#just curious tbh😶‍🌫️
crybabyfucktoy · 15 hours
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littleleeswitch · 8 months
Guysssssss, guysssssss*running around in the house* *screaming* *fainting* 😭😳🫠
He knows, my bf knows about my relationship with tickles- 😳😳
Sooooo little storytime..
Earlier this evening i went to his house (literally just climbed the stairs, we are living a floor away from each other) and this days we've been talking about how he wants to see my Tumblr 😳 and because i was being hesitant cause yk 😃 he got even more curious and suggested we could swipe phones and see each others Tumblr (*mentally screaming*). Sooo i went to his room and after some cuddles he sneakily took my phone, open Tumblr and run to the living room 😶‍🌫️. I was dead dead, I was dying inside. Like one part of me was excited and wanted to show him but the other was just really shy and embarrassed to do so..
But yeah- he ended up scrolling here and seeing all the tickle stuff 😃 Like I was sure he wouldn't judge me but i thought he might get confused on why i like it and what's up with that.
But instead he was sooo sweet 😭 I was hiding my face in his chest cause of embarrassment and he just caressed my hair and said "aw it has to do with tickling huh?, why you reacting this way?, i already know about this".
And okay tbh that last one is true he already knew about it cause i had sent him another day a list about some cute stuff i like that he does to me and i may or may not had put "tickling me" there too- But its just we never address it so i thought that he maybe didn't pay attention to it or forgot about it
Sooo yeah.. that happened.. and the cherry on top is that after that, after his scrolling and my embarrassing state he- he tickled me 🤭😳
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nossbean · 3 years
Fic writer meme
Nicked from @captainelliecomb some time ago and rediscovered half complete in my drafts today!
name: jellyb34n on AO3
fandoms i write for: atm it is pretty much just ASOIAF! Predominantly JB. Anyone else/any other ship is secondary, really. Back in the times before tumblr even existed I played in Merlin: Gwen/Arthur and then Gwen/Merlin after the show went to pot. And more recently but before I returned to tumblr, I wrote one Star Wars fic, a character study of Leia.
two-shot: I don’t think I’ve ever done a two-shot!
most popular multi-chapter: it’s not much (but my money’s on you) Which honestly is a complete surprise because I figured many folks would be entirely politicked out. But I love it and I’m glad it’s also working for some others 💕
actual worst part of writing: editingggggg. Why can’t it all come out right the first timeeeeeeeeeeee.
how you choose your chapter titles: i actually like choosing chapter/fic titles! Often I choose them around the beginning of writing, and so far it’s roughly split between song lyrics and a quote borrowed from the source material.
do you outline: For multi-chapters: ish…? Usually I get super excited, outline everything, then get to writing and the characters do/say something unanticipated or I get another idea/want to explore something else, and then the old outline gets pushed down the page as the top of the page fills with new details and ideas and character notes. Or as with the politics AU currently, the rewritten outline for the remainder of the fic is sitting at the bottom of the chapter 11 draft. I’ll also have additional outline notes scattered in various notebooks or apps on my phone or in emails to myself. At that point I know the shape of the story in my brain and typically work in 2-3 chapter chunks at a time.
For one-shots: heh, I started answering this one way and then came to a different conclusion. So the answer is yes, by a certain view on outlining. It isn’t a case of numbering or bullet points, but more like notes scattered down the page of what’s happening next or emotional beats to land. If it gets to the point where numbering and bullet points are needed, it typically then falls over into a multi-chapter... 
ideas I probably won’t get around to but wouldn’t it be nice: I have this crack fic I’ve been poking at for over a year whereby Brienne’s meant to be the honeypot but feels so awkward about it that Jaime takes over - that started out with them in law enforcement but moved into them as Robin Hood/Leverage-esque thieves. I did borrow a bit from the rough draft and expanded it out into a fic about their first kiss which I really like. There’s a lot about that concept I like (thieves! Brienne is desperately touch staved! Jaime is a heartsore shard! They steal Podrick! It’s mushy! Did I mention thieves???) But anyway it’s a whole lotta concepts and lacks a whole lotta plot, so. Never say never, but.
The other big one in this category is the book canon fic playing with the “but what if LSH has moved on by the time JB arrive at the (former) BWB camp?” thing I ramble about below. I’d say about 85% of that is written and every few months I pull it out and dust it off, so this one might one day come to be...? It’s mostly feelings anyway, tbh.
callouts @ me: I have not yet been called out by one of the masses, though confess I am sort of curious what someone might say! If I were calling myself out: probably things don’t need to be edited to within an inch of their lives maybe 🥴
best writing traits: I think I capture emotionality relatively well! And I like that I do fairly divergent things by way of story setting and theme. (Theme, ish. Almost all my fics can be boiled down to one central thesis but 😌😶‍🌫️)
spicy tangential opinion(s):
Lessee: poss my spiciest by way of diverging from what seems to be the agreed fanon is that I don’t think Brienne took to knighthood and swords just because her romantic dreams were squelched. I think she’s inherently inclined to both.
Second spiciest is perhaps that I agree with the fandom that a lot of Jaime’s gentleness got buried by his family BUT I think he was also always a bit sharp.
Aaaaand to round things out, I’ve got a nearly complete answered ask in my drafts wherein I talk myself into thinking that JB will *not* meet LSH immediately in Winds. I think LSH & co will have moved on by the time Brienne gets Jaime there, and that the ultimate confrontation will involve Arya as well, and possibly Sansa. BUT I caveat that my asoiaf reading and recollection is patchy so I’m open to discussion but, like, casual discussion haha 👀👻
Oh, bonus non-JB opinion: Elia Martell/Lyanna Stark rights ✌️
No pressure tagging @halfagod @theunpaidcritic @im-auntie-social  @scoundrels-in-love @it-may-be-dull-but-im-determined @the-world-unseen @angelowl-fics and whoever wants to have a go, I have tagged you too! <3
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