#just going around hyrule on an eternal honeymoon
zellink · 8 months
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young at last, at last.
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fatefulfaerie · 3 years
Zelink reunion after Botw 2
Sorry this took so long! I hope you like it you beautiful anon you
No Place Like Home
The sunlight breached the dark, abandoned house very slowly, warming strips of wood that hadn’t creaked for months, that had only known the light pressure of the occasional insect, that had not basked in the subtle warmth of a home’s hearth in what seemed like a lifetime.
But the door creaked nonetheless, guided by the gentle push of the hero of the wild, battle worn with dull blue eyes, ripped garb, and a right arm that looked as if it were burnt by the very fires of hell.
Link stared, and he stared, and he stared. When he bought this house it was a purchase born from hope and possibility. At the time, he had imagined making it the princess’ home as well. And of course he did, for a spell.
Now it was desolate and empty as he finally summoned the strength to walk in, with footsteps tired of pacing, a mind tired of marking time, and a heart tired of waiting.
He took a deep breath and he sat down at the table, folding his fingers before him and trying to tame his anger, his sadness, trying to keep his composure as if he was in the company of anyone but himself.
Yet his lungs had other plans, hiccuping uneven breaths. His eyes clamped shut as his body insisted he cry. His head dove into his hand as he broke down, sobbing, weeping, shoulders shaking and heart burning. He couldn’t seem to stop either, his lips slightly parted and salty tears dripping from underused tear ducts down his face and onto the table that supported his elbow.
He wished she would tell him to for Hylia’s sake take his elbow off the dining table, he wished he could look up and see her with both of her elbows on the table, he wished they could laugh about all the silly things they once had to do to keep up propriety, he wished he could surprise her with fruitcake again, he wished he could feel the warmth of this house, the way it turned into a home when she was in it, he wished they could sit by the fire and talk about their future, their wedding, their honeymoon, how many children they were going to have, and how they would always be beautiful to each other how matter how much they aged, how frail and wrinkled they looked, how blind or deaf they got, how no matter what their love would be eternal.
He wished that there wasn’t an earthquake as he was serving the fruitcake, he wished that they had actually gotten to that intimate place by the fire, he wished they had never gone down in those damned caves. He wished…
Link had never cried like this and he knew it. He almost felt guilty for letting himself, but every time he tried to return to the straight-faced composure he had maintained for the past couple months, more tears escaped from his blue eyes.
She said his name surprised and breathless when Link first showed her the Hateno house. He hoped she noticed that he made the table and picked flowers for the vase, that there was a Silent Princess in the vase upstairs, that he made the bed and laid out clothes for her, that he made a reservation for himself at the local inn in case she wasn’t comfortable sleeping with him in the house, even if it was downstairs on the floor. He didn’t need her to notice, but she did. She also noticed how red in the face Link got when she insisted the he sleep in his bed with her.
It got to a point where Link could tell that she was smiling before even looking at her. It was just how she said his name after a while, always with a genuine smile, even when it was against his lips.
Excited. An excitement derived from science and science only, perhaps she was calling him over to share in a new discovery. This used to be Link’s favorite, because it meant that she would go on and on and he could just sit there, admiring her.
Panicked and disturbed, scared and terrified. They had spotted the corpse for the first time and she said his name because she didn’t know what to say. Neither did he.
That one was new. This one was real.
Link’s head popped up and he looked over.
Speechless, he stood up. Eyes red and puffy and encircled with tears.
Aglow with the sunset behind her, he choked a different sob, placing his hand over his mouth.
After a moment to ensure that the other was really real, they took no hesitation to run to each other, Zelda jumping up so that her bent legs straddled his hips. Link supported her where he stood with one hand on her posterior and another on her head, at first kissing her desperately and spinning her around before letting her head fall into the crook of his shoulder. Her breaths, too, were uneven alongside her untempered tears.
Link held her as he fell to his knees, crying and crying and crying tears of happiness. There was so much he needed to say, but he waited, waited until he could be clear and not just a blubbering mess.
“Once everything settled,” Link said. “Wuh-once Ganon was gone I looked for you in those caves for months…I came back here to restock on supplies…”
Link’s voice broke again. He tried not to clutch her too hard.
“I was beginning to think…”
He gave himself a moment. Nothing was coming out right, and he doubted she could understand him at all.
“I am so glad that you are okay,” Link said, the very words weighted with a heart-wrenching sincerity. But Zelda began to giggle, to laugh.
“All that time you were down there looking for me,” she said. “I was scouring Hyrule looking for you.”
Link laughed too, not even caring that they had been so foolish. They were both in the here and now, and after everything they had been through, that is all that mattered. Zelda’s hands sifted and clutched at Link’s long locks, that resembled the color of wheat fields and had such a consistency that Zelda wondered when he last properly washed it. She would ask later.
“You let your hair down,” she observed quietly. It wasn’t that she didn’t want Link to hear her, it was that she was obsessed with the fact that he was so close, that she could whisper in just the soft tones of a lover and he would be able to hear her.
Link withdrew from the exchange to truly see her, to look into her green eyes and not just imagine them, to tuck her hair behind her pointed ear and smile, smile that she was more than just an illusion, that she was breathing and safe and real.
“So did you,” Link observed as well, noticing that her crown of braids were completely gone. It was just a messy bob now.
As if of the same mind, Link and Zelda met their foreheads together, closed their eyes, and breathed in this moment.
“I love you,” Link said. “So much.”
Zelda smiled.
“I love you too,” she said in reply.
They breathed on each other’s lips and their eyes opened again, new tears falling from the green and the blue, from the princess and the knight, from the girl who once hated his guts and the boy who didn’t say a word to argue against it, from the master of the sword that seals the darkness and the goddess incarnate whose powers came too late.
But they would prefer to think of themselves now just as Link and Zelda, the two Hylians that lived across the wooden bridge in Hateno and wouldn’t be leaving for a very long time.
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triforceangel13 · 5 years
Golden Eyes Ch. 20 (A SidLink Story)
Chapter 20: Right Where You Belong
Days had passed since the incident in the reservoir. Sidon had made sure to give Link the up most care he needed.
But instead of leaving him in the hands of the healers Sidon took it upon himself to keep him in his care. After what had happened earlier he wanted to make sure that he could keep an eye on him as well as make sure that certain care was done.
He still needed to weed out the Zoras that had been loyal to Ruto and question them. He didn't want anyone harming Link.
He had brought him to, now, their room, making sure he was nice and comfortable on the large four post bed, tucked into the most warm blankets.
As Link rest Sidon took care of some things without leaving his side. He issued Ruto to be banished from his kingdom and to be escorted back home before anymore damage could be done by her. He would not have anyone take advantage of his hospitality again.
Zelda hadn't left the Domain either, wanting to see that Link woke from his slumber before she was to go home again.
Wedding preparations were also being made already despite the Link hadn't awakened yet. The council had wanted a proper wedding as soon as possible. It wasn't the fact that Sidon was ruling the Domain without a queen, it was because the two of them had already been wed in the past, wanting to make it official.
It surprised Sidon, but nonetheless he was happy to see at least the Zoras that fought him almost every corner was enthusiastic to wed them.
But this wedding was only to happen if Link had accepted him once more after the way he had treated him back then. And after everything he had been through he didn't blame him if he just wanted no part of this life ever again. From breaking his heart all those months ago all the way to yelling at him over his father's death.
He had promised Link back then that he would never hurt him again and he had done so yet again. He wanted to keep his promise.
Yes Sidon had saved him but he had been without so much blood after the attack that Sidon knew that Link didn't really have a matter to speak or make decisions when he had been in that sort of condition even from being saved.
Which was why he would break this to him slowly if he could. He wasn't sure what Link was going to be like when he woke.
His wounds had healed most of the way, the bleeding having stopped back when Sidon had some how healed him. He still had not figured out how he had done such a thing but he knew he would need to look into that as well at a later time.
Perhaps it was in the family or it was within every Zora but needed to be found he wasn't sure. It was something he would need to ask the other healers.
He looked over some paperwork at the desk in the room another morning, tapping his quill on the parchment before him. Now as King there was much to do and things to announce to the rest of Hyrule. It would be a while till he could have a calm moment again.
However he was becoming distracted. He kept wondering what Link would do. He wished him to stay but he was not about to force him to.
He wanted to take as much time as he needed apologizing to him. Such terrible things he had said to him out of anger and grief.
He should have seen this from his side sooner, that way if he had Link may never had ended up in the dungeons and none of this would have happened. Link would have been happy and smiling rather than lay on the bed unconscious.
But despite all of that, now he was safe and healing. Sidon would protect him with everything he had to make sure that no harm ever came to him again. And even if he left he would see to it that he remained protected.
Link hadn't been sure how to tell him what happened. It wasn't easy news to deliver and he had lashed out at him.
Perhaps when this was all over they could have a redo on their honeymoon, make up for how he had acted and not have a care in the world. To enjoy their time together  the way they should have in the first place.
“Where am I...?” a weak voice came from the bed, pulling Sidon from his thoughts. He turned towards the bed, seeing Link having sat up, looking around confused as his eyes adjusted to the sun that shined into the room from the window..
That is until his eyes landed on the large red Zora.
His skin turned pale once more and he shrunk a bit into the bed's pillows, blue eyes scared as he looked at him.
“No, no Link it's okay,” Sidon said quickly to him, rising from the chair so fast it fell to the floor. He made his way to the bed, kneeling down next to it despite that Link still shrunk back even further from him as he came closer.
“I shouldn't be here,” he signed to the Zora, shaking his head hard, his hands shaking so hard that Sidon was almost unable to read them.
He couldn't help but grow concerned. He was scared?
“Easy my love. Easy,” Sidon said, slowly resting his hands on his cheeks. Link's blue eyes snapped open.
Sidon stroked his thumbs over his cheeks, being careful of his claws near his eyes.
“Why shouldn't you be here? You are my husband, remember? You have every right to be here just as much as anyone else.”
Well except Ruto.
“You said yourself you never wanted to see me again,” Link quickly responded, pulling his face from his hands.
“No Link. That's not true,” Sidon said, taking his hand and kissing it. “I know I had said I would never hurt you again and I damn well did. I should have never such a thing. Just because I was grieving and angry....”
Link pulled his hand away, pushing his hands against Sidon's shoulders to give the two of them some distance.
“I know I don't deserve to have you forgive me but that is all that I have...I love you dearly and I just feel lucky that you had been a part of my life...” Sidon finished.
These past months of solitude had really messed with Link's head.
What else had Ruto done to him? What had she said to him? She had lied to him he was sure but what had she said?
“Link...” Sidon said sadly.
“I never told you about your father. I should have told you and I hadn't I don't deserve to be with you and-”
Sidon grabbed hold of Link's hands, kissing them again.
“Link, I do not blame you at all. That was not easy news to tell,” Sidon tried to reassure him. Link's shoulders slumped a bit at his words. “Please believe me my love in when I say that I am not angry with you.”
Link let out a sigh, looking down to his bandaged chest, confusion crossing over his face. Sidon watched him carefully, coming to the realization that Link did not remember what had happened in the reservoir or the monster and what it had done for that matter.
“Link...do you not remember what happened?” Sidon asked. Link scrunched his forehead a bit, shaking his head a moment later.
Sidon let out a small sigh. “I was afraid so....you had taken quite an intense beating back there.”
Link looked down at his head, suddenly snapping his head up as the memories flowed before his blue eyes.
Running from the infirmary to the armory, picking his weapons and then rushed to the reservoir. Sidon had appeared just in the right time and together they were to take it down.
Sidon had dove into the water and Link...
Carefully Link ran his hands over the healing wounds on his chest. That was right. He had taken the hit to the chest. And then....and then...
What? What happened after that? Everything was hazy.
“How did I survive?” he asked aloud, rubbing the wounds lightly again.
Sidon slowly took one of his hands in his own once again, resting a kiss to the back of it. “I'm not sure how, but I had done some healing much like my sister used to do. It wasn't nearly as effective but...it brought you back to me.”
Lin's blue eyes gazed up at him. Sidon had saved him. If he had hated him why ever would he try to save him like this?
Sidon did forgive him, beast slain or not. Just knowing that had him feeling better.
Quickly he tensed however. “What about Ruto?” he asked. “What if she finds out-”
“Do not worry my love,” Sidon said to him, kissing his hand again. “She is taken care of. She is being escorted back home and will never bother us again. I feel ashamed for not realizing sooner just how evil that woman was.”
Link relaxed slightly. There was no anger coming from Sidon, there was no more way Ruto to torture him or lie to him.
He had no reason any longer to stay away from his happiness. He could finally come home after running for so long.
“Now, before I forget,” Sidon said, reaching into the pouch on his side, taking out something gold from it. “Link. May I ask you something?”
Link gazed at the necklace that sat in Sidon's palm. The same gold and sapphire one that Ruto had taunted him with.
“Isn't that...?”
“Ruto did have it for a while, back before I had left to come find you,” Sidon explained. “But I took it back. It belongs to the one the prince, or rather king, wishes to marry as a symbol of their eternal love, much like the princess would make a suit of armor for their intended. Forgive me for having ever put it around Ruto's neck.”
Link rest his hands on Sidon's wrists, eyes twinkling just like Sidon loved to see, the blonde eager to hear those words again.
“Link...may I ask for your hand once more in marriage?”
Link nodded his head happily.
Sidon smiled gently at him, taking the necklace and clasping it around his neck, the rightful place that it belonged.
“There. This is where it was supposed to be all this time,” Sidon said warmly. Link peered up at him, his hand resting on the necklace and carefully pushed himself up to kiss Sidon against the lips a feeling he had missed so much.
Sidon sighed against his mouth, cupping his face in his hands.
All that they had been through, the pain, the anger, all of it didn't matter any longer. All that mattered was that they now could just be with one another as they should have been all along.
“I now pronounce you married under the eyes of the goddess. May I present the King and Queen of Zora's Domain,” Zelda said loudly in the hall for all guests to hear. “Sidon, I grant you permission to kiss your queen.”
Sidon didn't hesitate to scoop Link up in his arms, spinning him around and kissed him deeply in front of everyone.
The applause around them was nearly deafening, combined with all races of Hyrule there to witness their union.
Even the elders that sat in the front nodded their heads in approval and applauded along with them. A union that they were all waiting for.
But neither of them heard the sounds. Sure this was the second time that they were declared to be wed but now it was official in the eyes of the kingdom. Nothing would pull them apart now. They would never let anything get in the way of them again.
The days up to the second wedding had been like a dream. Link had healed in bed while Sidon sat with him, going over brief wedding discussions of what they would need to do for the elder council to approve of them.
Zelda had been more than happy to officiate the wedding herself as the queen of Hyrule in the king's place, extremely happy to see them finally together.
“Seeing that upon your head...it suits you,” Sidon said as he pulled away, looking to the circlet that sat on Link's golden locks.
“Royalty or not...I'm just glad that I'm here with you,” Link whispered so that only Sidon could hear him. “It feels right to be with you.”
Sidon smiled, never tiring of hearing Link's voice, still something that Link tended to only let him hear. Just like the first time he heard it it was like a small present for him each time.
“I love you Link,” Sidon mumbled to him, leaning in close to lay a soft kiss against the corner of his smiling mouth.
“I love you,” Link replied softly. “My golden eyed prince.”
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