and workout better
Enjoy explosive power and optimal performance right through your core without risking serious injury or weakness
Then Crunchless Core isn’t just “a” solution for you… it’s the ONLY solution for you.
What Others Are Saying About Crunchless Core
Having a Strong Core is a Requirement for Long-Term Health of the Skeletal and Muscular System
“Brian’s method of core training is unique and unlike anything I’ve seen in my career as an orthopedic surgeon. His training style, combined with his knowledge of functional movement would benefit athletes, workout enthusiasts, and weekend warriors in every gym, clinic, and training center.
I find Brian’s core workouts beneficial and appropriate for a broad range of patients and athletes. In fact, I would probably perform fewer surgeries if people followed his core strengthening approach.”
Athletic Trainer Approved
“I have worked as an Athletic Trainer for nearly 20 years, and when it comes to the core, people still today only think of crunching till they have a “6-pack.” The thought that one can focus on one area and “spot reduce” only increases the very dysfunctional thought.
To truly have a great core that protects not only the athlete, but also all of us, a comprehensive, “full circle” approach to its strength and flexibility is needed.
The program that Brian has implemented addresses the entire scope of the core, its function for optimal strength, and perhaps the most crucial…the durability of the spine to avoid injury.
Let’s face it, lying down and doing the standard crunch only increases unwanted pressure into the cervical spine and at the end of the day offers next to no core strength benefits.
Brian’s program addresses the abdominal flexors, extensors, rotators and stabilizers. It also strengthens the hips that supports the core with large muscles and allows it to move in full ranges of motion without pain and potential injury.
By performing the types of dynamic stabilization…planking for example…Brian is able to provide a comprehensive core strengthening program that will not only give a person the durability and desired function they are after, but also be the actual way to bring about that “6-pack” we all like to show off!
I have been blessed to work with athletes of all kinds over the years, from Randy “Macho Man” Savage to pitcher Frank Viola and many other professional and collegiate athletes.
But no matter what age, level or ability, none of them could perform without a strong and flexible core as the foundation. If you want to enjoy your highest level of fitness…and do it pain free…get off the crunching floor and experience success through Brian’s program!”
Over 40? No Problem!
“As a male over 40, I’ve probably tried just about every exercise regime imaginable, so I’m constantly looking for different things to keep my body guessing and my workouts fresh.
When I saw that Critical Bench was launching Crunchless Core, I knew I had to try it. From day one I knew this 8 week program was legitimate from the intensity level it puts you at. Keeping up with the program is easy and works with any schedule. If you truly want results, I highly recommend Crunchless Core!”
Don’t Isolate the Abs – Integrate Them Into Movement
“Current research has shown the downside of performing endless crunches and sit-ups for abdominal development. Coach Brian has done a good job creating a program that will work the abdominals in a more comprehensive manner, using exercises that integrate the abs into movement.”
To Look Athletic You Have to Be Athletic
“I have people all the time ask me, “How do I get abs like you, how do I get shredded?” Well, I finally have an easy way to answer their question; With this program!
Crunchless Core addresses all the issues with getting fit. It lays out your programming and gives detailed explanations of every aspect. This is the way I personally recommend you train.
Laying on the floor doing countless crunches is a thing of the past. If you want to look athletic, then you have to be athletic! Crunchless Core will lead you down the path to 6-pack gold!”
Sculpted Abs Without Neck or Back Pain
“I spend hours at the gym every week trying to improve my body and much of that time is dedicated to sculpting my abs. Like most people, I do many of the same exercises over and over again with good results but I must say I was super impressed with the variety of movements found in Crunchless Core…many I’ve never done before.
They were very challenging and I could feel the muscles working every where in my body and not just my abs. I also noticed zero neck or back pain after working out hard.
The movements are all carefully designed to fully engage the core and strengthen the entire body without having to do boring crunches and sit ups like you find in most other workout programs. Two thumbs up for me!”
Tightens Up the Entire Body
“I’m 50 years old and the CA2.0 program is awesome! My results came from following the program closely along with the consistent diet.
In just under 60 days I was able to noticeably tighten up my entire body and get the 6-pack abs I always wanted. I am very happy and will definitely recommend this program to other people!”
Have a look at what’s included in Crunchless Core, all designed to get you on the path to perfect abs within just 60 days:
On page four, you’ll discover the secret behind my “Two-Phase” Total Body Program.
You’ll completely transform your core from the inside-out in just 60 days with the Two Phase Total Body Program. The program includes over eight total body workouts containing over 70 functional exercises… and NOT A CRUNCH IN SIGHT!
We’re talking the highest quality content you can imagine as I walk you through the easy-to-follow instructional videos designed to show you PERFECT form.
You’ve no-doubt noticed that Crunchless Core is, without question, the safest, most efficient program giving you a stronger, more powerful core.
Which naturally opens up the possibility for you to see a rapid transformation within just eight weeks.
And it goes without saying that this program makes your life MUCH easier.
Here’s what I mean:
Each four-week phase is designed to train your core as a unit – rather than isolating the outer muscles. This way, you’ll burn more calories, add stability through your midsection and look beach-ready by the time the end of the program rolls around… all while spending LESS time and LESS effort training.
Which is amazing, considering some of the outdated advice on crunches included spending hours doing hundreds and even thousands of crunches to get the best results.
Now, you may be thinking, “I bet any blueprint that can give me all of that would cost a small fortune”.
And, in all honesty, It really should.
After all, Crunchless Core has already helped hundreds of athletes, professional sports people and guys and girls, like you and me, achieve rock-solid abs faster and easier than ever without pain.
I’ll get to the price in just a few moments.
First, I want to share a few unique benefits this one-of-a-kind system will deliver to you.
I won’t go into too much detail here, but these are absolutely some of my favorite training strategies…
How about the “bizarre” exercise you can do that instantly relieves the pressure on your spine – nice!
Or how to do LESS reps and get TWICE the results in HALF the time!
Our normal off-the-shelf retail price for Crunchless Core without any additional bonuses, is $97.
Listen: You’re not just getting Crunchless Core when you order today. I have something really special for you.
BONUS 1: Crunchless Core LITE – Home Edition

You’ve shown me how much you desire bulletproof abs. So now I’m tossing in – for a limited time only – one of my best programs as a free fast-action bonus so you can get there even quicker.
The premium gift you’ll receive today is Crunchless Core LITE – Home Edition ($50 Value).
I’m sure you realize when it comes to changing how your body looks and feels, there is one “secret” weapon that will get you to your goals faster than ever. It’s being consistent.
You don’t need a single piece of equipment to complete any of the workouts – they can be done in your garage, office or a hotel room. Every workout can be completed in less than 30 minutes so you can squeeze a complete core routine into even the busiest schedule.
Inside our Crunchless Core LITE bonus program, you’ll discover 16 super-fast core workouts to guarantee you stay on track with your core-building process whenever, wherever.
The program is split into four areas of focus, with four workouts in each section designed to work towards your goals: Power, Strength, Stability and Combination
It’s normally valued at $50 if you bought this separately… but it’s yours FREE today when you take action.
BONUS 2: Exercise Exchange Manual ($25 Value)
I have one more special BONUS for you and it’s called the Crunchless Core Exercise Exchange Manual.
If there are any exercises in the program you can’t perform due to an injury or if the exercise feels too difficult you can refer to this handy Bonus.
It will give you alternative exercises you can swap out for ones you don’t want to do or don’t have the equipment to do.
Don’t worry about any exercises you’re not comfortable with. You can easily exchange or swap it out for one of the regressions from this booklet.
This bonus is valued at $25 but included free with your order today.
Now you can see why Crunchless Core is valued at $97.
Your premium bonuses ALONE are worth $75, which would bring your investment today for Crunchless Core to $172.
However, I have a good reason that I’ll share with you shortly for making you a far better deal. Keep reading and I’ll share why I’m slashing the price for a limited time.
Sure, you could just walk away, chance it, and keep going down the road you’re on now.
And end up spending 10, 20, even 100 times more than the investment you’ll make today on Crunchless Core from a personal trainer. (Or even the cost of physical therapy!)
Then there’s all the time you’ll waste plugging away at squeezing out those hard-to-sculpt abs by still doing what all the freebie programs tell you to do. (Hint: there’s a reason they’re FREE).
And let’s not even TALK about all the time you’ll miss having the chance to show off your beautifully sculpted six-pack at home, at the gym or on the beach.
Neither of us see that as your future, right?
Listen: I’m ready to make this a no-brainer decision for you today.
I feel you deserve to know why I’m offering you such a massive discount today.
Let me share my vision with you: it’s a CAUSE I’m inviting you to join today, along with the thousands of others who are ready too.
I want to help ordinary guys and girls break free from the dangerous and damaging advice that lazy, old-school trainers and coaches use to hold us back.
I want you to have access to the same “insider” knowledge that elite coaches and trainers have known for years… but have kept tight-lipped about for fear of losing their “edge”.
I want to create a level playing field so no-one suffers from the long-lasting effects crunches cause to your posture and spinal health.
I simply cannot let “price” get in the way of you achieving YOUR goals, as well as helping me make a positive impact.
Only on this page, your total investment in Crunchless Core will NOT be $172 today.
Not even close.
Cut that price in half… and you’re STILL not close!
As ridiculous as it sounds, you won’t even pay $49 today!
Today only, and only from this letter, your total investment in Crunchless Core, including the PREMIUM Accelerated Fat Loss Program bonus valued at $50, is ONLY:
Lock in your super-discounted price, which is extremely limited, by clicking on the yellow BUY NOW order button below.
I want you to try Crunchless Core
ON ME for a full 60 days.
If you do not sculpt yourself a chiseled, rock-hard six pack in that time…
If you’re not COMPLETELY DELIGHTED by the program…
Even if you don’t like the clothes I wear in the follow-along video… or my accent… or enthusiasm… no worries! I’ll give back your ENTIRE investment.
No questions asked and no hassles. I’ll refund every penny, because I’m committed to producing results for you, no matter what.
Plus, as part of my Double Guarantee, if you use the program and think I’ve wasted your time or haven’t delivered on my promise, we’ll pay for your next program by allowing you to pick one of our other products.
Click on the yellow button below to secure your discounted price before someone else claims it.
Just have a look at what these clients did following my Two Phase Formula…
Maximum Results – Not a Quick Fix
“I can confidently say that Coach Brian invested some serious time and effort to ensure you learn the proper technique and skills in the Crunchless Core program. His knowledge extends beyond helping you to achieve your personal best but extends to work out plans, diet and lifestyle change guidance.
I promise you will not find just some random workout routines but some amazing exercises and challenges from beginning to end. This workout is about maximum results and not just a quick fix. I am sending a BIG thank you to Coach Brian for sharing his knowledge and passion for fitness with me.”
Stay Injury Free & Train Your Core Without a Single Sit-Up
“I am 54 years old and I have had some injuries the past couple of years and I shared my concerns with Brian Klepacki about trying to stay injury free. He made a plan Crunchless Core to focus on stability and balance as well as strengthening my core using total body movements without ever doing a single sit up.
His knowledge has opened my eyes to a whole new level of training. I will continue to work with Brian to be in the best shape possible.”
Works Even If You’ve Tried Everything Else!
“I have been actively training in one way or another for 15 years. Being mother of 3 with limited time, I have trained with personal trainers, been a runner, a Crossfitter, done Orange Theory, Zumba, Boot Camp, tried training on my own and many other classes in between but most programs have fallen short.
When I started training with Brian I had overuse injuries in both knees from an intense ‘Boot Camp’ that I was attending. In the short time that I have been with Brian, he has not only corrected my knee pain, but he has taught me so much about functional training, my form and corrected things I thought I was doing right for years. I have always had weak abs/core, so Brian has me doing really unique core exercises from Crunchless Core that not only improved my strength, but enhanced my overall functionality as well.
Brian’s functional training model used in Crunchless Core has improved my physical performance and fitness level all around!”
Triathlete Feels Great & Setting Personal Records
“Being a triathlete and former yoga and kickboxing instructor, I’ve had my fare share of training programs as well as injuries. I’ve had multiple knee surgeries so running was always painful and slow to say the least.
Lastly, I work unpredictable long hours in a fast paced, high stress job and I sit ALL day. I started seeing Brian Klepacki after I finished my first half Ironman because I needed help. I couldn’t seem to make time for actual training leading up to my next event, but he had a solution…functional strength training like you’ll find in Crunchless Core
We worked specific muscle groups for biking, running, and swimming, which included a tremendous amount of core and stability training, never once doing ‘traditional’ stomach exercises. The end result was a faster swim without much time in the water, a stronger bike, a much less painful run and I feel great!”
Get Out of the Desk Position!
“If the desk position is hard on your lower back and could cause long term aches and pains, then why would you lay on the ground and repeatably crank your spine over and over into the desk position?”
Yet, just by taking action today, the complete Crunchless Core system, with all the bonuses, PLUS the Super Bonus is yours for only $17.
Now, remember, you’re not just getting an incredible discount today.
You’ll be joining all those guys and girls who have chosen to make a better path for themselves and commit to not working harder but SMARTER to get the results they deserve.
Plus, you’ll join the ever-growing Crunchless Core satisfied customer community.
Click on the BUY NOW button right now and lock in your discounted price today.
Within a few minutes, you’ll have everything at your fingertips: the entire Crunchless Core System, inside the secure members area.
Remember: this includes, today only, your premium bonuses, Crunchless Core LITE – Home Edition and the Exercise Exchange, worth $75!
So your order will be smooth and easy today, I want to show you EXACTLY what to expect after you click the order button below:
First, you’ll be taken to our 100% secure checkout page, which looks like this:
After you order, you’ll be shown ways to customize your order, and even have the opportunity to pick up some valuable “quick-start” bonus materials…
Finally, you’ll arrive at our secure member’s area.
It really is that simple to get started RIGHT NOW.
Remember: you’ve been struggling with chiseling out your powerful six-pack abs for way too long.
Unless you take action today, you run a grave risk of causing serious – possibly irreversible – damage to your spine and pain in your back and neck.
By failing to build your core properly you’re leaving your body out of alignment and unbalanced.
And, worst of all, your midsection simply won’t EVER have that chiseled, Herculean six-pack that comes from training the whole core from inside out.
YET: All of this can be avoided, beginning today, simply by applying the step-by-step program I’ve developed for you in Crunchless Core.
See, I have this vision for you.

Today, you finally have THE answer to your frustrating abs problem at long last – and…
You’re brimming with excitement.
You’re bursting with confidence.
Turning heads as you walk into the room.
You are experiencing the body and health you deserve – at long last!
Yes, it’s true. Your lack of progress and obstacles placed before you – up until today – have been no fault of your own.
It’s true that you’ve been lied to in the past about quick-fix solutions.
And trainers and coaches have perpetuated the “Crunches Myth” to serve their own interests for far too long.
Especially with the ‘MORE CRUNCHES IS BETTER” idea so many of us have tried (including me).
And who can forget all those false promises other coaching “experts” made to you that never stood up to the light of day?
Yet, today is your day to CLAIM your power and take responsibility.
You do it by taking action… doing what you know you MUST DO to see REAL results with a program that WORKS!
Here’s the GOOD NEWS. Unlike all those ridiculous abs workout gimmicks, this one is GUARANTEED to work for you:
I’m asking you right now to just try Crunchless Core for 60 full days, on me… either you are thrilled with your new set of bulletproof six-pack abs, or you pay NOTHING.
Plus, I never leave you hanging – either me or my Support Team will get back to you quickly with any questions you have, so you’ll always feel taken care of.
Immediately after you buy today, you need to do this: wait for the “Welcome” email to arrive in your inbox with your log-in details and log into the members area.
Then head over to the Crunchless Core Workbook and read through the introduction and program breakdown to understand how the Two Phase program is structured. That way you can dive in ASAP and get started seeing results.
Diving into the workbook will guarantee you get your program started in the right way to give your 60 day journey to perfect abs a running start.
Listen, don’t put this off a second longer… let me tell you WHY:
First, keep in mind I’ve discounted Crunchless Core by over $100, completely risk-free to you with its guarantee.
Just know this. I will eventually have to increase the price closer to the retail value, as I’m giving you a massive discount.
So you must act now before I have to do that… it may be today, tomorrow, or in a few weeks…
And, you also don’t want to miss out on my one-time-only bonus offer for Crunchless Core LITE – Home Edition and the Exercise Exchange, reserved ONLY for first-come action-takers.
Those who act today will lock in their discount and these free gifts.
Others won’t be so fortunate.
And, let’s remember: unless you take action now, today, you may NEVER take action.
You may do what so many others do and put it off… you know, for “a few more days?”… which turns into months… even years?
So, now we both know what you REALLY want and need.
And, let’s just face facts, and do the only SMART thing left for you to do.
Get my one-time, limited discount while it’s still available to you, before someone else takes your spot.
And get on the fast track to perfect abs using the smartest, safest, most proven system for developing a rock-solid six-pack on the planet.
CLICK the BUY NOW button below right now, and let’s get you started today.
Move Well. Look Well. Live Well,
Brian Klepacki, MS, CSCS, FMS, CISSN Fat Loss & Core Training Advisor – CriticalBench.com
FAQS ABOUT Crunchless Core
Q: How is this different from other programs?
A: What makes this program unique is that it’s a complete workout. Many other programs focus on simply finding alternatives to crunches – like planks and other movements. And that’s all they do. They don’t offer a complete workout system that actually builds from the core with functional movements which don’t cause wear and tear to your joints.
Q: Why can’t I just find all this online and do it myself?
A: You could try looking for some of this information online or try searching through thousands of articles and studies on core strength and conditioning. Even then you’d still have to go to college and pick up a degree on exercise in order to have access to many of the academic studies and research I used when developing the program.
Ultimately, you won’t be able to replicate this program. What I have developed is based on 15 years helping top class athletes and professional sports people and all my experience and expertise has been poured into this targeted, proven program that I know gets results every time.
You really won’t find another program like it.
Q: How long does the program take?
A: The complete program takes 60 days. This is the optimal amount of time it will take to make significant changes in your core strength and stability so you can develop rock-hard, chiseled abs that turn heads every time.
The program is split into Two Phases of four weeks each. The first phase deals with building up your core stability and strength. The second phase builds on the first and is where you make the gains which help you towards the six-pack you’ve always wanted.
You can, of course, carry on the program as long as you wish.
Q: How does your guarantee work?
A: It’s really simple. If for ANY reason within 60 days of the program you don’t like anything about it, you can simply contact our customer support team and request a full refund, no questions asked. We’re so confident you’ll love the program, we want this to be a no-brainer for you so we’ve removed ALL the risk.
And when we say you can refund for ANY reason, we mean it. In fact, you can try the whole 60 day program and see for yourself the incredible gains you’ll make in such a short time.
You really can prove it works without any risk at all.
Q: Who is this program suitable for?
A: This program has been designed for men and women of any age and at any stage of fitness. Whether you’ve never before done a single crunch or if you’re an experienced athlete, you will benefit from building a strong, bulletproof core using the Crunchless Core principles.
Every single one of the functional exercises is described in detail and the follow-along video shows you exactly how to complete each exercise with perfect form so you maximize your effort into gaining results. I have done all the hard work of breaking it all down in its simplest parts so you don’t have to worry about a thing. It really couldn’t be simpler to follow.
Q: What happens if I’m already injured? Will this work for me?
A: Of course! I’ve worked with numerous athletes to support them and help them back to good health and so I’ve designed the program to help you, too.
The first phase of the program is specifically designed to “reset” and build your core strength. In the process, you will develop better posture, more power and greater stability in your midsection to support the bigger exercises in the second half of the program.
By focusing on working all the deep core muscles rather than just the superficial surface muscles, you’ll bring balance to your body and remove many of the underlying causes behind your injury.
Q: How complicated are the exercises? Do I need any gym equipment?
A: The exercises have been chosen based on their functionality. While I’ve made every effort to keep the program as simple and straightforward as possible, there will inevitably be some exercises which are a little harder than others to perform BUT for good reason. These work your core more effectively and more efficiently by working through all three planes – remember your core is 3D. No matter what the exercise, you’re completely covered by the program. I outlined in detail every single exercise and walk you through each one in the video to ensure you nail perfect form.
You will require either a home gym or a gym in order to complete both phases. That’s simply because there are big movements involved and you need the range of weights a gym gives you.
Q: What if this doesn’t work for me?
A: Crunchless Core really will work for you, I’m sure of it.
Our most successful students of the program followed it through all 60 days and were able to develop beautiful, chiseled abs while remaining injury free.
If, in the highly unlikely event, the program doesn’t work for you, don’t worry. We’ll refund you all your money – if you’re still within the 60 days refund period – no questions asked. Plus we’ll even pay for another one of our proven programs so you can work on another aspect of your strength or conditioning. There really is no risk to you at all.
Stop doing sit-ups: why crunches don’t work – Kate Daily, Newsweek (March 2009)
Are situps and crunches bad for the spine? – Christy Callahan, Livestrong (Aug 2013)
Why crunches don’t work – Ben Greenfield, Huffington Post (May 2012)
Why crunches won’t give you your flat abs, and will hurt your body – Lisa Elaine, Well & Good (May 2012)
Neck safety while doing crunches – Jonathan Thompson, Livestrong (Nov 2015)
Back pain while doing crunches – Elle Di Jensen, Livestrong (June 2015)
Sports hernia 101, Jim Brown, EXOS (May 2009)
Top 10 gym exercises done incorrectly – NHS (October 2015)
The surprising downsides of sit-ups – Claudia Hammond, BBC, (April 2016)
Ab exercises that can cause injury – Amy Robers, Men’s Fitness
Dangerous workouts – avoid these five exercises at all costs to prevent injury – Justin Caba,Medical Daily (Sep 2014)
Is your ab workout hurting your back? Gretchen Reynolds, NY Times (June 2009)
The health hazards of sitting – Bonnie Berkowitz and Patterson Clark, Washington Post (Jan 2014)
Abdominal fat and what to do about it – Harvard Medical School (Sept 2005)
10 exercise myths that won’t go away – Madison Park, CNN (June 2011)
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