#just cause i wanted to discuss the pshye locks edgeworth would have had if that mechanic had existed
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abluescarfonwaston · 4 years ago
Black Locks
“Chief. Mia. Please.”
Wright stood in front of her. Fists clenched. Jaw locked. Plead. Plead the same way he’d plead to lead the Steel Samurai case all those months ago. The way Maya had described him pleading to lead her defense against the attempted murder charge against her.
“Wright what makes you think he doesn’t have an attorney?”
And this was how she ended up sitting across from Miles Edgeworth in the detention center on Christmas morning.
He refused them even as he admits no one will take his case.
“-A wet behind the ears lawyer with three cases under you belt? I’m not that desperate yet.”
“I could lead the defense, if you’d prefer.”
Not that she wanted to. Not that she believes in his innocence.
Wright sat next to her, after she was released from the hospital and slurped his much delayed celebratory ramen. He'd won two cases and they hadn’t had the chance to celebrate even one. He told her why he became a lawyer.
There’s someone I want to save.
He’s told her this before. While swallowed glass settles in his belly. But now it has a name. A face. A smug smile.
She hates that brat. She doubts there’s anything worth saving. Wright just stared mournfully into his ramen like he doubted it too.
Edgeworth grit his teeth. Glared at the wall. “Stay out of this Ms. Fey.” But he offered no counter argument to her offer.
“The lake is a long way away from your offices and the court... Why were you down there?” Wright probed instead.
“I see no reason to tell you.”
She crossed her legs. Leaned back in the chair. What a waste of a morning.
“Edgeworth!” Wright slammed his hands down on the table. Pleading and irritated and desperate all at once.
?” She raised her head to study him. The eyes hidden behind his bangs. The deep purple bags under his eyes. They’re almost satisfying. Knowing he’s enjoying firsthand what he’s done to so many others. Guilty or not.
“I went to see Gourdy.”
The room went dark. Heavy with the slide of chains as they drag over the floor and up to his heart.
There are so many. Bleeding red like his bloody heart.
“But... you didn't do it, right? Right?”
The locks faded as the conversation moved on. But the detention center was far colder now that she knows they exist. She braced for the lie Edgeworth will shovel down their throats and she’ll drag Wright away with an apology about how his friend cannot be saved.
“... Think what you will. I have only one request.”
He hadn’t answered, so he hasn’t lied. She swallowed the irate sigh. What does he want now?
“Stay out of this case.”
She jolted. Back suddenly straight. Her feet click sharp against the floor. “What?! He’s trying to help you!”
Not that she has much proof there was anything worth saving. An objection and aid during a single case did not undo the years prior. There was character evidence piled high enough to kill.
Guilty or not, it probably will. If no one took his case.
“I know...! I know that! But I don't want your help, okay?”
“Why not?!”
His shoulders curve inward. “... Look, just go away, and leave me alone!” He snapped sweeping his hand out with a snarl.
His eyes are red. Bloodshot – although there’s no chance it’s from tears.
“It’s because you did it, didn’t you?”
And somewhere in that black heart of his he knows better than to drag Phoenix down with him.
“Mia!” Wright snaps in a rare displace of force. “Let’s go investigate elsewhere.”
He stood. The chair screeches against the floor and she watches Edgeworth flinch at the sound.
Edgeworth’s detective claimed the man spoke highly of them. Seemed truly dumbfounded that they were turned down. Doesn’t stop him from trying to help.
He hands over a picture of the deceased.
“That’s Robert Hammond.”
The case unraveled before her.
They sit in front of Edgeworth and there are so many locks that there is no way they have enough. But Wright speaks and all the red locks rattle. Like Edgeworth wants to tell him. Longs to tell him.
She wonders, in a passive sort of way, if Wright held the magatama would he see only one?
There is a sharp exhale. His head falls forward. The red locks shatter.
“The ‘DL-6 Incident’... was when my father died. Right before my eyes... He was shot and killed, and I saw it all.”
He spoke. Her stomach knotted. DL-6. She wasn’t the only one who lost a parent from that incident.
“My memories from that time are... foggy. I suppose it's a self-defense mechanism. In any case, a suspect was arrested... a man. It's pretty clear he was the only one who could have killed my father.”
Foggy. The room goes dark once more. The slide of heavy chains. Red. She expects red.
They are black. Every lock is black. Dark. Cold. Filled with despair.
A lie he keeps even from himself.
“The spirit medium they used to talk to my late father said the same thing.” Her Mother. “It was an attorney by the name of Robert Hammond that cleared the suspect's name.”
“And Hammond... is the victim in the Gourd Lake murder?”
There is a danger to black Psych-Locks. That removing them by force will damage the keepers mind.
Blocking out memories in self-defense. He even explained it himself.
The earthquake rumbles but it is the violent rattling of his locks that causes her pain.
He curled up on the floor. Quaking. His locks rattle and in the shaking of his hand and the gasping of his rapid breaths she can see every time they tear at the fabric of his mind.
Worse yet, there is nothing they can do except watch as the guards drag his limp form back to his cell.
 Edgeworth warned them about what they’re up against. Von Karma.
It’s not like she hasn’t faced him before. Once. Twice. She doesn’t allow her concern to show but if she gripped Wright’s lapels and shakes him a little harder than she should when she scolds him it’s probably because she knows what a battle this will be.
Wright doesn’t though. He’s blissfully unaware of the nightmare ahead of them. How even getting their legally required cross examination will be an uphill battle.
She really hopes this isn’t how he learns why none of the other attorneys would defend Edgeworth.
What was it he’d said? They ‘Lacked confidence because he’d had all their defendants convicted?’
Edgeworth was lying about that part. And Von Karma was far worse.
 “Why did you pick up that gun anyway?!”
He grimaced. Hand digging into his elbow. “I don’t know. I was in a daze when I picked it up.”
Black slide into place. She braces for the cold chill this time.
There is one less locked in place.
Removing them forcibly can damage the owners mind. They were created to protect them after all.
“I know those interrogations can be brutal, how are you holding up?”
He glares at her. The bruises under his eyes speak to his lack of sleep. To the way this has been eating at him.
She hadn’t removed the lock. Neither had Wright.
She wondered who had.
 The second day is brutal. They’d almost lost. But as it stood now it looked like they would win.
The locks rattled. Volume growing as it had throughout the entire trial.
“Hey, Edgeworth
He didn’t respond. The locks rattled louder.
He jumped. Dazed eyes focusing on her. “D-did you say something?”
(Oh we were just discussing your case- no need to pay attention. It’s not like it matters to you at all!)
“Come on! Stop looking so pained! At this point we’ve got it in the bag!” She slapped his shoulder. He side stepped away from her. “Relax.”
 I’m sorry
 I fear it’s not over for me yet.”
“Wh-what do you mean?”
The locks rattled. The chains shook. The truth he hid from even himself.
“Wright... There's something that's been troubling me for a long time now. And I don't know whether or not to tell you...”
Black locks clicked into place. Only three remained.
What had happened to the others?
“No... there's so little time left. I want to tell you, to get it off my chest, but...’
“What is this about, Edgeworth?”
She drew back. Let herself sink into the background.
He saved me Mia. If you could have seen him back then-
I know somethings wrong. I want to pay him back.
He stared down at his attorney’s badge. Closed his fist around it.
I became an attorney because of him. So I could see him again.
If anyone can reach Edgeworth it was Wright.
“... It's... a nightmare I've had. A memory of a crime... that I committed.”
Those locks shake. The heavy grating sound of metal pulling at his mind.
Sometimes people forget things to protect themselves. In self Defense.
“A memory... of a murder.”
They yank and jerk against the chains. Trying to rip free by sheer force.
You’re hurting yourself! She does not object.
 I want to tell you but
The bailiff doesn’t give him a chance. He’s escorted away.
 They stared down at the letter.
“But it says ‘get revenge on Edgeworth’
 Why would he want to take revenge on you?”
One lock. Black as total darkness slides into place.
He closes his eyes and it shatters.
There is no evidence of the pain it causes. No bleeding wounds or pained cries.
But he opens his eyes and she is certain something within him has died. He tells them about his nightmare.
Innocence. The illusion of innocence has died.
“But that’s just a dream!” Wright objected when he fell silent.
 That thought is the only thing that has kept me sane for the last 15 years. But what if I’m wrong? What if it’s real? They say sometimes people shut out memories in self-defense. Maybe it was I who killed my father.”
It’s the truth.
“If you think about it that way, this letter makes sense. Think about it. Yogi was really innocent. That’s why he wanted revenge on me.”
When he confesses on the stand none of them are surprised. Not even Von Karma. How many of those interrogations did they spend together? Did he spend ripping apart the protective locks around his own protĂ©gĂ©e’s mind?
Wright and her walk home after the first trail.
“You wouldn’t prosecute me, right?”
“Well I’m not a prosecutor so
He sinks further into a gloom.
“I’m joking!” Shoulder checked him. “Obviously not.”
Edgeworth is in awe of Von Karma. Awe being a fitting word. Referential respect of both wonder and fear.
“You were a child.”
“Accidental murder is still murder Ms. Fey.”
Edgeworth might have given up but Wright. Wright has not.
Trust. Trust your client until the end. This is what she’s taught him.
 Phoenix. Sometimes the guilty are guilty.
He looked up from the case files. Smiled with a confidence that wasn’t just a bluff.
“I’m sorry but I don’t believe in your nightmare. It’s just a bad dream.”
There are heavy black locks around Edgeworth’s heart. Protecting him from a ‘truth’ too terrible to believe.
But testimony is flawed and just because he believes in one explanation of events doesn’t make it the Truth.
The truth will set you free. Of the black locks around your heart – she’d thought.
Phoenix does something truly amazing then.
He saves him.
“You are innocent Mr. Edgeworth. You were innocent.”
 Thank you, Your Honor.”
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