#just because I see a lot of people reposting but haven’t seen the Venmo for legal aid moneys yet!
alyosha-karamazovs · 5 months
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After hundreds of Columbia students staged a 30+ hour sit-in in solidarity with Palestine, the school administration called in the NYPD to shut down the sit-in and arrest dozens of students.
But this act of extreme administrative repression has not stopped students: we’ve set up a second solidarity encampment and accompanying picket line, and are prepared to stay until demands are met, which include as follows:
Full financial transparency
Divest from apartheid Israel
Full amnesty for students who have engaged in protests and actions supporting Palestine
Full amnesty for professors and other university workers supporting Palestine
To support arrested students, please 1) Venmo @ bcabolitioncollective, 2) call the Columbia University president’s office and demand that they drop all charges, stop harassing peaceful protestors, and accede to student demands, and 3) join, organize, and support similar actions on your campuses and in your neighborhoods!
(Images reposted from @ cuapartheiddivest on Instagram)
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