#just been a lot of a day i think.i needed to have a weird and long night to balance it out
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having a #normalone
#m#you can tell how normal it is from how its 2am and im posting on tumblr#its ok though. im finishing s1 of lost terminal and then going to bed#theres constellations projected on my bedroom walls#my nails are repainted. im chilling im thriving#just been a lot of a day i think.i needed to have a weird and long night to balance it out
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You know how it goes
Am i the only one that actually dont believe that they are dating? There is none proof that they are dating or in a relationship , in fact i think Diane is behind this , im sure there have been " ilove you" text around those 2. And dont you think she will be seen at all the events he went in 2016? Steve's wedding , the concerts , and traveling with him (ofcourse except the Paris thing) . Like Mod said and what i also believe , they prob just friends with benefits 😉
Sorry to bother you but is NR and DK "dating thing" official or not? This situation is such a mess that I can't understand anything 😂😂😂 --mod-- Right now it's still just rumor and speculation
OMG MOD! So it was all about publicity wasn't it??? She did that to get her name out there for Oscar weekend. I feel so much better now. They can't state a denial and then be caught again or it would look HELLA bad
i think that i'm just sad because he isn't single anymore ahahahah is that bad? --mod-- Not at all
I don't understand how they could be together. She embodies everything he hates (glitz glamour hollywood) She also screws with his fans worse than CS. Are they really going to go walking around holding hands like she did with JJ? He doesn't do that shit. And what about attending award shows? Are we gonna have to see her stupid face every time he goes somewhere? I think I quit. If he's with HER, he's exactly the person he said he wasn't. I so hope it's not true
Holy Heck, at this point I don't think a denial would even do much. Consider that when that old EK story broke in TMZ and People he denied it by then, but there are still fans who believe they were (or are!) together even though she hasn't been in GA in two yes and has a long term bf. On NR's newest post are some comments to "pls clear up the DK rumor and admit you're still with EK". Like...what? More ppl follow tabloid gossip than follow NR's IG I guess.
Do you think Norman even knows or cares about disappointed and sad maybe even disgusted fans? Seems like the majority of them don't care when you read through the comments on his ig picture. i kinda wish he'd get more backlash. -- mod-- He is filming right now and being down or whatever doesn't make for a good show
I think as fans we put Norman on a pedestal and expect more from him than a non celebrity. Yes he spoke of his dislike of cheating but no one likes to be cheated on. If the rumors are true he was on the other side of the fence this time and might have felt different. But he ain't no saint! He's just a dude. I'm not condoning his actions either way and DK has a history of being vile, but that doesn't seem to matter until it does. If ur taking this personally, take a breather. Its not gonna last
nurseyanon: I don't care/never have about Norm and DK. It's not like we're engaged or anything...I do have a date every Sunday night (when I'm not working and saving lives that is!) to watch him and my beloved Crazy Rick kick ass. I don't know what Norm is like in real life, I DO NOT plan to attend a con or a cruise to meet him, I certainly am not going out of my way. I confess an attraction to Negan, or JDM, or sorta kinda both???
With all the kindness and consideration he's shown over the years he deserves better fans than this. Choosing between the actor who's Skyped with dying kids or people being cruel on the internet I'm going to stick with NR being the person I continue to prefer. No one is speaking for me when they say he's let fans down or owes us explanations. I'm not upset whether its true or not and he owes me exactly nothing. I'm ashamed by some of the behavior I'm seeing directed at him.
That Norman or his reps didn't come out as of yet tells EVERYTHING. He denied the Emily rumors years back immediately. The rumors with DK are going on since almost a year now and he still didn't say anything. Disgusting, gross and ridiculous! Makes him look like he's got no balls and is such a wimp if he can't even admit it. I hope he gets backlash, I get why fans are hella disgusted and disappointed in him. Seems like he's definitely not the man he claims to be. And that is disappointing.
Honestly: that neither Norman nor his reps said anything or denied the DK thing yet says it all. He denied the EK rumors within 2 hours and even made fun of it. He went all silent now and doesn't say anything at all. Actions are sometimes more proof than words. They are dating if you want to admit it or not. I for me lost all my respect for the man and it's not about being jealous. It's because he claimed to love honesty yet he looks like a big liar and fool.
Mod I know I'm late to the party but I just woke up, checked the news, and I have to say I'm stoked that it looks like Norman might be finding love again! And who really knows what he and DK are like, they might be very good for one another, who knows! And as for people who are upset because he "lied?" How'd he do that exactly? I'd want to tell those people to not judge unless they've walked a mile in his (or her) shoes. That's all I want for him (and told him so at WS ATL), peace & happiness.
My God.I don't know what the hell to think.I have always adored Norman and the way he brings Daryl to life.He seems to be such a captivating,interesting person.I want to be on his side still,but the rumours leave a bad taste in my mouth,I can't help.There is so much confusion,nothing fits together.For all we know he could have simply driven her home because she had all these bags.But the rumours just won't die. And he should be smart enough by now to avoid her.Why does he allow her to do this?
--mod--why do any of us keep the company we do. It's all rumors at this point so maybe wait and see what happens in the coming days and weeks.
Also notice how Norman stopped liking DK's pics on IG. Probably because he was with her all the time. He also didn't go back to NYC THAT often before in between filming last year. He did it to see her, come on. It grosses the hell out of me to just think about it. He's such a good actor, making himself look like he's an honest man yet he's the opposite.
Hey Mod, I just saw all the talk, is it true or just another rumor? How come these pics always come out right when there's something she's doing that she wants attention for? --mod-- Right now just rumors. No ideas why they dropped on Friday when they were taken days before.
Do you know if Norman is currently getting a lot of hate for the shit he did or not? I don't follow Norman blogs on Twitter or Tumblr/IG so I don't see anything. Would like to know if people are more disgusted or happy for him. I can't believe one could be happy with what he did, lying and probably cheating like how can one support his behavior? Nothing to be proud of. So anyone knows what the majority of his fans think? --mod-- He's getting both. I think he's fans are divided into like 3 groups those that hate it, those that approve and those that don't care.
Nothing makes sense Mod. If this was supposed to be him coming out w/ her, (since the pics were obvs set up), then why didn't he do it on Valentine's Day instead of leaving a day early /ignoring it? &why did he go out w/ Jarah to bury the rumor if he was still gonna come out w/ DK a month later? If it's true it looks SO much worse now b/c he went out of his way to hide it again even after ppl were talking about Paris. So it looks like he lied twice. Either it's not true or he's REALLY stupid.
No those were pap shots. Those aren't they type of shots you get for "coming out"
One question: were the pictures taken in Norman's NYC garage or upstate. If it was upstate she might've helped him with stuff since he's going to move there. I don't believe it myself but it could be just helping a friend. If it was in his NYC garage it's kinda weird. They unloaded a whole lot of stuff, even cartons. Looks even a bit as if it might be her stuff and she moved to his appartment? Can someone help me out, I'm lost. Because to me it doesn't look like just stuff from a shopping trip? -- mod-- It was taken somewhere in NYC, so not upstate. His place in NYC doesn't have a garage. Side note he's not moving permanently upstate. That home is already set up.
Total speculation but I can't help but think that when NR was with HC over the holidays maybe she warned him about DK's..love of tabloids and to steer clear if they were just friends, fwb or exes? Now, even if she set it up, he was physically in her parking garage just last weekend. Its not like it was a random super old pic her people gave to DM/TMZ. It's new. So as crappy as it is for him to be set up I can't be sympathetic because, how could he not see this coming?
I guess for me I am just really having a hard time understanding why someone would want to keep their relationship so secretive. If they are dating. Unless the cheating rumors are true and they don't want anyone to know. I would think if you love someone you would want everyone to know. The possible cheating is the worst part for me. I guess if the cheating rumors wind up being true then it will make me see him in a different light. I am definitely still a fan of his movies and TV shows. --mod-- Again at this point it's speculation at minimum they are friends. So we just have to wait and see how things go from here
So people are just going to ignore all the good things Norman has done? He's seen with another female and doing things what friends do and now he's the devil. People need to stay the fuck out of his personal life and stop acting like 13 year olds. He isn't some band member. Chill out.
It used to be DK deleted every comment about Norman on her IG posts but now she is only deleting the negative ones. She's keeping the comments that say they make a good couple and all that. I'm taking that as a confirmation to be honest.
Is it official that norman and diane are dating or in relation? --mod-- Nope
Do you think it's all true Mod? I was so excited for RIDE now I don't even care. It's like he's not the same as we thought he was.
--mod-- I don't think it's true. Even if it was it doesn't really bother me.
So I'm annoyed with Norman's "choices" like others and totally see this TMZ "photo scandal" as an attempt by the untalented DK to "stay relevant," the timing / Oscar weekend is so convenient. However, my main gripe is...why does Norman look so greasy and in character 24/7? Others in the ZA have bathed and cut their hair, and in that Georgia heat it might feel better while slaying zombies. His gross factor is turning up. --mod-- Feral Daryl makes the world go BOOM 💥. I have no idea where that come from.
Did you see what they all unloaded from his car? It looks like it's someone's whole household stuff, bags but also bigger cartons. I wonder if it's her stuff and she moved to Norman's house? That's not just stuff from a usual shopping trip 😷 Or can someone help me out?
--mod-- Just stuff from a normal shopping trip. She isn't moving in.
I really don't want to believe NR and DK are a couple based on a couple of pics of them hanging out but it's so weird that NR isn't denying it. We've had these kind of rumours before. It was TMZ who also released the "NR and EK are dating!" story and NR took to social media to deny it AND had his reps deny it too within hours of the story breaking. But this time... nothing? I'm starting to think he can't deny it because it's true.
Even if it turned out to be true , i would be dissappointed in Norman , but do we actually think he is that stupid? To love a hollywood woman thats been acting like a diva? He isnt even like that , she will hate his fans and try even more attention from all the media. I really hope his people says something about this situation because this is going to give him a bad reputation 😖
Some things are objectively clear 1) DK, who has a deal with DM, orchestrated the pap pics *without NR's knowledge or consent*. She arranges weekly pics with DM and this time they just happen to "catch" NR--in her garage? 2) The content of the original articles (DM TMZ) is a lie. She wasnt upstate with him 3) DK was aware the pics, article (and lies therein) were gonna come out, but NR wasn't, it seems. Doesn't seem like something a loving gf or even friend would do. Thoughts?
Tripping across the dark playground 🤐. It seems like she 'confirmed' by liking insta comments about him being good at hiding the relationship. --mod-- New favorite phrase "tripping across the dark playground" I'm stealing it anon
why are people so upset about if norman and diane turns out to be couple? I dont really follow them to much but I cant see the problem.. --mod-- Mostly because of the cheating allegations if they've been together. She was in a long term relationship which ended.
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'ello, Reddit. I wanted to ask for some advice on a situation I've been going through and something (or not) needs to be done soon.But first, some context about myself:I have been suffering with depression, attention deficit, insomnia and anxiety for at least 8 years now, but the formal diagnosis only was done February when my psychiatrist confirmed it all and put me on some heavy meds for each of those issues. My core problem, which I came to realise after two years of throughout reading on psychology and learning about yourself, appears to be an intense and constant self-loathing that causes (and is caused by) insecurity, shyness, self-demanding, feelings of inferiority and uselessness, lack of energy and focus, paranoid overthinking and overacting, placing trust and being a doormat carelessly, along with other things that really complicate my life.I won't discuss details of personal events as I think I'd lose the direction of the post, but I can share that my love life has been basically non-existant and shitty otherwise. As a teen I had a crush on a classmate that ended up being emotionally crushing to me due to my extremely immature mistakes and for the past few years I was in love with one of my best friends from university, but I fucked up as well and my current situation is the consequence of that. I think I am more in control of my feelings nowadays but I still have issues in acting upon them, as I am utterly terrified of taking things the wrong way and ending up being a creep, an idiot or worse.Now, to my situation:Since August I've been teaching English in a language school and a co-worker that teaches Spanish always seemed interested in me, due to the signals I get from her. I am a reserved person and have become much more lately due to other issues in my life, so making friends and other relationships have been extra-slow on my end, to the consternation of my superiors who want teachers to be at least in talking terms with each other. This has been mostly remedied as I became friends with pratically everyone in the past two months, and this co-worker of mine was the first one that I befriended due to taking Spanish classes with her as the teacher. She had been sending signals before we got closer but I ended up more confused than anything.Anyway, I started to suspect more signs as we befriended each other, especially because we're both very talkative people and end up turning a short Spanish class into a two hours-long conversation about pretty much anything. I find her very gorgeous and attractive, but only I truly got interested in her when I started noticing a lot of similarities between us, in terms of personality, interests and personal life. Another teacher even said I was basically a male version of my co-worker after I talked about how daft I am sometimes.Sure, there are some very big differences as well: I'm a vehemently passionate anarchist that mostly only listens to heavy metal and I barely give a shit to fashion, while she has a less-engaged awareness of politics and cares about always dressing nicely while enjoying some more popular music, for example. But I haven't felt any attrition with these and it seems she hasn't as well. We're both clumsy, insecure, emotionally tired, slightly crazy, funny and open-minded people, to name a few points in common.She usually gets very close to me and is kinda touchy, more than I'm used to when dealing with friends, specially when we're in the teachers' room. Our co-workers have sometimes say some suggestive things about us and she's even told me about some of these comments that I wasn't around to hear. A few weeks back she was talking a lot about how she wanted to go watch the Justice League movie and I ended up bringing up the idea of going with her, which hasn't happened yet because we only have dubs in our city.I even looked up body language signs just to see if I can be sure about this: feet and body pointing at me, playing with her hair and untying while swinging it L'Oréal style, eye contact, attention, smiles, touch, all that sort of stuff. On my birthday I got a rather long and tight hug with some really happy wishes along with it and we've teased each other quite frequently, to name a few more examples.I know these seem like too many details and that I might be overthinking too much, but due to my insecurity and the fact that I am usually very observant I have been pondering on how to act on this, as it's traditionally expected that the man is in charge of the first steps (I HATE this tradition, dammit) and she's talked about herself enough to see that she can be kinda slow, even self-sabotaging, in these situations.I wanted to give her some chilean wine as a gift and maybe act a bit more obvious in my intentions, so that we can finally let it happen. But not only there's my fear of being wrong: there's more.She's going to another country for two months next tuesday and the whole trip revolves around her ex that's from there. They haven't seen each other for years and they've been quite cute with one another through messages. We've even been joking with her that she's gonna get married and is never coming back (I laugh but I cry inside everytime), and her mum even made her promise to return. She's been really anxious about the whole trip and, while I think I know her enough to be sure it's not all about her ex, it seems she expects this to work out in the end. Probably more in a "I want to date" manner than a "I want to date my ex", I think.I was going to gift her the wine yesterday, already very unsure, and knowing these details made me give up. I have no idea if I should even give it to her anymore, even in a "friends-only" way, because not only I don't want to look like a creep and/or an idiot (in our WORKPLACE even more) but also due to the fact that I honestly wish it ends nicely for her. I'm not in love with her, that I'm sure, but I have quite a bit of affection for her anyway and she deserves things working out just for once. So, basically, I'm even more afraid of being too pushy and somewhat "sabotaging" everything, and as I said about myself before it's the sort of situation that makes me cringe depressively.I apologise for the long, stupid text and for how weird it/I might look like. If anyone could give me some advice it would be dandy, even more so if it's soon (got to make a move or not until tomorrow). Thank you all for your time, anyway.TL;DR: Paragon of insecurity [M23] thinks attractive co-worker [F24] is interested in him, but has no idea how to proceed and she's going to travel to meet up with her (maybe-)ex in a few days. via /r/dating_advice
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part 2 poetic waxing
i keep getting really mad at my ex the second i realize i was thinking something thats not real
because to the best of my knowledge she read this blog and heard me talk about my expiriences for so long and then she,,,,completely misunderstood them and tried to replicate them in a way that doesnt. make sense. and isnt what this is. and im still hoenstly really offended by that because wow. and i just wanna say like. especially since this blog is pretty much entirely Unseen now
im still terrified to recognize myself as psychotic
i dont want to be psychotic
im afraid to talk about it with my doctor or even touch on the symptoms and eps of it and im terrified to get put on pills for it and its a shit show
i think with the people im closest to i try to normalize the idea of being that way with myself
and i pretend the idea of being psychotic doesnt terrify me and say it freely because its not going away and im scared and i need to learn to not be so scared if im going to deal with it in any capacity i need to be able to recognize it
it was a long process.
i didnt start being that way overnight and i didnt recognize it until way after it started
and its not just 1 thing
to me the embodiment of it and the whole problem is that youre just constantly trying to figure out whats real and whats going on like your being hit on all sides
id describe my perception of and ability to perceive reality as a wall thats always being eroded down but can also have parts break off or have holes blown in it at any second...and im constantly trying to build the wall back up and reinforce it and repair it. but i usually dont have a fully formed wall and even if i got there id only be able to maintain it for so long until half of it got blown up again. etc etc wall metaphor if i leave it itll just fuckin collapse entirely
but yeah yknow like.
a delusion isnt just ‘when you think something that isn’t real.’
and like not to dip a bit too much into tumblr vocab and context or whatever but like,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,the way Neurotypicals take symptom descriptions at total face value is...tiring. idk how else to describe it. theres so much context missing.
these symptoms for me started up when i was a kid and got worse.
it was because i have so much family history with this shit that i finally noticed it and compared and recognized the beginning to get worse problem
because ive seen it in my brother and my uncle and my grandma and my family for years and i know it up close and personally
i dont just have some kind of kooky thoughts that i recognize arent real while im having them. my ability to do that at all came with practice and time and repitition.
i dont know when im not dreaming.i see and feel things that arent there.
i think thoughts that i cant recognize as mine and are usually a bunch of nonsense word salad shit.
i have real prolonged trouble recognizing myself as a human being thats physical and has human limits.
i have toruble percieving the present. i have trouble remembering the past.
i constantly really for real feel like ive seen this before.
every time i have deja vu i like have a whoel fuckign Moment lmao
i assume people think the worst of me and want to hurt me.
i assume the end of the world is happening out of nowhere and i really think its happening.
i think God is trying to punish me.
I think spirits are coming after me.
I really believe it.
I spend my day crying and panicking and hiding from shit that isnt real.
i convince myself my whole life is some kind of divine punishment.
its on top of that and
its after years of that
and years of seeing family members older than me and farther into it than me degrading at the same time
that i think some dumb shit and immediately catch myself
or that i think im getting psychic messages and can immediately be like ‘ok calm down’
its because im trying to convince myself im NOT like a psychic prophet and ive been able to recognize it before that i can see a message for what it is and recognize what im doing
its bc ive corroborated the expirience with my brother after doing it for years and years already
i didnt wake up one day and start thinking i was a prophet but also recognizing thats crazy yknow
i thought i was a prophet and then as i grew up i started realizing that it was crazy because i found resources and saw what my family was going through and got so sick of the worst parts and thought something had to be wrong with that picture
and even then the messages arent a delusion
having dejavu and being suspicious of it isnt a delusion
wishing something was true isnt a delusion
believing in gods and spirits and weird reincarnation stuff isnt a delusion
they’re parts of a whole and thats only a few of the parts
like an example of levels
really liking a celebrity isnt psychotic
wishing you were married isnt psychoticdaydreaming about being married to them isnt psychotic
imagining they’re talking to you or they’re addressing something in an interview to you isn’t psychotic, in and of itself (imagining the message but also kind of beliving it also isn’t )
actually beliving they’re addressing you in an interview or something isn’t a delusion, and though its like Psychotically-associated isnt An Automatic Sticker Of Psychosis slapped on your forehead
forgetting you aren’t acutally married sometimes isn’t a delusion.actually beliving you’re married to them is a delusion.
you won’t be able to recognize it as that until later.
the other behaviors, for you, since youre having a delusion, will come off of that.
someone non-delusional who really loved to dream about it might convince themselves into some magical thinking about the celebrity.
for you though, its because you’re married. you’re literally actually married so of course they’re leaving little hints for you! you never get to see each other!
you rationalize it.
because you believe it and having someone put a crack in things you believe in is scary for anyone.
i mean especially wow if someone told you were werent actually married to your spouse and didn’t even know them? they didn’t even know youre name or that you existed? that would be horrifying. of course youd come up with rationalizations.
and that delusion probably started because you really liked them and because you were lonely. but also because youve been having some issues and either are psychotic, were developing psychotic symptoms, or like Had The Propensity To Be Psychotic in general yknow like. the seeds were there or you were already living life as a psychotic tree and this was just a new branch.
after a while they might start to get it.
they might start poking holes in there own reasoning and being brave enough to follow that path.
and hopefully from there theyll get to the still-beleving-it-but-also-recognizing-its-’fake’ stage.
there are a lot of reasons i dont want to be psychotic.
no one should want to be.
anyone who says they want to be is either someone who’s a disgusting creep thinking other peoples crisises are some hot edgy mysterious shit OR theyre a psychotic person trying to humor themselves and be okay with themselves.
and you should be ok with yourself but that shouldnt replace wanting to improve and manage that really scary world-ending parts of shit.thats a whole other topic though
i dont want to be psychotic because im terrified of slowly loosing my mind. thats a freaky prospect that no one should really want. i only want that when im suicidal and wish i just didnt have a mind to think with at all kind of shit.
i dont want to be psychotic because i dont want to keep having these episodes and seeing this shit and thinking this shit. a lot of it is absolutely terrifying. other things are less active but like...i wish i could trust anyone ever. i wish i could trust my own judgement. i wish i didn’t get obsessive and weird about contamination and not be able to eat food or need to contain myself from freaking out if certain people touch me. that shit isnt cowering from God under a desk but its annoying and i don’t want to be doing it. i wish i could stop doing it.
i don’t want to be psychotic because once youve had it confirmed that you believe things that arent real that makes it just that much harder to trust literally anything you think.i have to check everything with people because what if im wrong or assuming or jsut being crazy or i thought something up that isnt true.and we all seem to have an amazing knack for like doign that whenever we were actually with reality, and forgetting to do it when we do actually have something a little confused lol. maybe thats subconscious.
i dont wanna be psychotic because i want some things to be true!! you know!! and learnign they arent is, again, confusing and really scary. no matter what it is. but if its something that you like or that brings you some kinda positive shit then thats even worse to have taken away and have be a lie. and even worse a Crazy Lie.
i don’t know how much of my religious views to trust and thinking that anything i believe in or think is up for questioning brings up a whole lot of good things that i dont want to be up for questioning.part of the reason im scared to go on meds is because im really worried some good things will turn out fake and go away.
im worried about what all could just like...dissappear. what if the whole world changed. what if im wrong about more than i thought or something that id never even considered.
like.....im out of steam now but.
yeah. idk
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