#just feeling really thankful that I got my permanent residency approved last summer
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kyn19 · 2 days ago
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peter-horrocks · 4 years ago
Inside France review of 2020
People around the world will be thinking that 2020 has been the most testing and unpredictable of years in our lifetime. Yet despite the turmoil, for some it was a good year, though undoubtedly tinged with a sense of sadness, bewilderment as to how insensitive and selfish many humans can be and admiration for how amazing many people are too. On a personal front this was a good year in many ways, though my perspective is not your average as the previous year I was fighting a battle with cancer and practically anything is better than that.
“Real generosity toward the future lies in giving all to the present.” Albert Camus
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My best photo of 2020 taken on a bike ride up the Gorge du Loup near Grasse
The obvious dominant subject of 2020 was Covid 19 and I have great empathy for those adversely affected and directly involved. The virus popped up out of no-where and its impact has been incessant ever since. When I first became aware of it I asked my physiotherapist what she thought and if her son who was working in Tokyo was concerned. “Oh Corona, comme la bierre, boff!!” was her flippant reply. And I think that is where most people were at.
I’ve read a number of good books about the plague and how it spread, including Ken Follet’s brilliant World Without End and more recently I enjoyed the French classic La Peste by Albert Camus, French version. Transmission is key and human habits are why it spreads and our inability to adapt and accept change are our shortcomings, poor governance adds frustration. Thank goodness there are also those we acclaim as heroes too. It is so difficult battling an unseen entity which affects some badly but not others and which adapts too, as we all know now.
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Home made mask
The media feeds on it and frankly, if I had a euro for every time I’ve seen a cotton bud thrust up someone’s nose on the news (what is news about that!!!) my pockets would be bulging, and of course now its needles in the arm time. Everyone’s become an expert or they’ve chosen to be ostrich’s and stuck their head firmly in the sand, and you can’t blame them really. The tension is palpable when it comes to masks in places where they are obligatory, I can’t help feeling angry when I see people not wearing them or with their noses poking out, as they often seem to have that smug look about them, like they are sooo independent-minded. It frustrates me to feel judgemental but its that wilful selfish thing that makes me angry, that sullen unwillingness to be part of the collective, as if we could survive regardless as an island, though obviously, we wouldn’t last a minute.
We’ve all been finding our way of coping and for some, it is much more difficult than others. At first, it was almost amusing to find oneself running from the back end of the apartment to the front balcony and back, repeat, for an hour in an effort to keep fit during tight confinement. We exchanged improvised mask ideas; I had a ski snood with a coffee filter stuffed down it! Initially, we were told the masks didn’t really work. The truth was they didn’t have enough of them and even worse here in France they had recently binned the reserve stock, so they were trying to hide their embarrassment. In fairness, that apart, the French government seem to have handled managing the virus relatively well so far though now there are vaccination issues aggravated by a vaccine sceptic population and slow bureaucracy.
There was something marvellous about discovering how well you could keep connected with friends and loved ones through WhatsApp video in particular. I hadn’t felt so connected to my elder brother living in South Africa ever. But when he died of a heart attack out walking in the hills with his friends over there the reality hit hard. A big delay in getting him back to the UK, a bigger delay for his wife to follow on and no opportunity to share in the grieving in the direct company of my family. There were seven of us brothers and sisters and I am by far the youngest, it is sad, strange and destabilising being down to six.
Additional anxiety was for my younger daughter who is a recently qualified doctor as is the man in her life. Both were having a small break before taking up their proper postings in the summer. They were enjoying hiking in the wilds of Scotland and a holiday with family in Asia and looking forward to more carefree travel after so many years of medical studies. They both bravely and unselfishly volunteered to work in one of the worst Covid affected hospitals in the UK. Heavily involved with the thankless task of informing families of their loss by video conference and in the testing of the recently approved Oxford vaccine, they were literally in the thick of it. Within two weeks of starting as volunteers, they both caught the virus, thankfully not badly and after an isolation period, they were straight back onto the wards. They have both taken up their proper posts now, in London, as the third wave comes crashing through. Understandably they are tired and don’t want to talk about it, it is very difficult, especially for them.
My elder daughter got caught up in things too. She was on a humanitarian posting in Nepal when the outbreak struck and only got out on the last plane to leave Kathmandu for the UK. Having a day off she had gone hang gliding in the morning, a first for her, an amazing thrill, she had just sent me photographs showing her flying, of stupendous views of the local lake and the Annapurna mountain range. Only to return and be told she had to pack and leave immediately. The next photo was of a night-time, deserted, frightening-looking Kathmandu where she managed to find one of the last hotels still open, a rough one. To say I was relieved when she got home and met up at the airport with her sister who similarly got the last plane out of Shri Lanka is an understatement. Thankfully, she managed to see out the first wave and much of the summer with the family of her friend who owns a nice property in the countryside near the sea, well away from it all.
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Kathmandu in lockdown taken by my daughter
My anxiety and personal need were a desire to help them. Being stuck here in France and relatively at risk myself my options were limited. My main concern was for their mental health as my guess was that Covid was likely to affect everybodies. Shortly after my cancer treatment, my French wife’s sister gave me a couple of books by a French author, meditation master and philosopher Fabrice Midal. One was an introduction to meditation for westerners, non-religious and based on attention, more of an awakening and relevant to actually living life actively, not at all mind closing and definitely not relaxation. I found it very wise and tried the meditation in addition to my gentle yoga which is for my relaxation when I’m not out for a walk, playing football or cycling up a mountain. I still meditate and have found it fascinating, paying attention to the functioning of the most important thing of all, the one we nearly all neglect, the brain. Its no cure for anything but I found it a good exercise and felt it may help my girls.
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Meditation book by Fabrice Midal, in french.
Unfortunately, it doesn’t exist in English. So I contacted the author and asked if he would mind me translating it, explaining that I thought it would help my daughters. To my surprise, he promptly replied and agreed saying he could probably then use it to publish it online. So, I set about translating it and explained what I was doing to my daughters and the eldest volunteered to proofread. Its nearly done and I can say that my eldest daughter found it very helpful and the youngest has at least read some of it. I had never translated a whole book before and I found it an interesting experience especially as a philosopher weighs his words and each one counts. Fabrice Midal appears regularly on French television as he is one of the country’s leading philosophers and authors. I have read a fair bit of Greek philosophy and have always had some interest in the subject as I find it helps make sense of life, up to now I was not aware of any contemporary philosophers worth reading. I have found him to be a real ray of light, someone I can relate to and admire and learn from. I think he deserves to be read more throughout the world; he is a man of the moment in my opinion. I never thought I’d see the day when I would sit on a meditation cushion, I don’t buy into the way most of it is practised at all, but I’m glad to have found one that suits me and I’m very glad to have been able to help my daughters if only in a small way.
Brexit end game After an anxious wait it's done and dusted, well nearly. I have made my permanent residency application, which was relatively simple and not too onerous, and I have a holding number and a statement that my rights in France continue as before. The only problem is a final processing delay of at least three months so still waiting to cross the t’s and dot the i’s when the administration is ready.
The mood in France Given the circumstances its not too bad and whist the government has its detractors they are less visible due to the various constraints at the moment and the more pressing business of dealing with the Covid crisis. There is moaning when things are obviously wrong but there does seem to be reactivity too as well as a good degree of solidarity, responsibility and helpfulness.
Best cultural moments Well, there haven’t been any as everything is shut and even when a few things like cinemas were open there was nothing much good on and certainly nothing worth risking being indoors with other people.
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First day on the beach at Fréjus after lockdown number one
Best experience Stepping back out onto the football pitch in Saint Cezaire-Sur-Siagne was enormous for me. During my cancer treatment, I never thought I would be able to play football again. It’s a very simple thing kicking a ball around with fellow human beings, but I’ve always loved it to bits. Also in between lockdowns we managed to get down to the beach at Fréjus a couple of times in the morning when there were few people around and it was a real tonic to be able to enjoy the sea and sun, it was equally uplifting to be able to ride up into the mountains on my bike occassionally though hard getting the muscles going again each time.
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Looking down towards the Gorge du Loup
Precious family moments The top was a visit from my elder daughter who managed to stay with us for a couple of weeks before getting back to the UK on the last flight before the second lockdown. A huge pickup, I enjoyed catching up with her work teaching online and coaching and being able to be there for her as well as visiting some nice places outdoors, especially the observatory at Caussols. 
And we also managed a lovely stay in a chalet in the high French Alps at Les Menuires in August along with my French wife’s daughters, son in law and five grandchildren, the sun shone on the verdant valley by day and the stars lit up our evening walks up the mountain, it was quite magical and great fun, I felt privileged to be part of it.
Selling my Dordogne property
I’ve finally given up on the idea that I might do something with my property in the Dordogne one day, so I’m selling it. It is composed of a beautiful big barn which I had re-roofed and opened some window openings at the start of a conversion (which I had planning for, now lapsed, but easy to re-new). Also a ruined small farmhouse. There is electricity and water but no drains (I did get permission for a septic tank but we never got round to installing it). Both are set on 1 hectare of land, mainly secluded, just one neighbour masked by trees and bushes on my side. 3km from the village of Montagrier near Périgueux. Price is 120,000 euros. If you know anyone who might be interested please let me know.
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Classic 2cv It has been very enjoyable working with Classic 2cv again this year. We have brought lots of rusting old parts back to life and supplied enthusiasts far and wide with the means to keep their charming old French cars on the road. I have learned a lot and continue to grow in experience on the classic car front. Oddly its thrived during lockdowns as folk have channelled their time and energy into restoration of their cars.
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So, as we head into the new year after a year like no other, the future looks uncertain, climate change and a biodiversity crisis are looming large in addition to the Covid virus. It feels important to survive, work, make the most of things, care about loved ones and to try and help.
Best wishes
Peter H
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djseaward · 6 years ago
we are permanent residents.
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the reason we decided to apply for permanent residence is, simply, that it's a longer visa. we have been on the two year freelance visa for ages and as many of you know, our last go-around was rough. it kicked our asses. after five years of residence in the czech republic and passing a basic language exam though, you may qualify for permanent residence. well, this was our first chance to apply (now having lived here for over six years) and the language test wasn't so difficult, seeing as we have lived here long enough to soak up loads of language and had three full years of czech lessons by that point.
there were a few funny things since i got that phone call from immigration in january that were a bit surprising. the first was that at our biometrics appointment there last month, we were asked if we wanted to speak english or czech.
i have heard from friends that the immigration ladies may be holding out on us, but now i feel like i know they have been! for those that don't know, it is a well-established fact that all business at immigration must be conducted in czech language. apparently, our czech was just passable enough to apply for permanent residence this past winter (by ourselves! no translators!) but now that we are permanent residents... we suddenly get a choice? shouldn't that sort of be the other way around? goodness! but i can't complain...
the second shock was learning that our residence permits are valid for the next TEN YEARS. (!!!!!) we had thought "five years" this whole time, which is still so much better than two years that it's worth applying, but ten years?! we were walking on cloud nine the entire rest of the month.
so, now what?
some people have been confused how to take the fact that we have permanent residence in the czech republic. i guess, it is one step down from having citizenship, and seems pretty serious. it doesn't change anything about how we feel about living here, however. we are happy living here for now, and plan to stay until we feel like it's time to go. so that's still the same deal.
speaking of going, no longer is this something i want to address. it is every expat's least favorite question: "how long are you staying?" a question we have been asked countless times, of course, but less lately. all's i know that we are happy here and are building a life here right now. as much as i love my hometown, i have always wanted something more.... international, cultural. even living in this smaller-sized city, i realized that it has all of that in spades. sure, sometimes the cinema doesn't play any dang english movies the entire winter (and i still never saw the new mary poppins) but regarding understanding, it’s getting better. i haven't been happier in ages. no anxiety, no panic attacks, no existential funks. that is far more than i can say for most other periods of my life.
the longer we stay, i realize, the harder it would be to extricate ourselves. almost certainly and rather dauntingly, the harder it would be to rebuild our lives in the united states again. but, you know what? we've done what i sort of feel is the near impossible. we came on a schengen visa, not even knowing how legally it would be possible to live in europe. we had many close calls, were really broke at several different points, thought we might get deported (okay, or at least not re-approved). we made it against all odds. i think we can take the chance to stay here a bit longer. besides, after you've successfully navigated your legal residence in a country where you barely speak the langue, i think we can do anything. life is too short to stay in one place too long. for me, right now, it is.
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(below, our gangsta-ass mugs in march 2013, having just received our first visas)
just for fun, let's look back on some high and low points in our journey of legally living in europe...
summer 2011 - cynthia and alex decide they will move to europe in a year's time. the how is not important. the saving money is.
may 2012 - bought our plane tickets. one way. lots of people warning us and asking "how are you even going to stay there?" we don't even know ourselves, but trust that we'll figure it out. clicking that "complete order" button was one of the scariest and craziest things i can remember ever doing.
october 2012 - a couple weeks into our journey during our vagabonding around the UK phase, alex informs cynthia he has, like, no more money, dude. we enroll in a TEFL course in prague as to start thinking about a sustainable way to stay in europe as just work-staying around isn't going to last us too much longer, especially with the two of us depleting funds meant for one person.
mid-november 2012 - after one month in the schengen zone (france & germany), we arrive in prague and have one month down, two months ticking away on the clock. the feeling is palpable.
end of november, 2012 - we hire a visa specialist to help us "sort our f--king lives out". it works.
january 2013 - we officially submit our application for a freelance work visa at the czech embassy in bratislava. about a month and a half later, we go back to pick it up. we feel pretty cool and fancy because we get to stay in europe.
september 2015 - our first reapplication process goes okay, despite having to go to an apology session with the immigration office, telling them how sorry we are that our application was submitted late. (this was due to a variety of factors) after some time, we are re-approved.
september 2017 - it's time to reapply for our two year visas. we submit our reapplication.
march 2018 - "so, have you heard anything about our application?" "no ... have you?"
may 2018 - in true immigration form, a long long long long period goes by and then the first problem surfaces - we have the wrong insurance. cry a bit, spend loads of money, incur debt, but meet their requirements. resubmit. looking back, i am thanking my lucky stars this all happened in the spring and summer. if it were in the autumn, we’d have been ruined.
june 2018 - mere hours before we are to fly out on a vacation, receive a long, scary letter informing us we have days left (essentially) unless we can fix our taxes, which were done improperly this past spring.
july 2018 - month of stress and believing we are going to probably be deported. by some miracle, are granted ability to refile our taxes, one of the best hopes for being accepted.
early august 2018 - waiting, hoping, praying in berlin for a month, hoping the actual stress rash i got last month goes away soon because that thing is itchy. i scratch my legs and arms a lot. alex tells me to stop. scratchscratchscratch.
mid-august 2018: ACCEPTED! we found out while out to ice cream with natalye and family in berlin. we eat our ice cream even harder and with more vigor.
september 2018: during a trip to immigration, our friend and translator suggests that perhaps we should apply for permanent residence as "you guys should be eligible for that by now"! it's true, we had been eligible since about january of that year. find out we need to pass a czech exam, schedule it for the end of november. (good thing we had 3 straight years of lessons under our belt - definitely came in handy for situations like this one!)
december 2018 - after having passed the A1 czech language exam, we apply for permanent residence... ON OUR OWN... WITHOUT OUR TRANSLATOR... days before christmas. spend the last working days before christmas at social security and the financial office requesting various necessary forms. could be wrong, but i like to think that wishing our dear officers "veselé vánoce" may have endeared us a bit.
early january 2018, literally ten days after our application: ACCEPTED! danced around the room. the rest is history.
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i'll leave you with a quote from cheryl strayed i often think about.... it’s a beautiful way of looking at those big life choices.
“I’ll never know and neither will you of the life you don’t choose. We’ll only know that whatever that sister life was, it was important and beautiful and not ours. It was the ghost ship that didn’t carry us. There’s nothing to do but salute it from the shore.”
thanks for your nice words on social media, friends. here’s to never talking about immigration again!
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Feel for the specific Chiefs to be able to pull away from a 24-23 win and moreover get an absolute good tone going for the purpose of Jacksonville consequently week. This source of income is probably limited courtesy of the point in time and skillset you personally have. Therefore, trying regarding earn your way to help wealth is also an arduous, inefficient style of bringing in wealth. You can solitary work so many many hours and add so a great deal value merely by yourself so very that those earnings will, no doubt ultimately prove capped near a certainly level. when it comes to getting cash your income, you're this ggdb and moreover if you were when you need to rely expressly on on your own to establish wealth some sort of ggdb likely will eventually avoid to crank out income because a happen of overwork or without doubt even ill-health. 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How to find out about a life insurance policy my husband’s exwife has on him?
"How to find out about a life insurance policy my husband's exwife has on him?
How to find out about a life insurance policy my husband's exwife has on him?
BEST ANSWER:  Try this site where you can compare quotes: : http://freeautoinsurance.xyz/index.html?src=tumblr 
Dad and son - two cars insurance?
My family has two cars, and my dad and I are the licensed drivers in the household. We both live together. He can't be the primary driver on both cars (the insurance company doesn't allow it). Having me as a primary driver spikes up the insurance rate. Is it legal to have separate insurance companies for each car, and have my dad as the primary driver on both?""
Safe to buy Insurance over the phone ?
I need car insurance , is it safe to give my credit card information over the phone ? What would they ask for ? Just the card number ? Will they want the expiration date and 3 digit code on the back ? Do they need my SSN number ? I know they will need an address , phone number and drivers license number. The people that answer (I have called 6 places for a quote) seem like the type you do not feel safe giving all this information too.""
How much would i pay for car Insurance?
How much would i pay for car Insurance for cheap car that cost me honda accord 2000,I am 28 Years old, never been in any accident,I got my license 8 years ago""
""Why the hell is motorcycle insurance SOO expensive in Ontario, Canada?""
I took identical information and filled out a progressive quote for both DETROIT and LOS ANGELES and both are 2356 FULL coverage (im 16 years old with zzr600), While when i got a quote from TD Bank they said 6000$ what the f u c k my damn bike doesnt even cost that much got damn it.""
Question about car insurance. Will give 10 points. thank you!?
Well i have a basic hometown insurance, and they charge me 415bucks, im 16 years old and male. We own a Chevy Venture, 2000 toyota camry, and 1989 toyota camry, i don't own any, so how can i be still getting charged? I thought only the owner will get charged, i can drive under my dads insurance.? My dad owns the toyota camry, 89. Sister owns the 00 camry., dad owns van.""
What would be the cost of a doctor visit for a pregnant woman who doesn't have health insurance?
its for a health project and if you could also help answer these other questions -does the baby have to get vaccines their first year of life? if so, what are the vaccines required, and what are they for? -what does it cost for a week of child care at a daycare center or a private day care facility? -What doctor specializes in the prenatal care of babies and also in the delivery of babies? Does this take extra training? If so, what? -What is the average cost per week for providing for and taking care of a baby? - List 10 reasons why teens should not be parents. - It is mostly the responsibility for the mother to provide care for the baby. Is this statement true or false?""
""If I provide my health insurance information to a college abroad, will they be able to look up my medical hist?""
If I provide my health insurance information to a college abroad, will they be able to look up my medical history?""
I got pulled over in someone else's car that doesn't have insurance but I have my own?
Ok so I'm driving one of my friends car and I got pulled over for making an illegal u-turn. The car had no insurance and the cop told me to just show up to court and show them that I have proof of insurance on my own car and the ticket will be dropped? I currently have State Farm insurance and I live in the state of California. The officer told me that as long as I had permission to drive the car and my insurance covers me driving other cars I Should be fine. Is this true? Please help, I'm really worried and I don't wanna pay a big fine.""
Can i get insurance w/out a car and vice versa?
i have my license just not a car. so can i go buy a car without insurance OR can i buy insurance THEN buy a car?
Insurance on a Ninja 250r? (2008- and newer)?
I would just like to know what people pay on this model (2008-and newer). Location and what your monthly or yearly cost is would be most helpful.
New Driving Licence - Insurance?
Okay Heres the plan! Im 18! Ive passed my driving test today, and looking for car insurance the cheapest way ive found is using my mothers policy with 19 years experiance with no claims ever, however shes never had her own policy.. were going to share the same car 1.6 escort 16v quite a hefty engine for my age yeah but still cheapest i can get it, is 1900 Any tips to make it cheaper, or what ever Ive tried all the top brands, equity, tesco, aa, ,quinn direct, churchill, direct line etc so far quinn is the cheapest.. but the first initial premium month is too much to pay (400) help!""
What is term life insurance ?
What is term life insurance ? And what types of term life insurance is provived by lic of india?
Why is my car insurance so high?
my car insurance is very high its something like 5000-10,000 and plus its only third party and the car is cheap 500 fiat punto ive checked confused several times still same prices""
Can a ticket in another state affect my insurance rates?
Can a ticket in another state affect my insurance rates?
Car insurance help!? please...?
Somebody hit my car and possibly totaled it. If it is totaled would their insurance just pay off my car, just give me a check for what its worth or both??""
2006 ford mustang v6 considered a sports car or a coupe on insurance?
I have been reading that the v6 is considered a coupe and the v8 is a sports car. I have Allstate insurance anybody have a clue on how much my insurance would be a month for the v6?
How much will a mg zr 1.4 be to insure?
im 17 and i know it want come over 4000 a year
What are your opinions about the different car insurance companies? Which one is the best?
I currantly have Geico for our auto insurance. They are cheap but i am seeing why. thier customer service SUCKS. i would really like some opinions on different car insurace companies. Thanks!!
""Can you take drivers ed after you get your license, and still get an insurance discount after the class?""
I have my driving test coming up, but have not taken the class or an ODOT (Oregon Department of Transportation) approved driving course, and was wondering if i had to take it before i got my license to get better insurance rates.""
Could switching to Geico really save you 15% or more on car insurance?
Could switching to Geico really save you 15% or more on car insurance?
Flood insurance?
Looking to possibly buying a house inside a flood zone and I'll need flood insurance. Any idea on what that might cost me? Thanks.
""Do you know cheapest car insurance? My friend is 21, male.?""
Do you know cheapest car insurance? My friend is 21, male.?""
Information about health insurance in indiana?
I need some best and cheapest health insurance company . Any site would be helpful .
Best car insurance companies?
I am 22 and needing to get car insurance for a 1996 Ford Escort. I only want Liability. Any suggestions?
G2 Insurance?
I'm working on getting my G2 license, but once I get it, will I have to get insurance? If I'm not driving, nobody would ever know that I don't have insurance, right? I want to have my license so that when I *can* afford insurance, I'll be able to drive.""
How to find out about a life insurance policy my husband's exwife has on him?
How to find out about a life insurance policy my husband's exwife has on him?
How do i get a cover note for my car instead of insurance for my car?
By that i mean ive heard theres such a thing called a cover note wich acts like insurance documents but the only diffrence being you dont pay insurance for the car and you pay all the costs if you have and accident. Please anyone give any feedback please. Many thanks.
Health insurance for someone on a Fiance Visa to the U.S.?
My fiance is travelling to California on a fiance visa this month. We have 3 months to get married and then we can apply for his permanent residence and social security, which I hear will take about 6 months. Therefore I don't think I can put him under my work's health insurance. In the meantime, what can he do about health insurance? Will travel insurance w/ medical coverage be okay until I can put him under my health coverage?""
""How can i get affordable health insurance, with a low income?""
I work part time,i am physically disabled ,my husb is unemployable,rejected from disability, i have very bad health condition and need health insurance to continue dr.care....How can i get affordable health insurance that won't cost me a fortune? I have gone to the DPA and i was rejected by them. I suffer with depression/(diagnosed bi-polar) ,,disc disease,IBS....i must obtain medical Insurance to continue treatment in order to continue working...how can i get help?""
Do you have to get health insurance?
I'm a full time student with 16hour this Fall. Since my school work-study wait listed me I'm looking for other jobs but I can only do part time or I know I'll be too stressed plus my adviser told me to go only part-time except during summer. I just want to know ahead of time will I be required to get health insurance? I'm already covered on my mom's insurance and it's really good. I'd rather stay with hers. I should be able to work part time and stay on her insurance right? Or is it possible I'll be kicked off and forced to whatever the employer may offer me?
Does anyone know an affordable doctor in phx/ glendale area?
I have no insurance, does any one no where there is a good doctor who's cash prices are affordable?""
Insurance Q's Renewal Price ?
I was getting a quote today for next years insurance, but theres a question wanting to know about the renewal price of my last insurance. Will the answer to this effect my premium?, i don't know my renewal price yet so i've just gone and guessed it for the moment. I was hoping that giving an estimate isn't going to cause any problems. Or, will they need too know my exact renewal offer and then check it? Its the best quote i've been given of 1280 Full comp for a 1.0ltr corsa lol. I wouldn't of asked but i couldn't find online if your previous insurers renewal price affects your next insurers premium. Thanks.""
Are you required to have proof of insurance in a brand new car?
I juss bought a new car, and the cop pulled me over because he thought my tabs were expired and he asked for my insurance but i told him that i have insurance i just haven't listed this car yet because it's brand new, so he wrote me a ticket..is that legal?""
Affordable places for auto insurance?
I am looking into leasing a new car. I live in Grand Rapids, MI. What are some good companies that typically have affordable rates?""
Which Car Insurance is Known to have the Cheapest Quotes/Rates?
Looking for a car insurance company that's a little easy on a 20 yr. old's pocket.
How do i get health insurance?
im 19 years old, im not pregnant, i have no children... im really clueless to the whats and hows im in college, im not no disabled, or blind or anything.. i just dont have health insurance.. i do have a summer job, but its not steady & once i go to school in the fall i wont be working anymore. i know medicaid is good but idk if im eligible, & idk who will accept me... i really dk anything lol. i do know i need health insurance! please help?""
Cost to insure?
04 - 06 sti used in illinois for a 16yr old male. Is it true that males pay more for insurance then females?
What Exactly Is Life Insurance?
What I mean is... If my Mom has life insurance on me, then when exactly do I receive the money? And can I spend it on whatever I want??""
How much is auto insurance for a simple car?PLEASE HELP?
a 2000 honda prelude,basic need to school,work,home,and full cover?if you know please givr me a estimate amount,thanks ps im 16
What is a very general cost for motorcycle (cruiser) insurance for a teen?
I am a 16 year old living in Kansas City, Kansas. I just need a very general quote for the annual cost for a cruiser motorcycle less than 600cc. A small bike with not a ton of power. I have taken a Basic Rider Course. I've never been involved in an accident car wise. Would it be wise to just have my dad insure it under his name? Are there any potential consequences for that? I only need liability as the bike is only worth around $1300. I have not bought one yet.""
Life Insurance Companies?
Please give me the names of the five best life insurance companies.
What a good car insurance for a teenager?
Okay I'm 16, almost 17, I'm in drivers ed, I have my own truck. I live in Vermont, I get average grades in school, what is a good car insurance, that also has sorta low rates (I make around $500 a month)""
How much will the car insurance rate increase?
Company: Mercury Current Rate: $450-ish/month Accident: Backing up into another car; indentation (about 2 feet wide) on other car, no injuries, other car still functions normally. Also, I got my license in July and I am under 18. Thanks in advance.""
Double Health Insurance Coverage?
I was recently laid off and offered a severance package that included continuation of full health insurance coverage for 6 months for me and my spouse; I will begin another job which offers health insurance; can I be enrolled in both plans under my name? and What happens with pre-existing conditions?
How Much Liability Insurance Should a Typical Middle Class Family Have on Their Car?
What are good amounts of coverage to have? How about bodily injury coverage, etc?""
California after fires?
How long will it take for life in South California to return to normal? I mean quality of air, infrastructure, rebuilding homes. How was it in 2003? For example, for how long the ash will still be in the air?""
Why is Obama all of a sudden denying HIS OWN WORDS health insurance made over YEARS?
in his OWN WORDS: http://www.breitbart.tv/uncovered-video-obama-explains-how-his-health-care-plan-will-eliminate-private-insurance/
Why are all my insurance quotes so high?
Ok, I'm 17, passed my test in june. been getting quotes on comparison sites for a 1 litre vauxhall corsa (1995) and the lowest quote is 4980 a year. I have triple checked each and every question it asks me and they are all correct and good. i am not insured on anything else, no no claims bonus etc. im a college student so how the hell do they expect me to pay almost 5000.. they are ridiculous to even set these prices thinking someone is going to use them. please any responses as to why my quotes are so high? tyvm""
Can I have two car insurance policies in two different states at once?
Is it legal to have two car insurance policies in two states? I registered my car in florida, which is my permanent home where I am a resident and I pay taxes and vote and so on. I am also going to school in Georgia. I have an insurance policy in georgia since I spend at least 6 months here. But, in order to renew my registration in florida I must have a florida insurance policy. I don't want to register my car in GA. So, does anyone know if it is legal to buy an insurance policy in florida when I have one in GA as well?""
How much does it cost to repair a small dent?And also insurance question/?
well i have two questions... how much does it cost to fix a small dent maybe 8 inches in diameter no paint scratches. Im really mad this happened to me this guy who is a complete jerk said i hit his car which i did but he claims it was in the back of his car where the dent is located but i barely tapped it on the front door not the back while i was trying to get out of some dudes parking spot. Also my other question is will insurance cover it if insurance is under my dads name but the car is under my name? we live in evansville indiana. and i think it is farmers insurance.
What to do when a car insurance company refuses to pay?
My vehicle got slammed into while parked at my house. Two older ladies were driving and they took out 3 mailboxes, my neighbor's old truck, his tractor, and then my car. The older ...show more""
How to find out about a life insurance policy my husband's exwife has on him?
How to find out about a life insurance policy my husband's exwife has on him?
How do i know what my car insurance covers?
I recently got into a car accident, just yesterday. There was 3passeners in the car. I, one of the 3. My sister who is 21 was driving the '99 Ford focus. It was not her fault. we were at a four way intersection and had a green light to go. Everyone was stopped besides our light going south &the other going north. An elderly woman on the right hand side who was going to turn, crashed into my side. (The passenger front, as well as the back door.) It is all crashed inward. We then hit a palm tree on the side of the road and landed on top of it. Some yellow/green fluid leaked out. Us 3 passengers in the Ford taurus all went to get checked at the hospital. We are all fine. But now we have no idea what to do with this wrecked car, that has now been towed. The Ford Taurus we were in, only has liability insurance. how will the car be fixed or can it even get fixed? This car accident all took place in Avon park, FL. The car we were in has Insurance from Michigan. Since that is where my father and his girlfriend purchased the car last year. The insurance &everything is under his girlfriends name. So Shes the one who said it only has liability insurance.""
Cheap subaru impreza insurance?
has anyone got a scooby? any recommended insurance companies? just brought my first one. a 1993 WRX import. im 29 with 11 years no claims. best i can find is with the AA for 664 with 450 excess. are there any places that specialize in imports that could beat that? cheers!!
Automobile insurance sites?
Hey, I've been trying to find a website that gives out free automobile insurance quotes. I found a ton, but they all ask for personal information like telephone numbers and addresses. Are there any sites that will just give you what you're looking for: a fast insurance quote without having to give out all your personal info?""
Whats the cheapest car insurance company in Michigan?
I'm moving out of my parents house in a few months, and am at the point of looking at car insurance rates. I've always just paid my fees on their shared account, which was only about $25. Friends in Ohio that also live on their own pay about $80 on their own plans per month, and they have accident histories. When I ask for quotes with a clean history, Progressive gave me a $350 quote! What's the best company to go through? Or at least top 3? I just want minimum coverage because that's all I can afford for now.""
What is the best health insurance for the self employed? (and cheapest)?
What is the best health insurance for the self employed? (and cheapest)?
What are insurance rates on a 1992 camaro?
i want to buy a camaro but need to know if insurance will cost too much on a 1992 convertible camaro?
Double dipping auto insurance in Texas?
My car was hit by another driver, his fault. My auto insurance company paid for my car to get repaired and the at fault drivers' insurance cut me a check after wards. Now my auto insurance company says I owe them due to double dipping. What can I do about this situation?""
Why are insurance companies obsessed with ripping off young drivers in the UK?
I have four years no claim, the insurance people still want to rip me off at 1000-3000 pound for car insurance. It's actually cheaper to buy a second hand car and have it crushed for having no insurance. Then the road tax costs 250 on a car i barely drive. Is it any wonder that young people drive uninsured?""
What is the cheapest insurance company for a teen that's on a seperate policy?
I'm getting a car in about 2 months and I just wanted to know what the cheapest insurance company would be for someone that's a new driver with their G2.
My insurance is over 1000?
i'm 16 and my insurance is so much now that i'm getting my full license, and my parents can't help me pay for it.""
What is the average cost for motorcycle insurance in Maine?
I am considering getting a bike and am just curious as to how much it will cost to insure.
How much should my car insurance be a month?
I am 19 and I drive a 2003 Jeep. I've been with Geico for 1.5 years & my policy price has went up two times! When I called to ask why it would go up they explained that it was nothing to do with me or my driving record (seeing how I've never had a wreck or a ticket) but that it depends on the claims from other people. I know this is how some things work, but I don't think I should be pentilized for someone else's claims. Is this how every car insurance works or is it just Geico? I'm going to start calling around to today to get quotes...but I wanted to hear from people other than a sales person.""
How much would car insurance be for a 16 year old girl with a mustang?
I will be turning 16 and getting my license in January and i plan on getting a Mustang 2008 GT not certain the color yet although i understand that affects the cost of insurance. Its most likely to be red, which i also understand it will cost more for red. Anyways it will be a convertible. So i would just like an estimate on monthly cost for insurance. and if your one of those adults that is just gonna mouth off that its not reasonable for a teen to get a mustang convertible, your just trying to look cool ect ect, please dont, adults always feel the need to be snarky i just am asking what you estimate is thank you for your time!(:""
Does anybody know where i can get cheap car insurance?
Hi, I'm 20 and i am looking to buy a small car so i can commute to work. However, the insurance on it is sky high. I have tried all sorts of different makes of cars to see if the insurance is cheaper but it doesn't really make much difference, i am looking at Puntos, Yaris's (small cars like that). I have had my licence for 3 months so obviously it is going to be slightly expensive. I have been on all of the price comparison websites and the cheapest i have got it so far is 308 A MONTH! Apparently my postcode is notorious for sky high insurance but that's just ridiculous. Does anybody know of any insurers i can try which could be cheaper? Thanks""
Car insurance declaration?
hi my car was recently hit from behind by a third party at the time my brother was driving using his own insurance everything has been sorted out by the insurance company's do i need to declare this on any future car insurance quotes? i was the only named driver on the policy but my brother is fully comp on his own insurance my brother was taking it to swap cars over with his in his garage with my permission to drive the car
Car Insurance Claim Help?
Car Insurance Claim Help? On the 4/7/2011 I was at a set of traffic lights that was (RED) of my way to the shops. As the lights went green I begin to move off slowly as I did another car came from the left of me and tried to turn right as he speed up he crashed into the drivers side of the car. He clearly jumped a red light (Clearly Seen on CCTV). I was in total shock at the time! After he crashed into my car he went to drive off by reversing, I jumped out of my car to stood in his was so he could not drive off the witness behind me called the police while I was stopping his from driving off he started to drive forwards trying to me me out the way. After the driver spoke to the police on the phone, he then gave me his Name, Phone number and Insurance information. The next day I called my insurance company they was vary helpful and I believe the clam would be settled in my favor as I had CCTV of the crash as I had a camera inside of my car and a witness that was behind my car at the time of the crash. After nearly 4Months I have now revived a letter stating that the claim has been closed on a Without Prejudice Basis. When I contacted Aviva to see what the 3rd party has not accepted full liability they said it was dealt with like this as the 3rd party who crashed into me was not responding to and calls or letters that have send him. Aviva did not asked to see the CCTV of the crash and did not take into account the witness statement. WHAT CAN I DOOO??""
Whats a cheap insurance?
I'm 18 and live near garland just liability
""23 year old female been driving for a year and few months and need to start own car insurance, help!?""
I drive an N reg ford fiesta, bit of an old banger! so far since I got my licence in july 2006 I have been on my dad's insurance. Now I need to get my own, so far I have been getting really high quotes are told I am not suitable! any cheap insurers for new young drivers? tried the girl ones like dimond and sheila's wheels and no luck!""
Am i stuck paying for my teens car insurance if their father doesnt want to pay it?
We both have joint physical and legal custody and we both live in california.
Plz help me sort out my car insurance thanks?
? So am 17 and just passed my drivers test and I want to be put on my dads insurance. Originally he was directline or something but I found a much cheaper one for us both at the post office so when he went to change to it and put me on his insurance we had to pay a 170 pound deposit so my dad said just put him on first and the deposit was only 40 pound and now next week he'll add me on. So my question is when he puts me on next week will there be no deposit to pay?
How much would auto insurance be per month for a young married couple (25 year olds)...?
...no wrecks, no moving violations, great credit... we have 2 cars (1 new that we're still paying for and 1 old that's paid off). I know I can get an online quote, but ...show more""
Can anybody Reccomend a good online insurance company for a Cagiva Mito 125?
I have been looking around for a low insurance rate for my Cagiva Mito 125 Motorbike, does any Mito owners know of a good insurer for that bike and how much did you pay?""
Do Americans want Gov't run healthcare like medicaid and medicare or do they want affordable health insurance?
Do Americans want Gov't run healthcare like medicaid and medicare or do they want affordable health insurance?
How much would insurance be on a 2010 ss camaro for me? 18.?
I am an 18 yr old male, I would like to know if anyone out there works at an insurance company or something would know how much it would cost for my insurance/month?""
Where can i buy salvaged/broken cars or trucks from insurance companies for cheap?
i am thinking to start a business of exporting cars to third world countries. i see potential but i am looking for cheap and nice cars. i already have a mechanic, already have agents and know how to ship. i am thinking i should find potential markets here that i can buy for cheap. my main target is older semi trucks and some models of sedans here. any help ?""
How to find out about a life insurance policy my husband's exwife has on him?
How to find out about a life insurance policy my husband's exwife has on him?
Where can i find the cheapest car insurance?
Where can i find the cheapest car insurance?
Begginning drivers and insurance?
When a high school student gets a permit, do I have to call the insurance company and add them to the policy? I know it may increase the rate drastically, so what is best to do?""
""I bought a car off the lot, and two days later on my way to get insurance I got in an accident (my fault)?
In california isn't there a law that states you have to have insurance before u leave the lot?
Car insurance over 2 years break?
i havent had any car insurance for 2 and half years but if i go back to whom i was insured with will i be able to retieve my no claims discount of 70%
Do you have health insurance?
if so, how much is it per month?? How old are you?? what kind of deducatble do you have?? feel free to answer also if you do not have insurance and how you might pay any medical costs.""
Average cost of bmw car insurance for over 50's?
Just trying to get a rough idea of how much the insurance would be for a 320d auto diesel BMW. I don't really want to waste ages going through the compare.com sites. Thank you in advance for your help.
Help on insurance?
does anybody know were i can find an affordable full coverage insurance in Los Angeles? its for an Escalade.
""Someone backed into me in a parking lot, is this insurance company lying?""
Foreigners backed into my car in the parking lot, they had insurance, I called the insurance company and they asked for an estimate on how much it would cost to fix it, I did, and they said okay and that they would mail it on Friday morning. It's now Monday and I haven't gotten it. They are in a state not far from us. Is this insurance company full of crap or do I just need to wait longer? Thanks :)""
Instant Whole Life Insurance Quote Question:?
What are some cool instant whole life insurance quote sites you have to share? I've looked around a bit but I figured I'd ask here. Any link you can share will be appreciated.
How can anyone afford private health insurance in USA?
I'm thinking about going into private business in the USA, but I'm concerned about how to insure myself with health insurance. The policies I'm seeing are extremely expensive, and the deductibles are quite high. How do people who start their own business manage?""
Cheapest car insurance uk desperate!?
im 17 and just passed my test and i have a citreon saxo sx 1.4. my parents dont drive so i cant get insured on their name so i know its going to cos me a fair amount. ive tried looking on all the search engines such as confused but the prices are so expensive! does anyone know any individual companies that are really cheap, i really am desperate!! lol, thanks.""
Car Insurance when you're 17?
I'm starting driving lessons soon, and hopefully wanting to pass my test by the time I'm 18 and get a car, can you pay car insurance monthly at 17 or do you have to wait until you are 18 to do this? I would just like to know for in the future :) thanks!""
Will my insurance go up?
My brother got a ticket while driving my car, will that make my insurance go up?""
""For teens, how much do you pay for your insurance car?""
Without your parents, if you live in New York, Westchester, how much would you pay for your car insurance? Let's say that the car is a Honda Civic 2001 THanks!""
What would be more affordable?
a 2003-2004 mustang v6? or a 2006-2007 chevy cobalt? insurance wise. serious answers only please. thanks.
I just got an expired registration and no insurance ticket.?
I just found out my registration expired back in Oct of 2008. I don't pay insurance because it is a scam, they don't help you when you need it, and they hike your rates when you claim something even though that is what you pay them for in the 1st place. But I had 2 stickers on my car. One that said November 11. and one that said October 08. So I thought that the newest sticker meant that is when the experation was. But the officer said November is the 11th. I am like yes, but why would they write the number down when you can read it right there? That means 2011. On top of this, I never got a notice from my dmv. so now I have to go to court over this miss undestanding and I can't help but feel I just got cheated by the police and the DMV because they failed to properly lable their sticker and failed to give me a notice. I checked my tags just a month ago in fact which is why I knew it expired in 2011 but the officer just refuses to see it as a miss understanding. Is there a legal service I can go through to get this ticket written off as a zero considering the fact I pretty much just got screwed due to the way the laws don't actually protect the innocent?""
My car insurance premiums why are they so expensive?
low mileage driver 28 years old 5 years no claims 5 years held full license Car 1.2 Clio worth under 2K completed PASS plus after driving test I would think all the above would suggest low premium. But because my postcode is just inside Greater London, all my premium quotes seem to fall in 55-60 when in a previous town I was paying less than 40, This surely can't be fair or right can it? Can anybody suggest a good but cheap insurance company?""
""Does anyone know if I am disable,I receive ssi (I have a MS)what kind of car insurance?""
Does anyone know if I am disable person, I receive ssi (I have a multiple sclerosis) what kind of car insurance company I can choose? And how much I have to pay each month? Thank you""
Texas Car Insurance Questions?
I'm living in Texas for school right now and I've been driving my car which is licensed, insured and registered for Michigan because I'm technically still a Michigan resident. At the same time I'm still paying insurance on a car of mine thats in Michigan for my mom to use. Well, the car that I've been driving here in Texas died on me so I went to a dealership and bought a new car. Now I'm unsure what to do. Do I call my insurance and have them insure it through Michigan again? (But then how would I get my Michigan Plates?) Or because I bought it in Texas, am I suppose to register it in Texas and get the state inspection and then insure it in Texas? I'm so confused. In Michigan, the cars don't need those yearly inspections.. so idk what that is. Also, I'm considering staying here in Texas once I'm done with school..so I feel like that plays a part in my dillemma too.""
""What's the best, affordable health insurance company?""
I'm in college, so I don't work. Therefore, I need health insurance, and I'm paying 191.00 per month for BlueCross! Is there any better out there? Please help! I live in Florida, 26, healthy.""
How much car insurance do u pay yearly?
Car insurance for an ocassional driver..?
I am 17 years old and I am getting my g2 class license in a week. I plan on going as an occasional driver on my moms car which is a 2002 or 2003 Ford Cougar. Does anyone know what the price of insurance would be a year approx? I know she pays about $120 for car AND house insurance... for an occasional driver on a red 2002 or 2003 Ford Cougar (red sports car) how much would insurance per year be? Any help would be great thanks!!! :)
Motorcycle insurance for 125cc?
Hi guys, Just wondering if anyone could help me, I want to get a motorcycle instead of a car - despite what people say I just can't wait to ride to college and back. So I've chosen to get a honda CG 125 which is a decent bike runs from a to b. I'm looking at insurance online and it's around a grand! Is the companies that offer cheap insurance I mean, what's the average price? I'm 18 live in a decent area without much crime - I'm doing my cbt next week and maybe it's fact I haven't been riding (in their eyes) a long time? Any help appreciated!""
Health Insurance Disability ? How long does one have to file a claim ?
under most policies is there a time limitation to when a person can file ? is it retroactive ?
Which insurance company insures in the us and in canada?
question is in the title.
How to find out about a life insurance policy my husband's exwife has on him?
How to find out about a life insurance policy my husband's exwife has on him?
0 notes
What is the best way to go about auto insurance for an 18 year old purchasing a Mustang GT?
"What is the best way to go about auto insurance for an 18 year old purchasing a Mustang GT?
Hey, I have a job @ walmart and i make pretty decent money & next thursday when i get paid im going to e-z way auto sales which is a pay here buy here car lot for no credit car buyers to go to establish car history credit & the car that caught my eye was a black on black on black 2004 Ford Mustang GT, I have to have it and the payments wouldn't be that much, something I could afford. What about the insurance? What's the cheapest for my age? I just turned 18 last month & i don't wanna pay more than $200 for car insurance, that'll be more than my car payment. HELP ME OUT!
BEST ANSWER:  Try this site where you can compare quotes: : http://freeinsurancequotes.xyz/index.html?src=tumblr 
What is the most affordable life insurance and health insurance?
Where can I find Affordable Health and life insurance for me and my wife. What is the best web site with online quotes?
Is supersmartsmile insurance good?
I'm in pretty bad need of some dental care. I am looking for a good dental insurance company to go with for a year. An supersmartsmile is in the perfect price range for my low income self. Please help me here anyone with this insurance. Thanks.
""How is mortgage hazard insurance calculated? Rate in Houston, TX?""
How is mortgage hazard insurance (I don't mean PMI.) calculated? Does the rate depend on what insurance company I go with? I am buying a house in Houston, Texas.""
Is the health insurance paid to lay off employee taxable?
If a company paid it's terminated employee a 6 month health insurance coverage, does this health insurance insurance payment taxable?""
Dodge Neon SRT-4 Insurance Help?
How much would insurance cost a month for a 16 year old to have a 2003 dodge neon srt-4? Would it cost more or less than a 1999-2004 v6 mustang or 1998-2002 v6 camaro?
Car insurance canceled my policy?
hi, my car insurance cancelled my policy one month before its due for renewal and half way threw a claim (car was stolen). they voided the policy from the date i took the insurance out 11 months ago, the reason they gave is that i am not the registered keeper and i didn't disclose this to them but i am the registered keeper because the name on the policy does not match the log book, this is a mistake i faild to notice. the mistake is on the log book my middle (second) name is in place of my surname so i sent them prove of my full name but they still cancelled my policy. is there anything i can do? i will be grateful for any advice. thanks.""
""I hit someon because of rain related skid, no one got ticket. Can I claim from their insurance my car damage?""
We pay insurance to cover us in accidents and my friends are telling me that it is my fault because I hit from behind. I say that it was out of my control and the skid just happenned becaus eof the weather. Can I be able to claim from other person Insurance company. I only had liability and it wasn't my insurance as I was driving someone else's car. Cn someone with their experience guide me, what will be the best way to take car eof it. the other car did not have any damage but my car has about $900 damage. If I take it to a reputable car place it might go upto $1500. Thanks in advance""
How do you want health care reformed?
With all the rumors about the plan killing babies and grandma, we have gotten away from intelligent discourse. Polls say 70% of people want some kind of reform. What would you like ...show more""
I was speeding....what happens to my insurance rates?
I was going 65 in a 50 zone, at around 8 on new years day up near ocean city delaware. I had just been at my girlfriends bayhouse, so obvioiusly i was in a good mood,and there was nobody out on a highway. Then WHAM red and blue. It wasnt excessive speed or anything,so i assumed that i had a tailight out, but then he gave me a ticket. now what happens to my insurace? do i get points on my provisional license?do they revoke it?""
Where can i find cheap health insurance?
does any of you knows where can i find cheap health insurance for peoples not working and hv no health insurance cover, coz i need operation. Thanks !""
""I'm in the USA w/ a work visa. I need car insurance, and no one will insure me since I do not have residency""
I am here on a work visa to work at summer camp. Camp is now over, and I have 2 months to tour the USA. I need car insurance, but no company will give it to me since I am not a US citizen, and I do not have a residence. I have been staying at a friend's house, and they will not let me use their house as a residency. What is the solution? I need a car. Renting a car is not an option. What can I do.""
Life insurance? i dont feel right about this company?
Hi i applied for life insurance through sun life financial. are they a good company? who do you get your life insurance from? is it even important? anyways, they still havent drawn up my policy since i have applied, even though was approved. All i was looking for was a simple life insurance i can afford, and they added in a whole bunch of accessories to go along with it. anyways, they keep coming back for many tests. which would have been hell of a lot convenient if they did these tests all in one place in one time. rather than having to do 4 or 5 tests over the past 4 months. it drives me crazy now that they are always phoning, needing this and that...now im starting to consider if i even want my life insurance with them also, is it even necessary to have life insurance along with critical illness and disability? i am just a studetn on a budget with two young boys at home. whats your take?""
Car Insurance - What kind of coverage is needed for an Occasional Driver...?
Okay, this is the deal, I have full coverage car insurance. This means that the insurance will cover me, if I have an accident that is my fault or if someone else hits me & it's not my fault. I also have insurance that covers me if someone breaks into my car & steals any kind of important items in my car. The Question... I sometimes let other people drive my car, to run errands for me (like driving my car home, cause I'm too sleepy to drive or I'm super busy & need an item from the store & I hand my keys to a licensed driver). I talked to my insurance company & was told they do not have coverage that will cover other drivers unless they are listed under my coverage. The problem - I don't want to list everybody in my family or all my friends. Isn't there insurance coverage that will cover anybody driving my vihecle as long as they are older than 25 & has a valid license? If so, what's the name of this type coverage - I nd to know the name b4 I call other companys. thanks""
Can I drop motorcycle insurance for the winter then pick it up in the spring?
I'm 17 and am looking for a motorcycle. My mom called our insurance company (Nationwide) and had a quote prepared and they said it would be an extra $70 a month. Seeing as how it gets cold here in Ohio i don't really want to ride a bike in the wintertime. Would it be possible to drop the motorcycle part of the insurance during the wintertime and then pick it up in the springtime when I start riding again? I'll also be turning 18 in February so I think the rates would go down.
How much would insurance cost for a 17 year old?
I'm going to be seventeen soon and I'm just curious how much it will cost to insure me. My parents have USAA and they have some kind of family type plan with me my sister and both of my parents. I will probably be driving this car http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/2004-NIssan-350Z-custom-body-work-and-paint-/320645191467?pt=US_Cars_Trucks&hash=item4aa7f1572b#ht_930wt_1123 I don't care about your opinion of the car, and I don't need a lecture on the fact that I shouldn't street race I just want a ROUGH estimate of how much it will cost per year or per month or whatever you can find""
I saw on TV awhile back a life insurance policy you can use while your still living?
I saw it awhile ago on television that it's a life insurance policy you can use while still living such as to pay for children's college and stuff? Do they still offer this and from what company is it from?
Health insurance internationally?
im traveling to france and i need to know if my health insurance will still be valid there. if i have to go to the hospital will they accept my american insurance card? i have aetna insurance.
What is the best health insurance in CA right now?
I need help. I don't have health insurance right now and I want to find an affordable one. I live in San Francisco, and I work part-time. I look at Athem insurance and it was around 60 bucks a month. I can't really afford that right now. Is there any other health insurance that is affordable and good?""
""I have been married for nearly 20 years in california, but my husband and I were separated after only one year?""
What laws are there for spousal support in a legal separation and what medical benefits am I entitled to, he says we need to stay married because he is a teacher and I will not qualify for health benefits if we file a legal separation or divorce. I know he gets the head of household tax break, but isn't there a bigger break on spousal support. As I said he is a teacher and I am permanently disabled. We live in the state of California. Thanks for any suggestions on this matter. Right now i have a PPO insurance with good benefits. It is the support that is lacking, And no I am not even looking for my fair share I just want a little closer to fair on support. I live way below the poverty level.""
Why would a small van be more expensive to insure than a car?
Im 24 and my partner is 27. we share a car and our insurance is 800 a year and looking at vans for our dogs. The normal small ford vans the cheapest insurance is 1,200. I thought a van would be a cheaper?""
Rear end collision maximizing insurance payout?
I was rear ended rear ended last week and am awaiting a return call from the insurance agent of the liable truck that hit me. My car is a 2000 honda accord ex vtec 4 cylinder with 92000 miles on it. It was in excellent condition which kbb values at about $7000. I'm asking if anybody who knows about insurance companies or cars could look at the pictures i posted and let me know how much damage there is. What should I expect to hear from the liable insurance company? Whats the best way to go about dealing with them so I get fair compensation? Totaled or not? Pictures: http://postimage.org/image/vecjentqn/ - my car http://postimage.org/image/tmybfn705/ - my car http://postimage.org/image/lxes9zxej/ - suv that hit me http://postimage.org/image/di7mswbjv/ - suv that got hit http://postimage.org/image/9po4d5w1n/ - truck that hit suv ive been working on this car daily for the past month.. 3 to 4 hours a day making the interior extremely nice.. replaced all interior lights with leds, rear view camera, dvd nav head unit, new speakers, amps, wired everything nicely, did this for my bionic.. http://www.droidforums.net/forum/droid-bionic-hacks/172356-my-car-dock-hack-hdmi-out-car-audio-video-webtop-mirror-netflix.html My insurance agent (geico) said they could take care of it, which would be when they get to it. Also, geico is not covering the cost as my family has liability only coverage. So nationwide is paying for the cost of repair or for the value of the car if its totaled. I need a vehicle in less than 2 weeks to get back to school so they told me if I want to speed up the process call the nationwide guy myself with the claim #, which i did. Left 2 voicemails and haven't heard back yet im hoping he will call tomorrow morning. I don't know whether to mention the added electrical equipment and the many many hours and money i spent installing and perfecting them.. if that will increase the amount of money i get or not If your me, and have two weeks to either get the car repaired and rewire all the stuff thats broken, or get a new car and reinstall the equipment i'll take out of the totaled one, what are you doing to make this go as quickly as possible and get the most compensation for the time money and aggravation?""
Test drive a car? no insurance..?
I've found a car i wish to test drive. As it's my first car, I am currently not insured. How would i go about getting temporary insurance in order to drive this car for about 15-30 minutes? thanks.""
How much would car insurance be for me? (teen)?
I'm 16. Driving a Honda Accord 2001, with 130,000 miles. I live in the state of Delaware. I'm a male, with about. 3.0 average in school. If you had to guesstimate , how much do you think my insurance would be?""
Dual Car Insurance trouble?
I had insurance through a company called Sunset Plaza Insurance, and only agreed to do a 6 month period (from 12/08 to 06/09). I moved during the time, and never received a renewal notice at my new address, even after I gave them my new address. However, I found out that for the past 6 months (06/09 - 12/09) they have been charging me for insurance. But I never signed a renewal consent or anything! I remember explicitly saying that I only wanted the insurance for a 6 month period too! What are my options? Please..any advice would help!""
Car insurance In connecticut?
Im 18 and i just got my license about a month ago. I was talking to my dad about getting a car. and he said he was gonna give me my moms car which has new york plates on it for me to drive ( we use to live in ny and the plates are from there) and hes getting my mom a new car. i was talking to him about insurance and he said that i would be driving on his name. Hes not adding me to the insurance though cause he says its to much money. He told me that all i have to do is drive careful and not get into a accident.im still worried though cause an accident can happen regardless if Im careful or not. is this Legal ? to not be added to my dads insurance?
What is the best way to go about auto insurance for an 18 year old purchasing a Mustang GT?
Hey, I have a job @ walmart and i make pretty decent money & next thursday when i get paid im going to e-z way auto sales which is a pay here buy here car lot for no credit car buyers to go to establish car history credit & the car that caught my eye was a black on black on black 2004 Ford Mustang GT, I have to have it and the payments wouldn't be that much, something I could afford. What about the insurance? What's the cheapest for my age? I just turned 18 last month & i don't wanna pay more than $200 for car insurance, that'll be more than my car payment. HELP ME OUT!
Salvage title car insurance claim settlement?
I purchased the car with a salvage title over a year ago. I have full coverage with Progressive on my 2003 honda accord ex with 64k, in a recent ice storm my wife totaled the car. The ...show more""
Is insurance affordable under the Affordable Care Act?
Is insurance affordable under the Affordable Care Act?
Whats the cost of insurance difference between owning a GT mustang compared to a LX mustang?
Whats the cost of insurance difference between owning a GT mustang compared to a LX mustang?
""When you get rear ended by a car, does your insurance rate go up?""
Will getting your car rear ended, or getting into any situation that isnt your fault, cause your insurance rate to go up?""
Any suggestions on affordable utah health insurance?
Well, im working on moving back to Utah, after a near 9 year stay in PA, and i don't remember what insurance i had when i lived in Utah so i cant go back to that, and when i move away from PA, my current Health Insurance will be deactivated and shut down, so i need to find some new affordable health insurance in Utah. Anyone got in any suggestions? For now my budget is $669.00 a month if that helps at all, but it may change after i move.""
Approximate Car Insurance Cost for 2005 Audi A4 Sedan for 16 Year Old Male in New York?
I want to buy a 2005 Audi A4 but was wondering about how much the insurance would cost? I am 16 years old and a male, living in New York. Thanks.""
Will Vandalism affect my Car Insurance rates?
My car was vandalized last night, they ripped off a piece on the back and cracked the bumper in the front. If I make a claim with my insurance company will this affect my rates?""
Affordable Dental Insurance?
I am looking to get individual Dental Insurance (PPO) for myself. I have to get some major work done 4 root canals and 1 extraction ASAP! Can anyone recommend a good affordable insurance??
Can a family friend put me on their car insurance?
So i live in the state of california. I have had my learners permit for more than six months now. I want to get my drivers license but due to the economic crisis my parents aren't able to pay every month to have me on their car insurance. A family friend has offered to put me on their car insurance, but what my parents want to know is if that is legal in the state of california or do I HAVE to be insured by my parents?""
Can I buy motorcycle inssurance and not have parents know about it?
I'm 22 I live in my own apartment but my parents pay car insurance can I get a seperate insurance for a motorcycle and not have my parents know about it, also my friend who rides said bike insurance can be very cheap I just want minimum coverage how much would it be, thx!""
How bad would insurance be on a 2000 mustang gt?
i am about get a mustang gt if i can convince my parents that insurance wont be extremly bad i know it will be high but could some ppl give me there insurace rates on a 2000 mustang gt or around what it should be just tryint to get an idea
How much should I ask for the compensation from insurance?
I had a car accident and the fault side's insurance compay paid for body repair ( abuot $960 in their recommanded bodyshop ) and also the rental (my car is still in bodyshop). I am not sure if I need to ask some compensations for diminished value of my car and also missed work hour on dealing with the accident. I never done this before. My car is 1997 Toyata Collora and the private value from KBB is $3185 (for good condition), some people said the compensation for diminished value could be 40% of the KBB private value, which to me is 3185 x 0.4 = $1274. They are going to replace the right fender, repair and repaint the passenger side door. So I want to know if I ask for $1274 from insurance is fair. I hope anyone can give me some advises on how to deal with this. Thank you!""
What happens if you only have an expired Auto Insurance card on you while you drive?
Hi. I currently live in San Francisco to go to school, and in a few days, I'd leave to drive home to Los Angeles for my winter break. So my car's insurance card expired a few days ago, and there isn't enough time for my father to send me the new (valid) insurance card and for me to receive it before I leave. (So when I drive the 400+ miles home, I won't have a valid auto insurance card on me, though my coverage would be active & paid for.) (For some reason) I know that in other states, if you get pulled over and don't have a valid proof of car insurance when asked by the law enforcer, that you can get your license revoked/suspended and/or car impounded & it's a nasty hole in your wallet. Is there any way I can temporarily get around the California law?""
Is my car legal to drive in California?
I bought a '79 El Camino in Oregon this past summer. They don't have any smog laws there, but in California they do. It hasn't passed a smog test because it needs a catalytic converter, and I can't afford that now. The tags don't expire until March, the car is registered to me, and I have insurance. And it still has the Oregon plates.""
Will a claim for a broken passenger side window increase my car insurance premium?
A rock thrown from a lawn mower shattered the side window in my car yesterday. Will my car insurance premium rates go up if I file a claim?
It is better to get my insurance or let my fathers insurance go up?
i got a speeding ticket and got traffic school from the court,the problem is my car and insurance is register under my fathers name so i cant take the test without an insurance in my name i am 17 yrs,so is it cheaper to get an insurance in my name at 17 or pay the ticket and cancel the scheduled court date for the traffic school (if possible) and let my fathers insurance go up about 10-15%?""
HELP! Im 14 and looking for cheap car insurance!?!?
my Said That I Would Have To Pay For My Insurance Every month HELP ME With The Cheapest
Cheap auto insurance?
Where is a good place to get cheap auto insurance? Im a 22 y/o female that lives in CA. I need full coverage (liability, collission and comprehensive) on my 2003 Honda Civic. My driving record isnt too bad. Thanks in advance.""
My 18 year old daughter needs cheap car insurance.?
My 18 year old daughter passed her driving test today and is struggling to find reasonably cheap insurance. She has tried all of the main players and has gone through the various comparison sites but hasn't found anything below 1700 and if she asks for monthly payments then the price goes up by 50%. Does anyone know of any companies who specialise in young new drivers, maybe who provide insurance on a three or six monthly basis? Grateful for any and all suggestions. Thank you.""
Motorcycle insurance? how much?
can someone guess how much will a motorcycle insurance be for an 18 year old male in CA with no road driving experience at all?, and the bike he will get is a 2008 Ninja 250r or 2006 Katana 600?.....also note he will take the MSF course and this will be his first road vehicle...thanks!!""
Car Insurance for Young Driver (UK)?
Hi, I'll get straight to the point, I'm 17 almost 18 and am looking 2 buy my 1st car. I live a upper class life, and when it comes down to cars i do get to travel in in style. e.g. my dad drives a Jaguar S-Type, my mother a brand new 2008 Land Rover Freeland, and i do know people with Bentley's and this one guy i know will take me out for a drive in his Aston Martin Vanquish. I do like to stick out from a crowd and this is a amazing opportunity to do so at college. My 1st car is definitely goin on my dads policy, and by then i will have my full license. I have seen Jaguar XJ's for sale which i can afford, but my greatest question is how much would the insurance be. If someone who is a young driver who drives a Jaguar or something similer could give me a rough guess to how much insurance wud be?, i wud be greatfull or someone who has insured a young driver on there Jaguar?.""
Motorcycle Insurance for a 23 year old male?
I'm looking to get something like a Honda Shadow or Yamaha V-star. What could i expect to pay for insurance for full coverage ? Lets say for this example, the bike is 1100cc or higher and a couple years old. I do not have any tickets or accidents...ever. Do not tell me to get a quote...I will do so later. I just want your thoughts.""
What is the cheapest Auto insurance I can get?
I'm 23, just got my license, i have a Honda civic 2002. Thanks!""
""If i damage a car by like 5,000 worth in damages how much will my insurance go up by?
im only 18 and still havent told my dad about it..this is my first accident..and i still have not yet recieved any word if the accident was my fault(accident happened 2 days ago) but what happened was i entered traffic from coming out a place into traffic and got hit...i mean i think it was her fault because i entered in traffic slowly and i assumed that she was speeding and hit me or tried passing me...i didnt just pop out into traffic because she would of have it me on my back znd i saw her car from a distance..there was a camera there i think is one of those pic/video camera for people who run red lights and the officer said that i couldnt use it which i dont get it what i plan to do is once i get word that it was my fault im going to pay for damages to my car by myself i just wanna know will my dads insurance billl be a BIG difference of like thousands i just feel anxious and nervous
Can I wait to pay car insurance?
I recently bought a car, but I'm not legal to drive it alone until February (I bought the car NOW because it was an amazing deal and didn't want to miss an opportunity like this) Can I wait to pay for insurance until I get my license (in February) or is that illegal?""
What is the best way to go about auto insurance for an 18 year old purchasing a Mustang GT?
Hey, I have a job @ walmart and i make pretty decent money & next thursday when i get paid im going to e-z way auto sales which is a pay here buy here car lot for no credit car buyers to go to establish car history credit & the car that caught my eye was a black on black on black 2004 Ford Mustang GT, I have to have it and the payments wouldn't be that much, something I could afford. What about the insurance? What's the cheapest for my age? I just turned 18 last month & i don't wanna pay more than $200 for car insurance, that'll be more than my car payment. HELP ME OUT!
I need cheap insurance for saxo 1.6 vtr?
ive just passed my test and already had a car which is a citreon saxo 1.6 vtr, ime 26 and getting quotes for 5000. i only paid 600 for the car. does anyone know where i can get cheaper insurance on that car. thnks""
What can I get for medical insurance?
Im 26 and collecting unemployment. I currently have no medical insurance. What can I get for medical until I get another job?
Looking for a very rough estimate on insurance costs for an 08' Lambo?
I'm a 21 year old woman. The car has just over 10k miles on it It's an 2008 Lamborghini Gallardo Spyder It's listed for $150,000 I'm in school with no income I have money (idk if this is required for an estimate, but w/o getting specific, i have money) The car would be a rental (yes strange i know, but bear w/ me here) I live in a metropolitan area. Never been in an accident (but again idk if this matters since it's going to be a rental) Umm... that's all i can think of that would be required. If i'm missing anything let me know. And again i know you can't get very specific, but if you could give me a general range that insurance would be per year that would be wonderful. Thanks!""
A good place 2 get cheap car insurance?
A good place 2 get cheap car insurance?
Health Insurance....I need some...?
I live in Little Rock, Arkansas.....and i need some affordable insurance...any good ideas.""
Car insurance? will it go up if no claim is made?
son had car accident, was on partners polcy, wrote car off, no other vehicle was involved, insurance company have found out about the accident somehow (due to one of these no win no fee companies getting his details as he had a passenger in the car who was not injured, but who had not contacted them ) son is 18, wants to get on the road again, but we are worried about how much insurance will cost him. we havent claimed for his car either, can any please advise""
How much for ticket for no insurance?
I just got a ticket today.. my car hasn't pass smog and I currently don't have insurance. I have to go to court for this how much do you think they will fine me ?
Cheap car insurance for young drivers?
I'm turning 17 in a few weeks and plan to start taking driving lessons. My parents are looking into cars for me, they are only prepared to pay 1000 for my first car, but it's the insurance that is so expensive. There are a few cars that I have seen that I like, but any quote I try and get for them is at least 2,500! Are there any companies that do cheaper car insurance for young drivers or any ways that I could make the insurance cheaper? Also, i've heard that getting the insurance in one of my parents names then only being a named driver on the policy is cheaper, but when I have looked it doesn't seem to make much difference? Thank you!""
Im a 17 yr old lad what nice car can i get with cheep insurance?
i am 17 and realy into cars, have been for ages. i have a motor bike since i was 16 but now i want a car. and all my freinds no how much i lyk cars, and it wud be so embarasing turning up to collage in a little ford fiesta or old corsa. i can afford a nice car but insurance for even for quite crap cars have been bout 4000 quid. i started off lookin at honda crx del sol cos i realy lyk thm but insurance way too much, so thn i tried looking at old cool looking cars lyk the last mg midget but insurance still to dear, then i heard kit cars have realy cheep insurance so i looked at a gtm rossa which was realy nice but insurance still around 4000. so what car can i get what looks the part but affordable? please help""
Bmw insurance?
im almost 16, and for my birthday im getting a 10 year old bmw. any idea on what the insurance will be?""
Insurince on a Corvette?
I want to buy a 1974-1983 corvette I am 19 and have a perfect driving record Havent even be pulled over how much whould insurance cost on one I also live in Indiana
Which car insurance can i get ONLY GAP INSURANCE!?
I wanna switch insurance company bec I got cheaper quote but they don't offer gap insurance. Agent suggested to go find an insurance company where I can purchase only gap insurance, might still be cheaper if I purchase my full coverage insurance from him plus the gap insurance from another company vs my current one. thanks!""
Has anyone had experience w/causing a car accident & how much your insurance goes up?
I just got into a car accident & I was at fault. It appeared to be minor, based on the small dent in the other person's car, but the couple both have soft tissue injuries. I have no accidents or tickets on my record. I'm wondering if anyone out there has been in a similar situation as me? How much did your insurance go up? I hope this couple doesn't lie about their injuries or embellish them and I hope their injuries don't turn out to be serious. It is too soon to tell. Thanks.""
Can I drop my over 18 year old from my insurance under the obama law?
Can I drop her from my insurance if she's over 18 and not in school or do I have to prove she has insurance first?
Dental insurance..?
Hi, i am a student so i do not have much money. I am living in Melbourne, Australia. I would like to know if there is an affordable health insurance that cover dental needs. I need to remove my 4 wisdow teeth and also i would like to put some braces...but i can not aford it. Would an insurance be worth in this case?""
""Anyone know where I can get 1 day car insurance, i'm under 21?""
I am 20 years old, and taking my car in for a service to VW whom have offered me a courtesy car as I need to get to work etc throughout the day and pick the car up in the evening. Only problem is they won't let me use their insurance policy as i'm under 21 and after calling my insurance today who clearly said to me we do not deal with temporary cover even for existing customers . I therefore asked how much it would cost to add another car to the policy and they want an initial payment of 97 and I will have to pay ATLEAST the first months payment after which i can then cancel which is a rather expensive way of doing this. Any information/help is greatly appreciated! :)""
Car insurance for a 16 year old?
How much would car insurance be for a 16 year old male? The car is a 2010 Ford mustang V6 Premium. If it matters, im a straight A student. Would the car being a convertible change the price, if so by how much? Thanks!""
""Considering how big a money making racket Healthcare, and Insurance is?
Is it any wonder how bad republiklans would try to sabotage the Affordable Health care act? It's such a racket the Mafia is in on it..Florida.. woooowoooo lets stay together..
What's the average price of car insurance?
I'm 23 and thinking about buying a car but am weighing out the pros and cons. I've had a licence for almost 5 years, drove for the first 2 and haven't driven since. I haven't made any claims that were my fault. I'd like to buy a car in group one so can anyone tell me on average how much it will cost per year? Thanks""
Cheap insurance in michigan?
Hi i live in Taylor MI and im trying to find cheap insurance for a 2008 ford focus
""Anyone know where I can get 1 day car insurance, i'm under 21?""
I am 20 years old, and taking my car in for a service to VW whom have offered me a courtesy car as I need to get to work etc throughout the day and pick the car up in the evening. Only problem is they won't let me use their insurance policy as i'm under 21 and after calling my insurance today who clearly said to me we do not deal with temporary cover even for existing customers . I therefore asked how much it would cost to add another car to the policy and they want an initial payment of 97 and I will have to pay ATLEAST the first months payment after which i can then cancel which is a rather expensive way of doing this. Any information/help is greatly appreciated! :)""
How much is insurance for a mustang in florida?
I'm a new driver but my insurance is going in my brother's name who is an experiance driver, how much would insurance cost""
What are some of cheapest but decent cars to run ( I am 17 years of age)?
insurance? MOT? petrol litre? = cost?
Can 20 year old go under classic car insurance in ontario?
I keep hearing different answers from everyone i ask. Im looking to get an older camaro (78-81) but im worried i wont be able to get insured as a classic. If so is there any companies in ontario anyone recommends?
Annual Mortgage Insurance Premiums?
Pretty sure I know the answer to my question, but I want to run it by the pros . Doing my taxes and I'm to Form 1098. The form asks what my Annual Mortgage Insurance Premiums are. This is the additional $40 mortgage or loan insurance I pay each month, correct? The IRS is not asking for information about my Nationwide Home Owners Insurance Policy (aka: Hazard Insurance). Thanks.""
What is the best way to go about auto insurance for an 18 year old purchasing a Mustang GT?
Hey, I have a job @ walmart and i make pretty decent money & next thursday when i get paid im going to e-z way auto sales which is a pay here buy here car lot for no credit car buyers to go to establish car history credit & the car that caught my eye was a black on black on black 2004 Ford Mustang GT, I have to have it and the payments wouldn't be that much, something I could afford. What about the insurance? What's the cheapest for my age? I just turned 18 last month & i don't wanna pay more than $200 for car insurance, that'll be more than my car payment. HELP ME OUT!
""Where can I find affordable insurance for sickle cell, full time student?""
If possible, in the Washington DC metro area. School is really expensive and it's very difficult to afford all these costly insurance while at the same time paying for school and living expenses.""
""I want to trade my car in. I have no GAP Insurance, where can I get it?
I got a used 2007 Dodge Caliber SXT rom Drivetime (rip off) in March of this year. I knew nothing about financing a car or anything. Now I want to trade the car in at a new lot for a ...show more
Insurance help- good insurance?
MY dad n step mom were going to claim me on their insurance as long as they could (age 26) i just turned 19 and my dad n step mom divorced, my stepmom dropped my dad and i off the insurance but my dad has no insurance bc he owns his own business where hes the only employee and i am now left with no insurance, i am currently searching for a job. i need insurance ideas, i live in oklahoma. We have soonercare but i do not qualify bc i am over age 18 and do not have a kid. So my question where are some good health insurance companys to try and enroll for?""
How much would I pay for the Insurance Renewal?
I recently had a car accident with my brand new 4WD vehicle. The front part were badly damaged and is now in the manufacturer's garage. Good thing I didn't get any physical injury as the vehicle's air bag went off just on time and my comprehensive insurance will cover for the agency repairs. My question is, assuming that I'll never encounter another major accident for the next 11 months, how much(more or less) would I pay for the vehicle's insurance renewal next year after it has been assessed by a qualified individual. As early as now, I want to have an idea how the insurance company will compute for my insurance renewal and what are other factors do they consider say I paid them around $1,300 for this year's fee. I hope someone could give me an idea re insurance renewal and other pertinent info re this matter.""
How hard is it to have a baby without insurance?
My husband and I are both employed and make decent pay, but neither of our employers offer insurance. We were wondering what options there are for non-insured couples who make too much to qualify for,say, WIC or other government programs.""
""Average cost of homeowners insurance in League City, Texas?""
What is the average cost of home owner's insurance for the league city area? Including wind storm and flood since both is required for the area we are moving into? Home is for sale at 124,000 and we are trying to estimate costs.""
Insurance cost for an 87 Fiero?
I'm considering purchasing an 87 Fiero and I am wondering roughly what insurance costs are like with these cars? Is it high or low? Considering the body panels are made of plastic I would think it's not too expensive to replace.
Should I show the car repairman the insurance estimate?
I was in a wreck that the insurance company of the other driver agreed to pay for. They made an estimate and said they will put a check in the mail. They said that if it costs more than the estimate, then they will take care of that also as long as I show the estimate to the repairman. That seems straightforward... and on the other hand: With other car issues, auto shops have seemed to be willing to underbid each other. I wouldn't mind getting it fixed for less than the check that I'm going to receive. Should I try to get estimates that are independent of the insurance company's estimate to see if I can save money? If I then go with a shop that says they can do it for cheaper, can I trust that they won't say it will be more later?""
I need help health insurance help???
ok so i went to the doctor and found out i was pregnant. i live in california and have no health insurance. they gave me temperary medi cal for 30 days and i have to go apply at the cal works office. well i went and they told me i couldnt apply on my own im 19 that since i live with my mom she has to go in. she works alot though and its kinda harg for her to go. so is there any other way i can do it like online and mail in an application?? or do u guys know of any insurance i can get on my own??? please help??
""Question for Daycare center/summer camp owners, how much does your daycare insurance cost each month?""
I am looking into starting a summer camp type daycare next summer. I am writing up a cost summary and I have no clue what the average price for insurance is. I am looking for like the insurance that covers injuries, accidents, accident while on field trips/bus and like when you get sued for these injuries and stuff. I do not need to average cost of insurance for the building or vehicles. Any help as to how much is an average cost, or what the correct title to what I am looking for is, I have found it to be called just Daycare insurance, is there another name or does it depend on the company? Also what is your insurance price dependent on (# of kids, size of facility, age of the kids, etc.). Any help is greatly appreciated, thank you so much.""
Is it legal to have two different insurance companies for one car?
i am currently leaving my insurance company because they give me too much headaches (ING by the way)... i have to wait a week to offically cancel my policy (its a longg story). i found another insurance company that i would like to join right away because i told my insurance company i am putting ym car away for a few years but i just didnt want to tell them i found someone else for way cheaper and i need insurance now! but im not sure if it is possible to have comprehensive with one company and coverage with another. please let me know. Thanks!! toronto, Ontario""
""What's more important , Insurance payment or Car payment?""
My car is soon going into repossesion. they gave me a dead line 23rd , and i am desperately looking for a job . anyway , i have 200 dollars in my acct. I was thinking of paying the 200 dollars for my insurance. which i was lever late for paying . and then hope that i get a job and pay the 425 dollars which i am 30 days past due , payment on the 23rd.. do you think I should just not pay the insurance this month , and let them bill me for a fine , than let my car go into repossesment ? if i dn't pay for it , i will have atleast 200 in my bank and then I could hopefully ask my mom ( which i dn't wanna do ) for the rest ( another 225 , total 425 for the CAR ) till i get a paycheck .""
How do I find an affordable individual health insurance plan that includes maternity coverage?
I'm going to pull my hair out! Maybe I should perch atop a clock-tower until someone provides me coverage? Seriously, I have spoken to half a dozen insurance people and the best ...show more""
Flipping Cars - Insurance?
A few friends and I are looking into flipping cars while we're in college to make a little extra money. I'm not sure where to turn as far as insurance goes. We're not driving the vehicles ourselves - just parking them until they sell. What kind of coverage would we need and where can we find the best rates for our situation? We would only drive it from the auction house and with potential buyers on test drives. Thanks for the help!
Swinton Car Insurance ?? Any one used Swinton ?
I have always been insured with either Churchill or Direct Line. Been shopping around this time and Swinton have offered the best quote so far through Highway Insurance.,. Price includes Legal cover, High breakdown cover, courtesy Car ect,, Im just abit unsure what the service is like as I dont know anyone who uses them. Any one used them and what were your experiences? good or bad ? Many thanks in advance.""
How would I get insurance on a car being leased in someone else's name?
My sister and brother in law have the car financed at a bank in a small town. They gave the car to me as long as I made the payments on the car. We don't intend to refinance the car into my name, however how would I be able to obtain auto insurance if my name is not on the original title?""
I got into a motorcycle accident. insurance question...?
When I wiped out on my bike I tried to make a claim after I got home from the hospital. Little did I know that my insurance coverage had ended two days before the accident. Now my question is, will my health insurance pay for my medical bills from the accident or will they deny me because of my lack of motorcycle insurance at the time of the accident? When I found out about my lack of coverage, I immediately paid and got up to date but they told me that those two days when my coverage ended will not be covered... am I gonna get hit with all the medical bills? Or will my health insurance step up and cover me?""
""Auto insurance question, need help!!?""
I have no idea about these questions, could someone explain them? Your neighbor has his own insurance policy with State Farm with the same coverages that you have with your Allstate Auto Policy. So when he says his insurance will cover an accident, you loan him your car. He promptly runs into a tree, causing $2,500 in damage to your car. How much will your insurance policy pay? A. $ 0 B. $ 2,000 C. $ 2,500 D. State Farm will pay E. Cannot be determined You are at the North Carolina coast when Hurricane Irene hits. Although you are able to get away, you have to leave your car and luggage behind. The hurricane blows your car into a tree, causing considerable damage and the trunk to open. Your luggage is then blown away and never recovered. It costs $8,000 to repair your car. The value of your luggage was $500. Your policy will pay: A. $ 7,500 B. $ 7,700 C. $ 8,000 D. $ 8,200 E. $ 8,500 After pumping gas in your new car, you forget to remove the hose from your gas tank. As you drive off, the hose breaks spilling some gasoline and starting a fire. The fire causes $325,000 in damage to the gas station. You are held responsible for the entire loss. Your policy will pay: A. $ 0 B. $ 100,000 C. $ 300,000 D. $ 325,000 E. None of the above Your twelve-year-old brother, who does not have a drivers license, is visiting you on campus and while sitting in your car playing with the transmission, he puts the car in drive and drives it into the front door of your sorority (or fraternity) house. The damage to your house is $22,000 and your car costs $5,500 to repair. Your brother is hurt, goes to the emergency room and is released with a few bandages and a bill for $1,500 Your policy will pay: A. $ 0 B. $ 1,500 C. $ 5,000 D. $ 6,500 E. None of the above""
Motorcycle Insurance for a 23 year old male?
I'm looking to get something like a Honda Shadow or Yamaha V-star. What could i expect to pay for insurance for full coverage ? Lets say for this example, the bike is 1100cc or higher and a couple years old. I do not have any tickets or accidents...ever. Do not tell me to get a quote...I will do so later. I just want your thoughts.""
Health Insurance Help for Visitors?
my family is visiting us in california and need medical visit. they have visitors insurance which says that we need to pay for our visit now and they will evaluate and reimburse us. do these insurances reimburse anything and everything? what is a hospital/clinic to visit for visitors around southern california? how is kaiser?
""Okay so sent off for my provisional license and thinking about cars and insurance now, just need a little help?""
Okay so I'm 16, turning 17 very soon and going to start driing lessons soon, but I need a car after that and I'm going to have to pay the majority of the insurance and the car myself. I only have a part time job where I work thursday evening and saturday mornings at like 6.00 an hour. What car is a good car for a person my age, what about insurance for that car how much is that going to cost? Overall what would you say is the total amount I should save up in order to get a car and decent insurance? Thanks :)""
Roughly how much would it cost to insure a 17 year old male on a renault clio 1.2?
Its silver and just a standard model (not sport or anything extra etc..) And is from 2002 (51 reg) any help appriecated thanks :)
Auto Insurance policy changes?
Would a auto insurance company be able to tell if you changed your deductibles after a wreck or comprehensive damage? If you changed it and then waited a couple of days or a week from say, 1000 to 500$ and then filed the claim. Do they check for recent changes in policy coverages?""
Do anyone know of an affordable health insurane?
Do anyone know of an affordable health insurane?
Do porches have the most insurance rate?
Do porches have the most insurance rate?
What is the best way to go about auto insurance for an 18 year old purchasing a Mustang GT?
Hey, I have a job @ walmart and i make pretty decent money & next thursday when i get paid im going to e-z way auto sales which is a pay here buy here car lot for no credit car buyers to go to establish car history credit & the car that caught my eye was a black on black on black 2004 Ford Mustang GT, I have to have it and the payments wouldn't be that much, something I could afford. What about the insurance? What's the cheapest for my age? I just turned 18 last month & i don't wanna pay more than $200 for car insurance, that'll be more than my car payment. HELP ME OUT!
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