#just envision me screaming this into a megaphone
stillgotscars · 5 days
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beecherdrysdale · 4 years
Hehe idc I’m yelling and swearing and no one can stop me!! We are here to support:)) GO BRIGID GO!!
Braden better show his talents w these posters. Maybe we will bring a megaphone, maybe not. If we do, we’ll do it after the officials blow their whistles.
Hehe yes “will you stop squeezing my hand so hard dylan” “shut up Ryan” haha. Or “Lexi, stop I still need my hand for hockey” “ I don’t care, don’t test me jacky” I get snippy when I’m nervous lol. But I appreciate quinner sacrificing his hand 🥺 ly .
Side note: who’s shoulders would you sit on lol. Like if we went to Coachella or something?. Ooo Coachella would be funnnnn.
Aww yes come visit bus in stands, what a flex. also I’m just into this whole Jamie and Dylan distracting you because it would be so cute. They are so scared of your death glare lol. Dw I’m superstitious as well. Like I need to put my hair up in the same exact hairstyle if I play a match. Ok quick chipotle and Costco run- I actually like going to Costco its fun. What other snacks do you eat?.
Hehe yesss we are part of the team!! Like we’d go and support them at their games. Yay ok I’m excited to try. If we were in Canada I’d probably take you to cactus club cafe hehe, or Cora. Lmao Canada doesn’t have good restaurants.
Our jump hug would be envied lol . Then Jamie and Dylan and then a team hug that would be so chaotic and then we would all start jumping hehe. Ooo wow, that’s crazy that it hurts to take off. Nah we will be responsible this time and not jump in the pool.
Aww I would so happy if you all came:) hehe I would probably start laughing. It’s all good without posters, i love when people cheer so please swear and cheer:)) I’ll blow y’all a kiss hahah. At the end, I’ll hit a ball at you and Quinner will catch it or not and I’ll hit Ryan instead . Okkk a hug is happening again!!
Xo lexi
ok so here’s another long post
yessss go lexi! literally scream and make all the parents hate you, i will be funny lmao. plus all the other swimmers will be jealous bc people almost never come to swim meets besides parents lol. yesss braden show us your art skills in the signs. the other guys are counting on you lol. no i stg you better not bring a megaphone i will take it and throw it away and i will ignore you the rest of the meet lol. bc if the officials find out you’re there for me they’ll get sooo mad at me. and once the officials blow their whistles you have to be quiet til we dive in or else you can actually get in sm trouble. haha all you guys being so chaotic and squeezing each other’s hands. and just yelling at each other. “i need my hand for hockey lexi” “do i look like i care?” lmaoooo. it’s ok i get super snippy when i have a lot of any emotion lol. 
hehe ok this is a fun question. so i love jamie, but i think i’m gonna have to go with dyl for this one bc that man is broad. honestly i feel like it would somehow end up with you on my shoulders lol bc the guys would kick us off of theirs and i have broad swimmer shoulders lol. ooooh yes that would be so fun to go to a festival with the guys
yes ofc i’ll come visit you guys, i have to flex on everyone else lol. yesss i need them to distract me before the race, like honestly i don’t care what they do, just don’t let me overthink my race and whatever they do don’t let me envision my race bc that always fucks me up. and they do whatever i tell them bc they’re afraid of my death glare and don’t realize i can’t hold a grudge for the life of me lmao. and yesss i need my chipotle and my applesauce. tbh besides those two i don’t have any other set foods i always bring, but usually like some pretzels or some grapes. oh but i also always drink snapple because caffeine lmao. and yesss i love going to costco
yes we’re def part of the team at this point! oooh yes going to all their games, i’m still not wearing a canada jersey tho sorry. omg that would be so fun, i’ve always wanted to go to a meet in canada and then we could go to dinner after! but my team probably wouldn’t have a meet in canada so rip. but i bet you have at least a couple good restaurants there
hehe yes our jump hug would be so good! but then jamie and dylan would get jealous and pull me away from you to hug me lol. and then the guys would all join and it was just be super chaotic and we would def start jumping and stuff lmao. and all the parents waiting for their swimmers would just be judging us lol. also it just occurred to me you guys wouldn’t be able to get on deck so you wouldn’t be able to jump in the pool lmao. and yeah like i love my tech suit sm bc it helps sm, but at the same time they suck lol
yessss we’re all coming to support you! don’t worry we’d all be cheering and swearing so much. haha yesss blow a kiss to quinner he needs it to calm down lol. hehe yes on one hand it would be so cute if quinner caught it, but on the other i kind of want ryan to get hit in the face bc that just exudes the chaotic energy we have lmao. and yes we need to have another hug moment
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The Not-So-Amazing Mary Jane Part 32: AMJ #5.1
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Well here we are at the final issue of this arc, of what was originally supposed to be the end of this series. I think it’s safe to say that it’s too far gone to be salvaged now. But let’s wrap this up and see if any further damage is done.
As always we have the recap.
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Once more, the full title of the movie is here in the recap and yet to be in the story itself, although we got half of it last time.
The recap reaffirms this story’s misguided idea that Beck was trying to be a better man, with his desire to make a film as the only proof. Something just occurred to me about that actually. This story spins out from ASM but in those issue the idea of Beck becoming a better man was never even hinted at. So did Williams just ignore that stuff and impose whatever story she wanted to tell? If so that’s pretty lame writing. At least organically pivot to that. Try to make the transition from Mysterio in ASM to the redemption mode Mysterio not feel as abrupt and part of the same story.
It also doubles down on this horseshit that MJ would honestly let Mysterio walk around free because she connects with him on art. See part 12 for why exactly this is horseshit.
The recap also mentions the Savage Six’s attacks. Nothing wrong with that although it just drives home how (like with beck and the other criminal crewmembers) MJ knows bad people are doing something bad but is doing nothing to stop them doing those bad things. Does that remind you of another story? Like say one from 1962?
Finally I just despise the final line of the recap. It frames MJ and Beck as buddies which is just gross.
As we open up the story proper, we see beck and MJ shooting a scene from the movie. It entails the pair surrounded by robot soldiers and MJ fighting them off. She leaps from a cliff making Mysterio scream ‘Noooo!’. It’s over heard by nearby civilians in the park. Back at the set MJ exits the bouncy castle she landed on and ‘McKnight’ asks Master Matrix if they got the footage; they did.
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Not much happens in these pages but there is still a fair bit to unpack.
First of all the fact they are still filming this stuff tells me (maybe I’m wrong) they were more than a few days away from finishing filming last issue. So that’d be even more time that the crew and innocent people have been in danger from the Savage Six.
Also, like last issue MJ can suddenly pull off these very gymnastic moves out of nowhere.
Furthermore let’s consider that the scene is in the middle of being  filmed right? But there are these robotic soldiers with pencil thin waists. They can’t be people in suits. The sheer number of them and the size of them mean they can’t be models either and the way in which they move means they would either have to be
CGI. Except CGI is inserted after a scene is shot, you can’t capture it on camera whilst the actors are filming it in real time
Real robots. Except Mysterio’s budget for practical effetcs was cut way back in issue #2 and creating or hiring out at least 12 (I counted) actual robots would surely be beyond their budget
They are illusions created by Beck. Except last issue he said he’d only use illusions to make MJ look convincingly like Spider-Man. If he’s changed his mind and is more willing to be less authentic why bother having a real actor complete the scene with Spidey at all?
Finally civilians can overhear Beck’s scream. But wouldn’t park goers also have heard the megaphones or other loud noises from the set? Remember in issue #3 how the whole reason they relocated to an abandoned zoo in the first place (and thereby scared Charlie away) was to maintain secrecy? If they are within earshot of a friggin park how has no one overheard the megaphones or other loud noises that the film set is bound to make? Are you telling me that they really never needed to film outside of the caves before this day? That’s rather contrived isn’t it?
On the next page we learn that it’s the last day of filming and MJ just wrapped up her scenes.
However, the investor from issue #2 is open to the possibility of funding another leg of secondary photography. This means that the movie might continue to film and they could reinstate stuff they cut, including scenes with MJ; presumably this would include the romance cut in issue #3.
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There are two major points to bring up here.
The first is that I personally suspect that the movie possibly being extended was not Williams’ original plan for this issue. It strikes me as something written once she knew that this series would continue beyond issue #5. As in since the series is continuing the film they are making continues too in order to possibly provide more plot for consequent issues. It might also be Williams being meta.
The more significant point though is that by extending the shooting it means that the crew and all those people from issue #4 would still be in harm’s way due to the Six and the paparazzi they employed.
Notice how no one bothers to think of them with MJ simply delighted and commenting upon how her  character’s scenes could be restored. Once more Williams writes MJ as totally selfish here.
We then get a splash page of Mallorie using a megaphone. She instructs the crew that they only have an hour (magic hour specifically) to film the last scene. One hour and one last chance to finish the movie.
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Nothing much to say on this beyond repeating that the park goers should be over hearing Mallorie.
I also find the editorial box a little pretentious but that’s just me, it’s not something to fairly hold against the story.
MJ and Beck talk about the fulfilment of the latter’s dream. Beck explains he feels strange. MJ is surprised at this because he’s getting more money for his own work. Beck clarifies that he feels strange to have made it to this stage. Because they’d faced so much adversity he had expected nothing else. He’d been emotionally preparing for failure. Now he feels strange because he has to face the possibility of success.
He continues that in this final scene he shall envision himself fighting his own demons. He credits his success to MJ personally. She in turn affirms how proud she is of him and that she never disbelieves in them. She heads off to relax and Mallorie assures her that she’ll be called when they wrap up. After all, they need to break up the set pieces.
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There are three things notably wrong with this page.
The smallest of these is the dialogue. ‘We faced so much adversity that I’d begun to anticipate nothing but. Deep down, I’d been emotionally preparing…’
It just doesn’t read well and at first glance seems like it’s a grammatical error. As in the intent was meant to be ‘anticipate nothing. But, deep down…’ It’s not technically wrong, but the word choice makes the intent less clear. Using ‘nothing else’ or something other than ‘but’ at the end of the sentence would’ve made the dialogue flow much better.
The more significant problem is MJ talking about Beck getting more money for his ‘own work’. The way the emphasis is placed is clearly intended to mean that prior to this moment Beck wasn’t getting money for his own work but someone else’s. 
This is likely a reference to the first two issues wherein Beck got funding by selling the investors on a different movie than the one he was delivering. The problem is the money they have been using up until now and the additional funds they might get haven’t been off the back of Beck’s own work. The fact that he’s gained trust and money whilst pretending to be Cage McKnight, failing to inform the investor he’s a criminal and has hired criminals mitigates ‘his own work’.
MJ and Beck have no idea if the investor knew of McKnight’s reputation or past work. They don’t know if on some level that influenced his decision to finance them. Even if he didn’t the mere fact he didn’t know he was indirectly giving money over to criminals on the run (some of whom are murderers) makes MJ’s point moot. 
Most people wouldn’t have done that for ethical reasons or just out of concern for themselves. It’s not as bad  but it definitely shares similarities to Otto as Peter Parker dating Anna-Maria Marconi. At best that’s unethical and deceitful and so is failing to inform the investor that he’s financing a criminal.
The biggest problem though is the continued sympathetic framing of Mysterio. Oh how lovely for his character to have had a change of heart and now believes in himself. Good for him. 
How wonderful MJ helped him reach a more positive place in his life and fulfil his lifelong dream. Sure hope none of elderly people who’s life savings he took had dreams of helping their families after they died. Sure hope Gwyneth didn’t have any dreams or ambitions for her life beyond high school.
Fuck this misinterpretation of Mysterio seriously. And no, I have zero faith at this point that Williams is setting up a big rug pull down the line. Everything up until this issue has convinced me this is just how she sees Mysterio. 
And even if she is planning a bait and switch, the fact that she’s had MJ and Beck become sincere friends is aggressively problematic. For God’s sake MJ is so sad Beck has demons. She’s so proud of him. So happy her belief paid off and he fulfilled his dream.
She’s saying all this about a man who abducted her, faked the death of someone she loves, tried to frame, psychologically attack and murder the love of her life. He’s not even expressed any remorse for any of that!
Later MJ records a video message to Peter.
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The PeterxMJ shipper in me loves this scene when it’s removed from all context (like how MJ has continuously lied to Spider-Man). I think Williams and Gomez love these scenes too. All three scenes focussing upon MJ and Peter’s relationship have made good use of their chemistry as characters and successfully delivered romantic moments. The art in particular is worthy of praise. The body language Gomez gives MJ converys her flirtatiousness and fun and her facial expressions (within the context of his style) sells you on the idea that she’s talking to someone she is in love with.
It’s nicely followed up on with the first line of the next page where MJ admits being in love makes her dorky.
MJ goes to hang out by the fence (for some reason) where she spots a van pull up. The Savage Six exit from it along with Charlie, who hands over some contact details to Vulture. I’m not sure if MJ is overhearing this herself or if it’s just for the reader’s benefit, but someone from the set emphasises the crew have but one shot to finish the movie. MJ sighs and removes her earrings as the Six make their way up the hill towards the set. Clearly she is ready to fight.
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Way to make Charlie comically irredeemable Williams. He’s not been a nice guy up until this point but we might forgive a normal man for being intimidated by these ix violent crooks. But she just has to have him actively try to maybe get some employment out of the situation. On top of everything else it’s just a step too far and it makes him cartoonish. That’s not too much of a problem if he was an actual super villain but he’s just a normal person who’s being written as going the extra mile to be an asshole. He’s not even slightly upset he’s probably helped get many innocent people killed right now.
I also do not buy for a second that van could possibly fit all those people. Yeah, six normal humans sure. But look at the sheer size of Rhino, Scorpion and Stegron. It’d be doubtful it could fit or take the weight of any one of them. But ALL of them and four other people too? Bullshit.
As for MJ in this scene, isn’t it convenient she decided to chill-out by that fence and it happened to be the exact spot the Six were going to pull up in front of. And she happened to do it at the exact time too. What an insane coincidence.
I have mixed feelings about her framing in this scene. Because it’s bad ass and cool and normally I like seeing her like that. But at the same time why is MJ so utterly casual about this situation. She’s not even slightly worried. She doesn’t even look determined. She looks totally non-plussed. Friggin Spider-Man himself wouldn’t be non-plussed by this situation and his odds of survival are vastly better than MJ’s.
MJ is framed and acting like she’s Batman facing some B or C listers. But the ‘power scale’ is simply not like that in this context. The reality of the situation is far more serious than that. She cannot reliably be sure she’s win this fight at all.
I get Williams wants MJ to come off as awesome in this series. I get that she wants to celebrate her character. But this is not the way. Show the characters with flaws, concerns, with weaknesses. But that’s indicative of MJ throughout this story. MJ has been framed as awesome, cool and totally capable throughout this story. That’s great for maybe an issue, maybe even two. But five in a row?
For five issues in a row, MJ always has an answer to every problem. For five issues in a row she’s unflinchingly pragmatic. She never makes a mistake beyond not doing fight choreography fast enough? The closest the story comes to depicting her as imperfect is her discussion with master Matrix last issue and that was framing her as possibly  wrong. Then everything since that moment has shown her to have been justified in her convictions. The only thing she’s truly failed at is keeping Charlie on set but she came up with a solution to that immediately that in turn made her look awesome again.
It’s like this series has taken the idealized view of MJ Peter would have of her and then treated that as her actual character even when the story isn’t from his point of view. Her failings and set backs are minimal whilst her successes are huge. She’s redeemed Mysterio, made his dream come true, made a whole movie click, patched every hole, literally saved the live of the crew.
And now she’s nonchalantly going to kick the asses of six guys who Spider-Man himself has rarely found to be pushovers. Okay maybe nowadays Spider-Man might find beating them easy due to his experience. But in his earliest encounters that wasn’t the case. MJ has never one-on-one battled any of these guys before to my knowledge. But now on her first try, with no powers, no weapons or equipment, no real training, she’s nonplussed about fighting all Six of them at once.
Jesus Christ.
Remember how Spencer within his first 12 issues had MJ confront some concerns she had over dating Peter again with the Lookups?
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Remember how Spencer in his first issue had Spider-Man save the day but not be non-plussed or supremely confident about it? Remember how it wasn’t framed as easy?
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Shit, MJ’s most iconically bad ass moment wasn’t framed this way. She was scared of Chameleon.
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The story framed her as determined in spite of her vulnerability.
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She wasn’t going in sure she could win, but she was going to damn well try. Her victory was even a surprise to her
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That is absolutely not the case here. Sure, we as readers know MJ is going to win because she wouldn’t be killed off in her own ongoing series. But that certainty comes from outside the context of the story, whilst the framing here is outright telling you MJ is going to be a bad ass and will  win. 
Maybe we don’t know the specifics of how, but there isn’t the slightest ambiguity conveyed. The framing has neutralized the danger and suspense. You aren’t reading the next few pages so see if or even how MJ is going to get out of this one. You are reading to simply see how the Six are gonna get their asses kicked.
What’s so frustrating is that this is not how Williams framed MJ in issue #3 when the Six initially attacked. There she played things correctly, MJ was framed as in peril and had to psych herself up to get the job done.
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That was great.
But that’s not here. Here Mary Jane is framed as casually confident in spite of the exact same situation. Only worse because she’s not got Beck there to actually do the fighting for her.
It’s deplorable writing. It’s deplorable framing. And Williams doubles down on it immediately with the next panel when MJ insults the Six. Then tells them they’ll have to get through her first. They laugh of course (which is a prelude to her obviously winning).
Vulture demeans MJ by calling her an attractive accessory. She then hits him with her palm, which seemingly injures his face.
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How wonderfully original.
I’ve never in my life  seen a story where seemingly threatening people (usually men) dismiss and demean a female character as a non-threat and just a pretty face, only to be proven totally wrong. That’s oh so original in fiction, in comic books and in Spider-Man comic books too.
Also, I question if MJ could really hurt Vulture that way.
This guy has been punched in the face by Spider-Man himself and that was without his helmet. The guy has super strength so is Mary Jane basically shoving him really going to hurt him? If so then that’s a huge design flaw for a genius inventor to make isn’t it?
Everything else I could say about this page I already mentioned about the last page and in the description for this one.
The art and facial expressions are very good though, kudos to Gomez.
Oh wait, there was one teeny, tiny little thing I forgot to mention. So the Six’s goal is to get to the set right?
And there are six of them right?
And one of them can fly, some of them can leap large distances and others can just break through walls right?
And there is a huge fence right?
Why don’t they just go around Mary Jane?
They are treating this like MJ is the one and only entry point to the set when she isn’t.
They have numerous options for at least one of them getting to their target.
But stupidity is par for the course with this series isn’t it.
The next page is a beautifully drawn splash of MJ hitting Tarantula with some of the set.
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I respect Williams knows enough about MJ to understand she uses her limited resources to her full advantage. The dialogue makes that clear. She clearly understand how MJ fights. But again the framing is jacked. Out of context it might seem cool but in context it’s asinine, especially when you consider she could’ve ended this threat altogether with a phone call to some super heroes. Cloak and Dagger are delivering food to this set but she can’t ask them to fight the Six for her?
More problematically where the fuck did that set piece even come from? I checked the art and couldn’t find any yellow thing in sight. We don’t even see how MJ got a hold of it between panels. She palmed Vulture then off-panel grabbed a set piece from thin air, jumped up and smacked it on Tarantula.
That is shitty fight choreography. Fight scenes in comic books are supposed to have a sense of flow, to clearly convey how we got from A to B. Here is a much better example of how you do it featuring Spider-Man fighting (a different) Tarantula.
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In contrast to that AMJ #5 is just reaction A jumping immediately to reaction B.
I’m leaving it there for now. We’ll wrap up the issue and initial arc next time.
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