#just give stamper 2 a good kit
v0id-echoes · 10 months
this is horrifying wtf
I need this kit to be good istg please give me fizzy
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A quick little analysis of the Splatoon 3 Version 4.0 Balance Changes
Alright, so the 4.0 patch notes were released yesterday, and they're very interesting, so let's talk about them! It's a mixed bag and one of the few times where a lot of the changes feel very intently aimed at the competitive scene. Let's get into it!
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Carbon Roller will now reach top speed faster when it's rolling. This is just a teeny little mobility buff, and it won't change much, but Carbon Roller was already a weapon with a decent spot in the meta (at least with its Deco variant), so it didn't need many changes either way.
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Octobrush had its ink efficiency increased, which also means that its Zipcaster duration is increased as well, as the drain on the Special gauge is tied to your ink tank while Zip is active. This is another small tweak that likely won't have a massive impact on Octobrush's viability, but it's definitively positive.
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Snipewriter gets some usability changes, with a buffed strafe speed and increased ink efficiency, notably meaning it can now get three full charges out of a full ink tank. This weapon is still largely held back by its kit, and it could still use some buffs to its object damage, but if you've been pushing this weapon either way then these are welcome changes!
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This is the first of the nerfs to the big comp weapons, amounting to a 10% nerf to Splash's painting range. I've seen a lot of people wave this off as a slap on the wrist, but I think it matters a lot more than people give it credit for? A nerf to painting range means it will paint worse and get fewer specials, and the good paint and special output are some of the primary reasons these weapons get picked. Combined with the points for special nerf on the Neo Splash further down the patch notes and I have a feeling that in 4.0 Neo Splash is going to get pushed out of the meta, with Tentatek Splattershot taking its place.
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Sloshing Machine gets it the worst out of all weapons this patch, as every slosh after the first comes out a twelfth of a second slower. This means the weapon fights worse, paints worse, moves slower, and is in general just worse in almost every single aspect. A very harsh nerf for what has been one of the most defining weapons in Splatoon 3's lifespan so far, but I think people are going to keep picking it anyway, as its kit remains one of the strongest in the game.
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And the final Main Weapon changes in this patch are some big nerfs to Splatana Stamper, hitting the size of its horizontal slash projectiles by 14% and its ink efficiency by a whopping 30%. For the record, Stamper currently gets 25 regular slashes, or 11 charged slashes, on a full tank, and with the nerfs those numbers should be reduced to about 17-18 and 7, respectively.
The funny thing about these changes is that while they are some of the harshest nerfs numerically, they might not actually matter that much? Stamper is currently a largely gear-independent weapon that is pretty free to do whatever it wants with its abilities, so all this really means is that it now has to invest in some Ink Saver Main. This is actually a pretty familiar situation to me specifically because as an Explosher main I got hit with this exact same ink efficiency nerf in Splatoon 2, and if the slow, clunky, cumbersome Explosher can survive a nerf like this, the nimble, adaptable Stamper can too, no question asked.
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With that said, let's go over the points for special changes, all of which are nerfs. Neo Splash went to 210 (as a reminder, Tentatek, arguably a better main weapon to begin with, has 190 for its Triple Inkstrike), while Rapid Blaster Deco and Ballpoint Splatling, two of the most prominent Inkjet weapons right now, are increased by 10 points each. I'd argue Rapid Blaster did not warrant the nerf, but Inkjet is one of the best specials right now, so it's fine.
Now for the last part of the patch, the Special changes:
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Big Bubbler is getting some pretty big, albeit situational, buffs. An increase in size means that the bubble protects more space and is harder to hit on the weakspot on top, as it's further up and therefore more difficult to reach, but being bigger also means it's a bigger target.
While they aren't very specific about which Specials it'll take less damage from, datamining has shown that it now tanks four Inkjet shots to the weak point, protects from a full ten-missile barrage with very little effort, and can even survive one Triple Inkstrike hit, though just barely. By contrast, Crab Tank still tears through the weak point fairly easily, and Booyah Bomb, Ultra Stamp, and Reefslider all shred it instantly.
These are potentially very big changes, and Inkjet is very likely going to take a very dominant position in competitive play following this patch, which would be good for Big Bubbler, but the weakness to Crab Tank and Booyah Bomb will definitively keep it in check. It's hard to predict how good it'll be, so all we can do for now is wait.
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The Tacticooler changes are super wordy, but simple in practice: The drink lasts for 2 seconds longer, and the Special Power Up will scale better with smaller amounts, though the maximum duration (with three pures of Special Power Up) remains the same. Before 4.0 Tacticooler lasted 15 seconds and a single sub of Special Power Up increased the duration by an entire second, so with 17 seconds base I have to imagine that getting it to 20 seconds will be pretty easy now. Tacticooler is likely to stay niche, but these are still some cool buffs!
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Super Chump gets a slew of buffs. The chumps paint more upon landing, deal more damage with their outermost hitbox, and can be aimed closer to your own location.
These changes are unlikely to catapult Super Chump into the competitive meta, but the increase in damage and paint makes them bigger threats if you use them to push in and fight while they're up, and being able to aim them closer to you makes it easier to do that. A very appreciated set of buffs for sure.
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And finally, what has been for many the most puzzling change in the entire patch, Ultra Stamp has its duration reduced by 1.5 seconds, with a buff to the Special Power Up scaling at lower ability amounts. I've thought a lot about this change, and I am pretty convinced now that it is aimed squarely at newer players.
Put yourself in the shoes of someone who picked up Splatoon 3, never having played any of the games prior to this, yesterday. You're still getting used to the motion controls, to moving, to managing your ink tank, and how to play with and against all of the various weapons and specials. To newer players like this Ultra Stamp, after all of its quality-of-life changes, must be fucking terrifying. Here's an enormous hammer that can hide in ink if it wants to, charging straight at you, blocking your shots, and even if you manage to avoid being run over you still have to account for the massive shockwaves it creates that'll also kill you if you're not careful.
And like, it's easy, maybe even a bit tempting, to just go "oh well we really shouldn't account for newbies when balancing a competitive game", but the lower skill brackets are the real lifeblood of the game, consisting of a much, much larger percent of the community, larger than the competitive scene ever can or will come close to. You have to account for these people's experiences too, and try your best to find ways to appease them as well.
Competitive game balance is perhaps one of the most thankless, Sisyphean tasks imaginable. It's like sitting in front of a table covered in tens of thousands of turn dials, and being tasked with ensuring that none of them are turned too far or not far enough while not actually knowing where those boundaries actually are. Additionally, those limits will sometimes change without you knowing, and sometimes turning a dial also turns another dial on the other end of the table.
Also if you leave a dial turned too far for too long people on twitter start sending you death threats.
I'm not envious of the Splatoon devs at all.
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chillspacebear · 1 year
So with the new trailer that just dropped today for Drizzle Season 2
I noticed that they’re not adding any shooters this time; this is the first time where there hasn’t been a single shooter in an update.
With how everything’s been distributed over the seasons, this is very much a good thing. But then I got to thinking about the weapons they’re adding overall and things there aren’t so good…
This season will add ten new weapons (8 kits and 2 new weapons). That is a record low for this game. And after this update, how many weapons are left that don't have second kits? 21.
.52 Gal
Range Blaster
Flingza Roller
Dread Wringer
Hydra Splatling
Nautilus Splatling
Heavy Edit Splatling
Splat Dualies
Glooga Dualies
Undercover Brella
Splatana Stamper
It's been an entire year, and not every weapon has a second kit yet; that is ridiculous. All but 5 of these are weapons that have been in the game since launch; some players will need to wait over a year just to get a second kit, that is pathetic.
It gets worse when you look at another trend the devs have been doing. So far, they've added new weapons for most of the classes in the game
Shooters: Splattershot Nova
Rollers: Big Swig Roller
Chargers: Snipewriter 5H
Brushes: Painbrush
Blasters: S-Blast 92
Sloshers: Dread Wringer
Splatlings: Heavy Edit Splatling
If they follow this all the way through, we’ll also get a new Dualie, Brella, Stringer, and Splatana. That, times two, equates to 8 more weapons to add with the updates: that's now 29 weapons to add before updates stop.
With the rate they've been adding weapons, we will just barely get a second kit for every weapon by the second Sizzle Season, the last major update of the game. But that also means it's unlikely for any weapon to get a third kit, something that's been done in both the first and second games.
If Splatoon 3, the game that celebrates itself by having the number 3 everywhere, doesn't have 3rd kits at all… that's unacceptable…
The Splatoon dev team needs to pick up the pace with the weapon kits if they don’t want this game to be the one that handles giving weapons kits the most poorly.
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xian-1502 · 7 months
Splatoon stuff
Side order to me (and probably only me) is somewhat disappointing. Don’t get me wrong, it’s probably gonna be my most played mode from henceforth and i always love a good rougelite sandbox, but there’s just too many strings attached, and not enough build control. Like my main gripe is how you can’t even just create a palette of your own weapon and preferred chip combo or easily make a build without having to jump through the hoops of max bias and weapon type you probably don’t wanna play. Like each weapon can become an uber powerful murder machine by all rights but sometimes i just don’t want to have to play a weapon im not in the mood just for better chance at certain chips for a build idea. On top of that’s, i think it’s insane that it just only ends at 30 with 2 mid bosses. like for the first runs on each palette i understand, it’s configuring it and all that. But afterwards, the fact that you can’t make it any more difficult for challenge’s sake/have an endless/extended mode to allow for a glimpse/fraction of the power you had on the first palettes clear is crazy to me. Like why would you give us that taste of power and just dash any hope of reaching it permanently. a lot of things in the handling just kinda make no sense to me, really feels like they’re working against the player experience for no reason other than to make it less customizable or extreme for no reason considering it is only contained to the single player pve mode. Aside from that gripe, glad there’s a mode i can just sink my time and play single player splatoon in that isn’t alterna since it becomes increasingly obvious every now and then as a solo player that true hell is a team that has no idea what that doing in a team game.
Following that note i’m pretty happy there’s now a mode i can just play without having to bank on my teammates, as mentioned before. Because lately i’ve just been having awful queues and matchmaking. Like i should not be losing every other waver in SR and its crushing getting back to back losses with overall, and popular target. Like yeah i was on my game but like that does not mean shit when goobertron max (bless their soul) is going 2 and 9 on short range shooter with sub 700 paint. Like i’m all aware how diverse the player base is skill wise, especially when playing during the peak of the season before anyone has catalog 100, but like i can’t keep getting washed by catalog cadets at level 35+. Like not only does it feel bad but getting those gold medals on loss chains really kicks me in the teeth. No shade to my team they’re just there after all, but the medals really are just a “tough shit rockstar, carry harder” and man. Like, true but sometimes i wanna just be able to play without having to consider for my team. I haven’t been able to get a good stamper game in like a week because every time we just get out-comped so hard 😭 due to the way they keep nerfing the damn stamper (WHY!) and it becomes more and more reliant on a team that can accommodate its weaknesses(increasingly bad ink efficiency, paint coverage, attack size, and) exchange for its strength (oppressive range, damage, and sub combo with semi consistent mid/backline pressure in the special) I’m hoping maybe the final (cause this is PROBABLY the final season and final patch with all that 2 years of content stuff they yapped about) season not only blesses me with the ONE and only possible stamper buff or another viable 3rd stamper option/splatana type (albeit it only looks like we’re getting second kits at most) since stamper noveau (they finally decided to admit that it was noveau and that neo WAS a fuck up and NOT intentional (idk why the hell they tried to double down on that shit) as cool as it is, ain’t doing shit with that mist. Like it’s genuinely insulting. You give stamper what could be one of, if not, it’s best sub in burst bomb, and then you give it mist in kit 2 like that isn’t some bullshit. Crab is cool and can be super good for your team with anchoring and range but the fact that you have to lose burst bomb (or just in general, the abillity to poke with/bomb combo which is a splatana staple (especially on wiper with torpedo)) is nowhere near worth it since you dont gain similar or even comparable reward from the mist, it burns more ink to use, and it doesn’t even provide utility for your team the same way (burst bomb can damage combo very well with your team and also paint the floor around them helping their escape) So hopefully in the season of what is 100% gonna be the deep cut season, where they introduce the last of shiver and frye’s weapon types (every weapon has a new option except stringer and splatana, wouldn’t be shocked if they just didn’t give one but since it’s happened every season this WOULD be the perfect and only time if any to make my wish come true and maybe make stringer even cooler. pretty please splat devs), have the deep cut splatfest, and shiver inevitiabky wins in landslide victory; that they end it on something good instead of permanently shelving the splatana legacy under the shadow that used to be patch zero stamper
(Just now realizing maybe i am doing too much side order, every palette at least once (clears doesn’t count present clears) that many jellotons is ridiculous, also turns out there’s phone wallpaper i didnt pick up for this so neat. i never use them though)
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loveforwh · 7 years
INFINITE Nail Art Stamping Kit by 南小木_
Hello, everyone! 南小木 is back with new merch *evil laughter* 
Overseas inspirits are welcome to join as long as you have PayPal~ It is recommended that you gather a few friends and order together to save on shipping and PayPal fees (I’ll send them all to your selected representative)! All overseas orders will be sent via air mail; you may choose if you want tracking or not. See here for more details on postage.
☆ DEADLINE: 15 OCTOBER 2017, 21:30KST *Nail art stamping kits will be sent out with other INFINITE/Ryan/Kpop Merch and also Woohyun♡Cat goods so if you’re interested you can check out the following links.
☆ ENQUIRY Twitter: loveforwh Email: [email protected] KakaoTalk: loveforwh
☆ Nail Art Stamping Plate Set  (S$5.60)  Each set comes with 2 plates (Plate A & Plate B). Dimension of each plate is 6x12cm, and each design is between 7~11mm. Therefore, you may customise your own nails according to your nail size and/or preference~
Plate A features members’ penmanship, including their names and cartoon drawings
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Plate B features logos from the different eras, as well as some song titles
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☆ Stamp + Scraper Set (S$1.20) * I’ve checked with my local post and I cannot mail out the stamping polishes domestically nor overseas even via surface mail so 南小木 has kindly offered a discounted set with only the stamp + scraper. You’ll have to buy the stamping polishes in your local stores ㅠㅠ Or if you don’t wanna buy stamping polish, check the FAQ below to see what are suitable alternatives ^^ * Stamping polish is different from usual nail polishes. It’s specially used for nail art stamping and dries very quickly, so you have to be quick and accurate from the moment you scrape off the excess polish to transferring the design from the plate to the stamp and then to your nails. It requires lots of practice, especially if you’re new to this!!!
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※ There is a certain level of difficulty in getting the design to be transferred properly and it’s rare that people get the hang of it that quickly. Moreover, learning to transfer the design to actually mastering the technique is another long process; how long one take to learn depends on the individual’s dexterity, meticulousness and patience.
※ First-time users tend to meet with many failed attempts; you may first test them on paper or artificial nails. DO NOT roll the stamp across the nail repeatedly, practise more and try to finish the entire process quickly.
Different designs also pose different difficulties, the way you scrape off the excess polish also affects; in conclusion PRACTICE MAKES PERFECT!!!
If you have a regular manicurist, you can check if she can help you do the stamping with the plates and skip the super duper long tutorial and FAQ portion below. Simply scroll all the way down for payment details and order form
*Info from Char aka me*
You may check out some of the links and/or youtube tutorials that I’ve provided below. The videos are by Cutepolish, one of my favourite nail art channels; hope these help~^^
TIPS AND TRICKS 17 NAIL STAMPING SECRETS THAT WILL INSTANTLY MAKE YOU AN EXPERT  How to Stamp Nails: Tips and Tricks for Success  Nail Stamping 102: Basics and a bit beyond
Stamp Your Nails Perfectly! | DIY, Hacks, Tips & Tricks For Nail Art Stamping!
5 Things You're Doing WRONG When Stamping Your Nails! 
5 Different Ways To Use A Nail Stamper
【FAQ】 (info from  南小木_; she got it from somewhere else though HAHAHA)
Q:What are the tools required for nail art stamping? A:Stamping plates, stamp 【compulsory】, special stamping polish【optional, you may use any suitable polishes】(the above are “directly related tools”); base coat, base colour, top coat, nail polish remover, clean-up products 【polish removal pads, latex, brushes, nail art corrector pens, etc.】(these are standard tools that apply to mani/pedi but aren’t directly related to nail art stamping and therefore aren’t sold);
Q:How do I select a polish for nail art stamping? A:First and foremost, use a special polish that’s meant for nail art stamping. One that has good coverage/high colour pay-off and is viscous gives the best results, as the chances of the design being ruined when applying top coat is reduced. Among 【normal polishes】, choose a solid color that is thick in texture and has good coverage/high colour pay-off(aka one that is already opaque with just a single coat)
IMPORTANT:choice of polish used for stamping is very important; those who use 【normal polish】 may face problems of “messy design transferred”, “stamp not picking up the design”, “transferred polish is too sheer/poor results”.
Q:What are the most suitable nail art stamping tools for a beginner? A:A few stamping plates,stamp, black or white special polish(other colours and metallic polishes pose other difficulties, not recommended for beginners).
Q:There are scratches/markings on my stamping plate!!! A:As the stamping plate is made of metal, it is normal for the plate to have slight scratches/markings on the surface. It is not a problem with the quality and neither will it affect use of the plate.
-------- Questions below are under the premise that polishes suitable for nail art stamping have been obtained, otherwise please read FAQ above on selecting the right polishes --------
Q:Requirements for base colour A:No special requirements, as long as it’s an even coat covering the entire nail. However, that does not mean that there is no difference in difficulty in transferring designs when using different kinds of polishes as your base colour: matte, silky, chrome, etc. and gel polishes are MOST DIFFICULT to transfer after drying since they have little adhesive power *Char here again, NO GUARANTEES since I haven’t tried stamping on gel nails but maybe you can try stamping it after curing since there is usually a sticky residue?*; regular polishes are next; EASIEST would be polishes with a rough surface (e.g. liquid sand or polishes with chunky glitter); as these are texturised by nature, apply a layer of top coat after stamping to even out the surface.
Q:Excess polish not being scraped off cleanly A:Slight excess will not affect image pick up; if you have too much such that it affects the design, these are some possible reasons: ① The surface you’re working on is not flat; ② Scraper is at a wrong angle, recommended to hold it at 45° against the plate; ③ Too slow in scraping off hence polish has dried or the polish used is old and already drying up.
Q:The polish in the design is also scraped off together with the excess A:① Angle of the scraper (see above answer); ② Forceful scraping: force doesn’t equate to clean image, in fact scrape off gently at the correct angle; ③ Scraper is dirty, point of contact is uneven, like all other tools, it requires cleaning after a few attempts; ④ Insufficient amount of special polish applied, design is not fully covered
IMPORTANT:for designs with lines, as long as there is a clear direction of lines (e.g. stripes, waves), scrape off according to the direction of flow; image may not be clean if you go against it (i.e. scrape off vertically for vertical stripes, horizontally for horizontal stripes)
Q:Difficulty transferring image from plate to stamp A:Here are some possible reasons: ① Incorrect scraping method -- hold scraper at an approximate 30 to 60 degree angle and do it in a single stroke; ② Stamp and/or stamping plates are not cleaned properly: there are nail polish residues/oil/dirt/nail polish remover residues -- clean stamp, scraper and plate with acetone-based remover, it may not work if you use non-acetone based remover. ; ③ Polish has dried up on the plate because you weren’t quick enough -- do it in one thick stroke, do not apply multiple thin strokes as the polish on image plate would have dried up by the time you finish; ④ Incorrect use of stamp such as forceful application, (REMINDER: use a gentle rolling motion!!!); ⑤ DO NOT use in windy areas as it will hasten the drying of the polish 
Q:Partial transfer of image onto nail A:If you managed to pick up the image entirely onto your stamp but fail to successfully transfer onto your nails, there is ONLY one reason: polish has dried up since you took too long to transfer the design onto your nail >.
IMPORTANT: ① Whether it’s picking up the image from the plate or transferring the design onto the nail, remember to use a quick but gentle rolling motion, not direct stamping; ② Note that these are 2 completely different problems, there are many reasons for failing to pick up image onto stamp and there is only one reason why you failed to transfer design onto the nail, do not categorise them under “cannot stamp” 
Q:I’ve managed to transfer the entire design onto my nail; the only problem is that it’s too light or doesn’t show up clearly against my base colour. A:Please use a polish with a better coverage/high colour pay-off or nail art stamping polishes.
Q:After learning and strictly following the steps, will there be a success rate of 100%? A:No, not even “me” (whoever 南小木 got the FAQ from); you can only practise until it tends towards perfection 
Q:Important notes regarding cleaning of tools A:Stamping plates and stamp need to be cleaned after each use, it is ok to clean the scraper only when the surface no longer feels even; take note of the following: ① Try not to delay cleanup until the next use, if there are residues stuck for too long, they will be difficult to remove as compared to immediate cleanup; ② To clean stamping plates, use regular nail polish remover, try not to use those that include oils, otherwise it’ll be difficult to remove the residues completely; ③ To clean stamp, use packing tape/scotch tape instead of nail polish remover.
Q:Product longevity A:Stamping plates, as long as they are stored carefully, can be used for a very long time. Common problems with "damaged” plates are due to improper storage methods, resulting in bent/misshapen plates that cannot be restored to original state. Stamps can usually last for at least 3-5years or even longer. Common causes of damaged stamps include contact with sharp objects that results in scratched or damaged stamping surface, thus affecting image transfer.
☆ PAYMENT [Singapore] If you’re interested, please transfer the correct amount to DBS Current 197-000550-0 BEFORE filling in this form and I will send you a payment verification mail within 24h.
[Overseas] If you’re interested, please fill in this form and I will send you a payment request within 24h, together with a price estimate in your own currency~^^
☆ NOTE: 1. Prices listed are before shipping EMS fees (which would be shared equally among donors); a second payment will be advised later. 2. There will be no cancellations/refunds made unless otherwise stated. 3. Collection Method: Mass meet-up in town / Self-collect @ Choa Chu Kang MRT and South View LRT / Postage at additional cost (TBA)
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cutiecrates · 4 years
Cutie Reviews: NMNL Nov 19
Sorry to anyone waiting for the next review, right after I took the pictures, it sorta took a backseat to everything else going on. Besides still playing Animal Crossing, my mom came home from the hospital so I’ve been taking care of her, I got back into a manga series that I had took a break from, wiki editing, etc...
Anyway, I’m back again! I’m going to try to get things back on track so hopefully my next review will be done within the next few days.
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“This November we want to give you a kawaii makeover! In Japan “kawaii” can be anything that you find trendy and cute. We hope to capture your heart with unique beauty products inspired by Japanese games, anime and famous characters such as Kirby and Hello Kitty but also the Korean characters from BT21 will make an appearance. Are you ready for your makeover?“
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In going with the theme, this months mini-contest involves a bunch of Cardcapture Sakura items; like a really cute heart-shaped lip cream. The grand prize winner will receive a pack of multi-functional creams, 1 day tattoo eyeliner, and a makeup pouch.
Glam Gift and Horoscope
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Meanwhile, this months Glam Gift features no characters, but some cutesy looking wine-flavored products from the brand Labiotte, and some egg-based (but they don’t smell like them thankfully) Too Cool for School products.
I can’t say I’m a wine girl, but I think 3, 5, and 6 look adorable~ I’m a sucker for makeup products shaped like other things.
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The Horoscope for this month is “The signs as Cute Japanese Characters“:
Aries: Kuromi Taurus: Totoro Gemini: My Melody Cancer: Gudetama Leo: Rilakkuma Virgo: Pikachu Libra: Jiji from Kiki’s Delivery Service Scorpio: Korilakkuma Sagittarius: PompomPurin Capricorn: Eevee Aquarius: Hello Kitty Pisces: Cinnamoroll
Which one would yours be? If you’re unfamiliar with my blog, I’m a Libra, so I got Jiji- which is ironic, because last month, Hello Kitty was the “what you should dress up as for Halloween“ character I got. I’ve got no complaints, I love kitties.
Kirby Lip Cream
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Our Kirby trendy continues with this adorable limited edition lip cream, but what also makes this one special is that it comes in 10 different styles! Each one has the same Peach scent, but the designs are based on famous locations in Japan: Mt. Fuji, Hokkaido, Yokohama, Tokyo, Okinawa, Kyoto, Kochi, Osaka, Fukuoka, and Nagoya.
I got Hokkaido ♥ which is one of my favorites, so I was pretty excited. I’d love to get the whole collection if they have it on the Japan Haul website though~
♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ 
This lip cream feels wonderful on the lips. It’s very smooth and soft, and you can feel it on the lips because it’s a tiny bit greasy, but you only taste it for a moment or so after applying it- which can be a good or bad thing depending on preference. The peach smell is lovely too.
Sho-Bi Lollipop Lipgloss or Lip & Cheek Cream
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This one was included because it reminded the makers of the box of the invincible candies in Kirby :3 It came in 4 variants, two lip & cheek and two lipgloss. It has a strawberry scent, and a light pink shade. It contains moisturizing ingredients like shea butter and hyaluronic acid.
♥ ♥ ♥ ♥
It smells really good and it doesn’t feel bad on the lips. The only problem is, it’s patchy and very light and it doesn’t go with my skin tone at all. But it looks really nice on my cheeks as a blush, it actually matches the blush I normally use and blends in very smoothly (I didn’t blend it into my hand skin, it’s much more natural looking when it is), so this would be a nice alternative to applying powder if I’m in a hurry.
If you recall one of my summer NMNL boxes, you might recall the similar looking popsicle we got. It’s so cute, so I’m glad to add this to my collection~
Anime Girl Bath Bomb/KiraKira Ring Bath Bomb
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I was really excited when I saw this next item, because I’ve seen them before on a couple Youtube channels I watch and I’ve always wanted one. I love the packaging because it gives me heavy Pretty Cure vibes, this girl is so cute ♥ 
This is a typical spherical bath bomb with an orange scent, and it features a prize; 6 rings in the shape of a glittery, clear heart or star, coming in pink, blue, or yellow.
♥ ♥ ♥ 
A+ for the bath balls fizz and scent. The ring is also very cute, I got a pink star (I love pink but I really wish I got the ♥ so close~), but I used this to soak my feet and they felt really dry after a while when I finished. I’m not sure if it was the bath bombs doing, or if it was because they were already dried prior to soaking them.
Fate Grand Order x Sanrio Nail Stamping Plate
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This item is a partner to the one we got last month, as part of the collaboration between Sanrio and the FGO series. As I said last month I’m not a fan of this series or know of it very well, but I think it’s pretty popular, I see it pop up a lot. I love Sanrio collab items though, they’re always so cute.
The one I got is Gilgamesh, who I can’t say would have been my first choice... unless I got his makeup palette in last months box, so they could match. But anyway, this kit includes the shape plate, a scraper, and a stamper. The back also includes an image of nail polish colors matching the character, and the inside includes some example designs. 
♥ ♥ 
As cute as it is, as I said, I’m not really into this specific set. I was willing to try it, but the problem is that I really couldn’t figure out how to. The directions seem clear enough, you just wet the specific stamp/area with polish, then use the stamper to pick it up and transfer it onto the nail. But for some reason I couldn’t get it to work.
I could get the nail polish to apply and the scraper to work- but the stamper wasn’t picking it up. I was fiddling with this for probably a half hour before I gave up. The booklet suggests using “nail stamp polish“ for best results, which could in theory explain why I couldn’t get it to work? I might see if I can find one to see if it makes a difference.
Kawaii Character Makeup Pouch
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This item features everyone’s favorite Sanrio and San-X characters, in the form of a cute little cubical pouch. I’m not sure what its made out of but it feels very smooth on both the inside and out. PomPomPurin isn’t my first choice, but it’s very cute.
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It’s very nicely crafted, and it feels really nice to hold. It can fit smaller items (such as the two lip products, ring, and hand cream from the box) and it’s actually pretty spacious. But it could also work just to carry some necessities, like keys, change or money, cards, coupons, etc.
Nam Chi Ni Message Sheet Mask & Mediheal BTS BT21 Face Point Mask Set
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These items are 2 of the 3 Korean products in this months box, and both of them are facial masks. Our first one features the popular mascot characters designed by the members of Korean boy pop group BT21- and to be honest, I’ve never actually listened to them before. I feel like I’m one of the only people who never has.
Not because I don’t like their type of music or anything, I just never felt the need to.
What makes these mask fun is that rather than being one single sheet, they come in the form of 6 mini-sticker like pieces you stick on the various skin points in need of some quick 5-10 minute relief. Each of the 7 characters has a focus in this set, such as: 
Cooky - radiance and skin barrier protection
Koya - moisture and glow
Mang - soothing and vitality
RJ - soothing and calming
Shooky - skin enhancement
Chimmy - evening skin tone & nourishment
Tata - skin energy & vitality
Out of these, Koya is definitely who I would have wanted ♥ so I’m glad I got him. But Cooky and RJ look really cute too. It has a strong sort of lotion scent.
♥ ♥
As cute as this was... I think this product needs some fine-tuning. It’s very moist (in fact I didn’t nee to use these all at once, they remained wet for over a week so I could just use them when I felt like it) and they adhere to the skin great. But they do begin to lose moisture quickly after application, so the 5-10 minute thing is accurate, but I don’t think its long enough to really help much. The skin where I used these didn’t feel any different, other than a little sticky. But I will say that the skin does look a little more vibrant than it did prior to using.
It’s a bit silly, but I can’t bring myself to throw away the cute little patches. They dried very quickly after use and smoothly, so I plan to hang onto them. I might turn them into stickers, or put in a scrap book. 
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Our other face mask features a unique concept of a handsome guy in 4 difference outfits, with the mask featuring a quote and detail taken from the guy. For example, mine is the prince-looking one, and besides a message the mask has blue sparkles near the eyes and a crown.
Each mask also has a “focal point“ like the above set did, with mine focusing on moisturizing. The scent has a strong... sort of flowery-perfume scent? I never know what it is and I’ve gotten it a few times, but I really really like this scent.
♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ 
Besides its great scent, I feel like this mask did a lot better then the above. It’s not nearly as cute and it’s kinda silly looking- but I did like how cool and refreshed my face felt after using it.
Korean Manga Hand Cream
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Our last item is a hand cream based on Korean manga, with a peach scent. On the back, this seems to be from a series called Tale of Felluah. 
♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ 
The art on this is very pretty, and the peach scent is surprisingly different than the Kirby lip cream. This one reminds me more of a realistic and refreshing peach, rather than a creamy candy peach. The cream is very smooth and it soaks into the hands quickly. I really like it. Besides the Kirby lip cream, I’ve also decided to put this in the stand near my bed for quick access.
♥ Cutie Ranking ♥
Content - 3.5 out of 5. I like everything and we got a decent variety of items! However, I feel like a couple of the could have been better...
Theme: 5 out of 5. I’ve been waiting for themes like this, because I love products base on series I like. Plus everything was really cute. Spot-on.
Total Rank: 7 out of 10. This box was really good, but the items themselves  could have been a little better. I really like how some of them weren’t really like... the typical mainstreams like Pokemon, but at the same time, I wish they could have used series I was more into- like Sailor Moon, Pretty Cure, or more video game series. But I wasn’t unhappy with this box at all.
♥ Cutie Scale ♥
Lip Cream - I love how it feels on my lips, and the packaging is my most favorite. I wish we tasted it a little longer though.
Hand Cream - I love its scent more than the kirby’s peach version. It made my hands feel so soft, and it soaks in quickly.  
Lip & Cheek Lollipop - smells lovely and it’s very cute. I wish it did more for my lips though.
Anime Girl Bath Bomb - very cute and fun, smells great. I’m not 100% sure on the quality of the bomb itself though. 
Koya Point Mask - I loved the design, but the quality could have used some work. I feel like it didn’t really do very much.
Makeup Pouch - I love the quality of it, but I really didn’t need more pouches.  
Message Sheet Mask - it’s pretty silly looking, but I think I got one of the tamer masks. I do like those princely types, and it smells great~
Nail Stamper - it’s a cute and fun little item, but I couldn’t get it to work... 
0 notes
additionallysad · 6 years
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Holiday Gift Guides for Everyone On Your List (With Stuff under $20 – And Even $5!) https://ift.tt/2PrVYOI
As is the tradition, I’m a little late with this. Ha! But here it is! (I’m also late with my actual gift buying, so I better get cracking). We like to put all of our gift guides in one place, so below you’ll find the one we made for grown-ups, another one for kids, and (my personal favorite) one full of stuff that’s under $15. 
Gifts For Grown-Ups
Here’s what we’re loving, either firsthand stuff we bought for ourselves and have really enjoyed – or things we’re getting for friends & family (or hoping to find under the tree). 
1 / Adulting Award Ribbons (4/$25): It would be so much fun to have an “award ceremony” at a family gathering, complete with victory laps & acceptance speeches.
2 / Black Robe with Pockets ($78-98): I bought this robe to wear around the house & I’m OBSESSED. So soft, there’s a tie inside so it doesn’t flap open, and IT HAS POCKETS! I’m living my best life. 
3 / Personalized Address Stamper ($28): Always love a personalized gift that makes things easier for people. No more writing out return addresses & they’ll think of you every time they use it. 
4 / Customized Road Trip Ornament ($25): Another sweet personalized ornament that you can give to someone who went on an epic trip (also works for someone who moved). 
5 / Zodiac Sign Constellation Necklace ($28+): I can’t get over how dainty and pretty these are. All you need to know is someone’s birthday and it feels totally unusual and sweet. 
6 / Ugg Slippers ($63-104): I bought these & can’t get over how much I love them. Incredibly soft & well made – plus you can buy $15 inserts to keep them fluffy forever (I’ve heard from people who’ve had ’em 8 years!). 
7 / Cheeky Mug ($18): A hilarious mug filled with candy, hot cocoa mix, or an adult beverage is always fun. Plus pants are super overrated.  
8 / Cozy Plaid Pillow Covers ($20 w/ code CHEER): Love that these are colorful & interesting enough not to feel basic, but they’d work with practically any sofa, armchair, or bed. 
9 / Faux Leather Tote with Matching Pouch ($49): I’m so into this cool metallic finish & that it’s two bags in one. Also comes in black, cognac, and a cool blue-gray. 
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10 / Men’s Puffer Vest ($30): John loves this vest he got for himself this year and we even found a matching long-sleeve jacket ($14 today!) for our son. Fun fact: when they wear ’em together my heart explodes. 
11 / Wood Apple Watch Charging Stand ($42): When I asked John what he thought I should add to this gift guide, this is the first thing he sent me. Think it’s a hint? 
12 / Dainty Name Ring ($22 – 30% off today): Yet another totally personalized gift idea, and it comes in rose gold, white gold, sterling silver, etc. 
13 / Personalized Leather Keychain ($19): These stamped leather keychains come in tons of colors, and you can put someone’s nickname or even a place on it (like “Pink House” or “Smith Manor”)
14 / Bucket Tool Organizer ($29): Such a great gift for anyone with a home, pretty much. Suddenly you can carry 20 tools that would take 10 trips. 
15 / Wubby Fleece Pullover ($50 – 35% off today): I don’t think I need to explain why this cozy fleece pullover would be everyone’s favorite, but I’ll just say this: it’s like wearing a cloud (with pockets!). 
16 / Faux Leather Circle Clutch ($28): This is one of those items in your closet that pulls together tons of outfits and looks pricier than it is. That wood ring! Real leather! I’m smitten.
17 / Pocket Bluetooth Speaker ($20): I’d love a bluetooth speaker like this on the bathroom sink for blasting hiphop while I shower (comes in blue & gray). 
18 / Coffee Table Dominoes Game ($21 – 40% off w/ code CHEER): These are so beautiful and actually functional! I’d put ’em in a pretty wood bowl on the coffee table for impromptu games. 
Gifts For Kids
Once again we put things we actually own and love in here, along with stuff we’re buying our kids this year, or considering for other little cousins & friends. 
1 / Sailing Ship Kit ($42): Words can’t express how much fun this would be to hang in kid’s room – and it’s an actual kite, so it can come down and fly.
2 / Personalized Crayon Set ($13): It’s so much fun to open a box and see your name in crayons – especially if you have a name that isn’t always found on those premade signs and keychains! 
3 / Coloring Book Dress ($38): Who doesn’t want to color all over a coloring book dress and make it completely your own?! LOVE this!
4 / Instant Camera ($56): Such a fun way to get kids into photography, and see the world through their eyes! 
5 / DIY Ukelele Kit ($39): Our daughter’s actually learning the ukelele in school (no more recorder concerts! They switched!!!). She’d LOVE THIS. 
6 / Classic Lego Set ($28): Our kids have only ever had John’s hand-me-down Lego blocks from his childhood, so we love that they now sell these huge basic block sets (without the price markup for licensed characters!) 
7 / Ada Twist, Scientist ($15): We’ve already got Iggy Peck, Architect in our library and it’s GREAT. Next I want this one. 
8 / My Crazy Inventions Sketchbook ($14): We bought this book and our daughter filled it up with the coolest sketches & inventions – so great for imaginations & I’m keeping it forever. 
9 / Wreck This Journal ($12): We recently found a YouTuber who documented her entries in this interactive (and destructive!) journal. It’s full of fun prompts and such a cool concept. 
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10 / Wooden Cash Register ($31): Pretend play is big at our house, so a cash register is one of those things that would get so much use. Love that it’s wood and has a scanner & a credit card you can slide. 
11 / Unicorn Robe ($30): My robe lovin’ self has rubbed off on our daughter and she’s asked for a robe for herself! I LOVE IT. 
12 / Dragon Slippers ($21): Not to be outdone in coziness, our son has dinosaur slippers that he wears nonstop. So as weird as it sounds, fun plush slippers can make a great gift! 
13 / Felt Donut Play Food ($9): So cute and under $10! Everyone loves a donut… and you’d be amazed how many of these their stuffed animals will “eat” ;)
14 / Bear Body Pillow ($15): A big cuddly pillow that doubles as an animal friend is always a good idea. 
15 / Unstable Unicorns Game ($20): This game says 14+ on box, but reviewers say 8 year olds enjoy it, so we think it’s a great option for our Exploding Kittens-loving 3rd grader.
16 / Metro Wooden Blocks ($90 now – it used to be $150!): Ok, this is just about the coolest block set I’ve ever seen! And I love that it’s 40% off right now. 
17 / Custom Kid’s Letter Jacket ($26): How cute is this custom kids letter jacket?! Ours love anything with their names on them – and a jacket is so useful along with being fun. 
18 / Girls’ Charm Bracelet Set ($5):  Nostalgia forever!!! Our daughter has and loves her charm bracelet. And at $5 this one isn’t too precious.
Gifts Under $15
Here’s my favorite list to make each year, just because I’m always amazed at how many budget-friendly things are out there that’ll make so many people smile BIG. 
1 / Hex Tile Monogram Mug ($10): These are basically the beach house master bathroom in mug form! Fill ’em with candy or cocoa mix & marshmallows and they’re great gifts!
2 / Lumps of Coal Dog Treats ($5.50): Can’t forget our favorite four-leggers and these dog treats shaped like lumps of coal made me snicker. 
3 / Gold Palm Picture Frame ($10.49): Giving someone you love a personal photo (of their kids, you guys together, etc) in a lovely frame is always a hit. I’m also loving this scalloped bone frame ($10.49). 
4 / Plaid Frame Ornaments ($3.99!!!): Such a great grandparent gift with a photo of you or your kids or even some art they’ve drawn. We give them to both of our parents every year. 
5 / Mini Kitchen Tool Ornaments ($12.99): So cute for the chef or the baker in your life! The little wisk kills me. 
6 / Triple Chocolate Chip Cookie Mix ($9): These make such great neighbor gifts. Just wrap a ribbon around the lid and you’re done!
7 / Beard Oil ($14.99): John’s a die-hard beard oil enthusiast. So if you know and love someone with a beard, give ’em some and watch their face light up with joy. 
8 / Pink Resin Hoop Earrings ($12.99): I love the cool shape of these & they come in other colors (also love the white & the tortoise ones!)
9 / Question-A-Day Five Year Journal ($11.55): If you wish you journaled more, this makes it easy and shows you how much can change over 5 years. It’s lots of fun to go back and read it. 
10 / Faux Leather Crossbody Bag ($12 – down from $25): I have a camel colored crossbody bag this size and it’s still going strong! Goes with everything and I love the little latch hardware on this one. 
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11 / Faux Fur Pom Pom Beanie ($9 down from $22): I love a little knitted winter hat with a pompom (surprise I have one just like this in black). 
12 / Sprinkle Ice Cream Cups (4 for $4.97!!!!): I love gifts that you pair with something fun – so these cups all nested with a little container of sprinkles inside would be so sweet. And you can’t beat the price!
13 / Rainbow Catnip Seed Bombs ($14.95): I love the idea of planting these outside (or inside in a pot) to show your cat a good time. They also sell sets to grow wildflowers or herbs which also make good gifts.
14 / Nesting Heart Tray Trio (3 for $4.99!!!): Such a sweet gift for someone to put near the kitchen or bathroom sink for their rings. They also work for tea bags if you serve tea a lot.
15 / What Do You Meme? Expansion Packs ($12.99): We have and love the original game ($29.99), so we’ve been considering adding packs like this Housewives themed one ($12.99) or this Mean Girls version ($12.99).
16 / Plaid Pet Leash ($10.49): Another gift for a four legged friend in your life, and I love the design of this one. Fancy pup. 
17 / Slim Wallet ($12.99): John bought this a few months ago and LOVES it. Keeps his pockets from getting too bulky, and it’s incredibly well reviewed. 
18 / Ugg Sheepskin Shoe Inserts ($14.95): I mentioned these when I linked to my Ugg slippers, but even if you don’t have them… YOU CAN PUT THESE IN ANY SHOES TO MAKE ‘EM COZY! Rain boots. Flat old slippers. Winter boots. Etc. It’s a lifehack for real. 
19 / Pocket Notebook (2 for $10): I love pretty little notebooks! Always useful for keeping in your purse or the car or by the bed. 
20 / Gold Turtle Paperclip Holder ($14.99): So I have this thing with animal desk accessories…
21 / Tortoise Hoop Earrings ($12.99): I ADORE these so much I’m about to put them in my cart so they don’t sell out. Treat yo self!
And since there are some pretty great sales going on right now, here’s what I’ve found so far:
Pottery Barn – 25% off sitewide & free shipping – use the code JINGLE here
Crate & Barrel – Up to 70% off here
West Elm – 20% off furniture, 25% off rugs, and 20-50% off bedding, see it all here
CB2 – Up to 40% off furniture and holiday decor here
Target – Today only, 30% off home here
Urban Outfitters – Up to 50% off gift items here
Anthropologie – Up to 50% off ready-to-ship furniture here
Overstock – Up to 70% off & free shipping here
Rejuvenation – 20% off your order & free shipping here
World Market – Save an extra 30% with code REWARDFORYOU  here
Serena & Lily – Up to 30% off here
Old Navy – Gifts from $4 and up to 60% the entire store here
Banana Republic – 40% off your purchase here
Gap – 40% off your purchase with the code WINTERFUN here
J Crew – 50% off your entire purchase with code MONDAY here
Psst – To see last year’s lists, a lot of which is still linked and for sale, click here
*This post contains affiliate links*
The post Holiday Gift Guides for Everyone On Your List (With Stuff under $20 – And Even $5!) appeared first on Young House Love.
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0 notes
vincentbnaughton · 6 years
As is the tradition, I’m a little late with this. Ha! But here it is! (I’m also late with my actual gift buying, so I better get cracking). We like to put all of our gift guides in one place, so below you’ll find the one we made for grown-ups, another one for kids, and (my personal favorite) one full of stuff that’s under $15. 
Gifts For Grown-Ups
Here’s what we’re loving, either firsthand stuff we bought for ourselves and have really enjoyed – or things we’re getting for friends & family (or hoping to find under the tree). 
1 / Adulting Award Ribbons (4/$25): It would be so much fun to have an “award ceremony” at a family gathering, complete with victory laps & acceptance speeches.
2 / Black Robe with Pockets ($78-98): I bought this robe to wear around the house & I’m OBSESSED. So soft, there’s a tie inside so it doesn’t flap open, and IT HAS POCKETS! I’m living my best life. 
3 / Personalized Address Stamper ($28): Always love a personalized gift that makes things easier for people. No more writing out return addresses & they’ll think of you every time they use it. 
4 / Customized Road Trip Ornament ($25): Another sweet personalized ornament that you can give to someone who went on an epic trip (also works for someone who moved). 
5 / Zodiac Sign Constellation Necklace ($28+): I can’t get over how dainty and pretty these are. All you need to know is someone’s birthday and it feels totally unusual and sweet. 
6 / Ugg Slippers ($63-104): I bought these & can’t get over how much I love them. Incredibly soft & well made – plus you can buy $15 inserts to keep them fluffy forever (I’ve heard from people who’ve had ’em 8 years!). 
7 / Cheeky Mug ($18): A hilarious mug filled with candy, hot cocoa mix, or an adult beverage is always fun. Plus pants are super overrated.  
8 / Cozy Plaid Pillow Covers ($20 w/ code CHEER): Love that these are colorful & interesting enough not to feel basic, but they’d work with practically any sofa, armchair, or bed. 
9 / Faux Leather Tote with Matching Pouch ($49): I’m so into this cool metallic finish & that it’s two bags in one. Also comes in black, cognac, and a cool blue-gray. 
10 / Men’s Puffer Vest ($30): John loves this vest he got for himself this year and we even found a matching long-sleeve jacket ($14 today!) for our son. Fun fact: when they wear ’em together my heart explodes. 
11 / Wood Apple Watch Charging Stand ($42): When I asked John what he thought I should add to this gift guide, this is the first thing he sent me. Think it’s a hint? 
12 / Dainty Name Ring ($22 – 30% off today): Yet another totally personalized gift idea, and it comes in rose gold, white gold, sterling silver, etc. 
13 / Personalized Leather Keychain ($19): These stamped leather keychains come in tons of colors, and you can put someone’s nickname or even a place on it (like “Pink House” or “Smith Manor”)
14 / Bucket Tool Organizer ($29): Such a great gift for anyone with a home, pretty much. Suddenly you can carry 20 tools that would take 10 trips. 
15 / Wubby Fleece Pullover ($50 – 35% off today): I don’t think I need to explain why this cozy fleece pullover would be everyone’s favorite, but I’ll just say this: it’s like wearing a cloud (with pockets!). 
16 / Faux Leather Circle Clutch ($28): This is one of those items in your closet that pulls together tons of outfits and looks pricier than it is. That wood ring! Real leather! I’m smitten.
17 / Pocket Bluetooth Speaker ($20): I’d love a bluetooth speaker like this on the bathroom sink for blasting hiphop while I shower (comes in blue & gray). 
18 / Coffee Table Dominoes Game ($21 – 40% off w/ code CHEER): These are so beautiful and actually functional! I’d put ’em in a pretty wood bowl on the coffee table for impromptu games. 
Gifts For Kids
Once again we put things we actually own and love in here, along with stuff we’re buying our kids this year, or considering for other little cousins & friends. 
1 / Sailing Ship Kit ($42): Words can’t express how much fun this would be to hang in kid’s room – and it’s an actual kite, so it can come down and fly.
2 / Personalized Crayon Set ($13): It’s so much fun to open a box and see your name in crayons – especially if you have a name that isn’t always found on those premade signs and keychains! 
3 / Coloring Book Dress ($38): Who doesn’t want to color all over a coloring book dress and make it completely your own?! LOVE this!
4 / Instant Camera ($56): Such a fun way to get kids into photography, and see the world through their eyes! 
5 / DIY Ukelele Kit ($39): Our daughter’s actually learning the ukelele in school (no more recorder concerts! They switched!!!). She’d LOVE THIS. 
6 / Classic Lego Set ($28): Our kids have only ever had John’s hand-me-down Lego blocks from his childhood, so we love that they now sell these huge basic block sets (without the price markup for licensed characters!) 
7 / Ada Twist, Scientist ($15): We’ve already got Iggy Peck, Architect in our library and it’s GREAT. Next I want this one. 
8 / My Crazy Inventions Sketchbook ($14): We bought this book and our daughter filled it up with the coolest sketches & inventions – so great for imaginations & I’m keeping it forever. 
9 / Wreck This Journal ($12): We recently found a YouTuber who documented her entries in this interactive (and destructive!) journal. It’s full of fun prompts and such a cool concept. 
10 / Wooden Cash Register ($31): Pretend play is big at our house, so a cash register is one of those things that would get so much use. Love that it’s wood and has a scanner & a credit card you can slide. 
11 / Unicorn Robe ($30): My robe lovin’ self has rubbed off on our daughter and she’s asked for a robe for herself! I LOVE IT. 
12 / Dragon Slippers ($21): Not to be outdone in coziness, our son has dinosaur slippers that he wears nonstop. So as weird as it sounds, fun plush slippers can make a great gift! 
13 / Felt Donut Play Food ($9): So cute and under $10! Everyone loves a donut… and you’d be amazed how many of these their stuffed animals will “eat” ;)
14 / Bear Body Pillow ($15): A big cuddly pillow that doubles as an animal friend is always a good idea. 
15 / Unstable Unicorns Game ($20): This game says 14+ on box, but reviewers say 8 year olds enjoy it, so we think it’s a great option for our Exploding Kittens-loving 3rd grader.
16 / Metro Wooden Blocks ($90 now – it used to be $150!): Ok, this is just about the coolest block set I’ve ever seen! And I love that it’s 40% off right now. 
17 / Custom Kid’s Letter Jacket ($26): How cute is this custom kids letter jacket?! Ours love anything with their names on them – and a jacket is so useful along with being fun. 
18 / Girls’ Charm Bracelet Set ($5):  Nostalgia forever!!! Our daughter has and loves her charm bracelet. And at $5 this one isn’t too precious.
Gifts Under $15
Here’s my favorite list to make each year, just because I’m always amazed at how many budget-friendly things are out there that’ll make so many people smile BIG. 
1 / Hex Tile Monogram Mug ($10): These are basically the beach house master bathroom in mug form! Fill ’em with candy or cocoa mix & marshmallows and they’re great gifts!
2 / Lumps of Coal Dog Treats ($5.50): Can’t forget our favorite four-leggers and these dog treats shaped like lumps of coal made me snicker. 
3 / Gold Palm Picture Frame ($10.49): Giving someone you love a personal photo (of their kids, you guys together, etc) in a lovely frame is always a hit. I’m also loving this scalloped bone frame ($10.49). 
4 / Plaid Frame Ornaments ($3.99!!!): Such a great grandparent gift with a photo of you or your kids or even some art they’ve drawn. We give them to both of our parents every year. 
5 / Mini Kitchen Tool Ornaments ($12.99): So cute for the chef or the baker in your life! The little wisk kills me. 
6 / Triple Chocolate Chip Cookie Mix ($9): These make such great neighbor gifts. Just wrap a ribbon around the lid and you’re done!
7 / Beard Oil ($14.99): John’s a die-hard beard oil enthusiast. So if you know and love someone with a beard, give ’em some and watch their face light up with joy. 
8 / Pink Resin Hoop Earrings ($12.99): I love the cool shape of these & they come in other colors (also love the white & the tortoise ones!)
9 / Question-A-Day Five Year Journal ($11.55): If you wish you journaled more, this makes it easy and shows you how much can change over 5 years. It’s lots of fun to go back and read it. 
10 / Faux Leather Crossbody Bag ($12 – down from $25): I have a camel colored crossbody bag this size and it’s still going strong! Goes with everything and I love the little latch hardware on this one. 
11 / Faux Fur Pom Pom Beanie ($9 down from $22): I love a little knitted winter hat with a pompom (surprise I have one just like this in black). 
12 / Sprinkle Ice Cream Cups (4 for $4.97!!!!): I love gifts that you pair with something fun – so these cups all nested with a little container of sprinkles inside would be so sweet. And you can’t beat the price!
13 / Rainbow Catnip Seed Bombs ($14.95): I love the idea of planting these outside (or inside in a pot) to show your cat a good time. They also sell sets to grow wildflowers or herbs which also make good gifts.
14 / Nesting Heart Tray Trio (3 for $4.99!!!): Such a sweet gift for someone to put near the kitchen or bathroom sink for their rings. They also work for tea bags if you serve tea a lot.
15 / What Do You Meme? Expansion Packs ($12.99): We have and love the original game ($29.99), so we’ve been considering adding packs like this Housewives themed one ($12.99) or this Mean Girls version ($12.99).
16 / Plaid Pet Leash ($10.49): Another gift for a four legged friend in your life, and I love the design of this one. Fancy pup. 
17 / Slim Wallet ($12.99): John bought this a few months ago and LOVES it. Keeps his pockets from getting too bulky, and it’s incredibly well reviewed. 
18 / Ugg Sheepskin Shoe Inserts ($14.95): I mentioned these when I linked to my Ugg slippers, but even if you don’t have them… YOU CAN PUT THESE IN ANY SHOES TO MAKE ‘EM COZY! Rain boots. Flat old slippers. Winter boots. Etc. It’s a lifehack for real. 
19 / Pocket Notebook (2 for $10): I love pretty little notebooks! Always useful for keeping in your purse or the car or by the bed. 
20 / Gold Turtle Paperclip Holder ($14.99): So I have this thing with animal desk accessories…
21 / Tortoise Hoop Earrings ($12.99): I ADORE these so much I’m about to put them in my cart so they don’t sell out. Treat yo self!
And since there are some pretty great sales going on right now, here’s what I’ve found so far:
Pottery Barn – 25% off sitewide & free shipping – use the code JINGLE here
Crate & Barrel – Up to 70% off here
West Elm – 20% off furniture, 25% off rugs, and 20-50% off bedding, see it all here
CB2 – Up to 40% off furniture and holiday decor here
Target – Today only, 30% off home here
Urban Outfitters – Up to 50% off gift items here
Anthropologie – Up to 50% off ready-to-ship furniture here
Overstock – Up to 70% off & free shipping here
Rejuvenation – 20% off your order & free shipping here
World Market – Save an extra 30% with code REWARDFORYOU  here
Serena & Lily – Up to 30% off here
Old Navy – Gifts from $4 and up to 60% the entire store here
Banana Republic – 40% off your purchase here
Gap – 40% off your purchase with the code WINTERFUN here
J Crew – 50% off your entire purchase with code MONDAY here
Psst – To see last year’s lists, a lot of which is still linked and for sale, click here
*This post contains affiliate links*
The post HOLIDAY GIFT GUIDES FOR EVERYONE ON YOUR LIST (WITH STUFF UNDER $20 – AND EVEN $5!) appeared first on Young House Love.
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placesnearyou · 7 years
Top 10 gifts girls age 4 Products Comparison With Their Features & Photos
Melissa & Doug Wooden Princess Stamp Set: 9 Stamps, 5 Colored Pencils,...
Includes: 9 stamps, 2-color inkpad, 5 colored pencils
Promotes creativity and fine motor skills
Usually ships in 24 hours & Free shipping
$ 9.99
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Includes: 9 stamps, 2-color inkpad, 5 colored pencils
Promotes creativity and fine motor skills
Sturdy wooden box for storage
Washable ink
Ages 4+
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Talking Pet Hamster Electronic Animal Plush Toy - Mimics and Repeats After...
REPEATS & MIMICS ANY SOUND OR WORD YOU SAY - Our adorable talking hamster plush toy mimics every word and sound you make in a fun-loving high-pitched tone. Sing a song, tell a joke, laugh out loud, speak any language; your new little friend is guaranteed to bring laughter and fun!
Usually ships in 24 hours & Free shipping
$ 18.99
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REPEATS & MIMICS ANY SOUND OR WORD YOU SAY - Our adorable talking hamster plush toy mimics every word and sound you make in a fun-loving high-pitched tone. Sing a song, tell a joke, laugh out loud, speak any language; your new little friend is guaranteed to bring laughter and fun!
SAFE & EASY TO USE FOR CHILDREN - Be assured that this talking pet hamster toy is very safe and gentle for children. With an easy switch to turn the electronic toy on, the child or adult can start a conversation right away.
BOBS HEAD IN RESPONSE TO TOUCH - This little soft critter likes to bob its cute head up and down automatically or when touched.
PERFECT PET TOY GIFT - Children between the ages 4 - 100 will enjoy this little one of a kind gift. You are never too young to have some fun!
100% SATISFACTION GUARANTEE - We believe you'll love this toy as much as we do. If you are not satisfied with the talking hamster toy, please return it for a full refund or replacement. Give this toy a try, risk-free!
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Educational Design and Drill toy Building toys set - 193 Pcs with...
EACH BUILDING BLOCK SET INCLUDES:many take apart blocks in various colors and shapes, an electric drill, a screw driver, and 3 different shaped screws. All of them are nicely packed in a plastic container for hassle free storage and transposition. Each STEM learning Zelikublockset has a total of 193 pieces. More blocks, more options, more constructions, endless funfor your little ones! Assemble and take apart in secs!
Usually ships in 24 hours & Free shipping
$ 25.99
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EACH BUILDING BLOCK SET INCLUDES:many take apart blocks in various colors and shapes, an electric drill, a screw driver, and 3 different shaped screws. All of them are nicely packed in a plastic container for hassle free storage and transposition. Each STEM learning Zelikublockset has a total of 193 pieces. More blocks, more options, more constructions, endless funfor your little ones! Assemble and take apart in secs!
CREATE YOUR OWN 3D WORLD:Do not compromise with toys that suppress your kids' imagination and mental development. Invest in this highly educational building block set and find your peace of mind again. Help your kids become more imaginative and creative. Teach them about different colors, shapes, and how to build a whole 3D world right here in their bedroom. With Zeliku construction blocks by their side.
ENHANCE LOGICAL THINKING & PROBLEM SOLVING:Engage your kids into interactive playing, facilitate their cooperation with other kids and boost the feelings of sharing. Ameliorate hand to eye coordination, help them develop fine motorskills, promote logical thinking and aid in problem solving to the fullest. Keep your kids busy and entertained for many hours. No more nagging. No more complaints.
MAKE THE MOST THOUGHTFUL GIFT EVER: Searching for the greatest, most interesting yet not boring at all building toys for your kids? Search no more! You have just found the greatest construction blocks for them. Surprise your little ones or givethemost educative party favors to their friends. Great for birthdays, holidays, special occasions and more. Trigger their creativity and let them unleash their imagination.
GET THIS BUILDING BLOCK SET RISK FREE: Since your satisfaction is our top priority, this wonderful STEM learning block set is backed by our unconditional money back guarantee policy! Just in case your kids don't simply love it. With up to 193 blocks, parts, screws and the coolest electric drill ever, who wouldn't love it, right? The drill works with 2 AA batteries (not included). Get your educational block set today!
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Magnetic Drawing Board For Kids- Erasable Colorful Magna Doodle Drawing Board Toys...
UNIQUE DESIGN - Our magnetic drawing board contains 4 color areas green, yellow, red and blue, each color has its own one four of the board for more colorful and creative drawing.
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$ 16.99 19.99
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UNIQUE DESIGN - Our magnetic drawing board contains 4 color areas green, yellow, red and blue, each color has its own one four of the board for more colorful and creative drawing.
EASY TO ERASE - The slider eraser was very effective at removing the drawings, just one swipe back and forth can wipe out all doodles. If your child has a habit of drawing in the wrong places, the magnetic drawing board will save you time and frustration.
MATERIAL AND QUALITY - Made from environmental and durable plastics, not easy to break. Well-made, the doodle board cutting have very smooth edges in result in no scratch injure for kids hand.
2 STAMPERS - Playing with our colorful doodle drawing board can inspire your kids' enthusiasm of writing, drawing and imagination. The magnetic pen create nice, solid lines without gaps when writing between the colors. This board including 2 snap fit shaped stampers and 1 pen specially designed to stay in place
APPLICABLE AGE - We suggest kids at 2-year-old or older to use.Quality is all we ask from our product and service.Instant answer to any question about our products is how we value the time and money you spend at our shop. Please enjoy!
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Princess Dress Up & Play Shoe and Jewelry Boutique (Includes 4 Pairs...
MEGA PRINCESS BUNDLE - Includes: 4 pairs of dress up shoes for girls in different styles and colors Bundle has 3 bangles, 3 rings, 2 pairs of earrings and strong storage box to store them all neatly.
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$ 25.99
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MEGA PRINCESS BUNDLE - Includes: 4 pairs of dress up shoes for girls in different styles and colors Bundle has 3 bangles, 3 rings, 2 pairs of earrings and strong storage box to store them all neatly.
THE REAL FEEL OF A PRINCESS - The princess shoes dress up and jewelry set promotes imaginary play, social-emotional skills, and creative play. It is the best dress up toy for ages 3 - 12 years old girls.
DURABLE STRONG STORAGE BOX INCLUDED - Makes it neat and very easy to carry around. It holds very neat all pairs of dress-up shoes instead of having your little princess losing them when leaving it scattered after play. She will feel like a little lady with her own princess shoe closet.
BUILDING UP KIDS CONFIDENCE - Dressing them up with fairy princess shoes and dangling pretend jewelry makes them feel like a princess and boost their self confidence among friends and family.
100% MONEY BACK GUARANTEED! We will refund you if you are not satisfied with your purchase for any reason
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Pop Snap Beads Girl Toys - Wishtime Fashion DIY Jewelry Making Kit...
[85pcs of Fun &Colorful Jewelry]More fun to buy 2 bottles at the same time. This unique snap-together fashion kit comes with 85 pieces of funny jewelry beads in all different shapes, sizes, designs, and fashion-forward colors.
Usually ships in 24 hours & Free shipping
$ 15.99
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[85pcs of Fun &Colorful Jewelry]More fun to buy 2 bottles at the same time. This unique snap-together fashion kit comes with 85 pieces of funny jewelry beads in all different shapes, sizes, designs, and fashion-forward colors.
[Cultivate Your kids Creative & Cooperation Skill]Do it by themselves, make a beautiful decoration and get good mood. Perfect gift for children to cultivate their creativity and cooperation skill
[No Thread Need, Easy Snap] Pop-Arty Snap Beads suits to ages 4 and up, No Thread Needed. Beads are connected by insert.
[Reusable] Perfect for parties, rainy days, or just having fun at the house, you can be with this fully reusable jewelry kit. Make it, wear it, remake it, and wear it again!
[BPA-Free]The toy beads are sturdy and well-made, the entire line is BPA-FREE(Lead-free and phthalate-free)
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Click-A-Brick Feather Friends 30pc Building Blocks Set | Best STEM Toys for...
YOUR CHILD NEEDS A TOY THAT UNLEASHES THEIR CREATIVITY AND IMAGINATION over the current "go to" choices of today such as phone or tablet apps. Each set is STEM Toy certified and allows your child to build in any direction! Click-A-Bricks® are sturdy enough to stay together for play time and pull apart easily for a new build! Boys and girls will love building a parrot, cockatiel, flamingo, toucan or kingfisher - or let their imaginations fly with their own creations!
Usually ships in 24 hours & Free shipping
$ 16.99
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YOUR CHILD NEEDS A TOY THAT UNLEASHES THEIR CREATIVITY AND IMAGINATION over the current "go to" choices of today such as phone or tablet apps. Each set is STEM Toy certified and allows your child to build in any direction! Click-A-Bricks® are sturdy enough to stay together for play time and pull apart easily for a new build! Boys and girls will love building a parrot, cockatiel, flamingo, toucan or kingfisher - or let their imaginations fly with their own creations!
DEVELOPING CRITICAL THINKING, DEXTERITY & COGNITIVE ABILITIES AT AN EARLY AGE are crucial for children to get a good start in life and Click-A-Bricks® fosters Science, Technology, Engineering & Math skills. Children require the best learning toy to help them improve hand-eye coordination, build fine motor skills and develop their problem-solving abilities! These blocks are sure to keep your little one entertained for hours!
CREATE THOSE SPECIAL MOMENTS WITH YOUR CHILD as you build together! Learning to work as a team and solve problems are critical to your child's social development. Have fun coming up with different things to build. Challenge them to create something and give it a name or backstory! You'll be surprised at what they they can come up with - all while creating those precious memories!
THE MOST FUN AND EDUCATIONAL GIFT YOU CAN CHOOSE! Looking for that perfect birthday present? Click-A-Brick® blends massive amounts of learning and fun in each and every set! We want to ensure our toys bring a smile to each child's face while they build and play with their first creation - and we're sure you do too! Feeling proud and accomplished with what they have done promotes a healthy sense of self-confidence.
OUR MISSION IS TO PROVIDE THE HIGHEST QUALITY STEM LEARNING TOY for boys and girls backed by our excellent customer service. We believe safety is #1. All our sets are made from non-toxic, washable ABS plastic produced with the strictest safety standards. No BPA, no lead, no Phthalates. Each set also comes with a handy storage bag to keep all those pieces together and perfect for on-the-go travel! Backed by our 100% Hassle-Free Guarantee, Click-A-Brick® is the best choice for your child!
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Pinky Family Super Cute Girls Purse Bunny Ear Shoulder Bag Messenger Bag...
✿ Soft PU leather; Wipe clean with damp cloth
✿ Shoulder strap adjustable and removable
Usually ships in 24 hours & Free shipping
$ 16.49 20.99
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✿ Soft PU leather; Wipe clean with damp cloth
✿ Shoulder strap adjustable and removable
✿ Cute bunny ear design with a smile face; Flower style zips
✿ Fits for age 2-10, adults may also enjoy it. Wonderful gift item!
✿ Size: 5.1in (L) x 3in (W) x6.3n (H); Can hold an iPhone 7
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Super star 12 piece Dress up Shoes and Jewelry set.
4 sets of dress up shoes, 2 full sets of earrings 3 rings & 3 bracelets.
Great for dress up and pretend play, and makes an amazing gift for any little supper star.
Usually ships in 24 hours & Free shipping
$ 22.99
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4 sets of dress up shoes, 2 full sets of earrings 3 rings & 3 bracelets.
Great for dress up and pretend play, and makes an amazing gift for any little supper star.
Color of the shoes is Gold Silver Pink & teal blue.
Packaged n a beautiful gift box. Safety tested for lead free.
1 size fits all great fit for most kids ages 3-8.
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Loved Blanket Heart Mermaid Tail Blanket for Girls Kids Ages 3-12 -...
Excellent Idea for a Gift! Very soft, warm, cozy and unique mermaid tail blanket won't leave anyone indifferent. This is a great sleeping bag for sleepovers and resting.
Usually ships in 24 hours & Free shipping
$ 29.99
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Excellent Idea for a Gift! Very soft, warm, cozy and unique mermaid tail blanket won't leave anyone indifferent. This is a great sleeping bag for sleepovers and resting.
Surprise your little girl with this amazing mermaid blanket!
In our mermaid blanket, your child will magically find herself in a fairy tale and will feel like a real Mermaid!
Material: heart minky fabric and super soft two-sided fleece. Approx. Size: 56" x 23"(140 x 58 cm).
Big tail: Your child can put the feet all the way into the tail fins. The back and tail of the mermaid blanket are closed. You can use this mermaid tail blanket all year round: Autumn, Winter, Spring, Summer.
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from Our Wonderful World http://ift.tt/2E6FMxR via IFTTT
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statusreview · 6 years
Holiday Gift Guides for Everyone On Your List (With Stuff under $20 – And Even $5!)
As is the tradition, I’m a little late with this. Ha! But here it is! (I’m also late with my actual gift buying, so I better get cracking). We like to put all of our gift guides in one place, so below you’ll find the one we made for grown-ups, another one for kids, and (my personal favorite) one full of stuff that’s under $15. 
Gifts For Grown-Ups
Here’s what we’re loving, either firsthand stuff we bought for ourselves and have really enjoyed – or things we’re getting for friends & family (or hoping to find under the tree). 
1 / Adulting Award Ribbons (4/$25): It would be so much fun to have an “award ceremony” at a family gathering, complete with victory laps & acceptance speeches.
2 / Black Robe with Pockets ($78-98): I bought this robe to wear around the house & I’m OBSESSED. So soft, there’s a tie inside so it doesn’t flap open, and IT HAS POCKETS! I’m living my best life. 
3 / Personalized Address Stamper ($28): Always love a personalized gift that makes things easier for people. No more writing out return addresses & they’ll think of you every time they use it. 
4 / Customized Road Trip Ornament ($25): Another sweet personalized ornament that you can give to someone who went on an epic trip (also works for someone who moved). 
5 / Zodiac Sign Constellation Necklace ($28+): I can’t get over how dainty and pretty these are. All you need to know is someone’s birthday and it feels totally unusual and sweet. 
6 / Ugg Slippers ($63-104): I bought these & can’t get over how much I love them. Incredibly soft & well made – plus you can buy $15 inserts to keep them fluffy forever (I’ve heard from people who’ve had ’em 8 years!). 
7 / Cheeky Mug ($18): A hilarious mug filled with candy, hot cocoa mix, or an adult beverage is always fun. Plus pants are super overrated.  
8 / Cozy Plaid Pillow Covers ($20 w/ code CHEER): Love that these are colorful & interesting enough not to feel basic, but they’d work with practically any sofa, armchair, or bed. 
9 / Faux Leather Tote with Matching Pouch ($49): I’m so into this cool metallic finish & that it’s two bags in one. Also comes in black, cognac, and a cool blue-gray. 
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10 / Men’s Puffer Vest ($30): John loves this vest he got for himself this year and we even found a matching long-sleeve jacket ($14 today!) for our son. Fun fact: when they wear ’em together my heart explodes. 
11 / Wood Apple Watch Charging Stand ($42): When I asked John what he thought I should add to this gift guide, this is the first thing he sent me. Think it’s a hint? 
12 / Dainty Name Ring ($22 – 30% off today): Yet another totally personalized gift idea, and it comes in rose gold, white gold, sterling silver, etc. 
13 / Personalized Leather Keychain ($19): These stamped leather keychains come in tons of colors, and you can put someone’s nickname or even a place on it (like “Pink House” or “Smith Manor”)
14 / Bucket Tool Organizer ($29): Such a great gift for anyone with a home, pretty much. Suddenly you can carry 20 tools that would take 10 trips. 
15 / Wubby Fleece Pullover ($50 – 35% off today): I don’t think I need to explain why this cozy fleece pullover would be everyone’s favorite, but I’ll just say this: it’s like wearing a cloud (with pockets!). 
16 / Faux Leather Circle Clutch ($28): This is one of those items in your closet that pulls together tons of outfits and looks pricier than it is. That wood ring! Real leather! I’m smitten.
17 / Pocket Bluetooth Speaker ($20): I’d love a bluetooth speaker like this on the bathroom sink for blasting hiphop while I shower (comes in blue & gray). 
18 / Coffee Table Dominoes Game ($21 – 40% off w/ code CHEER): These are so beautiful and actually functional! I’d put ’em in a pretty wood bowl on the coffee table for impromptu games. 
Gifts For Kids
Once again we put things we actually own and love in here, along with stuff we’re buying our kids this year, or considering for other little cousins & friends. 
1 / Sailing Ship Kit ($42): Words can’t express how much fun this would be to hang in kid’s room – and it’s an actual kite, so it can come down and fly.
2 / Personalized Crayon Set ($13): It’s so much fun to open a box and see your name in crayons – especially if you have a name that isn’t always found on those premade signs and keychains! 
3 / Coloring Book Dress ($38): Who doesn’t want to color all over a coloring book dress and make it completely your own?! LOVE this!
4 / Instant Camera ($56): Such a fun way to get kids into photography, and see the world through their eyes! 
5 / DIY Ukelele Kit ($39): Our daughter’s actually learning the ukelele in school (no more recorder concerts! They switched!!!). She’d LOVE THIS. 
6 / Classic Lego Set ($28): Our kids have only ever had John’s hand-me-down Lego blocks from his childhood, so we love that they now sell these huge basic block sets (without the price markup for licensed characters!) 
7 / Ada Twist, Scientist ($15): We’ve already got Iggy Peck, Architect in our library and it’s GREAT. Next I want this one. 
8 / My Crazy Inventions Sketchbook ($14): We bought this book and our daughter filled it up with the coolest sketches & inventions – so great for imaginations & I’m keeping it forever. 
9 / Wreck This Journal ($12): We recently found a YouTuber who documented her entries in this interactive (and destructive!) journal. It’s full of fun prompts and such a cool concept. 
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10 / Wooden Cash Register ($31): Pretend play is big at our house, so a cash register is one of those things that would get so much use. Love that it’s wood and has a scanner & a credit card you can slide. 
11 / Unicorn Robe ($30): My robe lovin’ self has rubbed off on our daughter and she’s asked for a robe for herself! I LOVE IT. 
12 / Dragon Slippers ($21): Not to be outdone in coziness, our son has dinosaur slippers that he wears nonstop. So as weird as it sounds, fun plush slippers can make a great gift! 
13 / Felt Donut Play Food ($9): So cute and under $10! Everyone loves a donut… and you’d be amazed how many of these their stuffed animals will “eat” ;)
14 / Bear Body Pillow ($15): A big cuddly pillow that doubles as an animal friend is always a good idea. 
15 / Unstable Unicorns Game ($20): This game says 14+ on box, but reviewers say 8 year olds enjoy it, so we think it’s a great option for our Exploding Kittens-loving 3rd grader.
16 / Metro Wooden Blocks ($90 now – it used to be $150!): Ok, this is just about the coolest block set I’ve ever seen! And I love that it’s 40% off right now. 
17 / Custom Kid’s Letter Jacket ($26): How cute is this custom kids letter jacket?! Ours love anything with their names on them – and a jacket is so useful along with being fun. 
18 / Girls’ Charm Bracelet Set ($5):  Nostalgia forever!!! Our daughter has and loves her charm bracelet. And at $5 this one isn’t too precious.
Gifts Under $15
Here’s my favorite list to make each year, just because I’m always amazed at how many budget-friendly things are out there that’ll make so many people smile BIG. 
1 / Hex Tile Monogram Mug ($10): These are basically the beach house master bathroom in mug form! Fill ’em with candy or cocoa mix & marshmallows and they’re great gifts!
2 / Lumps of Coal Dog Treats ($5.50): Can’t forget our favorite four-leggers and these dog treats shaped like lumps of coal made me snicker. 
3 / Gold Palm Picture Frame ($10.49): Giving someone you love a personal photo (of their kids, you guys together, etc) in a lovely frame is always a hit. I’m also loving this scalloped bone frame ($10.49). 
4 / Plaid Frame Ornaments ($3.99!!!): Such a great grandparent gift with a photo of you or your kids or even some art they’ve drawn. We give them to both of our parents every year. 
5 / Mini Kitchen Tool Ornaments ($12.99): So cute for the chef or the baker in your life! The little wisk kills me. 
6 / Triple Chocolate Chip Cookie Mix ($9): These make such great neighbor gifts. Just wrap a ribbon around the lid and you’re done!
7 / Beard Oil ($14.99): John’s a die-hard beard oil enthusiast. So if you know and love someone with a beard, give ’em some and watch their face light up with joy. 
8 / Pink Resin Hoop Earrings ($12.99): I love the cool shape of these & they come in other colors (also love the white & the tortoise ones!)
9 / Question-A-Day Five Year Journal ($11.55): If you wish you journaled more, this makes it easy and shows you how much can change over 5 years. It’s lots of fun to go back and read it. 
10 / Faux Leather Crossbody Bag ($12 – down from $25): I have a camel colored crossbody bag this size and it’s still going strong! Goes with everything and I love the little latch hardware on this one. 
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11 / Faux Fur Pom Pom Beanie ($9 down from $22): I love a little knitted winter hat with a pompom (surprise I have one just like this in black). 
12 / Sprinkle Ice Cream Cups (4 for $4.97!!!!): I love gifts that you pair with something fun – so these cups all nested with a little container of sprinkles inside would be so sweet. And you can’t beat the price!
13 / Rainbow Catnip Seed Bombs ($14.95): I love the idea of planting these outside (or inside in a pot) to show your cat a good time. They also sell sets to grow wildflowers or herbs which also make good gifts.
14 / Nesting Heart Tray Trio (3 for $4.99!!!): Such a sweet gift for someone to put near the kitchen or bathroom sink for their rings. They also work for tea bags if you serve tea a lot.
15 / What Do You Meme? Expansion Packs ($12.99): We have and love the original game ($29.99), so we’ve been considering adding packs like this Housewives themed one ($12.99) or this Mean Girls version ($12.99).
16 / Plaid Pet Leash ($10.49): Another gift for a four legged friend in your life, and I love the design of this one. Fancy pup. 
17 / Slim Wallet ($12.99): John bought this a few months ago and LOVES it. Keeps his pockets from getting too bulky, and it’s incredibly well reviewed. 
18 / Ugg Sheepskin Shoe Inserts ($14.95): I mentioned these when I linked to my Ugg slippers, but even if you don’t have them… YOU CAN PUT THESE IN ANY SHOES TO MAKE ‘EM COZY! Rain boots. Flat old slippers. Winter boots. Etc. It’s a lifehack for real. 
19 / Pocket Notebook (2 for $10): I love pretty little notebooks! Always useful for keeping in your purse or the car or by the bed. 
20 / Gold Turtle Paperclip Holder ($14.99): So I have this thing with animal desk accessories…
21 / Tortoise Hoop Earrings ($12.99): I ADORE these so much I’m about to put them in my cart so they don’t sell out. Treat yo self!
And since there are some pretty great sales going on right now, here’s what I’ve found so far:
Pottery Barn – 25% off sitewide & free shipping – use the code JINGLE here
Crate & Barrel – Up to 70% off here
West Elm – 20% off furniture, 25% off rugs, and 20-50% off bedding, see it all here
CB2 – Up to 40% off furniture and holiday decor here
Target – Today only, 30% off home here
Urban Outfitters – Up to 50% off gift items here
Anthropologie – Up to 50% off ready-to-ship furniture here
Overstock – Up to 70% off & free shipping here
Rejuvenation – 20% off your order & free shipping here
World Market – Save an extra 30% with code REWARDFORYOU  here
Serena & Lily – Up to 30% off here
Old Navy – Gifts from $4 and up to 60% the entire store here
Banana Republic – 40% off your purchase here
Gap – 40% off your purchase with the code WINTERFUN here
J Crew – 50% off your entire purchase with code MONDAY here
Psst – To see last year’s lists, a lot of which is still linked and for sale, click here
*This post contains affiliate links*
The post Holiday Gift Guides for Everyone On Your List (With Stuff under $20 – And Even $5!) appeared first on Young House Love.
Holiday Gift Guides for Everyone On Your List (With Stuff under $20 – And Even $5!) published first on https://ssmattress.tumblr.com/
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vincentbnaughton · 6 years
As is the tradition, I’m a little late with this. Ha! But here it is! (I’m also late with my actual gift buying, so I better get cracking). We like to put all of our gift guides in one place, so below you’ll find the one we made for grown-ups, another one for kids, and (my personal favorite) one full of stuff that’s under $15. 
Gifts For Grown-Ups
Here’s what we’re loving, either firsthand stuff we bought for ourselves and have really enjoyed – or things we’re getting for friends & family (or hoping to find under the tree). 
1 / Adulting Award Ribbons (4/$25): It would be so much fun to have an “award ceremony” at a family gathering, complete with victory laps & acceptance speeches.
2 / Black Robe with Pockets ($78-98): I bought this robe to wear around the house & I’m OBSESSED. So soft, there’s a tie inside so it doesn’t flap open, and IT HAS POCKETS! I’m living my best life. 
3 / Personalized Address Stamper ($28): Always love a personalized gift that makes things easier for people. No more writing out return addresses & they’ll think of you every time they use it. 
4 / Customized Road Trip Ornament ($25): Another sweet personalized ornament that you can give to someone who went on an epic trip (also works for someone who moved). 
5 / Zodiac Sign Constellation Necklace ($28+): I can’t get over how dainty and pretty these are. All you need to know is someone’s birthday and it feels totally unusual and sweet. 
6 / Ugg Slippers ($63-104): I bought these & can’t get over how much I love them. Incredibly soft & well made – plus you can buy $15 inserts to keep them fluffy forever (I’ve heard from people who’ve had ’em 8 years!). 
7 / Cheeky Mug ($18): A hilarious mug filled with candy, hot cocoa mix, or an adult beverage is always fun. Plus pants are super overrated.  
8 / Cozy Plaid Pillow Covers ($20 w/ code CHEER): Love that these are colorful & interesting enough not to feel basic, but they’d work with practically any sofa, armchair, or bed. 
9 / Faux Leather Tote with Matching Pouch ($49): I’m so into this cool metallic finish & that it’s two bags in one. Also comes in black, cognac, and a cool blue-gray. 
10 / Men’s Puffer Vest ($30): John loves this vest he got for himself this year and we even found a matching long-sleeve jacket ($14 today!) for our son. Fun fact: when they wear ’em together my heart explodes. 
11 / Wood Apple Watch Charging Stand ($42): When I asked John what he thought I should add to this gift guide, this is the first thing he sent me. Think it’s a hint? 
12 / Dainty Name Ring ($22 – 30% off today): Yet another totally personalized gift idea, and it comes in rose gold, white gold, sterling silver, etc. 
13 / Personalized Leather Keychain ($19): These stamped leather keychains come in tons of colors, and you can put someone’s nickname or even a place on it (like “Pink House” or “Smith Manor”)
14 / Bucket Tool Organizer ($29): Such a great gift for anyone with a home, pretty much. Suddenly you can carry 20 tools that would take 10 trips. 
15 / Wubby Fleece Pullover ($50 – 35% off today): I don’t think I need to explain why this cozy fleece pullover would be everyone’s favorite, but I’ll just say this: it’s like wearing a cloud (with pockets!). 
16 / Faux Leather Circle Clutch ($28): This is one of those items in your closet that pulls together tons of outfits and looks pricier than it is. That wood ring! Real leather! I’m smitten.
17 / Pocket Bluetooth Speaker ($20): I’d love a bluetooth speaker like this on the bathroom sink for blasting hiphop while I shower (comes in blue & gray). 
18 / Coffee Table Dominoes Game ($21 – 40% off w/ code CHEER): These are so beautiful and actually functional! I’d put ’em in a pretty wood bowl on the coffee table for impromptu games. 
Gifts For Kids
Once again we put things we actually own and love in here, along with stuff we’re buying our kids this year, or considering for other little cousins & friends. 
1 / Sailing Ship Kit ($42): Words can’t express how much fun this would be to hang in kid’s room – and it’s an actual kite, so it can come down and fly.
2 / Personalized Crayon Set ($13): It’s so much fun to open a box and see your name in crayons – especially if you have a name that isn’t always found on those premade signs and keychains! 
3 / Coloring Book Dress ($38): Who doesn’t want to color all over a coloring book dress and make it completely your own?! LOVE this!
4 / Instant Camera ($56): Such a fun way to get kids into photography, and see the world through their eyes! 
5 / DIY Ukelele Kit ($39): Our daughter’s actually learning the ukelele in school (no more recorder concerts! They switched!!!). She’d LOVE THIS. 
6 / Classic Lego Set ($28): Our kids have only ever had John’s hand-me-down Lego blocks from his childhood, so we love that they now sell these huge basic block sets (without the price markup for licensed characters!) 
7 / Ada Twist, Scientist ($15): We’ve already got Iggy Peck, Architect in our library and it’s GREAT. Next I want this one. 
8 / My Crazy Inventions Sketchbook ($14): We bought this book and our daughter filled it up with the coolest sketches & inventions – so great for imaginations & I’m keeping it forever. 
9 / Wreck This Journal ($12): We recently found a YouTuber who documented her entries in this interactive (and destructive!) journal. It’s full of fun prompts and such a cool concept. 
10 / Wooden Cash Register ($31): Pretend play is big at our house, so a cash register is one of those things that would get so much use. Love that it’s wood and has a scanner & a credit card you can slide. 
11 / Unicorn Robe ($30): My robe lovin’ self has rubbed off on our daughter and she’s asked for a robe for herself! I LOVE IT. 
12 / Dragon Slippers ($21): Not to be outdone in coziness, our son has dinosaur slippers that he wears nonstop. So as weird as it sounds, fun plush slippers can make a great gift! 
13 / Felt Donut Play Food ($9): So cute and under $10! Everyone loves a donut… and you’d be amazed how many of these their stuffed animals will “eat” ;)
14 / Bear Body Pillow ($15): A big cuddly pillow that doubles as an animal friend is always a good idea. 
15 / Unstable Unicorns Game ($20): This game says 14+ on box, but reviewers say 8 year olds enjoy it, so we think it’s a great option for our Exploding Kittens-loving 3rd grader.
16 / Metro Wooden Blocks ($90 now – it used to be $150!): Ok, this is just about the coolest block set I’ve ever seen! And I love that it’s 40% off right now. 
17 / Custom Kid’s Letter Jacket ($26): How cute is this custom kids letter jacket?! Ours love anything with their names on them – and a jacket is so useful along with being fun. 
18 / Girls’ Charm Bracelet Set ($5):  Nostalgia forever!!! Our daughter has and loves her charm bracelet. And at $5 this one isn’t too precious.
Gifts Under $15
Here’s my favorite list to make each year, just because I’m always amazed at how many budget-friendly things are out there that’ll make so many people smile BIG. 
1 / Hex Tile Monogram Mug ($10): These are basically the beach house master bathroom in mug form! Fill ’em with candy or cocoa mix & marshmallows and they’re great gifts!
2 / Lumps of Coal Dog Treats ($5.50): Can’t forget our favorite four-leggers and these dog treats shaped like lumps of coal made me snicker. 
3 / Gold Palm Picture Frame ($10.49): Giving someone you love a personal photo (of their kids, you guys together, etc) in a lovely frame is always a hit. I’m also loving this scalloped bone frame ($10.49). 
4 / Plaid Frame Ornaments ($3.99!!!): Such a great grandparent gift with a photo of you or your kids or even some art they’ve drawn. We give them to both of our parents every year. 
5 / Mini Kitchen Tool Ornaments ($12.99): So cute for the chef or the baker in your life! The little wisk kills me. 
6 / Triple Chocolate Chip Cookie Mix ($9): These make such great neighbor gifts. Just wrap a ribbon around the lid and you’re done!
7 / Beard Oil ($14.99): John’s a die-hard beard oil enthusiast. So if you know and love someone with a beard, give ’em some and watch their face light up with joy. 
8 / Pink Resin Hoop Earrings ($12.99): I love the cool shape of these & they come in other colors (also love the white & the tortoise ones!)
9 / Question-A-Day Five Year Journal ($11.55): If you wish you journaled more, this makes it easy and shows you how much can change over 5 years. It’s lots of fun to go back and read it. 
10 / Faux Leather Crossbody Bag ($12 – down from $25): I have a camel colored crossbody bag this size and it’s still going strong! Goes with everything and I love the little latch hardware on this one. 
11 / Faux Fur Pom Pom Beanie ($9 down from $22): I love a little knitted winter hat with a pompom (surprise I have one just like this in black). 
12 / Sprinkle Ice Cream Cups (4 for $4.97!!!!): I love gifts that you pair with something fun – so these cups all nested with a little container of sprinkles inside would be so sweet. And you can’t beat the price!
13 / Rainbow Catnip Seed Bombs ($14.95): I love the idea of planting these outside (or inside in a pot) to show your cat a good time. They also sell sets to grow wildflowers or herbs which also make good gifts.
14 / Nesting Heart Tray Trio (3 for $4.99!!!): Such a sweet gift for someone to put near the kitchen or bathroom sink for their rings. They also work for tea bags if you serve tea a lot.
15 / What Do You Meme? Expansion Packs ($12.99): We have and love the original game ($29.99), so we’ve been considering adding packs like this Housewives themed one ($12.99) or this Mean Girls version ($12.99).
16 / Plaid Pet Leash ($10.49): Another gift for a four legged friend in your life, and I love the design of this one. Fancy pup. 
17 / Slim Wallet ($12.99): John bought this a few months ago and LOVES it. Keeps his pockets from getting too bulky, and it’s incredibly well reviewed. 
18 / Ugg Sheepskin Shoe Inserts ($14.95): I mentioned these when I linked to my Ugg slippers, but even if you don’t have them… YOU CAN PUT THESE IN ANY SHOES TO MAKE ‘EM COZY! Rain boots. Flat old slippers. Winter boots. Etc. It’s a lifehack for real. 
19 / Pocket Notebook (2 for $10): I love pretty little notebooks! Always useful for keeping in your purse or the car or by the bed. 
20 / Gold Turtle Paperclip Holder ($14.99): So I have this thing with animal desk accessories…
21 / Tortoise Hoop Earrings ($12.99): I ADORE these so much I’m about to put them in my cart so they don’t sell out. Treat yo self!
And since there are some pretty great sales going on right now, here’s what I’ve found so far:
Pottery Barn – 25% off sitewide & free shipping – use the code JINGLE here
Crate & Barrel – Up to 70% off here
West Elm – 20% off furniture, 25% off rugs, and 20-50% off bedding, see it all here
CB2 – Up to 40% off furniture and holiday decor here
Target – Today only, 30% off home here
Urban Outfitters – Up to 50% off gift items here
Anthropologie – Up to 50% off ready-to-ship furniture here
Overstock – Up to 70% off & free shipping here
Rejuvenation – 20% off your order & free shipping here
World Market – Save an extra 30% with code REWARDFORYOU  here
Serena & Lily – Up to 30% off here
Old Navy – Gifts from $4 and up to 60% the entire store here
Banana Republic – 40% off your purchase here
Gap – 40% off your purchase with the code WINTERFUN here
J Crew – 50% off your entire purchase with code MONDAY here
Psst – To see last year’s lists, a lot of which is still linked and for sale, click here
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The post HOLIDAY GIFT GUIDES FOR EVERYONE ON YOUR LIST (WITH STUFF UNDER $20 – AND EVEN $5!) appeared first on Young House Love.
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