#just another late night insanity ramble with Peach 🤝🤝 love it
RIGHT like it is kinda wild now that you mentioned it. our customizable avatar IS a canon character now but with the weirdest role in the story possible. we exist and are real… for the purpose of. mentoring the main villain. that’s who we are. not something i would’ve ever expected nomura to do for us
like there has to be some insane meta thing behind it what is he trying to say. that all of us in the audience are capable of goodness and nurturing others? and we’re also all capable of mistakes? that sometimes we put love into something and it doesn’t work out? or rather that no act of love is ever wasted no matter how small and seemingly insignificant it is. the love mattered. is it to say we really don’t know as much as we think we know and no one can be certain of the future, the way player2’s predictions at the end there were wrong? that no matter the situation or what you believe you have to be kind and it’s not on you if things don’t work out? literally an insane writing decision. who are we, the audience, in the narrative of kingdom hearts. we’re part of the story. that’s been established in a few ways. but what exactly are we doing in there
yEAH yeah yeah yeahYEAH they’re flawed!! Like how we’re flawed!! We can’t control their choices like other video game protagonists. They weren’t even fully silent! You are them, but they’re also a character you made, and are forced to watch break free from your grip and perceptions. Player2 is freer than ever in ML, clearly straddling the line between avatar and character, but is still confined to the medium and narrative constraints because of what we know from DR. There are so many layers to their existence and it’s insane.
And you know what’s even crazier…if you believe in the idea that Player was Eph’s waypoint, that means they/we indirectly had a hand in the creation of Scala. In the establishment of the foundation of the KH universe/series as we know it.
Bear with me with the metaphors but I see them as like. A domino. A single piece that’s ultimately insignificant on its own with little to no unique features to distinguish them from the rest of the set. But when pushed to action, when they fall…they have an impact on everything, be it positive or negative. The little thing that didn’t matter suddenly mattered so much, and I feel like that’s exactly what you were saying…the love was there. The single domino. The marble in a Rube Goldberg machine. The single drop in the water that was small but still caused ripples. What an insanely poetic way to turn a self-insert/avatar/empty shell into a character, by giving them the power to act based on what’s inside their heart, and having that be the catalyst for so so many things.
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