#just a tiny eensy weensy bit on the intense side
noirineverysense · 3 years
Chapter 7
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Inspired by @humdrummoloch prompt 1832.
4 years earlier.
Arthur lies on a countryside path, bloody and bruised. His breath rattles in his chest as the harsh sun bears down, scorching and unrelenting. He attempts to move but is met with protests of pain shooting up his limbs.
Am I going to die here?
His mind flashes back to the moments before he is attacked. He had been carrying files he had taken from a facility that a client had mentioned they had heard strange noises from, when a van drove up alongside him. Men in black balaclavas jumped out and ripped the files out of his hand then beat him with fists and kicks. One had a bat that was driven into his stomach, knocking the wind out of him. Another pulled a blade out and stabbed his side before yanking the knife out. Then they left in the van, as quickly as they came.
There was a coppery taste in his mouth, as he watched a pool of red begin to grow beside him. His phone was too far away for him to reach and call for help.
He hears footsteps approaching, quick and light. Then the intense sun is blocked by the silhouette of a person bending over him. They pull strips of fabric out of a bag, bandages? He winces as pressure is applied to his side. The person, Arthur guesses it’s a woman, is saying things to him but he doesn’t hear it. He passes out at some point while the stranger is on her phone.
He wakes up gasping, head facing a white, tiled ceiling, the same one in all his nightmares. His head twists around to find himself attached to an IV-line; clear fluid being transported into his veins. There’s other medical equipment around him too that he doesn’t how its going to be used on him. His breaths leave his lungs quickly, but air doesn’t seem to return to him. Blood pounded in his ears as his mind raced.
No, no!
D-Don’t hurt me....
I’m not, I’m not a monster!
“NO!” he screams, trying to get himself off the bed, gripping the things in his arm keeping him there. There are shouts, then hands try to hold him down, restraining his movement. Shadows loomed above.
A man in a white lab coat appears in the corner of his eye and he starts thrashing against his captors. He manages to catch one with a flailing hand and there’s a yelp.
“Sedate him!” the man shouts and Arthur feels tears streaming down his eyes.
Please not again, I can’t do this again.
Just kill me! Please!
“Stop it!” A bellow comes from the doorway and there’s a young woman stood there, in a brown jumper and yellow hijab. She’s carrying a sandwich in one hand and looks incensed.
Arthur peers over in fear of another scientist until he notices her clothes and the food in her hand. None of the men in his dreams dressed like that, or came with food.
She storms over to the man.
“What the hell do you think you’re doing?” she seethed.
“The patient was a danger to himself and others.” The doctor says stiffly.
Oh, it’s a hospital doctor.
I’m in a hospital.
“Does he look like a danger now?!”
“Well, medical procedure states that- “
“I know the fucking procedure!” she yells.
She rushes to the side of the hospital bed, pushing nurses around it out of the way.
“Hey are you okay?” she breathes, bending down to meet his eye-level and holding his hand.
The people at the facility didn’t do that either.
He tries his best to nod and she steps up again, still gripping his hand.
“Did you not think for a second that maybe he was acting like that because he was terrified of being in a hospital? And you holding him down and threatening to sedate him would just make it worse!”
Arthur would laugh if he could, most people didn’t have that kind of perception and it was obvious the doctor and nurses didn’t at the confused looks they gave.
Then he notices the outline of her top half and the medical bag around her shoulder.
“Y-you...” he rasps.
She turns, letting go of his hand. “Me? Me what?”
He coughs, then shakes his head, changing his question.
“Phone?” he asks hoarsely.
“Yeah, I have your phone. You’ve got messed up priorities.”
“C-call Isaac, tell him...”
“I already answered his call, he’s on his way.”
Arthur rests against the pillows, his heart rate finally coming down. The doctor and the nurses glance at him before piling out of the room. He watches as the woman sits in the seat next to him, carefully peeling a sandwich wrapper before taking a bite.
She looks back at him, “What? I’m not giving you any.”
“No,” his voice is still hoarse, “thank you.”
She keeps her gaze on him, “It’s my job.”
“You’re a doctor?”
“A medic.”
Oh. That’s convenient.
“You looking for a job?”
She looks down at her sandwich and takes another bite.
“Maybe,” she mumbles.
“Work for me.”
Her eyes widen in surprise. “That’s very forward of you. What do you do?”
“Hunt ghosts, aliens, werewolves, you name it.”
She sighs and bites her sandwich again.
“Don’t waste my time.”
“I’m being serious.” Arthur frowns.
She looks up in shock, “What?”
“I’m a paranormal investigator. My partner and I solve cases on the supernatural.”
“We get injured on a semi-regular basis and as we take more cases, the chances of that happening are increasing,” Arthur explains. “So we need a medic.”
Isaac bursts through the door, eyes darting back and forth until he sees Arthur’s bed and rushes to it.
“And that’s your partner?” she asks.
“Yep, work with us.”
“You’re supposed to frame it as a question.”
“I can already tell you’re thinking about it.”
“I don’t even know your name,” she points out, “and you don’t even know mine.”
“It’s Nasira, isn’t it?”
Nasira’s eyes widen in shock, “How do you- “
“You have tag on your medical bag with your name on.”
She relaxes in her chair, “If you think I’m impressed by that, I’m not.”
“Why do you carry a medic’s bag if you haven’t got a job?”
“Why do you think? To help idiots like you when no-one else does.”
“Not interrupting anything, am I?”
They both turn to look at Isaac who glances at Arthur before smiling at Nasira’s irritated look.
“He’s hiring you?”
“Trying to.” Nasira rolls her eyes.
Arthur sighs before he lifts his head off the pillows and looks directly at her.
“My name is Arthur Reyes, I’m a detective looking into the things hidden by this city. It’s a high-risk job, but if you give me your trust, I will protect you with my life. You want in?”
Nasira raises a brow at the honesty of the man before she frowns as she thinks.
She looks between Isaac’s grin and Arthur’s narrowed eyes. Her gaze drops to the floor.
Arthur sighs. “Here, take this.” He nods at Isaac who passes a card to her. Then, she gets up and walks away from the two who started to mutter to each other.
While she leaves, Nasira looks down to read the card.
‘ACP - the Agency for Cryptids and the Paranormal.’
There’s a number and address too.
“You came?” Arthur’s eyes widen as he stands at the door of the office that Nasira had knocked on.
“I wanted to give my answer in person.”
“Well, what are you thinking?”
Nasira looks up toward the city skyline behind Arthur, an aloof expression on her face.
“Maybe we could talk about this over coffee?” Arthur suggests.
Her attention returns to Arthur, “Don’t like coffee.”
“Aah, me neither,” he rubs the nape of his neck.
“How about we go for a walk?”
“Don’t like walking.”
“.... Or I could text you?”
“Don’t like texting.”
Arthur sighs in resignation, “So it’s a no?”
“It’s a yes.”
Arthur turns to leave before his head whirls back around.
“You heard me,” she quirks an eyebrow and puts a hand on one hip, “I’m in.”
“But- “
“Well, show me around your office then.” She starts to push Arthur back through the agency’s door.
The sun hides away for the day, giving way to a cool night breeze.
Arthur laughs, “Okay, okay. I’m still injured, you know.”
She stops pushing and starts to walk beside him.
“Let’s go, then.”
taglist: @tinyplan3ts
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cesium--133 · 4 years
Siblings by Chance, Chaotic by Nature
@taiyuu-high-oct Bonus Round! Featuring special guests: Bumu Ana, Inoue Kokoro, Sugiyama Rikoinu, Sugiyama Tsubame, and Fujinuma Ozen
Kokoro wasn't someone who was particularly easy to startle. But when an angel drops out of the sky with a duffel bag big enough to carry a grown man, then one is instinctually obligated to jump back. Laramie Angelica Spellman, who preferred to be called Ames, knew how to make an entrance.
"Hey Kokoro! You heading to see that cousin of yours? The one with the holes?" Kokoro blanched a bit upon hearing Hiraku called 'the one with the holes.' Not the worst nickname, not inaccurate either, but it wasn't exactly orthodox. Kokoro replied after recovering from her initial shock. 
"Uh yeah, you going to see your sister?" She asked, mostly to be polite. The American nodded 
"Oh yeah, Lyrimon and Tsu both. And Lori's breaking in later too, and Riko is already here, which means it's almost a family reunion." She said. Somehow, while she was talking, she had begun to glide in the direction of the dorms of their guest students. Not walk, glide. Kokoro had followed, she was going that way anyway, she might as well. 
"Well that sounds nice." Then she paused, "So. . .Lori-kun is breaking in?" Kokoro asked, slightly afraid of the answer. To her dismay, Laramie nodded once in the firm manner of someone who knew what the inevitable was. 
"Yup. I told her I wasn't helping her too, so we'll just have to see what she comes up with."
"Well its sure to be. . . Spectacular."
"Almost definitely."
Ana wasn't expecting a call. She was just walking to class when her phone rang. Caller ID identified it as Lorelei Sirenica Spellman. The girl who turned most of the general studies class into a rave and somehow got everyone's phone number during an intense rendition of the ghost busters theme song. Ana picked up.
"Hello?" She asked
"Hellooooo, Bumu! Remember me? Laramie's slightly more fabulous sister?"
Ana giggled a little. Lorelei was too extravagant for words. "Oh hey, what's up?"
"I'm actually calling to see if you can do me an eensy-weensy favor."
"Alright, well what is it?"
"Would you mind going to the front gate and claiming me as your guest? I don't want Ames to know I'm here just yet."
"Oh, sure. Are you planning to surprise her and your other siblings here?"
"Most definitely! So you'll do it?"
"Yeah sure, why not?"
"Oooooh, thank you so much! I'll see you at the gate then?"
"I'll see you at the gate. Bye!"
The call ended, and Ana made a quick detour to the front gate, where one drink laden Lorelei was standing. One small conversation with the gate keeper later, the gate was open, and the first thing that happened was Ana was assaulted by a drink.
An enthusiastic Lori, buzzing with energy, holding a jumbo sized tray of drinks that seemed incredibly specific, gave Ana an iced coffee, her favorite. She took the drink.
"Wow, what's this for?" The student asked, staring down at the drink in her hand.
"Gratitude! I couldn't ask you to let me in without treating you to a little something! It's your favorite right?"
"Uh, yeah, but how'd you-"
"Theme songs are very potent, and Ghostbusters just happens to be an informative song. The 2 hour nap is so worth it."
"Huh. Well that was really nice of you, thanks!"
"No problemo! Now if you'll excuse me, I have a bed that needs to be filled with shaving cream"
Ana watched her go, skipping off across the grounds to wreak havoc. She took a sip of the iced coffee and smiled. It was delicious. "Americans." She thought privately to herself "are so weird."
For Riko, this day was even. Not good, not bad, perfectly balanced. It was great that he got to see Tsuki, and it was great that the Spellman family seemed to be taking good care of her, but quite frankly, Lyrimon was the most confusing person he had ever met.
The first time Riko had met the youngest of the other triplets, she had a set of mangled gills, some very awful mutation that seemed diverse enough to be painful, and they hadn't talked very much. Now she was. . . Well, blue, an octoped, and only had one working eye. The left one was sealed up and a little oozy. Riko had spent a good 5 minutes staring, until she turned to him and started talking. Well, it was less talking and more of a collection of curses and a vague idea of asking him about the weather.
If it was possible, the simple proximity to those filthy words were enough to peel back his flesh from his skull. 
But at least they weren't talking much. Mainly, Tsuki and Riko spoke with each other, sitting in the grass in the shade of a tree on a hill. Riko and Tsuki side by side leaning against the tree, and Lyrimon sprawled out on her stomach in front of them, arms tangling in all sorts of positions to accommodate each other and providing a crook for her to tuck her face into. 
Then Riko mentioned Laramie, about how she stress baked 3 dozen cinnamon rolls and was probably going to bring them here, and Lyrimon decided to open her mouth again 
"Did she fucking stress bake them because of fucking us. Did she hear about the damned villain attack?" Lyrimon asked, lazily opening her only good eye to fix Riko with the most intensely unconcerned state he had ever seen. She wasn't even trying, and she might as well have a laser gaze quirk. Riko thought about it for a bit.
"Uh yeah, she did disappear as soon as it came on the news." 
Lyrimon scoffed. "Oh no, then there will not be fucking 3 dozen. There will be at least six damned dozen. Sure as eggs are fucking eggs." Then, having dropped the truth bomb of the century, she slid her eyelid closed again and might as well have gone to sleep. Riko looked at Tsuki. Tsuki looked at Riko. "Well I guess that's a good thing, right? More baked treats?"
He did not know how wrong he was.
"So, uh, what's in the duffel?" Kokoro asked, as she and Laramie made their way up onto the porch. She was referring to the absolutely massive duffel bag Laramie carried around like it was nothing. Laramie explained.
"Oh I made cinnamon rolls. A lot of cinnamon rolls. And the biggest eater I know is my own sister. I once saw her drag an entire raw salmon onto shore and eat it. Bones and all."
Kokoro paused for a bit "Wow. She sounds . . . Interesting."
"Oh, a lot worse than interesting." And with that, Laramie kicked the door open and hauled the duffel bag into the common room. She pulled the bag onto the widest table she could find, and opened it up. The smell was intoxicating. Sugar, plain and simple, laced with delicate touches of cinnamon, and caramel. It wafted through the air, and Laramie placed a sign that she somehow already had next to it. It read "Stress eat to your heart's content. -Laramie Angelica Spellman (Lyrimon's sister)"
Within moments, a couple curious people filed in. Laramie smiled "Go for it." And then turned around and left. "Well, I have a bed that needs to get filled with shaving cream, see ya." And with that, she glided straight out the door. Kokoro paused, as did anyone else who heard the remark. "Shaving cream?" She asked nobody. She thought to herself. “Americans are pretty strange.” Then she saw Hiraku and decided to put that thought on hold to go tackle her comparatively tiny cousin.
Lorelei was decidedly against full frontal assaults. She preferred figuring out her opponents, matching their heartbeats to the rhythm of a song that would reduce their defenses to cool props. But when she saw a tall, teal haired girl who looked like they never smiled and somehow fit all the gay midnight ramblings her youngest triplet never seemed to realize were gay, she simply had to take action.
The first thing she did was of course, put down her drinks, setting them down on a low wall. Then she got down to business, checking her stance, the environment around her, and everything she knew about one Ozen Fujinuma. Allergic to her sister, known for being monotonous and unfeeling, enjoys quite a bit of anime and Miku. So Lorelei latched onto the Miku part of her database, and began to sing. Senbonzakura to be specific.
Lorelei could practically see the girl stop and prick her ears. Unfortunately for Ozen, Senbonzakura tended to incite any sort of romantic feelings previously experienced, creating feelings of warmth, sluggishness, and general crushy-wushy-uwu-feelings. Which was perhaps one feeling Ozen had gotten to know quite well.
She turned around "Spellma?-aktpht"
Ozen had just got a faceful of shaving cream, and had been knocked over. There was now one Lorelei situated cross legged on top of her stomach, menacingly holding a can of shaving cream and wearing what was possibly the widest, most maniacal grin known to mankind.
"So, you're the tall asshole who's allergic to my sister."
"I have heard quite frankly too much about you. My sister’s got a lot of respect for your tall ass and I’m here to figure out why, got that?”
“Who is your-"
"Lyrimon. Come on, how many people could you possibly be allergic to?"
"Then you're . . . Lorelei?"
"The one and fucking only. You know who I am, that's a good sign. You just might survive this. I've got high hopes for you, Ozen"
"Wait wh-"
"LET THE QUESTIONNAIRE BEGIN!" Now she is standing on top of Ozen.
"Shake Shack or In and Out? Where are your parents from? Where were you born? What is your opinion of public transportation? Do you believe in magic? What sort of songs do you usually listen to? Have you ever seen a live musical in person? How familiar are you with American culture? Describe yourself with a color and a word. Do you have any interest in the green movement? How good are you with mechanics? How are you in a pressure situation involving bodily chaos? What's your stand on cursing? And finally, do you believe in love at first sight?"
That torrent of questions was punctuated by Lorelei leaning down just a little, blotting out the sun with her braided head of hair. She raised an eyebrow at her captive "well?"
Ozen blinked then began to answer. "I don't know what a Shake Shack is, so In and Out I guess? My mom is from the US, my ma is from here. I was born in Japan. Public transportation is fine. I believe there are things science cannot yet explain. I like Idol music, and I have not seen a musical in person. I am part American, the bay area, so I know a bit. Uh, teal immovable. I believe that sustainable energy and caring for the planet is essential to our survival as a species. I'm okay with machines I guess. Uh, having just been in a pressure situation involving bodily chaos, I can say I do quite well under them. Cursing is fine and no." Ozen answered honestly. 
She was not afraid of this person, not on her own, but this was her Allergens triplet sister. They came out of the same womb. For all intents and purposes, she should also be allergic to this other Spellman. But she wasn't. And Lorelei seemed to know that. In fact, every line on her face screamed 'I know something painfully obvious you haven't figured out yet' in the form of a wide, only slightly malicious shit eating grin.
“Hm. Ya know what, good enough.” Lorelei stepped off of Ozen “hey, if you see Laramie, tell her ‘It doesn’t rain in LA’ when you see her, just so she knows you’ve already been interrogated.” and without giving Ozen a chance to ask what the fuck just happened, she skipped off. Scooping her tray of drinks off a low wall where she left it and promptly disappeared. 
Ozen blinked. Not quite sure if what had just happened actually happened. Perhaps it was a vivid hallucination. Lyrimon did say something about how both her sisters were good at making people see things differently. “Triplets are very weird.” she thought to herself.
Laramie was walking out of the dorm building, when she ducked. A good move as her middle sister sailed right over her head, tumbling to the ground. Laramie straightened up “Nice try, but after what happened last week, I’ve started ducking.” she said, offering her sister her hand. Lorelei took it, hauling herself up and grinning 
“Well then, I’ll have to come up with something new!”
“I’m sure you will.”
“Oh! By the way, I brought drinks!” she handed Laramie a taro bubble tea. Her face lit up “Hey, thanks! You didn’t have to, man”
“You can’t crash a house party without a gift”
“This isn’t a house party”
“Hell, I know.”
They looked at each other and burst into giggles. Eventually, their laughter died down and Laramie said “Come on, we should go find Mon.” Lorelei agreed and without any sort of warning or preamble, they linked arms, simply able to tell that this is what should happen. Laramie shot into the air, pulling Lorelei up to the sky with her.
Lyrimon blinked her eye open and rolled to the side suddenly. Tsu and Riko looked over, Riko asking “Hey wha-” but was abruptly cut off when Lorelei dropped out of the tree right in the spot Lyrimon used to be lying.
Unfortunately, Lyrimon over shot, and she started rolling and rolling and rolling down the hill. Shouting curses all the way down. But her sister was cut from the same dumb-ass cloth, and also started rolling. Riko shot up, worried, and immediately fell over. Tsu, not wanting to be left out, also decided to start rolling down the hill. Soon, there were 4 teenagers rolling down a sunny knoll like a bunch of pencils being tossed down an incline.
Of course, they had to stop eventually, the forces of inertia, gravity, and friction dictated it. They ended up in a scattered clump, completely silent, just breathing after that dizzying ride. The only one of them with flight capabilities landed next to the group “You’re all insane.” she said, breaking the silence.
That did it, they all burst into giggles, even Laramie. She was holding the drink tray her sister had brought over. What had been 5 drinks was now three drinks. One for Ana, and one for Ames. What remained was a bottle of sparkling water, a chocolate milk (A fancy one, not nesquik) and a bottle of apple juice.
They cooled down, sipping drinks and chatting aimlessly. Eventually, Lorelei explained The Plan, which was lengthy and a lot of effort. Lyrimon stopped her eventually, while Laramie cut down The Plan to something doable. Conspiratorial laughter floated through the sky. A storm was coming to UA and that storm was L. Spellman.
The next day was a terrible day to be a teacher. Furniture was glued to ceilings, sticky notes covered entire walls, people got stuck to chairs, Eraserhead was faced with a sea of markers, all stood upright on their ends to create a tiny forest on the floor of his office, the 1B class of the UA hero course dorm was covered in pink polka dots, and there was shaving cream everywhere.
It was a day of opening doors only to pull them right off their hinges to find that the bolts in the hinges had been put in a small box labelled “put it back together if ya want.” It was a day of classes being postponed to locate the pranks and to neutralize them. It was a day when 5 siblings, if not by blood than by title, smiled like the Mona Lisa. It was a day when Ozen found her bed filled with shaving cream, the first of many days when Ozen would find her bed filled with shaving cream.
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