#just found out that my mother had knocked on my door last night to inform me of some news™️
deus-ex-mona · 1 month
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platinumshawnn · 2 months
to strangers | benjicot blackwood x fem!bracken reader
a/n: yes i am fully aware i should be writing him as davos out of respect for the accuracy of the show and character but i'm still mourning what could have been. also leave it to me to write a little prequel tying this to my own fic a little bit by writing what this guy was really up to on his "hunting trip" lol. have some poorly written smut anyways, if anyone sees that I accidentally called the bracken’s estate “hedge stone” instead of “stone hedge” no you didn’t shut up it’s been fixed
synopsis: benjicot likes to rile up the women he likes i guess
Content warnings: MDNI — 18+, adult language, mentions of blood, violence, and war; era related sexism, smut (fem p in v sex, unprotected sex, degradation) [not proofread]
Word count: 5.5k words
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you had never been one for conflict — especially not that of drunken councilmen who became red in the face, knocking over cups and irate over matters of politics as they shouted. despite your father’s efforts to maintain diplomacy and restraint during meetings, it almost always ended in a screaming match at the table these days — even your uncle could not bear to sit through them, and often doubled up on the amount he drank just to sit through them, barely able to walk as he stumbled out.
you were almost always met with apologies from your father as he found you outside the doors of the hall, given a squeeze of hand, and ushered to bed. you did not care for politics, but there was no escaping the recent events — it affected everyone, reaching beyond stone hedge’s walls, but your father the most. he appeared to have aged significantly over the past days, eyes exhausted and on edge whenever she greeted him.
but this particular night had been…a lot more than usual. your cousin, aeron, had come back, shaking as he’d returned from a survey of the lands with your brother; having got into another squabble over the boundaries with some blackwood boys who had dared to come too close to their land, in aeron’s words. the whole thing dripped of theatrics — “that filthy…cunt, benjicot”
your head popped up from the handkerchief you were working to embroider, your mother on your right as the pair of you sat in one of the several cabinet rooms that your father had designated for your lessons as a child; having since used it as an escape from the noise. even your mother had been alerted by the commotion as the boys clamored into the hallway, looking out through the door that had been cracked open to provide some airflow in the room. there, your cousin stood, his nose bloody and still dripping as your father summoned the maester while ranting to your uncle, attempting to shush the boy-knight who was on the border of shouting. your interest was only peaked by the name, sitting up and turning your body towards the three men, ceasing what you had been doing and placing the handkerchief in your lap to listen.
your father had made eye contact with you as aeron continued, grabbing him by the shoulder and reaching to close the door before you could hear as he dragged your cousin away. your mother had encouraged you to continue, the look she gave reminding you of proprietary and of your place — with a curt nod, you had returned to your task.
that had been at midday, and since then, there had not yet been a break. you could hear the shouts from your room, and you could picture your father amidst it all, trying to bring order and peace — a task he was successful in every so often, silence falling over the room and quieting to hushed whispers that would only last a short time before the yelling continued.
sometime before midnight, the silence had ended finally, stood at the top of the stairs as the councilmen dispersed; other members of your house trickled out. you had stayed up, waiting to approach your father, in hopes to get some sort of information on the outcome. but the exhaustion was clear on his face, being met by a soft, “on the morrow, not tonight, my dear.”
he had pressed a kiss to your head and brushed past you, receding to his chambers for the night, leaving you at the base of the stairs. as you went to retreat to bed yourself, you heard the cursing mutters of aeron who had finally exited the great hall doors behind you, still seething after several hours — you were relieved at least to find that his nose had since stopped bleeding.
“aeron,” you called out, turning to descend down the four stairs you had climbed just as he stopped in the hallway towards his own chambers. his eyes found you. you approached him, hand reaching out to grab his face between your fingers, turning to assess his face for any additional injuries you may not have noticed earlier in the day. however, much to your relief, he was otherwise unharmed, “you really ought to stop antagonizing those men— you’re going to get yourself killed.” you scolded, sighing and dropping your hand.
aeron winced slightly, more from the reprimand than any lingering pain. “I can’t just let them insult our family, you know that.”
you shook her head, a mix of frustration and concern in your eyes. “I know, aeron, but there’s a difference between defending our honor and looking for trouble. what good will it do if you’re dead?”
He avoided your gaze, jaw clenching. “I just can’t stand the way they look at us, like we’re nothing and like they can do whatever it is they please. Like they own the riverlands. someone has to stand up to them if your father won’t.”
“standing up to them doesn’t mean getting into brawls. use your head, aeron. we need you alive, not battered and bruised,” you said, your tone softening.
aeron had sighed and muttered something unintelligible, only able to make out a ‘yeah’ before he withdrew to his own rooms.
you had tried to sleep — you did. but at some point, the heat, humid and sticky, had made it impossible to; instead, turning and tossing in your bed, growing increasingly frustrated before you stormed from the bed with a huff. the conversation between you and aeron had been stuck in your head, the sight of him bloodied haunting you — how did benjicot look then? was he unscathed and unharmed?
you knew he had always been stronger, a fiercer opponent but you couldn’t help the worry that plagued you.
you had quickly changed as best you could in the dark, without falling over in a way that would alert the guards; pulling your dress on and watching underneath the door as you smoothed out the fabric, doing your best to be silent in opening the door. peaking your head out and checking that both ways were clear, you slipped out and closed the door behind you, walking on your toes as you snuck through the house and out a backdoor that led into the fields.
you did your best to stay low and out of sight as you bolted through the fields towards the boundary stones, trying to remember who would be on surveillance — you couldn’t for the life of you remember, despite your best efforts to eavesdrop on your cousin's conversation earlier.
hell, you weren’t even sure you would see him.
sometimes you did, other times you didn’t — weeks would pass sometimes before you saw him again. sometimes it was hours before you saw him, sat, pulling at grass as you waited, knees to your chest.
today felt like one of those days, as you approached the river, out of sight from any prying eyes and sat by the edge, your eyes straining to see through the dark. the moon did little to penetrate the dense patch of trees. as the hours passed, your head had begun to drop against your knees, dozing off. there would be no way of keeping yourself awake all night, after a long day, opting as a last ditch attempt to awaken your senses by dipping your toes into the stream as you kicked off your shoes.
the water was a nice welcome in the heat, a content sigh leaving your mouth as you kicked your feet; splashing the water upwards. the wait seemed to drag on forever, growing impatient and trying to decide on whether to return home or not.
you’d give him another hour at most. If he didn’t come, then you would go home.
your gaze scanned the river, serene and peaceful as the rushing body of water sloshed around your feet; cool and refreshing. you’d have time.
you stood back from the water and fumbled to strip down to your chemise, discarding the dress to the grass by your shoes before easing down and into the water, letting out a hiss. slowly, wadding into its shallow depths, you moved forward until the water touched your thighs, lapping at your body as you cupped some of the water between your hands and tossed it up in front of you.
“you’re far from home, lady bracken.”
your head whipped toward the sound of a voice from the treeline, water sloshing around your legs as you faced the boy who the voice belonged to. the ends of your skirt had been released in the turn into the water, feet tangling in the soft sand of the river’s floor, just catching yourself from falling into its rapid rush by the luck of the Gods; the ends of the fabric now soaked by the flowing water that swirled around you. there he stood, barely peeking out from the cover of the trees as if that would somehow conceal his identity, hugging close to the trunk of one while he watched you from his shaded spot. there was hardly any way of seeing him in the night, the moon’s light not quite reaching him but his voice -- you would know that voice anywhere.
you stepped forward, halfway across the shallow depths of the river that flowed between the two lands of bracken territory and blackwoods, the cold water just reaching mid-thigh as you looked up at him, “as are you.” you quipped, heart rate rapid as your heart thrummed against your ribs.
despite the limited visibility, you could see his mouth quirk up in a half-smile, his amusement clear as his head tipped to the side while his eyes continued to watch you closely like some sort of prey. the limited sense of vision allowed you the ability to hear as he inhaled through his nose, breathing outwardly before he finally stepped forward to the edge of the water, his hand at the hilt of his dagger on his hip as his eyebrows rose, “and do you always take moonlit strolls through my land?”
you stilled, hands resting at your sides as your fingers dipped into the cool water below you, the cold nipping at your fingertips, “only when called for— the night was too beautiful to resist.” you replied, chin lifted to look up towards where he towered over you, “and what’s your excuse?”
he snorted, boots shifting against the dirt with as he moved to widen his stance, “the same perhaps,” he said, eyes glancing up to the sky above the riverlands that was littered with stars, “or maybe I was hoping to find a curious lady wandering too close to my territory.” he said, his voice a low rumble.
there was nothing threatening about his tone, however, his body language said otherwise — his eyes scanning their surroundings before looking back to your face, his body suggesting that he was on edge. as though he expected bracken men to burst through the trees behind you any minute. you took another languid step forward, closer to enemy territory, the thrill of it never failing to excite you.
“are you suggesting I’m trespassing?” you asked, your words steady as you bordered taunting the man who eyed you.
you could see as he squinted, narrowing his eyes at your words, “just…observing that you’re quite far from where you’re supposed to be at this hour, my lady.”
you hummed, eyebrows raised as the water continued to lap at the fabric of the cream coloured chemise that had been worn underneath the dress of typical bracken colours of yellow and brown having been discarded at the edge of the grass. you could see the moment his eyes lowered to scan down the length of the fabric, disappearing into the water and drifting higher up your thighs, bordering translucent against your skin, slow in dragging his eyes along the length of your body, “but i suppose the river doesn’t care for borders, does it?” he suddenly asked, his eyes returning to meet yours.
your mouth curved upwards, a wry smile on your face as his gaze emboldened you, “no it doesn’t, but neither do I, it seems. I don’t believe the assize said anything about the river.”
benjicot tutted condescendingly at her, smug as his hands shifted over his dagger, “careful, you're starting to sound like your cousin, bracken.” he warned, tone sharp, “do you not ever worry about what might be lurking in the shadows? his words came lighter now, the tension gone from his voice.
you let out a dry laugh, beginning to feel the effects of the frosty water that reached your hips the further you wadded, a cool breeze causing your skin to prickle with goosebumps. you shivered, sucking in a deep breath through clenched teeth, “only when they carry a dagger and a half-smile, I suppose.” you said.
his hands twitched, the grasp at his blade loosening as he seemed to contemplate reaching forward to drag you from the water at the sight of your shivering frame. however, he stopped himself and instead lifted his chin, mouth pressing into a tight smile, “then its a good thing I’m in a benevolent mood tonight.”
your head lowered to look down at the water, using your fingers to skim its surface, “I will take my chances.” you confidently said, lifting your gaze after a moment of pause.
he let out a ‘hmph’ sound, watching as you slowly closed the gap between the two lands to stand directly in front of him, the water shallow once again and only meeting mid-thigh. the now soaked gown did nothing to provide any ounce of modesty, sheer and clinging to your lower half as you stared up at him. your eyes followed his movements as he crouched, bringing him eye-to-eye as an elbow planted against one of his knees, “well, I suggest you be careful, my lady. the night is full of dangers.” he said, his voice low and quiet.
“and so is the day, but I’ve never been one to shy away from either.” you said, voice matching his volume before you stepped forward until you stood against the ledge, your other hand planting in the grass just between his boots as you lifted your right hand toward him, “are you going to help me or shall I call for my men?” you taunted, a grin on your face.
he rolled his eyes, smile broadening as he stood upright and bent to grab your hand, using his strength to pull you up and over the ledge, out of the waters with ease. you were brought to your feet, stood face-to-face with him, his face leaning close to yours as he spoke, “you wouldn’t dare.” he muttered, “how do you plan then, to explain your presence so close to blackwood land at this hour? alone, in a nightgown, with the heir?”
your chest brushed his as you leaned in towards him, “I’ll figure something out— you underestimate me.”
he hummed with a nod, his nose bumping yours in the close proximity. though his mouth did not yet make contact with yours, his breath fanned over lips, his eyes scanning your face, “oh, I’m sure you will. but do you think they will believe you?” he asked, the lazy smirk on his face laced with arrogance, “do you think there won’t be whispers? said whispers, questioning your maidenhead?”
“they’d be foolish to make such accusations against the daughter of amos bracken.” you countered, shoulders squaring with pride.
the man in front of you let out a sardonic chortle, releasing the hilt of his dagger and finding your hip, gripping the fabric of your chemise in his fist, stepping back and forcing you with him, “oh please.” he mocked, his hand dropping from your hip to reach down to your thigh and begin to hoist the soaked fabric upwards towards your waist, leaving you bear to the elements, “if only they could see their lord’s daughter, out parading herself like some whore on blackwood land. What do you think they would say then, hm?”
“‘Tis not their business what I do, nor my father’s.” you muttered.
“oh but i think they might say otherwise. you’re a noblewoman,” he jeered, his knuckles brushing against the bare skin of your belly as his hand dipped below your naval, “a highborn womb.”
you knew benjicot did not share their views -- in the very few occasions he had opened up during your late night escapades, red in the face with anger, rambling on about the audacity of his councilmen as he dressed. he had ranted about what the very outlook had done to his mother, that women were more than for breeding. but he enjoyed knocking you down a peg sometimes, humbling you back down to earth during these moments. he liked to mock the sanctity of your womanhood, even if for a moment, but then he would go back on himself and praise you once all was said and done — praise the very thing he mocked. However, on this particular night, something about his words lit the flames of pure, feminine rage, staring eye to eye with the man you had visited countless times over the past months.
“I am more than that.” you muttered, trying to keep your voice steady.
he let out a melancholic hum, “you think so?”
he spoke to you like you were a child, who lived under the guise of a delusion — like a childish dream that you were expected to grow out of. the tone of his voice, paired by the sudden feeling of his hand between your thighs bred a slew of confusing emotions to spread within your chest; shamed and desperate, humiliated and seething as his fingers found the sensitive bud between folds that were slick with arousal that had you hot with embarrassment, fingers gliding up along your folds as you gritted your teeth, “how dare you—!”
the nature of his words stung when you knew how much he despised when other men looked down on women the way you had grown accustomed to; somehow after he had entrusted you enough to open up to you, he still had the nerve to throw it in your face—
he caught your hand that came up towards his throat, eyebrows raising as if to warn you, a grin on his mouth as his hand between your thighs stilled, “no need to be so hostile, sweet girl.” he said, guiding your hand down to your side as he moved to drive your back towards a tree, that hand coming to hold your chin in the space between his thumb and fingers, “I know you are a brave, resilient woman…” he quietly muttered, face coming close to yours and trapping you between his body and the tree, a knee coming between your thighs.
despite the rage that still burned within you, scorching like a wildfire, the warm contrast of his fingers on cold skin was welcomed; jolting up as his fingers pressed against you, fingers circling the bud and earning a soft sigh of a moan as you reached out to grab him, pulling him closer as though you were trying to crawl underneath his skin and become one. His mouth finally made contact, attaching itself to your throat and placing open-mouthed kisses to the skin, nipping the delicate skin with his teeth as his fingers worked against you.
“my clever, beautiful girl.” he praised, mouth reaching your collarbones.
you belly clenched, another moan elicited by his words as your hands fisted the cloak around his shoulders, his hand moving briefly to tug the fabric of your gown back up and out of his way as it dropped from its place around your hips. benjicot had a way of leaving you breathless and desperate, a flustered mess under his touch, the only man that could draw out the carnal sounds of pleasure; broken sighs and crying out as his middle and ring finger pushed themselves into you.
by the roots of his hair, you brought a hand to the back of his head and tugged him towards your mouth, his lips encapsulating yours in a feverish kiss; all teeth and tongue. you cried out, muffled by his mouth, as his thumb continued the prior pace, rubbing blind shapes into your clit as your mouth dropped open, too distracted by experienced fingers that slipped in and out of you with ease to reciprocate the kiss, “oh—, fuck.”
“yes, just like that,” he encouraged, voice soft. “just relax, my love.”
the weeks of pent up hunger and anticipation for this moment curled within you, settling into your lower belly, thighs attempting to clench around his hand. though you were stopped by the firm, strong thigh that had been planted there to prevent such from happening, his hips pressing into yours.
“ben, please…” you cried out, beginning to become overwhelmed between his mouth that returned to your throat and his hand, his pace increasing.
rather instead, he knelt suddenly, head buried beneath the thin chemise that draped over his head as he leaned into you. his shoulders brushed your thighs as his mouth replaced his thumb’s task, latching to the bundle of nerves and leaving you gasping, gripping his hair as your chest heaved. a low groan vibrated through your core from the man below you, reaching every end and nerve of your body as you struggled to keep up on your feet as your peak washed over you. his arm wrapped up underneath your right thigh, holding you against him and pressing against your hip as if that would somehow ground you as you nearly collapsed against him, your entire body alight as your walls squeezed around his fingers, clenching so tight it could restrict movement.
he was barely any gentler as he reemerged from your skirts, your head slumped back against the tree as he stood to tower over you once more, using the fabric of your gown to hold you up and practically manhandle you up against the tree that scraped your skin with each move. loose strands of hair had freed themselves from the half done up style, hanging in your face as you panted, mouth agape as you looked up at him; lips glistening with the reminisce of you — your cheeks heated with embarrassment, reaching out to touch his cheek.
he was beautiful, especially with you on his lips.
you dropped your hand and pulled him towards you by his hips, using the belt to your advantage to jerk him forward, his own lazy smirk mirrored by your tired smile as your hands fumbled to undo the laces of his pants. he aided in the task, skillful fingers pulling them with ease and shoving his pants down just enough that they sat high on his thighs, freeing his hardened cock from their confinement, your hand instinctively coming down to wrap around the length and stroke him. his lips parted above you, hands coming to cup your face, thumbs brushing your cheeks as his nose nudged yours.
you could have stayed there forever, in that moment — with the sight before you, a flush in his face as he appeared fucked out already, hair in a disarray from your fingers.
he reached across his chest to undo the clasp of his cloak, dropping it from his shoulders; getting rid of the only shield that hid you from any potential prying eyes — if anyone burst through the bushes then, there would be no hiding the act and it would be without any doubt what was happening.
‘parading herself like a whore on Blackwood land’
benjicot would be correct. if your cousins had dared to wander close to the borderlands again, you would be done for. there would be no protecting any ounce of your dignity and modesty at that point — you would be shamed by your entire family, and even worse, your father…he would be beyond furious and nothing less than gutted.
the thought and feeling of sheer shame it brought had you clinging close to the man in front of you, his body easily capable of concealing yours as one hand went above your shoulder to the tree, too blissed out to put an end to this and go home right then as his mouth pressed to yours in a sweet, affectionate kiss. you moaned against his mouth, his hand replacing yours around his cock to glide it up along your slit; gathering the slick as a means to lubricate the head of his cock, that already leaked pre-cum that mingled with your own arousal, the tip red and angry.
you braced against the tree, trying to regain footing, nearly slipping into him. he steadied you with the arm above your shoulder, wrapped around your ribs and forcing your chest against his as he slid into you, earning a gasp, breaths mingling as your own arm wrapped around his shoulders; clutching to him like your life depended on it — and in some ways, it did.
he held you up against the tree, having to shove the fabric of his tunic and doublet high up on his hips out of the way as he thrusted up into yours. each movement of his hips, shallow due to the position, his pelvis brushed against your clit, providing enough stimulation to leave you struggling for air as you fisted his clothing in your hands.
“fuck…” he rasped, lips brushing your own as they parted, each breath from his mouth sucked into your lungs as you relied on him for the strength to stay upright, slumping into him.
you were a jumbled, incoherent series of sounds as any paranoid thought of fearing your cousin's appearance went out the window, all consumed by him. your leg lifted by his hand guiding it by the back of your knee, thigh hooking around his hip and pulling him further, deeper into you and releasing a sob. you felt so full, it physically ached, walls clenching down around him and eliciting a hiss of air from him.
the sound of a branch cracking somewhere in the distance of the bushes caused you to jolt against him, eyes peering over his shoulder, wide and panicked as the thought crossed your mind again just how open you were to being exposed. you had done this time and time again, but never with his own men just several feet from the bush you were hidden among, and never during a war that had everyone on edge. the looming war had your father in particular paranoid, leading to an increase in fleets that surveyed the boundaries of bracken’s land and the thought instilled again, that fear that you could be caught.
as if he sensed your worry, his mouth caught yours in another kiss, forehead pressing to yours, “my love…” he muttered, bringing your attention back to him.
and he was successful, your gaze doing one last scan and straining into the dark before you were faced with his tired, lust-filled face, his cheeks flushed and striking even in the dark. the sweet name swelled your chest with adoration, your breath quick as you let out a moan, spiraling into bliss against him as his hand came between you to once again rub against your clit.
“ben, i can’t— please—“ the sound was weak and feeble, choked out and gasping for air as your body burned.
it was met by deaf ears as he gently shushed you, his mouth grazing yours, cock relentlessly rutting up into you with desperation — seeking for release as your walls fluttered around him. the groan he released was animalistic, deep from within his chest and carnal as you clutched onto him, struggling to keep yourself up against him and pulling him into you; seeking some kind of anchor to keep you grounded as his hand on your clit worked in unfaltering shapes that had you weak.
a final sob of pleasure left you as you clamped down around him, body tense and slumping against his as you released yourself around him. the final plea of his name and your walls were followed by a few sharp, final thrusts as he released his seed into you; fucking it deeper into you with a deep sigh of your name, a hand coming to your throat as he glanced down, his forehead resting against your chin.
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you stepped up onto the riverbank of your family’s side; thighs still aching while benjicot’s hand supported you from behind before he too crawled up behind you, not seeming to care that he was now soaked from his thighs down. He stood back, allowing you a silent moment to wring out your dress of any water as best you could, hands twisting the fabric and letting out a grunt of exertion before letting it drop back down to your feet. You bent to collect your dress, benjicot finally stepped forward to help in your task of redressing, hands smoothing the fabric over your hips and straightening your shoulders with a gaze down, not daring to make eye contact.
you both knew this could have been the last time you saw each other, the dawning realization casting an awkward, tense silence over the two of you as you eyed the fabric of his doublet; making a mental note of its ridges, the pattern of the woven article of clothing. he tensed as you lifted a hand to touch the fabric with your fingers, too intimate a gesture as fingers ran across his chest and up towards his shoulder before stilling there, your palm coming to place over his heart.
“when are you to marry the…” he began to ask, his face screwing up in disgust at the idea as he spat out the name, “Lefford boy.”
you gaze only briefly lifted towards his face when he spoke, a small snort leaving you at his reaction and smiling softly at his antics. The smile dropped after a moment, though, inhaling and sighting out a breath as you straightened out his own clothing with gentle tugs, brushing over the fabrics, “two nights from today.” you quietly replied.
he made a sound of disapproval, his gaze on your face as you finally looked him in the eye again, his hand rising to capture your wrist in his hold. You had heard the whispers as well throughout the halls of stone hedge, trying to picture it as you looked at him, “I hear rumors you’re to be married, too.” you pointed out, his face twitching.
he released your wrist, stepping back and looking towards his feet as he fixed his sleeves, “My father plans to betroth me against my will.” He admitted, his words a grumble as he shook out his arms and looked up at you again.
you nodded, “who? has he said anything of his intentions?”
“some girl.” he admitted, shaking his head with a shrug of his shoulders, cheeks expanding with a sigh, “the lord paramount’s granddaughter, I suppose.”
you smiled, tilting your head as you looked at him, “serra tully, right? that’s her name, yes?”
“unfortunately.” he grumbled in complaint.
“she’s quite beautiful, I hear.”
he shrugged again, letting out another grunt.
“well, you should probably be on your way,” you said, hands folding behind you as he looked across the river, the sun already beginning to come up. “your men will be looking for you soon.”
benjicot nodded, stepping forward and reluctantly reaching out to your waist, fingers gently pressing into your sides as he leaned forward to press a sweet kiss to your mouth, “I will see you soon.” He said as he withdrew from your mouth, face still hovering close.
you raised a hand and pressed it to his cheek, smiling as you looked up at him, “yes. maybe.”
his eyes rolled as you lifted a hand as if to gesture ‘just as I suspected’, looking over you as a sharp whistle sounded from somewhere beyond the trees from his camp, hands dropping from your sides and straightening the belt at his hips; you watched as his fingers went to the dagger at his right hip, removing it from its sheath, much to your confusion. He withdrew it and used his free hand to pull one of yours forward, pressing the blade into your palm and looking at you, “a wedding gift.” He quietly said.
you looked down at the blade, frowning and blinking rapidly a couple of times before looking up at him, mouth opened in a stutter, “benjicot, I- I can’t accept this. you might need-”
“I have plenty back home,” he assured, wrapping your fingers around the handle of it and licking his lips that were then pressed into a line that resembled an amused smile, “have it…in case that Lefford boy ever pisses you off.”
you let out a laugh, a smile coming to his face as your hand dropped from his, the dagger clutched by your side, “very charming of you.”
He chuckled and pressed another quick kiss to your forehead before he brushed past you, hurrying into the river with a splash and sloshing back in the direction he had come from. you watched as he climbed out of the water, entering back out onto blackwood territory and giving one last glance as he retreated back into the trees.
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danikamariewrites · 7 months
𝕊𝕖𝕔𝕠𝕟𝕕 𝕊𝕚𝕘𝕙𝕥
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A/n: welcome to my first series! I’m so happy to be putting this out and I’m excited to hear your thoughts. Please feel free to comment or ask questions :)
Warnings: slight angst, mentions of death, reader being trapped in a tower, deceptive Beron
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At thirteen years old you were still showing no sign of powers. Your father had always told you tales of the fire that runs through your veins. What your birthright is as the last living heir to the Autumn Court.
He had always seemed so happy to have you as his child. So proud.
Though the expectations he set terrified you, you were happy you have Beron as a father. When your father visits your tower he always asks what you’re learning this week or if you found any new hobbies to enjoy. There wasn’t much to do in your tower but study and draw. In your free time art had become your passion. So much so that your father and tutor, Lady Briar, couldn’t ignore your talent.
Everytime your father visits you ask him to tell you a story. Finally, after a decade of begging him for the tale of your family, Beron gave in. Your mother and two older brothers had loved you very much, he would tell you.
“When you were just a babe,” he would start the same way every time, “Relations between us and the Night Court were unstable. Their High Lord was hell bent on dominating Prythian.” This tale would always scare you. Make you afraid of what you would have to face once you took the throne of the Autumn Court. You’d be alone as High Lady. You didn’t like to think about being without your father.
During their legendary battle your mother and brothers had perished at the hands of the vile High Lord of Night. It was so awful and graphic your father never let you read any of the history books about it.
After he would tell the story he would leave. Giving you no other information about your family. Only left with your imagination to draw up what they looked like.
By twenty-two your powers had come, but you didn’t dare speak of what they were. You didn’t have the bright flames he’d hoped for from you. Father had told you of the blue flame that came once in a generation. An Autumn High Lord hadn’t produced a child who could wield such power in centuries.
On your own you have discovered your daemati powers. You knew about them from the history books Lady Briar had given you about the High Lords of Prythian.
Every time father talked about powers your gut twisted. Your heart rate spiked. And your palms would sweat. Father mistook it for excitement about learning how to control the fire that was your birthright.
On the day before your fiftieth birthday your father came into your room. He was frantic and disheveled. Telling you he loved you, cherished you even. He told you that you are the most important person in the world to him. That the day you were born he was blessed by the Mother herself to have you in his arms
The next day he didn't visit. Nor the day after that. Then a week had gone by and nothing. No one had come to your tower.
He never missed your birthday.
Calming your mind and body you sit criss cross on your bed. Slowing your breathing you cast your mind out to the main house, far from your lonesome tower.
There was chaos and quiet. Advisors scrambling but no solid answers. But not a soul is worried about you.
A knock at your door brought you back to your body. Unlocking the door with your mind you quickly stand, smoothing out the skirts of your dark autumn red gown. Lady Briar enters, looking as solemn and stern as ever. You give her a deep curtsy. “Lady Briar,” you greet. Looking up you see her expression changed to one of slight sorrow. “Princess,” she starts. “Your father, he…he has been taken with the other High Lords. That is all we know for now, your grace.” Without another word Lady Briar turned and left.
For weeks you paced your room, going about your usual routine. Reading. Painting. Sleeping. Repeat. You were going stir crazy. You were also desperate for answers as to who dared keep your father captive.
Something wasn’t right. You could feel it in your gut that there was more to what happened.
If no one would tell you then it was time to hunt for answers on your own. Which means going somewhere you’ve never gone before.
You have to leave the comfort of the tower. Well, it’s never been comfortable. As the years droned on you’ve felt more cramped and isolated than anything.
You had no supervision. No one to tell you no. Lady Briar certainly isn’t an authority figure to you anyways.
It took days of projecting your mind into the house, watching to learn the guards patterns. Where you would need to hide yourself and whose mind you would need to hold on to.
Throwing your cloak on, taking a deep breath you make your way down the spiral stairs of the tower. There were less than you thought there would be.
Letting loose another breath, resting your hand on the door that separates you from the real world, you square your shoulders and push.
Taking in the night sky from below was so different than your window. It seemed wider. Endless. Feeling the soft ground under your boots made you want to run and jump through the Forest House grounds.
Perhaps another night.
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Word Count: 5.2K
Pairing(s): Reader x Ex!boyfriend Jason, Reader x New dad!Matt, Reader x Rafe
Warnings: Flirting, Kissing, Swearing, Virginity Loss, Domestic Situations, Violence, SMUT 18+
Summary: Rafe protecting reader and keeping her safe from her step dad and ex boyfriend.
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Leaving my old life behind to come and live with my mum’s new husband was difficult, especially because I hated him. They had been together a little over 2 years and he was a really nice person when they met, but as time went on he would try and force me to call him dad. Im 18 years old there was no way I was doing that. Maybe if I was younger and didn’t know anything else, but I’m an adult now. 
There was this one time where I skipped a class and he was my emergency contact as my mum was never available, while working long shifts at the hospital. We were both called into the principals office to discuss my punishment.
It wasn’t that bad, just an hour after class detention. After the meeting we got back into the car, “Matt I’m really sorry they called you, I used to skip sport all the time back at my old school. I didn’t think it was a big deal -“ I was met with a harsh slap against my cheek. 
The blood rushed to my cheek, a searing pain on the right side of my face. My hand came up to face to cover my face. “I don’t like coming down here to fix your mess Y/n.” He looks at me and grabs my wrist from my face “Your mother is not to hear a word about this, understood” he yells through my wrist back into my lap. That was the first time he hit me.
There were multiple times after that, that time he got drunk and broke a beer bottle on the wall next to me then slap me saying why didn’t clean up the mess or the time I came back from a party at 2am and he threw me into the wall.
_____________ ____________ ____________ ____________ _________
Lets just say I really was hating the idea of moving into his house. On top of all that my boyfriend had cheated on me with my best friend and started dating. I found out last night and broke up with him. He keeps calling me but I just ignore all incoming messages and calls.
Arriving at my new home, i unpack the car and walk beside my mum. Matt walks out and practically makes out with her, leaving me standing uncomfortable. He takes my suitcase and leads me upstairs to my room. Not going to lie it was an amazing room with a balcony overlooking the beach. But if I had the choice of not living here with him I’d take it.
After organising my belongings and placing them in their assigned places, I felt exhausted. I contemplated taking a shower, but just as I was about to, I heard a knock at the door.
"Y/n, Matt, and I are heading out for a dinner date. There's food in the fridge for you whenever you're hungry," she informed me, and I acknowledged her with a nod. I then entered the shower, allowing the comforting warmth of the water to cleanse away the fatigue from the past few hours.
I got out, brushed my hair and placed a towel around my body. Walking over to my nightstand I grabbed a bra and matching panties, I dropped the towel and slid them on.
*Ding* My phone lit up with another text from Jason:
Jason: “Baby I’m really sorry about that happened. Can you please talk to me. Baby I love you”
Seeing that message made me really pissed and I decided to give it back to him.
Y/N: “You don’t have the right to call me baby anymore, you lost that when you fucked my best friend!!”
Jason: “Y/n don’t be like that. I said I was sorry, you gotta give me some credit”
*Jason Calling* I hesitated before picking up:
Y/n: “What?” Jason: “Y/n stop being dramatic, I said I was sorry” Y/n: “I’m not being dramatic Jason, you cheated on me with my best friend. How could you do that?” Jason: “It was just a fuck baby, it meant nothing. I was just sick of waiting for you to be ready. I have needs too.” Y/n: “You know you saying all of this make you sound like an absolute asshole right?” Jason: “OMG here we go again, always so sensitive, get over it, so we can get back together” Y/n: “Let me make this very clear, We are never ever getting back together, not now! not ever!” Jason: “You’ll change your mind, I know you w-“ Y/n: “No I won’t, I broke up with you, I don’t want to be with you, what aren’t you getting? Just leave me alone and fuck off” Jason: “You gonna wish you never said that baby!!” he hung up. 
After casually tossing my phone onto the bed, I descended the stairs to fetch some dinner. Upon returning upstairs, I noticed a tall silhouette across in the next house next door.
Intrigued, I approached the window and observed a handsome young man with a well-defined V line, his towel securely fastened around his waist. I found myself captivated by him, particularly the way he ran his fingers through his curtain-like bangs and subtly flexed his bicep.
He pivoted away from the mirror and locked eyes with me. His jaw dropped a bit, and he ran his tongue over his lips before playfully winking in my direction. In that moment, I completely forgot that I was only partially dressed while sneakily admiring my neighbour.
I offered a smile and then turned away, resuming my seat on the bed. Throughout that evening, I couldn't get the guy next door out of my mind.
The way his towel clung to his waist and the manner in which his bangs gracefully draped across his forehead remained persistent thoughts. 
The following day, I woke up and glanced at the clock, which showed 1 pm in the afternoon. I slowly climbed out of bed and made my way downstairs to the kitchen. My mom, who had just finished her night shift, had already prepared breakfast for me.
"Hello, dear. How was your sleep?" she inquired, giving me a warm hug. "It was okay," I replied to her question. We sat together as I enjoyed my meal. Afterward, she headed upstairs to get some rest.
Having finished my breakfast, I returned upstairs to change into a cute beach outfit. I then left the house and strolled down to the beach, taking a leisurely walk to clear my mind and unwind for the afternoon.
Sitting by the beach and observing the rhythmic crashing of the waves brought a profound sense of tranquility. In that moment, I felt like myself again, unburdened by the complexities of a new stepfather or the entanglements of a relationship. I felt liberated.
As I watched the sun descend on the horizon, I noticed someone approaching me. He was wearing a white rip curl tank top and board shorts. "Hey, it's you," he remarked as he settled down on my towel.
Puzzled, I inquired, "Hi, do I know you?"
"Well, we haven't formally met, but our eyes have crossed paths, and might I say you look charming in that pink outfit," he commented, his gaze sweeping over me. 
It finally dawned on me that he was the boy from next door, and I covered my face with my hands in embarrassment. "OMG, that's so embarrassing," I admitted, tucking my head between my knees.
"Don't be embarrassed. I enjoyed it, and judging by your reaction, I'd say you did too," he teased, smirking as I slowly lifted my head, returning his smirk. "I'm Rafe, by the way."
"I'm Y/n," I replied.
We ended up engaging in a lengthy conversation; he was remarkably easy to talk to. It felt like we shared a genuine connection. Rafe confided that he had recently broken up with his girlfriend due to her infidelity, and I shared my own experience of my boyfriend cheating on me and attempting to reconcile.
We laughed and bantered until we both realised the moon casting its shimmering reflection on the water.
"Wow, I didn't even notice it got dark," I remarked as I gazed out at the water.
"Same here," he replied, slowly extending his arm into the sand behind me.
We both continued to gaze at the water, observing the waves crashing. "Would you like to go for a swim?" he inquired, glancing at me and then back at the water.
"First, it's nighttime, and second, I'm not wearing my bikini," I responded with a chuckle.
He smirked and looked down at his hands. “That’s alright, you don’t need them, plus I’ve already seen you half naked anyways remember.” He said placing a strand of hair behind my ear. 
I responded to his offer with a shy smile. "Alright."
He got to his feet and removed his shirt, exposing his sun-kissed body. Following, I unzipped my shorts and slid them down, allowing them to drop onto the sand.
Then, I removed my top, raising my arms and revealing my C cup breasts in a black lace bra. Rafe's eyes widened when he saw me standing so close, partially undressed. He ran his fingers through his hair and swept it to the side.
He began descending toward the beach, periodically glancing back to check if I was following, and I was right behind him. When my toes touched the chilly ocean, my body tensed up.
Rafe noticed and came over to hold my hand, guiding me into the water. As I ventured further in, the temperature didn't improve; in fact, it got even colder. The water reached up to my ribs, and a small wave splashed onto my face, drenching me in its icy embrace.
"OMG, that's so cold," I exclaimed, looking over to where Rafe had already submerged himself, effortlessly navigating through the waves.
He swam back towards me, stopping just inches from my face. His hands found my waist, and I gladly accepted his embrace, wrapping my legs around his waist. We locked eyes, and I leaned in slightly to gauge his feelings.
He reciprocated the gesture, and our lips gently brushed against each other's. It felt like time had slowed down. I pulled back and grinned at him. His hands moved up my thighs, his fingers lightly tracing over my skin.
He leaned back in and kissed me more passionately. Feeling his hands travel up to my butt and squeeze lightly, making me moan quietly. Which didn’t go unnoticed by Rafe, he smiled into the kiss and started sucking on my neck leaving small bruises behind. Grinding my body into his I felt the bulge in his pants poking my pussy. I started to move a little quicker to get some kind of friction. 
Our moment was abruptly interrupted by a powerful wave that pushed us apart. Emerging from the wave, I spotted Rafe lying face down in the sand, attempting to recover from being knocked over by the ocean.
Chuckling at his predicament, I started to exit the water and lend him a hand. We then walked back to our house, and he paused in front of my place.
"I had a really nice time, Rafe," I said, looking directly into his eyes.
“I really like hanging out with you Y/N” He said as he kissed me on the lips again and than another peck, leaving me wanting more. He went to turn but I lightly pulled his arm back “Can I get your number?” I said batting my eyelashes at him. 
He put his number in my phone and I did the same with his. Walking back into the house I was met with Matt. He looked angry, to be honest I didn’t know what was going to happen.
“What time do you call this?” He yelled stepping forward. “I asked you a question?” He said again abruptly.
"I'm sorry; I didn't realize how late it had gotten," I whispered softly, attempting to retreat cautiously. However, he seized my arm and pressed me against the wall. His other hand closed around my throat, tightening its grip.
"This is my house, and you will obey my rules and return at a reasonable hour," he snapped, slowly increasing the pressure on my throat.
"I'm an adult, and I can stay out as long—" My words were abruptly halted by a brutal slap across my face. 
His ring cut my cheek, causing it to bleed. He released his hold on me and hurried upstairs.
I retreated into my room and slammed the door shut. As I settled on my bed, tears streamed down my face. I drew my knees up to my chest and wept into my pillow. 
Suddenly, I heard footsteps beside me and turned around quickly, only to find Jason standing there.
"What the FUCK!, how did you get in here?" I asked, quickly rising from the bed and creating some distance between us.
"Your dad let me in, baby," he replied, stepping closer.
"He's not my dad, and what are you doing here?"
"I came to see my beautiful girlfriend. I've missed you so much," he said, brushing my hand with his and leaning in for a kiss. I avoided his advances and settled onto my bed.
"Jason, we're broken up. We're not together anymore. What don't you understand—"
"For fuck's sake, Y/n! I love you, and I know you love me too," he exclaimed, clenching his fists in frustration.
"I used to love you, and then you shattered my heart when you slept with her!" I shouted back at him. My words clearly enraged him. In response, his fist struck my rib cage, causing an intense, searing pain to shoot through my body.
"You see, when you say things like that, it makes me lose control," he muttered, pacing around as I crumpled to my knees in agony. He returned to me, grabbing me by the hair and flinging me forcefully back onto the bed.
He climbed on top and started kissing me. His hands traveled up my thighs and forced my leg open, pulling my panties down.
I tried to push him off but he was too strong and my rib was throbbing. His thumb came up to my clit and rubbed circles in a rough motion. “Stop…..Stop get off, I’m not ready” I screamed but he didn’t stop. 
He inserted one finger in to me thrusting at a unforgiving pace. I could feel my walls clenching around his finger, he wasn’t letting up.
He had my hands pinned above my head with his other hand, I tried to wriggle out but that just made it more painful. He tried inserting another finger, but I was just to tight.
He tried his best but he lost his grip slightly, which allowed me room to stick my thumbs in his eyes. I pushed in and he let go and stumbled backwards. 
"Bitch!" He yelled, causing me to quickly retreat to the doorway and dash downstairs towards the front door. Just as I was about to grasp the handle, my head collided with the door, and Jason's hand firmly held it against the door.
"You may have won this battle, but I'll win the war, baby," he taunted before pushing me to the ground and exiting through the door.
I slowly ascended the staircase and entered my ensuite bathroom, where I noticed a slight trace of blood on my thigh. I cleaned myself up and changed into another set of pjs. 
Switching on the lamp beside my table, a sense of unease crept over me, fueled by the lingering fear that Jason might come back to resume his actions.
*Ding* Incoming Text
Rafe: Can’t sleep either? Y/n: Not since I moved here. Rafe: 😢 What are you doing tomorrow? Y/n: Nothing, Can I come over? We need to talk. Rafe: Yeah, of course see you at 8am Y/n: See you then :)
The morning sun streamed in through my window, and my eyes required no adjustment, for I hadn't slept a wink. It was 7:45 in the morning, and getting dressed proved challenging, given the discomfort I was feeling. Silently, I left my house and made my way to Rafe's door, where I knocked and patiently awaited his response.
As the door opened, Rafe's jaw dropped at the sight of my face. "What happened?" he inquired, opening the door wider to invite me inside.
Overwhelmed by my emotions, I began crying uncontrollably. Rafe enveloped me in his comforting embrace, guiding me into his room, where we sat on his bed. 
There, I unburdened myself, recounting everything that had occurred the previous night, including the distressing events involving my stepfather. Sharing the whole story felt like finally having someone firmly on my side.
After my confession, Rafe hugged me, not too tightly to avoid causing pain but with enough warmth to make me feel loved. I ended up staying at Rafe's house that night, mainly because he adamantly refused to let me return to my own house alone.
He walked over to his closet and retrieved a spare shirt, handing it to me. "You can change in here," he pointed to the bathroom across the room.
As I closed the bathroom door behind me, my cheeks flushed, and I couldn't quite pinpoint the reason. Perhaps it was because, after everything that had happened with Matt and Jason, I wasn't accustomed to someone making me feel anything other than fear. Changing into his shirt, I returned to his bedroom.
He was sitting on the bed, absorbed in his phone. When he looked up as I entered the room, he made space for me on the bed and handed me a glass of water. I graciously accepted, taking a few sips. He then pulled the covers over my body, and we both laid on our backs.
As I lay there, my hand brushed against his fingers, and I felt my heart quicken. Just as I was on the verge of falling asleep, a noise outside startled me, causing me to sit up abruptly and accidentally bump into Rafe. My heart raced, and I struggled to catch my breath; it was the onset of a panic attack.
"Hey, hey, it's alright. It's just the storm outside," Rafe reassured me, speaking softly. He wrapped his arm around my shoulders, guiding my body closer to his.
"Take deep breaths for me," he urged, rubbing soothing circles on my back. Following his instructions, I inhaled deeply and exhaled, repeating the process five times.
"You're safe here, Y/n. I won't let anyone hurt you," he assured me. Eventually, I began to calm down, and we lay back down together. I threw my arm over him, cuddling in, and he reciprocated by hugging me tightly.
The following morning, I awoke to find Rafe setting up breakfast at the foot of the bed, and he greeted me with, "I thought you might be hungry?" as he extended the tray of food, which I eagerly accepted and placed on my lap, the sheets still modestly covering me, and the spread included French toast and waffles; as I concluded my meal, I reclined back in bed and drew the sheets over my face, prompting Rafe to ask,
"How are you feeling this morning, Y/n?" and in response, I lowered the sheet to just beneath my chin and confessed, "Considering everything I've endured, being here with you makes me feel safer than I've ever felt before," causing a blush to tinge my cheeks, to which he gazed into my eyes, smiled warmly, and reassured me
“I’m glad you feel safe here Y/n, I’d never want you to feel scared here. Your always welcome here, anytime!” He replied, slowly placing a loose strand of hair behind by ear. Looking into his eyes I got that feeling again, like butterflies but a more intense feeling. I really wanted to kiss him, wanted to feel his soft lips on mine, wanted to feel his hands roaming my body.
Snapping out of my thoughts, I just stared and smiled back at him. 
"I'ma take a shower real quick," he mentioned before heading into his bathroom, and I acknowledged with a nod as I gazed out the window; I rose from his bed and settled by the window, peering into my room, where I noticed my stepfather, Matt, entering.
I quickly concealed myself behind the curtain while still managing to observe him sifting through my belongings, even though I couldn't fathom what he might be searching for; I watched him pacing about my room, flinging my clothes and possessions about.
Then noticed him apparently engaging in a conversation with someone who seemed positioned near my bedroom door; slipping down from my concealed position behind the curtain,
I inched along the floor to another curtain and carefully raised myself to uncover the identities of the individuals outside; my eyes widened as I glimpsed Matt and Jason engaged in an intense argument, leaving me bewildered as to why Jason was present, what their intentions were, and how Matt had come to be in my room in the first place.
Numerous unanswered questions swirled in my mind, and I realised that they wouldn't be promptly addressed; remaining concealed, I continued observing the unfolding scene, as Jason paced around my room with his hands on his head, while Matt vociferated at him, until Jason finally took a seat on my bed and glanced in my direction.
I quietly slid down the curtain and sidled along the wall to gain a different vantage point, whereupon Rafe returned from the bathroom, attired in sweatpants, and inquired about my position on the floor.
I raised my index finger and directed it just beneath his window, indicating the scene outside, and Rafe approached to inspect it further; he observed two men embroiled in an argument within my room.
He looked down at me and signalled you to craw along the floor over to him. I did as he instructed, crawling along the floor not too high so they couldn’t see.
I reached him and he pulled me up. My hands slid up his toned body, feeling the grooves in his chest. Finally looking up to his face, he mouthed “Who are they?” 
As we clung to each other, I responded, "Matt, my stepdad, and my ex, Jason." He then wrapped his arms around my neck, offering a gentle embrace, and my arms naturally circled his waist, my fingers lightly trailing along his back.
I turned away for a moment, with his hand finding a resting place on my waist as we continued to watch the unfolding argument, and it was during this time that Jason retrieved a small round object from a photo frame on my bedside table, handed it to Matt, and engaged in a conversation with him.
Upon realizing what it was, I exclaimed, "It's a hidden camera!" My exclamation prompted me to whirl around to face Rafe, but as I moved, I inadvertently stepped into view of Matt and Jason, who immediately noticed me and rushed to the window; they then opened it and shouted,
"Y/n, we knew you couldn't have gone far."
Witnessing Matt and Jason exit my room and the house, and hearing their threats to break down Rafe's front door, I clung to Rafe's arm as we cautiously moved toward the front door, with a pressing question lingering in my mind.
I inquired, "What are you going to do?" just as Jason abruptly broke down the door and charged towards me, but Rafe swiftly intervened, tackling him to the ground. Following this, Matt entered the scene and watched Rafe land several blows on Jason's face.
Unbeknownst to me, Matt stealthily approached, and before I could react, his hands encircled my throat, hoisting me off the ground.
My hands instinctively grasped at his wrist, clawing in an attempt to loosen his grip. The pressure around my throat intensified, and my vision began to fade as my hands fell limply to my sides.
Rafe sprang into action when he saw Matt attempting to harm me, swiftly shifting from Jason to tackle Matt. He landed a powerful punch to Matt's nose, and as my eyes gradually reopened, I reached up to hold my neck, which was sore from the attack.
Rafe rushed over to help me sit up, propping me against the wall, his strong hand gently rubbing my shoulder. He anxiously asked, "Y/n, are you okay?" I nodded and replied, "Better now."
With his support, he lifted me to my feet and wrapped his protective arms around my waist. However, our relief was short-lived, as Jason suddenly clicked the safety off his gun, causing both of us to freeze.
Rafe immediately positioned himself in front of me, shielding me from the menacing weapon. Jason proceeded to berate me, claiming that I could have avoided this ordeal if I had just acquiesced to his demands, stating that he could have used me to obtain money from my father before subjecting me to further suffering.
He was on the brink of pulling the trigger when the sound of a car screeching to a halt distracted him long enough for us to seize the opportunity and escape through the back door.
We sprinted as fast as our legs could carry us, but exhaustion eventually forced me to stop. Rafe halted beside me, gently picking me up, and together, we made our way to the Country Club.
There, Rafe arranged for a hotel suite under the name of his best friend, Topper. After obtaining the key card, we entered the suite, where Rafe handed me a cup of water from the bathroom.
I took the water and pulled him down to sit beside me, expressing my gratitude, "Thank you for what you did," a sincere smile lighting up my face.
“I would do it all again for you” he said as he looked into my eyes than down to my lips and back up again. I leant in and our lips brushed against each others, cupping his hand around my face as our lips connect, gentle at first before he wraps an arm around my waist, pulling me onto his lap, deepening the kiss.
As I rolled my hips against with clothed crotch, I felt that feeling that happens whenever I’m around him. The feeling of wanting his hands all over my body. Having him eat me out and wanting him inside me.
He stands and flips me over so that he’s hovering over me. I move up the bed more and he follows. I pull at the hem of his shirt and he pulls it off his one hand over his head. He pulls my top off and starts kissing down my collar bone till he reaches my covered breasts.
“Can I?” He questions and I nod. He unclips my bra and throws it away. He sucks against my shoulder as his hands slid to my breasts squeezing them.
“So Beautiful” he mumbles in to my neck. He starts rolling my nipples between his fingers taking one into his mouth, licking and sucking on them. Moans escape my lips as I lift my left leg around him to get more friction.
He comes back to my lips inserting his tongue in and swirling it around. “Rafe- I need to - I need to tell you something!” I said moaning away as he caressed my boobs.
“You can tell me anything” He said before hovering and looking at me.
“I’ve never done this before- had sex I mean.” I spoke softly, fingers dragging down is chest. 
“Do you want me to stop?” “No” I say quickly leaning up to capture his lips. Slowly undoing his drawstring and sliding down his sweat pants revealing his huge cock. I gulped seeing the length and size.
I took his cock into my hand and start stroking up and down, slowly rubbing my thumb over his tip and sliding the pre cum leaking out along his length. His fingers came to my shorts and unbuttoned my shorts pulling them down my legs and throwing them on the floor.
He then hooked his fingers into my panties and slid them off lightly. His hands ran back up my legs, slowly opening my knees, to reveal my dripping cunt. He swiped his thumb over clit causing my hips to lift.
He pushed me back down and dove in, his tongue attached to my clit. My mouth fell open and moans escaped me. “Feels so good” I breathed out closing my eyes.
“Good baby wanna make you feel so good.” His hands slid down my thighs and he starts rubbing my clit slowly. “Fuck Rafe” I moaned and he started rubbing faster, his arm hooking around my leg to lift and place on his shoulder.
He gently slid a finger into me, while stroking himself in preparation. I heard a whimper leave his lips as he felt how tight I was. After only a few minutes of his fingers I could feel my stomach turning ready for my release.
He knew this as well by how I squeezed his fingers. “Cmon baby cum on my fingers, cum f’me.” He whispered seductively watching as I let go all over his fingers. He brought his fingers up to his mouth sucked all my juices off. 
He palmed himself a few times before lining himself up with my cunt. “Are you sure?” He asked hesitantly waiting for me to respond. I nod in response. “I need words baby” .......... “Yes!”
He pushed in slowly, rubbing soothing circles on my outer thighs. My mouth fell open and my fingers dug into his biceps. Feeling my walls clench around him, it was stopping him from going in further.
“Just relax, take a breath.” He whispered into my ear. Following his suggestion, I took a deep breath and breathed out, he managed to slid in all the way. He was so big and I felt so full.
He stayed still, waiting for me to adjust to the size. I gave a him look that he could start moving, his cock sliding in and out. My walls clenching down on him with every thrust. He began speeding up the pace, and was left a moaning mess. I felt him twitch inside me and that's when I knew he was getting close. 
He hoisted one of my legs up onto his shoulders to hit me at a new and deeper angle. He brought his fingers to my clit and rubbed circles, making me release all over his cock. He wasn’t far behind at I felt his cock twitch again.
Just as he was about to let go he pulled out and he shot hot cum ropes on to my boobs. He continued rubbing my clit slowly as I came down from my high.
“That felt so good” I whispered to him. He smirked and laid beside me.
“I belong with you Rafe” I say turning on my side and wrapping an arm around his waist and letting my leg rest onto of his leg.
“You belong with me.” He whispered as I fell asleep in his arms.
Hope you guys enjoyed this fic!!
I will be doing writing requests this week. So if you have requested a fic yours will be posted in the next few day.
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bi-bard · 1 year
How Did We Get So Good at Dismantling These Hearts? - Kaz Brekker Imagine [Shadow & Bone]
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Title: How Did We Get So Good at Dismantling These Hearts?
Pairing: Kaz Brekker X Reader
Based On: Hourglass
Word Count: 1,219 words
Warning(s): mention of murder
Summary: Kaz gets word of a new job for the Crows. On the surface, it appeared to be nothing other than a normal job. However, when he tells the crew, (Y/n) has a reaction that immediately catches his attention. He just needs to find out why.
Author's Note: I changed this story because the original one was alarmingly similar to the May stories.
Part Two of "June" [Release Date: 7/5/2023]
Part Three of "June" [Release Date: 7/7/2023]
If any of the Crows had noticed me tense, then none of them spoke up about it.
Not at the time.
Kaz had gathered all of us together, telling us about a new job that he apparently couldn't turn away. Nothing felt strange about it. It all seemed normal... our version of normal, anyway.
Some plan for a heist, a good pay... it was exactly what our crew was meant to love.
And I did. I loved working with the Crows. The idea of having a new job made me grin a bit to myself.
And then, I heard my mother's name come out of Kaz's mouth.
My shoulders tensed a bit. I had to physically stop myself from drawing them up. I did my best to take a subtle deep breath, desperate to return to normal. Nothing would stop my heart from racing and my leg from bouncing.
I was watching Kaz as he spoke, but I couldn't hear him. My ears were filled with buzzing as my mind played back every memory that I had buried for all too long.
The first thing I heard was Kaz dismissing us for the day.
I was the first person to stand up and walk out. Maybe I had been a little too fast on my way out. Maybe I had pushed the chair away a little too hard. I don't know.
All that I could think of at the time was going home.
I didn't notice anyone paying any mind to me.
It wasn't until that night that I would even know that anyone had looked at me in some way other than normal.
I was pacing my small room, mind still racing when there was a knock on my door.
I took a breath before walking over. In my state of distractedness, I didn't think much before pulling the door open. I found Kaz standing on the other side of the door.
"All this time with the Crows and you still open your door with no attempt to check who could be on the other side," he said. There was the smallest hint of a grin on his face, letting me know that this wasn't him genuinely scolding me.
"Did you come here to inform me of your new passion for comedy," I asked.
"I'm here to talk about the job."
"Much less exciting," I replied.
Kaz didn't reply, merely raising an eyebrow at me and nodding toward the inside of my place. I took a deep breath and stepped to the side, letting him walk in.
It was strange to see Kaz in my home.
I had trouble associating him with something so... comfortable. There was something about Kaz being in a place meant for merely existing that made me pause. It felt like watching an animal exploring a new habitat. It made me wonder how many nights he had spent avoiding his room. How long had he been avoiding falling asleep in his bed? Or simply falling asleep at all?
I moved around him, putting myself between him and the rest of my home. "What did you need to talk about?"
"You have a personal connection to the job," he said. "I need to know what it is."
I scoffed, going to deny it.
He cut me off before I could, "No use denying it. You're not as subtle as you think you are."
There was a long pause.
"I need to know any potential risks that come with this job. Whatever you're hiding is a risk."
"The woman that you're robbing... she's my mother," I explained. "I... ran away... a long time ago."
"My uncle. He killed my brother... He didn't know that I had seen him until after it was over. I had... I had only seen the very end of it. If he had told me that he had just found him like that, then I would have believed him. And then, he told my mother that I did it."
"You were a child."
"He called it an accident," I shrugged. "He played the part well. That was when I knew that he had done it. My mother hated me. He threatened to kill her if I ever said anything... because killing me would be too easy. I had to run. Now, he is going to inherit everything that my mother has... and nothing is going to stop him."
There was a silence.
I watched as Kaz's eyes scanned me. I couldn't tell if he was trying to see if I was telling the truth or if was merely some kind of assessment of my current state. I blinked away any tears that had built up. I hadn't let myself think about it for years. I forgot how much it hurt.
"I can't have you on the job," Kaz finally said.
"It's too dangerous-"
"I can keep my composure on the job, you know that-"
"That's not my concern," he stopped me. "Your uncle knows that you're the only one that knows that truth. Your mother thinks that you killed her son and then ran away. If either one of them sees you, then it will be more than just imprisonment. I am not going to willingly get you killed."
"We have gone on jobs where our lives are in danger," I argued. "Most of them do-"
"Not with such a clear target on our backs."
I took a deep breath. I hated how much I agreed with him. Mainly because I had never once seen him show himself this much care. I had watched him walk into dangerous situations with little to no concern for his own well-being. Part of him had to be aware of that.
"You're off the job."
"Fine," I muttered begrudgingly. "No mourners."
He nodded once. "No funerals."
Kaz turned around to walk back out. He made it to the door before I spoke up.
"Why did you come," I asked. "Why not just sent Inej down here to get information? Or Jesper, even?"
"Your desire for vengeance... it's one that I'm familiar with," he explained. "More than you know... and I will help you get it."
He went to turn away again. His words made me panic.
"Kaz," I stopped him again. "Don't get yourself killed for me."
He didn't respond. He merely looked back at me, waiting for some explanation or request or something.
"I'm not worth it," I said quietly.
He watched me for a few moments longer. I wish I knew what he was looking for. "You don't get to decide that."
He walked out before I could ever question him about that statement.
I furrowed my eyebrows as I stepped forward and locked my door.
I didn't want to make any assumptions or jump to any conclusions, but it was difficult for me to act like I had no desire to do so. Taking me off of the job, the way he spoke, the promise of vengeance in my name... it all gave me pause. Embarrassing pause.
I ran my hands over my face before shaking my head. Jumping to conclusions was foolish. I knew better. His rare empathy was not a sign of anything.
And all I had to do was continue reminding myself of that until I believed it.
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anime-rambles · 2 years
Safe with Us: Part 1
Pairing: Alpha!KiriBaku x Omega!MidoriyaTwinReader
Type: Angst, hurt, forced scenting.
Word Count: 3500+
A/N: Thank you all so much for the support and love for my work, I have been super busy at the moment in my personal life and haven't really ad a moment to breathe but I do have this finished and wanted to share with everyone. Part 2 coming soon. I have a new taglist form follow the link below and it will bring you too it. Much love as always, Tiff <3
Summary: You were Midroiya's twin, Bakugou's mate but life isn't easy and one day you were kidnapped, stripped from everything you know. Many years have passed, Bakugou has moved on but only now have you been able to escape, to return to your family. A family that has moved on.
Permanent Tag List: @jasmine2042003 @jazzylove @amypop122 @misssugarless @plutounderbridges @butterscotch-babie @backoftheletter @gojosslvt @himi-yuu @ebiharachan @black-rose-29
MHA Tag List: @hornehlittleweeblet2 @mystiqueewrites @belzeblitz @moonygeno413 @ace-the-side-character @unlogical-ella @moonseye @vaellee @corruptowlette @pasteldaze @24-7-multifandomsimp @yetoadet @ninetyeightrins @kirissluttypebble @elaineplayz @phantomalchemist @tigerd-draws @kunaigirlx44 @jujutaku @adventures-in-a-heartbeat @cmars59 @upinacloud @yourdragonsfire @uwiuwi @burningbluegalaxy @kirislilwhorewife @kuzusouda-and-terumaru-blog @kat-perdue @ebiharachan @lazyafgurl @bratty-fics @eraserheads-sleeping-bag @eijiandkatspebbleble
There were many things in your life that you thought was unfair, for one, living with your father away from your twin, having a quirk without your twin and being an omega and not being allowed to be an omega. You know nothing of your omegain side, only that it was something to be ashamed of. That you were merely the lowest of the low and even alpha’s, your destined alpha would tire of you and seek other mates, and you had to be okay with it. 
Your father brought you to this group of alpha’s, you never knew why but one thing was for sure they were villains. When the time came for your first heat, that was the last time you saw your father. He had sold you to them, and left you behind. For many a year the villains took care of you, but not for free, you cooked, cleaned and just about did anything that was expected of you. There was one alpha in the group, a new guy, who took a shine to you. He often would tell you he would find a way to get you home, to trust him, that you will know when the time is right. 
There was an explosion in the compound, it had knocked you straight off your feet. The door to your room, which was more of a cage, unlocked and the door opened slowly. You could hear screams in the distance and you knew it was time to run. A red feather floated into the room and flew around you, pushing at your back towards the door. It is definitely the sign you’ve been waiting for.  So you ran, ran as hard as your feet would take you. Your destination? Unknown. You had nothing, no money, no shelter, you were scared of what would happen now, you could embrace your omega. You could hardly remember your mother, or even if she would take you in, your twin on the other hand… 
You ran to the nearest phone booth, putting some coins you had found in your pocket and dialing the only number you could remember, hoping he never changed it. 
“Hello?” A voice croaked out from the end of the phone.
“Izuku” You whispered, tears already filling your eyes. 
“Yes, who is it? It's the middle of the night.” His voice sounded impatient.
“Zuzu, I ne-”
“Y/N, YOU’RE ALIVE, whereareyouareyouokaystaythereillcomeandgetyoudontgoanywhere..” Izuku interrupted you and tears flowed down your face, more happy tears than anything. 
“So, you’re telling me, Izuku has a twin, that we’ve never met, that you knew of, that your alpha chose and never thought to mention it to me?” Kirishima stood in front of Bakugou with his arms crossed trying to wrap his head around this new information. Bakugou dropped his bag that he was packing and turned to Kirishima. 
“Look, I'm sorry Eiji, what do you want me to say? We both thought she died? she disappeared around the same time Izuku dad went missing and we know how that turned out, she was young and already showing as an omega, and yes my alpha chose her, she was my mate,  but she disappeared, my alpha disappeared with her and then you came into my life and woke him up again, waking him up with that big stupid grin of yours, and my alpha claimed you as my mate too.” Bakugou made his way to Kirishima and placed his hands on his face. Kirishima smiled up at him, not really bothered about the omega, Kirishima knew that if Bakugou’s alpha had already chosen the omega as a mate that his own alpha would do the same. Kirishima had a lot of love to go around. Often the pair would add an extra member during ruts but no one ever felt right for the red head to let them stay around. Kirishima was actually quite excited to meet her but he wants Bakugou to talk about it, to open up more. Kirishima lent forward to kiss Bakugou. 
“I know bro, so manly you are” Bakugou pulled a face and stepped away from Kirishima. 
“What did I say shitty hair, stop calling me bro when you are touching or inside me” Bakugou picked up his bag again and Kirishima just laughed smacking Bakugou ass as he left his room and walked into the main area of the den. 
Everyone in the pack lived there and had their own rooms, Kirishima also had his own room but barely spent time in there anymore since him and Bakugou began courting. Bakugou could see Midoriya pacing at the door, with Todoroki at his side trying to calm him down. 
“God Katsuki hurry up, she’s lost and alone, andprobablythinksweveforgttenaboutheragaingodwearesuchbadexcudsesforalphas..” Midoriya rambled on, and Todoroki tried once again to calm his mate down, he was failing…badly. 
“Let’s go nerd” Bakugou grabbed Midoriya’s collar and pulled him out the door with his pack behind him wishing them luck. Bakugou grabbed his car keys on the way out and threw his and Midoriya’s bag in the boot of his car. 
Once both alpha’s were settled in the car, Bakugou began to drive to the airport, you weren’t in Japan anymore. Midoriya sat ringing his hands together not speaking, he was afraid and unsure what you would think. His alpha had missed you all these years, his baby omegain sister. Both of you had dreamed of becoming hero’s together but when he had not developed his quirk and you had, you promised him you’d still make his dream come true. Then you disappeared leaving him all alone, Bakugou and him grew very distant, and the alpha’s hate grew and grew and the next moment they were both in UA, constantly fighting each other for no reason. The pain of losing you, almost killed both of them. It was only after both nearly losing each other in villain attacks, was what brought them back together and formed their clan with the rest of the class. Midoriya wanted to talk to Bakugou, he wanted him to say something but he could barely read Bakugou’s emotion right now so he thought it was best to stay quiet. 
Bakugou could sense Midoriya wanted to talk but what could he possibly say at this moment. Everyone thought you had died. Mr Midoriya’s body was found years ago and you were nowhere to be seen. The hero’s and police all deemed you dead, as you were an omega without any protection whatsoever. Bakugou blamed himself that he left you all alone, even though there was nothing he could have done, he did not know what Mr.Midoriya was planning on doing. Since that day, the emptiness had taken over Bakugou, his alpha disappeared along with you. It took many hard years of Kirishima constantly working and helping Bakugou that his Alpha came back, but there was always a part missing, that part belonged with you. 
It was like any other day, you were in Bakugou’s house learning how to build a nest which you decided needed to be in his room and Bakugou allowed this, he thought it was adorable watching you learn how to be one with your second gender. It was a lot easier for Alpha’s to join with their second genders, where omega’s had a lot of learning to do. They only join fully with their omega when they go through their first heat. Then Mr. Midoriya arrived and he never saw you again. Bakugou rubbed on his neck, on your mark you left on him. The both of you had not joined sexually as you were both young but you both decided to mark each other early so that if something was to happen to either of you the other would have something to hold onto, one last hope. Bakugou hated the idea at the time but went along with it, and now he was so thankful for your brain for thinking about it, as it was all Bakugou had of you. The nest you had built had been taken by police as evidence and any belongings he had or Midoriya had all gone to some police station somewhere. 
Bakugou’s auto pilot had brought the pair straight to the airport and by the time Bakugou’s brain caught up with his body they were boarding the plane. Bakugou turned Midoriya who looked like he was going to pass out. He grabbed his hand and they locked eyes. 
“She alive, and were bringing her home, that is all the matters, the past is the past,” 
Midoriya nodded at Bakugou and the plane departed on its journey to you. 
Your father took you far away, to some little town in a European country with the plans to marry you off for a quirk marriage to create strong children. You inherited your father fire quirk and you were quite skilled at creating objects with fires and if you concentrate hard enough you could even make bombs but it took too much energy and often left you dizzy and breathless so you promised Bakugou you would leave all the exploding to him. 
Bakugou, you could hardly believe after all this time of hoping and wanting, you could go back to him. Sometimes you would be able to sneak away and see the news, you could see him and Izuku sometimes. You’d often get punished for watching tv but it was worth it, seeing them. You had this longing in your chest to be with Bakugou, a voice inside, telling you he was safe but you didn’t understand what that voice was. All you knew was that you were an omega, that's it, nothing more. Nobody would tell you anything else. You would've been used when you were younger, something about a heat? But you never had one, the alpha’s had said it was because you were already mated to an alpha as you had his mark, that you were only useful to a dominant alpha to break the mark or they could always kill the alpha that marked you but you never told them who it was. You always said it was a nobody, that someone attacked you and they believed you, well all but one alpha, his name was Dabi. He had tried multiple times to get close to you and even one time tried to burn off your mark but it was no use, you had a fire quirk and his flame did nothing to you. After not having your heat because of your joining with someone, they opted to wait for it to come naturally. This would take time. If you were focused to be with an alpha now, the up would not survive, that was also not an option with how powerful your quirk could be. 
Dabi was chosen to be your minder and breaker, you either stayed in your cage or in his room. They hoped that with Dabi’s pheromones your omega would choose him. You spent many nights forced into Dabi’s neck breathing him in, his scent made you sick and just the thoughts of him made your skin crawl. Dabi had also brought you to Japan a few times in the hopes you would be able to point out this alpha, one way or another you eventually would be his. But the hero’s always appeared and attacked him which was getting on Dabi’s nerves so he stopped bringing you. It was too risky. 
You're not really sure how you escaped. You knew the alpha with the red wings, Tango, he called himself but you felt deep down he was lying. You also knew he was behind it but you were never really sure why he helped you but you were grateful. You were finally going home to Izuku and to Bakugou. You knew after all this time the pair of them had probably stopped looking for you, there was no reason to believe you were alive so you couldn’t hold that against them. You also knew that so much time had passed, you were in your twenties now and Bakugou probably found himself another mate, you made a bargain with yourself that you would take all the comfort you could from him, until he mentioned his mate, then you would back off, it was only fare to whomever his mate was. 
You could feel something inside you come alive, but you were unsure as to what it was. There was a deep hunger inside and you started to heat up. Maybe you had caught a cold while running away from the compound. Izuku has mentioned an airport and you had managed to find a way to it, one or two hero’s had helped you along the way. They were friends of ProHero Deku, which you found so hard to believe that your quickless brother was a hero. That his dream came true. You were sitting outside the arrivals section of the airport afraid to go in, you knew no matter where you were standing Izuku would find you. 
The main doors opened and a group of people existed. You looked at them, in the back you could faintly see a mop of green hair and blonde hair. Your heart sped up and you panicked, your brian telling you to hide for some reason, that you didn't deserve to be safe and home. So you hid behind a tree, you could hear your name being called and it was getting closer and closer to you but you stayed behind the tree. 
Bakugou could see your arms sticking out from behind the tree. He knew you were scared, he could smell it in the air. Midoriya was already crying, he nudged Midoriya in a way to tell him to pull himself together. Both alphas reached the tree and stood still, they could hear your whimpers. 
“y/n, there's no need to be afraid,” Midoriya said in a quiet tone. Bakguou placed the bags on the floor. 
“Zuzu, Kats, is it really you.” They could hear the tremble in your voice and could smell your fear in the air. Midoriya motioned to his neck, Bakugou understood immediately and started to pump calming pheromones into the air to try and calm you. Even though Midoriya was your brother, your mate would be able to calm you down more. You started to calm down slightly and peaked at them from around the tree. 
“There she is, we're here now ‘mega, nothings going to happen to you ever again” Bakugou stared deeply into your eyes, he held out his hand to you and so did Midoriya. You took a cautious step towards them, looking around the area for the villains, for Dabi. They had often used the boys' images to trick you in the past to bring your heat forward but something deep inside was telling you it was them right here in front of you. You held out both of your hands and grasped both of them. You released the breath you were holding and looked at the two, both alpha’s had tears in their eyes but neither moved a muscle. 
“You’re both really here” You sobbed and threw your arms around their necks pulling them into you. Both alphas used their arms and held you tight breathing you in. 
“It’s been so long, an-an-d I tried so many times to sh-show you I was ali-vvv-e but they stopped me”You sobbed harder into them. Bakugou and Midoriya both pumped out pheromones to try and calm you down but it was no use, Midoriya could hardly breathe himself as he was crying just as hard. 
“Y/n, I failed you, I’m so so sorry” Midoriya fell to his knees, and sobbed into his hands. You pulled away from Bakugou and joined Midoriya on the floor. 
“Hush now, let's not live in the past, right now all I want to do is go home and I want you to tell me what it’s like being heroes. I’m so proud of you both right now.” You said and held onto Midoriya, once his crying had stopped he pulled you both to your feet. Midoriya let you go and grabbed his and Bakugou’s bag, giving the two of you a minute. You looked up at him and his eyes stared deeply into your eyes. 
“Hello you” You whispered, and made your way to stand closer to Bakugou. 
“Hey ‘mega” Bakugou wrapped his arms tightly around you, forcing you to wrap your legs around his waist. He tucked your face into his neck and you could feel his pheromones were much stronger here. Something inside you said you should kiss his glands, you could see his mark on his neck, the same one you had placed on him all those years ago, binding you both together. At the time it was just you being sappy, what you had not realized was that it was that sappiness that actually saved you all these years. 
“Missed you, a part of me died when you weren't here, never letting you out of my sight again, I’ll die without you” Bakguou whispered into your neck. You hummed for a moment, letting the comfort take over.
“I'm here now, Kats.” you closed your eyes and just breathed in his scent, you hummed again and let it take over. Bakugou giggled into your neck. 
“You purring ‘mega,” 
“Wait what, that's not you making that sound” You pulled slightly in his arms to look at him. He smiled at you. 
“Nope, that’s your omega sweetheart, she’s calling to my alpha, her mate.” Bakugou kissed your forehead, you let out an uneasy laugh. Bakugou could read you in an instant. 
“Don’t worry, I help you learn about your omega again, don’t expect you know a lot bout it, stupid kidnappers, and beside it’s my job as Alpha to teach you.” Bakugou’s brows creased and you lent forward to kiss them. He stopped all movements which caused you to giggle. 
“I trust you Kats, now let's go home yeah?” you asked as you wriggled out of his arms and made your way to Midoriya taking his hand in yours. 
Many many hours later you were back in Japan, sitting in Bakugou’s lap while Midoriya drove you home. On the flight home you learnt all about their pack, and den. You learnt basically everything you had missed over the years. Midoriya told you about Allmight and what happened, how he’s a hero now. Bakugou filled you in about everything else, the little things you might have missed in Midoriya’s mumblings. The boys pushed you to talk about your time but right now you couldn’t process anything about it without panicking so they stopped asking and decided to wait until you were ready. 
Midoriya pulled into the driveway of the house, and some of the pack members were already outside waiting. You looked up at them and started to panic, your head screaming at you that this is where you lose Bakugou, that his new omega is up there. Bakugou could sense your panic and asked Midoriya to get the pack inside and he’ll bring you in, in a minute. Bakugou watched as Midoriya ushered everyone inside and he locked eyes with Kirishima who was smiling like a dork to him.
Bakugou pulled you to him and kissed your forehead. “Come one ‘mega, what's going on in your head of yours.” You took a moment to breathe and pulled back to look at Bakugou and spoke. 
“I can’t do it Katsuki, I made a deal with myself that I can have you until we made it back to your pack, and I would give you back to your omega but I can't do it , I can't do it, I can't do it.” You sobbed into Bakugou. He released some pheromones and when your crying had slowed down he began to speak. 
“Y/n, I never took another omega, you’re the only one for me” Bakugou wiped your tears away. “But, b–ut, Kirishima? You mention him very differently. I assumed he was your new omega.” Bakugou took a breath, “I really didn’t want to do this so soon, but only recently did I start seeing Kirishima, he brought my Alpha back but sweetheart, Kirishima is an alpha and the pack alpha and I love you both so much, in my heart something clicks with it being us three, but we’ll give you time to heal okay, Kirishima agreed to stay away to help.” Bakugou rubbed your neck as he spoke, you stayed quiet. You weren’t quite sure how to react, were you happy? Yes. Were you mad? No. Something inside you was very excited to meet this new alpha, and you could faintly smell something new on Bakugou but you just imagined it was someone from the clan but now everything made sense and you started to smile. 
“Let’s go meet everyone then” You smiled brightly at Bakugou and kissed his lips. Bakugou’s smile joined yours and he released the breath he was holding.
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gunilslaugh · 1 year
Hello! First time requesting, kinda nervous 🙃.
Can I request a royal au of some sort? I have three ideas, you can choose ☺️. (For the third option, you can choose the member. I would like a scenario like that for all of them, but I don’t want to overwhelm you.)
Option 1: How would Xdinary Heroes react to you being a runaway Princess?
Option 2: How would Xdinary Heroes react to a Princess wanting to marry them? (Not just like the Princess sees some rando and goes “I want to marry HIM!” Like XH members be royal staff,(royal adviser, guard, servant, etc.) A childhood friend. (that’s all I can think of 😭)
Option 3: A Friends to Lovers kinda situation. Either something like forbidden love, with XH member of your choice being royal staff. (King & Queen want her to marry another royal) with them ending up together in someway. (I don’t like angst. MY POOR HEART CAN’T HANDLE THE SAD!!) Or the Princess being friends with her personal guard, (Member) finds out that her parents want her to marry a prince from another kingdom, but she refuses, and confesses to her guard, wanting to marry him, if that makes sense?
Sorry for the long request haha
have a wonderful day/night
Hello! Don't be nervous I like writing request lol. I also liked all of your ideas, so I noted down the other two options because I want to come back and write them some other time :) Have a wonderful day/night as well!
All members < µ • µ >
Summary: Xdinary Heroes reaction to a princess wanting to marry them.
WC:~3.6k (Apparently I'm incapable of writing a short royal au)
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photo not mine credits to owner.
Gunil is your personal guard that you befriended over the years. The two of you have gotten really close. Maybe even a little too close, since you found that you have fallen for Gunil.
“Princess, their majesties are requesting your presence in the throne room,” Gunil knocked on the outside of your door. 
“Ok,” you answered, heading towards the door. Gunil opened the door for you allowing you to exit. 
“You know you can just call them my parents…I also know how to open a door,” you told him playfully. 
“Opening a door is an act of chivalry and it’s clearly stated in my contract to address them as majesties or highness,” Gunil responded promptly. 
“If only I’m around then. I won’t tell on you,” you nudged his side.
“Duly noted,” Gunil gives you a playful look. The two of you arrived at the doors to the throne room and Gunil opened them for you. 
“Mother, Father,” you politely greeted your parents. 
“Great y/n you’re here. We have something to discuss with you. Take a seat,” your father says. You went over to your throne and sat down. “Y/n, you’re at the age where you should start considering marriage. We’ve already sent some letters to other royal families. We’ve received a few responses about some princes who wish to meet you,” Your father informs you. Your heart sank. You didn’t want to meet other princes, definitely didn’t want to marry them. If you were going to marry anyone you wanted it to be Gunil. 
“What if I already have someone that I want to marry?” You asked tentatively. 
“Oh, is it the prince from the ball last time? The one who lives in the next kingdom over? The two of you did seem to get along well,” your mother smiled warmly.
“No, he lives much closer than that,” you informed, causing your parents to look at you a bit confused. “It’s Gunil. My royal guard. I want to marry him,” you disclosed, looking at your lap.
On the outside of the throne room door Gunil hears your confession. He wasn’t eavesdropping. You can simply hear the conversation from outside of the door and his job was to guard that said door, so it was inevitable. Truth be told, Gunil wanted to marry you too. He had also fallen for you. He knew that it was wrong, he was your royal guard after all. His job was to guard you, keep you safe, not fall in love with you. However his heart didn’t seem to care for that last part.
“Gunil! Please enter!” Your father summoned Gunil. You immediately grew more anxious. Gunil himself felt anxious too, he took a deep breath before entering.
“Yes, your majesty?” Gunil questioned. 
“I’m afraid I’ll have to fire you,” he told Gunil.
“Father! You don’t have to do that,” you hurried to interject.
“No, no, my future son in law shouldn’t be working as a royal guard,” he states. Son in law? Does that mean? “That is of course if Gunil is willing to take your hand in marriage,” he looks over to Gunil. “Will you?” He asks him.
“Of course” Gunil approaches you, taking your hand in his. “Honestly I’ve long harbored feelings for Princess y/n, but that wasn’t professional, so I never acted on them,” Gunil revealed. “Will you marry Y/n?” “I’ll get you a ring later,” he chuckled. 
“I’d happily marry you any day,” you tell him.
“Then it’s settled,” your father smiled, patting Gunil on the shoulder.
“Ooh I can’t wait to plan the wedding!” Your mother squealed. 
Jungsu worked as a servant at your castle. He was young, around your age, so you naturally gravitated towards him. You didn’t really have any friends, due to spending most of your time inside the castle walls. At first Jungsu was a little nervous about interacting with you. Servants weren’t really supposed to interact with the royal family outside of doing their assigned duties. You assured Jungsu that it was ok, saying you’d assigned him to be your friend if you had to. After that the two of you started to bond. Your parents were actually happy to see you two getting along. They knew that you tended to get lonely and were happy that you finally had someone to keep you company. That’s why they pretend to not know about your secret late night meetings at the pavilion. 
Presently, you, your mother and your mother’s friend who happened to be a queen from another kingdom were having tea out in the garden. Jungsu had just poured your cups of tea.
“Thank you,” you smiled at him. 
“My pleasure,” he bowed his head at you. Your mother noticed the way you two looked at each other lovingly. She found it adorable how coyly you two acted. 
“You know our children are at the age of marriage,” your mothers friend brings up. 
“Indeed they are,” your mother said. Your nerves began to bubble up at the talk of marriage. 
“Maybe we should set the two of them up,” she spoke, causing you to choke on your tea. You know that the prince is a nice guy, but you don’t want to marry him. Honestly, you wanted to marry Jungsu. With time you two spent together. Staring at the stars while having late night talks at the pavilion. You had fallen in love with him. Although you didn’t get your hopes up about being able to be together with him because you know that his status wouldn’t make your relationship a desirable one to others.
“Oh honey be careful,” your mother patted your back. 
“I’m sorry,” you excused yourself. 
“As much as it would be nice to set our children up. I’m afraid I’ll have to decline. My daughter already has someone in mind when it comes to marriage,” your mother tells. 
“Who would that lucky fellow be?” Your mom’s friend asks. 
“It will be announced soon,” Your mother says with a certain look in her eyes. The three of you finish your tea and bid your mothers friend a farewell. 
“Mother, what did you mean by it will be announced soon?” You questioned.
“You love Jungsu don’t you?” Your mother checks. If you were still drinking tea you would have choked again. Jungsu, who was earshot away, heard this. He instantly felt relieved, he had too fallen for you, but due to his servant status he accepted that he could only be with you as a friend. He never imagined that your parents would support your relationship. 
“How did you know?” You were surprised you thought you covered your feeling well. 
“It’s in your guys eyes. They can’t hide the love you two carry,” she says. Jungsu comes over to clear your tea cups and saucers. 
“Allow me this time, Jungsu. You can Y/n should talk,” your mother gestures for him to sit down. She takes the tray from Jungsu and takes the tea cups and saucers inside.
“I want to marry you Jungsu and my  parents approve,” you told him. 
“I heard,” he takes your hand in his. “I want to marry you too,” he places a kiss over your ring finger. 
Jiseok was a friend you made while attending the school for royals. You met during your first year there at the age of five and have remained friends all the way till now at the ripe age of twenty. 
Currently you and Jiseok are both painting in the garden. You were each trying to paint the rose bush in front of you two. Jiseok took a peek over at your canvas and started to laugh. 
“What is it?” You asked, curious about why he was laughing. 
“Cause yours looks like that and mine looks like this,” he said, still laughing. You looked over at his painting and saw a more…abstract interpretation of the rose bush. You couldn’t contain your laughter. 
“I like it. I’ll hang it in my room when it’s done,” you told him.
“I don’t think this is worthy of being displayed. Yours is though,” he said.
“You take it then,” you placed your brush down. “We can exchange them,” you told him.
“Princess y/n it’s time for your fitting,” one of the servants came to inform you. You sighed. The fitting was for a suitors ball, where all eligible royals would attend. 
“Someone doesn’t want to go to their fitting,” Jiseok poked. 
“I don’t want to go to the ball,” you clarified. You didn’t want to go to the suitors ball because the only prince you wanted was sitting right beside you, Jiseok. 
“Why not?” Jiseok asks you. He didn’t want to attend the ball either and it was for the same reason as you. The only princess he wanted to marry was you. You were silent for a bit debating how you should answer. Every second that passed made Jiseok grow more anxious.
“The only suitor I’m interested in is you,” you finally spoke. Jiseok’s eyes widened in shock. His feelings were mutual, but he wasn’t expecting you to say it out loud. He quickly recovered from the shock. 
“Then you should change your fitting to a wedding dress one,” Jiseok tells you.
“What?” You asked, taken aback.
“The only reason I was going to the suitor ball was to keep other princes away from you,” Jiseok admits sheepishly.
“Being engaged would definitely keep other princes away from me,” you hinted. Jiseok looks you in the eyes and smiles. He got up from where he was sitting, walked over the rose bush, plucking a rose from it. He walked back over to you and kneels in front of you.
“Y/n would you do me the honors of marrying me?” He asks you, handing you the rose. You carefully took the rose from his hand, lifting it to your nose to smell it’s floral scent. 
“Yeah I guess so,” you said playfully. Jiseok lightly smacks your knee.
“Don’t make me take the rose back,” he threatens you, standing up. You held the rose closer to your chest. 
“I’d happily marry you any day of the week,” you tell him. You stand up and hug Jiseok, careful not to damage the rose. The two of you stay embraced for a moment celebrating your engagement. “Come on, let's go tell them that we can no longer attend the ball,” you pulled away from the hug. Jiseok eagerly nodded, taking your hand.
“Mother, you will need to cancel my fitting,” you informed your mom. 
“Why’s that dear?” she questioned, but she already knew the answer by looking at yours and Jiseok intertwined hands.
“Because she needs a wedding dress instead,” Jiseok told her.
“Took you two long enough,” she joked. “I’ll tell the tailor right away,” she smiled.
Your parents, the king and queen, were currently out of the kingdom to take care of some official business, leaving you to manage the kingdom for a while. Thankfully you weren’t alone, you had Seungmin, your family's royal adviser, to help you. 
“Seungmin I don’t think that I’m cut out for this,” you sighed plopping down onto the couch inside of the study. 
“What do you mean? You’re doing a great job princess I assure you,” Seungmin says. Your heart flutters at him calling you princess. It really shouldn’t, plenty of others refer to you using the name, but for some reason, because you're in love with him, it always makes your stomach feel warm when he calls you that. 
“No, you’re doing a great job Seungmin. I’ve just done what you’ve advised me to do,” you stated. Seungmin comes over sitting beside you. Right beside you, so close your legs are touching.
“You’ve learned from it though havent you?” He asks. You nodded your head.
“See, you’re doing great then,” he reassures you.
“I’ve received letters about princes asking for my hand in marriage,” you brought up. Seungmin’s chest tightens at the news. He should be professional about you. You are at the age of marriage, however he heart doesn’t want him to be professional about it. It wants him to be selfish about it. That the only person he advises you to marry is himself. “What are your thoughts on that Mr. Advisor?” You question. A brief small comes onto his face at your use of the nickname. The nickname also lets him know that you’re being serious. Ironically enough you call him by that nickname whenever you need advice about a serious matter. 
“Do you want to get married?” He starts off with a more broad question, thinking it’s a safer choice. 
“If it’s to one certain person then yes, but if it’s not him then no,” you answered. Seungmin’s heart fell. Did you already have someone else in your heart?
“Who is he? As your advisor I need to make sure that he’s good enough,” he tries to keep it professional. 
“I think you’d definitely approve of him,” you tell him. Your answer grows Seungmin’s curiosity. 
“Then tell me his name,” he prods you. His heart is beating fast, something it usually doesn’t do. He’s supposed to remain calm, but when it comes to you that’s a hard battle for him.
You leaned closer to Seungmin to whisper in your answer in his ear.
“You,” your breath grazed across his ear. You lean back to see his reaction. Seungmin takes in a sharp breath and looks at you, locking eyes. Then he breaks out into a smile. 
“You’re right I definitely approve of him,” he confirms. “How long have you wanted to marry me?” He quizzes you. 
“I always thought that you were cute the second my father first introduced you. One time I saw you helping a maid who dropped a tray clean up and I don’t know if something about it made me fall for you,” you told him. 
“That’s kinda funny,” Seungmin began. “I once saw you helping the gardener clean up a bag of compost that got spilled in the garden. You got it all over the bottom of your dress, soil covering your face from you accidentally wiping your hands on it, but you still like the most beautiful girl I ever saw and now I get to keep you by my side,” he  wrapped an arm around you.
Hyeongjun was a guard at your palace. He was quiet, didn’t talk too much. It led to people taking him to be cold and stern, but only if they knew the real him, like you do. His quietness is what drew you towards him. It made you curious about what he was really like.
 One night you were crying inside of your room. Your parents had scolded you about how you need to be better. Behave more maturely, more princess-like. You needed to take your responsibilities more seriously. It was time for you to be a proper princess. Little did your parents know that you were already trying your best. 
“Princess y/n, are you alright?” Hyeongjun’s voices called from outside of your bedroom. It surprised you. You didn’t think that out of all of your staff he would be the one to reach out and comfort you. 
“I’m fine,” you sniffled out, it wasn’t very convincing. It pulled on Hyeongjun’s heartstrings seeing, well hearing technically, you cry.
“May I enter?” He asked for your permission. You quickly tried to wipe away your tears. 
“Yes, you may,” you allowed him access. He stepped into your room seeing your upset state. He frowned and walked over next to you. He sat down on your bed beside you and guided your head onto his shoulder. 
“You can cry princess, let it all out. I’m here for you,” he said. That’s all it took for your held back tears to flow again. It was that night that you opened your heart to Hyeongjun. That night you realized how kind Hyeongjun actually was. That it  wasn’t coldness that made him so quiet, but rather shyness. 
Hyeongjun always took care of you and ended up becoming a personal guard for you instead. You were ecstatic when this happened because it meant that you could spend more time with Hyeongjun. You had certainly fallen for him. 
The two of you currently sat in the library of your place. Each of you were reading your own respective books. It was a hobby the pair of you enjoyed doing together. 
“I want to marry you Hyeongjun,” you randomly declared, breaking the comfortable silence that encompassed the library. Hyeongjun clumsily dropped the book from his hands, it landed on the floor with a thud. 
“Princess y/n I don’t think that’s acceptable. A royal guard and a princess,” he states. 
“My mom told me that I should marry whomever I please and I please you Hyeongjun,” you told him. 
“But princess others would-” he started.
“Don’t think about others. Think about yourself. How do you feel about me?” You questioned him. 
“I’d like to marry you too,” he confesses. “I’m sure that you can tell that I care about you. I always want to take care of you. Whether it be as a royal guard or something more,” he confessed.
“I’d prefer it be the latter,” you smiled, closing your book and making your way over to Hyeongjun. Once you made it over to Hyeongjun he took both of your hands in his and kneeled on one knee before you. 
“Then y/n, would you marry me? I promise I’ll take care of you for the rest of your life,” he proposes. 
“Of course I’ll marry you Hyeongjun. I think I wanted to marry since that night you comforted me in my room all that time ago,” you accepted. Hyeongjun stands up, hands moving from your hands to your shoulders. 
“I’ve loved you since then,” he revealed. “It hurt my heart so much to know that you were crying in there all alone,” he added. You couldn’t contain your excitement and hug him tightly making him chuckle, but he hugs you back just as tightly.
Jooyeon was your childhood friend. He was the son of one of your father’s friends, who also happened to be a king. At first your impression of Jooyeon was that he was annoying. He always tried to distract you whenever you two were having lessons together. Now however the two of you were peas in a pod. It was more odd for you to be apart. Royal staff would joke asking “Where’s the other one?” whenever it was just one of you doing something. 
“When are you and Jooyeon planning to get married?” Your mother asked you when the both of you were doing embroidery together.
“Mom, what are you talking about!” You exclaimed embarrassed. You didn’t even know if Jooyeon liked you back. It only seemed natural that you fell for him over your many years of friendship. You’re not even entirely sure when it happened. You just know that one day while the two of you were skipping rocks in your pond you just knew that he was the one for you. Like something just clicked right into place. You wanted to spend the rest of your life with Jooyeon. 
“Y/n, everyone knows that you two love each other. Both of our kingdoms have basically been anticipating your marriage since you were kids,” she tells you.
“Since we were kids? That’s a bit much,” you say, causing your mom to laugh. 
“You both would make such a good couple. Plus I know that you love him, so don’t act like you don’t,” she points. 
“Even if I do. I don’t know if he feels the same way,” you said, sounding a bit disheartened.
“He does.” she tells you earnestly. 
“How do you know?” You put to question.
“Because I told her that I wanted to marry you when I was six,” Jooyeon announces, entering the room. Little did you know Jooyeon was standing right outside the room hearing your entire conversation. 
Jooyeon long since knew that he wanted to be the one you marry. You had scolded him for not paying attention during a lesson, but all he wanted was your attention. It was during a ball celebrating one of his uncles marriages that he went to your mom and told her that he wanted to marry you. Saying that they would have to have a ball like this one one day for you and him. Your mother could tell that he meant it. Although he was only six, so she could only hope that those feelings he carried for you wouldn’t change. Much to her liking they never did.
“How much of that did you hear?” You questioned. 
“I basically just indirectly proposed to you and that’s what you ask?” Jooyeon laughed in disbelief. You couldn’t hold your own laugh. He did just admit that your romantic feelings for him are mutual, but you wanted to know how much over the conversation with your mother he heard. It did sound ridiculous. 
“Well depending on how much of our conversation you heard you would know that I want to marry you too,” you defended. 
“Then it’s settled, we’re now engaged,” Jooyeon stated promptly.
“I don’t know, my ring finger looks loney,” you said, wiggling your ring finger. Jooyeon came over to you and picked up a spool of red thread. He carefully wrapped it around your ringer finger, typing a little bow on top. 
“Until I get you a real one,” he told you. You smiled looking at the thread around your finger.
“Ok we’re engaged now,” you stated officially.
“I’ll work on the wedding invitations!” Your mother enthusiastically jumps up.
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szagaloree · 2 years
His wife…
Chapter 6
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Contains: cuteness and fluff
In the morning spider was looking around, he walks into his aunties quarters “hey have y’all seen mom?” He asks “naw kid, she didn’t come in the room at all last night,” Raven answered putting her gun her hoister, he leaves looking for her. Searching through the lab she was now where to be found neither Quaritch, so he walks over to his room, he quietly opens the door and walks in, once he peeled behind the wall he sees his mother and father both in the bed asleep, he started to smile a little. Quaritch begins to wake up and his eyes were upon me till he glances up he thought his eyes were playing tricks on him but once he looks back again he flinches from seeing spider standing by the wall, “how long have you been standing there?” He asks, “I just came in, I was looking for mom but I guess found her,” spider smirks.
He huffs shaking his head “learn how to knock,” he said, he leans up before slapping my hip “alright wake up,” he said tiredly “shut up” she mumbles shifting in her sleep “don’t tell me to shut up woman get up,” he shakes her head she opens her eyes groaning before pausing “spider-what the hell are you doing?” She asks “nothing I was looking for you,” he smirks as he leaves, I huff then glance at quaritch who chuckled “what’s funny?” I question as I get up, “I wasn’t laughin,” he said, I got dressed but Quaritch pulls me back by my tail making my eyes go wide “get back here you little kitty cat,” he says, “ughh don’t call me that it’s so cringey,” I scoff, I walk away “oh you’ll like it,” he smirked, I leave out heading to the lab, “gwen, been looking for you, we got some intel on sully,” Raven said “what?” What’s going on?” I ask she grabs my wrist taking me to the corner “they’ve relocated far from the forest,” she informs, “good, they it’s best for them,” I sighed, “how are we gonna deal with the rda? The more we rebel the more suspicious they get and they can put us down?” She asks worriedly “I don’t know but.. I gotta get spider out of this,” I huff “gotta figure something out sooner or later,” I shake my head looking down.
I walked outside to see Quaritch teaching spider how to play basketball, “so.. you didn’t come back in the quarters last night, you and Quaritch had some fun?” Allen asks i chocked on my water “hell no! What the fuck Allen,” the girls snickered, I roll my eyes “we didn’t do shit, so y’all can stop the you’re little foolery,” I said, I sat down and laid my head on raven’s lap, “make sure to beat that asshole’s ass spider!” Ellice shouts I smirk with a snicker “ why don’t you get you’re ass up and play since you’re all talk,” he said, “ohhh I don’t wanna do ya old man,” we laughed.
As they play I just sat and watch spider and quaritch interact with each other, this is one of the first times I’ve seen Quaritch act like a person and not a puppet. He was being him, smiling and everything, i would wish this for him then anything else but I can only convince him for so long till it’s his finals decision on what he wants, me and the girls jumped when the boys sprayed water on us “you fucking asshole!” I scoff, they laughed, later on groan wincing in pain that was in my chest, I could hardly breath, “you alright?” Allen asks “yea god this chest pain is killing me,” I huff, “probably needs some meds,” she said, I walk to the lab wincing, “what’s wrong?” Spider asks “nothing just having chest pain randomly,” I answered.
I huff taking some pills before sitting down at the table by spider “so how you feelin?” I ask, “fine, dad taught me how to make a 3 pointer,” he smiled “nice, how do you feel, about your dad?” I ask nervously, “he’s… good, I mean I wouldn’t think he would, accept me he would disown me… after being kinda alone i just wished you both were here,” he says “I know, you’re dad could’ve been here longer then me if he wasn’t a hard ass, I don’t know how to get through his big head,” I said “do you ever think if you and dad could get.. back. Together?” He asks hesitant of the answer because he knows how much I was very overprotective of him against his dad, I didn’t want him to be just like him nor end up the rda’s puppet, but them getting together again, that was our of the question…. Is It? I only dreamed of us being together, being happy and living a free life on Pandora away from the rda and their bullshit, but that’s only a dream to be honest.
“I don’t know, don’t think so, the way he is, it’s..mm” I bit my lip, it’s hard to talk about it even more. He looks down saddened “but I wouldn’t mind being friends with him I just can’t be with him,” I said, he nodded. After dinner I stood in a certain room to look at my old logs, it hurts to see how I was when I first got there but I love for when I changed, it was a lot better. “Reminiscing on the past?” Quaritch comes in “spider’s asleep?” I ask he nods “yea knocked out figured playing basketball wore him out,” he said, “surprised you ain’t knocked out old man,” I said “yea whatever i ain’t old,” he sat down, “you really never gave up that hairstyle,” he says, “what about it? That’s my go too,” I said, he grins “mhm, I be telling everytime to just let your damn hair down for once,” he said “and I did once,” he chuckles.
“You want to go fly around for a little?” He asks.
“Why?” I ask “what just to have some fun,” he smirks getting up, is Jake my head silently laughing as I get up. Flying through the sky it feels so beautiful and refreshing to see the forest at night and how it glows, earth was never like that even before it was destroyed by buildings and wars and pollution.
🎶“I could lie-could lie-could lie… everything that kills meee… makes me feel alive”🎶
I giggle watching Quaritch chase after me “imma get you somehow,” he smirks “I’ll like to see you try,” I chuckle.
🎶“lately I’ve been-I’ve been loosing sleep… dreaming about the things that we could be… but baby I’ve been-I’ve been prayin hard.. said no more counting dollars.. we’ll be counting stars…”🎶
I fly down laughing he lifts me up making me squeal with laughter, “stawwp” I giggle he smiled carrying me inside over his shoulder, “miles put me down right now,” I said, “nope” he smirks, we ended up in his room apparently and now he puts me down I run to leave but he grabs my tail “aye let my tail go,” I jumped he pulls me back “get back here you little rascal,” he said, I scoff he wraps his arms around my waist sighing in content. “Why am I in your room?” I ask cocking a brow, “what scared Ian gone bite ya,” he smirked I shake my head at his foolishness. “Even an avatar you are still sooo fine,” I chuckle “don’t think this is a way for you to get your way with me Quaritch,” I said “back to Quaritch? Whaaat nooo,” he fake pouts, I roll my eyes “I’m serious, you look just like you, that’s sexy bomb ass women I married,” he said pecking my lips teasingly, I stared at him not sure if I should take the bait, but you only live twice? I guess, I kiss back leaving him shocked, his grip tightened pulling me closer to his chest.
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New Journey (S.H) Chapter 6 Season 1
! This is a backstory. There are more chapters to the actual fic. Check my masterlist !
Pairing: (eventual) Steve Harrington x henderson!reader
Summary: The beggining of the story. How did Y/n Henderson get herself into this mess? How did she deal with the loss of a dear friend and how will she survive the bullies and monsters?
Warnings: swearing, blood, Steve being an asshole
Notes: So... this is awkward. There is no excuse for my absence, but here I am with all the parts of season 1 complete! So in the next couple of days, I will be dropping the two final chapters as well and then start working on season 4 (fr pls believe me, I will finish this I swear 😭). So, I hope you enjoy and stay safe out there!💕
P.S. If you want to be untagged after all this time I completely understand, so just inform me!
Gif not mine
Chapter 5 << Masterlist >> Chapter 7
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“I tried getting in touch with you.” your brother tried to explain himself.
“I left the walkie at home.” you told him sternly.
“Why did you leave it at home?” he protested back as if he wasn’t the one in the wrong right now.
“Because I didn’t want to make myself a target when I potentially came across a deadly monster, Dustin!” your voice was beginning to get higher, but not enough for your mother to hear.
You and your brother were arguing about everything that had occurred yesterday. After you had woken up you knocked on Dustin’s door to tell him about your last night’s discoveries, you noticed how stiffly he was sitting on his bed as he watched you tell him all about it. At first, you thought he was simply terrified of the things you told him, but the single drop of sweat on his forehead gave away the fact he was hiding something.
He gave in after only one question. He told you about their trip to the woods, the fight, and Eleven’s disappearance. You couldn’t even put into words how angry you were at all three of them.
“I’m sorry, okay? We thought we’d find something…” his eyes were staring at the floor, not daring to look up at you. He had never seen you so disappointed in him. He hated it when you fought.
“Yes, Dustin, you could have found something. Something so horrid that left Nancy in full shock yesterday. Something that is going after the people in this town. That is why I went into the woods and specifically told you not to follow. Can you not understand the kind of situation that we are under? And not to mention, Eleven is now gone. She is alone in that forest just because you can’t follow one rule!” you despised yourself whenever you yelled at Dustin. He was your little brother; it was your job to keep him safe. But he was still your brother and a lot of times he would get on your nerves. However, seeing his sunken face made your heart ache, so you decided to resolve this with a softer approach.
“So now what? You guys are not even talking?” you sat beside him on his bed. He shuffled, turning his body a bit towards you before speaking.
“Mike and Lucas are still mad at one another. I tried to talk some sense into them, but failed… Y/n, I-I truly am sorry. I know we shouldn’t have attempted to try anything, but constantly sitting still, worrying about Will and you out there… We felt like we had to do something.” he was playing with his hands, so you put your own on top to comfort him. You had just now realized how red his face had gotten. He was trying to keep his tears from falling.
“I know this is hard for you... But putting yourselves in danger is not going to help anyone right now, all right?” you patted his back as he nodded his head listening to your words “Now, I have a job for you.” his eyes lit up “You’re going to splash some water on your face and then bike to Mike’s, make him and Lucas talk and get back together. I can’t continue this monster hunting without the three of you and your crazy, but surprisingly accurate theories.”
He did as he was told. After five minutes you had said goodbye to your mother and were ready to head in your separate directions.
“So, you’re going back out there?” he asked shyly, his bike on his side.
“Yep, and because now I understand I will never be able to contain you all… Here.” you handed him an army knife  “Use it only when you need to. Don’t go showing it off.” you hoped he would at least listen to you about this.
“I promise I will.” he smiled up at you as he took it and placed it in his bag “Be careful out there.”
“I always am, buddy.” you ruffled his hat-covered head and waited for Jonathan to arrive. Hardly five minutes had passed when you saw the familiar vehicle heading towards you. You noticed Nancy was already in the passenger’s seat, which confused you since your house is closer to Jonathan’s than the Wheeler’s, but you didn’t think much of it.
You got in the back and greeted them both. You could tell by the bags under their eyes that they didn’t have a good night’s sleep yesterday and you understood why. All you could think about was the terrified look on Nancy’s face, her screams calling for one of you to find her.
“You guys okay?”
“More than okay. We have a plan.” Nancy announced, not an inch of fear in her voice. It surprised you to see her so determined, but you were glad you were going back into action. This thing had to be dealt with fast.
As Jonathan drove to the store, Nancy explained what your next plan involves.
“So, you think it can detect blood? What, like a shark?” your brows furrowed as you listened to her.
“Think about it. Before Barbara disappeared, she had cut herself with a bear bottle, you fell off your bike and scratched your knee the night it approached you, and yesterday the deer was bleeding as well.” she had turned her whole body from the front of the car to look at you while she spoke.
“So even a single drop of blood…” you thought out loud.
“Can attract it, yeah.” Nancy finished your sentence with a quick nod.
“If we are right about this then we can-” Jonathan started speaking before it finally clicked inside your head why you were heading to the hunting store.
“We can lure it to us.” your eyes lit up.
“And into a trap.” Nancy nodded, glad to see you agreed with them.
You all were strolling around the store, picking up everything that looked useful or harmful enough for a monster. Your eyes fell upon the bear traps, and you signaled for Nancy and Jonathan to take a look, agreeing in silence that it was one of your best shots at getting this thing. After your shopping you placed everything on top of the counter, staring at the cashier as if this number of weapons and supplies was normal.
“And I’ll have four boxes of the .38s.” Jonathan spoke, and you watched as the man grabbed those for you.
“What you kids doin’ with all this?” his expression was full of confusion.
You turned to look at Nancy next to you and Jonathan on the other end, contemplating whether to lie or not, when Nancy beat you both to it as she responded with a shrug “Monster hunting.”.
You held your breath, hoping not to be asked any more questions, but relaxed when the man behind the counter simply scoffed and rang you up with the total.
You carried the bag of supplies outside of the store, Nancy and Jonathan following behind you as you waited for the latter to open up the trunk so you could place it inside. As he took out his keys, a question popped into his mind “Monster hunting?” he asked Nancy.
“You know, last week… We were shopping for a new top I thought Steve might like.” she pointed between the two of you “It took us and Barb all weekend. It seemed like life or death, you know? And… And now-“
“Now you’re shopping for bear traps with the freak and the pathetic weirdo of Hawkins High.” you joked and placed the bag into the trunk before turning to look at your friends.
“Yeah.” Nancy smiled, picking up on your humorous comment.
“What’s the weirdest part? Us or the bear trap?” Jonathan asked teasingly after he had closed the trunk.
“You. It’s definitely you.” you chuckled at her, all of yesterday’s arguments forgotten when suddenly a car honked, pulling all of your attention towards it.
“Hey, Nance! Can’t wait to see your movie.” a guy from school, Reed, said with a laugh as he drove off.
“What the hell was that?” Jonathan asked what all of you were wondering.
“I don’t know.” Nancy said, staring at the direction of the car when suddenly she turned and took a couple steps forward.
“What? What?” Jonathan asked Nancy first and then you, trying to realize what was happening, but your eyes were focused on Nancy, as Reed’s words replayed on your mind.
‘Your movie he said. Why would Nancy have a movie?’ you thought. ‘What if...’
The moment you saw Nancy heading towards the direction of the movie theater, you knew you had the same thought as her. You followed without thinking, ignoring Jonathan’s questions. When your eyes finally landed on the movie theater your run halted for a second as you stared up at the big red words ‘ALL THE RIGHT MOVES STARRING NANCY THE SLUT WHEELER”.
Your head turned to your friend who was now running before she stopped right in front of the billboard. But before you could go to her and comfort her, something else caught your eye and filled you with anger. With just a few steps towards the new sight, something made Nancy turn her head to search for you. Your eyes met and she knew what you had seen as you both bolted towards the alley, where Steve, Tommy H., Carol, and Nicole were screwing around with the red spray can. They were laughing at something Tommy was writing before they noticed you and Nancy heading over to them.
“Aw, look at that! The princess and the bitch.” Carol said with a smug look on her face, that you wanted to smack out of her before resisting your urges.
“Uh-oh! She looks upset!” Tommy joked as you all watched Nancy, who was a few meters ahead of you, come to a stop before Steve and slapped him across the face. You came to a stop a couple of meters behind Nancy, giving her the space she needed, but being ready for anything she asked.
“What’s wrong with you?” she asked him.
“What’s wrong with me? What’s wrong with you? I was worried about you. I can’t believe that I was actually worried about you.” he scoffed.
“What are you talking about?” she sounded confused over his words.
“I wouldn’t lie if I were you. You don’t want to be known as the lying slut now, do you?” Carol said and you’ve had enough.
“Watch it, Carol.” you stepped towards her, trying to seem intimidating, but she just glared at you, before something behind you caught her attention.
“Speak of the devil.” Tommy jumped off the steps he was on, landing right in front of you, and took a drag from his cigarette “Hi.” he smirked at Jonathan who had now come to a stop just behind you. He sent you a questioning look and you shook your head not knowing what the dick squad was implying.
But Nancy, after just a glance towards Jonathan, realized what this was all about “You came by last night?”
“Ding! Ding! Ding! Does she get a prize?” Carol said and the rest of her group smirked with her.
Even if you didn’t agree with anything they said or suggested, curiosity filled you as you looked at Jonathan this time for answers. Had he spent the night at Nancy’s? Is that the reason she was already in the car earlier this morning?
“Look, I don’t know what you think you saw, but it wasn’t like that.”
“What, you just let him into your room to… study?” it was clear Steve wasn’t buying anything Nancy was telling him.
“Or for another pervy photo session?” Tommy laughed and fists started forming in your hands.
“We were just-“ Nancy didn’t know how to finish her sentence and you understood why. What was she supposed to say? The truth? They’d think you’re even more nuts than they already did, and any other lie would be just that for Steve, a lie.
“You were just what? Finish that sentence.” he took a step forward, speaking even slower “Finish the sentence.” you watched Nancy not even able to look up at him and all you wanted to do was take her away from all of them. And that is what you started to do when Steve shook his head and told her to go to hell.
You touched her arm and softly pulled her away from the group in front of you, not wanting another scene to happen “Nancy, come on.” she responded to your touch and stepped along with you.
“Let’s just leave.” Jonathan spoke softly to the two of you, but Jonathan’s voice seemed to trigger something within Steve as he began speaking again.
“You know what, Byers? I’m actually kind of impressed. I always took you for a queer…” Steve pushed Jonathan’s back, but you took Nancy’s hand and continued walking, Jonathan following and trying to ignore what Steve was saying “… But I guess you’re just a-” you hear Steve push your friend again “-little screw up like your father. Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. Yeah, that house is full of screw-ups.” you stopped hearing Jonathan’s footsteps and you turned to look at him frozen in his spot, Steve having a knowing look on his face, happy to hit the nerve he was searching for “You know, I guess I shouldn’t really be surprised. A bunch of screw-ups in your family”.
Nancy left your side and went next to Jonathan, trying to calm him down. On the other hand, you stepped over at Steve “Steve, stop it.” he only spared you a glance before he continued on with his rant.
“I mean, your mom… I’m not even surprised what happened to your brother.” only yesterday he was trying to apologize to you for the things his friends were saying. Now he was the one with the big mouth. People don’t change, especially assholes like Steve Harrington.
“Shut the fuck up, Steve!” you yelled at him but he ignored you as he pushed past you and walked behind Jonathan. You moved to step forward, ready to prevent the inevitable, but Carol came in front of you, stopping you in your tracks with a grin.
“Jonathan, leave it!” you heard Nancy yell. Your nerves were getting worse when you tried to step around Carol, but she blocked you again with a chuckle.
“I’m sorry I have to be the one to tell you, but the Byers-” you watch over Carol’s shoulder as Steve pushes him again across the back “-their family, it’s a disgrace-” and again “-to the entire-” this time it wasn’t a push that interrupted Steve’s words, but the punch Jonathan threw against his face, finally fed up with his words.
You gasped at the force and watched Steve take in what happened before he launched himself forward, grabbing Jonathan by his middle, throwing him on top of a car, and pushing him to the ground. Their fight continues as they roll in the dirt, kicks, and punches going in from every direction.
The sight pulls everyone’s attention, so you take your chance and step away from Carol. You all screamed at them to stop, only Tommy’s voice telling Steve to continue and kick your friend’s ass. The two boys get off the ground and Jonathan manages to land another hard punch in Steve’s face, almost making him fall to the ground again. You’re near Nancy again when you see Tommy walk over to them, ready to cover Steve, but Harrington just pushes his friend away, telling him to leave them.
Jonathan takes a deep breath and throws another punch, but Steve successfully ducks it and immediately throws one at Jonathan, getting him. Your friend though is quick to return it, blood appearing on Steve’s face. Worry fills your body seeing the sight of Jonathan’s bloody hand as he throws Steve another one.
“Jonathan, stop! Stop! You’re going to hurt him!” Nancy’s please echo through the alleyway, her desperation making you call out for them to stop as well.
But your yelling is pointless when you see Steve falling to the ground once more and Jonathan getting on top of him, throwing one punch after the other. It is then that you hear sirens in the distance. Someone must have called the cops on you. You share a look with Nancy and you move forward. Just then Tommy notices the sirens as well and informs his friends that the cops are coming.
“Jonathan! Come on! We need to leave!” you yell, but nothing seems to shake Jonathan out of this trance he’s in. Steve’s face is covered in blood from the punches, and you start pitying him.
Just then the cops stop their car before the scene and get out. You and Nancy don’t dare to step in to stop the fight, seeing as Jonathan shows no mercy, but Tommy doesn’t seem to care as he tries to tear him off Steve’s body “Hey, he’s had enough, man! I said he’s had enough!” but Jonathan just shrugs him off and continues.
One of the officers steps into the fight to stop it, but Jonathan accidentally elbows him on the nose. The cop falls back and cries out in pain. Finally, the other one is able to hold Jonathan down and stop him from hurting Steve more.
Tommy quickly grabs Steve off the ground, and they run off, escaping from the officer who started chasing them with ease. You, on the other hand, were glued to your spot as you watched the cop yank Jonathan on top of the car and cuff his hands behind his back.
They took you to the police station, not letting you and Nancy go until a guardian came to discuss everything with the officers, but you both agreed that getting your parents here was not an option, so you just settled on your chair, waiting to see what they would do about Jonathan. Not only was he involved in a fight, but he had also assaulted an officer, accident or not, so he was in much bigger trouble than you and Nancy.
It wasn’t until an hour later that Joyce and Hopper stepped into the station to see you three sitting behind one of the desks upfront.
“Jonathan? Jesus, what- what happened?” Joyce looked at all three of you with a concerned then angry glare. Your head fell, knowing there was no escaping her rage.
Jonathan just reassures her he’s fine, holding up the towel with ice cubes Nancy had gotten him, now fully wet.
“Why is he wearing handcuffs?” Joyce points to them and one of the officers from before, Callahan, steps forward.
“Well, your boy assaulted a police officer. That’s why.”
“Take them off.” the woman demanded, but Callahan immediately argued telling her he could not do that “Take them off!” Joyce repeats herself, and Hopper steps up.
“You heard her. Take ‘em off.” his voice is much calmer, but the officers don’t follow his order.
“Chief, I get everyone’s emotional here, but there’s something you need to see.” Powell, the other officer, tells him and guides him out of the station.
The three of you turn to look at Joyce, who just shakes her head.
“What happened?”
None of you said a thing for a moment, but her intense stare made you crack “We got in a fight. I mean, Jonathan got in a fight, we just stayed behind.” Jonathan turns his head and looks at you with a glared look “I’m sorry, I can’t hide anything from your mom.”
“Oh, Jonathan what were you thinking?” she came over and stood next to him to inspect his injuries. Jonathan was shrugging her off, saying he was just fine when Hopper arrived, this time holding up the box from Jonathan’s car. The one filled with the supplies they needed for the plan.
You grimaced as he threw it in front of you on the desk, the angry look on his face even more prominent now.
“What is this?” Joyce was the first one to speak, and she started going through the box, perplexed at what she saw in there.
“Why don’t you ask your son? We found it in his car.” Hopper was staring Jonathan down.
“Why are you going through my car?” Jonathan protested.
“Is that really the question you should be asking right now?” you and Nancy backed away a little when you saw Hopper leaning on the desk, his face ending right in front of Jonathan’s “I wanna see you in my office.” the chief started to walk away.
“You won’t believe me.” Jonathan called out, which made Hopper stop and lean before him once again.
“Why don’t you give me a try?” his voice intimidated you more than it should and you almost flinched when he looked at you and Nancy next “You’re coming too.” you nodded, and you all made your way upstairs and into Hopper’s office. He told you to sit down on the couch and removed Jonathan’s cuffs.
“Okay, now, talk.” these were his only words. He just stared at the three of you along with Joyce, waiting for someone to start explaining. You were sitting in the middle of the couch, turning to look at both Nancy and Jonathan, deciding what exactly you were supposed to tell them. Finally, Jonathan took the initiative and started explaining to them everything.
At some point, you ended up sending Callahan to retrieve your bag from Jonathan’s car. You opened it and gave Joyce the photo Jonathan had taken, which proved that the monster was real. Joyce looked at it for a second and passed it on to Hopper.
“You say blood draws this thing?”
“We don’t know.” Jonathan said.
“We’re not sure. It’s…” you followed.
“Just a theory.” and Nancy finished your thought.
“And what were you planning on doing, huh? Trap it and then kill it?” it felt like you were being scolded by Mom and Dad, which made all of you hold your heads down, unsure about your previous plans and hopes.
Joyce told Jonathan to follow her out of the office for a talk, which resulted in you and Nancy sharing a space with a frustrated Jim Hopper. You had never seen the chief of the police so shaken up about anything, then again Hawkins never required him to do anything else than just sit on his chair and drunkenly deal with civilians’ stupid problems. Now he had to figure out a way to save all of them from this thing before everyone disappeared from this town.
“Anything else you know about this?” he held up the picture and you turned to look at Nancy. She just shrugged believing you guys had nothing else to offer him not knowing that you had more information. That you’ve been withholding your knowledge about three other kids who were very much involved and probably knew more about all this than all of you.
You took a deep breath ready to tell the chief that you had let three kids get into this dangerous situation when someone’s yelling from downstairs interrupted you. You watched Hopper curse under his breath and exit the office to deal with the yelling, leaving you and Nancy alone, sitting next to each other. She was fidgeting her fingers and you were chewing your lip waiting to see what would happen next.
“What do you think is going to happen?” she asked you.
You turned to look at her, her frowning face making you mirror her, and she followed your gaze as you looked at the box on top of Hopper’s desk “I don’t know… but I’m afraid we went shopping for nothing.”
She cursed, shutting her eyes and falling back on the couch when Hopper opened the door harshly, instructing you to follow him.
On your way to Nancy’s house, Hopper explained that the woman who was yelling was a kid’s mother who had come into the station to complain about two other of his classmates and a girl with no hair. You immediately knew that he was talking about Eleven and the kids, but you kept your mouth closed as he explained to Nancy and you that your brothers were in this as well and, potentially, in danger. The last part was news to you, and you listened to him carefully explaining who he believes the girl is and what the government wants to do with her.
You knew Eleven was important but hearing all the things Hopper and Joyce had discovered sent shivers down your spine. How could someone be so cruel to a child?
Getting to the Wheeler’s residence you watched from the backseat of Hopper’s car all the agents who were outside talking on the radios and inspecting the area. It was maddening and you prayed to anyone out there to not let the same happen to your mother. You didn’t know what you would tell her if she questioned you.
“Look, we need to find them before they do. Do you have any idea where he might have gone?” Hopper pulled your attention back to the matter at hand when he asked Nancy about her brother’s whereabouts.
But your friend just shook her head “No, I don’t.”
“I need you to think.” Hopper insisted.
“I don’t know. We haven’t talked a lot. I mean, lately…” Nancy sighed as her words came to an end.
It was then that Hopper turned his attention to you. You were sure he sensed that you wanted to talk.
“Is there any place that your- your parents-” Joyce never got to finish her question when Hopper signaled with his hand for her to stop, his eyes never leaving yours.
“Y/n, do you know where your brother is?”
“I don’t… But I can ask.”
You got out of the car, opened Hopper’s trunk, and pulled out of your bag the walkie-talkie Dustin had given you. You went back into your seat, opened the radio, and started speaking.
“Dustin? Dustin, are you there?” you waited for a moment, but no one replied “Dustin, this is a code red. Are you there?” still your brother didn’t reply, and you were getting more anxious by the second “Dustin! Please, answer me. Do you copy?”
When nobody replied, Hopper took the radio out of your hands and started speaking “Listen, kid, this is the chief. If you’re there, pick up. We know you’re in trouble and we know about the girl. We can protect you, we can help you, but you gotta pick up. Are you there? Do you copy? Over.” but silence was all that followed as he handed it back to you “Anybody got any other ideas?”
However, as he finished his sentence, a voice filled the car through the walkie-talkie in your hands, but not the voice you were calling out for “Yes, I copy. It’s Mike. We’re here. We’re all here.”
Hopper dropped the four of you at the Byers house and you waited quietly for him to return back with the kids from the junkyard. The moment you heard an engine approaching, you stood up from your seat and ran out with the others. Hopper stopped in front of the house and you, and Nancy ran to greet your brothers, but while Nancy hugged him and told him how worried she was, you had a different approach.
“Why didn’t you immediately answer my calls? I said it was code red.” you pushed his hat down on his face and his hands went up to fix it.
“We thought it was a trap, like Lando Calrissian.” he explained, and you put your hands on your hips, looking both at him and Lucas.
“And what? You think I would sell you out like that? After everything that has happened?” you could see that he wasn’t happy he ignored you, you could also see where he was coming from. The military was chasing them, and they just wanted to make sure their friend would be safe. So, to ease the tension you put one of your arms around Dustin’s shoulders and the other around Lucas’, bringing them by your sides “Don’t be stupid, and never ignore me again. Come on.”
You made your way back into the house and settled near the kitchen table. Then Mike started explaining to the rest of you what they knew as he started drawing something on a piece of paper. When he finished, he held it and you could see that he had drawn a line across the white paper, a stick figure on top of it, and a dot below it. Firstly, he pointed to the figure.
“Okay, so, in this example, we’re the acrobat” then his market moved to the dot “Will and Barbara, and that monster, they’re this flea. And this is the Upside Down, where Will is hiding. Mr. Clarke said the only way to get there is through a rip of time and space.”
“A gate. That we tracked to Hawkins Lab.” Lucas told them before your brother chimed in.
“With our compasses.” you all looked at him confused “Okay, so the gate has a really strong electromagnetic field, and that can change the directions of a compass needle.”
“Is this gate underground?” Hopper spoke, but the kids just looked at each other, unable to answer as they didn’t know. But not Eleven.
“Yes.” her voice was small, but certain enough for Hopper.
“Near a large water tank?” the chief asked again and Eleven nodded slowly.
“H-How do you know all that?” your brother stuttered.
Mike thought for a moment before answering a question that was originally meant for Hopper “He’s seen it.” Hopper didn’t say anything, but it was clear that what Mike had said was true.
“Is there any way that you could… that you could reach Will? That you could talk to him in this-” Joyce tried to remember what the kids had called it.
“The Upside Down.” Eleven answered her.
“Down, yeah.” Joyce nodded her words barely a whisper. She let out a sigh watching Eleven nod at her request.
“And my friend Barbara? Can you find her, too?” Nancy asked, hope in her eyes.
You all stood around Eleven while she focused on her powers, trying to find Will or Barbara. Mike had placed the radio in front of her, static filling the room, and there were also photos of them so it was easier for her to focus. Watching the lights flicker, you thought that you were heading in the right direction, but as Eleven opened her eyes and you saw her sad expression you knew that her attempt was unsuccessful. Her eyes started tearing up and you got up from your chair, and gently put your hands on her shoulders.
“Come on, let’s get you cleaned up.”
You guided her to the bathroom but when you started closing the door for her, you were surprised to hear her call out for you. You understood that she didn’t want to be alone right now, so you simply smiled and nodded your head, following her inside. You opened the faucet and wet your hands before you crouched down in front of her and gently started wiping away the dirt from her face, when tears fell down her cheeks you immediately wiped them away too.
“Hey, it’s okay. You’re okay.” you reassured her.
“I’m sorry.” she said quietly, and you swore you could feel your heart breaking.
“Don’t be sorry, El… We’ll find them one way or another. You did great out there, all right?” you smiled up at her, your hands still cupping her face only falling from her when something caught her eyes, and turned to face the bath in the room.
“Are you okay?” you asked her.
But Eleven didn’t say a word, just grabbed your hand and exited the room, stopping before you entered the kitchen area where everyone was discussing Eleven’s powers.
“The bath.” Eleven said and you all turned to look at her.
“What?” Joyce asked her.
“I can find them. In the bath.”
So, the planning started. First and foremost, you had to figure out how to create a sensory deprivation tank, and that was where Mr. Clarke came in. Dustin called him and started asking him about it, masking it as pure interest. When the call ended you all sat around Dustin and discussed the details the tank required. Which resulted in you breaking and entering Hawkins Middle School.
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Taglist:   @bookscoffeandotherstuff @i-am-the-coffee-queen @bi-andready-tocry​ @enchantedcruelsummer​ @daddystevee​ @elite4cekalyma @hayadora​ @hannarudick​ @thecaptainsgingersnap​ @lookalivesunshine-x​ @sarasmismyonlydefence​ @astream-ofconsciousness​ @the-haikyuu-hoe ​​ @mileven-reddie @mochminnie​​ @synonymforlame @teamkiall ​​ @samanthadegaro​​ @the-passionate-freak​​ @thesailbells​​ @i-mmunity​​ @marvelouspottering @mrs-diggory @mydarlingharry @beepbeephargrove @mikariell95 @sweetdreamsshifter @paninipress @anolddayslover @10minutesofscreentime @bookfrog242 @onecrazydirectioner @harrycanyonmoonn @grippleback-galaxy @doctorsgirl262 @mayonesavegana @inkpot-winters @le-who-zer-her @mysticgardenpolice @untitledarea
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luvrsux · 1 year
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𝒄𝒉𝒂𝒑𝒕𝒆𝒓 𝒕𝒉𝒓𝒆𝒆
❝ 𝒋𝒂𝒄𝒌 𝒐𝒇 𝒂𝒍𝒍 𝒕𝒓𝒂𝒅𝒆𝒔 ❞
other chapters
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➠┊word count: 5.1k
➠┊characters: trafalgar law, nami, portgas d. ace, marco {mentioned}, garp {mentioned}
➠┊cw: minor swearing
➠┊modern au !!
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❛ you had an awful interaction at a gas station nearby robin’s place after a simple party hang out. before anything else could spiral down into a catastrophe, a familiar “enemy” unexpectedly comes to your rescue, as well as charming your innocent and sour heart ❜
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{colors for dialogue may switch/change as more characters are introduced !!}
❛ ━━・❪ 🖤 ❫ ・━━ ❜
The following morning you woke up with a pounding headache that could make you knock out again. You pinched your temple in pain as you separated your back from your bed. The bright morning light pierced through your pupils.
Your hands snatched your mobile phone beside you to check the time.
5:30, two hours before the school building opened up.
You realized that Ace wouldn’t be there to bother, startle or ramble your ear off on this bright morning, and the next few following ones ahead. You had a mixture of excitement and disappointment at the mere thought of it.
Rubbing your palm to your eyes, you heard footsteps approach your room door. A tall, formal fitted woman burst in.
“I hope you had fun on your little adventure last night” She greeted. Your mother was in the middle of putting on her sparkling jewelry on her wrists. “Breakfast is ready for you on the table as well as your lunch. I’ll see you this afternoon”
You felt her lips press gently against your forehead before she scurried back to your door. “Have a wonderful day at school, hon”
You heard the clicking sound as the door connected to its frame. You finally pulled yourself completely out of bed to get ready for school, which you weren’t entirely stoked for.
Upon arrival, you weren’t used to Ace’s absence but ironically, it made your morning more bearable than anything. Your morning classes went by smoothly and steadily. The two boys that accompanied Ace occasionally threw you hellos here and there, but Nami approached you frantically like she saw someone get run over.
“(F/N), oh my god! I found you” She made you tilt your head in pure puzzlement.
“I’m so sorry about last night, I was so drunk that I crashed at Robin’s. Did you make it home safe? Do I need to kill anyone?”
You appreciated Nami’s concern as well as her apology despite you not even minding. You giggled and held her palms.
“It’s alright, I made it home just fine” You reassured. You decided not to inform Nami about the gas station incident for the sake of her own blood vessels. You couldn’t even imagine the snowball effect that’ll cause.
“Are you sure? Gosh, I feel so bad” Nami looked at you with big hazelnut eyes.
“You’re good, Nami. Promise” You sealed your words with a tight hug to consult your orange-haired friend. You heard a muffled “okay” on your shoulder.
You pulled her back and gave her one last smile.
“I’ll see you at lunch” You turned your body and waved back at her. She smiled brightly to reciprocate it. You were pleased to shift her overly worried emotions into a much calmer one.
-ˋˏ ༻ 🖤 ༺ ˎˊ-
Now, there you were in a quiet English classroom while everyone scribbled down on an independent assignment. There wasn’t peep from anyone and the only thing that broke the complete silence was classical music your teacher played through their computer. You began to feel antsy and it wasn’t any better that the teacher before you had a growing hatred to cellular devices.
You extended your arm, it isolated in the air for a few moments before your teacher looked up.
“Yes, (F/N)?” He said lowly.
“May I be excused?” You asked quietly. Your voice echoed throughout the room and felt eyes slowly begin to trail toward you. You heard your teacher let out a sigh and gesture their hand to shoo you away.
You immediately scooted your seat from the desk to exit the rather awkward classroom. You didn’t have to use the restroom or attend any emergency per se, you just wanted to take a small walk around the halls to stretch out your legs and clear your mind.
The moment back at the gas station last night didn’t stop replaying. You began to overthink if Law hadn’t been there to help you. Your brain flatlined at the thought of potential events. It didn’t help that faint music began to play in the distance during your walk.
You tilted your head. You were completely puzzled and wondered who’d be in a music room playing with instruments in the middle of an academic class period. To be honest, you don’t remember the last time you saw someone use the music room. You were the cat the curiosity killed and peered inside the room to see who was enchanting you with the music.
You made eye contact with the toned arms, raven hair and inked tattoos as Law effortlessly grazed his fingers rhythmically along the guitars strings. The guitar was a sleek black with white and tan accents. You recognized some prints on the guitar that was similar to the ones on his black vehicle.
Law’s talent was entirely unexpected. He had all his focus on the instrument before him that rested in his tanned hands and long legs. He bopped his head to the tune as well as his legs. There was no sheet music in front of him, meaning he was pulling these notes out of his brain with complete ease.
You were taken back, to say the least. Considering your deep singing trance from yesterday, you admired music. With that, this sight was completely mesmerizing to you. You hadn’t known the cold, tanned boy had a soft side for music. His talents matched his vibe. The tune wasn’t hardcore or disturbingly loud. It was melodious and soft, like he was purposely trying not to disturb the neighboring classrooms. You averted your eyes from the music boy and realized he was the only one there in the classroom. You assumed he was skipping.
Law is only human, though. His hands suddenly stopped which caused a hitch in his guitar. He picked up a pen that laid flat on an open notebook that had scribbles you couldn’t quite make out. Law scribbled something inside, assuming notes on his song, and sigh.
“You play pretty well…”
You spoke without thinking. Your voice made Law flinch and drop his pen. He darted at you with widened eyes before relaxing at the familiar sight of you. You made yourself welcome and stepped inside the room that was once filled with music.
“We meet again, (F/N)-ya” Law grinned and pulled off his guitar off his toned body to place it on its designated stand. You sat by on a nearby stool.
“Thank you, that was actually just a random song I’ve been working on I guess” Law turned his head to his open notebook, then trailed his steel eyes back at you.
“You’ve just been coming up with that on the spot or…?” You saw Law nod with nonchalant eyes.
“No reason to overthink it if you actually know how to play” Law made a decent point. You shrugged with a nod.
‘So he’s a doctor-to-be and a musician? What else, a party clown?’ You pondered.
“What else do you do?” Your internal thoughts influenced your own curiosity. Law blew a raspberry, seemingly to recall all his other talents.
“I guess I draw” He replied. You saw him unbutton the first few buttons of his black button-down to reveal the more secreted tattoos on his body. Your cheeks flared.
“I did these tattoos myself. Probably why some are shittier than others… Well, besides the one on my back, that was a professional” You stared at his chest like it was the most mesmerizing view to ever exist. His words baffled you. You assumed Law made an immense amount of money to afford these tattoos, completely discarding the possibility of him drawing these himself. Each mark was perfectly lined and symmetrical, making his statement false in your own eyes.
“They’re… nice” You managed to muster up. After Law showed off his body, that being his arms, hands, and chest, he caught your rather flustered expression.
“Don’t fall too hard now” He cooed, buttoning his shirt back up to conceal his window. You cleared your throat and shot him a glare.
“Keep dreaming, Traffy” That nickname made Law recoil completely. His teasing attitude was completely tilted.
“Don’t. Absolutely not, It’s Trafalgar” You finally managed to pinch a nerve, after everything he’s done to you.
“I like Traffy more” You grinned.
“Already getting obsessed with me, eh?” He immediately turned the tables almost as fast as you attempted to. You furrowed your brows.
“Definitely not”
He shot you a blatant ‘Yeah, right’ look before shifting his body away to grab his guitar once more.
Law’s patterned fingers gently twisted the metal knobs on the stem of the instrument. You watched him tune his guitar quietly. Then, with half-lidded eyes, he looked at you. The direct eye contact almost made you collapse. ‘Why did this punk have this stupid effect?’
“You wanna hear me play or do you have other things to do, like being a cheerleader or something?” His question forced a puzzled expression to form.
“Cheerleader?” That is all you could say. Law shrugged carelessly.
“You’re always with that cowboy jock, I assumed you were his cheerleader girlfriend” He assumed. You snickered. Yet again, there was someone assuming you were Ace’s partner.
“Me and Ace are just friends. Practically siblings” You informed. Law nodded as he understood the words coming out of your mouth. “And I’m not a cheerleader, idiot”
Your hiss made Law simply chuckle. It seemed like he enjoyed getting a rise out of you.
“My bad, my bad” With that, he strummed the strings of his bass guitar with one quick swipe.
“Answer my question, still”
You traced back to it. You thought it wouldn’t hurt to chew at the boring remaining time you had left in your English class to listen to Law's enchanting talent, as much as you hated to admit it.
“It wouldn’t hurt to hear you play a little longer I guess. It’s better than the eyesore of my English teacher”
Law didn’t respond. He just gave you a side grin and strum the guitar with one swipe once again. He turned his gaze on you to his precious guitar in his inked hands and played random notes before they synchronized, harmonizing a song with his hands.
»•» 𝒔𝒐𝒏𝒈 𝒄𝒉𝒐𝒊𝒄𝒆: 𝒓𝒐𝒐𝒎𝒎𝒂𝒕𝒆𝒔 - 𝒎𝒂𝒍𝒄𝒐𝒎 𝒕𝒐𝒅𝒅 «•«
The song wasn’t an original. It was a cover of a song you’ve recognized through social media, but that didn’t disregard the fact the song was still played beautifully by the tanned boy. With each swipe and press of the cords, you felt yourself humming along. You lightly stomped your feet on the ground. Suddenly, the entire world went quiet and all you could hear was Law’s talent. He had a smile on his face as he hopped his head to the beat, noticing your enthusiasm.
The beat began to creep up on the infamous chorus of the song. You could’ve sworn you heard Law mumble the lyrics while playing, to which made you wonder why he didn’t project his voice. Your heart thumped as the chorus began to begin. Your chest grew a knot. Humming wasn’t enough, you knew the lyrics to his song. It wouldn’t hurt, would it?
I'm losing the person I was when I found you
Am I acting different when I'm not around you?
I'm being dramatic, I say that I'm losing
I wanna show you all the things I've been doing
The music was fueling you past your breaking point where you projected your voice to sing the lyrics. Law perked his head up the moment your volume raised. He seemed to be baffled by your voice, but the song was rather popular so that wasn’t a shocker. He smiled.
I'm going on dates and I'm hanging my head
I wanna share an apartment, a room, and a bed
I wanna tell you I love you, but I cannot reach you
I'm learning to lose, that's a thing they don't teach you.
You harmonized the lyrics together you two stopped by the sudden beat drop. You smiled happily from the mini-duet you two shared, completely forgetting you once hated him and his attitude. Law began the last verse of the song on his own. His voice was almost as good as his playing. The gods blessed him with a plethora of talents.
I'll miss you
Help me through
When I try someone else, I'll still miss you
You decided to conclude the song with him. Law still had that pleased smile. You eyed it while you finished the song together. That smug, sly, annoying grin wasn’t there, nor were the vibes. He felt content, and comfortable. Was it your voice? You pondered on what happened to the teasing boy you were once fond with.
I'll miss you
Help me through
When I'm...
Law took his final strum and the music died out. He took a long pause on his guitar that was once the birth of the enchanting music. The steel eyes finally trailed upon you, who had a pleased smile on your face. Law readjusted his instrument more comfortably on his lap.
“Nice duet,” He said smoothly. You reminded yourself this was the Trafalgar Law and quickly switched your attitude. You let your pride shadow your vision and refused to give him any sort of respect. Holding a grudge against him? Absolutely.
“It was fine, I guess” You shrugged. Law noticed that were trying, horribly, to cover your real emotions.
“C’mon, relax” He gave you half-lidded eyes. “I’m being genuine, (F/N)-ya”
Those words made your tense body ease up. You reminded yourself of one of the scrambled thoughts from last night; Maybe he wasn’t so bad?
You broke through, but still keeping a small guard up if he said anything slick. Law pulled his guitar off his body and popped his guitar pick in between his teeth. You watched him flip his notebook shut and tuck the pen inside the spiral rings.
“What made you want to do all of those things?” You asked. You completely halted Law from getting ready to leave. The raven-haired boy looked at you with a raised brow.
After pulling his pick out his mouth, he relaxed in his seat to continue the conversation.
“Well, for music, I guess I was always drawn to it as a kid” Law began. “I started playing the guitar when I was around eight? nine?” He stared at the ceiling as he traced back to his adolescence.
“With medicine, it honestly happened on its own. I realized that I’m pretty damn smart so why not put it towards the medical field” He explained. He was ready to stop the conversation right then and there, but there was one thing left.
“And your art?”
He paused at your voice. Law couldn’t be offended by your question, but he hesitated on answering like It was a touchy subject. Law groped himself in this conversation on his own.
“I got into that by a very special person of mine” Is all he could say. You noticed that he seemed kind of guarded on that subject, so you decided not to pry further.
“Judging by your tattoos, you seem to be really good at it” You chose to compliment him and his talent to ease up the tension you may have created. Fortunately for you, Law did begin to ease up.
“I try” He formed a side smile. “I can show you my favorite piece” He eyed you up and down with eyes that had more intentions behind them than you could fathom.
“What?” You immediately caught on.
He gestured you over with two digits. You expected him to open his black notebook behind him that was covered in stickers. You pulled up a nearby chair that rested beside him.
Law grabbed, not the notebook, but the pen that was tucked into his notebook. You were completely puzzled and dumbfounded until you felt his rough hand grab your arm, ironically, gently. You watched him draw on that same smile face he had on his car. Law did it with complete ease and flawless, as expected. His own tattoos were self drawn after all. You didn’t mind, though. The drawing was rather cool in your eyes.
Law blew lightly on the ink that was marked on your skin to dry it. Now, you had your own tattoo. Granted, it wasn’t a genuine tattoo but you still felt cool.
“I guess you can say it’s my signature” Law eyed the mark and then back at you.
“I noticed. Am I a part of your wolf pack now that I’m marked?” You joked. You watched Law cringe.
“I should wash it off for that…”
The last few minutes of the class period you, by definition, skipped, was shared small talk you and Law had. You explained to him some of your talents and ambitions that he complimented. Every now and then, though, he’d remind you of his sarcastic and teasing personality that was progressively making you want to punch him in places that were forbidden.
“Class is about to end, (F/N)-ya” Law exhaled, tracing his eyes at the numbers his phone displayed. You took Law’s word considering you were out of your assigned classroom for a hefty amount of time.
As you both got up, you noticed that Law left his guitar standing in the stand while he slung his crossbody bag on sole shoulder.
“You’re leaving it here?” You asked, referencing the guitar. "Someone could snatch that and not even care" Law shrugged.
“No one really comes here, and I have the keys to the room” He pulled a silver key out of his pocket and spun the key ring around his finger. You were starting to notice a pattern.
“I have a small band so we practice after school on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays” He explained as you followed behind him to the outdoor hallways.
You were starting to notice that Law was becoming a pleasure to be around. As much as it now slightly bugged you, the conversations and musical memories you freshly shared did make you pleased. You folded your lips.
“Is it okay if I pop in someday to hear you?” You abruptly asked. Law was lightly taken back while he twisted his hand to lock the music room before him.
“So you are obsessed with me?” He grinned at you with those steel eyes while he shoved the silver key into his spotted jeans pocket.
“Don’t make me change my mind, Traffy”
“Trafalgar, for fucks sake”
You laughed at his reaction, only for him to form a small, amused smirk.
“Fine, I guess It wouldn’t hurt to have you listen to all of us” He slipped his jet-black phone out of his back pocket. You watched him unlock it. “But I must warn you, they’re kind of obnoxious”
"I'm friends with Portgas Ace, I think I can manage"
Law slithered his screen to your eyes to show his number on there, clear as day. You paused and eyed it, realizing he was now giving you his contact information. After a short relocation, you scurried to type the number into your own phone.
“Text me the day you decide to show up so I can open the school’s door for you” He immediately tucked his phone away after he saw you put in the last few digits.
“Gotcha, I’ll see you” You smiled at him. For the first time, you actually gleamed at him. You notice Law choke back ever so slightly before nodding to strut off to whatever class he has awaiting for him—unless that is, he was going to skip again.
-ˋˏ ༻ 🖤 ༺ ˎˊ-
“And then I told Marco he’s kind of weird for that, but It was funny so it didn’t matter. Besides, the entire basketball team is kind of weird”
There you were, uncomfortable in Ace’s scattered room while he rambled on and on about his day stranded at home. You didn’t know how you got here in this situation when you just passed by to check in on his injuries, but his absence did take a slight toll.
“So that makes you a weirdo then?” You were sitting on the chair of his desk with crossed arms. Ace paused in his tracks for a moment.
“No, I’m awesome” He dramatically ran his fingers through his brunette locks.
“Awesome people don’t get grounded”
“Hey!” Ace throws a pillow at you only to receive a blossom of giggles out of you.
“Hey, by the way,” You relaxed your fit of laughter at Ace’s voice.
“Your wrist. What is that?” He asked. You gave him a dumbfounded expression before he lazily gestured at your inked wrist. You had completely forgotten about it since you arrived at his place.
“Oh, just a doodle” You replied. You weren’t completely lying but you avoided anything further.
“Lemme see!” Ace eagerly rolled out of his bed, which he once collapsed in after his pillow attack, to snatch your arm.
“Hey, you fuck-!”
Ace’s words, and also grip, made you snatch your arm away from his hands. You rubbed the area he had his calloused hands around.
“First of all, use your manners!” You scolded. “Second of all, it’s none of your business”
You slid your sleeve over the marked jolly roger. Ace began to teasingly laugh at you, finger-pointed and everything. He collapsed his body, once again, on his unkempt bed.
“Look who’s getting action while I’m not at school!” Ace gleamed. You were ready to throw a neighboring item at his face, which was an entire desk.
“We just met, idiot!” You scolded once again. Ace gave you a doubtful look.
“So he just mysteriously drew on your wrist, (F/N)? C’mon”
“Fine! We kind of talked and hung out during my English period”
Ace’s teasing, older brother attitude finally sunk under your skin. He noticed your cheeks slowly pigment at the topic of the moment you shared with the tanned, tatted boy.
“Be honest, do you think he’s cute?” Ace asked. At this point, you’d be talking to one of your girl friends than Ace judging his tone.
“I mean…” You played with your nails. “He’s sort of cute”
You admitted. Ace gasped at your response. That dark clouded judgment of how he was an asshole and very rude began to clear out the more you spoke with him. Sure, he had a playful demeanor but after that genuine smile that was carved in his lips when he played his heart away was different to you. You began to wonder if it was too good to be true.
“But I’m sure he has a partner or something already” You dismissed. You saw Ace’s cheesy smile collapse.
“That’s so cliche of you” Ace grumbled.
“I’m serious!”
“Be a homewrecker then!”
You jolted at Ace’s words, completely baffled. This time, you scrambled around to find an object to throw. You settled on a random stress ball in the shape of a basketball. It seemed as if it was a token of his away games. Chucking it at Ace, he let it hit him while he laughed manically.
“I’m not going to be a homewrecker, asshole!” Ace hadn’t stopped laughing.
“I’m kidding, I’m kidding!” He steadied his breathing that was inflicted by his own humor.
“Where did you even come to that conclusion?” He asked. Ace had a major point. You randomly came up with an assumption to dismiss your own delusions.
“C‘mon, a bunch of people these days would be attracted to a guy like him” Ace held back laughter when you saw his lips quiver.
“Sounds like you’re one of those people”
“Portgas D. Ace! Enough!” You yelled, causing a mountain of laughter to spew out of Ace’s mouth.
Ace relaxed his laughter and fixated his eyes on the analog clock that sat on his nightstand. The time almost gave him a heart attack, it seems. He quickly jolted up from his bed and didn’t hesitate on throwing your backpack at you.
“It’s almost four, Garp is about to come home! Get the hell out!” Ace dragged you outside his room and straight to the front door. Ace practically gave you whiplash, but at least he was decently nice enough to meet you at the front door.
“What happened to your awesomeness, huh?” You teased. Ace replied with a playful glare and shove outside.
“It’s right up your coward ass. See ya, (F/N)” He slammed the door, leaving you on the front porch alone. You laughed under your breath from Ace’s reaction.
You eyed your phone as you trotted down the steps to enter your vehicle. Nothing super major stood out, besides one. Underneath all the random notifications and emails was a following notification.
traf.heart_law followed you!
You were taken back, wondering how he even found your infamous social media page. You opened the notification to which panned to the app itself. You scrolled through his own page before following him back mutually. He didn’t have much. His profile picture was a semi-side profile of him with a mic in front of his lips. You eyed his bio.
Musician / Medical student
this is kind of boring
i don’t do tattoo appointments
You didn’t spot anything indicating that he was in a relationship, panning back to the conversation you and Ace shared. You swiped through each post. Most of it consisted of his music and art pieces. Occasional self-portraits here and there, but they were those kinds of mirror pictures where his phone covered his face. Still no sign of a partner.
‘Why does that even matter, (F/N)?’ You scolded yourself.
Before you could reciprocate his following, you noticed the highlighted ring around his profile picture. Finally, you opened it. It was one post that consisted a group of guys you weren’t quite fond of. They all looked like they were in preparation for a musical performance in the familiar music room. Two people looked like they were having a side conversation, but you couldn’t quite make out their faces.
“can never get anything done with these idiots” The caption read.
“Right, band practice…” You murmured.
With that, you finally followed him back. Despite him being the first one to make a move, you felt a wave of nerves course through your veins after giving him that notification.
You focused all your attention on getting back home after secretly being at Ace’s during his house arrest week. You feared you’d be in the same boat as him if Garp snaked to your mother that you were at Ace’s during his sentence. Luckily, you didn’t see his familiar car pull in when you left.
-ˋˏ ༻ 🖤 ༺ ˎˊ-
Your mother placed a steaming plate of your favorite dinner in front of you. You felt your mouth water at the sight of it, not hesitating on flipping your utensils in your fingers to dig in.
“It’s hot, hon. Careful” She warned soothingly. You gave her a nod and decided to pass the time with your phone, which was entirely normal in this generation.
You opened the infamous social media app and saw Law’s profile highlighted again. You formed a small smile and opened it to see someone recording the band together. You heard the music harmonized together while someone sang proudly in front. You kept your eyes on Law, who was still playing that infamous guitar from earlier. He had a mic in front of his mouth as well as the other guitarist. Law played as backup vocals and you could faintly hear his familiar singing voice behind the lead vocalist.
The song wasn’t entirely foreign to you, but it wasn’t a song you’ve heard online. It reminded you of the song you caught the boy playing before you walked inside the music room. You enjoyed the fuller version of the song as much as you did when Law was simply playing his part, if not more. You thought it wouldn’t hurt to like his video considering it was quite literally music to your ears.
“Who’s that?” A voice startled you to the point you almost felt your heart stop. You breathed out heavily from the sheer terror.
“A guy from school, mom” You exhaled. She noticed that she startled you and couldn’t help but giggle.
“Be careful~” She cooed. You immediately caught on to what she was insinuating and immediately dropped both your fork and phone on the marbled island.
“Not like that, Mom! Don’t be like Ace, please” You picked at your plate with the fork. “He was so annoying about it”
Your remark made her laugh under her breath. She just rolled her eyes and served herself her own plate of food, packaging the rest away as leftovers for days to come.
“Then stop gawking at him and eat your dinner”
Your dinner was left untouched and you noticed. You eyed Law long enough for your food to cool down for consumption instead of the molten temperature it was once at. You grumbled in defeat and stuffed your face with the food.
After you cleaned your plate with your own appetite, you did your mother a favor and clean the dishes that were once used for her delectable dish. You shook your soaked hands in the sink to semi-dry them out. You felt your mother place a kiss on your head.
“Tomorrow, I need you to grab some groceries and other essentials” Your mother cooed. Your expression, which was once pleased by her gentle kiss, darkened at her after basically saying her weekend was ruined with errands.
“It’s the weekend, Mom. Do you have any pity?” You jokingly groaned to the woman that was about to rest her busy head in her master bedroom upstairs.
“No, but you’ll always love this witch you call a mother” She smiled, reciprocating the same humorous demeanor that you initiated. You exhaled in laughter.
“Goodnight, hon. Don’t sleep too late. I love you” With that, she disappeared by the steps that lead to her sacred room.
“I won’t, Mom. I love you, too”
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𝒂𝒖𝒕𝒉𝒐𝒓𝒔 𝒏𝒐𝒕𝒆𝒔
✎ ❝ BOOM chapter 3!! FIRSTLY the gradient text is probably the best thing i ever did in this novel because it. is. GORG!!! speaking of, i hope you enjoyed the little music i added. a few moments ago i blogged how i made a playlist for the novel so i’ll definitely link it sometime soon. now that i revealed laws talent (and literally the whole reason i wrote this story LOL) there’s going to be more songs and duets between you and traffyyyy! again, tysm for the immense support i get all happy and giggly when i see anyone message me or like my stuff you don’t understandddd! lastly, since i uploaded 2 chapters today, i think imma skip a day from writing cuz WOO this was a lot. i also realized how easier it is to edit on my pc rather than my phone (。´╹A╹`。) ANYWAY i love you guys SOSO MUCH STAY SWEETTT!! ❞
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All licensing and ownership belong to Eiichiro Oda
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kentoberry · 2 years
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⭒— SUMMARY · after the battle to retake wall maria, you have to find a way to cope.
⭒— CONTENT · angst. major character death. season three spoilers. grieving. pregnancy. mentions of sickness / throwing up. some depression symptoms. minors dni with my blog.
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it's been three days since the battle to retake wall maria. three days since you last saw erwin. three days that you've been isolating yourself from everyone else.
hange was the only one that had seen you. they stopped by your room to inform you that they were heading to investigate grisha yaeger's basement with levi and some of the cadets, as well as to drop you off some food.
everyone had lost a lot on that day, regardless of what humanity had gained. losing erwin had taken its toll, that much was clear. you'd never exactly defined your relationship, both terrified that if you put a label on it and subsequently one of you got hurt beyond a point of recovery, the other wouldn't be able to handle it. this was an unspoken agreement.
despite that, everybody in the scout regimen knew about your feelings for one another. from the way that erwin looked out for you on expeditions to the longing gazes you exchanged: the love that you shared was blatantly clear. you even stayed in one another's quarters most nights.
since returning back, you hadn't left your room. by some miracle, you'd escaped the battle relatively unscathed — something within you wanted to say it was erwin's spirit watching over you. you didn't know how to process him not being by your side.
you missed waking up to his rough morning voice, the way that he'd wrap his arms around you from behind whilst you made a morning tea. even the way that you'd been throwing up non-stop had reminded you of when you'd contracted a stomach bug and erwin refused to leave you alone. he'd hold your hair and rub your back whilst you were bent over the toilet, cook you soup just the way he remembered his mother making it.
a couple of knocks on the door broke you out of your thoughts.
you croaked a meek "come in", not even bothering to make yourself look presentable. hange made their way over to you, perching themself on the edge of your mattress. they opened their arms, pulling you in. you obliged.
tears began to pool in your eyes at the display of affection. despite hange's guilt that they would be taking over erwin's position in the military ranks, they were only there to comfort you as a friend. plus, they were there during erwin's final moments. part of you was glad that you weren't, not knowing how you would have coped, but at the same time you wished you could have been with him. you could have told him how you felt. held his hand. made sure it was peaceful. god, you don't know what you would do if you ever found out that he met a painful end.
"i'm sorry," hange mumbled. they were holding back their own tears, both due to what happened to erwin and seeing you so fucking broken. surely there was something they could have done to prevent it. "if it's any consolation, he talked about you. he had us promise to keep you safe, no matter what. erwin deeply cared about you, you know?"
the usual spunk in their voice was absent. you wrapped your arms around them, finally letting the dam break and sobbing into their shoulder. each time you opened your mouth to speak, all that came out where incoherent blubbers. regardless, hange held onto you and did their best to soothe you.
"have you eaten?" they asked once you had calmed down a little. you shook your head. "is there anything i can get you?"
"'ve jus' been throwing it up, hange," you confessed.
"oh, sweetheart... do you think you're sick? i can walk with you to the infirmary? or i can bring a doctor here-"
"no, 's okay. 've just been tired, but i guess it's the weight of the last few days..."
hange felt something was off, so they continued to press you a little bit. "i don't want to pry, but when was the last time that you and erwin..." they scratched the back of their neck, slightly uncomfortable. it was out of character, sure, but everything over the last few days had been turned on its head anyways.
"fuck." you whispered. your hand instantly cupped your lower stomach. "you're not saying that..." you trailed off. it was like a puzzle piece clicking into place. you'd been nauseous mostly in the mornings and evenings. you missed your period, though assumed it to be a result of stress due to work.
neither of you said anything, letting it sink in. before you knew it, you were sobbing again. if your mind wasn't already swarming with a billion thoughts, it certainly was now. though in the midst of all of it, you were somewhat comforted by the little thing growing in your stomach. it was almost as if you still had a piece of erwin with you. hange was in front of you, a few steps away, yet you could have sworn you felt a hand on your shoulder followed by an overwhelming warmth inside of you. it was as if erwin was right next to you, whispering that it'll all be okay.
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marvelnatasha12346 · 8 months
Grew up and fade away pt2
Warning abdoment abuse hurtful words
(MommyWanda Mama Nat x daughter reader past)
It has been five years since the day your mama and mommy gave you back to your birth mommy. For the first couple years everything was nice and peachy but once your mom found a man. She spent less and less time with instead spent more time with him. Eventually they got married had a kid of their own. Your mom’s husband started hurting you a little after their child was born. You had bruises on your arms and legs. “The only reason your mother wanted you back was so you can do everything for us while we take care of our biological child. “You’re are a loser pathetic little girl that just takes up space,” your mom’s husband would say. One night you heard talking, “Let’s give her to Hydra they need more people anyway and plus she would free up space,”your mom’s husband said. “I agree I don’t know why I got her back anyways Y/N is just so useless and a waste of space. She’ll be Hydra’s problem tomorrow,” your mom said without hesitation. So that’s where you are now with Hydra. You are experimented on and learned how to fight. Your sorrow soon turned into resentment then anger. “Why can’t I just have a happy life and not a miserable life,” you ask yourself in your cell.
The Hydra guard brings you to a room with Perice. “You’re one of our most successful soldiers yet. You should be very happy. You are even better than the winter soldier,” Pierce says. “Tomorrow you will have a mission to go on so get ready,” he says. The guard throws you back in your cell. Not long after the alarms start blearing. “We under attack y/n go out there and destroy the avengers,” Perice says after a guard opens your cell door. You nod and go outside with the guards and start fighting. You knock some of the avengers down. You use your built up anger and knock everyone unconscious. You go back inside the Hydra base burning it in flames. You walk out of the burning building and walk away. Your very weak right now since you used most of your energy on fighting and burning down the Hydra building. You found an abandoned building and go inside to rest.
You wake up a few hours later in a cell. “What now hydra are you pissed that I destroyed your precious base. Well I don’t care,” you says with sass. “You’re not with Hydra y/n. You’re at the avengers compound. You’ve grown since I saw you last,” the voice says. You know who’s talking to you how could you forget that voice but ignore the person instead staring at the ground. “Kid you are a very powerful person ,” Tony says. “Yeah ok I guess. Anyways what the heck do you want. Don’t answer that I already know you want Hydra info,” you say. “You can read minds like our witchy,” Tony says. “Yes I can read minds like the scarlet witch,” you say.
You give them the information you know about Hydra. “Yes Romanoff I have grown since you last saw me. You didn’t think I was gonna stay that happy little girl that YOU ABANDONED. NO I CHANGED THE DAY YOU TWO LEFT ME WITH MY BIRTH MOTHER YOU DIDN’T EVEN GIVE ME A CHOICE YOU JUST LEFT ME WITH HER,” you say looking up directly at the two redheads you used to consider as your mothers. “I’m so sorry Y/n/n,” Wanda says. “You have no right to call me that now. Now if you excuse me if you’re done questioning me I’m going to go now,” I say waiting from them to unlock the cell door so I can leave. “Don’t your parents want you back we can get you bac-,” Wanda begins to say. “No they don’t want me back because they’re the ones who gave me to Hydra. Now open the door so I can leave,” I demand. “We can’t let you leave and live by yourself it’s dangerous,” Nat speaks up. “Well that’s not your problem or choice so let me out,” I angrily say. I run out of patience and unlock the door. The avengers are too shocked I use their time of shock and leave. I walk around New York for a while. I eventually end up in a park. I walk around the park hearing sobbing. I follow the noise finding a boy. I approach him carefully. “Hey bud what’s your name?” I ask softly. “T-o-m-m-y I’m l-o-s-t,” he says. “Ok were do you live?” I ask. “At the compound,” he says. “Let’s get going,” I say. I grab his hand, “Do you wanna go super fast?” I ask. “Yes please,” he says excitedly. I use my super speed and get to the door of the compound. I set him down knocking on the door. I could’ve just left him there but I didn’t. Anyways Steve answers the door. “Hi Uncle Stevie,” Tommy says. “Hi Tommy we were so worried half the team is out looking for you,” he says. “I’m sorry Uncle Stevie but I want to go to the park,” Tommy says. “Sorry to disturb your day here is your kid back,” I say. The rest come back from the search. “Omg baby you had us worried sick. I’m so glad you are back,” Wanda says. “Yeah this nice girl brought me back mommy,” he says looking at me. Wanda looks at me for a second, “Thanks Y/N for bringing our son home,” she says. I just nod starting to walk away. “Y/N stay,” Tommy says. “I’m sorry but I have to go fight crime,” I say lying. “Awesome but Mama and Mommy taught me not to lie,” he says nonchalantly. “That’s right kiddo don’t lie but I do have to go so you can get back to your day with your family,” I say. “Ok visit though,” Tommy says sadly. “I will visit I promise,” I say. Tommy heads inside with the other avengers except the two redheads. I start to leave again. “Y/N wait please,” Nat says. I stopped and turned around. “Why?” I ask. “We are both very sorry that we gave you back to your birth mother and how it ended up. We thought you would have a great life with your birth mother better than what we could’ve offered. We are sorry. I’m sorry,” she says blinking tears away. I just stand there I never truly forgot them but wasn’t about to forgive them. “Thanks for the apology,” I say. I walk away leaving the two standing there.
A couple days later, Director Fury found me wanting me to join the avengers because of my abilities. I told him no not a chance. He asked why I told him everything since the last time we saw each other which is when I was 7. Anyways he understood but still wanted me to join. After a while of thinking I agreed after all I wanted to save the world and had made a promise to visit Tommy.
“Avengers I would like for you to meet your new teammate Y/N L/N,” Fury says to everyone in the conference room. “Y/N is young to be an Avenger it’s too dangerous,” Wanda and Nat say simultaneously. “It’s not up to you agents. Now y/n you will have choose someone to be your legal guardian since you are still young,”Fury says. I look around the room weighting my options. I looked at Wanda seeing a slight hope in her eyes hoping I would choose her and Nat but I just shook my head. “I choose you Thor you’ve always treated me with respect and love. Thor you are like a father figure to me ever since I was young,” I say to Thor. “I would gladly accept lady Y/N but what is a legal guardian?” he asks confused. “It’s where you take responsibility and love the child make sure their save,” Steve explains. “Oh ok then you will be my daughter lady Y/N also the princess of Asgard if that’s okay with you?” Thor asks still trying to understand. “I would love that Thor,” I say. “Then it’s settled Thor will be Y/N’s legal guardian,” Fury says clapping his hands. Thor signs some papers for Fury saying that Thor is my legal guardian.
That’s how my life is now I started calling Thor dad six months ago. I also spend a lot of with Tommy and his twin brother Billy. My relationship with Wanda and Nat is getting better. I am starting to forgive them but not fully. My life is much better now.
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tada-no-honzuki · 1 year
Ascendance of a Bookworm (29) Part 5 Volume 8 Extra Chapter 2
This translation is not supposed to replace the official releases of the light novel series and is purely made for my own entertainment. Please purchase the official light novel when it becomes available!
Since the title of this chapter contains spoilers, it has been hidden beneath a "read more" for your safety!
[The Battle for Ehrenfest] Brigitte - The Battle of Illgner
"This is Helfried. Brigitte, could you please come to my office?"
I tilted my head in wonder as I received an ordonnanz from my brother, Giebe Illgner. Now that I was married to Victor and the paper-making industry was on track, the number of nobles living in Illgner was gradually increasing. As a result, I was rarely called into the office. The last time was when Lady Rozemyne ordered a large quantity of magic paper.
“Does Lady Rozemyne desire more magic paper?” I mumbled, mostly to myself.
"Helfried even sent an ordonnanz,” my mother replied.  “That means it must be urgent, right? I will watch Lilarose for you. Now, don’t make him wait."
My mother smiled and gestured for me to get going. We had been embroidering together in the children’s room. I put my needles and thread away, then looked at my daughter, who was fast asleep in her bed.
"Thank you, mother. I hope Lilarose is a good girl and doesn’t wake while I am away."
I left my one-and-a-half-year-old daughter in the care of my mother and quickly headed to my brother’s office. Just as I arrived, Volk, a former gray priest and trusted aid of my brother, exited the office. Maybe he had heard my footsteps approach?
“Volk, I was called by my brother. May I go in?”
"Of course,” he nodded. “The Giebe is waiting for you. Please come in."
Since Volk had already opened the door for me, I went inside without knocking. I was met by the troubled faces of my husband and brother, who were both reading a letter.
“Brother, what happened?” I inquired.
"It's a letter from Lady Florencia,” Helfried replied. “Apparently, it's been sent to all Giebes."
I accepted the letter and scanned its contents. It informed us that it was highly likely that Lady Georgine of Ahrensbach would be invading Ehrenfest to obtain the foundation, so we were to increase our patrols of the area and contact the castle if we found any suspicious people.
"We received a similar request at the beginning of spring, remember?” Helfried said. “So, we were just wondering how to respond this time."
Last time, we prepared rejuvenation potions in case a battle ensued, but Illgner didn’t have many knights to begin with. Even if they told us to prepare for an invasion from Ahrensbach, there was not much we could do.
“It says it is highly likely, but I don’t get the feeling there is any particular urgency to the request,” Victor remarked. “If Lady Georgine is aiming for the foundation, Illgner holds no value.”
Illgner bordered Ahrensbach only on a small section of land. Although we had acquired some extra funds thanks to the paper-making industry, our land held no strategic value. It was too far from the castle to be used as a base of operations, and most of it bordered Frenbeltag. Attacking Illgner came with the risk of getting Frenbeltag involved as well.
“Besides, if a noble from another duchy crossed the border, the Aub would notice, right?” Victor continued. “Don’t you agree it’s unlikely to cause any issues if we act only once we are notified?”
"For now, I think we should increase the patrols and keep a close eye on the border,” I advised. “How about twice a day? Once during the day and once at night? Personally, I don't think it’s necessary, but I fear we don’t have a choice."
The mana of Ahrensbach’s land seemed to be weakening, and the duchy’s starving commoners often ventured into Illgner’s mountains in search of food. If we were going to keep a close watch on Ahrensbach, we must be wary of its commoners too, and keep them out.
“It is possible the Aub will reprimand us for overlooking certain activities until now,” Volk noted. “I feel sorry for the commoners, but we can’t please everyone. Filling their land with mana is the duty of Ahrensbach’s archducal family and its temple.”
Although Volk grew up in a temple, he was able to cut off the commoners with surprising ease. As we looked at him in surprise, he smiled, looking a little embarrassed.
“It only makes sense that when the situation changes, the treatment of the commoners changes drastically as well,” he explained himself. “It would be in Illgner’s best interest to prioritize the needs of Ehrenfest’s archducal family rather than the wellbeing of another duchy’s commoners. I also believe it would be wise to gather information from the merchants. Lumber traders go all over the place."
Even after discussing things with Victor and Volk, I couldn't think of any options but increasing the frequency of the patrols. Since we wished to prioritize the paper-making industry, our main source of income, it was difficult to maintain a state of heightened vigilance for a long period of time. Especially since we had no idea when and if Lady Georgine would invade the duchy.
"Very well, I shall inform...  Oh? An ordonnanz."
Just as I was about to head out and give orders to the few knights Illgner had, an ordonnanz flew into the room. I expected it to head for my brother or Victor, but it landed on my arm.
“This is Rozemyne.”
Lady Rozemyne had been so ill that she had been unable to attend the feast celebrating spring, but it seemed she had recovered. Her voice sounded more mature than I remembered. Although I had no proof, I could tell she had grown.
“Lord Ferdinand is hovering on the verge of death due to Lady Georgine’s scheming and we expect her to use this opportunity to invade Ehrenfest. It seems she has already closed in on the border and may act as early as today or tomorrow. At the latest, it will be a few days from now.”
We exchanged worried looks. If Lady Georgine had already closed in on the border, wouldn’t that make this an emergency?  Lady Rozemyne’s message conveyed an urgency that hadn’t been present in Lady Florencia’s letter.  I could also tell how worried she was about us. On top of that, Lady Rozemyne even added some pointers should it come to a confrontation.
"Be very careful when the enemy is dressed in silver-colored clothes. Mana cannot penetrate this cloth. I advise you to carry weapons like the ones that commoners use at all times, since schtappe-made weapons and mana attacks have no effect. It is also possible they will utilize a powdered type of poison. Please cover your mouth with a piece of cloth. Lady Georgine will likely travel by carriage rather than highbeast if she intends to operate in the shadows. Be sure to gather information from your province’s commoners, and keep in close contact with the other Giebe along the border. Grandfather is ready to provide backup at any moment. If you notice any border irregularities, contact us immediately."
After repeating the same message three times, the ordonnanz turned back into a yellow feystone. We stared at the feystone that had warned us of the impending danger in a daze.
"That sounded quite different from Lady Florencia’s letter...”  Victor muttered.
"It would be best to send a patrol out at once,” Helfried concluded. “It sounds like she will be here in a few days at the latest."
“I shall intensify my training so that I may participate in the battle.”
I had resumed training when we were informed of the impending threat in early spring, but I had been absent for a long time due to pregnancy and childbirth, so I was far from my peak fighting strength. Still, we needed as many knights as possible so we might protect Illgner and our families. The more hours of training I had under my belt, the better.
“Brigitte, I understand your enthusiasm, but please send a reply to Lady Rozemyne first,” Victor pointed out. “She likely shared this information with you because you used to be her retainer. Although you are no longer in her service, she is clearly still worrying about you.”
I immediately sent an ordonnanz to Lady Rozemyne to thank her. It reminded me of the days when I served her, and it warmed my heart to know that she still thought of me.
“This is Brigitte. We received an ordonnanz from Lady Florencia earlier, but she didn’t relay nearly as many details. I would like to thank you for the additional and valuable information. We shall keep in contact with the other Giebe and ask our citizens to keep an eye out.”
As I watched the ordonnanz fly away, my brother placed several ordonnanz stones on his desk.
“Brigitte, may I ask you to send the ordonnanzes to the other Giebe as well? The urgency of the matter would be better conveyed if they received it from you, since you directly served Lady Rozemyne.”
Since Lady Florencia's letter did not convey a sense of urgency, our warning might be ignored. However, since I used to serve Lady Rozemyne, they would likely take it seriously if I told them, “I received an urgent message from Lady Rozemyne”.
As I sent the ordonnanzes, the men in the room started discussing our next step. If Lady Georgine might commence her attack as soon as today, where should we start? There were many things to consider.
"It's important to gather information from the commoners,” Victor said. “But shouldn't we first warn those going into the mountains? It will be trouble if they come face-to-face with knights from another duchy."
“We have secured enough food to sustain a siege for a few days and the evacuation site is ready, but please consider how to guide the commoners as well,” Volk added.
"Let's issue a warning to stay away from the mountains near the border until we receive further information about Lady Georgine.” Helfried proposed. “We should have more information within a few days."
I took a deep breath as I realized that the men were only focused on protecting the commoners. While it may be the right thing to do for a Giebe, the knights would not be able to act unless they also considered what came before.
“Brother, I agree that evacuating the commoners is important, but whether Ahrensbach launches a large-scale attack at the border, or stealthily invades with a small number of people to acquire the foundation, will greatly affect the number of knights we must keep on guard duty and send out on patrols. Won't that also impact the number of people available to assist with the evacuation?”
“Brigitte, I understand what you're trying to say,” Victor said while looking at a map of Ehrenfest. “But at this point, we don't know how they are going to attack. If they intend to attack Ehrenfest from Ahrensbach, it is far more likely that they will invade through Gerlach, Wiltord, Garduhn, or Griebel. I doubt they will come all the way out to Illgner.”
If one considered the small stretch of land bordering Ahrensbach, it was certainly unlikely that we would be a target. My brother seemed to have the same idea. However, we could not let our guard down.
"Victor, I understand your point,” I countered. “But Illgner has fewer nobles and a weaker defense. If Lady Georgine is aware, it is possible we may be besieged to create a diversion."
"A diversion... "
“I see,” my brother said. “It seems like Lord Bonifatius is ready to provide aid, but we cannot say with certainty how long it will take for our request to be approved by the Aub, the orders to be issued, and the knights to be ready for departure.”
"Yes,” I agreed. “And on top of that, no matter how fast they fly, it will take them a whole day to arrive. In the meantime, we will be on our own."
As Lady Rozemyne’s former guard knight, I was the one who knew the most about the inner workings of the knight’s order. The more I thought about it, the more I realized how dangerous it would be if Illgner was targeted. Victor seemed to understand the danger we were in after my explanation.
“If prompt discovery and communication are the key, then we should increase the frequency of our patrols.” Victor agreed. “The situation isn’t likely to last more than a few days. If we only increase the patrols near the border, we should be able to achieve it with the bare minimum of people."
My brother nodded, “If our enemy aims to acquire the foundation, they will likely hurry along without slaughtering the commoners. I want you to focus on minimizing the casualties as much as possible and buying time until the reinforcements arrive.”
I immediately headed to the training grounds to inform the knights.
" ...And that's why we must increase our patrols near the border,” I explained. “I shall assist as well. Did last night's patrol notice anything of note?"
"There have been no reports of unusual activities, neither last night nor this morning," the commander of Illgner’s knights assured me. I immediately felt a wave of relief wash over me.
“Lady Rozemyne said to expect movement in the next few days,” I warned. “So, please be careful when patrolling at night. If they are planning to sneak across the border, they will likely act under the cloak of darkness.”
 “It would be helpful if they would stealthily pass through when the commoners are asleep. Then we would only have to inform the archducal family…”
Our knights specialized in hunting feybeasts. Outside of practical lessons at the Royal Academy, they had no experience fighting other people. Besides, there were only fifteen adult knights in Illgner. Even if I included the apprentices and myself, we still had less than twenty people. I completely understood their reluctance to go up against a greater duchy.
“That certainly would be great,” I agreed. “But in that case, they would probably pass through Griebel instead of Illgner. There is no guarantee that the enemy will appear in our province, but let’s stay alert.”
"Indeed,” the commander nodded. “I plan to entrust the real fighting to the reinforcements from the noble’s district. Though, I would like them to hold back on using destructive magic tools if possible."
If our mountains and forests were destroyed, that would greatly impact the paper-making industry. So, avoiding battles that used large numbers of destructive magic tools was certainly preferable.
"Regardless of the enemy’s plans, if you are joining the fight, Lady Brigitte, that will make it easier for us to contact the Giebe. Not to mention, you are a mednoble and thus a valuable battle asset."
It was decided the patrols would focus on the area near the border with Ahrensbach. We were on good terms with Frenbeltag, and Lady Rozemyne had not included them in her warnings, so it was safe to assume we would not be invaded from that side. I accompanied the squads on their rounds, but nothing of note happened that day.
The next afternoon, I and five other knights were out patrolling the border on our highbeasts, when I noticed a change in the scenery.
"Don't you think the shape of that ridge looks different?" I asked as I pointed at the mountain ahead.
I wasn’t quite sure how to put it, but it seemed like an abnormal dip in a part of the tree line, or rather, like an unnatural dent in the gentle curves of the ridge.
"Let's have a closer look."
Sensing something was off, we cautiously approached. As we got closer, I quickly noticed almost all the trees on the opposite side of the mountain, next to Ahrensbach’s border, had disappeared. The bare, reddish-brown soil reminded me of the aftermath of a trombe attack.
“Just what on earth is going on!?” I exclaimed while squinting my eyes to get a better look. At the same moment, more trees disappeared up ahead. As I stared at the empty spot in a daze, unable to comprehend what just happened, two of the knights cried out.
"Look over there! I see people!"
"Those are Ahrensbach's capes!"
Several people could be seen standing atop the center of the reddish-brown soil. When I noticed they were all carrying black weapons, an audible gasp escaped my lips.
"Black weapons can be used to steal mana from dark feybeasts,” I said. “Maybe they can be used to steal mana from the land as well."
Since the archducal family had contacted us, we had mentally prepared ourselves for the possibility of an invasion. However, we had not seen this coming. We had not expected the enemy would try to steal mana from our land, rather than head straight for the foundation.
“If they were just trying to pass through Illgner, we could have watched from a distance,” I muttered in shock. “However, we cannot sit back and watch as mana is stolen from our land and the trees are disappearing before our very eyes.”
If they took our trees, that would greatly affect the paper-making industry.  Moreover, most commoners relied on the blessings of the mountains for their meals. Not to mention, if it rained, the flow of the rivers could change as well. In the worst case, life in Illgner could be destroyed.
"I count four,” one of the knights said. “Shall we attack?"
"...no.” I shook my head. “Let's head back and request the Aub to send reinforcements. If there are any people hiding out of sight, we will be outnumbered."
Just then, arrows came flying at us. Our enemy was swiftly making way for the tree line while attacking us to keep us at a distance.
"They spotted us! We are under attack!"
"Kill them before they can hide! "
"Mana attacks will be absorbed by their black weapons!” I warned. “Be careful!"
Since the area was already devoid of trees and had turned a reddish-brown hue, there was no issue in using offensive magic tools. We flew overhead and dropped magic tools from above. Two of the intruders disarmed their black weapons and readied their shields.
"Once they disarm their weapons, it will take about a day before they can use the blessing again!” I shouted. “Attack with the intent to make them cancel it and use their shields!"
Without the darkness's blessing, they would not be able to steal mana from the land, at least for today. As everyone readied themselves to attack, a gasp escaped my throat when I detected numerous mana signatures approaching.
“There are more units nearby!” I alerted the others. “I can feel their mana! They are swiftly approaching us!”
The fact was, the unit before us already had the upper hand strength-wise. On top of that, they were about to regroup with other units nearby. It was abundantly clear we were at an overwhelming disadvantage. Try as we might, there was no chance of winning. In fact, we would likely lose our only chance to retreat.
"Don't pursue the enemy!” I shouted. “We shall retreat for now!"
While sending an ordonnanz to my brother to warn him, we returned to the summer mansion.
“Brother, Lady Rozemyne was right! The enemy is here! Not only are they draining the mana from our land, but we are also dealing with a large number of people spread out over a wide area. We cannot deal with it by ourselves. Please request the Aub to send reinforcements."
When I arrived at my brother's office with the commander, he and Victor were already waiting for us with a map of Illgner spread out on the table.
"I immediately sent the request after receiving your ordonnanz,” Helfried replied. “It seems Lord Bonifatius will lead the support unit. However, considering how much damage has been done in such a short period of time, I wonder if Illgner will last until reinforcements arrive. Brigitte, what is your opinion as a knight?”
In this case, simply scattering the enemy would not be enough. It was important that we limit the amount of damage to a level that would not interfere with the lives of Illgner’s people.
“The enemies we encountered were acting in small units, but I could sense mana everywhere around us. Even if we gathered all our knights, I cannot say for certain how long we would be able to stall for time. Neither can I predict how much damage will be done to the land until reinforcements arrive.”
If their sole purpose was to drain mana from the land, we could limit the number of human casualties by staying quiet and holing up. However, Illgner’s land would be devastated.
" ...those were nobles from old Werkestock."
“I remember them from my time at the Royal Academy,” the commander explained. “The one they were protecting is a Giebe from old Werkestock.”
The frequency at which we found commoners from old Werkestock and Ahrensbach invade our mountains in search of food made it abundantly clear that their lands were lacking mana. However, I had never expected that a Giebe of all people would invade another duchy to steal mana.
“If this invasion is headed by a Giebe of a mana-deficient duchy, and has the support of Lady Georgine, they won’t give up easily,” I observed.
As a member of the Giebe’s family, I understood their desire to have enough mana to fertilize their land and feed their starving people very well. I could tell neither of us would back down.
“Both Old Werkestock and Ahrensbach are greater duchies, and we are greatly outnumbered,” the commander said. “It is only a matter of time before we are overrun. But even so, we have no choice but to stand our ground until Lord Bonifatius and the reinforcements arrive. That said, I would like to avoid casualties among the younger generations as much as possible.” He let out a deep sigh.
"Whatever will become of us if we cannot count on Illgner’s knights to protect the lives of the province’s people?” I asked, then added, “I will fight too."
"Brigitte, wait," Victor said, his face as white as a sheet. He shook his head in disbelief. "You are no longer a knight. You are a member of the Giebe’s family and Lilarose's mother. For your daughter’s sake, please do not rush into a battle that the commander himself deems reckless. Haven't you been away from training for a while due to giving birth and nursing our child? Right now, you are more vulnerable than the other knights."
I understood what Victor was trying to say. However, I did not agree with him.
"I am a member of the Giebe’s family and a knight,” I declared. “Isn't it natural that I go out and protect Illgner? If I back out, it will affect morale."
"But... " Victor tried.
"I won’t be in any more danger than the other knights,” I said. “Moreover, the reason I resigned as Lady Rozemyne’s guard knight and got married was to protect Illgner. I have no intention of backing down from the fight to protect it now."
Although I was no longer her guard knight and there was a long distance between Ehrenfest and Illgner, Lady Rozemyne still looked out for us. She continued to support our paper-making industry and had provided us with valuable information. Although I only served her for a short period of time, I was greatly indebted to her. More than anything, I wanted to be a knight who Lady Rozemyne would be proud of.
“Besides, if I can’t even protect Illgner here, I won’t be able to protect Lilarose either,” I stated. “Suppose I was to perish in this battle, Lilarose still has you, her father, my brother, and my mother to protect her. Illgner, on the other hand, has very few knights to protect its land. I will entrust our daughter to you. So, please let me go. "
Victor looked at my brother with a pained expression, but my brother shook his head.
“I'm sorry, Victor,” he said apologetically. “As a Giebe, I want as many knights as I can get. Besides, I cannot keep my sister away from battle because it might be dangerous, while at the same time demanding the other knights risk their lives on the battlefield. Brigitte, if you wish to fight to protect Illgner, I will respect that. ... although I pray you won’t do anything too reckless.”
Hearing my brother's words, Victor hung his head and sighed.
"As much as I hate it, you truly are a knight at heart. I understand your desire to protect Illgner and your pride as a knight. However, you are also Lilarose's mother. Don’t be reckless. Stay aware of your surroundings and retreat if necessary. We are just trying to buy time.”
Watching Victor concede to my desire, the commander smiled wryly.
"Lady Brigitte, please don't disregard everyone's concerns. The fewer the casualties, the better. As Lord Victor says, buying time is our top priority. If we can make them cancel the darkness blessing, that will be enough. Let's work together to get every last one of them."
While we were discussing how to make our enemies cancel the blessing and what magical tools might be useful, an ordonnanz flew in.
"This is Bonifatius. I have received the Aub’s permission to use the teleportation circle. I will arrive at fifth bell. Clear the area around the teleportation circle in the front yard of your estate, and have your knights ready to depart. We will head into battle as soon as I arrive."
After repeating the same message three times, the ordonnanz turned back into a yellow feystone. Even then, I still couldn't believe its message.
“Hold on, fifth Bell?” I asked confused. “He means today? And they will use a teleportation circle? To teleport a whole unit of knights?”
We had discovered the enemy when we set out on patrol after lunch. After we returned, we immediately reported to my brother, so we had yet to formally inform the other knights. Yet now we were told that the reinforcements would be arriving within less than a bell.
“Isn’t fifth bell about to ring!” Helfried shouted in panic. “Where is that teleportation circle!?  What is the front yard!?”
"Please calm down, Lord Helfried,” Victor said. “The front yard is the front yard."
“Lady Brigitte, we should inform the knights!” The commander interjected. “At this rate, we won’t be ready to head into battle!”
My steadfast resolve was instantly blown away. First, we had to prepare Illgner to receive the reinforcements, and those of us who went on patrol needed to recover and prepare for the next battle.
As reported by the ordonnanz, right as fifth bell rang, a magic circle appeared in the front yard. Black and golden flames whirled around, and figures started appearing. I had been told that the magic circle connected to the Royal Academy could only transport three people at a time, but I could see the shadows of about fifty people in this teleportation circle.
Once the flickering of the flames subsided, the knights exited the teleportation circle in an orderly manner with Lord Bonifatius in the lead. However, a group of at least ten people remained in place. When he noticed the person standing at the center, my brother cried out in surprise.
“Aub Ehrenfest!?”
We had known that reinforcements would arrive by teleportation circle, but we had not expected the Aub would be accompanying them. As our eyes widened in surprise, Aub Ehrenfest calmly gestured us to calm down, “There is no need to panic. This teleportation circle can only be activated by me, so I had to come along to deliver the reinforcements. I will be returning at once."
"Aub Ehrenfest, I cannot thank you enough for your kind consideration. I didn't even know that there was a teleportation circle like this."
As my brother expressed his gratitude, the Aub nodded lightly.
"Neither did I,” he admitted. “Until Rozemyne mentioned its existence. This battle is the first time I am using it. She read about it in some old book it seems. I am sure you have heard she has been busy reviving ancient magic circles and rituals recorded in the bible and other old literature. That appears to have led to the discovery of this teleportation circle.”
“Lady Rozemyne… ” I whispered.
How could I ever express my gratitude? If not for Lady Rozemyne, this teleportation circle would likely never have been discovered and Lord Bonifatius probably would not have been able to reach us in time.
"Giebe Illgner,” the Aub continued. “These men here are just scholars I brought along to activate the teleportation circle. They aren’t part of the reinforcements."
Apparently, the people who remained standing on the teleportation circle were providing the mana necessary for the Aub to return.
“I cannot send any more people at the moment. So, Illgner is in your hands now.”
I decided to leave it to my brother to see the Aub off, and headed over to Lord Bonifatius, who was giving instructions to the knights.
"Those who assisted with the teleportation will stay here for now. Prioritize your recovery. The rest of you will follow me. Now, who is in charge on Illgner’s side? I want to know what we are dealing with."
"Lord Bonifatius, please allow me to explain,” I said. “We happened upon the enemy while we were out patrolling the border."
"Ah, Brigitte. It's been a while."
In truth, this would have been the job of the commander of Illgner’s knights, but he begged me to take his place, noting, “I'm much too nervous to talk to a member of the archducal family. Who knows what kind of mistakes I will make.” Since I had received special training from Lord Bonifatius as Lady Rozemyne’s guard knight, the idea of having a direct conversation with him did not bother me.
"I see,” Lord Bonifatius nodded. “Those black weapons certainly spell trouble. Not only can they drain mana from the land, but our mana attacks will also work to our opponent’s advantage. It would be better if we used metal weapons. Come to think of it, were they dressed in silver cloth?”
"No, as far as we know they aren’t,” I replied. “Since they can counter our mana attacks with their black weapons, there probably was no need to use silver cloth."
"Since the Aub has been unable to detect their crossing the border, I guess there is a high possibility they do own it though... " Lord Bonifatius mulled. After thinking it over for a moment, he nodded.
"It's not a bad idea to prioritize canceling the blessing. Moreover, it is likely that they are using small chalices too, I have been told. That way they can use the stolen mana to revitalize their land. All right, let's go."
Perhaps Lady Rozemyne had told him that too? I remembered the days when I accompanied Lady Rozemyne across the duchy to perform rituals. Small chalices were divine tools used to fill the land with mana, but it seems that in the hands of the wrong people, they could be used to steal mana from the land as well.
Lord Bonifatius set out, leaving behind the knights who were still drinking rejuvenation potions.
... yes, Illgner will be fine now.
The battle was only just beginning. Even so, the thought of having Lord Bonifatius with us was reassuring, and for some reason made me believe everything would be okay.
... first, I would like to recover the mana that was bestowed onto Illgner by my master and the temple.
“Lord Bonifatius, it’s over there. …it seems more land has been drained of mana.”
As I guided Lord Bonifatius towards the border, I couldn't help but feel frustrated seeing the barren spots of land.
"Can any of you feel the enemy's mana?" Lord Bonifatius asked.
" ...maybe if we fly a little lower," I suggested,
Mana could not be detected if the distance was too large. As I began to lower my altitude, I noticed some trees disappearing out of the corner of my eye.
“Over there!” I shouted.
"Follow me and seize the chalices!" Lord Bonifatius instructed the knights, then immediately sped up, charging the enemy alone.
I saw a schtappe appear in Lord Bonifatius’ hand while he was clearly anticipating the enemy’s route of escape. Even though he had ordered the knights to use non-schtappe weapons to counter the black ones, he changed his own into a halberd.
“Lord Bonifatius!?”
We could not help but cry out in surprise. While we still had no idea what he was aiming for, Lord Bonifatius raised his halberd in the air.
“Lord Bonifatius!?” One of the enemies shouted. “What is he doing here!?”
"Don't stop!” Another yelled. “Counter his mana with your black weapon!"
“Protect the Giebe!”
“Spread out and run!”
To the enemy, it must have been looking like he was attacking them head-on, as they started to scatter in confusion. That’s when Lord Bonifatius brought his halberd down.
His mana attack was not aimed directly at the enemy, but instead hit the tree line along their path of escape. Shredding the trees to pieces, causing roughly chopped logs and thick branches to rain down upon their heads.
"Holy shit!"
"Entwafn ... ugh!"
Their black weapons had no effect on the mana-less pieces of wood, nor did they have enough time to cancel the blessing and bring out their shield. Soon, the enemy was buried under a thick pile of logs and branches.
"Don't let them escape!" Lord Bonifatius ordered as we caught up to him.
From there, everything went fast. Most of the people buried under the trees were seriously injured, and even those with minor injuries were unable to make their escape, so they were easily captured.
"I found the chalices! We can return the mana to our land!"
After we stripped the captured Giebe of his possessions and seized the small chalices, joyous shouts of victory emerged from Illgner’s knights.
However, the battle did not end there. Last time, the enemies present in the surrounding area had rallied together to aid their friends. However, this time, they immediately scattered and ran away in fear of Lord Bonifatius’ might.
"We have told Frenbeltag to be on guard, so the enemies’ options for escape are limited,” Lord Bonifatius said. “They are not particularly strong, but if they spread out, it will be enough to prolong the battle. Creating a diversion to keep the knight’s order occupied must be their true aim. Not to mention, their number is smaller than expected.”
I noticed a bitter expression on his face as he spoke. The attack would not destroy Ilgner, but it was intense enough that Illgner’s knights could not deal with it alone. And since the land's mana was being drained, the archducal family had no choice but to respond.
Unfortunately, Lord Bonifatius had been completely right. The next day, the enemies that fled from Illgner started showing up in Griebel.
"Griebel has also requested reinforcements.” Lord Bonifatius announced. “So, we will head for Griebel while mopping up enemies along Illgner's border. Brigitte, you and your men will stay right here!"
"Yes, sir!" I replied.
It was decided that Illgner’s knights would remain camped near the border to prevent a new invasion. Lord Bonifatius promised he would leave some of his knights behind, but to be honest, it was disheartening to see him leave.
"Don't worry,” he said with a confident grin. “I'll give you a good view, so you can focus on protecting the border. If you are overwhelmed, inform me at once."
Lord Bonifatius and his knights unleashed powerful mana attacks on Ahrensbach’s land, mowing down the trees on the other side of the border bit by bit as they moved toward Griebel.
"I see. The view has become much better indeed."
"The enemy can no longer hide, but they may shamelessly attack from the sky. So, let's remain vigilant."
As Lord Bonifatius had said, their purpose was to keep the knights occupied, so the enemies showing up from time to time were not that strong.
"Lady Brigitte, I have something to report,” one of the knight apprentices said to me while we were between battles. “I wanted to inform the Giebe directly, but since a mobilization order was issued, I have instead come to you... It seems that a lumber merchant who traveled to Leisegang by boat to make a delivery noticed some strange noble-looking people trying to board a ship to Ehrenfest while he was there.”
As I listened to the rest of the apprentice’s report, I felt cold sweat start dripping down my back. It had been two days since the lumber merchant saw the people who appeared to be nobles. Even if it was a merchant ship that made stops along the way, there was a possibility that it had already arrived in Ehrenfest.
“I must contact Lady Rozemyne at once!”
However, the ordonnanz I tried to send her immediately turned around.
...don’t tell me Lady Rozemyne is…!
I held my breath as my mind jumped to the worst possible explanation. Ordonnanzes would refuse to fly if the receiver was dead. With trembling hands, I tried sending an ordonnanz to Cornelius and Angelica,
"This is Brigitte. What's the situation over there?”
To my despair, both returned to my hand.
“Then, what about Damuel…?”
Contrary to my fears, the ordonnanz I sent to him soared away as normal. And soon his response arrived.
“We are still waiting for the enemy to make a move.”
His voice sounded as nonchalant as ever, as if nothing was amiss.
I had been fighting for days on end and scared out of my mind at the prospect that Lady Rozemyne might have perished along with her guard knights. Hearing Damuel’s carefree voice made an indescribable anger well up inside me.
I was aware in the back of my mind that I was being irrational. However, if Ehrenfest wasn’t under attack, then why didn’t my ordonnanzes fly? The lack of rest between battles was probably to blame for my heightened emotional state, and in addition, I suppose part of me felt that I was allowed to be casual with him like we used to. So, the reply I sent was dripping with anger.
“Then why can’t I reach anyone by ordonnanz!? I have vital information to report! Where are Lady Rozemyne, Cornelius, and Angelica?”
After that, I included the report from the lumber merchant, and concluded with, “Since we are still under attack, we do not have the leeway to investigate when the ship will arrive. Please make the inquiries yourself and stay on guard.”
"We shall contact Leisegang,” Damuel replied. “Thank you for providing this valuable information in the midst of a tough battle. ... Oh , and Lady Rozemyne and the others are in Ahrensbach, so ordonnanzes won't be able to reach them."
Without even naming my unreasonable anger, Damuel casually told me Lady Rozemyne's whereabouts. I felt so embarrassed that I was the only one getting emotional that my anger slowly began to subside. Once I calmed down, I realized that even Lord Bonifatius had not mentioned the information Damuel had shared with me.
...Lady Rozemyne is in Ahrensbach?
I remembered the Aub had said that he couldn't send any more reinforcements. So, it made sense that even Lady Rozemyne was fighting to protect Ehrenfest.
...it sounds like she is still giving it her all.
I remembered the days she would fight alongside us to collect the materials for her jureve. Although a normal archduke candidate would leave it all to their guard knights, Lady Rozemyne joined the battles despite her frail body, and while falling asleep from exhaustion. Ever since then, Lady Rozemyne hadn't been just a little girl that needed to be protected.
...the people around her seem to have changed though.
Back then, it was me, Damuel, Lord Ferdinand, and his retainers fighting alongside her. Cornelius and Angelica, who were minors at the time, were made to stay behind at the castle. Now that they were adults, she would be taking new guard knights in. I left due to my marriage, and Lord Ferdinand and his retainers moved to Ahrensbach due to his engagement.
I suddenly felt the passage of time as I realized that not only the people surrounding Lady Rozemyne had changed, but my position as well. I was no longer protecting Lady Rozemyne, I was fighting for Illgner and my family now. Although, my desire to protect what was important to me had not changed. If Lady Rozemyne was fighting to protect Ehrenfest, then as her former guard knight, I could not afford to muck around. Through fighting and winning the battle at this border, I would be able to help Lady Rozemyne protect Ehrenfest.
“Lady Brigitte, we have spotted the enemy!”
I jumped to my feet at the sound of the knight's voice. The other knights also mounted their highbeasts, reeling with fighting spirit.
...Good luck to you, Lady Rozemyne. I will do all I can to protect Illgner.
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xxknockoutxx · 2 months
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𝕼𝖚𝖊𝖊𝖓 𝖔𝖋 𝖈𝖑𝖆𝖓𝖘
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𝖂𝖆𝖗𝖓𝖎𝖓𝖌𝖘: mentions of murder and hostility, toxic families, smut, poor/poverty terms, cursing, and other stuff. No proofread! There might be some mistakes sorry!
𝑺𝒚𝒏𝒐𝒑𝒔𝒊𝒔: From a poor and brave curse user, to the wife of the strongest man in Jujutsu Sorcery.
𝕻𝖆𝖎𝖗𝖎𝖓𝖌𝖘: Satoru gojo x fem!Y/N
𝕿𝖆𝖌𝖘: @theobsidianempress
𝕬/𝕹: I'm sorry about how long this took me. Tumblr deleted my paragraphs multiple times. And I had to rewrite everything multiple times. New Note: I made this a looong time ago and nobody saw it and it was the only post that this happened with so I'm just reposting
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The feeling of a hand rapidly smacks your face awake. As you take in your surroundings realizing where you are and what you're doing just to realize it's just your same old mother yelling at you for absolutely nothing at all. because you just decided to sleep instead of what she thinks you should be doing... Working.
Little do they know, you were up all night saving them from the non-stop curses that were trying to get you and your family. Because you are the only person who can see them and the only person who possesses cursed energy you are the only person that was in the house that can protect your family.
Knowing that you'll never be able to escape all of her yelling, you just got up and walked away so you can get ready for the day of work that you're doomed to do every single day.
"Hurry up and go to the village and see if there is any use of you there! At least try to be a role model for siblings!" And with that you were locked out and not gonna be let back in until sundown. Tired, and not wanting to make her physically aggressive, you just left for the village and hoped that someone needed to get their cat out of a tree or they needed someone to kill bugs.
As you walked through the village, you heard screaming. Concerned, you ran over to help and you found out that there was a lady screaming about a monster and her daughter also screaming because of a curse. Being a curse user, you could see that there is a giant grade Four curse destroying their house right before the curse gets the chance to kill the two girls you rush in and kill the curse.
The mother and a daughter stand there obviously shook by the entire experience, but thank you profusely for saving them. As you give them your thanks as well, you walk away back into the village to help more people. Eventually you stumble through the village one last time before going home to see if it's "late enough to go home" When you arrive back the door is noticeably unlocked so you go inside.
While the rest of your family sleeps comfortably after finishing dinner (Which they didn't wait for you to come home) you just decided to go to sleep without eating. (Not like you had a choice.) The next morning you wake up to a knock on your door and a letter.
I've noticed your strength and your knowledge of curses over the past few days. Your strength is honorable and I sent this letter to inform you that over taken an interest in you and can get you out of your situation. All I request is that you become my wife. Take your time to think over this offer.
To Y/N L/N.
S. G.
You threw the note to the side and hid it in your room. "Like I would let some rich ass prick buy me into marriage" You thought half way before speaking, thinking that you were too strong and independent to be swooned by some rich and worthless man. Your stomach quickly humbled you and started growling louder than Nanami fans during that beach scene (yes, we breaking the fourth wall) due to last nights neglect.
As you left out for good you noticed the sounds of screaming from more innocent people in the village. As you run towards the noise, you see a giant curse but this one is a special grade curse that you weren't strong enough to kill. The curse charges towards you and grabs a hold of you slowly taking all of the air out of your lungs. Your breathing slows, your sight darkness, and you pass out.
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You wake up a couple of hours later in a nice room. With blue and gold accents all around it. While you looked around, you noticed a door that was slightly cracked open. Right as you got up a few people entered the room and grabbed you. They whispered about someone, almost like if they were afraid?
Why would Satoru want this peasant? Would Satoru approve? It's best that we dispose of her now that she's awak-...
"Put her down"
Your eyes widen as you see the 6'3, white haired, blue eyed and intimidating man in front of you with a heart stopping frown on his face. Before you could process what happened you were roughly dropped on your face. You get up and stare blankly in disbelief that these bitches dropped you like a fucking trash bag. Before standing up and looking like you were about to gut them. However they weren't focused on you. They were focused on the pearly hair man that looked like he was two seconds away from painting these Royal walls red.
"Get out of my sight."
The two hooded figures run away faster than light. And before you could turn back to the tall man before you. You felt his presence so close that it made your blood turn cold.
"I'm sorry about those disgusting rats..."
"It's fine, but where am I? Who are you?"
"Well to start you off, you're in my house. And the room that you were in before you came here was my room. And my name is Satoru Gojo, the head of the Gojo clan."
"Gojo clan? Where have I heard that before?" You take a look around the giant hallway before looking back at him. "Wait... By any chance did you send me a letter?"
He nodded happily and at that moment all you could do was cringe and mentally slap yourself in the face. The "rich guy" turned out to be a pretty young and handsome man, who's at the head of the most powerful clan in the world. And he liked you. As this all registered in your head you feel a hand on your cheek.
"If I remember correctly, that letter was a request to take your hand in marriage" he made a dumb little smirk that made you want to punch him but also laugh with him while skipping down the aisle and throwing flowers everywhere.
"Yeah what was that about?"
"Well you are really cool Y/N and I get recommended new candidates to take up the name Mrs. Gojo but the thing is, They all suck. None of them are my type, too lovey dovey, too distant, too pretty,-"
"That's a problem?" You looked confused. But Satoru just laughed before giving you a serious look.
"Oh yeah it is..."
"Yeah it must be tough having everything you want, being able to sleep at appropriate times in a nice warm house full of food, with people who respect you and do stuff for you..." You didn't even notice that you were rambling until Satoru stopped you.
He looks away before looking back at you with a smile.
"How about we discuss this over a nice meal?"
You swear you almost fell over at that point. Before you can even properly get on your knees and start thanking him (not like that you freaks) he grabs your hands and walks you through the huge mansion, into ONE of the kitchens and he brings you over to pick what you want.
"What would you suggest"
"Honestly none of this bullshit. But I'll make you a little bit of everything"
He was so welcoming but you couldn't help but feel uneasy and intruding after being in a place you definitely don't belong in. As you awkwardly sat at the table that didn't fit you, you watched Gojo in the distance. Making food and trying not to get it all over his pearly white haori.
"Here you go, one plate of dog shit"
You couldn't tell if he was making fun of you or not, because this "dog shit" was the best looking food you've seen in years. After thanking him, you dived into your food and ate like a starved animal. Which isn't far off from what you are anyway. Gojo watched you with gentle eyes. Taking time to absorb everything about you even just from eating.
His cerulean eyes stared at you without breaking contact even through his white locks. They glower gently under the shadow his hair cascaded over his face. When you finished you looked at him with a thankful and flustered face.
"Sorry about the way I ate, not very lady-like, huh?" You hate that term... "Lady like"
"Ugh, don't even start... We can eat like pigs together. Plus when you eat shit like that you can only eat like that with gagging."
You smile and laugh at him. When he made you laugh a smirk pulled its way across his face. He was clearly proud of himself.
"Let's get you out of these rags and into something more comfortable... Mrs. Gojo"
You barely heard him but kept walking behind him to another huge part of the house, a luxury king bathroom. You looked around amazed, taking in everything with care. Gojo snorts and grabs some old shirts that'll hopefully fit you.
"You're cute y'know that?"
"Well excuse me Mr. Millionaire-
"Billionaire, Babes."
You just frown and take the clothes and get in the shower. Or try to...
"Uh... Gojo? How do I turn this on?"
He has to hold back his laugh at your innocent frame while he walks into the bathroom and turns the handle twice to the warm side.
"How the fuck was I supposed to know that?"
He walks out the room laughing but before he leaves he corrects you.
"It's Satoru, to you, Sweets."
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When you get out of the shower Satoru is gone but not only that, the bed is made. You wanted to lay down but you didn't want to exert yourself. Right as you were deciding, Satoru comes in wearing nothing but a robe and a towel around his neck.
"Hey, Tiny"
"Don't use your freakish height to justify calling me tiny."
He smirks and lays down on the bed and pats the spot next to him. You were conflicted because what the hell is this rich ass prince charming doing, trying to get you into his bed. Even if there aren't any ulterior motives, which you know there are. You would look like a doll in a custom king sized mattress.
But if there was something Satoru Gojo wasn't good at. It was being told no. Of course you end up in his bed and even more so IN HIS ARMS. The only thing you could do was sit with yourself, disappointed in your decisions and inability to control the situation.
"How does an endless and abundant source of happiness sound?"
"Nice, until you consider the price"
"What if I told you there was no price or catch, or but"
"There always is, now tell me what you want from me"
He smirks and tightens his grip around you while trying to hold back a chuckle.
"I want you to be my wife"
You wanted to be stunned but the overwhelming feeling of confusion and curiosity took over. You didn't believe him. Thought that this was just a cruel joke but on the off chance that he was being serious, it only raised more questions than satisfying answers.
"No, seriously. I want you to be my wife"
"Why?" You say while tugging on the soft comforter under you.
"Because you interest me, and I actually like you. I'm tired of being shown women like they are objects of affection that can buy me or make me love them. But you, I actually feel something for you that isn't spiteful."
You thought about it for a moment. The possibility of you, a random poor girl, appears interesting to the head of the Gojo Clan it was too real for you.
"If you still don't believe me then let me prove it to you"
Suddenly, huge warm hands grip your waist and pull you onto Satoru's lap. They snake up your shirt and push you into his chest.
"Shh... Just lay back, baby..."
All your senses were overwhelmed, so overwhelmed that every touch felt like hundreds. The way he gently sprinkles kisses and bites around your face and neck. The way he clothes fly through the air at light speeds and most importantly. The way that he lifts you up so easily and slams you back down on his cock so good.
All that money may have given him the tangible appeal, but this monster of a man before you was created by pure godly genetics. (Which was surprising because his family, if you can even call it that. Are far from flattering)
"Staring pretty hard. I don't usually let people who aren't my wife see me like this.."
"Ughh.. Shut up about this.. Mhph- wife stuff..."
He grabs you by your waist and brings you back on his lap. Before you could even struggle you dropped onto his cock. All 6 or more inches just drop into you, all at once. Pain and pleasure battle your senses as Satoru continues to thrust up so fast into you.
"F-fuck, you make me feel so good baby. Just like that..."
The last little restraint you had was broken at the feeling of Satoru's cock piercing your G-spot over and over again. You were basically turning into jelly while in his hands. The only thing coming out of you was strangled moans and babbles.
It all felt too good having him rut inside you but it felt even better when. He teased you relentlessly. Rubbing your clit and pinching your nipples, whispering how good of a girl you were. It didn't make sense but you didn't care.
You started to spasm obviously coming close to the peak of your high. Soaked sheets squish and cling onto your sweaty bodies. The sensation made Satoru groan and whine at the pressure. Satoru didn't care how loud he was being in fact he wanted those around to hear. He wanted them to know that he had someone in his room. A poor girl. That he was gonna wife up.
"F-Fuck... Mmm... Baby! That's so good~..."
His thrusts became untamed and erratic as he grabbed on any surface around him. Moaning and grunting at the feeling of your sweet cunt wrapping around him so tightly. The wet warmth of your cunt sends him straight to heaven as he begins to lose himself in your crimson walls.
"Nghh~... Fuck..."
Pearly ropes cover your insides and practically have your stomach doing backflips. It's not like it was a one way thing either, Satoru was just as stunned by the thick coating of slick around his base. Soon after your high wore out you fell asleep.
When you wake up, you're fully cleaned and beyond confused. As you sit up and look around taking in your surroundings you nearly have a goddamn heart attack at the sight of Gojo watching you look around the room. Instead of a serial killer or a guard in the corner, it's just his lanky, privileged, rich ass in the corner or the room. Prolly getting a kick out of watching you in this giant, Goliath ass bed.
When you get up you grab a robe that was on the side of the bed.
"Woah, where are you off in such a rush, princess?"
He smirks at you and walks towards you with a chuckle. He stops right before you and gently lifts your chin up.
"This is your home, Ms. Gojo..."
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riccismy-life · 2 years
Larissa Weems x Fem! Reader NSFW (+18) -Defiance
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Description: You ran away with Enid last night to go to a party and they came back late in the morning, Marilyn Thornhill -Her mom from the bedroom- informed Principal Weems of her rebellion and you took all the blame, Principal Weems decides to punish you .
-Warning: Foul language, graphic mention of spanking, mention of nudity, obscenity, dominant tones.
-You are 18 years old in this fic!
-Sorry if there are mistakes, English is not my first language!
The night before Enid, the blonde girl who loves colors, and you decided to escape to a party away from Nunca Más, Merlina had stayed writing her novel as usual while you had fun breaking the rules of the extremely tall sexy director Werms. Several times they had sneaked out after ten o'clock curfew and always managed to get Miss Thornhill to cover for them, but not without missing a severe scolding.
They drank a lot of punch and danced all night without stopping. Without realizing it, they lost consciousness of time -apparently- and almost returned at six in the morning.
Alarmed, they hurried to the strange school, where their mother from the dormitory, Marilyn Thornhill, who was also their botany teacher, was waiting for them with a disapproving look. The woman had her arms crossed and a different expression than the usual smile she wore whenever she spoke to you.
"Girls, where were you? Principal Weems knows that you ran away last night and she's not happy with you... I'm starting to get tired of this" she complained about her disobedience.
"Sorry, Miss Thornhill, we won't do it again" you said hoping that the redheaded woman will cover them, again. On several previous occasions the redheaded woman had covered them from the blonde headmistress's wrath, knowing that she was a little scary when she was angry.
"Oh, no Y/n, I won't play along, you cheeky little girl" she spoke harshly deepening her frown, it was terrifying how the redhead could change her mood and go from being cute to being a dominant woman with the potential to kill, and not just with the look "I'm tired of having to cover for them and that they constantly endanger my job again. Listen, I love you, but this time I won't help you, you will have to deal with Weems and his fury without my help" she spoke with the frown. "She wants you to go to her office," he warned.
"I'll go" you said. You could deal more with Weems than Enid -or so you thought-.
"Fine, just go" said the redheaded woman not in the mood to fight two teenagers in distress.
You felt overwhelmed by the whole situation, you really weren't very excited about your visit to the office of the seductive director Weems, you had found yourself distracted a lot of times every time you saw her, admiring her body, her curves, her height too much tall that just looking at her standing made you tremble with excitement before the dominant figure in front of you, her red lipstick that contrasted with her pale skin, her blue eyes like the ocean and her blonde hair. It was gratifying for you to watch her from afar, but when she spoke to you you felt like putty and extremely small in every possible way.
You walked through the great corridors of Ophelia Hall with nervousness occupying your empty stomach, you were anxious -But you didn't know exactly if in a good way- to see the director who occupied all your dirtiest fantasies.
Upon reaching your destination you decided to sigh and knock on the door, you were greeted by a "Come in" from Director Weems and you felt a shiver of adrenaline run through your entire body when you entered and saw her standing in all her great stature, while her body recharged next to the smoking fireplace illuminating the early morning that was still dark.
"Shut the door, Y/N" she said ordering without looking at you. You swallowed and did as ordered by the dominant woman.
You didn't quite know what to do, whether to stand by the door or approach Principal Weems.
"I wonder, how come you and Miss Sinclair have been leaving this place for so long without my permission and I didn't realize it?" She said, this time looking you directly in the eyes, you felt as if she could scan you with her eyes.
"P-please don't involve Enid in this, Director Weems, it's all my decision" you said, although they both knew it wasn't entirely true, Enid always wanted to escape whenever she could to go out to parties.
"I hope you understand, Miss Night, that I will have to punish you. I worry about my students when they need something and you desperately need my correction" he spoke in a seductive tone, his eyes seemed hungry and you felt your legs go weak at his commanding tone.
"I-I understand.. s-ma'am" you said in a weak whisper, trying desperately to hide your voice shaking with excitement.
"Now, now... I'll give you two options, you can spend the rest of the time until school starts staring at a wall with a coin on your nose, or…"She moved closer to you slowly, almost painfully and lifted your chin so that you were looking straight into her eyes. "You can lean over my desk and pull up that too-short skirt that's against the law and I'll spank you until May you turn into a needy, sobbing mess" he spoke too close to your ear and you did your best not to groan.
You couldn't believe she had said that, but you loved her.
"... I-I'll take the second option" you said feeling your face turn red from embarrassment.
The woman smiled "And please tell me, what is the second option, honey?" She asked teasingly.
"P-please don't make me say it."
"Say it, if you don't want worse. I should be harder on you and I can if you don't cooperate, but it would be much more satisfying for me than for you."
"I-I'll say--" you said.
"Come on, I want to hear you."
"I-I... will take the spanking, Principal Weems" you spoke in a low tone.
You felt ashamed to ask the woman in front of you to spank you for your bad behavior.
"Very good" she smiled to herself "Then lift up your skirt and lean over my desk with your hands behind your back" she ordered herself firmly.
"Yes, ma'am" you said in an obedient tone and approached slowly, but a little willingly -although you would never admit it out loud- towards her desk, the woman behind you.
"Come on, obey me and be a good girl and lift up your skirt to receive the punishment you deserve" she spoke, turning on you with her tone.
You didn't hesitate to do what she said and you hiked your skirt up to your back and placed your hands against your back.
She took a large wooden ruler out of her desk drawer and pulled your panties down below your knees leaving you completely exposed to her eyes.
"It will be ten lashes, count for me Miss Night" she said caressing your thighs making you tremble.
"Yes ma'am" you said with your heart beating furiously in your chest.
And Principal Weems struck first.
The ruler against your bare skin made you shiver, the metal was stiff and cold. Your thighs rose for more friction as you felt another blow go straight into your ass painfully, you stifled a moan by biting your lip so Principal Weems wouldn't hear.
She tugged at your hair making you moan in pleasure, she arched an eyebrow at that and smiled "Tell me," the blonde commanded caressing your rear with her bare hand, sending a stab of arousal to your exposed center.
"T-two!" you groaned in surprise and received a spanking too close to your throbbing zone. "S-shit.. Three!"
Larissa spanked your ass very hard this time, making your whole body press painfully against her desk, your breasts aching from the rubbing of the wood.
"Watch your language if you don't want to spank your little pussy with a cane!" She spoke sending shivers through your whole body, she was really turning you on the way she was talking to you and she knew it very well, she was enjoying it.
"S-sorry..." you said under your breath.
She tugged at your hair again and you yelled “What did I tell you to do, Y/N?” she asked dangerously close to your ear.
"C-count... sorry, let's go four lashes ma'am" you answered obediently and she smiled her crimson red smile at you.
"Good girl."
Principal Weems smacked you three times in a row on your thighs and you started to cry a little while you were counting, the last blows were given firmly and were terribly painful, your thighs ached, your butt was red and very battered, you had a couple of tears on your face and most importantly, your center was dripping throbbing.
Larissa must have noticed your obvious arousal at her punishment, because without warning she began to play with your clit, she spread your legs wider as you gasped in surprise and pleasure at being touched by the blonde woman.
"You seem to like my punishment too much, huh?" She teased the blue-eyed blonde "So wet for me" she said running her fingers through your folds.
"Y-yes, ma'am.. just for you" you answered mesmerized by her words.
“Do you want me to fuck you, Y/N?” She said out of the blue and you nodded desperately expecting me to finger fuck you.
"Answer appropriately for mommy, little one" she said rubbing your clitoris faster and faster, you couldn't concentrate very well, you only felt your throbbing center.
"Y-yes, mommy... I want you to fuck me" you said and it was enough for her.
The blue-eyed blonde inserted a finger into your heated center and she began to thrust, moaning, gasping and begging, her touch making you too aroused and you wanted more, needed more.
"Do you like this, Y/N? Do you like being fucked like a needy slut by mommy, little girl?" he asked as he played furiously with your clit making you moan long and turning you on even more with his voice, you felt his breath on your heard tremblingly, her voice thick and husky for her own pleasure sending shivers to your wet core, she tugged at your hair and you moaned "do you like that? do you like it when mommy treats you like this?" she questioned with a smile on her attractive lips red, like a majestic redwood.
"Oh yes mommy... I love it..." you said with a shaky voice, tears of despair falling all over your needy face "I want more, please mommy... I need more..." you begged.
Larissa inserted one more finger into your desperately needy center and you moaned at the contact, you needed more, your thighs shaking uncontrollably with pleasure, your eyes black with lust as she turned you around to look at the blonde woman's beautiful face. she looked at you with a look of pride.
"Oww, mommy.. you're so good.." you said.
"So needy..." he said as he stripped off your clothes completely, leaving you alone in a black lace bra, his eyes flashed a dangerous glint "What a sinful sight.. you're exquisite" he spoke and you gasped as he bent down to kiss your belly .
Larissa left wet kisses and red lipstick marks all over your belly, you felt extremely turned on at the thought of her marking you. Then she moved up her caresses and her kisses until your swollen breasts ached with the need for her to touch you, your nipples were erect, Larissa kissed between your breasts making you arch her back.
The blue-eyed woman took off your bra leaving you completely exposed to her hungry eyes, she put her mouth on one of your nipples and played until your legs gave out and felt weak.
"Do you want to cum, little girl?" She asked you and you nodded.
"Please..." you asked pleadingly.
"Ask me correctly and maybe I'll let you do it" she ordered and you didn't hesitate for a second to do it.
"Please ma'am, please... can I cum? I need it so much... please" you desperately begged the woman in front of you.
"So good.. I wish you were like that in class" she said in a disappointing tone.
"S-sorry..." you said.
"Be a good girl for mommy and come on her fingers" Larissa ordered and that was it for you, you came on her fingers and she smiled cheekily.
"What a good girl you are to mom" she smiled at her.
And she loved you.
@karlaestrella @c-lyn4ever @cursedbambii @litlmaximoff
@marilynthornhill @missthornhills @christinarricci
@marilynthornhilllover @marilynthornhillsimp12
@larissaweemsisqueenofw @larissaweemsrealwife
@larissaweemsisalesbian @daydream-cement
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bookaddict05 · 11 months
Girl in the Chair - PT3
I wake up in the morning back in my bedroom, still feeling uneased from the events from last night. what would he want with me? did he know about milo? what did he know about my father? I get up and shake off these questions praying he just got the wrong person. I put on some cute white ripped Demin jeans pairing it with a white tank top and a blue pastel daisy cardigan.
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I hear my dad shouting for me from downstairs in his office, I go down to see him sitting there with a stern look on his face.
"where did you go last night, you know its not safe to go out alone"
"I just went out for a walk in the street to clear my head a bit" lying knowing he wouldn't like the truth of how far I went
"Nothing else you want to tell me?"
"No, I don't think there is anything else to say" I look confused as to what else he may be expecting.
"Okay, you may go then"
I leave his office nervous of what he may know, but it was impossible for him to know, right? While in my thoughts, I see a strange man, standing at the front door he was tall with a tan and muscular with dark hair and an evil demeanour. my mother greets him at the door as if they were old friends, my mother pointed him towards my fathers office and thanked her. Walking towards my dads office, as he came closer I saw that he had tattoos along his arm and some stubble on his face. When he acknowledges me he smiles but I just stare back feeling sick to the pit of my stomach with unease. As he opened the door I heard my dad greet him but the door shuts before I could get a name.
I walk into the kitchen to ask my mother who he was but I noticed she was in a hurry
"Where are you off to in such a rush?" I questioned.
"I'm late to a doctors appointment, are you able to stay in today sweetie, there's a delivery arriving today and I know your father will be leaving to go into work in about 5 mins so someone needs to be in the house"
"Yeah that's fine, I have no plans I was just planning to watch movies all day anyways"
"please don't say your going to watch 'The Secret of Moonacre' again" she says while laughing at me
"Actually no, I'm planning on watching many versions of 'A Cinderella story'" I say proudly
"Even worse" she giggles even more
"Right give me a hug and kiss before I go" I walk over to her and she gives me the biggest squeeze
"I love you" she says
"I love you too"
She leaves the house as my dad walks out of his office with the mystery man.
"I'm off to work" he says as he walks out the door not waiting for a response from me.
'Ah alone at last' I thought to myself
That is when I heard a rushed and violent knock at the door
"UGH, I jinxed it" I exclaim out loud
Walking to the door I noticed that it was Milo through the windows
I open the door letting him in and went back to the living room, I sat down on the couch and he decided to take the floor. He is looking up at me smiling like a goon.
"If your going to tell me you got lucky with Miss lover girl, please spare me, I don’t need to know about what you two get up to” I say laughing at his goofy smile.
He dramatically places his hand on his chest and acts offended
“I don’t kiss and tell” he says while his voice cracks
“moving on from whatever that was, why are you so bouncy?” I ask, intrigued about what brought him to my house.
“So y’know the winter soldier, captain Americas boyfriend. He found me. Like the avengers know who I am, so he personally came up to me and asked me to join this new group of sorta young avengers, do you think I should do it?” He informs me in practically one breath.
I look at him astonished, the winter soldier like the one who stalked me outside of my street and outside Emily's house. He can't be serious now. Wait what if that's why he was following. He knew I knew the identity of the spider kid (as the news call him) and I led him right to him.
“Milo this isn’t a good idea, it seems a bit shady that the winter soldier just found you like that, especially when only me and Emily know that you are the Spider-Man” I say this thinking it might of just been a coincidence, like the winter soldier does have connections to tony and tony could find anyone with the right amount of time and money (which we all know he has) he could find anyone.
“I mean they have the starks database which probably found me, I mean it’s not like I have a whole suit so it would be pretty easy to notice me I guess” He tries to rationalise how he could’ve found him.
I shake my head and sigh at him. We decide to watch movies, but not the ones I had originally had planned. Ones with superhero's and Gods fighting Villains of all shapes, species and sizes. That's when the idea stuck me. I look back at Milo and huge smile across my face.
“why are you smiling like that? Are you possessed? Oh please say you’re possessed” he says, he has defiantly watched to much Sam and Colby lately. I stand up and start walking to the kitchen
“Have you tested your powers yet?” I questioned him
“uh no why? What are you conjuring Y/N?” he says while slowly standing up.
I walk out into the garden with Milo following close behind. The garden held many memories that were created while we grew up. I walk towards the shed and unlock it and grabbed some garden tools which could be dangerous enough to be weapons.
“woah hey no nope not today Satan” he says holding his hands up backing away, I laugh and place them on the grass
“we need to test your powers Milo, c'mon it’ll be fun” I say. He rolls his eyes at me then comes closer and sat down on the grass waiting to hear further on what I had concocted in my mind
“Wait we should call Kate over” I say and pull out my phone.
We have known Kate for a short while but she's one of them people that you instantly click with, and also happens to help that she has skills with a bow and arrow. She's a few years older than us but has the same mental age as us.
I told her that I had the Spiderman in my garden and asked her to come around ASAP. That's when Milo took the hint to put on the make-shift suit he had made on.
~10mins later~
Kate arrived and comes running into the garden and takes one look at Milo and covers her mouth in shock
I laugh at the fact how fast she figured it out and at the slight annoyed groan coming from Milo
“shit” he says in a realisation of needing a new suit
~1hr later~
We spent an hour testing Milos ability until both of them had to leave.
So I had my alone time back once again.
I sat back down in the living room and decided to put on 'Ever after' a Cinderella story staring Drew Barrymore.
I was watching the movie for about 10 minuets and that's when I heard a smash come from the back door from the living room I can see the door slightly and that's when I saw a large figure dressed in all black breaking into the house.
I react quickly turning off the tv and making sure I'm not to be seen. I make a move quickly and quietly to my fathers office knowing that the door can lock from the inside for when my father didn't want to be interrupted during work. I open the door and close it as quite as possible and lock it. I go to grab my phone out of my pocket but realise it wasn't there.
SHIT! I left it in the living room.
A wave of panic rushes over me. I hear footsteps coming towards the room. I'm trapped the windows are locked and there is no knowing that he wasn't alone. Someone could be waiting out front for me to make an escape. I was trapped.
I went for best case scenario and I smashed the window through with the lamp that was on my fathers desk making a loud noise. I clear the window to avoid injury but I didn't realise that I missed a piece and felt a searing pain rush through my leg. I started to run with all my might and the best I could with a shard of glass in my leg. but next thing I knew the large man from before had caught up with me and restrained me while putting a cloth over my face making me pass out
sorry for this being later than usual I was struggling to find the time but also on what to write so i hope you enjoy PT3 and check out @ladmarkinnit for the original series WEB HEAD
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