#just finished the rebroadcast
noodlesarecheese · 10 months
I love that Fearne's new fire form works on ponyta rules <3
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sea-buns · 5 months
the things my mind will do to NOT have to face the consequences of a traumatic story arc
"oh so and so died last week? and the new episode is tonight? hmm sounds like it'll be a good one...
.....y'know i've really been meaning to get into [absolute rabbit hole of a fandom]"
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janitorjuliann · 1 year
ARGH ive been spoiled for guests. i need to watch immediately lmao sorry for out of synch liveblog
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colorfulandblack · 1 year
Just finished the rebroadcast of the latest episode and can I just say: HOLY SHIT!
The second time was so much better, I paid more attention to details I hadn't notice before but above all, while I adored Auggie (and my newsies dream lives on), Charlie, who took him under her wing like a mother, Arlo, with her weirdness and Howie (that 'expanding his mind and punching cop moments live rent free in my brain) I have to say the characters in this chapter are much more interesting
Whereas The Veil chapter was a bunch of misfits, coming together and ironically bonding over their trauma this chapter The Needle and the Thread, it's clear they've worked with one another for years and known each other a long time (I assume that Sean and Marion knew each other as kids) Their bond goes beyond, they don't need to wonder what to do, Jean patches people without a question and Marion just soaks those marks left and right. They are almost painfuly codepended and I cannot wait to see what will become of them
And can I just say, Jean ending, with her father was touching but goddam Luis, with his performance! I had chills, I teared up just holy shit. Cannot wait to see and hopefull we get to explore Marion's trauma and same goes for Sean, that deflecting mf, we all saw that fucking monster, man, I dread the moment the jokes he makes wont be enough (And immensly curious about Aunty Bee's connection to Sean's mother)
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pointless-angi-rants · 7 months
(What follows is a dumb angry rant from a very annoyed femc fan. Not trying to start a fight, just want to get my big feelings out of my tiny tiny body)
Im sorry if i dont buy that atlus, a development company thats been making games since the famicom, whos probably in their most profitable state, couldn’t have found the time to add femc into reload.
“Oh, but they wanted the game to be a faithful remake of the original persona 3”
Thats bullshit. We all know thats bullshit. They gutted femc’s social links to give makoto some semblance of social links with the male party, added a bunch of other additions, and are now charging 35 fucking dollars for the epilogue, cause lets be perfectly honest you are not buying the expansion pass for the music or costumes.
“They said they don’t have the money or time”
Y’know what. Fine. Maybe they don’t, but yknow what would have probably made including femc’s route just a bit easier? Developing her route alongside the main game. Oh but they can’t do that cause we know any content from any of the rereleases must be sold as dlc :D
“Femc was only added to portable cause they couldn’t fit the answer in”
Whether you like her or not, whether you even give a shit, femc not being in reload is the only fucking thing keeping this game from being THE way to play persona 3.
I fucking love this series. I love royal, and golden, and portable, and id probably love reload if i bought it, but i am so fucking sick of atlus not adding the character i fell in love with persona 3 with im games she should be in. She wasn’t even in dancing im moonlight and they added sho and labrys as dlc. They arent even adding her orpheus or songs, though at this point i dont know if id be more pissed off if they did.
And i know it doesn’t really matter but having the option to play as her in portable and then having that ripped away in the game i have been dreaming of since i finished portable hurts me so fucking bad.
Anyways i hope those of u who bought and played reload had/have a good time, i cant wait for persona 4 rebroadcast to release with golden content sold to us a year later for 40$ :D
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trizzapon · 10 months
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Somnia Bestiae Future "Rebroadcast"
I'm thinking that I'll do something different on my Tumblr account regarding my funny big wolf girl comic Somnia Bestiae, which has already been published up to the start of Chapter 3 on other platforms.
I plan to release all pages here in order, but instead of starting in the middle of the story, I'm thinking about taking advantage of the queuing and scheduling features to start from the beginning, and eventually this account will be caught up with my others some time in 2024.
I don't know when I'll start doing this (since I'm focusing on just finishing Chapter 3 right now) but I would guess you can expect the "rebroadcast" to start at the tail end of December or start of January.
Impatient? Then get caught up here: https://trizzapon.com/sb/
In the meantime, let me know if you have any suggestions of fun things to do here since I'm not really sure how this place works yet but it'd be cool if it wasn't just a mirror of my other socials. Maybe I could have some like in-character spin-off blog or Q&A thingamajig?
Oh well, back to work - and bye for now!
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littleladymab · 8 months
FebruarOC - Elżbieta
MY DARLING GIRL WILL SOON RETURN FOR SEASON 2!!!!! Once again keep your eyes on @sagasofthesunlessreach for those details but please enjoy the rebroadcast of S1 for her introduction 8') 
Um so yeah I love her a lot! And at the top, a huge shout-outs to Zach for inviting me to play in the campaign even though I was (and still am) the pathfinder baby of the group, and being patient as I fumbled through learning how to play on stream. Not nerve-wracking at all. 
Elżbieta is an Investigator that I gave the "Bounty Hunter" background to in order to flavor it as she was sort of like a Witcher, someone who hunted supernatural creatures because no one else would (or could). You know what they say about a vampire, right? Its greatest enemy is a dhampir! Aka a half-vampire. 
(Not-spoiler alert, Elżbieta is a dhampir). (Worst kept secret, but it's one of those things where all the players were in on it so it was hard to make it feel like a secret, you know?) 
Her father is a bum-ass vampire who has gone and fucked off (her words)! She doesn't know where he is! Her mom sure as hell isn't telling her! So she's using her monster-hunting background and investigative know-how to hunt him down. Does she find any clues about him? Well, I'm going to have to suggest you listen to find out ;) 
For her physical appearance, I had just finished watching Netflix's Shadow & Bone and Daisy Head as Genya was just BIGGEST INSPO. In a lot of Slavic folk-culture (and beyond, tbh, but I was pulling from a lot of Slav culture), red-hair is indicative of demonic lineage and they were considered witches or devils etc. And she's got flame-red hair, which she would try to keep as inconspicuous as possible, hiding it beneath a broad-brimmed hat. Pair that with a paler than usual (for a land with no natural sunlight) skin, and, well, she has perfectly normal teeth and blood why do you keep staring at her like that? 
Mechanically, the first time I built her in 2021 it was before both the guns and gears and the book of the dead contents were released for Pathfinder, so I relied some on 'ghost hunter' dedication and haunt lore, which didn't quite fit the setting (it was useful Once), and had her start to take feats from rogue dedication at the end. But since it's an in-universe year between the two campaigns and I have these two new books to play with, I'm able to instead give her the "undead slayer" dedication which is MUCH more her speed for flavor and give her gunslinger dedication at later level! Which is specifically that she bothers Sorren to teach her how to use guns better because she picked up a musket in session 1 of the campaign and tbh didn't go back (Elżbieta voice "is this how you flirt????"). I think I used the nightstick once? I super wanted her to have a firearm but didn't know it could be a thing (and it was a roughshod thing at that) but now! Officially able to use gunslinger abilities. 
She came into this campaign as a "lone wolf" of sorts because well, she's a dhampir and doesn't trust like that. She wanted to find her dad and kick his ass. But now things have shifted slightly and she's looking to take down the bad guy with the power of friendship and this gun she found. But more seriously, she's interested in creating a space for half-bloods like her (or just generally non-humans in similar circumstances). And if that involves taking down the bad guy then so be it. They're the ones that are helping perpetuate the stigma against people like her! 
Her glow-up for S2 is going to be no hat and wearing her hair in a ponytail. Look at her go, not being afraid her defining features anymore!
Here's the character card with art by Bitmap that just is TRULY peak Genya Saffin vibes, and here is art I got done of Elżbieta and Sorren by Jack! And can't forget her pin board. 
And, last but not least, please enjoy rocking out to her playlist! AND MORE IMPORTANTLY, GO LISTEN TO SAGAS OF THE SUNLESS REACH @sagasofthesunlessreach!!
If you want to see the S2 Hero Forge mini I made and see her character sheet, they're up for free on my patreon!
PS If anyone can get me a copy of "Essays on Russian Folklore and Mythology" by Felix J Oinas for not $60 you'll be my favorite. 
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fatt-twitter-updates · 10 months
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Today's TM rebroadcast just finished up and a new stream is starting in about 10 minutes over on twitch.tv/friendsatthetable! Ali will be playing *checks notes* ... the sims 4 evil mode?
2:32 PM PST, 10 December 2023 (Source)
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slowdancingtorock · 1 year
Ireland - Day 39
Today was incredibly unremarkable. Barely anything interesting happened. Because the student were once again not interested in any early activities I could come in late to work. I "fixed" our printers because they suddenly decided to refuse to work (relatable sentiment but still). Wr handled the coffee breaks, chatted with the teachers a little about globalization and the gender pay gap (that was exhausting because some of them are too dense to understand that people sometimes break laws).
After work I devoured my dinner and watched the rebroadcast of the Chess World Cup. I am very happy for Magnus to have now won every single tournament there is at least once but I'd hate for him to retire from classical chess. Classical chess without Magnus Carlsen is like my analogies - just not that exciting. Overall I am really happy with the World Cup overall. Pragg getting the silver medal and a guaranteed spot in the candidates is amazing for the new generation of chess players and India of course. Also Fabi getting the bronze medal is just a testament to all these bombshells of preparation that he tends to drop on his opponents. I hope he doesn't choke during the candidates again.
After I finished watching the rebroadcast I met with my German folks at yet another pub. Wr didn't drink much and opted to check out the harbour. It was great, we had a good time but the evening concluded rather quickly as we all had at least 45 minutes of commute back to our respective accommodations. Dublin at night is fucking weird. So many strange characters roaming about and talking all kinds of nonsense. I also learned why all the streets smell like weed and... other things in the morning.
My song of the day is Ain't No Rest for the Wicked. Lord knows I barely got any rest in the past few days. But also the first two verses resonate very well with my way back from Malahide. God that was uncomfortable.
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shiuefha · 1 year
So they haven't released the trailer yet for season 2... Is it because of the first season rebroadcasts?
I mean, they haven't finished the rebroadcasts yet either, so maybe... the PV will be released right after they rebroadcast episode 25? (I'm not really sure anymore about this)
Another possibility is that they'll release it on the release date of the next chapter (of the manga), just like when they released the trailer for the movie at the same time chapter 83 was released... Well, I can just think about these two possibilities right now.
So basically, it's between September 29th or October 1st... Now I just hope that they'll release the trailer soon.
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mythesque · 11 months
jesus fucking christ i just finished the critrole rebroadcast and what the fucking fuck i am stressed out of my mind jesus fucking shit on a stick that was fucking terrifying what the FUCK
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hello! i’ve seen you reblog of stuff related to friends at the table (counter/weight specifically), and i wanted to ask someone who’s listened to it if all the seasons are connected? it’s quite long and i didn’t know if i’d be able to pick and choose or just listen to everything. thanks!
hi!! LOVE friends at the table, and while I definitely enjoy all of the seasons of the show, they’re not all significantly connected and you absolutely don’t have to listen to everything. The length of the show can be very intimidating, but it’s all fantastic.
Basically the seasons that are connected are:
Seasons in Hieron: (in chronological order) Autumn in Hieron --> Marielda --> Winter in Hieron --> Spring in Hieron
This is their fantasy seasons. I actually listened to Marielda first as my introduction to the podcast as a whole (which if you like heists or fantasy or steampunk elements, this is Excellent as a starting point) before going to Autumn and listening to the entire show from the beginning. Though warning, the audio in Autumn is definitely worse at the start than the rest of the seasons, but it’s not insurmountable. If you really struggle with the audio in Autumn, there’s an excellent couple summary episodes right before Winter that can catch you up.
The Divine Cycle: (in chronological order) counter/WEIGHT --> Twilight Mirage --> Road to Partizan --> PARTIZAN --> Road to Palisade --> Palisade
This is their sci-fi seasons, and I think it’s the more popular seasons. While a lot of people started listening from Twilight Mirage and skipped c/w, or even started with Partizan and skipped the earlier seasons, I definitely recommend starting with counter/weight and going from there. They don’t spoil earlier seasons, per se*, but they do reference things and some details really hit different when you know stuff from the earlier seasons. 
*The exception here is that Road to Palisade and Palisade (their current season) Explicitly spoil all of the earlier Divine Cycle seasons. These two seasons are a direct follow to the events in Partizan (as opposed to the thousands of years of time between c/w, TM, and Partizan), featuring some of the same characters, but they’re also going into detail on stuff from earlier Divine Cycle stuff.
And then there’s also a few seasons that are not connected to any other season, if you want a smaller catalog of episodes to listen to first.
This is their horror season with elements of westerns and weird westerns. Excellent stuff, and I believe they’re going to jump back to Sangfielle when they finish the Palisade season.
Bluff City
This is a show about New Jersey. Or rather, a fictional Atlantic City where there’s weird stuff going on, like ghosts, and crab people, and absolutely bonkers schemes. It was originally patreon-only, but the first season is free and they’re rebroadcasting episodes of that first season on Twitch and posting them on Youtube so they can be accessed easier if you don’t subscribe to them on Patreon.
Sorry that’s so long, but I hope it answered your questions! I enjoyed listening to everything in the production order (after listening to Marielda first), but that is definitely not the only order to listen in! Absolutely feel free to pick and choose what you find interesting, and go from there.
Let me know what you think when you start listening! You’re in for a treat, no matter where you start. :)
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ichisama · 1 year
582 words | rating: t | pokemon!au, pre-slash
"Did it hurt?" Samatoki asked one night.
"What, when I fell from heaven?" Ichiro joked.
Samatoki rolled his eyes and kicked his foot against Ichiro's. They were camped out on Ichiro's couch after one of their movie nights, which had somehow become a weekly thing, each nursing one last beer while aimlessly flipping through the channels to see if anything worth watching was playing on TV.
They'd just blown past a news channel that was rebroadcasting a recent interview with their region's reigning champion.
Yamada Jiro.
"Losing your title to your little brother," Samatoki said. "I mean, hell, losing sucks no matter what. Think it might've been better if it had been someone else, though? A stranger?"
"Ah." Ichiro sank a little lower on the couch, resting his head against the back and letting his eyes fall half-shut. "Maybe it stung my pride, just a bit. But mostly I was proud of him. Not only for winning, but for trying again and again and again—"
"And again and again," Samatoki provided.
"And again," Ichiro finished with a grin, "before finally getting that win. Makes me proud as hell that he never gave up. So, nah. I'm glad I stayed undefeated until then. Just…"
Samatoki drained the last of his beer and filched the can from Ichiro's hands too, to help him finish the last bit of it; Ichiro had always been more of a lightweight than him.
"Just wish the media hadn't been such assholes about it." Ichiro sighed and let his head loll onto Samatoki's shoulder. "Saying I went easy on him, took pity on him, threw the match."
"As if you would ever do that," Samatoki grumbled.
Ichiro's lips twitched into another grin that made him look a bit roguish, and handsome as hell. "That's not what you said when the papers asked you for a comment back then. Well, at least that's not how you said it. Way I remember it, you got into a load of trouble for the language you used."
Samatoki puffed up his chest, feeling not even a shred of remorse. "I should've decked 'em. The gall of those bastards, to even think you could dishonor the league like that. Not only would it have been unfair to the fans and other challengers, it would've been unfair to Jiro. No way would he ever want a cheap win, with you fighting at less than your best. No way would you have done that to him. You're too good of a brother, a champion, a person—"
Ichiro lifted his head and gave Samatoki a peck on the cheek. It stopped Samatoki's words right in his throat, and whatever else he'd wanted to say came out as a strangled little gurgle instead.
He took a few seconds to compose himself before blinking down at the cheeky little shit who'd already put his head right back down on Samatoki's shoulder. Ichiro's eyes were closed again, and his smile had grown a little wider.
"What was that for?"
Ichiro shrugged. "You're sweet."
Samatoki was a bit on the wrong side of tipsy to continue that conversation. He didn't want their first kiss, if they ever would have a first kiss, to taste of cheap beer and the nanab berry ice cream Ichiro had dug out of the fridge earlier. So he settled for hooking a leg over one of Ichiro's and falling asleep with him right there, on the couch that was sort of starting to feel like theirs.
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localbff · 1 year
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/Jai Paul, Coachella 2023. Image from Reddit
As I listen to his finally released ‘Bait Ones’ album and the duo ‘DYLHN/He’ on a very unhealthy amount, I recall the legendary Coachella performance that had occurred. Jai. fucking. Paul. In the flesh. Finally. The longest hiding game has finally come to an end.
It was one of the very few artists performances I was waiting to watch in this years Coachella. I haven’t been seeing able to keep track of the last few Coachella events, specifically since 2019 to 2022—but when that 2023 list dropped: Frank Ocean and... JAI PAUL??? *____*
I have an unhealthy obsession with this man, basically a deity, to me, in a musical and industry sense. I try to track his music production from time to time whenever I feel the need to steal styles and sound rigs/effects chains. This man has showed me the ropes of music production without even speaking to me directly, more of like a ‘this is DIY, do your fucking thing, idiot.’, type that felt like a commentary to what he was doing. Plus, it isn’t clearly stated when these demos were made but some of them spanning from years 2007-2008, and sounding half-polished and stands on its own that introduces culture and character without being overbearing and underwhelming.
Me, clearly, being at home and never in my entire life attending that blasphemous event, is waiting at the Mojave stream since 2 in the morning, waiting for the stream title to be ‘LIVE’ and not replays of the entire day 1. I waited for his name to be in the stream, but to no avail, a Snail Mail replay replaces his spot for 7:45PM. It was mildly frustrating, yes, but I know deep down myself it was just draft schedules and withholder name and time for a duration. It starts, Yung Lean performs, great as always, but not at his best vocal-wise, I finish up until Remi Wolf, which is also a great artist herself – definitely check her out if you have the time. And as I wait for the schedule cards to change... phshwwwww... a re-stream of Snail Mail. I felt somewhat crushed, defeated and betrayed even. I know how these motherfuckers operate, wanting the shroud of mystery to stay still around Jai, never to see him perform live and only for the live audiences to experience. Yes, at this point, I was pissed for a brief moment, but tried to remain calm as I know Jai content will be floating around social media, particularly Twitter, sooner or later. I felt somewhat jealous, too. Jealous of the fact that I don’t get to feel the joys of being there live and not having to fanboy while these people are there consuming it all. Listen, I have waited almost half of my life just to see this man move a limb on-screen, Jai and Coachella, why the fuck do you hate us? Is this some sort of personal vendetta the fans? So I let it all happen. I’ve finally accepted I can never see Jai Paul perform anymore. And there I became that one fool that retweeted every JP updates/pictures/videos/threads that are being uploaded on twitter. I wished him well on his performance and said my final goodbyes to the stupid idea that I’d get to see him perform on stream.
...Or so I thought.
Thank, fucking, God... after a few hours of already giving up, a rebroadcast of the Jai performance was to show on the livestream after Labrinth. I screamed internally, but thought to myself that this already happened, being the petty fuck that I am at times, that the people have already cheered and clapped to this, had a peek on his setlist and even seeing small clips of his performances on Twitter, to which I blame myself for the spoils, I can never enjoy this anymore.
But I sold myself short on the thought: the performance was beautiful for a debut. Jai sang so beautifully like in his records, hitting all the notes consequently. Started 20 minutes late but with Higher Res, continuously being great that he is, ending with Str8 Outta Mumbai, a fan favorite. He delivered – so beautifully and flawlessly.
Thank you, as you continue to inspire me and be one of my important icons. You are yourself, and I hope you continue to be what you want for you and your music. You deserved it and the fans loved what you did. Forever grateful.
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sashthesloth · 4 years
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Hello, I’ve come to offer my obligatory Yasha in Ashley’s clothes from the stream
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1986omega · 3 years
muses that watched eurovision this year
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chopper (he watches with his mum nico)
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gilgamesh (if he doesn’t like the songs he deems those countries failures to be added to his ‘to conquer’ list)
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denji (he likes the skimpy outfits)
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gojo (its one of the few things utahime will do with him)
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